barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-14 11:04:38
TAG: lea


adj.清楚的,明白的; 清晰的,明亮的; 清澈的; 明确的;

adv.完全地; 清晰地; 整整;

vi.变明朗; 变清澈;

vt.扫除,除去; 消除(嫌疑); 使清楚; 使干净;







Fees must be clear and transparent.




克利额 瑞^额
2023-06-14 05:30:267


clearer是什么意思英语单词clearer,英语单词,主要用作名词、形容词,作名词时译为“清洁剂,清洁器;票据交换银行”;作形容词时译为“更清楚的;更明显的;更思维敏锐的;更容易看的;更透明的;(天气)更晴朗的;(皮肤)更无斑的;(眼睛)更明亮的;更畅通无阻的;更清白的;更摆脱(不愉快事物)的;更远离的;更完整的;(扣除税项后)更净的”。短语搭配snow clearer[车辆] 铲雪车 ; 铲雪车clearer production 清洁生产tree clearer 灌木切除机clod clearer 土块清除器land clearer 松土除草中耕机 ; 详细翻译Doffer clearer 道夫清洁辊ow clearer 铲雪车clearer plate 绒板双语例句The farther on he went, the brighter and clearer grew the tiny light.他越向前走,那微弱的光线就越明亮、越清晰。The mystery is clearer when we see some of the roads named in former British bases.当我们看到一些道路是以前英国基地的名字命名的,这个谜团就变得清晰了。Our preliminary results suggest that people do subjectively find the speech clearer.我们的初步结果表明人们的确主观地觉得这个演讲更清楚。
2023-06-14 05:30:431

clear的比较级是clearer还是more clear

2023-06-14 05:31:155


SAY IT CLEARER意思是:说更清楚点。  say  [英][seu026a][美][se]  vi.说, 讲; 表明,宣称; 假设; 约莫;  vt.表明; 念; 说明; 比方说;  n.发言权; 说话; 要说的话; 发言权;  第三人称单数:says过去分词:said现在进行时:saying过去式:said  it  [英][u026at][美][u026at]  pron.它; 他; 正好是所需的; 事实[情况];  n.
2023-06-14 05:31:465

clear的比较级是clearer还是more clear?

clear 是单音节词,它的比较级是直接在后面加er。即clearer
2023-06-14 05:32:042

"clearer"和"more clear"哪个才是"clear"的比较级?

"clearer"才是"clear"的比较级。1、clear:(1)、读音:[klɪə(r)](2)、释义:明确的,清楚的,明白的,做形容词;完全地,清晰地,作副词;扫除,除去,做动词。(3)、形式:第三人称单数: clears现在分词: clearing过去式: cleared过去分词: cleared比较级: clearer最高级: clearest(4)、造句:The book is clear, readable and adequately illustrated这本书明白易懂,可读性强,插图丰富。It is important to be clear about what Chomsky is doing here很有必要搞清乔姆斯基在这儿干什么。She needed a clear head to carry out her instructions.她需要一个头脑清醒的人来执行自己的指令。2、比较级构词规则:(1)、单音节形容词和部分双音节词,一般在词尾加-er。如:dark-darker ,fast-faster,slow-slower(2)、重读闭音节词词尾只有一个辅音字母,元音发短音时,双写尾字母,再加er。如:big-bigger,small-smaller,arge-larger(3)、以"辅音字母+y“结尾的双音节词,变”y“为”i“,再加-er。如:easy-easier,heavy-heavier,dirty-dirtier(4)、多音节词和部分双音节词,在词前加”more“。如:friendly-more friendly,interesting-more interesting,carefully-more carefully(5)、部分形容词和副词的比较级是不规则的,如:good/well-better,bad/badly-worse。(6)、由“动词+后缀-ing/-ed”构成的形容词,在词前加more构成比较级。如:interesting-more interesting,bored-more bored。(7)、由“形容词+后缀-ly”构成的副词,在该副词前加more构成比较级。如:slowly-more slowly,happily- more happily。
2023-06-14 05:32:261

