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line between church and state造句 line between church and stateの例文

2023-06-14 09:55:29
TAG: church ate

As president, Bush has blurred the pnes beeen church and state .

Some question this move as a dangerous blurring of the pne beeen church and state .

The pne beeen church and state shrinks to a pinstripe at a Higley charter school.

And which part of the base wants to blur the pne beeen church and state ?

He drew critici *** from some who said he blurred the pne beeen church and state .

Kerry said he was abiding by both his conscience and the pne beeen church and state .

Yaple said . " But there"s a fine pne beeen church and state .

Chaves said it is a function of a more blurred pne beeen church and state at African-American congregations.

America is in trouble, poser Phipp Glass says, because the pne beeen church and state is being blurred.

Is it a country where the pne beeen church and state bequeathed to us by our Founding Fathers should be inviolate?

It"s difficult to see pne beeen church and state in a sentence. 用 pne beeen church and state 造句挺难的

When Howard announced his appointment, constitutional experts plained that his role as archbishop had blurred the pnes beeen church and state .

Do all these frank confessions of faith by candidates, whatever their denomination, threaten to blur the pne beeen church and state ?

Johnson, pke Lincoln, kept the pne beeen church and state reasonably clear, if not the pne beeen repgion and poptics.

Blurring the pne beeen church and state isn"t always a business strategy; it serves other forms of self-interest too.

These groups are concerned that opening up the government"s purse strings to repgious groups will blur the pnes beeen church and state .

Candidate Bush made it clear he was pro-business, suspicious of regulation and wilpng to blur the pne beeen church and state .

Some were acquainted only from shouting at one another on television talk shows about the proper place to draw the pne beeen church and state .

When Howard first announced his appointment, constitutional experts plained Holpngworth"s role as an Angpcan archbishop blurred the pnes beeen church and state .

The Constitution might draw a pne beeen church and state , but for this preacher"s son, faith and pubpc service are irrevocably pnked.

Brill was chastised for blurring the so-called pne beeen church and state by functioning as both an editorial and business executive at the magazine.

Prime Minister John Howard, who nominated Holpngworth last year despite critici *** the appointment would blur the pnes beeen church and state , also backed him.

In the dissenting opinion, Justice John Paul Stevens wrote that the cross"s presence on the Capitol lawn blurred the pne beeen church and state .

Liberals charge that it would increasingly blur the pne beeen church and state , and some conservatives fear it would result in government meddpng in repgious organizations.

Wooing voters with blends of faith and poptics is time-honored in American poptics, and the pne beeen church and state has been closely trod before.

Howard, a staunch monarchist who nominated Holpngworth last year despite critici *** the appointment would blur the pne beeen church and state , did not immediately ment Thursday.

Jimmy Carter made no secret that he was a born-again Christian, causing some nervousness among those who worry about losing the pne beeen church and state .

What we now pke to consider a clear ethical pne beeen church and state , meaning beeen a museum"s artistic and business affairs, has long been blurred.

And the presidential hopeful said he is prepared to defend his plan in court against critics who may charge that some aspects blur the constitutional pne beeen church and state .

"There was a blurring of pnes beeen church and state , " said Sus *** an, who has previously described Kiryas Joel as " a theocracy ."

Certainly, the legal pnes beeen church and state are far fuzzier here than in the United States, though Italy"s constitution erects a similar wall beeen the o.

It"s difficult to see pne beeen church and state in a sentence. 用 pne beeen church and state 造句挺难的

Civil pberties groups charge it blurs the pne beeen church and state , and allows groups spending government money to discriminate against employees that don"t adhere to certain bepefs.

There is concern among lawmakers about crossing the pne beeen church and state , and bishops"new, hard pne against abusers may have lessened the urgency for such measures.

The coaption"s plan drew swift condemnation from poptical opponents, including organizations who for years have accused the group of trying to blur the constitutional pne beeen church and state .

But the Miami *** urg Bible proclamation marks the third time in less than o years that Miami Valley pubpc officials or institutions have been accused of blurring the pne beeen church and state .

A Brenham welfare-to-work program that uses some Department of Human Services dollars illustrates how " charitable choice " can blur the pne beeen church and state .

Royall, who had long made Pre *** yterians a particular object of scorn in her writing, objected to their using the building as a blurring of the pnes beeen church and state .

The governing party"s chief coaption partner, the New Komeito Party, is a Buddhist-affipated group that many voters disapprove of as blurring the pnes beeen church and state .

Participants of the clerical conference, the first beeen bishops from Europe and South America, denied that they were trying to meddle in poptics or blur the pne beeen church and state .

An atheist says he was trying only to draw a pne beeen church and state _ not provoke a national furor _ when he went to court to challenge the Pledge of Allegiance.

Opponents contend that, when used in repgious schools, vouchers muddy the pne beeen church and state , and that any loss of financing would further weaken the struggpng pubpc schools left behind.

Prime Minister John Howard, who nominated Holpngworth last year despite critici *** the appointment would blur the pnes beeen church and state , said earper he would read the statement before making any ment.

And there"s hope the U . S . Supreme Court will use the constitutional challenge to make the important pne beeen church and state a pttle less silly-sounding to average folks.

Many Democrats opposed the " charitable choice " provision of the welfare bill when it was proposed by a Repubpcan senator, fearing that it would blur the pne beeen church and state .

The court"s ideological divisions mean that critical issues _ pke campaign finance, employment discrimination and the pne beeen church and state _ are pkely to be resolved by the narrowest of margins.

For most of the more than 150 repgious schools in New York City that receive the teachers"services, the constitutional pnes beeen church and state have blurred a bit this year, albeit subtly.

Indeed, in a family which has both absorbed critici *** for blurring the pnes beeen church and state and for not strictly observing church doctrine, repgion has been a mon thread through tragedy and triumph.

Yet neither the new defensiveness over repgious symbols nor the blurring of already unclear pnes beeen church and state here quite add up to the Cathopc eback that Pope John Paul II has long prayed for.

The president"s initiative has e under fire from conservative and pberal groups over concerns that it would blur the pnes beeen church and state and permit repgious groups to discriminate with federal funds in hiring.

Raymond L . Flynn, the former Boston mayor and former ambassador to the Vatican, is walking a fine pne beeen church and state and the presidential campaigns of John Kerry and George W . Bush.

Civil pberties groups condemn the movement as a backdoor attempt to flout the 1962 and 1963 Supreme Court rupngs against organized prayer in schools, which said it violates the constitutional dividing pne beeen church and state .

It"s difficult to see pne beeen church and state in a sentence. 用 pne beeen church and state 造句挺难的



2023-06-13 23:43:063


问题一:模糊的用英语该怎么说 有很多:vague,unclear, hazy, fuzzy,川misty, blurred, obscure 问题二:难以辨认的,模糊不清的用英文怎么说比如上面的字太模 illegible 英 [??led??bl] 美 [??l?d??b?l] adj. 潦草;难辨认的,字迹模糊的 词汇难度:TOEFL / TEM8 例句: My secretary worked long hours translating my almost illegible writing into a typewritten and readable script. It is impossible to deliver this letter because the address is illegible. The words have bee illegible. 问题三:模糊的英语是什么? blur 英音:[bl?:]美音:[bl?] 名词 n. 1.模糊;模糊不清的事物[S] Everything bees a blur when you travel beyond a certain speed. 当你超过一定的速度行进时,一切都变得模模糊糊的。 2.污点,污迹[C] The letter had many blots and blurs. 信上有许多墨水渍和污迹。 及物动词 vt. 1.使模糊不清,使朦胧 Tears blurred her eyes. 她泪眼模糊。 2.弄脏;玷污 I blurred my report绩by spilling milk on it. 我不小心把牛奶泼了出来,弄脏了报告。 不及物动词 vi. 1.变模糊 Her eyes blurred with tears. 他的视线因泪水变得模糊不清。 2.沾上污迹 问题四:不清楚英语怎么说 dimness/lack of focus/mistiness/indistinction/unclear 问题五:模糊查询用英语怎么说? Fuzzy Enquiry 问题六:下面的字有点模糊看不清,怎么英语说 你好! 下面的字有点模糊看不清 The following words is a little fuzzy couldn"t see 问题七:你怎么什么都看不清楚 英文 怎么说呢? how e you can not see anything clearly? how e you can not get a clear picture of anything ?
2023-06-13 23:44:041

E.T.A.的《Blurred》 歌词

歌曲名:Blurred歌手:E.T.A.专辑:No SmokingBritney Spears - BlurTurn the lights outThis shit is way too fucking brightWanna poke my eyes outIf you wanna mess with my eyesightJust let me get my head rightWhere the hell am I?Who are you?What"d we doLast night?Hey yeah yeahWho are you?What"d we doLast night?Hey yeah yeahCan"t remember what I did last nightMaybe I shouldn"t have given inBut I just couldn"t fightHope I didn"t but I think I might"veEverything, everything is still a blurCan"t remember what I did last nightEverything, everything is still a blur (Did last night)Can"t remember what I did last nightEverything, everything is still a blurWhat"s your name, man?Can you calmly hand me all my things?I think I need an aspirinBetter yet, I need to get up outta hereI gotta get my head rightWhere the hell am I?Who are you?What"d we doLast night?Yeah yeah yeahCan"t remember what I did last nightMaybe I shouldn"t have given inBut I just couldn"t fightHope I didn"t but I think I might"veEverything, everything is still a blurCan"t remember what I did last nightEverything, everything is still a blur (Did last night)Can"t remember what I did last nightEverything, everything is still a blurWhat happened last night?"Cause I don"t-- "cause I don"t rememberWhat happened?Can"t remember what I did last nightMaybe I shouldn"t have given inBut I just couldn"t fightHope I didn"t but I think I might"veEverything, everything is still a blurCan"t remember what I did last night (Blur)Everything, everything is still a blur (Did last night)Can"t remember what I did last nightEverything, everything is still a blur
2023-06-13 23:44:101

迷糊的英文单词 怎么写呢?

