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2023-05-19 14:51:38




vi. to decrease quickly or be very unsuccessful


bailout是什么意思 bailout的中文释义

英音 ["beilaut] ;,美音 ["beilaut] ;, 可数名词: 1.跳伞 2.紧急(财政)援助,bailout period 【经】 寄托期 ,bailout bottle 备用气瓶,跳伞用氧气瓶 ,bailout loan 救济融资 ,bailout capsule 弹射座舱 ,bailout door 跳伞门,安全门 ,bailout area (空勤人员)应急跳伞出口 ,maintain railways 养路 ,chain mail n. 锁子甲 ,maintain order 维持秩序 ,maintain the balance of 保持平衡 ,bailout n.[C]1.跳伞2.紧急(财政)援助,AI (abbr. = artificial intelligence) 人工智能人工智能,一般简称为AI,是研究、开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人的智能的理论、方法、技术及应用系统的一门新的技术科学。,ai abbr. 1.=accidentally incurred 偶然招致的,遭遇意外2.=artificial insemination人工授精3.=artificial intellig,airstairs 登机梯, 客梯,maitai 迈代鸡尾酒,undermaintained 维护不足的,Veigaiaidae 维螨科,railchair n. (铁道)轨座,maintainability 可维护性,hairbrained adj.(=harebrained)轻率的,浮躁的,粗心的
2023-01-01 14:39:461

bailout 怎么记忆

2023-01-01 14:39:511


Emergency rescue希望对你有帮助!
2023-01-01 14:39:573


2023-01-01 14:40:081

bail out 是什么意思?

2023-01-01 14:40:144


预收款项Unearned revenue预付款项Prepaid expense应收款项Account receivable应付款项Account payable
2023-01-01 14:40:283

bailouts 这个词怎么用

bailoutbail.outAHD:[b³l“out”] D.J.[6be!l7a&t]K.K.[6bel7a&t]n.(名词)A rescue from financial difficulties:紧急融资:从财政困境中解脱出来:corporate bailouts.集体财政紧急援助
2023-01-01 14:40:441


2023-01-01 14:40:503

英文 融资 V.怎么说

英文 融资 V.怎么说 融资就是筹措资金 collect the money that is needed to pay,可以用动名词 financing 表示。 “融资”的英文怎么说? 1.financing 3.bailout 4.acmodate 1. financing n. 融资 ,财务,资金 n. 财政,财务 2. finance v. 筹措资金,融资 3. bailout 融资 4. acmodate 融资,供给...aount bought 代购 货物单 定期融资英文怎么说 time financing 民间融资的英文怎么说 民间融资 [网路] non-governmental financing; informal financing; informal finance; private financing; [例句]积极引导民间融资健康发展。 We will actively encourage healthy development of informal financing. 供应链融资的英文怎么说 供应链融资 [网路] supply chain finance; Supply Chain Financing; [例句]商业银行供应链融资业务模式与信贷风险评价研究 Study on Supply Chain Finance Business Models in Commercial Bank and Its Credit Risk Evaluation 融资1000万 英文怎么说,5%的股份 融资1000万:absorb a fund of 10,000,000 5%的股份:own 5% of the share 请问“融资租赁”用英文怎么说? 同学你好,很高兴为您解答! 高顿网校为您解答:融资租赁英文为“Financing lease”。更多关于融资租赁的相关问题,欢迎登入高顿网校融资租赁专题! 作为全球领先的财经证书网路教育领导品牌,高顿财经集财经教育核心资源于一身,旗下拥有高顿网校、公开课、线上直播、网站联盟、财经题库、高顿部落会计论坛、APP客户端等平台资源,为全球财经界人士提供优质的服务及全面的解决方案。 高顿网校将始终秉承"成就年轻梦想,开创新商业文明"的企业使命,加快国际化程序,打造全球一流的财经网路学习平台! 高顿祝您生活愉快!如仍有疑问,欢迎向高顿企业知道平台提问! 融资英文怎么说?谢谢大侠们 financle 供应链融资的三种模式用英文怎么说 供应链融资的三种模式 Three modes of supply chain financing 、 供应链融资的三种模式 Three modes of supply chain financing 全国社会融资存量及增速 英文 怎么说 全国社会融资存量及增速 National social financing stocks and growth 英 [stɔk] 美 [stɑk] n. 股份,股票; 库存; 树干; 家畜; adj. 常备的,存货的; 陈旧的; vt. 提供货物; 备有; vi. 出新芽; 囤积;
2023-01-01 14:41:011

what are you take a bailout 是什么意思

你的问题有语法错误, 词不太意, 先弄正确原文再来提问!
2023-01-01 14:41:063


这几条看上去像是 news threads(新闻线索)。其特点是不讲究文法,只是将关键信息提供给媒体。china is where u.s treasury secretary was yesterday —— 文法上倒也没问题。where...从句作表语,关键词是 China。从句说明为什么 China 引起注意。during a week-long trip to asia that he is taking —— 前面那个句号 “.” 没有道理。这句 during... 短语是前面句子的状语。that he is taking 是定语从句,修饰 a week-long trip。tap into:牵线搭桥的意思。这句话是说要求国会让财长去北京时牵个线,把7千亿的救市款请北京帮忙。want是本句的谓语动词。后面的 approved 是分词结构做后置定语修饰 bailout(= ... bailout [that has been] approved [by congress] last month)boss are making their case for money —— 此处 boss 应该是一个组织,指一群人。making their case 是说国会的那帮人正在通过一个法案。for money 就是通过这个法案的目的。此句中的三个for都有其作用:the bail hearing for madoff:为 Madoff(纽交会股票丑闻主角)保释举行的听证会canceled for today:今天的听证会取消for the time being:眼下(惯用法词组)。这句话意思是“这就是说马多夫眼下仍然是自由的”
2023-01-01 14:41:221

hot word是什么意思

hot word热词;新闻热词;一周热词例句1.So, I think , uh talking about the major effect , I think at least it has already became a hot word just like Internet or stock.所以我想,有关主要影响,我想它至少已经成了一个热门词语,就像因特网或炒股。2.For example, in 2008 was elected the first ten hot word is "rescue" (bailout).例如,2008年当选十大热词之首的是“救助”(bailout)。3.For example, you can greatly emphasize the meaning of the word hot by using red and orange font colors.例如,您可以使用红色和橙色的文字显著增强单词“Hot”的含义。4.First of all, the trend of 21 century is become more and more international, so that is why globalization is a hot word of press nowaday.首先,21世纪的趋势越来越国际,这就是为什么全球化是新闻热点词汇并不是一件坏事。5.In recent years, China"s great efforts to promote sustainable development for this reason that "low-carbon economy" has become a hot word.近年来我国大力提倡可持续发展,于是乎“低碳经济”便成了热门词。
2023-01-01 14:41:281