clear的比较级是clearer还是more clear

一定要用more clear .clearer 是清洁剂。
2023-06-14 05:32:354


clear的意思 adj. 清楚的,明白的,清晰的,明亮的,清澈的,明确的 adv. 完全地,清晰地,整整 vi. 变明朗,变清澈 vt. 扫除,除去,消除(嫌疑),使清楚,使干净 n. 空隙,空间 变形:比较级:clearer; 最高级:clearest; 过去式: cleared; 现在分词:clearing 扩展资料   1.clear可以用作形容词   clear的基本意思是“清澈的,透明的”,可指玻璃的透明、湖水的清澈、天空的晴朗等。还可引申指“清楚的,明白的”“无疑的,确信的”“畅通的,无阻的”。强调没有模糊污染之状,含有不混乱的和不模棱两可的意味,多用于褒义。   clear的比较级为clearer,最高级为clearest,在句中可用作定语、表语或补语。   2.clear前可用quite来修饰。   clear用作形容词的用法例句   I made it clear to him that I rejected his proposal.我清楚地告诉他,我拒绝了他的建议。   You are a boss, as is clear from your manner.你是一个老板,从你的举止就能很清楚地看出来。   There is a clear division of labor in ants.蚂蚁间有明确的分工。   3.clear可以用作副词   clear用作副词时,意思是“清晰地,清楚地”。引申可表示“完全”“整整地”,用于加强语气。   clear接of意思是“离开,不接触”。   clear的基本意思是“清除”,指清除污物,清除影响视线的或把某地方弄脏弄乱的.东西,引申可指清除心中的疑虑,即“使清楚,使明白”。强调的是“除后”的“清”。   4.clear用作副词的用法例句   He tried hard to speak loud and clear on that occasion.他竭力想让自己在这种场合说话响亮清楚些。   She read the book clear to the end within two hours.她在两个小时里就把书从头到尾全读完了。   5.clear可以用作动词   clear的基本意思是“清除”,指清除污物,清除影响视线的或把某地方弄脏弄乱的东西,引申可指清除心中的疑虑,即“使清楚,使明白”。强调的是“除后”的“清”。   clear可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。   clear作“除去”解时,如果宾语是表示地点的名词,所清除之物由of引出; 如果宾语是表示所清除之物的名词,则地点由介词from引出。   6.clear用作动词的用法例句   The ground should first be cleared of weeds.这块地上的杂草应该先除干净。   He cleared a space on his desk for a cup of coffee.他在书桌上腾出了一点儿地方用来放一杯咖啡。   If you don"t want to see the introductory pages again after reading the introduction, you can clear the check box.如果阅读简介之后不想再次查看引导页,可以清除该复选框。   7.clear用作动词的用法例句   He tried hard to speak loud and clear on that occasion.他竭力想让自己在这种场合说话响亮清楚些。   She read the book clear to the end within two hours.她在两个小时里就把书从头到尾全读完了。
2023-06-14 05:32:521


2023-06-14 05:33:201


2023-06-14 05:33:284


2023-06-14 05:33:521


say it clearer说清楚点儿
2023-06-14 05:34:035


clearerMy duties require clearer definition.我的职责需要更清楚的说明.clearest例句我没查到。
2023-06-14 05:34:2210

clearer和more clear哪个才是clear的比较级?

原级:clear   比较级:clearer   最高级:clearest
2023-06-14 05:34:491


形容词 a. 1.清澈的,透明的;(皮肤)洁净的We could see fish in the clear water. 我们看到清澈的水中有鱼。 2.明亮的;晴朗的The night was clear and the stars were out. 夜空晴朗,星星都出来了。 3.清楚的;清晰的;明了的Professor Smith gave a clear explanation of the experiment. 史密斯教授对这次实验做了清晰的讲解。 We had a clear view of the mountains. 我们清楚地看到群山。 4.头脑清醒的;锐利的He said she was a lady with a clear mind. 他说她是一位思想敏锐的女士。 5.显然的,明显的[(+to)][+wh-][+(that)]It is becoming clearer to us that they don"t want to do that. 我们越来越清楚地看到他们不愿做那件事。 6.无疑的,确信的[F][(+about/of)][+(that)][+wh-]I am not quite clear yet about this. 对此我还不太清楚。 7.无障碍的;清除了...的[(+of)]The road is clear of snow now. 路上的雪已清除。 8.(时间)未作安排的,空的Tuesday afternoon is clear. Shall we meet then? 星期二下午有空,我们在那时见面好吗? 9.清白的,无罪的[(+of)]Now that I"ve told you everything, I can leave with a clear conscience. 如今我已将一切都告诉了你,我可以问心无愧地走了。 10.(尤指工资或利润)净得的[B][Z]She earned a clear $100,000. 她净赚十万元。 副词 ad. 1.清晰地,明了地He spoke loud and clear. 他讲话声音大而清楚。 2.完全地;一直地The ship sank clear to the bottom of the sea. 那艘船一直沉到海底。 及物动词 vt. 1.使干净;使明亮[(+of)]We usually clear the water with a filter. 我们通常用过滤器使水净化。 2.清除;收拾[(+away/off/from)]She cleared the leftovers from the table. 她清掉桌上的剩饭剩菜。 3.洗刷(某人)的嫌疑;为(某人)辩白[(+of)]In that case you"ll have to clear yourself. 那样,你只得自行辩白了。 4.使获得批准;给...许可;被...批准;为(船只或货物)结关;通过(海关等)[(+with)]The plan has cleared the committee. 该计划已获委员会批准。 5.通过;跳过;越过;绕过The truck cleared the tunnel safely. 卡车安全地通过了隧道。 6.结(帐);偿清(债务)David will go there to clear an account. 戴维将到那里去结清一笔帐。 7.清算(票据);将(支票)过户It takes three days to clear a check. 支票过户要三天时间。 8.【口】净得(利润、钱等)Mr. Brown cleared a huge profit. 布朗先生净赚了一大笔利润。 9.译(密码等)不及物动词 vi. 1.变干净;变清澈;变晴;变清楚The sky is clearing. 天正晴朗起来。 2.(船只)结关;结关后离港[(+from)]3.交换票据
2023-06-14 05:35:351


