barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-14 09:31:01




クリ 是外来语,英语是Chestnut,中文是板栗的意思,至于你说是身体的哪一部分,无从考究哦!


クリトリス 阴蒂





clitoris英 [ˈklɪtərɪs] 美 [ˈklɪtərɪs, ˈklaɪtə-] n.阴核,阴蒂; 全部释义>> [例句]L"m Sylvia and my clitoris is in crisis.我叫希尔维亚,我处在紧要关头。
2023-06-13 22:04:111


clitoris[英]["klu026atu0259ru026as][美][u02c8klu026atu0259ru026as, u02c8klau026atu0259-]n.阴核,阴蒂; 复数:clitorises
2023-06-13 22:04:241


2023-06-13 22:05:221


2023-06-13 22:05:322


2023-06-13 22:06:421


2023-06-13 22:06:506


eye 眼睛
2023-06-13 22:07:175


2023-06-13 22:07:421


电影里都说pussy 用来说男人就是娘娘腔咯
2023-06-13 22:07:514


肾 kidney
2023-06-13 22:08:073


小阴唇是女性性器官的组成部分之一,是一对纵行皮肤皱襞,它们是环绕阴道口的左右两对唇状组织,对刺激十分敏感之外,还对其内邻的尿道口和阴道口具有保护作用。靠外而较大的一对是大阴唇,靠内而较小的一对是小阴唇,位于大阴唇内侧,较细薄而小,表面光滑无阴毛,富于弹性。左右小阴唇的前端分成内、外两条皱襞。外侧襞向上,在阴蒂头上方左右连合,围绕阴蒂,构成阴蒂包皮(Prepuce of Clitoris),阴蒂包皮与阴蒂头之间以环形小沟为界。内侧襞较短小,两侧均向上附着于阴蒂头的下面,称为阴蒂系带(Frenulum of Clitoris)。未产妇小阴唇的后端,左右连接形成横行的皱襞,称为阴唇系带(Frenulum of Pudendallabia),是阴道前庭的后界。经产妇女,阴唇系带多由于分娩而被撕裂。小阴唇分内、外两面,皮肤细薄柔嫩,富有皮脂腺。外侧面呈暗蓝色,与大阴唇内侧面相接触。内侧面滑润,富有皮脂腺,呈蔷薇色,近似黏膜。小阴唇皮下缺乏脂肪组织,但含有大量弹性纤维和少量的平滑肌及丰富的静脉丛。
2023-06-13 22:08:461


G point
2023-06-13 22:09:064


阴蒂又称阴核、阴豆等(英文: Clitoris )。位于两侧小阴唇之间的顶端,是两侧大阴唇的上端会合点。是一个圆柱状的小器官,被阴蒂包皮包绕,长约2-4厘米。末端为一个圆头,其尖端膨大称阴蒂头。阴蒂在整个人体解剖结构中是一个神奇而独特的器官。它是人类唯一的只与性欲激发和性感受有关的器官,其唯一生理功能就是激发女性的性欲和快感。
2023-06-13 22:09:131


面膜中的MODERN 祛痘
2023-06-13 22:09:404


2023-06-13 22:09:481


“伊底帕斯情结”的原义 众所皆知,伊底帕斯是希腊悲剧作家索孚克里斯(Sophocles)的《伊底帕斯王》(OedipusRex)一剧中的主角人物,他受命运的作弄,被生身父母底比斯城的王与后弃于荒野,而由邻国国王抚养长大。长大后的伊底帕斯离开养父之国,于途中因争吵而弑死素未谋面的生父莱乌士;并因解答了人面狮身像之谜,而成为底比斯王(取代父亲的地位),娶素不相识的生母约卡士达为妻,生下二男二女。后来底比斯城发生瘟疫,残酷的真相终于因神谕而揭露,弑父娶母的伊底帕斯自己弄瞎了眼睛(去势的象征),离开其家乡之国。
2023-06-13 22:10:084


2023-06-13 22:10:173


Cloris时尚些 适合90后
2023-06-13 22:10:255


拼音:yīn àn解释:[dark;gloomy] 缺乏光亮;光线不足;不明。举例:像窗户紧闭的房间那样阴暗的黄昏。 拼音:yīn àn miàn解释:[the dark side of things] 社会、道德、生活的消极方面。 拼音:yīn bù解释[pudendum;private parts of human body] 人类的外生殖器。 拼音:yīn cáo解释:[of the nether world] 阴间,位于地下供死者继续生存之地(迷信)。 拼音:yīn chén解释:1、[dusk]∶形容天阴。天色阴沉2.[sombre;gloomy;cloudy] [指脸色]∶因烦恼而脸色阴暗的。举例:他的两眼因愤怒而显得阴沉。 拼音:yīn cuò yáng chā(1)解释:[error due to a strange combination of circumstances] 由多种意外的原因凑在一起,造成了意想不到的结果。举例:摊开纸条,把解状元怎阴错阳差报。――明·阮大铖《轰报》亦称“阴差阳错” 拼音:yīn dào解释:[vagina;vaginal orifice] 哺乳类雌性从子宫到生殖道外口之间的管道,是交媾、排经和分娩的通道。 拼音:yīn dé解释:[good deed to the doer"s credit in the nether world] 指在人世间所做的而在阴间可以记功的好事。 拼音:yīn dì解释:[clitoris] 位于女性外阴裂前角的一个小器官,内含一个阴蒂海绵体,相当于男性的阴茎海绵体。 拼音:yīn diàn解释:[negative electricity] [物]∶负电 拼音:yīn dú解释:1、[insidious; sinister]阴险毒辣2.[viperish] 恶意辱骂;如毒蛇,阴险恶毒。有时是一张很厉害的阴毒的嘴。 拼音:yīn fēng解释:[ill wind]∶1、从阴暗处来的一股不正或邪恶的风。扇阴风、点鬼火。2.[cold wind]∶寒冷的风 拼音:yīng gōng解释:1、[secret merits]∶不为人所知的善行。2.[good deed to the doer"s credit in the nether world]∶同“阴德” 拼音:yīnhuì解释:[dark and gloomy] 阴暗;阴沉。阴晦的脸色 拼音:yī nhún解释:[one"s sinister spirit] 人死后的魂灵(迷信),也用于比喻。 拼音:yīn hún bú sàn解释:[haunting spectre;the ghost inexorably hangs on;the soul refuses to leave] 原义是指人死后只要阴魂不散,还可以在一定的范围之内进行种种活动。现在则用来比喻一件坏事情虽然已经过去,但是其所造成的坏影响尚未清除。或者是坏人已死,但是他的坏作风还在另一个人的身上表现出来。举例:人人都讨厌八股,但是谁也没有清除得了八股的毒害,而八股的余孽却阴魂不散。 拼音:yīn jí解释:[cathode;negative pole]1.电子由外电路进入器件的电极。2.电解电池的负端。3.电子管的电子发射极(如钨丝或敷氧化物的金属)。 拼音:yīn jiān解释:[of the nether world] 迷信说法中人死后鬼魂所居之处。成为阴间一鬼。――清·林觉民《与妻书》 拼音:yīn jīng解释:[penis] 高等脊椎动物雄性的交配和排尿器官。 拼音:yīnlěng解释:[be gloomy and cold; raw]:1、光线险暗,气温清冷。举例:山洞里阴冷2.[sombre looks]∶阴沉冷漠举例:眼光阴冷 拼音:yīn lì解释:[lunar calendar] 历法的一类,根据月球绕地球运行的周期而制定,通常所说的“阴历”指中国旧时用的历法,就是夏历。也说“农历”。 拼音:yīnl iáng[be shady and cool] 背阴而凉爽的阴凉的草坪和花园。 拼音:yīn máo解释:[pubes] 在青春期开始出现在阴阜的毛 拼音:yīnmén解释:[vaginal orifice] 阴道的口儿,也叫“阴户” 拼音:yīnmiàn,解释:[nightside] 物体背向阳光的一面 拼音:yīnmóu释解:[gauce;conspiracy;plot;scheme] 暗中策划[做坏事]举例:阅兵之阴谋。――清·梁启超《谭嗣同传》 拼音:yīn móu guǐ jì解释:1、[machination]∶想达到某种目的的坏计谋、巧妙的策略或狡猾的计划;尤指不怀好意或应受指责的奸计举例:使某个受挫的坏蛋的种种阴谋诡计落空2、[intrigues and plots]∶背后算计人的策略举例:中世纪的阴谋诡计 拼音:yīnnáng解释:1、[scrotum]:大多数哺乳动物雄性在体外而其内藏有睾丸的囊2.男性外阴部下垂的皮肤囊袋,内有睾丸、附睾和精索等器官,有少量阴毛及明显色素沉着 拼音:yīn píng解释:[high and level tone of modern standard Chinese pronunciation] 中国普通话字调的第一声 拼音:yīn pō解释:[northern slope of mountains] 不向阳的山坡 拼音:yīn qī解释:1、[dark and dreary]∶阴沉萧索举例:阴凄的山洞2.[ghast and shrill]∶使人恐怖,颤栗举例:阴凄的松鸣 拼音:yīnsēn解释:[glomy;gruesome;ghastly] [地方、气氛、脸色等]阴沉、昏暗而令人害怕的;形容幽暗惨淡的样子举例:阴森可怖的监牢峭壑阴森。――《徐霞客游记·游黄山记》 拼音:yīn shān解释:[the Yinshan Mountains] 中国内蒙古自治区中部山脉。东西走向,包括狼山、乌拉山、色尔腾山、大青山等。山顶海拔2000―2400米。山地大部由古老变质岩组成,在断陷盆地中有沉积岩分布。煤、铁和稀土金属等矿藏丰富。以狼山最为干旱,大青山较湿润。山坡低处为草地 拼音:yīn shī解释:[dark and wet] 昏暗潮湿举例:阴湿的地下室 拼音:yīn shì解释:[secret] 秘密的事 拼音:yīn shòu解释:1、[the tenth birthday after death]∶为已逝的长辈每十周年生日祝寿的旧俗。2.[age after death]∶迷信说法,指死者在阴间的寿命,通常阎王有权利更改阴寿。 拼音:yīn sī解释:[shameful secret] 暗中干的或隐秘不可告人的事。 拼音:yīn sǔn解释:1、[sinister and vicious]∶狠毒刻薄。举例:阴损的言辞2.[hurt secretly]∶背后害人举例:他为人阴损 拼音:yīn tiān解释:1、[heavy weather;overcast sky]∶布满云的天空2.[cloudy day]∶天空布满云的日子。 拼音:yīn wén解释:[characters cut in intaglio] 印章上或别的器物上所刻或所铸的凹下的文字或花纹。镂刻器物上的。也称“阴识”。在印章上的也称“白文” 拼音:yīn xiǎn解释:[insidious;sinister;treacherous] 表面和善,暗地不怀好意的。 拼音:yīnxiào解释:[insidious smile] 险恶、阴森的笑。举例:他阴笑着说。 拼音:yīn yáng解释:1、[Yin and yang,the two opposing principles in nature,the former feminine and nagative and the latter masculine and positive];古代哲学概念。古代朴素的唯物主义思想家把矛盾运动中的万事万物概括为“阴”、“阳”两个对立的范畴,并以双方变化的原理来说明物质世界的运动,阴代表消极、退守、柔弱的特性和具有这些特性的事物和现象,阳代表积极、进取、刚强的特性和具有这些特性的的事物和现象。阴阳学说的基本内容可用对立,互根,消长,转化八字括之。举例:阴阳易位。――《楚辞·屈原·涉江》2.日月运转之学举例:阴阳历算。――《后汉书·张衡传》研核阴阳。3.天气的变化举例:阴阳之变。――《吕氏春秋·察今》 拼音:yīn yáng guài qì解释:[deliberately ambiguous speaking;mystifying manner] 形容言谈、举止等乖僻、古怪,或说话、态度不真诚,让人估摸不透。举例:他那副阴阳怪气的模样,真让人看了生气。 拼音:yīn yáng liǎng miàn解释:[with two faces]当面一套背后另一套,耍两面手法特别是那个阴阳两面的马之悦,跟村里那些不三不四的人明来,又跟外地那些不三不四的人暗往 拼音:yīn yáng rén解释:[hermaphrodite] 两性人 拼音:yīn yáng zhī biàn解释:[weather changes] 早晚和季节的变化举例:审堂下之阴,而知…阴阳之变。――《吕氏春秋·察今》 拼音:yīn yì解释:[thriving;hide] 见“荫翳”举例:阴翳蔽日。――清·徐珂《清稗类钞·战事类》 拼音:yīn yǐng解释:[shade;shadow] 由于光线直进的特性,遇不透光物体而形成的一个暗区,俗称“影子”。也用于比喻举例:她心头笼罩着失望的阴影 拼音:yīn yǔ解释:[be overcast and rainy] 天色阴沉,又下着雨 拼音:yīn yù解释:[gloomy;dismal;depressed] 阴沉无言的或闷闷不乐的举例:性情阴郁 拼音:yīn yún解释:[dark clouds] 云层密布,天色阴暗 拼音:yīn zéi解释:[malicious and insidious] 阴险残忍举例:素行阴贼 拼音:yīn zhái解释:[graveyard] 迷信的人称死人安葬之地 拼音:yīn zhāor解释:[sinister method] [方]∶阴狠恶毒的手段 拼音:yīn zhì解释:1、[malicious and insidious] 狠毒、阴险2.[good deed to the doer"s credit in the nether world] 原指上苍默默地使安定下民,转指阴德 拼音:yīn shī虱病的一种,是由寄生在人体阴毛和肛门周围体毛上的阴虱叮咬附近皮肤,而引起瘙痒的一种接触性传染性寄生虫病。通常由性接触传播为主,常为夫妇共患,而以女性为多见。
2023-06-13 22:12:001

