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eased edge 是什么意思?

2023-06-14 12:30:59
TAG: eased ase

石材专用术语:eased edge 指“微倒角边缘”,望专家斧正。



n.边, 棱, 边缘;


减轻, 舒缓









  ease做动词有减轻;放松;缓和;缓慢移动等意思,那么你知道ease的过去式是什么吗?下面是我整理的ease的过去式和用法例句,欢迎大家学习!   ease的过去式和其他时态:   过去式: eased   过去分词: eased   现在分词: easing   ease的用法:   ease的用法1:ease用作名词时的意思是“安适,自在”,转化为动词后可作“使舒适,减轻; 放松,放宽”解。   ease的用法2:ease可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时常接名词或代词作宾语,主语可以是人,也可以是物/事物。   ease的用法3:ease用作不及物动词时,主语多为物。有时主动形式含有被动意义。   ease的用法4:ease...of的意思是“解除”; ease off意思是“减轻,缓和”; ease out意思是“排挤,免除职务”; ease up意思是“移动,放松,减轻”。   ease的过去式例句:   1. Lovelock eased back the throttles and the ship steadied.   洛夫洛克慢慢地拉杆减速,船稳了下来。   2. Kelly eased off his pace as they reached the elevator.   当他们走到电梯前时,凯利放慢了步子。   3. His strong hand eased the bag from her grip.   他强有力的手迫使她松开了握紧袋子的双手。   4. Officials have eased up on the press restrictions.   官员们已经放松了对新闻界的限制。   5. Leaphorn eased himself silently upward.   利普霍恩一声不吭,慢慢站起身来。   6. These days, the pressure has eased off.   最近,压力已经减轻。   7. Tensions had eased.   紧张关系有所缓和。   8. He eased his foot off the accelerator.   他慢慢松开油门。   9. I eased open the door.   我小心翼翼地打开门。   10. I eased my way towards the door.   我小心翼翼地向门口挪去。   11. When his grip loosened she eased herself away.   他紧抓她的手松了一下,她便抽身而出。   12. The rain had eased off.   雨小了。   13. She eased back into the chair and nodded.   她轻手轻脚地坐回到椅子上,点了点头。   14. The heavily falling snow had eased.   漫天 大雪 变小了。   15. After the patient received acupuncture treatment, his spasms eased off somewhat.   病人接受针刺治疗后, 痉挛稍微减轻了.
2023-06-14 10:23:491


ease英 [i:z] 美 [iz] 第三人称单数:eases第三人称复数:eases现在分词:easing过去分词:eased过去式:easedease 基本解释名词安逸; 容易; 轻松,舒适; 不拘束,自在及物动词减轻; 解除痛苦; 延缓; 松弛不及物动词缓解,减少; 轻松前进
2023-06-14 10:24:121


ease[英][i:z][美][iz]n.轻松,舒适; 容易; 安逸; 不拘束,自在; vt.解除痛苦; 减轻; 延缓; 松弛; vi.缓解,减少; 轻松前进; 第三人称单数:eases过去分词:eased复数:eases现在进行时:easing过去式:eased句:1.Bitcoin could also lower transaction costs or ease the transmission of remittances. 这种货币也可以降低交易费用,缓解汇款传输系统的压力。
2023-06-14 10:24:211


2023-06-14 10:24:335


是: 容易的意思
2023-06-14 10:24:523

何以解优,唯我杜康 用英文要怎么说好

Only wine can solve my question.
2023-06-14 10:25:212

为什么QQ上很多人发:relieved: 什么意思

形容词 放松的,解脱的也是释然的意思。
2023-06-14 10:25:434

reduce relax ease区别

reduce 减少 是动词relax 放松 是动词easen. 容易;悠闲;安逸;自在v. 减轻;放松;缓和;缓慢移动
2023-06-14 10:26:173


2023-06-14 10:26:323

ease 和 easy 的区别~~~

ease KK: [] DJ: [] n.[U] 1. 容易;不费力 Their team won the game with ease. 他们队轻松地赢了那场比赛。 2. 舒适;悠闲 The retired couple lived a life of ease. 这对退休夫妇过着安逸的生活。 3. 自在,不拘束 The hostess greeted her guests with ease. 女主人自然大方地迎接客人。 4. (限制等的)放松,缓和 vt. 1. 减轻,缓和 The aspirin eased his headache. 阿斯匹灵减轻了他的头痛。 2. 使安心,使舒适 I eased her mind by telling her that the children were safe. 我告诉她孩子们平安无恙,让她安心。 3. 小心地移置[O] vi. 1. 减轻;缓和;放松[(+off)] The relationship between these two countries has eased. 两国之间的关系有所缓和。 easy KK: [] DJ: [] a. 1. 容易的;不费力的[+to-v] This new dancing looked easy. 这种新式舞看起来很容易。 2. 安逸的,安乐的;宽裕的 The rich young woman has an easy life. 那位富有的年轻女人过着舒适的生活。 3. 宽容的,不苛求的 Go easy on them, please. 请对他们宽容一些。 4. 易顺从的 5. 从容的,自在的;大方的 He is easy in conversation and graceful in manner. 他谈吐从容,举止优雅。 ad. 1. 不费力地;从容地 Change does not come easy. 改变现状并非易事。
2023-06-14 10:26:401

ease还是be eased?