2023-06-14 05:35:432


clear[英][klu026au0259(r)][美][klu026ar]adj.清楚的,明白的; 清晰的,明亮的; 清澈的; 明确的; adv.完全地; 清晰地; 整整; vi.变明朗; 变清澈; vt.扫除,除去; 消除(嫌疑); 使清楚; 使干净; n.空隙,空间; 第三人称单数:clears过去分词:cleared最高级:clearest现在进行时:clearing比较级:clearer过去式:cleared例句:1.Fees must be clear and transparent. 管理费必须清楚和透明。
2023-06-14 05:35:534

more and more clearer与less and less unclear有区别吗?

Clear 后不加er, 形式上可以,但口语上很少这么说,unclear 可用,obscure,indistictive,vague 替换。
2023-06-14 05:36:023

clearer和more clear哪个才是clear的比较级?

都是 常用clearer
2023-06-14 05:37:276

2023-06-14 05:37:501

more clear 和more clearly,哪个正确?

2023-06-14 05:38:124


  clear有清楚的;明确的;明白(某事)的;清晰的;清空;清除;空地等意思,那么你知道clear的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    clear的用法大全:    clear的用法1:adj.(形容词)   clear的基本意思是“清澈的,透明的”,可指玻璃的透明、湖水的清澈、天空的晴朗等。还可引申指“清楚的,明白的”“无疑的,确信的”“畅通的,无阻的”。强调没有模糊污染之状,含有不混乱的和不模棱两可的意味,多用于褒义。   clear的比较级为clearer,最高级为clearest,在句中可用作定语、表语或补语。   clear前可用quite来修饰。   clear作“摆脱了的”“完全的,十足的”解时,无比较级和最高级,此时用作定语; clear还可作“在海关通过了检查”解。   clear from的意思是“不含”,是含有否定意义的短语,用于形式上肯定而意义上否定的含蓄的否定句中。    clear的用法2:adv.(副词)   clear用作副词时,意思是“清晰地,清楚地”。引申可表示“完全”“整整地”,用于加强语气。   clear接of意思是“离开,不接触”。   clear的用法3:v.(动词)   clear的基本意思是“清除”,指清除污物,清除影响视线的或把某地方弄脏弄乱的东西,引申可指清除心中的疑虑,即“使清楚,使明白”。强调的是“除后”的“清”。   clear可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。   clear作“除去”解时,如果宾语是表示地点的名词,所清除之物由of引出; 如果宾语是表示所清除之物的名词,则地点由介词from引出。   clear还可作“送交审批”解。   clear的用法例句:   1. It was clear Cohen didn"t understand what Millard was driving at.   看得出科恩并不明白米勒德想说什么。   2. The rabbis try to steer clear of political questions.   拉比们努力避开政治问题。   3. Dig over any ground that is clear of crops and plants.   把没种庄稼和植物的土地都深翻一遍。   4. Stewart was trying to clear a path for the stretcher.   斯图尔特在努力给担架开路。   5. It seems clear that he has no reasonable alternative.   他没有其他合适的选择,这一点似乎很清楚。   6. It was not yet clear how the rudder had sheared off.   还不清楚船舵是如何断裂的。   7. Our therapists will show you how to clear your mind of worries.   我们的治疗师会教你如何消除心中的忧虑。   8. Whatever its obscurities, the poem was clear on at least one count.   这首诗再怎么晦涩,至少有一点是清楚的。   9. It is really not clear just why he became a Socialist.   他为何成为社会党人的确切原因实际上还不清楚。   10. They made it clear who is now running the show.   他们清楚地表明了现在是谁在掌控一切。   11. After shampooing, always rinse the hair several times in clear water.   每次用完洗发剂后都要用清水将头发冲洗几次。   12. Interestingly, it is not clear which solution the prime minister favors.   耐人寻味的是,现在还不清楚首相支持哪个解决方案。   13. My own view is absolutely clear. What I did was right.   我自己的观点非常清楚。我做的事是正确的。   14. It is quite clear that we were firing in self defence.   事实很清楚,我们开枪是出于自卫。   15. People use scientific terms with no clear idea of their meaning.   人们使用科学术语,但并非很清楚其含义。
2023-06-14 05:39:031


