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关于一个英语单词 bail

2023-05-19 14:50:33

在美剧KALE XY里看到的女演员发短信给男演员.说bailing,have fun.字幕显示的是,"我不去了.玩的开心点".我不太明白这里BAIL是什么意思.怎么能表达我不去了的意思呢?





(slang): To leave or not attend

(俚语): 离开,不去,不参加


I"m going to bail on this afternoon"s meeting.




[ intrans. ] abandon a commitment, obligation, or responsibility : after 12 years of this, including Sunday Mass with the family, I bailed. • ( bail on) let (someone) down by failing to fulfill a commitment, obligation, or responsibility : he looks a little like the guy who bailed on me.




2023-01-01 14:25:034


2023-01-01 14:25:161

‘白今" 连起来的这个字念什么

应该是皊吧。皊 【拼音】:[líng] 【字义】:1.白色。
2023-01-01 14:25:213


2023-01-01 14:25:312


  百令胶囊(百令)补肺肾,益精气。用于肺肾两虚引起的咳嗽、气喘、腰背酸痛;慢性支气管炎的辅助治疗。下面是我整理的百令胶囊 说明书 ,欢迎阅读。  百令胶囊商品介绍   通用名:百令胶囊   生产厂家: 杭州中美华东制药有限公司   批准文号:国药准字Z10910036   药品规格:0.2g*60粒   药品价格:¥0元   百令胶囊说明书   【通用名称】百令胶囊   【商品名称】百令胶囊(百令)   【拼音全码】BaiLingJiaoNang(BaiLing)   【主要成份】发酵冬虫夏草菌粉(Cs-C-Q80)。   【性状】百令胶囊(百令)为硬胶囊,内容物为灰色至灰黄色粉末;气微腥,味微咸。   【适应症/功能主治】补肺肾,益精气。用于肺肾两虚引起的咳嗽、气喘、腰背酸痛;慢性支气管炎的辅助治疗。   【规格型号】0.5g*60s   【用法用量】口服。一次2~6粒,一日3次。慢性肾功能不全:一次4粒,一日3次;疗程8周。   【不良反应】个别患者咽部不适。   【禁忌】尚不明确。   【注意事项】忌辛辣、生冷、油腻食物。   【药物相互作用】如与其他药物同时使用可能会发生药物相互作用,详情请咨询医师或药师。   【贮藏】20℃以下储藏。   【包装】60s/盒。   【有效期】36月   【批准文号】国药准字Z10910036   【生产企业】杭州中美华东制药有限公司   百令胶囊(百令)的功效与作用百令胶囊(百令)补肺肾,益精气。用于肺肾两虚引起的咳嗽、气喘、腰背酸痛;慢性支气管炎的辅助治疗。   百令胶囊使用常见问题   吸烟是慢性支气管炎的头号凶手。如世界卫生组织曾宣布:“在65岁以下男性中,75%因慢性支气管炎、肺气肿死亡者,是由于吸烟所致”。而百令胶囊能够很好的治疗慢性支气管炎,且获得很多患者的好评。那么,百令胶囊能替代补健品吗?   广大患者需要注意的是百令胶囊并不是补健品,其国药准字为Z10910036。凡药三分毒,药品仅适用于体内器官发生病变时服用,所以百令胶囊不适宜替代补健品并长期服用。   百令胶囊降尿蛋白的效果不错。百令胶囊能有效减低尿蛋白,促进肾的恢复,保护肾小球的功能,有需要的患者可以选用。方中药物都是临床上常用的中药,不良反应小,使用方便,有需要的患者可以选用。百令胶囊降尿蛋白的机制可能与以下因素有关:   1、减轻早期DN的高滤过,实验研究表明,虫草菌丝提取物能减轻肾小球内压力,降低肾小球跨壁毛细血管静水压,从而减轻肾小球高滤过,阻止其向肾小球硬化的发展。   2、抑制醛糖还原酶,DN早期肾小球基底膜通透性增高,而造成其升高的机制之一是多元醇旁路激活,被激活的醛糖还原酶把葡萄糖还原为山梨醇,造成细胞内山梨醇堆积,导致细胞生理功能障碍,同时激活蛋白激酶C,使胶原合成增多,肾小球基底膜增厚,通透性增高。   3、虫草制剂对肾小球的系膜细胞的增殖有抑制作用,抑制肾小球的代偿性肥大。   上述介绍的就是百令胶囊能替代补健品吗的相关内容,相信大家有了一定的理解。百令胶囊主含冬虫夏草的菌丝体,也就是人工发酵的冬虫夏草菌,因此百令胶囊具有很好的补虚损、益精气、保肺益肾、止咳化痰、收敛镇静功效。除需补肾气、肺气者,患有慢性气管炎、支气管哮喘、慢性肾病、慢性肝病、性功能减退、肿瘤、各种功能衰退症及免疫功能异常症患者均可在谨遵医嘱或遵守用法用量的情况下服用。 百令胶囊说明书 百令胶囊主治功能相关 文章 : 1. 百令胶囊的十大功效和作用 2. 喝百令胶囊不良反应
2023-01-01 14:25:391


Bai lingB & L Pen of bailing
2023-01-01 14:25:543

pep小学英语人物介绍 (中文)?

Mike:迈克 美国 男Bailing:白灵 中国 女Sarah:莎拉 美国 女Miss white:怀特小姐 美国 女Mr black:布莱克先生 美国 男John:约翰 加拿大 男Wuyifan:吴一凡 中国 男Chenjie:陈杰 中国 女Amy:艾米 美国 女Zhangpeng:张鹏 中国 男Liuyun:刘云 中国 女
2023-01-01 14:26:061

It"s BaiLing"s.是什么意思?

2023-01-01 14:26:113


2023-01-01 14:26:214


  百令胶囊(百令)补肺肾,益精气。用于肺肾两虚引起的咳嗽、气喘、腰背酸痛;慢性支气管炎的辅助治疗。下面是我整理的百令胶囊 说明书 ,欢迎阅读。  百令胶囊商品介绍   通用名:百令胶囊   生产厂家: 杭州中美华东制药有限公司   批准文号:国药准字Z10910036   药品规格:0.5g*42粒   药品价格:¥79元   百令胶囊说明书   【通用名称】百令胶囊   【商品名称】百令胶囊(百令)   【拼音全码】BaiLingJiaoNang(BaiLing)   【主要成份】发酵冬虫夏草菌粉(Cs-C-Q80)。   【性状】百令胶囊(百令)为硬胶囊,内容物为灰色至灰黄色粉末;气微腥,味微咸。   【适应症/功能主治】补肺肾,益精气。用于肺肾两虚引起的咳嗽、气喘、腰背酸痛;慢性支气管炎的辅助治疗。   【规格型号】0.5g*42s   【用法用量】口服。一次2~6粒,一日3次。慢性肾功能不全:一次4粒,一日3次;疗程8周。   【不良反应】个别患者咽部不适。   【禁忌】尚不明确。   【注意事项】忌辛辣、生冷、油腻食物。   【药物相互作用】如与其他药物同时使用可能会发生药物相互作用,详情请咨询医师或药师。   【贮藏】20℃以下储藏。   【包装】42s/盒。   【有效期】36月   【批准文号】国药准字Z10910036   【生产企业】杭州中美华东制药有限公司   百令胶囊(百令)的功效与作用百令胶囊(百令)补肺肾,益精气。用于肺肾两虚引起的咳嗽、气喘、腰背酸痛;慢性支气管炎的辅助治疗。   百令胶囊使用常见问题   甾体是广泛存在于自然界中的一类天然化学成分。而百令胶囊的成分当中含有甾体,百令胶囊口服,一次5-15粒,一日3次。那么,百令胶囊有什么主治功能呢?   百令胶囊的主治功能是补肺肾,益精气。临床上常用于肺肾两虚引起的咳嗽,气喘,咯血,腰背酸痛;慢性支气管炎、慢性肾功能不全的辅助治疗,治疗效果显著。且百令胶囊使用的是冬虫夏草的菌丝体,也就是人工发酵的冬虫夏草菌,又因为是人工生产的,所以百令胶囊价格和冬虫夏草相比就便宜很多。   百令胶囊的主要成分是D-甘露醇、虫草酸、载体生物碱、19种氨基酸、多种维生素及微量元素,具有补肺肾、益精气及止咳化痰作用。其中人工虫草丝具有改善肾功能、调节代谢、降低血脂的作用,可以促进人体内蛋白质合成、代谢、调节血脂、改善内皮细胞受损情况。   百令胶囊的主要成份是冬虫夏草发酵菌粉(虫草酸、甘露醇、甾体以及19种氨基酸)。有提高机体免疫,升高白细胞,降低血脂、消除疲劳、抗炎、抗肿瘤等作用。方中药物是临床上常用的中药,治疗效果显著。
2023-01-01 14:26:371


