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blue is the colour of the sea

2023-06-14 10:30:26
TAG: olo




2023-06-14 03:02:301

blue sea是什么意思

2023-06-14 03:02:392


bluesea 能做英文
2023-06-14 03:02:473

BLUE SEA是什么意思?谢谢大家

2023-06-14 03:02:564

Qingdaohas blue sea为什么不加s

2023-06-14 03:03:041


2023-06-14 03:03:131


in the big blue sea在蓝色的大海里
2023-06-14 03:03:254

warm summer blue sea是什么意思

2023-06-14 03:03:332


2023-06-14 03:03:401

五月青岛旅游景点英语介绍 青岛旅游介绍英文

有没有青岛景点的英文介绍(带中文翻译的)信号山公园信号山公园海拔九十八米,原名“大石头山”,一八九八年德军曾于山顶建航海信号旗台,故名“信号山”。一九八六年被辟为青岛市十大山头公园之一,三个红色圆顶蘑菇造型的建筑寓意古代传递信号的火炬。登高远眺,可尽览海上风光。Xinhaoshan ParkThe park is 98 meters above sea level. It was originally named “Big Stone Hill” and later renamed “Xinhaoshan Hill” (Signal Hill) because the German troops had built a navigation signal platform on the top of the hill in 1898. In 1986, it was rebuilt into one of Qingdao"s Ten Hill Parks and opened to the public the following year. The three red mushroom-shaped domes symbolize the torches used to send signals in ancient times. Visitors may enjoy a breath-taking view from atop the hill.公主楼 相传是驻青丹麦总领事为丹麦公主建造的别墅,故称公主楼。建于二十世纪三十年代中期,建筑面积七百余平方米,主建筑为欧洲哥特式风格。一九九二年山东省人民政府公布为省级文物保护单位。Princess HouseIt is said that the building was constructed for the Danish Princess by the Denmark Consul General in Qingdao, hence the name Princess House. It was built in the mid-1930s with a total area of more than 700m2. The main building is of a typical European Gothic style. In 1992, it was listed as an important relic site under the protection of the Shandong Provincial Government.青岛天后宫简介 先有天后宫,后有青岛市。青岛市省级重点文物保护单位——天后宫,始建于明代成化三年(公元1467年),是一处集天后文化、海洋文化、民俗文化于一体的著名人文景观,也是青岛前海风景线上一处具有民族风格的古建筑群。历五百余年风雨淘洗而幸存至今,弥足珍贵,堪称青岛历史变迁的一个生动缩影。 1996年,遵照文物“修旧如初”的原则,青岛市政府拨巨款将其重新修复,并辟为青岛市民俗博物馆。现有建筑面积1500m2,前后两进院落,殿宇十六栋,分别为天后圣母殿、龙王殿、督财府,供奉天后、龙王、文武财神等诸神像。其余殿房由民俗博物馆举办天后文化,民间工艺品和民风民俗各项展览,常年对外开放,接待中外宾客。 这里是青岛市区一处著名的文化旅游景观,也是研究青岛民风民俗的重要基地。Qingdao Tianhou TempleTianhou Temple was built in 1467 (the 3rd year of Emperor Chenghua of Ming Dynasty) long before the founding of the city of Qingdao. As an important site of historical interest under the protection of the provincial government, the temple is not only a famous cultural relic that integrates the Tianhou culture, marine culture and folk culture, but also is a giant complex of the ancient buildings in the national style located on the coast of Qingdao. With a history of more than 500 years, it is a vivid miniature of the development of Qingdao. In 1996, Qingdao Municipal Government allocated a large sum of money to renovate the temple according to the principle “as it was”, and named it Qingdao Folk Custom Museum.With a floor space of 1,500 square meters, the temple has two courtyards and 16 worship halls including the Hall of Tianhou, the Hall of Dragon King and the Hall of Officials" Treasures with the statues of Tianhou, Dragon King, Literary Martial Gods of Wealth, etc. The other halls are open to the public all year round. They are used for the exhibition of Tianhou culture, folk handicrafts and folk custom held by the Folk Custom Museum.Tianhou Temple is a famous cultural and tourist attraction in downtown Qingdao and also an important base for research on the folk custom of Qingdao.找一篇介绍青岛景点的英语作文青岛市一个很美丽的城市,它景色优美,环境舒适,作为青岛人,我们为自己的城市所自豪。 青岛的交通比较拥挤,但是很方便,公交汽车直达岛城各地。 青岛有许多名胜古迹,旅游胜地,比如:中山公园,五四广场,栈桥 青岛的美食也很出名,有许多美味的小吃,啤酒和海鲜最为著名。 这是我的家乡,我的天堂!我爱她,青岛! Very beautiful one Qing Dao City city , its scenery are graceful , the environment is comfortable , person , we is proud by self city as Qingdao. The Qingdao traffic is crowded comparatively, but goes to the lavatory very much, the public transit automobile reaches island city everywhere directly. There is a lot of places of historic interest , tourist attraction , Bi Ru in Qingdao: Zhong Shan City park , May 4th public square , landing stage, ... The Qingdao fine food is also very famous , snack having a lot of delicious food, beer and seafood are most famous. This be my hometown , my Heaven! I love her , Qingdao!青岛英文介绍Qingdao, a prefecture-level city in Shandong Province, is planned to be a separate city or a sub-provincial city. It is an important coastal city and an international port city approved by the State Council and is also the economic center of Shandong Province.翻译:青岛,山东省地级市,计划单列市、副省级市,是国务院批复确定的国家沿海重要中心城市、国际性港口城市,也是山东省经济中心。Qingdao is located in the southeast coast of the Shandong Peninsula, in the eastern part of the Jiaodong Peninsula, in the forefront of the China-Japan-Korea Free Trade Zone.翻译:青岛地处山东半岛东南部沿海,胶东半岛东部,中日韩自贸区的前沿地带.It is close to the Yellow Sea and faces the Korean Peninsula across the sea. It is adjacent to Yantai in the northeast, Weifang in the west, and Rizhao in the southwest. It has a total area of 11,282 square kilometers and governs 7 districts and administers 3 county-level cities.翻译:濒临黄海,隔海与朝鲜半岛相望,东北与烟台毗邻,西与潍坊相连,西南与日照接壤;总面积11282平方公里,辖7个区,代管3个县级市。扩展资料:青岛地区昔称胶澳。1891年(清光绪十七年)清政府议决在胶澳设防,青岛由此建置。翌年,调登州镇总兵章高元率部移驻胶澳。1897年11月,德国以“巨野教案”为借口强占胶澳,并强迫清政府于1898年3月6日签订《胶澳租界条约》,胶澳沦为殖民地,山东也划入德国的势力范围。