求一首歌 RAP类型的 只记得歌词里面有3个连续的please stand up~其他记不住了 求歌名 或完整歌词~!!!

2023-06-13 22:12:145


2023-06-13 22:12:365

Bobby Washington的《Get Naked》 歌词

歌曲名:Get Naked歌手:Bobby Washington专辑:Face DownGet NakedMethods Of MayhemThe Girl Next Door O.S.T.喜欢欧美音乐的朋友可以加QQ群2517240,里面都是音乐爱好者欧美音乐发烧友QQ群2517240Craig David发烧友群2517240,Tommy Lee:——517499969 孔清冽Seventy-seven million dollars made from watchin" me cumUnder the sun on my vacation (after hours on Spectravision)Shootin" my jizzy jizzumThe woody has rissy rizenI ain"t gettin" paid to entertain your bridal showersRockin" my porno tape for hours"n"hoursClitoris"s are fearin me it"s bigger than Ron JeremyFred Durst:Cause it"s them ass cheeks that make my ass weakAnd I"ve been runnin" with the blueballs since last weekSo if you ask me I"ll be glad to speak after we get butt nakedAnd break it down with NASTY!Lil Kim & Tommy Lee :Get, Get NakedCome on baby make it hotGet, Get NakedRide the cock til you hit the spotGet, Get NakedCome on baby make it hotGet NakedGeorge Clinton:Roof roofDoin" it doggy styleBow wow wow yippy yo yippy yayBow wow yippy yo yippy yayBow wow wow yippy yo yippy yayBow wow yippy yo yippy yayTilo:The little Geisha ho from Tokyo who said she could blowTen dollas love me long time in a limoFor really dohI"m just try in to fly with the flowsFreak up some hosBlow up the shows make a little dough-hoAs if you didn"t knowBack to the strip club freakin" up some ho-ho"sSwingin" my dingaling it ain"t no thingTommy Lee & Tilo:It"s those intergalatic ho"s who come down in thoseSpace probes five green hienasRepresentin with no clothesMix Master Mike, Mix Master MikeMakin" the pussy tightNo jimmy no gimme no lustIn the Methods of Mayhem we trust!Its a must so rip off yer clothes and expose yer BUST!Fred Durst:Cause it"s them ass cheeks that make my ass weakAnd I"ve been runnin" with the blueballs since last weekSo if you ask me I"ll be glad to speak after we get butt nakedAnd break it down with NASTY!You only Love me when you want punannyLil Kim:Queen bitch red lipstickThe all black harlot call me black BarbieFuck a blow job it"s a motherfuckin" hobbieUnder 7 inches uhh sorryMinute men I can"t fuck wit themI like to ride the cock till you hit the spotUhh come on baby make it hotGot a convertable drop the topBefore we do a thing I want the diamonds and the ringsThe furs the minks the jewels the linksYou know I"m freaky so ya got to eat me and uhI know you hate it but uhGET NAKED!Lil Kim & Tommy Lee:You ain"t lickin" thisYou ain"t stickin" this we don"t want the dickFuck the dumb games you girls that complainAnd I ain"t leavin" until you"re sleepin on the cum stains
2023-06-13 22:12:521


