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2023-06-13 21:50:24



  When You Are Old

  ----by William Butler Yeats

  When you are old and grey and full of sleep,

  And nodding by the fire, take down the book,

  And slowly read, and dream of the soft look,

  Your eyes had once, and of their shadow deep;

  How many loved your moments of glad grace,

  And loved your beautywith love false or true,

  Buit one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,

  And loved the sorrows of your changing face.

  And bending down beside the glowing bars,

  Murmur, a little sadly,how love fled

  And paced upon the mountains overhead,

  And hid his face amid3 a crowd of stars.















  ***袁可嘉 译***


  Sailing to Byzantium

  THAT is no country for old men. The young

  In one another"s arms, birds in the trees

  - Those dying generations - at their song,

  The salmon-falls, the mackerel-crowded seas,

  Fish, flesh, or fowl, mend all summer long

  Whatever is begotten, born, and dies.

  Caught in that sensual music all neglect

  Monuments of unageing intellect.

  An aged man is but a paltry thing,

  A tattered coat upon a stick, unless

  Soul clap its hands and sing, and louder sing

  For every tatter in its mortal dress,

  Nor is there singing school but studying

  Monuments of its own magnificence;

  And therefore I have sailed the seas and e

  To the holy city of Byzantium.

  O sages standing in God"s holy fire

  As in the gold mosaic of a wall,

  e from the holy fire, perne in a gyre,

  And be the singing-masters of my soul.

  Consume my heart away; sick with desire

  And fastened to a dying animal

  It knows not what it is; and gather me

  Into the artifice of eternity.

  Once out of nature I shall never take

  My bodily form from any natural thing,

  But such a form as Grecian gold *** iths make

  Of hammered gold and gold enamelling

  To keep a drowsy Emperor awake;

  Or set upon a golden bough to sing

  To lords and ladies of Byzantium

  Of what is past, or passing, or to e.


































  When You Are Old

  When you are old and grey and full of sleep,

  And nodding by the fire, take down this book,

  And slowly read, and dream of the soft look

  Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;

  How many loved your moments of glad grace,

  And loved your beauty with love false or true,

  But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,

  And loved the sorrows of your changing face;

  And bending down beside the glowing bars,

  Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled

  And paced upon the mountains overhead

  And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.

  n William Butler Yeats




2023-06-13 07:10:061

英语a bodily exercise precious to health怎么翻译?

a bodily exercise precious to health对健康宝贵的身体锻炼
2023-06-13 07:11:083


body 是名词,哪里会有副词形式
2023-06-13 07:11:183

body lotion lotion pour le corps 什么意思?? 具体点

是法国的名牌化妆品系列产品,CK的浴后润肤乳:)~~ lait pour le corps body lotion(身体润肤乳液) 用法:洗完澡时涂抹于全身. Gel pour le bain et la Douche bath and shouwer gel(诗情爱意沐浴凝露) --用法:就是洗澡用的沐浴乳,淡淡的香. "bath and shouwer gel"是(沐浴露) 都是法国名牌产品,一瓶要六七百元的:)~~
2023-06-13 07:11:271


bod的读音为:英[bu0252d];美 [bɑd]。一、基础释义:人体、躯体、身体;生化需氧量(biochemical oxygen demand)、生物需氧量、生物耗氧量、生物化学需氧量、 生物化学的。复数形式是bods。二、同根词词根:bod。bodily形容词指身体的、肉体的。副词指整体地、亲自地、以肉体形式。bodied形容词指有形的、有躯体的。动词指赋某某以形体、体现(body的过去分词)。bodiless形容词指无形的,无躯体的。body名词指身体、主体、大量、团体、主要部分。三、双语例句:1、Just because a woman kisses you,it doesn"t mean that she"s hot for your bod right then and there.如果女人和你仅仅接过吻,这并不代表她对你产生了冲动。2、Bod and I kicked around the idea of going swimming,but it was hot and we were too lazy.鲍勃和我说来说去想去游泳,可是天气太热,我们也懒得动。3、Don"t be surprised if she leaves you for a younger man.Women like a fresh face and buff bod,too.假如年轻姑娘因为年轻小伙的原因而离开了你,也别那么惊讶。毕竟女人也喜欢男人长相俊朗身材强壮。4、All effluent must be treated to remove at least 85% BOD regardless of the effect on the quality of the receiving stream.所有废水都必须去除85%的BOD,不管它对接纳水体的水质带来多大的影响。
2023-06-13 07:12:071


2023-06-13 07:12:3011

bodily experience 和mental experience的区别是什么?

1。crowding - 可以作为动名词及进行时动词之用,例如:The room could house all the students without crowding. (那个房间可以容得下所有学生而不会有拥挤感觉)或者:The group marched forward by crowding the pavement.(那群人从行人道上挤着往前冲过去了)2. crowded - 作为形容词或过去分词,例如:The market is a crowded place.(市场是一处非常拥挤的地方),或者:Students crowded the place. (那地方到处挤满了学生)
2023-06-13 07:12:575

bodily harm什么意思

bodily harm[英][u02c8bu0254dli: hɑ:m][美][u02c8bɑdli hɑrm][法] 身体伤害; He plead guilty to assault occasion actual bodily harm.他供认了引起实际身体伤害的侵犯人身罪。
2023-06-13 07:13:132

bodily-kinesthetic intelligence是什么意思

Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence 身体运动智能 动觉智力 身体动觉智能 肢体如:身体运动智能(身体的才能)包括运用自己的全身或身体的某些部分来解决问题的潜能。Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence (body smart) entails the potential of using one"s whole body or parts of the body to solve problems.
2023-06-13 07:13:341

请问 身体器官的英语怎么读

身体部位 body parts 头 head 头发 hair 眉毛 eyebrow 眼睛 eye 鼻 nose 耳朵 ear 面颊 cheek 酒窝 dimple 胡须 beard 髯 whiskers 髭 mustache 嘴 mouth 嘴唇 lip 牙齿 tooth 舌头 tongue 下颔 chin 颚 jaw 颈 neck 肩 shoulder 手臂 arm 肘 elbow 手腕 wrist 手 hand 手掌 palm 手指 finger 拇指 thumb 食指 fore finger ; index finger 中指 middle finger 小指 little finger 无名指 third finger ; ring finger 指甲 finger nail 拳头 fist 胸 chest 乳房 breast 腰 waist 腹 abdomen ; belly 臀部 hips ; buttocks 大腿 thigh 小腿 lower leg ; shin 膝盖 knee cap ; patella 膝 knee 脚 foot 脚跟 heel 脚趾 toe 大趾 hallux toe ; big toe 中趾 middle toe 二趾 second toe 无名趾 nameless toe ; fourth toe 小趾 little toe
2023-06-13 07:13:422


2023-06-13 07:13:594


是抗菌后效应。将细菌暴露于浓度高于MIC的某种抗菌药后,再除去培养基中的抗菌药,去除抗菌药后的一定时间范围内(常以小时计)细菌繁殖不能恢复正常,这种现象称抗菌后效应或抗生素后效应。抗菌后效应的长短与药物浓度、接触时间呈依赖关系,对临床合理使用抗生素药物、重新评价抗生素的不良反应和联合用药具有重要指导意义。影响 PAE 的因素1、抗菌药物种类同种细菌接触不同种类抗菌药物后所表现的PAE值不同。主要是因为不同种类抗菌药物的作用机制不同。一般讲,对G +菌,氟喹诺酮类,万古霉素,大环内酯类,四环素类等的PAE 较强,而β-内酰胺类药物呈中度PAE,磺胺类PAE最短。2、细菌种类及接种量细菌种类不同,PAE值也不同,PALE值也不同,如测定环丙沙星对粪链球菌无PAE , 对金葡菌、大肠杆菌的PAE则分别为1.9和4.1h,又如氨苄青霉素对流感嗜血杆菌临床分离株的PAE为1.5,2.1h , 而对奇异变形杆菌却不表现明显的PAE现象。3、抗菌药物浓度和接触时间
2023-06-13 07:14:071

调理身体机能 英语

Conditioning bodily functions
2023-06-13 07:14:373


2023-06-13 07:14:477


多元智能理论是由美国哈佛大学教育研究院的心理发展学家霍华·加德纳提出的。多元智能理论是由美国哈佛大学教育研究院的心理发展学家霍华·加德纳(Howard Gardner)在1983年提出的。加德纳从研究受过脑部创伤的病人在学习能力上的差异,从而提出本理论。传统上学习通常只强调学生在数学感(逻辑感)和语文(读写)上的发展,但这并非人类智能的全部,不同的人会有不同的智能组合。例如:建筑师及雕塑家的空间感较强;运动员和舞蹈演员的体力感较强;管理者的人际能力较强;作家的内省智能较强等等……多元智能理论的八种类型:加德纳认为,支撑多元智能理论的是个体身上相对独立存在着的、与特定的认知领域和知识领域相联系的八种智能,具体为:1.语言 (Verbal/Linguistic),2.逻辑数理(Logical/Mathematical),3.空间 (Visual/Spatial)4.运动 (Bodily/Kinesthetic),5.音乐 (Musical/Rhythmic),6.人际 (Inter-personal/Social),7.内省 (Intra-personal/Introspective),8.自然探索(Naturalist)9.存在(Existentialist Intelligence,加德纳后来又补充)。
2023-06-13 07:15:111