第一次世界大战爆发后,1914年11月,日本取代德国侵占胶澳,进行军事殖民统治。第一次世界大战结束后,中国人民为收回青岛进行英勇斗争。1919年,由于青岛主权问题,引发著名的“五四”运动,迫使日本于1922年2月4日同中国政府签订《解决山东悬案条约》。同年12月10日,中国收回胶澳,开为商埠,设立胶澳商埠督办公署,直属北洋政府。其行政区域与德胶澳租界地相同。1929年4月,南京国民政府接管胶澳商埠,同年7月设青岛特别市。1930年改称青岛市。1938年1月,日本再次侵占青岛。1945年9月,国民党政府在美国支持下接收青岛,仍为特别市。1949年6月2日,青岛解放。青岛解放后,改为山东省省辖市。1981年,被列为全国15个经济中心城市之一;1984年4月,被列为全国14个进一步对外开放的沿海港口城市之一。1986年10月15日,被国务院正式批准在国家计划中实行单列,赋予省一级经济管理权限;1994年2月,被列为全国15个副省级城市之一。参考资料来源:青岛政务网-青岛概况有关青岛旅游景点的英文介绍~~ 急啊急。。1、薛家岛旅游度假区薛家岛旅游度假区是山东省人民政府1995年11月批准设立的省级旅游度假区,位于青岛市经济技术开发区内。度假区规划面积9.8平方千米,呈东北西南走向的狭长半岛,海岸线长54千米,东北部为山地,中部为平原,西南部为丘陵,象一只展翅欲飞的凤凰,横卧在黄海之滨。薛家岛旅游度假区还是山东省十二个省级旅游度假区之一。“黄庵日出”、“朝海古刹”、“上泉晓钟”、“渔嘴雪浪”、“石雀海鸣”、“凤凰戏珠”、“志门夕照”、“凤凰山色”等八大景观为薛家岛增添了诱人的魅力。Xuejiadao tourist resort is a provincial tourist resort approved by the people"s Government of Shandong Province in November 1995. It is located in Qingdao Economic and Technological Development Zone. With a planning area of 9.8 square kilometers, the resort is a long and narrow peninsula with a coastline of 54 kilometers. The northeast is a mountainous area, the central part is a plain, and the southwest part is a hilly area. Like a phoenix flying, it lies on the shore of the Yellow Sea.Xuejiadao tourist resort is also one of the twelve provincial tourist resorts in Shandong Province. "Sunrise of Huang"an", "ancient temple of Chaohai", "Xiaozhong of Shangquan", "snow wave of Yuzui", "sea singing of stone sparrow", "Phoenix playing pearl", "sunset of Zhimen" and "scenery of Phoenix Mountain" add attractive charm to Xuejia island.2、青岛极地海洋世界位于山东省青岛市崂山区东海东路60号,是一个集休闲、娱乐、购物、文化为一体的大型海洋世界综合体,于2006年7月竣工,其中一期核心项目极地海洋动物展示和表演馆、海洋博览与科普展示馆,现为国家AAAA级旅游景区。Qingdao polar ocean world is located at No.60 Donghai East Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province. It is a large-scale ocean world complex integrating leisure, entertainment, shopping and culture. It was completed in July 2006. The first phase of the core project polar ocean animal exhibition and Performance Hall, Ocean Expo and popular science exhibition hall are now national AAAA tourist attractions.3、大珠山风景区大珠山风景区位于青岛市黄岛区东南部海滨,主峰大砦顶486米,总面积65平方公里。主要分为石 门寺景区、珠山秀谷景区。景区自然景观和人文景观荟萃,旅游资源丰富,先后被评为青岛市森林公园、山东省农业旅游示范点、全国农业旅游示范点、国家AAAA级旅游景区。DAZHUSHAN scenic area is located in the southeast coast of Huangdao District, Qingdao, with 486 meters of the main peak, Dazhai top, and a total area of 65 square kilometers.It is mainly divided into Shimen Temple scenic area and Zhushan xiugu scenic area. The scenic spot is rich in natural and cultural landscapes and tourism resources. It has been successively rated as Qingdao Forest Park, Shandong Agricultural tourism demonstration point, national agricultural tourism demonstration point and national AAAA level tourist attraction.扩展资料:青岛风景综述:青岛是国家历史文化名城、重点历史风貌保护城市、首批中国优秀旅游城市。国家重点文物保护单位34处。国家级风景名胜区有崂山风景名胜区、青岛海滨风景区。山东省近300处优秀历史建筑中,青岛占131处。青岛历史风貌保护区内有重点名人故居85处,已列入保护目录26处。 国家级自然保护区1处:即墨马山石林。2017年,青岛拥有A级旅游景区123处,其中,5A级旅游景区1处,4A级旅游景区24处,3A级旅游景区74处。参考资料来源:百度百科-青岛用英语介绍青岛景点Scenic Spots Qingdao is a popular tourist city in China.Its unique geographic location and historical background turned Qingdao into a tourist city and summer resort as early as the 1920s.Qingdao has beautiful scenery and a pleasant climate.A harmonious picture of mountains,sea and city is painted in which one can see the winding coastline,islands and beautiful buildings whose red-roofs are held in the embrace of verdant trees.These European-style buildings used to be home to many famous figures.Qingdao is the ideal choice for vacations,entertainment,business,conferences and exhibitions.The western part of Qingdao is the old city proper,where the traditional red-roofed buildings,green trees,blue sea and clear sky can still be seen,while the eastern part of Qingdao is the newly developed area of the city and has many modern buildings.The contrast between the old and the new city gives Qingdao its cosmopolitan Euro-Asian characteristics.Along the sea shore from east to west,where a vista of picturesque coastal scenery expands,there are 4 unique tourism areas Historical Culture and Euro-Asian Area The many cultural relics lying amongst charming natural scenery record Qingdao"s century old history and the abundance of a combination of eastern and western cultures.There are many good tourist attractions here including Zhanqiao Pier,Xiaoqing Island,Xiaoyu Hill,Luxun Park,the Aquarium,the Marine Products Museum,the Navy Museum,Zhanshan Temple,the Catholic Church,the Lutheran Church,the Prefects Mansion,the Perfects House,the hundred-year old Badaguan Villa Area and fine many beaches.The Flourishing Eastern Tourist Area of Qingdao The magnificent scenery in this part of the city combines high-rise modern buildings,the excellent wide Xianggang,Donghai and Aomen Roads,the Worldwide Overseas Chinese Sculpture Garden,Wusi Square and the Music Square.The State-level Stone Old Man Tourist Resort The Stone Old Man Tourist Resort is an ideal place for vacations,interna
2023-06-14 03:03:591

