barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-14 07:17:29




1、A 2、C 3、A 4、B 5、A 

1. ()为用户提供访问开放系统互连环境的界面,为用户提供许多网络服务器所需的应用协议。

A. 应用层

B. 表示层

C. 对话层

D. 传输层

2. 分类途径是按照文献所属的学科分类,利用()进行检索的途径。

A. 学科名称

B. 专业名称

C. 分类号及分类名

D. 以上均可

3. 《全国报刊索引》创刊于()年,是我国较有影响的题录式检索工具之一。

A. 1955

B. 1956

C. 1957

D. 1958

4. 下列检索提问式中,属于无限截断的是()。

A. analy?er

B. comput?

C. work??

D. work???

5. 下列属于原始文献的是()。

A. 会议论文

B. 摘要

C. 百科全书

D. 年鉴

6. OSI参考模型的第四层是()。

A. 网络层

B. 传输层

C. 对话层

D. 表示层

7. 利用文献后所附参考文献进行检索的方法叫()。

A. 追溯法

B. 直接法

C. 抽查法

D. 综合法

8. 下列选项中,不属于参考工具书的是()。

A. 百科全书

B. 杂志

C. 字典

D. 手册

9. 下列说法中不正确的是()。

A. com表示商业公司

B. edu表示教育科研机构

C. org表示政府

D. mil表示军事机构

10. 下列选项中,不属于常用的检索方法的是()。

A. 追溯法

B. 工具法

C. 编码法

D. 交替法



analysing Vianalysis n
2023-06-13 15:03:405

Excel2007 "数据分析工具”加载成功了,但它却不能在“数据”项菜单下显示,请问如何解决?

2023-06-13 15:04:095


MY PROCESS IN COLLEGE ENGLISH GRAMMER LEARNINGFirst time before I entered BENGBU COLLEGE, I chosed English to be my major..As is known to all, IF you want to learn English very well, you should be good at English Grammar, so grammar is the first step you will challenge MR LI is our college grammar teacher, he has delivered a praxis to us ,during the class ,he would talk about the problems we met with us ,if you had some questions about grammar ,he would explain it to you directly and clearly, after his explanation,I felt more confident about learning grammar better and better ,according to what I knew,he could simplify all kinds of problems ,analysizing problems from all aspects, also what impressed us most was his friendly attitude.We could not communicate with MR LI constantly ,because we only had two classes a week, in other words ,we saw MR LI only once a week ,but it did not matter ,he gave us his cellphone number so as to got touch with him at any time ,that moved us .It is so important to have a good English teacher, especially grammar teacher ,it is his effort that help us ,.I often misunderstood the sentence instructure before ,and also felt confused about how to use the tense correctly, but under my teacher is help ,I began to practice my English grammar increased my vocabulary ,read English texts ,and so on,I made a greater progress in college English grammar learning, I think.Before long ,we were gave a book which related to the grammar, MR LI told us to master it thoroughly, I often went to the library to search for the grammar book,.,I have read a lot of grammar books ,they have something in common ,that is the structure of sentences,Time flies ,this semester will be end ,what I learned most is the English grammar, I think if I want to do well in English,grammar is foremost.
2023-06-13 15:05:131


2023-06-13 15:05:241

google analytics的追踪数据

当访问者访问带有Google Analyitcs追踪代码的页面时,GoogleAnalyitcs就会发回这样一条数据给Google服务器。(见图)此条数据中包含了Google Analyitcs所追踪到的访问者信息。utmwv=4.6.5 Google Analyitcs追踪代码的版本。&utmn=213-1698-805 utm.gif的唯一ID编号,防止GIF图像缓存。&utmhn=你的域名 用户访问的主机名。&utmcs=UTF-8 用户浏览器语言编码。&utmsr=1152×864 用户屏幕分辨率。&utmsc=32-bit 用户的屏幕颜色。&utmul=en-us 用户浏览器语言设置。&utmje=0 用户浏览器是否支持JAVA。&utmfl=10.0%20r42 Flash的版本。&utmdt=%E8%93%9D%E9%B2%B8%E7%9A%84Web%20Analytics%E7%AC%94%E8%AE%B0 当前网页的标题,在这里是经过编码的字符串。&utmhid=1987-124-655&utmr=0 推介链接的URL。&utmp=%2F 当前页面产生的请求。&utmac=UA-12347890-1 用户Google Analytics以上都是Cookie里存储的数据,__utma用来分析唯一用户,访问次数,停留时间,新访或回访等等。__utmz用来记录流量来源。__utmv存储细分用户所定义的值。如果开通了电子商务追踪功能或是自定义了事件追踪。那么还会包含以下内容:&utme 事件追踪数据&utmipc 用户购买的产品编号&utmipn用户购买的产品名称&utmipr 用户购买的产品单价&utmtsp 运费&utmttx 税款
2023-06-13 15:05:311


function df=ode45_fun(t,xyzuvw)%%注意小写的v和大写的V%常数(请修正)R_0=1;rho_0=1; beta=1;G=6.67e-11;M=1.5e24;x=xyzuvw(1);y=xyzuvw(2);z=xyzuvw(3);u=xyzuvw(4);v=xyzuvw(5);w=xyzuvw(6);R=sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);V=sqrt(u*u+v*v+w*w);rho=rho_0*exp(-a*(R-R_0));first=-rho*V/2/beta;second=G*M/R^3;df=[u;v;w;first*u-second*x;first*v-second*y;first*w-second*z;];
2023-06-13 15:05:592


数论在近似分析中的应用:1、数论在物理逆问题中的应用,可以参考王怀玉《物理学中的数学方法》第9章。2、量子力学与Riemann zeta function之间的一些关系,可以参考《黎曼博士的零点》《黎曼猜想漫谈》《素数之恋》等书。Physics of the Riemann hypothesis(Rev. Mod. Phys. 83, 769 (2011))比较综述了黎曼猜想和物理学广泛的联系,物理系的童鞋应该知道RMP在物理期刊中的地位。Prime Formula Weds Number Theory and Quantum Physics,Science 20 December 1996: Vol. 274 no. 5295 pp. 2014-20153、arXiv:1201.6541v2谈到了量子场论和哥德巴赫猜想。4、还是量子力学和数论,arXiv:cond-mat/9712010v1,The Quantum Mechanical Potential for the Prime Numbers5、p-adic和物理,《P-adic Analyisis and Mathematical Physics》《P-adic numbers in physics》、arXiv:hep-th/0510192v2数论在理论物理学中有什么应用?实际上数论在物理学中的应用非常晚,直到现代,而且也挺有限的。在数论中有一个不那么有名气的东东叫莫比乌斯变换。很多人都知道莫比乌斯环,但很少人知道莫比乌斯变换。
2023-06-13 15:06:081


