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2023-06-13 20:32:23

00 How to transform from high school to college

00The first thing you will notice about college is that it is much different than high school. You have more freedom and more opportunities, indicating that you must make important decisions yourself. At day one you are alone. Even if you know other students at the university, you are one in thousands. Becoming someone of importance is challenging, and at times can be very intimidating. Understanding the changes from high school to college will give you a head start.


00One of the biggest differences between high school and college is that in college every decision is yours to make. Your parents are not there to remind you to do your homework. You are now allowed to choose what classes you want to take and when those classes will be.

00The Benefit: If you have ever felt trapped while in high school, because you were unable to make decisions for yourself. Now is the time to prove to everyone that you know what is best for you. In college you are set free, and if you let your ambitions guide you, you can go places and do things that you never imagined.

00The Negatives: For many students, freedom is the one thing that destroys them. If you have the freedom to do great things, you also have the freedom to make poor decisions.

00My favorite freedom that I gained by graduating from high school was no longer needing to ask to use the restroom! I hated asking a student teacher, still in college and only a few years older than me, if I could use the restroom.


00In high school, I was able to go to class, listen to the teacher, finish the homework assignment, and talk to my friends, all in one class session. In college those tasks will be separated.

00Total class time in college is much less than in high school. Professors will cover what they believe is the most important information in that time; however, it does not mean that they will cover all of the material that will be on the test. Most of your college learning will actually be done outside of class and classes will be used for reviewing and reinforcement of concepts. Where as in high school all learning was done in class and review was done outside of class and only if necessary.

00Class Attendance: Some professors will give you credit for being in class. Others could care less. However, it is HIGHLY recommended that you attend ALL classes.


00Everything you need for a class will be put on the syllabus. Professors may not give any additional reminders of tests, homework assignments, and papers. Not paying attention to your syllabus could be one of your worst mistakes.


00The possibilities are endless. You can participate in “real” research, researching things that no one else has. You can be a leader in a student organization that grows to be an organization that many universities support. You can write a book, and have the necessary advisors, professors, to teach you the ropes of having something published. You will learn how to get involved in campus politics, which I believe can be as important as city or national politics.

00Meeting People

00One of my favorite parts of college is meeting people. Reach out to people. Don"t be afraid to start a conversation with a stranger. You never know, that stranger may end up being your coauthor, or your business partner. There is nowhere else besides a university where you can find such a large amount of people with countless and unimaginable skills.


00In university, teachers expect you to be responsible. They don"t usually remind you of upcoming due dates. If you are having difficulty in the class they won"t approach you, you have to ask for help.

00I have a lot more group projects than I used to. Grading sometimes is also more difficult. For instance in my math class there are only 4 tests that make up your grade. So each test is worth a lot more points than if there were homework assignments and quizzes as well as tests.

00As far as attendance some teachers care and others don"t. Most teachers will not allow make-up exams except under extenuating circumstances like a death in the family or religious holiday. The good thing is that you can choose to take classes at night or even online.

00As far as environment it is very rare for a teacher to have a discipline problem in the class. Teachers have the right to tell you to leave if you are disruptive. A lot of my fellow classmates are also paying for school themselves so they take it a lot more seriously.

00I go to a community college so I can"t tell you about living on campus.

00I hope I have answered your question.


00What are some things I should do to prepare?

00Find out early what is needed for your career choices and plan to take the appropriate courses. for example, if you are planning to pursue teaching you will need to take "teachable" courses in you undergraduate degree (courses that are taught in the public school system)

00Don"t put off studying, even if leaving things until the night before has worked for you in the past. Given that the workload is consistently higher in university, constant effort and study is imperative.

00Identify areas where you need support (time management, study skills, writing, etc) and ask for help - ask your professor where to find help or seek out the information through Student Services.

00Keep your options open by maintaining good grades that will allow to entrance into further study.

00Plan study times within your day. If you have an hour between classes, go to the library and review notes.


00High School

00Teacher/Student Contact: Contact is closer and more frequent (five days a week).

00Competition/Grades: Academic competition is not as strong; good grades can often be obtained with minimal effort.

00Status: Students establish a personal status in academic and social activities based on family and community factors.

00Counseling/Dependence: Students can rely on parents, teachers and counselors to help make decisions and give advice. Students must abide by rules of parents, teachers and counselors.

00Freedom: Students" freedom is limited. Parents will often help students out of a crisis.

00Distractions: There are distractions from school, but these are partially controlled by school and home.

00Value Judgments: Students often make value judgments based on parental values; thus, many of their value judgments are made for them.



00Teacher/Student Contact: Faculty are available during office hours (only a few hours a week) and by appointment to address students" concerns.

00Competition/Grades: Academic competition is much stronger; minimal effort may produce poor grades.

00Status: Students can build their status as they wish; high school status can be repeated or changed.

00Counseling/Dependence: Students rely on themselves; they see the results of making their own decisions. It is their responsibility to seek advice as needed. Students set their own restrictions.

00Freedom: Students have much more freedom. They must accept responsibility for their own actions.

00Distractions: The opportunity for more distractions exists. Time management will become more important.

00Value Judgments: Students have the opportunity to see the world through their own eyes and develop their own opinions and values.


contributing author和coauthor的区别

我理解不是,就是一般意义的共同作者,即排在后面几位的对文章有贡献的作者,因为前些天刚刚作为 CO-author 接到杂志社的信。
2023-06-13 00:30:452

corresponding author and co-author,哪个分量重

通常前者(通讯作者)被认为很重要,直接负责文章刊发业务联络。而后者是相对于其他author而言的:相对于第一作者,其他作者是co-author,而相对于其他作者来说,第一作者又是他(他)(们)的co-author,仅从co-author一词不好区分author与co-author孰轻孰重。当然,corresponding author 和 co-author之间就更无法比较了(二者可以是同一个人,也可以是不同的人;corresponding author未必是第一作者,而co-author未必不是第一作者)。英文字头co-的含义是“合作”、“协同”,没有“次”或“次要”的意思在。
2023-06-13 00:30:541


aeroue011:concerning the air or aircraft   plane( 飞机)—aeroplane(飞机)   space(空间, 间隔)—aerospace(航空宇宙)   antiue011: against;opposite of   nuclear([核]核子的)—antinuclear(反对使用核武器的)   matter( 物质)—antimatter(反物质)   war(战争、作战、 打仗)—antiwar(反战的, 反对战争的)   autoue011: of or by oneself   biography(传记)—autobiography(自传)   criticism(批评, 批判)—autocriticism(自我反省, 自我检讨)   beue011:to treat as the stated thing   friend(朋友, 助手)—befriend(待人如友, 帮助)   little(很少的, 矮小的,很少)—belittle(轻视, 使渺小, 使……显得渺小)   biue011: two;twice;double   lingual(语言的)—bilingual(能说两种语言的)   cycle( 自行车)—bicycle(脚踏车, 自行车)   bioue011:concerning living things   chemistry(化学)—biochemistry(生物化学)   sphere(圈子)—biosphere(生物圈)   by—:less important   product(产品, 产物,)—by-product(副产品, 附加产物)   way(路,道路)—byway(小道)   centiue011: hundredth part   grade(等级)—centigrade(分为百度的, 百分度的, 摄氏温度的)   meter(米)—centimeter(厘米)   coue011: together, with   author(作家, 创造者)—coauthor(合著者, 共同执笔者,合著)   exist(存在, 生存)—coexist(共存)   colue011:(used before l) together, with   location(位置, 场所)—collocation(排列, 配置)   comue011:(used before b, m, p)together, with   passion(激情, 热情)—compassion(同情,怜悯)   conue011:together, with   centric(中心的, 中央的)—concentric(同中心的)   federation(同盟, 联邦, 联合, 联盟)—confederation(联邦)   contraue011:opposite   diction(措辞, 用语, 言语)—contradiction(反驳, 矛盾)   natural(自然的, 自然界的)—contranatural(违背自然的)   corue011:(used before r) together, with   relate(叙述, 讲, 使联系, 发生关系)—correlate(使相互关联,和……相关)   respond(回答, 响应, 作出反应,有反应)—correspond(符合, 协调, 通信, 相当, 相应) counterue011:opposite   act(担当,表现, 见效)—counteract(抵消, 中和, 阻碍)   attack(攻击)—counterattck(反引力)   crossue011:across;going between the stated things and joining them   country(乡下的, 乡村的, [方]祖国的, 故乡的)—crossue011country(越野的, 横过田野的)   breed((使)繁殖, 教养, 抚养,品种, 种类)—crossbreed([生物]杂种,异种交配, 培育杂种, (使)杂交)   deue011:showing an opposite; to remove; to reduce   code(代码, 密码)—decode(解码, 译解)   value(评价, 重视)—devalue((=devaluate)减值, 贬值)   disue011:not; the opposite of   advantage(优势, 有利条件)—disadvantage(不利, 不利条件, 缺点, 劣势)   agree(同意) —disagree(不一致, 不适宜)   honest(诚实的, 正直的)—dishonest(不诚实的)   emue011:(used before b,m, p) to cause to become   body(赋以形体)—embody(具体表达, 使具体化)   power(权力,激励)—empower(授权与, 使能够)   enue011:to cause to become; to make   danger( 威胁)—endanger(危及)   large(大的, 巨大的)—enlarge(扩大, 放大)   exue011:former(and still living)   minister(部长, 大臣)—exue011minister (前部长)   wife(妻子)—exue011wife(前妻)   extraue011:outside;beyond   curricular(课程的)—extracurricular(课外的, 业余的)   ordinary(平常的, 普通的, 平凡的)—extraordinary(非常的, 特别的, 非凡的)   foreue011:in advance, before; in or at the front   arm(臂,武器, 装备)—forearm(前臂,准备战斗, 预先武装, 准备)   warn(警告)—forewarn(预先警告)   ilue011:(used before l) not   legal(法律的, 合法)—illegal(违法的, 不合规定的)   literate(学者,有文化的,有阅读和写作能力的)—illiterate(违法的, 不合规定的)   imue011:(used before b,m,p)not   moral(道德(上)的, 精神的,道德)—immoral(不道德的, 邪恶的, 放荡的, *荡的)   possible(可能的)—impossible(不可能的)   inue011:not   direct(径直的, 直接的)—indirect(间接的, 迂回的)   sensitive(敏感的, 灵敏的)—insensitive(对……没有感觉的, 感觉迟钝的)   infraue011:below in a range; beyond   red(红(色)的)—infrared(红外线的,红外线)   structure(结构,构造)—infrastructure(下部构造, 基础下部组织)  interue011:between;among   change(改变, 变化)—interchange((指两人等)交换,相互交换)   national(国家的, 民族的)—international(国际的, 世界的,国际性组织, 国际比赛)   intraue011:inside, within;into   city(城市, 都市)—intracity(市内的)   department(部, 局, 处, 科, 部门, 系, 学部)—intraue011department(内部)   irue011:(used before r)not   regular(规则的, 有秩序的)—irregular(不规则的, 无规律的)   responsible(有责任的, 可靠的)—irresponsible(不负责任的, 不可靠的)   kiloue011:thousand   gram(克,)—kilogram([物]千克, 公斤)   meter(米)—kilometer(公里)   macroue011:large, esp.concerning a whole system rather than particular parts of   particular parts of   economics(经济学)—macroeconomics(宏观经济学)   structure(宏观结构)—macrostructure(宏观结构)   malue011:bad or badly   function(官能, 功能, 作用)—malfunction(故障)   treat(宴请, 款待)—maltreat(虐待, 滥用)   microue011:extremely small   computer(计算机, 电脑)—microcomputer(微进化)   electronics(电子学)—microelectronics([电子]微电子学)   midue011:middle   day(天, 白天)—midday(正午)   night(夜, 夜晚)—midnight(午夜)   miniue011:small;short   bus(公共汽车)—minibus( 小型公共汽车)   skirt(裙子)—miniskirt   (迷你短裙, 超短裙)   misue011:bad or badly;wrong or wrongly   fortune( 运气, 好运)—misfortune(不幸, 灾祸)   understand(懂, 了解)—misunderstand(误解, 误会)   monoue011:one;single   plane( 飞机)—monoplane(单翼机)   tone(音调, 语调)—monotone(单调的,单调)   multiue011:more than one;many   purpose(目的, 意图)—multipurpose(多种用途的, 多目标的)   national(国家的, 国立[有]的, 民族的)—multinational( 多民族的,)   nonue011:not   resident—non(ue011)resident   sense 理性, 认识—nonsense(胡说, 废话)   outue011:outside;eyond   live(活的, 生动的)—outlive(比……长命, 比……耐久)   door(门, 通道, 家, 户)—outdoor(室外的, 户外的, 野外的)   overue011:too much;above; additional   head(头,头的, 主要的)—overhead(在头上的,在头顶上, 在空中, 在高处)   time(时间, 时侯, 时机, )—overtime(超时, 加班, 延长时间,超时的, 加班的,加班地,使超时)   polyue011:many   centric(中心的, 中央的)—polycentric(多中心的)   syllabic([语] 音节主音,音节的)—polysyllabic(多音节的)   postue011:later than;after   graduate((大学)毕业生, 研究生,(使)(大学)毕业)—postgraduate(研究所学生, 研究生,毕业后的)   war(战争,作战, 打仗)—postwar(战后的)   preue011:before;in advance   pay(薪水, 工资,支付)—prepay(预付)   war(战争,作战, 打仗)—prewar(战前的,在战前)   proue011:in favor of, supporting   America(美>美国, 美洲(包括北美和南美洲))—proue011America   abortion—proue011abortion(流产, 堕胎, 失败, 夭折, 中止, 早产)   pseudoue011:not real;false   name( 姓名)—pseudonym(假名, 笔名)   science(科学, 自然科学)—pseudoscience(假科学, 伪科学)   reue011:again;back to the former state   unite(联合, 团结)—reunite((使)再结合)   use(使用)—reuse(再使用,重新使用)   selfue011:by means of oneself or itself;of, to, with, for, or in oneself or itself   employed(雇用, 用, 使用)—selfue011employed   taught(teach的过去式和过去分词)—selfue011taught   semiue011:half;partly   circle(圆周, 圆形物)—semicircle(半圆形)   final( 决赛)—semifinal(半决赛)   stepue011:not by birth but through a parent who has remarried   mother(母亲, 妈妈)—stepmother(继母)   children(孩子, 孩子们)—stepchildren(继子,继女)   subue011:under,below;less imortant;part of the stated bigger whole   divide(分, 划分, 分开, 隔开)—subdivide(再分, 细分)   section(部分)—subsection(分部, 分段)   superue011:more, larger, greater than usual   market(市场)—supermarket(超级市场)   natural(自然的, 自然界的, 普通的, 正常的)—supernatural(超自然的, 神奇的,超自然物, 不可思议的事)   teleue011:at or over a long distance;by or for television communication—telecommunication   screen(屏, 银幕)—telescreen(电视屏幕,荧光屏)   therm(o)ue011:concerning heat   chemistry(化学)—thermochemistry(热化学)   meter( 计, 表)—thermometer(温度计, 体温计)   transue011:across, on or to the other side of; between   Atlantic(大西洋)—transatlantic(大西洋彼岸的)   plant(种植, 栽培, 培养)—transplant(移植, 移种)   triue011:three;three times   angular(有角的)—triangular(三角形的)   cycle( 自行车)—tricycle(三轮车, 机器三轮车)   ultraue011:beyond;very, extremely   modern(近代的, 现代的)—ultramodern(超现代化的)   sound(声音, 语音)—ultrasound(超频率音响)   unue011:not   certain(确定的, 必然的, 可靠的)—uncertain(无常的, 不确定的, 不可预测的, 靠不住的)   fortunate(幸运的, 幸福的)—unfortunate(不幸的, 使人遗憾的)   underue011:too little;below   develop(发展,显影)—underdevelop((使)发展不完全, (使)显影不足)   sea(海洋, 大浪)—undersea(海面下的)   uniue011:one;single   form( 形态, 构成)—uniform(统一的, 相同的)   directional(方向的)—unidirectional(单向的, 单向性的)   viceue011:next in the rank;below   chairman(主席, 会长)—viceue011chairman(副主席, 副议长)   president(总统, 会长, 行长)—viceue011president(副总督, 副省长)
2023-06-13 00:31:131

contribute author是第一作者吗

2023-06-13 00:31:221

并列第一作者是author order怎么填

coauthor就是合作者而已:D 那意思是不算并列第一作者啊??:(maqin909(站内联系TA)不算,只是你写文章时列出的作者!枫叶情深(站内联系TA)maqin909zhang0jch(站内联系TA)署名没有并列第一一说,第一就是第一,第二就是第二yello(站内联系TA)co-first author 才是共同一座zhang0jch(站内联系TA)Originally posted by yello at 2009-9-21 23:36:署名没有并列第一一说,第一就是第一,第二就是第二 看到过很多刊物都有的,等同第一作者。zhzimi_2007(站内联系TA)就是合作者,国内认第一作者,国外一般认通讯作者。无著心(站内联系TA)好像是这样的国外认通讯作者一般投稿都是我自己投的,老板是通讯作者上次有个杂志非要把稿件从投稿到审稿到修改都改成老板注册的里结果我的啥也看不到很明确的一点是co-author,不是并列第一作者好像是这样的国外认通讯作者一般投稿都是我自己投的,老板是通讯作者上次有个杂志非要把稿件从投稿到审稿到修改都改成老板注册的里结果我的啥也看不到
2023-06-13 00:31:411


