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问一下(off,along,on,around)+the coast 分别是什么意思?有什么区别?

2023-06-14 05:41:54
TAG: alo aro

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习


off the coast:在海面上


1. They had been wrecked (ie shipwrecked) off the coast of Africa.


2. After months of drilling, oil was found off the coast.

经数月钻探, 在沿海找到了石油.

3. I look at Cuba, niy miles off the coast of the United States.


4. It is a lone island off the coast of Guangdong, a mere dot, so to speak, in the South China Sea.


along the coast:沿着海岸


1. They traveled on the steamboat along the coast.


2. Fishing boats were anchored all along the coast.


3. The Asian countries along the coast of the Pacific all came out against the US new military base in Japan.


4. A member of any of a group of South American Indian peoples living along the coast of Brazil, in the Amazon River valley, and in Paraguay.


on the coast:




1. A promontory of southeast Newfoundland, Canada, on the coast of the Avalon Peninsula.


2. These beacons on the coast are to warn and guide ships.


3. The town lies on the coast.


around the coast 一般不这样用,用上面的就可以了。



anchored adj.抛锚的动词anchor的过去式和过去分词例句:The ship was anchored athwart the harbour mouth.轮船横著停泊在港口.The ship was anchored off the shore.船在海岸处抛了锚.He anchored his hope in his ...
2023-06-13 09:17:161

英语小问题 根据题意及首字母提示补全单词

第一个空里填的应该是漂泊的意思.你翻翻汉英辞典就可以找到.第二个大概是"伤害"?(别太想吃现成的.多动手好蛤)第三个是suit 意思是适合.第四个是"总共的"第五个是housework 意思是家务,这样的提示不知道可不可以帮到你拉..
2023-06-13 09:17:354


锚定anchorThe captain anchored his ship in the harbor.
2023-06-13 09:17:431

英语anchored in和basic on区别是什么?

The ship anchored in the middle of the river and did not pull in to the bank.船停在江心,没有靠岸be anchored in 扎根于;起源于1、based on 语法层面上是分词,可以修饰名词,代词和名词短语,不能修饰动词2、on the basis of 语法上是介词短语,用于修饰动词。The administration sent a document based on your suggestion.The experiments were designed on the basis of our previous results.
2023-06-13 09:17:551


  你知道挨着用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    挨着用英语怎么说:   next to    挨着用英语怎么说:   against    挨着用英语怎么说:   close to    挨着英语例句:   1.Stand close together so that your shoulders are touching.   肩挨着肩靠紧点站着。   2.Sitting at his side Stephen solved out the problem.   斯蒂芬挨着他坐着解题。   3.The telephones are next to the bookstore.   电话机紧挨着书店。   4.The sidewalk abutted on the river.   人行道紧挨着河川。   5.Adjacent garden plots.   紧挨着的花园用地。   6.Is block 3 next to block 2?   木块3挨着木块2吗?   7.I"d touch her neck so warm and white.   挨着她温暖洁白的颈项。   8.Had to stand chock up against the railing.   不得不紧紧挨着栏杆站着   9.Roses were growing in profusion against the old wall.   紧挨着旧墙长着很多玫瑰花.   10.He tries a shot at the basket. It misses clean   他试着投篮,连篮圈也没挨着。   11.abreast a dense and almost wholly unpeopled forest.   紧挨着河岸还有片茂林,人迹罕至。   12.Also, a famous shopping mall is connected with the Harbor City.   再者,挨着海港城还有一个著名的商场。   13.I prefer to travel in the front of the car, ie next to the driver.   我愿意坐在汽车的前面(挨着司机).   14.They built a fire against the side of a great log,   他们紧挨着一根大树干生起火。   15.She clung to her father, beseeching him for consent.   她紧紧挨着父亲,恳求他答应。   16.anchored close aboard another ship.   紧挨着另外一条船停了下来。   17.Ocean east to America"s west.   海洋的东部挨着美国的西部。   18.As fate would have it, I recall your room being right next to mine.   命中注定的 我让你的宿舍挨着我。
2023-06-13 09:18:411


he adjusted the sack and carefully worked the line so that it came across a new part of his shoulders and, holding it anchored with his shoulders, he carefully felt the pull of the fish and then felt with his hand the progress of the skiff through the water.他调整了一下麻袋,小心翼翼地把钓索拉到肩膀的新部位,用肩膀把钓索固定住,他仔细地感受着鱼的拉力,然后用手感受着小船在水中的移动。 用ing。表示该动作的进行状态
2023-06-13 09:18:492


定海神针 :Key Stand,Iron Rod ;
2023-06-13 09:18:573

求 Love Is A Bourgeois Construct 的歌词,谢谢

2023-06-13 09:19:051


2023-06-13 09:19:144

我的世界minecraft /execult指令用法

你的/execult指令是不存在的,你的那个指令应该是/execute,意思是用/execute选择一个对象去执行另外一个命令,比如你想让所有的猪传送到你面前:/exectue @s ~ ~ ~ tp @e[type=pig] ~ ~ ~ 选择你自己的位置的坐标,让猪传送到这个坐标好就这样吧,第一次在百度知道回答问题,望采纳,有什么问题问我。谢谢!!!!!!!!!!!
2023-06-13 09:19:262

2023-06-13 09:19:405


2023-06-13 09:19:581

Borknagar的《Roots》 歌词

歌曲名:Roots歌手:Borknagar专辑:Urd群66032164:木偶、紫羽、野马The roots thrust into oblivionbeyond the verge of spaceThe erodent roots, the evolving loopsthrusts, yet free roamingThere is a horizon foldedblinding leaves of the universeThroughout the inner coremy quest, my loreWhere the seeds recoil and returnwhere the potency explodes to burnWhere the roots weave into the brancheswhere dimensions blend into infinityWhere the seeds recoil and returnwhere the potency explodes to burnThere is a path running freequintessential chemistryWhere the rivers recoil and returnfallen stars explode and burnThe branches reach into eternitybeyond the verge of stellar timeThe evolving tree, the revolving spreeanchored in me means floating freeNo time, no space can ever bemy hive, my homeI belong beyond the stellar domeBlinding leaves of the universe珞珈山梦境联盟
2023-06-13 09:20:081

关于PCR,你知道多少?(四) ----几种特殊的PCR

1、锚定****PCR****(anchored PCR) 通常采用的PCR反应必须知道欲扩增的DNA或RNA片段两侧的序列,而在大多数情况下对某些序列本身或其旁侧序列并不清楚,“锚定PCR”可以帮助克服序列未知或序列完全未知带来的障碍。 基本做法是:分离细胞总RNA或者mRNA,在反转录酶的作用下合成cDNA,通过DNA末端转移酶在cDNA 3"末端加上poly(dG)尾巴。与此poly(dG)相对应的锚定引物poly(dC)为保证扩增特异性,建议此段旁聚(dC)在十二聚以上,5"端可带上某些限制酶序列或其他序列信息。在与基因特异配对的引物参与下,可以扩增出此带同源多聚物尾巴的cDNA序列。 2、不对称****PCR****(asymmetric PCR) 典型的PCR反应产生一种特定的双链DNA拷贝,不对称PCR可以利用引物浓度的差别,形成单链DNA,便于测序。一般采用50~100:1比例的引物浓度,在最初的10~15个循环中主要产物还是双链DNA,但当低浓度引物被消耗尽时,高浓度引物介导的PCR反应就会产生大量的单链DNA,分离此扩增产物中的ssDNA可用原引物或第三条内部引物直接测序。 3、反向PCR(inverse PCR) PCR反应允许扩的DNA片段位于已知序列的两个引物之间。反向PCR的应用则可以对一个已知的DNA片段的两侧未知序列进行扩增和研究。选择已知序列内部没有的限制性内切酶对此段DNA进行酶切,连接成环状DNA分子,选择合适方向和已知序列两末端互补的引物,经PCR后,可以得到未知序列的DNA片段,用此方法可建立基因组步移文库。 4、多重****PCR****(multiplex PCR) PCR技术的一个重要应用领域是检测特定序列的存在或缺失。如果待检测的基因片段存在,经PCR可以产生扩增区带,如果缺失则没有扩增带出现。在许多情况下需要检测的基因十分庞大,有的可达数百上千kb。对此有人提出了多重PCR,即在同一个试管中加入多对引物,扩增同一模板的几个区段。如果某一区段缺失则在相应的电泳图谱上这一区带就会消失。多重PCR和southern blotting 一样可靠,但要简便的多。 5、着色互补PCR(color complementation assay) 着色互补PCR又称荧光PCR,可用于区分长短相近的多种基因成分。其原理是用不同的荧光染料,如红色的罗丹明(POX)和绿色的荧光素(FAM)等分别标记于不同的寡核苷酸引物上,同时扩增多个DNA区段,反应完毕后,利用分子筛除去延伸的引物。用紫外线照射扩增产物,就能显示某一种或几种荧光染料颜色的组合,如果某一DNA区带缺失,则会缺乏相应的颜色,据此可以很快诊断出是否某种基因缺失,或者发现某些感染的病毒。
2023-06-13 09:20:171


