barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-14 13:08:11


Strong city in the village of a tender. Love, paste the heart, not Lin daiyu, not because of sadness and amorous feelings.


Friend, can have one or two have been very good, really don"t need to too much. The joy of friends, in that a steadfast trust.


Courage is not without despair, on the contrary, it is a kind of in spite of despair, but can still struggling to move forward.


Just because too young, so all the sadness and happiness appear so deep, gently touched is astounding.


Let yourself busy, busy to no time to think about unimportant things, a lot of things so quietly forgotten.


Thanks to those who do not want to love me, I can"t love me, don"t want to love me the person, is you taught me, how to love yourself.


If one day, my dear you want to leave, I will believe it is destiny, but not you already did not love me.


The deepest hurt in the world, not to betray not don"t like it, but extreme love after gradually indifferent.


Not inviting pity, do not call, I also don"t cry, golden leaves me with heart, I have not young youth.


Sad, life is not lost too much yesterday, but immersed in yesterday"s sadness, forget the way forward.


Mature, can not you use a lot of truth to enlighten others, but you can convince yourself to understand the people and things around you.


Every morning in remind yourself: "live in the moment, don"t miss the past or for the future wasted life today.


Don"t treat of the person you like, doesn"t mean you hypocritical, and means that your heart mature enough to accommodate these don"t like.


Love you more than I want to know a person not see his usual on how good you are, but how to you when you quarrel with him.


Perhaps, only one bed quilt warm night and a good dream, can comfort have too many unpleasant us every day.


The most happy thing: perfect parents, friends, two or three, stealing don"t walk lover, everything else is illusion, don"t too dispute.


No person dislike love, but everyone is tired of waiting, guessing, apologize and injuries, and unable to meet the commitment.


The so-called a lasting relationship, it"s no secret. Only in love, save point moved, in the cold war, understand some gratitude.


Tears or down full all winter, looking at what your smiling face. Turn after, can"t find the lost his promise.


Those engraved on the back love can like the flower of the concrete, on the end of time, there was no wind of the forest.


Don"t excuse for tired, nothing is the reason why spell; Don"t be to hard to find, no bitterness of bitter, what sweet sweet.


We like on the surface of the needle, keep turning, a turn, one side looking at time to hurry away, he could do nothing.


The balcony is a relaxing corner, a book, a cup of tea, so quietly sitting on the balcony watching the wind cloud falls.


Some worry, lost, just have the chance to light. Don"t complain about life, try to think of the solution.


Don"t stay up, you can say to yourself "I am very tired", but never in heart admitted that say "I can"t"!


A woman is a sign of maturity, is to learn to cruel, learn to independence, learn to smile, learn to discard not worthy of affection.


Rock because the firm faith, fueled the beautiful waves; Because the pursuit of lofty, youth is extraordinarily gorgeous.


Tolerance lubrication, the relationship between each other, to eliminate barriers to each other, clearing the each other"s scruples, enhance the understanding of each other.


A lot of can"t forget the things we think of a lifetime, as we never forget the day, forgotten by us.


Remember, can cry, can hate, but can"t be strong. Because there is a group of people waiting to see your jokes.


What others say, I don"t mind. Tried to, to be together. Don"t ask me love not love you, love long see the heart.


From now on, don"t indulge fantasy, not much ado about nothing, live your life, your work, do a person close to the happiness.


Women"s goal should be, let the old man regret, let men sweating now, let the future man rare.


Each section of the road is a kind of understanding, every relationship is a kind of experience, don"t be afraid of the road is rough, don"t be afraid of feelings hurt.


The reason why you confused often only one, that is the age, in should have been desperately trying to think too much, doing too little.


Opportunities for themselves, to grasp the fate, life is your own staff, deterrence are not playing it for yourself?


If one day you found that I don"t care about you, would you please think about it when I have you ever care about I care about you.


Know I think I am very quiet, understand my people think I am crazy, only understand my talent know in fact I am very sad.


The man who ever really loves you will never leave you. He longitudinal have hundreds of a reason to give up, but also will always find a reason to stick to it.


People in the best of times, always make some delusion, some silly. Which a Duan Qingchun not absurd, which a love does not hurt.


Face is the person the most magical part of the body, and in some people, but can xiaoke thick to thin, even can live without.


There is a love called, there is a reason is called regret, there is a kind of feelings can"t use equivalent to measure, that is missing!


Best friend, teasing each other at ordinary times, is the most malicious the mouth, when you need, is the one in the heart the most soft.


Full of life, is to forgive, tolerance, waiting for and love, if not all of this, all you have, is nothing.


How long can pluck a disc flowers beautiful? How long can a temporary indulging and happy? Aspirants to the goal of life pursuit.


When you truly love something you will find how fragile and weak language. Words and feelings will always be barriers.


Don"t like just don"t Ptend, don"t reluctantly, without appropriate life has not been easy, then why should hard himself again.


I understand a lot of things, understand a lot of truth, understand a lot of comfort, I understand, but, understand what.


The season of melancholy! Could you leave me, I"ll live happy, not let me once again lost in the sea of blue.


What a lot of problems from not enough cruel, all want to care about other people"s feelings, you always care about others, that who will take care of you.


Looking at what your smiling face, my tears still fall is full of the whole winter, turn round after, can"t find the lost promise.


Love is the most beautiful things in the world, even if it hurt your heart, also want to forget with a smile, and then start a journey.


At first didn"t thought there are often the result of love, then, has become the most serious in your life, the most profound.


Only wait for things, people will know miss; Always in our most don"t understand, miss most things really.


We have put most of his feelings on the friendship and love, but in the end, often can make you touched only affection.


One day I will silently walk away from you, without any sound, I missed a lot, I always one sad.


If you have a bad day today, don"t worry about it. We all have a reset button is called tomorrow, everything can start all over again.


To grow old, looking for a small town, quiet live, in the morning to see the sun in the corner, on a crutch to knock the sunset in the evening.


Do women "best young poor"; "Not too old to do men ugly". Women understand together, men understand gratitude, to for a long time.


Life is not me, death does not me, only I live is; Living not bring, naked, should cherish now have.


Close your eyes, clear your heart, the past let bygones be bygones, use of willing attitude, a happy-go-lucky life.


People often misunderstand their so that their nostalgic, think oneself long, in fact just now had a bad.


Most of the time, you know that some after the event, the surface pack doesn"t matter, use the smile to conceal, in fact heart ratio what all hurts.


For others, have no more expectation. At the moment, just want to live a simple quiet, no one can hurt my life again.


Are you wearing a purple robe, distance, really like a small butterfly flew over, already beautiful fit, color soft again.


My tears stay, irrigation the following soft grass, do not know the coming year, will leave a memory and sorrow.


Happiness is, insisted should adhere to, give up should give up, cherish now have, don"t regret it has decided to.


Your seeds form of form, so their robes, curved eyebrows, pair of so long; A pair of watery eyes, so bright!


Everyone is a king, in his own world domineer over, you don"t listen to me, but you also don"t let me listen to you.


I know to look back, those tears wanted to ridiculous; But don"t know to look back, those laughter can also call me to tears.


Always can"t help sadness, then slowly learned to hide. Because people don"t want to be again stabbed, so gradually learned to disguise.



amorous是什么意思:表示性爱的;含情脉脉的1、Mary rejected Tony"s amorous advances. 玛丽拒绝了托尼的挑逗。2、A man who for months had been dropping amorous hints about a long-term relationship upped and disappeared to America 几个月来不断暗示爱意、想发展长期恋爱关系的男人却突然远走美国。3、They exchanged amorous glances and clearly made known their passions. 二人眉来眼去,以目传情。4、He has an amorous nature. 他天性多情。5、She gave him an amorous look. 她脉脉含情的看他一眼。6、Amorous of you since the day we met. 从我们相遇的那天我就爱上了你。7、All these require artist to be more sensitive and amorous than ordinary people. 这要求艺术家比常人更敏感与多情。8、What inspired this amorous thyme? Two parts vodka, one part lime. 是什么激发了我多情的诗篇?伏特加两杯,酸柠檬一片。
2023-06-14 11:54:401

多情的的英语翻译 多情的用英语怎么说

多情的 [词典] amorous; warm; fond; [例句]他利用了那个多情的少女。He took advantage of the susceptible young girl.
2023-06-14 11:55:251


2023-06-14 11:55:493


一生所爱英文:Love for the whole life.缩写:L.F.T.W.L一生所爱 《大话西游之爱你一万年》电视剧片尾曲 - 尹正词:唐书琛曲:卢冠廷编曲:王梓同制作人:和汇慧音乐发行:亚洲星光音乐OP:IMAR MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT CO., LTD.SP:Rock Music Publishing Co., Ltd.从前现在过去了再不来红红落叶长埋尘土内开始终结总是没变改天边的你飘泊在白云外苦海翻起爱恨在世间难逃避命运相亲竟不可接近或我应该相信是缘分情人别后永远再不来无言独坐放眼尘世外鲜花虽会凋谢但会再开一生所爱隐约在白云外苦海翻起爱恨在世间难逃避命运相亲竟不可接近或我应该相信是缘分苦海翻起爱恨在世间难逃避命运相亲竟不可接近或我应该相信是缘分或我应该相信是缘分
2023-06-14 11:56:008

ou s为后缀的单词5个

ambidextrous adj. 十分灵巧的; ambiguous a.模棱两可的;分歧的; ambitious a.有雄心的;热望的; amorous adj. 容易动情的,情爱的; amorphous adj. 无定形的,散漫的,等。 扩展资料   例句:   A switch-hitter in baseball should be naturally ambidextrous.   左右开弓的棒球运动员自然是两手都善用的。   A switch - hitter in baseball should be naturally ambidextrous.   一个开关在棒球击球手应自然怀有二心的。   Jack is an ambidextrous hitter; he can bat right-handed or left-handed.   杰克是一位双手都很灵巧的打击手,他可以用右手或左手打击。   The wording was deliberately ambiguous.   这里的`措辞故意模棱两可。   This agreement is very ambiguous and open to various interpretations.   这个协议非常模棱两可,可以有多种解释。   His answer was ambiguous.   他的答复是含糊的。   He has always been ambitious and fiercely competitive.   他一直都野心勃勃,极其争强好斗。   The ambitious project was completed in only nine months.   这个宏大的项目在仅仅9个月之内就完成了。   He has cast her as an ambitious lawyer in his latest movie.   他选定她在他最近的一部影片里扮演一名雄心勃勃的律师。   What inspired this amorous rhyme?   是什么激发了我多情的诗篇?   Never BRag about amorous adventures.   永远不要吹嘘恋爱的奇遇。   Never brag about amorous adventures.   永远不要吹嘘爱情奇遇。   I really can"t understand his amorphous ideas.   我真的弄不懂他那些乱七八糟的想法。   In the process it became less amorphous in shape.   在过程中它变得较不无定形在形状。   Microscopically the ores are medium grained to amorphous.   显微镜下,矿石为中粒至非晶质。
2023-06-14 11:56:531

自作多情 英语怎么说

2023-06-14 11:57:033


2023-06-14 11:57:111

A smile, a cry, an amorous look什么意思?

2023-06-14 11:57:304

amorous feelings是什么意思

amorous feelings 风情男女恋爱的情怀 风情 风流情调
2023-06-14 11:57:391


I am a romantic man或者I am a dissolute man
2023-06-14 11:57:569


卡卡西:(KAKASHI)K-(Kid)小孩、戏弄:幽默感一流,开玩笑常有,学生也好,同事也好,都可以是被涮的对象。 a-(able)有才干的:既然6岁升中忍(不过一个6岁的小孩领着一群年龄是他两倍的人出任务会是什么样还难以想像),不管最近表现如何,就算他有才干吧。 k-(kamagrapher)复制画专家:虽然行当不同,但是作法实在是像……(其实是字典里头k开头的词太少了,而他名字里的k太多了,找不到了只好用别的职业充数。) a-(amorous)色情的、爱情的:虽然仅止于对文学作品的yy,在火影当中已经算是比较含蓄的一个了,不过amorous也不是太夸张的词汇,给他还是不错的。 s-(secret)秘密:脸都看不全,历史遗留问题也不少,等着谜题全解开的话,说不定真要等到500话以上了。 h-(hibernate)冬眠:迟到早退外加消极怠工,劳累或者中招退下来就卧床一周以上--似乎有的地方说从任务记录上看,他是工作狂类型的--不过平时真看不到什么敬业精神。 i-(independent)独立:坦言最重要的人都不在了,坚强这种东西,不是每天保持一脸悲壮来表现的。
2023-06-14 11:58:155

关于卡卡西的事情 谢谢告诉...