body language is the quiet 完形填空文章翻译

【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。作者认为身势语比言辞更有效,而身势语却常常被人们忽视。在进行跨文化交流过程中,身势语尤为重要。作者以拉丁美洲人和挪威人为例进行了阐述。最后作者指出:不管什么情况,最好的建议是:对待别人像你希望被对待的那样。(你想别人怎么对待你,你就怎样对待别人。)36. A. straighter B. louder C. harder D. further【答案】B【解析】身势语比语言表达的意思更响亮,更清楚。此处louder意为:声音更大,即更有说服力。谚语Action speaks louder than words.(事实胜于雄辩。)【考点定位】考查副词的比较级及语境理解。37. A. sounds B. invitations C. feelings D. messages 【答案】D【解析】据专家称:我们的身体发出比我们意识到的更多的信息。此处sound声音;invitation邀请;feeling感觉;message信息。【考点定位】考查名词词义辨析及语境理解。38. A. hope B. receive C. discover D. mean 【答案】D【解析】实际上,非语言交际占据了约50%我们真正想表达的意思。此处hope希望;receive 接收;discover发现;mean表达意思。【考点定位】考查动词词义辨析及语境理解。39. A. immediate B. misleading C. important D. difficult【答案】C【解析】当我们进行跨文化交流时,身势语显得尤为重要。此处immediate立刻; misleading 误导的;important重要的;difficult困难的。【考点定位】考查形容词词义辨析。40. A. well B. far C. much D. long【答案】C 【解析】身势语是被我们事实上常常忽视的很大的一部分。【考点定位】考查形容词的用法。41. A. For example B. Thus C. However D. In short【答案】A【解析】文章以拉丁美洲人和挪威人为例,说明不同的社会群体对待距离的态度是不同的。【考点定位】考查副词词义。42. A. trade B. distance C. connections D. greetings 【答案】B【解析】不同的社会群体对待人们之间接触的距离是不同的。此处trade交易; distance 距离; connection联系;greeting问候。【考点定位】考查名词词义及语境理解。43. A. eye B. verbal C. bodily D. telephone【答案】C【解析】北欧人通常不喜欢身体的接触,即使是朋友,当然更不用说陌生人。此处eye 眼睛,眼神;verbal 言辞的; bodily身体的;telephone电话。【考点定位】考查语境理解。44. A. strangers B. relatives C. neighbours D. enemies【答案】A【解析】北欧人通常不喜欢身体的接触,即使是朋友,当然更不用说陌生人。此处strangers陌生人;relatives亲戚;neighbours邻居;enemies敌人。【考点定位】考查名词词义。45. A. in other words B. on the other hand C. in a similar way D. by all means【答案】B【解析】此处on the other hand意为:然而,在另一方面。然而,拉丁美洲国家的人们相互接触的就很多。【考点定位】考查插入语的含义及语境理解。46. A. trouble B. conversation C. silence D. experiment【答案】B【解析】在对话过程中,拉丁人跟在挪威人满屋子转是可能的。此处trouble 麻烦;conversation对话; silence 沉默;experiment实验。【考点定位】考查名词词义辨析。47. A. disturbing B. helping C. guiding D. following【答案】D【解析】在对话过程中,拉丁人跟在挪威人满屋子转(following)是可能的。此处follow意为:跟着. . .走。【考点定位】考查动词词义及语境理解。48. A. closer B. faster C. in D. away【答案】A【解析】拉丁人保持靠近些表示友谊。【考点定位】考查语境理解。49. A. stepping forward B. going on C. backing away D. coming out【答案】C【解析】挪威人将不断的后退。此处step forward前进; go on 继续;back away后退;come out出来。【考点定位】考查动词短语的含义及语境理解。50. A. weakness B. carelessness C. friendliness D. coldness【答案】D【解析】拉丁人反过来认为他们很冷淡。此处weakness虚弱; carelessness粗心;friendliness 友谊;coldness冷淡。【考点定位】考查名词词义。51. A. talk B. travel C. laugh D. think【答案】A 【解析】很显然,当人们谈话时,许多东西都在进行。【考点定位】考查动词词义辨析。52. A. different B. European C. Latino D. rich【答案】A【解析】当我们的伙伴来自于不同的文化背景时,误解的可能性就会很大。【考点定位】考查形容词词义。53. A. curiosity B. excitement C. misunderstanding D. nervousness【答案】C【解析】当我们的伙伴来自于不同的文化背景时,误解的可能性就会很大。【考点定位】考查名词词义及语境理解。54. A. chance B. time C. result D. advice【答案】D【解析】不管什么样的情景,最好的建议是遵守这样的黄金规则:对待别人像你希望被对待的那样。【考点定位】考查名词词义辨析。55. A. noticed B. treated C. respected D. pleased【答案】B【解析】不管什么样的情景,最好的建议是遵守这样的黄金规则:对待别人像你希望被对待的那样。(你想别人怎样对待你,你就怎样对待别人。)【考点定位】考查动词词义辨析。谢谢 请采纳
2023-06-13 07:15:342


  加德纳认为过去对智力的定义过于狭窄,未能正确反映一个人的真实能力。他认为,人的智力应该是一个量度他的解题能力(ability to solve problems)的指标。根据这个定义,他在《心智的架构》(Frames of Mind, Gardner, 1983)这本书里提出,人类的智能至少可以分成七个范畴(后来增加至八个和九个):  1.语言 (Verbal/Linguistic)  2.数理逻辑 (Logical/Mathematical)  3.空间 (Visual/Spatial)  4.身体-运动 (Bodily/Kinesthetic)  5.音乐 (Musical/Rhythmic)  6.人际 (Inter-personal/Social)  7.内省 (Intra-personal/Introspective)  8.自然探索 (Naturalist,加德纳在1995年补充)  9.存在(Existentialist Intelligence,加德纳后来又补充)  另外,有其它学者从内省智能分拆出“灵性智能”(spiritual intelligence)。
2023-06-13 07:15:422


He 希望帮助你
2023-06-13 07:16:049


2023-06-13 07:16:472


蛇 The snake belongs 爬行纲 蛇目. The body is tall and slender, thefour limbs degenerate, bodily surface cover lamella. The majority isthe land lives, also some half tree roosts, half Shui Qi and the waterroosts. Take the mouse, the frog, the insect and so on as the food. Assoon as distributes the nonpoisonous snake and has the poisonoussnake. The poisonous snake and nonpoisonous snake"s body drafts thedifference to include: Poisonous snake"s head generally is a triangle;The inside the mouth has the poison fang, the tooth root has thepoison gland, can secrete the venom; In the ordinary circumstances thetail is very short, and sudden thinning. The nonpoisonous snakeforehead is an ellipse; The inside the mouth does not have the poisonfang; The rear part is gradually the thinning. Although may suchdistinguish, but also has the exception, cannot lower one"s guard.Snake"s type very many, proliferates the world, the tropics are most.Within the boundaries of China"s poisonous snake has the long-nodedpit viper, the Shaoxing wine, the cobra, the pallas pit viper and thebungarus fasciatus and so on; The nonpoisonous snake has the elaphecarinata, the python, the greatly red chain and so on. Not the poisonous snake"s meat may edible, the snake venom and thesnake gallbladder are the precious drugs, but some snakes also protectthe animal. The snake is cannot attack on own initiative to the person, only ifyou have projected on its stature. If your foot has stepped on itstime, it meets the instinct to turn head immediately nips your foot,sprays the venom, makes you to drop down. When the people walk on themountain road, "alerts the enemy" uses very much in thisappropriately. Your hand holds a wooden club, has the elastic woodenstick to be best. On the one hand walks on the other hand toward thethick patch of grass in delimits hits, if the thick patch of grass hasthe snake, can frightened evade. With hard beats with a clubthe snake is the most dangerous movement, because wooden good placevery small, is not easy to strike but actually the snake. The corstick has the elasticity, hits when the snake the wooden stick pastes,the snake hits the possibility to be bigger. The snake hits seveninches, this is snake"s critical spot, hit this spot, the snake cannotmove.
2023-06-13 07:17:002


The rock climbing skill three fixation methods are the rock climbing essential method, the main point are: Have certain request to the bodily various spots posture and the movement. Bodily posture: When climb rock cliff the body wants the nature to relax, by 3 pivot stable body center of gravity, but the center of gravity must along with the climb movement transformation migration, this is a key which whether the rock climbing stable, balanced, does reduce effort. Arm movement: When artificial dike climb, requests the first knuckle effort to dig out the tight pivot at the same time, the skill must be anxious, the palm of the hand must paste on the dike, the small arm also must sag along with the palm of the hand adpressed dike, when directs the body, the finger (grasps) to have the pressure to lift the arm movement. When climbs the natural dike its movement is very big on the change, must use each forcibly method differently according to the pivot, like grasps, grasps, hangs, digs out, digs up, pinches, pulls, pushes, presses, supports and so on. The slide skill 1) first controls the good slide, maintains a steady speed; 2) front the foot will place among the slide (to be apart from front axle bolt probably to have 5 centimeters place), after the foot will place the slide rear part upwarping place; 3) squats down, in order to make the movement which jumps; 4) with after foot fierce spot board tail, gets up the slide ball, simultaneously upwardly jumps with every effort, and brings with the front foot washboard face front; 5) in airborne curls up the body, with every effort enable the knee to approach the chest, after receives the foot, causes the board in Gao Shicheng horizontal position; 6) meets down this steady falling, the attention as far as possible falls the both feet on the slide Twinbridge bolt place, reduces to the slide flushes 7) finally the curving both legs, enable the movement to have a cushion, causes the movement to reveal has ornamental steadily.
2023-06-13 07:18:201


