barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-14 12:20:54

1、This machine is very easy to use. ______ can learn to use it in a very short time.

A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Nobody D. Few people

2、More and more people in the world enjoy _____now.

A. swim B. swimming C. to swim D. swims

3、When"s your birthday? It"s ______January. What would you like _____ a birthday present? I would like a bike.

A. on for B. in as C. on, with D. in with

4.It is an __________day , we are all very_____________.

A. excited, exciting B. exciting , exciting C. exciting ,excited D. excited ,excited

5.There is ______ new student in my class . ________ new student is _______ English boy.

A. a ,An, an B. a The ,a C. a, The ,an D. a ,A, the

6. There are about six bridges over Yangtze River in Jiangsu. One is for trains, __________ are all for cars and tricks.

A. the other B. the others C. another five D. Others

7. I _____tired yesterday, so I ________ go shopping with her.

A. am, don"t B. was, am not C. was, didn"t D. am, am not

8. We are in the same class .Let"s ______ good friends .

A. am B. are C. is D. be

9.September 10th is _________ Day.

A. the Teacher"s B Teacher"s C the Teachers" D Teachers"

10.I can speak English ________, I am ______ at it.

A. good, well B. good, good C. well, well D. well, good


Do you like to shop on the Internet? Things online are very cheap. I often get ____1____ online. Let me tell you how to buy one when i want to know something about a book. Firstly, I write an e-mail to the online shop. Then they will ____2___ me some pictures of the book. I think this is very helpful.

Online shops are _____3____ open. I can do shopping even at midnight if I want to . Real shops usually close _____4_____ nine o"clock in the evening.

After you ____5___ the online shopkeeper what you want, you can have your things in a few days. When you go shopping in a shopping mall, you have to talk ____6____ with the shopkeeper and walk a lot. I don"t like it, because i get tired _____7____.

I am teaching my grandmother ___8___ online. She cannot walk very far(远). ___9____ it is easy for her to shop online. My brother wants to learn how to do it too. He is very _____10____ most of the time. When he has a little free time, he can shop online. So you see, shopping online saves time.

1. A. shoes B. books C. food D. toys

2. A. tell B. show C. give D. sell

3. A. sometimes B. often C. always D. usually

4. A. in B. on C. at D. for

5. A. spend B. pay C. cost D. buy

6. A. a lot of B. much C. lots of D. many

7. A. easy B. easily C. happy D. happily

8. A. why to shop B. where to shop C. how to shop D. when to shop

9. A. because B. for C. so D. but

10. A. healthy B. free C.lazy D. busy



Easter (复活节) is one of the main Christian festivals. Easter celebrates the resurrection (复活) of Jesus Christ . It starts usually in late March or early April and the Easter holiday is Friday ,Saturday ,Sunday and Monday .It"s quite a long holiday for everybody . The main symbols (象征物)of Easter are Easter eggs because they mean new life .Children like Easter eggs because they are made of chocolate. Easter is also a time for families to get together like what they do at Christmas .Many people see Easter as a nice long holiday and they have a good time with their families and friends.

1、Many people love Easter because it"s a long holiday .

2、Easter is the day when everybody gets their resurrection.

3、People usually celebrate Easter in mid-March or late March.

4、Easer eggs are covered by chocolate.

5、From the passage ,we know that Jesus Christ was born at Easter.


Children all like to play with snow at Christmas. But the climate(气候)is changing quickly. The weather in winters is getting warmer and warmer. And it doesn"t snow in some places in southern England. Sometimes it"s hard for children there to have a white Christmas. Many children want to have snow to play with.

But the children in a hospice(收容所)get a big surprise. They have a white Christmas. A rich man called Chris Hopkins bought 10,000 kilos of snow on the Internet for them.

Mr Hopkins said, "The children here are unhappy. They are too young but they have no father or mother to look after them. All children enjoy Christmas with snow and presents. I feel very happy when I find the snow brings smiles to their faces.

1. Mr Chris Hopkins __________.

A. is a rich man B. is a kind old man C. often visits hospices D. often buys things

2. The children in the hospice are nut happy because ___________.

A. They are too young B. They have no father or mother with them

C. They have no snow to play with D. They don"t money to buy presents

3. Mr Chris Hopkins bought snow __________.

A. In a shopping mall B. On the Internet

C. From Father Christmas D. From northern England

4. The word change in the first line(行)is __________ in Chinese.

A. 零花钱 B. 改变 C. 下降 D. 移动

5. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. It doesn"t snow in northern England these years.

B. The climate doesn"t change much in England. .

C. "A white Christmas" is a Christmas with snow.

D. Mr Hopkins likes to play with snow.


Carl is a good boy. He lives in a small house with his family in London. He is eighteen and he is a student of a middle school. But he works after school every day. He has a part-time job. He helps at a big restaurant. Carl gets up at six in the morning. He doesn"t like to get up so early. But his first class begins at half past seven. He usually has some bread, an egg an apple or banana for his breakfast. His mother wants him to have a big breakfast. After that, he and his young sister, Tina, go to school. Carl is at school from half past seven to twelve. He has lunch at a quarter past twelve with his good friend Tim. Carl has a little break at noon. In the afternoon, he works. There"re many customers in his restaurant at lunch and super time and Cark likes to help them. After supper, he helps his parents clean the dishes in the kitchen. Then he studies in his bedroom. He doesn"t watch TV. He goes to bed at about eleven thirty at midnight. He must be very tired.

1. Carl is _____________.

A. a waiter in a small restaurant B. a worker C. a good teacher at school D. a student.

But he helps in a restaurant after school.

2. Carl______________.

A. works in a small restaurant B. Lives in a small school

C. Studies in a small school D. Lives in a big city

3. Which of the following sentences is true?

A. Carl likes to have many things for his breakfast.

B. Carl"s mother works in a restaurant.

C. Tina is Carl"s young sister. She is a student, too.

D. Carl"s father doesn"t do anything at home

4. Carl studies at school_____ a day.

A. four hours B. one hour C. four hours and a half D. four hours and a quarter

5. Which of the following sentences is true?

A.Carl likes to work in the restaurant.

B.Carl studies at school in the daytime and works in the evening.

C.Carl has lunch with his sister and has supper with his family.

D. After a day"s study and work, Carl goes to bed early.


Luckily(幸运地) We Live Upstairs(楼上)

Mr. Baker worked in a small town. Two weeks ago his friends helped him to find work in New York. So he and his wife were going to a building in the big city. Mr. Baker wanted to live in a room on the first floor and he could go for a walk by the beautiful garden after supper. But his wife hoped to live on the second floor.

“There is enough sunlight, I think. And we can watch the flowers in the garden by the windows,” said the woman.

Mr. Baker thought she was right and agreed with her.

It was Saturday. All their friends came to help them. They were tired but Mrs. Baker got nice food for them already. They held a party. They ate and drank a lot. Then they sang and danced. It lasted a long time.

Suddenly the telephone rang. Mrs. Baker went to answer it. Then she said to her husband proudly (自豪地), “Luckily you"ve listened to me! The men downstairs complained on the telephone that the noise we are making makes them not fall asleep.

1. Mr. and Mrs. Baker moved to the building in New York because _________

A. it"s a big city. B. they liked to live there.

C. Mr. Baker found work there. D. he lost his job in the town.

2. Mrs. Baker hoped to live on the second floor because_____________

A. it was dirty on the first floor.

B. she didn"t like walking after supper.

C. It has much noise(噪音) on the first floor.

D. She liked the sunlight and flowers.

3. Mrs. Baker got nice food ready because ________________

A. their friends helped her husband to find work here.

B. their friends helped them to move to the building.

C. she was a good cook.

D. it was her birthday that day.

4. That night the Bakers and their friends were all _____________

A. sorry B. happy C. unhappy D. sad

5. The men downstairs couldn"t fall asleep(入睡) because _____________

A. they weren"t tired at all. B. they didn"t feel well

C. they didn"t know what happed upstairs.

D. the Bakers and their friends made a lot of noise upstairs.


四、词汇: (每空1分,共20分)


1、 Jim"s Parents are doctors, my parents are . (农夫).

2、 My birthday"s on the (第五) of February.

3、 How many (猴子) does the zoo have?

4、 David has a really big family and he has a lot of (叔叔).

5、 Ben"s (爱好) is collecting stamps.

6、 My sister likes speaking American English, but she also speaks (英国的) English well.

7、 In summer, my brother sometimes (捉) dragonflies, but it"s difficult for him.

8、 In our opinion, the (形状) of most books is rectangle.

9..----I can"t learn English well.

----You don"t read enough. You should do more reading.

10----What are you going to do this Sunday?

----I am going shopping with my friends. It must be fun to walk in shopping malls

11. —Why don"t you one more cake?(eat)

—But I"m full.

12.It"s seven. Jack breakfast with his parents. (have)

13.Our class is than yours. (big)

14.It a lot in Nanjing in summer, so it is often wet here .(rain)

15、Please help them (they) do some housework.

16. I have no homework this afternoon. How about (fly) kites in the park?

17. Jim is good at PE. He gets up early and (do) some sports every morning.

19、Look! One of the children is (swim)in the lake.

20、Lily is much (young) than Betty.

21、Is (eat) too much good or bad for your body ?

22. —— (be) there any milk and bread on the table over there?

——Sorry, I can"t see clearly.