2023-06-14 11:58:369


2023-06-14 11:58:559

2023-06-14 11:59:223

伪★三国无双BT版_AI_3.5_Amorous 开始后电脑为什么不会自动选择英雄?输入-AR 电脑也不会动

2023-06-14 11:59:346

成语:艳如桃李的英文翻译有2个 red as rose lilies and roses,想问一下,为什么第二个

2023-06-14 12:00:0410


2023-06-14 12:00:2810


2023-06-14 12:00:565


《红字》以十七世纪北美清教殖民统治下的新英格兰为背景,取材于一六四二--一六四九年在波士顿发生的一个恋爱悲剧。故事一开始的场景发生在该镇监狱的门前,而这个场景的中心人物是海丝特·白兰,一个年轻、美丽的女子。她怀里抱着一个三个月大的女婴--珠儿,站在刑台上,等待政教合一的加尔文教(即清教)政权在大庭广众面前宣布对她的判决。那么,受审的女罪犯是什么人?她又犯了什么罪?在故事开始之前几年,出身英国破落贵族家庭的白兰嫁给了一个畸形的年老学者。婚后,两人决定移居马萨诸塞的波士顿。途经荷兰的阿姆斯特丹时,丈夫因有事留下,妻子先行独自来到波士顿,一住近两年。其间丈夫杳无音信。据传他在赶来的途中被印第安人俘虏,生死不明。在独居生活中,海丝特·白兰与当地牧师阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔相爱,生下了那个女婴。显然,她犯下了基督教"十戒"中的一戒,即通奸罪,为清教的教义所不容。她被投入监狱,法庭判她有罪,令她在刑台上站立三个小时当众受辱,并终身佩戴一个红色的字母A(英文通奸Adultery的第一个字母)作为惩戒。当局一再逼她说出通奸的同犯,但她断然拒绝。这天,她失踪的丈夫正巧赶到,目睹了这一场面。在场的人中只有白兰认出了他。为了隐藏他们之间的夫妻关系,他更名为罗杰·齐灵渥斯。而此时,白兰的同犯、年轻而受人尊敬的牧师丁梅斯代尔也在常当晚,齐灵渥斯以医生的身分在牢房里与白兰相见;他要她保证不暴露他真实的身分,并决心要追查出她的同犯以报仇雪恨。他很快怀疑起丁梅斯代尔,假意跟他建立亲密的关系。牧师的良心受到谴责,但又没有勇气承认自己的罪孽,健康每况愈下。不久,齐灵渥斯搬到丁梅斯代尔那里与他合住在一栋房子里,表面的理由是更好地观察他的病情,给予更好的治疗,实际上是为了折磨他,削弱他的精力和体力。最后,海丝特觉察到了齐灵渥斯的罪恶图谋,向牧师提出携珠儿一起私奔,逃出这块殖民地到欧洲去建立新生活。珠儿这时已七岁了。七年来,海丝特一直执着地爱着牧师,把这种爱完全倾注在养育珠儿和服务社会公益上。她虽过着十分清苦孤寂的生活,但她也赢得了乡亲们的同情和敬爱。一次她与牧师在森林中会见时,表白了她对他的感情,并摘下红字,把它丢弃到小溪里,以示其决心。牧师却受清教意识的束缚,认为私奔是罪,罪上加罪,故而犹豫不决,但是他最终还是勉强同意了,计划在他做完庆祝上帝选择日的祷文后离开。霍桑把出逃安排在选择日是有用意的,他要通过牧师的口来说明加尔文教的教义,即一个罪人不可能根据自己的愿望获得赎罪,他灵魂的拯救完全取决于上帝的"选择"。同时,霍桑通过丁梅斯代尔坚持要在这一天履行他最后的职责,进一步揭露了他本人和宗教的伪善。他使出全身解数讲完了娓娓动听的布道。然后,他与镇上的政要名流一起上街游行。经过市场时,他双手紧抓住海丝特和珠儿的手,跟她们一起走上刑台。这个刑台正是七年前海丝特手抱珠儿身佩红字当众受辱的那个刑台,也正是七年前他曾假意规劝海丝特说出同犯,而自己却隐瞒罪责的那个刑台。现在他站在上面终于袒露了自己的罪责,并因心力交瘁倒在台上死去。至此,把复仇作为生活中唯一目的的齐灵渥斯,其图谋也告结束,一年后郁郁而死。死前,他立下遗嘱把财产留给珠儿。珠儿随其母亲去了欧洲,与一贵族结婚,过着美好的生活。海丝特回到波士顿,继续行善,死时,她的墓碑上镌刻着一个红色的A字。 对于这样一个故事,批评家和读者很自然提出许多问题:这部小说的主题思想究竟是什么?小说的女主人公海丝特·白兰是一个什么样的人物?究竟如何看待小说中的另外三个主要人物--丁梅斯代尔、齐灵渥斯和珠儿?作为书名的红字,也是全书的中心线索的字母A究竟有什么意义?它的寓意是什么?小说的主要艺术特色又是什么?是象征主义,还是心理描写和心理分析?如何看待小说的结尾?白兰的回归是妙笔,还是败笔?《红字》是"罗曼史",还是"小说"?两者究竟有何区别?诸如此类的问题举不胜举。对于这些问题,自《红字》问世以来,在读者中,在各派批评家中,始终存在着不同的意见,众说纷纭,各执己见。有关《红字》的评论文章或专著浩如烟海,其数量之大在美国文学史上虽还不能肯定首屈一指,也至少名列前茅。随着现代文艺理论和批评方法的迅速发展,对于霍桑及其《红字》的研究和评论也变得更为活跃,更为深入。什么女权主义批评、什么弗洛伊德批评方法、什么新历史主义观点、什么新文化论等等,都被用来对《红字》进行剖析与评述。译者不可能在一篇序言里对各派意见给予详细的介绍,更不可能对上述提出的问题作出令人满意的解答。正如许多批评家指出的,霍桑是一位思想上充满复杂矛盾的作家。他所处的历史时期正是美国资本主义经济迅速发展的时期,社会矛盾日益激化。他对这种变化迷惑不解,加之受家庭和社会环境的影响,他在政治上采取了保守的立常这种保守性还因受到他世界观中强烈的清教徒意识(加尔文主义)、超验主义(爱默生的自助哲学)、以及神秘主义等的影响而盘根错节。他思想上的复杂性与矛盾性反映在创作上就是含混(ambiguity),意义纷呈,时隐时显,难以捉摸。 就主题思想而言,霍桑在《红字》中宣扬的是什么道德观或宗教观呢?有的批评家认为,根据小说提供的历史背景和故事情节,霍桑要表达的正是清教的教义,那就是认为人是上帝创造的,但由于亚当犯了原罪,人生来皆有罪,理应受到惩罚,而要得到拯救则完全靠上帝的宽耍《红字》中的人物都有罪,只是各人对罪恶的态度不同,结果也不同。 如海丝特是公开承认自己的罪,苦行赎罪,终于把胸前罪恶的标志变成了德行的标志,成为圣者、"天使";丁梅斯代尔是隐藏自己的罪,备受折磨,耗尽了自己的精力和才华,最后拿出勇气忏悔认罪,在道德上得到自新后死去,成了一名殉道者;齐灵渥斯开始企图揭露罪恶,结果一心复仇,害人及己,反而把自己变成一个恶魔,一个真正的罪人。一些评论家认为,霍桑通过书中主要人物的遭遇,表达了他的罪恶观,探索谁是真正的罪人,什么是罪恶的根源。这就是所谓的"罪恶论"。但是,有一些评论家认为,作品的主题思想集中体现在女主人公海丝特的形象上。她是反抗不合理的婚姻制度,争取真正的美好爱情的坚强典型。 她对自由幸福和纯洁爱情的追求代表了霍桑浪漫主义的理想。也有的人认为在珠儿的身上表达了"自然人"的概念,认为人的自然存在是道德存在的前提,人生来具有的自然部分是实在的,而精神部分是潜在的,需要个人通过努力和机会才能培育和发展的。至于用女权主义观点或弗洛伊德观点来分析评论《红字》,尤其是分析女主人公海丝特的更大有人在,而且褒贬毁誉不一。以上列举的仅仅是关于主题思想的几种不同的观点,为的是启迪读者的思路,但从中也可看出《红字》思想内涵的丰富多彩。 再如,红色字母A的象征意义究竟为何,霍桑也留给读者自己去解读。有趣的是,当局罚海丝特终身佩戴A字,显然是指她犯了通奸罪(Adultery),以此来羞辱她,但"通奸"一词在《红字》一书中自始至终未曾出现过,反而霍桑通过其他人的口来说,A可能代表"能干"(Able),代表"可敬佩的"(Admirable),代表"天使"(Angel),等等。而有的评论者则认为它代表"爱情"(Amorous),代表"艺术"(Art),代表"前进"(Advance)甚至意指"美国"(America),不一而足。《红字》中具有象征意义的事物比比皆是,如监狱门前的野玫瑰、竖立在教堂屋檐下成为"教堂的附属建筑物"的刑台,等等。这些含义深刻的象征充分展露了霍桑运用象征比拟手法的独具匠心与神乎其技,无愧为现代文学象征主义的先驱。 限于篇幅,以上仅举一两例对《红字》的主题思想和象征手法作了一些讨论,挂一漏万,但它们多少可以印证美国乔治·珀金斯教授对霍桑及其《红字》的评价:"用英语写作的小说家中很少有人能用如此少的字表达出像《红字》所表达的那么多的内容..象征寓意的手法在散文中很少有人能像霍桑那样运用得如此挥洒自如。"它们也使我们再次想起麦尔维尔在《霍桑和他的〈古屋青苔〉》中的一段话:"光是批评家的铅线是量不出他的深浅的。检验这样一位作家仅仅用脑是不够的,还必须用你的心灵。单靠观摩考察,你不能了解何为伟大,除了用直觉之外,你从他那里看不出什么东西;你无需叮当敲它,只要用手触碰一下,你就可以知道它是真金了。"
2023-06-14 12:01:141


tomorrow will be betterWhen you wake up in the morningWhen you haven"t started to thinkThere is a whole brand new dayOpen wide and waiting for youI know in life"s sorrowYou"re on the verge of drowningMay your tears flee with yesterdayBlow away with the windWhen you wake up in the morningWhen you haven"t started to thinkThe world is out there callingOpen eyes to new beginningA newborn sun is shinningChasing shadows from your mindEverything will be aliveUnder the sunshine"s smileCome out from your cornerNo doubt in join usYou can decide the futureDevote your youthful power to this worldCome together hand in hand togetherI know you"ll doWe pray and believe that tomorrow will be betterNo I don"t know what your name isBut you"re so familiar to meCause we belong to one familyYou can hear my heart callingLife can be musicRainbows can be reachedIf you face yourself trulyKeep striving for your dreamCome out from your cornerNo doubt in join usYou can decide the futureDevote your youthful power to this worldCome together hand in hand togetherI know you"ll doWe pray and believe that tomorrow will be betterWhen you wake up in the morningWhen you haven"t started to thinkThere is a whole brand new dayOpen wide and waiting for youI know in life"s sorrowYou"re on the verge of drowningMay your tears flee with yesterdayBlow away with the windCome out from your cornerNo doubt in join usYou can decide the futureDevote your youthful power to this worldCome together hand in hand togetherI know you"ll doWe pray and believe that tomorrow will be betterCome out from your cornerNo doubt in join usYou can decide the futureDevote your youthful power to this worldCome together hand in hand togetherI know you"ll doWe pray and believe that tomorrow will be betterCome out from your cornerNo doubt in join usYou can decide the futureDevote your youthful power to this world(Power to this world)Come together hand in hand togetherI know you"ll do(I know you"ll do)We pray and believe that tomorrow will be betterCome out from your cornerNo doubt in join usYou can decide the futureDevote your youthful power to this worldCome together hand in hand togetherI know you"ll doWe pray and believethat tomorrow will be better希望有用
2023-06-14 12:01:308

求助翻译一下 英语

好长啊吖吖~你可以用机器翻译啊……ICIBA 、BAIDU 、GOOGLE什么的吖~
2023-06-14 12:02:363


2023-06-14 12:02:492

守卫剑阁-纵横天下AI0.18 Amorous赵云穿什么

2023-06-14 12:03:081


  导语:对女生深情告白的"话语 求对女孩子深情的表白的话?_把你对她关注的点滴说出来,更容易让女生感动。以下是我整理想跟女生表白的英语的资料,欢迎阅读参考。   1I can"t have you. Maybe you"ll meet someone you love, but you won"t meet a second person who loves you so much.   2It takes only an hour to love someone and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget you.   3, if I say the guilt in my heart, I am afraid that you think I"m not good, but I don"t say it, and I feel that I"m not good enough.   4I love you so much! Although you can"t feel my heart, but in my heart, you are the only lover forever! I"ve learned to forget myself, but I can"t forget you.   5, in the world of love, I have nothing, and I know nothing. In the little station of affection, I wish you were the first visitor and the forever host, with me in my favor. All my life!   6Love let us meet, love let us love, love let us love, let us care, let me give you all my love in my lifetime!   7Sing sad songs and watch the girl you love. The heart is for you hurt, the song is for you to sing, I just want you happy happy, sorry!   8The tender heart is for happy people! Romantic heart! It is to give to the lover eternal heart, is to give to wait for the person, would like to bless the heart, to my dearest people!   9, I love you, you are the bread of the morning, the banana in the evening, the garlic in shandong, the chilli in sichuan.   10My eyes are gazing affectionately into your eyes, like the blue of the sea, so pure that you can not knead a small fine sand.   11I want to erase you from my memory, but I can"t help but think of you: every moment in my dream, every moment in my waking hours.   12. Recalling our time together, I couldn"t help it. How could you just leave me like that?   13You are the shore, I am the ship, you are the sun, I turn for you, happiness has you can calculate, give me the world do not change.   14I hope that in the days to come, I can add a wonderful memory to your memory, and I will be able to fulfill my love for the future through my efforts in this life.   15, it is because of love that is quietly dodging, dodging the figure, and hiding the feelings of silence; Today I finally have the courage to express my love to you.   16There is your favorite color in the sky. In reality, you and I are the best match. The white cloud depends on the blue sky, the blue sky contains the white clouds, just like you and me now, how beautiful!   17You and I meet is a kind of fate, we cherish this hard-won affection each other. I hope I can accompany you all my life in the future.   18I think I"ve been in love with you for a long time.   19I am the salt in your food, and without me everything loses its flavor. I am your winter sun, summer Popsicle, cloudy umbrella.   20I"m a fool, but believe me, I didn"t mean to. Can you forgive me? My dear.   21Darling, you always say that I love to brag, so please listen to me: "for you, I can go to nine days of the month, but I can catch turtles!" Because: that "month" is you, that "turtle" is also you!   22For all these years, I have been looking for the perfect love, but no one has touched me at the first moment like you, and more and more deeply.   23People say that to love someone is to ask for nothing in return. But I want you to give me back and let me give you all my love in my lifetime!   24I accidentally sent "I love you" to you by mistake. If you accept it, store it and send it back to me if you don"t accept it.   25You are like a warm spring breeze, which stirs waves of love in my heart. You are like a gentle cloud that binds me to my amorous gaze.   26Love in the world is warm, love in the world can be depended on, the world has you will be warm, may you and I travel together, be a happy passerby.   27The transience of life has created the eternal love. Beautiful girl, please do not be narcissistic, open your heart, accept my rose.   28It is my pursuit to love you for ten thousand years. Love you for a thousand years, is my desire; Kissing you once is the happiest time of my life. Promise me, marry me!   29It is not the feeling of being in love that makes me happy but the feeling of falling in love with you that makes me happy.   30The fire of love kindled in our hearts, and we shall be fused together.   31, I think you really are not a qualified friend, you still change to be my wife!   32I cannot forget your message, your smiling face I can not forget, your true feelings I already know, my heartbeat voice does not want you to hear!   33If love is a flower, let it be in my heart, defeat in my heart, deep in my heart.   34I"d like to hug you for the morning sunrise, and I"d like to hug you for the sunset and hug you at night.   35Your figure appears more and more frequently in front of my eyes, and gradually, like breathing, without interruption for a second, I can"t eat well and can"t sleep well.   36I still love you, but only a few of the persistence that must be together.   37, everyone has a corner, he can"t walk out, others can"t get in; Everyone has a cut, or deep or shallow, covering the cloth, thinking it does not exist; Everyone has a love, heart, use, force, moved and sentimental; Everyone has a confession, fear, insecurity, but full of heart and courage.   38Without your information, life is very dull. Time is always a long time without your information. Without your information, the sun is no longer shining like before; Without your information, spring also lost the birds and flowers!   39Look for you in the crowd, as if you were in the sea, picking up all the grains of sand, eager to find your tracks, if not from the will, and hopefully the next life.   40I hope you can give me a chance to take care of you. Take good care of you. You grow old along with you!   41You are the wind I am the sand, you end cup son I pour the tea, you take naps I make the bed, you have a child I see a baby.   42For your happiness, I am willing to give up everything including you. The words to the girl"s affectionate confession.   43Love you, hide in my heart, warm in your heart!   44Like a person, there is no pain. Love a person, may have a long pain, but he gave me happiness, is also the world"s greatest happiness.   45If you can stay in my sight for a lifetime, I will not keep it.   46Time is passing in the fingertip, all things grow under the rain, the stars alternate between night and day, and we walk on the ideal. Happiness and hardship are intertwined, new life with old death, let us cherish the present, embrace forever.46   47I want to send you a rose, but the price is too expensive. I want to send you a consolation. I want to send you a ring, but it is still in the safe. I have to send a message to you, and I hope we never blow.   48Love is like a ray of sunshine in the winter, warm your cold heart; Love is like a spring in the desert, moistening your thirsty heart; Love is like a lamp, guiding the confused you to the right path. Let love be with you every day!   49I can"t promise anything to you, but I"ll do it: if one day you feel hungry, you"ll see that I"ve starved to death in your arms.   50If you smile, my heart will dance with you. You keep smiling, my heart will not stop jumping! So you keep smiling, I won"t die because of you!
2023-06-14 12:03:241