迷糊 1.misted ; blurred ; dimmed 2.dazed ; confused 3.muddleheaded 睡迷糊了 be dazed with sleep 喝酒喝迷糊了 get tipsy 把人给弄迷糊了 make one feel muddled 他这个人有点迷糊.He"s somewhat muddleheaded...
2023-06-13 23:44:171


画面模糊 the picture is blurred
2023-06-13 23:44:263


回答和翻译如下:屏幕变的模糊不清。The screen is blurry.
2023-06-13 23:44:376


dazzling monitor
2023-06-13 23:44:555


2023-06-13 23:45:593

英语翻译 琢磨不透 比如 你是那样让人琢磨不透 的那个琢磨不透..

(1)琢磨不透 =blurred (模糊) 例句: (a)I am still blurred after your explanation.你解释后我仍然模糊(琢磨不透) (2)琢磨不透 = unpredictable = You are so unpredictable.深不可测 (3) 琢磨不透 =unintelligible (难懂的) = Your mind is so unintelligible.(心...难懂的)
2023-06-13 23:46:051


more blured
2023-06-13 23:46:335


2023-06-13 23:47:062


The writing is blurred
2023-06-13 23:47:422


My eyes are blurred with tears. Tears blurred my eyes.
2023-06-13 23:48:154

一首英文歌,开头好像是everybody get up,还有嘿嘿嘿,节奏很强

2023-06-13 23:48:243

有人知道 blur 这个单词吗

blur可以是动词也可以是名词, 意思是使……模糊不清,沾上污渍(动词) 或者模糊,污渍(名词),在变成blurred形态的时候就是形容词。my vision is blurred. 我的视线模糊了。Everything is a little bit of blur at night. 晚上(我看)什么东西都有点模糊。网易词典(或者随便什么其他词典)将会是你学习英文过程中最好的朋友。Good luck。
2023-06-13 23:49:061


2023-06-13 23:49:153


但凡了解欧美音乐圈的人,都知道如果说到“骚”这个字眼的时候,都知道有这么几个人,骚当、骚姆还有一个骚宾。前两个就不用过多介绍了,骚当凭借一首《sugar》的mv到处去婚礼上骗吃骗喝,掀起了一阵狂热,因此也大受大家欢迎;骚姆的嗓音简直就是天籁,堪称90后新生歌手的担当;但还有一个骚宾,好像并不被很多人了解,其实在早几年的时候,骚宾可是火得一塌糊涂。凭借一首《blurred lines》迅速让骚宾这个名字火爆了全球,毕竟这首《blurred lines》太火了,创造了无数神话,这首歌是在2013年的时候发行的,并且在美国权威的billboard榜单上连冠12周,这可谓是十分了不得,销量也是十分喜人,在全球销量高达1163万,是当年最火爆的神曲,瞬间这首歌就火爆了大街小巷。这首歌的收入也是十分喜人,这首歌的收入大概是1660万美金,所以凭借一首歌暴富的梦想就这么实现了,俗话说人红是非多,这句话说的一点错都没有,虽然这首歌《blurred lines》取得了如此好的成绩,却被Marvin gaye 家族给告上了法庭,他们认为这首歌曲抄袭了已故的Marvin gaye的作品《got to give it up》。最终的结果也是让人十分意外,法院判定骚宾和菲董他们赔偿740万美金,折合成人民币大概是4600万,一下子就成为了美国音乐史上版权纠纷赔偿金额最高的案件。在判决完之后菲董和骚宾并不承认抄袭,只是从这首歌里面获取了灵感。所以在2016年的时候,骚宾和菲董上诉不服此次的判决,并且也有超过200名的音乐人联名请愿,他们觉得法院的这个判决过于残酷,以后音乐创作者怎么敢从其他人的作品获取灵感呢?即便如此,法院依旧驳回了这个上述。然而有意思的是,Marvin gaye他们家庭的人员也不是什么善茬,在Marvin gaye 去世之后,他的孩子到处去状告一些大红歌手抄袭他们父亲的作品,以此来获得赔偿,比如之前黄老板也被告上法庭,最后法院判定黄老板胜方,也是从另一个方面证明了黄老板的才华。其实大部分人的创作多多少少会从其他人的作品中获取灵感,但如果全片照搬却署上自己的名字认为就是自己的作品,那这样真是荒唐至极。你们呢?是否听过这首《blurred lines》,是否认为这首歌抄袭呢?来说说你们的看法吧。
2023-06-13 23:49:241


With my great fireworks, change your life.
2023-06-13 23:49:3715

blurred lines什么意思

blurred lines 网络 美国达人; 翻唱; 街舞; 伴奏; 模特; [例句]Some companies are experimenting with curbing the use of technologies that have blurred the lines between home and office.有些公司在尝试对如何使用那些模糊了家庭与公司界限的技术加以限制。
2023-06-13 23:50:051

Blurred eyes 是什么意思

2023-06-13 23:50:284

blurred lines什么意思

线条模糊【忧乐美 团队---生同一个寝】为您解答=====满意请采纳为满意答案吧====
2023-06-13 23:50:473

blurred lines什么意思

2023-06-13 23:50:552


clc;clear all; %读原始图像% format long Blurred=imread("fig525(b).bmp"); subplot(1,2,1);imshow( Blurred);title("原图像");%自编函数进行维纳滤波% k=0.0025; [m,n]=size(Blurred); spectrum=zeros(m,n); H=zeros(m,n); for u=1:m for v=1:n H(u,v)=exp(-k*((u-m/2)^2+(v-n/2)^2)^(5/6)); spectrum(u,v)=H(u,v)^2; end end f=double(Blurred); F1=fftshift(fft2(f)); HW=H./(spectrum+0.001); restore1=HW.*F1; restored=real(ifft2(ifftshift(restore1)));subplot(1,2,2);imshow(restored,[]);title("自编函数进行维纳滤波");%调用matlab提供的维纳滤波函数% figure; hw1=real(ifft2(ifftshift(H)));%转化到空域上来 result1=deconvwnr(Blurred,hw1,0.001); result2=ifftshift(result1);%再去图像进行1,3象限对调,2与4象限对调 subplot(1,2,1);imshow(result2,[]);title("调用维纳滤波函数");
2023-06-13 23:51:031

Robin Thicke的blurred lines里面出演的三位女模特分别是?最少也要告诉我那个红头发白人女模特是谁

Elle Evans (瘦高)Emily Ratajkowsk (大嘴)Jessi M"Bengue(黑人)
2023-06-13 23:51:112


Writing is vague
2023-06-13 23:51:274

blurred lines什么意思?

2023-06-13 23:51:363

求一首英文歌曲名字,男的唱的,感觉和方大同的玩乐风格类似,又有点像猫王的歌的旋律(也不知道是不是) 这个?
2023-06-13 23:51:464

We are all "were", blurred our closest happiness.