new bailout中文什么意思

2023-01-01 14:41:332

bailout money 是什么意思

2023-01-01 14:41:422


常见金融英语词汇汇总   常见金融英语词汇有哪些你知道吗?你对常见金融英语词汇了解吗?下面是我为大家带来的常见金融英语词汇汇总的知识,欢迎阅读。   常见金融英语词汇   big macs,big/large-cap stock,mega-issue 大盘股   offering,list 上市   bourse 证交所   corporate champion 龙头企业   Shanghai Exchange 上海证交所   pension fund 养老基金   mutual fund 共同基金   hedge mutual fund 对冲式共同基金   share 股票   valuation 股价   underwriter 保险商   government bond 政府债券   saving account 储蓄帐户   equity market 股市   shareholder 股东   delist 摘牌   mongey-loser 亏损企业   inventory 存货   traded company,trading enterprise 上市公司   stakeholder 利益相关者   transparency 透明度   market fundamentalist 市场经济基本规则   damage-contral machinery 安全顾问   efficient market 有效市场   intellectual property 知识产权   opportunistic practice 投机行为   entrepreneur 企业家   cook the book 做假帐   regulatory system 监管体系   portfolio 投资组合   money-market 短期资本市场   capital-market 长期资本市场   volatility 波动   diversification 多元化   real estate 房地产   option 期权   call option 看涨期权   put option 看跌期权   merger 并购   arbitrage 套利   Securities and Exchange Commission 〈美〉证券交易委员会   dollar standard 美元本位制   budget 预算   deficit 赤字   bad debt 坏帐   macroeconomic 宏观经济   fiscal stimulus 财政刺激   a store of value 保值   transaction currency 结算货币   forward exchange 期货交易   intervention currency 干预货币   Treasury bond 财政部公债   current-account 经常项目   pickup in rice 物价上涨   Federal Reserve 美联储   inflation 通货膨胀   deflation 通货紧缩   tighter credit 紧缩信贷   monetary policy 货币政策   foreigh exchange 外汇   spot transaction 即期交易   forward transaction 远期交易   option forward transaction 择期交易   swap transaction 调期交易   quote 报价   settlment and delivery 交割   buying rate 买入价   selling rate 卖出价   spread 差幅   contract 合同   at par 平价   premium 升水   discount 贴水   direct quoation method 直接报价法   indirect quoation method 间接报价法   dividend 股息   domestic currency 本币   floating rate 浮动利率   parent company 母公司   credit swap 互惠贷款   venture capital 风险资本   book value 帐面价值   physical capital 实际资本   IPO(initial public offering) 新股首发;首次公开发行   job machine 就业市场   welfare capitalism 福利资本主义   collective market cap 市场资本总值   golbal corporation 跨国公司   transnational status 跨国优势   transfer price 转让价格   consolidation 兼并   leverage 杠杆   Federal Reserve 美联储   financial turmoil/meltdown 金融危机   file for bankruptcy 申请破产   bailout 救助   take over 收购   buy out 购买(某人的)产权或全部货物   go under 破产   take a nosedive (股市)大跌   tumble 下跌   falter 摇摇欲坠   on the hook 被套住   shore up confidence 提振市场信心   stave off 挡开, 避开,   liquidate assets 资产清算   at fire sale prices 超低价   sell-off 证券的跌价 ;
2023-01-01 14:41:501

metaphor 和 analogy的区别

metaphor:隐喻/暗喻,指用表示乙事物的词或词组来指代甲事物,从而暗示它们之间的相似之处。analogy:比拟/类比,指把一个事物当作另外一个事物来描述、说明.把人拟作物(拟物)或把物拟作人(拟人),或者把甲物化为乙物。扩展资料metaphor    英[ˈmetəfə(r)]    美[ˈmɛtəˌfɔr, -fɚ]    n.    象征; 隐喻,暗喻;    短语1.Structural Metaphor 结构隐喻 ; 结构性隐喻2.DEAD METAPHOR 亡隐喻 ; 死隐喻 ; 原义已消失的比喻 ; 死比喻 metaphor 计算机比喻 ; 计算机隐喻造句1.Chartwell is a metaphor of its squire.卡特威尔很可以和它的主人相比拟。2."bailout" is a colorful metaphor.“保释”是一个生动的比喻。3.I seem to be floundering in a sea of metaphor.我好象在一大堆比喻里挣扎。4.Let us distinguish the various types of metaphor.我们把各种譬喻加以分类。5.He got confused among the metaphors.这些比喻把他搞糊涂了。analogy 英[əˈnælədʒi] 美[əˈnælədʒi]n. 类推; 类似,相似; 比拟,类比;词组 analogy 用类推的方法;同样2.analogy method 类比法;模拟方法3.analogy analysis 类比分析4.on the analogy of 根据…类推造句1.These theories drew analogies of them.这些理论吸取了它们的相同点。2.Analogy may be a deceitful guide.类推方法有时不免导入错误的途径。3.The analogy is rather farfetched.这个比方有点驴唇不对马嘴。4.The analogy left him unsatisfied.他觉得这个比喻欠妥。5.This analogy is supported by the following theorems.这种的相似点表现在下面的定理中。
2023-01-01 14:41:581

急!!!!!!U.S. Congress reaches tentative deal on bailout bill这篇文章翻译

2023-01-01 14:42:053


2023-01-01 14:42:152


牛市 bull market熊市 bear market收盘 close看跌 weaker tendency暴跌 steep fall跌停板 limit dowm看涨 stronger tendency暴涨 jump涨风 bullish tone涨停板 limit up回升 rally反弹 rebound开盘 opening平仓 close-out买空 buy long卖空 sell short除息日 ex-dividend date让股 transfer of share认购 subscribe股息 dividend蓝筹股 blue chip红筹股 red chip
2023-01-01 14:42:252


2023-01-01 14:42:333


2023-01-01 14:42:484


By Colin Barr Warren Buffett has an elegant solution for the thorny problem of too-big-to-fail banks: Put the bankers" bank accounts on the line. Buffett, the chairman of Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA, Fortune 500), lashed out at the damage wrought by overpaid, unaccountable finance-industry bigwigs in his annual letter to Berkshire shareholders, released Saturday. Buffett has been criticizing overreaching corporate managers and complaisant directors for decades. But the question of how to motivate good corporate behavior has taken on new weight as Washington debates reining in the financial giants whose missteps brought the economy to its knees two years ago. The Obama administration last month proposed separating banks" proprietary trading activities from their federally subsidized deposit-gathering and lending ones. Other proposed rules would increase the amount of capital banks hold against losses and how much cash they carry to deal with a surge of withdrawals. But Buffett said there"s a simpler way to cap risk-taking: Forcing lavishly compensated CEOs to take responsibility for assessing the risks at their firms -- and putting their own wealth at stake, to boot. "It is the behavior of these CEOs and directors that needs to be changed," he wrote. "They have long benefitted from oversized financial carrots; some meaningful sticks now need to be employed as well." The comment reflects a theme that has run through Buffett"s letters to investors over the years: Shareholders are best served by managers who think like owners. More often, he has said, they are ill served by executives who instead pursue value-destroying mergers or pile up debt in a bid to boost returns. Buffett, 79, is the controlling shareholder at Berkshire and has received $100,000 in annual salary for the past quarter-century. Since he took over Berkshire in 1965, the company"s net worth has increased at a 20% compound annual rate. So it"s no surprise when he heaps scorn on the bankers who made tens of millions of dollars annually as they steered their financial supertankers onto the rocks. The four biggest financial "fiascoes" -- presumably including the bailouts of AIG (AIG, Fortune 500), Citigroup (C, Fortune 500) and Bank of America (BAC, Fortune 500) -- cost investors more than $500 billion, by Buffett"s count. Shareholders didn"t cause those meltdowns, but "they have borne the burden, with 90% or more of the value of their holdings wiped out in most cases of failure," Buffett wrote. "The CEOs and directors of the failed companies, however, have largely gone unscathed." It"s bad enough that corporate insiders escaped major financial harm in the bailout debacle. But some even managed to keep their jobs: While Citi and BofA have shaken up their boards, 13 pre-bailout directors remain at the two banks. Vikram Pandit continues as CEO of Citi, while Ken Lewis only recently stepped down as CEO of Bank of America. Consider too the modest toll paid by the execs who were behind two other major collapses of 2008, former Bear Stearns Chairman Jimmy Cayne and longtime Lehman Brothers chief Dick Fuld. While both owned sizable amounts of company stock, neither by any means had the lion"s share of his wealth tied to the firm. Fuld, for instance, sold nearly $500 million of Lehman stock in the years leading up to the firm"s September 2008 failure. And while Bear"s collapse cost Cayne $1 billion, he was still worth $600 million after its March 2008 panic sale to JPMorgan Chase. Thus the bill for the firms" lever-up-and-bet-big strategy was largely borne by smaller shareholders, including many employees, and the taxpayers who must now foot the bill for extraordinary government aid extended later in 2008 to the rest of the financial sector. Since the crash, the notion that executives should have more skin in the game has become commonplace. Big Wall Street firms such as Goldman Sachs (GS, Fortune 500), which Berkshire owns preferred shares of, and Morgan Stanley (MS, Fortune 500) are now paying top executives largely in stock that must be held over a period of years, in the name of coupling risk with reward. But officers" and directors" commitment to shareholders must go further, Buffett said. Boards that don"t insist the CEO take responsibility for risk management are "derelict" in their duty, Buffett wrote. And in cases where a failure to act prudently results in government assistance, "the financial consequences for [the CEO] and his board should be severe."
2023-01-01 14:43:024