2023-06-14 12:03:333

英文翻译 呵呵

2023-06-14 12:03:437


在中路 左边 水路出木桶的周围有一个隐藏的 绿色 名为“找到我算你狠”NPC商店里面有翅膀合成列表 轩辕剑列表等....极品装备列表.其实真三也很好玩.游戏问题都可以 hi我
2023-06-14 12:03:591


《红字》是美国小说家霍桑最杰出的代表作,也是整个美国浪漫主义小说中最有声望的权威作品之一。那么阅读完后的读后感应该怎么写?我在此整理了经典小说红字的读后感,供大家参阅,希望大家在阅读过程中有所收获! 经典小说红字的读后感1 《红字》中我最喜欢的角色是海丝特·白兰,她由于被认为犯了通奸罪而受到审判,并要永远佩带那个代表着耻辱的红色A字。当地的法律很严格,大家让站在审判台上的她说出孩子的父亲是谁时,为了捍卫爱人的名誉和纯洁的爱情,她宁愿受罚也毅然决然的独自承担了后果而没有说出来他的名字。他就是阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔,一位受过良好教育、文雅而持重的牧师,在教区有极高的声誉。与海丝特相比,他显得怯懦。于是海斯特接受了惩罚——在绞刑架上抱着孩子示众两个小时,并且终生穿着一个胸前有鲜红的A字的衣服,代表“通奸”(adultery),并且直到死,也要把A字刻在坟墓上。 她像一个被钉在耻辱柱上的天使。然而这个勇敢的天使用自己孱弱的身躯把一切承受,像一朵荒芜丛中开出的野玫瑰一般,狂风暴雨,也不低下天使的头。对于永佩在她身上的A字,她也丝毫没有畏惧,而是把字母A非常漂亮地绣在自己的胸前。从那之后,虽然每个居民都排斥她,不与她交往,仿佛这个城市要与她隔离一般,但她仍然对每一个人都献出自己的爱心,尽一切所能的帮助别人。 她可以面对所有人的唾弃与鄙视,但无法面对她与阿瑟的女儿——珠儿。就像她所说“珠儿是我的幸福!——也是我的折磨!是珠儿叫我还活在世上!也是珠儿叫我受着惩罚!她就是那个红字,只不过也具有千万倍的力量来报应我的罪孽!”珠儿像一个众目睽睽之下的有生命的“红字”来惩罚海斯特,时时提醒着她那段往事的不堪回首,珠儿一生下来就扮演着嘲笑、攻击、质问她胸前可疑红字的角色。然而这个勇敢的女性,着意打扮她的小珠儿,不仅出面捍卫自己教养她的权利,而且尊重孩子狂野的天性,努力培养她成人。 七年之后,阿瑟决定面对自己的错误,与海斯特一起在群众面前承认了自己的罪恶,最终以袒露胸膛上的“罪恶”烙印,完成了道德的净化与灵魂的飞升。红字在他们的身上冉冉生辉。 最后,她的A字耻辱渐渐的被人们遗忘,反而很多人都认为A字代表的是“天使”(angle)“能干”(able)“可敬佩的”(admirable)“前进”(advance)“艺术”(art)“爱情”(amorous)等等。最后,出于对所爱之人的眷恋之情,她不但在生前不肯远离他所在的教区,就是在他死后,仍然放弃了与女儿共享天伦之乐的优越生活,重返埋有他尸骨的故地,重新戴上红字,直到死后葬在他身边,以便永远守护、偎依着他。而墓碑上就刻这那句“漆黑的土地,鲜红的A字”。 《红字》表达了,社会现状和人类命运,探讨人类“善”与“恶”的哲理。社会力量是强大的,在现实中自然力量无法战胜社会力量。但作品却表达勇敢、善良的自然力量占胜社会力量。 海丝特是崇高道德的化身,感化着充满罪恶的社会。而我正是被她的勇敢与善良所感动。她的勇敢与善良,最终把胸前罪恶的标志变成了德行的标志,成为圣者、天使。 经典小说红字的读后感2 这是一部比那些大部头小说显得短小的多的长篇小说,但它同样具有大部头小说所具有的震撼人心的效果,以及高超的艺术造诣,堪称经典名著中的典范作品。 这是一部关于灵魂的小说,每个人都有自己的灵魂,但有的人维护着灵魂,有的人损害着灵魂,有的人丢失了灵魂,于是这个世界充满了千姿百态的人生和人的故事。 主人公海斯特·白兰胸前佩戴着烙有灵魂耻辱的红字——大大的一个A。在倍受折磨的道德鞭笞下,进行着灵魂的救赎。但她是一个不屈于命运的"女人,在她的一生中充满了对命运的蔑视。她怀疑这世俗道德的合理性,但同时又矛盾的意识到灵魂的邪恶,人性的复杂可见一斑。这种宗教的感情纠葛,对于没有宗教信仰的人来说很难理解,我就是这样一个无法理解的人。宗教已经是西方人生活的一部分,离开宗教的生活,一定是很痛苦的。但我没有宗教经验,所以根本无法体会主人公的心理。这也是我理解小说的障碍,但我却是没办法去克服。 小说还表达了人要获得自由和解放就要去斗争的思想,这在海斯特·白兰的身上得到了体现,她一直抗拒着悲惨的命运,心里充满了对美好生活的向往,充满了无私的爱,这是难能可贵的一种精神。因为这样她才成为一个高尚的人,受到了人们的尊敬,从而洗刷了身上的耻辱,而那个红字也成了高尚的象征。在这里作家是和传统道德做着挑战,他把世俗道德拿出来进行了解剖,让读者不得不重新审视我们道德标准的合理性,以及其中最见不得人的阴暗面。这就是这部名著最耀眼的地方和流芳百世的原因。 小说中另一个主人公丁梅斯代尔牧师,是受宗教迫害最苦的人,为了救赎自己的灵魂,这个可怜的人受尽了精神的折磨,在自己的胸口用烙铁烙了一个红字,用来谴责自己,最后在无法忍受的精神压力下悲惨的死去,成为人类社会虚伪道德的牺牲品。人类的历史很短,但用各种名义迫害人的历史却很长,西方的宗教就是这样,看似光明,给人希望,但实际是残害人的工具,宗教的邪恶由此一斑。从丁梅斯代尔身上也表现了人在面对强大压迫下的软弱的一面,这是造成悲剧的根源之一。 他们的女儿小珠儿展现了儿童的天性,这是世间最美好的东西,人的天性本该如此,这才是人的本来面目,然而我们用自己创造的那些教条,那些戒律,把自己变成了精神的奴隶,失去了人的本性,从而无比的痛苦,无可奈何地活在这个本应该是充满快乐的世界。这是我们必须反思的事,否则人的痛苦会延续下去。 反面人物齐灵渥斯是个没有灵魂的家伙,它本做一个可以宽容一切的人,因为他是有理由这样做的,但他没有。他不仅成为把海斯特·白兰推向了悲惨命运境地的罪魁过手,而且他不为自己的过错反省,去宽恕他人,却充满了仇恨,毒化了自己的灵魂,成为了一个最肮脏卑劣的人。这是一个被魔鬼占据了心灵的人。人如果心中只有仇恨,那么他的灵魂一定充满邪恶。 美国作家霍桑用他精湛的艺术手法剖析着人的内心世界,展现着人内在世界的秘密,这是小说永恒的魅力所在。 读《红字》让我感受到了压抑后的平静,痛苦后的快乐。 经典小说红字的读后感3 《红字》小说的故事发生在十七世纪中期加尔文者派统治下的波士顿,作者从当时的社会现状入手,通过一个感人的爱情故事悲剧来揭露当局对人们精神、心灵和道德的摧残。 海丝特_白兰是一个在婚姻上遭到不幸的女人,年轻美貌,却嫁给了身体畸形多病的术士罗杰_齐灵沃斯,夫妻间根本谈不上爱情,后来,罗杰又在海上失踪,杳无音讯,白兰孤独的过着日子。这时一个英俊有气魄的青年牧师,亚瑟_丁梅斯代尔闯入了她的生活,他们真诚的相爱了,度过了一段隐私但热烈的爱情生活。不久,白兰由于怀孕的隐情暴露,以通奸罪被抓,在狱中生下了女儿小珠儿。 按照当时的教规,白兰只有交代奸夫的姓名才能获得赦免,否则将受惩罚。然而执行审讯任务的却正是他的情人。白兰宁愿独自忍受任何惩罚,为了把她和丁梅斯代尔之间的爱情深深地埋在心中,她坚强的挺住了。 海丝特_白兰受到了惩罚,她必须终身穿着一件绣着红色A字的外衣。字母A代表“通奸(Adultery)”一词。白兰带着小珠儿离群独居,在郊外偏僻的茅舍中过者孤寂的生活。而用心险恶的前夫罗杰发现了丁梅斯代尔的反常表现,利用牧师痛苦和矛盾的心情,不断地折磨他,终于丁梅斯代尔在他即将升为主教的前夕,当众宣布了自己的秘密,丁梅斯代尔向周围的人们展露了这首爱情的颂歌。当他把自己的胸衣扯开时,一个猩红的A字烙在他的胸前。他在自己的爱人身边离开了人世。 海丝特_白兰,他坚强,有毅力,对爱情忠贞不渝。虽然被统治者认为有罪,但她是清白的、纯洁的。她的精神不断上升,成为真、善、美的化身。她的举动是对封建政权与教权压迫下的爱情、人权和自由的充分肯定。 丁梅斯代尔最初与白兰产生了炽热的的爱情,虽然他一度退却了,为自己能够隐蔽的安慰,但内心的痛苦并没有因他的安全而平息,相反,越来越强烈。他与白兰的约会,他在枷刑台上的自我忏悔,他们的逃跑计划,以及最后的公开演说,都成为了丁梅斯代尔向着爱情的祭坛一步步走近的脚印。最后他扯开上衣,人们见到了烙在他胸口的红色A字。这个A字实际上是烙在他的心上的,这是爱情的升华。 作者用蔷薇花象征美与善,用监狱象征死亡,用一道光,一只鸟……象征丁梅斯代尔与白兰之间的爱情的结晶——小珠儿,使作品充满着一股迷人的魄力。 在作品的最后,在白兰和丁梅斯代尔合用的墓碑上刻着这样一句话:“一片墓地上,刻着血红的A字。”这句话不可谓不意味深长。 经典小说红字的读后感4 关于美国浪漫主义作家霍桑的代表作《红字》,我是从老师的介绍中才想去细读这本书的,它以1650年前后第一批清教徒在波士顿的移民生活为背景,描述了一段为世人所不容的禁忌之恋。不是多么惊天动地,也不是多么情深不寿,却发人深省,让每一个读过它的人不得不敬佩于他们灵魂深处的人性之美。 海丝特·白兰是一个不幸的女人,虽美丽无比,却嫁给了外表畸形的老头罗杰·齐灵渥斯,两人也丝毫没有爱情可言。在丈夫长时期漂泊海外的情况下,她和当地的牧师丁梅斯代尔开始了幸福的恋爱,然而没多久事情便暴露了。海丝特怀孕被抓,被判为有罪。她需要在刑台上站立三个小时当众受辱,并终身佩戴一个红色字母A作为惩戒。面对压抑的外部环境和沉重的精神压力,她用超乎寻常的毅力坚持了下来,始终没有说出丁梅斯代尔的名字,而是选择自己一个人默默承担。 海丝特是勇敢的,她迈出了反抗的第一步,也一直在用自己的实际行动去救赎她的灵魂。她努力地投身社会公益服务,想要尽自己最大的能力去帮助别人。事实上,作品中的每一个人物都各有特点。珠儿年龄幼小却懂得颇多,美丽可爱而不失勇敢。像一只美丽的野鸟,自由翱翔,无拘无束。牧师丁梅斯代尔有些许的软弱,他算是"人类社会虚伪道德的牺牲品",在宗教和人性之间来回徘徊。最终在布道词会上勇敢地承认自己即是珠儿的父亲,海丝特的同犯后,便悲惨地死去。罗杰·齐灵渥斯则被仇恨驱使,把一切推向了毁灭的地步,他的灵魂已然丧失,恶毒卑劣。 坚定地做自己,我就是我,不论你们会怎么想我。最后的最后,海丝特终于赢得了他人的理解和应有的尊重。我也一直觉得,胸前的红字并不可怕,可怕的是因为它而从此丧失生活的希望,为什么不能将别人认为的耻辱标记转换为自己的人性光辉呢?不要让别人的定位打乱自己的人生轨迹,勇敢地做自己。红色的A字,也能变成人生中最闪亮的色彩! "命运就算颠沛流离,别流泪心酸更不应舍去。"用一颗坚定的心指引生活的航行,相信我们每个人都能到达自己向往的彼岸。 经典小说红字的读后感5 “一片墨黑的土地,一个血红的A子”“是珠儿叫我活在这个世上,也是珠儿叫我受惩罚”----霍桑 记得我第一次接触霍桑的《红字》时才19岁,带着青春的朝气,纯洁的气息,天真的浪漫一口气读完了这本书。还流着眼泪写了读书笔记,现在拿出笔记来再看简直是用两个字概括--幼稚。 从书柜里又找出了这本书,“久违的朋友,让我再感受一次19岁可笑的幼稚吧。”那模糊又清晰的故事内容让我又全神贯注身临其境,“血红的A子,永恒的光斑。” 我读过许多描写爱情的古典小说,大部分写的是女主角为了爱情牺牲了青春,尊严,甚至生命。海丝特.白兰只是其中的一个,可是男主人公绝大多数在初期爱的很深,一出现风吹草动他们就会退却,明哲保身。当事情发生的不可挽回,女主角已经受到最大伤害,甚至女方为了爱已经命在旦夕,或者已经死亡时,男方姗姗来迟的良心才发作或者误会解开,只有痛苦的后悔,或一下子衰老了,忏悔了,也来不及了。 丁梅斯代尔就是所有爱情小说里的其中一个男主人公(也是此书里的那个男牧师,就是他和海丝特.白兰相爱引发的故事。)丁梅斯代尔牧师生性羞赧和敏感,他们两人的爱情暴露之后,肉体上的痛苦和精神上的`折磨使他备受煎熬。当自责的冲动催促他到达坦白的边缘时,“怯懦”就一定会用颤抖的双手托他回去。与此相比海丝特.白兰一开始就被惩处在刑台上罚站示众。裙袍的前胸绣着象征犯有奸淫罪大大血红的A子,为了爱人的名声,她始终不肯说出孩子的父亲是谁,她独自承担了全部罪责和耻辱。为了爱,出于对他的眷恋之情,直到她死后也葬在他身边,以便永远守护,偎依着他。一个天使般的女性, 珠儿是这个故事的一个导火索,可以这么说没有珠儿的出生,可能海丝特.白兰和牧师丁梅斯代尔的出轨不可能被发现,正如书中所说小家伙是秉承着高深莫测的天意而诞生的,是在一次罪恶的情欲泛滥中开放的一株可爱而不谢的花朵。海丝特.白兰把她看做唯一的财富和全部的天地,也可以这么讲;天父把珠儿送给海丝特.白兰,就是让她受到惩罚。同时也考验着牧师丁梅斯代尔对天父,对如此爱戴和热爱他的人们。要真诚!要真诚!一定要真诚! 奇灵渥斯也就是海丝特.白兰的丈夫。本来是一个值得同情的人,一个受害者。他有权知道真相,有权知道孩子的父亲是谁?但他被复仇扭曲了心灵。他无时无刻的在精神上折磨着丁梅斯代尔,在牧师把全盘托出时奇灵渥斯跪在身旁表情呆滞:“你总算逃过了我”这个再没有魔鬼给的任务可以进行时,他的全部精力活力枯萎了。是爱走向极端的恨,还是恨到最后出现了黄金般的热爱?他的遗嘱告诉了我们。是海丝特.白兰唤醒了他的良知。 海丝特.白兰的赎罪全过程,丁梅斯代尔从懦弱到真诚承担起自己的耻辱,奇灵渥斯从寻找真相到复仇--最后死亡的遗嘱,都体现了海丝特.白兰在全书中天使般的仁慈。心灵的高尚,他对天父真正的敬畏所必须接受的惩罚。直到最后又佩戴红字回到原地,这儿有她的罪,有她的悲伤,也还会有她的忏悔。死后虽然他们的坟中间留有一块空地,然而两座坟却共用一块墓碑。真正体现了海丝特.白兰对丁梅斯代尔无私的爱。 现在才真正读懂了这本书的含义,站在宗教的教义上和作者当时的创作的环境上去理解,去刨析人物,分析人物。诗一般的语言,哲学的独白,细腻的刻画人物,真正感受到了爱的伟大。一个阴暗的故事,一段凄美的爱情。
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loving,有爱心 amorous,多情的 passionate,充满热情的 tender,温柔 affectionate,深情的
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2023-06-14 12:06:2310