the deep blue sea是什么意思

2023-06-14 03:04:072

三亚公路旅游景点介绍英语 三亚公路旅游景点介绍英语作文

三亚各景点的英文名称有木有晓得的?1,天涯海角游览区,The remotest corners of the globe天涯海角游览区,位于海南省三亚市天涯区,距主城区西南约23公里处,背对马岭山,面向茫茫大海,是国家AAAA级旅游景区。景区海湾沙滩上大小百块石耸立,“天涯石”、“海角石”、“日月石”和“南天一柱”突兀其间,沙滩上大小百块磊石耸立,上有众多石刻。清代雍正年间崖州州守程哲所书,勒石镌字“海判南天”,这是天涯海角最早的石刻。2,南山文化旅游区,NANSAN南山主要景点有南山寺、海上观音、不二法门、观音文化苑、三十三观音堂、天竺圣迹、佛名胜景观苑、十方塔林与归根园、佛教文化交流中心、素斋购物一条街等。其中,108米海上观音是当之无愧的亮点之一,是世界首尊金玉观世音菩萨塑像,闻名全海南的镇岛之宝。3,鹿回头公园,Luhuitou Park鹿回头公园山顶因有鹿的雕塑而出名,站在鹿回头公园山顶,可以看到南海上的东岛和西岛。鹿回头的定位是情爱文化和生态展示并重的主题公园,主要景点包括顺风台、鹿苑、滑道、紫气东来、情爱文化园、黎族歌舞表演、鹿回头雕塑、山顶花园、北亭观景台等。4,西岛,West Island西岛又名玳瑁岛,位于三亚湾国家自然保护区内,全岛总面积 2.68平方公里。岛上风景秀丽,空气清新,沙滩柔和,海水清澈见底;环岛海域生长着大量美丽的珊瑚,保护完好。5,大小洞天风景区,Fairyland大小洞天风景区,原名海山奇观风景区,古称鳌山大小洞天,位于海南省三亚市区以西40公里的南山西南隅,总面积为22.5平方公里,景区已有800多年历史,是著名的道教文化风景区。参考资料来源:百度百科-天涯海角风景区参考资料来源:百度百科-南山文化旅游区参考资料来源:百度百科-鹿回头山顶公园参考资料来源:百度百科-西岛参考资料来源:百度百科-大小洞天求一篇介绍三亚的英语演说词Sanya is superior in geography climate and natural resources. It is known as " the oriental Hawaii" and " Sunshine City" because of its special tropical scenes as well as its attractive nature. Sanya"s tourist resources, richly endowed by nature, are not only special in China, but also rare in the world. It is a most fashionable place where tropical marine tourist resources are closely concentrated and lovers of swimming can enjoy their holidays in winter.Within the city, well-known tourist spots are dotted everywhere--the national Yalong Tourist Area, the Tianyahaijia, the Great Eastern Sea, the Luhuitou Peninsula, Sanya Bay and the Luobi Grotto. Besides these, there remain the ancient Yazhou City and relics and a sculpture of the Monk Jianzhen of the Tang Dynasty, who landed ashore to avoid the storm when he was sailing eastwards to Japan. Now the Buddhist Cultural Sightseeing spot has been partly completed and opened to the public. The Nation Hot Springs area is now under construction. It is rare that a city can concentrate all such resources: sunshine, seawater, beaches, climate, forest, animals, hot springs, grottos, customs and countryside. According to statistics, the average per capita life span of Sanya people has risen to 74.5 year old, the highest in China.Tianyahaijiao which means the end of sky and the corner of the sea, is located at the southwest seaside of Sanya city, Hainan Island. The overall plan of the scenic spot includes a land area of 10. 4square kilometres and a sea area of 6 square kilometre.Roaming in Tianyahaijiao, you can see the dreamlike coastal scenery in the fantastic southern atmosphere and you will be lost in wild and fanciful thoughts: Is there a sea beyond the sea and a sky beyond the sky?求一篇介绍海南三亚景点的60-100字英语作文及翻译!天涯海角游览区坐落与中国最南的三亚市西郊26公里处,该景区主要是由热带海滩花岗岩风景区、购物区和度假村组成的旅游风景区。 景区内建有海水浴场、钓鱼台及海上游艇等设施,由现代建筑和园林式建筑风格相结合的"天涯购物寨"、"天涯漫游区"、"天涯画廊"、"天涯民族风情园"、"天涯历史名人雕像"等屹立在海角景区。附近有"点火台"、"望海阁"、"怀苏亭"和曲径通幽组成的多层次游览胜地。 本次介绍完毕,谢谢 The ends of the earth and the Chinese resort is located south of Sanya City, 26 kilometers western suburbs, the the main scenic spots of granite by the scenic tropical beaches, shopping areas and tourist resorts scenic composition. Built scenic beach, the Diaoyutai yachts and marine facilities, from modern architecture and landscape architecture that combines style "End of the World Shopping Village", "End of the World roaming Area", "End of the World Gallery," "End of the World Park, ethnic customs," " famous statue of the End of the World History "and other scenic promontory stands. The vicinity of the "ignition-Taiwan", "Wanghai Court", "苏亭pregnant" and its winding streets, composed of multi-level tourist attraction. The introduction, thank you用英语向朋友介绍去三亚游行1. Asian Dragon Bay(Yalong Wan)1.亚龙湾国家旅游度假区Located 25 kilometers east of Sanya city,AsianDragon Bay(Yalong Wan/ Yalongwan Guff/YalongBay)is regarded as the best beach in Hainanprovince. Asian Dragon Bay(Yalong Wan/ Yalong wan/Yanlongwan Gulf/Yalong Bay) boasts unparalleledbeauty. The 7. 5-kilometer(4.7-mile)long,crescent-shaped bay with an area of 18.6 squarekilometers(about 7.2 square miles) is pne of the famous scenic spots in Hainan Province.亚龙湾位于三亚市东25公里处,被视为海南最好的海滩。 亚龙湾全长7. 5公哄(4.7英里),月牙形的海湾而积为18.6平方公里(约7.2平方英里)。亚龙湾的美丽无与伦伦比,是海南省著名景点之一。 亚龙湾位于海南省的最南端,即离热带海边旅游城市三亚25公里(约7.2英里。With the average temperature a pleasant 25.5 ℃all year-around,Yalong Bay is situated in thesouthernmost part of Hainan Province 25km(about 15.5miles)away from the tropical seasidetourist city,Sanya.The scenery is amazing,with endess rolling hills,serene gulfs,clesr blue seaand silver sand beaches-three times as long as any in Hawaii.Home to several well-preservedcoral reefs with tropical fish of varied kinds,colors and shapes the ocean here is crystalclear,allowing visitors to view underwater sights up 10 meters (33feet)deep from the surface.全年气候宜人,平均温度25.5℃。这里风景迷人,绵延不尽的山岭、平静的海湾,蔚蓝的大海和银色的沙滩一一是夏威夷内沙滩的三倍长。保存良好的珊瑚礁附近,生长肴种类、颜色和形状各异的热带鱼。海水这里的清澈透明,透过海面,游客可以看到水深10米(33英尺)处的景色。Yalong Bay boasts the five essential elements of modern tourism :sea,sands,sunshine,lushgreen plants and fresh air. In 1992,the Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organizationonce marked that this bay embraces the unique and unparalleled naturalsettings,sands,crystal sea water,endless seashore,unspoiled hills and pristinevegetation,making it a paradise for holiday travelers.亚龙湾现代旅游业引以为豪的五个根本要素是:海水、沙滩、阳光、繁茂的绿色植物和新鲜空气。 1992年,世界旅游组织秘书长曾经评价说:这个海湾拥有独特和无与伦比的自然设施、沙滩、水晶般的海水、绵延无尽的海滨、保存完好的山丘和原始植被,所有这一切,使她成为假日游客的天堂。希望能帮助到你,望采纳!!!!!
2023-06-14 03:04:141