2023-06-13 07:18:333


形容一个人头脑很愚钝,不聪明的词? 笨头笨脑:笨:愚钝。形容不聪明,头脑反应迟钝。 形容一个人聪明的词语 冰雪聪明、 聪明伶俐、 足智多谋、 秀外慧中、 福慧双修、 口齿伶俐、 聪明一世、 抓乖弄俏、 心灵手巧、 精明强干、 大巧若拙、 敏而好学、 颖悟绝伦、 慧心巧思、 聪明才智、 七窍玲珑、 慧心妙舌、 大智若愚、 目达耳通、 见经识经、 见精识精、 千伶百俐、 智勇双全、 神机妙算 形容一个人,头脑很聪明哪些形容词。 聪明伶俐 点头会意 见经识经 见精识精 精明能干 精明强干 伶俐乖巧 伶牙俐齿 巧捷万端 千伶百俐 手疾眼快 手急眼快 四清六活 别具慧眼 百伶百俐 辨日炎凉 冰雪聪明 聪明绝世 聪明伶俐 聪明一世 聪明正直 大巧若拙 福慧双修 好汉不吃眼前亏 慧心妙舌 慧心巧思 好行小慧 绝顶聪明 精明能干 精明强干 绝圣弃智 敬谢不敏 谨谢不敏 锦心绣肠 口齿伶俐 兰质蕙心 目达耳通 敏而好学 形容一个人聪明的100词语 聪明伶俐 点头会意 见经识经 见精识精 精明能干精明强干 伶俐乖巧 伶牙俐齿 巧捷万端 千伶百俐手疾眼快 手急眼快 四清六活 别具慧眼 百伶百俐 辨日炎凉 冰雪聪明 聪明绝世 聪明伶俐 聪明一世 聪明正直 大巧若拙福慧双修 好汉不吃眼前亏 慧心妙舌 慧心巧思 好行小慧绝顶聪明 精明能干 精明强干 绝圣弃智 敬谢不敏谨谢不敏 锦心绣肠 口齿伶俐 兰质蕙心 目达耳通敏而好学 卖乖弄俏 冥顽不灵 明昭昏蒙 弄巧成拙弄巧反拙 偶变投隙 巧妇难为无米之炊 七行俱下 千虑一失七窍玲珑 识时务者为俊杰 时势造英雄 上智下愚 投机取巧剔透玲珑 万物之灵 小时了了 秀外慧中 小黠大痴右手画圆,左手画方 颖悟绝伦 颖悟绝人 予智予雄 抓乖卖俏抓乖弄俏 足智多谋 百伶百俐 四清六活 形容一个人聪明的词语有那些? 聪明伶俐 点头会意 见经识经 见精识精 精明能干 精明强干 伶俐乖巧 伶牙俐齿 巧捷万端 千伶百俐 手疾眼快 手急眼快 四清六活 别具慧眼 百伶百俐 辨日炎凉 冰雪聪明 聪明绝世 聪明伶俐 聪明一世 聪明正直 大巧若拙 福慧双修 好汉不吃眼前亏 慧心妙舌 慧心巧思 好行小慧 绝顶聪明 精明能干 精明强干 绝圣弃智 敬谢不敏 谨谢不敏 锦心绣肠 口齿伶俐 兰质蕙心 目达耳通 敏而好学 卖乖弄俏 冥顽不灵 明昭昏蒙 弄巧成拙 弄巧反拙 偶变投隙 巧妇难为无米之炊 七行俱下 千虑一失 七窍玲珑 识时务者为俊杰 时势造英雄 上智下愚 投机取巧 剔透玲珑 万物之灵 小时了了 秀外慧中 小黠大痴 右手画圆,左手画方 颖悟绝伦 颖悟绝人 予智予雄 抓乖卖俏 抓乖弄俏 足智多谋 百伶百俐 四清六活 语文智慧(Linguistic Intelligence) 掌握并运用语言、文字的能力。是人类最早表现出来的智慧。 数理逻辑智慧(Logical-Mathematical Intelligence) 指逻辑推理、数学运算以及科学分析方面的能力 身体动觉智慧(Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence) 指运用全身或身体的某一部分,解决问题或创造作品的能力 空间智慧(Spatial Intelligence) 指标对所观察的事物,在脑海中形成一个模型或图象从而加以运用的能力。大脑右后部位受伤的病人,会失去辨别方向的能力,易于迷路,其辨认面孔和关注细节的能力明显减弱。 音乐智慧(Musical Intelligence) 指感觉、欣赏、演奏、歌唱、创作音乐的能力。大脑右半球的一部分,在对音乐的感知和创作上,起重要的作用。脑损伤的确会造成人的“失歌症”。从多种文化得到的证据表明,音乐是人类的一种普遍的本能,在幼儿阶段确实有一种与生俱来计算音高的能力。 举例:梅纽因,3岁时和父母去听音乐会,于是非常喜欢小提琴,坚持要父母在他生日时送给他小提琴,还要让在音乐会上表演的那位小提琴家作他的老师,他的愿望都实现了,10岁时已经成为了世界知名的小提琴家。 人际关系智慧(Interpersonal Intelligence) 指了解他人,与人合作的能力。特别是观察他人的情绪、性格、动机、意向的能力 自省智慧(Intrapersonal Intelligence) 指自知、自处、深入自己内心世界的能力 自然观察智慧(Naturalist Intelligence) 用<井>字去形容一个自认为不聪明的人 这个不好,会遭人嫌弃的,活在当下,珍惜该珍惜就好了不,加油一些的。 形容人不聪明的成语 【笨手笨脚】:形容动作不灵活。作谓语、定语、状语;指不灵活。 【呆头呆脑】呆:呆板,不灵活。形容思想、行动迟钝笨拙。作状语、定语;指愚笨。 【脑子生锈】:比喻思想僵化。作谓语;指思想僵化。 【愚不可及】:愚:傻,笨,及:比得上。愚蠢得别人比不上。形容极其愚笨。作宾语、定语;指人弱智。 形容一个人很聪明的成语 【绝顶聪明】:绝顶:最高处,至高无上。形容极其聪明无人能比 【耳聪目明】:聪:听觉灵敏;明:眼力敏锐。听得清楚,看得明白。形容头脑清楚,眼光敏锐。 【兰质蕙心】:兰花的本质,蕙草的心蕊,形容美丽而聪明。 【秀外慧中】:秀:秀丽;慧:聪明。外表秀丽,内心聪明。 【足智多谋】:足:充实,足够;智:聪明、智慧;谋:计谋。富有智慧,善于谋划。形容人善于料事和用计。 【聪明过人】:智力超过一般的人,形容人很聪明 【聪明一世】:表示一个人一辈子聪明。 【大智若愚】:某些才智出众的人不露锋芒,看来好像愚笨。 【心灵手巧】:心思灵敏,手艺巧妙。 【辩才无碍】:碍:滞碍。本是佛教用语,指菩萨为人说法,义理通达,言辞流利,后泛指口才好,能辩论。 【才华盖世】:盖:覆盖,超过。才能很高,远远超过当代的人。 【智圆行方】:圆:圆满,周全;方:端正,不苟且。知识要广博周备,行事要方正不苟。 【大智大勇】:指非凡的才智和勇气。 【予智予雄】:自以为聪明和英雄。形容妄自尊大。 【智勇双全】:又有智谋,又很勇敢。 【足智多谋】:足:充实,足够;智:聪明、智慧;谋:计谋。富有智慧,善于谋划。形容人善于料事和用计。 【百伶百俐】:形容非常聪明乖巧。 【聪明睿智】:指聪颖明智。 【聪明绝顶】:聪明:聪敏有智慧;绝顶:最高处,无人超越。意思是有着无人能及的聪明才智。 【聪明才智】:聪:听觉敏锐。明:视觉敏锐。指有丰富敏捷的智力和显著的才能。 【冰雪聪明】:比喻人聪明非凡。 【玲珑剔透】:玲珑:精巧细致;剔透:孔穴明晰。形容器物精致通明,结构细巧。也比喻人精明灵活。 【聪明智慧】:智力过人,心思敏锐 满意请采纳哦~~ 形容一个人聪明的成语 形容一个人聪明的成语 : 冰雪聪明、 聪明伶俐、 足智多谋、 秀外慧中、 福慧双修、 口齿伶俐、 聪明一世、 抓乖弄俏、 心灵手巧、 精明强干、 大巧若拙、 敏而好学、 颖悟绝伦、 慧心巧思、 聪明才智、 七窍玲珑、 慧心妙舌、 大智若愚、 目达耳通、 见经识经、 见精识精、 千伶百俐、 智勇双全、 神机妙算 形容人残暴不聪明的成语? 头脑简单,四肢发达..有勇无谋..血液只流向四肢不流向大脑...
2023-06-13 07:18:571

非限制性定语从句中的which is可以省略吗?

2023-06-13 07:19:051

smok电子烟显示max puffs是什么意思

2023-06-13 07:19:133


2023-06-13 07:19:301


2023-06-13 07:19:391


old six busy骂人话【老 六 忙】
2023-06-13 07:19:5014

英语完形这个题 ancient greek philosopher...为什么是填尽管?

2023-06-13 07:20:183


She Li
2023-06-13 07:20:274

spiritual.physical.mental.material.bodily他们的区别和联系是什么啊? 要有例句,能典型区分他们的...

spiritual精神上的physical身体的,肉体的mental.精神的,心理的 2. 智力的,脑力的material这个词也表示肉体上的,但是很少用bodily肉体的,身体的;物质上的(很少用) 您是用手机进行提问的,字数受限,抱歉
2023-06-13 07:21:031