对那些使用Wi-Fi适配器的电脑进行改进另一方面,那些使用Wi-Fi适配器定位的设备则可以期盼,这些设备将能够在定位系统上获得一些改进,这也是微软已经在努力完善的补丁之一;不久,这一补丁也将被推送。Analy提到,Wi-Fi适配器可以帮助Windows 10电脑在正负50到150米的精度上确定你的位置,开发团队正在努力使其在未来更新中成真。“我们已经暴露了Windows 10中与使用特定Wi-Fi硬件有关的一些问题,这使得通过Wi-Fi获取位置将导致定位服务失败,这最终又回到基于IP地址的低精度定位问题上来了,“她提到。我们还不清楚,这些更新什么时候才会向用户推送;但我们能期望的是,有关改进将可能随累积更新或10月晚些时候/11月早些时候的重大更新推送一起到来。
2023-06-13 15:06:331


在分析验证中,灵敏度偏大的问题可能会导致假阳性结果,即实际上样本中不存在目标分子,但是测试结果显示出现了目标分子。这可能会给临床诊断和治疗带来一定的困扰和误导。解决灵敏度偏大的问题,可以从以下几个方面入手:1. 优化试剂盒的设计和制备工艺,例如调整抗体浓度、缓冲液成分、反应时间等,以提高试剂盒的特异性和灵敏度。2. 优化样本的处理方法,例如调整提取和纯化样本的方法和步骤,减少干扰物的影响,提高目标分子的含量。3. 严格控制实验操作的规范性和稳定性,例如严格控制反应的温度、时间、pH等条件,减少误差和干扰。4. 建立完善的质控体系,包括内部质控和外部质控,及时发现和纠正试剂盒和实验操作的问题,保证测试结果的准确性和可靠性。需要注意的是,灵敏度偏大的问题不仅仅是试剂盒本身的质量问题,还与样本的来源、处理方法、实验操作等多方面因素有关。因此,在分析验证中,需要综合考虑各种因素,采取多种手段进行优化和改进,以提高测试结果的准确性和可靠性。
2023-06-13 15:06:4315


首先,采用的网络营销方法必须能够进行数据收集; 其次,网络营销数据分析包括来点击率、转化率、成交率等; 最后,网络营销需要根据效果进行不断的测试和调整。 另外,学习网络营销视频资料,百度网盘:
2023-06-13 15:07:119


2023-06-13 15:08:222


and i want the ends in there fast, every play, every play.我要对方每一次进攻,每一次进攻都迅速终结.we"re under control.我们全神贯注.any men in the backfield, analyre before you move.所有的防守队员,行动之前都想清楚了if they throw a forward pass, see the ball in the air.如果他们向前传球,盯着空中的球and then go and get it,when we get it.然后冲上去接球,抢到以后that"s when we go on offense. that"s when we go to them.我们就开始进攻,那时我们便冲向他们we"re going inside and outside them, inside and outside them.我们来回冲击他们的队伍,来回冲击we"ll get them and keep them on the run.我们牵制住对手,让他们不断地跑we won"t pass unless our secondary conmes up too close.除非对手的二线防守队员逼近。否则别传球but don"t forget, we"ll get them on the run and go,go,go,go!但别忘了,我们得让他们疲于奔跑 跑 跑 跑don"t stop until we"re over the goal line.没过得分线坚决不要停don"t forget men, today"s the day we"ew gonna win.大家别忘了,今天可是我们取得胜利的日子they can"t beat us in the fight and we"ll fight,fight,fight,fight!我们绝不会被他们打败 加油 加油 加油what do you say. men? yeah!你们说呢! 对啊!最近才看了这部电影, 含泪看完了整部电影。顺便贴一下影片中最经典的一句台词,Having dreams is what makes life tolerable!梦想可以让我们忍受生活!
2023-06-13 15:08:311

c# DialogResult 类型如何判断

2023-06-13 15:08:474


问题描述]读入一个C程序,统计程序中代码、注释和空行的行数以及函数的个数和平均数,并利用统计信息分析评价程序的风格。为方便,作以下约定:第一个字符是‘{"的行数为注释行(该行不含语句)。除了空行注释外,其余均为行代码,每个函数都是全局的,没有嵌套函数。 [基本要求]把C程序文件作为TEXT文件读入源程序:边读入程序,边识别统计代码行、注释行和空行,还要识别过程和函数的开始和结束,以便统计其个数和平均数。 评价分为代码、注释和空行3方面。分为A、B、C和D4个等级,等级的划分标准是: A级 B级 C级 D级 代码(过程平均长度) 10~15行 8~9行或者说16~20行 5~7行或21~24行 〈5或〉24行 注释(占总行数比率) 10~25% 10~14%或20~30% 5~9%或是31~35% 〈5%或〉35% 空行(占总行数比率) 15~25% 10~14%或26~30% 5~9%或31~35% 〈5%或〉35% 以下是对程序文件ProgAnal.C分析的输出结果示例: The result of analysing program file “ProAnal.c”: Line of code :180 Lines of comments:63 Blanklines:52 Code Comments Space 61% 21% 18% The program include 9 procedures and 4 functions. The average length of a section of code is 12.9 lines. Grade A.Excellent roution Size Style.Grade A:Excellent commenting style. Grade B.Excellent white space style.
2023-06-13 15:08:572