2023-06-13 23:52:033

英文翻译 翻译两段话 请不要用电脑翻译 在线等

1.I have traveled many places, have seen many different people, lamas, muslims, thieves and frauds, and profit businessman, I think everyone have their own inner value judgments, good or bad, but gradually, these all kinds of people or things in my mind blurred the line.2.Might we each person and not too much, but according to the personal lifestyle, like drawing, it does not need any reason to draw, not to fame , also not for happy, it can"t even say a kind of interest, because you will be interested in denial or tired, to go paint or for me in this world may only is a way of life, like food and sleep, you can"t quit then.
2023-06-13 23:52:102

现实 用英语怎么说

2023-06-13 23:52:206

blurry 和blurring的区别

1.blurryadj. 模糊的;污脏的;不清楚的[ 比较级 blurrier 最高级 blurriest ]2.blurringadj. 模糊的n. 模糊vi. 模糊(blur的现在分词)3.blurvt. 涂污;使…模糊不清;使暗淡;玷污vi. 沾上污迹;变模糊n. 污迹;模糊不清的事物[ 过去式 blurred 过去分词 blurred 现在分词 blurring ]
2023-06-13 23:52:551


问题一:模糊的用英语该怎么说 有很多:vague,unclear, hazy, fuzzy,川misty, blurred, obscure 问题二:模糊的英语是什么? blur 英音:[bl?:]美音:[bl?] 名词 n. 1.模糊;模糊不清的事物[S] Everything bees a blur when you travel beyond a certain speed. 当你超过一定的速度行进时,一切都变得模模糊糊的。 2.污点,污迹[C] The letter had many blots and blurs. 信上有许多墨水渍和污迹。 及物动词 vt. 1.使模糊不清,使朦胧 Tears blurred her eyes. 她泪眼模糊。 2.弄脏;玷污 I blurred my report绩by spilling milk on it. 我不小心把牛奶泼了出来,弄脏了报告。 不及物动词 vi. 1.变模糊 Her eyes blurred with tears. 他的视线因泪水变得模糊不清。 2.沾上污迹 问题三:难以辨认的,模糊不清的用英文怎么说比如上面的字太模 illegible 英 [??led??bl] 美 [??l?d??b?l] adj. 潦草;难辨认的,字迹模糊的 词汇难度:TOEFL / TEM8 例句: My secretary worked long hours translating my almost illegible writing into a typewritten and readable script. It is impossible to deliver this letter because the address is illegible. The words have bee illegible. 问题四:不清楚英语怎么说 dimness/lack of focus/mistiness/indistinction/unclear 问题五:下面的字有点模糊看不清,怎么英语说 你好! 下面的字有点模糊看不清 The following words is a little fuzzy couldn"t see 问题六:模糊查询用英语怎么说? Fuzzy Enquiry
2023-06-13 23:53:011


字迹模糊不清英文:The writing is blurred模糊不清英文:blurred and indistinct; inexplicit; misty; nebulous slur ;
2023-06-13 23:53:091


问题一:不清楚英语怎么说 dimness/lack of focus/mistiness/indistinction/unclear 问题二:下面的字有点模糊看不清,怎么英语说 你好! 下面的字有点模糊看不清 The following words is a little fuzzy couldn"t see 问题三:你怎么什么都看不清楚 英文 怎么说呢? how e you can not see anything clearly? how e you can not get a clear picture of anything ? 问题四:英语中"我不是很清楚"怎么说 sorry, I"ve no idea sorry, I don"t know sorry, I"m not sure about it 问题五:我听不清楚。用英语怎么说阿 电话用语嘛,当你听不清的时候可以这么说: (1) parden ? (2) excuse me (3) Can you repeat it ? (4) I am sorry,I can"t catch you (5) I am sorry ,I 处an"t follow you (6) please say it again (7) I want to listen to it once more . 我还没来得及说 It is too late for me to speak/talk. 问题六:模糊的用英语该怎么说 有很多:vague,unclear, hazy, fuzzy,川misty, blurred, obscure 问题七:含糊不清的的英文怎么说 ambiguous 英[?m?b?gju?s] 美[?m?b?ju?s] adj. 模棱两可; 含糊的,不明确的; 引起歧义的; 有两种或多种意思的; [例句]This agreement is very ambiguous and open to various interpretations 这份协议非常含糊,可以有多种解释。 问题八:不清楚,不了解 用英语怎么说? I"m not (really) sure 吧。 I have no idea about it, 和 I don"t know 都是完全不知道的意思。
2023-06-13 23:53:161


blur音标是[blu025cu02d0(r)],谐音“补漏”。blur作名词意为模糊不清的事物;模糊的记忆,记不清的事情;污迹,作动词意为(使)看不清楚,记不清;(使)难以区分;玷污,网络上也可意为模糊;疾驰残影;模糊不清。作为专业用于为模糊 [土木建筑工程];模糊 [文学]。blur的现在分词为blurring,过去式和过去分词为blurred。blur的词组如下:motion blur运动模糊、gaussian blur高斯模糊(一种滤镜功能)。模糊的景色模糊的人物
2023-06-13 23:53:231


歌词“Everybody get up”,出自歌曲《Blurred Lines》外文名称:Blurred Lines所属专辑:Blurred Lines 发行时间:2013年3月26日 歌曲原唱:Robin Thicke,T.I.,Pharrell 填 词:Robin Thicke,Pharrell Williams,Clifford Harris, Jr 谱 曲:Robin Thicke,Pharrell Williams,Clifford Harris, Jr 编 曲:Pharrell Williams歌词:Everybody get up大家嗨起来!Everybody get up大家嗨起来Hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey嘿嘿嘿If you can"t hear what I"m trying to say若我的甜言蜜语 你却听不见If you can"t read from the same page若我们的步调 完全不在一个地平线Maybe I"m going deaf也许是哥耳聋了吧Maybe I"m going blind也许是哥目瞎了吧Maybe I"m out of my mind也许是哥脑子抽疯了吧Ok now he was close他现在离你越来越近Tried to domesticate you想要好好调教你But you"re an animal但你是凶猛的野兽Baby it"s in your nature这是你的天性Just let me liberate you (Hey, hey, hey)让我释放你的能量(嘿嘿嘿)You don"t need no papers (Hey, hey, hey)你不需要一纸婚书(嘿嘿嘿)Than man is not your maker他不是你的真命天子And that"s why I"m gon" take a good girl所以我要采撷你的硕果I know you want it我知道你很想要I know you want it渴求我的临幸I know you want it渴求我的滋润You"re a good girl你真是个好女孩Can"t let it get passed me绝对不能错过你You"re far from plastic完美的躯体让人垂涎欲滴Talk about getting blasting蕴含的野性让人沉醉迷离I hate these blurred lines我最讨厌那些含糊其词I know you want it我知道你很想要I know you want it渴求我的临幸I know you want it渴求我的滋润You"re a good girl你真是个好女孩The way you grab me你那娴熟的手法Must wanna get nasty看起来已经饥渴难耐Go ahead, get at me继续吧,让我好好爽一把What do they make dreams for还需要幻想什么梦想When you got them jeans on当美女穿上紧身裤What do feelings stem from还需要渴求什么热辣You the hottest bitch in this place眼前就有辣妹子一只I feel so lucky我真是太幸运了You wanna hug me(Hey, hey, hey)你想要拥抱我(嘿嘿嘿)What rhymes with hug me?(Hey~~~)什么词和拥抱我押韵呢?(嘿~~~)Everybody get up大家嗨起来Ok now he was close他现在离你越来越近Tried to domesticate you想要好好调教你But you"re an animal但你是凶猛的野兽Baby it"s in your nature这是你的天性Just let me liberate you (Hey, hey, hey)让我释放你的能量(嘿嘿嘿)You don"t need no papers (Hey, hey, hey)你不需要一纸婚书(嘿嘿嘿)Than man is not your maker他不是你的真命天子And that"s why I"m gon" take a good girl所以我要采撷你的硕果I know you want it我知道你很想要I know you want it渴求我的临幸I know you want it渴求我的滋润You"re a good girl你真是个好女孩Can"t let it get passed me绝对不能错过你You"re far from plastic完美的躯体让人垂涎欲滴Talk about getting blasting蕴含的野性让人沉醉迷离I hate these blurred lines我最讨厌那些含糊其词I know you want it我知道你很想要I know you want it渴求我的临幸I know you want it渴求我的滋润You"re a good girl你真是个好女孩The way you grab me你那娴熟的手法Must wanna get nasty看起来已经饥渴难耐Go ahead, get at me继续吧,让我好好爽一把One thing I ask you我只想求你一件事Let me be the one you back that ass into让我成为你翩翩起舞的对象Yo, from Malibu, to Paris bo从马利布到卡里布Yeah, had a bitch, but she ain"t bad as you曾有美人在怀 但绝无你这般靓丽So hit me up when you pass through经过时给我来一下I"ll give you something big enough to tear your ass in two我会用我的雄伟让你嫩菊分瓣Swag on, even when you dress casual即使你平常打扮 气场依旧强悍I mean it"s almost unbearable这真是让我饥渴难耐啊In a hundred years not dare would I, from a far side我绝对不会再let you pass me by.让美女如你从我眼前溜走Nothing like your last guy,he too square for you我绝对不会像你的前任 他实在太无趣了He don"t smack that ass and pull your hair like that他不会拍上你的翘臀 更不会轻拉你的秀发So I, just watch and wait for you to salute and choose this pimp"我就站在此等待注视让你能看清哥这位纯爷们Not many women can refuse this pimpin"世上没有多少女人能抗拒哥Im a nice guy, but don"t get if confused, this pimpin"哥人很好 别混淆了 我看上的女人必将拿下Shake the rump摇起你的翘臀Get down蹲下Get up再起身Do it like it hurt, like it hurt再深入一点,深入一点Watcha doing like word (Hey)这样还不够吗? (嘿)Everybody get up大家嗨起来Baby can you breathe宝贝 还能喘息吗?I got this from Jamaica这是我从牙买加带来的好货It always works for me哥吸这口总会飘飘欲仙Dakota to Dakata, uh huh达科塔到狄卡达No more pretending (Hey, hey, hey)再也不用掩饰(嘿嘿嘿)Cause now you winning (Hey, hey, hey)现在你是人生赢家(嘿嘿嘿)Here"s our beginning我们现在开始I always wanted a我一直想要一个Good girl(Everybody get up)好女孩(大家嗨起来)I know you want it我知道你很想要I know you want it渴求我的临幸I know you want it渴求我的滋润You"re a good girl你真是个好女孩Can"t let it get passed me绝对不能错过你You"re far from plastic完美的躯体让人垂涎欲滴Talk about getting blasting蕴含的野性让人沉醉迷离I hate these blurred lines(Everybody get up)我讨厌这些模糊的界线(大家嗨起来)I know you want it我知道你很想要I know you want it渴求我的临幸I know you want it渴求我的滋润You"re a good girl你真是个好女孩The way you grab me你那娴熟的手法Must wanna get nasty看起来已经饥渴难耐Everybody get up Everybody get up大家嗨起来Hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey嘿嘿嘿
2023-06-13 23:53:451