  犯错误是难免的,但如果坚持不改,一味地沿着错误的道路滑下去,必将陷入不测之渊。下面就由我为大家带来关于集锦,希望大家能有所收获。   关于沿着的相关短语   沿着 go along   沿着河边 along the river ; by the river ;   沿着河岸 along the river   沿着河流 Along the River   沿着天空 walking along the sky   沿着法线 Along Normal   然后沿着 Then walk along   沿着海滨 Along the Waterfront   关于沿着的相关单词   along   down   关于沿着的相关短句   A white sail moves along the horizon.   一片白帆沿着天边移动。   关于沿着的相关例句   1. The augmentation of the army began along traditional lines.   军队扩编是沿着传统路线开始的。   2. A block up the street I found a parking lot.   沿着街道往北过了一个街区,我找到了一个停车场。   3. She started once again on the steep upward climb.   她又开始沿着陡峭的山路往上爬。   4. Go north on I-15 to the exit just past Barstow.   沿着15号州际公路一直向北,一过巴斯托就从出口驶出。   5. They started strolling down the dusty road in the moonlight.   在月光下他们开始沿着满是尘土的路漫步。   6. Anthony picked himself up and set off along the track.   安东尼自己慢慢爬起来,又开始沿着跑道跑下去。   7. The truck was trundling along the escarpment of the Zambesi valley.   卡车沿着赞比西山谷的绝壁缓缓行进。   8. From Wrexham centre take the Chester Road to the outskirts of town.   从雷克瑟姆市中心出发,沿着切斯特路到达市郊。   9. I saw them making their way, hand in hand, down the path.   我看到他们手拉手沿着小路往前走去。   10. I went for long, contemplative walks by the river.   我沿着河走了很久,默默沉思著。   11. They set out in a westerly direction along the riverbank.   他们沿着河岸向西出发了。   12. A variety of heavy industries grew up alongside the port.   各种重工业沿着港口逐渐发展起来。   13. They walked along the promenade on a rainy night.   他们在一个雨夜沿着海滨道散步。   14. She opens her umbrella, and walks up River Street.   她撑开伞,沿着河街向前走。   15. He crossed the street and walked alongside Central Park.   他穿过街道,沿着中央公园走。   关于沿着的双语例句   他们说说笑笑,沿着海滩散步。   They walked along the beach talking and laughing.   他们的研究沿着正确的方针进行。   Their research proceeded along sound lines.   这个小男孩沿着草地的边上走,小心不踩到地里。   The little boy walked along the grass verge, trying not to step into the field.   渔船沿着岸抛锚停泊。   Fishing boats were anchored all along the coast.   泪水沿着她的面颊流下。   The tears ran down her cheeks.   沿着大道走到分岔地方再向右拐。   Follow the main road until it branches and then turn to the right.   当某个人突然抓住我时,我正沿着那街道走着。   I was walking down the street when all of a sudden someone grabbed me.   我正沿着河边散步,突然下起雨来。   I was walking along the river when it began to rain.
2023-06-13 09:20:381


2023-06-13 09:20:472


2023-06-13 09:20:551


before 这个单词就是过去完成时的标志词,要是用过去式就不对了 before是考点
2023-06-13 09:21:046


2023-06-13 09:21:231


第一节 路基   第6.1.1条 路基 subgrade   按照路线位置和一定技术要求修筑的作为路面基础的带状构造物。   第6.1.2条 路堤 embankment   高于原地面的填方路基。   第6.1.3条 路堑 cutting   低于原地面的挖方路基。   第6.1.4条 半填半挖式路基 part-cut part-fill subrade   在一个横断面内,部分为路堤、部分为路堑的路基。   第6.1.5条 台口式路基 benched subgrade   在山坡上,以山体自然坡面为下边坡,全部开挖而成的路基。   第6.1.6条 路基宽度 width of subgrade   在一个横断面上两路肩外缘之间的宽度。   第6.1.7条 路基设计高程 design elevation of subgrade   指路基外缘、路中心线或中央分隔带边缘线的设计高程。   第6.1.8条 (路基)最小填土高度 minimum height of fill   为保证路基稳定,根据土质、气候和水文地质条件所规定的路肩边缘至原地面的最小高度。   第6.1.9条 边坡 side slope   为保证路基稳定,在路基两侧做成的具有一定坡度的坡面。   第6.1.10条 边坡坡度 grade of side slope   边坡的高度与宽度之比。   第6.1.11条 (边)坡顶 top of slope   路基边坡的点。挖方路基为边坡与原地面相接处,填方路基为路肩外缘。   第6.1.12条 (边)坡脚 toe of slope   路基边坡的最低点。填方路基为边坡与原地面相接处,挖方路基为边坡底。   第6.1.13条 护坡道 berm   当路堤较高时,为保证边坡稳定,在取土坑与坡脚之间,沿原地面纵向保留的有一定宽度的平台。   第6.1.14条 边坡平台 plain stage of slope   当路堤较高时,为保证边坡稳定,在边坡坡面上沿纵向做成的有一定宽度的平台。   第6.1.15条 碎落台 stage for heaping soil and brocken rock   在路堑边坡坡脚与边沟外侧边缘之间或边坡上,为防止碎落物落入边沟而设置的有一定宽度的纵向平台。   第6.1.16条 护坡 slope protection   为防止边坡受冲刷,在坡面上所做的各种铺砌和栽植的统称。   第6.1.17条 挡土墙 retaining wall   为防止路基填土或山坡岩土坍塌而修筑的、承受土体侧压力的墙式构造物。   第6.1.18条 重力式挡土墙 gravity retaining wall   依*墙身自重抵抗土体侧压力的挡土墙。   第6.1.19条 衡重式挡土墙 balance weight retaining wall   利用衡重台上部填土的重力和墙体重心后移而抵抗土体侧压力的挡土墙。   第6.1.20条 悬臂式挡土墙 cantilever retaining wall   由立壁、趾板、踵板三个钢筋混凝土悬臂构件组成的挡土墙。   第6.1.21条 扶壁式挡土墙 counterfort retaining wall   沿悬臂式挡土墙的立臂,每隔一定距离加一道扶壁,将立壁与踵板连接起来的挡土墙。   第6.1.22条 柱板式挡土墙 pile and plank retaining wall   由立柱、挡板、腰梁、腰板、基座和拉杆组成,借助腰板上部填土的重力平衡土体侧压力的挡土墙。   第6.1.23条 锚杆式挡土墙 anchored retaining wall by tie rods   由钢筋混凝土板和锚杆组成,依*锚固在岩土层内的锚杆的水平拉力以承受土体侧压力的挡土墙。   第6.1.24条 锚锭板式挡土墙 anchored bulkhead retaining wall   由钢筋混凝土墙板、拉杆和锚锭板组成,借埋置在破裂面后部稳定土层内的锚锭|考试大|板和拉杆的水平拉力,以承受土体侧压力的挡土墙。   第6.1.25条 加筋土挡土墙 reinforced earth retaining wall   由填土、拉带和镶面砌块组成的加筋土承受土体侧压力的挡土墙。   第6.1.26条 石笼 rock rilled gabion   为防止河岸或构造物受水流冲刷而设置的装填石块的笼子。   第6.1.27条 抛石 riprap   为防止河岸或构造物受水流冲刷而抛填较大石块的防护措施。
2023-06-13 09:21:301