四六级、考研常用前缀2009/12/11 — 袁新民 (阅读: 648)注:这里的前缀意思为主要的意思,不是全部。前缀有可能会改变词义,故应特别注意;四六级、考研可能会出现少量的超纲词,如果对构词的基本知识比较熟悉,则会有很大的帮助aero- 空气(的);大气(的);气体(的),飞机(的);航空(的)plane—aeroplane飞机space—aerospace航空航天业anti- against,opposite反(对)war(战争)—antiwar(反战的)missile(导弹)—antimissile(反导弹的)auto- of or by oneself自己(做)的stop(停止)— autostop(自动停止)criticism(批评)— autocriticism(自我批评)be- cause to be or have使,有friend(朋友)— befriend(以朋友态度对待)little(小)— belittle(贬低)bi- two,twice,double二,双,两倍party(政党)—biparty(两党的)ped(足)— biped(二足动物)bio- 1ife生命,生物chemistry(化学)— biochemistry(生物化学)sphere(范围)— biosphere(生物圈)by-, bye- less important 次要的,附带的;近旁,附近product—by-product 副产品way—by-way旁道;次要的领域centi- hundredth part百分之一meter(米)— centimeter(厘米)grade(度)— centigrade(百分度的)co- with,together共同,(和…)一起author(作者)— coauthor(合著者)exist(存在)— coexist(共存)con- with,together共同,(和…)一起join(参加)— conjoin(联合)centric(中心的)— concentric(同中心的)col- (用在字母l的前面)location(位置)— collocation(并置)collect 收集com- (用在字母m, b, p的前面)passion(激情)— compassion(同情)combine结合,联合cor- (用在字母r的前面)relation(关系)— correlation(相互关系)correct改正contra- opposite反对,相反,相对contradiction矛盾missile(导弹)— contramissile(反弹道导弹度)natural(自然的)— contranatural(违反自然的)counter- opposite反对,相反,相对act(起作用)— counteract对…起反作用attack(攻击)— counterattack(反攻)de- showing an opposite,to remove,to reduce非,相反,除去,减少code(密码)— decode(解码)value(价值)— devalue(使贬值)dis- not,the opposite of否定,相反agree(同意)— disagree(反对)honest(诚实的)— dishonest(不诚实的)e- , ef- out出,外(为ex-的变异形式)lect(选)— elect(选举)ject(投,掷)—eject(驱逐;喷射;弹出)fect(做)— effect 结果,效果en-, em- cause to become,put into the stated condition使成为,使处于…状态large(大的)— enlarge(扩大)body(身体)— embody(体现)ex- 1. out 出,外exit 出口2. former以前的,前任的minister(部长)—ex-minister(前任部长)wife(妻子)— ex-wife(前妻)extra- outside,beyond超出,在…之外ordinary(普通的)— extraordinary(非常的)vert(转)— extravert性格外向的人fore- in advance,before,in or at the front预先,前,在前面的see(看)— foresee(预见)leg(腿)— foreleg(前腿)in-, i1-, im- , ir- not不,非,无(字母l前用il-;字母m, b, p前用im-;字母r前用ir-)direct(直接的)— indirect(间接的)infant婴儿legal(合法的) — illegal(非法的)balance(平衡)— imbalance(不平衡)moral(道德的)— immoral(不道德的)possible(可能的)— impossible(不可能的)regular(规则的)— irregular(不规则的)in- in, into内,向内door(门)— indoor(室内的)infra- 在下,在下部,低于(或超出)某限度的;在内red—infrared 红外线的structure—infrastructure 基础结构,基础设施inter- between,among互相,在…之间national(国家的)— international(国际的)intra- inside, within在之内city(城市)— intracity(市内的)kilo- thousand千gram(克)— kilogram(千克,公斤)meter(米)— kilometer(千米)macro- large大的,宏观的economics(经济学)— macroeconomics(宏观经济学)mal- bad, badly坏,不良,不当function(功能)— malfunction(机能障碍)treat(对待)— maltreat(虐待)micro- extremely small极小的computer(计算机)— microcomputer(微型计算机)microscope 显微镜mid- middle中间day(昼,白天)— midday(中午)night(夜晚)— midnight(午夜)mini- small,short极小的,极短的bus(公共汽车) — minibus(小汽车)skirt(裙子) — miniskirt(超短裙)mis- bad,badly坏,不当understand(理解) — misunderstand(误解)lead(引导)— mislead(使误入歧途)mono- one, single单,一log(说)— monologue(独白)tone(音调)— monotone单调multi- many, more than one多national(国家的)— multinational(多国的)non- not不,非,无metal(金属)— non-metal(非金属)governmental(政府的)— non-governmental(非政府的)out- outside,beyond超越,超过,胜过;在[向]外(的)live(生活)— outlive(比…活得长)number(数量)— outnumber(在数量上超过)door(门)— outdoor(户外的)over- too much,above,additional过分,在…上面,额外的head(头)— overhead(在头顶上的)population(人口)— overpopulation(人口过剩)time(时间)— overtime(加班)poly- many多gene(基因)— polygene(多基因)centric(中心)— polycentric(多中心的)post- later than,after在…之后graduate(有学士学位的)— postgraduate(研究生的)war(战争)— postwar(战后的)pre- before,in advance在…之前,预先view(观看) — preview(预演)dict(说)— predict(预言)pseudo- not real,false假,伪memory(记忆)— pseudomemory(记忆错误)science(科学)— pseudoscience(伪科学)re- again,back to a former state再,回复view(看)— review(复习)call(叫,呼唤)— recall(回忆起,叫回)self-自身的;由自身的;靠自身的;自动的employed—self-employed自雇的,非受雇于人的taught—self-taught自学而成的;靠自学获得的semi- half,partly半,部分的circle(圆) — semicircle(半圆)final(决赛)— semifinal(半决赛)step- 因再婚而构成的亲缘关系的,继的,同父异母(或同母异父)的mother—stepmother继母children—stepchidren妻子与前夫(或丈夫与前妻)所生的孩子sub- under,below,less important在…下,低于,次于…的marine(海洋的)— submarine(海底的;潜水艇)way(路)— subway(地铁)super- greater or more than, above, beyond or over 超级,超过;在…之上market(市场)— supermarket(超级市场)natural(自然的)— supernatural(超自然的)vis(看)— supervise(监督)tele- at or over a long distance,by or for television远(距离),由(或为)电视vis(看)— television(电视)screen(屏幕)— telescreen(电视屏幕)therm-, thermo- heat热chemistry(化学)— thermochemistry(热化学)meter(仪表)— thermometer(温度计)trans- across,on or to the other side of横越Atlantic(大西洋) — transatlantic(横越大西洋的)plant(种植)— transplant(移植)tri- three三angle(角) — triangle(三角形)cycle(圆圈) — tricycle(三轮摩托车)ultra- beyond,very,too超过,极度的high(高的)— ultrahigh(超高的)sound(声音)— ultrasound(超声)un- not不,非fortunately(幸运地)— unfortunately(不幸地)usual(平常的)— unusual(不平常的)under- too little,below过少,在…下面development(发展)— underdevelopment(欠发达)sea(大)— undersea(海底的)uni- one,single单,一form(形式)— uniform(制服)sex(性别)— unisex(不分男女的)vice- next in rank below副president(总统)— vice-president(副总统)chairman(主席)— vice-chairman(副主席)
2023-06-13 00:31:491


2023-06-13 00:31:585


2023-06-13 00:32:242


它是英语构词法的一种 具体的例子 楼上很多
2023-06-13 00:32:344


2023-06-13 00:32:434


用英文 这是为什么呢 哈 !
2023-06-13 00:33:363


2023-06-13 00:33:462


一、 英语单词常见词根总结    ag,act 做,驱动 agent代理人 active活动的,积极的    agr 农田 agriculture农业 agrarian田地的    am 爱,亲爱 amicable友善的 amiable和蔼可亲的    anim 心灵,精神,生命 animal动物 animate有生命的    ann,enn 年 annual一年的 centennial一世纪的    astro 星 astronomy天文学 astronaut宇宙航行员    audi 听 audience听众 audible听得见的    bell 战争 rebellion反叛,反抗 bellicose好战的    bio 生命,生物 biology生物学 antibiotic抗生的,抗生素    brev 短 brevity 简短 abbreviate缩短,节略    cred 相信 credibility可信 credit信任    cur,cours 跑 ccurrence出现,发生 current流通的    cycl 圆,环 bicycle自行车 cyclone旋风    di 日 diary日记 diarist记日记者    dict 说 predict预言 indicate表示    duc,duct 引导 conduct指导 induce引诱    ed 吃 edible可吃的 edacity贪吃    fact 做,制 factory工厂 manufacture制造,加工    fer 带,拿 transfer转移 ferry渡船    flu 流 fluent流利的 influenza流行性感冒    form 形式,外形 transform改变 formula公式    fract,frag破,折 fraction碎片 fragile易碎的    fus 倾,注,溶化 fusion熔解 effuse泻出    gen 起源 generate使产生 genetic遗传的    geo 地球,土地 geography地理 geology地质学    grad 步,走,级 gradual逐步的 graduate毕业    gram 写,记录 diagram图表 program节目单,方案    graph 写,画,记录 photograph照像 autograph亲笔,手稿    gress 行走 progress进步 retrogress后退    hap 机会,运气,偶发 happen发生 mishap灾祸    hospit 客人 hospital医院 hospitable好客的,殷勤的    insul 岛 peninsula半岛 insulation隔绝,孤立    hydra 水 hydraulic水利的 hydrant消防栓    ject 投,掷,抛 eject射出 project投射    junct 连接,结合 conjunction连接词 adjunct附属物    lect,leg,lig 挑选,采集 lect 选举 selection选举 eligible合格的,合适的    lev 举,升 elevator电梯 lever杠杆    liber 自由 liberate解放 liberalist自由主义的    lingu 语言 linguist语言学家 bilingual两种语言的    liter 文字,字母 literate识字的 literature文学    loc 地方 local当地的 locate使座落于    log 词,语言,讲演 dialogue对话 logic逻辑    loqu 说话 eloquent雄辩的 colloquial口语的,会话的    manu 手 manuscript手稿 manual手的,用手的    medi 中间 medium中等的 mediation居中调解    memor 记忆,记住的 memory记忆 memorial纪念日,纪念物    milit 兵 military军事的 militant战斗性的    min 少,小 inority少数 diminish减少,减小    mob,mot,mov 移动 mobile活动的 motion运动 immovable不可移动的    mort 死亡 mortal终有一死的 mortician承办殡葬的人    nov 新 novel小说 novelty新奇    numer 数 numeral数字的 numerous为数众多的    oper 工作 operate操作 co?operate合作    opt 视线,光线 optic视力的 optics光学    path 感情,苦楚,疾病 sympathy同情 pathetic可怜的    pel 推,逐,驱 expel驱逐 repel击退,反击,抵抗    pend,pen 悬挂 depend依靠 pendent悬空的    phon 声音 microphone扩音器 telephone电话    plen 满,全 plenty充足,大量 plentitude丰富,充足    pon,pos 放置 postpone推迟 position位置    sens,sent 感觉 sensation感觉 sentiment感情    sol 太阳 solar太阳的 parasol阳伞    spec 看 spectacle光景,景象 prospect展望    spir 呼吸,生命 conspire共谋 inspire吸气,鼓舞    tact,tang,tag 接触 intact未接触的 tangible可接触的    tail 切,割 tailor裁缝 retail零售    tain,ten,tin 保持,握,容纳 contain容纳 obtain取得,sustain支持    tect 掩,盖 detect侦察 发觉,detective侦探的    tele 远 telescope望远镜 telegram电报    tend,tens,tent 伸 extend伸开,扩展 extensive广阔的二、高中英语常用的前缀和后缀 1、常用前缀 aero-:concerning the air of aircraft plane—aeroplane space—aerospace anti-:against;opposite of nuclear—antinuclear matter—antimatter war—antiwar auto-:of or by oneself biography—autobiography criticism—autocriticism be-:to treat as the stated thing friend—befriend little—belittle bi-:two;twice;double lingual—bilingual cycle—bicycle bio-:concerning living things chemistry—biochemistry sphere—biosphere by-,bye-:less important produce—by-produce way—byway centi-:hundredth part grade—centigrade meter—centimeter co-:together,with author—coauthor exist—coexist col-:( used before l ) together,with location—collocation com-:( used before b,m,p ) together,with passion—compassion con-:together,with centric—concentric federation—confederation contra-:opposite diction—contradiction natural—contranatural cor-:( used before r ) together,with relate—correlate respond—correspond counter-:opposite act—counteract attack—counterattack cross-:across;going between the stated things and joining them country—crosscountry breed—crossbreed de-:showing an opposite;to remove;to reduce code—decode value—devalue dis-:not;the opposite of advantage—disadvantage agree—disagree honest—dishonest em-:( used before b,m,p ) to cause to become body—embody power—empower en-:to cause to become;to make danger—endanger large—enlarge ex-:former ( and still living ) minister—ex-minister wife—ex-wife extra-:outside;beyond curricular—extracurricular ordinary—extraordinary fore-:in advance,before;in or at the front arm—forearm warn—forewarn il-:( used before l ) not legal—illegal literate—illiterate im-:( used before b,m,p ) not moral—immoral possible—impossible in-:not direct—indirect sensitive—insensitive infra-:below in a range;beyond red—infrared structure——infrastructure inter-:between;among change——interchange national——international intra-:inside,within;into city——intracity department——intra-department ir-:(used before r)not regular——irregular responsible——irresponsible kilo-:thousand gram——kilogram meter——kilometer macro-:large,esp. concerning a whole system rather than particular parts of economics——macroeconomics structure——macrostructure mal-:bad or badly function——malfunction treat——maltreat micro-:extremely small computer——microcomputer electronics——microelectronics mid-:middle day——midday night——midnight mini-:small;short bus——minibus skirt——miniskirt mis-:bad or badly;wrong or wrongly fortune——misfortune understand——misunderstand mono-:one;single plane——monoplane tone——monotone multi-:more than one;many purpose——multipurpose national——multinational non-:not resident——non(-)resident sense——nonsense out-:outside;beyond live——outlive door——outdoor over-:too much;above;additional head——overhead time——overtime poly-:many centric——polycentric syllabic——polysyllabic post-:later than;after graduate——postgraduate war——postwar pre-:before;in advance pay——prepay war——prewar pro-:in favor of,supporting America——pro-America abortion——pro-abortion pseudo-:not real;false name——pseudonym science——pseudoscience re-:again;back to the former state unite——reunite use——reuse self-:by means of oneself or itself;of,to,with,for,or in oneself or itself employed——self-employed taught——self-taught semi-:half;partly circle——semicircle final——semifinal step-:not by birth but through a parent who has remarried mother——stepmother children——stepchildren sub-:under,below;less important;part of the stated bigger whole divide——subdivide section——subsection super-:more,larger,greater than usual market——supermarket natural——supernatural tele-:at or over a long distance;by or for television communication——telecommunication screen——telescreen therm(o)-:concerning heat chemistry——thermochemistry meter——thermometer trans-: across, on or to the other side of ; between Atlantic—transatlantic plant—transplant tri-: three; three times angular—triangular cycle—tricycle ultra-: beyond; very, extremely modern—ultramodern sound—ultrasound un-: not certain—uncertain fortunate—unfortunate under-: too little; below develop—underdevelop sea—undersea uni-: one, singer form—uniform directional—unidirectional vice-: next in the rank; below chairman—vice-chairman president—vice-president 2.常用后缀 (1)名词后缀 -ability,-ibility able—ability flexible—flexibility -age post—postage short—shortage -al arrive—arrival refuse—refusal -an,-ian,-arian library—librarian music—musician -ance,-ence appear—appearance refer—reference -ancy,-ency emerge—emergency expect—expectancy -ant,-ent apply—applicant correspond—correspondent -cy accurate—accuratcy private—privacy -dom king—kingdom free—freedom -ee employ—employee interview—interviewee -er,-or,-ar paint—painter beg—beggar -ery brave—bravery slave—slavery -ese China—Chinaese Japan—Japanese -ess actor—actress waiter—waitress -ful hand—handful spoon—spoonful -hood child—childhood man—manhood -ics electron—electronics linguist—linguistics -ion,-ition,-ation collect—collection observe—observation -ism Marx—Marxism socialist—socialism -ist psychiatry—psychiatrist violin—violinist -ity,-ty cruel—cruelty pure—purity -ment move—movement retire——retirement -ness dark——darkness happy——happiness -ology climate——climatology future——futurology -ship friend——friendship scholar——scholarship -sion,-ssion decide——decision expand——expansion -th grow——growth wide——width -ure close——closure expose——exposure (2)动词前缀 -en deep——deepen fast——fasten -ify class——classify simple——simplify -ize,-ise modern——modernize / modernize popular——popularize / popularize (3)形容词后缀 -able,-ible suit——suitable question——questionable -al nature——natural structure——structural -an,-arian,-ian suburb——suburban Canada——Canadian -ant,-ent differ——different please——pleasant -ary,-ory advise——advisory custom——customary -ate consider——considerate fortune——fortunate -en gold——golden wood——wooden -ese China——Chinese Japan——Japanese -free care——carefree duty——duty-free -ful care——careful pain——painful -ic,-ical atom——atomic psychology——psychological -ish girl——girlish child——childish -ive create——creative support——supportive -less hope——hopeless pain——painless -like child——childlike lady——ladylike -ly man——manly month——monthly -ous,-ious danger——dangerous poison——poisonous -some tire——tiresome trouble——troublesome -ward down——downward up——upward -y guilt-guilty noise-noisy (4)副词后缀 -ly easy-easily heavy-heavily -ward,-wards east-eastward(s) north-northward(s) -wise clock-clockwise other-othewise(很辛苦的,你可要多多加分啊)
2023-06-13 00:33:561