2023-06-13 22:13:111

帮我弄一下The Real Slim Shady的翻译歌词、、、每句翻译在每个句子的后面跟着就好了。

May I have your attention please? 请大家注意一下。 May I have your attention please? 请大家注意一下。 Will the real Slim Shady please stand up? 将真正亭亭玉立遮荫请站起来? I repeat will the real Slim Shady please stand up? 我重申将真正亭亭玉立遮荫请站起来? We"re going to have a problem here 我们要在这里有一个问题 Ya"ll act like you never seen a white person before 你会像你从未看到白色的人面前 jaws all on the floor like Pam like Tommy just burst in the door 所有的地板上颌骨像潘像汤米爆裂的门 started whoopin her ass worse than before 开始疯狂地追逐她的屁股比以前更糟 they first get divorced throwing her over furniture (scream) 他们第一次离婚把她丢在家具(尖叫) It"s the return of the 这是回归了 "Oh wait, no way, your kidding, he didn"t just say what I think he did, did he?" “哦,不,你在开玩笑,他没有说什么我觉得他没有,他?” And Dr Dre said 和德瑞博士说 Nothing you idiots Dr Dre"s dead, he"s locked in my basement 没有你白痴德瑞博士的死,他被我锁在地下室 Feminist women love Eminem 女性主义妇女爱 Chicka chicka chicka Slim Shady I"m sick of him 奇卡奇卡奇卡渺茫阴凉,我讨厌他 look at him, walking around grabbing his you know what 看着他,走在抓你知道什么 limpin" to you know who "yeah, but hes so cute though" limpin"你知道“是的,但他很可爱” Yea I probably got a couple of screws up in my head loose 我可能有一对螺钉在我的头松动 but no worse than what"s going on in your parent"s bedrooms 但是比什么在你父母的卧室 Sometimes I wanna get on TV and just let loose, 有时我想上电视,让松, but can"t, but its cool for Tom Green to hump a dead moose 但不可以,但其凉汤绿驼峰死驼鹿 my bum is on your lips, my bum is on your lips 我的屁股就在你嘴边,我的屁股就在你嘴边 and if I"m lucky you might just give it a little kiss 如果我够幸运的话你会给我一个吻 and that"s the message that we deliver to little kids 这是信息,我们提供给孩子 and expect them not to know what a womens clitoris is. 期望他们不知道什么是女性的阴蒂。 Of course they gonna know what intercourse is 他们当然会知道什么是性交 by the time they hit 4th grade, 由时间,他们达到第四级, they got the discovery channel don"t they? 他们发现频道不? We ain"t nothing but mammals; well some of us cannibals 我们什么也不是,但哺乳动物;以及一些我们的食人族 who cut other people open like cantaloupes. 谁把别人像哈密瓜。 But if we can hump dead animals and antelopes 但是既然我们可以和动物尸体以及羚羊 then there"s no reason that a man and another man can"t elope 那么就没有理由,一个男人和另一个男人私奔 But if you feel like I feel I got the antidote. 但如果你喜欢,我觉得我找到解药。 Women wave your panty hoes, sing the chorus and it goes... 妇女挥动你的内裤锄头,合唱队唱它… I"m Slim Shady 我的阴影 Yes I"m the real Shady 是的,我是真正的黑幕 All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating 你们所有其他的shadys只是模仿 So won"t the real Slim Shady... 所以不会真正亭亭玉立遮荫… Please stand up, Please stand up, Please stand up 请站起来,请站起来,请站起来 becuase I"m Slim Shady 因为我的阴影 Yes I"m the real Shady 是的,我是真正的黑幕 All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating 你们所有其他的shadys只是模仿 So won"t the real Slim shady... 所以不会真正亭亭玉立遮荫… Please stand up, Please stand up, Please stand up 请站起来,请站起来,请站起来 Will Smith don"t gotta cuss in his raps to sell records 威尔史密斯不想骂他的区域销售记录 Well I do, so fuck him and fuck you too. 我他妈的这么做,他也去你妈的。 You think I give a damm about a Grammy? 你认为我给了达姆一个格莱美奖? Half of you critics can"t even stomach me, let alone stand me. 你们一半的评论家甚至不能胃我,让我独自站。 "But Slim what if u win wouldn"t it be weird?" “但如果你赢瘦岂不奇怪?” Why? So you guys can just lie to get me here? 为什么?这样你就可以骗我到这里? So you can sit me here next to Britney Spears. 你可以让我坐在小甜甜旁边。 Shit, Christina Aguilera better switch me chairs 妈的,克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉我的椅子 So I can sit next to Carson Daly and Fred Durst 所以我可以坐在旁边的卡森·戴利和弗莱德杜斯特 And hear "em argue over who she gave head to first. 听他们争论谁给了她一头第一。 Little bitch put me on blast on MTV 小婊子让我对音乐爆炸 "yeah he"s cute but I think he"s married to Kim, hehe" “是的他是可爱的,但我认为他和基姆结婚了,呵呵” I should download her audio on mp3 我应该下载她的上 And show the whole world how you gave Eminem V.D. (scream) 和全世界展示你如何给阿姆性病(尖叫) I"m sick of you little girl and boy groups all you do is annoy me 我讨厌你的小女孩和男孩团体都是你惹我 So I"ve been sent here to destroy you 所以我被派到这里来消灭你 And theres a million of us just like me 有一百万人就像我一样 Who cuss like me 他骂我 Who just don"t give a fuck like me 谁都不在乎我 Who dress like me 穿的像我 Walk, talk and act like me 走路,说话和行为像我 It just might be the next best thing 它可能会成为下一个最好的事情 But not quite me 但不是我 I"m Slim Shady 我的阴影 Yes I"m the real Shady 是的,我是真正的黑幕 All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating 你们所有其他的shadys只是模仿 So won"t the real Slim Shady... 所以不会真正亭亭玉立遮荫… Please stand up, Please stand up, Please stand up 请站起来,请站起来,请站起来 becuase I"m Slim Shady 因为我的阴影 Yes I"m the real Shady 是的,我是真正的黑幕 All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating 你们所有其他的shadys只是模仿 So won"t the real Slim shady... 所以不会真正亭亭玉立遮荫… Please stand up, Please stand up, Please stand up 请站起来,请站起来,请站起来 I"m like a headtrip to listen to 我像一个headtrip听 Cause I"m only giving you 因为我能给你的 things you joke about with your friends inside your living room 你的笑话和朋友在你的客厅 The only difference is I got the balls to say it in front of ya"ll 唯一不同的是我得到了球的面前说你会 And I don"t gotta be false or sugar coated at all 我不一定是虚假或糖衣在所有 I just get on the mic and spit it 我只是在麦克风和吐 And whether you like to admit it (rip) 你是否愿意承认它(撕裂) I just shit it better than 90% of you rappers out there 我只是把它优于90%的说唱歌手有 Then you wonder how can kidz eat up these albums like valiums. 你想知道如何可以最喜欢吃这些专辑信息。 Its funny cuz at the rate im going when I"m 30 它的有趣,因为我要当我率30 Ill be the only person in the nursing home flirty. 我是唯一的人在护理之家的轻浮。 Pinching nurses asses when I"m jackin" off with Jergens and I"m jerking 当我掐护士评估工作"把杰根斯和我光荣 But this whole bag of viagra isn"t working 但这一整袋伟哥不工作 And every single person is a Slim Shady lurkin" 和每个人都是隐藏lurkin" He could be workin at Burger King spitten on your onion rings 他可能在汉堡王工作spitten的洋葱圈 Or in the parking lot circling 或在停车场盘旋 screaming I don"t give a fuck 我不给他妈的 With his windows down and system up 他的窗户和系统 So will the real Shady, please stand up 所以真正的,请站起来 and put one of those fingures on each hand up 并将其中一个手指对每个手上 and to be proud to be outta your mind and outta control 和自豪地离开你的心,失去控制 and one more time, loud as you can, how does it go? 再一次,你能够大声,它怎么走? Cuz I"m Slim Shady 因为我很苗条 Yes I"m the real Shady 是的,我是真正的黑幕 All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating 你们所有其他的shadys只是模仿 So won"t the real Slim Shady... 所以不会真正亭亭玉立遮荫… Please stand up, Please stand up, Please stand up 请站起来,请站起来,请站起来 becuase I"m Slim Shady 因为我的阴影 Yes I"m the real Shady 是的,我是真正的黑幕 All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating 你们所有其他的shadys只是模仿 So won"t the real Slim shady... 所以不会真正亭亭玉立遮荫… Please stand up, Please stand up, Please stand up 请站起来,请站起来,请站起来 I"m Slim Shady 我的阴影 Yes I"m the real Shady 是的,我是真正的黑幕 All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating 你们所有其他的shadys只是模仿 So won"t the real Slim Shady... 所以不会真正亭亭玉立遮荫… Please stand up, Please stand up, Please stand up 请站起来,请站起来,请站起来 becuase I"m Slim Shady 因为我的阴影 Yes I"m the real Shady 是的,我是真正的黑幕 All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating 你们所有其他的shadys只是模仿 So won"t the real Slim shady... 所以不会真正亭亭玉立遮荫… Please stand up, 请站起来,
2023-06-13 22:13:191

抖音my name is v是什么歌

抖音my name is v是出自歌曲《blow my mind》。《Blow My Mind》是DaVido、Chris Brown演唱的一首歌曲。《Blow My Mind》这是一首舒缓的情歌,歌曲很有意境,也很优美动听,适合一些伤感的人来听歌。歌词He don"t love you he don"t love youHe don"t love you girl he don"t love you girlHe don"t know you he don"t know youHe don"t know you girl nah he don"t love you girlYour boyfriend is not a man he"s a boyfriendJust someone takin" up the place of a real manI"m twentie four and I can take you where you never beenAnd we ain"t gotta leave the state to see where I"ve beenJust close ya eyes close ya eyes close ya eyesAnd free your mind free your mind free you mindNow open wide open wide open wideAnd now I"m finna come insideNow just when you thought here go the same routineI got a bowl of strawberries and some whipped creamAnd made a trail from your stomach to your clit ringThe strawberries for you girl I"m a lick the creamBlow my mind so blow my mindBut before you do girl come in my roomAnd lay on the bed and free your mindI ain"t thinkin" of me girl it"s all about youGirl gimme that girl gimme that girl gimme that p**syHey girl gimme that girl gimme that girl gimme that p**syHey girl gimme that girl gimme that girl gimme that p**syHey girl gimme that girl gimme that girl gimme that p**syI know you wonder how I got a nice physiqueWhen all I eat is sweets I like that p**sy meatAin"t nothin" like a bowl of p**sy when that p**sy cleanOnly a lame will starve a woman when she got a needThat"s why your girl got a girl got a girlfriendCause she be meetin" that p**sy meow while you earl inWatch out boys lames this for real manWho love women women I love womenI love the way her body wiggle when I lick that clitVictorious in the clitoris my name is V.I.CYou want the niggas that are notorious for usin" dickWhen I make her cum three times without usin" the dickWhere you get it from I get it from my mammaShe taught me how to please "em "cause my mamma was a doctorAnd if you wanna please "em I suggest that you should followUnless you like it quiet in your bed but mine hollaBlow my mind so blow my mindBut before you do girl come in my roomAnd lay on the bed and free your mindI ain"t thinkin" of me girl it"s all about youGirl gimme that girl gimme that girl gimme that p**syHey girl gimme that girl gimme that girl gimme that p**syHey girl gimme that girl gimme that girl gimme that p**syHey girl gimme that girl gimme that girl gimme that p**syEnough foreplay I know your body weakHead to the left like you gon" go to sleepBut I ain"t trippin girl that"s how I want you to beAll wet all tired and thinkin bout the dThat"s when I cock them legs back like no sirAnd beat that p**sy like Yeah girl who"s thereShe bite her lips like Oh boy you shouldAnd I be looking like Yeah girl who"s is this
2023-06-13 22:13:261


中国文学(Chinese Literature)
2023-06-13 22:13:444


头--Head头发--Hair鼻子--Nose眼睛--Eye脸--Fase耳朵--Ear口--Mouth肩膀--Shoulder脖子--Neck身体--Body手臂--Arm腰--Waist肘--Elbow腹--Abdomen耻骨结合--Pubic symphsis阴蒂--Clitoris尿道--Urethra输卵管--Flallopian tube卵巢--Ovary膀胱--Bladder阴道--Vagina小阴唇--Labia minora子宫--Uterus大阴唇--Labia majora肛门--Anus直肠--Rectum臀部--Buttock精囊--Seminal vesicle尿道球腺--Cowper"s gland前列腺--Prostate gland精囊上体--Epididymis输精管--Spermatic duct睾丸--Testicle阴囊--Scrotum阴茎--Penis龟头--Gland包皮--Prepuce阴茎海绵体--Corpus cavernosum penis手--Hand手指--Finger腿--Leg大腿--Thigh膝--Knee小腿--Calf脚--Foot脚趾--Toe横足弓--Transverse arch脚踝--Medial malleolus踝关节--Ankle joint脚掌--Sole脚腱--Achilles" tendon踵--Heel脚背--Instep脑--Brain大脑--Cerebrum脑桥--Pons延髓--Medulla oblongata脊髓--Spinalcord小脑--Cerebellum咽喉--Fauces舌--Tongue牙--Tooth咽头--Pharynx喉--Larynx小舌--Uvula扁桃腺--Tonsil气管--Trachea支气管--Bronchus横隔膜--Diaphragm胸膜腔--Pleural cavity嘴唇--Lips肠--Intestine胃--Stomach食道--Esophagus心--Heart肝--Liver脾--Spleen肺--Lung肾--Kideney胰--Pancreas肌肉--Muscle骨骼--Bone血液--Blood血管--Blood vessel胸--Chest
2023-06-13 22:13:572