2023-06-13 09:21:391

HISAT: 一款快速的低内存的基因组比对软件

HISAT是一个高效的RNA序列比对软件。HISAT使用了基于Burrows-Wheeler transform 和 the Ferragina-Manzini (FM) index的索引组合,使用了两种类型的索引:基于全基因组区域的FM索引和局部的FM索引。与其他比对软件相比,HISAT具有速度快,准确率高等特点。HISAT支持不同长度的基因组序列,包括大于40亿碱基基因组。 HISAT使用Bowtie2实现许多低一级的功能,比如FM index的构建和查询。HISAT使用了两种不同类型的索引: 对于人基因组,HISAT创建了~4800个局部FM索引,每个索引之间有1024bp的overlap,共覆盖约三十一碱基。 u200b RNA-seq序列可能会跨越很大的区域(超过1M bp)。并且会跨越多个外显子。HISAT将包含这种现象的reads分成了三种类型: 全局FM索引对于short-anchored reads比对很困难,而局部FM index在比对这类reads时有很大优势。在将reads比对到一段较长的区域中时,HISAT可以使用局部索引比对剩余的区域,而不是使用全局索引。 很多比对工具,大量的时间都消耗在这样的short-anchored reads和intermediate-anchored reads上(30%~60%),但是比对准确度或者成功率都不是很高,而HISAT在这一块很有优势。 u200b HISAT,HISATx1, HISATx2分别使用了不同的参数。HISATx1使用one-pass方法,HISATx2使用了two-pass方法。模拟数据是100-bp rads,包含20 million挑reads。下图是不同软件每分钟处理的reads数。从图上看,HISAT速度有明显优势。 u200b 检测准确度方面, HISAT灵敏度达到了93%以上,而HISATx2更是达到了99%以上 u200b 剪切位点精度方面, 模拟数据包含87944个剪切位点,HISAT的灵敏度高达97.3%,并且精度也高达04.8% 参考文献:
2023-06-13 09:21:471


脂锚定蛋白(lipid-anchored) 又称脂连接蛋白(lipid-linked protein),通过共价健的方式同脂分子结合,位于脂双层的外侧。同脂的结合有两种方式,一 种是蛋白质直接结合于脂双分子层,另一种方式是蛋白并不直接同脂结合,而是通过一个糖分子 间接同脂结合。
2023-06-13 09:22:071