  除了美国本国的公民,每年有很多中国的留学生选择去去美国的医学院继续就读,那么2018年美国医学院申请流程是怎样的呢?跟着来一起了解一下吧,欢迎阅读。   Every year, thousands of individuals apply to medical schools across the U.S. While the majority are American citizens or permanent residents, international students also apply.The Association of American Medical Colleges reports that in 2014 almost 2,000 international applicants sought admission to U.S. medical schools and 409 secured acceptances.All things considered, these numbers are encouraging and should give international applicants hope that they can attend medical school in the U.S. However, the admissions process is difficult and requires careful planning.Here are four steps to follow to help you succeed in gaining admission to a U.S. medical school.   每年有成千上万的人申请美国的医学院,而大多数是美国公民或永久居民,与此同时,国际学生也是可以申请的。美国医学院校协会报告称,2014年约有2000名国际申请者申请美国医学院,409名申请者获得了入学许可。考虑到所有的因素,这些数字是令人鼓舞的,应该给想要美国的医学院国际申请者们以希望,但是录取过程是困难的,需要仔细的计划。以下是帮助你成功进入美国医学院的四个步骤,跟着我来了解一下吧。    第一步:确定申请的院校   1.知道是你想要申请哪所大学:不是所有的美国医学院都接受国际学生。根据2014年AAMC的数据,62所医学院表示他们将接受国际学生的申请。在你申请之前,确保你已经审核了每一所学校的入学要求。确定接受国际申请人的机构并找出他们的要求。    第二步:达到你想申请的院校要求   2.完整的学术要求:几乎所有的美国医学院都建议申请者拥有学士学位,而且很多人都要求已经获得学士学位。作为一名国际申请者,如果你没有学士学位,你将处于竞争劣势。在美国的本科课程会给你更大的优势。请记住,美国医学院校的申请服务将不接受外国教育成绩单核实或计算平均绩点。因此,几乎所有的美国医学院都要求国际申请人在申请之前在美国完成学业。有些需要一年的美国时间而另一些人则要求在美国完成所有医学院的先决条件事实上,所有学校都将加拿大的课程与美国斯坦福大学的网站放在一起,而在英国的认证机构所开设的课程也可以接受。在申请美国医学院之前,要努力在美国完成一到两年的大学教育,重点是先决条件和高级生物学课程。确保你在四年制大学学习这些课程,而不是一所社区大学。在许多学校,学士学位课程或研究生课程也是一个不错的选择。    第三步:获得临床和基于服务的经验   3. Gain clinical and service-based experience: American medical schools seek applicants who have developed an understanding of the medical profession by working in the clinical setting alongside physicians. They also look for applicants who have demonstrated a passion for service, especially to the underserved.It is a good idea to get started on these experiences before moving to the U.S., but it is absolutely crucial to continue these activities in America before applying to medical school.You want to show medical schools that you are familiar with the American health care system and the work culture in this country. You can achieve this by participating in clinical and community-service based activities. These experiences in America can also serve as a valuable way to improve your language skills, particularly in developing strong patient communication abilities, which are crucial to your success as a medical student.   3.获得临床和基于服务的经验:美国医学院通过与医生一起在临床工作中工作,寻求对医学专业有了解的申请人。他们也会寻找那些表现出对服务热情的申请者,尤其是那些服务不足的人。在搬到美国之前,先开始这些经验是一个好主意,但在申请医学院之前在美国继续开展这些活动绝对是至关重要的。你想要向医学院展示你熟悉美国的医疗保健系统和这个国家的工作文化。你可以通过参与临床和社区服务来达到这个目的。这些在美国的经历也可以作为一种宝贵的方法来提高你的语言技能,特别是在培养强有力的病人沟通能力方面,这对你作为一名医科学生的成功至关重要。   第四步:取得合格的MCAT成绩   4. Hone English proficiency for the MCAT: While your English proficiency will affect your medical school studies, it will also play a key role in how you perform on the MCAT, which requires strong critical reading skills.For the MCAT Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills and the Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior sections, you are expected to read, understand and analyze English text on a broad range of topics. Work hard to improve your language skills by taking courses in English writing and literature, reading books in English and expanding your communication skills.Accomplishing these four tasks can seem daunting, but if you are set on training at a U.S. medical school, they are achievable.   4.在你的英语水平会影响你的医学院学习的同时,MCAT也在你申请医学院的额过程中扮演着重要角色,这需要很强的批判性阅读技巧。对于MCAT的批判性分析和推理技能以及行为部分的心理、社会和生物学基础,你将会在广泛的主题上阅读、理解和分析英语文本。努力提高你的语言技能、学习英语写作和文学课程、阅读英语书籍、拓展你的交际能力。完成这四项任务似乎令人生畏,但如果你要在美国医学院接受培训,还是有可能实现的。   If you"re an aspiring medical student hoping to attend a U.S. medical school and you are not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, you have probably heard that it"s extremely difficult for international students to be admitted to or pay for a U.S. medical school.   如果你是一名有抱负的医学院学生,希望上一所美国医学院,而你不是美国公民或永久居民,你可能听说过要让国际学生进入美国医学院就读是极其困难的。来自全国各地本科院校的医学预科网站建议他们的学生,国际学生就读美国的医学院本科的几率还是很低的或者找不到财政资源。耶鲁大学甚至更进一步,建议潜在的本科生认真考虑申请最终进入美国医疗机构的打算。   The biggest difficulty students from overseas, or those without certain legal residency statuses, face is the inability to access federal student loan funding. The Yale website also notes that scholarships to attend medical school are rare for even U.S. applicants, let alone those from abroad.Association of American Medical Colleges admissions statistics from 2011 note that 88.4 percent of foreign applicants didn"t matriculate to a U.S. institution, versus a range of approximately 40 percent to 60 percent of applicants from each U.S. state. Public institutions, it also emphasized, rarely admit out-of-state U.S. applicants, and virtually no international ones, due to funding constraints.   If you want to attend an American medical school, what is the best strategy?   来自海外的学生或者那些没有合法居留身份的学生,面临的最大困难是无法获得联邦学生贷款。耶鲁大学的网站还指出,即使是美国申请者,也很少有奖学金来上医学院,更不用说国外的了。美国医学院校协会2011年的招生统计数据显示,88.4%的外国申请者没有进入美国的大学,而美国各州的申请者中有40%到60%的人没有入学。它还强调,由于资金紧张,公共机构很少承认州外的申请者,实际上也没有国际机构愿意支出此贷款。   如果你想上美国的医学院,什么是最好的策略?   1. Research early: This may sound obvious, but depending on your stage in the medical school search process, thorough research can be very important to avoid potential disappointment or missed opportunities.It is important to decide, for example, where you want to complete your undergraduate work. Determining the financial aid policies for international students at your schools of choice is even more important, as some schools require four years of tuition deposited up front into an escrow (or third party) account, or proof of hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of assets.If schools do not specifically require financial information, it may be needed anyway to apply for a F-1 student visa.A good place to start is the website of the National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions, which provides a comprehensive list of school-specific policies regarding how they define "international students" and what opportunities may be available to those students.    1.早期研究, 这听起来可能很明显,但根据你在医学院校搜索过程中的阶段,深入的研究对于避免潜在的失望或错过的机会非常重要。例如,决定你想在哪里完成你的本科工作是很重要的。在你选择的学校里,决定国际学生的经济援助政策更为重要,因为有些学校需要四年的学费,放在一个托管账户(或第三方)账户上,或者证明有数十万美元的资产。如果学校没有特别要求财务信息,那么可能需要申请f - 1学生签证。一个良好的开端是全国健康职业顾问协会的网站,该网站提供了一份关于他们如何定义“国际学生”的学校具体政策的综合清单,以及这些学生可以获得哪些机会。   2. Consider completing some coursework in the U.S.: The schools that do admit international applicants typically require a bachelor"s degree issued by a U.S. institution, or at least one year of U.S.-based coursework. The schools prefer that the coursework at a U.S. school be in the sciences.If you are already finishing, or have finished, your undergraduate degree outside the United States—or Canada for some schools—it may be worth your while to plan a year of coursework at an American institution. That will help you not only meet requirements and open doors to applying to more schools, but it will also help you determine whether studying in the United States is ultimately right for you.    2.考虑在美国完成一些课程: 录取国际申请者的学校通常要求获得美国机构颁发的学士学位或至少美国一年的学士学位的课程。学校更喜欢美国学校的课程在科学领域。如果你正在就读或者已经完成了相关学位的就读,或者是获得了美国或加拿大之外的一些学校的本科学位,这可能值得你去计划一年的课程在美国的机构。这不仅可以帮助你满足要求,还可以为你申请更多的学校敞开大门,同时也会帮助你确定在美国学习是否最终适合你。   3. Consider M.D./Ph.D. programs: Because slots for these positions are usually fully funded, due to the Ph.D. component, international students are generally thought to fare slightly better in gaining admission and funding for pursuing a medical education through this route in the United States.However, international students are subject to the same requirements, must have a solid research track record, and should be committed to a career as a physician-scientist. Schools value applicants" career ambitions heavily, as it can cost more than $350,000 to train students in these programs. A list of institutions offering positions via the Medical Scientist Training Program is available through the National Institutes of Health.Don"t be discouraged if you are determined to attend a medical school in the United States. In 2011, 174 non-U.S. applicants matriculated at a U.S. medical school, according to the AAMC.Many schools have the same admissions standards for domestic and foreign applicants and would offer admission in the same manner, although for foreign admits, they are contingent on financing. There are also school-specific loan programs, such as at Yale, in addition to programs offered by major banks, some of which require American cosigners. Ibrahim Busnaina, M.D. is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and coauthor of "Examkrackers" How to Get Into Medical School." He has been consulting with prospective medical school applicants, with a special focus on minority and other nontraditional candidates, since 2006.    3.考虑医学博士课程 ,由于这些职位的名额通常是全额资助的,由于博士学位的原因,国际学生一般认为在美国通过这条途径获得入学和资助来进行医学教育的费用会稍好一些。然而,国际学生也有同样的要求,必须有扎实的研究记录,并应致力于成为一名物理学家。学校重视申请者的职业抱负,因为在这些项目中培训学生花费超过35万美元。一份通过医学科学家培训计划提供职位的机构名单可通过美国国立卫生研究院获得。如果你决定上美国的一所医学院,不要灰心。2011年,174美国。据美国amc电视台报道,美国医学院的申请者的录取标准许多学校对国内外申请者都有相同的入学标准,并且会以同样的方式录取学生,尽管会录取外国学生,但是也是有条件的。此外,除了各大银行提供的项目之外,耶鲁大学还开设了一些特定于学校的贷款项目,其中一些项目需要美国的共同签署人。Ibrahim Busnaina医学博士是宾夕法尼亚大学医学院的毕业生,同时也是《如何进入医学院》的合著者。自2006年以来,他一直在咨询未来的医学院申请者,特别关注少数族裔和其他非传统的候选人。
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Version 2110=Post Office Protocol - Version 3111=SUN RPC112=McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol113=Authentication Service114=Audio News Multicast115=Simple File Transfer Protocol116=ANSA REX Notify117=UUCP Path Service118=SQL Servicessqlserv119=Network News Transfer Protocol120=CFDPTKTcfdptkt121=Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call122=SMAKYNETsmakynet123=Network Time Protocol124=ANSA REX Trader125=Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser126=Unisys Unitary Login127=Locus PC-Interface Conn Server128=GSS X License Verification129=Password Generator Protocol130=cisco FNATIVE131=cisco TNATIVE132=cisco SYSMAINT133=Statistics Service134=INGRES-NET Service135=Location Service136=PROFILE Naming System137=NETBIOS Name Service138=NETBIOS Datagram Service139=NETBIOS Session Service140=EMFIS Data Service141=EMFIS Control Service142=Britton-Lee IDM143=Interim Mail Access Protocol v2144=NewSnews145=UAAC Protocoluaac146=ISO-IP0iso-tp0147=ISO-IPiso-ip148=CRONUS-SUPPORT149=AED 512 Emulation Service150=SQL-NETsql-net151=HEMShems152=Background File Transfer Program153=SGMPsgmp154=NETSCnetsc-prod155=NETSCnetsc-dev156=SQL Service157=KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol158=PCMail Serverpcmail-srv159=NSS-Routingnss-routing160=SGMP-TRAPSsgmp-traps161=SNMP162=SNMP TRAP163=CMIP/TCP Manager164=CMIP/TCP Agent165=Xeroxxns-courier166=Sirius Systems167=NAMPnamp168=RSVDrsvd169=Send170=Network PostScript170=Network PostScript171=Network Innovations Multiplex172=Network Innovations CL/1173=Xyplexxyplex-mux174=MAILQ175=VMNET176=GENRAD-MUXgenrad-mux177=X Display Manager Control Protocol178=NextStep Window Server179=Border Gateway Protocol180=Intergraphris181=Unifyunify182=Unisys Audit SITP183=OCBinderocbinder184=OCServerocserver185=Remote-KIS186=KIS Protocolkis187=Application Communication Interface188=Plus Five"s MUMPS189=Queued File Transport189=Queued File Transport190=Gateway Access Control Protocol190=Gateway Access Control Protocol191=Prospero Directory Service191=Prospero Directory Service192=OSU Network Monitoring System193=srmp, Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol194=irc, Internet Relay Chat Protocl195=DNSIX Network Level Module Audit196=DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir197=Directory Location Service198=Directory Location Service Monitor199=SMUX200=IBM System Resource Controller201=at-rtmp AppleTalk Routing Maintenance202=at-nbp AppleTalk Name Binding203=at-3 AppleTalk Unused204=AppleTalk Echo205=AppleTalk Unused206=AppleTalk Zone Information207=AppleTalk Unused208=AppleTalk Unused209=Trivial Authenticated Mail Protocol210=ANSI Z39.50z39.50211=Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal212=ATEXSSTRanet213=IPX214=VM PWSCSvmpwscs215=Insignia Solutions216=Access Technology License Server217=dBASE Unix218=Netix Message Posting Protocol219=Unisys ARPsuarps220=Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3221=Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth222=Berkeley rshd with SPX auth223=Certificate Distribution Center224=Reserved (224-241)241=Reserved (224-241)242=Unassigned#243=Survey Measurement244=Unassigned#245=LINKlink246=Display Systems Protocol247-255 Reserved256-343 Unassigned344=Prospero Data Access Protocol345=Perf Analysis Workbench346=Zebra serverzserv347=Fatmen Serverfatserv348=Cabletron Management Protocol349-370 Unassigned371=Clearcaseclearcase372=Unix Listservulistserv373=Legent Corporation374=Legent Corporation375=Hasslehassle376=Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto377=NEC Corporation378=NEC Corporation379=TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client380=TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server381=hp performance data collector382=hp performance data managed node383=hp performance data alarm manager384=A Remote Network Server System385=IBM Application386=ASA Message Router Object Def.387=Appletalk Update-Based Routing Pro.388=Unidata LDM Version 4389=Lightweight Directory Access Protocol390=UISuis391=SynOptics SNMP Relay Port392=SynOptics Port Broker Port393=Data Interpretation System394=EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer395=NETscout Control Protocol396=Novell Netware over IP397=Multi Protocol Trans. Net.398=Kryptolankryptolan399=Unassigned#400=Workstation Solutions401=Uninterruptible Power Supply402=Genie Protocol403=decapdecap404=ncednced405=ncldncld406=Interactive Mail Support Protocol407=Timbuktutimbuktu408=Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man.409=Prospero Resource Manager Node Man.410=DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol411=Remote MT Protocol412=Trap Convention Port413=SMSPsmsp414=InfoSeekinfoseek415=BNetbnet416=Silverplattersilverplatter417=Onmuxonmux418=Hyper-Ghyper-g419=Arielariel1420=SMPTEsmpte421=Arielariel2422=Arielariel3423=IBM Operations Planning and Control Start424=IBM Operations Planning and Control Track425=ICADicad-el426=smartsdpsmartsdp427=Server Location429=OCS_AMU430=UTMPSDutmpsd431=UTMPCDutmpcd432=IASDiasd433=NNSPnnsp434=MobileIP-Agent435=MobilIP-MN436=DNA-CMLdna-cml437=comscmcomscm439=dasp, Thomas Obermair440=sgcpsgcp441=decvms-sysmgtdecvms-sysmgt442=cvc_hostdcvc_hostd443=https444=Simple Network Paging Protocol445=Microsoft-DS446=DDM-RDBddm-rdb447=DDM-RFMddm-dfm448=DDM-BYTEddm-byte449=AS Server Mapper450=TServertserver512=exec, Remote process execution513=login, remote login514=cmd, exec with auto auth.514=syslog515=Printer spooler516=Unassigned517=talk519=unixtime520=extended file name server521=Unassigned522=Unassigned523=Unassigned524=Unassigned526=newdate530=rpc courier531=chatconference532=readnewsnetnews533=for emergency broadcasts539=Apertus Technologies Load Determination540=uucp541=uucp-rlogin542=Unassigned543=klogin544=kshell545=Unassigned546=Unassigned547=Unassigned548=Unassigned549=Unassigned550=new-who551=Unassigned552=Unassigned553=Unassigned554=Unassigned555=dsf556=remotefs557-559=rmonitor560=rmonitord561=dmonitor562=chcmd563=Unassigned564=plan 9 file service565=whoami566-569 Unassigned570=demonmeter571=udemonmeter572-599 Unassigned ipc server600=Sun IPC server607=nqs606=Cray Unified Resource Manager608=Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer609=npmp-trapnpmp-trap610=npmp-localnpmp-local611=npmp-guinpmp-gui634=ginadginad666=Doom Id Software704=errlog copy/server daemon709=EntrustManager729=IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client730=IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcp731=IBM NetView DM/6000 receive/tcp741=netGWnetgw742=Network based Rev. 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Cli.1080=SOCKS1083=Anasoft License Manager1084=Anasoft License Manager1155=Network File Access1222=SNI R&D network1248=hermes1346=Alta Analytics License Manager1347=multi media conferencing1347=multi media conferencing1348=multi media conferencing1349=Registration Network Protocol1350=Registration Network Protocol1351=Digital Tool Works (MIT)1352=/Lotus Notelotusnote1353=Relief Consulting1354=RightBrain Software1355=Intuitive Edge1356=CuillaMartin Company1357=Electronic PegBoard1358=CONNLCLIconnlcli1359=FTSRVftsrv1360=MIMERmimer1361=LinX1362=TimeFliestimeflies1363=Network DataMover Requester1364=Network DataMover Server1365=Network Software Associates1366=Novell NetWare Comm Service Platform1367=DCSdcs1368=ScreenCastscreencast1369=GlobalView to Unix Shell1370=Unix Shell to GlobalView1371=Fujitsu Config Protocol1372=Fujitsu Config Protocol1373=Chromagrafxchromagrafx1374=EPI Software Systems1375=Bytexbytex1376=IBM Person to Person Software1377=Cichlid License Manager1378=Elan License Manager1379=Integrity Solutions1380=Telesis Network License Manager1381=Apple Network License Manager1382=udt_os1383=GW Hannaway Network License Manager1384=Objective Solutions License Manager1385=Atex Publishing License Manager1386=CheckSum License Manager1387=Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM1388=Objective Solutions DataBase Cache1389=document.nbspManager1390=Storage Controller1391=Storage Access Server1392=Print Managericlpv-pm1393=Network Log Server1394=Network Log Client1395=PC Workstation Manager software1396=DVL Active Mail1397=Audio Active Mail1398=Video Active Mail1399=Cadkey License Manager1400=Cadkey Tablet Daemon1401=Goldleaf License Manager1402=Prospero Resource Manager1403=Prospero Resource Manager1404=Infinite Graphics License Manager1405=IBM Remote Execution Starter1406=NetLabs License Manager1407=DBSA License Manager1408=Sophia License Manager1409=Here License Manager1410=HiQ License Manager1411=AudioFileaf1412=InnoSysinnosys1413=Innosys-ACLinnosys-acl1414=IBM MQSeriesibm-mqseries1415=DBStardbstar1416=Novell LU6.2novell-lu6.21417=Timbuktu Service 1 Port1417=Timbuktu Service 1 Port1418=Timbuktu Service 2 Port1419=Timbuktu Service 3 Port1420=Timbuktu Service 4 Port1421=Gandalf License Manager1422=Autodesk License Manager1423=Essbase Arbor Software1424=Hybrid Encryption Protocol1425=Zion Software License Manager1426=Satellite-data Acquisition System 11427=mloadd monitoring tool1428=Informatik License Manager1429=Hypercom NMSnms1430=Hypercom
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1. 【求self Self-dependence is very important,which doesn"t mean whenever we needn"t depend on other for help.自力更生是很重要的.意思是说无论怎么样我们都不必靠他人的帮助.It is essential to enter the society.After all,we can"t always rely on others.Assuming we meet into diffcalties in a sudden while no person arounds can helps us activly,what shall we do?So the best way is to depend on ourselves instead of others.If we can depend on our efforts usually?Something diffcalties will be solved easily and we can give a hand to others are in trouble.进入社会是必须的,总之,我们不能总是依赖他人.当我们在紧急时刻遇到困难,并且没有人在没有人的帮助下.我们该怎么办?所以最好的办法就是自力更生来替代靠他人.如果我们能依靠自己的努力,有些困难我们能轻易解决并且我们能给予在困难中的其他人.In short,self-dependence not only displays our abilities,but also does a good deed to share diffcalties with each other.In so this way we may abtain the happiness from it.简而言之,自力更生不仅仅是显示出我们的能力,并且能和他人共同面对困难是件做好事的行为.通过这条路,我们能从中获得快乐。 2. 关于interdependence的高一英语作文,字数随意 what is interdependence? Interdependence is a dynamic of being mutually and physically responsible to, and sharing a mon set of principles with, others. This concept differs distinctly from "dependence," which implies that each member of a relationship cannot function or survive apart from one another. In an interdependent relationship, all participants are emotionally, economically, ecologically and/or morally self-reliant while at the same time responsible to each other. An interdependent relationship can be defined as an entity that depends on o or more cooperative autonomous participants (eg - co-op). Some people advocate freedom or independence as a sort of ultimate good; others do the same with devotion to one"s family, munity, or society. Interdependence recognizes the truth in each position and weaves them together. 3. 写一篇英文作文, 文章一:The first thing you will notice about college is that it is much different than high school. You have more freedom and more opportunities, indicating that you must make important decisions yourself. At day one you are alone. Even if you know other students at the university, you are one in thousands. Being someone of importance is challenging, and at times can be very intimidating. Understanding the changes from high school to college will give you a head start.FreedomOne of the biggest differences beeen high school and college is that in college every decision is yours to make. Your parents are not there to remind you to do your homework. You are now allowed to choose what classes you want to take and when those classes will be.The Benefit: If you have ever felt trapped while in high school, because you were unable to make decisions for yourself. Now is the time to prove to everyone that you know what is best for you. In college you are set free, and if you let your ambitions guide you, you can go places and do things that you never imagined.The Negatives: For many students, freedom is the one thing that destroys them. If you have the freedom to do great things, you also have the freedom to make poor decisions.My favorite freedom that I gained by graduating from high school was no longer needing to ask to use the restroom! I hated asking a student teacher, still in college and only a few years older than me, if I could use the restroom.ClassesIn high school, I was able to go to class, listen to the teacher, finish the homework assignment, and talk to my friends, all in one class session. In college those tasks will be separated.Total class time in college is much less than in high school. Professors will cover what they believe is the most important information in that time; however, it does not mean that they will cover all of the material that will be on the test. Most of your college learning will actually be done outside of class and classes will be used for reviewing and reinforcement of concepts. Where as in high school all learning was done in class and review was done outside of class and only if necessary.Class Attendance: Some professors will give you credit for being in class. Others could care less. However, it is HIGHLY remended that you attend ALL classes.SyllabusEverything you need for a class will be put on the syllabus. Professors may not give any additional reminders of tests, homework assignments, and papers. Not paying attention to your syllabus could be one of your worst mistakes.OpportunitiesThe possibilities are endless. You can participate in “real” research, researching things that no one else has. You can be a leader in a student anization that grows to be an anization that many universities support. You can write a book, and have the necessary advisors, professors, to teach you the ropes of having something published. You will learn how to get involved in campus politics, which I believe can be as important as city or national politics.Meeting PeopleOne of my favorite parts of college is meeting people. Reach out to people. Don"t be afraid to start a conversation with a stranger. You never know, that stranger may end up being your coauthor, or your business partner. There is nowhere else besides a university where you can find such a large amount of people with countless and unimaginable skills.2:In university, teachers expect you to be responsible. They don"t usually remind you of uping due dates. If you are having difficulty in the class they won"t approach you, you have to ask for help. I have a lot more group projects than I used to. Grading sometimes is also more difficult. For instance in my math class there are only 4 tests that make up your grade. So each test is worth a lot more points than if there were homework assignments and quizzes as well as tests. As far as attendance some teachers care and others don"t. Most teachers will not allow make-up exams except under extenuating circumstances like a death in the family or religious holiday. The good thing is that you can choose to take classes at night or even online.As far as environment it is very rare for a teacher to have a discipline problem in the class. Teachers have the right to tell you to leave if you are disruptive. A lot of my fellow clas *** ates are also paying for school themselves so they take it a lot more seriously.I go to a munity college so I can"t tell you about living on campus.I hope I have answered your question. 