商务英语翻译:Claim 索赔

无 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的商务英语翻译:Claim 索赔,供大家参考:) Brief Introduction 在执行合同的过程中,签约双方都应该严格履行合同义务。任何一方如果不能严格履行,就会给另一方带来麻烦。在这种情况下,受损失的一方有权根据合同规定要求责任方赔偿损失或采取其他补救措施。受损失的一方采取的这种行动称之为“索赔”,而责任方就受损失一方提出的要求进行处理,叫做“理赔”。 在业务中常见的是买方向卖方提出索赔,如卖方拒不交货、逾期装运、数量短缺、货物的品质规格与合同不符、错发错运、包装不妥、随船单证不全或漏填错发等致使买方遭受损失时,买方可向卖方提出索赔。但是在某些情况下,卖方也向买方提出索赔要求,如买方拒开或迟开信用证、不按时派船、无理毁约等致使卖方遭受损失时,卖方也会向买方提出索赔。 相关专题: 商务英语口语900句 Basic Expressions 1. Please give our claim your favorable consideration. 请合理考虑我们的索赔要求。 2. Please examine the matter and send us the goods to meet the shortage as soon as possible. 请调查此事,并尽快将货物发给我们以弥补数量的不足。 3. As regards inferior quality of your goods, we claim a compensa- tion of U.S.$10,000. 至于你方产品的品质低劣问题,我方要求你方赔偿一万美元。 4. We shall lodge a claim for all the losses incurred as a consequence of your failure to ship our order in time. 由于你方未能及时交货,我方将向你方提出由此而遭受的全部损失的索赔。 5. Any complaint about the quality of the products should be lodged within 15 days after their arrival. 任何有关该产品质量问题的申诉应该在货物到达后的十五天内提出。 6. Our customers are complaining of the inferior quality of our products. 我们的客户投诉我们的产品质量低劣。 7. This seems to be a very clear case and we hope you will see your way to make a prompt settlement. 看来情况已十分清楚,我们希望你能设法尽快解决问题。 8. We regret that your claim on shortage cannot be accepted. 很遗憾,我们无法接受你方关于货物短装的索赔。 9. Our investigation shows that improper packing caused damage. Therefore we have to refer this matter to you. 我方检验证明,货物受损是由于包装不当而造成的。因此,我们不 得不将此事提交你处解决。 10. As the goods are inferior in quality, we are returning the whole of the 20 cases and must ask you to replace them. 由于这些产品质量低劣,所以我方把20箱全部退回,并务必请贵方 更换这些产品。 11. We very much regret the mistake in article number, which resulted in your receiving the wrong goods. 因货号有误,致使到货错误。对此,我们深表歉意。 12. The goods we"ve received do not tally with the sample on which we ordered. 我们收到的货物与订货样品不符。 13. In view of the long business relations between us, we wish to meet you half way to settle the claim. 考虑到我们之间长期的业务关系,我们愿意各让一半解决这项索赔。 14. We hope this unfortunate incident will not affect the relationship between us. 我们希望这一不幸事件将不会影响到我们双方之间的关系。 15. Apparently, the shortage is due to omission in packing. 很明显,货物短缺系包装遗漏所致。 16. In view of our friendly business relations, we are prepared to meet your claim for the 25 tons shortage weight. 考虑到我们之间的业务关系,我们准备接受25吨短装的索赔。 17. We are sorry that the quality of our goods did not turn out to your satisfaction. 我们很抱歉你们不满意我们货物的质量。 18. We can assure you that such a thing will not happen again in future deliveries. 我们保证在以后的交货中不会出现类似的事件。 19. Enclosed is the surveyor"s report on the three damaged cases. 内附有鉴定人对这破损的三箱货物的鉴定报告。 20. Here"s a survey report by a well-known lab in Houston, whose testimony is absolutely reliable. 这是由休斯顿的一个实验室提供的一份检验报告,证据绝对可靠。 Conversations Dialogue 1 W: Hello, Mr. Brown, how are you? It is nice to see you again. B: How are you, Mrs. Wang. It certainly is a pleasure to see you again here. I hope you had an enjoyable trip from London. W: The flight was really long, but it was comfortable so I do not feel very tired. B: I am glad that you had a pleasant trip. I hope you are comfortably settled and find things at the hotel satisfactory. W: Everything is perfect, thank you. Well, now, Mr. Brown, if you don"t mind, I"ll get to the point. B: Okay. You want to take up the subject of the arbutus, don"t you? W: That"s right. You see, Mr. Brown, you have probably been ad- vised of the serious damage done to the last consignment of 60 cases of arbutus. Upon its arrival in London on board the S.S. Cornea, it was found, much to our regret, that about 50% of the cases were leaking. Closer inspection by the Health Officers showed that the contents were considered unfit for human consumption. -- 布朗先生,你好。很高兴再次见到你。 -- 王小姐,你好。很荣幸在这里又见到你。希望你从伦敦来一路 旅途愉快。 -- 飞行时间虽长,但客机非常舒适,所以也不觉得很累。 -- 我很高兴你旅途愉快。希望你住得舒适,旅馆设备都还觉得满意。 -- 谢谢你,一切都很好。噢,布朗先生,要是你不介意的话,现在咱 们就开始谈谈业务吧。 -- 好,你想谈谈杨梅的事,对不对? -- 对。布朗先生,也许你已经知道最后一批60箱的杨梅严重损坏的 情况。“柯娜”轮一到达伦敦的时候,我们就遗憾地发现其中有一 半左右的箱子渗漏。经卫生检疫局官员仔细检查,认为 内装食品 不可供人们食用。 B: Just a minute, if you please, Mrs.Wang. Have your people in London discovered what were the exact causes of the leakage? It was rather a singular case, for thousands of tons of this product have been exported and this seems to be the only case of a shipment being damaged en route. W: I am sorry I have to say it was not en route. It was definitely damaged prior to loading onto the S.S. Cornea. You may think it a singular case, yet the fact remains that this has made it necessary for us to file a claim on you. Here, Mr. Brown, I have brought along with me the certificate issued by the London Health Office. It speaks for itself. As to the causes, closer inspection and examination by our cargo-handling people revealed that the leakage of juice was brought about damaged tins. They were evidently broken through careless handling while being loaded onto the ship"s hold in Sydney dock. B: As I have said before, the whole business is most unfortunate. We have never come across such a case of damage during loading. -- 王小姐,请稍等。请问伦敦的人有没有发现渗漏的确切原因?这件 事还只这么一次,我们已经出口好几千吨了,在中途损坏还是头一 回。 -- 很抱歉,我得说明,损坏不是在运输途中发生的。很明显, 损坏是 在装上“柯娜”轮号前发生的。你可能认为这事是头一回,可事实 不得不让我们向你们提出索赔。布朗先生,这儿是伦敦卫生检疫局 官员签发的证书,上面写得一清二楚。至于原因,我们经办装卸的 人仔细检查,结果发现果汁渗漏的原因是锡罐被损坏了。很明显是 在悉尼码头装船时,因搬运疏忽大意而造成锡罐受损的。 -- 我刚才讲过,整件事实在是很不幸。我们从未遇到过罐头在装船时 发生这样的损坏。 W: I have to remind you that our terms are C.I.F. port of London. While we have full confidence in your Commodities Inspection Bureau, this is a case that occurred after their sampling and analy- sis at the factory. And the broken tins through careless handling and deterioration of the contents en route brought about this state of affairs. Now, Mr. Brown, you are well aware that our business has just started this branch of activities and the loses thus sustained will be a blow to this department. I am sure you will think it fair on our part when we suggest that the total value of the parcel should be reduced by 50% and that you should give us an allowance by way of credit for the amount to be set against our future purchases of canned fruits from you. B: To be fair to your company, I am directed by my Sydney branch to settle this issue with you amicably on the condition that you give us a certificate issued by your Health Department. Now that this is available, I think everything will be in order. W: I am so glad to hear of your ready agreement. Your fairness in business dealing is unsurpassed. Shall we send you a letter confirming this? B: As soon as you send us a letter confirming this conversation, we"ll send you a reply immediately. W: Thanks ever so much for your cooperation, Mr. Brown. Goodbye. B: Goodbye. -- 我不得不提醒你,我们的条款是伦敦到岸价。虽然我们很信赖你们 的商品检验局,可是损坏是在工厂抽样化验之后发生的,是由于搬 运不慎而锡罐破裂,中途食品变质所造成的。布朗先生,你很清楚 我们才开始经营这项业务,蒙受的损失将对业务部门是一个打击。 我们建议这批货从总价中削减百分之五十,并给予我们补贴,这款 项就用于将来向你们订购罐头水果时冲销,我相信你认为这样对我 们才是公平的。 -- 悉尼分公司派我来和你们公平友好地解决这件事,前提条件就是把 你们卫生部签发的证书给我们。现在证书已经有了,我想事情都会 解决的。 -- 听到你这么痛快地同意了,我很高兴。办理业务这么公平,真是无 法比啊。我们将寄信让你们确认好吗? -- 我们一旦收到你们的信确认此次谈话,就会立即回复。 -- 万分感谢你的合作。布朗先生,再会。 -- 再见。 Dialogue 2 W: Mr. Brown, I"d like to talk with you about something that is getting to be a problem. I"d like, if possible, to see it settled at this meeting. B: What is it, Mrs. Wang? W: It"s about the quality of 300 cartons of dried mushrooms. They reached us two weeks ago, and were immediately examined after they arrived. To our astonishment, about 20% of them were moldy and in many cartons there were even small brownish bugs crawling in and out of the half- eaten mushrooms. We can"t accept them in this state. They are unfit for human consumption. And the Medical Officer of Health has issued a ?Stop Notice?on them. B: Is that so? So far we haven"t had any complaint of this kind. Our mush- rooms have enjoyed a good reputation for their superior quality for years. We are really at a loss to understand why your lot was found moldy and worm-eaten. Have you any evidence? W: Certainly. Here"s a survey report by a well-known lab in London, whose testimony is absolutely reliable. -- 布朗先生,我想和你谈谈快要发生的一件比较麻烦的事情。如果可 以的话,我想在这次会议上解决。 -- 王小姐,是什么事?
2023-06-13 15:09:041