伪★三国无双3.6h AI Amorous 轩辕剑怎么制作?

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loving,有爱心 amorous,多情的 passionate,充满热情的 tender,温柔 affectionate,深情的
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abstemious acrimonious adulterous advantageous adventurous alacritous ambiguous ambitious amorous amorphous analogous androgynous anomalous anonymous anxious arduous assiduous atrocious audacious auspicious autochthonous automatous autonomous avaricious barbarous beauteous bigamous bilious blasphemous boisterous bounteous bulbous bumptious cacophonous cadaverous calamitous callous cancerous cankerous cantankerous capacious capricious captious carcinomatous carnivorous cautious cavernous censorious ceremonious chivalrous circuitous clamorous commodious congruous conscientious conscious conspicuous contagious contemporaneous contemptuous contentious conterminous contiguous continuous copious coterminous courageous courteous covetous credulous cumbrous curious curvaceous dangerous decorous deleterious delicious delirious desirous devious dexterous dextrous diaphanous disadvantageous disastrous discontinuous discourteous disharmonious disingenuous disputatious dubious duplicitous duteous efficacious enormous envious erogenous erroneous euphonious expeditious extemporaneous extraneous fabulous facetious factious factitious fallacious famous farinaceous fastidious fatuous felicitous felonious ferocious fibrous fictitious flirtatious fortitudinous fortuitous fractious frivolous fungous furious gangrenous garrulous gaseous gelatinous generous ginormous glamorous glorious glutinous gluttonous gorgeous gracious gratuitous gregarious grievous harmonious hazardous heinous heterogeneous hideous hilarious homochromous homogeneous horrendous humongous humorous igneous ignominious illustrious impecunious imperious impervious impetuous impious inauspicious incautious incommodious incongruous inconspicuous incredulous incurious indecorous indigenous industrious infamous infectious infelicitous ingenious ingenuous inglorious inharmonious iniquitous injudicious injurious 还有很多,太多了。
2023-06-14 12:07:091


卡卡西:原暗部成员,后成为第七班的导师。因为拥有一只写轮眼,可以复制别人的忍术,故有“拷贝忍者”的外号。沉着冷静、幽默慵懒、处事不惊(看到亲热天堂除外)〖通灵兽〗:八忍犬 〖擅长绝技〗:卡卡西是传说会千种忍术的男人,并且自创忍术千鸟、雷切,左眼能开启万花筒写轮眼 〖原创忍术〗:千鸟(A级),雷切(S级)、(雷切应该算是千鸟的发展。),双手雷切(双手都发出雷切),雷犬(又名雷虎通杀)(该术发动时是将查克拉集中在手心,形成属性变化的雷,并制造出“犬”状的雷电,可用手可自由控制“犬”的距离和方向攻击目标。该术为雷切的衍生术)神威(就是万花筒的术)。 〖身份〗:第七班老师,原暗部成员,四代火影的徒弟,有“木叶白牙”之称的旗木朔茂之子。 〖查克拉属性〗:雷(主),水,土,火,风(PS2-究极觉醒2游戏中出现过 风遁·大突破)
2023-06-14 12:07:344


Tiramisu is a cool, refreshing Italian dessert that once tasted, leaves an indelible impression on you. Also known as "Tuscan Trifle," the dessert was initially created in Siena, in the northwestern Italian province of Tuscany. The occasion was a visit by Grand Duke Cosimo de"Medici III, in whose honor the concoction was dubbed zuppa del duca (the "duke"s soup"). The erstwhile duke brought the dessert back with him to Florence. In the 19th Century, zuppa del duca became popular among the English intellectuals and artists who lived there Consequently, it is also known as zuppa Inglese. They took the dessert to England, where its popularity grew. Zuppa del duca eventually made its way to Treviso, just northwest of Venice, in the northeastern province of Veneto. Treviso is best know for its canals, frescoes and . . . Tiramisu. Stories are told about how Tiramisu was the favorite of Venice"s courtesans, who needed a "pick me up" (the literal translation of "tirami-su") to fortify themselves between their amorous encounters. True? Probably not. But it makes for a colorful history. Its American popularity arose in San Francisco, and today, Tiramisu can be found in restaurants throughout the nation. 提拉米苏是一种深受大众喜欢的意大利甜点,试过一次就回味无穷。 提拉米苏也叫托斯卡纳蛋糕,最初起源在位于意大利西北托斯卡纳省的锡耶纳。大公爵科西莫 德 梅第奇三世非常喜欢这种叫dubbed zuppa del duca(意为公爵之汤)的混合食物,因此他将这种甜点带到佛罗伦萨。到了19世纪,zuppa del duca 开始受到在佛罗伦萨生活的英国学者和艺术家的喜爱,因此人们又把它叫做zuppa Inglese(英国人的汤)。他们把提拉米苏介绍到英国,提拉米苏变得更流行了。后来又传到在威尼斯的西北,威尼托省的东北部Treviso区。由于运河和壁画出名的Treviso,于是又加上了一条:提拉米苏。 提拉米苏的故事最著名就数它是威尼斯妓女们的最爱了。在多情的猎艳者中,她们需要一样东西提升她们的魅力(提拉米苏的字面意思就是是“带上我吧”)。这也许只是传说,但却带出一段精彩的历史。在美国,最初流行提拉米苏的地方是旧金山,而如今,每一个餐馆都可以找到提拉米苏的倩影了。
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Love at first sight.或者fall in love at first sight.或者click with sb at first sight.【拓展资料】例句:约翰对她一见钟情。 John fell in love with her at first sight. 吉姆和玛丽一见钟情。 Jim and Mary clicked with each other at first sight. 琼对保尔一见钟情。 Jean took to Paul as soon as they met. 总而言之,那不是一见钟情。 It was not,in short,love at first sight.卡尔和贝蒂一见钟情。 Carl and Betty clicked with each other as soon as they met.
2023-06-14 12:07:564