2023-06-14 10:26:504

appease 这个单词怎么记住

appease 英[u0259u02c8pi:z] 美[u0259u02c8piz] vt. 安抚,缓和; 对…让步; 绥靖,姑息; 满足(欲望); [例句] Gandhi was accused by some of trying to appease both factions of the electorate一些人指责甘地试图安抚两派选民。[其他] 第三人称单数:appeases 现在分词:appeasing 过去式:appeased过去分词:appeasedappease单词记忆方法可以分成:app+easeapp很好记忆,ease词义正与appease相近ease 英[i:z] 美[iz] n. 安逸; 容易; 轻松,舒适; 不拘束,自在; vt. 减轻; 解除痛苦; 延缓; 松弛; vi. 缓解,减少; 轻松前进; [例句]For ease of reference, only the relevant extracts of the regulations are included.为了便于参照,仅摘录相关规则。[其他] 第三人称单数:eases 复数:eases 现在分词:easing 过去式:eased过去分词:eased
2023-06-14 10:27:181

如果说 loan eased, 这个 ease 是什么意思,到底是增加还是减少,或者是上升还是下降

2023-06-14 10:27:292


ease是舒适或者解除的意思,而easy则是容易的意思,而easily则是容易地的意思,区别可以从以下例子看出: Lockdown is eased, and people are easy to travel between home and work, and see their relative easily. 封锁解除,人们可以轻松地在家庭和工作之间穿梭,也很容易看到他们的亲戚。
2023-06-14 10:27:511

急:an eased and polished edge是什么意思?石材方面的

2023-06-14 10:28:004

请问在客人的订单上常看到“ GRADE S4SEE KD” 是什么意思呢?我们是做木制品的。谢谢各位帮忙!

2023-06-14 10:28:102


主题歌:《七仔》歌:S.H.E 歌词:  7仔7仔大家都爱你  抱着你永远不放弃  7仔7仔聪明的东西  我我我就是要对你说  ohbaby我爱你  你来自外星让人感觉稀奇  珍珠的眼睛多笑的甜蜜  全身的热力一道美丽  相信每个人都爱你  7仔7仔你真的神奇  狂风飘却被你吸引  7仔7仔永远在心里  我我我只要对你说  ohbaby我爱你  多么想天地只有我和你  只是我们的不适合你  我要尽全力就撑下去  地冷冷又庆幸无力  7仔7仔大家都爱你  抱着你永远不放弃  7仔7仔聪明的东西  我我我只要对你说  ohbaby我爱你  7仔7仔7仔  ohbaby我爱你  7仔7仔7仔  ohbaby我爱你  7仔7仔大家都爱你  抱着你永远不放弃  7仔7仔聪明的东西  我我我只要对你说  ohbaby我爱你  7仔7仔大家都爱你  抱着你永远不放弃  7仔7仔聪明的东西  我我我只要对你说  ohbaby我爱你  7仔7仔7仔  ohbaby我爱你  7仔7仔7仔  ohbaby我爱你  插曲&ED曲《sunny》  歌手:BoneyMmixedbyMousse  歌词:  Sunny,yesterdaymylifewasfilledwithrain  Sunny,yousmiledatmeandreallyeasedthepain  Oh,thedarkdaysaredone  Thebrightdaysarehere  Mysunnyoneshinessosincere  Sunnyonesotrue  Iloveyou  DustySpringfield  Sunny,thankyouforthatsunshinebouquet  Sunny,thankyoufortheloveyoubroughtmyway  Yougavetomeyourallandall  Nowifeeltenfeettall  Sunnyonesotrue  Iloveyou  Sunny,thankyouforthetruthyouletmesee  Sunny,thankyouforthefactsfromatoz  Mylifewastornlikewindblownsand  Andthenarockwasformedwhenweheldhands  Sunnyonesotrue  Iloveyou  Sunny,thankforthatsmileuponyourface  Sunny,thankyouforthatgleamthatflowswithgrace  You"remysparkofnature"sfire  You"remysweetcompletedesire  Sunnyonesotrue  Iloveyou  Sunny,yesterdaymylifewasfilledwithrain  Sunny,yousmiledatmeandreallyeasedthepain  Thedarkdaysaredone  Thebrightdaysarehere  Mysunnyoneshinessosincere  Sunnyonesotrue  Sunnyonesotrue  Sunnyonesotrue  Iloveyou
2023-06-14 10:28:271


Easy and simple,Eased and simple.
2023-06-14 10:28:393


2023-06-14 10:28:486


east 英[iu02d0st] 美[iu02d0st] n. 东; 东方; 东部; 东边; 亚洲国家,东方国家(尤指中国、日本和印度); adj. 东方的; 向东的; 东部的; 东风的; 东方吹来的; adv. 向东; 朝东; [例句]The principal range runs east to west.主体山脉呈东西走向。
2023-06-14 10:29:048