23.Hurry up, Jack! It"s time for (have) breakfast now.

24.-----Where"s Daddy? ---- He is in the kitchen . (cook)

25.Don"t forget (take ) the medicine, Nancy.

26.Miss Gao wants me to read the words (loud) in class.


1. —Would you like us? (你愿意加入我们吗?)


2.— money is there in the purse?(钱包里有多少钱?)

—A lot. You can buy many things.

3.Days longer now, so we have more time in the day now. (白天变长了,所以我们白天里有更多的时间)

4.I took lots of photos in HK last week and I will them to my friends. (我上周在香港拍了很多照片,我要给我的朋友们看)

5.—Here"s a letter for you, Jane.(这儿有你的一封信,Jane.)

—Thanks a lot.

6. 这只玩具老虎是我的妹妹的,请把它给她。

This toy tiger is my sister"s. Please it to her.

7. 他喜欢听音乐和做飞机模型。

He likes listening to music and model planes.

8. 这个图标的意思是“不要喧哗”。

The sign means "Don"t make any noise."


What fruit do you like best, apples, oranges or bananas?

10. Sandy 游泳比你慢吗?

Does Sandy swim slower than you?

11. Jim上周五花了一个小时开车去公司。

It was Jim an hour to went to his company last Friday.

12. 每天做眼保健操对你的眼睛是有好处的。

eye exercises is good for your eyes.

六、根据你的实际情况回答问题。 (每题2分,共10分)

1.What do you think of (认为) your parents?

2.What does PRC mean in Chinese?

3.Do you like spring or summer? Why?

4.把John is 11 years old.和I am 11 years old.合并成一句话.

5.The missing letter is .




6.用father, sleep, run, weekend造一个句子.

7.What do you do with the Internet?

8.If you want a hamburger in the KFC, what will you say?

9.What did you do on Mother"s Day this year?




Do you like French ________(fry).

The are _____(lot) of trees in the forst.

Jack is a good ______(run)











He_______peter Gray

It________my book

I _______twelve



easer 和driver 是一类词吗?

不是。eraser 橡皮,是学习用品driver 司机,是职业。
2023-06-14 09:26:541

this easer is no good这句话对吗?

可以说This eraser is not good.
2023-06-14 09:27:027


2023-06-14 09:27:161


2023-06-14 09:27:2513

FLEX4里面 MOVE组件 里的easer怎么设置???为什么看教程有easingFunction属性而FLEX4没有呢

这个需要在脚本当中引用也就是说在Script 当中你先把它导入进来 ,用import 找到你的位置就成了 这个具体位置你自己找一下吧, 有问题可以直接hi我老鸟飘过...........
2023-06-14 09:27:491


2023-06-14 09:28:006


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2023-06-14 09:28:3313


你的橡皮是什么样?What"s your eraser like?
2023-06-14 09:29:322


他有一块橡皮。英语肯定句为:He has an eraser。
2023-06-14 09:29:414

Friends like you to make it a lot easer to get along in a new place.是什么意思?

楼上的翻译正确,我不抢分了不过纠正个错误,如果你只贴出了一半那就算了,这句话该是:A friend like you makes it a lot easer to get along in a new place或者Friends like you make it a lot easer to get along in a new place简单的说就是to是多余的....
2023-06-14 09:29:501


2023-06-14 09:30:019


格式化了硬盘,还可以恢复数据吗?其实,不小心误删了文件,都是自动放入回收站的,有时候后悔了,还直接从回收站还原。因为在操作和使用电脑时,我们经常会不小心误删除文件,并且也会顺手把电脑回收站进行清空处理。那么对于这种现象来说,当文件清空删除后,我们又该如何恢复呢?怎样才能找回回收站误删除的文件呢?下面“嗨格式数据恢复大师”就为大家介绍下,相关回收站文件删除的技巧!对于回收站所删除的文件来说,一般也都是永久删除的文件,而此时要想找回其中文件的话,比较简单的方法也就是借助专业的数据恢复软件进行扫描和修复。具体操作步骤如下:1. 打开电脑,搜索“嗨格式数据恢复大师”,找到对应官网进行下载安装。1. 打开软件,根据自己的需要选择对应的恢复模式。2、点击下方“开始扫描”即可自动对回收站所删除的文件进行快速扫描。3、等待扫描结束后,也就可按照文件路径,或者文件类型,两种形式,依次选择我们所需要恢复的文件,并点击下方“恢复”选项即可自动进行文件的恢复。以上就是关于电脑回收站文件删除后数据恢复的相关方法介绍,相信大家也都有了一定的了解,为了能够找回我们所误删除的文件,当数据丢失后,也就需要及时停止对丢失数据的磁盘进行读写,避免数据被覆盖丢失。
2023-06-14 09:30:212

4.Nevertheless, while you cannot expect to gain a good command of English without 语法现象?

回答:句1. 根据陈述内容,本句是陈述句;根据句子结构,本句是主从复合句,其结构是:让步状语从句(while… work)+主句(there are … strategies)+定语从句(you can emloy)+定语不定式(to make …easer)。 句2. 本句是倒装句,其结构是:Here +系动词are+主语some of them。
2023-06-14 09:30:313

如何清洗Crocs鞋 3种方法来清洗Crocs鞋

目录方法1:清洗Crocs橡胶鞋1、用自来水把Crocs鞋冲洗干净。2、在桶里倒入温水和中性洗涤剂。3、鞋子要浸在桶或者水槽中的溶液里刷洗。4、用抹布或刷子擦或者刷去污垢。5、用普通或者知名品牌的魔法清洁海绵除去顽固污垢。6、把鞋子冲洗干净,彻底晾干。方法2:清洁冬款Crosc鞋的内衬1、选择具有吸附性的粉末除去污垢。2、将粉末散在毛绒内衬上。3、静置三个小时,然后将粉末抖掉。4、必要的话,将羊皮内衬送去干洗。5、如果不想干洗,就用手洗内衬。Crocs鞋适合平日里穿着,因为舒适轻便的特点而广受欢迎。当你穿着Crocs在花园里劳作,在郊外徒步,或者在雨中玩耍过后,都得把鞋子重新清洗干净。只要用到洗涤剂和水,你的Crocs鞋就能很快变得光洁如新。方法1:清洗Crocs橡胶鞋1、用自来水把Crocs鞋冲洗干净。在仔细清洁之前,先用自来水将橡胶材质的Crocs鞋冲洗一下。这个步骤能够去除鞋子表层的灰尘,方便稍后进行局部刷洗。2、在桶里倒入温水和中性洗涤剂。准备一种性质温和的洗衣液或洗碗液,往装有温水的桶里加上一点。你也可以把洗脸槽的排水孔堵上,在水槽里清洗Crocs鞋。注意洗涤剂和水要彻底搅匀。温水有助于瓦解污垢。含刺激性化学成分的清洁剂会损坏Crocs鞋,而使用性质温和的清洁剂不会造成这种后果。如果你的Crocs鞋特别脏,就将装漂白剂的容器盖子拧下来,倒满一盖子漂白剂倒入水中搅匀。3、鞋子要浸在桶或者水槽中的溶液里刷洗。搅出泡泡后,把Crocs鞋放入桶或水槽中浸泡。鞋子不用提前浸泡,只要刷的时候保证鞋子一直浸在水里就可以了。4、用抹布或刷子擦或者刷去污垢。趁着鞋子浸在水里的功夫用刷子或抹布开始擦拭污垢。这个过程可能需要花费几分钟,具体时间还得看鞋子到底有多脏。将牙刷伸到鞋子里,刷洗透气孔或其它普通刷子接触不到的缝隙。刷完鞋子的牙刷只能继续用于家中的日常清洁。5、用普通或者知名品牌的魔法清洁海绵除去顽固污垢。如果鞋子上还有洗不去的污垢,你可以试试清洁先生魔法海绵(Mr. Clean Magic Easer)。这种产品专门针对顽固污渍设计,只要用水浸湿就可使用。市面上还有一些普通牌子的类似产品,价格虽然便宜很多但效果一样好。所以只要用魔法清洁海绵不停摩擦污渍,污渍最后就会消失。你可以在大多数药店、商场或超市买到清洁先生魔法海绵和其它类似产品。如果实体店买不到,你还可以去网上订购。6、把鞋子冲洗干净,彻底晾干。当Crocs鞋上的污垢全部擦拭干净后,接着你需要用干净的冷水把鞋冲洗一遍。你可以用毛巾把鞋擦干,也可以让鞋子自然风干。如果你选择晾干,把鞋放在太阳下晾几个小时就可以了。如果时间太长,高温会令鞋子受损。方法2:清洁冬款Crosc鞋的内衬1、选择具有吸附性的粉末除去污垢。如果Crocs鞋的内衬是羊皮材质的,并且上面有轻微的污垢或者异味,你可以找一种颜色和内衬接近,具有吸附性的粉末。这种粉末能吸附内衬上所有的污垢和油脂,同时除去难闻的臭味。玉米粉、干燕麦片和小麦胚芽等粉末都是有效的吸附剂。因为它们都是中性色,所以可用来清洁大多内衬。如果Cocs鞋子的内衬是染色的,那么盐或者小苏打是更理想的吸附剂。2、将粉末散在毛绒内衬上。粉末一定要均匀地覆盖所有内衬。用手翻转鞋子,让粉末从不同的角度覆盖内衬。盐不像其它粉末能够轻易附着在内衬上,所以用用盐作为吸附剂时,你需要多撒一些才能有效果。3、静置三个小时,然后将粉末抖掉。大约三小时后你就可以将鞋子里的粉末抖掉了。你最好站在垃圾桶旁,水槽旁,或者去室外抖掉粉末。如果内衬里还有粉末,就用手持式小型吸尘器或者普通吸尘器的软管将粉末吸掉。用钢丝羊毛刷将内衬刷蓬松。注意要朝一个方向刷,这样可防止羊皮卷曲。4、必要的话,将羊皮内衬送去干洗。洗过的羊皮内衬会在外观上发生一些变化,所以要尽量少用水洗内衬。如果内衬真的很脏,建议你将鞋子交给干洗店的专业人员处理,这样能尽量维持内衬原有的质地。5、如果不想干洗,就用手洗内衬。如果羊皮内衬真的脏到不行,而你又不想把鞋子送去干洗,那就只有手洗了。注意水洗过的内衬看起来和之前会有不同。先将羊皮专业洗涤剂和温水混合,然后把内衬浸泡在混合液里,接着将内衬在装有清水的桶里清洗干净,最后挂起来晾干。羊皮内衬需要一两天才能晾干。用手将浸泡在混合液中的羊皮内衬搅动几下,这样有助于除去污垢。
2023-06-14 09:30:401