Chloe Vevrier 片名:amorous ambitions
2023-06-14 12:08:151


1、我用两年时光换来了你的不在乎。 I"ve traded two years for your indifference. 2、你一副不缺我的样子,让我怎么靠近你。 You look like me. How can I get close to you. 3、记忆旳最深处、你是那不可触及旳痛。 The deepest memory, you are the untouchable pain. 4、搁浅在时光记忆里,那最美的回忆。 Stranded in the memory of time, the most beautiful memory. 5、宁愿天天下雨,以为他是下雨而不来。 It would rather rain every day than come. 6、对你有再多的牵挂已无权利表达。 There is no right to express any more concern for you. 7、我承认,悲伤是一种致命的情感。 I admit that sadness is a deadly emotion. 8、突然想起了你,然后就不知所措了。 I suddenly think of you, and then I"m at a loss. 9、用俩秒看完一个人、却得用一辈子读懂! With two seconds to read a person, but with a lifetime to read! 10、毕竟原谅敌人比原谅朋友容易多。 After all, it"s easier to forgive an enemy than a friend. 11、等我懂了,学会了,你却不在了。 When I understand and learn, you are not here. 12、流年繁华一段伤,沧桑过了疼痛。 Fleeting prosperous section of injury, vicissitudes of life over the pain. 13、所有的不如意的事,到最后都是好事。 All the bad things are good things in the end. 14、我对你的爱,胜过每一个彩虹的微笑。 I love you more than every rainbow smile. 15、像巨人一样的无谓,放纵我心里的鬼。 It"s meaningless like a giant, indulge the ghost in my heart. 16、抹不掉的痕迹,锁上这一页,翻开是回忆,留下的是记忆。 The indelible trace, lock this page, turn over is memory, leave is memory. 17、唱罢半生浮尘曲,流连今世解语花。 After singing the songs of floating dust for half a life, I lingered in the flower of explaining the language of this life. 18、做个骄傲的男人,不娶平胸的女人。 Be a proud man and never marry a flat breasted woman. 19、失恋不可怕,可怕的是还在乎对方。 Lovelorn is not terrible, terrible is still care about each other. 20、沉默了太久,却找不到一个伤心的理由。 Silence for too long, but can not find a sad reason. 21、如果你是我的,我希望你永远是我的。 If you are mine, I hope you will always be mine. 22、执着是一种负担,放弃是一种解脱。 Persistence is a burden, giving up is a relief. 23、我们之间爱着绵延,快乐苦痛都加倍。 We love each other for a long time, double our happiness and pain. 24、你的明天有多快乐都不是我能给的。 I can"t give you any happiness tomorrow. 25、你的离去像刺青,永远烙印在我心。 Your departure is like a tattoo, which is always imprinted on my heart. 26、我怎么敢倒下,我的身后空无一人。 How dare I fall? There is no one behind me. 27、我们永远在一起,一辈子不离不弃。 We will always be together and never leave. 28、不可遗失的留恋,只可肆意的思恋。 Can"t lose the nostalgia, can only wanton yearning. 29、即便我们走不到天荒地老海枯石烂,我也会珍惜眼前用心去爱你。 Even if we can"t go to the wasteland, I will cherish and love you with my heart. 30、暧昧让人受尽委屈,找不到相爱旳证据。 Ambiguous people suffer from grievances, can not find evidence of love. 31、最后的最后,连哭的勇气兜没有。 At last, I didn"t have the courage to cry. 32、我愿意做你的烛光,在黑暗中照亮你。 I would like to be your candlelight to light you up in the dark. 33、如果爱情只是路过,又何必到此一游。 If love is just passing by, why do you come here. 34、你舍不得放手我一直站在你身后。 You are reluctant to let go I have been standing behind you. 35、喜欢用睡觉,来逃避一下躲不开的。 Like to use sleep to escape. 36、缝缝补补,再也补不出原来的爱。 Sew and mend, never mend the original love. 37、我还在原地等你,你却已经忘记曾经来过这里! I am still waiting for you, but you have forgotten that you have been here! 38、总有一天,我会变得特别特别优秀,不是为了你,而是拜你所赐。 One day, I will become very outstanding, not for you, but because of you. 39、成长,就是将你哭声调成静音的过程。 Growing up is the process of turning your cry into silence. 40、人生很多事就像智齿,最佳的解决方式是拔掉。而不是忍受。 Many things in life are like wisdom teeth. The best solution is to pull them out. Rather than suffer. 41、自古男子爱多情,多死几个又何妨! Since ancient times, men love to be amorous. It"s no harm to die more! 42、如果爱可以放下,为何那么多挣扎。 If love can be put down, why so many struggles. 43、梦如花,花如她,似童话,我爱她。 Dream like flower, flower like her, like fairy tale, I love her. 44、永远都不用看透,因为永远都看不透。 Never see through, because never see through. 45、忍受着你给的痛,却还必须强颜欢笑。 Endure the pain you give, but still have to smile. 46、那仍触目惊心的浮华,难免残缺不全。 The glitz, which is still shocking, is inevitably incomplete. 47、当你学会珍惜时、我已学会报复。 When you learn to cherish, I have learned to revenge. 48、我不想放弃,也说不出千言万语。 I don"t want to give up, and I can"t say a thousand words. 49、我对你仍有爱意,对自己无能为力。 I still have love for you. I can"t help myself. 50、不是要走,只是在找一个留下的理由。 Not to go, just to find a reason to stay. 51、医生叫我进行光合作用,不要熬夜了。 The doctor told me not to stay up late for photosynthesis. 52、我只想问你,若我回头,你还在不在? I just want to ask you, if I look back, are you still there? 53、我说我爱你,你倒过来重复一遍。 I said I love you, you come back and repeat. 54、每个人都会幸福,只不过你的幸福,有时候是在别人的眼中。 Everyone will be happy, but your happiness, sometimes in the eyes of others. 55、抬头望着白云深处,不让泪流出。 Looking up at the deep clouds, don"t let the tears flow out. 56、你与她世世长安,我与我尸骨未寒。 You and her world Chang"an, I and my bones are not cold. 57、谁的寂寞覆我华裳,谁的华裳覆我肩膀。 Whose loneliness covers my clothes, whose clothes cover my shoulders. 58、与其找错误的人相伴,不如选择单身。 It"s better to be single than to be with the wrong person. 59、一个人走在路上,忽然有点小伤感。 A person walking on the road, suddenly a little sad. 60、失去比得不到可怕很多很多,因为它多个过程叫曾经拥有。 Losing is much more terrible than not getting, because it has many processes called having. 61、让欢喜代替哀愁、从今微笑不再忧伤。 Let joy take the place of sorrow and smile from now on. 62、我们何必要的太多,简单已可以动心。 Why do we need too much? It"s easy to be moved. 63、只要一生为你活过,我就不是尘埃。 As long as I live for you, I am not dust. 64、你说会一辈子爱我、可我却忘了问是哪辈子? You said you would love me forever, but I forgot to ask which life? 65、听我说从今以后我会一个人生活。 Listen to me. I will live alone from now on. 66、除了迩以外,有谁能擦干俄眼泪。 Besides you, who can dry Russian tears. 67、我一步一步走向你。如同宿命一般。 I come to you step by step. Like fate. 68、宁愿万劫不复,也不想再喜欢你了。 I would rather die than like you. 69、爱你时,一切美好,怨你时,人生灰暗。 When I love you, everything is fine. When I blame you, my life is gray. 70、三言两语,揭示我们感情的悲欢离合。 Three words and two words reveal the joys and sorrows of our feelings.
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1、我没心事可讲,我的心酸都不可告人。 I have nothing on my mind to say. I can"t tell my heartache. 2、我难过的时候只能大笑,所以你听不见我的哭声。 I can only laugh when I"m sad, so you can"t hear my cry. 3、人生就是一幕戏,每个人都可以是主角或小丑。 Life is a play, everyone can be the protagonist or clown. 4、原来,小丑竟是我自己。 It turned out that the clown was myself. 5、不是我想成为坏人,是当好人活不下去。 It"s not that I want to be a bad person, it"s that I can"t live as a good person. 6、我不想做别人眼里的英雄,我只想做你心中的小丑。 I don"t want to be a hero in other people"s eyes, I just want to be a clown in your heart. 7、我觉得他帮不了我,因为我就是那个小丑。 I don"t think he can help me because I"m the clown. 8、我是个熟稔的小丑,活在你轻忽的瞳孔里。 I am a familiar clown, living in the pupil of your neglect. 9、在你眼中,我像一个自作多情的小丑。 In your eyes, I"m like an amorous clown. 10、小丑的悲哀,只有面具可懂。 Only the mask can understand the sorrow of the clown. 11、人生如小丑,从未开心,从未伤心,而快乐着。 Life is like a clown, never happy, never sad, but happy. 12、如果小丑哭了,你会不会觉得他在搞笑! If the clown cries, do you think he is funny! 13、我是一个卑微的小丑、徘徊在十字街头。 I am a humble clown, wandering in the streets. 14、人生是一句笑话,我们都是小丑,扮演了那个傻瓜。 Life is a joke, we are all clowns, playing the fool. 15、我承认我自卑,我真的很怕黑,孤独的样子像个小丑。 I admit that I have low self-esteem, I am really afraid of the dark, lonely like a clown. 16、不在是故事里的公主、只是一个值得留住的小丑! Not in the story of the princess, just a clown worth keeping! 17、小丑难过的的时候,也在笑,那他笑的时候,难过吗? When the clown is sad, he also smiles. When he smiles, is he sad? 18、愿你是个开心的小丑,是个能逗自己开心的小丑! Wish you are a happy clown, a clown who can make you happy! 19、多少人活得像小丑一样,恨不得躲起来,藏不住的孤独。 How many people live like clowns, eager to hide, unable to hide the loneliness. 20、爱情小丑,真爱谁没当过小丑? Love clown, true love who hasn"t been a clown? 21、我只是个悲伤的小丑,不曾有过自己的快乐。 I"m just a sad clown. I"ve never had my own happiness. 22、在生活中小丑其实并不快乐,面具只是掩饰悲伤的工具。 In life, the clown is not happy, the mask is just a tool to hide sadness. 23、世界像个马戏团,我们都是里面的小丑,强颜欢笑。 The world is like a circus, we are all clowns inside, forced to smile. 24、小丑最大的悲哀,通常是意识不到自己是个小丑。 The greatest sorrow of a clown is usually not realizing that he is a clown. 25、感觉我就像一个小丑,演尽了悲欢离合。 I feel like a clown, playing all the joys and sorrows. 26、小丑在微笑,谁使小丑开怀大笑? The clown is smiling. Who makes the clown laugh? 27、唯独像个小丑一样的活着,才不会有人觉得你也会难过。 Only live like a clown, no one will think you will be sad. 28、你完美的谢幕了,留下我在台上像个小丑似的不知所措。 Your perfect curtain call, leaving me on stage like a clown at a loss. 29、小丑面具笑的比谁都很开心,藏不住那双哭红的眼睛。 The clown mask is more happy than anyone else, and can"t hide the red eyes. 30、我看别人是小丑,别人看我亦是。 I see others as clowns, and so do I. 31、人们总是看到小丑在笑,可有有几人曾知小丑也会哭。 People always see clowns laughing, but a few people have known that clowns cry. 32、向生活低头的同时,做一个属于自己的小丑。 While bowing to life, be your own clown. 33、如果小丑哭了,你会不会觉得它是在搞笑。 If the clown cries, do you think it"s funny. 34、一身傲骨,却像小丑,演尽悲欢离合,却不能说,不可说。 A proud, but like a clown, play all joys and sorrows, but can"t say, can"t say. 35、不能自我思考的人,就是别人眼中的小丑。 People who can"t think for themselves are clowns in other people"s eyes. 36、她说她喜欢小丑,因为小丑流泪的时候也在微笑。 She said she likes clowns because they smile when they cry. 37、别人在扮小丑,你看就好! Others are playing clowns, just look! 38、如果,有那么一天,我不再笑,不再闹,那是我真的累了。 If, one day, I no longer laugh, no longer make, that is I am really tired. 39、长得丑的人,光长相别人就不能原谅,更别提犯不犯错了。 Ugly people can"t be forgiven just for their looks, let alone making mistakes. 40、觉得自己像个小丑,对牛弹琴还妄想它能听懂我。 I feel like a clown, playing the lute before the ox and delusion that it can understand me.
2023-06-14 12:08:321