  建筑是建筑物与构筑物的总称,是人们为了满足社会生活需要,利用所掌握的物质技术手段,并运用一定的科学规律、风水理念和美学法则创造的人工环境。那么,你知道建筑的英语怎么说吗?   建筑的英文释义:   building   construct   to build   in the construction of   architecture   construction   建筑的英文例句:   这种建筑风格让我感到很压抑。   This kind of architectural style depresses me.   紫禁城是世界上最伟大的建筑之一。   The Forbidden City is one of the world"s greatest works of architecture.   他新买的房子是美国初期的建筑。   The new house he bought was colonial architecture.   这种建筑风格起源于古希腊。   The style of architecture originated from the ancient Greeks.   这所房子是建筑学的成就。   The house is an architectural triumph.   这座大教堂被认为是建筑史上的奇迹。   This cathedral was regarded as a miracle in architectural history.   附属建筑附属于大建筑的建筑物或坐落于主体建筑附近的附属建筑   A building added on to a larger one or an auxiliary building situated near a main one.   每公顷建筑用地上容纳的建筑物的总建筑面积。   Total floor soace per hectare plot.   建筑设计作品是指一座建筑或建筑的模型。   A work of architecture is a building or model for a building.   大火过后,寺院里的那些雄伟建筑已荡然无存。   After the fire, nothing remained of the magnificent buildings of the temple.   这些壮丽的古代建筑显示了劳动人民的高度智慧。   These magnificent ancient buildings demonstrate the great intelligence of thelabouring people.   公司预制好房屋的各个部件,然后运到建筑工地由工人们将其组装起来。   The pany prefabricated sections of houses and moved them to building sitesfor workers to assemble.   建筑工人已把这个地区分割成块准备盖房子。   The builders have plotted out the area ready for the houses.   这种建筑造价较高。   It costs much to build this kind of building.   当他终于到达地面时他才开始和其他人一起赶往最近的建筑。   When he gets to the ground, he moves with the others toward the nearestbuilding.   你也可以在他们跑出建筑之后将他们歼灭。   You could ambush them as they run out of the building.   “我通常都有一个进行中的建筑专案。”他说。   "I normally have a building project on the go, " he says.   “首先,你必须想,"我能做些什么来尊重这一建筑,我怎样才能让它恢复生机?”   "Firstly you have to think, "What can Idoto respect the building, how can I bring itback to life?   没有不动产和建筑行业的繁荣,在出口市场任何真正的恢复不曾有的情况下,中国经济会在哪里呢?   Without this boom in property and construction where would the Chineseeconomy be in the absence of any real recovery in export markets?   没有人会想到到那个地方找你,而你可以不费吹灰之力到达这座建筑的其他任何地方。   No one will ever think of looking for you in there and you can travel to any otherpart of the building without difficulty.   通过这一过程,我们可以让教师和建筑工人以及退伍军人重回工作岗位。   And in the process, we can put teachers and construction workers and veteran *** ack on the job.   这个建筑能容纳所有的海上工人并且保护他们不受飓风的伤害。   The building can acmodate all of the offshore workers and protect them fromhurricane damage.   我们能做的就是提高建筑标准,改进地震前震的监测技术。   What we can do is raise building standards and improve monitoring of foreshocks.   她指向他们后面更多的建筑。   She pointed to more buildings behind them.   他们从天空中飞下,或者攀登上建筑物,在那里留恋徜徉。   They fly down from the sky or scale up the building and linger there.   你看见那边的那座建筑了吗?   Do you see that building over there?   建筑物在10年到15年之后再夷为平地,这并不是前所未闻的事。   It is not unheard of for buildings to be razed after 10 or 15 years.   他们用同样的方法让她更加轻松地进入建筑物.   They eased her farther into buildings with the same technique.   一个组让他们能够进入校园大门;另一个组让他们能够进入建筑物。   One group gets them into the campus gate; the other gets them into thebuildings.
2023-06-14 10:29:531

少女时代sunny歌词 就是上海演唱会演唱的

2023-06-14 10:30:085


问题一:适当的放空自己用英文怎么说 适当的放空自己 Appropriate myself 适当的放空自己 Appropriate myself 问题二:“我这些天好累、 好想放空自己”用英语怎么说 20分 i"m really tired these days and i really want to free myself from everything.希望帮助到您,欢迎采纳O(∩_∩)O~ 问题三:放空用英文怎么说 放空 [词典] emptying; evacuation; unloading; voidance; [例句]不要放空炮,拿出行动来。 Now, none of your empty talk. Let"s see how you act. 问题四:如何用地道英语说说"放空"自己 1. Give yourself a break once in a while. 偶尔让自己放松一下吧。 2. I decided to stay home and chill. 我要呆在家里放松放松。 3. He worked hard at first, but he has eased up lately. 他起初工作很努力,但最近松劲儿了。 4. I intend to wind down with a good book this weekend. 这个周末,我想看一本好书,放松下来。 5. Let your hair down and enjoy yourself at the party. 在晚会上别拘束, 尽情享受一下。 6. He needs to lighten up a little. 他应该放松点儿。 7. We"ve done enough work for now: let"s call it a day. 今天已经干得不少了,就到这儿吧! 8. After an exhausting week at work, I just want to spend the weekend vegging out. 上了一个星期的班累坏了,周末我要好好放松一下! 问题五:放空用英语翻译 放空 evacuation unloading emptying voidance sailing in ballast 如 emptying ["emptii?] n. 排空;倒空 v. 使成为空的;倒出(empty的现在分词) 例句 我好像每天在放空状态,甚至上班也会走了反方向的路。 I feel emptying everyday, I even take the reverse position to go to 希望我的回答 对你有所帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你:天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O ... 问题六:英语中 “将自己放空于海天相接之处”这句话怎么翻译,求高手指导,谢谢! 10分 将自己放空于海天相接之处 Put yourself in empty horizon 问题七:删除那些烂掉的东西 放空自己 去迎接新的东西 用英语怎么说 大师级别的来翻译下 谢谢 Delete those suck things ,empty yourself to wele the new life.
2023-06-14 10:31:351