Blurred Lines 中文歌词

If you can"t hear what I"m trying to say若我的甜言密语,你却听到不见If you can"t read from the same page若我们的步调,完全不在一个地平线Maybe I"m going death, maybe I"m going blind也许是哥耳聋了罢,也许是哥目瞎了罢Maybe I"m out of my mind也许是哥头脑抽风了罢 Ok now he was close, tried to domesticate you,现在他的魔爪离你越来越近,想要好好调教你But you"re an animal, baby it"s in your nature但你是凶猛的野兽,这是你天生野性Just let me liberate you让我释放你心中的小猛兽 Hey, hey, heyYou don"t need no papers你不需要一纸婚书 Hey, hey, heyThan man is not your maker那斯不是你的真命天子And that"s why I"m gon" take a good girl,所以我在好好采撷你的硕果I know you want it我知道你想要I know you want it渴求我的临幸I know you want it渴求我的滋润 You"re a good girl你真是个好女孩1:03Can"t let it get passed me绝对不能错过你You"re far from plastic完美的躯体让人垂涎欲滴Talk about getting blasting蕴含的野性让人沉醉迷离I hate these blurred lines我最讨厌含糊期词I know you want it我知道你想要I know you want it渴求我的临幸I know you want it渴求我的滋润 But you"re a good girl但你是个好女孩The way you grab me你娴熟的手法Must wanna get nasty看起来已经饥渴难耐 Go ahead, get at me继续吧,让我好好爽一把 Verse 2: Robin ThickeWhat do they make dreams for还需要什么幻想When you got them jeans on当美女穿上紧身裤 What do we need steam for还需要渴求什么热辣 You the hottest bitch in this place眼前就有辣妹子一只 Robin ThickeI feel so lucky, you wanna hug me感到如此荣幸,你想要拥抱我Hey, hey, What rhymes with hug me?什么词和拥抱我押韵呢Hey, hey, hey2:28One thing I ask you我有一事相求Let me be the one you back that ass up to让我成为你共舞的对象Yo, from Malibu, to Paribu从马里布一路骑到卡里布had a bitch,but she ain"t bad as you我曾有美人在怀,可比不上你的靓丽So hit me up when you pass through经过时给我来一下I"ll give you something big enough to tear your ass in two我会用我的雄伟让你的嫩菊分瓣Swag on‘em even when you dress casua即使你平常扮气扬强悍I mean it"s almost unbearable这仍让我难以淡定In a hundred years not dare would I我绝不会再 use my foresight let you pass me by让美女如你从我眼前溜走Nothing like your last guy, he too square for you你的前任简直是极品,实在太无趣了He don"t smack that ass and pull your hair for you他不会拍你的翘臀,也不会扯拽你的秀发So I just watching, and waiting我就站在此处等待注视For you to salute the truly pimpin"让你能看清这位纯爷们Not many women can refuse this pimpin"世上没多少女人能抗拒哥But I"m a nice guy, but don"t get confused,you git"n it!哥人很好,但别混淆了,我看上的女人必将拿下!Shake your rump, 摇摆你的肥臀,get down, get up-a, 下云,再上来Do it like it hurt, like it hurt再深入一点,深入一点Hey嗨What you don"t like work?这样够不够3:26Baby can you breathe? I got this from Jamaica宝贝,还能喘息么 这是我从牙买加带来的好货It always works for me哥吸这口总会飘飘欲仙 Dakota to Decatur, uh huh达科他到迪凯达No more pretending, 再也不用伪装Hey, hey, heyCause now you winning现在你是生活的赢家了Hey, hey, heyHere"s our beginning现在我们正式开始I always wanted a我一直想要good girl好女孩I know you want it我知道你很想要I know you want it渴求我的临幸I know you want it渴求我的滋润 You are a good girl你真是个好女孩
2023-06-13 23:53:531

英语翻译 琢磨不透 比如 你是那样让人琢磨不透 的那个琢磨不透..

(1)琢磨不透 =blurred (模糊) 例句: (a)I am still blurred after your explanation.你解释后我仍然模糊(琢磨不透) (2)琢磨不透 = unpredictable = You are so unpredictable.深不可测 (3) 琢磨不透 =unintelligible (难懂的) = Your mind is so unintelligible.(心...难懂的)
2023-06-13 23:54:051