2023-06-14 09:32:011

some people beileve_ is easer for small countries to become strong and rch than for large_

B believe it 后面接了一个同位语从句 其实应该是believe it that..(that在这里省略了) 另外,由后面的is可以知道,前面应该填one,而不是ones
2023-06-14 09:32:091


2023-06-14 09:32:314


2023-06-14 09:32:481

有没有一篇关于study abroad的英语作文,要有介绍study abroad优缺点的。

As we all know, there are many parents have their children sent to study abroad in recent years. In my opinion, the advantage of studying abroad is much more than the disadvantage.First of all, studying abroad can broaden our horizon .We can have a better understanding of foreign culture if we experience by ourselves .Second, our ability will be improved as a result of studying abroad, such as a good knowledge of a foreign language, the ability of independence and communication, etc. Besides, from the aspect of job-hunting, it will be easer for a person who has an experience of studying abroad to find a good job at home.In a word, despite the existence of disadvantage, studying abroad leads to a better future, and I think more awareness should be attached to the merits but not the demerits of studying abroad.
2023-06-14 09:32:562


4,his parents played a part in his success.5, set down your score and add them together, and we will know who is the winner6, please be careful when crossing the road.
2023-06-14 09:33:033

1.they keep the secret to themselves.请问这句译成他们保守这个秘密,可 themselves.不是没译出来吗?

e secret to themselves.请问这句译成他们保守这个秘密,可 themselves.不是没译出来吗?1 分钟前dxd720214 | 分类:英语翻译 | 浏览2次2.Peter speaks (pretty good ) English , but of course not as well as me, for i am (a native speaser.) 译括号里面的3.i thought he was younger( he seems to be in his twenties.)译括号里面的4.Luckily , no one got hurt.请问got hurt是什么语法, hurt本身就是动词呀? are you going ,buddy? () ,the hot
2023-06-14 09:33:282

哪位可以帮忙翻译下 土木工程专业英语的一段话.感谢,紧急.

2023-06-14 09:33:443


商务英语短语词组   商务英语证书考试(BEC)由中英双方合办。英国剑桥大学考试委员会负责命题,阅卷,颁发证书。为了帮助大家,我整理了一些商务英语短语词汇,希望能帮到大家!   商务英语词汇【1】   1. I have seen worse 我见过更糟的"   I have never seen a worse case of mouth disease.   2. in advance 提前   It"s a really nice apartment. But the owners want two-month rent in advance and I just don "t have it.   3. in case 万一   Let"s take our suits along in case the sun comes out.   4. in next to no time 马上   A: Are you going to be using the copying machine long?   B: I"ll be through in next to no time.   5. in the red 赤字   Jack often runs his father"s company in the red.   6. in the works 正在准备阶段   An advanced course in theoretical chemistry is the works.   7. keep to oneself 只有自己知道   But one tried to put a good face on it and keep them to oneself.   8. kill time 浪费时间   Gosh. what can we do to kill the next 10 hours?   9. leave…up to somebody 把……留给某人   We"ll have to leave the decision up to him.   商务英语词汇【2】   1. letter of recommendation 推荐信   I think I deserve a letter of recommendation.   2. look on the bright sides of things 看事物的光明面   Don"t be worried, you should always look on the bright side of things.   3. no kidding 不是开玩笑吧   No kidding! He was only getting at you.   4. on the tip of one"s tongue 就在舌尖   A: Are you sure you can"t remember the name of that record?   B: It"s just on the tip of my tongue!   5. quitting time 下课时间   I"m glad it"s almost quitting time.   6. take it over 重修   Don failed physics and had to take it over.   7. than necessary 比应该的要冷   The lab was cooler than necessary.   8. That"s easer said than done. 说来容易做来难   We talk about reducing our costs, but it"s easier said than done.   9. There is nothing to it. 没什么,很容易   I can run this projector. There"s really nothing to it.   10. with flying colors 成功   A: How did Ellen do on her American History exam?   B: She passed with flying colors.   11. You can bet your life 当然   A: Will Prof. Smith come to class on time?   B: You can bet your life.   商务英语词汇【3】   1. a change of pace 节奏变换   You can"t do these chemistry experiments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace.   2. a far cry from 相距甚远   The published book is far cry from the early manuscript.   3. and how 的确   A: She"s a good dancer.   B: and how.   4. a matter of time 时间问题   It is only a matter of time.   5. a phone call away 一个电话之远,愿意过来帮忙   If you need my help. do let me know. Just remember I am a phone call away.   6. a while back 不久以前   We had a good rain a while back,but we need more now.   7. all along 一直   I knew it all along.   8. anything but 绝对不   I was anything but happy about going.   9. account for 解释   How do you account for it?   10. after all 到底   A: I"ve just seen the X-rays and your teeth look just fine.   B: I see. Then there is nothing to worry about after all.   商务英语词汇【4】   1. allergic to 对……过敏   Oh man! Something in this room is making my eyes itch, I must be allergic to something.   2. at sb"s service 愿为某人服务   I am at your service at any time.   3. around the clock 24小时不停   Martha studied around the clock for management exam.   4. as far as I know 就我所知   As far as I know, we will have a test next Monday.   5. at home with 对…..很熟悉   She is at home with problems like this.   6. back out   1) 退出   A: Wasn"t Bert supposed to sing tonight?   B: Yes. but he backed out at last minute   2) 不履行   She finally backed out of her promise.   7. be cut out for 天生适合   I"m not cut out to be a hero.   8. be absorbed in 沉浸在……   She has been absorbed in a horror fiction. I can"t tear her away.   9. be addicted to 对……上瘾   She has been addicted to drugs for years.   10. be attached to 对……有感情   A: I"m amazed that you are still driving that old car of yours. I thought you would have gotten rid of it years ago.   B: It runs well and I"ve actually been quite attached to it.   商务英语词汇【5】   1. back up   1) 累积   The subway is running behind schedule. and traffic is backed up for blocks. I don"t know if we"ll make the 6:30 show.   2) 支持   I"ll back it up.   2. be bound for 到……地方   The bus is bound for New England.   3. be (feel) myself 找到自我   I"m feeling myself again.   4. be burned up 生气   She was really burned up at the news.   5. be hard up for 缺少   I"m hard up for clothes, but I have a lot of books.   6. be head and shoulders above 好许多   In calculus. Joe is head and shoulders above his classmates.   7. be in the dark 蒙在鼓里   A: Do you have any idea what his notice is about?   B: I"m as in the dark as you are.   8. be stuck 卡住了   I can"t get this window open. It"s stuck.   9. bite off more than one can chew 贪多嚼不烂   A: I hear you"re taking an advanced physics course this semester.   B: I think I"ve bitten off more than I can chew.   10. break new ground 有了新的突破   His architectural design broke new ground in the field.   商务英语词汇【6】   1. benefit concert 慈善音乐会   We need to let everyone know about the benefit concert, but we don"t have much money for advertising.   2. busy signal 占线   I"ve been calling David for the past half hour, but I keep getting a busy signal.   3.between you and me 你我之间,保密   Between you and me, I think he"s rather disloyal.   4. call for   A.打电话找   Tom just called for you.   B.预报   The forecast calls for heavy rain again tonight. Aren"t you glad we"ll be getting away from this for a week?   C.问   It"s probably in the new part of town. We"ll have to call for directions.   5. call it a day 就此结束   A: I"m really glad our club decides to raise money for the children"s hospital and most of the people we"ve phoned seemed happy to contribute.   B: Yeah. I agree. Now we"ve gone through all the numbers on our list now, so I guess we can call it a day.   6. cash the check 兑现支票   Have your sister cashed her paycheck?   7. clear off 收拾,整理   It"s about time we clear off the desk.   8. come down (雨,雪)下起来   The heavy rain is coming down. now.   9. come in first 比赛第一名   He came in first in the 100-metre dash.   商务英语词汇【7】   1. get on one"s nerve 招惹某人神经了   A: Why did you come to the meeting late? I left a message with your roommate about the time change.   B: She has a very short memory and it really gets on my nerve sometimes.   2. get started on 开始做   We should get started on the project.   3. get time off from work 从工作中抽时间   Oh. so she was able to get time off from the work.   4. give credibility to 相信   A: did you hear about Jim?   B: I wouldn"t give that rumor any credibility.   5. go easy on 温和对待   Well. since it"s your first and only ticket. the judge will probably go easy on you.   6. go in one ear and out the other 一耳朵进,一耳朵出   Well. you know Mike. everything"s in one ear and out the other.   7. go jogging 去跑步   Are you ready to go jogging?   8. go to one"s head 某人自负   A: Have you noticed how John"s changed since he became student government president?   B: I think the whole thing has gone to his head. and he used to be so sociable and open.   9. got the time 几点了   A: Got the time?   B: It"s a little after ten.   商务英语词汇【8】   1. graduation announcements 毕业典礼请柬   Have you ordered your graduation announcements?   2. graon about 抱怨   How come Michael"s always groaning about something?   3. guest lecturer 客座教授   The only person who understood the guest lecturer was the professor.   4. hand-me-down 送的东西   A: What a gorgeous jacket. It must have cost a fortune.   B: Not at all. It"s a hand-me-down.   5. hand down 易如反掌   Lee won the chess match hands down.   6. have a way with 擅长   Bonnie really has a way with words.   7. have had it with 处于   I"ve had it with being sick in bed. I"ve read most of these magazines twice.   8. head and shoulders above 高出许多   In computer programming. Susan is head and shoulders above the rest of us.   9. hit the spots 特别好   This lemonade sure hits the spots.   10. hold the grudge 记仇   A: I wish I hadn"t hurt Mary"s feelings like that. You know I never meant to.   B: The great thing about Mary is that she doesn"t hold the grudge. ;
2023-06-14 09:33:511