  表达放松的英文单词:relax   英 [rlks] 美 [rlks]   及物/不及物动词 放宽; (使)轻松; (使)松弛; (使)放松   及物动词 缓和,减轻; (使大便等)通畅   不及物动词 变得轻松; 变得随和; 变得和蔼; 通便   及物动词   1. Don"t worry about it, just try to relax.   不要为这事担心,放松些。   2. His muscles relaxed.   他的肌肉松弛下来了。   3. Don"t relax your efforts.   你不要松懈下来。   不及物动词   1. The heat did not relax until midnight.   直到半夜,炎热才缓解。   2. His manner relaxed.   他变得随和了。   表达放松的英语单词:loosen   英 [lu:sn] 美 [lusn]   及物动词 解开或使松; 放宽,放松; 使(肠)通畅   不及物动词 变松或变得更松   相关例句   及物动词   1. My belt is too tight; I must loosen it.   我的`腰带太紧,我必须放松它。   2. Loosen the screw.   旋松螺丝。   3. By degrees her tongue was loosened.   她的话渐渐地多起来。   1. The runners are loosening up before the race.   赛跑运动员们在做赛前准备动作。   不及物动词   1. The government"s control over the newspapers has loosened in recent years.   近几年来政府对报纸的控制变松了。   表达放松的英文:ease   英 [i:z] 美 [iz]   名词 安逸; 容易; 轻松,舒适; 不拘束,自在   及物动词 减轻; 解除痛苦; 延缓; 松弛   不及物动词 缓解,减少; 轻松前进   及物动词   1. It"s time for your father to ease up on his work a bit; he"s getting old.   你父亲年事渐高,该对工作放松一点了。   2. I eased her mind by telling her that the children were safe.   我告诉她孩子们平安无恙,让她安心。   3. The pain has eased off.   疼痛已减轻。   名词   1. The hostess greeted her guests with ease.   女主人自然大方地迎接客人。   2. He writes with ease.   他笔墨流畅。
2023-06-14 10:31:451


2023-06-14 10:31:5812

p|eased tomeet you

pleased to meet you[用于被人介绍时]见到你很高兴
2023-06-14 10:32:271


问题一:令人放松的英语怎么说 英文原文: relaxing 英式音标: [r??l?ks??] 美式音标: [r??l?ks??] 问题二:令人放松的用英语怎么说 令人放松的:relaxing 感到放松的:relaxed 问题三:令人放松的地方 用英语怎么说? 令人放松的地方 网络释义 令人放松的地方:somewhere relaxing 问题四:“令人放松的” 用英语怎么写? (短语) eased 问题五:这是一件令人放松的事(英语翻译) 这是一件令人放松的事 => this is relaxing. this is relaxed to you. this is something relaxable. 问题六:令人放松的地方用英语怎么说 令人放松的地方 somewhere relaxing 问题七:一部令人放松的电影用英语怎么说? 英文原文: a relaxing movie 英式音标: [?; e?] [r??l?ks??] [?mu?v?] 美式音标: [e] [r??l?ks??] [?muvi] 问题八:轻松的,令人放松的英语怎么读 relax 英 [ru026a"l?ks] 美 [r?"l?ks] 动词. 放松,休息,松懈,放心 网络. 轻松,松弛,放轻松
2023-06-14 10:32:531


ease的意思:指容易。一、ease的发音,英音读[iu02d0z],美音读[iu02d0z]。1、【v.】缓解;减轻;(使)宽慰;(使)小心缓缓地移动;使……容易些;缓和;降低。2、【n.】安逸;容易;自在;轻易;不费劲;舒适;无忧无虑。3、【其他】第三人称单数:eases;复数:eases;现在分词:easing;过去式:eased;过去分词:eased。4、【例句】The plan should ease traffic congestion in the town.这项计划对城里的交通拥挤状况应该有所缓解。二、短语搭配如下:1、ease back:回软;详细翻译。2、ease out:打发走;松出;缓动输出。3、Ease memory:易怡存储。4、ease nature:大便。5、Ease Curve:指定减缓曲线。6、ease away:渐渐放松;慢慢松出;有控制地漫漫溜出突然停止。7、monetary ease:银根松动;金融缓和;翻译。8、JOINT EASE:关节康;关节灵。9、ease ahead:低速前进。
2023-06-14 10:33:021


2023-06-14 10:33:241

at ease是什么词性

at ease 是介词词组,但在这里相当于形容词的用法
2023-06-14 10:34:153


2023-06-14 10:34:231


badca dbdad adaca daddb
2023-06-14 10:34:571

be eased into什么意思

2023-06-14 10:35:063


sunny- boney m ~~是不是是不是sunny - boney msunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain.sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain.the dark days are gone, and the bright days are here,my sunny one shines so sincere.sunny one so true, i love you.sunny, thank you for the sunshine bouquet.sunny, thank you for the love you brought my gave to me your all and i feel ten feet tall.sunny one so true, i love you.sunny, thank you for the truth you let me see.sunny, thank you for the facts from a to life was torn like a windblown sand,and the rock was formed when you held my hand.sunny one so true, i love you.sunnysunny, thank you for the smile upon your face.sunny, thank you for the gleam that shows its"re my spark of nature"s fire,you"re my sweet complete desire.sunny one so true, i love you.sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain.sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain.the dark days are gone, and the bright days are here,my sunny one shines so sincere.sunny one so true, i love you.i love you.
2023-06-14 10:35:405


2023-06-14 10:37:0010

请问only when 和 only then 用法上有什么区别?