2023-01-01 14:26:422

hi i"m bailing

【分析】 1. 由第二句Tomorrow is Saturday.可知答案。 2. 由第五句At 8:30, I"m going to do my homework.可知,她八点半要做家庭作业。 3. 由第六句At 10:00, I"m going to visit my grandparents with my sister.可知,Bai Ling和她妹妹要去看她的grandparents而不是aunts,故用否定回答。 4. 由倒数第三句So we are going home at about 6:00.可知,她大约6点回家。 5. 由最后一句I think I will have a busy Saturday.可知用一般将来时的肯定回答。
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目录 1 拼音 2 百令胶囊药典标准 2.1 品名 2.2 来源 2.3 制法 2.4 性状 2.5 鉴别 2.6 检查 2.7 含量测定 2.7.1 甘露醇 2.7.2 腺苷 色谱条件与系统适用性试验 对照品溶液的制备 供试品溶液的制备 测定法 2.7.3 总氨基酸 2.8 功能与主治 2.9 用法与用量 2.10 规格 2.11 贮藏 2.12 版本 3 百令胶囊说明书 3.1 药品类型 3.2 药品名称 3.3 药品汉语拼音 3.4 成份 3.5 性状 3.6 百令胶囊的功能主治 3.7 规格 3.8 百令胶囊的用法用量 3.9 注意事项 3.10 百令胶囊与其它药物的相互作用 3.11 备注 4 参考资料 附: * 百令胶囊相关药品说明书其它版本 1 拼音 bǎi lìng jiāo náng 2 百令胶囊药典标准 2.1 品名 百令胶囊 Bailing Jiaonang 2.2 来源 本品为发酵冬虫夏草菌粉[CscQ80 中华被毛孢 Hirsutella sinensis Liu,Guo,Yuet Zeng(1989)经液体深层发酵所得菌丝体的干燥粉末]制成的胶囊。 2.3 制法 取发酵虫草菌粉200g或500g,分装,制成1000粒, 即得。[1] 2.4 性状 本品为硬胶囊,内容物为灰色至灰黄色粉末;气微腥,味微咸。 2.5 鉴别 (1)取本品内容物0.5g,加甲醇10ml,超声处理1小时,滤过,滤液作为供试品溶液。另取发酵虫草菌粉对照药材0.5g,同法制成对照药材溶液[1]。再取麦角甾醇对照品,加甲醇制成每1ml含0.4mg的溶液,作为对照品溶液。照薄层色谱法(2010年版药典一部附录Ⅵ B)试验,吸取上述三种溶液各10μl,分别点于同一硅胶G薄层板上,以石油醚( 60~90℃)—乙酸乙酯—甲酸(5:1:0.1)为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,喷以10%硫酸乙醇溶液,在105℃加热至斑点显色清晰,分别在日光和紫外光灯(365nm)下检视。供试品色谱中,在与对照药材色谱和对照品色谱相应的位置上,日光下显相同颜色的斑点;紫外光下显相同颜色的荧光斑点。 (2)取[含量测定]腺苷项下的供试品溶液作为供试品溶液。取发酵虫草菌粉对照药材0.5g[1],同供试品溶液制备方法制成对照药材溶液。另取尿苷对照品,加10%甲醇制成每1ml含5μg的溶液;取[含量测定]腺苷项下的对照品溶液作为对照品溶液。照高效液相色谱法(2010年版药典一部附录Ⅵ D)试验,以十八烷基键合硅胶为填充剂;以乙腈为流动相A,以0.04mol/L磷酸二氢钾溶液为流动相B,按下表中的规定进行梯度洗脱;检测波长为260nm;理论板数按腺苷峰计算应不低于3000。  时间(分钟)  流动相A(%)  流动相B(%)  0~15  0  100  15~45  0→15  100→85 分别吸取上述四种溶液各20μl,注入液相色谱仪。供试品色谱中应呈现与对照药材色谱中的六个主色谱峰保留时间相同的色谱峰,与尿苷、腺苷对照品的色谱峰保留时间相同的色谱峰。 (3)本品[含量测定]总氨基酸项下所得供试品色谱中应呈现与酪氨酸、赖氨酸、组氨酸和精氨酸对照品色谱峰保留时间相同的色谱峰。 2.6 检查 应符合胶囊剂项下有关的各项规定(2010年版药典一部附录Ⅰ L)。 2.7 含量测定 2.7.1 甘露醇 取本品内容物约1g,精密称定,置150ml圆底烧瓶中,精密加入乙醇100ml,称定重量,加热回流2小时,放冷,用乙醇补足减失的重量,滤过,精密量取续滤液5ml,置碘瓶中,精密加入高碘酸钠(钾)溶液[取硫酸溶液(1→20) 90ml与高碘酸钠(钾)溶液(2.3→1000) 110ml,混合]50ml,置水浴上加热15分钟,放冷,加碘化钾试液10ml,密塞,放置5分钟,用硫代硫酸钠滴定液(0.05mol/L)滴定,近终点时,加淀粉指示液1ml,继续滴定至蓝色消失,并将滴定结果用空白试验校正。每1ml硫代硫酸钠滴定液(0.05mol/L)相当于0.9109mg的甘露醇(C6H14O6)。 本品每粒含甘露醇(C6H14O6),规格(1)不得少于14mg;规格(2)不得少于35mg。 2.7.2 腺苷 照高效液相色谱法(2010年版药典一部附录Ⅵ D)测定。 色谱条件与系统适用性试验 以十八烷基硅烷键合硅胶为填充剂;以乙腈0.04mol/L磷酸二氢钾溶液(5:95)为流动相;检测波长为260nm。理论板数按腺苷峰计算应不低于3000。 对照品溶液的制备 取腺苷对照品适量,精密称定,加0.5%磷酸溶液制成每1ml含12μg的溶液,即得。 供试品溶液的制备 取装量差异项下的本品内容物,混匀,取约0.5g,精密称定,置具塞锥形瓶中,加乙醚20ml,密塞,浸泡30分钟,滤过,弃去乙醚液,取药渣,挥干,连同滤纸一并置具塞锥形瓶中,精密加入0.5%磷酸溶液50ml,密塞,称定重量,超声处理(功率250W,频率33kHz) 30分钟,放冷,再称定重量,用0.5%磷酸溶液补足减失的重量,摇匀,静置,取上清液,滤过,取续滤液,即得。 测定法 分别精密吸取对照品溶液与供试品溶液各10μl,注入液相色谱仪,测定,即得。 本品每粒含腺苷(C10H13N5O4),规格(1)不得少于0.16 mg;规格(2)不得少于0.40mg。 2.7.3 总氨基酸 取装量差异项下的本品内容物20mg,精密称定,置180mm×18mm试管中,加6mol/L盐酸溶液6ml,真空封管,置110℃烘箱中水解24小时。打开试管封口,将内容物转移至蒸发皿中,用水25ml分次洗涤试管,洗液并入蒸发皿中,蒸干,残渣用0.02mol/L盐酸溶液分次洗涤,合并洗涤液,滤过,滤液转移至50ml量瓶中,用0.02mol/L盐酸溶液稀释至刻度,摇匀,用氨基酸分析仪测定。 本品每粒含总氨基酸,规格(1)不得少于60mg;规格(2)不得少于150mg。 2.8 功能与主治 补肺肾,益精气。用于肺肾两虚引起的咳嗽、气喘、咯血、腰背酸痛;慢性支气管炎、慢性肾功能不全的辅助治疗[2]。 2.9 用法与用量 口服。一次规格(1)5~15粒或规格(2)2~6粒,一日3次。 2.10 规格 (1)每粒装0.2g   (2)每粒装0.5g 2.11 贮藏 密封。 2.12 版本 《中华人民共和国药典》2010年版 3 百令胶囊说明书 3.1 药品类型 中药 3.2 药品名称 百令胶囊 3.3 药品汉语拼音 Bailing Jiaonang 3.4 成份 百令胶囊为发酵虫草菌粉(CSCQ80)制成的胶囊。 3.5 性状 百令胶囊为硬胶囊,内容物为灰色至灰黄色粉末;气微腥,味微咸。 3.6 百令胶囊的功能主治 补肺肾,益精气。用于肺肾两虚引起的咳嗽、气喘、腰背酸痛;慢性支气管炎的辅助治疗。 3.7 规格 每粒装0.2克 3.8 百令胶囊的用法用量 口服。一次5~15粒,一日3次。 3.9 注意事项 1.忌不易消化食物。 2.感冒发热病人不宜服用。 3.有高血压、心脏病、肝病、糖尿病、肾病等慢性病严重者应在医师指导下服用。 4.儿童、孕妇、哺乳期妇女应在医师指导下服用。 5.服药4周症状无缓解,应去医院就诊。 6.对百令胶囊过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。 7.百令胶囊性状发生改变时禁止使用。 8.儿童必须在成人监护下使用。 9.请将百令胶囊放在儿童不能接触的地方。 10.如正在使用其他药品,使用百令胶囊前请咨询医师或药师。 3.10 药物相互作用 如与其他药物同时使用可能会发生药物相互作用,详情请咨询医师或药师。 3.11 备注