The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks这是一个讽刺,同时是一个证据。coinbase值的变化会引起区块hash的变化,所以它证明了此区块的生成时间在03/Jan/2009这个报纸的标题出现之后。
2023-01-01 14:43:152


To understand how we got into this, it"s important to first know how the mortgage system used to work. Qualified buyers work with the lender to get a loan. Mortgage brokers will sell the loan onto a bank and the bank will hold on to it for the life of the loan, or sell it to an investment bank. That investment bank could bundle it with thousand of other mortgages to create a larger asset that can use to make even more money. This is known as asset-backed security. But things began to change in 2000. The Dot-com bubble burst. And to help prevent recession, the Fed aggressively lowered interest rates. Low interest rates made more people could afford to buy house. so houses demand went up, adds its prices and values. Higher home prices and the bundles of buyers brought in lots of money. and the lure of even greater profits enticed lenders to take on more risks with their more loaned products. Once fairly rare adjustable rate mortgages and interest only loan became popular. As long as home value was rising, buyers could refinance before the higher rate kicked in. Home equity loan lets owners take money from the equity in their homes with the assumption that every increase in property value will cover the loan. Risker still with subprime loans mortgages made the borrowers with low credit score. These borrowers paid bigger fees and higher interest rates because the lenders assumed a greater risk for the fault. Problem is, mortgage brokers earned the fees from the bank from selling alone but had little incentive to maintain credit standards because it was the bank that actually funded the loan. From 2002 to 2007, banks underload 3.2 trillion in subprime loans. Now instead of qualified stable mortgages just go into the asset backed security, there are more and more vulnerable subrime loans mix in. The asset-backed security supply continued to grow. By 2006, it is soared $888 billion dollars. Investment banks used asset backed security collateral to borrow money and the profits funded everything from credit card companies to retirement accounts. These securities were only as good as mortgages themselves. And in 2006, a series of events started to evolve. Mortgage interest rates rose and housing prices started to fall. The monthly payments on thousands of subprime loans increased substantially. Homeowners couldn"t pay and couldn"t qualify the refinance. People own more than their houses were worth. Mortgages fall were way up. During 2007, nearly $1.3 million US homes were subjected foreclosure. By August 2008, nearly 1/4 subprime loans had to faulted. The value of asset backed security nose dive and banks will no longer able to borrow against billions of dollars to tie up the disaster. The result - credit gridlock. The cash flow needed to give the economy working with drying up and bringing down Wall Street. Main Street will soon feel the effects. Credit for auto, home and student loan will be harder to get and cost more. The Federal Government has taken drastic measures. $700 billion dollars in taxpayer money will be used to buy the troubled asset, bail out the banks and hopefully prevent the total collapse of US economy.
2023-01-01 14:43:247