简单的说:only when出现时,必须有两个句子,即:一个主句和一个从句,when引导的是从句或者两个主语两个谓语动词如:Only when he grew up,did he know that但是only then 出现时,只有一个句子,即一个主语一个谓语动...
2023-06-14 10:37:571

quarters one造句 quarters oneの例文

Turn the quarters one final time and cook until golden brown. Quarter one of the onions; spce the other o. His 72-yard punt in the first quarter one -hopped into the end zone. First a 4-yard run, then in the 4th quarter one for 46 yards. I put in a quarter one day, and I found that I had to deposit 35 cents. A circus even used the base for its winter quarters one year housing its elephants in one of the hangars. In January 2013, Pusha T announced that his album will be releasing at the end of quarter one of 2013. Unless it provides a pleasant surprise, that GDP report will be less important than the fourth- quarter one , said Dhawan. Or how we had the Celtics down 26 in the third quarter one night, and 21 after three, and blew the game. Quarters One at Fort Myer, pleted in 1899, has been home to the U . S . Army chief of staff since 1908. It"s difficult to see quarters one in a sentence. 用 quarters one 造句挺难的 A 50-cent coin contained half as much silver as the dollar, a quarter one -fourth as much, and so on. In this quarter one finds the parish church of Saint Etienne, and further the canons"quarter of the collegiate church of Saint Mexme. Mrs . Young was dancing at the Latin Quarter one night in 1945 when a soldier in the audience named Carleton S . Young found himself suddenly spellbound. Apple amassed 65 % of all profits made by the eight largest worldwide *** artphone manufacturers in quarter one of 2014, according to a report by Canaccord Genuity. At 51 rooms and 21, 965 square feet, Quarters One is the second-largest federal residence in the United States, behind the White House. Apple said Wednesday that revenue for the quarter matched its lowered expectations of $ 1 bilpon, 57 percent below its $ 2.3 bilpon quarter one year ago. The carrier posted earnings of $ 133 milpon ( euro106.32 milpon ), or $ 2.04 per share, for the same quarter one year earper. This meant that operating profit fell 12.8 percent from the first quarter one year ago and 3.3 percent from the fourth quarter of 1995 to 470 milpon kroner. Routed out of his usual sleeping quarters one night by a maniacal bully, Alan happens to witness a murder from his temporary new perch in a cubbyhole near the crime scene. Cpfford Robinson scored 21 points and Danny Manning added 17 for the Suns, who fell apart in the fourth quarter one night after beating the Lakers 106-101 in Los Angeles. In the early 1990s, Matthew Shipp began to achieve recognition as the most significant pianist in avant-garde jazz since Cecil Taylor _ but not in the quarters one might have expected. Sony Japan announced a total revision of the player sofare, now known simply as " CONNECT Player . " It was expected to debut in the United States sometime in quarter one of 2006. And after a disastrous fourth quarter one night earper, the Lakers played a dominant final frame Wednesday, outscoring Sacramento 28-17 down the stretch for their first win in three tries against the Kings. The loss was an improvement from Infineon"s 523 milpon-euro loss in the preceding quarter, but in sharp contrast to a 280 milpon profit in the equivalent quarter one year ago. "Excluding the one-time charge, our sofare business improved operating results significantly pared to quarter one , and we expect continued improvement in the second half of 1996, " said Stratus president Gary Haroian. In northern Ohio, it seems to return to breed at about the same time as one century ago; but it may leave for winter quarters one or o weeks earper at present than it did in the past. "" Quarters One ""( also known as Building 301 ) is the residence of the highest-ranking officer on the Rock Island Arsenal in Rock Island, Ilpnois on the banks of the Mississippi River. Last month, the pany reported worldwide third-quarter profits of dlrs 1.04 bilpon, or 74 cents per share, pared with dlrs 893 milpon, or 63 cents a share, for the same quarter one year ago. Quarters One on Fort Myer, which was originally built as the garrison mander"s quarters, has been the home of the Chief of Staff of the United States Army since 1908 when Major General J . Frankpn Bell took up residence. "The data still clearly show a dramatic slowing beeen quarter one and quarter o, but all the signs now point to an equally dramatic acceleration beeen quarter o and quarter three, " said Ian Shepherdson, chief economist at High Frequency Economics. It"s difficult to see quarters one in a sentence. 用 quarters one 造句挺难的 As the credit crisis eased, losses at Merrill Lynch subsided, and the subsidiary generated $ 3.7 bilpon of Bank of America"s $ 4.2 bilpon in profit by the end of quarter one in 2009, and over 25 % in quarter 3 2009. I even reapzed that in the heart of the quarter one can still eat well ( the three different gumbos at Opvier"s on Decatur Street ) and hear good music ( the Palm Court on Decatur or the Can-Can Cafe in the Royal Sonesta Hotel on Bourbon ). When Robertson Stephens said last week that it would let go of 300 employees, or 40 percent of its payroll from the beginning of the year, it was because the firm lost money for o consecutive quarters as underwriting revenues in the third quarter plummeted $ 110 milpon, to just $ 9 milpon, from the same quarter one year before.
2023-06-14 10:38:291