提供你一些思路吧:What are some differences beeen High School and University? Leaving high school and entering post-secondary study is a big。 4. 日常生活英语作文 导语:高考结束了,你即将迎来大学生活,你渴望中的理想大学生活是什么样的?你有什么样的大学规划吗?下面是我为大家整理的高中英语作文范文:我渴望的大学生活。 My new college life is going to start, so i cannot help feeling excited. How many times i have dreamed my beautiful and meaningful university life!When my new life begin, i think the first thing i should do is to focus on my study. i will try my best to learn as many subjects as possible. besides, i think i will take part in some school activities to improve my prehensive ability, such as munication ability and so on. At the same time, i am supposed to join some student unions or clubs to make my life colorful.I know there are many differences beeen high schools and universities, so i will change my study habits. in high schools, it is the times of teachers forcing students to study, but in universities, we should arrange all the things by ourselves, so i will study by myself. i will make study plans such as time scheduel or something like that by myself.of course, i will practice myself to be more independent. independence is a rather crutial ability for future development, so if there are any problems, i will do my best to solve it personally, and won"t ask someone at first as before.This is what i arrange for my new life, and hope it will start soon. i am ready for it!。 5. 1000字英语作文 The likelihood that an *** child will reside with parents declines very sharply after age 18:In 1990,74% of 18-19 year olds lived with parents,pared to 40% at ages 20-24 and 16% at ages 25-29 (US Bureau of the Census 1992a).A substantial minority of the unmarried,however,continues to live at home into middle age.Three recent studies using different data sets asked what percentage of over-65 parents have coresident *** children; all arrived at figures in the range of 13-15% (Aquilino 1990,Ward et al 1992,Speare & Avery 1993).Some of these children are young *** s who have not left home yet,others are temporary returnees,but some are 35 or 40 and home to stay.Although coresidence declines with child"s and parent"s age,it remains a significant phenomenon across the life course.If we take a longer perspective,there is even less evidence that this generation is slow to establish residential independence.Historical evidence suggests substantial diversity in unmarried children"s homeleaving behavior in the West:although many adolescents from rural and working-class backgrounds left home at very early ages to enter an apprenticeship or domestic service,others stayed home until relatively late marriage (Wall 1978).Like other dimensions of the transition to *** hood,the major historical change in home leaving is the extent to which it is now concentrated in a relatively narrow age range.In past centuries (and in Latin America today),children left home at any age beeen 10 and 30 (Wall 1978,DeVos 1989); in western Europe and North America today,the end of coresidence occurs rather abruptly beeen ages 18 and 21.The larger story,and the one on which we have much less information,is change in parent-child obligation and its relationship to living arrangements.In the past,unmarried children who stayed home were expected to be contributors to the household division of labor and to submit to their parents" authority (Mayer & Schwartz 1989).Those who lived away from home were more likely to send a portion of their wages home than to receive parental subsidy for their privacy and independence.In Caldwell"s terms (1976),wealth and deference flowed up the generational ladder.The changes observed in household position may obscure more dramatic changes in dependency and obligation beeen coresident parents and children.The family life cycle perspective assumed a fixed set of developmental stages through which families moved from birth to death.In this perspective,the empty nest stage is inaugerated by the marriage of the lastborn child rather than by home leaving,a transition not treated separately.The family life cycle model has proven a useful device for anizing demographic data about average experiences of historical cohorts,but has been criticized for its failure to incorporate the experience of those who divorce or who never marry.As a result,many scholars have turned to the life course perspective,a more flexible model that emphasizes sociohistorical variability and focuses on transitions rather than stages,a wider variety of destinations,more variability in pathways,and the possibility of countentransitions (Hohn & Mackensen 1989).It is still,however,very much a structural and normative framework.According to Hagestad & Neugarten (1985:36),the life course perspective "concentrates on age-related transitions that are socially created,socially recognized,and shared" (p.35,emphasis in original).Thus,changes in social norms and in the transition to *** hood are considered here as part of the lifecourse perspective.。 6. learning to be independent for young 英语作文 Independence Currently, it is a mon practice that independent is necessary and essential quality for teenagers. On one hand, being independent will hone their abilities of industrious, ingenious and even motivated, which can build up their sound mind and body. On the other hand, being independent also means that they need to be risk to facing more obstacles by themselves. A survey, conducted by a famous Chinese forum, after polling thousands of college students aged beeen 20 and 25, has conducted that though some students claimed that they have difficulty supporting themselves after independence, a significant percentage of respondents believe that learning independence bring them mature. For example, without any independent experience of being a sales man, how can a student-just graduated from a university and usually having learned only academic knowledge during his school time- know whether he is good at selling products. Besides, during this exploring process, young people will bee mature. Personally, I suggest that young people must to learn how to be independent, which needs the quality of facing unexpected difficulties. Nevertheless, there is no denying that critical and rational thinking Is Precondition to be independence 7. 【写一篇自己饮食习惯的英语作文】 给你1篇例文,仅供参考!你自己可以适当修改:My eating habbits I"m a middle school student.i have good eating habbits.I often drink a cup of milk and eat an egg for breakfast at home.I don"t like milk,but my mom thinks it"s good for my health.I often eat lunch at school.I usually have some meat and vegetables.I like all kinds of vegeatbles and fruit.I also like juck food ,but I only eat once or ice a month.I usually drink water and juice,and I never drink coffee or coke.As you see,i eat well and I"m very well.。 8. 英语作文独立自主 Of Independence Nowadays, most children, who are the only child in the family, are given too much love by their parents. It is because that they are protected from hardship and difficulties, they bee less independent. However, a spoiled child will have a hard job to live in this petitive society. We should know the fact that no parents can keep a good pany with their children for the whole life. Thus, parents should encourage their children to do whatever they can, so as to develop their abilities of independence. 9. 求英语作文《Signs》 《sings》 There are a lot of signs in the world. There are restraunt signs,toilet signs,traffic signs and a lot
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1. 英语作文请以making decisions为题 growing up means making my own decisions. when i was a little, my parents made all the tough decisions for me. but while i am getting older and older, i felt that i can make decisions for myself! it occurred to me that i have got to face all the difficulties on my own. otherwise, i can"t succeed in the future.。 2. let me make decisions myself为题的作文 Please, let me make decisions myself. I"ve grown up, stronger than ever, willing to test out my wings. Please don"t force me into your mold, let me grow; let me test out my skills. Independence is what I seek, it"s also what I need. I know it es with responsibly, but I can take them, just you watch. I can"t rely on others forever; I"ve got to make decisions by myself. I can"t always walk on the road others paved for me; I must seek new tracks and find new streets. Don"t worry about me making wrong decisions. It will help me learn and foster my abilities to deal with tricky situations; mistakes are a vital part of learning. Therefore, please let me make decisions for myself, it"s good for me.写得有点短,是以散文、随笔的方式写的。 如果想要正规的格式(书信,演讲稿之类的)请追问吧。希望对你有帮助 :)。 3. 写一篇英文作文, 文章一:The first thing you will notice about college is that it is much different than high school. You have more freedom and more opportunities, indicating that you must make important decisions yourself. At day one you are alone. Even if you know other students at the university, you are one in thousands. Being someone of importance is challenging, and at times can be very intimidating. Understanding the changes from high school to college will give you a head start.FreedomOne of the biggest differences beeen high school and college is that in college every decision is yours to make. Your parents are not there to remind you to do your homework. You are now allowed to choose what classes you want to take and when those classes will be.The Benefit: If you have ever felt trapped while in high school, because you were unable to make decisions for yourself. Now is the time to prove to everyone that you know what is best for you. In college you are set free, and if you let your ambitions guide you, you can go places and do things that you never imagined.The Negatives: For many students, freedom is the one thing that destroys them. If you have the freedom to do great things, you also have the freedom to make poor decisions.My favorite freedom that I gained by graduating from high school was no longer needing to ask to use the restroom! I hated asking a student teacher, still in college and only a few years older than me, if I could use the restroom.ClassesIn high school, I was able to go to class, listen to the teacher, finish the homework assignment, and talk to my friends, all in one class session. In college those tasks will be separated.Total class time in college is much less than in high school. Professors will cover what they believe is the most important information in that time; however, it does not mean that they will cover all of the material that will be on the test. Most of your college learning will actually be done outside of class and classes will be used for reviewing and reinforcement of concepts. Where as in high school all learning was done in class and review was done outside of class and only if necessary.Class Attendance: Some professors will give you credit for being in class. Others could care less. However, it is HIGHLY remended that you attend ALL classes.SyllabusEverything you need for a class will be put on the syllabus. Professors may not give any additional reminders of tests, homework assignments, and papers. Not paying attention to your syllabus could be one of your worst mistakes.OpportunitiesThe possibilities are endless. You can participate in “real” research, researching things that no one else has. You can be a leader in a student anization that grows to be an anization that many universities support. You can write a book, and have the necessary advisors, professors, to teach you the ropes of having something published. You will learn how to get involved in campus politics, which I believe can be as important as city or national politics.Meeting PeopleOne of my favorite parts of college is meeting people. Reach out to people. Don"t be afraid to start a conversation with a stranger. You never know, that stranger may end up being your coauthor, or your business partner. There is nowhere else besides a university where you can find such a large amount of people with countless and unimaginable skills.2:In university, teachers expect you to be responsible. They don"t usually remind you of uping due dates. If you are having difficulty in the class they won"t approach you, you have to ask for help. I have a lot more group projects than I used to. Grading sometimes is also more difficult. For instance in my math class there are only 4 tests that make up your grade. So each test is worth a lot more points than if there were homework assignments and quizzes as well as tests. As far as attendance some teachers care and others don"t. Most teachers will not allow make-up exams except under extenuating circumstances like a death in the family or religious holiday. The good thing is that you can choose to take classes at night or even online.As far as environment it is very rare for a teacher to have a discipline problem in the class. Teachers have the right to tell you to leave if you are disruptive. A lot of my fellow clas *** ates are also paying for school themselves so they take it a lot more seriously.I go to a munity college so I can"t tell you about living on campus.I hope I have answered your question. 提供你一些思路吧:What are some differences beeen High School and University? Leaving high school and entering post-secondary study is a big。 4. 以should teenagers be allowed to make their own decisions I think teenagers shoud not be allowed to make their own decisons. The reasons are as follows : First of all , as teenagers ,we are too young to make own decisions ,we seldom make the right decisions on our own, even less ,we may make things goes wrong. Second,our parent do not allow us to make decisions because they are too worried about us ,they always want us to listen to them ,never let us to fly with our wings.SO ,it is difficult to persuade them into listening to us . Third, sometimes we should make decisions with the help of our parents ,which will off course benefit us a lot . They have rich experices and they can think ice before they make the final decision. IN a word, i think teenagers should not make decisions on their. that"s all thank you very much! 5. 【whatisthebestformoflearning写英语作文】 1There is really only one way to learn how to do something and that is to do it.If you want to learn to throw a football,drive a car,build a mousetrap,design a building,cook a stir-fry,or be a management consultant,you must have a go at doing it.Throughout history,youths have been apprenticed to masters in order to learn a trade.We understand that learning a skill means eventually trying your hand at the skill.When there is no real harm in simply trying we allow novices to "give it a shot."Parents usually teach children in this way.They don"t give a series of lectures to their children to prepare them to walk,talk,climb,run,play a game,or learn how to behave.They just let their children do these things.We hand a child a ball to teach him to throw.If he throws poorly,he simply tries again.Parents tolerate sitting in the passenger seat while their teenager tries out the driver"s seat for the first time.It"s nerve-wracking,but parents put up with it,because they know there"s no better way.When it es to school,however,instead of allowing students to learn by doing,we create courses of instruction that tell students about the theory of the task without concentrating on the doing of the task.It"s not easy to see how to apply apprenticeship to mass education.So in its place,we lecture.2Build Good Habits.The key to success in any activity is to develop effective skills.Practice builds skills Athletes develop athletic skills; musicians develop musical skills; managers develop managing skills; learners need to develop learning skills.Developing skills means building good habits.Develop the Habit of Mental Self-management.Mental self-management or metacognition is the art of planning,monitoring and evaluating the learning process.To be good at metacognition means you have to know the options.Here are the major choices.Identify your best learning styles - visual,verbal,kinesthetic,deductive or inductive.Monitor and improve your learning skills - reading,writing,listening,time-management,note-taking,problem-solving.Use different learning environments - lecture,lab,discussion,study groups,study partner.Try to plete the learning cycle - For most courses,the learning cycle goes like this:Memorize new information,rules and concepts - often tedious and boring.Assimilate and anize this information - often hard,but interesting.Use this information to *** yze,synthesize and problem-solve - often difficult,but satisfying.Incorporate this information into evaluations,judgments and predictions - often powerful and exhilarating.Many students never get past the first step.They never experience the joy of learning.Develop the Habit of Positive Thinking.Use it for increasing confidence and self-esteem.Use it for setting goals and enjoying learning.Use it for taking charge of your own education.See Section 2 for more ideas.Develop the Habit of Hierarchical Thinking.Use it for setting priorities and for time management.Use it for summarizing ideas and for anizing information.See Section 10 on anizing information.Develop the Habit of Creative and Critical Thinking.Use it for making decisions and solving problems.Use it for synthesizing and creating new associations.See Sections 20 and 21.Develop the Habit of Asking Questions.Use it for identifying main ideas and supporting evidence.Use it for generating interest and motivation.Use it for focusing concentration and improving memory.See Section 6 on asking questions.10 Steps for Building New Habits Select a new habit or technique you want to develop,like one found in this book.Convince yourself it"s important.Make it fairly easy to do.Write out a schedule for working on it.Practice using the technique,keep track of progress.Reward yourself after each practice period.Use your habits as often as possible,both in simple and in new situations.Use a coach,teacher,tutor,group or friend.Identify internal blocks,e.g.,lack of time,poor self-esteem,procrastination,poor techniques,lack of success,lack of confidence,stress,poor anization,poor reading and math skills.Seek help if necessary Start *** all,take one step at a time and enjoy each success.。 6. why people make poor decision 我昨天才写的~我是高3的,没问题,字数有点多,尽供参考~ Today,I"ll make a speech about the purpose of work.I think all of us will go to find a job in next maybe 5years,that"s something we must face in the future.But I suppose everybody has a question in his mind which is why should I work,and what do I work for?There are probably massive reasons for that,however I only want to claim that one of the most being neglected reasons for why people work is to help other people.To illustrate,like the charity workers,and religious anizations etc.all work for the general interest of all human being instead of only working for themselves.Their labor is to help others because they want to make the society more stable and more harmonious by spreading the good moral convictions,thereby benefiting themselves and others. 7. I should be allowed to make my own decisions 急求英语作文 should i be allowed to make my own decisions 翻译 应当允许我自己做决定吗?many teenagers have hobbies. but sometimes these hobbies canget in the way of schoolwork, and parents might worry about their child"s success at school. teenagers often think theyshould be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want. do you agree?许多青少年都有自己的爱好。 但是有时这些爱好可能与学业相冲突,父母们可能会担心孩子在学习上的成功。青少年常认为应当允许他们尽可能多地去实践自己的兴趣爱好。 你同意(这个观点)吗?liu yu, a fifteen-year-old from shandong, is a running star. he is in his school running team and has always wanted to be a professional athlete. however,his parents won"t allow him to train as much as he would like to. “of course we want to see liu yu achieve his dreams,”says mr liu, “and we know how much he loves running. that"s great, and my wife and i have watched him in every one of his races. we have nothing against running! but we do think that our son needs to be realistic. now he is getting older, and he needs to think about what will happen if he doesn"t bee a professional runner in the end.” 刘玉,十五岁,来自山东,是一名赛跑明星。他在校赛跑队,他一直想成为一名专业运动员。 但是他的父母不允许他按照自己的喜好过多的锻炼。“当然我们想看到刘玉实现他的梦想,”刘先生说,“而且我们知道他是多么爱好跑步。 那很好,而且我和妻子看过他的每一场比赛。我们没有反对跑步!但是我们认为我们的儿子应当现实点儿。 既然他在长大,他需要想一下如果他最后成不了一名专业赛跑运动员,那又怎么办?” liu yu doesn"t really agree. “well, i think i should be allowed to make decisions for myself.” he says. “my parents have always taught me the importance of working hard and not just to do what i enjoy. i understand this. but i"m serious about running. being a professional runner is the only thing i have ever wanted to do.” 刘玉真不同意这个观点。“奥,我认为我应该被允许为我自己做决定,”他说,我父母总是教我努力学习的重要性,不要只做我喜欢的事情。 我理解。但是对于赛跑我是认真的,成为一名专业赛跑运动 员是我曾经想要做的唯一的事情。 mr and mrs liu believe that liu yu should study hard in the evenings, and so they don"t allow him to practice running on school nights. “i know this might seem strict,” says mrs liu, “but we think we"re doing the right thing. he has to understand that very few people can bee professional athletes. it"s a very difficult dream to achieve. we don"t allow him to practice ev
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举例几个,不全经济学,Ken Rogoff, 国际经济学大家,需要提到的还有他的coauthor,现在在kennedy school的Carmen ReinhartDrew Fudenberg, 对策论,和今年诺奖获得者tirole写过博弈论教材John Campbell,金融,大师,有以他做的对冲基金为主题的电影Rober Barro, 诺奖,现在在研究经济学中的玄学-防范大型自然灾害受益几何?
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求关于Michael Jackson英文的生平介绍