2023-06-14 12:08:411


胸女叫Chloe Vevrier,片名《Amorous Ambitions》谢谢采纳
2023-06-14 12:09:031


2023-06-14 12:09:113


1. 关于夏天的诗句用英语 关于夏天的诗句用英语 1.关于夏天的英语诗句 1、杨万里(宋代) - 《晓出净慈寺送林子方》毕竟西湖六月中,风光不与四时同。 In the end, the West Lake in June, the unique scenery is different from other times.接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。The lotus leaves are full of lakes, and the green lotus leaves are endless, extending to the distance between the water and the sky. Under the sun, the lotus flowers look particularly bright and red.译文:六月里的西子湖啊,到底特殊,秀丽的风光和其他时节迥然不同。 碧绿的莲叶连接天际,浩渺无尽,红日与荷花相映,色彩分外鲜艳娇红。2、范成大(宋代) - 《喜晴》窗间梅熟落蒂,墙下笋成出林。 The windows are ripe and the bamboo shoots grow under the walls.连雨不知春去,一晴方觉夏深。Continuous rains do not know the spring, a sunny day before the deep summer.译文:窗前的梅子熟落蒂了,墙角下的竹笋也长成了林。 整天下雨都不知道春天已经结束了,天一晴才发现原来已到深夏。3、杨万里(宋代) - 《小池》泉眼无声惜细流,树阴照水爱晴柔。 Spring eyes silently cherish the rivers, tree shade shines on the water love sunny and soft.小荷才露尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上头。The sharp horns of the tender lotus leaves had just emerged from the water, and dragonflies had fallen on them long before.译文:泉眼悄然无声是因舍不得细细的水流,树荫倒映水面是喜爱晴天和风的轻柔。 娇嫩的小荷叶刚从水面露出尖尖的角,早有一只调皮的小蜻蜓立在它的上头。4、苏轼(宋代) - 《饮湖上初晴后雨二首·其二》水光潋滟晴方好,山色空濛雨亦奇。 The water of the West Lake is rippling and shining in the sunshine. It looks beautiful and the mountains are rainy and empty.欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。If the beautiful West Lake is compared to a beautiful beauty, whether it is light dressing or heavy dressing, it is always appropriate.译文:晴天,西湖水波荡漾,在阳光照耀下,光彩熠熠,美极了。 下雨时,远处的山笼罩在烟雨之中,时隐时现,眼前一片迷茫,这朦胧的景色也是非常漂亮的。如果把美丽的西湖比作美人西施,那么淡妆也好,浓妆也罢,总能很好地烘托出她的天生丽质和迷人神韵。 5、杜甫(唐代) - 《夏夜叹》昊天出华月,茂林延疏光。Haotian is in China every month. Maolin invites Huo Guang.仲夏苦夜短,开轩纳微凉。 Midsummer bitter night is short, Kaixuan Na cool.译文:天空升起皎洁的月亮,茂林上承映着稀疏的月光。仲夏之夜苦于太短,打开窗子享受一下微凉。 2.关于“夏天”的英语诗句 1、《Summer for thee, grant I may be》(请允许我做你的夏天) Emily Dickinson(艾米莉·狄金森) Summer for thee, grant I may be.When summer days are flown!Thy music still, when Whippoorwill.And Oriole—are done!For thee to bloom, I"ll skip the tomb.And row my blossoms over!Pray gather me—Anemone—Thy flower—forevermore!译文:请允许我成为你的夏季,当夏季的光阴已然流逝!请允许我成为你的音乐,当夜鹰与金莺收敛了歌喉!请允许我为你绽放,我将穿越墓地,四处播撒我的花朵!请把我采撷吧——银莲花——你的花朵——将为你盛开,直至永远!2、《Shakespeare Sonnet 18》(莎士比亚十四行诗) William Shakespeare(威廉·莎士比亚) Shall I compare thee to a summer"s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate:Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And summer"s lease hath all too short a date:Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,And often is his gold complexion dimm"d; And every fair from fair sometime declines,By chance, or nature"s changing course, untrimm"d; But thy eternal summer shall not fadeNor lose possession of that fair thou ow"st;Nor shall Death brag thou wander"st in his shade,When in eternal lines to time thou grow"st; So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.译文:我是否可以把你比喻成夏天?虽然你比夏天更可爱更温和:狂风会使五月娇蕾红消香断,夏天拥有的时日也转瞬即过;有时天空之巨眼目光太炽热,它金灿灿的面色也常被遮暗;而千芳万艳都终将凋零飘落,被时运天道之更替剥尽红颜;但你永恒的夏天将没有止尽,你所拥有的美貌也不会消失,死神终难夸口你游荡于死荫,当你在不朽的诗中永葆盛时:只要有人类生存,或人有眼睛,我的诗就会流传并赋予你生命。 3、《Summer for thee, grant I may be》(但愿我是,你的夏季) Emily·Dickinson(艾米莉·狄金森 ) When Summer days are flown!Thy music still, when Whippoorwill.And Oriole - are done!For thee to bloom, I"ll skip the tomb.And row my blossoms o"er!Pray gather me - Anemone - Thy flower - forevermore!译文:当夏日飞逝而去,但愿我是,你的夏季;当夜莺和黄鹂精疲竭力,我的音乐,依旧萦绕着你。为了你的绽放,我甚至逃出墓地,让我的花开得成行成列,环抱你!请采撷吧!开遍山冈的银莲,你的花,永远属于你!4、《Summer》Frank Asch(弗兰克·阿施 ) When it"s hot.I take my shoes off.I take my shirt off.I take my pants off.I take my underwear off.I take my whole body off.and throw it in the river.译文:天气炎热时,我把鞋子扔掉,把衬衫扔掉 把裤子扔掉,把内衣扔掉 我脱个精光,然后跳进河里。 5、《Harvest Home》(收获之家) By Arthur Guiterman(阿瑟·吉特曼) The maples flare among the spruces,The bursting foxgrape spills its juices,The gentians lift their sapphire fringes.On roadways rich with golden tinges,The waddling woodchucks fill their hampers,The deer mouse runs, the chipmunk scampers,The squirrels scurry, never stopping,For all they hear is apples dropping.And walnuts plumping fast and faster; The bee weighs down the purple aster --Yes, hive your honey, little hummer,The woods are waving, "Farewell, Summer." 译文:枫叶在云杉间摇曳,葡萄的汁水饱满的几乎要溢出来,龙胆草摇晃着他们宝蓝色的头。在洒满金色的道路上,大摇大摆走过的土拨鼠用食物塞满他们的篮子,小鹿鼠们跑来跑去,花栗鼠们蹦蹦跳跳,小松鼠们急匆匆的,从不停留,因为它们耳边都是苹果掉落的声音,胡桃也掉落的越来越快,蜜蜂轻轻地压在紫菊上——去吧,收集你的蜂蜜吧,小蜜蜂,森林好像在挥手,“再见了,夏天。” 3.描写夏天的英文诗押韵 【英文原文】 You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains。 You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines。 You say that you love the wind, But you close your windows when wind blows。 This is why I am afraid; You say that you love me too。 普通翻译版 你说你喜欢雨, 但是下雨的时候你却撑开了伞; 你说你喜欢阳光, 但当阳光播撒的时候, 你却躲在阴凉之地; 你说你喜欢风, 但清风扑面的时候, 你却关上了窗户。 我害怕你对我也是如此之爱。 文艺版 你说烟雨微芒,兰亭远望; 后来轻揽婆娑,深遮霓裳。 你说春光烂漫,绿袖红香; 后来内掩西楼,静立卿旁。 你说软风轻拂,醉卧思量; 后来紧掩门窗,漫帐成殇。 你说情丝柔肠,如何相忘; 我却眼波微转,兀自成霜。 诗经版 子言慕雨,启伞避之。 子言好阳,寻荫拒之。 子言喜风,阖户离之。 子言偕老,吾所畏之。 离骚版 君乐雨兮启伞枝, 君乐昼兮林蔽日, 君乐风兮栏帐起, 君乐吾兮吾心噬。 五言诗版 恋雨偏打伞,爱阳却遮凉。 风来掩窗扉,叶公惊龙王。 片言只语短,相思缱倦长。 郎君说爱我,不敢细思量。 七言绝句版 微茫烟雨伞轻移,喜日偏来树底栖。 一任风吹窗紧掩,付君心事总犹疑。 七律压轴版 江南三月雨微茫,罗伞轻撑细细香。 日送微醺如梦寐,身依浓翠趁荫凉。 忽闻风籁传朱阁,轻蹙蛾眉锁碧窗。 一片相思君莫解,锦池只恐散鸳鸯。 4.描写夏天的古诗英译&描写夏天的英文诗 (1)王维渭川田家斜光照墟落, 穷巷牛羊归。 野老念牧童, 倚杖候荆扉。 雉雊麦苗秀, 蚕眠桑叶稀。 田夫荷锄立, 相见语依依。 即此羡闲逸, 怅然吟式微。 Wang WeiA FARM-HOUSE ON THE WEI RIVERIn the slant of the sun on the country-side, Cattle and sheep trail home along the lane; And a rugged old man in a thatch door Leans on a staff and thinks of his son, the herdboy. There are whirring pheasants? full wheat-ears, Silk-worms asleep, pared mulberry-leaves. And the farmers, returning with hoes on their shoulders, Hail one another familiarly. 。No wonder I long for the simple life And am sighing the old song, Oh, to go Back Again! (2)孟浩然夏日南亭怀辛大山光忽西落, 池月渐东上。 散发乘夜凉, 开轩卧闲敞。 荷风送香气, 竹露滴清响。 欲取鸣琴弹, 恨无知音赏。 感此怀故人, 中宵劳梦想。 IN SUMMER AT THE SOUTH PAVILION THINKING OF XINGThe mountain-light suddenly fails in the west, In the east from the lake the slow moon rises. I loosen my hair to enjoy the evening coolness And open my window and lie down in peace. The wind brings me odours of lotuses, And bamboo-leaves drip with a music of dew。. I would take up my lute and I would play, But, alas, who here would understand? And so I think of you, old friend, O troubler of my midnight dreams ! (3)常建题破山寺后禅院清晨入古寺, 初日照高林。 曲径通幽处, 禅房花木深。 山光悦鸟性, 潭影空人心。 万籁此俱寂, 惟余钟磬音。 Chang JianA BUDDHIST RETREAT BEHIND BROKEN-MOUNTAIN TEMPLEIn the pure morning, near the old temple, Where early sunlight points the tree-tops, My path has wound, through a sheltered hollow Of boughs and flowers, to a Buddhist retreat. Here birds are alive with mountain-light, And the mind of man touches peace in a pool, And a thousand sounds are quieted By the breathing of a temple-bell. (4)李白子夜四时歌 夏歌镜湖三百里, 菡萏发荷花。 五月西施采, 人看隘若耶。 回舟不待月, 归去越王家。 Li BaiBALLADS OF FOUR SEASONS: SUMMEROn Mirror Lake outspread for miles and miles, The lotus lilies in full blossom teem. In fifth moon Xi Shi gathers them with smiles, Watchers o"erwhelm the bank of Yuoye Stream. Her boat turns back without waiting moonrise To yoyal house amid amorous sighs.。 5.用英文写首描写夏天的古诗,四句即可 Summer for thee, grant I may be, 要是我可以做你的夏天, When Summer days are flown! 当夏季日子皆飞离不见, Thy music still, when whipporwill, 我依然做你乐音绕耳畔! And oriole — are done! 当夜莺和黄鹂曲尽歌完, For thee to bloom, I"ll skip the tomb, 为你绽放,我跳离那墓场! 出自: Summer for Thee, Grant I May Be 要是我可以做你的夏天 —Emily Dickinson ——艾米莉·迪金森 6.描写夏天的英语句子,带汉译 Summer is coming.The tree have new,green leaver.Flowers is very lovely.It"s hot in summer.We wear shorts ,T-shirt and sandals.In summer,I like swimming in the swimming pool,I wear a swimsuit and glasses.I like summer.夏天来了树有了新的绿叶子.花儿们很可爱.夏天很热,我们穿着短裤/t衫和凉鞋.在夏天,我喜欢在游泳池里游泳,我穿着游泳衣和游泳镜.我喜欢夏天.。 7.有诗意的夏天英文句子 Summer by John Clare (1865) Come we to the summer, to the summer we will come, For the woods are full of bluebells and the hedges full of bloom, And the crow is on the oak a-building of her nest, And love is burning diamonds in my true lover"s breast; She sits beneath the whitethorn a-plaiting of her hair, And I will to my true lover with a fond request repair; I will look upon her face, I will in her beauty rest, And lay my aching weariness upon her lovely breast. The clock-a-clay is creeping on the open bloom of May, The merry bee is trampling the pinky threads all day, And the chaffinch it is brooding on its grey mossy nest In the whitethorn bush where I will lean upon my lover"s breast; I"ll lean upon her breast and I"ll whisper in her ear That I cannot get a wink o"sleep for thinking of my dear; I hunger at my meat and I daily fade away Like the hedge rose that is broken in the heat of the day. 8.求关于summer夏天的英语小诗歌. COLORS颜色 What is pink? A rose is pink 什么是粉红色? By the fountain"s brink. 喷泉边的玫瑰就是粉红色。 What is red? A poppy"s red 什么是艳红色? In its barley bed. 在大麦床里的罂粟花就是艳红色。 What is blue? The sky is blue 什么是蔚蓝色?天空就是蔚蓝色, Where the clouds float thro". 云朵飘过其间。 What is white? A swan is white 什么是白色? Sailing in the light. 阳光下嬉水的天鹅就是白色。 What is yellow? Pears are yellow, 什么是黄色?梨儿就是黄色, Rich and ripe and mellow. 熟透且多汁。 What is green? The grass is green, 什么是绿色?草就是绿色, With small flowers between. 小花掺杂其间。 What is violet? Clouds are violet 什么是紫色?夏日夕阳里的 In the summer twilight. 彩霞就是紫色。 What is orange? Why, an orange, 什么是橘色?当然啦! Just an orange! 橘子就是橘色。 by C. G. Rossetti I remember, I remember the Spirit of my Fathers; the smell of prairie flowers, the feel of wind on their face; I remember, I remember the Spirit of my Mothers,. a bee humming in the 【flowers】 was music to their ears I look to the wild places and my heart is filled with joy, I drink the dew on the leaves and my spirit is sweetened; The earth lies dreaming in the the 【sun】 as I sit and meditate, The sun dies blazing in the west and the long summer"s day is done 9.关于夏天的英文句子 急用 Moonlight, summer moonlight by Emily Bronte "Tis moonlight, summer moonlight, All soft and still and fair; The solemn hour of midnight Breathes sweet thoughts everywhere, But most where trees are sending Their breezy boughs on high, Or stooping low are lending A shelter from the sky. And there in those wild bowers A lovely form is laid; Green grass and dew-steeped flowers Wave gently round her head.
2023-06-14 12:09:231