disposal 名词解释:the power to use something or someone 造句:Mike used all the resources at his disposal responsibility 名词解释:the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force 造句:It"s my responsibility to lock the doors. 我的职责是锁门. emblematic 名词解释:serving as a visible symbol for something abstract 造句:Rosemary is emblematic of constancy. 迷迭香是贞节的象徵. potential 名词解释:the inherent capacity for coming into being 造句:The product has even more potential in export markets. 这种产品在出口市场上甚至会有更大的销售潜力. burden 名词解释:an onerous or difficult concern 造句:It eased me of the burden. 这使我减轻了负担. facility 名词解释:a building or place that provides a particular service or is used for a particular industry 造句:The sports facilities are superb. 运动设施是第一流的. exposed 名词解释:with no protection or shield 造句:Lu Xun exposed the evil of the old society in his works. 鲁迅在他的作品中揭露了旧社会的罪恶. hesitate 名词解释:pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness 造句:Embarrassment caused me to hesitate. 窘迫使得我(讲话)吞吞吐吐.
2023-06-14 10:39:101


问题一:用英语翻译‘减轻痛苦 NHK : relief 这个名词...很好用...本身己经代表 减轻痛苦...缓和负担...解除痛楚等的意思...所以...痛苦这个2字...不需要另外翻译成英文...举个例子...These pills gave her some relief = 这些药片减轻了她的1些痛苦...如果要使用动词的话...可以采用 e鸡se = 减轻 / 缓和...但是...减轻神马...缓和神马...需要在句子里...另外指明...例如...This anodyne eased his pain = 这个止痛药减轻了他的疼痛........ 问题二:为人们减轻痛苦用英语怎么说? relieve people"s pain 问题三:减轻疼痛的英文怎么说 减轻疼痛 allay pain; alleviate pain; ease pain; reduce pain; relieve pain; alleviate the ache;mitigate the distress; dull; [例句]我给他喝了些白兰地以减轻疼痛。 I gave him some brandy to ease the pain. 问题四:通过我的努力减少病人的痛苦用英语怎么说 to relieve the patients from pain throught my effort. 问题五:痛苦的 用英语怎么说? 痛苦的: 1. thorny 2. painful 3. tearing 4. torturous 5. anguished 6. bitter 7. grievous Relative explainations: Examples: 1. 她脸上闪过一种痛苦的表情。 An expression of pain flitted across her face. 2. 孩子的死给父母的生活留下了痛苦的空白。 The child"s death left a painful void in his parents" lives. 3. 巨大的痛苦极其痛苦的状态 A state of intense anguish. 4. 悲痛的缘由精神极度痛苦的根源 A source of deep mental anguish. 5. 她发出痛苦的呼叫. She emitted a cry of pain. Full of pain. 充满痛苦的 A harrowing experience. 痛苦的经历 Causing suffering; painful. 导致痛苦的;痛苦的 experiencing intense pain especially mental pain. 经历强烈的痛苦的,尤其是精神上的痛苦。 A state of intense anguish. 巨大的痛苦极其痛苦的状态 Something harsh or embittering. 痛苦苛刻或痛苦的事物 To inflict severe pain on; torture. 使痛苦使受剧烈的痛苦;折磨 To be the cause of pain. 使痛苦成为疼痛、痛苦的原因 she moved painfully forward; sorely wounded. 她痛苦地向前移动;痛苦的创伤。 Aches and pains 痛苦 问题六:痛苦的英文怎么说? pain : [pein] n. 痛苦,疼痛,辛苦v. 使...痛苦 词形变化: 动词过去式:pained 过去分词:pained 现在分词:paining 第三人称单数:pains 1. It pains me to have to tell you that... 我以沉痛的心情告诉你。。。 2. He has a pain in the knee. 他膝盖酸痛。 painful["peinful] a. 痛苦的 vt. 使疼痛 1. The sting of a jellyfish is very painful. 让水母刺著是很痛的. 2. Extension of the injured arm was painful. 把受伤的胳膊伸展开是很疼的. 词形变化: 名词:painfulness 副词:painfully suffering ["s??f??ri??] n. 苦楚,受难 vbl. 蒙受,受苦 例句与用法: 3. To some life means pleasure, to others suffering. 对一些人来说,人生的意义是享乐,对另外一些人来说则是受苦。 4. It seemed that suffering was to be his portion in life. 他好像命中注定了要受苦受难似的 问题七:减轻病痛的折磨用英语怎么说 减轻病痛的折磨 Relieve the pain 减轻病痛的折磨Relieve the pain 问题八:我想让病人减轻痛苦用英语怎么说 I want to help the patients reduce the pain。给分吧 问题九:“减轻某人的痛苦”用英文怎么翻译 ease one"s pain 正宗说法
2023-06-14 10:40:021