以 enjoy your feelings为题写一篇英语作文

Emotions have a bad rep these days. Especially in medical research, emotions are usually the enemies. This orientation is understandable with respect to rage, butlaughing and crying also are treated as pathological. There are many studies of a new diagnosis called Emotional Lability (EL) and the even more extreme one, Emotional Incontinence (EI). "For Heaven"s sake, stop crying: you are making a mess all over my new tablecloth."It seems to have occurred to only a few researchers that the absence of emotional expression might be a far wider problem, and possibly a much more damaging one. There is only one diagnosis that hits this mark directly (alexithymia), but it is less discussed.The current trend in medicine, and indeed in the public at large, is that the way to deal with emotions is to CONTROL them. This note is to recommend another direction, however. We all have emotions, so let"s ENJOY them. For example, young people still enjoy fear by going on roller coasters and viewing horror movies. How is it possible to enjoy fear, which most of us think of as a highly negative and painful emotion?Thereby lies a tale called catharsis. Suppose that sadness (grief) is mostly physical: bodily preparation to cry. Reacting to a lost attachment, our muscles and tear glands automatically prepare us to sob loudly and tear plentifully. Crying resolves the bodily tension of preparation: we feel less sad and tense, and more relaxed.So to enjoy grief, cry it out. However, there is a complication implied in the rollercoaster example. The ride and the fear it generates can be enjoyed only if the riders feel perfectly SAFE. "Painful emotions" can be enjoyed only if expressed in a safe context. This is the basic message of the ancient theory of catharsis in the theatre: the drama must move the audience to identify with the play"s emotions, but at the same time realizing that it is only a drama.We have "good cries" when we are able to rapidly move in and out of the grief. Peter Levine (1997) called it pendulation. Without this movement, we either don"t feel at all, repression, or feel so much that we get lost in it (a "bad cry").The way to enjoy emotions is to feel them in a safe context: expressing them to an empathic counselor or friend, with a sad film, song or book, or if alone, taking care to cycle back and forth between crying and watching yourself cry. Like Wordsworth"s definition of poetry, we enjoy all and any emotions, positive or negative, when they are remembered in tranquility.We all do a similar cycle in conversations in order to understand what others mean: we move back and forth between our own point of view and that of the other person. Otherwise much talk would be ambiguous or even incomprehensible. In early childhood, we get so used to doing it that we don"t notice that we are doing it. So talking to one"s self as if another person were present, especially a beloved person, turns out to be a good idea: "Hi mom, I need to talk to you about what a bad day I had."The way to enjoy our emotions is to feel them in a safe context for as long as necessary. In our society, a safe place for this kind of activity is often hard to find. Most of the people we know are not receptive to intense crying, especially the kind of long term crying that is necessary part of mourning a deep loss. As Iris Dement"s song puts it so beautifully, there"s no time to cry.Most experts in the social/behavioral sciences and psychiatry disagree. They think, mistakenly, that the theory of catharsis has been disproved. But the disproving studies didn"t even consider the issue of pendulation. The reviews of my 1979 book on catharsis were not friendly, to say the least. Could it be that the experts are wrong?My last column was mostly about two emotions, grief and fear. This column will concern two other emotions, shame and anger, and also another kind of stress, bodily tension such as illness and fatigue. Emotions and feelings are at core physical, rather than only mental. Sadness is the feeling we get when bodily preparations to cry are not carried out. In this view, crying is the orgasm of a state of bodily arousal: grief. The habit of controlling emotions by ignoring them turns out to be a huge problem. Over the long haul, unresolved emotional arousals can build up to the point of continuous painful feelings and/or tension.Last time I proposed that all emotions, both positive and negative, can be enjoyed. The challenge is to be able to experience them in a third way: neither 1. ignoring them, on the one hand, nor 2. getting lost in them, on the other. In drama theory this third state is called aesthetic distance. The audience is to identify with the characters to point of feeling their emotions, but at the same time remembering that they are NOT the characters.Strong emotions can be enjoyed in a safe environment: theatre, film, books, songs, or telling one"s experience to an empathic person, or even to one"s self. Peter Levine (1997) described this state as pendulation, moving very quickly back and forth between painful feelings and the safe present. I once had an extraordinary fear experience in this mode: after an excruciatingly dangerous experience, my body took over, shaking and sweating til my clothes were drenched. It was not painful, and I felt completely relaxed when it was over. Shaking and sweating seems to be the orgasm of fear arousal.Like many people, when angry I may get loud and mean. But I have had several anger experiences of a quite different kind. I told the culprit "I am angry at you because....." in an ordinary voice. Since this approach is so undramatic, I have had to repeat my complaint several times. Then two things happened: the other person started apologizing, and I felt hot. I realized that it was not the room that had gotten warm, but my body. Apparently catharsis doesn"t involve yelling and fighting. It is rather an internal process: heat metabolizes the adrenaline of bodily preparation to fight. Could body heat signal the orgasm of anger?Shame, embarrassment and humiliation: When I tell students to describe to the class their most embarrassing moment, many of them are convulsed with laughter telling the story. Laughter seems to be the orgasm of shame. However, it"s often difficult to get to laughter, especially if one was deeply humiliated. What is often required are many repetitions of just talk about the incident, before one can find humor in it.It also needs to be said that just as there is a good cry and a bad one, there is also a good laugh and a bad one. A good laugh turns out to be when one is laughing at one"s self ("Silly me") or the universe, but not at other people. Laughing at others usually is ridicule, driven by anger: no help to either party.One final comment on yawning. Even though most people think that yawing increases one"s oxygen supply, there is no evidence. In my experience, I yawn when I am tired, not when I am sleepy, and when under intense physical pain. A trip to the dentist often results in a fit of yawning afterwards. In my most painful illness, I think that extraordinary fits of yawning made the pain bearable.As you may have guessed by now, I am not saying that it"s easy to enjoy your emotions, only that it is possible. With enough time and practice, I think that anyone can learn the art of distancing (pendulation) of one"s emotions to make them less painful and to begin the long process of resolution. It may be that the future for human beings depends on everyone learning this lesson.
2023-06-13 07:21:371


Mary (Virgin Mary) I INTRODUCTION Mary (Virgin Mary), the mother of Jesus Christ, venerated by Christians since apostolic times (1st century). The Gospels give only a fragmentary account of Mary"s life, mentioning her chiefly in connection with the beginning and the end of Jesus" life. Matthew speaks of Mary as Joseph"s wife, who was “with child of the Holy Spirit” before they “came together” as husband and wife (Matthew 1:18). After the birth of Jesus, she was present at the visit of the Magi (Matthew 2:11), fled with Joseph to Egypt (Matthew 2:14), and returned to Nazareth (Matthew 2:23). Mark simply refers to Jesus as the son of Mary (Mark 6:3). Luke"s narrative of the nativity includes the angel Gabriel"s announcement to Mary foretelling the birth of Jesus (Luke 1:27-38); her visit to her kinswoman Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist, and Mary"s hymn, the Magnificat (Luke 1:39-56); and the shepherds" visit to the manger (Luke 2:1-20). Luke also tells of Mary"s perplexity at finding Jesus in the Temple questioning the teachers when he was 12 years old. The Gospel of John contains no infancy narrative, nor does it mention Mary"s name; she is referred to as “the mother of Jesus” (John 2:1-5; 19:25-27). According to John, she was present at the first of Jesus" miracles at the wedding feast of Cana and at his death. Mary is also mentioned as being present in the upper room at Olivet with the apostles and with Jesus" brothers before Pentecost (Acts 1:14). II THE EARLY CHURCH As early as the 2nd century, Christians venerated Mary by calling her Mother of God, a title that primarily stresses the divinity of Jesus. During the controversies of the 4th century concerning the divine and human natures of Jesus, the Greek title theotókos (Mother of God) came to be used for Mary in devotional and theological writing. Nestorius, patriarch of Constantinople (present-day u0130stanbul), contested this usage, insisting that Mary was mother of Christ, not of God. In 431, the Council of Ephesus condemned Nestorianism and solemnly affirmed that Mary is to be called theotókos, a title that has been used since that time in the Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches. Closely related to the title Mother of God is the title Virgin Mary, affirming the virginal conception of Jesus (Luke 1:35). Initially, this title stressed the belief that God, not Joseph, was the true father of Jesus. In the Marian devotion that developed in the East in the 4th century, Mary was venerated not only in the conception but also in the birth of Jesus. This conviction was expressed clearly in the 4th century, baptismal creeds of Cyprus, Syria, Palestine, and Armenia. The title used was aieiparthenos (ever-virgin), and by the middle of the 7th century the understanding of the title came to include the conviction that Mary remained a virgin for the whole of her life. The passages in the New Testament referring to the brothers of Jesus (for instance, Mark 6:3, which also mentions sisters; see 1 Corinthians 9:5; Galatians 1:19) have been accordingly explained as references to relatives of Jesus or to children of Joseph by a previous marriage, although there is no historical evidence for this interpretation. In the 2nd and 3rd centuries, various Christian writers began to express the belief that, because of her intimate union with God through the Holy Spirit in the conception of Jesus (Luke 1:35), Mary was completely free from any taint of sin. In 680 a Roman Council spoke of her as the “blessed, immaculate ever-virgin.” In both the Eastern and Western churches, feast days in honor of the events of Mary"s life came into existence between the 4th and 7th centuries. They celebrate her miraculous conception and her birth, narrated in the apocryphal “Infancy Gospel” of James (September 8); the Annunciation (March 25); her purification in the Temple (February 2); and her death (called the Dormition in the Eastern church) and bodily assumption into heaven (August 15; see Assumption of the Virgin). III THE MIDDLE AGES During the late Middle Ages (13th century to 15th century), devotion to Mary grew dramatically. One of the principal reasons was the image of Christ that developed in the missionary efforts of the early Middle Ages. To the extent that the Goths and other tribes of central and northern Europe were Christian, they remained strongly influenced by Arianism, a teaching that denied the divinity of Christ. In response, preaching and the arts of this period particularly stressed Christ"s divinity, as in the Byzantine depictions of Christ as Pantokrator (universal and all-powerful ruler) and in the western images of Christ as the supreme and universal judge. As Christ became an awe-inspiring, judgmental figure, Mary came to be depicted as the one who interceded for sinners. As the fear of death and the Last Judgment intensified following the Black Plague in the 14th century, Mary was increasingly venerated in popular piety as mediator of the mercy of Christ. Her prayers and pleas were seen as the agency that tempered the stern justice of Christ. Among the popular devotions that came into being at this time were the rosary (a chaplet originally consisting of 150 Hail Marys in imitation of the 150 Psalms in the psalter, later augmented by 15 interspersed Our Fathers as penance for daily sins); the angelus recited at sunrise, noon, and sunset; and litanies (invocations of Mary using such biblical titles as Mystical Rose, Tower of David, and Refuge of Sinners). Hymns, psalms, and prayers were incorporated into the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin, in imitation of the longer divine office recited or chanted by monks and priests. IV DOCTRINE OF IMMACULATE CONCEPTION The principal theological development concerning Mary in the Middle Ages was the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception. This doctrine, defended and preached by the Franciscan friars under the inspiration of the 13th-century Scottish theologian John Duns Scotus, maintains that Mary was conceived without original sin. Dominican teachers and preachers vigorously opposed the doctrine, maintaining that it detracted from Christ"s role as universal savior. Pope Sixtus IV, a Franciscan, defended it, establishing in 1477 a feast of the Immaculate Conception with a proper mass and office to be celebrated on December 8. This feast was extended to the whole Western church by Pope Clement XI in 1708. In 1854 Pope Pius IX issued a solemn decree defining the Immaculate Conception for all Roman Catholics, but the doctrine has not been accepted by Protestants or by the Orthodox churches. In 1950 Pope Pius XII solemnly defined as an article of faith for all Roman Catholics the doctrine of the bodily assumption of Mary into heaven. V SHRINES Marian shrines and places of pilgrimage are found throughout the world. At Montserrat in Spain the Black Virgin has been venerated since the 12th century. The icon of Our Lady of Czu0119stochowa has been venerated in Poland since the early 14th century. The picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe commemorates an alleged apparition of Mary to Native American Juan Diego in Mexico in 1531. In the 19th century a number of apparitions of Mary were reported that inspired the development of shrines, devotions, and pilgrimages—for instance, in Paris (1830, Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal); Lourdes (1858, Our Lady of Lourdes); Knock, in Ireland (1879, Our Lady of Knock); and Fatima, in Portugal (1917, Our Lady of Fatima).
2023-06-13 07:21:461