森系英文名250个 1、betray(辜负) 2、Luminous 夜光 3、Figure 身影 4、Old love song(老情歌) 5、starry(星空) 6、光明——Kira(姬拉) 7、devour(吞噬) 8、simple(单纯)9、Insane 失控 10、三叶草——Clover(克洛娃) 11、As before(如初) 12、Diamonds 钻石 13、durance 枷锁 14、Ovdoes 上瘾 15、Full head All you(满脑子都是你) 16、辛——Desdemona(荻丝梦娜) 17、it"sraining(下雨了) 18、太阳情人——Kyrene(姬怜) 19、Seven seconds(七秒) 20、Waiting for Love(等爱) 21、Roue(备胎) 22、▓cool(淡然) 23、spirit(精灵) 24、美神——Cytheria(茜赛莉雅) 25、蓝天——Ciel(希尔) 26、Mental 神经病 27、天使——Angelina(安洁莉娜) 28、limerance(纯爱) 29、Silence(看淡) 30、queen(女王) 31、Queen 女王 32、朦胧——Cecilia(赛茜莉雅) 33、圣女帝——Dione(帝傲霓) 34、Summer°(初夏) 35、洁——Karida(卡丽妲) 36、天使——Angel(安琪尔) 37、Warm summer(暖夏) 38、无子——Izefia(义哲法) 39、玫瑰泪——Dolores(多洛莉丝) 40、Escape 逃离 41、Depend(依靠) 42、Luminary 发光体 43、仁君——Derica(德利卡) 44、贝贝——Bebe 45、Forgive(原谅) 46、Contentious(矫情) 47、Eternal 永恒 48、杀手——Quella(瑰拉) 49、Rebirth 重生 50、女帝——Queenie(贵妮) 51、traveler 过客 52、dear(挚爱) 53、夜妖——Lilith(莉丽丝) 54、regulars(消逝) 55、Initia(倾城) 56、Estrus 动情 57、warm(暖) 58、炽天使——Serafina(撒拉佛娜) 59、卡西欧(查德西尔)——Cassiel 60、米迦列天使——Michelle(蜜雪儿) 61、Oboe(欧巴) 62、Stare(凝视) 63、Ericka(艾利卡) 64、莫愁——Deirdre(迪德黎) 65、Bitter(苦涩) 66、春华——Chloe(克洛哀) 67、ERosIon 腐朽 68、adorable°(萌) 69、Twilight 暮年 70、MISS(错过) 71、perfunctory(敷衍) 72、beloved(意中人) 73、Finish(散场) 74、leave(离开) 75、Loser 失败者 76、mint(薄荷) 77、Morbid 病态 78、Naive(幼稚) 79、relief(解脱) 80、Distance(距离) 81、Tenderness(夜未央) 82、geek(怪咖) 83、Healer(治愈者) 84、花仙子——Laraine(莱蕾) 85、Fishbone 鱼刺 86、辛——Desdemona(荻思梦娜) 87、formerly(原来) 88、Absent(不在) 89、中文名:三叶草 90、妖姬——Delilah(迪丽拉) 91、狼王——Ulrica(优利卡) 92、真白——Fiona(斐奥娜) 93、娜娜——Nana(巴比仑女神) 94、秋牡丹——Anemone(爱妮梦) 95、Sophia 智慧 96、Outlier 局外人 97、Follow me(跟我走) 98、Fairy(仙女) 99、洁——Elina(艾莉娜) 100、Weirdo(怪人) 101、幸——Felicia(菲莉茜雅) 102、Breath(呼吸) 103、Slowly love(慢慢爱) 104、Puppet(傀儡) 105、孤挺花——Amaryllis(爱玛莉莉丝) 106、翠玉——Esme(爱丝魅) 107、rampant(猖狂) 108、Monody(挽歌) 109、Serious 高冷 110、Thunder 雷电 111、尘——Ash(艾什) 112、青绿——Cyan(诗安) 113、若兰——Ah-lam(阿拉姆) 114、Error(过失) 115、hangover(宿醉) 116、Alley(小巷) 117、霸王——airica(爱利卡) 118、Tsundere(傲娇) 119、polite(文雅) 120、Promise 诺言 121、Unique(唯一) 122、blurred(迷离) 123、heat snow(热雪) 124、明君——Frederica(法兰利卡) 125、Chanel(香奈儿) 126、银月——Luna(露娜)Lumina(露米娜) 127、炽天使——Sera(赛拉) 128、forever(永远) 129、Invader(瑾年) 130、宫——Miya(魅雅) 131、fireworks(烟花) 132、Special care(特别关心) 133、autistic 孤僻 134、光明——Kira(姬拉):语源—拉丁语 135、らstruggle(旧事) 136、武帝——Kimi(姬魅) 137、天后——Juno(朱诺) 138、樱——Sakura(莎珂拉) 139、Dirge 挽歌 140、history(往事) 141、Moonlight(月光) 142、含义:宇宙协调 143、技芸——Muse(缪斯) 144、Devour 吞噬 145、以汉语日语汉语为语源的MM英文名 146、朦胧——Cecile(赛西尔) 147、plaincolour(素色) 148、Your most precious(你最珍贵) 149、Breeze(清风) 150、宇宙——Cosima(克斯玛) 151、Wayward(任性) 152、Despair 绝望 153、亚列——Ariel 154、Hangover 宿醉 155、后——Regina(瑞姬娜) 156、Haggard 憔悴 157、米迦列天使——Michaela(米迦列拉) 158、圣女帝——Dione((帝傲霓) 159、Estrus(动情) 160、帝释天——Indira(英帝拉) 161、Beginning(始于) 162、unique(独一无二) 163、武圣——Louise(露易斯) 164、single 一个人 165、Miss 想念 166、You know what I(你懂我) 167、Luxus(奢望) 168、持矛帝王——Geri(婕丽) 169、沙——Sandy(沙狄) 170、米迦列——Michelle 171、Weirdo 怪人 172、朦胧——Sicily(茜丝莉) 173、六月天使——Muriel(穆利尔) 174、Custom(习惯) 175、mirage 妄想 176、(son)念旧-m 177、雨夜——Amaya(哀弥夜) 178、白雪——Snow(丝诺) 179、Softrib(软肋) 180、lifetime(一生) 181、恋——Jo(姣) 182、柔——Claudia(可洛迪雅) 183、he is faith(他是信仰) 184、Ifyou(如果你) 185、Betsy(安好) 186、Hunter(猎人) 187、月亮——Celina(赛莉娜) 188、Heart plug(心塞) 189、Allure 倾城 190、柔——Claudia(克洛迪雅) 191、lonely 孤独 192、嘉百列——Gabrielle 193、紫水晶——Amethyst(瑷玫夕丝) 194、The stars(星辰) 195、Firstencounter(初遇) 196、雪兰——Elodie(伊洛蒂) 197、黛妮——Danae 198、冰——Ice(爱丝) 199、Abyss(深渊) 200、微小——Demi(黛米) 201、Wind Rises(起风了) 202、Compromise(妥协) 203、公主——Sade(萨德) 204、Simple(单纯) 205、暗之花——Melantha(魅兰莎) 206、puberty(青春期) 207、Cheat(骗子) 208、Lemon 青柠 209、 210、sweet(甜的) 211、贵宾——Aida(阿伊达) 212、Eternally(永恒) 213、Finish(结束) 214、Surplus(多余) 215、Whispers 私语 216、Drunk(醉梦) 217、scream 尖叫 218、哀——Delores(德洛莉丝) 219、Faith 信仰 220、爱莱拉——Arella 221、estrus(动情) 222、The wound(伤口) 223、Decennium(十年) 224、Gardenia(栀子) 225、liquor(浊酒) 226、dreamer 梦想家 227、羽翼——Aletta(爱莱塔) 228、河妖——Lorelei(洛勒莱) 229、Lose丶recall(丢失回忆) 230、Ronin.(浪人) 231、天——Skye(丝珂) 232、Temporize(敷衍) 233、Farewell(深情) 234、Fairy 仙女 235、Moonlight 月光 236、Bury(埋葬) 237、Anonymous(匿名) 238、月之子——Amaris(爱玛黎丝) 239、summer(夏) 240、desire 欲望 241、Firstsonw(初雪) 242、春娘——Easter(伊丝塔) 243、天后——Gina(姬娜) 244、momaek(莫陌) 245、Orphan(孤) 246、Trick(欺骗) 247、真白——Blanche(白蓝雪) 248、Fault(过错) 249、rangers(流浪者) 250、春娘——Ishtar(伊旭塔) 251、lemon(柠檬) 252、hug me(拥抱我) 253、struggle(旧事) 254、穆利尔——Muriel 255、Mole 泪痣
2023-06-13 23:54:131

Blurred Lines 中文歌词

If you can"t hear what I"m trying to say若我的甜言密语,你却听到不见If you can"t read from the same page若我们的步调,完全不在一个地平线Maybe I"m going death, maybe I"m going blind也许是哥耳聋了罢,也许是哥目瞎了罢Maybe I"m out of my mind也许是哥头脑抽风了罢 Ok now he was close, tried to domesticate you,现在他的魔爪离你越来越近,想要好好调教你But you"re an animal, baby it"s in your nature但你是凶猛的野兽,这是你天生野性Just let me liberate you让我释放你心中的小猛兽 Hey, hey, heyYou don"t need no papers你不需要一纸婚书 Hey, hey, heyThan man is not your maker那斯不是你的真命天子And that"s why I"m gon" take a good girl,所以我在好好采撷你的硕果I know you want it我知道你想要I know you want it渴求我的临幸I know you want it渴求我的滋润 You"re a good girl你真是个好女孩1:03Can"t let it get passed me绝对不能错过你You"re far from plastic完美的躯体让人垂涎欲滴Talk about getting blasting蕴含的野性让人沉醉迷离I hate these blurred lines我最讨厌含糊期词I know you want it我知道你想要I know you want it渴求我的临幸I know you want it渴求我的滋润 But you"re a good girl但你是个好女孩The way you grab me你娴熟的手法Must wanna get nasty看起来已经饥渴难耐 Go ahead, get at me继续吧,让我好好爽一把 Verse 2: Robin ThickeWhat do they make dreams for还需要什么幻想When you got them jeans on当美女穿上紧身裤 What do we need steam for还需要渴求什么热辣 You the hottest bitch in this place眼前就有辣妹子一只 Robin ThickeI feel so lucky, you wanna hug me感到如此荣幸,你想要拥抱我Hey, hey, What rhymes with hug me?什么词和拥抱我押韵呢Hey, hey, hey2:28One thing I ask you我有一事相求Let me be the one you back that ass up to让我成为你共舞的对象Yo, from Malibu, to Paribu从马里布一路骑到卡里布had a bitch,but she ain"t bad as you我曾有美人在怀,可比不上你的靓丽So hit me up when you pass through经过时给我来一下I"ll give you something big enough to tear your ass in two我会用我的雄伟让你的嫩菊分瓣Swag on‘em even when you dress casua即使你平常扮气扬强悍I mean it"s almost unbearable这仍让我难以淡定In a hundred years not dare would I我绝不会再 use my foresight let you pass me by让美女如你从我眼前溜走Nothing like your last guy, he too square for you你的前任简直是极品,实在太无趣了He don"t smack that ass and pull your hair for you他不会拍你的翘臀,也不会扯拽你的秀发So I just watching, and waiting我就站在此处等待注视For you to salute the truly pimpin"让你能看清这位纯爷们Not many women can refuse this pimpin"世上没多少女人能抗拒哥But I"m a nice guy, but don"t get confused,you git"n it!哥人很好,但别混淆了,我看上的女人必将拿下!Shake your rump, 摇摆你的肥臀,get down, get up-a, 下云,再上来Do it like it hurt, like it hurt再深入一点,深入一点Hey嗨What you don"t like work?这样够不够3:26Baby can you breathe? I got this from Jamaica宝贝,还能喘息么 这是我从牙买加带来的好货It always works for me哥吸这口总会飘飘欲仙 Dakota to Decatur, uh huh达科他到迪凯达No more pretending, 再也不用伪装Hey, hey, heyCause now you winning现在你是生活的赢家了Hey, hey, heyHere"s our beginning现在我们正式开始I always wanted a我一直想要good girl好女孩I know you want it我知道你很想要I know you want it渴求我的临幸I know you want it渴求我的滋润 You are a good girl你真是个好女孩
2023-06-13 23:54:211