  男友在英语表达中和中文表达一样,都是一个男的加上一个朋友。下面我为大家带来男友的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   男友的英语意思   boyfriend   男友的相关英语例句   她疏远了她的男友。   She distanced herself from her boyfriend.   她把这个秘密泄露给她男友了。   She babbled the secret out to her boyfriend.   她被一场与男友的争吵弄得心烦意乱。   She was distracted at a quarrel with her boyfriend.   当她的男友离开她时,她完全丧失了信心和希望。   She was wholly destroyed when her boyfriend left her.   没有人知道原因,不过她有可能是因为塔莎的缘故才自杀的,而且在那之前一两天她刚好和男友分手了。   No one knows why, but she may have done it because of Tasha, and splitting up with herboyfriend just a day or so before.   你男友不应该管你的阴蒂,它属于你。   Your boyfriend should not be in charge of your clitoris.   而对其他人比如你的男友来说可能就无所谓,因为他们在其他方面感受爱。   While others, like your boyfriend, can take them or leave them because they feel loved in otherways.   比起一系列死板的信念——我值得一个高质量的男友,或是我根本不知道被爱——他们推荐优先的想法。   Instead of a set of rigid beliefs u2013 I deserve a quality boyfriend, or I donu2019t deserve love at all u2013they recommend a preference. 一旦你和它们的公寓足够接近的时候你是否改变或者帮助你的男友摆脱他们这样的公寓呢?   Have you changed or "helped" out boyfriends with their apartments once you"re close enoughwith them to do so?   如果你真的只想发泄下,提前让你的丈夫或者男友知道,这样他就不会打断你,试图解决你的问题了。   If you really just want to “vent” about something, let your boyfriend or husband know that in advance so that he knows not to interrupt with solutions to your problem.   然后汤姆想到,如果一个象萨拉那样的漂亮女人在圣达菲,那么她一定是和男友在共度一个浪漫的周末。   Tom then conjured up the idea that if a beautiful woman like Sara were in Santa Fe, she mustbe there on a romantic weekend with a boyfriend.   在酒店房间里,她竟然当着朋友的面向新男友脱衣示爱,并在地板上竭斯底里地打滚;随后的午餐上,她又吃了吐,吐了吃。   She strips in a hotel room to woo her new boyfriend in front of her pal; she rolls on the ground inhysterics; and later throws up at lunch.   在等你的男友或者某个刚飞来这座城市的熟人的时间是最无聊难熬的时候,那为什么不想象一下你是在某个漂亮的滑雪胜地度假呢?   To pass the time while waiting for your boyfriend or an acquaintance who just flew into the cityand is most likely lost, why not pretend youu2019re on holiday at some opulent ski resort?   你和她男友不能同时拥有他。   You and her boyfriend can"t both have her.   而在其他的实验中,研究人员要求这些女性在承受疼痛的同时,看着她们的男友或是一名陌生男子的照片。   In other cases, the women were asked to view a photograph of their boyfriend, or a picture of amale stranger while being subjected to discomfort.   于是她将那个东西放在后备箱的一个行李袋里放了一个星期,同时她和他的男友在考虑如何应对。   So she carried it in a duffel bag in her trunk for a week, while she and her boyfriend consideredwhat to do.   “他们甚至逼迫我男友和他的兄弟姐妹一起看一段录像,而录像中是她和一名男子走入宾馆的画面,”她在推特上这么写道。   "They even forced my boyfriend and his brothers and sisters to watch a video that showed mewalking into a hotel with other men," she wrote on Twitter.   男友的英文例句   我的新男友比前男友可爱。   My new boyfriend is cuter than my old one.   他们与前任男友(女友)经常联系。   They keep in contact with their former lovers.   我和男友分手了。   I have parted company with my boyfriend.   她被一场与男友的争吵弄得心烦意乱。   She was distracted at a quarrel with her boyfriend.   这个阶段也是女性最喜欢与同志男友结为知己的时候。   This is also the time when women are most likely to befriend gay male pals.   一个女孩照了几张关于他男友送给她的花的照片。   A girl took pictures of the flowers which got from her boyfriend.   你能看到与男友跳舞的那个姑娘吗?   Can you see the girl dancing with your boyfriend?   我愿意把男友介绍给你。   I would like to present my boy friend to you.   这个女孩走进男友的办公室,故意把门开着,以便大家都能听到。   She went in his office and left the door open so everyone could hear her.   简已经和她的新男友不再来往了。   Jane has finished with her new boyfriend.   男友的双语例句   1. She took revenge on her ex-boyfriend by smashing up his home.   为了报复,她砸了前任男友的家。   2. She went off to bum round the world with a boyfriend.   她动身和一个男友去周游世界了。   3. Dan found out that I had been meeting my ex-boyfriend in secret.   丹发现我一直在跟前男友偷偷见面。   4. She refuses to see her beloved boy die in such dishonor.   她不愿看到她深爱的男友就这样不名誉地死去。   5. Liz travelled round the world for a year with her boyfriend James.   莉兹和男友詹姆斯花了一年时间环球旅行。   6. She had attended an interview, at her boyfriend"s insistence.   在男友的坚持下,她去参加了一个 面试 。   7. Mark was heartbroken when Jane returned to her old boyfriend.   简同前男友旧情复燃,这使马克心都碎了。   8. I split up with my last boyfriend three years ago.   我3年前和前任男友分的手。   9. My ex-boyfriend Anthony was very chauvinistic.   我的前男友安东尼大男子主义思想很重。   10. My boyfriend was threatening to finish with me.   男友威胁说要和我分手。   11. She was living in sin with her boyfriend.   她和男友同居。   12. She married her long-time boyfriend.   她嫁给了多年的男友。   13. I split up with my boyfriend last year.   我去年和男友分手了。   14. She had an assignation with her boyfriend.   她和男友有个约会。   15. There is a new man in her life.   她有了一个新男友。
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排尿Urination,生殖器Genitalia (1)他诉说,在两侧鼠蹊部和睾丸有拉痛,且有夜尿,小便时有灼热感,间或放红色的尿。 He complained of a drawing pain in both groins and testicles,nocturia,burning on urination and the intermittent voiding of red-colored urine. 排便micturate;make(pass)water;void;piss 一夜有2次小便have nocturia twice nightly (a night) 这次住院时解出一个结石pass a stone on this admission 小便浑浊one's urine is thick(colored) 解出极浑浊,乳白色的尿the passage of highly turbid,milky urine 频尿frequent urination(micturition) 无法忍受的频尿intolerable frequency of urination 终末性血尿terminal hematuria 终末尿带有几滴血urine terminates with a few drops of blood 排尿痛micturition pain 解尿时左腰疼痛have pain in the left loin on micturition 小便流势良好void with a good stream 尿流细小small urinary stream 常解少量的尿pass small amounts of urine frequently 小便发生困难dysuria(inability to void)developed 小便时非常的痛piss pins and needles 变成失禁become incontinent 患便尿失禁develop urinary and fecal incontinence 把尿失禁完全治好obtain complete cure of incontinence 不能把尿尽行解出be unable to void without residual urine 小便时有强烈的烧灼感,当他工作时受到很大的困扰。 His voiding was accompanied by severe burning,and he was greatly inconvenienced at work. 他尿意频频,但每次仅出2、3滴。 He has a frequent desire to urinate,but only a few drops cone out each time. (2)性欲减退,但仍能射精。 There was a decrease in libido but ejaculation was still present. 发觉性欲减退note decreased libido 发觉性欲渐减note gradual loss of libido 性欲有些减退have some decrease in libido 没有性欲have no libido 性冷感be frigid(unaffectionate)sexually 性欲正常libido is normal 性要求过高(太低)be oversexed(undersexed) 对于性交无热诚be unenthusiastic about intercourse 性感不快已有几个月了had dyspareunia for a few months 不起劲的性关系devitalized sexual relationship 25至35岁夫妻的正常次数normal frequency of intercourse for married couples of 25 to 35 未曾达到高潮never achieve(reach)climax 在结婚头一年时常不容易达到极致frequently have difficulty in reaching orgasm in one's marital coitus in the first year of marriage 未曾尝过情欲高潮的极致have not experienced orgasm 仅有过一次情欲高潮的极致have only had an orgasm once 享受每一动作greatly enjoy every act of sexual intercourse 节欲be continent 仍能射精,但阴茎勃起力却减退了。 Ejaculation was possible but penile erectile strength decreased. 后来月经停止了,而她对于「性」冷淡了起来。 Later,menstruation ceased and she became sexually aopathetic. 阴蒂边发痒、有刺激感itching and irritation around the clitoris 婚前的纵欲premarital sexual indulgence 婚前有过性关系engaged in premarital sexual relationship 接交过性病病人venereally exposed;venereal exposure 染淋疾,患梅毒contract gono.,get syphilis 否认与性病有染deny V.D. contact 不能人道inability to perform sexual intercourse 交媾疼痛painful coitus(coition) 突然变成阳萎suddenly became impotent 一星期以前,他发觉在右鼠蹊部,发生无压痛的肿胀,时起时消。 He noticed a nontender swelling appearing on and off in his right groin one week ago. 这病人诉说阴茎和足底发痒,并且齿龈有不舒服感。 The patient complained of pruritus of the penis and itching in the soles of the feet,and an annoying sensation in the gingiva. 月经于13岁开始,一直到发生月经过多症以前,经期正常。 Menarche occurred at 13 years of age and the menstrual cycle remained within normal limits until the onset of menorrhagia. 月经开始(少量、中等、厚、多) (mild,moderate,frank,heavy)menses begin (start;commence;take place) 经期正常28~30日一次have normal period at 28-to 30-day intervals 月经规则,周期为28天,继续4天have regular period every 28 days that lasted 4 days 月经周期为28天have menstrual cycles of 28 days 月经开始不规则,并且长期无月经began to have menstrual irregularities with long period of amenorrhea 月经未曾失常have no previous menstrual aberrations 周期变成不定interval became variable 比平常多heavier than usual 发觉到月经持续不断并且过多noted persistent excessive menstrual flow 月经不来menses did not occur 停经已4年be 4 years postmenopausal 在46岁时停经passed(underwent;went through)the menopause at age 46 多量(块状,厚多)阴道出血加多,有几个月之久increasingly profuse (massive,frank)vaginal bleeding of several months duration. 月经过多,并且流出血块experience(develop)menorrhagia with passage of clots 有些轻微、无痛性阴道出血some slight painless vaginal bleeding 发觉经期外和性交后出血noted intermenstrual and postcoital bleeding 分泌少量厚汁物质drained a small amount of purulent material 间歇性的剧烈下腹痛intermittent,sharp,lower abdominal pains 她于13岁开始有正常的月经,周期为28~32天,有轻度的月经痛。 She began to menstruate regularly at 13 at intervals of 28~32 days with slight dysmenorrheal. 月经痛性而不规则,大约一个月发生2次。 The menstrual periods were painful and irregular,occurring approximately twice monthly.
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2023-06-13 22:14:433

The Real Slim Shady的中文翻译!