是七大能力 分别是:语言 数学逻辑 空间想象 音乐 身体运动 人际关系 自我认知
2023-06-13 07:21:562


Down by the salley gardens my love and I did meet;斯遇佳人,仙苑重深She passed the salley gardens with little snow-white feet.玉人雪趾,往渡穿林She bid me take love easy, as the leaves grow on the tree;瞩我适爱,如叶逢春But I, being young and foolish, with her would not agree.我愚且顽,负此明言In a field by the river my love and I did stand,斯水之畔,与彼曾伫And on my leaning shoulder she laid her snow-white hand.比肩之处,玉手曾拂She bid me take life easy, as the grass grows on the weirs;嘱我适世,如荇随堰But I was young and foolish, and now I am full of tears.惜我愚顽,唯余泣叹!在 《一个翻译》这篇Blog里,翻译者说:这是爱尔兰诗人、剧作家叶慈(Yeats, 获1923年诺贝尔文学奖)所作的一首古风的诗,后被谱以爱尔兰风笛曲,日本“透明系天籁美声” 藤田惠美演唱过,好听。词和曲都让人联想到《诗经》的“蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜”。中文有翻译成“神秘园”的,大概就是这神秘空灵的味道和《蒹葭》相像。受莲波的启发,把它翻译成了“伪诗经” 。
2023-06-13 07:22:171


This year 15-year-old Erika AYA(MEIJI XYLISH , decorated) was born in an ordinary and happy family, a six daily life very happy although dull. who is a good cult student from the AYA admitted to his high school crush, the brilliant thought from the happy life are waiting for their own, did not expect it suffered from the incurable disease - Spinocerebellum Ataxia.Slowly, the AYA the uncontrolled bodily functions begin, unable to walk a balance, falls frequently, can not even write well and watched so useless to themselves, AYA has once again crying, with crying she asked the doctor "Why the disease has be elected me? ", is to allow all viewers full of tears.Family, and like the boys Maseydoo(Nishikido Ryou -decorated), with the support of AYa is also determined efforts of regret to spend every day, not left to their own youth slightest regret.In addition, the purpose of this drama is not to let the audience crying shed tears, but also hope that through AYA, so that viewers get the courage to survive and learn to cherish life.日文名不太好翻译,上谷歌日文站看着有点像的找了个。其他为爱词霸在线翻译的。基本语句还算通顺的。望采纳。。。o(∩_∩)o...
2023-06-13 07:22:371

为“How Can We Stay Healthy”题求一篇英语作文

How Can We Stay HealthyStaying healthy is important for everyone. It not only helps us to live a longer and happier life, but it also ensures that we are able to do all the things we want to do. So, how can we stay healthy?Firstly, we need to eat a balanced diet. This means we should eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and avoid too much processed food, sugary drinks, and fast food. We should also drink plenty of water to keep our bodies hydrated.Secondly, we need to exercise regularly. This doesn"t mean we have to run a marathon, but we should try to be active for at least 30 minutes a day. This could be as simple as going for a walk or a bike ride, or doing some yoga or stretching exercises.Thirdly, we need to get enough sleep. Most adults need around 7-8 hours of sleep a night, while children and teenagers need more. A good night"s sleep helps us to feel refreshed and energized, and it also helps our bodies to repair and regenerate.Finally, we need to avoid bad habits such as smoking, excessive drinking, and drug use. These things can have a negative impact on our health and can lead to serious illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, and liver disease.In conclusion, staying healthy requires a combination of healthy eating, regular exercise, good sleep habits, and avoiding bad habits. By taking care of ourselves in these ways, we can ensure that we stay healthy and happy for many years to come.如何保持健康保持健康对每个人都很重要。它不仅帮助我们活得更长久和更快乐,还确保我们能够做自己想做的事情。那么,我们如何保持健康呢?首先,我们需要均衡饮食。这意味着我们应该多吃水果、蔬菜和全谷物,避免过多的加工食品、含糖饮料和快餐。我们还应该多喝水,保持身体水分。其次,我们需要定期锻炼。这并不意味着我们必须跑马拉松,但我们应该每天至少活动30分钟。这可以是简单的散步或骑自行车,也可以是做一些瑜伽或伸展运动。第三,我们需要获得足够的睡眠。大多数成年人需要每晚约7-8小时的睡眠,而儿童和青少年需要更多。良好的睡眠有助于让我们感到清爽和精力充沛,也有助于我们的身体修复和再生。最后,我们需要避免吸烟、过量饮酒和药物使用等不良习惯。这些行为会对我们的健康产生负面影响,可能导致严重的疾病,如癌症、心脏病和肝脏疾病。总之,保持健康需要健康饮食、定期锻炼、良好的睡眠习惯和避免不良习惯的结合。通过这些方式照顾自己,我们可以确保自己健康快乐地生活很多年。
2023-06-13 07:22:453


体形的解释[bodily form;build] 人体、 动物 体或机器等的形状 体形 优美 的女模特儿 详细解释 人或动物身体的形状。也指机器等的形状。 词语分解 体的解释 体 (体) ǐ 人、动物的全身:身体。体重。体温。体质。体征(医生在检查病人时所发现的 异常 变化)。体能。体貌。体魄(体格和精力)。体育。体无完肤。 身体的一部分:四体。五体投地。 事物的本身或全部:物 形的解释 形 í 实体:形仪(体态仪表)。 形体 。形貌。 形容 。形骸。形单影只。 形影相吊 。 样子:形状。形式。形态。形迹。地形。情形。 表现:形诸笔墨。喜形于色。 对照,比较: 相形见绌 。 状况,地势: 形势 。
2023-06-13 07:23:161