【专升本快速报名和免费咨询: 】u25ba1.Addressn.地址,通讯处,致词;v.①致函,写姓名地址;②向……讲话;③处理【试题链接】 Depending on whom you are addressing (v.②), the problems will be different.[2002年Text1]【译文】 根据与你不同的谈话对象,要谈的问题也有所不同。u25ba2.agen. ①年龄; ② 时代;v. 变老,老化【试题链接】The change met the technical requirements of the new age(n.②) by engaging a large professional element and prevented the decline in efficiency that so commonly spoiled the fortunes of family firms in the second and third generation after the energetic founders.【译文】这种变革通过聘用大量专业人员来适应新时代的技术要求,并防止了效率的降低,而在过去这种低效率使得许多旧式家族企业在精力充沛的创业者之后的第二、三代手中破产倒闭。【试题链接】 As a mere 68-year-old, I wish to age(v.) as productively as they have.[2003年Text 4]【译文】作为一名年仅68岁的人,我希望像他们一样在老龄阶段保持创造力。u25ba3.Anchorn.①锚;②新闻节目主持人;v.抛锚,停泊【试题链接】 Fast-food eaters, news anchors (n.②), text messengers, all smiling, smiling.[2006年Text4]【译文】 快餐食客、新闻主播、发短信的人,都在微笑、微笑。【试题链接】 Hot spots, anchored (v.) in the deeper layers of the earth, provide the measuring instruments needed to resolve the question.[1998年Text5]【译文】 位于地壳深处的热点提供了解决该问题的测量依据。cook n.炊事员,厨师;v.①烹调,煮,烧;②伪造【试题链接】 If we intend to have friends to dinner, we plan the menu, make a shopping list, decide which food to cook (v.①) first, and such planning is an essential for any type of meal to be served.【译文】比方我们想请朋友吃晚餐,我们就会筹划菜谱、写购物单、决定先煮什么菜等,这样的筹划对于举行任何形式的宴请都是必不可少的。【试题链接】 Like other human beings, he encounters moral issues even in everyday performance of his routine duties----he is not supposed to cook (v. ②) his experiments, manufacture evidence, or doctor his reports.[2006年翻译]【译文】像其他人类一样,普通科学家甚至在每天日常的工作中都遭遇到了道义上的问题——他不应该伪造实验结果,编造证据,或篡改报告。u25ba4.beamn.①(横)梁,桁条;②(光线的)束,柱;v.①微笑;②发光【试题链接】 Our magazines feature beaming (v.①) celebrities and happy families in perfect homes.[2006年Text4]【译文】 我们的杂志突出刊登满面春风的名人和美满幸福的家庭。u25ba5.billn. ①账单;②纸币,钞票 ;③议案,法案【试题链接】A bill(③) by Democratic Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, which would offer financial incentives for private industry, is a promising start .[2005年Text 2]【译文】西弗吉尼亚的民主党议员Robert Byrd提出一项议案,从经济上激励私企,就是一个良好的开端。u25ba6.cementn.①水泥;②胶泥,胶接剂;v.①胶合;②巩固,加强【试题链接】 Egypt"s leadership in the Arab world was cemented (v.②) by the Aswan High Dam.[1998年Text1]【译文】 埃及在阿拉伯世界的领导地位因阿斯旺大坝而得以巩固。u25ba7.chairn.①椅子;②主席(职位);vt.主持,担任【试题链接】 “It"s your dream,” says Rosalind Cartwright, chair (n.②) of psychology at Chicago"s Medical Center,“If you don"t like it, change it.”[2005年Text3]【译文】 芝加哥医疗中心心理部主任Rosalind Cartwright说道:“这是你的梦,你不喜欢它,你可以改变它”。【试题链接】 Declaring that he was opposed to using this unusual animal husbandry technique to clone humans, he ordered that federal funds not be used for such an experiment — although no one had proposed to do so — and asked an independent panel of experts chaired (vt.) by Princeton President Harold Shapiro to report back to the White House in 90 days with recommendations for a national policy on human cloning.[1999年Text4]【译文】 他宣称反对利用这种非同寻常的畜牧学技术去克隆人,并下令禁止使用联邦资金做这样的实验——尽管还没有人提议要那样做——并责令成立一个由普林斯顿大学校长哈罗德?夏皮罗为首的独立专家小组,在90天内拿出有关克隆人的国策建议,向白宫汇报。u25ba8.charactern . ①性格,品质,特性; ②人物,角色; ③ 字符,(汉)字【试题链接】Darwin was convinced that the loss of these tastes was not only a loss of happiness, but might possibly be injurious to the intellect, and more probably to the moral character (n. ①). [2004 年翻译]【译文】达尔文确信,没有了这些爱好不只是少了乐趣,而且可能会有损于一个人的思维能力,更有可能导致一个人道德品质的下降。【试题链接】Rather, we have a certain conception of the American citizen, a character (n. ②)who is incomplete if he cannot competently assess how his livelihood and happiness are affected by things outside of himself. [1999 年Text 3]【译文】我们更应该具有的是作为美国公民的某种观念,即他必须准确判断自身的生活和幸福是如何受到外界影响的,否则他的公民特征就是不完整的。【试题链接】The world"s three top central bankers (Greenspan, Duisenberg and Hayami) are all close to the top of the alphabet, even if one of them really uses Japanese characters(n. ③). [2004 年Text 2]【译文】世界三大中央银行行长(Greenspan,Duisenberg,Hayami)全都接近字母表的上端,三人之中有一人即使用日文也是如此。u25ba9.climaten.①气候;②风气,社会思潮【试题链接】 The flight from overcrowdedness affects the migration from snow belt to more bearable climates (①).[1998年Text4]【译文】 逃离人口过度稠密区的做法改变了以前那种离开寒冷地带去气候宜人之地的趋势。【试题链接】 When the work is well done, a climate (②) of accident-free operations is established where time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum.[1999年完形]【译文】 如果此项工作做得好的话,就会形成无事故作业的好风气,因此那儿的因工伤事故所造成的时间损失就会被控制在最低限度。u25ba10.Coden.①代码,代号,密码;②法典,法规,规范【试题链接】 Native American languages are indeed different, so much so in fact that Navajo could be used by the US military as a code (①) during World War II to send secret messages.[2004年翻译]【译文】 美洲的土著语言是如此地“与众不同”,甚至美军在第二次世界大战中使用土著语言Navajo作为密码发送秘密信息。【试题链接】 But his primary task is not to think about the moral code (②), which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business. [2006年翻译]【译文】但是,普通科学家的主要任务并非思考支配其行为的道德规范,正如我们并不指望商人把精力投入到探索行业规范一样。u25ba11.columnn.①圆柱,柱状物;②列;③(报刊中的)专栏【试题链接】 “The test of any democratic society,” he wrote in a Wall Street Journal column (③), “lies not in how well it can control expression but in whether it gives freedom of thought and expression the widest possible latitude, however disputable or irritating the results may sometimes be.”[1997年Text4]【译文】 他在《华尔街日报》一篇专栏文章中写道:“对任何一个民主社会的检验标准不在于它能多有效地压制各种情感的表达,而在于是否给予了人们思考和表达的最广泛的自由,尽管有时这种结果会引起争论和愤怒。”u25ba12.coveragen.①新闻报导(范围);②保险项目【试题链接】 With the start of BBC World Service Television, millions of viewers in Asia and America can now watch the Corporation"s news coverage (①), as well as listen to it.[1996年Text2]【译文】 随着BBC(英国广播公司)全世界电视节目的开播,亚洲和美洲的数以百万计的人不仅可以听到它的新闻广播,而且也能看到它的电视新闻报道了。u25ba13.crackn.①裂纹,缝隙;②破裂声;v.①(使)开裂;②解决;③(get ~ing)开始【试题链接】 As the dome grows, it develops deep fissures (cracks) (n.①); in at least a few cases the continent may break entirely along some of these fissures, so that the hot spot initiates the formation of a new ocean.[1998年Text5]【译文】 随着这个圆顶的增大,板块出现深深的裂缝;至少有几次,大陆可能会沿着其中的一些裂缝完全裂开,因此这个热点就引发了一个新的海洋的形成。【试题链接】 Hence the analogy that likens the conduct of monetary policy to driving a car with a blackened windscreen, a cracked (v.①) rearview mirror and a faulty steering wheel.[1997年Text5]【译文】 因此,才会有人将货币政策的指导作用比作是驾驶一辆带有黑色挡风玻璃、破碎的后视镜及方向盘失灵的汽车。【试题链接】 So when the premiers gather in Niagara Falls to assemble their usual complaint list, they should also get cracking (v.③) about something in their jurisdiction that would help their budgets and patients.[2005年新题型]【译文】 所以,当官员们聚集在尼亚加拉瀑布城像往常一样不停的抱怨时,他们也应该在自己的权限范围内开始做些有利于他们的预算和病人的事情。u25ba14.craftn.①工艺,手艺,技巧;②飞机,飞船;③行业;v.精工制作【试题链接】 The modern school that hails technology argues that such masters as Galileo, Newton, Maxwell, Einstein, and inventors such as Edison attached great importance to, and derived great benefit from, craft (n.①) information and technological devices of different kinds that were usable in scientific experiments.[1994年翻译]【译文】 推崇技术的现代学派认为,像伽利略、牛顿、麦克斯韦、爱因斯坦这样的大师以及像爱迪生这样的发明家都非常重视科学实验中使用的不同技术信息和技术设施,并从中受益颇深。【试题链接】 The irony of the historian" s craft (n.③) is that its practitioners always know that their efforts are but contributions to an unending process .[1999年翻译]【译文】 具有讽刺意味的是,在历史学领域,历史学家都知道,他们所做的努力只不过是为一个永无止境的研究过程做一些贡献罢了。u25ba15.Doctorn.①博士;②医生;v.伪造,篡改【试题链接】 “Who is that?” the new arrival asked St.Peter. “Oh, that"s God,” came the reply, “but sometimes he thinks he"s a doctor (n.②).”[2002年Text1]【译文】 “这是谁啊?”新来的人问圣彼得。“哦,那是上帝,”他回答说,“但有时也认为自己是一名医生。”【试题链接】 Like other human beings, he encounters moral issues even in everyday performance of his routine duties--- he is not supposed to cook his experiments, manufacture evidence, or doctor (v.) his reports. 专升本有疑问、不知道如何总结专升本考点内容、不清楚专升本报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:
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in front of
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  建构主义主要有三种教学模式:支架式教学、抛锚式教学和随机进入式教学  支架式教学(Scaffolding Instruction)  支架式教学被定义为:“支架式教学应当为学习者建构对知识的理解提供一种概念框架(conceptualframework)。这种框架中的概念是为发展学习者对问题的进一步理解所需要的,为此,事先要把复杂的学习任务加以分解,以便于把学习者的理解逐步引向深入。”   支架原本指建筑行业中使用的脚手架,在这里用来形象地描述一种教学方式:儿童被看作是一座建筑,儿童的“学”是在不断地、积极地建构着自身的过程;而教师的“教”则是一个必要的脚手架,支持儿童不断地建构自己,不断建造新的能力。支架式教学是以前苏联著名心理学家维果斯基的“最近发展区”理论为依据的。维果斯基认为,在测定儿童智力发展时,应至少确定儿童的两种发展水平:一是儿童现有的发展水平,一种是潜在的发展水平,这两种水平之间的区域称为“最近发展区”。教学应从儿童潜在的发展水平开始,不断创造新的“最近发展区”。支架教学中的“支架”应根据学生的“最近发展区”来建立,通过支架作用不停地将学生的智力从一个水平引导到另一个更高的水平。   支架式教学由以下几个环节组成:    (1)搭脚手架--围绕当前学习主题,按“最邻近发展区”的要求建立概念框架。     (2)进入情境--将学生引入一定的问题情境。     (3)独立探索--让学生独立探索。探索内容包括:确定与给定概念有关的各种属性,并将各种属性按其重要性大小顺序排列。探索开始时要先由教师启发引导,然后让学生自己去分析;探索过程中教师要适时提示,帮助学生沿概念框架逐步攀升。     (4)协作学习--进行小组协商、讨论。讨论的结果有可能使原来确定的、与当前所学概念有关的属性增加或减少,各种属性的排列次序也可能有所调整,并使原来多种意见相互矛盾、且态度纷呈的复杂局面逐渐变得明朗、一致起来。在共享集体思维成果的基础上达到对当前所学概念比较全面、正确的理解,即最终完成对所学知识的意义建构。   (5)效果评价--对学习效果的评价包括学生个人的自我评价和学习小组对个人的学习评价,评价内容包括:①自主学习能力;②对小组协作学习所作出的贡献;③是否完成对所学知识的意义建构。  抛锚式教学(Anchored Instruction)  这种教学要求建立在有感染力的真实事件或真实问题的基础上。确定这类真实事件或问题被形象地比喻为“抛锚”,因为一旦这类事件或问题被确定了,整个教学内容和教学进程也就被确定了(就像轮船被锚固定一样)。建构主义认为,学习者要想完成对所学知识的意义建构,即达到对该知识所反映事物的性质、规律以及该事物与其它事物之间联系的深刻理解,最好的办法是让学习者到现实世界的真实环境中去感受、去体验(即通过获取直接经验来学习),而不是仅仅聆听别人(例如教师)关于这种经验的介绍和讲解。由于抛锚式教学要以真实事例或问题为基础(作为“锚”),所以有时也被称为“实例式教学”或“基于问题的教学”或“情境性教学”。   抛锚式教学由这样几个环节组成:   (1)创设情境--使学习能在和现实情况基本一致或相类似的情境中发生。   (2)确定问题--在上述情境下,选择出与当前学习主题密切相关的真实性事件或问题作为学习的中心内容。选出的事件或问题就是“锚”,这一环节的作用就是“抛锚”。   (3)自主学习--不是由教师直接告诉学生应当如何去解决面临的问题,而是由教师向学生提供解决该问题的有关线索,并特别注意发展学生的“自主学习”能力。   (4)协作学习--讨论、交流,通过不同观点的交锋,补充、修正、加深每个学生对当前问题的理解。   (5)效果评价--由于抛锚式教学的学习过程就是解决问题的过程,由该过程可以直接反映出学生的学习效果。因此对这种教学效果的评价不需要进行独立于教学过程的专门测验,只需在学习过程中随时观察并记录学生的表现即可。  随机进入教学(RandomAccessInstruction)  由于事物的复杂性和问题的多面性,要做到对事物内在性质和事物之间相互联系的全面了解和掌握、即真正达到对所学知识的全面而深刻的意义建构是很困难的。往往从不同的角度考虑可以得出不同的理解。为克服这方面的弊病,在教学中就要注意对同一教学内容,要在不同的时间、不同的情境下、为不同的教学目的、用不同的方式加以呈现。换句话说,学习者可以随意通过不同途径、不同方式进入同样教学内容的学习,从而获得对同一事物或同一问题的多方面的认识与理解,这就是所谓“随机进入教学”。显然,学习者通过多次“进入”同一教学内容将能达到对该知识内容比较全面而深入的掌握。这种多次进入,绝不是像传统教学中那样,只是为巩固一般的知识、技能而实施的简单重复。这里的每次进入都有不同的学习目的,都有不同的问题侧重点。因此多次进入的结果,绝不仅仅是对同一知识内容的简单重复和巩固,而是使学习者获得对事物全貌的理解与认识上的飞跃。   随机进入教学主要包括以下几个环节:   (1)呈现基本情境--向学生呈现与当前学习主题的基本内容相关的情境。   (2)随机进入学习--取决于学生“随机进入”学习所选择的内容,而呈现与当前学习主题的不同侧面特性相关联的情境。在此过程中教师应注意发展学生的自主学习能力,使学生逐步学会自己学习。   (3)思维发展训练--由于随机进入学习的内容通常比较复杂,所研究的问题往往涉及许多方面,因此在这类学习中,教师还应特别注意发展学生的思维能力。   (4)小组协作学习--围绕呈现不同侧面的情境所获得的认识展开小组讨论。在讨论中,每个学生的观点在和其他学生以及教师一起建立的社会协商环境中受到考察、评论,同时每个学生也对别人的观点、看法进行思考并作出反映。   (5)学习效果评价:包括自我评价与小组评价,评价内容包括:①自主学习能力;②对小组协作学习所作出的贡献;③是否完成对所学知识的意义建构
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翻译如下:固定的地方A fixed place例句:我们需要有个固定的地方,有个永远固定的家。We need a fixed place, a permanently anchored home.
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Kim Taylor - I am you试听:
2023-06-13 09:25:222