2023-06-14 03:04:221


Datong is one of the famous historical and cultural cities in Shanxi Province. It is located in the north of Shanxi Province, km to the west of Datong City and km to the north of Taiyuan city. It is an important transportation hub of great strategic significance, which is composed of four districts and seven counties.Datong covers an area of square kilometers, and has Hengshan, Cailiang mountain, Mafu mountain and other mountains with a population of more than one million around Datong. In addition, many rivers run through Datong The whole area makes Datong a beautiful natural scenery and rich in mineral resources. Among them, coal mine is the most famous, so it is called Datong City.The coal district is a continental monsoon climate. Datong is cold and dry in winter and cool in spring and autumn, but the temperature difference between day and night is large. The annual average temperature is centigrade, the highest temperature is centigrade, and the lowest temperature in summer is centigrade.It is a natural tourism Because the average temperature of the resort is only centigrade, the best time to visit Datong is in July and August. Datong is a city with a long history. As early as the Paleolithic age, there were ancients living in this area during the Warring States period.
2023-06-14 03:04:3214


RainedSummer eveningI would expectThe cicadas sing: heyThe stars are in the wakeBask in the cool moonlightIs this recallThe first time (advertising) confessionEmbarrassed meLove you very well in philosophylovelyYou said living in tomorrow to live inAs live today is comfortableI said I would understand so fastThe first dayThe first day I existThe first breathStanding on the ground of the ankleBecause you have realisticThe first day I existThe first to flyLove is the magical emptiedThe first day of the pure colourIt is always so brightYou are very funny you very strangeYour hair is very untidySometimesFor I will be your ashdodBecome very braveSo it is not simpleYou accompany me to see the seaSo blue seaI likeYou should not have to badThe bad is I found unconsciouslyDon"t see you is not very habitsYour eyes seemed to expectDon"t expect the futureThe first day I existThe first breathStanding on the ground of the ankleBecause you have realisticThe first day I existThe first to flyLove is the magical emptiedThe first day of the pure colourIt is always so brightThe blue sea (blue sea) ahshin:Sea of clouds, sea of clouds (),The clouds cloud that ahshin (client) :Don"t turn (flying: don"t turn)The future (ahshin: to future)You said living in tomorrow to live inAs live today is comfortableI said I would understand so fastThe first dayThe first day I existThe first breathStanding on the ground of the ankleBecause you have realisticThe first day I existThe first to flyLove is the magical emptiedThe first day of the pure colourIt is always so brightNever so brightNever so brightFirst day first dayFirst day first dayFirst dayWe recognize that everyday谢谢
2023-06-14 03:05:216

急求人鱼的旋律 沙罗的歌 原唱罗马歌词!!!