great ease than ever before的翻译

2023-06-14 09:34:1910


  中英文中丘吉尔有哪些经典语录呢?以下是我为你精心整理的经典丘吉尔中英文语录,希望你喜欢。  经典丘吉尔中英文语录精选   1) Good and great are seldom in the same man。 美德与伟大不能兼得。   2) My tastes are simple: I am easily satisfied with the best。要求不高,只求最好。   3) If you are going through hell, keep going。如果你感觉自己在走过地狱。走着别停。   4) History will be kind to me for I intend to write it。历史对我不错,因为都是我写的。   5) To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often。欲求新,则求变。欲求完美,求常变。   6) We are all worms, But I do believe that I am a glow worm。我们都是小虫。但我是发着光的小虫。   7) Life is fraught with opportunities to keep your mouth shut。生命中你有许多机会闭紧嘴巴。   8) Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have。健康的公民是国家最大的财富。   9) Success always demands a greater effort。成功总需要更多努力。   10) Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference。态度决定一切。   经典丘吉尔中英文语录最新   1) Never, never, never give in!永不,永不,永不屈服。   2) A joke is a very serious thing。开玩笑是件严肃的事情。   3) The price of greatness is responsibility。伟大的代价是责任。   4) History is written by the victors。历史由胜者书写。   5) You don"t make the poor richer by making the rich poorer。劫富无法济贫。   6) Doubts [can] be swept away only by deeds。怀疑只能由行动来回答。   7) Don"t interrupt me while I"m interrupting。我打断你的时候不许打断我!   8) Difficulties mastered are opportunities won。你克服的困难就是你争来的机会。   9) Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it。不学习历史的人注定要重复错误。   10) Money is like manure, its only good if you spread it around。钱就像肥料,广施才有效。   11) You create your own universe as you go along。走着走着,你会创造属于自己的小宇宙。   12) We are waiting for the long-promised invasion。 So are the fishes。我们等待入侵很久了。鱼也是。   13) Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm。成功就是不断失败不失信心。   14) When you get a thing the way you want it, leave it alone。如果事情运转良好。让它转着。   15) When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite。 就算你要杀人,礼貌也伤不着你。   16) We make a living by what we get。 We make a life by what we give。我们靠赚钱生存。我们靠给予生活。   17) No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism。最可怕的事情就是不容忍的乌托邦。   18) The malice of the wicked was reinforced by the weakness of the virtuous。美德的软弱就是对邪恶的支援。   19) A small lie needs a bodyguard of bigger lies to protect it。一句谎话需要无数更大的谎话来遮掩。   20) it is the people who control the Government, not the Government the people。我们是主人,公仆是仆人。   经典丘吉尔中英文语录集锦   1) I never worry about action, but only about inaction。我从不担心行动的危险,我更担心不行动的危险。   2) Although prepared for martyrdom, I prefer that it be postponed。虽然我准备好成仁了,但这事赶晚不赶早。   3) The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see。越是往后反省,越看得清前方。   4) Always remember, that I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me。我欠酒多,酒欠我少。   5) He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire。 他的美德我都不喜欢。我喜欢的坏他也都没有。   6) There is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at with no result。世界上最刺激的事莫过于被打了一枪,子弹歪了。   7) A fanatic is one who can"t change his mind and won"t change the subject。神经病就是既不肯听劝又不肯换个话题。   8) My conclusion on Freewill and predestination- they are identical。我对自由意志和先验宿命的理解:它们是一样的。   9) An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last。求和者就是希望鳄鱼最后一个吃自己的人。   10) All of the great empires of the future will be empires of the mind。从今往后,所有的帝国都是思想的帝国。   11) Study history, study history。 In history lies all the secrets of statecraft。学历史,学历史。历史里藏着一切的智慧。   12) There is no time for ease and comfort。 It is the time to dare and endure。现在不是轻松舒适的时候。现在是大胆和忍耐的时候。   13) The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes。人生最重要的一课就是:傻子有时候也是对的。   14) We are still masters of our fate。We are still captains of our souls。我们仍然是我们命运的主人,我们仍然是我们灵魂的主宰。   15) We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out。我们是没说出的话的主人。我们是说出的话的努力。   16) However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results。不管战略多美妙,偶尔看看结果如何很重要。   17) Broadly speaking, the short words are the best, and the old words best of all。 简短的词是最好的,又短又古老的词最最好。   18) This paper, by its very length, defends itself from ever being read。这份文件通过它的长度成功保卫了自己不被阅读的权利。   19) Personally, I"m always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught。我时刻准备着学习,但是我不喜欢别人给我上课。   20) If we open a quarrel between past and present, we shall find that we have lost the future。 如果我们让过去和现在争吵,我们将失去未来。   21) Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts。成功不要紧,失败不致命。继续前行的勇气,才最可贵。   22) It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we must do what is required。仅仅做到我们的最好是不够的,有时候我们得达到要求。。   23) To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years。 To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day。破坏容易建设难。   24) We can always count on the Americans to do the right thing, after they have exhausted all the other possibilities。我们相信美国会做正确的事。当然,是在她尝尽其他一切可能之后。   25) Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary。 It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body。 It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things。忠言逆耳利于行。就像疼痛提醒你哪里病变一样。   26) The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; theinherent vice of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries。资本主义的邪恶在于不公平的幸福分配。涉汇煮意的美德在于公平享受痛苦。   27) We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle。一个通过征税求繁荣的国家就好像一个缩在桶里想把自己提起来的人。   28) When I am abroad, I always make it a rule never to criticize or attack the government of my own country。 I make up for lost time when I come home。只要我人在国外,我绝不攻击本国的正辅。等回去我再补回来。   29) All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope伟大的事情总是简单,最伟大的事情只有一个词:自游,正义,荣誉,责任,仁慈,希望。   30) Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery。涉汇煮意是一种失败的哲学,无知的原则,嫉妒的教条。它的好处是能平等地分享痛苦。   31) The whole history of the world is summed up in the fact that, when nations are strong, they are not always just, and when they wish to be just, they are no longer strong。世界历史可以这样 总结 :强国总行不义。等到他们醒悟了,他们不已经不再强了。   32) I felt as if I were walking with destiny, and that all my past life had been but a preparation for this hour and for this trialu2026u2026 I thought I knew a good deal about it all, I was sure I should not fail。我感到自己在与命运同行。过去所有的生命不过为这一刻准备。我准备好了,我必将成功。   33) Before you can inspire with emotion, you must be swamped with it yourself。 Before you can move thier tears, your own must flow。 To convince them, you must yourself, believe。在以情动人前,你自己要先被打动。在你催人泪下前,你自己要热泪盈眶。在你以理服人前,你自己要坚信不疑。   34) Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people"s idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage.大家都爱言论自游。但有些人对言论自游的理解是,我想说就说,但你说我不喜欢的话就无法容忍。   35) Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential。无限的努力是打开潜能的关键---而不是实力与头脑。   36) If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law。如果你指定一万条规章,你就摧毁了所有对法律的尊重。   37) A prisoner of war is a man who tries to kill you and fails, and then asks you not to kill him。战俘就是那个杀你失败然后求你别杀他的人。   38) A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on。谎言环游全球的时候,真相还没穿好裤子。   39) Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip。圆滑就是能让人满怀憧憬的走向地狱。   40) For myself I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use to be anything else。我本人是个乐观主义者,因为做别的貌似没什么用。   41) I am fond of pigs。 Dogs look up to us。 Cats look down on us。 Pigs treat us as equals。我喜欢猪。狗崇拜人类。猫鄙视人类。猪对我们一视同仁。   42) The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter。反对民煮最好的论据就是与一个普通选民五分钟的谈话。   43) There are a terrible lot of lies going around the world, and the worst of it is half of them are true。世界上已经有太多谎言,不幸的是,它们一半都是真的。   44) You have enemies? Good。 That means you"ve stood up for something, sometime in your life。你有敌人?很好。这说明在你的生命中的某个时刻,你曾经呐喊过。   45) They say that nobody is perfect。 Then they tell you practice makes perfect。 I wish they"d make up their minds。据说人无完人。又据说磨练出完美。你们对下词好吗?   46) If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favorable reference to the devil in the House of Commons。如果希特勒入侵了地狱,我也会在议会里夸奖魔鬼几句。   47) I am ready to meet my Maker。 Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter。我准备好见上帝了。上帝准没准备好见我还很难说。   48) Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen。勇气是能站起来侃侃而谈。勇气也是能坐下来静静倾听。   49) A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty。悲观主义者在每个机会里看到困难。乐观主义者在每个困难里看到机会。   50) A love for tradition has never weakened a nation, indeed it has strengthened nations in their hour of peril。 热爱传统从来没有削弱过一个国家。传统就是生死时刻用来救命的。   51) Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened。人经常被真相困扰。但是大多数人装作没看见就走了。   52) Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved。命运不靠机缘,而是靠你的抉择。命运不是等来的,而是争来的。经典丘吉尔中英文语录相关 文章 : 1. 丘吉尔经典英文名言 2. 丘吉尔经典语录大全 3. 英文经典名言名句 4. 乔布斯经典语录中英文版 5. 丘吉尔名人名言经典语录 6. 50句唯美英文励志语录 7. 经典英文名人名言摘抄 8. 50条中英文名言名句经典摘抄
2023-06-14 09:34:451