英文符号网名480个 1、-若凌° Provence - 2、Love In December 3、Am, 4、fashion╮ 5、﹏゛Agoni 」 6、梦旅人 picnic 7、地狱禁果|Desire▼ 8、___Simple love °9、坟地的黑猫 Romantic■ 10、落魄 Triste 11、Another 因果 12、Cry↘︶寂寞 13、[outsid]旧情人 14、Temperature゜(温度) 15、Without love。 16、Beat Friends 17、未亡人 lеsliе﹌ 18、JK_溡緔 19、゛Babyゝ挚爱你 20、Angel┈┾遑垕 21、Pairs遗爱 22、地平线 horizon° 23、﹊St○p﹎失忆 24、Sunmer丶流萤c 25、丿Mars丶丨坏妞 26、野莓Marry 27、Serein:ˉ诡嫁衣 28、Not see︶ 29、kindness 小姐。 30、尛Gg 31、Bitter泪海 32、﹏souven゜文字控 33、Loik stlye 34、黑夜之花· hangeghost 35、愤怒的蝴蝶‖ Angry - 36、___Dream*少年。 37、enemy丶 38、SUFFOCATE 窒息 39、致命 ID Identity 40、:silence(无声) 41、★Scar。忘记 42、Fairy℡ 43、Vivid 44、betraye 45、unreal_ 虚幻 46、accompany me forever, 47、﹏〃More Than 48、ωǒ单裑ろ﹑ 49、Diana丶小可爱 50、挚爱丨KillerClub 51、钻石花 puenes 52、玩腻rap 53、失忆 amnesia 54、Backspace。 55、〓 Fetters羁绊 56、等宣判旳恶女 Ready 57、Mm 猛╮ 58、妖yan惑众ㄟ 59、果果 qzm▲ 60、小情绪 Triste * 61、Baymax大白 62、someone # 63、愿out¨ 64、诡森灵 Cowbo 65、NO. girl 66、silence范。 67、Sui╰﹀ 68、VrgoLbra 69、Koreyoshi °唯美 70、handsome欲 71、◇Loney′天轮 72、妄想症。Delusion 73、?﹏浅沫 じò ぴé 74、Stella 的狂想丶 75、Empress.女皇 76、evildoer° 77、Diane丶HO!! 78、邂逅 Moment- 79、[Collapse]崩溃 80、少年冷血Re-Animator ℃ 81、℡★Lonely crazy 82、Marlboro. 83、Broken Dreams 84、丿Mua丨月咏 85、低声say 86、橙子女 AZURA ▼ 87、Abide骑士 88、玩腻 `ceiling 89、Wonder Boy 90、蜜桃boy 91、Amanda 92、Lomo此去经年|▍ 93、Day By Day . 94、Eve 小激动゛ 95、King゜心跳 96、死亡地带 Death zone|▍ 97、xoxo° 98、纽约迷情° Provence 99、执著Duang 100、U my lover 101、BB小蘑菇 102、Papier no音◆ 103、warm blood" 104、◇◆CHEN控 ゛ 105、x⒈аo卑微り 106、窒息 sol 107、结尾Broken-Hea 108、成就辉煌男Renㄟ 109、Memory -痴情゛ 110、隐痛▍Catsayer° 111、My↘徦-媔倶 112、丿zoom悲殇入侵灬 113、楼梯口的女孩 ▎ The pupL 114、︷●ηL`F 115、? ゛ Vivian 116、We Are One 。 117、Forever丶信吗 118、Benjamin 119、づ独莎_ingㄘゞ 120、■ Isobel ﹌ 121、hours 122、moumou. 123、叹荭-Amo 124、Car AbouT 在乎 125、Sorry"请停止爱我 126、诱惑perty *- 127、Lower oneself 128、Ye深Ren静 129、EVa敷衍 130、stronger 更坚强。 131、Alone*#寥落 132、Naked. 赤裸。 133、Irony." [讽刺] 134、Maryぃ 痴 135、| Ming纭 136、Candy ㎡ 137、↖"An。 138、Demoζ 139、Stranger陌生人 140、诉说 纯真旳灵魂▍QUIET 141、Lovage≈ 142、orvR - 音符。 143、Timeless。落尘 144、Amanda丶昔 145、Bitter 祭末 146、冷眼LIMIT 147、TFBOYS o 148、|▍荒年 Memory 〆 149、Answer﹏厮守 ° 150、理战 Free 151、Myqueen 152、On my way. 153、China特种部队 154、交换末日- Brave 155、冷暖 | I konw 156、SW。Lee 157、Give up 158、overdue 159、* ╰★ ╮ Tiffany sweet 160、学生装 | Sven 161、love★so life 162、n 有种 163、乄Dream灬素梦丶 164、Baby丶love me 165、Amber hart琥珀心 166、So Much. 167、Faci丿女女 168、 MELODY 169、December▎ 170、〆Smīlé 171、Wǒヤa!Nǐ 172、祸水 Gentle。 173、▍Return。-亡魂 174、Snaki-Ⅱ支离破碎 175、大白兔my 176、Mr。 Sandma 177、执着 Paranoid * 178、血色美人Teint doukah||。 179、Delete·隐身 180、冷夜色cheeks◢ 181、Only one"默爱╯ 182、甜蜜的死亡 Revenge 183、相守 sunset 184、深渊 Nefertari 185、─━寳の 呗?kiss?you 186、じò ぴé 下雨天 187、Desperate struggle 拼命的挣扎 188、半透明 cold 189、潮男 SMASHBOX ≈ 190、§Abracadabra.魔咒 191、#初见。Betray 192、Simle 离开 193、Prosperous丶悲伤终结╰╯ 194、Crazy萌杀 195、Heart tired゛ 196、TěáR!) 197、Amorousmeζ 198、╰ bigヽeye﹀ 199、Forbidden°禁忌 200、Honghe红河 201、Happy的楠姐 202、E a s o n* 203、′Stay天空 204、﹏ Despairs 205、样儿 Cpomlも 206、?╮ Youth ° mad。 207、〆n!ke 208、ィ耂ㄋSht 209、no matter 210、浅安﹏LOVE 211、Sophia╮ 212、mc 梦梦 213、muswu 214、Sweet°小雨天 215、Rules浅笑 216、Farewells° 217、SoThat 218、NTM,滚远点 219、无规则 Rules° 220、Start. 出发。 221、S.ud丶乖乖 222、╰mmmm红装﹡ 223、Summer忆 224、扉常╮僾NIan 225、拒绝 tears。 226、Chafferer,迷心 227、魂MoL 228、Mum乖乖! 229、Lny。 230、Xin,空虚 231、Bad Boy 232、ɡrl。 233、No Name 234、VERTIGO血美人 235、Smile____゛定格 236、永远的。 Bad boy 237、红眼 |▍Red Eyes 238、Rember╮ 239、怀念°ispief 240、V i p巛封心 241、千娇百媚 -Sun 242、幻灭「Lose」▼ 243、Roll for me 给我滚 244、冷温柔°Triste 245、鬼娃娃 = Carcrashes ╮ 246、_____Good Day 247、丶Sky灬丿Team丶 248、Asia↗Angle 249、移花宫丨灬Reiver 250、BLUE °深蓝梦境 251、[TOP塔] 252、梦境-Story 253、虚无。Hogyua 254、﹏Violet゛ 255、Electricity°失心 256、初雪 Surname@ 257、′ Confused 258、The.End ㄟ| 259、丿Brother灬Team 260、Vicious ° 261、沉迷于DNF中 262、暖心Aries 263、╰Dirty。 264、sunmer,~ 265、__Alone° 独自 266、sexuality 女王 267、Sentimental, 268、伤人绪 Triste 。 269、Thought° 幽灵的尤物▓ 270、★ kiyomi° 271、〆丶Broken heart 272、Deity〆 273、嫣青▍BandWInterweave 274、Last heart 最后的心 275、.keaidian 276、Husband and wife 277、Trauma 创伤 278、HuAsHen 279、Angel丶蓝天 280、女王(Queen)ゆ性 281、追寻 Free 282、っAmrice做作。 283、黑蕾丝 No princ 284、念旧 cunese 285、FORGET° 286、第五种人‖A fifth man▼ 287、Ю`‐mr.X 288、异魂梦 Heretic 289、m. over 290、Not satisfied 不满足 291、千娇百媚 -Sun 292、☆see you ★ 293、little purity° 294、- Vie 295、InJ∪Яeら 296、Prosperous丶悲伤终结╰╯ 297、沸点soon start 298、Go / 苯蛋 299、薄凉* Armani 300、Rian Sub 301、stop.滥情 302、绿里尐女 303、just丶 only丶 304、Freedom丶自由 305、?﹏???Lost loveゝ 306、碎脸 Scent fla 307、︶ㄣ麒麟 しovё 308、Gentle little woman 309、Julietˋ 310、Μelody丶 311、super model 312、Sandm ° 旧颜 313、夜亡者 Seventee 314、淡颜 DITOP 315、慑人的楼道▍corrid 316、"骚年 ilovehim 317、。 318、甜心CEO≈ 319、Only丨空缺 320、这是overdose!! 321、OゞA↘da调 322、ゞWorld Bitch 323、消失 cuLbぢ 324、Soul love* 灵魂之爱 325、NTM,滚远点 326、七分醒▌Sakit 327、流年碎jonathan 328、红豆 Lluo- 329、low key〃 330、「插画与纸皮人Survi 331、■ Isobel ﹌ 332、Alexandr 嫁衣° 333、离愁▍ Feast aw 334、侵蚀Emotiona° 335、solearn! 336、凡尔赛的玫瑰▍Rose 337、〆 Forever 338、夜愿WINerRet 339、Re-Animator 血红色的眼 340、〆Blood ╮wayゾ 341、[email protected] 342、慢摇dj 343、半身Naked 344、Ninety丶所谓爱情。 345、Shelly 346、幸福Loading… 347、★·°Cheat ;︶︵︶欺骗 348、early youth_ 349、′Amour 350、红桃丶Peach 351、Nothing. 352、美式 Chivas° 353、Moira╮ 354、稀罕what 355、Noslēpum 356、Suunto┐ 357、__Crazyヽ各自安好 358、释Hua ╮ 359、︶save 360、一个人Always° 361、メiǎo〃━訞 362、Memory° 363、Tears眼泪 364、有间Ca∮e 365、情绪控НeаЯt▲ 366、Da._沉沦╮ 367、那么爱你WHY 368、Painting 时光 369、Promise°安慰 370、゜ eVer ㄨ 371、妖yan惑众ㄟ 372、Provence°米兰小街 373、Re_Star·彅 374、So丶nice_恋 375、dear,傻瓜 376、afraid离开 377、血红玫瑰 nfatu 378、fuck you * 379、Mr.sandaman 造梦先生 380、bury默默。 381、All of you 你的全部 382、乄Sweet灬惟沵丶 383、▍Only you ▍ 384、Love alone 独自喜欢 385、女人味 | Charm 386、﹏Dreamer 387、tell me what to be 388、让人恨 Triste 。 389、〆WC自拍ゝ 390、pain臻璐﹏ 391、淡泽 mss, 392、迷人的Smile 393、Chubby 394、︻◣_Myraり~ 玛拉 395、oヤ伪ni变坏 396、Expired love 397、电堷ladyぢ 398、丿Asmile 399、紫玫瑰ら。 Rose° 400、Forgot you 401、Oh儍晓铭 402、Confuse * 迷惑 403、ミ莴のscener灬y 404、血色玫瑰 Red roses|▍ 405、软killer 406、wolf 407、°﹏BaekHyun ??? 408、じ★Sunshine Monster☆ 409、Sad.p┈━═泪 410、Sunshine ▲ 《阳光》 411、倾城°Allure Love 412、Dancer丿(舞者) 413、Darling 414、゛ ___struggle。 415、mislay忘记 416、不行就out- 417、°Magic" 418、魄悲 Triste anima 419、gentle╮ 420、Tattoos Lover 421、Ever.唯爱 422、?ρ?ìí ?π мě 423、ゞ↘o活力Style: 424、”Eternity ”I like this words 425、眠る-SnooPy; 426、伱是硪的のangel white° 427、Vickyシ筱米 428、三年约 sxer. 429、B° Cnst - 星空 430、心脏.(music 一) 431、尾戒▍BlackIn 432、向dear借拥抱丶 433、猫性 Tenderne° 434、Single∕ Man 435、Cardiac心亡 436、- Emotiona°这段情 437、____rain 438、诡森林Cowboy Style◎ 439、AIlianˊ单人行 440、Mockingjay 441、What""s the, 有什么 442、|▍Teenager。 443、夏逝Depart . 444、★Dream﹌ 梦 445、一个人的angelえ 446、时尚SHOW。 447、Full丶House 448、- onlooker 449、CIci微安 450、╰ hEy ゞ 451、〆????╰☆╮King 452、Ru-花姒钰。 453、怪咖先生Murder 454、If 455、Love^SUK 456、半生毁°- relead 457、ˊSorry- 458、bigbang。 459、 £Devil 460、格子衫 Nice% 461、Devilo囧糖丶 462、__________ Look back` 463、LuHan 464、Janice 王者 465、Amoro凉歌 466、rostitute ▍是入戏阿三 467、never gone〆 468、In a hurry. 匆匆 469、ゝ陌生情Ren 470、◇._Ha!n.℡ 471、Sexy猫女 ⌒ 472、Scar. 疤痕。 473、- Gypsophila 满天星 474、局外亼 (Out) 475、沉沫のkiss 476、时光谎言゛ sea 477、哭脸you 478、Try miss || 旧恋人゛ 479、Curtain 480、〆〃Forever丶落寞灬 ゼ
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1、风华是一指流砂,苍老是一段年华。 Elegance is a refers to flow sand, old is a period of time. 2、有你相伴的日子,即使平凡也浪漫! Have your companions days, even ordinary also romantic! 3、一句平淡的话:知不知道,你很重要。 A plain words: know not to know, you are very important. 4、在乎才会乱想,不在乎连想都不会想。 Care about will be disorderly want to, don"t care even won"t even think about it. 5、没什么特别的事,只想听听你的声音。 It"s nothing special, just want to hear your voice. 6、无论你有没有口袋,我的爱,永远都在。 Whether you have pockets, my love, are forever. 7、爱是幸福,而我正感受着,并被它打动。 Love is happiness, and I"m feeling, and moved by it. 8、时间不是让人忘了痛,而是让人习惯了痛。 Time is not let a person forget pain, but let a person accustomed to pain. 9、有时候,越是假装不在乎,对他越是思念。 Sometimes, the more Ptend to don"t care, the more for his thoughts. 10、在每一个有你相伴的夜,不再过于寂寥冷清。 In every night have you accompany, no longer lonely too cold and cheerless. 11、异地恋、恋的不仅仅是爱情,还有一种坚持。 Long distance relationship, love is not only the love, still have a kind of persistence. 12、只有你知我的情绪,也只有你能带给我情绪。 Only you know my mood, only you can also bring my mood. 13、事实上,如果我和别人在一起,那个人还是你。 In fact, if I and others together, that person is you. 14、不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。 Don"t cry because it is over, smile because it happend. 15、我要用尽所有的力气才能书写一个词语,放弃你。 I want to try all the energy to write a word, give up you. 16、亲爱的,你今天在我的脑海里跑了一天,累不累? Dear, you today in my mind ran a day, tired not tired? 17、如果能再见,我是说如果。请不要说再见,好么? I mean if, if can bye. Please don"t say goodbye, okay? 18、世上最浪漫和最自私的话就是:你是我一个人的。 In the world the most romantic and the selfish words is: you are my one. 19、我翻了又翻你给的地图,却一直找不到我的归宿。 I turned over and turn you to the map, but always can"t find my home. 20、懂我的人不需要我解释,不懂我的人我不需要解释。 Know what I don"t need me to explain, don"t understand my people I don"t need to explain. 21、一颗被深深伤了的心,需要的不是同情,而是明白。 A was deeply hurt my heart, need is not sympathy, but understand. 22、在认识你之后,我才发现自己可以这样情愿的付出。 After meet you, I found myself can be so reluctant to pay. 23、而最长久的,偏偏不是你最爱的,也不是最爱你的。 And the most lasting, it happened is not your favorite, is not love you. 24、以为没有你,我可以坚强一个人,终于知道我不行。 Thought that without you, I can be a strong person, and finally know I can"t. 25、我不贪心,只有一个小小的愿望:生命中永远有你。 I"m not greedy, only a little wish: life always have you. 26、如果他总在为别人撑伞,你又何苦非为他等在雨中。 If he always carries an umbrella for someone else, you again why not for him in the rain. 27、自从你出现后,我才知道原来有人爱是那么的美好。 Since you appear, I just know originally someone love is so beautiful. 28、爱之火,在我俩的心中燃起,从此我俩将被熔在一块。 The fire of love in our heart, from now on we will was melted together. 29、我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。 I know you like this song, I know your mind, I miss you. 30、女人吻男人算是一种幸福;男人吻女人算是一种口福。 Women kiss men is a kind of happiness; A man kisses his woman he thinks "the luck to eat STH delicious. 31、问你一个好傻的问题,如果我喜欢上了你,该怎么办? Ask you a silly question, if I like you, what should I do? 32、看着微笑的你,突然发现,我真是世界上最幸福的人。 Looking at you smile, suddenly found that I was the happiest person in the world. 33、我曾路过你的心,不是我不想停留,而是你不肯收留。 I was passing by your heart, not I don"t want to stay, but you won"t take. 34、我对你的爱从来没有停止,只是我不再让别人知道而已。 My love for you never stop, just I no longer let others know it. 35、纵然有百万个理由离开你,我也会寻找一个理由为你留下。 If there are millions of reasons to leave you, I will find a reason for you to stay. 36、男人爱上女人后,他会做诗;女人爱上男人后,她会做梦。 A man loves a woman, he will do; Women fall in love with a man, she will dream. 37、不管过去如何,过去的已经过去,最好的总在未来等着你。 No matter how the past, the past is past, the best always waiting for you in the future. 38、人是会变的,守住一个不变的承诺,却守不住一刻善变的心。 People are become, keep a constant commitment, but keep a fickle heart. 39、当你经历过爱与被爱,学会了爱,才会知道什么是你需要的。 When you experienced love and be loved, and learned to love, to know what you need. 40、爱一个人不一定要拥有,但拥有一个人就一定要好好去爱他! Love a person not necessarily to have, but have a person must take to love him! 41、你走,我不送你,你来,无论多大风多大雨,我都要去接你。 You go, I don"t send you, you come to, no matter how strong winds more heavy rain, I would go to pick you up. 42、我喜欢你给我掏耳朵,喜欢你叫我小麦,我更喜欢叫你宝贝。 I like.but you gave me the ears, like you call my wheat, I Pfer to call you baby. 43、有没有这么一个人,你无数次说着要放弃,但终究还是舍不得。 