2023-01-01 14:43:483


>>美国大兵 回应 :Sir yes sir!长官,是长官! Ready!准备好了! Squared away sir!正远方,长官![猜的] Orders?命令是? How `bout some action?来一些行动,怎么样? Can do!能干! Who"s next?下一个是谁(目标)? 移动 : Move"n out!移动 :并出去[猜的] Got it!拿下它! On my way!正在路上! Double time!快跑时间! On the move!在移动 :中! 攻击 : Attacking!正在攻击 :! You got it!你干掉它! Enemy sighted!敌人已看见! Let"s do it!让我们行动! Diggin" in!渗人里面![猜的] Safety first, sir!安全第一,长官! 受伤 : We"re pinned down!我们被压制了! We"re being attacked!我们正在被攻击 :! >>动员兵 回应 : Waiting orders.等待命令中。 Comrad?同志? Conscript reporting.动员兵报告。 移动 : Moving out.开始行动 Order received.命令收到。 For the Union.为了(苏维埃)联盟。 攻击 : For home country.为祖国。 You are sure?你肯定? For mother Russia!为母亲俄罗斯! 受伤 : Mommy!妈妈呀! We"re being attacked!我们正被攻击 :! >>盟军工程师 回应 : Engineering.工程中。 I have the tools.我有工具。 I"ve got the knowledge.我有知识。 Need a repair?需要修理吗? 移动 : Yes sir!是,长官! :中。 I won"t be late.我不会迟到的。 某些RA2扩展包中 We"ll have the power up in 30 seconds, sir.我们将在30秒内供电,长官。 攻击 : Analyzing schematics.分析图表中。 Studying blue prints.正在学习蓝图。 Got the plans right here.恰好在这里得到了计划。 受伤 : Get me outa here!让我离开这! I"m unarmed!我是徒手的!(还说别人不人道?) >>苏军工程师 回应 : Tools ready.工具已备齐。 I have the information.我知道信息。 Something need fixing?有些东西需要修理? I know how it works.我知道它怎么工作。 移动 : Yes Commander! 是的,指挥官! I will go.我就去。 攻击 : Checking designs.检查方案。 Examining diagrams.检验图表。 >>磁暴步兵 回应 : Tesla suit ready!磁暴服装穿好! Extra crispy.非常易碎。[猜的] Charging up.充能中。 Electrodes ready!电极就绪! Checking connection.检查连接。 移动 : Going to source.去发源地。[猜的] Yes comrade.是的,同志。 Surging forward.向前挺进。[猜的] Electrician in the field.战场上的“电工”。 Rubber shoes in motion.穿着橡胶鞋子运动(走着别扭?)。[猜的] 攻击 : 2,000 volts coming up.2000伏高压来了。(我怕怕……) He"s fried.他被“油炸”了。 Completing circuit.完善电路中。[放电?猜的] Let the juice flow.让液体流动起来。 Commencing Shock therapy.开始电震疗法。 Congratulations!祝贺! You"ve been discharged.你被放电了。 受伤 : Ground yourselves!土地是你们自己的! Reinforcements!增援! I"m hit!我被打了! >>飞兵 回应 : Rockets in the sky.在天空飞升。 All Fired up!全部点火! Check out the view.检查视野。 I can go anywhere!我能去任何地方! Gotta clear view, sir.必须视野广阔,长官。 Ready to soar.准备好了滑翔。 Fuel tanks are filled.燃料罐是充满的。 移动 : Pushin" away.冲呀[猜的] Igniting boosters.推进器点火。 Riding High.高空乘骑。 Up and over.升高并越过。 Got a steady flow.得到了稳定的漂移。[猜的] I"ll take the high road.我将控制空路。[猜的] Lifting off.停止上升。 攻击 : He"s got no place to hide.他没地方隐蔽。 I can see "em.我能看见他们。 I got "em Clear out the place.我把他们清除出这区域。 They won"t see us comin.他们不会看见我们来了。 受伤 : I"m losing compression!我的压缩机正在受损! There"s too much flak!那儿的防空火力太猛! My rocket"s hit!我的推进器被打中了! >>防空兵 回应 : Flak trooper reporting.防空兵报到。 ready.就绪。 Orders comrad?命令?同志。 At least I have a job.至少我有一个工作了。 移动 : I am going.我正在去。 Moving out.移过去。 This gun is heavy.这支枪很沉呀 攻击 : Flak_attack.对空攻击 :。 This will be messy.这将混乱。[猜的] Clouds of death.死亡之云。 Flak you.射下你。 受伤 : Can"t see through the flak.看不到高射炮火后(的东西)。(视线被“死亡之云”挡了) There shooting me.那儿在射击我。 Help me Romanov.救我,诺曼罗夫(RA2中的苏联总理)。 I"m just one man.我只是个人而已。 >>间谍 回应 : Commander?指挥官? Mission sir?任务,长官? Gimme a plan.给我一个计划。 Agent ready.准备好了装扮。[猜的] 移动 : For King and Country.为总统和国家。 Indeed.当然。 Under cover.隐藏着。 攻击 : Operation underway.实施行动。 Disguise ready.伪装好了。 Ready to infiltrate.准备好了渗透。 Obtaining intelligence.获取谍报中。 受伤 : They found me out!他们发现了我! I"ve been spotted!我被揭穿了! >>疯狂伊文 攻击 : Happy Birthday!生日快乐!(送你一个爱的礼物:) Here, hold this.这儿,拿好。 I lost a bomb.我少了一个炸弹。(送一个,少一个) Do you have it?你有它吗?(没有就送你一个) Don"t play with matches.别玩火柴。(这还了得……) 移动 : I"m goin".我正在过去。 What"s over here?这里有什么? 回应 : K-BOOM!(开爆?:)[型号?] What"s that?那是什么? Ivan"s not home!伊文不回家![猜的] It"s too quiet here.这里是太安静了吧。(打红警就得这么想:) >>超时空军团兵 回应 : Yes, Commander.是的,指挥官。 Already there.已经在那里。 I"m gone.我去了。 Pick a spot.挑一个地点。 Without a trace.没有踪迹。(来无影,去无踪) 攻击 : They"re history.他们成为历史。 Deconstructing Never existed.分解中决不存在。(目标被定住了) Removing.消除中。(送进“超时空”啦) 受伤 : I don"t have time for this!我没时间干这个! Let"s get outa here!让我们离开这! >>苏军车辆 回应 : Awaiting orders.等候命令。 Ready comrade.准备好了,同志。 Vehicle reporting.车辆报到。 移动 : Changing position.改变位置中。 :中。 Location confirmed.地点已确认。 攻击 : Attacking!攻击 :! We will bury them.我们将埋葬他们。 Encounting enemy.结束敌人。 >>自爆卡车 回应 : Why don"t you drive.为什么你不开车。 I shall avenge us!我将替我们报仇! Let"s make a delivery!让我们去“交货”! My truck is loaded!我的卡车已装载! 移动 : Watch out for the bumps.小心碰撞。[易燃、易爆、轻举轻放] As you wish.象你希望一样。 One way trip.一次远行。 攻击 : Don"t wait up for me.别停下等我。 It will be a smoking crater.它将成为冒烟的弹坑。 I am prepared to die!我准备好了就义! For my people!为我的人民(自爆)! >>基洛夫空艇 回应 : Helium mix optimal.氦已最佳混合。 Airship ready.飞艇就绪 Acknowledged.接受(指示)。 Kirov reporting.基洛夫报到。 移动 : Bearings set.方向设定。 Maneuver props engaged.机动支持工作中。 Setting new course.设定新路线。 攻击 : Bombardiers to your stations.在你的位置投弹。 Closing on target.锁定目标。 Target acquired.目标已获取。 Bombing bays ready.准备好了轰炸。 受伤 : Duck and cover!躲避和保护 归西 : She"s gonna blow!她将要漏气。 We"re losing altitude!我们正在失去高度! Mayday! Mayday!求救!求救(信号)! 恐怖分子 回应 : What are your conditions?你开的条件是? We must revolt.我们必须反抗。 Need a smuggler?需要秘密运输船吗? 移动 : Vamos Muchachos! 冲![猜的] I go freely.我自由地去。[猜的] 攻击 : Adios amigos!再见,朋友! Here"s a hot papaya!这有个火热的番木瓜!(蘑菇云?) For the republic!为了共和国! Traitors must be eliminated!叛徒必须被清除! 受伤 : Take me back to Havana!把我带回到哈瓦那(古巴首都)! I"ve been discovered!我被发现了!
2023-01-01 14:43:584