[Nurse Speaking] (精神病院里,护士用话筒开始喊道:) May I have your attention please, may I have your attention please 请大家听好了~~!请大家听好了~~! Will the real slim shady please stand up 请真正的 Slim Shady 起立! I repeat: will the real slim shady please stand up... 我再重复:请真正的 Slim Shady 起立! we"re gonna have a problem here... (对旁边的另一个护士说)我们遇到一个麻烦(因为所有的病人同时站了起来) [Eminem] Ya"ll act like you never seen a white person before 你们一个个都表现得象是头一回见到白人一样 jaws all on the floor 下巴都贴到地上了(形容十分惊讶) like Pam ,and Tommy just burst in the door 就好象 Pam 一样,看见 Tommy 突然冲进门来 and started whoopin her ass worse than before 然后他开始越来越疯狂地追逐她的屁股 they first were divorced 其实之前他们已经离婚了 throwing her over furniture (aaaaaah) 他把她扔(抛弃)得老远 It"s the return of the... 这是XX的回归(XX是什么还没说出来就被打断) "awww..wait, no wait, you"re kidding, “啊~等等,不能等了,你在开玩笑吧 he didn"t just say what I think he did, 他说的并不是我认为他做过的事 did he?" 是吗?” and Dr. Dre said... 接下来 Dr.Dre 说... nothing you idiots, Dr Dre"s dead 白痴!什么也没说!Dr.Dre 早就死了 he"s locked in my basement(Haha~) 他的尸体被我锁在地下室了!哈哈! feminist women love Eminem 女权主义的娘们特别“喜爱” Eminem chicka chicka chicka slim shady, 老是七嘴八舌的谈论着 Slim Shady "I"m sick of him, lookit him (一个娘们说:)“我讨厌他,你瞧瞧他那小样儿~ walkin around, grabbin his you know what 走来走去地,手里抓着他那个...你知道是啥东东 flippin" to you know who" 朝着...你知道是谁...抖来抖去” "yeah, but he"s so cute though" (另外一个娘们说:)“没错,可是他挺帅~!” yeah, I probably got a couple of screws up in my head loose 是的,我也许真的脑袋里缺了两颗螺丁(指精神不太正常) but no worse than what"s goin on in your parents bedroom (eheheheh) 但至少比你父母卧室里发生的那些事情要正常一点(隐约听见SM的声音) sometimes, I wanna get on TV and just let loose 有时,我真想在电视上撒撒野 but cant, but it"s cool for Tom Green to hump a dead moose 但可惜做不到,不过 Tom Green 那家伙和一只驼鹿尸体做爱这件事还是挺酷的 My bum is on your lips, My bum is on your lips 我的屁股就在你嘴边,我的屁股就在你嘴边 and if I"m lucky, you might just give it a little kiss 如果我够幸运的话你可以亲它一小口 and that"s the message that we deliver to little kids 这就是我们想要灌输给小朋友的讯息 and expect them not to know what a woman"s clitoris is 并且期望他们永远不知道女人的阴蒂是啥玩意儿 of course they"re gonna know what intercourse is 可是他们总有一天会知道什么是性交 by the time they hit 4th grade 顺便还会在这方面得高分 they got the discovery channel, dont they? 他们看《探索》频道,不是吗? "we ain"t nothing but mammals" “我们都不过是哺乳动物”(《探索》节目的经典台词) well, some of us cannibals 没错,有的还是食人动物呢~ who cut other people open like cantelopes 这些食人动物把其他的人切开就象切开羚羊一样 but if we can hump dead animals and antelopes 但是既然我们可以和动物尸体以及羚羊做爱 then there"s no reason that a man and another man can"t elope 那么就没有理由不准一个男人和另外一个男人私奔 but if you feel like I feel, I got the attitude 可是只要你和我有一样的感受,我就有个建议: women wave your pantihose, sing the chorus and it goes 女士们挥舞起你们的连袜裤,高唱着段副歌,这就开始了! Chorus : I"m Slim Shady, yes, I"m the real Shady 我就是 Slim Shady ,没错 ,我才是真正的 Shady all you other Slim Shadys are just imitating 你们所有其他的 Slim Shady 们都是冒牌的! so wont the real Slim Shady please stand up, please stand up, please stand up 那么真正的 Slim Shady 还不快起立吗!请起立!请起立! cause I"m Slim Shady, yes, I"m the real Shady 因为我就是 Slim Shady ,没错 ,我才是真正的 Shady all you other Slim Shadys are just imitating 你们所有其他的 Slim Shady 们都是冒牌的! so wont the real Slim Shady please stand up, please stand up, please stand up 那么真正的 Slim Shady 还不快起立吗!请起立!请起立! Will Smith don"t got to cuss in his raps to sell records Will Smith 为了多卖几张唱片就不敢在他的说唱里骂人 well I do, so fuck him and fuck you too 可我不怕,所以操他!同时也操你们! you think I give a damn about a Grammy 你们以为我对一座葛莱美奖有兴趣吗? half of you critics can"t even stomach me, let alone stand me 你们这些评论家有一半都受不了我,对我避之惟恐不及 "but slim, what if you win, wouldn"t it be weird" (记者问:)“可是 Slim ,要是你真得奖了怎么办?不是很不可思议吗?” why? so you guys can just lie to get me here 有啥不可思议的?到时候你们这些家伙正好可以撒个谎把我给骗到这儿来 so you can sit me here next to Britney Spears 于是你们就可以安排我坐在“小甜甜”的旁边 Shit! Christina Aguilera better switch me chairs 狗屁,我才不要呢!最好让 Christina Aguilera 来跟我换换位置 so I can sit next to Carson Daly and Fred Durst 那样我就能坐在 Carson Daly 和 Fred Durst 的旁边 and hear "em argue over who she gave head to first 就能听见他们争论着到底 Christina Aguilera 先和谁koujiao little bitch, put me on blast on MTV 小贱人,在MTV上惹毛了我 "yeah, he"s cute, but I think he"s married to Kim, hee hee" “是的,他很帅,但是我认为他已经和 Kim 结过婚了,嘿嘿” I should download her audio on MP3 我真应该把她的歌下载到MP3上 and show the world how you gave Eminem VD (aaaaaah) 然后向全世界展示你是如何让 Eminem 染上性病的(呕吐声) I"m sick of you little girl and boy groups 我讨厌你们这些小姑娘和小男孩团体 all you do is annoy me 你们成天就知道惹我恶心 so I have been sent here to destroy you 所以我被派到这里来消灭你们 and there"s a million of us just like me 而且我们之中有无数的人和我一样 who cuss like me, who just don"t give a fuck like me 他们象我一样地骂人,象我一样地不在乎 who dress like me, walk, talk and act like me 象我一样的穿着、走路、说话和行动 and just might be the next best thing, but not quite me 并且有望成为继我之后的最好的东西,只是成不了100%的我 [Chorus] I"m like a head trip to listen to 听我唱歌就好比进行一次大脑旅行 cause I"m only givin you things you joke about with your friends inside you livin" room 因为我只会给你讲一些你和你的朋友只敢在私人客厅里作为笑谈的东西 the only difference is I got the balls to say it in front of ya"ll 唯一的不同是我拥有在你们大家面前说出来的机会 and I aint gotta be false or sugar coated at all 而且我不会说谎也不会给它们加上糖衣(修饰以使其听起来顺耳) I just get on the mic and spit it 我不过是对着麦克风然后直接吐出来罢了 and whether you like to admit it (riiip) 不管你承不承认(呕吐声) I just shit it better than 90% you rappers out can 我无疑比90%的说唱艺人放屁放得更响亮 then you wonder how can kids eat up these albums like valiums 接下来你想知道为什么小朋友们痴迷我的专辑就好象依赖安定一样 it"s funny,cause at the rate I"m going when I"m thirty 这还真好笑,因为照我现在这个样子发展下去的话,当我30岁的时候 I"ll be the only person in the nursing home flirting 我会成为独一无二的在疗养院耍流氓的人 pinchin nurses asses when I"m jackin off with Jergens 当我和 Jergens 一起玩手淫的时候一边还捏护士们的屁股, and I"m jerkin" but this whole bag of Viagra isn"t working 而且我抽筋时这整包Viagra(药)都不起作用 In every single person there"s a Slim Shady lurkin 在每个人体内都潜伏了一个 Slim Shady he could be workin at burger king, spittin on your onion rings 他(潜伏的Slim Shady)会在你吃汉堡时发作,在你的洋葱圈上吐口水 or in the parking lot, circling, screamin "I dont give a fuck" 或者开着车在停车场不停地转圈圈,还一边叫喊着“I don"t give a fuck”(Shady的口头禅) with his windows down and his system up 而且车窗、车盖都敞开着的 so will the real Shady please stand up 那么真正的 Shady 请站起来吧 and put 1 of those fingers on each hand up 然后双手高举中指 and be proud to be outta your mind and outta control 并且骄傲地丧失理智 and 1 more time, loud as you can, how does it go? 好好地再唱一遍副歌,用你吃奶的力气,是咋唱的来着? [Chorus] x2 (Talking) Haha guess it"s a Slim Shady in all of us... Fuck it! Let"s all stand up 哈哈,搞不好真的每个人的灵魂里都有个Slim Shady ... 他奶奶的!那就让我们一块儿起立吧!求采纳
2023-06-13 22:14:551