  丘吉尔被认为是20世纪最重要的政治领袖之一,在2002年BBC调查中获选为有史以来最伟大的英国人。下面我为大家带来丘吉尔经典英文 名言 ,欢迎大家阅读!  丘吉尔经典英文名言   success always demands a greater effort。成功总需要更多努力。   attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference。态度决定一切。   never, never, never give in!永不,永不,永不屈服。   a joke is a very serious thing。开玩笑是件严肃的事情。   the price of greatness is responsibility。伟大的代价是责任。   history is written by the victors。历史由胜者书写。   you don"t make the poor richer by making the rich poorer。劫富无法济贫。   doubts [can] be swept away only by deeds。怀疑只能由行动来回答。   don"t interrupt me while i"m interrupting。我打断你的时候不许打断我!   difficulties mastered are opportunities won。你克服的困难就是你争来的机会。   good and great are seldom in the same man。 美德与伟大不能兼得。   my tastes are simple: i am easily satisfied with the best。要求不高,只求最好。   if you are going through hell, keep going。如果你感觉自己在走过地狱。走着别停。   history will be kind to me for i intend to write it。历史对我不错,因为都是我写的。   to improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often。欲求新,则求变。欲求完美,求常变。   丘吉尔 名言警句 欣赏带翻译   we are all worms, but i do believe that i am a glow worm。我们都是小虫。但我是发着光的小虫。   life is fraught with opportunities to keep your mouth shut。生命中你有许多机会闭紧嘴巴。   healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have。健康的公民是国家最大的财富。   those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it。不学习历史的人注定要重复错误。   money is like manure, its only good if you spread it around。钱就像肥料,广施才有效。   you create your own universe as you go along。走着走着,你会创造属于自己的小宇宙。   we are waiting for the long-promised invasion。 so are the fishes。我们等待入侵很久了。鱼也是。   success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm。成功就是不断失败不失信心。   when you get a thing the way you want it, leave it alone。如果事情运转良好。让它转着。   when you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite。 就算你要杀人,礼貌也伤不着你。   we make a living by what we get。 we make a life by what we give。我们靠赚钱生存。我们靠给予生活。   no folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism。最可怕的事情就是不容忍的乌托邦。   the malice of the wicked was reinforced by the weakness of the virtuous。美德的软弱就是对邪恶的支援。   a small lie needs a bodyguard of bigger lies to protect it。一句谎话需要无数更大的谎话来遮掩。   it is the people who control the government, not the government the people。我们是主人,公仆是仆人。   丘吉尔经典英文语录欣赏   i never worry about action, but only about inaction。我从不担心行动的危险,我更担心不行动的危险。   although prepared for martyrdom, i prefer that it be postponed。虽然我准备好成仁了,但这事赶晚不赶早。   the farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see。越是往后反省,越看得清前方。   always remember, that i have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me。我欠酒多,酒欠我少。   he has all the virtues i dislike and none of the vices i admire。 他的美德我都不喜欢。我喜欢的坏他也都没有。   there is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at with no result。世界上最刺激的事莫过于被打了一枪,子弹歪了。   a fanatic is one who can"t change his mind and won"t change the subject。神经病就是既不肯听劝又不肯换个话题。   my conclusion on freewill and predestination- they are identical。我对自由意志和先验宿命的理解:它们是一样的。   an appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last。求和者就是希望鳄鱼最后一个吃自己的人。   all of the great empires of the future will be empires of the mind。从今往后,所有的帝国都是思想的帝国。   study history, study history。 in history lies all the secrets of statecraft。学历史,学历史。历史里藏着一切的智慧。   there is no time for ease and comfort。 it is the time to dare and endure。现在不是轻松舒适的时候。现在是大胆和忍耐的时候。   the greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes。人生最重要的一课就是:傻子有时候也是对的。   we are still masters of our fate。we are still captains of our souls。我们仍然是我们命运的主人,我们仍然是我们灵魂的主宰。   we are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out。我们是没说出的话的主人。我们是说出的话的努力。   however beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results。不管战略多美妙,偶尔看看结果如何很重要。   broadly speaking, the short words are the best, and the old words best of all。 简短的词是最好的,又短又古老的词最最好。   this paper, by its very length, defends itself from ever being read。这份文件通过它的长度成功保卫了自己不被阅读的权利。   personally, i"m always ready to learn, although i do not always like being taught。我时刻准备着学习,但是我不喜欢别人给我上课。   if we open a quarrel between past and present, we shall find that we have lost the future。 如果我们让过去和现在争吵,我们将失去未来。 猜你喜欢: 1. 丘吉尔经典语录大全 2. 有关丘吉尔名人名言大全 3. 丘吉尔名人名言经典语录 4. 50条中英文名言名句经典摘抄 5. 100句英语名言
2023-06-14 09:34:541

特斯拉Model 3对比Model Y:哪个更值得买?