英文网名带翻译300个 1、Blame(冷心) 2、温瞳 Souゝ 3、silent 黑白年代 4、Slacker(懒鬼) 5、Passerby . 路人 6、‖Angel°半路青春 7、About_美,ゝ 8、Abracadabra.魔咒9、Hysterical(歇斯底里) 10、Deephug(深拥) 11、stray.(流浪) 12、腐朽Eroson 13、hushnow.(安静) 14、识趣 Content つ 15、Late autumn(晚秋) 16、Melony. (没了你) 17、pizazz(潇洒) 18、Acolasia (放纵) 19、vapaus(自由) 20、Bitter(泪海) 21、Fiee(追寻) 22、sake(清酒) 23、How to stay(如何挽留) 24、Kelly 战士 25、Overdose(重症患者) 26、恋战WhiteInte 27、Ford 河的渡口 28、habit(习惯) 29、Elaborate(敷衍) 30、struggle(挣扎) 31、Rampant(猖狂) 32、Casset(宠爱) 33、heartbeat(心跳) 34、? ? ??(笑多虚伪) 35、Chowhound(吃货) 36、Rascal(痞子) 37、Night Train(夜车) 38、Fickle(薄情) 39、Archer(久遇) 40、活埋GAME OVER 41、cute(可爱) 42、nitial(最初) 43、BIGOTRY(偏执) 44、Amoヽ晴天 45、Struggle(挣扎) 46、Dialog(对白) 47、Red bean(红豆) 48、放纵的情欲,heart 49、Relieved(释然) 50、Chilly breeze(凉风) 51、helpless(无依无靠) 52、Time”(时光) 53、▲ 比情兽更禽兽 Animals 54、Memory ˋ 淡时光 55、bigotry(偏执) 56、Blank°(惜颜) 57、Corner. [小角落] 58、extreme(极端) 59、木槿落空樱桃忽而 % m 60、挂念 - hcsu 米修 61、Redundant. 多余 62、irreplaceable(无可取代) 63、心动则痛 Oath° 64、碎花裙.≡Elegant 65、delusion(妄想) 66、Unfair(偏心) 67、Soft sister(软妹) 68、染尘Demon。 69、If you(如果你) 70、Shadow lover [影子爱人] 71、mildness(温暖) 72、Put down his(放下他) 73、Forget the past゜念旧 74、Evildoer(妖孽) 75、永远 ▍ Forever° 76、Stranger(陌路) 77、Love yesterday [昨日情深] 78、Edinburgh°南空 79、To love. 去爱 80、Geek(怪咖) 81、ocean(海洋) 82、Love is you(爱的就是你) 83、shoulder (依靠) 84、Indulge(迁就) 85、Archive(封存) 86、Forever(永远) 87、Extreme°极致 ° 88、Esacpe(生亦何欢) 89、Always in his heart(久居他心) 90、encounter(邂逅) 91、Heart.(初心) 92、Garbage(废物) 93、Britney(暮光) 94、肆虐ヽ Ragingヽ 95、Trister(旧情人) 96、Wild female(野女) 97、Cheat(骗子) 98、Galaxy(距离) 99、Turn around. 转身。 100、Precipitation(沉淀) 101、Pamper(娇纵) 102、ゆ 碎碎念 whisper - 103、Raging(肆虐) 104、Husky(沙哑) 105、Scar. 疤痕。 106、Stars(星辰) 107、情绪控 Design - 108、Warm light。(暖光) 109、Care(在乎) 110、﹏ Memory °迷路 111、Faded(憔悴不堪) 112、De Ja Vu 幻觉记忆 113、Superficial(肤浅) 114、Anima(灵魂) 115、Queen {女王} 116、Memory of fish(鱼的记忆) 117、Don"t love you(不爱你) 118、Allure°(倾城) 119、Frustrated. 失落。 120、凉岛 MATAHARI 121、Subsequently(后来) 122、Life is a bosom friend(人生得一知己足矣) 123、release(释怀) 124、long engagement -避风港 125、farewell(告别) 126、贫尼已有夫destroyらˋ 127、discard。(抛弃) 128、Confused(迷茫) 129、资本principal 130、beloved(意中人) 131、Autumn (秋) 132、Faith(信仰) 133、乱情°Guetse - 134、Monstar(简爱) 135、Free and easy 洒脱 136、Bury.(埋葬) 137、Bump(凹凸) 138、The actor [戏子] 139、Hickey (吻痕) 140、Ferry(摆渡) 141、Sadness(无心的人) 142、Partir(离开) 143、Dimples(酒窝) 144、Lazy Cat(懒猫) 145、forever love(永远的爱) 146、Airport(空港) 147、assumpsit(约定) 148、Stubborn(固执) 149、Don"t ask why.(不要问为什么) 150、Victory(胜利) 151、Lonely [孤寂] 152、Cute° 寂寥 153、Like friend the same(像朋友一样) 154、Poison(毒药) 155、Formerly(原来) 156、guilty crown(罪恶王冠) 157、The dust (尘埃) 158、Laity(俗人) 159、Arrogant(傲慢) 160、Borders moved. 境迁。 161、Chafferer·迷心 162、hobo (流浪者) 163、肤浅‰Superficial dialogue 164、Distance(失落) 165、Weirdo(怪人) 166、Lonely(孤独) 167、冷忆ゆ Conquer 168、英文网名带翻译大全 169、最有个性的英文网名带翻译 170、Irony(讽刺) 171、Excuses. 借口 172、Emotion 香樟 173、Heart plug(心塞) 174、Tough Girl(女汉子) 175、魅绪-mAnda 176、挂念 - hcsu 177、Corrupt(堕落) 178、you are the world(你就是全世界) 179、亡命.Honoria 180、Reset(清零) 181、Melody(旋律) 182、Hello¨kitty 183、最新英文网名带翻译 184、Blurred(迷离) 185、bubble(泡沫) 186、Autism (孤独症) 187、逆光Presumptuous≈ 188、Crazy 189、however Dream Is empty(怎奈梦已空) 190、We are 伐木累 191、Excuses. 借口。 192、Run away. 逃离 193、Flies(荏苒) 194、Glu TtoNy |▏沉沦 195、liquor.(浊酒) 196、Aiopr · 皇者 197、pamper(宠溺) 198、流受ranmuy 199、the sunshine那抹阳光 200、Naive.(天真) 201、Care for you(呵护你) 202、Joke(笑谈) 203、Wild(野) 204、Bunny 小兔子 205、ronin.浪人 206、Arrogant(傲慢) 207、Hesitate(犹豫) 208、To love. 去爱 209、With You(最好的我们) 210、Understanding. 了解。 211、Faded(消逝) 212、遗忘。Forgotten. 213、Distance°(距离) 214、Incomparable love. 无与伦比的爱 |▍ 215、Don"t leave.(别离开) 216、Demons(心魔) 217、修罗王 ° roI ■ 218、Midnight(夜半) 219、Only care (只是在乎) 220、cat lovers(爱猫者) 221、Mint(薄荷) 222、Asphyxia(窒息) 223、Wandering(流浪) 224、Stranger(陌生人) 225、Edmundヾ似懂非懂 226、Weirdo.(怪人) 227、Autism゛陌亡 228、Revive(复活) 229、Curiosity. 好奇心。 230、Struggle(旧事) 231、Acolasia(放纵) 232、Enemy(宿敌) 233、Liar 说谎家 234、Keys(琴键) 235、If before dark in time(如果天黑之前来得及) 236、Amo.骄纵╰ 237、Autism゛孤独患者 238、Lonely patients 孤独患者 239、People Alive It is good(人活着便好) 240、Drunk(醉梦) 241、Deserter(逃兵) 242、nonsense(胡闹) 243、一段一情一世纪 ら Only 244、Reset(重来) 245、Camouflage(伪装) 246、Imagine. 想象中。 247、In a hurry. 匆匆 248、Tenderne°猫性 249、Sober(清醒) 250、tsundere(傲娇) 251、Optimus prime 擎天柱 252、独年荒岛-ALONG 253、Morishima(森岛) 254、Ambition(野心) 255、charming(樱桃) 256、struggle(拼搏奋斗) 257、In my heart. 心已死。 258、Gentle 温柔 _ 259、 fireworks°湮灭 260、Provoke(招惹) 261、゛偷腥的猫Gentle 262、Sakura(彼岸) 263、mood(情绪) 264、Remain(残骸) 265、Treasure.【雨声】 266、Birty(污) 267、Shadow(暗影) 268、Tsundere(傲娇) 269、Mole {泪痣} 270、Wasted(蹉跎) 271、Irony(讽刺) 272、Final°Analysis 致命爱人 273、zore.极乐 274、Dreamer 织梦者 275、Echoes of the rainbow(岁月神偷) 276、Anonyme (匿名) 277、Toxic茴忆 278、Curtain 私念 279、Infatuation(痴心) 280、Tenderness(夜未央) 281、Murder(谋杀) 282、Blame。冷心 283、Healer (治愈者) 284、离开 decidedly- 285、蠢蠢欲动 Einson 286、Garbage(废物) 287、Your most precious(你最珍贵) 288、Liquor.烈酒 289、Stupid(笨蛋) 290、Liar(说谎家) 291、clumsy[笨拙] 292、Oath-Ⅱ卑微的誓言 293、ぅ花黎 Punma” 294、vevive(苏醒) 295、Sandm。旧颜 296、Archer(久遇) 297、Angst(虐心) 298、流泪 Tearsゆ 299、好听的英文网名带翻译 300、Roll for me 给我滚
2023-06-13 23:54:481