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1.---bailing,how do you get to shanghai? ---I usually go there by train,sometimes by air.2.---Excuse me please,could you tell me how I go to the East lake? ---You can take the bus No.25.3.---Can you tell me where the China Bank is? ---It is near the walmart supmarket.4.---How can I get to the walmart supmarket? ---You can turn left when you reach the post office,and go stright 5 minutes, the supmarket is on your left.5.---What are you plan at the weakend? ---I am go to young palace.6.---Where are you going in the evening? ---I want to go to the bookshop. 7.---What are you want to buy? ---I want to buy a dictionary and some postcards.8.---What"s your father"habbit? ---He likes fiddle. ---What about you? ---Me to.9.---You mother is a teacher,isn"t it? ---Yes,she teach chinese.10.---What are you father"s work? ---He is an actor.11.---Where is he work? ---He works in the computer"s campany.12.---How is he to work? ---drive car for himself. ---and what"s you mother? ---by bus.13.---Where is vapor from? ---It is from the water in the river.14.---Where the rainbow come from? ---It is falls into drop.15.---How you to do it first,and than?
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人教版小学英语人物如下: 1、迈克,英文名是Mike。是美国人,性别为男。 2、陈洁,英文名是ChenJie。是中国人,性别为女。 3、吴一凡,英文名是WuYifan,是中国人,性别为男。 4、艾米,英文名是Amy。是美国人,性别为女。 5、莎拉,英文名是Sarah,是美国人,性别为女。 6、约翰,英文名是John,是加拿大人,性别为男。 7、刘云,英文名是LiuYun,是中国人,性别为女。 8、张鹏,英文名是ZhangPeng,是中国人,性别为男。 9、白玲,英文名是BaiLing,是中国人,性别为女。 10、怀特老师,英文名是MissWhite,是美国人,性别为女。 11、布莱特老师,英文名是MrBlack,是中国人,性别为男。
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陈百玲,女,1972年8月生,博士,副教授。1997年毕业于东北大学采矿工程专业,获硕士学位,同年留校任教;2011年毕业于东北大学结构工程专业,获博士学位;2013年1月被聘为副教授。 基本介绍 中文名 :陈百玲 国籍 :中国 出生日期 :1972年8月 职业 :教师 毕业院校 :东北大学 学位/学历 :博士 专业方向 :结构工程 学术代表作 :《土木工程施工》教材参编等 人物简介,研究方向,承担课程,科研项目,工作成果,获奖荣誉,教材或著作,发表论文, 人物简介 陈百玲,女,1972年8月生,博士,副教授。1994年毕业于东北大学矿山建筑专业,获学士学位;1997年毕业于东北大学采矿工程专业,获硕士学位,同年留校任教;2011年毕业于东北大学结构工程专业,获博士学位;2008年5月至2009年5月公派去美国佛罗里达大学做访问学者。 研究方向 钢与混凝土组合结构及FRP加固混凝土技术 承担课程 本科生课程:结构力学、路基路面工程;研究生课程:钢与混凝土组合结构、现代预应力技术 科研项目 (1)GFRP管型钢高强混凝土结构构件的力学性能研究,2013.01~2014.12,中央高校基本科研业务费,课题负责人; (2)国电康保五福堂风电场锚杆风机基础的试验研究,2012.12~2013.12,横向课题,课题负责人; (3)GFRP管耐久性评价指标与方法研究,2011.12~2012.12,横向课题,课题负责人; (4)新型GFRP管钢骨高强混凝土组合构件关键技术研究,2010.01~2011.01,横向课题,主要参与; (5)钢管钢骨高强混凝土组合柱抗震性能研究,2008.01~2009.12,辽宁省重点实验室项目,主要参与; (6)GFRP管钢筋混凝土组合柱地震损伤性能与评估方法,2005.01~2007.12,辽宁省自然科学基金,主要参与; (7)高温后钢骨高强混凝土结构地震累积损伤性能研究,2004.09~2005.12,辽宁省教育厅科技攻关项目,主要参与。 工作成果 获奖荣誉 1)我最喜爱的老师,校级,2013年,东北大学学生会、研究生会及学生社团联合会; 2)院本科教学优秀教师,院级,2005年,资源与土木工程学院; 3)大跨度预应力型钢与高强混凝土组合梁桥关键技术研究,省科技进步奖,三等奖,2013年,辽宁省科技厅; 4)大跨度预应力型钢与高强混凝土组合梁桥关键技术研究,中国铁路工程总公司科学技术奖,三等奖,2013年,中国铁路工程总公司; 5)大跨度预应力型钢与高强混凝土组合梁桥关键技术研究,沈阳市科技进步奖, 二等奖, 2012年,沈阳市人民 *** ; 6)新型GFRP管钢骨高强混凝土组合构件关键技术研究,省科技进步奖,二等奖,2010年,辽宁省科技厅。 教材或著作 1)GFRP管及钢管型钢混凝土结构,2013年8月,辽宁科学技术出版社,副主编; 2)地基基础设计与计算,2005年6月,人民交通出版社,参编; 3)土木工程施工,2004年1月,中国建筑工业出版社,参编。 发表论文 1)陈百玲,王连广. 基于钢板钢筋连线的拼接GFRP管混凝土组合构件抗弯性能试验研究,2013年,工程力学,EI检索;. 2)陈百玲,王连广. 钢筋拼接GFRP管混凝土组合构件的轴压性能试验研究,2012年,工程力学,EI检索. 3)Bailing Chen, Lianguang Wang. Bearing Capacity Calculating of GFRP Tube Filled with Steel-Reinforced Concrete Composite Column Subjected to Eentric Loading,2011.1,Advanced Materials Research,EI检索. 4)陈百玲,秦国鹏,王连广. GFRP管劲性钢筋混凝土组合柱轴心抗压承载力计算,2011年,建筑结构. 5)陈百玲,于建军,王连广. 对称集中荷载下预应力U型钢与混凝土组合梁滑移计算,2011年,哈尔滨工业大学学报,EI检索. 6)陈百玲,王连广,秦国鹏. 玻璃纤维增强材料管劲性钢筋混凝土结构柱轴心受压试验研究,2011年,工业建筑. 7)陈百玲,秦国鹏,王连广. GFRP管钢骨混凝土轴压短柱承载力研究,2010年,东北大学学报,EI检索. 8)陈百玲,王连广,秦国鹏. GFRP管钢筋混凝土组合构件抗弯性能实验研究,2010年,东北大学学报, EI检索. 9)陈百玲,秦国鹏,王连广. GFRP管钢筋混凝土组合构件抗弯承载力计算,2010年,混凝土.