Return To The Sea - Sara - 罗马音 RomajiOtogibanashi saigo no PEEJI waKakikaerarete higeki ni kawariTatta hitotsu shinjitetaHito no kokoro sae mo miushinauAi mo yume mo marudeSuna no oshiro mitai na noHakanaku kowarete yuku no yoSore o nozomanakutatteDakedo ima mo wasurerarenai noAnata ga itsumo utatta MERODIIMune ni hibiku tabi itsukaModoreru ki ga suru no ano koro niKitto kitto kaereru noTsunagareta kusari furiharaiFutatsu no sekai gaMusubareta aoi umi eZettai!Ai dake wa subete o norikoeruUnmei kimeru seiza mo kaerareruKiete shimae okubyou na uso mo ima mo...Houseki no you ni kirameku haha naru umi noYasashisa to ai ni tsutsumare umaretaNanatsu no inochi ga mitsumeru yume ga aruDakara watashi mo koko ni kita noMou jibun ni uso tsukanaiMamoru hito ga iteMamoru sekai ga aru karaKitto!Mienakute utagau no wa yowasaKatachi no nai ai o shinjitetaiYagate ai o kono te ni kanjiru hi made...Sazanami no BEDDO de me o samashita asa niSubete ga owatte hajimaru noAtatakaku shizuka na hikari ni tsutsumareteKibou ga michiteru umi ni kaeru noHora shiawase no kane ga natteNanatsu no umi ga kagayaki dashitaraAi no kiseki o ichiban suki naAnata to futari mitsumetaiSoshite sotto KISU o shite ne=================================================================================================Mermaid Melody -- Return To The SeaThe last page of a fairy tale has been re-written and changed into tragedy. Even for one person"s heart who believed in it, it"s been lost. Love and dreams are nothing more but a sandcastle that"s short-lived, and breakable, even if you didn"t wish it so. But even now, I can"t forget of that song you always used to sing. It echoes in my chest, and I feel as if I might return to that day Definitely I can return to it, but right now all it"s been is a chain surrounding me that I will shake off. Our two worlds are linked together by the blue sea. "Definitely..." "Love will conquer all, " "The constellations that decide fate can be changed." should completely vanish. All it is, is a cowardly lie. Like a jewel, the sea which shines bright as it"s nursed Engulfs everything with kindness and love, and gives seven lives birth and dreams to gaze at. So I"ve come back here. I won"t lie to myself any longer. I have my people to protect, and a world to protect. Definitely... The invisible distrust between another is a weakness to a love with no shape that I want to believe in Until I can finally feel the love within my grasp. On a bed of ripples, on the morning you woke up Everything ended and began again. Engulfed in the warm, quiet light my hopes matured, and returned to the sea. The bell of happiness rings out as the seven seas shine forth. A miracle of love that it causes is what I love most, and as we want to gaze at each other we gently kiss.
2023-06-14 03:06:023

深海狂鲨与海深情更深有什么联系吗?英文都是Deep blue sea

完全没关系,一个惊悚恐怖片,一个爱情片,年代也不同,而且英文名字有“the”的区别《深海狂鲨》Deep Blue Sea(1999)导演:雷尼·哈林 Renny Harlin主演:托马斯·简 Thomas Jane萨弗蓉·布罗斯 Saffron Burrows里·库尔·J Ll Cool J ...国家/地区: 美国上映日期:1999年7月26日 美国 ...更多中文片名:深海变种、水深火热、深蓝的海洋类型:动作/惊悚/恐怖片长:105 min《海深情更深》英文名:Deep Blue Sea, The导演:Anatole Litvak 主演:费雯丽 Jimmy Hanley Arthur Hill Sid James Miriam Karlin 类型:剧情 预告片:上映:1955年01月13日
2023-06-14 03:06:091


2023-06-14 03:06:206


Tell me a story about Gulangyu
2023-06-14 03:08:193


既然是3.22毕业装备,245的就别拿出来了,奥法不缺命中,装备优先急速精神首先,258的4t9,胸要25h1号的258晋升胸项链,唯一的一个,25h4号的258急速暴击项链披风,最好的是25h小强50箱子的277披风了,不过难度很大,所以25h1号的258披风也行护腕,25h小强258护腕武器,1号258武器或者小强箱子258武器副手,258四号副手魔杖,没有258的,只有10htoc1号的245魔杖腰带,1号258腰带鞋,3号258鞋戒指,一个是258小强戒指,另外一个只能是10h2号的245戒指了饰品,没说的,258小强的统治和245小强的统治一身全了至少5800gs+,目前国服这样的法师应该不超过100人你去英雄榜看一下五区-暮色森林-bluesea 工会的-蟑螂小法 的装备基本上就差不多达到了这个水平这个是国服排名第二的公会的主力法师
2023-06-14 03:08:262


2023-06-14 03:08:375


2023-06-14 03:09:242


坐公交 “百货公司站”下
2023-06-14 03:09:593


1. sea blue是什么颜色sea blue是一种蓝色系的颜色,它是源于海洋的浅蓝色,有点类似于宝石的蓝色,但比宝石的蓝色更加柔和和舒适。这种色调涵盖了不同的色彩层次,从深色到浅色的渐变都可以被称为sea blue。2. sea blue的情感象征在色彩心理学中,sea blue代表着平静、沉着、信任和稳定。这种颜色可以让人感觉放松和舒适,它传达了一种温和的良好感觉。海蓝色还是一种很受欢迎的婚礼颜色,因为它代表着忠诚和韧性,这使得它成为一种相当受欢迎的情感象征。3. sea blue的运用场景由于海洋的灵感,sea blue被广泛应用于海洋相关的设计中,比如海洋旅游、海洋工程和海洋科学方面等。除此之外,珠宝、服装、室内设计、广告、灯具和汽车等其他领域也有应用。在家居设计中,sea blue可以作为壁纸、窗帘以及床上用品的颜色,可以给人一种舒适的感觉。同时,这种颜色在设计中可以和其他颜色搭配使用,比如橙色、黄色、紫色和灰色等等,可以形成不同的风格和效果。4. 如何使用sea blue 如果你想在家居设计,品牌设计或个人用途中使用sea blue,以下是一些提示:第一,合理使用。注意使用深浅不一的不同色彩层次,以防颜色过于单调或单一。第二,搭配出不同风格。可以和橙色、黄色、紫色和灰色等其他颜色,组合出不同鲜明的风格,比如中性、时尚、经典、现代等等。第三,推荐在卧室及浴室中使用。因为这两个空间比较容易产生疲惫感和紧张感,需要一些平静和放松的因素。5. 风格汇总- 海洋和水饰这种风格以海洋和水为主题,通过海蓝色和绿色的调和,创造出一种轻松而平和的氛围。这种风格适合在水族馆、海洋氛围的旅游度假村、游泳池、海滩酒店、港口酒店、以及海边民宿中使用。- 经典风格 这种风格主要使用明亮的白色以及轻蓝色的调和,创造出一种舒适、和谐的氛围。此外,还可以使用各类家居饰品和纹样元素,比如蔷薇花、花卉、植物等等。这种风格适合在家居装修中使用。- 中性风格 这种风格主要使用浅色调的颜色以及黑色、白色和灰色的搭配,创造出简约、低调的氛围。此外,还可以适当加入一些有质感的元素,比如石头、木头、布料等。这种风格适合在办公室和商务场所使用。6. 结尾综上所述,sea blue作为一种平静、舒适和放松的颜色,被广泛应用于设计领域。在使用这种颜色时,需要注意颜色的不同层次和搭配,符合设计要求并达到效果。
2023-06-14 03:10:331


blue ocean]
2023-06-14 03:10:421


2023-06-14 03:11:104


建安五年(公元200年)四月,孙策出去打猎。正当他快如疾风地奔驰时,突然从草丛中跃出三人,弯弓搭箭,向他射来。孙策仓猝间,不及躲避,面颊中箭。这时,后面的扈从骑兵已经赶到,将三个人杀死。 孙策中箭,创痛甚剧。自知不久于人世,便请来张昭等人,托以后事。接着,叫来孙权,给他佩上印绶,说:“举江东之众,决机于两阵之间,与天下争衡,卿不如我。举贤任能,各尽其心,以保江东,我不如卿。 当天夜里,孙策去世,时年二十六岁。
2023-06-14 03:11:3815

2023-06-14 03:12:072


2023-06-14 03:12:175

blue is in the sea?这首诗的的意思

2023-06-14 03:12:491

why is sea blue?