异常信息: 问题解决方式: /data/var/lib/zookeeper/version-2 文件夹下的文件全部删除 然后重启zookeeper,启动成功。 此角色的日志目录所在的文件系统的可用空间小于5.0吉字节。到出现故障的节点查看磁盘使用情况。 可以看到由于数据都挂载在根目录,而home、data目录却有大量空间,故在home目录下创建dfs、log,并将根目录下/dfs,/var/log下关于cdh的文件或目录mv到/home下,并做软链接,然后启动服务就ok了,记得mv前停止服务。 接下来分析,为什么 / 根目录下的磁盘空间全部使用完了。 发现以上文件目录占用磁盘大于100M,使用du -h 文件名 依次查看文件大小。 G7项目居然没做日志大小限制。如果是java开发使用log4j打印日志,可以把日志的大小限制,一共只许生成多少个文件,循环覆盖。 参考: 修改配置: 异常信息: 和上面问题相同,也是磁盘空间不够。 将清研日志打开查看究竟是什么日志需要打印96G大小,且不删除。 实际上两个异常原因相同。 继续往上翻日志,发现一个INFO级别的异常日志 日志显示analye8服务器被拒绝,是因为ClockOutOfSyncException异常,Reported time is too far out of sync with master Time difference of 131097ms > max allowed of 30000ms. 上环境查看各服务器的时钟是否同步。 到这,就清楚了HRegionServer 为什么被中止了,出现该问题的原因:因为整个集群时间没有统一,导致master连接slave超时,所以导致从节点的HRegionServer进程没有正常启动。 实际上analye8 时间与互联网时间一致,是其它服务器的时间跑快了 为了方便,这里将analye8 的时间往前调整三分钟,与Master保持一致。修改方式: 重启hbase服务。 至此,135集群环境所有异常修复完毕,看着干净无污染的监控界面,心情顿时开朗了。
2023-06-13 15:09:231

IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Surveys v4.0.1求发一份

2023-06-13 15:09:331


2023-06-13 15:09:422


SPSS的秩和检验没有两两比较,“Mann-Whitney U检验”是用于两独立样本秩和检验(教科书上写的是:Wilcoxon Rank Sum test,威尔克逊秩和检验,两者等价),不是用于两两比较的。x0dx0a你的选择是对的,应选用”Kruskal-Wallis H检验“,若有统计学意义,可进一步用”Nemenyi检验”作两两比较,只是需手工计算,或使用其他软件。x0dx0a也有人利用SPSS的特点,可进行两两比较的SPSS秩和检验方法。x0dx0a步骤1 x0dx0a 编秩: Transform>>Rank Cases…, DATA>>Variable(s),单击OK。x0dx0a运行后在原数据中产生新变量:RDATA,即按照变量DATA值编秩后的新变量。x0dx0a步骤2 x0dx0aAnalyxe>>Compare Means>>One-Way ANOVA…,x0dx0aRDATA>>Dependent List,x0dx0aGROUP>>Factor。x0dx0a单击“Post Hoc…”,选择SNK法,单击Continue,x0dx0a单击OK。
2023-06-13 15:09:511


json_decode 之后看是否是合法的对象类型
2023-06-13 15:09:582


2023-06-13 15:10:082


Wrong: Can I pass ?Correct:Excuse me?Wrong: Where is milk?Correct:Excuse me? Where can I find milk?Wrong: I don"t understand the price of the sweet potato.Correct:Excuse me? What is the price of the sweet potato? ICould not find the price tag of it.Wrong: I want to buy some eggs, can you help ?Correct:Excuse me? I would like to buy some eggs, could you please help me?Wrong: I don"t want two loafs of bread, I prefer the white bread not the brown one.Correct: I don"t need to buy two loafs of bread, I prefer the white bread to the brown one.
2023-06-13 15:10:194