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导读:“你再走试试”,结果孩子真的走走试试:你的反话,其实根本没用 各位点开这篇文章的朋友们,想必都是很高的颜值吧,我们真的是很有缘哦,我每天都会给大家带来不一样的 育儿 资讯,如果对我的文章或者其他的什么,有什么一些意见的话欢迎在下方积极评论哦,我每条都会认真看的。那么本期的内容是:“你再走试试”,结果孩子真的走走试试:你的反话,其实根本没用!那么我们就来看看吧! 几天前,我带孩子去操场上玩。一位母亲还带着一个小男孩在操场上玩。玩了一会儿之后,母亲接了电话,也许有紧急的事情要离开,于是她与孩子讨论,说如果发生什么事,让我们下次再玩。“但是孩子还没有玩得开心,他很生气,对孩子说:“好吧,那你去玩吧。”没想到,小男孩真的跑过去再次玩耍。母亲生气地tom了脚。并诅咒孩子无知。实际上,不是孩子无知,而是母亲的“逆向交谈”,孩子不理解。 我记得小时候特别喜欢去邻居家。我打电话给那个邻居的阿姨。我再次去姨妈家的时候。吃饭时间到了,妈妈叫我回家。我不想一直回去。所以妈妈说:“好吧,你可以在姑姑家当你的女儿。我不再想要你了。”当我听到妈妈这样说的时候,我很害怕妈妈真的不想我抱着我我妈妈的大腿。 母亲看到我很害怕。当我不听话时,她用这句话来吓me我:“如果你不听话,就让你成为你姑姑的女儿,不要成为我的女儿。” 这句话成为我妈妈对付我的杀手trick俩。我尝试了Bailing,因为我真的很害怕妈妈真的不想要我,所以很长一段时间以来,我都不敢再去姑姑家。 小时候,我只是相信成年人,所以我担心如果我不听话,我会被抛弃。我直到长大才知道。这种讽刺似乎满足了成年人的 情感 发泄,但是却伤害了孩子们的心理。在“ 13岁的孩子之前母亲必须理解的心理学”一书中,成年人的“矛盾”陈述如下: 幼儿理解话语中具有讽刺意味的意图的能力以及辨别真相,讽刺和侮辱性词语的能力将显得很晚。他们通常将成人的讽刺理解为正面的话。 换句话说,当许多父母对孩子生气时,他们会试图用它们来激发孩子的讽刺意味。听孩子们的耳朵,他们不会被理解为刺激,而是被认为是真实的。例如,如果孩子不加选择地过马路,如果母亲对孩子说:“尝试再次走路”,孩子会真正向前迈进;如果孩子扔书,母亲会说“尝试再扔书”,但孩子会把书扔掉。更多的精力... 大多数父母认为此时孩子的行为是故意违背自己的,但实际上,孩子根本无法真正理解母亲的意图。他们的思维通常是具体而生动的,他们不善于分析事物的内在含义,难以理解语言的含义。 儿童心理学的创始者阿德勒曾说:“儿童具有很强的感知能力,但是他们对世界的理解能力还不够。”因此,在教 育儿 童时必须坚持积极的指导,并以肢体语言补充他们,以帮助儿童理解自己的真实含义。一个研究小组曾经研究过小学生是否可以在他们的话语中理解成年人的讽刺意味。例如,当一个人做作业的速度很慢时,他的母亲说:“你做得非常快”,或者一个孩子显然在奔跑。非常慢,但他的母亲说:“您可以跑得这么快”。事实证明,小学一年级的学生基本上无法理解这句话的真实含义,而一年级后的孩子则真正理解了父母言语的真实含义。 我记得我的孩子五岁的时候,我总是很兴奋。不休的声音如此之大,以至于我父亲无法阻止它,于是他生气地说:“如果再发出声音,我会给你看一些颜色的。”这个孩子很快就让我平静下来了,不是因为父亲生气了,而是因为他想知道他的“肤色”是什么。结果,父亲以为孩子理解了他的讽刺意味,不再说任何话了。孩子看到父亲已经很久没有出现“彩色”了,开始再次吵架。 由于语言能力有限,目前大多数孩子不知道父母在讽刺。他们根据有限的语言认知来区分单词。例如,他们的父母说:“玩耍,玩耍,整夜不睡觉。”聪明的孩子可能会从父母的态度说出他们的父母很生气,但是他们不知道为什么生气会充满怀疑,但是大多数有时候,他们会真的以为父母希望他们整晚玩。 与学龄前儿童相反,大多数时候父母只是在寻找愤怒,而您讽刺地说“走路像个小老头”,孩子会越来越垂头,看起来像个小老头;好好刷牙对他说:“根本不要刷牙”,孩子真的不刷牙。 尤其是某些父母还喜欢涉及一些危险的词语,例如“为什么不用刀子刺自己”或“为什么不赶路”等。当您这样说时,您很快就会发现孩子确实按照您说的做。当我上小学时,我有一个十几岁的同学。一个村庄里一个20多岁的男孩经常给她食物。母亲发现后非常担心,因为男孩整日闲着,女友接连相继。母亲多次警告女孩,但女孩还是一样。 然后有一天,我的母亲生气了,对她大喊:“你是一个经常吃男孩食物的女孩。你为什么这么无耻?你爱上一个人吗?你可以和他一起去嫁给他们。”当她听到母亲的话时非常生气,并且与母亲吵架。她的母亲很生气地打败了那个女孩。结果,被激怒的女孩跑去寻找男孩,并与男孩入睡。没多久,女孩就怀孕了,被男孩悲惨地抛弃了。后来,她从一败涂地中走出来。 这个10岁的孩子已经了解了母亲的对与错。她知道自己的母亲用对与错来发泄自己的负面情绪,但此时孩子具有强烈的独立感,尤其是在她处于叛逆时期时,当他知道母亲在激怒时,他仍然想“使母亲生气”或“使母亲后悔”,并故意对付成年人,以对他们进行报复。 一方面,她的自我意识有所增强。另一方面,她还是个孩子,思想还不成熟。她没想到所谓的“报复”不仅会给父母造成痛苦,还会毁了她的生活。当然,即使没有报复,父母的讽刺也会使孩子陷入抑郁并影响亲子关系。 父母也很正常,有时候当他们无法控制自己的情绪时,偶尔说些生气是很正常的,但是不要用讽刺来刺激孩子,否则孩子会在相同的情况下使用与父母相似的东西。情况。“对待他人”以待他人,因此父母可以在与孩子沟通的过程中遵循以下几点: 期中考试即将举行。我同事的孩子林琳告诉父亲,他想在周末玩电子 游戏 。当我的同事听到孩子说这句话时,他当时非常生气,认为孩子根本不关心学习,而准备参加考试。她想玩电子 游戏 ,几乎脱口而出“你的功课吗?你可以获得第一名,对吗? 但是当我想一想,当我说这句话时,那肯定是另一顿饭了。所以,同事耐心地问孩子:“你为什么要玩电子 游戏 ?”这个孩子回答说,是班上的孩子们组织了一个电子 游戏 部落,并想在一段时间后参加比赛并想练习。 同事继续耐心,问:“你有什么计划?”孩子说了自己的练习计划,每天练习多长时间,花什么时间练习,然后同事继续假装不经意地说:“好吧,既然您是这样安排的,那您就必须安排进行中期审查的时间。”这个孩子听到这个消息后大吃一惊,显然没有考虑这个问题。在父亲的提醒下,孩子皱了皱眉,说道:“是的,期中考试将超过一周。是的,然后我将集中精力复习这些天,并且在考试结束后练习视频 游戏 。” 从这个案例中我们可以看到,在父子之间的对话中,没有讽刺和讽刺的讽刺,而是一步一步地引导孩子深入思考,并运用类似朋友的提问方式使孩子自己思考做事的方法。孩子生活的合理性将帮助孩子理清自己的思想,积极认识自己的错误,并努力寻找解决方案。心理学中有一个术语称为“反馈听”,这意味着在父母认真听取孩子的观点之后,他们了解了孩子的想法和感受,然后根据自己的理解说出孩子的想法和感受。证明并更多地了解孩子的隐藏 情感 ,从而帮助孩子合理,主动地管理自己的情绪。“反馈倾听”的关键是对孩子的内在 情感 而非外在行为做出反应。 当了解“反馈倾听”的父母主导与孩子的谈话时,他们可以在谈话过程中更准确,更全面地了解孩子的情况。他们可以仔细聆听孩子的所有表情,弄清孩子的真实感受,然后进行必要的确认。 例如,如果孩子与朋友尴尬,母亲可以首先说“我知道你很生气,因为你的好朋友今天把你的书撕了”。这可以帮助孩子理解自己的感觉,并知道这种感觉的合理性,然后对孩子的感觉做出回应:“看来您今天很累。您应该休息一会儿,不要考虑任何事情。”最后,听取反馈意见:“妈妈也想知道为什么HEIF你要撕了你的书,那一定是伤心地看到你这么生气。你可以告诉妈妈什么时候好吗? 这种反馈倾听的重要性在于强调父母要注意孩子的感受,而不是根据主观经验与孩子盲目交谈。尽管目的是要求儿童接受他们自己的指示,但是这种方法将使他们更容易接受。心理学家表明,人们满足了他们的基本生理需求后,人性中最基本的需求便会被他人所欣赏。 作为父母,如果我们经常“讲真话”,我们可能不会对孩子造成身体上或行为上的惩罚,但也会引起精神上的惩罚,因为年幼的孩子不知道父母在嘲笑他,但是据了解父母生气的语气和表情,混淆了孩子的是非。大一点的孩子会引起孩子的反抗心理,从而使父母后悔。 因此,当我们与孩子交流时,必须退出惩罚性的交流方法,首先与孩子澄清规则,然后简明地指出孩子的错误,明确指出什么是行为的红线,孩子不能得罪,以及允许孩子进行适应规则和了解规则的过程,并为孩子提供纠正的建议和实践。 同时,父母还应努力为孩子的失误找到一个好的起点,并给予孩子积极的肯定和信任。这不仅会促使孩子改正自己的错误,而且会帮助孩子建立自信心并建立更亲密的关系。亲子关系。简而言之,我们与儿童交谈的正确原则应该是:尊重儿童是前提,正确表达您的观点和感受,使用积极的语言和文字提出您的要求和建议,不要嘲笑和嘲讽儿童。这样孩子可以成为自己的更好的版本。
2023-01-01 14:28:351