be anchored的汉语意思

以……为基础 be anchored in 扎根于
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2023-06-13 09:28:371

be anchored in和be anchored on有什么区别?

be anchored in 立足于… 扎根于…be anchored on 被锚定在… 固定在…
2023-06-13 09:28:451


 2019年6月大学英语六级词汇看图记忆汇总  boat n. 小船,艇 v. 划船  例句:Bill pushed the boat further into the water.  比尔把小船又往水里推了推。  deck n. 甲板,舰板,覆盖物 vt. 装饰,修饰,打扮,装甲板  例句:Some passengers are sitting on the deck of the large steamboat eating and chatting.  有些旅客正坐在这只大轮船的甲板上聊天。  dock n. 码头,船坞 vt. 靠码头,引入坞,剪短 vi. 入船坞  例句:The ship is currently anchored outside the port waiting to dock.  这艘船只目前正在港外停泊,等待靠码头。  stern adj. 严厉的,苛刻的 n. 船尾  例句:Aaron received a stern rebuke from his superior.  亚伦受到上司的严厉斥责。  anchor n. 锚 v. 抛锚,锚定  例句:The ship was anchored off the shore.  船在海岸处抛了锚。  hatch n. 孵化,舱口,舱口盖 vt. 孵,孵出,策划,图谋  例句:Three of the chickens hatched today.  今天有三只小鸡出壳。  batch n. (面包等)一炉,一批  例句:The second batch of sugar is better than the first.  第二批制成的糖比第一批好。  cabin n.小屋,船舱  例句:The cabin was built of logs.  这小屋是用原木建造的。  cabinet n.(有抽屉或格子的)橱柜,内阁 adj. 内阁的,小巧的  例句:After a few years in the wilderness Bob was reappointed to the Cabinet.  鲍伯离开政界几年之后,又获任命进入了内阁。
2023-06-13 09:28:541


I Am You歌手Kim Taylor 歌词La di da di da daLa di da di da daLa di da di da daLa da daI am tied by truth like an anchorAnchored to a bottomless seaI am floating freely in the heavensHeld in by your heart"s gravityAll because of loveAll because of loveEven though sometimesYou don"t know who I amI am you..Everything you doAnything you say,You want me to beYou and me..We"re charms on a chainLinked eternally one we can"t undoAnd I am youLa di da di da daLa di da di da daLa da daAll my senses awaken to the changes yeahAnd I feel alive inside my own skinAll my reasons tell me just how strange it isComing home to a place I"ve always beenAnd it"s all for loveAnd it"s all for loveEven though sometimes,I don"t know who I amI am you..Everything you doAnything you say,You want me to beYou and me..We"re charms on a chainLinked eternally one we can"t undo, ohhhI am you...La di da di da daLa di da di da da (anything you say)La da da (everything you do)La di da di da da (I am you...)La di da di da daLa di da di da da (anything you say)La da da (everything you do)I am you... (La di da di da da)I am you... (La di da di da da)I am you... (La di da di da da)I am you... (La di da di da da)I am you... (La di da di da da)I am you... (La di da di da da)Everything you do....Fading away...望采纳谢谢
2023-06-13 09:29:281

I am you这首歌曲是他给我发的,这到底唱的是什么意思?求大家帮忙

I Am You 为(二声/四声)你I am tied by truth like an anchorAnchored to a bottomless sea真的,我像是被抛向无底大海的锚紧锁那样;I am floating freely in the heavens遨游天堂的我;Held in by your heart"s gravity难逃你心引力;All because of love全是爱啊;All because of love全是爱啊;Even though sometimes you don"t know who I am甚至有时你都不知我是谁;I am you everything you do为(二声/四声)你 为你所为;Anything you say you want me to be为(二声/四声)你 为你所想/思You and me we"re charms on a chain你我连心之魅Linked eternally one we can"t undo永恒难分And I am you为(二声/四声)你啊La di da di da daLa di da di da daLa da daAll my senses awaken to the changes yeah那些改变唤醒了我所有的感知And I feel alive inside my own skin感觉像是切入肌肤的活着All my reasons tell me just how strange it is所有告知我这些变化的缘由仅仅是有多怪异Coming home to a place I"ve always been回到家里经常呆的地方And it"s all for love都为(二声/四声)爱啊And it"s all for love都为(二声/四声)爱啊Even though sometimes I don"t know who I am哪怕有时我不知我是谁I am you everything you do为(二声/四声)你 为你所为Anything you say you want me to be为(二声/四声)你 为你所想/思You and me we"re charms on a chain你我连心之魅Linked eternally one we can"t undo永恒难分I am you为(二声/四声)你
2023-06-13 09:29:362