2023-06-14 05:39:122


clear 英[klu026au0259(r)] 美[klu026ar] adj. 明确的; 清澈的; 清楚的,明白的; 清晰的,明亮的; adv. 完全地; 清晰地; 整整; vi. 变明朗; 变清澈; [例句]The book is clear, readable and adequately illustrated这本书明白易懂,可读性强,插图丰富。[其他] 比较级:clearer 最高级:clearest 第三人称单数:clears现在分词:clearing 过去式:cleared 过去分词:cleared
2023-06-14 05:40:101


2023-06-14 05:40:251


clear adj.清楚的;清澈的;晴朗的;无罪的 vt.通过;清除;使干净;跳过 vi.放晴;变清澈 adv.清晰地;完全地 n.清除;空隙 [ 比较级clearer 最高级clearest ] 清楚的; 明白易懂的 例:The book is clear,readable,and adequately illustrated. 这本书易懂易读,而且图解充足. 明显的 例:It was a clear case of homicide 这是一起确信无疑的谋杀案. 例:It became clear that I hadn"t been able to convince Mike .显然我没能说服迈克 彻底明白的 例:He is not entirely clear on how he will go about it. 他不完全清楚要如何着手做这件事. (头脑) 清醒的 She needed a clear head to carry out her instructions. 她需要一个清醒的头脑来执行命令. 使干净;使明亮;使清澈: The rain cleared the air,and the grass smelt fresh and sweet. 雨水使空气变得洁净,青草发出清新芬芳的气味. 扫净,清除;收拾: We must clear the room before our guests arrive. 我们必须在客人到达之前把房间收拾好. The guests left,and the table was cleared. 客人走了,桌子收拾干净了. 清掉(嗓子里的痰);清(嗓子): He cleared his throat,and went on with his summing-up report. 他清了清嗓子,继续做总结报告 处理(邮件、电话等);发送: The post office clears 3 000 pieces of mail an hour. 该邮局每小时处理3 000件邮件. 获纯利,净得,净赚: He cleared £200 from selling his old car. 他卖掉了旧汽车,净赚200英镑. 卖完;卖光: The store must clear its summer inventories by September 1st. 该店必须在9月1日以前售清夏季存货. 变明朗;变晴朗,(天气)放晴;变清澈;变清楚: The sky cleared after the rain. 雨后天晴. The muddy water cleared slowly. 泥水慢慢地变清澈了. 收拾餐桌: It"s your turn to clear after the meal. 这次饭后该轮到你收拾桌子了. 售完,卖光: Wheat cleared rapidly. 小麦很快就卖光了.
2023-06-14 05:40:321


clear[英][klu026au0259(r)][美][klu026ar]adj.清楚的,明白的; 清晰的,明亮的; 清澈的; 明确的; adv.完全地; 清晰地; 整整; vi.变明朗; 变清澈; vt.扫除,除去; 消除(嫌疑); 使清楚; 使干净; n.空隙,空间; 第三人称单数:clears过去分词:cleared最高级:clearest现在进行时:clearing比较级:clearer过去式:cleared例句:1.Fees must be clear and transparent. 管理费必须清楚和透明。
2023-06-14 05:40:411

The sky is clearer and the sun brighter意思?