mysql Table "bailing.tb_news" doesn"t exist

数据库名字是bailing 表的名字是tb_news。所以:> use bailing;> select * from tb_news;这样就OK了。
2023-01-01 14:28:403


2023-01-01 14:28:517


用英文介绍一个最喜欢地方不少于150 My favourite place is the Great Wall. It is more than ten thousand kilometers,like a long dragon flying among the mountains,which is the most famous interest of China.It is a symbol of Chinese civilization, has been playing an important role in the history and culture of China. When i saw the Great Wall for the first time,i was shocked by its view.I like the Great Wall, it is my favourite place. 我最喜欢的地方是长城。它是一万多公里,像一条龙,在群山之中飞,这是中国最著名的景点,它是中华文明的象征,在中国的历史和文化中起着重要的作用。当我第一次看到长城的时候,我很震惊,我喜欢长城,这是我最喜欢的地方。 用不少于30个单词英文介绍小狗 I have a dog. He is black and white. He is a spotted coach dog.He likes playing with balls. And he likes palying fri *** y with us in the park. His favorite food is chicken. He is a good friend of mine. 因为在外国人看来小狗也是他们的亲人所以用he/she. 是小学生的作文吧,上面是按小学生的水平写的哦,有什么不明白还可以问 用英文介绍非洲国家不少于25 非洲有很多很多语言,但大多以法语或英语做官方语言或通用语言。西非,包括中部非洲的刚果金等国家都以法语为官方语言伙通用语。而东非、南非大都以英语为官方语或通用语。几内亚比索、莫三比克和安哥拉除外,它们的官方语言都是葡萄牙语。另外,北非的话,阿拉伯语基本上都可以用。以上所说的仅限于陆地上的国家,不包括小的岛国(马达加斯加以法语为官方语言)。从国家的数量上看,英语法语的比例是差不多的。这只是我粗略的统计,仅供参考哦。 你最喜欢什么动物,喜欢它什么地方,不少于100字。 小乌龟很可爱,圆圆的小脑袋上镶嵌著一双滴溜溜转的小眼睛,嘴巴成W型,好像在冲我微笑。小乌龟还有一个硬邦邦的龟壳,一有点动静,它一不躲。二不闪,索性把头和四肢全缩排壳里,小心翼翼地躲著,不敢再出来,好玩极了。 我正在高兴之际,忽然想起了电视上的一则科学小故事。乌龟从高空掉下来不但不会摔死还会安然无恙。这个故事一直到现在我还半信半疑,现在眼前就有一只小乌龟,我不是可以解开疑团了吗?想到这里我开心极了。急忙把小乌龟高高举起,刚想往下扔,可是看着小乌龟我又犹豫了,因为小乌龟实在太小了,我怕它受伤呀!于是我高高举起的手又放下了。 一天,我又和往常一样,把小乌龟喂饱后,带着它在桌子上散只见小乌龟越爬越快,很快就爬到了桌子的边缘我来不及接住它。一不小心,从桌角掉了下去,我的心都提到嗓子眼了,却见小乌龟不紧不慢地翻了个身,壳朝下,四肢张开,伸出了小脑袋四处瞧,跟没事人似的,大摇大摆爬了出去我那颗悬著的心落了回去。原来,小乌龟的硬邦邦的外壳就是它的秘密武器啊! 我真感谢小乌龟,是它让我解开了疑团,明白了这个科学道理。 请用英语介绍你,最喜欢的一种运动要求不少于40个单词 My name is ###. I am## years old. I like to make friends. I also like to do exercise. My favourite sport is playing basketball. I can get happiness and friendship from the sport. We always get on well with each other after the sport. 英语作文写一篇短文介绍你最喜欢的名人(不少于60词)我明天就要的 小女子不才,这是我上网要的。。。可以参考看看。 Britney Jean Spears (born December 2, 1981) is an American recording artist and entertainer. She has sold over 100 million records worldwide, making her one of the best-selling music artists in the history of contemporary music. Aording to the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), she is the eighth -selling female artist in the United States, with 32 million certified albums. Britney is also recognized as the best-selling female artist of the first decade of the 21st century, as well as the fifth overall. She was ranked the 8th Artist of the 2000–10 decade by Billboard. In June 2010, Britney was ranked sixth on Forbes list of the 100 Most Powerful and Influential celebrities in the world, she is also ranked as the third most powerful musician in the world. 城隍庙名吃 英文介绍不少于100个单词 crab-brown flaky pastry the flaky pastry is crispy, delicious, aromatic and as brown as the color of a cooked crab. the fillings include green onions, pork, crab meat, shrimp, sugar, mashed beans, jujube paste. mashed date flaky pastry it is a kind of fried food cooked with pastry cover and black mashed dates inside. it is very popular among the tourists from hong kong, macao and japan for its golden color, cute figure, crispy pastry and delicious stuffing. fried mantou (a kind of fried paste with stuffing inside) in shanghai, people usually call baozi (bread) to be mantou, so fried mantou , in fact, is fried baozi. the semi-fermented paste is fried on the saucepan with spraying water several times during cooking. you"d better taste it in hot because at that time, the bottom is golden-colored and crispy, while the rest part is white and soft. the wonderful stuffing mixing fresh meat with sesame or scallion is especially wonderful. cold noodle with sauce for the summer in shanghai, cold noodle is usually one of the most popular foods. the making procedure is: boil the noodle after steaming, then make it cool, at last add some sauces. 8.2.5 yangchun noodle (plain noodle) there is a custom for the local people that the october in lunar calendar is another spring; hence the number of ten refers to spring. in the old days, the noodle was just worth ten wen (the money unit in ancient times), that"s why the noodle was called yangchun noodle-“chun” means spring in chinese. yangchun noodle is *** ooth and tasty, mixed the fresh and delicious dried shrimps with scented scallion oil. it is said that in 1945, a busines *** an with the surname chen stirred the noodle with special scallion oil which was made in the typical way of his hometown. it was so unique that it is popular until now. flour ball with fruits stuffing it is a kind of sticky rice ball with fruits stuffing which is cooked by sweet fermented-rice. it is very special and delicious. leisha dumpling it is the glutinous-rice dumpling covering ground adzuki bean. it is said that at the end of qing dynasty, an old lady called lei made a living by the glutinous-rice dumpling stall in shanghai. in order to make the dumpling convenient to store and carry for attracting more customers, she tried so many ways. and finally she found covering ground adzuki bean is an effective way. sponge cake made by lard and fruits it is steamed by the mixed powder of glutinous-rice and rice with adzuki bean and fruits. the cake is so soft and sweet, and has various tastes with different fruits. thus it is the popular food for weling the new year. fried chop rice cake the chop, with a piece of rice cake, is fried and cooked. there are o makings in shanghai for this snack; the representatives are shuguang restaurant and xian laide cake store which have been famous for their chop rice cakes since 1930s; although the making procedures are different. fresh meat flour dough the typical flour dough has the ingredients of diced chicken and meat, mixing with the delicious soup. because of the ear-like figure, it got the name “mao"er” meaning the ears of cat. but here i"d like to remend an unique one in qiao jiashan restaurant of shanghai. the special things are the hand-made flour piece and the meat or bean paste stuffing. escargots pickled with distillers" grains or in wine the median size escargots are boiled with the distillers" grains or in wine. the escargot is fresh, the seasoning is appetizing. once you have a taste, you will never fet it. gaoqiao cake the ingredients used for this shortcake are wheat flour, lard, sugar, red beans and o *** anthus. it is a rich and easily crumbled pastry, and has bee one of the four renowned pastries from the gaoqiao bakery. all the products from this bakery can be bought at its retail department at the corner of huaihai zhong road and ruijin road. solidified pear syrup of town god"s temple the history of solidified pear syrup can date back to 1300 years ago. there were stores sailing solidified pear syrup in shanghai"s town god"s temple more than 100 years ago. and the fame of it was spread all over the world from then on. the solidified pear syrup can be divided into one for healing effect and one for taste. the first one can relieve cough and asthma, as well as stimulate the appetite by so many medicinal herbs, such as almond, the root of balloon flower, tuckahoe, tuber pinellas etc. while the one for taste is boiled with sugar plus herbs, for example amomum villosum, hawthorn, clove and so on. tips: now it is the monopoly of shanghai solidified pear syrup shop in yuyuan garden merce city. cream spiced beans cream spiced beans are made by the local green broad beans with the ingredients such as fennel, cinnamon bark, salt, sugar, cream etc. it tastes slight sweet and delicate flavor, which is good for stimulating the appetite. Old Town God Temple Snack Street 老城隍庙小吃街 (lǎo chéng huáng miào xiǎo chī jiē) Located in Huangpu District, the Old Town God Temple Snack Street is about ten minutes" walk away from the South Bund Area. It is an ideal dining place during your pact sightseeing schedule. The Old Town God Temple area deserves the name of "Shanghai Snack Kingdom". It is a time-honored and the largest snack street featuring the most famous restaurants and eateries in Shanghai. In aordance with the architectural style of the nearby ancient Yuyuan Garden, restaurants in the Old Town God Temple Snack Street are all constructed following a style of Ming and Qing Dynasties. In addition, a snack plaza of thousands of square meters is included. You can almost find all the Shanghai snacks here, including Nanxiang Steamed Stuffed Buns, Crab-Yellow Pastries, Fried Stuffed Buns, Chop Rice Cakes, Vegetable Stuffed Buns, and Cream Spiced Beans. Various snacks of other areas in China are also available. Remended Restaurants: Shanghai Classical Hotel 上海老饭店 (shàng hǎi lǎo fàn diàn) Location: No.242, Fuyou Road, Huangpu District Specialties: Authentic Shanghai Benbang cuisines. Lu Bo Lang绿波廊 (lǜ bō láng) Location: No. 131, Yuyuan Road, Huangpu District Specialties: Shanghai Haipai cuisines and snacks. Shanghai De Xing Guan 上海德兴馆 (shàng hǎi dé xīng guǎn) Location: No.18, Bailing Road, Huangpu District Specialties: Shanghai Benbang cuisines; various kinds of nutritious and restorative soup. Chunfeng Songyue Vegetarian Restaurant 春风松月楼 (chūn fēng sōng yuè lóu) Location: No.23, Bailing Road, Huangpu District Specialties: Vegetable Stuffed Bun and various vegetarian cuisines. Nanxiang Mantou Restaurant 南翔馒头店 (nán xiáng mán tou diàn) Location: No. 85, Yuyuan Road, Huangpu District Specialties: Nanxiang Steamed Stuffed Bun. 用一些英文介绍公共标识(不少于6句话) NO Smoking! NO Parking! BYW Be careful! Be quiet! Toilet 我最好的老师用英文介绍不少于五句 She is beautiful, she has long hair, she always help us to study. She always *** iles when we meet her, All of us like her very much, can you guess who is she? Let me tell you, she is our English teacher. 用英文介绍自己不少于十句带翻译关于一个女生 I"m a 15- year-old girl. I like dancing, singing. And my favorite sport is table tennis. Red, white blue are the colors that I love.I yearn for the sunshine and I will try my best to learn every subject and cherish every moment. 简单的 希望对你有帮助
2023-01-01 14:29:141