open up是什么意思

open up[英][ˈəupən ʌp][美][ˈopən ʌp]开发; 打开; <非正>开门; 切开;
2023-01-01 14:44:123

react 生命周期执行顺序,render执行条件

Mounting(加载阶段:涉及4个钩子函数) 1. constructor() 加载的时候调用一次,可以初始化state 2. static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) 组件每次被rerender的时候,包括在组件构建之后(虚拟dom之后,实际dom挂载之前),每次获取新的props或state之后;每次接收新的props之后都会返回一个对象作为新的state,返回null则说明不需要更新state;配合componentDidUpdate,可以覆盖componentWillReceiveProps的所有用法 3. render() react最重要的步骤,创建虚拟dom,进行diff算法,更新dom树都在此进行 4. componentDidMount() 组件渲染之后调用,只调用一次 Updating(更新阶段:涉及5个钩子函数) 1. static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) 组件每次被rerender的时候,包括在组件构建之后(虚拟dom之后,实际dom挂载之前),每次获取新的props或state之后;每次接收新的props之后都会返回一个对象作为新的state,返回null则说明不需要更新state;配合componentDidUpdate,可以覆盖componentWillReceiveProps的所有用法 2. shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) 组件接收到新的props或者state时调用,return true就会更新dom(使用diff算法更新),return false能阻止更新(不调用render) 3. render() react最重要的步骤,创建虚拟dom,进行diff算法,更新dom树都在此进行 4. getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(prevProps, prevState) 触发时间: update发生的时候,在render之后,在组件dom渲染之前;返回一个值,作为componentDidUpdate的第三个参数;配合componentDidUpdate, 可以覆盖componentWillUpdate的所有用法 5. componentDidUpdate() 组件加载时不调用,组件更新完成后调用 Unmounting(卸载阶段:涉及1个钩子函数) 1. componentWillUnmount() Error Handling(错误处理) 1. componentDidCatch(error,info) 任何一处的javascript报错会触发 组件的基本写法 新的生命周期 1.React16新的生命周期弃用了componentWillMount、componentWillReceiveProps,componentWillUpdate 2.新增了getDerivedStateFromProps、getSnapshotBeforeUpdate来代替弃用的三个钩子函数(componentWillMount、componentWillReceiveProps,componentWillUpdate) 3.React16并没有删除这三个钩子函数,但是不能和新增的钩子函数(getDerivedStateFromProps、getSnapshotBeforeUpdate)混用,React17将会删除componentWillMount、componentWillReceiveProps,componentWillUpdate 4.新增了对错误的处理(componentDidCatch) 1.只执行一次: constructor、componentDidMount 2.执行多次:render、getDerivedStateFromProps、shouldComponentUpdate、getSnapshotBeforeUpdate、componentDidUpdate 3.有条件执行:componentWillUnmount 假设组件嵌套关系parent组件中有child组件 不更新dom执行顺序如下 更新dom执行顺序如下 修改父组件的state 修改子组件的state 1.完成前的顺序是从根部到子部,完成时是从子部到根部。(类似于事件机制) 2.子组件setState是不能触发其父组件的生命周期更新函数,只能触发更低一级别的生命周期更新函数。 setState在生命周期中的使用注意事项 1、仅当子组件的props发生变化时getDerivedStateFromProps生命钩子才会被触发。该生命周期会有一个参数nextProps,表示子组件被更新后的props。因此可以在该周期获取最新的props在通过setState更新组件状态。 2、子组件props或state更新都会触发shouldComponentUpdate生命钩子。该生命周期有两个参数nextProps,nextState 表示更新后的props和更新后的state, 该生命周期是整提高组件性能的一个重要函数,它通过判断当前状态与之前状态来返回一个布尔值并决定是否更新视图,如果返回false视图始终不会更新。返回true就会更新视图 3、getSnapshotBeforeUpdate生命周期在shouldComponentUpdate返回true后被触发。在这两个生命周期只要视图更新就会触发,因此不能再这两个生命周期中使用setState。否则会导致死循环。 4、componentDidUpdate生命周期在shouldComponentUpdate返回true后触发。在此生命周期中setState会导致视图再次更新,类似于componentDidMount,因此除非特殊业务需求,否则不建议在此生命周期中使用setState。 5、componentWillUnmount生命周期在组件被卸载后触发,在此生命周期使用setState不会触发。 以下文章来源于魔术师卡颂 ,作者卡颂 点击Parent组件的div,触发更新,Son组件会打印child render!么? React创建Fiber树时,每个组件对应的fiber都是通过如下两个逻辑之一创建的: render。即调用render函数,根据返回的JSX创建新的fiber。 bailout。即满足一定条件时,React判断该组件在更新前后没有发生变化,则复用该组件在上一次更新的fiber作为本次更新的fiber。 可以看到,当命中bailout逻辑时,是不会调用render函数的。 所以,Son组件不会打印child render!是因为命中了bailout逻辑。 什么情况下会进入bailout逻辑?当同时满足如下4个条件时: 即本次更新的props(newProps)不等于上次更新的props(oldProps)。 注意这里是全等比较。 我们知道组件render会返回JSX,JSX是React.createElement的语法糖。 所以render的返回结果实际上是React.createElement的执行结果,即一个包含props属性的对象。 即使本次更新与上次更新props中每一项参数都没有变化,但是本次更新是React.createElement的执行结果,是一个全新的props引用,所以oldProps !== newProps。 如果我们使用了PureComponent或Memo,那么在判断是进入render还是bailout时,不会判断oldProps与newProps是否全等,而是会对props内每个属性进行浅比较。 即context的value没有变化。 更新前后fiber.type是否变化,比如div是否变为p。 当前fiber上是否存在更新,如果存在那么更新的优先级是否和本次整棵fiber树调度的优先级一致? 如果一致则进入render逻辑。 就我们的Demo来说,Parent是整棵树中唯一能触发更新的组件(通过调用setCount)。 所以Parent对应的fiber是唯一满足条件4的fiber。 所以,Demo中Son进入bailout逻辑,一定是同时满足以上4个条件。我们一个个来看。 条件2,Demo中没有用到context,满足。 条件3,更新前后type都为Son对应的函数组件,满足。 条件4,Son本身无法触发更新,满足。 所以,重点是条件1。让我们详细来看下。 本次更新开始时,Fiber树存在如下2个fiber 其中FiberRootNode是整个应用的根节点,RootFiber是调用ReactDOM.render创建的fiber。 首先,RootFiber会进入bailout的逻辑,所以返回的App fiber和更新前是一致的。 由于App fiber是RootFiber走bailout逻辑返回的,所以对于App fiber,oldProps === newProps。并且bailout剩下3个条件也满足。 所以App fiber也会走bailout逻辑,返回Parent fiber。 由于更新是Parent fiber触发的,所以他不满足条件4,会走render的逻辑。 接下来是关键 如果render返回的Son是如下形式: 会编译为 执行后返回JSX。 由于props的引用改变,oldProps !== newProps。会走render逻辑。 但是在Demo中Son是如下形式: 其中,props.children是Son对应的JSX,而这里的props是App fiber走bailout逻辑后返回的。 所以Son对应的JSX与上次更新时一致,JSX中保存的props也就一致,满足条件1。 可以看到,Son满足bailout的所有条件,所以不会render。
2023-01-01 14:44:231

急!英语演讲稿 趣味故事 奇闻等吸引人

美国《时代》杂志最近评出了2007年度十大奇闻,有人4岁时就被铅笔插入脑,59岁才取出,有政府用公款为女兵隆胸,也有人参加喝水比赛被尿憋死,蟾蜍分泌的液体竟可当毒品吸食。回顾这一年,让人觉得,世界真是无奇不有。翻译:"Time" magazine recently selected the 2007 Top Ten something, it was 4 years old when it was a pencil inserted into the brain, 59-year-old was taken out of government use of public funds for female breast, it was to participate in drinking games to death by urine, toad secretion can be when the liquid has drugs. Looking back on the past, people feel that the world is really strange there.
2023-01-01 14:44:295


1.financing 3.bailout 4.accommodate 1. financing n. 融资 ,财务,资金 n. 财政,财务 2. finance v. 筹措资金,融资 3. bailout 融资 4. accommodate 融资,供给...account bought 代购 货物单
2023-01-01 14:45:311


1. bail out2. parachute jump3. bail-out4. bailout都可以
2023-01-01 14:45:371


2023-01-01 14:45:451


2023-01-01 14:45:551


这句话就是刚度矩阵KLL主元比过大,有可能是矩阵奇异,或者网格质量太差。一般要先检查是否存在约束不足的问题。或者你算的模型,存在弯曲刚度局部连接处相差太大的原因,要是这个原因,你可以试试下面方法:在NX Nastran程序文件中找到nast7.rcf(其路径为NASTRANconf ast7.rcf),先去掉其只读的属性,然后用记事本打开,在里面加入一行PARAM,BAILOUT,-1 在进行计算!小知识:“PARAM,BAILOUT,-1”这个参数一般算是debug用的,用这个参数算出来的结果常常是不可信的,刚度矩阵奇异了,你可以检查下结构约束是否完全拿掉,另外也可以用 AUTOSPC这个参数去拿掉些Grid Singularity,如果刚度矩阵有mechanism singularity,在f06中会打印出来一些表格,表明哪个自由度导致了这个奇异的发生,Nastran的一般做法是把刚度矩阵对角化处理,如果本身刚度矩阵奇异的话,那么理论上,对角化以后在对角线上会出现0值,但由于round off的误差,会是一个很小的数,把刚度矩阵原来对角线上项的值除以这个对角化以后在对角线上的值,会变得很大的一个数,这个就算是MAXRATIO,如果这个比值很大的话,就说明刚度矩阵有奇异项,有时调高参数MAXRATIO的值也能让求解继续下去,这个值一般默认是1.0E07,一般调到1.0E10也也算是安全的(比如在考虑接触的时候)
2023-01-01 14:46:011