mode 众数median 中位数
2023-06-13 15:11:053


1、收集和整理招聘申请,与部门负责人确定招聘需求;1, collect and organize recruitment application, and director of the department recruitment requirements;2、根据岗位说明书和招聘需求选择合适的招聘渠道发布招聘信息;2, according to the job description and hiring needs to choose the appropriate recruitment channel release recruitment information,3、筛选简历,初试(电话沟通或面对面沟通),评估合适的候选人供用人部门复试、跟进处理面试结果;3, screen resumes, first try (telephone communication or face-to-face communication), evaluate the suitable candidates for employing department second-round exam, follow up interview results;4、定期跟踪、分析、反馈招聘状况,确保招聘工作的有效性;4, regular tracking and analysis, feedback the hiring status, ensure the recruitment of validity.5、完善和维护招聘渠道,根据工作中出现的问题完善公司招聘体系及招聘流程。5, perfecting and maintain the recruitment channels, according to the problems emerging in the work, the perfect company recruitment system and the recruitment process.1、负责办理员工入职、转正,离职手续,包括转正考核、离职原因分析等;1, responsible for employees induction and full member, exit procedure, including full member assessment, leaving reason analysis, etc;2、整理和归档人事资料,定期更新人事报表,根据各部门要求提供相应的人力资源分析数据;2, sorting and archiving personnel material, regularly updated personnel statements, according to each department is required to provide the corresponding manpower analysis data,3、负责劳动合同的签订、变更与解除,进行劳动合同风险防范管理;3, responsible for the Labour contract signing, alteration and remove, labor contract risk management;4、办理社保、住房公积金、劳动就业登记等事务;4, deal with social security, housing accumulation fund, employment registration, etc;5、协助处理劳资纠纷,给与用人部门管理、劳动风险建议;5, to assist in dealing with Labour disputes, giving the employing department management, labor risk suggestion:6、协助员工活动的组织开展,主要有篮球赛、公司年夜饭和联欢晚会。6 and assist their activities organized, basically have basketball, company eve and gala.通过面试了解同行业公司的薪酬水平,提供给人事经理参考。Through interview understand industry company salary, offer reference personnel manager.安排新员工入职培训,准备培训物资,做好培训相关的记录存档工作。Arrange new employee orientation, training materials preparation, completes the training of related record filing work.其他行政辅助事务。Other administrative auxiliary affairs.
2023-06-13 15:11:131


XXX company home for domestic and foreign enterprises to provide IT service, the customer is well-known companies have.................. , etc. The service content including: software development, website construction, IT infrastructure construction, all kinds of IT related system maintenance and technical support.1. Allocate the employee of the company to provide all kinds of related IT services, carry out the post responsibility system and work standard, and to coordinate the relationship between members of;2. Host all kinds of IT system construction project, is responsible for promoting the implementation of specific affairs and management;3. Statistics and analysis in the IT service staff in the process of the presentation of the service work such as single data, optimize the service process, improve the service quality.4. Analyze customer in the IT system needs, timely with the customer communication and the exchange, and puts forward Suggestions on improvement.5. Report to the superior management communication. Assist employees improve IT technical skills and proficiency. , etc
2023-06-13 15:11:376

财务报表分析 摘要翻译成英文. 不要网络的翻译啊..求帮忙啊....

2023-06-13 15:11:543

德语 求助

没问题的哈 到时候随便自己发挥 兴奋起来了就可以了 甚至可以超常发挥
2023-06-13 15:12:0510


2023-06-13 15:12:291


首定义热分析单元(我经常选择三维实体单元solid70),接着定义材料参数、建模、划分网格,并施加温度载荷(一般热分析比较多的是在所有外表面加对流系数),然后计算。计算完之后进行单元转换,将热单元转换成结构单元(element switch),并且施加载荷(压力、重力等)和约束,然后将前面热分析计算得到的结果施加在结构分析单元上(solution——define loda——apply——structure——temperature——from therm analy)。最后计算。
2023-06-13 15:12:391

Excel2007 怎么加载数据分析工具栏,加载项里提示没有???

既然Excel 2007数据选项卡中没有显示,你怎么知道加载成功了呢?点击左上角Office标志图标,Excel选项,加载项,在下面的管理下拉列表中选择“Excel加载项”,转到,勾选“分析工具库”,确定。你是按上面的操作进行的吗,如果是,而在数据选项卡中仍没有显示,说明你的Excel2007为简化版,功能不全。查看一下Office安装目录下,是否有下面的文件c:program filesmicrosoft officeOffice12libraryanalysisANALY32.xll请仔细查看该文件的属性,大小为179480B。看来不好解决了。估计你的ANALY32.xll不完整,或被破坏。直接修复的可能性并不太大。最大的可能性就是你的Excel 2007安装盘有问题。根据我搜索的资料,还没有找到专门的Excel2007版的分析工具库加载程序。但Excel 2003有
2023-06-13 15:12:492


2023-06-13 15:13:321


功能分析作为一种分析方法,由英国人类学家B.马林诺夫斯基和A.R.布朗首先加以系统地运用。他们认为社会是一个整体,其特征是不同的组成部分具有独特的构造,须从整体上分析才能了解每个特殊的成分。马林诺夫斯基的功能分析是“基于如下原则,即在各类文明中,每个习俗、每件物体、每种思想和每种信仰都要完成一个不可或缺的功能,都拥有一项必须完成的使命,它们是有机整体的必要组成部分”。美国社会学家R.默顿在1949年曾在《外显功能与潜功能》一书中对功能分析作了重要说明,认为功能分析可以成立,是“因为一个因素可以具有几个功能,正如一个功能可以由几种相互变换的因素来承担”。美国社会学家T.帕森斯等人在总结前人功能分析的基础上,于1953年提出AGIL分析格式(AGIL analyiss scheme),被广泛运用于社会学、政治学、政治经济学等规范价值研究领域。
2023-06-13 15:13:411


教程很少的 我推荐你去下电子书吧 人大经济论坛有很多的 也是个学习统计工具的好地方 。下面是我在别的地方找到的答案 希望可以帮助你 :版本一:录入的时候可以直接省略不录入分析的时候也一般剔除这样的样本。但也有替换的方法,一般有: 均值替换法(mean imputation),即用其他个案中该变量观测值的平均数对缺失的数据进行替换,但这种方法会产生有偏估计,所以并不被推崇。个别替换法(single imputation)通常也被叫做回归替换法(regression imputation),在该个案的其他变量值都是通过回归估计得到的情况下,这种方法用缺失数据的条件期望值对它进行替换。这虽然是一个无偏估计,但是却倾向于低估标准差和其他未知性质的测量值,而且这一问题会随着缺失信息的增多而变得更加严重。多重替代法(multiple imputation)(Rubin, 1977) 。u0192它从相似情况中或根据后来在可观测的数据上得到的缺省数据的分布情况给每个缺省数据赋予一个模拟值。结合这种方法,研究者可以比较容易地,在不舍弃任何数据的情况下对缺失数据的未知性质进行推断(Little and Rubin,1987; ubin,1987, 1996)。 版本二:对缺失值的处理 (1) 剔除有缺失值的观测单位, 即删除SPSS 数据列表中缺失值所在的数据行; 在SPSS 的统计分析程序中, 打开op t ions 按钮, 便会出现缺失值的处理栏(m issing values) , 可分别选择下列选项: exclude cases analy2sis by analysis (剔除正在分析的变量中带缺失值的观察单位) ; exclude case list w ise (剔除所有分析变量中带缺失值的观察单位) ; (2) 对缺失值进行估计后补上. 主要有两种方法:一是根据文献报道等知识经验进行估计; 二是用SPSS 提供的工具进行估计. 在“t ransfo rm ”菜单下的“rep lace m issingvalues”列出了5 种替代的方法: (a) series mean: 以列的算术平均值进行替代; (b)mean of nearly po int: 以缺失值邻近点的算术平均值进行替代; (c)M edian of nearly po int: 以缺失值临近点的中位数替代; (d) linear interpo lat ion: 根据缺失值前后的2 个观察值进行线性内查法估计和替代; (e) linear t rend atpo int: 用线形回归法进行估计和替代; (3) 将缺失值作为常数值, 如: 作为“0”. 021Learncom
2023-06-13 15:13:553