Michael Jackson The Legend....( 2005-03-17 15:52Michael Jackson is a singer, songwriter, dancer and celebrity icon with a vast catalog of hit records and countless awards to his credit. Beyond that, he has transfixed the world like few entertainers before or since. As a solo performer, he has enjoyed a level of superstardom previously known only to Elvis Presley, the Beatles and Frank Sinatra. Jackson became an instant star at age 11 as the cherubic frontman in Motown"s phenomenally successful family act, the Jackson 5. But that band of brothers, who kicked off their Motown tenure in 1969 with the unprecedented feat of four consecutive #1 singles, was just a prelude to the heights he would scale as a solo artist in the Eighties with the success of Off the Wall, Thriller and Bad. Those three albums, and their accompanying videos, sent Jackson into a high celebrity orbit. He has been proclaimed "the biggest-selling artist of all time," "the single most awarded entertainer the world has ever known," "the most popular artist in the history of show business," and, not so modestly, "the world"s most famous man" and of course, "The King of Pop." Michael Jackson was groomed as a solo star while still a member of the Jackson 5. In 1971, having barely turned thirteen, Jackson released a successful string of solo singles that included "Got to Be There," "Rockin" Robin" and "Ben" (a #1 ballad sung to a rat). In 1978, Michael appeared in the film version of The Wiz, where he met musical director Quincy Jones, who would become the producer of his best-known albums. The first of these, Off the Wall (1979) introduced Michael Jackson to the world as a vibrant, poised young adult bursting with talent and ideas. It yielded chart-toppers in "Don"t Stop "Til You Get Enough" and "Rock With You." However, it was Thriller that broke all records, revitalizing and revolutionizing the music business. Released in November 1982, Thriller yielded a staggering seven hits: "The Girl Is Mine" (#2) "Billie Jean" (#1), "Beat It" (#1), "Wanna Be Startin" Somethin"" (#5), "Human Nature" (#7), "P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)" (#10) and "Thriller" (#4). The album received sales boosts with Jackson"s electrifying performance on the May 1983 Motown 25th Anniversary Special, where he premiered his gravity-defying "Moonwalk," and the year"s-end release of the 14-minute mini-movie based on the song "Thriller." The latter is considered the most important video clip in music history. Jackson employed the burgeoning medium of music video to maximum advantage, as his revolutionary videos became fixtures on MTV, which was only a year old at the time of Thriller"s release. Thriller topped the charts for nine months (37 weeks) and remained in Billboard"s album chart for more than two years (122 weeks). Jackson won eight Grammy Awards and seven American Music Awards for Thriller. In 1985, it was proclaimed the Best Selling Album of All Time by the Guinness Book of Records. As of July 2001, Thriller has sold 26 million copies in the U.S., making it the second best-selling album in history behind the Eagles" Greatest Hits (27 million). Worldwide, Thriller has sold 51 million copies. Beyond the numbers, how important was Jackson"s record-shattering feat? As producer Quincy Jones told Time magazine, "Black music had to play second fiddle for a long time, but its spirit is the whole motor of pop. Michael has connected with every soul in the world." In 1985, Jackson helped to topple another sales record. As the coauthor of and performer on "We Are the World" - a benefit single for the USA for Africa charity, recorded with a cast of music stars - Jackson had a big hand in what became the top-selling single up to that point in history. Michael Jackson didn"t quit the Jackson 5, even at the height of his stardom, yet his solo career obviously took precedence. Still he showed family loyalty by joining his brothers for the Jacksons" 1984 Victory album and tour. In fact, Michael never toured as a solo artist until after the release of Bad (1987), when he undertook a 15-country juggernaut that occupied much of 1988. Bad was #1 for six weeks and launched another seven hits, including five that topped the charts: "I Just Can"t Stop Loving You," "Bad," "The Way You Make Me Feel," "Man in the Mirror," and "Dirty Diana." Bad"s canny use of urban beats, smooth jazz-funk and rock guitar in the service of some of the sharpest black pop ever recorded reaffirmed Jackson"s peculiar genius and star quality. But some of its songs also hinted at the pressures that lay beneath the surface of his unfathomable superstardom. Jackson"s every move was reported and analyzed by the media, and his quirks became headlines for a period of years. Some of his behavior engendered real controversy, driving him to exile abroad or behind the walls of the fantasy-filled Santa Ynez, California, estate he called "Neverland." All the while, Jackson continued to make arresting music in the Nineties, working with cutting-edge artist-producers from the hip-hop arena. Dangerous appeared late in 1991 and was preceded by an extended video for its leadoff single, "Black or White." Topping the charts for seven weeks, "Black or White" became Jackson"s biggest hit since "Billie Jean." Dangerous, like Thriller and Bad, was the source of seven more hit singles. In addition to "Black or White," they included "Remember the Time" (#3), "In the Closet" (#6) and "Will You Be There" (#7). In 1995, he issued HIStory: Past, Present and Future - Book I, a double album that paired 15 new songs with a greatest-hits disc. Its first single, "Scream," was a duet with sister Janet Jackson set to a high-tech groove. He scored his thirteenth #1 hit in 1995 with "You Are Not Alone," written and produced by urban R&B star R. Kelly. The album debuted at #1 and sold 7 million copies (15 million worldwide), maintaining the multi-platinum standard set by Bad (8 million U.S., 25 million worldwide) and Dangerous (7 million U.S., 27 million worldwide) - awesome numbers all, paling only next to Thriller"s historic and unbeatable figures. Invincible, released in October 2001, featured 16 tracks including the debut single "You Rock My World" and the popular radio hit "Butterflies." This time teaming up with producers including Rodney Jerkins, Teddy Riley, R. Kelly, and Dr. Freeze, Jackson"s eclectic musical style is again showcased in tracks such as the opening "Unbreakable", the Latin-inspired "Whatever Happens (featuring Carlos Santana on guitar), and the Andrae Crouch gospel choir on the haunting track "Speechless". In November of 2003, Jackson released the Greatest Hits compilation "Number Ones". The 18 song collection included 16 previously released tracks spanning Jackson"s career from Off The Wall through Invincible, a live version of his #1 hit "Ben", and the new single "One More Chance." As of the end of 2004, sales for "Number Ones" had risen above 6 million worldwide. Most recently, on November 16, 2004, Michael Jackson released "Michael Jackson: The Ultimate Collection" Box Set. This deluxe 5-disc display book box set - containing 57 tracks of hit singles and 13 previously unissued recordings spanning 1969 to 2004, plus an unreleased 1992 live concert DVD - marks the most extensive presentation of his artistry ever assembled in one package.
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Michael Joseph Jackson (born August 29, 1958), often referred to as MJ and also known as The King of Pop is an American musician and entertainer.[1][2] The seventh child of the Jackson family, Jackson debuted on the professional music scene at the age of eleven as a member of the Jackson 5 and went on to become a pop icon as a solo artist. His successful career and controversial, enigmatic personal life have been a part of pop culture for almost four decades.[3] Jackson became a dominant figure in popular music in the late 1970s, becoming the first black entertainer to amass a strong cross-over following on MTV. He transformed the music video into an art form and a promotional tool through complex story lines, dance routines, special effects and famous cameo appearances.[3] The popularity of videos aired on MTV such as "Beat It" and "Billie Jean" helped to put the relatively-young channel "on the map",[4] while videos such as "Black or White" and "Scream" made Jackson a dominant staple on MTV into the 1990s. Jackson popularized physically-complicated dance techniques such as the robot and the moonwalk, along with a distinctive musical sound and vocal style that have influenced a generation of hip hop, pop, and R&B artists.
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aeroue011:concerning the air or aircraft plane( 飞机)—aeroplane(飞机) space(空间, 间隔)—aerospace(航空宇宙) antiue011: against;opposite of nuclear([核]核子的)—antinuclear(反对使用核武器的) matter( 物质)—antimatter(反物质) war(战争、作战、 打仗)—antiwar(反战的, 反对战争的) autoue011: of or by oneself biography(传记)—autobiography(自传) criticism(批评, 批判)—autocriticism(自我反省, 自我检讨) beue011:to treat as the stated thing friend(朋友, 助手)—befriend(待人如友, 帮助) little(很少的, 矮小的,很少)—belittle(轻视, 使渺小, 使……显得渺小) biue011: two;twice;double lingual(语言的)—bilingual(能说两种语言的) cycle( 自行车)—bicycle(脚踏车, 自行车) bioue011:concerning living things chemistry(化学)—biochemistry(生物化学) sphere(圈子)—biosphere(生物圈) by—:less important product(产品, 产物,)—by-product(副产品, 附加产物) way(路,道路)—byway(小道) centiue011: hundredth part grade(等级)—centigrade(分为百度的, 百分度的, 摄氏温度的) meter(米)—centimeter(厘米) coue011: together, with author(作家, 创造者)—coauthor(合著者, 共同执笔者,合著) exist(存在, 生存)—coexist(共存) colue011:(used before l) together, with location(位置, 场所)—collocation(排列, 配置) comue011:(used before b, m, p)together, with passion(激情, 热情)—compassion(同情,怜悯) conue011:together, with centric(中心的, 中央的)—concentric(同中心的) federation(同盟, 联邦, 联合, 联盟)—confederation(联邦) contraue011:opposite diction(措辞, 用语, 言语)—contradiction(反驳, 矛盾) natural(自然的, 自然界的)—contranatural(违背自然的) corue011:(used before r) together, with relate(叙述, 讲, 使联系, 发生关系)—correlate(使相互关联,和……相关) respond(回答, 响应, 作出反应,有反应)—correspond(符合, 协调, 通信, 相当, 相应) counterue011:opposite act(担当,表现, 见效)—counteract(抵消, 中和, 阻碍) attack(攻击)—counterattck(反引力) crossue011:across;going between the stated things and joining them country(乡下的, 乡村的, [方]祖国的, 故乡的)—crossue011country(越野的, 横过田野的) peed((使)繁殖, 教养, 抚养,品种, 种类)—crosspeed([生物]杂种,异种交配, 培育杂种, (使)杂交) deue011:showing an opposite; to remove; to reduce code(代码, 密码)—decode(解码, 译解) value(评价, 重视)—devalue((=devaluate)减值, 贬值) disue011:not; the opposite of advantage(优势, 有利条件)—disadvantage(不利, 不利条件, 缺点, 劣势) agree(同意) —disagree(不一致, 不适宜) honest(诚实的, 正直的)—dishonest(不诚实的) emue011:(used before b,m, p) to cause to become body(赋以形体)—embody(具体表达, 使具体化) power(权力,激励)—empower(授权与, 使能够) enue011:to cause to become; to make danger( 威胁)—endanger(危及) large(大的, 巨大的)—enlarge(扩大, 放大) exue011:former(and still living) minister(部长, 大臣)—exue011minister (前部长) wife(妻子)—exue011wife(前妻) extraue011:outside;beyond curricular(课程的)—extracurricular(课外的, 业余的) ordinary(平常的, 普通的, 平凡的)—extraordinary(非常的, 特别的, 非凡的) foreue011:in advance, before; in or at the front arm(臂,武器, 装备)—forearm(前臂,准备战斗, 预先武装, 准备) warn(警告)—forewarn(预先警告) ilue011:(used before l) not legal(法律的, 合法)—illegal(违法的, 不合规定的) literate(学者,有文化的,有阅读和写作能力的)—illiterate(违法的, 不合规定的) imue011:(used before b,m,p)not moral(道德(上)的, 精神的,道德)—immoral(不道德的, 邪恶的, 放荡的, 淫荡的) possible(可能的)—impossible(不可能的) inue011:not direct(径直的, 直接的)—indirect(间接的, 迂回的) sensitive(敏感的, 灵敏的)—insensitive(对……没有感觉的, 感觉迟钝的) infraue011:below in a range; beyond red(红(色)的)—infrared(红外线的,红外线) structure(结构,构造)—infrastructure(下部构造, 基础下部组织) interue011:between;among change(改变, 变化)—interchange((指两人等)交换,相互交换) national(国家的, 民族的)—international(国际的, 世界的,国际性组织, 国际比赛) intraue011:inside, within;into city(城市, 都市)—intracity(市内的) department(部, 局, 处, 科, 部门, 系, 学部)—intraue011department(内部) irue011:(used before r)not regular(规则的, 有秩序的)—irregular(不规则的, 无规律的) responsible(有责任的, 可靠的)—irresponsible(不负责任的, 不可靠的) kiloue011:thousand gram(克,)—kilogram([物]千克, 公斤) meter(米)—kilometer(公里) macroue011:large, esp.concerning a whole system rather than particular parts of particular parts of economics(经济学)—macroeconomics(宏观经济学) structure(宏观结构)—macrostructure(宏观结构) malue011:bad or badly function(官能, 功能, 作用)—malfunction(故障) treat(宴请, 款待)—maltreat(虐待, 滥用) microue011:extremely small computer(计算机, 电脑)—microcomputer(微进化) electronics(电子学)—microelectronics([电子]微电子学) midue011:middle day(天, 白天)—midday(正午) night(夜, 夜晚)—midnight(午夜) miniue011:small;short bus(公共汽车)—minibus( 小型公共汽车) skirt(裙子)—miniskirt (迷你短裙, 超短裙) misue011:bad or badly;wrong or wrongly fortune( 运气, 好运)—misfortune(不幸, 灾祸) understand(懂, 了解)—misunderstand(误解, 误会) monoue011:one;single plane( 飞机)—monoplane(单翼机) tone(音调, 语调)—monotone(单调的,单调) multiue011:more than one;many purpose(目的, 意图)—multipurpose(多种用途的, 多目标的) national(国家的, 国立[有]的, 民族的)—multinational( 多民族的,) nonue011:not resident—non(ue011)resident sense 理性, 认识—nonsense(胡说, 废话) outue011:outside;eyond live(活的, 生动的)—outlive(比……长命, 比……耐久) door(门, 通道, 家, 户)—outdoor(室外的, 户外的, 野外的) overue011:too much;above; additional head(头,头的, 主要的)—overhead(在头上的,在头顶上, 在空中, 在高处) time(时间, 时侯, 时机, )—overtime(超时, 加班, 延长时间,超时的, 加班的,加班地,使超时) polyue011:many centric(中心的, 中央的)—polycentric(多中心的) syllabic([语] 音节主音,音节的)—polysyllabic(多音节的) postue011:later than;after graduate((大学)毕业生, 研究生,(使)(大学)毕业)—postgraduate(研究所学生, 研究生,毕业后的) war(战争,作战, 打仗)—postwar(战后的) preue011:before;in advance pay(薪水, 工资,支付)—prepay(预付) war(战争,作战, 打仗)—prewar(战前的,在战前) proue011:in favor of, supporting America(美国, 美洲(包括北美和南美洲))—proue011America abortion—proue011abortion(流产, 堕胎, 失败, 夭折, 中止, 早产) pseudoue011:not real;false name( 姓名)—pseudonym(假名, 笔名) science(科学, 自然科学)—pseudoscience(假科学, 伪科学) reue011:again;back to the former state unite(联合, 团结)—reunite((使)再结合) use(使用)—reuse(再使用,重新使用) selfue011:by means of oneself or itself;of, to, with, for, or in oneself or itself employed(雇用, 用, 使用)—selfue011employed taught(teach的过去式和过去分词)—selfue011taught semiue011:half;partly circle(圆周, 圆形物)—semicircle(半圆形) final( 决赛)—semifinal(半决赛) stepue011:not by birth but through a parent who has remarried mother(母亲, 妈妈)—stepmother(继母) children(孩子, 孩子们)—stepchildren(继子,继女) subue011:under,below;less imortant;part of the stated bigger whole divide(分, 划分, 分开, 隔开)—subdivide(再分, 细分) section(部分)—subsection(分部, 分段) superue011:more, larger, greater than usual market(市场)—supermarket(超级市场) natural(自然的, 自然界的, 普通的, 正常的)—supernatural(超自然的, 神奇的,超自然物, 不可思议的事) teleue011:at or over a long distance;by or for television communication—telecommunication screen(屏, 银幕)—telescreen(电视屏幕,荧光屏) therm(o)ue011:concerning heat chemistry(化学)—thermochemistry(热化学) meter( 计, 表)—thermometer(温度计, 体温计) transue011:across, on or to the other side of; between Atlantic(大西洋)—transatlantic(大西洋彼岸的) plant(种植, 栽培, 培养)—transplant(移植, 移种) triue011:three;three times angular(有角的)—triangular(三角形的) cycle( 自行车)—tricycle(三轮车, 机器三轮车) ultraue011:beyond;very, extremely modern(近代的, 现代的)—ultramodern(超现代化的) sound(声音, 语音)—ultrasound(超频率音响) unue011:not certain(确定的, 必然的, 可靠的)—uncertain(无常的, 不确定的, 不可预测的, 靠不住的) fortunate(幸运的, 幸福的)—unfortunate(不幸的, 使人遗憾的) underue011:too little;below develop(发展,显影)—underdevelop((使)发展不完全, (使)显影不足) sea(海洋, 大浪)—undersea(海面下的) uniue011:one;single form( 形态, 构成)—uniform(统一的, 相同的) directional(方向的)—unidirectional(单向的, 单向性的) viceue011:next in the rank;below chairman(主席, 会长)—viceue011chairman(副主席, 副议长) president(总统, 会长, 行长)—viceue011president(副总督, 副省长)
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1.常用前缀   aeroue011:concerning the air or aircraft   plane( 飞机)—aeroplane(飞机)   space(空间, 间隔)—aerospace(航空宇宙)   antiue011: against;opposite of   nuclear([核]核子的)—antinuclear(反对使用核武器的)   matter( 物质)—antimatter(反物质)   war(战争、作战、 打仗)—antiwar(反战的, 反对战争的)   autoue011: of or by oneself   biography(传记)—autobiography(自传)   criticism(批评, 批判)—autocriticism(自我反省, 自我检讨)   beue011:to treat as the stated thing   friend(朋友, 助手)—befriend(待人如友, 帮助)   little(很少的, 矮小的,很少)—belittle(轻视, 使渺小, 使...显得渺小)   biue011: two;twice;double   lingual(语言的)—bilingual(能说两种语言的)   cycle( 自行车)—bicycle(脚踏车, 自行车)   bioue011:concerning living things   chemistry(化学)—biochemistry(生物化学)   sphere(圈子)—biosphere(生物圈)   by—:less important   product(产品, 产物,)—by-product(副产品, 附加产物)   way(路,道路)—byway(小道)   centiue011: hundredth part   grade(等级)—centigrade(分为百度的, 百分度的, 摄氏温度的)   meter(米)—centimeter(厘米)   coue011: together, with   author(作家, 创造者)—coauthor(合著者, 共同执笔者,合著)   exist(存在, 生存)—coexist(共存)   colue011:(used before l) together, with   location(位置, 场所)—collocation(排列, 配置)   comue011:(used before b, m, p)together, with   passion(激情, 热情)—compassion(同情,怜悯)   conue011:together, with   centric(中心的, 中央的)—concentric(同中心的)   federation(同盟, 联邦, 联合, 联盟)—confederation(联邦)   contraue011:opposite   diction(措辞, 用语, 言语)—contradiction(反驳, 矛盾)   natural(自然的, 自然界的)—contranatural(违背自然的)   corue011:(used before r) together, with   relate(叙述, 讲, 使联系, 发生关系)—correlate(使相互关联,和...相关)   respond(回答, 响应, 作出反应,有反应)—correspond(符合, 协调, 通信, 相当, 相应)   counterue011:opposite   act(担当,表现, 见效)—counteract(抵消, 中和, 阻碍)   attack(攻击)—counterattck(反引力)   crossue011:across;going between the stated things and joining them   country(乡下的, 乡村的, [方]祖国的, 故乡的)—crossue011country(越野的, 横过田野的)   breed((使)繁殖, 教养, 抚养,品种, 种类)—crossbreed([生物]杂种,异种交配, 培育杂种, (使)杂交)   deue011:showing an opposite; to remove; to reduce   code(代码, 密码)—decode(解码, 译解)   value(评价, 重视)—devalue((=devaluate)减值, 贬值)   disue011:not; the opposite of   advantage(优势, 有利条件)—disadvantage(不利, 不利条件, 缺点, 劣势)   agree(同意) —disagree(不一致, 不适宜)   honest(诚实的, 正直的)—dishonest(不诚实的)   emue011:(used before b,m, p) to cause to become   body(赋以形体)—embody(具体表达, 使具体化)   power(权力,激励)—empower(授权与, 使能够)   enue011:to cause to become; to make   danger( 威胁)—endanger(危及)   large(大的, 巨大的)—enlarge(扩大, 放大)   exue011:former(and still living)   minister(部长, 大臣)—exue011minister (前部长)   wife(妻子)—exue011wife(前妻)   extraue011:outside;beyond   curricular(课程的)—extracurricular(课外的, 业余的)   ordinary(平常的, 普通的, 平凡的)—extraordinary(非常的, 特别的, 非凡的)   foreue011:in advance, before; in or at the front   arm(臂,武器, 装备)—forearm(前臂,准备战斗, 预先武装, 准备)   warn(警告)—forewarn(预先警告)   ilue011:(used before l) not   legal(法律的, 合法)—illegal(违法的, 不合规定的)   literate(学者,有文化的,有阅读和写作能力的)—illiterate(违法的, 不合规定的)   imue011:(used before b,m,p)not   moral(道德(上)的, 精神的,道德)—immoral(不道德的, 邪恶的, 放荡的, *荡的)   possible(可能的)—impossible(不可能的)   inue011:not   direct(径直的, 直接的)—indirect(间接的, 迂回的)   sensitive(敏感的, 灵敏的)—insensitive(对...没有感觉的, 感觉迟钝的)   infraue011:below in a range; beyond   red(红(色)的)—infrared(红外线的,红外线)   structure(结构,构造)—infrastructure(下部构造, 基础下部组织)   interue011:between;among   change(改变, 变化)—interchange((指两人等)交换,相互交换)   national(国家的, 民族的)—international(国际的, 世界的,国际性组织, 国际比赛)   intraue011:inside, within;into   city(城市, 都市)—intracity(市内的)   department(部, 局, 处, 科, 部门, 系, 学部)—intraue011department(内部)   irue011:(used before r)not   regular(规则的, 有秩序的)—irregular(不规则的, 无规律的)   responsible(有责任的, 可靠的)—irresponsible(不负责任的, 不可靠的)   kiloue011:thousand   gram(克,)—kilogram([物]千克, 公斤)   meter(米)—kilometer(公里)   macroue011:large, esp.concerning a whole system rather than particular parts of   particular parts of   economics(经济学)—macroeconomics(宏观经济学)   structure(宏观结构)—macrostructure(宏观结构)   malue011:bad or badly   function(官能, 功能, 作用)—malfunction(故障)   treat(宴请, 款待)—maltreat(虐待, 滥用)   microue011:extremely small   computer(计算机, 电脑)—microcomputer(微进化)   electronics(电子学)—microelectronics([电子]微电子学)   midue011:middle   day(天, 白天)—midday(正午)   night(夜, 夜晚)—midnight(午夜)   miniue011:small;short   bus(公共汽车)—minibus( 小型公共汽车)   skirt(裙子)—miniskirt   (迷你短裙, 超短裙)   misue011:bad or badly;wrong or wrongly   fortune( 运气, 好运)—misfortune(不幸, 灾祸)   understand(懂, 了解)—misunderstand(误解, 误会)   monoue011:one;single   plane( 飞机)—monoplane(单翼机)   tone(音调, 语调)—monotone(单调的,单调)   multiue011:more than one;many   purpose(目的, 意图)—multipurpose(多种用途的, 多目标的)   national(国家的, 国立[有]的, 民族的)—multinational( 多民族的,)   nonue011:not   resident—non(ue011)resident   sense 理性, 认识—nonsense(胡说, 废话)   outue011:outside;eyond   live(活的, 生动的)—outlive(比...长命, 比...耐久)   door(门, 通道, 家, 户)—outdoor(室外的, 户外的, 野外的)   overue011:too much;above; additional   head(头,头的, 主要的)—overhead(在头上的,在头顶上, 在空中, 在高处)   time(时间, 时侯, 时机, )—overtime(超时, 加班, 延长时间,超时的, 加班的,加班地,使超时)   polyue011:many   centric(中心的, 中央的)—polycentric(多中心的)   syllabic([语] 音节主音,音节的)—polysyllabic(多音节的)   postue011:later than;after   graduate((大学)毕业生, 研究生,(使)(大学)毕业)—postgraduate(研究所学生, 研究生,毕业后的)   war(战争,作战, 打仗)—postwar(战后的)   preue011:before;in advance   pay(薪水, 工资,支付)—prepay(预付)   war(战争,作战, 打仗)—prewar(战前的,在战前)   proue011:in favor of, supporting   America(美>美国, 美洲(包括北美和南美洲))—proue011America   abortion—proue011abortion(流产, 堕胎, 失败, 夭折, 中止, 早产)   pseudoue011:not real;false   name( 姓名)—pseudonym(假名, 笔名)   science(科学, 自然科学)—pseudoscience(假科学, 伪科学)   reue011:again;back to the former state   unite(联合, 团结)—reunite((使)再结合)   use(使用)—reuse(再使用,重新使用)   selfue011:by means of oneself or itself;of, to, with, for, or in oneself or itself   employed(雇用, 用, 使用)—selfue011employed   taught(teach的过去式和过去分词)—selfue011taught   semiue011:half;partly   circle(圆周, 圆形物)—semicircle(半圆形)   final( 决赛)—semifinal(半决赛)   stepue011:not by birth but through a parent who has remarried   mother(母亲, 妈妈)—stepmother(继母)   children(孩子, 孩子们)—stepchildren(继子,继女)   subue011:under,below;less imortant;part of the stated bigger whole   divide(分, 划分, 分开, 隔开)—subdivide(再分, 细分)   section(部分)—subsection(分部, 分段)   superue011:more, larger, greater than usual   market(市场)—supermarket(超级市场)   natural(自然的, 自然界的, 普通的, 正常的)—supernatural(超自然的, 神奇的,超自然物, 不可思议的事)   teleue011:at or over a long distance;by or for television communication—telecommunication   screen(屏, 银幕)—telescreen(电视屏幕,荧光屏)   therm(o)ue011:concerning heat   chemistry(化学)—thermochemistry(热化学)   meter( 计, 表)—thermometer(温度计, 体温计)   transue011:across, on or to the other side of; between   Atlantic(大西洋)—transatlantic(大西洋彼岸的)   plant(种植, 栽培, 培养)—transplant(移植, 移种)   triue011:three;three times   angular(有角的)—triangular(三角形的)   cycle( 自行车)—tricycle(三轮车, 机器三轮车)   ultraue011:beyond;very, extremely   modern(近代的, 现代的)—ultramodern(超现代化的)   sound(声音, 语音)—ultrasound(超频率音响)   unue011:not   certain(确定的, 必然的, 可靠的)—uncertain(无常的, 不确定的, 不可预测的, 靠不住的)   fortunate(幸运的, 幸福的)—unfortunate(不幸的, 使人遗憾的)   underue011:too little;below   develop(发展,显影)—underdevelop((使)发展不完全, (使)显影不足)   sea(海洋, 大浪)—undersea(海面下的)   uniue011:one;single   form( 形态, 构成)—uniform(统一的, 相同的)   directional(方向的)—unidirectional(单向的, 单向性的)   viceue011:next in the rank;below   chairman(主席, 会长)—viceue011chairman(副主席, 副议长)   president(总统, 会长, 行长)—viceue011president(副总督, 副省长) 2.常用后缀   (1)名词后缀   ue011ability(能力, 才干),ue011ibility   able(能...的, 有才能的, 能干的, 能够的)—ability(能力, 才干)   flexible(有弹性的,柔韧的)—flexibility(弹性, 适应性, 机动性, 挠性)   arrive(到达, 抵达)—arrival(到来, 到达, 到达者)   refuse(拒绝, 谢绝)—refusal(拒绝, 推却)   ue011an, ue011ian, ue011arian   library(图书馆, 藏书室)—librarian(图书馆员, 图书管理员)   music(音乐, 乐曲)—musician(音乐家)   ue011ance,ue011ence   appear(出现, 公开露面)—appearance(出现, 露面, 外貌, 外观)   refer(提交, 谈及,提到, 涉及, 查阅, 咨询)—reference(提及, 涉及, 参考, 参考书目, 证明书(人), 介绍信(人))   ue011ancy,ue011ency   emerge(显现, 浮现, (事实)显现出来)—emergency(紧急情况, 突然事件, 非常时刻, 紧急事件)   expect(期待, 预期)—expectancy(期待, 期望)   ue011ant,ue011ent   apply(申请)—applicant(申请者, 请求者)   correspond( 通信)—correspondent(通讯记者, 通信者)   ue011cy   accurate(正确的, 精确的)—accuracy(精确性, 正确度)   private(私人的, 私有的, 私营的, 秘密的)—privacy(独处而不受干扰, 秘密)   ue011dom   king(国王, 君主, (部落的)首领, 纸牌中的K,立...为王,做国王, 统治)—kingdom(王国, [宗]天国, 上帝的统治, 领域)   free(自由的, 免费的, 免税的, 免费)—freedom(自由, 自主, 直率, 特权)   ue011ee   employ(雇用, 用)—employee(职工, 雇员, 店员)   interview(接见, 会见)—interviewee(被接见者, 被访问者)   ue011er,ue011or,ue011ar   paint(油漆, 颜料)—painter(画家, 油漆匠)   beg(请求, 乞求)—beggar(乞丐)   ue011ery   brave(勇敢的)—bravery(勇敢)   slave(奴隶)—slavery(奴隶身分, 奴隶制度)   ue011ery   ue011ese:   China(中国)—Chinese(中国的,)   Japan(日本)—Japanese(日本的)   ue011ess   actor(男演员)—actress(女演员)   waiter(侍者, 服务员)—waitress(女服务生)   hand(手)—handful(一把, 少数)   ue011hood   child(孩子, 儿女)—childhood(孩童时期)   man(男人)—manbood(成年男子)   ue011ics   electron(电子)—electronics(电子器件)   linguist(语言学家)—linguistics(语言学)   ue011ism   Marx(马克思)—Marxism(马克思主义)   socialist(社会主义者)—socialism(社会主义)   ue011ist   psychiatry(精神病学)—psychiatrist(精神病医师)   violin(小提琴)—violinist(小提琴演奏者)   ue011ity,ue011ty   cruel(残酷的, 悲惨的)—cruelty(残忍, 残酷)   pure(纯的, 纯粹的)—purity(纯净, 纯洁, 纯度)   ue011ment   move(移动, 迁居)—movement(运动, 动作)   retire(退休, 引退, 退却)—retirement(退休, 引退)   ue011ness   dark(黑暗, 夜)—darkness(黑暗, 漆黑)   happy(快乐的, 幸福的)—happiness(幸福, 快乐)   ue011ology   climate(气候, 风土)—climatology(气候学, 风土学)   future(未来, 将来)—futurology(未来学)   ue011ship   friend(朋友, 助手)—friendship(友谊, 友好)   scholar(学者)—scholarship(奖学金, 学问, 学识)   ue011sion,ue011ssion   decide(决定, 判决)—decision(决定, 决心)   expand(使膨胀, 扩张)—expansion(扩充, 开展)   ue011th   grow(生长, 成长)—growth(生长, 种植)   wide(宽的, 广阔的)—width(宽度)   ue011ure   close(关, 关闭)—closure(关闭,使终止)   expose(使暴露, 受到, 使曝光,揭露)—exposure(暴露, 揭露, 暴光, 揭发)   (2)动词后缀   ue011en   deep(深的, 纵深的)—deepen(加深, 深化)   fast(紧的, 牢的)—fasten(扎牢, 扣住)   ue011ify   class(班级, 阶级)—classify(分类, 分等)   simple(简单的, 简易的)—simplify(单一化, 简单化)   ue011ize,ue011ise   modern(现代人)—modernise/modernize(主英>=modernize)   popular(通俗的, 流行的, 受欢迎的)—popularise/popularize(主英> =popularize)   (3)形容词后缀   ue011able, ible   question( 疑问)—questionable(可疑的)   al   nature(自然)—natural(自然的)   structure(结构, 构造)—structural(结构的, 建筑的)   ue011an,ue011arian,ue011ian   suburb(市郊, 郊区)—suburban(郊外的, 偏远的)   Canada(加拿大)—Canadian(加拿大的,加拿大人)   ue011ant,ue011ent   differ(不一致, 不同)—different(不同的)   please(满足的, 使满足)—pleasant(令人愉快的, 舒适的)   ue011ary,ue011ory   advise(劝告, 忠告, 警告)—advisory(顾问的, 咨询的, 劝告的)   custom(习惯, 风俗)—customary(习惯的, 惯例的)   ue011ate   consider(考虑, 照顾)—considerate(考虑周到的)   fortune(运气, 好运)—fortunate(幸运的, 幸福的)   ue011en   gold(黄金, 金币)—golden(金色的, 金黄色的)   wood( 木材)—wooden(木制的)   ue011ese   China(中国)—Chinese(中国的, 中国人的)   Japan(日本)—Japanese(日本的, 日本人的)   ue011free   care( 烦恼, 忧虑)—carefree(无虑的, 轻松愉快的)   duty(义务, 责任, 职责, 职务, 税)—duty—free(自由的, 大方的, 免费的, 免税的, 免费)   ue011ful   care(注意, 照料)—careful(小心的, 仔细的)   pain(痛苦, 疼)—painful(疼痛的, 使痛苦的)   ue011ic,ue011ical   atom(原子)—atomic(原子的, 原子能的)   psychology(心理学, 心理状态)—psychological(心理(上)的)   ue011ish   girl(女孩, 少女)—girlish(少女的, 少女似的(男孩))   child(孩子)—childish(孩子气的, 幼稚的)   ue011ive   create(创造)—creative(创造性的)   support(支援,支柱)—supportive(支持的,支援的)   ue011less   hope(希望, 信心)—hopeless(没有希望的, 绝望的)   pain(痛苦, 疼, 痛, 劳苦, 努力,使痛苦)—painless(无痛的, 不痛的)   ue011like   child(孩子)—childlike(孩子似的, 天真烂漫的)   lady(女士, 夫人, 小姐)—ladylike(风度雍容如贵妇的, 温雅的)   ue011ly   man(男人)—manly(男子气概的)   month(月)—monthly(每月的,每月一次,月刊)   ue011ous,ue011ious   danger(危险)—dangerous(危险的)   poison(毒药, 败坏道德之事, 毒害,毒害, 败坏, 使中毒,放毒, 下毒)—poisonous(有毒的)   ue011some   tire( 劳累, 厌倦)—tiresome(无聊的, 烦人的)   trouble(烦恼, 麻烦)—troublesome(麻烦的, 讨厌的)   ue011ward   down(向下的)—downward(向下的)   up(向上)—upward(向上的)
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合著的解释[coauthor;write in collaboration with] 共同编写或制订 词语分解 合的解释 合 é 闭,对拢:合眼。合抱。珠连璧合。貌合神离。 聚集 :合力。合办。合股。合资。 不违 背,一事物与另一事物 相应 或相符:合格。合法。 情投意合 。 应该:合该。合当。“ 文章 合为时而著,诗歌合为时而作”。 著的解释 著 ù 显明,显出: 著名 。著称。显著。昭著。卓著。 写文章,写书:著述。编著。著书立说。 写作出来的书或文章:名著。巨著。遗著。译著。 著作 。 古同“贮”,居积。 部首 :艹。
2023-06-13 00:36:311