bond, debenture, debts  债券negotiable share     可流通股份convertible bond     可转换债券treasury/government bond 国库券/政府债券corporate bond      企业债券closed-end securities investment fund 封闭式证券投资基金open-end securities investment fund 开放式证券投资基金fund manager       基金经理/管理公司fund custodian bank    基金托管银行market capitalization   市值p/e ratio         市盈率(price/earning)mark-to-market      逐日盯市payment versus delivery  银券交付clearing and settlement  清算/结算commodity/financial derivatives 商品/金融衍生产品put / call option     看跌/看涨期权margins, collateral    保证金rights issue/offering   配股bonus share        红股dividend         红利/股息ADR  美国存托凭证/存股证(American Depository Receipt)GDR  全球存托凭证/存股证(Global Depository Receipt)retail/private investor  个人投资者/散户institutional investor  机构投资者broker/dealer       券商proprietary trading    自营insider trading/dealing  内幕交易market manipulation    市场操纵prospectus        招股说明书IPO       新股/初始公开发行(Initial Public Offering)merger and acquisition  收购兼并All Ordinaries Index (澳大利亚)股市指数Amex(American Stock Exchange) 美国股票交易所amortize 摊提,分期偿还债务annuity 年金享受权asking price 卖主的开叫价assess 对(财产等)进行估价,确定(款项)的金额back 拖欠的bad loan 呆账,坏账bailout 帮助……摆脱困境balloon (分期付款中)最后数目特大的一笔barometer 晴雨表,[喻]标记,指标basis point 基点(一个百分点的百分之一)bear markets 熊市blue-chip (股票等)热门的,(在同行中)最赚钱的forex foreign exchangebond 债券,公债bourse 交易所,证券交易所bull markets 牛市bullish 牛市的bunji-change 快速的大幅度变化CAC-40 Index (法国)股市指数CD(certificate-of-deposit) 大额存款单Chicago Mercantile Exchange 芝加哥商业交易所Consumer Price Index 消费者价格指数contagion 蔓延correction 调整coupon rate 券根利率CTA(Commodities Trading Advisor) 农矿产品交易顾问Currency board 货币委员会DAX index (法兰克福)德国股市指数dead loan 死帐delist 从上市证券表中除名derivatives 衍生金融商品(由利率或债券、外汇或汇率以及股票或股价指数等现货市场衍生出来,主要有期货futures、期权option trading与掉期swap三种类型,品种多达100余种,股票与证券行业英语词汇。)discount 贴现discount rate 贴现率DJIA Dow-Jones Industrial Average 道•琼斯公用事业股价平均数,英语词汇《股票与证券行业英语词汇》(。通常简称Dow(道),是30个主要工业公司股票价格的组合。Dow-Jones Composite Average of 65 representative stocks 65种有代表性的股票的道•琼斯公用事业股价平均数Dow-Jones Transpositions Average 道•琼斯运输业股价平均数Dow-Jones Utilities Average 道•琼斯公用事业股价平均数down 付现款equity (押款金额以外的)财产价值,证券,股票escrow 由第三者保存、等条件完成后即交受让人的契据(或证书等)face value 面值Federal Agency Issues 联邦机构债券fluctuation 起伏fluctuate 起伏fraud 欺骗,欺诈fraudulence 欺骗(欺诈)行为fraudulent 欺诈的FTSI Financial Times 100 Share Index (英国)金融时报100种股票指数good 有效的Hang Seng Index (香港)恒生指数holdings 占有的财产,股票Ibbotson Small Company Index Ibbotson Company Index中包括近2700家公司:即在纽约股市上交易的最后的20%股票imburse 赔偿initial share 原始股IRA Individual Retirement Account 个人退休账号junk bond 假债券junk bonds 垃圾债券lien 扣押权,留置权liquidate 清算,破产list (交易所)上市证券;把(证券)列人上市证券表long position 多头margin 差额,保险金mutual fund 公共基金NASD=National Association of Securities Dealers 全美证券交易者协会NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) 纳斯达克(全美证券交易者协会自动化摘要)NAV (Net Asset Value) 净资产值new issue ( IPOInitial Public Offering)新上市股票Nikkei Stock Aver age 日经股票平均指数nosedive (价格等)暴跌NYSE"Volume 纽约股票交易量NYSE"s composite index 纽约股票交易综合指数NYSE(New York Stock Exchange) 纽约股票交易所(也称或Big Board)obligation 契约,债券outstanding 拖欠的par value 票面价值plummet 骤然跌落policy 保险单pool 集合基金portfolio 有价证券preferred stock 优先股票premium 奖金,佣金,担保费premium 溢价proceeds 收入,收益rally (股票价格等)止跌,上扬rebound 反弹recoup 偿还,补偿recovery 恢复red-chip share 红筹股refund 偿还rescue package 一揽子救援计划resilience 回弹,复原力resilient 有回弹力的,恢复活力的risk 保险项目run 挤提存款,挤兑,争购Russell 2000 Russell 2000种小资本股票S&P 500(Standard & Poor"s 500 Composite Stock Price Index) 标准普尔股价指数SEC(Federal Securities and Exchange Commission) 联邦证券与交易委员会securities 证券,债券shares (英)股票=(美)stockshore up 支撑slash (大幅度)削减(工资等)slump 暴跌,不景气SMI index (苏黎士市)瑞士股票指数solvent 有偿还能力的speculate 投机speculation 投机speculator 投机者T-Bill (Treasury Bill) 美国短期国债(每星期发行一次)T-bond (Treasury Bond) 美国长期国债(期限为20年或30年)T-note (Treasury Note) 美国中期国债(期限为2年到10年)Technology-heavy Nasdaq 以技术为主的NasdaqTechnology-laden Nasdaq 以技术为主的Nasdaqterm 年限tech-heavy NASDAQ 以技术股票为主的NASDAQtechnology-rich stocks 技术股票technology-weighted index (NASDAQ) 反映技术股票的指数(NASDAQ)希望能帮助到你,望采纳!!!
2023-01-01 14:46:101


这句话就是刚度矩阵KLL主元比过大,有可能是矩阵奇异,或者网格质量太差。一般要先检查是否存在约束不足的问题。或者你算的模型,存在弯曲刚度局部连接处相差太大的原因,要是这个原因,你可以试试下面方法:在NXNastran程序文件中找到nast7.rcf(其路径为NASTRANconf ast7.rcf),先去掉其只读的属性,然后用记事本打开,在里面加入一行PARAM,BAILOUT,-1在进行计算!小知识:“PARAM,BAILOUT,-1”这个参数一般算是debug用的,用这个参数算出来的结果常常是不可信的,刚度矩阵奇异了,你可以检查下结构约束是否完全拿掉,另外也可以用AUTOSPC这个参数去拿掉些GridSingularity,如果刚度矩阵有mechanismsingularity,在f06中会打印出来一些表格,表明哪个自由度导致了这个奇异的发生,Nastran的一般做法是把刚度矩阵对角化处理,如果本身刚度矩阵奇异的话,那么理论上,对角化以后在对角线上会出现0值,但由于roundoff的误差,会是一个很小的数,把刚度矩阵原来对角线上项的值除以这个对角化以后在对角线上的值,会变得很大的一个数,这个就算是MAXRATIO,如果这个比值很大的话,就说明刚度矩阵有奇异项,有时调高参数MAXRATIO的值也能让求解继续下去,这个值一般默认是1.0E07,一般调到1.0E10也也算是安全的(比如在考虑接触的时候)
2023-01-01 14:46:151

metaphor 和 analogy的区别

1、Metaphor:隐喻/暗喻指用表示乙事物的词或词组来指代甲事物,从而暗示它们之间的相似之处,如:* All the world is a stage.整个世界是一台戏.(用 stage 指代 all the world)* She"s an angel and he"s a lion.她是天使,他是雄狮.(用 angel 指代 she,用 lion 指代he)2、Analogy比拟/类比指把一个事物当作另外一个事物来描述、说明.把人拟作物(拟物)或把物拟作人(拟人),或者把甲物化为乙物.如:* The broomcorn seems to be teams of Young Pioneers.高粱好似一队队的“红领巾”.(把具有红色特征的 broomcorn 比喻为带着红领巾的 Young Pioneer)——拟人* The sunflowers are shaking their heads and smiling. 向日葵摇着头微笑着.(把盛开的sunflowers 比喻作会shaking their heads and smiling 的人)——拟人* Stretching out her hands and running,the girl comes out a pair of golden wings.张开双手跑着,姑娘长出了一对金色的翅膀.(把穿着黄衣服张开双手的 girl 比拟成 golden wings)——拟物
2023-01-01 14:46:244