  最初的钮扣是用来做装饰品的,而系衣服用的是饰针。随着快时尚的兴起,钮扣从以前的功能型已经变成现在的创意型。那么你知道吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   钮扣的英语说法:   button   钮扣相关英语表达:   铜钮扣 brass button   玻璃钮扣 glass bottom   塑料钮扣 plastic button   配色钮扣 matching button   背心钮扣 vest button   衬衫钮扣 Shirt button   钮扣的英语例句:   1. You have buttoned up your coat the wrong way.   你把大衣的钮扣扣错了.   2. My button hook won"t clasp.   我的钮扣钩怎么也扣不上.   3. This coat buttons, but that one zips.   这件上衣用钮扣, 那件用拉链.   4. Tom was tugging at a button - hole and looking sheepish.   汤姆捏住一个钮扣眼使劲地拉,样子显得很害羞.   5. " e on, unbutton your shirt, let me see. "   “ 快点, 把衬衫钮扣解开, 让我看看. ”   6. She liked that dress that buttons down the back.   她喜欢从背部扣钮扣的女装.   7. The men, gorged with food , had unbuttoned their vests.   那些男人, 吃得直打饱嗝, 解开了背心的钮扣.   8. First undo the buttons and take off the shirt!   首先解开钮扣,然后脱掉衬衣!   9. Your blouse is open because the fastener is broken.   你的衬衫松开了,因为钮扣坏了.   10. What a mannish way to stitch on a button!   缝个钮扣笨拙得象男人.   11. It was imaginative waistcoat with exceedingly fanciful glass buttons.   花哨的坎肩上配搭著一些光怪陆离的玻璃钮扣.   12. The button was anchored to the cloth with heavy thread.   钮扣被用粗线牢牢地缝在布上.   13. You"ve got two buttons undone.   你有两颗钮扣松开了.   14. He trims his belt and his button.   他理好腰带和钮扣.   15. She has red buttons on her blouse.   她的衬衫的钮扣是红的.
2023-06-13 09:29:441

i know防弹少年团英语歌词部分翻译

I Am You歌手:Kim TaylorLa di da di da daLa di da di da daLa di da di da daLa da daI am tied by truth like an anchorAnchored to a bottomless seaI am floating freely in the heavensHeld in by your heart"s gravityAll because of loveAll because of loveEven though sometimesYou don"t know who I amI am you..Everything you doAnything you say,You want me to beYou and me..We"re charms on a chainLinked eternally one we can"t undoAnd I am youLa di da di da daLa di da di da daLa da daAll my senses awaken to the changes yeahAnd I feel alive inside my own skinAll my reasons tell me just how strange it isComing home to a place I"ve always beenAnd it"s all for loveAnd it"s all for loveEven though sometimes,I don"t know who I amI am you..Everything you doAnything you say,You want me to beYou and me..We"re charms on a chainLinked eternally one we can"t undo, ohhhI am you...La di da di da daLa di da di da da (anything you say)La da da (everything you do)La di da di da da (I am you...)La di da di da daLa di da di da da (anything you say)La da da (everything you do)I am you... (La di da di da da)I am you... (La di da di da da)I am you... (La di da di da da)I am you... (La di da di da da)I am you... (La di da di da da)I am you... (La di da di da da)Everything you do....Fading away...
2023-06-13 09:29:511


I Am You歌手:Kim TaylorLa di da di da daLa di da di da daLa di da di da daLa da daI am tied by truth like an anchorAnchored to a bottomless seaI am floating freely in the heavensHeld in by your heart"s gravityAll because of loveAll because of loveEven though sometimesYou don"t know who I amI am you..Everything you doAnything you say,You want me to beYou and me..We"re charms on a chainLinked eternally one we can"t undoAnd I am youLa di da di da daLa di da di da daLa da daAll my senses awaken to the changes yeahAnd I feel alive inside my own skinAll my reasons tell me just how strange it isComing home to a place I"ve always beenAnd it"s all for loveAnd it"s all for loveEven though sometimes,I don"t know who I amI am you..Everything you doAnything you say,You want me to beYou and me..We"re charms on a chainLinked eternally one we can"t undo, ohhhI am you...La di da di da daLa di da di da da (anything you say)La da da (everything you do)La di da di da da (I am you...)La di da di da daLa di da di da da (anything you say)La da da (everything you do)I am you... (La di da di da da)I am you... (La di da di da da)I am you... (La di da di da da)I am you... (La di da di da da)I am you... (La di da di da da)I am you... (La di da di da da)Everything you do....Fading away...
2023-06-13 09:30:041

I Am You歌词翻译

自己翻的:《I am you》La di da di da daLa di da di da daLa di da di da daLa da da#I am tied by truth like an anchor我已厌倦了像锚一样的真相 Anchored to a bottomless sea牢牢地扎在在无边无际的海洋I am floating freely in the heavens我自由自在地游走在天上Held in by your heart"s gravity被你深深吸引着#All because of loveAll because of love这都是因为爱Even though sometimes you don"t know who I am尽管有时候你并不知道我是谁#I am you, everything you do我就是你 你做的一切Anything you say, you want me to be你说的任何话语 你想我成为什么样的人You"re me with your arms on a chain你就是我 手被链条束缚着Linked eternally in what we can"t undo永远地系在一起 我们都无法解开And I am you我就是你La di da di da daLa di da di da daLa di da di da daLa da da#All my senses awaken to the changes我察觉到了那些变化And I feel alive inside my own skin我感觉全身充满了活力All my reasons tell just how strange it is我的理智告诉我那有多么的奇怪Coming home to a place I"ve always been回家了 回到那个地方了 其实我一直都在那#All because of loveAll because of love这都是因为爱Even though sometimes you don"t know who I am尽管有时候你并不知道我是谁#I am you, everything you do我就是你 你做的一切Anything you say, you want me to be你说的任何话语 你想我成为什么样的人You"re me with your arms on a chain你就是我 手被链条束缚着Linked eternally in what we can"t undo永远地系在一起 我们都无法解开I"m you我就是你I am you
2023-06-13 09:30:232


*深圳* **** * * * * * **会议展览中心* **停泊在市区中心地区的城市。它是世界上最大的单体建筑深圳,占地约220000平方米,延伸540米从东到西,从南到北282米宽。这座建筑了60米,包括地面6层和2层下方它。总建筑面积超过280000平方米。
2023-06-13 09:30:502


kim taylor-《i am you》La di da di da daLa di da di da daLa di da di da daLa da daI am tied by truth like an anchor我已厌倦了像锚一样的真相 Anchored to a bottomless sea牢牢地扎在在无边无际的海洋I am floating freely in the heavens我自由自在地游走在天上Held in by your heart"s gravity被你深深吸引着All because of loveAll because of love这都是因为爱Even though sometimes you don"t know who I am尽管有时候你并不知道我是谁I am you, everything you do我就是你 你做的一切Anything you say, you want me to be你说的任何话语 你想我成为什么样的人You"re me with your arms on a chain你就是我 手被链条束缚着Linked eternally in what we can"t undo永远地系在一起 我们都无法解开And I am you我就是你La di da di da daLa di da di da daLa di da di da daLa da daAll my senses awaken to the changes我察觉到了那些变化And I feel alive inside my own skin我感觉全身充满了活力All my reasons tell just how strange it is我的理智告诉我那有多么的奇怪Coming home to a place I"ve always been回家了 回到那个地方了 其实我一直都在那All because of loveAll because of love这都是因为爱Even though sometimes you don"t know who I am尽管有时候你并不知道我是谁I am you, everything you do我就是你 你做的一切Anything you say, you want me to be你说的任何话语 你想我成为什么样的人You"re me with your arms on a chain你就是我 手被链条束缚着Linked eternally in what we can"t undo永远地系在一起 我们都无法解开I"m you我就是你I am you请采纳。
2023-06-13 09:30:591

Make sure the table is securely anchored.