问题一:英语的构词法有几种 首先,楼主,词缀真的是太多太多了,除了我们常见的构词词缀:-tion -er -ment -un -in -im -ex -se 还有很多我们不常见,但是应用也很多的词缀,比如 -cide, 这个拉丁词缀的意思就是(the killer of),举个例子,suicide(自杀) homicide(杀人) genecide(种族屠杀)都是以这个拉丁词缀构成,再比如 -mania, phobia这些都是构词词缀。 虽然楼主是高中生,但是我还是推荐一本书《word power made easy》,这原本是写给美国人看的,里面非常着重的讲了构词法,包括字母变换等。 不过楼主想要最基本的,我就帮楼主罗列下。 名词词缀 词缀 意义 例子 -acy 品质或状态 privacy -al 动作或过程 refusal -ance, -ence 状态、性质 maintenance, eminence -dom 地点、状态 freedom, kingdom -er, -or 从事什么的人 trainer, protector -i *** 概念 muni *** -ist 从事什么的人 chemist -ity, -ty 状态 veracity -ment 条件 argument -ness 状态 heaviness -ship 某种处境 fellowship -sion, -tion 状态 concession, transition 动词词缀 -ate 成为... eradicate -en 成为... enlighten -ify, -fy 使...成为... terrify 这些都是强调变化 -ize, -ise 成为... civilize 形容词词缀 -able, -ible 表达能力 edible, presentable -al 涵盖意义 regional -esque 使...回忆 picturesque -ful 以...被认知 fanciful -ic, -ical 涵盖意义 musical, mythic -ious, -ous 有某种品质 nutritious, portentous -ish 某种特性 fiendish -ive 某种自然特性 creative -less 没有 endless -y 有某种品质 sleazy 问题二:构词法有哪些? 六大英语构词法详解英语构词法,英语单词构词法详解,全面介绍英语构词的六种方法 关键词:英语构词法,英语词汇构词法,英语构词 英语构词通常包括六种方法:转化法、派生法、合成法、混合法、截短法和首尾字母结合法。一、英语词汇构词法之【转化法】 英语构词法中把一种词性用作另一种词性而词形不变的方法叫作转化法,有的名词可以作动词,有的形容词可以作副词或动词。 1.动词转化为名词 1)意思没有变化,例如:I think we"d better finish the talk now.我想我们的谈话最好现在结束。 2)意思有一定变化,例如:He is a man of strong build.他是一个体格健壮的汉子。 3)构成短语,例如:Let"s have a look first. 我们先看一下吧。 2.名词转化为动词 1)表示物体的,如:Have you booked the ticket?你订好票了吗? 2)表示身体部位的,如:Hand in your papers please.请把你们的试卷交上来。 3)表示一类人的,如:She nursed her hu *** and back to health.她看护丈夫,使他恢复了健康。 4)抽象名词,如:We breakfasted together.我们在一起吃了早餐。 3.形容词转化为动词 少数形容储可以转化为动词。例如:We will try our best to better our living conditions.我们要尽力改善我们的生活状况。 4.副词转化为动词 有少数副词可以转化为动词。例如:Murder will out.恶事终必将败露。 5.形容词转化为名词 1)表示颜色的形容词常可转化为名词,如: The girl in black appears very beautiful.那个穿黑衣服的女孩子看上去非常漂亮。 2)一些形容词如old, young, poor, rich, wounded, injured等与the连用,表示一类人,作主语时,谓语用复数,如: We don"t belong to the rich, but we dong"t belong to the poor either. 我们不是有钱人,但我们也不是穷人。 二、英语词汇构词法之【派生法】 英语构词法中在词根前面加前缀或在词根后面加后缀,从而构成一个与原单词意义相近或截然相反的新词的方法叫作派生法。 1.前缀 除少数英语前缀外,前缀一般改变单词的意义,不改变词性;英语后缀一般改变词类,而不引起词义的变化。 (1)表示否定意义的前缀常用的有dis-, il-, im-, in-, ir-, mis-, non-, un-等,在单词的前面加这类前缀常构成与该词意义相反的新词。例如: agree同意→disagree不同意 fair公平的→unfair不公平的 possible可能的→impossible不可能的 understand理解→misunderstand误解 (2)表示其他意义的前缀常用的有a-(多构成表语形容词), anti- (反对;抵抗), auto- (自动), co- (共同), en- (使), inter- (互相), re- (再;又), sub- (下面的;次;小), tele- (强调距离)等。例如: co-worker 同事,帮手 enlarge 使变大 cooperate 合作 rewrite 重写 subway 地铁......>> 问题三:英语构词法有哪些,用英语应该怎么说 What are English word formation 构词法word-building 哪些which; what; who 问题四:英语构词法有哪些,用英语应该怎么说 1.invention 2. blen弗ing 3. borrowing 4. abbreviation 5. acronym 6.back formation 7. *** ogical creation 8. loan 这是我们学的,应该就是这个吧 问题五:什么是英语构词法? 派生法(derivation)是英语主要的构词法。这方法是借前缀或后缀之助,制造出派生词(derivative words),主要有名词、形容词和动词三种。 前缀以否定前缀(negative prefixes)un-, in-, im-, il-, ir-, non-, dis-, mis-, mal-等为主,使延伸出来的派生词变成反义词。 Ⅰ名词派生词 Balance→imbalance;pleasure→displeasure;management→ mi *** anagement;efficiency→inefficiency;concern→unconcern ;literacy→illiteracy;resolution→irresolution; interference→noninterference;nutrition→malnutrition. Ⅱ形容词派生词 Accurate→inaccurate;patient→impatient. regular→ irregular;legal→illegal;native→non-native;orderly→ disorderly;mon→unmon. Ⅲ动词派生词 Agree→disagree;judge→misjudge;treat→maltreat; activate→inactivate;use→ill-use;mobilize→immobilize; manage→mi *** anage;quote→unquote. 除了否定前缀之外,其他常用的前缀还有 anti-, auto-, bi-, co-, counter-, de-, ex-, inter-, mono-, post, pre-, pro-, re-, sub-, super-, trans-, tri-, ultra-等。 问题六:英语三大构词法 一、派生法 所谓派生法,就是在词根前加前缀或在其后加后缀构成新词。加前缀,一般不改变词性,而只是引起意义上的变化。加后缀一般意义变化不大,只改变了词性。 1. 前缀 (1)表示否定意义的前缀有anti-(反对,相反,防止),dis-(不,无,相反,取消),in-(不,无,非),mis-(误,错,不),non-(非,无,不),un-(不,无,非,未,取消,相反动作)。如: anti-sunburn防晒的,disappearance消失,dishonest不诚实的,illegal非法的,impolite不礼貌的,incorrect不正确的,irregular不规则的,misguide误导,misunderstand误解,non-drinker不喝酒的人,non-English非英语的。 (2)其它常见前缀 auto-(自动,自己),co- (联合, 伴同),bio-(生命,生物),en- (置于......之上,使成某种状态,致使), extra-(以外,超过),fore- (前,先,预告),inter-(在......之间,互相),over-(过度),post- (后),pre- (前,预先),re- (回,再,重新),sub-(下,低于,次于),super- (超级,在......上,过度),tele- (远,电视),trans-(横过,转变,变换),vice-(副)。如: autodial自动拨号,autocontrol自动控制,biography传记,coauthor 合著者,co-worker 同事,enable使能够, encourage鼓励,enlarge扩大,ensure确保,extrabright特别光亮的,forearm前臂,foretell预言,international国际的,overstudy用功过度,postflight飞行后的,postwar战后的,prehistory史前,prewar战前的,reconsider重新考虑,repay偿还,subway地铁,superbright超亮的,supercool过度冷却,superhero超级英雄,telecontrol遥控, telegraph电报,transnational超国界的,vice-chairman副主席,vice-president副总统。 2. 后缀 (1)常见名词后缀 ①表示人的后缀有-er, -or, -ee (被/受......者),-ess(女性),-ese, -ian, -an (哪个国家的人),-ist (人,家,者,主义者)。如: reporter 记者,foreigner外国人,actor演员,inventor 发明家,trainee 新兵,employee 雇员,actress 女演员,hostess 女主人,Chinese 中国人,Canadian 加拿大人,European 欧洲人,musician 音乐家,typist 打字员,physicist 物理学家,munist共产主义者。 注意:以下以-er结尾的词指物:drawer 抽屉,printer 打印机,cooker 炊具,poster 广告、招贴,recorder 录音机,typewriter 打字机,loudspeaker 扬声器,laughter 笑声。 ②其它常见名词后缀 -age(场所......>> 问题七:英语的构词法有几种? 英语的构词法主要有三种:合成、派生和转化: 合成 把两个或两个以上的词组合成一个新词。例如: fire + man→ fireman 消防队员 man + made→ man-made 人造的 good + looking→ good-looking 好看的 old + type→ old-type 旧式的 red+ hot→ red-hot 红白的 800 + word → 800-word 800字的 four + legged→ four-legged 四条腿的 two + faced→ two-faced 两面派的 middle + aged→ middle-aged 中年的 warm + hearted→ warm-hearted 热心肠的 派生 在一个词的前面或后面填加词缀构成新词。例如: possible(可能的)→ impossible(不可能的) like(喜欢)→ dislike(不喜欢) interest(兴趣)→ interesting(有趣的) harm(危害)→ harmful(有害的) write(写)→ writer(作者) invent(发明)→ inventor(发明者) 转化 把一个词由一种词类转化为另一种词类。例如: correct a. (正确的)→ correct v. (纠正),book n. (书) → book v.(预定) 运用构词法,你可以分析每个词的结构,那样就会帮助你记住更多的生词,同时相信你以后在阅读中遇到生词也不会再害怕了,对吗?
2023-06-13 00:36:401