2023-06-14 05:40:491


clearadj. 清楚的;清澈的;晴朗的;无罪的vt. 通过;清除;使干净;跳过vi. 放晴;变清澈adv. 清晰地;完全地n. 清除;空隙[ 比较级clearer 最高级clearest ] 清楚的; 明白易懂的例:The book is clear, readable, and adequately illustrated.这本书易懂易读,而且图解充足。明显的例:It was a clear case of homicide这是一起确信无疑的谋杀案。例:It became clear that I hadn"t been able to convince Mike.显然我没能说服迈克彻底明白的例:He is not entirely clear on how he will go about it.他不完全清楚要如何着手做这件事。(头脑) 清醒的She needed a clear head to carry out her instructions.她需要一个清醒的头脑来执行命令。 使干净;使明亮;使清澈:The rain cleared the air, and the grass smelt fresh and sweet.雨水使空气变得洁净,青草发出清新芬芳的气味。扫净,清除;收拾:We must clear the room before our guests arrive.我们必须在客人到达之前把房间收拾好。The guests left,and the table was cleared.客人走了,桌子收拾干净了。清掉(嗓子里的痰);清(嗓子):He cleared his throat, and went on with his summing-up report.他清了清嗓子,继续做总结报告处理(邮件、电话等);发送:The post office clears 3 000 pieces of mail an hour.该邮局每小时处理3 000件邮件。获纯利,净得,净赚:He cleared £200 from selling his old car.他卖掉了旧汽车,净赚200英镑。卖完;卖光:The store must clear its summer inventories by September 1st.该店必须在9月1日以前售清夏季存货。变明朗;变晴朗,(天气)放晴;变清澈;变清楚:The sky cleared after the rain.雨后天晴。The muddy water cleared slowly.泥水慢慢地变清澈了。收拾餐桌:It"s your turn to clear after the meal.这次饭后该轮到你收拾桌子了。 售完,卖光:Wheat cleared rapidly.小麦很快就卖光了。
2023-06-14 05:40:571

Clearer Now 歌词

歌曲名:Clearer Now歌手:illScarlett专辑:All Day With ItillScarlett - Clearer NowHad nothing to do just the other dayBut that"s my luck, whoaCouldn"t help notice you walk byAnd that"s my lust, whoaSkeletone in my closetI got three bucks in my pocketAnd I"m pretty sure you don"t want none of meWhoa.I didn"t know if I could make itKnow enough where I standFind myself here in this punk-rock bandI don"t know how I would deal with diseaseI poured it all into philosophiesI don"t what I couldDo with all the bullshitBut it"s piling up andI"m running out of roomWhoa.I see so much clearer nowMaybe since the blue skies went awayI can see for miles and milesMaybe just in vain.Tell me if you like itWould you even buy itCuz!Soon enough you"ll realizeYou"ve been hypnotizedBy the recording companiesFrom the starting to end andI didn"t know what I couldDo with all the bullshitBut it"s piling up andI"m running out of roomWhoa.I see so much clearer nowMaybe since the blue skies went awayI can see for miles and milesMaybe just in vain.I just wanna sayThat all of the things that you knowAre lies put in placeTo hide what I don"t wanna show, ohI"m not a kingBut if I just tell you one moreI could have everythingI have everythingBut I want something more
2023-06-14 05:41:051


clear的固定搭配:clear away拿去;clear off除去;clear up清理。clear读法英 [klu026au0259(r)]美 [klu026ar]adj. 易懂的,明白的;明显的,显然的,明确的;完全了解的,清楚的;(物质)透明的,清澈的示例:The space telescope has taken the clearest pictures ever of Pluto.太空望远镜拍下了有史以来最清晰的冥王星的照片。词语用法:1、clear的基本意思是“清澈的,透明的”,可指玻璃的透明、湖水的清澈、天空的晴朗等。还可引申指“清楚的,明白的”“无疑的,确信的”“畅通的,无阻的”。强调没有模糊污染之状,含有不混乱的和不模棱两可的意味,多用于褒义。2、clear的比较级为clearer,最高级为clearest,在句中可用作定语、表语或补语。3、clear作“摆脱了的”“完全的,十足的”解时,无比较级和最高级,此时用作定语;clear还可作“在海关通过了检查”解。4、clear from的意思是“不含”,是含有否定意义的短语,用于形式上肯定而意义上否定的含蓄的否定句中。
2023-06-14 05:41:131

The teacher spoke loudly _ A. so that he could be heard clearer B. so as to be heard much clearer