2023-06-13 09:31:081


2023-06-13 09:31:178


脂锚定蛋白脂锚定蛋白(lipid-anchored) 又称脂连接蛋白(lipid-linked protein),通过共价健的方式同脂分子结合,位于脂双层的外侧。同脂的结合有两种方式,一 种是蛋白质直接结合于脂双分子层,另一种方式是蛋白并不直接同脂结合,而是通过一个糖分子 间接同脂结合。脂锚定蛋白可以分为两类,一类是糖磷脂酰肌醇(GPI)连接的蛋白,GPI位于细胞膜的外小叶,用磷脂酶C(能识别含肌醇的磷脂)处理细胞,能释放出结合的蛋白。许多细胞表面的受体、酶、细胞粘附分子和引起羊瘙痒病的PrPC都是这类蛋白。另一类脂锚定蛋白与插入质膜内小叶的长碳氢链结合。 又称脂连接蛋白(lipid-linked protein),通过共价健的方式同脂分子结合,位于脂双层的外侧。同脂的结合有两种方式,一种是蛋白质直接结合于脂双分子层,另一种方式是蛋白并不直接同脂结合,而是通过一个糖分子间接同脂结合。  通过与糖的连接被锚定在膜脂上的蛋白质主要是通过短的寡糖与包埋在脂双层外叶中的糖基磷脂酰肌醇 (glycosylphophatidylionositol,GPI)相连而被锚定在质膜的外侧。之所以能够在膜上发现这类脂锚定蛋白,是因为用特异识别和切割含有肌醇磷脂的磷脂酶处理细胞膜能释放出蛋白质。这类脂锚定蛋白通常是膜受体、酶和细胞粘着分子。一种很少见的贫血;阵发性血红蛋白夜尿就是GPI合成缺陷,导致红细胞容易破裂所至。  另一类存在于细胞质面脂锚定蛋白是通过长的包埋在脂双层中的碳氢链进行锚定的。目前至少发现两种蛋白(Src 和Ras)是通过这种方式被锚定在质膜的细胞质面,提示这种锚定方式与细胞从正常状态向恶性状态转化有关。
2023-06-13 09:31:365


Regarding the updated information about the vessel,I just asked TOM.He told me that the arriving time to the designated port had been delayed,which means that the lastest ETA will be around Aug 25.The main reason for such delay is that the quantity of containers loaded on this vessel was quite small,so they decided to load more goods in Newyork first.Hope you can understand this.供参考
2023-06-13 09:31:544


那些带翻译的英语励志奋斗短语都是相当正能量的,那么英语励志奋斗短语带翻译都有哪些呢?一起来看看吧。 英语励志奋斗短语带翻译: 1. All for one, one for all我为人人,人人为我。 2. Truth is the daughter of time真理是时间的女儿。 3. He that makes all things easy习惯成自然。 9. One never lose anything by politeness讲礼貌不吃亏。 10. A common danger causes common action同舟共济。 11. Experience is the best teacher实践出真知。 12. First impressions are half the battle先入为主。 13. All time is no time e is the best东奔西跑,还是家里好。 19. He that promises too much means nothing轻诺者寡信。 20. He es good luck塞翁失马,焉知非福。 4. Suspicion is the poison of friendship怀疑是对友谊所下的毒药。 5. He laughs best es to light真相迟早会大白。 12. An old man in a house is a good sign家中有老是一个好迹象。 13. Never put off until tomorrow what may be done today今日事今日毕。 14. e to generations谎言生谎言,谎言世代传。 26. Truth hath a good face,but ill clothes真理面目善良;但衣衫褴褛。 27. False with one can be false with two对一个人虚假,也会对两个人虚假。 28. A good name keeps its luster in the dark良好的名声在黑暗中也能闪闪发光。 29. There is many a fair thing full false有许多说得好听的东西充满了谬误。 30. To be both a speaker of words and a doer of deeds既当演说家,又做实干家。 英语励志格言带翻译 1、下定决心一定要,才是成功的关键。 Was determined to, is the key to success. 2、哪里有天才,我是把别人喝咖啡的工夫都用在学习上的。 Where there is a genius, I am all the others drink coffee time on study. 3、耕耘于分秒,收获于细微。 Cultivated in minutes, in small gain. 4、对于不可改变的事实,除了认命以外,没有更好的办法了。 For the immutable fact, except the fate, no better way. 5、我不相信手掌的纹路,但我相信手掌加上手指的力量。 I don"t believe in the palm of the grain, but I believe in the power of palm and finger. 6、胜利不是战胜敌人,而是提高自己。我们只要每天进步百分之一,那就是成功。 Victory is not defeat the enemy, but to improve yourself. As long as we progress every day one percent, that is success. 7、智者一切求自己,愚者一切求他人。激励自己的经典名言。 All the wise for himself, a fool all for others. Motivate yourself classic sayings. 8、有时候对一个作家而言,真正的奖赏不是诺贝尔奖,而是盗版。 Sometimes for a writer to real reward is not a Nobel prize, but piracy. 9、喜欢吹嘘的人犹如一面大鼓,响声大腹中空。 people like to boast is like a big drum, make the greatest sound very empty. 10、当你劝告别人时,若不顾及别人的自尊心,那么再好的言语都没有用的。 When you advise others, if you don"t care about other people"s self-esteem, so it is a good words are useless. 11、一个人有钱没钱不一定,但如果这个人没有了梦想,这个人穷定了。 No money is not necessarily a person is rich, but if the person did not have the dream, this man is poor. 12、与其等着别人来爱你,不如自己学着努力多爱自己一点。 Rather than to wait someone to love you, is to learn to love yourself more. 13、看书和学习是思想的经常营养,是思想的无穷发展。 Reading and learning is often nutrition, is the endless development of thought. 14、永远不要回头看,有些人可能会瞬间超过你。 Don"t ever look back, some people may instantly more than you. 15、把工作当乐趣看,那么我们天天有乐趣。 When the work fun, so we have fun every day. 16、困难是一块顽石,对于弱者它是绊脚石,对于强者它是垫脚石。 Difficult is a piece of stone, it is a stumbling block to the weak, for it is a stepping stone to the strong. 17、没有答不了的难题,只有学不完的知识。 Without a problem, only lots of knowledge to study. 18、酸甜苦辣都是营养,成功失败都是经验。 Suantiankula are nutrition, success is failure experience. 19、青年时的失败要比壮年时的胜利,老年时的成功更令人满意。 Youth is a failure to victory than when mature, the success of the old age is more satisfactory. 20、如果你曾歌颂黎明,那麽也请你拥抱黑夜。 If you once eulogized the daybreak, then also asks you to hug the dark night. 21、你拿了我的定海神针,海底失去平衡,害得我们只能移民上岸边。 Do you have my anchored, the bottom of the sea out of balance, may have caused, we can only immigrants on the shore. 22、忽视当前一刹那的人,等于虚掷了他所有的一切。 Ignore the current moment, equal to the squandering his everything. 23、要做到坚韧不拔,最要紧的是坚持到底。 To do perseverance, stick to it is the most important thing. 24、点燃心中的渴望,因为欲望决定你想做的程度。 Ignite desire of the heart, because the desire to determine the degree of you want to do. 25、如果不踏出第一步,就永远也不可能到达目的地。 If you don"t make the first move, was never likely to reach the destination. 26、认真做人,踏实做事! Serious person, practical work! 27、人生的胜者决不会在挫折面前失去勇气。 The winner of life never lose courage in the face of a setback. 28、果真如此,不如历经风雨,把自己培养成名贵花卉。 If so, it is better after wind and rain, train for the rare flowers. 29、人生不可能总还是顺心如意,但持续朝着阳光走,影子就会躲在后面。 Life can"t always is the best, but continued to walk toward the sun, the shadow will hide behind. 30、无论你觉得自己多么的了不起,也永远有人比你更强。 No matter how great you think you are always someone stronger than you. 英语名言谚语带翻译 1、A friend is a second self.朋友是另一个我。 2、East or placency is the enemy of study.学习的敌人是自己的满足。 5、A friend fort, but a friend is both.父亲是财富, 兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。 8、A joke never gains an enemy but often loses a friend.戏谑不能在化敌为友。意思是 开玩笑总不能化敌为友,反而有时会失去朋友。 9、Friendship multiplies joys and pides griefs.友谊可以增添欢乐,可以分担忧愁。 10、A bird in the hand is my friends; form my enemy I can defend myself.防友靠天,防敌靠己。 13、A good book is a best friend mon.朋友之间不分彼此。 81、Time means life,time means speed,time means strength.时间就是生命,时间就是速度,时间就是力量。 82、A good medicine tastes bitter.良药苦口,忠言逆耳。 83、For better or for worse.同甘共苦。英语名言佳句_英语名言名句108句带中文翻译 1 It only takes a minute to get a crush on someone but an eternity to forget someone. 迷上某人只需一分钟,忘记某人却是一辈子的事. 2 If etimes the most urgent and vital thing you can possibly do is take a complete rest. 有时候你能做的最紧急重要的事情就是彻底休息. Ashleigh Brilliant 13 Do as most men do and men e,but idleness is pernicious. 事业虽扰人,懒惰害更大。 27 At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. 每一个沐浴爱河的人都是诗人. 28 The important thing in life is to have a great aim , and the determination to attain it. (Johan orroorroter than ten hearsays. 百闻不如一见. 99 Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind. 生活只是由一系列下决心的努力所构成. T.Fuller 富勒 100 The road is tortuous,but the future is bright. 道路是曲折的,前途是光明的. 101 Danger past,God forgotten. 飞鸟尽,良弓藏. 102 e, easy go. 易得者亦易失. Hazlitt 赫斯特 108 It matters not how a man dies, but how he lives. 一个人如何死是无关紧要的,重要的是如何生. S.Johnson 约翰逊 名句作为警示自己的句子,希望以上《英语励志奋斗短语带翻译》内容对您有所帮助,如果还想获取更多名句内容可以点击 励志短语正能量英语 专题。
2023-06-13 09:32:021