C点的话就是中心位置,一般C位都是中心位置的,所以说C一般就在中间center。定律是为实践和事实所证明,反映事物在一定条件下发展变化的客观规律的论断。定律是一种理论模型,它用以描述特定情况、特定尺度下的现实世界,在其它尺度下可能会失效或者不准确。没有任何一种理论可以描述宇宙当中的所有情况,也没有任何一种理论可能完全正确。人生同样有其客观规律可循。一、生活定律 痛苦定律:死无疑是痛苦的,然而还有比死更痛苦的东西,那就是等死。幸福定律:如果你不再总是想着自己是否幸福时,你就获得幸福了。错误定律:人人都会有过失,但是,只有重复这些过失时,你才犯了错误。沉默定律:在辩论时,沉默是一种最难驳倒的观点。动力定律:动力往往只是起源于两种原因:希望,或者绝望。受辱定律:受辱时的唯一办法是忽视它,不能忽视它时就藐视它;如果连藐视它也不能,那么你就只能受辱了。愚蠢定律:愚蠢大多是在手脚或舌头运转得比大脑还快的时候产生的。化妆定律:在修饰打扮上花费的时间有多少,你就需要掩饰的缺点也就有多少。省时定律:要想学会最节省时间的办法,首先就需要学会说"不"。地位定律:有人站在山顶上,有人站在山脚下,虽然所处的地位不同,但在两者的眼中所看到的对方,却是同样大小的。失败定律:失败并不以为着浪费时间与生命,却往往意味着你又有理由去拥有新的时间与生命了。谈话定律:最使人厌烦的谈话有两种:从来不停下来想想;或者,从来也不想停下来。误解定律:被某个人误解,麻烦并不大;被许多人误解,那麻烦就大了。结局定律:有一个可怕的结局,也比不上没有任何结局可怕。二、工作定律安全定律:最安全的单位几十年没有得过安全奖(最安全证明你们安全没有做工作)需要定律:同样两个相同的单位,同样的办公费。多少年以后,发生了变化(证明你们单位办公不需要那么多的钱)出来反对,这种成功的概论会归结为零。评比定律:领导认为谁好,谁就好。(只要领导看你不顺眼,再辛辛苦苦地工作也是白费力气。)一票否决定律:在一个单位,比如升工资,比如提拔任用,一个人提出来,往往成功的概率最大,而另一个人站接受教育定律:每个单位都有吊儿郎当不好好干工作的人。但领导往往在批评这些人的时候,这些人恰恰不在场,于是,便出现了遵纪守法的人,经常接受教育的尴尬局面。哭闹定律;那个部门没有几个因为经常的哭闹而得到了实惠,他有什么理由不经常哭闹下去。(此定理也适用那些经常在领导面前叫苦叫累的部门)能者多劳定律:在同一科室里,有的人虽然在其岗,但却不能胜任本职工作,那他的工作只能由能胜任该项工作的人去代劳。不平衡定律:年年当先进的部门或个人,一年没有当先进便想不通;从未当先进的部门或个人,当上先进后便想不到。少劳多得定律:一般的单位,都分为合同工、(过去称为正式工)协议工、临时工等等。拿钱越少的工作量越大,而且越容易被解雇;拿钱越多的越没有多少事情可干,而且最不容易被解雇。
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  阴蒂[1]又称阴核、阴豆等(英文: Clitoris )。位于两侧小阴唇之间的顶端,是两侧大阴唇的上端会合点。阴蒂在整个人体解剖结构中是一个神奇而独特的器官。它是人类唯一的只与性欲激发和性感受有关的器官,其唯一生理功能就是激发女性的性欲和快感。阴蒂是一个圆柱状的小器官,被阴蒂包皮包绕,长约2-4厘米。末端为一个圆头,其尖端膨大称阴蒂头。
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头--Head头发--Hair鼻子--Nose眼睛--Eye脸--Fase耳朵--Ear口--Mouth肩膀--Shoulder脖子--Neck身体--Body手臂--Arm腰--Waist肘--Elbow腹--Abdomen耻骨结合--Pubic symphsis阴蒂--Clitoris尿道--Urethra输卵管--Flallopian tube卵巢--Ovary膀胱--Bladder阴道--Vagina小阴唇--Labia minora子宫--Uterus大阴唇--Labia majora肛门--Anus直肠--Rectum臀部--Buttock精囊--Seminal vesicle尿道球腺--Cowper"s gland前列腺--Prostate gland精囊上体--Epididymis输精管--Spermatic duct睾丸--Testicle阴囊--Scrotum阴茎--Penis龟头--Gland包皮--Prepuce阴茎海绵体--Corpus cavernosum penis手--Hand手指--Finger腿--Leg大腿--Thigh膝--Knee小腿--Calf脚--Foot脚趾--Toe横足弓--Transverse arch脚踝--Medial malleolus踝关节--Ankle joint脚掌--Sole脚腱--Achilles" tendon踵--Heel脚背--Instep脑--Brain大脑--Cerebrum脑桥--Pons延髓--Medulla oblongata脊髓--Spinalcord小脑--Cerebellum咽喉--Fauces舌--Tongue牙--Tooth咽头--Pharynx喉--Larynx小舌--Uvula扁桃腺--Tonsil气管--Trachea支气管--Bronchus横隔膜--Diaphragm胸膜腔--Pleural cavity嘴唇--Lips肠--Intestine胃--Stomach食道--Esophagus心--Heart肝--Liver脾--Spleen肺--Lung肾--Kideney胰--Pancreas肌肉--Muscle骨骼--Bone血液--Blood血管--Blood vessel胸--Chest
2023-06-13 22:16:441


头--Head头发--Hair鼻子--Nose眼睛--Eye脸--Fase耳朵--Ear口--Mouth肩膀--Shoulder脖子--Neck身体--Body手臂--Arm腰--Waist肘--Elbow腹--Abdomen阴蒂--Clitoris尿道--Urethra输卵管--Flallopian tube卵巢--Ovary膀胱--Bladder阴道--Vagina子宫--Uterus大阴唇--Labia majora肛门--Anus直肠--Rectum臀部--Buttock精囊--Seminal vesicle尿道球腺--Cowper"s gland前列腺--Prostate gland精囊上体--Epididymis输精管--Spermatic duct睾丸--Testicle阴囊--Scrotum阴茎--Penis龟头--Gland包皮--Prepuce阴茎海绵体--Corpus cavernosum penis手--Hand手指--Finger腿--Leg大腿--Thigh膝--Knee小腿--Calf脚--Foot脚趾--Toe横足弓--Transverse arch脚踝--Medial malleolus踝关节--Ankle joint脚掌--Sole脚腱--Achilles" tendon踵--Heel脚背--Instep脑--Brain大脑--Cerebrum脑桥--Pons延髓--Medulla oblongata脊髓--Spinalcord小脑--Cerebellum咽喉--Fauces舌--Tongue牙--Tooth咽头--Pharynx喉--Larynx小舌--Uvula扁桃腺--Tonsil气管--Trachea支气管--Bronchus横隔膜--Diaphragm胸膜腔--Pleural cavity嘴唇--Lips肠--Intestine胃--Stomach食道--Esophagus心--Heart肝--Liver脾--Spleen肺--Lung肾--Kideney胰--Pancreas肌肉--Muscle骨骼--Bone血液--Blood血管--Blood vessel胸--Chest
2023-06-13 22:16:521


【答案】:A 22.答案为A 此处测试词义理解。这里需要一个表示“自山”的形容词。likely的意思足“有可能的”,Clitoris的意思为“好奇的”。
2023-06-13 22:17:011


恋母情结弗氏恋母情结一词,原名伊底帕斯情结(Oedipus complex),即取自著名希腊悲剧作家索福克里斯之名作《伊底帕斯王》(Oedipus Rex)。弗氏如是言道:“我从自己身上发现对我母亲的爱,对我父亲的妒。如今我认为此乃孩童遍存之现象。”弗氏尝试于心理动态层面落实此发展模式。每一阶段均为迈向成人的性成熟期之进程,该成熟期将产生坚实自我,并发展出延迟欲望满足之能力。
2023-06-13 22:17:102


头--Head头发--Hair鼻子--Nose眼睛--Eye脸--Fase耳朵--Ear口--Mouth肩膀--Shoulder脖子--Neck身体--Body手臂--Arm腰--Waist肘--Elbow腹--Abdomen耻骨结合--Pubic symphsis阴蒂--Clitoris尿道--Urethra输卵管--Flallopian tube卵巢--Ovary膀胱--Bladder阴道--Vagina小阴唇--Labia minora子宫--Uterus大阴唇--Labia majora肛门--Anus直肠--Rectum臀部--Buttock精囊--Seminal vesicle尿道球腺--Cowper"s gland前列腺--Prostate gland精囊上体--Epididymis输精管--Spermatic duct睾丸--Testicle阴囊--Scrotum阴茎--Penis龟头--Gland包皮--Prepuce阴茎海绵体--Corpus cavernosum penis手--Hand手指--Finger腿--Leg大腿--Thigh膝--Knee小腿--Calf脚--Foot脚趾--Toe横足弓--Transverse arch脚踝--Medial malleolus踝关节--Ankle joint脚掌--Sole脚腱--Achilles" tendon踵--Heel脚背--Instep脑--Brain大脑--Cerebrum脑桥--Pons延髓--Medulla oblongata脊髓--Spinalcord小脑--Cerebellum咽喉--Fauces舌--Tongue牙--Tooth咽头--Pharynx喉--Larynx小舌--Uvula扁桃腺--Tonsil气管--Trachea支气管--Bronchus横隔膜--Diaphragm胸膜腔--Pleural cavity嘴唇--Lips肠--Intestine胃--Stomach食道--Esophagus心--Heart肝--Liver脾--Spleen肺--Lung肾--Kideney胰--Pancreas肌肉--Muscle骨骼--Bone血液--Blood血管--Blood vessel胸--Chest 转载。
2023-06-13 22:17:291


在女孩方面,上述伊底帕斯前期(Pre-Oedipus)的发展和伊底帕斯情节是完全相反的,也就是小女孩在发展的过程中,必须要从爱恋母亲转而爱恋父亲,佛洛依德认为迫使小女孩对母亲的依恋以仇恨告终,而与小男孩发展不同的主要原因就是「阉割情节(castration complex)」。小女孩发现了异性的生殖器官后,会认为母亲没有把阴茎(penis)生给她们或造成她们被阉割的状态,使她们感到委屈,甚至产生「阴茎嫉妒(penis envy)」,此时,小女孩性快感的来源也从阴蒂(clitoris)逐渐转向到阴道(vagina),而这样的状态便可能造成小女孩朝三种不同的路径发展:一个是导致性抑制(sexual inhibition)或神经症(neurosis),一个是使女性的性格倾向男性特质情节(masculinity complex),另一个则是通向正常(normal)的女性特质。一般来说,小女孩在经历了「阉割情节」所产生的「阴茎嫉妒」后,被迫放弃对于母亲的依恋,转而进入伊底帕斯情节阶段,也就是对于父亲(阴茎的象征)产生爱恋,渴望从父亲那儿获得阴茎,最后甚至进而想要从父亲那儿获得一个小孩。但是,对于小男孩来说,从一出生一直到伊底帕斯情节阶段,他的爱恋对象都没有转换,从一开始他的欲望对象就是他的母亲,此时父亲反而是一个讨厌的竞争者(rival)角色。这样的伊底帕斯情节很自然的从「性器期(phallic phase)」便开始发展,直到对父亲产生恨意达到最高点,因为父亲不仅抑制和干预小男孩的性冲动和性活动,也不肯透露生殖的秘密,甚至似乎占据了母亲真正欲望对象的地位。不过,随着母亲没办法继续满足小男孩对于奶水的需求(need)或者说是永远无法满足的欲望(desire),也就是渴望得到母亲完全的爱,以及当第二个小孩出生后,母亲把关注的焦点转移在新生儿上,都会导致伊底帕斯情节的消退,但是对于小男孩而言,真正关键的却是「阉割恐惧(castration fear)」。当小男孩发现母亲或女性没有阴茎的事实后,开始感受到被阉割的威胁,他害怕如果持续爱恋着母亲,就会被父亲以同样的手法阉割而失去阴茎,因此转而对原本敌视的父亲产生认同,更进一步的放弃及鄙视欠缺阳具(phallus)的母亲。
2023-06-13 22:17:361