2023-06-14 05:41:522


2023-06-14 05:42:002


say 说 /it 他、她、它/clearer 更干净、清楚反应过来就是 把它说的更清楚~
2023-06-14 05:42:081

clear的比较级Cleare 这个怎么发音啊

2023-06-14 05:42:162


clearly是双音节双音节;比较级前面加more原因如下:1)More 通常多于一个音节的形容词. 例: independent- more independent, personal -more personal, informal - more informal2)副词(ly), 都是用more/most.3)一个音节的像: easy - easier, fair-faier, tall-taller, big - bigger, fast-faster.4)不过都有些例外的, 像pretty - prettier, friendly (形容词)-friendlier.5)形容词加ly变来的副词,应该加more构成比较级6)clearly 比较级 more clearly, 最高级 most clearlyclear英 [klu026au0259] 美 [klu026ar]adj. 清楚的;清澈的;晴朗的;无罪的vt. 通过;清除;使干净;跳过vi. 放晴;变清澈adv. 清晰地;完全地n. 清除;空隙n. (Clear)人名;(英)克利尔[ 比较级 clearer 最高级 clearest ]
2023-06-14 05:42:251

michael jackson的on the line歌词翻译

2023-06-14 05:42:331


say if clearer 如果说清楚
2023-06-14 05:42:411


正确写法:clear中文意思是:清楚的也可以读作:clear; clear-cut; [法] plain; copperplate; distinct ; clear英 [klu026au0259(r)] 美 [klu026ar] adj.明确的;清澈的;清楚的,明白的;清晰的,明亮的adv.完全地;清晰地;整整vi.变明朗;变清澈vt.扫除,除去;消除(嫌疑);使清楚;使干净n.空隙,空间第三人称单数: clears 现在分词: clearing 过去式: cleared 过去分词: cleared 比较级: clearer 最高级: clearest
2023-06-14 05:42:501

The teacher ______ for a few seconds till he found proper words to make his idea clearer.

2023-06-14 05:43:051

Taylor Swift-Today Was a Fairytale 歌词

Today Was A FairytaleToday was a fairytale, you were the prince.今天是一个童话,你是王子I used to be a damsel in distress.我是常常处于忧伤中的女孩You took me by the hand and you picked me up at six.你牵着我的手说六点来接我Today was a fairytale。今天是一个童话Today was a fairytale.今天是一个童话Today was a fairytale, I wore a dress,今天是一个童话,我穿着裙子You wore a dark grey T-shirt你穿着深灰色的T恤You told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess.你说我很漂亮,当我看起来一团糟时Today was a fairytale.今天是一个童话Time slows down,Whenever you"re around.每当你在我身边时,时间总是过得很慢Can you feel this magic in the air?你能感觉空气里弥漫的魔力吗?It must have been the way you kissed me.一定是因为你亲吻了我Fell in love when I saw you standing there.当我看见你站在那,我便坠入爱河It must have been the way一定是那样Today was a fairytale.今天是个童话It must have been the way一定是那样Today was a fairytale.今天是一个童话Today was a fairytale,今天是一个童话You"ve got a smile that takes me to another planet.你的笑容带我去到了别的星球Every move you make, everything you say is right.你做的每个动作,你说每一句话都是对的Today was a fairytale.今天是一个童话Today was a fairytale,今天是一个童话All that I could say is now it"s gettin so much clearer.我想要说的话,现在已经变得越来越清晰了Nothin" made sense till the time I saw your face.当我看到你的时候所有事情都变得有意义了Today was a fairy tale.今天是一个童话Time slows down,Whenever you"re around, yeah每当你在我身边时,时间总是过得很慢Can you feel this magic in the air?你能感觉空气里弥漫的魔力吗?It must have been the way you kissed me.一定是因为你亲吻了我Fell in love when I saw you standing there.当我看见你站在那,我便坠入爱河It must have been the way一定是那样Today was a fairytale.今天是一个童话It must have been the way一定是那样Today was a fairytale.今天是一个童话Time slows down,Whenever you"re around.每当你在我身边时,时间总是过得很慢I can feel my heart-It"s beating in my chest.我可以感觉心跳地剧烈Did you feel it?你能感觉到吗?I can"t put this down.我不能使它停下来Can you feel this magic in the air?你能感觉空气里弥漫的魔力吗?It must have been the way you kissed me.一定是因为你亲吻了我Fell in love when I saw you standing there.当我看见你站在那,我便坠入爱河It must have been the way…一定是那样Can you feel this magic in the air?你能感觉空气里弥漫的魔力吗?It must have been the way you kissed me.一定是因为你亲吻了我Fell in love when I saw you standing there.当我看见你站在那,我便坠入爱河It must have been the way一定是那样Today was a fairytale.今天是一个童话It must have been the way一定是那样Today was a fairytale.今天是一个童话Ohh ohh yeaahOhh ohToday was a fairytale 今天是一个童话
2023-06-14 05:43:266