2023-06-13 15:14:037


2023-06-13 15:14:321


First time before I entered * COLLEGE, I chosed English to be my major..As is known to all, IF you want to learn English very well, you should be good at English Grammar, so grammar is the first step you will challenge MR LI is our college grammar teacher, he has delivered a praxis to us ,during the class ,he would talk about the problems we met with us ,if you had some questions about grammar ,he would explain it to you directly and clearly, after his explanation,I felt more confident about learning grammar better and better ,according to what I knew,he could simplify all kinds of problems ,analysizing problems from all aspects, also what impressed us most was his friendly attitude.We could not communicate with MR LI constantly ,because we only had two classes a week, in other words ,we saw MR LI only once a week ,but it did not matter ,he gave us his cellphone number so as to got touch with him at any time ,that moved us .It is so important to have a good English teacher, especially grammar teacher ,it is his effort that help us ,.I often misunderstood the sentence instructure before ,and also felt confused about how to use the tense correctly, but under my teacher is help ,I began to practice my English grammar increased my vocabulary ,read English texts ,and so on,I made a greater progress in college English grammar learning, I think.Before long ,we were gave a book which related to the grammar, MR LI told us to mas ter it thoroughly, I often went to the library to search for the grammar book,.,I have read a lot of grammar books ,they have something in common ,that is the structure of sentences,Time flies ,this semester will be end ,what I learned most is the English grammar, I think if I want to do well in English,grammar is foremost.
2023-06-13 15:14:411

八年级上册Unit 1 How often do you exercis

   Ⅰ.Analyis of teaching material   1.The topic of this unit is about free time actmties。Suchtopicisrelated to students"daily life. So it is helpful toraise learning interest of students. If students can learn this unit well,it will be helpful to make students learn the the rest of this book.    2 .Teaching Aims and Demands   (1) Knowledge Obj ect   In this unit students learn to talk about how often they do things.   (2)Ability Objects   To improve students"ability of listening,speaking,reading and writing.   (3)Moral Objects   To help students form a good eating habit.   To do exercise every day and keep fit.    3 .Teaching Key Point   To master the key vocabularyand the target language presented in this unit.    4 .Teaching Difficult Point   To train students how to use the key vocabulary and the target language by reading and writing.    5 .Studying Ways   Teach students how to use context.   Teach students how to do a survey.   Ⅱ.Language Function   Talk about how often you do things.   Ⅲ.Target Language   What do you usually do on weekends?   I sometimes go to the beach..   How often do you eat vegetables?   Every day.   Most of the students do homework every day.   Ⅳ.Structure   Wh-questions   What do…?   How often…?   Adverbs of frequency   All/most/some/none   V .Vocabulary   always,usually,often,sometimeshardly,ever,never, exercising,shopping,skateboarding once,twice,three times a week,month, every day, milk,junk,food, drink   Ⅵ.Recycling   reading,watching TV,go to the movies, fruit,vegetables   Ⅶ.Learning strategies   Using context.   Transforming information.   Ⅷ.Teaching times   Six periods   Period One   Teaching Aims:   1. Learn to talk about how often do you do things   2. To learn the words of the adverbs of frequency.   Teaching Difficulties:   1.words: exercise, skateboard, hardly, ever, shop, once, twice, time, surf, internet, program.   2.phrases:how often, on weekends, go to the movies, exercise, go skateboarding, always , usually , often , never , hardly ever , sometimes .   3.Sentence patterns: What does she /he do on weekends ? She often goes to the movies .How often do you shop ? Once a week / Twice a week ??? .   Teaching Aids: Tape recorder;Multi-Media.   Teaching Procedures:   Step 1 :Greeting.   1. Teacher: Summer vacation is over. I think you had a wonderful vacation, am I right? Did you enjoy your summer vacation? Could you please tell us what you did in your summer vacation?   2. Encourage students to share their holidays with the whole class.   Step 2 :Leading – in   Teacher: Oh, you had a happy and colorful vacation. Today we will talk about more activities on weekends. First, let"s think about what we can do on weekends. (Ask some questions and let students think it over).   Teacher: I often sing on weekends, what do you usually do on weekends?   S1: I often take piano lessons.   Teacher: What does she usually do on weekends? (Ask another student)   S2: She often takes piano lessons.   Teacher: What about you? (Ask S2)   S2: I often play basketball   Teacher: What does he usually do on weekends? (Ask another student)   S3: He often plays basketball.   (Ask more students in the same way)   Step 3:1a Look at the screen. Make a list of the different weekend activities.   First let students list different activities, then   Teacher: Now work in pairs, ask and answer   ---What does he/she do on weekends?   --- She goes shopping. / She reads books. / He exercises. / He watches TV. / She goes skateboarding.   Step 4:1b Listen and write the letters from the picture above on the lines below.   Get students to focus on the six adverbs in activity 1b and help students to understand:   Always-100% usually- 90% often-80% sometimes-50% hardly ever-10% never-0%   Step 5:Lead-in:   Teacher: I always read English books on weekends.   I usually exercise on weekends.   I often go to visit my grandparents.   I sometimes go shopping on weekends.   I hardly ever play computer games on weekends.   I never play cards on weekends.   What does your English teacher do on weekends?   (Help students to say)   Students: Our English teacher always reads English books on weekends. She usually exercises on weekends…..   Teacher: I exercise every day. I go shopping once a week. I watch TV twice a week. I go dancing three times a month…   How often does your English teacher exercise/ go shopping / watch TV / go dancing?   Students: Our English teacher exercises every day….   Step 6: Listening (2a and 2b)   Teacher: My friend Cheng is talking about something about his different activities, let"s listen and number the activities you hear.   Teacher: Listen again. How often does Cheng do the activities above?   (Help students to finish 2a and 2b)   Step 7:.Do a survey:   Activities How often   Take a shower   Wash your hair   Exercise   Clean your room   Ask and answer: How often do you take a shower?   How often does he / she take a shower?   Let Ss ask and answer in pairs, using always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever or never.   Step 8:Homework   1. Do exercises on pages 1-2 of the workbook to practice the language presented in this unit.   2. Remember what we learn today.   3. Write a passage about what you often do on weekends and how often you do different activities.
2023-06-13 15:14:481