Model 3和Model Y,你应该选哪一个? 首先,如果“赛道”模式对您来说是必须选择的理由,那么Model 3 Performance性能版就是您唯一的选择。特斯拉发言人曾说过,并没有计划为Model Y Performance引入赛道模式。因此,这样如果您想要赛道模式,请不要再看到最后了,直接去选择Model 3 Performance。 根据埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的说法,完成订购只需要90秒的在线订购时间(如果您真的很快的话)。现在,对于那些尚未选择“赛道”模式的用户,作者则有机会体验到两种车型,并在两种车型的详细对比上指出一些差异化问题,以帮助您做出选择的决定。 外观 “将Model 3打造成 Q版赛车 尺寸的样子。” 当我亲眼看到Model Y车型时,这是我的第一印象。它看起来更像一个矮胖子版的Model 3,视觉上看起来它有点可爱。 这两辆特斯拉的外观非常相似,尤其是正面朝上看,您真的必须看到哪个更高,才能说哪一个是Model Y。 从侧面和后方看,你才能慢慢理解到,“哎呦喂……这是一款跨界车。” Model Y具有更高的车门门和尾箱门,并且总体看起来是一个圆润的蛋型,与另一款更大的特斯拉Model X很相似。 然而Model3具备标志性的轿车外观与轮廓,并且在门把手上采用镀铬装饰,从而让它更与众不同。前挡泥板侧面摄像头,以及很自然的前后包围。这些在Model Y车上都是黑色的,并带有额外的黑色轮拱。 延续其深色装饰主题风格,Model Y还标配了比Model 3深色的后车窗和后挡风隐私玻璃。原因是Model Y并没有任何遮罩帘或置物板在后行李箱里,因此深色的色调提供了一些私密性。 Model 3带有后尾箱的盖板,因此从外面也看不到行李箱这部分区域。在车身尺寸维度上,Model Y车型比Model 3都要大出一些:长2.2英寸(5.58mm),宽2.8英寸(7.11mm),高至少6.5英寸(16.51mm),以及多出的1.1英寸(2.79)离地间隙高度。 内饰 特斯拉官方称,Model 3与Model Y共享约70%的零件。所以我们也要聊聊室内设计。因为他们俩都拥有相同的简约室内布局,“实际根据笔者了解,特斯拉在车身结构上已经进一步优化,Model Y的车身有更多的一体式结构件,而Model 3上很多还是分体式结构。这种进化一部分是为了减轻车重,更多的是为了节省成本。” 在前仪表板上有长条木质装饰条(或白色装饰条还有黑和白内饰颜色供选择)。与Model 3一样,Model Y在方向盘前方也没有速度仪表盘。驾驶信息的显示都集成到与方向盘平行的15.0英寸中央触摸屏中。在屏幕下方是中控区域,储物空间上这两款车型拥有相同的布局。两个USB插头(前两个,后两个),都可以同时连接两部设备。 Model Y在手机储物格处标配了无线充电面板(但是却占据了一个前面的USB接口)。在Model 3上也是有这个配置的,但不是标准配置,也不能选配选配。只能在特斯拉官方商店中以配件的形式花费125美元购买。说到USB端口,Model Y是第一个使用USB-C接口的Tesla车型。前面有一个USB-C和一个标准USB-A,后面有两个USB-C接口。 目前,Model 3仅带有USB-A端口,但最终可能会适应新的端口,就像中国制造的Model 3一样。变成USB-C接口后,充电功率也可以从10W提高到了约26W。现在后排乘客可以继续玩他们的Nintendo Switch上的Animal Crossing无需担心电力耗尽。 当Model 3变成Q版赛车Choro-Q SUV时,它获得了更高的座椅位置和更多的内部空间。Model Y的12向电动可调节、前加热座椅配置与Model 3相同。 而且,它在座椅调节上,可以提供更高的座椅位置,这是大多数SUV购买者想要的。 第二排包括三个可以独立倾倒折叠的座椅,这使它更具实用性,适合SUV的U。Model 3具有60/40的布置,没有中间位置的椅背放倒。就宽敞性而言,Model 3和Model Y的前部大致相同。 第二排是可以看到明显差异的地方。与Model 3相比,Model Y的头部空间余量增加了1.7英寸(43.18mm),腿部空间增加了5.3英寸(134.62mm)。 货物装载 根据两辆电动 汽车 的用户手册显示,Model 3的标准行李箱空间为15立方英尺(425L),而Model Y在放倒后排座椅后预测可以容纳下68立方(1925升)行李箱空间。 特斯拉尚未宣布Model Y前排座椅之后的货物容积,并且也没有提供折叠后排座椅后的最大容积官方数据,所以要找出该数字可能是多少,我把一辆Model Y开到一个拥有Model 3的朋友的仓库里,这样可以方便装运一些货物。 但是,拥有后排座椅的Model 3仍具有很可观的载货量,并不像用户手册中的数据那么糟糕。话虽这么说,由于更高的门框,更高的车身和掀背车的布局,将货物装载到Model Y中比在Model 3中要容易得多。 (注意:我们没有在隐藏的行李箱中放入任何物品,这部分空间用来保留存放私人物品。值得注意的是Model Y的行李箱深度要比Model 3更深。) 空间对比 特斯拉的超级充电站网络和自动驾驶,让特斯拉成为驾驶在公路上去旅行和露营的理想电动车型。在特斯拉里面睡觉/露营(多人运动)已经成为特斯拉车主的一个小骄傲。有一家公司专门制造床垫已经开始制作适合特斯拉车型的套件。根据车主的需求进行定制,并且特斯拉还增加了“露营”模式,使得车辆在停车时仍可以维持空调运转、提供车内照明、 娱乐 系统和USB电源的供应。 这位媒体人还在Model 3这个“ 汽车 旅馆”里度过了一晚上。当在后排座椅放倒之后,在睡袋中睡觉时,将自己放置在车内空间的对角位置上,以便完全伸展开双腿。(测试者身高大约1.87cm) 然而在Model Y中,这是完全是另外一番景象。不仅有足够的空间可以完全躺平,并且还有足够的额外空间可以与另一个人共享。没有像Model 3 “ 汽车 旅馆”那样后排地板,这样车内的空间活动起来容易得多。 更值得一提的是,虽然Model 3和Model Y都具有全尺寸玻璃天窗,但是Model Y的却是一体式玻璃,没有任何中间接缝部分,因此可以在车里欣赏到完整的天空。从"露营车"来看,Model Y似乎比Model 3高级了不少。 驾驶 在行驶性能方面,Model 3和Model Y的行驶体验就非常相似。“胖胖”的Model Y带来的额外344磅(156KG)重量,只有在弯曲的道路上才能明显看到这些多余重量的存在。即使这样,最明显的区别还是在于SUV座椅较高的坐姿,让驾驶员可以明显感觉到多余的侧倾和车身很大的摆动幅度。 特斯拉似乎有意识在调教Model Y,使其像Model 3一样灵动,更像一辆轿车而不是SUV。同时,两辆车的加速度感受也非常相似,鉴于它们共享相同的动力总成系统,你在日常驾驶中将获得相同的特斯拉加速体验。 回到最初的问题,您应该购买哪一个? 除非您讨厌更高的座椅位置或对车辆存放高度有限制,或者说预算比较紧张,否则请选择Model Y。 Model Y可以提供Model 3可以提供的几乎所有功能,以及更多可利用空间和实用性。更不用说你可以躺在车厢后面,与你喜欢的人躺在一起,同时通过无接缝的全景天窗观看天空景色。喔!千万别忘了激活“浪漫模式”。(就是Easer蛋盘中的壁炉标志。) END...
2023-06-14 09:35:021

an easer对这划线部分进行提问

2023-06-14 09:35:112


  名人 经典语录 1   History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.   历史对我不错,因为都是我写的。   A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.   谎言环游全球的时候,真相还没穿好裤子。   Never, never, never give in!   永不,永不,永不屈服。   Sir, if you were my husband, I would poison your drink.   Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it.   Exchange between Lady Astor and Winston Churchill   阿斯特女士:如果你是我老公,我就在你酒里下毒。   丘吉尔:如果你是我老婆,我毫不犹豫喝下去。   For myself I am an optimist u2013 it does not seem to be much use to be anything else.   我本人是个乐观主义者,因为做别的貌似没什么用。   Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.   成功不要紧,失败不致命。继续前行的勇气,才最可贵。   A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.   悲观主义者在每个机会里看到困难。乐观主义者在每个困难里看到机会。   Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.   勇气是能站起来侃侃而谈。勇气也是能坐下来静静倾听。   You have enemies? Good. That means youu2018ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.   你有敌人?很好。这说明在你的生命中的某个时刻,你曾经呐喊过。   My tastes are simple: I am easily satisfied with the best.   要求不高,只求最好。   Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.   人经常被真相困扰。但是大多数人装作没看见就走了。   “If you are going through hell, keep going.   如果你感觉自己在走过地狱。走着别停。   Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.   圆滑就是能让人满怀憧憬的走向地狱。   Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.   成功就是不断失败不失信心。   I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.   我喜欢猪。狗崇拜人类。猫鄙视人类。猪对我们一视同仁。   A lady came up to me one day and said u2018Sir! You are drunku2018, to which I replied u2018I am drunk today madam, and tomorrow I shall be sober but you will still be ugly.   先生,你醉了。   女士,我今天是醉了。但明天我清醒了,你就要丑了。   A fanatic is one who canu2018t change his mind and wonu2018t change the subject.   神经病就是既不肯听劝又不肯换个话题。   It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we must do what is required.   仅仅做到我们的最好是不够的,有时候我们得达到要求。   Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.   命运不靠机缘,而是靠你的抉择。命运不是等来的,而是争来的。   We are all worms, But I do believe that I am a glow worm.   我们都是小虫。但我是发着光的小虫。   Continuous effort u2013 not strength or intelligence u2013 is the key to unlocking our potential.   无限的努力是打开潜能的关键—而不是实力与头脑。   The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes.   人生最重要的一课就是:傻子有时候也是对的。   We can always count on the Americans to do the right thing, after they have exhausted all the other possibilities.   我们相信美国会做正确的事。当然,是在她尝尽其他一切可能之后。   I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is Ppared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.   我准备好见上帝了。上帝准没准备好见我还很难说。   You donu2018t make the poor richer by making the rich poorer.   劫富无法济贫。   Donu2018t interrupt me while Iu2018m interrupting.   我打断你的时候不许打断我!   An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.   求和者就是希望鳄鱼最后一个吃自己的人。   We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out.   我们是没说出的话的主人。我们是说出的话的努力。   “The price of greatness is responsibility.   伟大的代价是责任。   All the great things are simple, and many can be exPssed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope   伟大的事情总是简单,最伟大的事情只有一个词:自游,正义,荣誉,责任,仁慈,希望。   Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some peopleu2018s idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if
2023-06-14 09:35:191