2023-06-13 07:23:241


散文长寿之道英译赏析   我已经到了望九之年,可谓长寿矣。因此经常有人向我询问长寿之道,养生之术。下面是我分享的英译散文《长寿之道》赏析,欢迎大家阅读!   长寿之道   The Secret of Longevity   季羡林   Ji Xianlin   我已经到了望九之年,可谓长寿矣。因此经常有人向我询问长寿之道,养生之术。我敬谨答曰:“养生无术是有术。”   Approaching ninety, Iu2019m really old. People often ask me for advice on how to keep fit and live a long life.The answer I would give is, “The best way to keep fit is by making no efforts towards it.”   要点:   1,题目“长寿之道”本可译为The way to Live a Long Life,现译为The Secret of Longevity,意思基本相同,但后者更为简练,适宜做题目,朗朗上口   2,“望九之年”即“快到九十岁了,年近九十”,译为Approaching ninety   3,“养生之术”即“养生的方法”,译为how to keep fit and live a long life或the way to keep in good health   4,“我敬谨答曰u2026u2026”即“我的答案是u2026u2026”译为The answer I would give is,would 常见于表达劝告,意见的句中   5,“养生无术是有术”译为he best way to keep fit is by making no efforts towards it.即“养生的最好方法就在于不要为它做过多的努力”,凡是向这个意思靠拢就可以   这话看似深奥,其实极为简单明了。我有两个朋友,十分重视养生之道。每天锻炼身体,至少要练上两个钟头。曹操诗曰:“对酒当歌,人生几何?”人生不过百 年,每天费上两个钟头,统计起来,要有多少钟头啊!利用这些钟头,能做多少事情呀!如果真有用,也还罢了。他们二人,一个先我而走,一个卧病在家,不能出门。   That sounds profound, but is in fact very simple. Two friends of mine put in great efforts to keep in good health. They spent at least two hours per day doing physical exercise. Cao Cao (1) says in one of his poems like this: Cup to cup calls for song, Manu2019s life u2013 how long? Few people live to be 100. Two hours per day during oneu2019s lifetime u2013 what a tremendous amount of time it would add up to! And what a lot could be done with that much time! It would have been all right though if my two friendsu2019 physical exercise had really helped. But fact is, one of the two has passed away before me and the other now never shows up, being confined to bed with illness.   要点:   1,“十分重视养生之道”译为put in great efforts to keep in good health,其中“重视”译为put in great efforts to do 是为了和上文make no efforts towards形成呼应   2,“曹操”是属中国古典文化中特有的词汇,此处采用加注法,将“曹操”的“个人信息”放在了脚注里~   3,“对酒当歌,人生几何”中“人生几何”意为“人生是多么短暂”也可理解为反问语气“人生的岁月又能有多久呢?”,译者根据反问语气译为Manu2019s life u2013 how long?   4,“统计起来,要有多少钟头啊!”意为“这些时间相加是多么庞大的一个数字啊”,故译为what a tremendous amount of time it would add up to!   5,“如果真有用,也还罢了”意即“如果真有用也还好”   6,“一个卧病在家,不能出门”译为the other now never shows up, being confined to bed with illness. 译者在此进行了灵活处理,用never shows up表示不能出门。being confined to bed with illness表“卧病不起”   因此,我首创了三“不”主义:不锻炼,不挑食,不嘀咕,名闻全国。我这个三不主义,容易招误会,我现在利用这个机会解释一下。我并不绝对反对适当的体育锻炼,但不要过头。一个人如果天天望长寿如大旱之望云霓,而又绝对相信体育锻炼,则此人心态恐怕有点失常,反不如顺其自然为佳。   Iu2019m known to all for having initiated three Nos, namely, no exercising, no picky eating, no grumbling. My three Nos, however, are apt to be misunderstood. So I need to take this opportunity to make an explanation. Exercise, if moderate, is all right, but I disapprove of overdoing it. One who overrates physical training while dreaming of living a long life must be mentally unbalanced. He should learn to let things take their own course.   要点:   1,“不嘀咕”即“不抱怨”,译为no grumbling,其中grumble表示“抱怨,发牢骚,嘟囔”十分形象,其同义词还有complain, gripe, mutter   2,“天天望长寿如大旱之望云霓”表示“十分渴望长寿”此处只译出了其中心意思,一是为了句式简洁,二是overreact也在一定程度上表达了“十分渴望”的意思   3,“绝对相信体育锻炼”即“高估体育锻炼的价值”,译为overrates physical training   4,“顺其自然”= let things take their own course(任事情自然发展)   至于不挑食,其心态与上面相似。常见有人年才逾不惑,就开始挑食,蛋黄不吃,动物内脏不吃,每到吃饭,战战兢兢,如履薄冰,窘态可掬,看了令人失笑。以这种心态而欲求长寿,岂非南辕而北辙!   As to picky eating, I often find people barely over forty becoming very choosy about food. They abstain from eating egg yolks and tripe. They behave gingerly at table as if treading on thin ice. The embarrassment they show cannot but evoke laughter from all. Acting with such a mentality, they can only end up in defeating their own purpose of increased longevity.   要点:   1,“才逾不惑”译为“不到四十”而不是“才过四十”,译为barely over forty   2,“动物内脏”若是直译,则是the internal organs of animals,或 animal entrails,今译tripe (杂碎),而且为熟食,比较符合上下文   3,“每到吃饭战战兢兢,如履薄冰”= behave gingerly at table as if treading on thin ice   4,“窘态可掬,看了令人失笑”=the embarrassment they show cannot but evoke laughter from all,其中cannot but意为“禁不住,不得不”如:I cannot but laugh to hear such a story.听到这样的.故事,我禁不住发笑。   5,“岂非南辕而北辙”中的“岂非”是反问句的标识,但以惊叹号结尾,因此此处突出作者肯定的语气,译为they can only end up in defeating their own purpose of increased longevity。又“南辕北辙”比喻行动和目的正好相反。译为end up in defeating their own purpose ofu2026   我个人认为,第三点最为重要。对什么事情都不嘀嘀咕咕,心胸开朗,乐观愉快,吃也吃得下,睡也睡得着,有问题则设法解决之,有困难则努力克服之,决不视芝麻绿豆大的窘境如苏迷庐山般大,也决不毫无原则随遇而安,决不玩世不恭。有这样的心境,焉能不健康长寿?   To my mind, the last of the three Nos, i.e., avoid grumbling under any circumstances, is the most important. Be broad-minded, optimistic and cheerful, and you will be able to eat with a good appetite and enjoy a sound sleep. When you are faced with problems, try every means to solve them. When you meet with difficulties, do your best to overcome them. Never fret over trifles, nor take an attitude of cynical indifference towards life. Thatu2019s the way to be long-lived.   要点:   1,“我个人认为,第三点最为重要。对什么事情都不嘀嘀咕咕u2026”译者将这三句融为一句来译,彰显了原文的结构,使得行文更加有条理   2,“u2026心胸开朗,乐观愉快”和“吃也吃得下,睡也睡得着u2026”首先是无主句要增主语,其次两句有潜在的因果关系,译为Be broad-minded, optimistic and cheerful, and you will be able to eat with a good appetite and enjoy a sound sleep.   2,“决不视芝麻绿豆大的窘境如苏迷庐山般大”不宜直译,译者采取意译法译为Never fret over trifles,其中fret over意为“焦虑于”   3,“也决不毫无原则随遇而安,决不玩世不恭”译者将原文上下两句的意思合并在一起合译为nor take an attitude of cynical indifference towards life   我现在还想补充一点,很重要的一点。根据我个人七八十年的经验,一个人决不能让自己的脑筋投闲置散,要经常让脑筋活动着。根据外国一些科学家实验结果,“用脑伤神”的旧说法已经不能成立,应改为“用脑长寿”。人的衰老主要是脑细胞的死亡。中老年人的脑细胞虽然天天死亡,但人一生中所启用的脑细胞只占细胞总量的四分之一,而且在活动的情况下,每天还有新的脑细胞产生。只要脑筋的活动不停止,新生细胞比死亡细胞数目还要多。勤于动脑筋,则能经常保持脑中血液的流通状态,而且能通过脑筋协调控制全身的功能。   One more important point: According to my personal experience of the past eighty years or so, one should put his brain to frequent use instead of letting it stay idle. The result of experiments made by some foreign scientists has shown that frequent use of the brain leads to longevity instead of doing harm to it as people used to believe. Manu2019s aging is mainly caused by the death of cerebral cells. However, though the cerebral cells of middle-aged and elderly people keep dying every day, man uses up in his lifetime only one fourth of the total cerebral cells, and new cerebral cells will, under normal conditions, keep growing up daily. As long as you use your head regularly, dead cerebral cells will always be outnumbered by new ones. Regular use of the head will ensure the normal circulation of cerebral blood and our control of the whole bodily function through its coordination.   要点:   1,“投闲置散”即“让u2026闲着”译为letting it stay idle   2,“新生细胞比死亡细胞数目还要多”译为dead cerebral cells will always be outnumbered by new ones,其中 be outnumbered by 意为“在数量上被u2026超过”   我过去经常说:“不要让脑筋闲着。”我就是这样做的。结果是有人说我“身轻如燕,健步如飞”。这话有点过了头,反正我比同年龄人要好些,这却是真的。原来我并没有什么科学根据,只能算是一种朴素的直觉。   I used to urge, “Never have an idle head!” And I myself have acted accordingly. Some people have consequently saddled me with the epithets: “agile like a swallow” and “walking as if on wings.” They are exaggerating to be sure, but itu2019s true that Iu2019m in better health than people of the same age. The above has come of plain intuition, without any scientific basis.   这就是我的“长寿之道”。   So much for my “secret of longevity”.   要点:   1,“结果是有人说我u2026”译为Some people have consequently saddled me with the epithetsu2026其中 to saddle with意即“把u2026强加给某人”,epithets意为“表述词语,称号”   2,“过了头”意为“太过夸张”译为exaggerating   3, “身轻如燕,健步如飞”译为“agile like a swallow” and “walking as if on wings.”   4,““这就是u2026”译为So much foru2026(通常表示一种“到此为止”的意思)   属于一种口语化的表达,贴合原文风格,比如《生活大爆炸》里有一句so much for our friendship with Sheldon即“我们跟谢尔顿的友谊到此为止了” 还有So much for today!(今天就讲这么多吧!)也是很常见的结束语 ;
2023-06-13 07:23:311


2023-06-13 07:23:481


  下面是我整理的,希望对大家有帮助。   :   our environment is polluted by many pollutants.the gases emitted from factories and the exhaust pipes of automobiles pollute the air. besides, the use of chemical substances in agriculture leaves poisonous residues in the tissues of rogani *** s.garbage cast out by people is left to accumulate in unsanitary heaps which attract flies and give off bad *** ells. these pollutants endanger public health.once they have entered the environment,they are hard to get rid people have to breathe,eat and drink them,they directly of indirectly affect bodily functions and cause many infectious diseases. the pollution problem will be solved only with the help of modern science and technology,we should take steps to clear away the sources of pollution and establish a set of regulations to keep our environment free from pollution.   :   Water is the source of life   Earth looks like a big blue marble; from high above the Earth and from the moon, the planet gleams and shines. The blue water in the oceans and seas of the Earth makes a dramatic image.Water is the source of this beauty and the source of life on Earth. It is the reason people can live on this planet. Water is everywhere. Water is in rock deep under the ground, in natural holding areas.In a real sense, water keeps Earth alive. The last drop of water will be the world"s human tears. We Chinese are one of the 12 water-poor countries, as people waste, water less and less. However, there are many waste of water, for example: some of the children bought water gun filled with water shooting water everywhere; there are some students hand-washing after washing bowls, or not turn off the faucet, waste a lot of water... .... Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, where the recent prolonged drought, making survival of the population there is facing a serious threat to address this problem, we in China 1.3 billion to develop awareness of water conservation. Therefore, I appeal to you here: "Take action at water saving   Stop earth mother from crying!   地球看上去就像一个巨大的蓝色玻璃球, 从高高的地球上空或从月球上望去,这颗行星熠熠生辉,闪闪发光。   地球上大洋大海里的蔚蓝色的水构成了一幅激动人心的图画。 水是地球上的美丽之源、生命之源。 水是人们能在这颗行星上生存的根本。 到处都有水。   水深藏于地底下的岩层里、在天然蓄水区里. 从真正的意思上说,是水维持着地球的生命。   世界的最后一滴水将是人类的眼泪。我们中国是12个贫水国之一,由于人们的浪费,水源越来越少了。   但是生活中还有许多浪费水的现象,比如;有些小朋友买来水枪到处射水,还有一些学生洗完碗或洗完手,都不关水龙头,浪费了许多水……最近云南贵州高原那里长时间持续干旱,使那里居民生存面临着严重威胁,针对这个问题,我们中国13亿要养成节约用水的意识。   因此,我现在向大家呼吁:‘‘珍惜每一滴水,让地球妈妈不再哭泣   : Social Protection of the Safe Environment   On a Saturday morning. I went to have breakfast. I felt there was a terrible *** ell and went over to have a look carefully. I found that there was a big pile of banana skins giving out the *** ell.Just then a young fellow holding a dustpan rubbish to walk towards here . He raised his hands, The big pile of rubbish was here. At once I went to him and said “Uncle , you can"t do like this . These things will rot very soon. It"s bad for our health and make the people fall ill.” However ,the man said “Everyone does so ,who falls ill,who will see the doctor.”   Looking at this , I remembered another act : There is a stream through our village. Over it there are two bridges .At the age of seven years old , I enjoyed the beautiful scenery under the bridge very much. It was the best place to swim in summer. But now the rubbish was getting more and more .Dish leaves,fruit skins,dead ducks and chickens….after rotting ,not only the mosquitos flew around but also the bad *** ell made everyone feel quite terrible.Though the stream was cleaned up several times, it"s still happening now. A lot of plastic bags always float on it .In summmer we have to go far away from the village to swim.   What causes this? Who is the devil?It"s the human ourselves. I have got to known from a book .The rubbish in the countryside mostly occupies the fields and damages the earth"s surface .It pollutes soil,wave ,atmosphere and damages our health. The *** s often say “The body is capital.” But why are they able to make woollen cloth like this ? Does it affect everybody"s safe and sound life ?   Schoolmates, we are the host of society tomorrow . It"s our duty to improve and build the safe invironment.   Safety is in our hands .We must take park in more environmental protection activities, Plant more trees and flowers to make us live in a beautiful home with the blue sky ,blue water and green land forever.   Safety is in our hands . Please try your best to tell people around you to deal with the rubbish , and to make a contribution to building our safe hometome .   :   Everybody Can Help The Environment   We all know Tagore.This famous Indian poet once said, “Life is given to us, and we earn it by giving it.” As the saying goes, nature is given to us, and we earn it by contributing to it. However, most people nowadays just want to ask for more from the nature. In fact, they do very little contribution to the nature. Therefore, the environment around us is being worse and worse.   Do you often use batteries? Then do you know it takes 50 times more energy to make them than they produce? And just one simple battery can pollute as much water as a person can drink in his whole life. The facts and figures are amazing. So would you please try to use batteries only when it is necessary? If possible, give the used ones to the recycling panies so that they will be made into new ones and won"t be able to pollute the environment any more. Sometimes we bee placent when it es to recycling, but when you speak in terms of actual facts and figures that everybody can understand, people bee much clearer about the problem.   We, as school students, can also join in recycling activities to protect the environment. For example, our class set up a recycling center beside the back door, it is very useful. It is used to collect the waste paper and plastic bottles. In the past, our clas *** ates used to throw all of these into the trashcan. At the very beginning of this collecting activity, it was not so warm-weled. Later, more and more people were influenced by the others and joined this collecting activity. Gradually, all the students in our class form a good habit to protect the environment. All of us will now put away the reusable things instead of throwing them into the trashcan.   We should always remember in our mind that protecting the environment is our duty that we can never neglect. Finally would you please let me end this speech with a little poem, “Be kind to the river. Be good to the trees. Smile at the sunshine, and bow to the breeze. Be friendly to nature, and nature will be friendly to you!”   :   Dear headmasters,teachers,clas *** ates and friends:   I"m very proud that I have chosen to speak to you all today, I"m a bit   nervous as I"ve never made a speech before to so many people ,so please forgive me if it shows.   As we all know,the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse .In some places we can"t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills. Some people even have no clean water to drink. So I think we must do something to protect the environment. .But what can we do? How to protect our environmemt? For example, we can go to school on foot or by bike . we can use shopping basskets not plastic bags .when we go shopping and we can use both sides of the paper when we write .In a word ,if everyone pays more attention to our environment ,there will   be less pollution and our life will be better.   “There is only one earth”,I hope everyone will protect our environment well. Thanks!
2023-06-13 07:23:561