2023-01-01 14:46:4614


2023-01-01 14:47:4113


1. babysit, bailout, ballast, banquet, baptist, baronet barrett, bassist, bayonet, bedpost, belfast, benefit bequest, betwixt, biggest, biscuit, blanket, blatant boldest, bombast, boniest, booklet, borscht, bouquet boycott, bracket, bravest, Bridget, brisket, brought buoyant, burnout, busiest 2. backhand, backslid, backward, backwood, backyard, badgered, bagpiped, balanced, baldhead, balloted, bandaged, banished, baptized, barbered, barehand, barehead, barnyard, barraged, barreled, bartered, battered, beaconed, beckoned, bedecked, befriend, beheaded, behooved, believed, belonged, bemoaned, bereaved, besieged, bestowed, betrayed, bettered, bewigged, bickered, bicuspid, bicycled, bikinied, billeted, billfold, billhead, billiard, billowed, birdseed, bisected, blanched, blazoned, bleached, blighted, blizzard, bloodied, blotched, bluebird, bonehead, bonneted, bordered, borrowed, bothered, bottomed, bristled, brokered, budgeted, buffered, buffeted, burdened, burrowed, buttered, buttoned, buzzword, bypassed3. backpedal, bacterial, baptismal, basketful, beautiful, betrothal, bilateral, bilingual, blackball, blackmail, bombshell, botanical, bountiful, bronchial, bucketful4. basketball, behavioral, beneficial, biological
2023-01-01 14:48:341


如果是新人第一次配资,建议还是先少配些,慢慢的累积经验。morning that the educated
2023-01-01 14:48:3912


2023-01-01 14:49:2213


2023-01-01 14:50:072


1everyone has a dream of what to be in the future dream is to be an artist because i have a good sense of colori and like painting very much,which will lead me to studying art in the future.i think it is a great job to use the colorful paints to make our life addition,i finfd it hard for me to survive the normal entrance exams into a university.Painting is a good way to help me into a good university.anyway.2As you know, many problems exist in America today. As the possible future President, it is your job to come up with solutions and fix those problems. The three issues I would like to address are the economy, education, and the war in Iraq. Cutting taxes for the middle class Americans will aide in building a better economy. Providing $50 billion to boost the economy and stop 1 million Americans from losing their jobs is a good idea. This relief would include a $25 billion State Growth Fund to prevent state and local cuts in health, education, housing, and heating assistance or counterproductive increases in property taxes, tolls or fees. I think providing tax relief for small businesses and start up companies is also a good idea. We need to get this economy back in place before anything else can happen. I think you have good ideas for helping the economy. One thing I would like to see happen, is getting rid of this new bailout plan. It is only making the rich richer and the poor poorer and it"s not punishing the corporations that started this mess. I don"t know if you know this or not, but the cost of going to a public school is ridiculously high. With such high costs, it is hard for some parents to pay for education for their children. Education needs to be taken more seriously because the children today are the future of this country and need to be educated properly. More and more students are dropping out of school. Making college, as well as high school, more affordable could possibly solve the dropout rate. Your plans for education could help make it easier for families to send their children to school, which will help the future of America. I do not think it is a good idea to end the war in Iraq. This nation has suffered many losses because of the war, but that is no reason to give up now. If we didn"t go to war, we would have basically been telling all the other countries that they can attack us whenever and kill many more innocent Americans because we will not retaliate and stand up for our freedom. Do you want America to be thought of as cowards? Our ancestors fought for our freedom, our right to live. By taking us out of the war and saying we don"t want to keep fighting, we would basically be telling our ancestors we do not appreciate the freedom they allowed us to have. You may say you know what you are doing and that you have everything under control. Since America is having troubles right now, would you be ready to fix those problems? Have you had enough experience to run our country? As the possible future President, will you be able to handle all of America"s problems, or will you run the country straight into the ground? I hope you are as prepared as your plans seem to make you. 3Preparing for Your Future CareerAs you"ve wended your way through this packet, you"ve gotten quick view of the diversity of the library/information profession. Even if you think you know where you are headed, you will find it interesting to see what a wide range of opportunities there are. In fact, during the course of your future career, you are quite likely to move through several settings and functions as your knowledge and skills grow. The library/information field is so varied and so dynamic, that there is no excuse for ever getting bored or stale!In addition to using this Web site, I urge you to also start reading ads and position announcements. This will give you an idea of the qualifications that are sought, salary ranges, etc., and might help you to decide which courses to take, and even which career direction to pursue, if you are undecided about that. Don"t just think about the "job" you might get when you graduate, think in terms of career. Consider the Webster definitions of job and career: A job is "a regular remunerative position," while a career is "a field for, or pursuit of consecutive progressive achievement, esp. in public, professional, or business life...a profession for which one trains and which is undertaken as a permanent calling."If you think of work as just a job, you will be cheating yourself and the profession. People who want just to work 9:00 to 5:00, Monday through Friday, who never read professional journals nor attend conferences, may be adequate searchers or catalogers or whatever, under someone else"s direction. But these are people who are simply doing a job, not building a career. More importantly, they are not advancing the profession. They are in fact undermining it by setting a bad example and failing to contribute to the effort to move us ahead. We cannot advance as a profession unless each person assumes responsibility for taking a critical and analytical approach to what they do, with the aim of improving the quality of library and information service -- this is our professional role in society.How will you choose your particular career path?First, you need to consider your own background--what knowledge and experience do you have already that will combine well with a particular setting and specialty?Second, consider your likes and dislikes--do you prefer to work independently, do you like being your own boss, do you like to be an expert in some one area? Or, are you happiest having a variety of responsibilities covering a broad spectrum of knowledge areas? Do you like a lot of interpersonal interaction? Do you like or hate computers?Third, where do you want to be five and ten years from now? Don"t think just in terms of your first professional library/ information position--try to picture a sequence of positions, each one giving you scope to grow and learn, so that you can make a difference, and become a leader in the profession.There are some constraints that limit career development. Geography is the most obvious. If you are interested in school librarianship, you need to know that in New Jersey you must first be certified as a teacher by the state (School Library Journal publishes an update on certification state-by-state in the June issues, even years). In most states, public librarians must also be certified. In municipalities under civil service regulations, you must have specific courses and pass an exam. Many academic libraries require a second master"s in a subject field. Where librarians have faculty status, they are expected to be productive scholars as well as good librarians. In special libraries, a specific academic background may be required--art history, chemistry, etc. Make sure now that you do not have unrealistic goals. At least, plan how you will overcome whatever obstacles lie in the way.I strongly advise you to visit as many different kinds of libraries as you can while you are pursuing your degree. Meet people in various kinds of positions, and try on roles. Ask yourself how you would fit in a particular setting. And, I urge you to get some experience if you do not have any. Consider part-time work, volunteer work, or field experience for credit.I also urge you to join one or more professional associations, as soon as you have an idea of what your direction is. Membership forms for most can be found on their Web sites, and more are found on the information table outside the LIS office. If you join an association with a local chapter, you will be able to attend meetings nearby, to make contacts, and to see and hear much that will be useful to you.Joining an association is not merely self-serving, however. Associations are the voice of the profession. They are a forum for debating issues, a lobby fighting for the improvement of information services for the public, a mechanism for advancing the profession. When the 61,000-member ALA speaks in Washington, legislators listen. When NJLA sets minimum salary standards, employers listen. Associations allow us to develop technical standards, to have input into the revision of cataloging codes, to protect intellectual freedom, to promulgate codes of ethics, to accredit MLS programs. They are also vehicles for the advancement of the profession by providing continuing education -- through publications, conferences, and workshops, and especially through the involvement of members in committee work.We constantly refer to the changing environment in which you will be practicing. There is no way that 36 credits of course work can give you what you need to know to succeed in this volatile environment. The best we can do is give you a foundation, and direct you to the tools you can use to continue to learn on your own throughout your career.
2023-01-01 14:50:173

h1b 状态withdraw是什么意思

词典结果:withdraw[英][wɪðˈdrɔ:][美][wɪðˈdrɔ, wɪθ-]vt.撤走; 拿走; 撤退; (从银行) 取 (钱); vi.撤退; (从活动或组织中) 退出; 第三人称单数:withdraws过去分词:withdrawn现在进行时:withdrawing过去式:withdrew以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.If it is forced to withdraw suddenly, then the entire bailout mechanism would collapse. 如果德国突然被迫撤出,整个欧洲稳定机制的救助机制将轰然倒塌。
2023-01-01 14:50:281