2023-06-13 00:37:125

急求 英语作文《大学与高中区别》

文章一:The first thing you will notice about college is that it is much different than high school. You have more freedom and more opportunities, indicating that you must make important decisions yourself. At day one you are alone. Even if you know other students at the university, you are one in thousands. Becoming someone of importance is challenging, and at times can be very intimidating. Understanding the changes from high school to college will give you a head start.FreedomOne of the biggest differences between high school and college is that in college every decision is yours to make. Your parents are not there to remind you to do your homework. You are now allowed to choose what classes you want to take and when those classes will be.The Benefit: If you have ever felt trapped while in high school, because you were unable to make decisions for yourself. Now is the time to prove to everyone that you know what is best for you. In college you are set free, and if you let your ambitions guide you, you can go places and do things that you never imagined.The Negatives: For many students, freedom is the one thing that destroys them. If you have the freedom to do great things, you also have the freedom to make poor decisions.My favorite freedom that I gained by graduating from high school was no longer needing to ask to use the restroom! I hated asking a student teacher, still in college and only a few years older than me, if I could use the restroom.ClassesIn high school, I was able to go to class, listen to the teacher, finish the homework assignment, and talk to my friends, all in one class session. In college those tasks will be separated.Total class time in college is much less than in high school. Professors will cover what they believe is the most important information in that time; however, it does not mean that they will cover all of the material that will be on the test. Most of your college learning will actually be done outside of class and classes will be used for reviewing and reinforcement of concepts. Where as in high school all learning was done in class and review was done outside of class and only if necessary.Class Attendance: Some professors will give you credit for being in class. Others could care less. However, it is HIGHLY recommended that you attend ALL classes.SyllabusEverything you need for a class will be put on the syllabus. Professors may not give any additional reminders of tests, homework assignments, and papers. Not paying attention to your syllabus could be one of your worst mistakes.OpportunitiesThe possibilities are endless. You can participate in “real” research, researching things that no one else has. You can be a leader in a student organization that grows to be an organization that many universities support. You can write a book, and have the necessary advisors, professors, to teach you the ropes of having something published. You will learn how to get involved in campus politics, which I believe can be as important as city or national politics.Meeting PeopleOne of my favorite parts of college is meeting people. Reach out to people. Don"t be afraid to start a conversation with a stranger. You never know, that stranger may end up being your coauthor, or your business partner. There is nowhere else besides a university where you can find such a large amount of people with countless and unimaginable skills.2:In university, teachers expect you to be responsible. They don"t usually remind you of upcoming due dates. If you are having difficulty in the class they won"t approach you, you have to ask for help. I have a lot more group projects than I used to. Grading sometimes is also more difficult. For instance in my math class there are only 4 tests that make up your grade. So each test is worth a lot more points than if there were homework assignments and quizzes as well as tests. As far as attendance some teachers care and others don"t. Most teachers will not allow make-up exams except under extenuating circumstances like a death in the family or religious holiday. The good thing is that you can choose to take classes at night or even online.As far as environment it is very rare for a teacher to have a discipline problem in the class. Teachers have the right to tell you to leave if you are disruptive. A lot of my fellow classmates are also paying for school themselves so they take it a lot more seriously.I go to a community college so I can"t tell you about living on campus.I hope I have answered your question. 提供你一些思路吧:What are some differences between High School and University? Leaving high school and entering post-secondary study is a big adjustment for students. If the student is aware of some of these differences, he/she will be better prepared for the changes in attitudes and behaviors necessary. Some of the differences can be: 1. Classes are usually bigger and there are a lot more students on campus 2. Instruction is mainly lecture method with students taking notes 3. Students need to be more self-directed and are expected to be more independent. 4. Student progress and attendance is not closely monitored by the instructors. 5. There is less contact with instructors, less individual feedback and less time is spent in class. 6. Group projects are often required so you will have to work well with other students. 7. Time management and planning are critical to success 8. Grades can often be based on only two or three test scores. 9. Being able to use the library effectively is essential. 10. Failing two or more courses may result in your being asked to withdraw from the program. 11. Students are responsible from making their own study schedules and following the schedules conscientiously. What are some things I should do to prepare? Find out early what is needed for your career choices and plan to take the appropriate courses. for example, if you are planning to pursue teaching you will need to take "teachable" courses in you undergraduate degree (courses that are taught in the public school system) Don"t put off studying, even if leaving things until the night before has worked for you in the past. Given that the workload is consistently higher in university, constant effort and study is imperative. Identify areas where you need support (time management, study skills, writing, etc) and ask for help - ask your professor where to find help or seek out the information through Student Services. Keep your options open by maintaining good grades that will allow to entrance into further study. Plan study times within your day. If you have an hour between classes, go to the library and review notes. 2 SchoolTeacher/Student Contact: Contact is closer and more frequent (five days a week). Competition/Grades: Academic competition is not as strong; good grades can often be obtained with minimal effort. Status: Students establish a personal status in academic and social activities based on family and community factors. Counseling/Dependence: Students can rely on parents, teachers and counselors to help make decisions and give advice. Students must abide by rules of parents, teachers and counselors. Freedom: Students" freedom is limited. Parents will often help students out of a crisis. Distractions: There are distractions from school, but these are partially controlled by school and home. Value Judgments: Students often make value judgments based on parental values; thus, many of their value judgments are made for them. CollegeTeacher/Student Contact: Faculty are available during office hours (only a few hours a week) and by appointment to address students" concerns. Competition/Grades: Academic competition is much stronger; minimal effort may produce poor grades. Status: Students can build their status as they wish; high school status can be repeated or changed. Counseling/Dependence: Students rely on themselves; they see the results of making their own decisions. It is their responsibility to seek advice as needed. Students set their own restrictions. Freedom: Students have much more freedom. They must accept responsibility for their own actions. Distractions: The opportunity for more distractions exists. Time management will become more important. Value Judgments: Students have the opportunity to see the world through their own eyes and develop their own opinions and values.
2023-06-13 00:39:151

各端口的详细解释噶,21,80,3389 6000 7000 8000 8080

1 传输控制协议端口服务多路开关选择器2 compressnet 管理实用程序3 压缩进程5 远程作业登录7 回显(Echo)9 丢弃11 在线用户12 我的测试端口13 时间15 netstat17 每日引用18 消息发送协议19 字符发生器20 文件传输协议(默认数据口)21 文件传输协议(控制)22 SSH远程登录协议23 telnet 终端仿真协议24 预留给个人用邮件系统25 smtp 简单邮件发送协议27 NSW 用户系统现场工程师29 MSG ICP31 MSG验证33 显示支持协议35 预留给个人打印机服务37 时间38 路由访问协议39 资源定位协议41 图形42 WINS 主机名服务43 "绰号" who is服务44 MPM(消息处理模块)标志协议45 消息处理模块46 消息处理模块(默认发送口)47 NI FTP48 数码音频后台服务49 TACACS登录主机协议50 远程邮件检查协议51 IMP(接口信息处理机)逻辑地址维52 施乐网络服务系统时间协议53 域名服务器54 施乐网络服务系统票据交换55 ISI图形语言56 施乐网络服务系统验证57 预留个人用终端访问58 施乐网络服务系统邮件59 预留个人文件服务60 未定义61 NI邮件?62 异步通讯适配器服务63 WHOIS+64 通讯接口65 TACACS数据库服务66 Oracle SQL*NET67 引导程序协议服务端68 引导程序协议客户端69 小型文件传输协议70 信息检索协议71 远程作业服务72 远程作业服务73 远程作业服务74 远程作业服务75 预留给个人拨出服务76 分布式外部对象存储77 预留给个人远程作业输入服务78 修正TCP79 Finger(查询远程主机在线用户等信息)80 全球信息网超文本传输协议(www)81 HOST2名称服务82 传输实用程序83 模块化智能终端ML设备84 公用追踪设备85 模块化智能终端ML设备86 Micro Focus Cobol编程语言87 预留给个人终端连接88 Kerberros安全认证系统89 SU/MIT终端仿真网关90 DNSIX 安全属性标记图91 MIT Dover假脱机92 网络打印协议93 设备控制协议94 Tivoli对象调度95 SUPDUP96 DIXIE协议规范97 快速远程虚拟文件协议98 TAC(东京大学自动计算机)新闻协议99 Telnet服务,开99端口 (Troj.open99)101 usually from sri-nic102 iso-tsap103 gppitnp104 acr-nema105 csnet-ns106 3com-tsmux107 rtelnet108 snagas109 Post Office110 Pop3 服务器(邮箱发送服务器)111 sunrpc112 mcidas113 身份查询114 audionews115 sftp116 ansanotify117 path 或 uucp-path118 sqlserv119 新闻服务器120 cfdptkt121 BO jammerkillah123 network124 ansatrader125 locus-map126 unitary127 locus-con128 gss-xlicen129 pwdgen130 cisco-fna131 cisco-tna132 cisco-sys133 statsrv134 ingres-net135 查询服务 DNS136 profile PROFILE Naming System137 NetBIOS 数据报(UDP)138 NetBios-DGN139 共享资源端口(NetBios-SSN)140 emfis-data141 emfis-cntl142 bl-idm143 IMAP电子邮件144 NeWS145 uaac146 iso-tp0147 iso-ip148 jargon149 aed-512150 sql-net151 hems152 bftp153 sgmp154 netsc-prod155 netsc-dev156 sqlsrv157 knet-cmp158 PCMAIL159 nss-routing160 sgmp-traps161 远程管理设备(SNMP)162 snmp-trap163 cmip-man164 cmip-agent165 xns-courier Xerox166 s-net167 namp168 rsvd169 send170 network Po171 multiplex Network172 cl/1 Network173 xyplex-mux174 mailq175 vmnet176 genrad-mux177 xdmcp178 nextstep179 bgp180 ris181 unify182 audit183 ocbinder184 ocserver185 remote-kis186 kis187 aci188 mumps189 qft190 gacp191 prospero192 osu-nms193 srmp194 Irc195 dn6-nlm-aud196 dn6-smm-red197 dls198 dls-mon199 smux200 src IBM201 at-rtmp202 at-nbp203 at-3204 at-echo205 at-5206 at-zis207 at-7208 at-8209 qmtp210 z39.50 ANSI211 914c/g212 anet214 vmpwscs215 softpc Insignia Solutions216 CAIlic217 dbase218 mpp219 uarps220 imap3221 fln-spx222 rsh-spx223 cdc242 direct243 sur-meas244 dayna245 link246 dsp3270247 subntbcst_tftp248 bhfhs256 rap257 set258 yak-chat259 esro-gen260 openport263 hdap264 bgmp280 http-mgmt309 entrusttime310 bhmds312 vslmp315 load316 decauth317 zannet321 pip344 pdap345 pawserv346 zserv347 fatserv348 csi-sgwp349 mftp351 matip-type-b351 matip-type-b353 ndsauth354 bh611357 bhevent362 srssend365 dtk366 odmr368 qbikgdp371 clearcase372 ulistproc ListProcessor373 legent-1374 legent-2374 legent-2375 hassle376 nip377 tnETOS378 dsETOS379 is99c380 is99s381 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Protocol1350 editbench1352 lotusnote1353 relief1354 rightbrain1355 intuitive-edge1356 cuillamartin1357 pegboard1358 connlcli1359 ftsrv1360 mimer1361 linx1362 timeflies1363 ndm-requester1364 ndm-server1365 adapt-sna1366 netware-csp1367 dcs1368 screencast1369 gv-us1370 us-gv1371 fc-cli1
2023-06-13 00:39:241