01 "Never, never, never, never give up." 01 "永远,永远,永远,永不放弃" 。 02 "The whole history of the world is summed up in the fact that, when nations are strong, they are not always just, and when they wish to be just, they are no longer strong." 02 " ,整个世界的历史,是总结了这一事实,当国家强大,他们并不总是公正,而当他们希望能够公正,他们不再是坚强" 。 03 "Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm." 03 "的勇气是从失败到失败而不失去热情" 。 04 "This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." 04 " ,这是不是一个结束,这甚至不是结束的开始,但这只是也许,开始的终结" 。 05 "I like a man who grins when he fights." 05 "我喜欢一个人笑着时,他打架" 。 06 "True genius resides in the capacity for evaluation of uncertain, hazardous, and conflicting information." 06 "真正的天才寓于能力评价的不确定的,有害物质,并相互矛盾的信息" 。 07 "Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." 07 "的勇气,是如何才能站起来说话;勇气,也就是需要坐下来好好听" 。 08 "Study history, study history. In history lies all the secrets of statecraft." 08 "学习历史,学习历史,在历史上是所有的秘密治国" 。 09 "Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm." 09 "的成功是从失败到失败而不失去热情" 。 10 "We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival." 10 " ,我们将制订发自内心的痛苦,自己的方法启迪和生存" 。 11 "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." 11条"的态度,是一个不大的事,这使得大的差别" 。 12 "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." 12 " ,使我们的生活由我们所得到的,但我们做出的生活是什么,我们给" 。 13 "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." 13 "悲观者看到困难每一个机会;是一个乐观主义者,认为有机会在每一个困难的" 。 14 "Nothing is more costly, nothing is more sterile, than vengeance" 14 , "没有比这更昂贵的,没有比这更不育,比复仇" 15 "If you mean to profit, learn to please." 15 , "如果你的意思是利润,相互学习,以取悦" 。 16 "It is no use saying, "We are doing our best." 16 " ,这是没有用的说, "我们正竭尽所能。 You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary."你必须要成功,在做什么是必要的" 。 17 "Personally, I"m always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught." 17 "我个人来说,我始终愿意学习的,虽然我不喜欢老教授" 。 18 "I never worry about action, but only about inaction" 18 "我从来不担心行动,但只有约无为" 19 "The price of greatness is responsibility." 19 "的价格是伟大的责任" 。 20 "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat." 20 " ,我已没有什么报价,但血液,辛劳,眼泪和汗水" 。 21 "All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom; justice; honor; duty; mercy; hope" 21 "一切伟大的东西很简单,很多可以表现一个字:自由;正义;荣耀;税;手软;希望" 22 "Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong." 22 "的孤树,如果他们长大时,会越来越强大。 " 23 "No crime is so great as daring to excel." 23 " ,没有犯罪的,是如此之大作为,勇于追求卓越" 。 24 "Difficulties mastered are opportunities won" 24 "的困难,掌握了我们是有机会获胜" 25 "The first quality that is needed is audacity." 25 , "质量第一,就是所需要的是厚颜无耻" 。 26 "There is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at without result." 26 "没有什么更令人兴奋而不是被枪毙,在没有任何结果" 。 27 "There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction" 27号"是没有错的变化,如果它是在正确的方向上" 28 "It is always wise to look ahead, but difficult to look further than you can see." 28 " ,它总是明智向前看,但很难再比你可以看看" 。 29 "When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber." 29 "时,老鹰队的沉默,鹦鹉开始的Jabber " 。 30 "Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it." 30 "风筝上升,最高对风,而不是它" 。 31 "In war, you can only be killed once, but in politics, many times." 31 , "在战争中,你只能被杀死一次,但在政治上,很多时候" 。 32 "A love for tradition has never weakened a nation, indeed it has strengthened nations in their hour of peril" 32 "爱的传统,从未削弱一个民族,事实上它已加强了各在他们小时的危亡" 。 33 "Politics is almost as exciting as war, and quite as dangerous. In war you can only be killed once, but in politics many times." 33 "政治是几乎同样令人兴奋的,因为战争,其中,相当危险,因为在战争中,你只能被杀死一次,但在政治上的许多倍" 。 34 "History is written by the victors." 34 , "历史是写的胜利者" 。 35 "We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle" 35 , "我们认为,对于一个民族要设法税本身的繁荣,就好像一个人站在水桶,并试图解除自己所处理" 36 "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." 36个"谎言得到半个地球之前,真理有机会得到其裤子上" 。 37 "In time of war, when truth is so precious, it must be attended by a bodyguard of lies" 37 " ,在当时的战争中,真理是如此宝贵,它必须参加由一名保镖的谎言" 38 "The shadow of victory is disillusion" 38 "阴影下的胜利,是幻灭" 39 "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." 39号"的成功,是不是最后,失败不是致命的:它是勇气继续算数的" 。 40 "No comment" is a splendid expression. 40 "无可奉告" ,是一个别具特色的表达。 I am using it again and again."我现在用的,它一次又一次地" 。 41 "When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite." 41 , "当你要杀死一名男子,它的成本无关,有礼貌" 。 42 “A man is about as big as the things that make him angry" 42 "的男子大约是一样大的事情,使他愤怒" 43 "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile - hoping it will eat him last" 43 "一个appeaser是谁饲料鳄鱼-希望它会吃他的最后一次" 44 "I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals." 44 , "我喜欢猪。狗看我们。猫瞧不起我们。猪只对待我们当作平等的" 。 45 "It is certainly more agreeable to have power to give than to receive" 45 " ,这肯定是比较认同有权给予比得到" 46 "Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have" 46 , "健康公民,是最珍贵的资产,任何国家都不可能有" 47 "We shall show mercy, but we shall not ask for it" 47 "我们会怜悯,但我们将不会要求它" 48 "We have always found the Irish a bit odd. They refuse to be English." 48 : "我们一直觉得爱尔兰人有点奇怪,他们拒绝被英语" 。 49 "The United States is like giant boiler. Once the fire is lighted under it, there is no limit to the power it can generate." 49 "美国是像巨人锅炉,一旦火灾灯火通明下,是没有限制的权力,它可以产生" 。 50 "The Arabs are a backwards people who eat nothing but Camel dung 50 "阿拉伯人是一个倒退的人,吃什么,但骆驼粪
2023-06-14 09:35:282


People eat orange
2023-06-14 09:35:367

1.翻译:我不知道怎样能把我的意思讲清楚(get sth. across)

1. i don"t know how to get my meaning across.2. the programme appeals to children.3. we all are concerned with his safety.4. i am determined to study english well.5. the meeting time is approaching.6. dismantling a machine is easer than putting it together.7. i will get my uncle to review my spelling.8. he phoned his parents using his classmate"s cellphone.9. when working with these workers, we learn much from them.10.he is considering changing his job.this translation is only for reference.
2023-06-14 09:35:542


2023-06-14 09:36:143


erase[英][u026a"reu026az][美][u026au02c8res]vt.擦掉; 抹去; 擦掉; 清除;
2023-06-14 09:36:201


schoolbag 书包 book 书 pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 ruler 尺子 easer橡皮擦 pencilcase铅笔盒 dictionary 字典 pencil-sharpener 铅笔刀
2023-06-14 09:36:301


文具pencil.easer.pen.pencilbox.schoolbag 水果
2023-06-14 09:36:381

英文怎么变成复数 例子.this is my easer。

this is my easerse
2023-06-14 09:36:463

The Easer是什么意思

Easy的比较级 更简单…… 越简单……越……
2023-06-14 09:36:552

what pattern of easer do you like

what fruit do you like apple and bananas
2023-06-14 09:37:021

求apple,hair,friend,easer,where, 音节数

apple, 2个hair, 1个friend, 1个easer,2个where 1个
2023-06-14 09:37:111

Friends like you to make it a lot easer to get along in a new place.是什么意思?

2023-06-14 09:37:191

here is a ruler a pen and a easer是不是对的

Here is a ruler and a book是对的
2023-06-14 09:37:282


格式化了硬盘,还可以恢复数据吗?其实,不小心误删了文件,都是自动放入回收站的,有时候后悔了,还直接从回收站还原。因为在操作和使用电脑时,我们经常会不小心误删除文件,并且也会顺手把电脑回收站进行清空处理。那么对于这种现象来说,当文件清空删除后,我们又该如何恢复呢?怎样才能找回回收站误删除的文件呢?下面“嗨格式数据恢复大师”就为大家介绍下,相关回收站文件删除的技巧!对于回收站所删除的文件来说,一般也都是永久删除的文件,而此时要想找回其中文件的话,比较简单的方法也就是借助专业的数据恢复软件进行扫描和修复。具体操作步骤如下:1. 打开电脑,搜索“嗨格式数据恢复大师”,找到对应官网进行下载安装。1. 打开软件,根据自己的需要选择对应的恢复模式。2、点击下方“开始扫描”即可自动对回收站所删除的文件进行快速扫描。3、等待扫描结束后,也就可按照文件路径,或者文件类型,两种形式,依次选择我们所需要恢复的文件,并点击下方“恢复”选项即可自动进行文件的恢复。以上就是关于电脑回收站文件删除后数据恢复的相关方法介绍,相信大家也都有了一定的了解,为了能够找回我们所误删除的文件,当数据丢失后,也就需要及时停止对丢失数据的磁盘进行读写,避免数据被覆盖丢失。
2023-06-14 09:37:502

英文 所有的学习用品

pencil box
2023-06-14 09:38:025

Please pass Lin Tao the easer.