如果正常回答的话:When the sun light irradiation to the surface of the sea, the sea like a transparent three prism. The light from the sun is divided into red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple seven colors. The colorful light of different wavelengths, water absorption and scattering in different degrees. Red, orange, yellow wavelength long into the water, strong penetrating power, easily absorb water molecules, increase the temperature of the sea. Blue and green light part, relatively short, penetration is poor, prone to scattering. In the deep sea, red orange light are absorbed by the seawater off, which makes the water appears blue.当太阳光照射到海面时,大海像个透明的三棱镜。太阳光被分成红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫七种颜色。这七色光线的波长不同,被海水吸收和散射的程度也不同。红、橙、黄的波长比较长,射入水中穿透力强,容易被水分子吸收,使海水的温度提高。蓝光和一部分绿光,光波比较短,穿透力差,容易发生散射。在深海里红橙光大都被海水吸收掉了,这就使海水呈现出蓝色了。 如果是脑筋急转变的话:Because the fish. Why has the fish is blue? Because the fish spit bubble! Why do fish spit bubbles is blue? Because when the fish spit bubbles have the sound of "Blue Blue Blue..."因为有鱼。 为什么有鱼就是蓝色的呢? 因为鱼会吐泡泡! 为什么鱼吐泡泡就是蓝色的呢? 因为鱼吐泡泡的时候有声音“Blue Blue Blue。。。“
2023-06-14 03:12:561


  blue的汉语意思   英 [blu:] 美 [blu]   比较级:bluer最高级:bluest第三人称复数:blues   名词 蓝色; [复数](美国海、陆、空三军穿的)蓝色制服; 蓝颜料; [the blue(s)][用作单数或复数]布鲁斯(歌曲)(一种伤感的美国黑人民歌)   形容词 蓝色的; 沮丧的,忧郁的; 下流的   及物动词 把u2026染成蓝色; 使成蓝色; 给u2026用上蓝剂; 用上蓝剂于   不及物动词 变成蓝色,呈蓝色   例句   1. He used to like the blues very much.   他过去非常喜爱布鲁斯乐曲。   2. He was in the blues on account of his failure in business.   他因事业失败而意志消沉。   blue的单语例句   1. She is saved by the sea sprite Golfo, who takes her to his blue grotto on the island of Capri.   2. A friend may call you from out of the blue and ask to crash on your sofa for a few days.   3. Blue politicians have openly called for Lien Chan to challenge Ma for the party"s " presidential nomination " in 2008.   4. A boy lies on clothing spread out under the cover of a blue tent at a refugee camp in Banda Aceh.   5. He still wore his white canoeing helmet and a yellow and blue waterproof jacket.   6. Highlights include a blue jumpsuit and cape with gold lining that Presley wore at a Madison Square Garden performance in 1972.   7. On the cape is a thick layer of light blue, and there are embroideries on the sleeves and collars.   8. According to a source at an insurance asset management company, insurance capital could be allowed to be invested in blue chips on overseas main boards.   blue的.词典解释   1. 蓝色;天蓝色   Something that is blue is the colour of the sky on a sunny day.   e.g. There were swallows in the cloudless blue sky...   燕子在万里无云的蓝天飞翔。   e.g. She fixed her pale blue eyes on her father"s.   她淡蓝色的眼睛紧紧盯着她父亲的双眼。   2. 蓝调音乐,布鲁斯音乐(源于美国南部黑人音乐家,节奏缓慢,旋律感强)   The blues is a type of music which was developed by African American musicians in the southern United States. It is characterized by a slow tempo and a strong rhythm.   e.g. His singing really does have the depth and the emotional range of the blues.   他的歌声确实颇有布鲁斯音乐的内蕴和情感深度。   e.g. ...the blues bars of Chicago.   芝加哥的蓝调酒吧   3. 忧郁;沮丧;悲伤   If you have got the blues, you feel sad and depressed.   e.g. Interfering in-laws are the prime sources of the blues.   喜欢指手画脚的姻亲最让人头疼。   4. 忧郁的;沮丧的;悲伤的   If you are feeling blue, you are feeling sad or depressed, often when there is no particular reason.   e.g. There"s no earthly reason for me to feel so blue.   我也说不出来为什么这么沮丧。   5. (剑桥或牛津大学的)校队运动员,蓝色荣誉者   A Cambridge blue or an Oxford blue is a man or woman who has played for Cambridge or Oxford University in a particular sport.
2023-06-14 03:13:051

浅灰色 水蓝色 枣红色 海兰色 这些颜色的英文怎么写

浅灰色 French grey水蓝色 Aqua blue 或者 Water-blue枣红色 Spice red 或者 Purplish reddate red 或者 Claret red海兰色 Sea blue
2023-06-14 03:13:132