Baked Mushroom mango shrimp meat Seoul, Kuala rice orange fans Farmer Zhudu Tsim Fragrance colorectal Muyu stone eggs Chung Yan fried corn Five-bean Five-Jin Guazhong Celery Lily speculation Huaishan Shrimp mushroom Rouchao Taoren Once baked a pumpkin Xianrou speculation Celery - Fried anchovies Baked pumpkin crab meat Fried tiger Jianjiao Fried chicken small fish Zhaxia date Vegetable soup at the Baptist When cooking soup on procuring (Speculation) with Huaha Palestinian wave of preserved fish fried garlic Lily speculation Taoren Lily fungus speculation Banjin Egan small green Chaxiang baked sand shrimp Soy wet dog mother fish Fin soup bean curd Salmon sashimi Egan Jiang speculation of eight The fish (Xianrou) speculation at the center Baked-ear broth Hoi Wong Lai Rong Crisp With Big Head Egan fried red wine Huameizhushou Cuttlefish-gold Salt and Pepper Cha Shugu Salt and Pepper Kau fish Salt and Pepper chopsticks fish oil Gold Ying tofu Fairview sashimi fight Leek Chaodou dry Liangbanhaizhe head Fragrance of butterflies A lamb crab Xiangjianzhupa Qingchao, vegetables Miscellaneous vegetable soup when procuring Goose tendon Siu mei and the vocabulary Nectar burning Banjin Sumiyaki neck pig meat Sumiyaki pig Nan Extreme Shaoe The gold medal hanging chicken ST-sand ginger chicken Fragrance pipa pigeons Crystal delicious chicken Japanese-style frozen Australian abalone Dalian Powell Binghua Lily Baking Dalian Powell Dalian Lianggua Don Powell Australian abalone burning stone Baked tomatoes Taiwan abalone Five of the god Don Powell Taiwan Chaoshan braised wings Papaya stew hook fin Nongzhimitang fin Braised big Baochi Cai Zhi Jin Chi Gou Jiang Tang large Baochi Pui Chi yuan osmanthus ST-12.0 - Protect the country in Caigeng Ganbei carrot soup Ganbei celery soup Crab meat bitter melon soup Lily burning Gorgon Fruit Braised tofu pot Ginkgo Gailan the first to burn Fish balls and spring vegetables to burn Seafood fans to burn Eggplant burn Yuxiang Grass carp to burn fat cabbage Plate of sea cucumber to burn Spring vegetables ribs burning Tomato cauliflower burn Sishen cooking pot powder Paper Dan amaranth to burn Thick mushroom mustard pot Kok Kuala Taoren burn Taiwan abalone Lianggua burn Taiwan abalone Lianggua burn Kok Kuala Taoren burn Jujube deer Nan burn Monolithic Tai Ho Monolithic aquatic Monolithic tofu Ganbeizhusheng soup Olive stewed pig lungs Olive Don Kok Lo Bile stew of small dishes like mussels Chicken stew of fresh Yerou Yang Shen stew of fresh eel fat Baked Bailing Mushroom Baozhi Summer grass mushroom stew classes pigeons Loquat stewed pig jets Root of Ficus hitra stewed partridge Papaya stew of fresh eel Biao Red stewing Sanxian Caterers clams oil crab meat Braised fish skin sand Braised clams oil Plastic flowers deduction Liriodendron Barley Baking Lo film Bailing Mushroom baked sea cucumber Baked double-Gorgon Fruit Papaya clams oil Yuni clams melon orange oil Suchao rice noodles (Hua, noodles) Seafood (or Rousi) fried rice noodles, Guo, face, rice Mainz Fentiao package Caichao Su Chao-a - Corn defense Jingua defense Jiang Mainz defense Ho Tsai defense Gao burning two-color Gao burning Jingua Gao Jiang burning Mainz ginkgo Jiang Qing Tian Mainz ginkgo Qingtian Lily Tang Pastoral pumpkin pie Home sweet potato pie Green onion pancake characteristics Golden fried pie Gold and silver good steamed bread 1000 Siluo Bo Crisp Hawaii papaya Crisp Pictographic Durian Crisp Wheat nutrition package Melaleuca pork Crisp Cairou flavor packets Well-known mistresses package Shou Tao
2023-01-01 14:29:192


...guaranteed threats这个什么意思?我在网上没有找到我也是19号考六级
2023-01-01 14:29:273

‘白今" 连起来的这个字念什么就是一个

皊 :读音 líng   (1)解释: 白色。   (2) 郑码:NKOW,U:768A,GBK:B073   (3) 笔画数:10,部首:白,◎ 字形结构[ 首尾分解查字 ]:白令(bailing) [ 笔顺编号 ]:3251134454[ 笔顺读写 ]:撇竖折横横撇捺捺折捺
2023-01-01 14:30:131


bail 英[beɪl] 美[bel] n. [法律] 保释金; 保释人,保释; [板球] 三柱门上的横木; (马厩的) 栅栏; vt. 保释,帮助脱离困境; 将(财物)委托给…; 往外舀水; [其他] 第三人称单数:bails 复数:bails 现在分词:bailing 过去式:bailed过去分词:bailed
2023-01-01 14:30:181


2023-01-01 14:30:244


2023-01-01 14:30:401


2023-01-01 14:30:461


I"m boiling我在沸腾
2023-01-01 14:30:511


很多咯。。1. 何其芳文选 现代著名诗人,著有《老人》、《迟暮的花》、《哀歌》、《黄昏》等作品。 2. 王者鲲 西藏诗人王者鲲的网站。 3. 艾青文集 提供艾青作品欣赏。 4. 冰心诗选 有关冰心诗歌作品欣赏。 5. 冯至诗选 冯至诗歌作品选读。 6. 诗人和考古学家陈梦家 陈梦家网上纪念馆,含生平简介、纪念文选、活动年谱、历史照片、人物讨论。 7. 臧克家文集 含作者介绍及官、野店、诗集、伟大与渺小、老哥哥、以耳代目之类等作品。 8. 北村诗选 含《一首诗》、《他和我》、《只有歌声》、《良伴》、《隔壁是谁》等。 9. 高晓涛诗选 毕业于复旦大学中文系,校园诗人。 10. 何其芳诗选 有关何其芳诗歌作品欣赏。 11. 梁宗岱文集 主要作品有诗集《晚祷》,词集《芦笛风》、文论《诗与真》等。 12. 骆一禾诗集 骆一禾,当代青年诗人。 13. 余光中主页 包含余光中生平简介、影集、大事年表等。 14. 冯乃超诗选 有关冯乃超诗作欣赏。 15. 何其芳散文 含诗人简介、作品目录、《墓》、《树阴下的默想》、《哀歌》、《梦后》等散文。 16. 李尚朝 当代诗人李尚朝个人诗歌网站。包括获奖诗集,最新诗歌作品等。 17. 李元胜作品集 含诗歌、随笔、小说等作品。 18. 绍尔茨诗选 19. 杨扬小诗 作者:杨扬 20. 何其芳 含诗人简介和《预言》、《河》、《我为少男少女歌唱》等诗歌。 21. 艾青 【艾青】(1910~1996)现、当代诗人。原名蒋海澄,笔名莪加、克阿、林壁等。浙江金华人。 22. 白凌诗集 23. 白凌诗集 白凌诗歌作品集。 24. 陈德锦诗集 陈德锦诗歌作品集。 25. 陈慧桦诗集 26. 陈慧桦诗集 含再渡槟威海峡,都城风情画,后现代三贴,两只黑鸦的传奇等。 27. 陈克华诗集 28. 丁尼生诗选 29. 丁威仁诗集 30. 公刘 含作者简介及公刘诗集、中国病人等作品。 31. 纪小样诗集 32. 苏绍连诗集 33. 田间 田间,原名童天鉴,现代诗人。 34. 王家新诗选 提供王家新诗歌作品欣赏。 35. 王润华诗集 36. 闻一多 闻一多(1899.11.24—1946.7.15)原名闻家骅,号友三,生于湖北浠水。自幼爱好古典诗词和美术。 37. 杨潜诗集 杨潜诗歌作品集。 38. 杨宗翰诗集 杨宗翰诗歌作品集。 39. 于小韦 包含《火车》、《鸟的飞行》、《太阳,三个孩子》等诗歌。 40. 臧克家诗选 包含老马、有的人、村夜、洋车夫和难民。 41. 阿非-天堂之恋 阿非的抒情诗。 42. 艾农诗集 艾农诗歌作品集。 43. 白灵诗集 44. 白灵诗集 白灵诗歌作品集。 45. 毕然作品欣赏 文章欣赏。 46. 陈大为诗集 47. 陈德锦诗集 48. 陈慧桦 含桦陈慧桦诗集。 49. 陈敬容 陈敬容(1917.9.2~1989.11.8)原籍四川乐山。诗集《老去的是时间》获1986年全国优秀新诗集奖。 50. 陈梦家诗选 推介陈梦家诗词作品。 51. 陈蔚-中国诗歌考察 当代诗歌考察。 52. 地球母亲 万勇诗歌选集。 53. 朵思 含朵思诗集。 54. 方群诗集 方群的诗集作品。 55. 方群诗集 56. 何其芳诗集 57. 何雅雯诗集 何雅雯诗歌作品集。 58. 纪弦诗集 收录了纪弦诗集作品几十首。 59. 黎阳专集 包含黎阳简介、散文集锦、诗歌荟萃、小说《永远的守候》等作品。 60. 李宗荣诗集 李宗荣诗歌作品集。 61. 刘大白诗集 刘大白诗歌作品集。 62. 刘叔慧 刘叔慧诗歌作品锦集。 63. 流沙河诗集 64. 穆旦诗选 包括《从空虚到充实》、《哀悼》、《九十九家争鸣记》、《不幸的人们》等诗歌。 65. 汪启疆诗集 66. 王良和诗集 67. 王添源诗集 68. 苇鸣诗集 69. 翁文娴诗集 70. 向明诗集 71. 痖弦诗集 痖弦,著名台湾诗人,原名王庆鳞。主要著作有《痖弦诗抄》、《深渊》、《盐》等诗集。 72. 颜艾琳诗集 73. 杨平诗集 74. 杨潜诗集 75. 杨维晨诗集 76. 杨宗翰诗集 77. 余丛作品目录 汇集余丛诗歌作品。 78. 张默 含张默诗集等作品欣赏。 79. 张默诗集 80. 郑愁予 含郑愁予诗集欣赏。 81. 庄柏林诗集 庄柏林诗歌作品集。 82. 棕色果诗集 棕色果诗歌作品集。 83. 陈黎诗集 84. 大荒诗集 含二月,最后的傲岸,金汤公园的午后,塔克拉马干等作品。 85. 韩博作品 韩博,校园诗人,毕业于复旦大学。 86. 洪书勤诗集 洪书勤诗歌作品集。 87. 纪弦诗集 88. 李元贞诗集 89. 梁遇春 梁遇春诗歌作品集。 90. 罗门诗集 罗门诗歌作品集。 91. 邵燕祥 邵燕祥,当代诗人,1933年6月10日出生于北京。 92. 沈尹默诗集 93. 唐捐诗集 唐捐诗集精选。 94. 王独清诗集 95. 王冕竹斋集 作者:王冕
2023-01-01 14:30:571