There is no such a person, you countless times said to give up, but ultimately or loathe to give up. 44、当一个女子在看天空的时候,她并不想寻找什么。她只是寂寞。 When a woman looking at the sky, she didn"t want to look for what. She is just lonely. 45、一句问候填满青春,别人的话都听不见,岁月凝结在你的视线。 A greeting to fill the youth, the other people will hear, years of condensation in the line of sight of you. 46、只要你说没有,我就相信你。因为我喜欢你。我真的很喜欢你。 If you say no, I will believe you. Because I love you. I really like you. 47、在我们懵懂的时候,总会有这么个人,让我们为他犯贱很多年。 In our ignorant when, there will always be so personal, let us make mean for him for many years. 48、因为有了你,爱从这一刻开时;也因为有了你,心飘浮在碧空里。 Because of you, love from this moment; Also because of you, the heart to float in the sky. 49、想你至深,念你至醇……吾爱,你可知道?对于我,你的笑最重要! Think you to the deep, read you to alcohol... My love, you know? For me, your smile is the most important! 50、很奇妙的一种感觉是,曾经的陌生人,突然之间成为了我的整个世界。 Very wonderful feeling is, once the stranger, suddenly became my whole world. 51、任何时候任何情况,只要你需要我,我立即赶来,尽我全力为你做事。 At any time in any case, as long as you need me, I immediately came to do my best to do things for you. 52、有时候,反反复复的只听一首歌,只因为歌唱的像极了我和你的故事。 Sometimes, the repeated listen to a song, just because the singers like I and your story. 53、在人生艰辛的跋涉中,愿我们化做两盏明灯——互相照耀,互相温暖。 Arduous journey in life, let our turns into two lamps - shine to each other, each other warm. 54、十分观赏你的聪慧,大智慧和事业心,希望我们能够一起尽力发明来日! Very admire your intelligence, wisdom, and the dedication to work, I hope we can try to invent the future together! 55、我是一个笨蛋,但是请相信我,我并不是有意的。能原谅我吗?亲爱的。 I"m a fool, but please believe me, I am not interested. Can you forgive me? My dear. 56、我真的好想你,有你的日子,一切都是那么美好,风和日丽,鲜花遍地。 I miss you so much, have your day, everything is so beautiful, beautiful, flowers everywhere. 57、一个人最幸福的时刻,就是找对了人,他纵容你的习惯,并爱着你的一切。 A man the most happy moment, is to find the right person, he connived at your habits, and love you all. 58、一天,我终于不再思念他,因为他离开太久了,我的习惯已经不再是习惯。 One day, I finally no longer miss him, because he left too long, my habit is no longer a habit. 59、我是那深深的大海,你是那自海的另一边升起的曙光,永远照亮我的人生。 I am that deep sea, you are the dawn rise from the other side of the sea, light up my life forever. 60、坚硬的城市里没有柔软的爱情,生活不是林黛玉,不会因为忧伤而风情万种。 No love is soft, hard city life is not Lin daiyu, not because of sadness and amorous feelings. 61、你轻轻地来,伴随着深邃地眼神而来,你走到了我的身边,跨进了我的心扉。 You gently come, with deep eyes and come, you came to my side, into my heart. 62、如果爱上你也算是一种错,我深信这会是生命中最美丽的错,我情愿错一辈子。 If fall in love with you is a kind of wrong, I am convinced that it is life"s most beautiful mistake, I"d rather wrong all my life. 63、也不知道这是一种什么感觉,就那么忽然的,我越来越喜欢你。可你永远都不懂。 Also don"t know what it is a feeling, then all of a sudden, the more I like you. But you will never understand him. 64、不经意间,你把我的心偷走。破碎的我,只有想你,想你!把你的心还给我,好吗? Inadvertently, you stole my heart. Piece of me, only miss you, miss you! Your heart back to me, ok? 65、我知道我门不可能在在一起,可是你知道吗?我就是忘不了你!愿望你和她能幸福! I know we can"t be together, but do you know? I just cannot forget you! Wish you and she can be happy! 66、想你的每一个夜晚,都是我最难过的时候;想你的每一个片段,都是我最幸福的时。 Miss you every night, all is me the most sad; Each fragment, think you are my most happiness. 67、爱上了你,我才领略思念的滋味、分离的愁苦和妒忌的煎熬,还有那无休止的占有欲。 Fell in love with you, I just enjoy the taste of missing, the anguish of separation and the torment of jealousy, still have that endless possessive. 68、每次我感到失意时,都回忆起你的浅笑,你的鼓励,它们使我坚强的面对下去,谢谢你! Every time I feel frustrated, recalled your little smile, your encouragement, they make me strong to face down, thank you! 69、有一种爱可以地久天长,有一种情可以地老天荒,有一个人会和你长长久久,陪你看朝霞晨露。 There is a love can be forever, there is a kind of love can be the end of time, there was a man and you long for a long time, accompany you see sunrise morning dew. 70、心要让你听见,爱要让你看见,不怕承认对你有多眷恋;想你的时候,盼你能收到我的真情留言! Heart want to let you hear, love to let you see, not afraid to admit how sentimentally attached to you; When thinking of you, I hope you can receive my message!
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1、朋友间的不和,就是敌人进攻的机会。 Between friends, the opportunities of foes. 2、在智慧提供给整个人生的一切幸福之中,以获得友谊为最重要。 In wisdom for the whole life happiness, is the most important for friendship. 3、勤奋是智慧的双胞胎,懒惰是愚蠢的亲兄弟。 Diligence is the twin of wisdom, lazy stupid brother. 4、真正的友谊无论从正反看都应一样,不可能从前面看是蔷薇而从后面看是刺。 True friendship should be from your sides, impossible is rose from the front and is seen from behind. 5、由友谊进而为恋爱易,由恋爱退而为友谊难。 By friendship, in turn, to fall in love easily, by the love back into friendship. 6、如果友谊一旦破坏了,连爱情也不能够再使它恢复。 If friendship once destroyed, even the love also can not make it back again. 7、人世间,爱情也许使人怦然心动,但惟有友谊,真切而又执著,让你生命有多长,回忆就有多长。 In the world, love may make the person become really interested, but only friendship, true and persistent, let you how long the life, recall how long. 8、友谊不能成为一种交易;相反。它需求最彻底的无利害观念。 Friendship can"t be a deal; On the contrary. It needs the most thoroughly of no interest concept. 9、谁都会无力付出一切,怕结果狼狈倒自己都无法承担。无论友情还是爱情。 Who will be powerless to do anything for fear of the mess that I can"t bear. Whether friendship or love. 10、在幸运上不与人同享的,在灾难中不会是忠实的友人。 On the lucky not to share with people, in the disaster is not faithful friends. 11、友情是平等的人之间,离开利害关系所结的交际,而欺诈却是暴君和奴隶之间的卑鄙关系。 Friendship is equality between people, leaving an interest of communication, and fraud is mean relationship between tyrants and slaves. 12、帮助朋友,以保持友谊;宽恕敌人,为争取感化。 To help a friend, to keep the friendship; Forgive an enemy, for influence. 13、人生最宝贵的是生命,人生最需要的是学习,人生最愉快的是工作,人生最重要的是友谊。 Life"s most Pcious is life, life need most is to learn, work is the most happy life, the most important thing in life is friendship. 14、自制的友谊要比买来的友谊更持久。 Homemade friendship than to buy more durable. 15、伤心难过时,朋友怎么都刚好消失无影。 How sad, friends are just disappear without a shadow. 16、世上友谊本罕见,平等友情更难求。 The world of this rare friendship, equality and friendship harder to find. 17、爱情本来就是突发的,只有友情才有因累积而深厚。 Love is a sudden, only is due to the accumulation and deep friendship. 18、想与所有人交友的人,不是任何人的朋友。 Want to make friends with all people, not anyone"s friend. 19、友谊就好比一颗星星,而爱情只是一支蜡烛。蜡烛是要耗尽的,而星星却永远闪光。 Friendship is just like a star, but love is only a candle. The candle is exhausted, and the stars never flash. 20、兄弟可能不是朋友,但朋友常常如兄弟。 A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is often as brothers. 21、好感是友谊的先决条件,但不能把两者混为一谈。 Goodwill is the Prequisite of friendship, but not to confuse the two. 22、友谊不容草率断绝,再恢复也留症结。 Friendship should not be cut off in haste, and also stay again. 23、信任是友谊的桥梁,而自重则是友谊的催化剂。 Trust is the bridge of friendship, and the weight is the catalyst of friendship. 24、真正的友情,是一株成长缓慢的植物。 True friendship is a plant of slow growth. 25、一个结婚以后的朋友,无论如何不是从前的朋友了。男人的灵魂现在羼入了一些女人的灵魂。 A friend after the marriage, no matter how not her former friends. A man"s soul now pitcher into some of the woman"s soul. 26、朋友之义,务在切直以升于善道者也。 Friend, transaction is cut straight to rise to good also. 27、友谊,那心灵的神秘的结合者!生活的美化者,社会的巩固者! The combination of the friendship, the heart of the mystery! The beautifier of life, the consolidation of society! 28、保持友谊的最好办法就是任何事情也不假手于他,同时也不借钱给他。 The best way to keep friendship is anything nor the rubber hand in his, also don"t lend money to him. 29、自制的友谊要比买来的友谊持久。 Homemade friendship lasting friendship than to buy. 30、我不懂“友情”,也不懂“爱情”,但愁一对我而言,就是一种存在。 I don"t understand "friendship", also don"t understand "love", but have a pair for me, is a kind of existence. 31、对于一个病人来说,仁爱、温和、兄弟般的同情,有时甚至比药物更灵。 For a patient, loving, gentle, brotherly compassion, sometimes even more spirit than drugs. 32、选择朋友一定要谨慎!地道的自私自利,会戴上友谊的假面具,却又设好陷阱来坑你。 Choose friends to be cautious! Tunnel of selfishness, will wear the mask of friendship, you set a trap to pit. 33、真正的朋友永远不会在意你的职位高低,仍然在意你的友情。 A true friend never care about your position, still care about your friendship. 34、孩子把玩具当朋友,成人把朋友当玩具。 The child took the toy when friends, adult friends as toys. 35、原谅敌人要比原谅朋友容易。 Forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend. 36、除了一个真心的朋友之外没有一样药剂是可以通心的。 In addition to a true friend is no drug can lead to heart. 37、可进可出,若即若离,可爱可怨,可聚而不会散,才是最天长地久的一种好朋友。 Can into the can out, huandehuanshi, lovely can complain, can gather and not scattered, is the most a good friend forever. 38、友情在过去的生活里,就像一盏明灯,照彻了我的灵魂,使我的生存有了一点点光彩。 Friendship in the past, life is like a beacon, shining into my soul, make my survival had a little bit of brilliance. 39、撇开友情,无法谈青春,因为友谊是点缀青春的最美的花朵。 Regardless of friendship, can"t talk about youth, because friendship is the most beautiful flowers adorn youth. 40、就算友情分裂又有什么关系,比起没去争取而后悔莫及的要好多了。 Even split what friendship, much better than didn"t go to fight for and regret. 41、美貌是危险的,智慧必须靠努力才能获得,而友情则取决于你自己的选择。 Beauty is dangerous, wisdom must be hard to get, but friendship depends on your choice. 42、友谊就像陶器,破了可以修补;爱情好比镜子,一旦打破就难重圆。 Friendship is like earthenware: once broken, it can be mended; Love is like a mirror: once broken, that ends it. 43、友谊永远不能成为一种交易;相反,它需求最彻底的无利害观念。 Friendship can never become a trade; On the contrary, it needs the most thoroughly of no interest concept. 44、世界上三种东西最宝贵:知识、粮食和友谊。 Three things in the world"s most Pcious: knowledge, food and friendship. 45、友谊要像爱情一样才温暖人心,爱情要像友谊一样才牢不可破。 Friendship is like love to warm the heart, love is like friendship is unbreakable. 46、总有一天,你会发现,我不是谁都能替代的,无论是友情还是爱情。 One day, you will find that I am not anyone can replace, whether it is friendship or love. 47、不论是多情的诗篇,漂亮的文章,还是闲暇的欢乐,什么都不能代替无比亲密的友情。 Whether it"s amorous rhyme, beautiful articles, or the joy of leisure, nothing can replace a close friendship. 48、很感动我们这个团队的团结友谊!不管结局怎样我爱大家! Touched by the unity of our team friendship! No matter the ending how I love you! 49、你所选择的朋友,决定你的命运。 Your choice of friends, determine your destiny. 50、最亲近的朋友往往就是铸成大错的冤家。 Closest friends tend to be a mistake of poison. 51、中断了的友谊,应当说本来就没有友谊。 Interrupted friendship, say there is no friendship. 52、友谊本身就是一根神圣的纽带,苦难使它变得更为神圣。 Friendship is a sacred bond, suffering to make it more sacred. 53、欺骗的友谊是痛苦的创伤,虚伪的同情是锋利的毒箭。 Cheating friendship is painful wounds, false compassion is sharp arrows. 54、孤独是人的宿命,爱和友谊不能把它根除,但可以将它抚慰。 Loneliness is a person"s fate, love and friendship can not eliminate it, but it can be touched. 55、真正的友谊不是一株瓜蔓,会在一夜之间蹿起来,一天之内枯萎下去。 True friendship is not a rattan, growing up overnight, withering away in a day. 56、许诺固然可以获得友谊,但培养和保持友谊的还是行动。 Promise is can get friendship, but develop and maintain a friendship or action. 57、人们缺少心灵;他们不肯和心灵交朋友。 People lack of the mind; They refuse to make friends with the mind. 58、伪装的朋友要比凶恶的敌人更坏。 Fake friends are worse than the evil enemies. 59、勉强保持友谊是最难堪的。 Keep the friendship is the most embarrassing. 60、开诚布公与否和友情的深浅,不应该用时间的长短来衡量。 The depth of the honesty and friendship, it should not be measured by the length of time. 61、种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。种下优惠的友情,得到仁惠的友情。 As you sow, so shall you reap. Plant a favorable friendship, get RenHui friendship. 62、聪明的人们就应该尽上力量去建立友谊,而不应去结仇恨。 Smart people should not take on the power to build friendships, and should not go to hate. 63、友谊的主要效用之一,就是使人心愤怨和抑屈之气得以宣泄释放。 A principal fruit of friendship, which enables people from the resentment and flexor supPssion to vent gas release.
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