碧海的解释[blue sea] 碧 蓝色 的海 详细解释 (1).传说中的海名。 《海内十洲记》 :“ 扶桑 在 东海 之东岸。岸直,陆行登岸一 万里 ,东复有 碧海 。海广狭浩汗,与 东海 等。水既不咸苦,正作碧色,甘香味美。” 隋 薛道衡 《从驾 天池 应诏》 诗:“驾鼋临 碧海 ,控骥践 瑶池 。” 唐 李白 《 有所 思》 诗:“我思仙人乃在 碧海 之东隅,海寒多天风,白波连山倒 蓬壶 。” (2).蓝色的海洋。 宋 苏轼 《登州海市》 诗:“斜阳万里孤鸟没,但见碧海磨青铜。” 明 李梦阳 《去妇词》 :“只解黄金顷刻成,那知碧海 须臾 变。” 鲁迅 《故事新编·奔月》 :“他对着浮游在碧海里似的 月亮 ,觉得自己的身子 非常 沉重 。” (3).指青天。天色蓝若海,故称。 宋 晁补之 《洞仙歌·泗州中秋作》 词:“青烟幂处,碧海飞金镜。” 清 纳兰性德 《琵琶仙·中秋》 词:“碧海年年,试问取 冰轮 ,为谁圆缺?” 词语分解 碧的解释 碧 ì 青 绿色 的玉石:碧玉。 青绿色: 碧绿 。 金碧辉煌 。 碧空 。 部首 :石; 海的解释 海 ǎ 靠近 大陆,比洋小的水域:海洋。海域。海拔。海疆。海内。海岸。 海誓山盟 。五湖四海。 用于 湖泊 名称:青海。中南海。 容量大的 器皿 , 巨大 的:海碗。 海涵 (敬辞,称对方大度包容)。夸下海口。 喻数量多的
2023-06-14 03:13:321

蔚蓝深海 英文字母这么写

蔚蓝深海Deep blueThe Deep Blue Sea采纳
2023-06-14 03:13:401


同义句为This is a blue sea
2023-06-14 03:13:493

we can seethe blue sea什么 here?

填from. We can see the blue sea from here. 我们从这里可以看到蓝色的海洋。
2023-06-14 03:13:571


My faourite place is the beach.I like every thing about the beach.I like the golden sand and blue blue sea.the sun shines and makes the sea looks like a big blue diamond.The coulorful fishes and sea p...
2023-06-14 03:14:111

Deep Blue Sea 歌词

歌曲名:Deep Blue Sea歌手:JOHN LEE HOOKER专辑:Classic John Lee Hooker - The Universal Masters CollectionArcade Fire - Deep BlueHere in my place and timeAnd here in my own skin I can finally beginLet the century pass me by, standing under the night skyTomorrow means nothingI was only a child thenFeeling barely alive when I heard a song from a speaker of a passing carPraying to a dying star, the memories fadingI can almost remember singingWe watched the end of the centuryCompressed on a tiny screenA dead star collapsing and we could seeSomething was endingAre you through pretending?We saw the signs in the suburbsYou could have never predicted that it could see through youKasparov, Deep Blue, 1996Your mind"s playing tricks nowShow"s over so take a bowAnd leave it in the shadows
2023-06-14 03:14:181

《The Deep Blue Seafor Beginners》txt下载在线阅读,求百度云资源

《The Deep Blue Sea for Beginners》(Rice, Luanne)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: qysj书名:The Deep Blue Sea for Beginners作者:Rice, Luanne出版年份:2009-8内容简介:A legendary island steeped in the mystery and wisdom of centuries…A runaway heiress learning to trust life, and love…A mother and daughter, separated for years, searching for a way to face the future together…New York Times bestselling author Luanne Rice tells a powerful story of love, family, and friendship through the lives of two women who reunite at a place where dreams begin—and where they may be fulfilled at last….
2023-06-14 03:14:261


I had a good time this summer vacation. My families and I went to(随便一个海)for it. The science there was really beautiful. Blue sea ,blue sky and the flying sea mews made up of the natural beauty. My father and I swimmed in the sea,and my mother lay on the beach for sun shower comfortably. What was more, we also went boating ourselves. At the same time, we took many pictures for memory. In a word, this summer vacation was so full and we were very happy. If I had another chance to spend my vacation, I wish I could go to (随便一个海) again.
2023-06-14 03:14:431

Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea 歌词

歌曲名:Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea歌手:Buddy Rich专辑:Jazz Legends - Our Favourite Things/A Touch Of Romance/The Wee Small House10. Between the Devil and the Deep Blue SeaI don"t want youBut I hate to lose youYou got me in betweenthe devil and the deep blue seaI forgive you"Cause I can"t forget youYou"ve got me in betweenthe devil and the deep blue seaI want to cross you off my listBut when you come knocking at my doorFate seems to give my heart a twistAnd I come running back for moreI should hate youBut I guess I love youYou"ve got me in betweenthe devil and the deep blue seaI want to cross you off my listBut when you come knocking at my doorFate seems to give my heart a twistAnd I come running back for moreI should hate youBut I guess I love youYou"ve got me in betweenthe devil and the deep blue seaYou"ve got me in betweenthe devil and the deepthe devil and the deepthe devil and the deep blue sea
2023-06-14 03:14:501

Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea 歌词

歌曲名:Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea歌手:Buddy Rich专辑:Jazz Legends: Classics Sound & Smooth Songs10. Between the Devil and the Deep Blue SeaI don"t want youBut I hate to lose youYou got me in betweenthe devil and the deep blue seaI forgive you"Cause I can"t forget youYou"ve got me in betweenthe devil and the deep blue seaI want to cross you off my listBut when you come knocking at my doorFate seems to give my heart a twistAnd I come running back for moreI should hate youBut I guess I love youYou"ve got me in betweenthe devil and the deep blue seaI want to cross you off my listBut when you come knocking at my doorFate seems to give my heart a twistAnd I come running back for moreI should hate youBut I guess I love youYou"ve got me in betweenthe devil and the deep blue seaYou"ve got me in betweenthe devil and the deepthe devil and the deepthe devil and the deep blue sea
2023-06-14 03:15:091


颜色英文单词是colour。1. red红色2. silver 银3. sand 沙子色4. gold金5. yellow 黄色6. black黑色7. olive橄榄色8. pink粉红色9. anti gold 古铜色10. natural 自然色11. gunmetal 青铜色12. stone浅橄榄灰色13. D/melange 米灰色
2023-06-14 03:15:242

颜色 英语 全些

black 黑 white白 yellow 黄 red红green 绿 gray 灰 purple紫 dark深色的 light 浅色的 blonde金黄色
2023-06-14 03:16:303


红 red橙 orange黄 yellow绿 green蓝 blue紫 purple金 golden白 white黑 black灰 grey(美式写法是gray)粉红 pink银 argentate棕 brown
2023-06-14 03:16:406


每个人都有一个保护自己的天使 他一直都会在你身边默默的守护你 等到了一定的时间他就会出现 你的真命天子是肯定有的 但是只是需要一个巧合机缘把你们牵在一起 等那个时候到了 自然就会出现 如果你现在太急于求成 等到他出现的时候说不定你就会后悔 还是慢慢的等 等到了那个时候 你就会很幸福 比任何人都幸福
2023-06-14 03:16:5615