许多用户都抱怨过Windows 10的定位系统一点也不准确。结果是,一大堆诸如Cortana和地图在内的应用都无法正常工作,这对于十分依赖这些特性的操作系统来说,确实是太让人失望了。但在最近发布的一则公告中,微软的一位项目经理Analy对此做出了解释,她提到了定位系统的工作原理,也重申微软公司已经意识到了这个问题,并正在努力试图解决这个大麻烦。基本上,对于那些配备有GPS模组(值得提到的是,GPS并不是桌面电脑的一项普遍功能,因为它们本来就不是为了从一个地方移动到另一个地方而设计的)的电脑,微软会使用Wi-Fi适配器来定位你的位置。而如果没有Wi-Fi适配器可用,唯一能确定你位置的方法则是分析你的IP地址,而这种方法在大部分情况下都无法精确确定你的位置,但它却是这种情况下的唯一途径。“使用这一技术,其结果将在精确度上十分宽泛,有时则更可能是错误的。这一直都是一个问题,我们也希望用户不要指望能在Windows 10到之后版本的Windows系统上看到什么太大的变化,“ Analy解释道。对那些使用Wi-Fi适配器的电脑进行改进另一方面,那些使用Wi-Fi适配器定位的设备则可以期盼,这些设备将能够在定位系统上获得一些改进,这也是微软已经在努力完善的补丁之一;不久,这一补丁也将被推送。Analy提到,Wi-Fi适配器可以帮助Windows 10电脑在正负50到150米的精度上确定你的位置,开发团队正在努力使其在未来更新中成真。“我们已经暴露了Windows 10中与使用特定Wi-Fi硬件有关的一些问题,这使得通过Wi-Fi获取位置将导致定位服务失败,这最终又回到基于IP地址的低精度定位问题上来了,“她提到。我们还不清楚,这些更新什么时候才会向用户推送;但我们能期望的是,有关改进将可能随累积更新或10月晚些时候/11月早些时候的重大更新推送一起到来。
2023-06-13 15:14:551

求文献:Cho i K H, Laursen R A.Am ino-acid sequence and g ly can structures o f cy ste ine proteases

你可以到NCBI中的pumed中搜索,这是我搜到的结果。不过需要付费才能得到全文。Amino-acid sequence and glycan structures of cysteine proteases with proline specificity from ginger rhizome Zingiber officinale.Choi KH, Laursen RA.SourceDepartment of Chemistry, Boston University, MA, USA.AbstractThe ginger proteases (GP-I and GP-II), isolated from the ginger rhizome Zingiber officinale, have an unusual substrate specificity preference for cleaving peptides with a proline residue at the P2 position. The complete amino-acid sequence of GP-II, a glycoprotein containing 221 amino acids, and about 98% that of GP-I have been determined. Both proteases, which are 82% similar, have cysteine residues at positions 27 and histidines at position 161, corresponding to the essential cysteine-histidine diads found in the papain family of cysteine proteases, and six corresponding cysteine residues that form the three invariant disulfide linkages seen in this family of proteins. The sequence homology with other members (papain, bromelain, actinidin, protease omega, etc.) of this family is approximately 50%. GP-II has two predicted glycosylation sites at Asn99 and Asn156. Analyisis by electrospray and collision-induced dissociation MS showed that both sites were occupied by the glycans (Man)3(Xyl)1(Fuc)1(GlcNAc)2 and (Man)3(Xyl)1(Fuc)1(GlcNAc)3, in a ratio of approximately 7 : 1. Both glycans are xylose containing biantennary complex types that share the common core structural unit, Man1-->6(Man1-->3) (Xyl1-->2)Man1-->4GlcNAc1-->4(Fuc1-->3)GlcNAc for the major form, with an additional N-acetylglucosamine residue being linked, in the minor form, to one of the terminal mannose units of the core structure.PMID: 10691991 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Free full text
2023-06-13 15:15:021


SPSS的秩和检验没有两两比较,“Mann-Whitney U检验”是用于两独立样本秩和检验(教科书上写的是:Wilcoxon Rank Sum test,威尔克逊秩和检验,两者等价),不是用于两两比较的。你的选择是对的,应选用”Kruskal-Wallis H检验“,若有统计学意义,可进一步用”Nemenyi检验”作两两比较,只是需手工计算,或使用其他软件。也有人利用SPSS的特点,可进行两两比较的SPSS秩和检验方法。步骤1 编秩: Transform>>Rank Cases…, DATA>>Variable(s),单击OK。运行后在原数据中产生新变量:RDATA,即按照变量DATA值编秩后的新变量。步骤2 Analyxe>>Compare Means>>One-Way ANOVA…,RDATA>>Dependent List,GROUP>>Factor。单击“Post Hoc…”,选择SNK法,单击Continue,单击OK。
2023-06-13 15:15:111


2023-06-13 15:15:191


MY PROCESS IN COLLEGE ENGLISH GRAMMER LEARNINGFirst time before I entered BENGBU COLLEGE, I chosed English to be my major..As is known to all, IF you want to learn English very well, you should be good at English Grammar, so grammar is the first step you will challenge MR LI is our college grammar teacher, he has delivered a praxis to us ,during the class ,he would talk about the problems we met with us ,if you had some questions about grammar ,he would explain it to you directly and clearly, after his explanation,I felt more confident about learning grammar better and better ,according to what I knew,he could simplify all kinds of problems ,analysizing problems from all aspects, also what impressed us most was his friendly attitude.We could not communicate with MR LI constantly ,because we only had two classes a week, in other words ,we saw MR LI only once a week ,but it did not matter ,he gave us his cellphone number so as to got touch with him at any time ,that moved us .It is so important to have a good English teacher, especially grammar teacher ,it is his effort that help us ,.I often misunderstood the sentence instructure before ,and also felt confused about how to use the tense correctly, but under my teacher is help ,I began to practice my English grammar increased my vocabulary ,read English texts ,and so on,I made a greater progress in college English grammar learning, I think.Before long ,we were gave a book which related to the grammar, MR LI told us to master it thoroughly, I often went to the library to search for the grammar book,.,I have read a lot of grammar books ,they have something in common ,that is the structure of sentences,Time flies ,this semester will be end ,what I learned most is the English grammar, I think if I want to do well in English,grammar is foremost.
2023-06-13 15:15:271