1everyone has a dream of what to be in the future dream is to be an artist because i have a good sense of colori and like painting very much,which will lead me to studying art in the future.i think it is a great job to use the colorful paints to make our life addition,i finfd it hard for me to survive the normal entrance exams into a university.Painting is a good way to help me into a good university.anyway.2As you know, many problems exist in America today. As the possible future President, it is your job to come up with solutions and fix those problems. The three issues I would like to address are the economy, education, and the war in Iraq. Cutting taxes for the middle class Americans will aide in building a better economy. Providing $50 billion to boost the economy and stop 1 million Americans from losing their jobs is a good idea. This relief would include a $25 billion State Growth Fund to prevent state and local cuts in health, education, housing, and heating assistance or counterproductive increases in property taxes, tolls or fees. I think providing tax relief for small businesses and start up companies is also a good idea. We need to get this economy back in place before anything else can happen. I think you have good ideas for helping the economy. One thing I would like to see happen, is getting rid of this new bailout plan. It is only making the rich richer and the poor poorer and it"s not punishing the corporations that started this mess. I don"t know if you know this or not, but the cost of going to a public school is ridiculously high. With such high costs, it is hard for some parents to pay for education for their children. Education needs to be taken more seriously because the children today are the future of this country and need to be educated properly. More and more students are dropping out of school. Making college, as well as high school, more affordable could possibly solve the dropout rate. Your plans for education could help make it easier for families to send their children to school, which will help the future of America. I do not think it is a good idea to end the war in Iraq. This nation has suffered many losses because of the war, but that is no reason to give up now. If we didn"t go to war, we would have basically been telling all the other countries that they can attack us whenever and kill many more innocent Americans because we will not retaliate and stand up for our freedom. Do you want America to be thought of as cowards? Our ancestors fought for our freedom, our right to live. By taking us out of the war and saying we don"t want to keep fighting, we would basically be telling our ancestors we do not appreciate the freedom they allowed us to have. You may say you know what you are doing and that you have everything under control. Since America is having troubles right now, would you be ready to fix those problems? Have you had enough experience to run our country? As the possible future President, will you be able to handle all of America"s problems, or will you run the country straight into the ground? I hope you are as prepared as your plans seem to make you. 3Preparing for Your Future CareerAs you"ve wended your way through this packet, you"ve gotten quick view of the diversity of the library/information profession. Even if you think you know where you are headed, you will find it interesting to see what a wide range of opportunities there are. In fact, during the course of your future career, you are quite likely to move through several settings and functions as your knowledge and skills grow. The library/information field is so varied and so dynamic, that there is no excuse for ever getting bored or stale!In addition to using this Web site, I urge you to also start reading ads and position announcements. This will give you an idea of the qualifications that are sought, salary ranges, etc., and might help you to decide which courses to take, and even which career direction to pursue, if you are undecided about that. Don"t just think about the "job" you might get when you graduate, think in terms of career. Consider the Webster definitions of job and career: A job is "a regular remunerative position," while a career is "a field for, or pursuit of consecutive progressive achievement, esp. in public, professional, or business life...a profession for which one trains and which is undertaken as a permanent calling."If you think of work as just a job, you will be cheating yourself and the profession. People who want just to work 9:00 to 5:00, Monday through Friday, who never read professional journals nor attend conferences, may be adequate searchers or catalogers or whatever, under someone else"s direction. But these are people who are simply doing a job, not building a career. More importantly, they are not advancing the profession. They are in fact undermining it by setting a bad example and failing to contribute to the effort to move us ahead. We cannot advance as a profession unless each person assumes responsibility for taking a critical and analytical approach to what they do, with the aim of improving the quality of library and information service -- this is our professional role in society.How will you choose your particular career path?First, you need to consider your own background--what knowledge and experience do you have already that will combine well with a particular setting and specialty?Second, consider your likes and dislikes--do you prefer to work independently, do you like being your own boss, do you like to be an expert in some one area? Or, are you happiest having a variety of responsibilities covering a broad spectrum of knowledge areas? Do you like a lot of interpersonal interaction? Do you like or hate computers?Third, where do you want to be five and ten years from now? Don"t think just in terms of your first professional library/ information position--try to picture a sequence of positions, each one giving you scope to grow and learn, so that you can make a difference, and become a leader in the profession.There are some constraints that limit career development. Geography is the most obvious. If you are interested in school librarianship, you need to know that in New Jersey you must first be certified as a teacher by the state (School Library Journal publishes an update on certification state-by-state in the June issues, even years). In most states, public librarians must also be certified. In municipalities under civil service regulations, you must have specific courses and pass an exam. Many academic libraries require a second master"s in a subject field. Where librarians have faculty status, they are expected to be productive scholars as well as good librarians. In special libraries, a specific academic background may be required--art history, chemistry, etc. Make sure now that you do not have unrealistic goals. At least, plan how you will overcome whatever obstacles lie in the way.I strongly advise you to visit as many different kinds of libraries as you can while you are pursuing your degree. Meet people in various kinds of positions, and try on roles. Ask yourself how you would fit in a particular setting. And, I urge you to get some experience if you do not have any. Consider part-time work, volunteer work, or field experience for credit.I also urge you to join one or more professional associations, as soon as you have an idea of what your direction is. Membership forms for most can be found on their Web sites, and more are found on the information table outside the LIS office. If you join an association with a local chapter, you will be able to attend meetings nearby, to make contacts, and to see and hear much that will be useful to you.Joining an association is not merely self-serving, however. Associations are the voice of the profession. They are a forum for debating issues, a lobby fighting for the improvement of information services for the public, a mechanism for advancing the profession. When the 61,000-member ALA speaks in Washington, legislators listen. When NJLA sets minimum salary standards, employers listen. Associations allow us to develop technical standards, to have input into the revision of cataloging codes, to protect intellectual freedom, to promulgate codes of ethics, to accredit MLS programs. They are also vehicles for the advancement of the profession by providing continuing education -- through publications, conferences, and workshops, and especially through the involvement of members in committee work.We constantly refer to the changing environment in which you will be practicing. There is no way that 36 credits of course work can give you what you need to know to succeed in this volatile environment. The best we can do is give you a foundation, and direct you to the tools you can use to continue to learn on your own throughout your career.
2023-01-01 14:50:331


Dear Eric, You have asked me what TV programs my parents and I like ,and I will tell you the answer. I prefer the program Animal World ,for it helps me have a better knowledge of those animals.Besides,it is really interesting and attracts me deeply. While my father likes Sports shows.But I think sometimes they are boring but are actually to my dad"s taste. My mother are crazy about Soap opera! The operas,I guess, are sometimes touching.Because mum usually crys for the story. That" all,and I want to know what"s about your family?Your faithfullyWang lin
2023-01-01 14:50:393


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