2023-06-14 10:40:273


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: After months of anticipation--thanks to a relentless studio advertising campaign and some killer ing attractions--Disney"s mammoth $135 million epic "Pearl Harbor" is finally ready to attack the box office and blow the rest of the summer petition out of the water! That"s a foregone conclusion, especially with a list of film credits that include producer Jerry Bruckheimer, director Michael Bay, and screenwriter Randall Wallace (who wrote "Braveheart"). Unfortunately--but not surprisingly--it"s safe to say that the battle scenes are terrific, while the love story is not. The time is 1941, and most of the pla is embroiled in a brutal conflict unlike anything the world has ever seen. The United States is sticking to its isolationist policy and staying the heck out of it, but hotshot fighter pilot Rafe McCawley (Ben Affleck) is eager to see some action. He joins the British Eagle Squadron in their fight against Germany, but when his girlfriend Evelyn (Kate Beckinsale) and best friend Danny (Josh Hartt) receive word about his death, they find solace in each other amidst the paradise of Hawaii. In no time, Rafe shows up in Pearl Harbor alive and well, but all hell breaks loose when a surprise attack by the Japanese plunges them and the rest of country into the heart of World War II. Like with "Titanic," "Pearl Harbor" is a love story first and a historical disaster second. The problem is that the love triangle feels too contrived to be emotionally effective, and the film progresses slower than a battleship run aground. Also, where the love story in "Titanic" eased into the actual disaster, the transition in "Pearl Harbor" is much more abrupt. As a result, the impressive battle sequences pletely overpower what was an otherwise bland love story in the first place. Obviously, everyone wants to see the attack on Pearl Harbor, and that"s where director Michael Bay delivers the goods. Faster than you can say "battlestations," the film kicks into high gear, and the next 40 minutes are filled with some of the most spectacular visual effects to ever hit the big screen. Despite veering into Steven Spielberg"s "Saving Private Ryan" territory at times (with bullets zinging through the water and a somewhat restrained depiction of post-attack battle wounds), the aerial shots of the Japanese zeros and bombers buzzing about the crowded harbor amidst the *** oke-drenched skies are nothing short of spectacular.On the other hand, if you"re looking for a detailed account as to why the Japanese attacked in the first place (a la "Tora! Tora! Tora!"), you won"t find it here. Then again, that"s not what Bay and producer Jerry Bruckheimer were shooting for (no pun intended). Love "em or hate "em, their co-productions ("Bad Boys," "The Rock," and "Armageddon") have made a lot of money, and "Pearl Harbor" wasn"t going to be any different. Had they stayed true to the facts and the terminology that people were using at the time, then they most likely would have offended some of the moviegoers who make up that all-important foreign demographic. Since they weren"t going to see a dime until the picture made its money back, they sure as hell weren"t going to risk offending anybody. As far as the cast is concerned, vague facts are mixed with Hollywood fiction to create an ensemble piece that doesn"t always pay off. Ben Affleck has plenty of chari *** atic appeal, but his arrogant fighter pilot is merely a hollow rehash of Tom Cruise"s cocky demeanor from "Top Gun" (which was also produced by Bruckheimer). Josh Hartt (who resembles a young Jan Michael Vincent) is more understated--and as a result, much more effective--in what will undoubtedly be his breakout role, but the otherwise talented Kate Beckinsale is underutilized as the nurse who captures the hearts of the lifetime friends. Although their appearances are brief, the more manding performances are given by the true-to-life characters. Alec Baldwin bookends the movie as the legendary Col. Jimmy Doolittle, and he gives the film the emotional shot in the arm that it sorely needs. Cuba Gooding Jr brings life to Dorie Miller, the heroic mess hall attendant who mans the guns during the attack, and Jon Voight is virtually unrecognizable as the polio-stricken President Roosevelt. Americans will no doubt see "Pearl Harbor" as their patriotic duty of paying tribute to the survivors of the attack, and at the same time, they"ll be blown away by a typical summer blockbuster. Ultimately, the film lacks the emotional impact that would have given Bay and Bruckheimer the respect that they obviously crave, but that"s OK. Given all the publicity that the film is getting, Memorial Day Weekend 2001 is sure to go down in movie history as a date which will live in currency.
2023-06-14 10:40:361


晴朗, 我的生活用雨昨天被填装了。晴朗, 您对我微笑和真正地镇了痛。黑暗的天去, 并且明亮的天是这里, 我晴朗你发光很恳切。晴朗一个很真实, 我爱你。晴朗, 谢谢阳光花束。晴朗, 谢谢您带来我的方式的爱。您给了我您所有和所有。现在我感觉十英尺高。晴朗一个很真实, 我爱你。晴朗, 谢谢您让我看的真相。晴朗, 谢谢事实从A 到C 。我的生活被撕毁了象windblown 沙子, 并且岩石被形成了当您握我的手。晴朗一个很真实, 我爱你。晴朗晴朗, 谢谢微笑在您的面孔。晴朗, 谢谢显示它的雍容的微光。您是我的火花自然的火, 您是我甜的完成欲望。晴朗一个很真实, 我爱你。晴朗, 我的生活用雨昨天被填装了。晴朗, 您对我微笑和真正地镇了痛。黑暗的天去, 并且明亮的天是这里, 我晴朗你发光很恳切。晴朗一个很真实, 我爱你。我爱你。我爱你。我爱你。我爱你。我爱你。我爱你
2023-06-14 10:40:461


韩剧《匹诺曹》歌曲Boney M - Sunny歌词:           Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain. Sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain. The dark days are gone, and the bright days are here, My sunny one shines so sincere. Sunny one so true, i love you. Sunny, thank you for the sunshine bouquet. Sunny, thank you for the love you brought my way. You gave to me your all and all. Now i feel ten feet tall. Sunny one so true, i love you. Sunny, thank you for the truth you let me see. Sunny, thank you for the facts from a to c. My life was torn like a windblown sand, And the rock was formed when you held my hand. Sunny one so true, i love you. Sunny Sunny, thank you for the smile upon your face. Sunny, thank you for the gleam that shows its grace. You"re my spark of nature"s fire, You"re my sweet complete desire. Sunny one so true, i love you. Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain. Sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain. The dark days are gone, and the bright days are here, My sunny one shines so sincere. Sunny one so true, i love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. >>>>>推荐阅读:
2023-06-14 10:41:041