SPSS的秩和检验没有两两比较,“Mann-Whitney U检验”是用于两独立样本秩和检验(教科书上写的是:Wilcoxon Rank Sum test,威尔克逊秩和检验,两者等价),不是用于两两比较的。你的选择是对的,应选用”Kruskal-Wallis H检验“,若有统计学意义,可进一步用”Nemenyi检验”作两两比较,只是需手工计算,或使用其他软件。也有人利用SPSS的特点,可进行两两比较的SPSS秩和检验方法。步骤1 编秩: Transform>>Rank Cases…, DATA>>Variable(s),单击OK。运行后在原数据中产生新变量:RDATA,即按照变量DATA值编秩后的新变量。步骤2 Analyxe>>Compare Means>>One-Way ANOVA…,RDATA>>Dependent List,GROUP>>Factor。单击“Post Hoc…”,选择SNK法,单击Continue,单击OK。
2023-06-13 15:15:351


and i want the ends in there fast, every play, every play.追梦赤子心我要对方每一次进攻,每一次进攻都迅速终结. we"re under control. 我们全神贯注. any men in the backfield, analyre before you move. 所有的防守队员,行动之前都想清楚了 if they throw a forward pass, see the ball in the air. 如果他们向前传球,盯着空中的球  and then go and get it,when we get it. 然后冲上去接球,抢到以后 that"s when we go on offense. that"s when we go to them. 我们就开始进攻,那时我们便冲向他们 we"re going inside and outside them, inside and outside them. 我们来回冲击他们的队伍,来回冲击 we"ll get them and keep them on the run.追梦赤子心我们牵制住对手,让他们不断地跑 we won"t pass unless our secondary conmes up too close. 除非对手的二线防守队员逼近。否则别传球 but don"t forget, we"ll get them on the run and go,go,go,go! 但别忘了,我们得让他们疲于奔跑 跑 跑 跑 don"t stop until we"re over the goal line. 没过得分线坚决不要停 don"t forget men, today"s the day we"ew gonna win. 大家别忘了,今天可是我们取得胜利的日子追梦赤子心they can"t beat us in the fight and we"ll fight,fight,fight,fight! 我们绝不会被他们打败 加油 加油 加油
2023-06-13 15:15:551


问题一:出故障用英语怎么说 最简单的:Sth don"t work/isn"t work,另外还有fault,out of order, 比如:The machine is out of order. Something is wrong with this machine. 也可以用there be句型。 望采纳。 问题二:故障现象 用英语怎么说 故穿现象 symptom 汽车故障现象 symptom of vehicle failure 问题三:没问题用英语怎么说? no problem 没问题 加Q给你读 no会读吧! 泡【轻点读】不了么 问题四:来回答我的问题! 用英语怎么说? 英文原文: e and answer my question! 英式音标: [k?m] [?nd; (?)n; ?nd] [??ns?] [ma?] [?kwest?(?)n] 美式音标: [k?m] [?nd? ?n??nd] [??ns?] [ma?] [?kw?st??n] 问题五:有问题吗 用英语怎么说 Is there a problem? What"s your problem? ... 问题六:”现在问题来了”英语怎么说 Now the problem is ing. 问题七:故障报告 英语怎么说 Failure Analy鼎is Report 故障分析报告 Failure Report 故障报告 问题八:你的问题英文怎么说 your question主要是指学习方面或者书面的问题 your problem主要是指做某件事或者性格方面的“问题” 希望能帮到你,喜欢请采纳~ 问题九:对于。。。。有问题,出毛病 英语怎么说 something wrong with 出了毛病 有问题 不对头 I thought there must be something wrong with贰my liver. 我觉得一定是我的肝有问题了。 There"s something wrong with our gas ring. We"ve to lunch out today. 我们的煤气灶坏了,今天只好到饭馆去吃午饭了。
2023-06-13 15:16:021

Excel 2007的数据分析加载不了, 因为找不到analysis 32 。应该怎么办

2023-06-13 15:16:133

为什么ansys 中的define loads 中的apply中没有thermal这一项

apply-temperature-from therm analy导入热分析文件
2023-06-13 15:16:201


2023-06-13 15:16:291

关于English grammer, a headache to me 的英语作文

Some bookworms in my dormitory often spend hours reading their "Bible", Practical English Grammar, and do a lot of exercises in that book, but I don"t care about it at all. My assumption is since I have never learned Chinese grammar, what"s the sense of learning English grammar? In fact, English grammar has always been a big headache to me. English grammar is very complicated because, unlike Chinese, there are many verb tenses. Even stranger than verb tenses, English grammar also contains something very confusing. For example, I don"t remember how many times my middle school teacher tried to "impose" the differences between used to and be used to on us. Sometimes he would go on with the explanation for 20 minutes or so. He even summarized the differences by listing three or four points for us to memorize. However, they could never stay in my head. I don"t remember how many times I got it wrong with the sentences containing used to or be used to on my exams. I was really confused with these two phrases, and I can never get them right. In brief, I"m allergic to learning English grammar. Curiously, I just wonder if the native speakers of English have a microcomputer in their brain to help them utter the two phrases promptly with just a click of their brain mouse!
2023-06-13 15:16:383


MY PROCESS IN COLLEGE ENGLISH GRAMMER LEARNINGFirst time before I entered BENGBU COLLEGE, I chosed English to be my major..As is known to all, IF you want to learn English very well, you should be good at English Grammar, so grammar is the first step you will challenge MR LI is our college grammar teacher, he has delivered a praxis to us ,during the class ,he would talk about the problems we met with us ,if you had some questions about grammar ,he would explain it to you directly and clearly, after his explanation,I felt more confident about learning grammar better and better ,according to what I knew,he could simplify all kinds of problems ,analysizing problems from all aspects, also what impressed us most was his friendly attitude.We could not communicate with MR LI constantly ,because we only had two classes a week, in other words ,we saw MR LI only once a week ,but it did not matter ,he gave us his cellphone number so as to got touch with him at any time ,that moved us .It is so important to have a good English teacher, especially grammar teacher ,it is his effort that help us ,.I often misunderstood the sentence instructure before ,and also felt confused about how to use the tense correctly, but under my teacher is help ,I began to practice my English grammar increased my vocabulary ,read English texts ,and so on,I made a greater progress in college English grammar learning, I think.Before long ,we were gave a book which related to the grammar, MR LI told us to master it thoroughly, I often went to the library to search for the grammar book,.,I have read a lot of grammar books ,they have something in common ,that is the structure of sentences,Time flies ,this semester will be end ,what I learned most is the English grammar, I think if I want to do well in English,grammar is foremost.
2023-06-13 15:16:481