I"m boiling我在沸腾
2023-01-01 14:31:031


My name is Bai Lllng.我的名字叫白玲。
2023-01-01 14:31:093

选出最佳的答语? -Goodbye!A:I"mBaiLing B:Bye

2023-01-01 14:31:222


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C
2023-01-01 14:31:351

pep小学英语所有人物介绍 (中文)

Mike:迈克 美国 男Bailing:白灵 中国 女Sarah:莎拉 美国 女Miss white:怀特小姐 美国 女Mr black:布莱克先生 美国 男John:约翰 加拿大 男Wuyifan:吴一凡 中国 男Chenjie:陈杰 中国 女Amy:艾米 美国 女Zhangpeng:张鹏 中国 男Liuyun:刘云 中国 女
2023-01-01 14:31:411

城隍庙名吃 英文介绍不少于100个单词

crab-brown flaky pastry the flaky pastry is crispy,delicious,aromatic and as brown as the color of a cooked crab.the fillings include green onions,pork,crab meat,shrimp,sugar,mashed beans,jujube paste. mashed date flaky pastry it is a kind of fried food cooked with pastry cover and black mashed dates is very popular among the tourists from hong kong,macao and japan for its golden color,cute figure,crispy pastry and delicious stuffing. fried mantou (a kind of fried paste with stuffing inside) in shanghai,people usually call baozi (bread) to be mantou,so fried mantou ,in fact,is fried baozi.the semi-fermented paste is fried on the saucepan with spraying water several times during cooking.you钬檇 better taste it in hot because at that time,the bottom is golden-colored and crispy,while the rest part is white and soft.the wonderful stuffing mixing fresh meat with sesame or scallion is especially wonderful. cold noodle with sauce for the summer in shanghai,cold noodle is usually one of the most popular foods.the making procedure is:boil the noodle after steaming,then make it cool,at last add some sauces. 8.2.5 yangchun noodle (plain noodle) there is a custom for the local people that the october in lunar calendar is another spring; hence the number of ten refers to the old days,the noodle was just worth ten wen (the money unit in ancient times),that钬檚 why the noodle was called yangchun noodle-钬渃hun钬 means spring in chinese. yangchun noodle is smooth and tasty,mixed the fresh and delicious dried shrimps with scented scallion is said that in 1945,a businessman with the surname chen stirred the noodle with special scallion oil which was made in the typical way of his was so unique that it is popular until now. flour ball with fruits stuffing it is a kind of sticky rice ball with fruits stuffing which is cooked by sweet is very special and delicious. leisha dumpling it is the glutinous-rice dumpling covering ground adzuki is said that at the end of qing dynasty,an old lady called lei made a living by the glutinous-rice dumpling stall in order to make the dumpling convenient to store and carry for attracting more customers,she tried so many ways.and finally she found covering ground adzuki bean is an effective way. sponge cake made by lard and fruits it is steamed by the mixed powder of glutinous-rice and rice with adzuki bean and fruits.the cake is so soft and sweet,and has various tastes with different fruits.thus it is the popular food for welcoming the new year. fried chop rice cake the chop,with a piece of rice cake,is fried and cooked.there are two makings in shanghai for this snack; the representatives are shuguang restaurant and xian laide cake store which have been famous for their chop rice cakes since 1930s; although the making procedures are different. fresh meat flour dough the typical flour dough has the ingredients of diced chicken and meat,mixing with the delicious soup.because of the ear-like figure,it got the name 钬渕ao钬檈r钬 meaning the ears of cat.but here i钬檇 like to recommend an unique one in qiao jiashan restaurant of shanghai.the special things are the hand-made flour piece and the meat or bean paste stuffing. escargots pickled with distillers" grains or in wine the median size escargots are boiled with the distillers" grains or in wine.the escargot is fresh,the seasoning is appetizing.once you have a taste,you will never forget it. gaoqiao cake the ingredients used for this shortcake are wheat flour,lard,sugar,red beans and is a rich and easily crumbled pastry,and has become one of the four renowned pastries from the gaoqiao bakery.all the products from this bakery can be bought at its retail department at the corner of huaihai zhong road and ruijin road. solidified pear syrup of town god"s temple the history of solidified pear syrup can date back to 1300 years ago.there were stores sailing solidified pear syrup in shanghai钬檚 town god钬檚 temple more than 100 years ago.and the fame of it was spread all over the world from then on. the solidified pear syrup can be divided into one for healing effect and one for taste.the first one can relieve cough and asthma,as well as stimulate the appetite by so many medicinal herbs,such as almond,the root of balloon flower,tuckahoe,tuber pinellas etc.while the one for taste is boiled with sugar plus herbs,for example amomum villosum,hawthorn,clove and so on. tips:now it is the monopoly of shanghai solidified pear syrup shop in yuyuan garden commerce city. cream spiced beans cream spiced beans are made by the local green broad beans with the ingredients such as fennel,cinnamon bark,salt,sugar,cream tastes slight sweet and delicate flavor,which is good for stimulating the appetite. Old Town God Temple Snack Street 钥佸煄闅嶅檐灏忓悆琛 (l菐o ch茅ng hu谩ng mi脿o xi菐o ch墨 ji脓) Located in Huangpu District,the Old Town God Temple Snack Street is about ten minutes" walk away from the South Bund Area.It is an ideal dining place during your compact sightseeing schedule. The Old Town God Temple area deserves the name of "Shanghai Snack Kingdom".It is a time-honored and the largest snack street featuring the most famous restaurants and eateries in Shanghai.In accordance with the architectural style of the nearby ancient Yuyuan Garden,restaurants in the Old Town God Temple Snack Street are all constructed following a style of Ming and Qing Dynasties. In addition,a snack plaza of thousands of square meters is included.You can almost find all the Shanghai snacks here,including Nanxiang Steamed Stuffed Buns,Crab-Yellow Pastries,Fried Stuffed Buns,Chop Rice Cakes,Vegetable Stuffed Buns,and Cream Spiced Beans.Various snacks of other areas in China are also available. Recommended Restaurants: Shanghai Classical Hotel 涓婃捣钥侀キ搴 (sh脿ng h菐i l菐o f脿n di脿n) Location:No.242,Fuyou Road,Huangpu District Specialties:Authentic Shanghai Benbang cuisines. Lu Bo Lang缁挎尝寤 (l菧 b艒 l谩ng) Location:No.131,Yuyuan Road,Huangpu District Specialties:Shanghai Haipai cuisines and snacks. Shanghai De Xing Guan 涓婃捣寰峰叴棣 (sh脿ng h菐i d茅 x墨ng gu菐n) Location:No.18,Bailing Road,Huangpu District Specialties:Shanghai Benbang cuisines; various kinds of nutritious and restorative soup. Chunfeng Songyue Vegetarian Restaurant 鏄ラ?鏉炬湀妤 (ch奴n f脓ng s艒ng yu猫 l贸u) Location:No.23,Bailing Road,Huangpu District Specialties:Vegetable Stuffed Bun and various vegetarian cuisines. Nanxiang Mantou Restaurant 鍗楃繑棣掑ご搴 (n谩n xi谩ng m谩n tou di脿n) Location:No.85,Yuyuan Road,Huangpu District Specialties:Nanxiang Steamed Stuffed Bun.
2023-01-01 14:31:481