2023-06-14 10:41:325


ease the serious condition 缓缓紧张的状况
2023-06-14 10:42:087

had built是什么时态

had built是过去完成时时态。Peter had built the overhead ladders, and the next day he fitted them to the wall.彼得已经搭好了攀爬横梯,第二天便把它们安在了墙上。Out in front, Clarke had built up such a sizeable safety margin that he eased the pace and started cruising.克拉克远远地开在前面,已保持了一段足够长的安全车距,他于是放慢车速,开始定速巡航。We"re going to build a house on this lot.我们打算在这块地上建造一座房子。The house was still being built.房子还在建造中。He built up the business over a period of ten years.他用了十年时间把这个企业创建起来。
2023-06-14 10:42:331

facilitate access什么意思

facilitate access方便访问例句1.They therefore supported the elaboration of a treaty, which would facilitate access to basic information.因此他们支持制订条约,这样才便于获取基本信息。2.Results emotional ease through, 200 cases of patients with mood disorders are to the eased, facilitate access to good effect.结果通过情感疏导,200例患者情感障碍均得以缓解获得良好疏导效果。3.Probe may be taken bus bar, is intended to facilitate access to bus stops.探头可能是摄公交车吧,是为了方便公交车进出站。4.The goal of a database system is to simplify and facilitate access to data.数据库系统的目标是要简单化和辅助数据访问。5.Variable to facilitate access synchronization.变量的访问以促进访问同步。
2023-06-14 10:42:581

boney m的《Sunny》 歌词

歌曲名:Sunny歌手:boney m专辑:Simply The Best Of The 70"sSunny - Boney MSunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain.Sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain.The dark days are gone, and the bright days are here,My sunny one shines so sincere.Sunny one so true, i love you.Sunny, thank you for the sunshine bouquet.Sunny, thank you for the love you brought my way.You gave to me your all and all.Now i feel ten feet tall.Sunny one so true, i love you.Sunny, thank you for the truth you let me see.Sunny, thank you for the facts from a to c.My life was torn like a windblown sand,And the rock was formed when you held my hand.Sunny one so true, i love you.SunnySunny, thank you for the smile upon your face.Sunny, thank you for the gleam that shows its grace.You"re my spark of nature"s fire,You"re my sweet complete desire.Sunny one so true, i love you.Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain.Sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain.The dark days are gone, and the bright days are here,My sunny one shines so sincere.Sunny one so true, i love you.I love you.I love you.I love you.I love you.
2023-06-14 10:43:161


1. My mom is my rock, always there to support me through thick and thin. (含义:我的妈妈是我的支柱,无论是顺境还是逆境,她都会始终支持我。)2. My mom"s love is like a warm embrace that envelops me and makes me feel safe and loved. (含义:我的妈妈的爱就像一次温暖的拥抱,将我包围,让我感到安全和被爱。)3. My mom"s words of wisdom guide me on the right path, teaching me valuable life lessons along the way. (含义:我的妈妈的智慧之言引导着我走上正确的道路,教给我宝贵的人生经验。)4. My mom"s unwavering faith in me gives me the confidence to overcome challenges and reach for my dreams. (含义:我的妈妈对我的坚定信心给予我克服挑战、追逐梦想的自信。)5. My mom"s selflessness and sacrifices remind me of the unconditional love that a mother has for her child. (含义:我的妈妈的无私和牺牲让我深刻体会到母爱的无条件之爱。)
2023-06-14 10:43:292


ache的意思是疼痛;痛苦。疼痛,痛苦是一种令人不快的感觉和情绪上的感受,伴有实质上的或潜在的组织损伤,它是一种主观感受。近义词有难过、痛楚、困苦、疾苦、剧痛、伤痛、悲痛、伤悲。ache的复数是aches、第三人称单数是aches、现在分词是aching、过去式是ached、过去分词是ached。短语搭配有stomach ache胃痛;胃疼;肚子疼、ache for渴望;深切同情;哀怜、dull ache减轻疼痛、back ache背痛、feel ache感到疼痛、ache cause疼痛原因等等。ache的例句1、He had begun to fake a bad stomach ache.他开始假装胃部剧痛。2、After a heavy day,I"ve got a bit of an ache in my legs.忙了一天,我的两腿有点儿发酸。3、I feel uncomfortable all over./I ache all over.我浑身感到难受。4、She felt a dull ache in her shoulder.她感到肩胛隐约作痛。5、The ache abated/diminished./The pain eased.疼痛减轻了。6、I"m sorry but I have to see my doctor because I"ve got stomach ache.对不起,我得去看医生,因为我胃痛。7、The ache in her head worsened.她的头痛加剧了。8、It is necessary for us to give the patients ache enough humanities concern.对病人的疼痛,我们有必要给予足够的人文关怀。9、Don"t let the digestion of these facts bring on a stomach ache,though.但是不要因为消化这些事实而让你肚子疼,虽然事实如此。10、His expression changed,softened and saddened by the subtle ache in my voice.他的神情改变了,变得柔和起来,也因为我声音里那种微微的痛苦而悲伤起来。
2023-06-14 10:43:491