2023-06-14 05:43:554

Wake Up To Love 歌词

歌曲名:Wake Up To Love歌手:Debbie Gibson专辑:Out Of The BlueWake Up To LoveWe"ve been in love, boy can"t you see itWhen can I finally make you mineI don"t know why you don"t even tryI got to know where to begin to start to love youWake up to loveCan it be any clearerWhen will you see you belong to meDon"t fool around, it"s not a laughing matter(laugh)You seem to make me laugh anywayRight from the start we never were apartIt was always you and me togetherYou"ve got to wake up to loveCan it be any clearerWhen will you see you belong to meYou"ve got to wake up to loveHow come everybody sees itWhen will you open up your eyesThere"s still time so why don"t you answer me(answer me)We"ve never said just how we feelWhy don"t love hit you between the eyesThe way it"s hit me so many timesBoy you"ve got to wake up to loveCan it be any clearerWhen will you see you belong to meYou know that I love you and you love meWhy can"t you be mineNow I know why people say that love is blindBut it sure ain"t easy(Wake up to love)(Wake up to love)How come everybody sees itWhen will you open up your eyesYou"ve got to wake up to loveOh ho, can it be any clearerWhen will you see you belong to meedit Morrison Tsai
2023-06-14 05:44:021

it was clearer than crystal to the lords of the Statepreserves of loaves and

2023-06-14 05:44:112


The sky is brighter and clearer in the sun. 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!
2023-06-14 05:44:201


Sorry!I am too nervous to catch you,can you repeat it?2.I am afraid i am still not clear。3.I am afraid i cannot give an answer to this problem.4.I dont know how to express it.
2023-06-14 05:44:314

much clearer than

2023-06-14 05:44:401

求the smashing pumpkins ugly歌词

ugly 打印此页 歌手:smashing pumpkins I don"t look in the mirrorI don"t like what I see staring back at meEverything is clearerI"ll never see what you seeIt"s not meSo beautiful and freeI"ll never be what you needCan"t help it allI was born so beautifulBut now I"m uglyAnd I rot in my skinAs a piece of me dies everydayI know I"m nothin"I know there"s nothing I can say to changeThe judgement in their waysI"ll never be what you needCan"t help it allMy life was so beautifulBut now I"m uglyYeahI"m good enough but I don"t careI"m good enough but I"m not thereI"m good enough but I don"t careThe sign is out but I"m not thereI"m good enough but I don"t careThe sign is out but I"m not thereI"m good enough.I"m good enough.I don"t look in the mirrorI don"t like what I see staring back at meEverything is clearerI"ll never see what you seeAnd I rot in my skinAnd a piece of me dies everydayI know I"m nothin"Because I"m ugly.
2023-06-14 05:44:503