2023-06-14 03:17:239


  海边是美丽的,那你知道去海边玩的英语作文怎么写吗?下面是我为大家精心整理的关于去海边玩的小学英语作文,希望能够帮助到你们。   去海边玩   Today, Mom and Dad said yes take me to the beach.   Morning, I first get up, pack a bag and set off. Still far from the sea, I smell the smell of the sea, heard the sound of the waves. Mother said: "yo, days to ear quite spiritual!" I am proud to say: "I called ears. I have clairvoyance it, now see someone flying a kite in the sky!"   To the beach, with the smell of the sea breeze blowing head, the waves splashed singing, really beautiful, ah! I quickly open the kite, with the help of her father delegated up, kite flying high, I"m delighted.   For a while, I found someone to catch crabs to have Qucourenao, but I just squatted down, spray a naughty doll on the "pro" at me, his face is Mercury. Suddenly, I found a small crab, just a hand, it ran fast ... ... took a long time, I finally have a harvest: a small crab, two shrimp, five small conch, I They put into a small bottle, was pleased to like conquering generals, the pride of the home.   今天,爸爸妈妈说好带我到海边玩。   早上,我第一个起床,收拾好东西就出发了。离海边还很远,我就闻到了海的味道、听到了波涛的声音。妈妈说:“哟,天予的耳朵还挺灵的!”我得意的说:“我这叫顺风耳。我还有千里眼呢,现在已经看见别人飞在天上的风筝了!”   到了海边,带着腥味的海风迎面吹来,海浪哗哗地唱着歌,真美啊!我赶忙打开风筝,在爸爸的帮助下放了起来,风筝越飞越高,我高兴极了。   一会,我发现有人在捉螃蟹,就过去凑热闹,可我刚蹲下,一个调皮的浪花娃娃就“亲”了我一下,满脸都是水星。突然,我发现了一只小螃蟹,刚一伸手,它却飞快的跑了u2026u2026过了好长时间,我终于有了收获:1只小螃蟹、2只虾、5只小海螺,我把它们装进小瓶里,高兴地象打了胜仗的将军,骄傲的回家了。   去海边玩   i went to the sea was hot but i enjoy my trip.though i did not feel well at first because of heavy traffic,i felt excited to see the blue sea.i could not help swimming in the sea.i find sea cool.when i got tired,i sat on the beach.i made some sand castles,and they look just like real castles.i was proud of them.i also found some shells.they had different shapes and colours.i did not leave the sea until the sun set.i felt a little tired but happy today.   我今天去了海边.天气很热但我享受我的旅行.虽然一开始我因为交通拥挤不舒服,但我为看到蓝色大海感到兴奋.我忍不住要去海里游泳.我觉得海水很凉.当我累了时,我坐在沙滩上.我搭建了一些沙子城堡,他们看上去就像真的城堡那样.我为他们感到骄傲.我发现了一些贝壳.他们有不同的形状和颜色.直到太阳落山,我才离开大海.我有点累但今天玩得很开心。   去海边玩   At daybreak you may go to the seashore to watch the sunrise along with the light of the morning. At noon, you may go to the beach with the purpose of experiencing the sun, sand. Bathing the infinite sunlight is great fun In the evening, you may sit at the wooden table eating the seafood, drinking and enjoy the beautiful scene of the setting sun. Maybe you can drink more with successful joy. After dinner, you can hang out on the beach with your friend away from the city noise and sing to the moon and the stars in the sky, which is more than enjoyable. At midnight, the warm hotel, the comfortable hut, and the sound of hitting rocks made by waves accompany you into deep sleep!   每日黎明你可以踏着晨光,去海边观赏日出。   中午,你可以去大海畅游嬉戏,在沙滩上沐浴着无限阳光。   傍晚,你可以坐在饭桌吃着海鲜,喝着冰啤,欣赏夕阳西下的美景,伴随成功的喜悦你有可能多喝几杯。
2023-06-14 03:18:071

求一首英文歌 男声 歌词中好像有blue jeans 还有副歌好想一直是oh—oh—oh——

She Makes Me Wanna是英国型男组合JLS(摇摆不定男孩)的一首舞曲,同时还有Dev的精彩加盟,使得整首歌曲充满活力!歌词Oh oh oh oh oh ohOkIts Dev and JLSJLSOh oh oh oh oh ohYeahOh oh oh oh oh ohI cant explain what"s gotten into meMy sanity is in the passenger seatI let her drive me she is my guideWe"re flying reckless tonightDirect me to the floorAnd turn it up some moreImma get it on on on onDirect me to the floorAnd turn it up some moreImma get it on on on onShe makes me wannaOh oh oh oh oh ohMakes me wannaOh oh oh oh oh ohLondon to jamaicaLa to africaShe makes me wannaOh oh oh oh oh ohMakes me wannaOh oh oh oh oh ohI think her eyes are hypnotizing meSomething about her turns me into a wild beastI mesmerized, down for the rideFlying reckless tonightDirect me to the floorAnd turn it up some moreImma get it on on on onDirect me to the floorAnd turn it up some moreImma get it on on on onShe makes me wannaOh oh oh oh oh ohMakes me wannaOh oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh oh ohMakes me wannaOh oh oh oh oh ohLondon to jamaicaLa to africaShe makes me wannaOh oh oh oh oh ohMakes me wannaOh oh oh oh oh ohWell that"s kind of funnyI-i was just thinkingThe high you make me oh-oh-ohwe"re flying over buildingsSitting under palm treesdrinking bubble gum drinksWe"re counting all our moniesDancing in ice rinksBuying icies(it"s nothing)We"re lovingWe"re worthy of thisLook where I come fromNow this world our kingdomShe makes me wannaOh oh oh oh oh ohMakes me wannaOh oh oh oh oh ohShe makes me wannaOh oh oh oh oh ohMakes me wannaOh oh oh oh oh ohShe makes me wannaOh oh oh oh oh ohMakes me wannaOh oh oh oh oh ohShe makes me wannaOh oh oh oh oh ohMakes me wannaOh oh oh oh oh ohLondon to jamaicaL.a to africaShe makes me wannaOh oh oh oh oh ohMakes me wannaOh oh oh oh oh oh
2023-06-14 03:18:341