Mike does his homework every night(改为否定句和一般疑问句,对does his homework提问)

Mike doesn"t do his homework every night.Does Mike do his homework every night?What does Mike do every night?Jame does his homework every night.Bailing does his homework every night.Jame and Bailing do their homework every night.
2023-01-01 14:31:543

宝贝,金柏伶英语怎么些写 谢谢了非常急

宝贝,金柏伶Baby, Jin Bailing
2023-01-01 14:32:071


2023-01-01 14:32:133


抱歉,没有找到“bragilian”。您要查的是不是:bailing [变形] bail的现在分词bragging [变形] brag的现在分词brandling n.红蚯蚓, 幼鲑balling [变形] ball的现在分词
2023-01-01 14:32:311

T.I.的《Top Back》 歌词

歌曲名:Top Back歌手:T.I.专辑:King 王者无敌I like my beat down low... I like my top let back...Haaaa... Mannie Fresh I got you niggaI"m gonna show these niggaz what to do with one of your beatsI"m shutting the whole block downHere comes trouble homeyI"ma tell you how the king like to ride homeboyI like my beat down low and my top let backCan see me riding 24"s with a chopper in the backYa like ya Kenwood hot and ya top let backIf ya rims sit high and ya windows pitch blackI"m the man in my city ain"t nobody fucking wit meYou can ask the real niggaz and all the bad bitchesI"m a known drug dealer I always have 50"sAnd the thugs and the killers was all in class wit meSS"S on 26"s watching some televisionShorty I"m never slipping got the berretta in visionAnd ready to pop the clip in, ready to get to trippingReady to show these folks a celebrity pistol whippingPimp stolen" the automobile and the roof for the tag missingPolices" try to pursue me it"s nothing but gas givenAddicted to fast living, guess I"m one of my dad"s childrenThink I"m bad now shoulda seen me before I had childrenGive dick to ya daddy"s daughter and dare her to have children?Hope he got some insurance "cause death her ass is enduring?Kill her in Mississippi and drive her ass to MissouriStill my wet paint drippin" while I"m woodgrain grippingI got this Pimp Squad Click I know you heard about usYoung niggaz filthy rich and we ain"t worried bout muchOn this glock I clutch In God I trustIf a fuck nigga start bet his heart I bustGot ya partners and the broad in ya car fucked upWhat, ya under estimation thought a star wouldn"t bustI got the heart and the guts on this purp I blowMove ten bricks daily tryin" to twerk five moYa see the Cadillac swerving down Hollywood RoadOn the flyest Spur in Cali fucking Hollywood Ho"sOn a pill and half with my partner Young DroBumping Goodie Mob Soul Food number foOther rappers" old dudes told dudes I"ma proWith a loaded fo fo and a quarter brick of blow(Hey) nigga don"t you hit me less you buying 6 or moMy 24 blades glistening and my 808 kickingI wear the crown down under man somebody better tell "em"For I spit a hundred rounds and have everybody bailingI got some bitches in a Benz and my partners in the ChevyAnd now we riding Giovanni"s and Asani"s on PirellisIf ya ever think ya trying to run up on me just forget itThe clip in the chopper long as ya leg and leave ya shreddedPistol way in the truck got my knife on tuckYa think he ain"t getting stuck you got life fucked upA couple stitches in ya hip will have ya night fucked upWill he live? Will he die? Guess he might luck upMeanwhile I"m racing my Ferarri like a light for a buckAgainst Lamborghini Gallardo everytime I get a car...Hey...
2023-01-01 14:32:371

Young Bleed & 8 Ball的《Top Back》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Top Back歌手:Young Bleed & 8 Ball专辑:Welcome To MobvilleI like my beat down low... I like my top let back...Haaaa... Mannie Fresh I got you niggaI"m gonna show these niggaz what to do with one of your beatsI"m shutting the whole block downHere comes trouble homeyI"ma tell you how the king like to ride homeboyI like my beat down low and my top let backCan see me riding 24"s with a chopper in the backYa like ya Kenwood hot and ya top let backIf ya rims sit high and ya windows pitch blackI"m the man in my city ain"t nobody fucking wit meYou can ask the real niggaz and all the bad bitchesI"m a known drug dealer I always have 50"sAnd the thugs and the killers was all in class wit meSS"S on 26"s watching some televisionShorty I"m never slipping got the berretta in visionAnd ready to pop the clip in, ready to get to trippingReady to show these folks a celebrity pistol whippingPimp stolen" the automobile and the roof for the tag missingPolices" try to pursue me it"s nothing but gas givenAddicted to fast living, guess I"m one of my dad"s childrenThink I"m bad now shoulda seen me before I had childrenGive dick to ya daddy"s daughter and dare her to have children?Hope he got some insurance "cause death her ass is enduring?Kill her in Mississippi and drive her ass to MissouriStill my wet paint drippin" while I"m woodgrain grippingI got this Pimp Squad Click I know you heard about usYoung niggaz filthy rich and we ain"t worried bout muchOn this glock I clutch In God I trustIf a fuck nigga start bet his heart I bustGot ya partners and the broad in ya car fucked upWhat, ya under estimation thought a star wouldn"t bustI got the heart and the guts on this purp I blowMove ten bricks daily tryin" to twerk five moYa see the Cadillac swerving down Hollywood RoadOn the flyest Spur in Cali fucking Hollywood Ho"sOn a pill and half with my partner Young DroBumping Goodie Mob Soul Food number foOther rappers" old dudes told dudes I"ma proWith a loaded fo fo and a quarter brick of blow(Hey) nigga don"t you hit me less you buying 6 or moMy 24 blades glistening and my 808 kickingI wear the crown down under man somebody better tell "em"For I spit a hundred rounds and have everybody bailingI got some bitches in a Benz and my partners in the ChevyAnd now we riding Giovanni"s and Asani"s on PirellisIf ya ever think ya trying to run up on me just forget itThe clip in the chopper long as ya leg and leave ya shreddedPistol way in the truck got my knife on tuckYa think he ain"t getting stuck you got life fucked upA couple stitches in ya hip will have ya night fucked upWill he live? Will he die? Guess he might luck upMeanwhile I"m racing my Ferarri like a light for a buckAgainst Lamborghini Gallardo everytime I get a car...Hey...http://music.b***.com/song/7474845
2023-01-01 14:32:431

A Dog Named Tan歌词 满意加分

歌手是 Pãjaro Sunrise很舒服的一首歌 适合晚上听歌词似乎很难找到..
2023-01-01 14:32:492


Economic Development Zone, Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province Qujiang
2023-01-01 14:33:023

Give Me A Reason 歌词

歌曲名:Give Me A Reason歌手:Wakefield专辑:American MadeWakefield - give me a reasonNow the year is almost overnothing left to keep me sobersuck it up where am I going nowschools out the rumors ending no more time for me pretendingthat the girl I want is here right nowim on my own,give me a reasonthat i should care anymorethat i should care anymoredont look nowcause its a long way downin to deep now im bailingthe waters way above my headall the books and dirty lockersthoughts of you staying after schoolwith the girl thats leaving me behindim on my owngive me a reason that I should care anymorethat I should carea nymoregive me a reason that I should care anymorethat I should care anymoredont look nowcause its a long way downits over maybe foreverim on my owntime is running out my days are spentthe clocks ticking nowim on my ownnow the year is almost overeveryone is clean and sobersuck it up im in the real world nowgive me a reason that I should care anymorethat I should care anymoregive me a reason that I should care anymorethat I should care anymorehold on to what you dowhen you find your own.hold on to what you dowhen you find your own.dont look now cause its a long way down
2023-01-01 14:33:151


You Don"t Know What"s Going On - Nickel CreekWell, it"s time for me to liveThe good life on the road.And to forgive herFor the lies that she sold me.We were falling in love and that"s what you do.I didn"t know and I feel like a foolNow watching her go."Cause I played by the rulesI guess we were above.And that"s what I get for trying my bestTo believe in her,To believe I could turn it around.To keep bailing out the waterwhile the ship went down.To keep calling her namewhen we started to drown.You can tell me I should have known better.You can ask me whyI didn"t see it coming"Til it got inside me.You can say it"s all right.You can think it"s all wrong,But you don"t know what"s going on.You don"t know what"s going on.So the road led to your door.The good life ain"t the good life anymoreIf it doesn"t include you,If you send me away."Cause you don"t believe I tried my bestTo believe in her,To believe I could turn it around.To keep bailing out the waterwhile the ship went down.To keep calling her namewhen we started to drown.You can tell me I should have known better.You can ask me whyI didn"t see it coming"Til it got inside me.You can think it"s all wrong.I can hope it"s all right.But I don"t know what"s going on.I just know that I triedand I tried and I"ll try for youIf you want me to,If you can be the girl whoBelieves in me.Who believes I can turn it around.Who keeps bailing out the waterwhile the ship goes downTo keep calling her namewhen we started to drown.You can tell me I should have known better.You can ask me whyI didn"t see it coming"Til it got inside me.You can say it"s all right.You can think it"s all wrong,But you don"t know what"s going on.You don"t know what"s going on.You don"t know what"s going on.
2023-01-01 14:33:216