Make sure the table is securely anchored.

【答案】:D本题考查动词。题干:务必要把桌子安全地固定。划线词anchor意为“使固定”。选项repair意为“修理”, clear意为“清除”,book意为“预订,登记”,fix意为“固定”。anchor与fix同义,故正确答案为D。
2023-06-13 09:32:121

cutadapt 使用详解

例子: Adapter 移除 Anchored 5" adapters :adapters锚定在reads开始处,相当于adapters就是这条reads的前缀一样; Anchored 5" adapters的头(a)必须与reads头匹配,才会修剪,除非允许indel; Anchored 3" adapters的尾(r)必须与reads尾匹配,才会修剪,除非允许indel; Regular 3" adapters修剪 Regular 5" adapters修剪** Anchored 5" adapters #锚定5" adapters修剪 允许错配的话,可能会允许插入的发生: Anchored 3" adapters #锚定3" adapters修剪 Linked adapters (combined 5" and 3" adapter) 本情况下,5" 的ADAPTER1是an anchored 5" adapter -a ADAPTER1...ADAPTER2: #5" 正常修剪,3" 只有 5"存在adapter才会发生修剪; -a ADAPTER1...ADAPTER2$: #只有 5"和3" 都存在adapter才会发生修剪; Linked adapters without anchoring -g ADAPTER1...ADAPTER2 Linked adapter statistics 只适用于 (non-anchored) 3" adapters情况下; Half matches:只有5" adapters的情况; 5" or 3" adapters -b ADAPTER (or use the longer spelling --anywhere ADAPTER ). adapter允许出现在reads的任何位置;允许adapter降解;允许partially match;如果adapter前面还有碱基,adapter归于3" adapters Error tolerance 3种情况:mismatches, insertions and deletions -e ERROR_RATE, --error-rate=ERROR_RATE #adapter匹配允许的最大错配率=错配/匹配片段长度(adapter全长) Maximum allowed error rate (no. of errors divided by the length of the matching region). Default: 0.1 --no-indels:禁止adapter发生Insertions和deletions 11bp adapter,前9bp需要完全匹配,10-11 bp允许1bp错配; 40bp adapter,0.1的最大错误率,允许最多错误4bp,这4bp不是均匀分给reads各个位置的; Multiple adapter occurrences within a single read 5" and 3" adapters均识别最左边的adapter Reducing random matches -O MINLENGTH, --overlap=MINLENGTH #adapter与reads最小overlap,才算成功识别,最少3bp,再少就丢掉reads Wildcards 使用N,Y,T这种通配符 Repeated bases in the adapter sequence 可以去除ploy-A AAAAAAAAAA )等价于 A{10} 对reads的修剪 Removing a fixed number of bases #移除一定数目碱基 -u LENGTH, --cut=LENGTH #修剪reads 5"/3" 碱基,正数表示从 5"移除碱基,负数表示从3"移除碱基 Quality trimming 修剪低质量碱基,默认phred quality + 33;使用64时,需加参数:--quality-base=64 -q [5"CUTOFF,]3"CUTOFF, --quality-cutoff=[5"CUTOFF,]3"CUTOFF Quality trimming of reads using two-color chemistry (NextSeq) Quality trimming algorithm 一段序列质量编码如下: 42, 40, 26, 27, 8, 7, 11, 4, 2, 3 首先减去阈值10 32, 30, 16, 17, -2, -3, 1, -6, -8, -7 从末端开始累加, (70), (38), 8, -8, -25, -23, -20, -21, -15, -7 因为-25 最小,所以保留-25 之前的碱基, 即保留前4位碱基 Shortening reads to a fixed length -l LENGTH, --length=LENGTH #修剪reads到固定长度 Modifying read names 修改reads名字 -y SUFFIX, --suffix=SUFFIX #为reads名添加后缀,使用{name}添加adapter名字 如果reads名中有reads长度,使用参数--length-tag "length="更新 Read modification order Filtering reads reads的过滤 --minimum-length LENGTH or -m LENGTH #根据最短长度筛选reads; --too-short-output FILE #为reads长度最小值设定阈值筛选reads后,要丢弃的部分输出到文件; --maximum-length LENGTH or -M LENGTH #根据最长长度筛选reads; --too-long-output FILE #为reads长度最大值设定阈值筛选reads后,要丢弃的部分输出到文件; --untrimmed-output FILE #将没有adapter未做修剪的reads输出到一个文件,而不是输出到trimmed reads结果文件 --discard-trimmed #丢弃只有一个adapter的reads --discard-trimmed 等价于 --untrimmed-output /dev/null #丢弃没有adapter的reads -U: 修剪第二条reads的碱基; 对成对的reads都起作用的参数: 双端测序reads的过滤: 交叉双端测序reads: 也是双端测序,只是所有reads在一个文件;read1在read2前面; 正常双端测序,输出这种格式文件: Legacy paired-end read trimming #双端测序修剪 双端测序文件单独处理:(双端测序没有共同的参数的处理) 双端测序文件单独处理:(双端测序经过共同参数的处理) 多条adapter 两条3" adapters 使用adapters文件,fasta格式 Named adapters Demultiplexing --no-trim : #不修剪reads,保留adapter --untrimmed-output : #输出没有adapter的reads到新文件,默认输出到正常trimmed reads结果文件 --untrimmed-paired-output:接受PE测序,没有adapter的reads2输出 barcodes.fasta Trimming more than one adapter from each read 单端和双端reads1: A + the “TruSeq Indexed Adapter” PE reads: reads2: TruSeq Universal Adapter Warning about incomplete adapter sequences 扩增子测序可以忽略这些警告。 Dealing with N bases --max-n COUNT #丢掉超过一定数目N 的reads; --trim-n #修剪reads末端的"N" Bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) 需要移除3" 端除adapter外的两个碱基; 0-7 bp,不允许错配;8-15 bp,允许错配1bp; 16-20 bp允许错配 2bp; Format of the info file --info-file=FILE Write information about each read and its adapter matches into FILE. #每条reads与adapter的匹配信息 The alignment algorithm unit costs mismatches, insertions and deletions are counted as one error,这样就只需要一个参数(最大错误率)就可以判断是否进行下一步操作 基本理念:在允许的错误率下 ,adapter与reads匹配的区域最大化; the procedure is as follows: In Step 1, the different adapter types are taken into account: Only those overlaps that are actually allowed by the adapter type are actually considered.
2023-06-13 09:33:061