造成他们著名的伸缩性中国饮食习惯的另一个特点是被保存的食物大数和巨大品种。 …食物通过抽烟保存,盐溶,加糖,浸泡,腌制,烘干,浸泡在许多酱油,等等,并且粮食的整体范围是包含五谷、肉、果子、鸡蛋,菜和一切别的东西。 再次,与被保存的食物,中国人民准备好在困难或缺乏情形下。 中国方式吃进一步描绘为关于食物的想法和信仰,有效地影响方式…在哪食物准备并且被采取。 关于食物的忽略的想法在中国-在所有可能与固体的一个想法,但是未揭露,科学依托是这和相当数量食物一作为与你的健康亲密地是相关的。 食物不仅影响健康作为一般原则问题,正确的食物的选择一定那时也在某一时候取决于你的卫生状况。 食物,因此,也是医学。 饮食的章程作为预防的疾病或治疗的一定一样西部,象它汉语。 共同的西部例子是关节炎患者的饮食和最近有机食品时尚。 但是中国案件为它的根本准则是特别的。 全身功能,在中国看法,根据基本yin杨原则。 许多食物也是可分类的入拥有yin质量和那些杨质量的那些。 当yin和在身体的杨力量不是平衡的时,问题发生。 适当的相当数量一个亲切或其他的食物也许然后被执行(即,吃)抵消yin和杨失衡。 如果身体是法线,暴饮暴食一食物导致那力量剩余在身体的,导致疾病。 …。 至少其他二个概念属于当地中国食物传统。 一个是,在消耗膳食,应该采取适当的相当数量风扇和ts"ai。 实际上,二,风扇是更加根本和不可缺少的。 …。 另一个概念是节俭。 在食物和饮料的过分放纵是罪孽的这样比例朝代可能跌倒它的帐户。 …。 虽然fants"ai和节俭考虑是基于的健康,至少一部分他们与在食物资源的中国的传统贫穷有关。
2023-06-13 07:24:151


Pathology is a branch of medical science primarily concerning the cause, origin and nature of disease. It involves the examination of tissues, organs, bodily fluids and autopsies in order to study and diagnose disease.Currently, pathology can be divided into eight main areas, depending on the types of methods used or the types of diseases examined. These different disciplines are described below.General pathologyGeneral pathology describes a complex and broad field that involves the study of the mechanisms behind cell and tissue injury, as well as understanding how the body responds to and repairs injury. Examples of areas that may be studied include necrosis, neoplasia, wound healing, inflammation and how cells adapt to injury. Thorough understanding in these areas is applied in the diagnosis of disease. General pathology is also the term used to describe anatomical and clinical pathology.This field covers areas of pathology, but at a less specialist level. A person working in general pathology would be trained in the areas of laboratory analysis, such as hematology and clinical chemistry. However, they would have a less detailed knowledge than a person who specializes in one of these fields.Anatomical pathologyThis field is concerned with the study and diagnosis of illness through microscopic analysis of samples from bodily fluids, tissues organs and sometimes the entire body or autopsy. Factors that may be examined include the cell appearance, anatomical make up and chemical signatures within cells.This discipline can be subdivided into several disciplines and examples of these are given below:Histology u2013 Samples of bodily tissues and organs are prepared and examined in order to detect and diagnose disease. The architecture of tissue is observed at a microscopic level and the relationship between different cell and tissue types is examined.Cytology u2013 Bodily fluids and tissues are examined at the cellular level in order to screen for and diagnose disease and help aid treatment decisions. A cytologist will examine how cells look, form and function.Forensic pathology u2013 Forensic pathology is the examination of an autopsy in order to discover the cause of death. The external appearance is first assessed to check for evidence of wounds or suffocation, for example. Surgical procedures are then begun and the internal organs are studied to see whether internal injuries exist and are connected to external ones.Clinical pathologyAlso referred to as laboratory medicine, clinical pathology concerns the analysis of blood, urine and tissue samples to examine and diagnose disease. Examples of the information clinical pathology laboratories may provide include blood count, blood clotting and electrolyte results. A clinical pathologist is usually trained in microbiology, hematology or blood banking, but not at the same expert level as someone who specializes in one of these fields.A clinical pathologist may come across problems that demand specific expertise, at which point they would need to consult a colleague who is more specialized. Clinical pathologists play a similar role to that of general pathologists, although they would not be involved in anatomical pathology.Chemical Pathology or BiochemistryBiochemists or chemical pathologists examine all aspects of disease, identifying changes in various different substances found in the blood and bodily fluids such as proteins, hormones and electrolytes, since these changes can indicate and provide clues about disease or disease risk.For example, a biochemist may assess cholesterol and triglyceride levels in order to determine heart disease risk. They may also look for and measure tumor markers, vitamins, poisons, medications and recreational drugs.GeneticsThere are three main branches of genetics and these include the following:Cytogenetics: This is the analysis of chromosomal abnormalities at the microscopic level.Biochemical genetics: The search for specific disease markers using biochemical techniques.Molecular genetics: Gene mutations are searched for and analyzed using DNA technology.Genetics involves performing tests on chromosomes, biochemical markers and DNA taken from bodily fluids and tissues in order to detect genetic illnesses....
2023-06-13 07:24:231


惟一的必要性——事实上,一些这样的保护——存在,它被认为是毫无疑问的。新闻是在各个方向超越了明显的界限的礼仪和礼仪。流言蜚语不再是资源的闲置和邪恶的,但已经成为一种交易,这是充满工业以及厚颜无耻行为。为了满足一个prurient口味的细节都铺在性关系的日报的专栏。占懒洋洋的,在柱栏满是无用的闲聊,只能靠捕闯入在国内的圆圈。强度和复杂的生活,服务员在推进文明,有必要从世界的一些人,下,文化的提炼,变得更加敏感的宣传,使孤独和隐私已经变得越来越必不可少的个体,但现代企业和发明,通过在他的隐私受到侵犯时,他的精神痛苦和不适的感觉,远比可能造成人身伤害,仅仅。也就是伤害造成这种侵略的痛苦的局限于那些可能受检者的新闻或其他企业。在这种场合下,像在其他商业,使得需求。每种作物的流言蜚语,因而收获,不体面的后裔成为更,成正比的循环,结果在降低社会标准和道德。即使八卦显然是无害的,当广泛地流传,为有效。它既轻又能颠倒。它通过反演轻的相对重要性的东西,这样的想法和愿望下显得一个人。当个人八卦获的尊严,打印,成群的可用空间的真正感兴趣的事宜,向社会的无知和粗心的错误的相对重要性。容易理解,吸引人们对人性的弱点,就是不会一下子摔的不幸,我们的邻居的弱点,没有人能感到惊讶的地方,它作为大脑能力的兴趣其他的事情。在一次下流的破坏和精致的鲁棒性的思想感情。没有热情,没有慷慨的冲动都兴旺不影响其blighting下才能生存。 我们的目的是要考虑是否存在的法律原则,提供了一种可适当之保护隐私的个体,即使它,这样的性质和程度的保护。
2023-06-13 07:24:331