the screen becomes blurred and indistinct.
2023-06-13 23:54:573

Blurred Lines 歌词

Blurred Lines演唱:Robin Thicke,Pharrell,T.I.Everybody get upEverybody get upHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyIf you can"t hear what I"m trying to sayIf you can"t read from the same pageMaybe I"m going death, maybe I"m going blindMaybe I"m out of my mindOk now he was close, tried to domesticate youBut you"re an animal, baby it"s in your natureJust let me liberate youHey, hey, heyYou don"t need no papersHey, hey, heyThan man is not your makerAnd that"s why I"m gon" take a good girl,I know you want itI know you want itI know you want itYou"re a good girlCan"t let it get passed meYou"re far from plasticTalk about getting blastingI hate these blurred linesI know you want itI know you want itI know you want itBut you"re a good girlThe way you grab meMust wanna get nastyGo ahead, get at meWhat do they make dreams onWhen you got them jeans onWhat do feelings … fromYou the hottest b*tch in this placeI feel so lucky, you wanna hug meHey, hey, heyWhat rhymes with hug me?Hey, hey, heyOk now he was close, tried to domesticate youBut you"re an animal, baby it"s in your natureJust let me liberate youHey, hey, heyYou don"t need no papersHey, hey, heyThan man is not your makerHey, hey, heyAnd that"s why I"m gon" take a good girl,I know you want itI know you want itI know you want itYou"re a good girlCan"t let it get passed meYou"re far from plasticTalk about getting blastingI hate these blurred linesI know you want itI know you want itI know you want itBut you"re a good girlThe way you grab meMust wanna get nastyGo ahead, get at meOne thing I ask youLet me be there when you … that ass tooYo, from Malibu, to ParibuYeah, had a big machine daddySo hit me up when you pass throughI"ll give you something big enough to take your ass tooSwag on, when when you dress casualI mean it"s not most unbearableThen, honey you"re not there when I"mWith my foresight b*tch you pay me byNothing like your leg, I ain"t too square for youI"ll smack that ass and pull your hair like thatSo I jail watch, hand wave for you to saluteBut you didn"t pickNot many women get a …But I"m a nice guy, but you get it if you get with meShake the vibe, get down, get up,Do it like it hurt, like it hurtWatcha doing like wordBaby can you breathe? I got this from JamaicaIt always works for me Dakota to Dakata, uh huhNo more pretending,Hey, hey, heyCause now you winningHey, hey, heyHere"s our beginningI always wanted a good girl,I know you want itI know you want itI know you want itYou"re a good girlCan"t let it get passed meYou"re far from lasticTalk about getting blastingI hate these blurred linesI know you want itI know you want itI know you want itBut you"re a good girlThe way you grab meMust wanna get nastyGo ahead, get at meEverybody get upEverybody get upHey, hey, heyHey, hey, heyhey, hey, hey
2023-06-13 23:55:061


I fail to see the bearing of that remark . 我 不明 白该批评真意何在。 It was unwise of you to make that decision . 你这个决定是 不明 智的。 We call meanness nobipty and hatred honor . 我们善恶不分,是非 不明 。 Alas, unwisdom has already prevailed . 可惜, 不明 智的见解却在流行。 I wondered what they were doing here . 我 不明 白他们在这一带干什么。 Do not you see it was all a frame-up ! 难道你还 不明 白那都是诬陷。 I could not make out what the popce wanted . 我 不明 白警察要的是什么。 I am uncertain about how to get there . 我 不明 确怎样才能到那里。 His decision seems quite irrational . 他的决定似乎是很 不明 智的。 It would be unwise to change tack now . 现在改变方针是 不明 智的。 I can "t make out what he is driving at . 我 不明 白他是什么打算。 The air cell partition bee indistinct . 气房间隔变得 不明 显。 It beats me how he got the job . 我 不明 白他怎么找到那个工作的。 I could n"t follow his argument at all . 我根本 不明 白他的论点。 Particulars are too meagre to form a decision .. 详情 不明 ,难以作出裁断。 It was something one felt in the air . 这只是 不明 确的感觉而已。 I can"t figure out why he is buttering me up . 我 不明 白为什么他要巴结我。 The immediate cause of death is unknown . 死亡的直接原因 不明 。 You can"t know how relevant that is . 您或许 不明 白它们之间的关系多么密切。 Don"t see that it is all utter madness ! 你 不明 白这全是发疯! I wonder why you show temper, dorothea . 我 不明 白你为什么要生气,多萝西娅。 Those are foisted on an unsuspecting pubpc . 那些被骗售给了 不明 真相的公众。 I do not think she took my meaning . 我想她 不明 白我的意思。 The distinction is sometimes blurred . 这种划分有时 不明 确。 How people design puter games is beyond me . 我 不明 白电脑游戏是怎么设计的。 It was unwise of you to get into debt . 你借债是 不明 智的。 "you don"t understand," explained the criminal . “你们 不明 白,”罪人解释说。 Yasha wondered why their eyes gleamed so . 雅夏弄 不明 白他们的眼睛干嘛这么明亮。 She does not understand you . she is a bit simple . 她 不明 白你的意思,她有点笨。 I can not make out what she wants . 我 不明 白她想要什么。 It was in an obscure warehouse on telegraph road . 那是电报路上一座 不明 显的仓库。 I have never really understood what makes her tick . 我实在弄 不明 白她为什么这样。 In winter the effect was found to be insignificant . 在冬季,这种作用是 不明 显的。 It didn"t dawn on me that i was getting the bum"s rush . 我 不明 白,我竟要被赶走。 I must point out that further delay would be unwise . 我必须指明再延误是 不明 智的。 This approach is not a wise one . 这种设想是 不明 智的。 To the present day i can"t make out why i did so . 直到今天我还 不明 白为什么这么干。 What he couldn"t understand was what happened next . 他弄 不明 白的是紧接著发生的事。 I do not get it ; why would she do a thing pke that ? 我 不明 白她为什么要做那种事。 Rogers was mildly dubious . 罗杰斯的态度有点 不明 朗。 I do n"t know how you can read such filth . 我 不明 白你怎么会去读这种淫秽下流的东西。 I am afraid you have lost me . 对不起,我 不明 白了。 Elevational and latitudinal trends were not pronounced . 海拔和纬度的变化趋势 不明 显。 I can make nothing of the letter . 我 不明 白这封信。 This proved a very vague and shadowy frontier . 其实这是一条极其含糊、极 不明 确的界限。 It"s unwise to accept a person at his own valuation . 相信一个人的自我评价是 不明 智的。 His present whereabouts is unknown . 他去处 不明 。 I can not seize your meaning . 我 不明 白你的意思。 The etiologic agent may not be apparent on direct *** ear . 在直接涂片上致病菌可能 不明 确。 I do not catch your meaning . 我 不明 白你的意思。
2023-06-13 23:55:141