后一个哦亲~ C离B隔得太进哦亲~
2023-06-13 22:17:545


2012 This Girl"s Gun (Short) ----------------Starlight2009 Sculpture -----------------Emily Porter (as Misty Mundae)2008 Dying God 垂死的上帝----------------Mary2008 I Was a Teenage Strangler (Video) ---------------Lil Erin2007 Chantal 傻女闯艺界(Video) ----------------Chantal (as Misty Mundae)2007 Splatter Beach 食人海滩(Video) --------------------Tess Gardner2007 Skin Crawl 毛骨悚然 (Video) -----------------The Hooker (as Misty Mundae)2007 All Along ----------------Tanya2007 Gruesome (Short) ---------------Karen2007 The Rage 狂怒------------Kat2007 In the Wall (Short) -----------------Jonelle2006 Shadow: Dead Riot 死亡暴动-----------------Crystal2006/II The Lost -----------------Lisa Steiner2006 Sinful 作恶多端 (Video) -----------Lilith (as Misty Mundae)2006 An Erotic Werewolf in London 好色的狼人在伦敦 (Video)-----------------Misty (as Misty Mundae)2005 Shock-O-Rama (Video) --------------Rebecca Raven - Zombie This (as Misty Mundae)2005 Bikini Girls on Dinosaur Planet 恐龙星的比基尼女孩(Video) ------------Oook (as Misty Mundae)2005 The Girl Who Shagged Me (Video) --------------Officer Johnson / Hannibal Letcher (as Misty Mundae)2005 New York Wildcats 纽约野猫 (Video) ----------------Pleasure the Peacock (as Misty Mundae)2004 The Seduction of Misty Mundae 米丝蒂的诱惑(Video)-----------------Misty (as Misty Mundae)2004 The Erotic Diary of Misty Mundae (Video) --------------Misty (as Misty Mundae)2004 Sexy Adventures of Van Helsing 范海辛的性感历险记 (Video) ------------Maiden #2 (as Misty Mundae)2004 Bite Me! 咬我(Video) --------------Crystal (as Misty Mundae)2004 Lust for Dracula 血的高潮 (Video) ---------------Mina Harker (as Misty Mundae)2004 Voodoun Blues (Video short) -------------The Woman (as Misty Mundae)2004 Sexy American Idle (Video) --------------Emily (as Misty Mundae)2004 Silver Mummy (Video) ---------------Cynthia2003 Confessions of a Natural Beauty (Video) -------------Misty (as Misty Mundae)2003 Naked Cooking (Video) -------------Misty (as Misty Mundae)2003 That 70"s Girl (Video) ------------Petal (as Misty Mundae)2003 Screaming Dead 死亡尖叫(Video) ---------------Bridget (as Misty Mundae)2003 Spiderbabe 淫贱蜘蛛女(Video) ----------------Patricia Porker (Spiderbabe) (as Misty Mundae)2003 Sin Sisters 狂野姊妹花(Video) --------------Cynthia (as Misty Mundae)2003 Vampire Vixens (Video) ------------Sherry (as Misty Mundae)2003 Lustful Addiction (Video) --------------Opala (as Misty Mundae)2003 The Lord of the G-Strings: The Femaleship of the String (Video) ----------Dildo Saggins (as Misty Mundae)2003 Dr. Jekyll & Mistress Hyde (Video) -------------Martine Flagstone / Dawn Hopkins (as Misty Mundae)2003 Sour Milk (Short) ----------------Playground Bully #1 (as Sadie Lane)2002 Satan"s School for Lust (Video) --------------Primula Cooper (as Misty Mundae)2002 Silk Stocking Strangler (Video)   Olivia (as Misty Mundae)2002 Lust in the Mummy"s Tomb (Video short) ------------Misty (as Misty Mundae)2002 My Vampire Lover (Video) ----------------School Girl (as Misty Mundae)2002 An Erotic Vampire in Paris (Video) ------------Caroline (as Misty Mundae)2002 Roxanna (Video short) ------------Roxanna (as Misty Mundae)2002 The Erotic Mirror (Video) ------------Mary (as Misty Mundae)2002 Play-Mate of the Apes (Video) -------------Commander Gaylor (as Misty Mundae)2002 Mummy Raider (Video) ----------------Misty (as Misty Mundae)2002 Flesh for Olivia (Video) -------------Olivia (as Misty Mundae)2001 My First Female Lover (Video short) --------------Misty (as Misty Mundae)2001 Purgatory Blues (Video) -------------Jack"s Hooker (as Misty Mundae)2001 Seduction of Cyber Jane (Video short) ----------------Lesbian #1 (as Misty Mundae)2001 Witchbabe: The Erotic Witch Project 3 (Video) -------------Amy (as Misty Mundae)2001 Gladiator Eroticvs: The Lesbian Warriors (Video) ---------Clitoris (as Misty Mundae)2001 Shoot the Girls (Video) -------------Judy (as Misty Mundae)2001 Erotic Survivor -------------Misty - Pu- Nanni Tribe (as Misty Mundae)2001 Night of the Groping Dead (as Misty Mundae)2000 I, Asphyxia: The Electric Cord Strangler III (Video) -------------Misty2000 Misty"s Secret (Video) ------------Misty (as Misty Mundae)2000 Peeping in a Girl"s Dormitory (Video short) -----------Misty (as Misty Mundae)2000 The Vibrating Maid (Video short) ------------The Lady (as Misty Mundae)2000 International Necktie Strangler (Video) --------------Carla (as Misty Mundae)2000 Dinner for Two (Video) ----------------April / May (as Misty Mundae)1999 Titanic 2000 (Video) -----------Bass Player (as Misty Mundae)1999 Cannibal Doctor (Video) ---------------Misty (as Misty Mundae)1999 Duck! The Carbine High Massacre (Video) --------------Bible Girl (as Misty Mundae)1999 The Bizarre Case of the Electric Cord Strangler (Video) (as Misty Mundae)1999 Vampire Strangler (Video) ---------------Lydia (as Misty Mundae)1998 Infamous Bondage Murders (Video) --------------Nico (as Misty Mundae)1998 Dead Students Society (Video) --------------------Nancy (as Misty Mundae)1998 Going Under --------------Summer (as Misty Mundae)参考
2023-06-13 22:18:121

Dirty Dozen的《Get Naked》 歌词

歌曲名:Get Naked歌手:Dirty Dozen专辑:Dirty DozenGet NakedMethods Of MayhemThe Girl Next Door O.S.T.喜欢欧美音乐的朋友可以加QQ群2517240,里面都是音乐爱好者欧美音乐发烧友QQ群2517240Craig David发烧友群2517240,Tommy Lee:——517499969 孔清冽Seventy-seven million dollars made from watchin" me cumUnder the sun on my vacation (after hours on Spectravision)Shootin" my jizzy jizzumThe woody has rissy rizenI ain"t gettin" paid to entertain your bridal showersRockin" my porno tape for hours"n"hoursClitoris"s are fearin me it"s bigger than Ron JeremyFred Durst:Cause it"s them ass cheeks that make my ass weakAnd I"ve been runnin" with the blueballs since last weekSo if you ask me I"ll be glad to speak after we get butt nakedAnd break it down with NASTY!Lil Kim & Tommy Lee :Get, Get NakedCome on baby make it hotGet, Get NakedRide the cock til you hit the spotGet, Get NakedCome on baby make it hotGet NakedGeorge Clinton:Roof roofDoin" it doggy styleBow wow wow yippy yo yippy yayBow wow yippy yo yippy yayBow wow wow yippy yo yippy yayBow wow yippy yo yippy yayTilo:The little Geisha ho from Tokyo who said she could blowTen dollas love me long time in a limoFor really dohI"m just try in to fly with the flowsFreak up some hosBlow up the shows make a little dough-hoAs if you didn"t knowBack to the strip club freakin" up some ho-ho"sSwingin" my dingaling it ain"t no thingTommy Lee & Tilo:It"s those intergalatic ho"s who come down in thoseSpace probes five green hienasRepresentin with no clothesMix Master Mike, Mix Master MikeMakin" the pussy tightNo jimmy no gimme no lustIn the Methods of Mayhem we trust!Its a must so rip off yer clothes and expose yer BUST!Fred Durst:Cause it"s them ass cheeks that make my ass weakAnd I"ve been runnin" with the blueballs since last weekSo if you ask me I"ll be glad to speak after we get butt nakedAnd break it down with NASTY!You only Love me when you want punannyLil Kim:Queen bitch red lipstickThe all black harlot call me black BarbieFuck a blow job it"s a motherfuckin" hobbieUnder 7 inches uhh sorryMinute men I can"t fuck wit themI like to ride the cock till you hit the spotUhh come on baby make it hotGot a convertable drop the topBefore we do a thing I want the diamonds and the ringsThe furs the minks the jewels the linksYou know I"m freaky so ya got to eat me and uhI know you hate it but uhGET NAKED!Lil Kim & Tommy Lee:You ain"t lickin" thisYou ain"t stickin" this we don"t want the dickFuck the dumb games you girls that complainAnd I ain"t leavin" until you"re sleepin on the cum stains
2023-06-13 22:18:271

什么是Yan ge情结?