请把橡皮擦传给Lin Tao
2023-06-14 09:38:533

特斯拉Model 3对比Model Y

这是一篇源自国外媒体的文章,虽然说有一定的鼓吹的元素在,但要不国内一些“纯割韭菜”的媒体要好很多,并且写的很简单。观点就在Model 3和Model Y之间进行简单的使用层面进行对比,并没有列出很多数据让读者看的迷迷糊糊的,所以这种轻度的阅读更适合目的更大众消费者:我就想买个特斯拉,我就想知道这两个哪个好。另外,6月10日,中国汽车技术研究中心公布了2020年5月中国车市的上险数据。根据数据显示,蔚来ES6在5月份的上险数量为2652辆,ES8为725辆,累积上市后共交付20923辆ES8和17983辆ES6。这让蔚来夺得豪华纯电动SUV车型5月份销售冠亚军两个宝座。在特斯拉目前还没有正式引入Model Y车型,或者说国产车型还要等到2021年初才能正式供应的时候,蔚来ES6已经连续9个月蝉联了中国豪华电动SUV的销售冠军,这种局面是否能被Model Y打破呢?我们一起来看看Model 3和Model Y的对比先,等待Model Y国内上市之后再与蔚来进行实打实的对比。我们深度了解一下纯电动EV轿车和跨界SUV车型的不同Model 3和Model Y,你应该购买哪一个?首先,如果“赛道”模式对您来说是必须选择的理由,那么Model 3 Performance性能版就是您唯一的选择。特斯拉发言人曾说过,并没有计划为Model Y Performance引入赛道模式。因此,这样如果您想要赛道模式,请不要再看到最后了,直接去选择Model 3 Performance。根据埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的说法,完成订购只需要90秒的在线订购时间(如果您真的很快的话)。现在,对于那些尚未选择“赛道”模式的用户,作者则有机会体验到两种车型,并在两种车型的详细对比上指出一些差异化问题,以帮助您做出选择的决定。Model 3选配界面外观“将Model 3打造成Q版赛车尺寸的样子。” 当我亲眼看到Model Y车型时,这是我的第一印象。它看起来更像一个矮胖子版的Model 3,视觉上看起来它有点可爱。这两辆特斯拉的外观非常相似,尤其是正面朝上看,您真的必须看到哪个更高,才能说哪一个是Model Y。从侧面和后方看,你才能慢慢理解到,“哎呦喂……这是一款跨界车。” Model Y具有更高的车门门和尾箱门,并且总体看起来是一个圆润的蛋型,与另一款更大的特斯拉Model X很相似。然而Model3具备标志性的轿车外观与轮廓,并且在门把手上采用镀铬装饰,从而让它更与众不同。前挡泥板侧面摄像头,以及很自然的前后包围。这些在Model Y车上都是黑色的,并带有额外的黑色轮拱。延续其深色装饰主题风格,Model Y还标配了比Model 3深色的后车窗和后挡风隐私玻璃。原因是Model Y并没有任何遮罩帘或置物板在后行李箱里,因此深色的色调提供了一些私密性。Model 3带有后尾箱的盖板,因此从外面也看不到行李箱这部分区域。在车身尺寸维度上,Model Y车型比Model 3都要大出一些:长2.2英寸(5.58mm),宽2.8英寸(7.11mm),高至少6.5英寸(16.51mm),以及多出的1.1英寸(2.79)离地间隙高度。内饰特斯拉官方称,Model 3与Model Y共享约70%的零件。所以我们也要聊聊室内设计。因为他们俩都拥有相同的简约室内布局,“实际根据笔者了解,特斯拉在车身结构上已经进一步优化,Model Y的车身有更多的一体式结构件,而Model 3上很多还是分体式结构。这种进化一部分是为了减轻车重,更多的是为了节省成本。”Model Y 前排内饰在前仪表板上有长条木质装饰条(或白色装饰条还有黑和白内饰颜色供选择)。与Model 3一样,Model Y在方向盘前方也没有速度仪表盘。驾驶信息的显示都集成到与方向盘平行的15.0英寸中央触摸屏中。在屏幕下方是中控区域,储物空间上这两款车型拥有相同的布局。两个USB插头(前两个,后两个),都可以同时连接两部设备。Model Y在手机储物格处标配了无线充电面板(但是却占据了一个前面的USB接口)。在Model 3上也是有这个配置的,但不是标准配置,也不能选配选配。只能在特斯拉官方商店中以配件的形式花费125美元购买。说到USB端口,Model Y是第一个使用USB-C接口的Tesla车型。前面有一个USB-C和一个标准USB-A,后面有两个USB-C接口。目前,Model 3仅带有USB-A端口,但最终可能会适应新的端口,就像中国制造的Model 3一样。变成USB-C接口后,充电功率也可以从10W提高到了约26W。?现在后排乘客可以继续玩他们的Nintendo Switch上的Animal Crossing无需担心电力耗尽。当Model 3变成Q版赛车Choro-Q SUV时,它获得了更高的座椅位置和更多的内部空间。Model Y的12向电动可调节、前加热座椅配置与Model 3相同。而且,它在座椅调节上,可以提供更高的座椅位置,这是大多数SUV购买者想要的。第二排包括三个可以独立倾倒折叠的座椅,这使它更具实用性,适合SUV的U。Model 3具有60/40的布置,没有中间位置的椅背放倒。就宽敞性而言,Model 3和Model Y的前部大致相同。第二排是可以看到明显差异的地方。与Model 3相比,Model Y的头部空间余量增加了1.7英寸(43.18mm),腿部空间增加了5.3英寸(134.62mm)。货物装载根据两辆电动汽车的用户手册显示,Model 3的标准行李箱空间为15立方英尺(425L),而Model Y在放倒后排座椅后预测可以容纳下68立方(1925升)行李箱空间。特斯拉尚未宣布Model Y前排座椅之后的货物容积,并且也没有提供折叠后排座椅后的最大容积官方数据,所以要找出该数字可能是多少,我把一辆Model Y开到一个拥有Model 3的朋友的仓库里,这样可以方便装运一些货物。但是,拥有后排座椅的Model 3仍具有很可观的载货量,并不像用户手册中的数据那么糟糕。话虽这么说,由于更高的门框,更高的车身和掀背车的布局,将货物装载到Model Y中比在Model 3中要容易得多。(注意:我们没有在隐藏的行李箱中放入任何物品,这部分空间用来保留存放私人物品。值得注意的是Model Y的行李箱深度要比Model 3更深。)空间对比特斯拉的超级充电站网络和自动驾驶,让特斯拉成为驾驶在公路上去旅行和露营的理想电动车型。在特斯拉里面睡觉/露营(多人运动)已经成为特斯拉车主的一个小骄傲。有一家公司专门制造床垫已经开始制作适合特斯拉车型的套件。根据车主的需求进行定制,并且特斯拉还增加了“露营”模式,使得车辆在停车时仍可以维持空调运转、提供车内照明、娱乐系统和USB电源的供应。这位媒体人还在Model 3这个“汽车旅馆”里度过了一晚上。当在后排座椅放倒之后,在睡袋中睡觉时,将自己放置在车内空间的对角位置上,以便完全伸展开双腿(测试者身高大约1.87cm)。然而在Model Y中,这是完全是另外一番景象。不仅有足够的空间可以完全躺平,并且还有足够的额外空间可以与另一个人XX。没有像Model 3 “汽车旅馆”那样后排地板,这样车内的空间活动起来容易得多。更值得一提的是,虽然Model 3和Model Y都具有全尺寸玻璃天窗,但是Model Y的却是一体式玻璃,没有任何中间接缝部分,因此可以在车里欣赏到完整的天空。从"露营车"来看,Model Y似乎比Model 3高级了不少。驾驶在行驶性能方面,Model 3和Model Y的行驶体验就非常相似。“胖胖”的Model Y带来的额外344磅(156KG)重量,只有在弯曲的道路上才能明显看到这些多余重量的存在。即使这样,最明显的区别还是在于SUV座椅较高的坐姿,让驾驶员可以明显感觉到多余的侧倾和车身很大的摆动幅度。特斯拉似乎有意识在调教Model Y,使其像Model 3一样灵动,更像一辆轿车而不是SUV。同时,两辆车的加速度感受也非常相似,鉴于它们共享相同的动力总成系统,你在日常驾驶中将获得相同的特斯拉加速体验。你应该买哪一个?回到最初的问题,您应该购买哪一个?除非您讨厌更高的座椅位置或对车辆存放高度有限制,或者说预算比较紧张,否则请选择Model Y。Model Y可以提供Model 3可以提供的几乎所有功能,以及更多可利用空间和实用性。更不用说你可以躺在车厢后面,与你喜欢的人躺在一起,同时通过无接缝的全景天窗观看天空景色。喔!千万别忘了激活“浪漫模式”。(就是Easer蛋盘中的壁炉标志。)END...写在文后翻译的可能有一些拙劣,主要还是希望可以通过简单的方式让大家了解一下选择特斯拉的一个方向。很多文章会将更多详细数据提供出来作为参考,但很多都会让人产生选择的焦虑,过度的纠结在选择上。而更多的还是希望在实际购买中去做更多的深度体验,来避免购买后而后悔。其次,从目前的北京对小汽车指标的供应层面就可以看出,纯电动车依旧是大力倡导和鼓励购买的,变向来说,目前在整个市场的电动车选择上确实存在一定的盲从性,并不是说国产车型不能选择,而是要挑选一个除了里程能力强大之外的一辆可以方便使用的车型,这个更为关键。所以,就目前条件来看,如果你所在是北上广或者说二线城市,对电动车比较友好,周围环境又有更多的配套供你可以使用,那选择电动车可能是一种不错的选择。不着急购买的大可以等等看,毕竟传统车企也在一步步的发力,在没有完全保证安全的自动驾驶技术之前,选择一个适合自己的电动车才是最关键的。欢迎大家评论,给出自己选择的理由,以及对电动车的看法。本文来源于汽车之家车家号作者,不代表汽车之家的观点立场。
2023-06-14 09:39:111


2023-06-14 09:39:223


We have a few things in spring after the sports meeting. We have an easy party.春天我们在运动会后还有一些活动。 我们有一个轻松的晚会。
2023-06-14 09:39:301