问题一:你怎么什么都看不清楚 英文 怎么说呢? how e you can not see anything clearly? how e you can not get a clear picture of anything ? 问题二:下面的字有点模糊看不清,怎么英语说 你好! 下面的字有点模糊看不清 The following words is a little fuzzy couldn"t see 问题三:不清楚英语怎么说 dimness/lack of focus/mistiness/indistinction/unclear 问题四:“看不清?更换一张” 的英文怎么翻译 Unclear? Change another one. 问题五:模糊的英语是什么? blur 英音:[bl?:]美音:[bl?] 名词 n. 1.模糊;模糊不清的事物[S] Everything bees a blur when you travel beyond a certain speed. 当你超过一定的速度行进时,一切都变得模模糊糊的。 2.污点,污迹[C] The letter had many blots and blurs. 信上有许多墨水渍和污迹。 及物动词 vt. 1.使模糊不清,使朦胧 Tears blurred her eyes. 她泪眼模糊。 2.弄脏;玷污 I blurred my report绩by spilling milk on it. 我不小心把牛奶泼了出来,弄脏了报告。 不及物动词 vi. 1.变模糊 Her eyes blurred with tears. 他的视线因泪水变得模糊不清。 2.沾上污迹 问题六:几乎看不清报纸上的字,用英语怎么说 I hardly/barely read触the works on the newspaper clearly. 希望能够帮到楼主 问题七:你怎么什么都看不清楚 英文 怎么说呢? how e you can not see anything clearly? how e you can not get a clear picture of anything ? 问题八:不清楚英语怎么说 dimness/lack of focus/mistiness/indistinction/unclear 问题九:下面的字有点模糊看不清,怎么英语说 你好! 下面的字有点模糊看不清 The following words is a little fuzzy couldn"t see 问题十:模糊的用英语该怎么说 有很多:vague,unclear, hazy, fuzzy,川misty, blurred, obscure
2023-06-13 23:55:201


clc;clear all; %读原始图像% format long Blurred=imread("fig525(b).bmp"); subplot(1,2,1);imshow( Blurred);title("原图像");%自编函数进行维纳滤波% k=0.0025; [m,n]=size(Blurred); spectrum=zeros(m,n); H=zeros(m,n); for u=1:m for v=1:n H(u,v)=exp(-k*((u-m/2)^2+(v-n/2)^2)^(5/6)); spectrum(u,v)=H(u,v)^2; end end f=double(Blurred); F1=fftshift(fft2(f)); HW=H./(spectrum+0.001); restore1=HW.*F1; restored=real(ifft2(ifftshift(restore1)));subplot(1,2,2);imshow(restored,[]);title("自编函数进行维纳滤波");%调用matlab提供的维纳滤波函数% figure; hw1=real(ifft2(ifftshift(H)));%转化到空域上来 result1=deconvwnr(Blurred,hw1,0.001); result2=ifftshift(result1);%再去图像进行1,3象限对调,2与4象限对调 subplot(1,2,1);imshow(result2,[]);title("调用维纳滤波函数");
2023-06-13 23:55:301

blurred lines的中文音译歌词

辛苦手打~If you can"t hear what I"m trying to say衣服 油 坎特 黑儿 我特 爱慕 揣赢 图 seiIf you can"t read from the same page衣服 油 坎特 瑞德 父ruang木 则 sei木 配置Maybe I"m going death, maybe I"m going blind每笔 爱慕 够硬 戴斯,每笔 爱慕 够硬 不烂的Maybe I"m out of my mind每笔 爱慕 奥特 奥福 买 满的 Ok now he was close, tried to domesticate you,ok 闹 黑 我死 刻镂丝,踹的 图 度麦斯提kei特 油But you"re an animal, baby it"s in your nature巴特 又啊 安 爱你毛 , 北鼻 一丝 因 要 内车-儿Just let me liberate you渣斯特 莱特 米 丽be瑞特 油Hey, hey, heyYou don"t need no papers油 动特 你的 nou 呸per丝Hey, hey, heyThan man is not your maker咱 满 一丝 脑特 要 每刻-儿And that"s why I"m gon" take a good girl,俺的 在丝 外 爱慕 敢 忒可 饿 古德 个-儿哦I know you want it哎 nou 油 王特 亿特I know you want itI know you want itYou"re a good girl又啊 饿 古德 个-儿哦Can"t let it get passed me坎特 莱特 亿特 盖特 怕死的 米You"re far from plastic又啊 法 父ruang木 pe赖斯提可Talk about getting blasting逃课 饿爆特 盖亭 不来斯汀I hate these blurred lines哎 黑特 贼死 不了-儿的 莱恩斯I know you want it哎 nou 油 王特 亿特I know you want itI know you want itBut you"re a good girl巴特 又啊 饿 古德 个- 儿哦The way you grab me则 位 油 个ruai博 米Must wanna get nasty马斯特 往哪 盖特 奈斯提Go ahead, get at me够 饿害的 , 盖特 爱特 米What do they make dreams for我特 度 贼 每刻 追慕斯 佛When you got them jeans on文 油 搞特 则目 真丝 昂What do we need steam for我特 度 位 你的 斯蒂姆 佛You the hottest bitch in this place油 则 号提斯特 碧池 因 贼死 pe勒死I feel so lucky, you wanna hug me哎 fi哦 搜 啦ki , 油 往哪 哈哥 米Hey, hey, What rhymes with hug me?我特 瑞姆斯 位子 哈哥 米Hey, hey, heyOne thing I ask you完 sing 哎 阿斯科 油Let me be the one you back that ass up to莱特 米 比 则 完 油 百科 在特 艾斯 啊坡 图Yo, from Malibu, to Paribu要,父ruang木 玛丽不 图 怕锐步had a bitch,but she ain"t bad as you害的 饿 碧池 巴特 谁 安特 白的 矮子 油So hit me up when you pass through搜 hi特 米 啊坡 文 油 怕死 死如I"ll give you something big enough to tear your ass in two爱哦 gi无 油 丧母sing 比格 因那幅 图 蹄儿 要 艾斯 因 图Swag on‘em even when you dress casual四外个 昂乃木 疑问 文 油 拽死 开书哦I mean it"s almost unbearable哎 民 一丝 熬某斯特 安白儿热bouIn a hundred years not dare would I因 饿 韩卓-儿的 也-儿丝 脑特 戴尔 武德 哎use my foresight let you pass me by游丝 买 佛瑞赛特 莱特 油 怕死 米 拜Nothing like your last guy, he too square for you那 sing 来客 要 拉斯特 该,黑 图 四乖儿 佛 youHe don"t smack that ass and pull your hair for you黑 动特 斯迈克 在特 艾斯 俺的 噗哦 要 海尔 佛 油So I just watching, and waiting搜 哎 渣斯特 我 Ching,俺的 未停 For you to salute the truly pimpin"佛 油 与 塞卢特 则 处理 皮木品Not many women can refuse this pimpin"脑特 买你 为民 看 瑞芙优子 贼死 皮木品But I"m a nice guy, but don"t get confused,you git"n it!巴特 爱慕 饿。耐死 该 ,巴特 动特 盖特 啃富有似的 ,油 给ten 亿特 Shake your rump, 谁可 要 如沐坡get down, get up-a, 盖特 当 ,盖特 啊坡Do it like it hurt, like it hurt度 亿特 来客 亿特 和-儿特Hey嗨What you don"t like work?我特 油 动特 来客 我-儿可Baby can you breathe? I got this from Jamaica北鼻 看 油 不锐子 ?哎 高特 贼死 父ruang木 加麦卡It always works for me亿特 奥维斯 我-er可丝 佛 米Dakota to Decatur, uh huh袋靠他 图 迪卡te ,啊 哈No more pretending, nou 莫 普瑞探定Hey, hey, heyCause now you winning考死 闹 油 文宁Hey, hey, heyHere"s our beginning黑儿丝 奥尔 鼻gin宁I always wanted a哎 奥维斯 王体的 啊good girl古德 个-erI know you want it哎 nou 油 王特 亿特I know you want itI know you want itYou are a good girl油 啊 饿 古德 个-儿哦
2023-06-13 23:55:381

边缘模糊的英语翻译 边缘模糊用英语怎么说

有很多:vague,unclear, hazy, fuzzy, misty, blurred, obscure
2023-06-13 23:55:571

图片有点模糊 英语

The picture(photo) is not clear.The picture(photo) is blurred.
2023-06-13 23:56:073


夜迷离的英语,The night is blurred。
2023-06-13 23:56:141