求Kate Bush-Deeper Understanding歌词翻译

Deeper Understanding歌手:Kate Bush - (凯特.布希)所属专辑:The Sensual World中英互译对照歌词:As the people here grow colder当这里的人们变得越来越冷漠I turn to my computer我开始在网络中寻找快乐And spend my evenings with it没日没夜地搜寻Like a friend.网络就像是我的一个老朋友I was loading a new programme我正在下载一个新软件I had ordered from a magazine:是早些时候从一个杂志订购的Are you lonely, are you lost?你空虚吗?你迷茫吗?This voice console is a must这句语音提醒是没有选项的I press Execute.我按了执行键Hello, I know that you"ve been feeling tired.你好,我知道长久以来你都感觉很累I bring you love and deeper understanding.我带给你爱和更深认知Hello, I know that you"re unhappy.你好,我知道你并不快乐I bring you love and deeper understanding.我带给你爱和更深认知Well I"ve never felt such pleasure.我从未感觉到如此快乐过Nothing else seemed to matter.仿佛一切都不再重要I neglected my bodily needs.我甚至忽略了我的健康I did not eat, I did not sleep,不吃不睡The intensity increasing,强度还在不断加大"Til my family found me and intervened.一个晚上,我的家人发现我的秘密并阻止了我But I was lonely, I was lost,我开始孤独,开始迷茫了Without my little black box.没了我的小黑盒I pick up the phone and go, Execute.我拿起我的爪机继续嗨,来吧Hello, I know that you"ve been feeling tired.你好,我知道长久以来你都感觉很累I bring you love and deeper understanding.我带给你爱和更深认知Hello, I know that you"re unhappy.你好,我知道你并不快乐I bring you love and deeper understanding.我带给你爱和更深认知Hello.你好Love.爱Hello.你好Love and deeper understanding.爱和更深认知I turn to my computer like a friend.我把网络变成了一个朋友I need deeper understanding.我需要更深认知Give me deeper understanding.把它给我啊@_@I hate to leave you.我不想离开你I hate to lose you.我不能没有你I hate to leave you.我不想离开你I hate to lose you.没了你我要怎么活I hate to leave you.我不想离开你I hate to lose you.没了你我要怎么活>~<
2023-06-13 07:24:421


2023-06-13 07:24:532


2023-06-13 07:25:122


  叶芝是爱尔兰文学史上不容忽视的一位诗人。作为英裔爱尔兰人,作为用英语为爱尔兰创作的英-爱诗人,作为浪漫主义向象征主义过渡时期重要诗人,他身上有太多的混杂成分而让人琢磨不透。我整理了关于叶芝英文诗歌,欢迎阅读!   关于叶芝英文诗歌篇一   Sailing to Byzantium   THAT is no country for old men. The young   In one another"s arms, birds in the trees   - Those dying generations - at their song,   The salmon-falls, the mackerel-crowded seas,   Fish, flesh, or fowl, commend all summer long   Whatever is begotten, born, and dies.   Caught in that sensual music all neglect   Monuments of unageing intellect.   An aged man is but a paltry thing,   A tattered coat upon a stick, unless   Soul clap its hands and sing, and louder sing   For every tatter in its mortal dress,   Nor is there singing school but studying   Monuments of its own magnificence;   And therefore I have sailed the seas and come   To the holy city of Byzantium.   O sages standing in God"s holy fire   As in the gold mosaic of a wall,   Come from the holy fire, perne in a gyre,   And be the singing-masters of my soul.   Consume my heart away; sick with desire   And fastened to a dying animal   It knows not what it is; and gather me   Into the artifice of eternity.   Once out of nature I shall never take   My bodily form from any natural thing,   But such a form as Grecian goldsmiths make   Of hammered gold and gold enamelling   To keep a drowsy Emperor awake;   Or set upon a golden bough to sing   To lords and ladies of Byzantium   Of what is past, or passing, or to come.   那不是老年人的国度。青年人   在互相拥抱;那垂死的世代,   树上的鸟,正从事他们的歌唱;   鱼的瀑布,青花鱼充塞的大海,   鱼、兽或鸟,一整个夏天在赞扬   凡是诞生和死亡的一切存在。   沉溺于那感官的音乐,个个都疏忽   万古长青的理性的纪念物。   一个衰颓的老人只是个废物,   是件破外衣支在一根木棍上,   除非灵魂拍手作歌,为了它的   皮囊的每个裂绽唱得更响亮;   可是没有教唱的学校,而只有   研究纪念物上记载的它的辉煌,   因此我就远渡重洋而来到   拜占庭的神圣的城堡。   哦,智者们!立于上帝的神火中,   好像是壁画上嵌金的雕饰,   从神火中走出来吧,旋转当空,   请为我的灵魂作歌唱的教师。   把我的心烧尽,它被绑在一个   垂死的肉身上,为欲望所腐蚀,   已不知它原来是什么了;请尽快   把我采集进永恒的艺术安排。   一旦脱离自然界,我就不再从   任何自然物体取得我的形状,   而只要希腊的金匠用金釉   和锤打的金子所制作的式样,   供给瞌睡的皇帝保持清醒;   或者就镶在金树枝上歌唱   一切过去、现在和未来的事情   给拜占庭的贵族和夫人听。   关于叶芝英文诗歌篇二   当你老了   When you are old and gray and full of sleep,   And nodding by the fire, take down this book,   And slowly read, and dream of the soft look,   Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;   当你老了,白发苍苍,睡思昏沉,   在炉火旁打盹,请取下这部诗歌,   慢慢读,回想你过去眼神的柔和,   回想它们昔日阴影的浓重;   How many loved your moments of glad grace,   And loved your beauty with love false or true;   But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,   And loved the sorrows of your changing face;   多少人爱你年轻欢畅的时刻,   出于假意或真心地爱慕你的美貌;   只有一个人爱你那朝圣者的灵魂,   爱你逐渐老去的脸上痛苦的皱纹;   And bending down beside the glowing bars,   Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled.   And paced upon the mountains overhead,   And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.   躬身在火光闪耀的炉火旁,   凄然地低语那爱的消逝,   在头顶的山上,爱缓缓踱着步子,   将脸隐没在群星之中。   关于叶芝英文诗歌篇三   The Lover tells of the rose in his Heart   By William Butler Yeats   ALL things uncomely and broken, all things worn out and old,   The cry of a child by the roadway, the creak of a lumbering cart,   The heavy steps of the ploughman, splashing the wintry mould,   Are wronging your image that blossoms a rose in the deeps of my heart.   The wrong of unshapely things is a wrong too great to be told;   I hunger to build them anew and sit on a green knoll apart,   With the earth and the sky and the water, remade, like a casket of gold   For my dreams of your image that blossoms a rose in the deeps of my heart.   心中的玫瑰   叶芝 诗/黎历 译   万事破碎而不全,万物磨损呈旧颜,   笨重马车吱嘎响,途中孩子在哭喊,   农夫步履沉甸甸,冬日沃土翻飞溅,   伊玫瑰倩影,映我心田,可有缺陷。   丑陋之物的缺陷,严重得无法叙言;   我远坐绿色小山,渴望将其重塑建,   用大地天空河川,制成如金盒灿灿   盛装梦中伊倩影,似玫瑰心底放绽。
2023-06-13 07:25:201


On September 11,1862, the United States most short story a Henry(O. Henry) of the house of 著 was born in a small town in American North Carolina.The father is a doctor.I am 15 years old to be apprentice in the uncle"s pharmacy.Five go after year the gram 萨斯 state a ranch put cow.1884 was the accountant, bureau clerk in the land and the bank cashier after years.In 1896, the bank detection is in need of a small pen style son, Henry is on suspicion of to be summoned.He but via lately the 奥尔 is good to seek refuge in Latin America.Return to country to visit a wife in 1897, as a result is caught, penalize 5 years penal servitude.Once held the post of medicine teacher in the jail, and start with Europe?Henry is a pen name to write short story, in 《Michael 尔》the magazine announce.Get to release in advance because of"behave well" in 1901, arrive at New York particularly a matter a writing.The short story that Henry creates has more than 300 articles totally, income 《cabbage and king 》 (1904), 《4,000,000 》 (1906), 《the heart of the west 》 (1907), 《city voice 》 (1908), 《roll a stone 》 (1913)etc. gather son, taking describing the work that citizen in Manhattan, New York live as among them most a 著 .He there of the atmosphere of the street, chophouse, broken-down apartment exaggerate very lifelike, so have"the poet laureate of Manhattan" of call.He once took the lier"s life as a topic, composing not a few short stories.The author attempts to express the inside of the severe and solemn demeanor upper-class society, having not a few people are deluxe liers, successful lier.Henry"s observation to the society and the life and analysis aren"t deep, some works are more superficial, but he is from cradle to the grave exhausted, often sharing both prosperity and adversity with the small potato of disappointed abjection, expressing their complicated affection by fanciful art skill again.Therefore, he the most outstanding short story such as 《loving sacrifice 》, 《police and hymn 》, 《take the room of furniture rent 》, 《the gift of wheat 琪》, 《end one rattan leaf 》etc.s all can be included in excellent short story in the world.See from the art skill, Henry is good at catch to make in the life person unable to cay or laugh and rich in the philosophy of dramatic field view, the style of drawing which uses a cartoon sort delineates the characteristics of person.The development of work details is quicker, at coda burst upon an idea to could not anticipate of final outcome, make remaining of[with] reader"s consternation, have to admit the story matches feeling reasonable, then praising highly the handiness that author conceives outline.His writing is vivid, being good at making use of a pun, 讹 sound, homophonic with old 典 new meaning, full of wit and humour.He returns atmosphere with the accurate detail depiction, manufacturing and reappear.Especially and mostly would the atmosphere of the night life.Publish because of a great deal of excellent piece at New York, he gains both honor and riches.He not only spend lavishly, and good wager, the good wine is greedy for a cup.The immoderation of the weariness from overwork and life of the writing makes the his body be hurt by severity.In 1907, Henry re-marries.Unfortunately, marriage for the second time to him there is no happiness to be talked.On June 3,1910, he fell sick.Two divas, pass away on June 5 namely, die in cirrhosis, the year is only 48 years old.
2023-06-13 07:25:362