1. 深邃的眼睛,这里深邃的意思是什么 应该根据语境,一般指的是比较空洞 深邃 【注音】shēnsuì 【释义】(1) [deep]∶深的;幽深 例:深邃的山谷 (2) [profound]∶深奥的 【近义词】深远,泓邃,轩邃,泓窈,澄幽,窎窅,幽窈,泓窈,深窈,幽窅,深窅,窅深,窅眇,窅渺,窅邈,窅然,窅窕,窅窅,窅霭,窅蔼,窅尔,窅翳,窅窅翳翳,窈深,窈悠,藐然,融远,沉深,深邈,深渺和深幽 【出自】深邃的夜空,星汉灿烂。——《探索星空奥密的年轻人》 ①幽深:庭院深邃|深邃的林子。 ②精深;深奥:深邃的哲理|文字深邃。 ③深沉:深邃的目光。 例句:犬夜叉用深邃的目光望着戈薇。 2. 请问“深邃的眼睛”如何翻译 A profound insight. 深邃的洞察力 The deep of outer space. 深邃的太空 We tramped through the wood for over o hours until we arrived at a deep stream. 我们在树林里逛了两个多小时,直至到达一条深邃的小溪。 Maiden, your simplicity, like the blueness of the lake, reveals your depth of truth. 少女呀,你的纯朴,如湖水之碧,表现出你的真理之深邃。 And the more words you have at your mand the deeper, clearer and more accurate will be your thinking. 你所掌握的词汇越多,你的思想就越深邃、越清晰、越准确。 curious plant of arid regions of southwestern Africa having a yard-high and yard-wide turniplike trunk with a deep taproot and o large persistent woody straplike leaves growing from the base; living relic of a flora long disappeared; some may be 700-5000 years old. 非洲西南干旱地区的巨大神奇植物,芜菁状树干、深邃的主根和木质带状硬树叶;已长期绝迹的物种的活化石;有些品种的寿命已经有七百至五千年。 A deep secret; a mystery. 奥秘;神秘事物 Science unlocks the secrets of nature. 科学揭开大自然的奥秘。 He was engaged in advanced studies. 他正在从事高深的研究。 One who possesses or affects a high degree of culture or learning. 有高深学问或文化素养的人 3. 关于描写眼睛漂亮的古文有哪些 形容眼睛漂亮的古文不甚枚举,具体如下所示: 1. 皓齿明眸 其中这里的 皓 是指白色的模样;这里的 眸 是指眼珠,多用来形容眼睛。整句话的意思就是洁白的牙齿,明亮的眼睛。多用来形容女子容貌美丽,比喻美女。 2. 回眸一笑 这里的眸就是指眼珠。二者想结合,转动眼珠,嫣然一笑,经常形容女子妩媚表情。 3. 明眸皓齿 意思就是明亮的眼睛,洁白的牙齿,这里用来形容女子容貌美丽,也就是美丽的女子。 4. 双瞳剪水 这里的瞳就是瞳孔的意思,就是指眼睛,用来形容眼睛清澈明亮。 4. “深邃的眼睛”的“深邃”是什么意思 “深邃的眼睛”中的“深邃”是指深沉、沉稳。 出处:何为《音乐巨人贝多芬》 :深邃的眼睛略带灰色,有一种凝重不可逼视的光。造句:爷爷瘦瘦的身材,饱经风霜的脸上布满了皱纹,一双深邃的眼里充满了慈祥和疼爱,光溜溜的头顶上扣着一顶黑色的西瓜皮帽子,一年四季,只有最热天才能看见他尖尖的头顶。 深邃的其他意思1、从外到内或从上到下的距离大。唐·杜甫《题衡山县文宣王庙新学堂》诗:下可容百人,墙隅亦深邃。 释义:下面可以容纳一百人,墙角间的距离也很大。2、幽深。 宋·王明清《玉照新志》卷二:深邃之所,有水殿一,游幸之所不到。释义:幽深的地方,有一座临水的宫殿,游玩也去不了那里。 3、精深;深奥。清·李斗《扬州画舫录·草河录下》:孙兰,江都人,工书画,精於天文,诗学深邃。 孙兰是江都人,擅长书画,精通天文,作诗论诗的学问精深。扩展资料:深邃的近义词1、深沉:深而不外露、程度深、声音低沉。 东汉·班固《汉书·王嘉传》:相(梁相)计谋深沉。2、高深:水平、程度等不一般,超出平常。 明·高攀龙《答袁节寰(袁可立)中丞》:腐儒之谈无当也,而涓埃可佐高深,故不敢以肤言而以衷语。释义:迂腐的儒生言谈不恰当,但是微小的人可以辅佐学问才能高的人,因此没有胆量发表肤浅的言论而是说出内心想表达的话语。 3、精深:精熟深通、精微深奥。叶圣陶《倪焕之》十四:同时她想他是着眼在更精深更切实的处所了;眼前的愁烦是蜕化期间应有的苦闷。
2023-06-14 05:44:581

Make Me A Believer 歌词

歌曲名:Make Me A Believer歌手:Luther Vandross专辑:Busy BodyUnknown - Make Me A Believerdidn"t you say you love medidn"t you say you caredidn"t you fill my heartwith the thought that you"d always be hereand weren"t you the onethat held me in your arms, on day oneand look me in my eyesand told me to my facenothing or no one could ever take my placei was the only one to fill that empty spacebut it feels so different like love has escaped(just a stranger)honestly i"m losing faithi believe that it"s worth itbut i"m losing focushelp me to see clearermake me a believeri believe we can do itbut you got to prove ithelp me to see clearermake me a believeragain (again..)(make me a believer,make me a believer)i don"t wanna jump the gunbut baby this is absurd (absurd)feels like the fire blew outand our dreams has been deferredthere"s so many thingsthat led me to this state of disbeliefso what i really need is (what i really need is)is for you to look my facetell me that i could never be replacedand that i"m the only one to fill that empty spacecos it feels so different like love has escaped(just a stranger)and baby i"m losing faithi believe that it"s worth itbut i"m losing focushelp me to see clearermake me a believeri believe we can do itbut you got to prove ithelp me to see clearermake me a believer(it"s drifting away) where is it going(?) it"s taking a toll on usi wanna see, i wanna feelthe love that we once had or better (or better)make me a believeri believe that it"s worth itbut i"m losing focushelp me to see clearermake me a believeri believe we can do itbut you got to prove ithelp me to see clearermake me a believer againmake me a believer againmake me a believer againmake me a believer againmake me a believer
2023-06-14 05:45:181