伊底帕斯情节简单来说是指:爱恋自己不同性别的父母亲,仇视与自己同性别的父母亲。佛洛依德认为,不管是男孩或女孩,在刚出生的时候发展是很类似的,他们通常都以母亲(或者与母亲形象成为一体的奶妈或养母等人)为第一个爱恋的对象。在这段期间,母亲乳房和婴儿间的关系是很微妙的,由於母亲不可能随时满足婴儿的需求(need)或者可以说婴儿的需求本来就不可能被满足而形成欲望(desire)的来源,因此这种乳房的挫折,导致婴儿进一步的发展。在女孩方面,上述伊底帕斯前期(Pre-Oedipus)的发展和伊底帕斯情节是完全相反的,也就是小女孩在发展的过程中,必须要从爱恋母亲转而爱恋父亲,佛洛依德认为迫使小女孩对母亲的依恋以仇恨告终,而与小男孩发展不同的主要原因就是「阉割情节(castration complex)」。小女孩发现了异性的生殖器官后,会认为母亲没有把阴茎(penis)生给她们或造成她们被阉割的状态,使她们感到委屈,甚至产生「阴茎嫉妒(penis envy)」,此时,小女孩性快感的来源也从阴蒂(clitoris)逐渐转向到阴道(vagina),而这样的状态便可能造成小女孩朝三种不同的路径发展:一个是导致性抑制(sexual inhibition)或神经症(neurosis),一个是使女性的性格倾向男性特质情节(masculinity complex),另一个则是通向正常(normal)的女性特质。一般来说,小女孩在经历了「阉割情节」所产生的「阴茎嫉妒」后,被迫放弃对於母亲的依恋,转而进入伊底帕斯情节阶段,也就是对於父亲(阴茎的象徵)产生爱恋,渴望从父亲那儿获得阴茎,最后甚至进而想要从父亲那儿获得一个小孩。但是,对於小男孩来说,从一出生一直到伊底帕斯情节阶段,他的爱恋对象都没有转换,从一开始他的欲望对象就是他的母亲,此时父亲反而是一个讨厌的竞争者(rival)角色。这样的伊底帕斯情节很自然的从「性器期(phallic phase)」便开始发展,直到对父亲产生恨意达到最高点,因为父亲不仅抑制和干预小男孩的性冲动和性活动,也不肯透露生殖的秘密,甚至似乎占据了母亲真正欲望对象的地位。不过,随著母亲没办法继续满足小男孩对於奶水的需求(need)或者说是永远无法满足的欲望(desire),也就是渴望得到母亲完全的爱,以及当第二个小孩出生后,母亲把关注的焦点转移在新生儿上,都会导致伊底帕斯情节的消退,但是对於小男孩而言,真正关键的却是「阉割恐惧(castration fear)」。当小男孩发现母亲或女性没有阴茎的事实后,开始感受到被阉割的威胁,他害怕如果持续爱恋著母亲,就会被父亲以同样的手法阉割而失去阴茎,因此转而对原本敌视的父亲产生认同,更进一步的放弃及鄙视欠缺阳具(phallus)的母亲。
2023-06-13 22:18:351

求助经典表白 百个女生和一个男生 谁有那段话的英文

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 电影 问题描述: 求助经典表白 百个女生和一个男生 谁有那段话的英文 谢谢了 解析: 楼上的,错了。是找100 girls的台词。 Matthew在楼下的表白,老经典的。Matthew: Without you, I"m as lonely as an abandoned dog on the side of a highway. I have gift anxiety, even through I don"t know when your birthday is. We can spend perfect days shopping and cleaning together. I swear, I"ll never make wisecracks when you scrape your tires against the curb while parallel parking. If you consent to live with me, I"ll clean the toilet every week. I"ll do it with my tongue if you ask. I will strike the words "hooters" and "love rockets" from my vocabulary. I"ll love you. Even if your name is Mimi and you want me to pronounce it "May May". I will only pass gas underneath the covers and under the direst of circumstances. Hell, I"ll go on a low cholesterol diet. And I won"t buy one of those red sports cars when I hit my mid-life crisis. Your parents can e visit us every week, even if your mom is a witch with a capital B. And your folks don"t have to go to a retirement home because they can e live with us. I declare, I"ll separate the whites from the colors and learn the mysteries of hot and cold water washes. I"ll never huff and puff while waiting for you to put on my makeup. If you"re a cat person, I"ll never point out the fact that a dog can save your life from drowning, but a cat can"t. I will happily go see chick flicks with you, like "Pride and Prejudice". I"ll make a point to trying new food like okra gumbo. I won"t curl my nose at vegetables whose awful taste is disguised by having cheese on it. I pledge to always say "yes" when you ask, "Is my hair looking okay tonight?" I"m gonna bring a whole new meaning to the word "cuddle". I"ll be thoughtful enough to read your horoscope every day. I"m gonna save every birthday card you send me! And I"ll actually write you real letters when we"re apart. I"m never gonna expect you to know where I left my car keys, and I"ll never leave my socks on the floor. With me, you"ll find the cap is always on the toothpaste. I"ll start wearing those bikini style underwear if you like. My belly button will always be lint free. I want to full-on kiss your clitoris. It will be the most passionate, intimate experience you"ve ever had. I declare now, I will give my life for you. And if you fail to e to me, I know some part of me will surely die.
2023-06-13 22:18:441


2023-06-13 22:18:523


2023-06-13 22:18:592

methods of mayhem的《get naked》 歌词

歌曲名:get naked歌手:methods of mayhem专辑:methods of mayhemMethods Of Mayhem - Get NakedFeat. Crystal Method, Fred Durst, George Clinton,Lil Kim, Tommy Lee, TiLo, MixMaster MikeTommy Lee:Seventy seven million dollars madeFrom watchin" me cum under the sunOn my vacation (after hours on Spectravision) shootin"My jizzy jizzum the woodyHas rissy rizen I ain"t gettin"Paid to entertain your bridal showersRockin my porno tapefor hours n hoursClitoris"s are fearin me it"s bigger than Ron JeremyFred Durst:Cause it"s them ass cheeks that meake my ass weakAnd I"ve been runnin" with the blueballs since last weekAnd if you ask me I"ll be glad to speak until we get butt nakedAnd break it down with NASTY!Lil Kim & Tommy Lee (Chorus):Get Get NakedCome on baby make it hot(Get Get Naked)Ride the cock till you hit the spotGet Get NakedCome on baby make it hot(Get Naked)George Clinton:Roof roofDoin" it dogy styleBowwowwowyippyyoyippyyayBowwowwowyippyyoyippyyayBowwowwowyippyyoyippyyayBowwowwowyippyyoyippyyayTilo:The little Geisha ho from tokyo aho said sheCould blow ten dollas love me long time in a limoFor really dohI"m just try in to fly with the flows freak up some hoesBlow up the showsmake a little dough-ho IAs if you didn"t know back to the stripclubfreakin" up some ho-ho"sSwingin" my dingaling it ain"t no thingTommy Lee & Tilo:It"s those intergalatic ho"s who come down in thoseSpace probes five green hienasRepresentin with no clothesMix Master Mike, Mix Master MikeMakin" the pussy tightNo jimmy no gimme no lustIn the Methods of Mayhem we trust!Its a must so rip off yer clothes and expose yer BUST!Fred Durst:Cause it"s them ass cheeks that meake my ass weakAnd I"ve been runnin" with the blueballs since last weekAnd if you ask me I"ll be glad to speak until we get butt nakedAnd break it down with NASTY!ChorusGet Get NakedCome on baby make it hot(Get Get Naked)Ride the cock till you hit the spotGet Get NakedCome on baby make it hot(Get Naked)You only Love me when you want punannyLil Kim:Queen bitch red lipstickThe all black harlot call me black BarbieFuck a blow job it"s a motherfuckin" hobbieUnder 7 inches uhh sorryMinute men I can"t fuck wit themI like to ride the cock till you hit the spotUhh come on baby make it hotGot a convertable drop the topBefore we do a thing I want the diamonds and the ringsThe furs the minks the jewels the linksYou know I"m freaky so ya got to eat me and uhI know you hate it but uhGET NAKED!Lil Kim & Tommy Lee:You ain"t lickin" thisYou ain"t stickin" this we don"t want the dickFuck the cunt games you girls can"t complainAnd I ain"t leavin" til you"re sleepin on the cum stainsChorusGet Get NakedCome on baby make it hot(Get Get Naked)Ride the cock till you hit the spotGet Get NakedCome on baby make it hot(Get Naked)
2023-06-13 22:19:181

notorious b.i.g的For The Macs And Dons 跪求!!!!!!(RAP)

Yeah, Uh, Is Going Out To All The Pimps And Macs, Y"all Know The Flavour, Brooklyn Style, You Know How We Do, Uh, Yeah, All The Macs And The Dons In The House, Playa Playaz, Playa Playa, Get These Hoes Know, One TwoIs It True, All I Wanna Do Is ScrewDrink Bru, With The Crew, On The Avenue (Ooh)I Flip Skins Like Marie-LueSo What Ya Gonna Do When (Aicha) Come For You BooI Got Girls That Look Like Toni BraxtonAnd Give Me The Skin Without AksinWhen I"m Relaxin On My Back AndYou Know What Time It Is (Uh)What If It"s Red Man, Now Leave It AloneShe Can Call Me On My Cellular PhoneAnd I Mess Around And Bake You UpTake You To The Crib Stick You UpPut On My Silk Cd And Lick You Up And Down"till You Say StopHit The Quat "till Your Paps Call The CopsAnd When I Make Bail Outta Jail I"m A Wail On That TailBecause The Sex Never FailsI Am, So Amazing, So Amazing, So Amazing, And I Been WaitingIs It My Charm I Got The Hookers Eatin Out My Palm, This Is For The Macs And DonsIs It My Charm I Got The Hookers Eatin Out My PalmWhat Kind A Girls Do You Like,Well That"s VariousI Like Long Hair Or Them Halle Berry CutsReal Big Butts, Yeah Thick With Lip StickCause When It Come To Girls I"m So OptimisticLike The Sounds Of BlacknessI Don"t Need Packness And The Sack Is NaturalI Break Your Back"inI Pop Coochies Like My Homeboy LukeGuaranteed To Knock Your Trees Off Your Timbo BootsYou Don"t Get Pussy Whipped, You Whip That Pussy,Hit It From The Back "till It Get Real Cushy BabyGood Sex Is What I"m StartinI Get The Skin So Wet I Make The Ass Start FartinAnd I Pray That The Dick Don"t SlipCause Then I"m Hearin This Shit: That"s Not ItAnd Then I Just Ride "till The Sun RiseAnd When I"m Done I Whipe The Cum On Her ThighsI Am, So Amazing, So Amazing, So Amazing, And I Been WaitingIs It My Charm I Got The Hookers Eatin Out My Palm, This Is For The Macs And DonsIs It My Charm I Got The Hookers Eatin Out My Palm, This Is For The Macs And DonsThis Is Going Out To The Pimps And MacsThat Hit Skins "till Their Broud Catch A Astma AttackBut Not Even Pamatti Miss Could ResistThe Way I Jumped Up In This ClitorisAll I Wanna Do Is Zoom-A-Zoom In The Boom PoomSmoke A Little Boom Get Some Head In The BedroomAnd Then I Whisper Soft In The EarYou Ain"t Got To Home But You Got To Leave From HereSimple And Plain No Strings AttachedI"m Lettin You Know That I"m A Certified MacI Hit Skins "till The Leg CrampSo On The First I Can Get Half The Check And Half The StashSo Amazing, I Am, So Amazing, I Am, So Amazing, Yeah, And I Been WaitingIs It My Charm I Got The Hookers Eatin Out My Palm, This Is For The Macs And DonsIs It My Charm I Got The Hookers Eatin Out My Palm, This Is For The Macs And DonsAll The Playaz In 94 Recognize, Something D Full Effect, Baby Baby, Uh, Uh, Yeah, Fuck All You Biatches 你是不是找这些?
2023-06-13 22:19:261