《Windows Internals, Part2》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Windows Internals, Part 2》(Mark E. Russinovich)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: atji书名:Windows Internals, Part 2作者:Mark E. Russinovich出版社:Microsoft Press出版年份:2012-9-22页数:640内容简介:Delve inside Windows architecture and internals—and see how core components work behind the scenes. Led by three renowned internals experts, this classic guide is fully updated for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2—and now presents its coverage in two volumes.As always, you get critical insider perspectives on how Windows operates. And through hands-on experiments, you"ll experience its internal behavior firsthand—knowledge you can apply to improve application design, debugging, system performance, and support.In Part 2, you"ll examine:Core subsystems for I/O, storage, memory management, cache manager, and file systemsStartup and shutdown processesCrash-dump analysis, including troubleshooting tools and techniques作者简介:Mark Russinovich is a Technical Fellow in the Windows Azureu2122 group at Microsoft. He is coauthor of Windows SysInternals Administrator"s Reference, co-creator of the Sysinternals tools available from Microsoft TechNet, and coauthor of the Windows Internals book series.David A. Solomon is coauthor of the Windows Internals book series and has taught his Windows internals class to thousands of developers and IT professionals worldwide, including Microsoft staff. He is a regular speaker at Microsoft conferences, including TechNet and PDC.Alex Ionescu is a chief software architect and consultant expert in low-level system software, kernel development, security training, and reverse engineering. He teaches Windows internals course with David Solomon, and is active in the security research community.
2023-06-13 00:39:311


The first thing you will notice about college is that it is much different than high school. You have more freedom and more opportunities, indicating that you must make important decisions yourself. At day one you are alone. Even if you know other students at the university, you are one in thousands. Becoming someone of importance is challenging, and at times can be very intimidating. Understanding the changes from high school to college will give you a head start.FreedomOne of the biggest differences between high school and college is that in college every decision is yours to make. Your parents are not there to remind you to do your homework. You are now allowed to choose what classes you want to take and when those classes will be.The Benefit: If you have ever felt trapped while in high school, because you were unable to make decisions for yourself. Now is the time to prove to everyone that you know what is best for you. In college you are set free, and if you let your ambitions guide you, you can go places and do things that you never imagined.The Negatives: For many students, freedom is the one thing that destroys them. If you have the freedom to do great things, you also have the freedom to make poor decisions.My favorite freedom that I gained by graduating from high school was no longer needing to ask to use the restroom! I hated asking a student teacher, still in college and only a few years older than me, if I could use the restroom.ClassesIn high school, I was able to go to class, listen to the teacher, finish the homework assignment, and talk to my friends, all in one class session. In college those tasks will be separated.Total class time in college is much less than in high school. Professors will cover what they believe is the most important information in that time; however, it does not mean that they will cover all of the material that will be on the test. Most of your college learning will actually be done outside of class and classes will be used for reviewing and reinforcement of concepts. Where as in high school all learning was done in class and review was done outside of class and only if necessary.Class Attendance: Some professors will give you credit for being in class. Others could care less. However, it is HIGHLY recommended that you attend ALL classes.SyllabusEverything you need for a class will be put on the syllabus. Professors may not give any additional reminders of tests, homework assignments, and papers. Not paying attention to your syllabus could be one of your worst mistakes.OpportunitiesThe possibilities are endless. You can participate in “real” research, researching things that no one else has. You can be a leader in a student organization that grows to be an organization that many universities support. You can write a book, and have the necessary advisors, professors, to teach you the ropes of having something published. You will learn how to get involved in campus politics, which I believe can be as important as city or national politics.Meeting PeopleOne of my favorite parts of college is meeting people. Reach out to people. Don"t be afraid to start a conversation with a stranger. You never know, that stranger may end up being your coauthor, or your business partner. There is nowhere else besides a university where you can find such a large amount of people with countless and unimaginable skills.
2023-06-13 00:39:461

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2023-06-13 00:39:531


x100x100 How to transform from high school to college x100x100The first thing you will notice about college is that it is much different than high school.You have more freedom and more opportunities,indicating that you must make important decisions yourself.At day one you are alone.Even if you know other students at the university,you are one in thousands.Becoming someone of importance is challenging,and at times can be very intimidating.Understanding the changes from high school to college will give you a head start. x100x100Freedom x100x100One of the biggest differences between high school and college is that in college every decision is yours to make.Your parents are not there to remind you to do your homework.You are now allowed to choose what classes you want to take and when those classes will be. x100x100The Benefit:If you have ever felt trapped while in high school,because you were unable to make decisions for yourself.Now is the time to prove to everyone that you know what is best for you.In college you are set free,and if you let your ambitions guide you,you can go places and do things that you never imagined. x100x100The Negatives:For many students,freedom is the one thing that destroys them.If you have the freedom to do great things,you also have the freedom to make poor decisions. x100x100My favorite freedom that I gained by graduating from high school was no longer needing to ask to use the restroom!I hated asking a student teacher,still in college and only a few years older than me,if I could use the restroom. x100x100Classes x100x100In high school,I was able to go to class,listen to the teacher,finish the homework assignment,and talk to my friends,all in one class session.In college those tasks will be separated. x100x100Total class time in college is much less than in high school.Professors will cover what they believe is the most important information in that time; however,it does not mean that they will cover all of the material that will be on the test.Most of your college learning will actually be done outside of class and classes will be used for reviewing and reinforcement of concepts.Where as in high school all learning was done in class and review was done outside of class and only if necessary. x100x100Class Attendance:Some professors will give you credit for being in class.Others could care less.However,it is HIGHLY recommended that you attend ALL classes. x100x100Syllabus x100x100Everything you need for a class will be put on the syllabus.Professors may not give any additional reminders of tests,homework assignments,and papers.Not paying attention to your syllabus could be one of your worst mistakes. x100x100Opportunities x100x100The possibilities are endless.You can participate in 钬渞eal钬 research,researching things that no one else has.You can be a leader in a student organization that grows to be an organization that many universities support.You can write a book,and have the necessary advisors,professors,to teach you the ropes of having something published.You will learn how to get involved in campus politics,which I believe can be as important as city or national politics. x100x100Meeting People x100x100One of my favorite parts of college is meeting people.Reach out to people.Don钬檛 be afraid to start a conversation with a stranger.You never know,that stranger may end up being your coauthor,or your business partner.There is nowhere else besides a university where you can find such a large amount of people with countless and unimaginable skills. x100 x100x100In university,teachers expect you to be responsible.They don"t usually remind you of upcoming due dates.If you are having difficulty in the class they won"t approach you,you have to ask for help. x100x100I have a lot more group projects than I used to.Grading sometimes is also more difficult.For instance in my math class there are only 4 tests that make up your grade.So each test is worth a lot more points than if there were homework assignments and quizzes as well as tests. x100x100As far as attendance some teachers care and others don"t.Most teachers will not allow make-up exams except under extenuating circumstances like a death in the family or religious holiday.The good thing is that you can choose to take classes at night or even online. x100x100As far as environment it is very rare for a teacher to have a discipline problem in the class.Teachers have the right to tell you to leave if you are disruptive.A lot of my fellow classmates are also paying for school themselves so they take it a lot more seriously. x100x100I go to a community college so I can"t tell you about living on campus. x100x100I hope I have answered your question. x100x100 x100x100What are some things I should do to prepare? x100x100Find out early what is needed for your career choices and plan to take the appropriate courses.for example,if you are planning to pursue teaching you will need to take "teachable" courses in you undergraduate degree (courses that are taught in the public school system) x100x100Don"t put off studying,even if leaving things until the night before has worked for you in the past.Given that the workload is consistently higher in university,constant effort and study is imperative. x100x100Identify areas where you need support (time management,study skills,writing,etc) and ask for help - ask your professor where to find help or seek out the information through Student Services. x100x100Keep your options open by maintaining good grades that will allow to entrance into further study. x100x100Plan study times within your day.If you have an hour between classes,go to the library and review notes. x100x100 x100x100High School x100x100Teacher/Student Contact:Contact is closer and more frequent (five days a week). x100x100Competition/Grades:Academic competition is not as strong; good grades can often be obtained with minimal effort. x100x100Status:Students establish a personal status in academic and social activities based on family and community factors. x100x100Counseling/Dependence:Students can rely on parents,teachers and counselors to help make decisions and give advice.Students must abide by rules of parents,teachers and counselors. x100x100Freedom:Students钬 freedom is limited.Parents will often help students out of a crisis. x100x100Distractions:There are distractions from school,but these are partially controlled by school and home. x100x100Value Judgments:Students often make value judgments based on parental values; thus,many of their value judgments are made for them. x100x100 College x100x100Teacher/Student Contact:Faculty are available during office hours (only a few hours a week) and by appointment to address students钬 concerns. x100x100Competition/Grades:Academic competition is much stronger; minimal effort may produce poor grades. x100x100Status:Students can build their status as they wish; high school status can be repeated or changed. x100x100Counseling/Dependence:Students rely on themselves; they see the results of making their own decisions.It is their responsibility to seek advice as needed.Students set their own restrictions. x100x100Freedom:Students have much more freedom.They must accept responsibility for their own actions. x100x100Distractions:The opportunity for more distractions exists.Time management will become more important. x100x100Value Judgments:Students have the opportunity to see the world through their own eyes and develop their own opinions and values.
2023-06-13 00:40:001


《Redirect》(Timothy D. Wilson)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 9sm8书名:Redirect作者:Timothy D. Wilson出版社:Little, Brown and Company出版年份:2011-9-8页数:288内容简介:What if there were a magic pill that could make you happier, turn you into a better parent, solve a number of your teenager"s behavior problems, reduce racial prejudice, and close the achievement gap in education? Well, there is no such magic pill-but there is a new scientifically based approach called story editing that can accomplish all of this. It works by redirecting the stories we tell about ourselves and the world around us, with subtle prompts, in ways that lead to lasting change. In Redirect , world-renowned psychologist Timothy Wilson shows how story-editing works and how you can use it in your everyday life.The other surprising news is that many existing approaches-from the multi-billion dollar self-help industry to programs that discourage drug use and drinking-don"t work at all. In fact, some even have the opposite effect. Most programs are not adequately tested, many do not work, and some even do harm. For example, there are programs that have inadvertently made people unhappy, raised the crime rate, increased teen pregnancy, and even hastened people"s deaths-in part by failing to redirect people"s stories in healthy ways.In short, Wilson shows us what works, what doesn"t, and why. Fascinating, groundbreaking, and practical, Redirect demonstrates the remarkable power small changes can have on the ways we see ourselves and the world around us, and how we can use this in our everyday lives. In the words of David G. Myers, "With wit and wisdom, Wilson shows us how to spare ourselves worthless (or worse) interventions, think smarter, and live well."作者简介:Timothy D. Wilson is the Sherrell J. Aston Professor of Psychology at the University of Virginia. He has written for Science and The New York Times, among other publications and journals, and is the author of Strangers to Ourselves, which was named by New York Times Magazine as one of the Best 100 Ideas of 2002. Wilson is also the coauthor of the best-selling social psychology textbook, now in its seventh edition.
2023-06-13 00:40:071


《Tick Tock》(James Patterson)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 密码:8dme书名:Tick Tock作者:James Patterson出版社:Little, Brown and Company出版年份:2011-1-24页数:416内容简介:NYC"s #1 detective, Michael Bennett, has a huge problem--the Son of Sam, the Werewolf of Wisteria and the Mad Bomber are all back. The city has never been more terrified!Tick--a killer"s countdown beginsA rash of horrifying crimes tears through the city, throwing it into complete chaos and terrorizing everyone living there. Immediately, it becomes clear that they are not the work of an amateur, but of a calculating, efficient, and deadly mastermind.Tick--Michael Bennett is on the chaseThe city calls on Detective Michael Bennett, pulling him away from a seaside retreat with his ten adopted children, his grandfather, and their beloved nanny, Mary Catherine. Not only does it tear apart their vacation, it leaves the entire family open to attack.Tock--your time is upBennett enlists the help of a former colleague, FBI Agent Emily Parker. As his affection for Emily grows into something stronger, his relationship with Mary Catherine takes an unexpected turn. All too soon, another appalling crime leads Bennett to a shocking discovery that exposes the killer"s pattern and the earth-shattering enormity of his plan. From the creator of the #1 New York detective series comes the most volatile and most explosive Michael Bennett novel ever.作者简介:James Patterson has had more New York Times bestsellers than any other writer, ever, according to Guinness World Records. Since his first novel won the Edgar Award in 1977, James Patterson"s books have sold more than 180 million copies. He is the author of the Alex Cross novels, the most popular detective series of the past twenty-five years, including Kiss the Girls and Along Came a Spider. Mr. Patterson also writes the bestselling Women"s Murder Club novels, set in San Francisco, and the top-selling New York detective series of all time, featuring Detective Michael Bennett. He writes full-time and lives in Florida with his family.Michael Ledwidge is the author of The Narrowback, Bad Connection, and most recently, the coauthor, with James Patterson, of The Quickie, Step on a Crack, Run For Your Life, and Worst Case.
2023-06-13 00:40:311


《Leonardo da Vinci》(Walter Isaacson)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:cvea书名:Leonardo da Vinci作者:Walter Isaacson豆瓣评分:8.6出版社:Simon & Schuster出版年份:2017-10-17页数:624内容简介:The #1 New York Times bestseller“A powerful story of an exhilarating mind and life...a study in creativity: how to define it, how to achieve it.” —The New Yorker“Vigorous, insightful.” —The Washington Post“A masterpiece.” —San Francisco Chronicle“Luminous.” —The Daily BeastHe was history"s most creative genius. What secrets can he teach us?The author of the acclaimed bestsellers Steve Jobs, Einstein, and Benjamin Franklin brings Leonardo da Vinci to life in this exciting new biography.Based on thousands of pages from Leonardo"s astonishing notebooks and new discoveries about his life and work, Walter Isaacson weaves a narrative that connects his art to his science. He shows how Leonardo"s genius was based on skills we can improve in ourselves, such as passionate curiosity, careful observation, and an imagination so playful that it flirted with fantasy.He produced the two most famous paintings in history, The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa. But in his own mind, he was just as much a man of science and technology. With a passion that sometimes became obsessive, he pursued innovative studies of anatomy, fossils, birds, the heart, flying machines, botany, geology, and weaponry. His ability to stand at the crossroads of the humanities and the sciences, made iconic by his drawing of Vitruvian Man, made him history"s most creative genius.His creativity, like that of other great innovators, came from having wide-ranging passions. He peeled flesh off the faces of cadavers, drew the muscles that move the lips, and then painted history"s most memorable smile. He explored the math of optics, showed how light rays strike the cornea, and produced illusions of changing perspectives in The Last Supper. Isaacson also describes how Leonardo"s lifelong enthusiasm for staging theatrical productions informed his paintings and inventions.Leonardo"s delight at combining diverse passions remains the ultimate recipe for creativity. So, too, does his ease at being a bit of a misfit: illegitimate, gay, vegetarian, left-handed, easily distracted, and at times heretical. His life should remind us of the importance of instilling, both in ourselves and our children, not just received knowledge but a willingness to question it—to be imaginative and, like talented misfits and rebels in any era, to think different.作者简介:Walter Isaacson, University Professor of History at Tulane, has been CEO of the Aspen Institute, chairman of CNN, and editor of Time magazine. He is the author of Leonardo da Vinci; Steve Jobs; Einstein: His Life and Universe; Benjamin Franklin: An American Life; and Kissinger: A Biography. He is also the coauthor of The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made.
2023-06-13 00:40:511

《Essential Words for the GRE》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Essential Windows Communication Foundation》(Steve Resnick)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: v2d5书名:Essential Windows Communication Foundation作者:Steve Resnick出版社:Addison-Wesley Professional出版年份:2008-02-21页数:608内容简介:“Whether this is the first time or the fifty-first time you"re using WCF, you"ll learn something new by reading this book.”--Nicholas Allen, Program Manager, Web Services, MicrosoftWindows Communication Foundation (WCF) is the easiest way to produce and consume Web services on the Microsoft platform. With .NET 3.5, WCF has been extensively revamped--and Visual Studio 2008 gives developers powerful new tools for utilizing it. Essential Windows Communication Foundation shows developers exactly how to make the most of WCF with .NET 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008.Drawing on extensive experience working with early adopters, three Microsoft insiders systematically address the topics developers ask about WCF. The authors approach each subject with practical advice and present best practices, tips, and tricks for solving problems. Throughout, you"ll find detailed explanations, solutions for the “pain points” of WCF development, and an extensive collection of reusable code examples. Coverage includesUsing WCF contracts to define complex structures and interfacesUnderstanding WCF"s channel stacks and channel model architectureConfiguring the WCF communication stack to use only the protocols you needUsing standard and custom service behaviors to manage concurrency, instances, transactions, and moreSerializing data from .NET types to XML Infosets and representing Infosets “on the wire”Hosting WCF services via IIS, managed .NET applications, and Windows Activation ServicesWCF security, in depth: authentication; transport and message-level security; and Internet and intranet scenariosImproving reliability: exception handling, diagnostics, and moreWorkflow services: new integration points between WCF 3.5 and Windows Workflow FoundationBuilding client-to-client, peer network-based applicationsUtilizing WCF for non-SOAP Web services: AJAX and JSON examples and .NET 3.5 hosting classesMicrosoft"s Steve Resnick, Richard Crane, and Chris Bowen are technology experts at the Microsoft Technology Center in Boston. They specialize in helping customers improve their technical agility by applying WCF and related technologies. Resnick has specialized in Internet technologies and distributed computing at Microsoft since 1995. He is a frequent speaker at Microsoft events and is now technology director for the U.S. Microsoft Technology Centers. Crane has more than 15 years of experience in senior software development roles. He specializes in large-scale Web sites, distributed computing, transactional systems, and performance analysis. Bowen has been an architect and developer for more than 15 years at companies such as and Staples and is co-author of Professional Visual Studio 2005 Team System.Foreword xxvPreface xxviiChapter 1: Basics 1Chapter 2: Contracts 33Chapter 3: Channels 91Chapter 4: Bindings 111Chapter 5: Behaviors 181Chapter 6: Serialization and Encoding 241Chapter 7: Hosting 287Chapter 8: Security 315Chapter 9: Diagnostics 375Chapter 10: Exception Handling 403Chapter 11: Workflow Services 423Chapter 12: Peer Networking 459Chapter 13: Programmable Web 503Appendix: Advanced Topics 537Index 553作者简介:Steve Resnick has worked at Microsoft since the mid-1990s, spanning architect, developer, and evangelist roles in the field. He specializes in Internet technologies, architecting and designing high-volume, high-value Web applications. Steve is the National Technology Director for the Microsoft Technology Centers in the United States, where he sets strategy and direction so that his team can solve the toughest customer challenges. He has worked with .NET since the beginning and is an expert in Web services, BizTalk, transaction processing, and related technologies. He holds a M.S. and B.S. in Computer Science from Boston University and University of Delaware, respectively.Rich Crane is a Technical Architect at the Microsoft Technology Center in Waltham, Massachusetts. A software architect and engineer with more than 18 years of experience, Rich has spent the last six years helping customers architect and build solutions on the Microsoft platform. He has worked with numerous Microsoft products and technologies and is an expert in BizTalk, SQL Server, SharePoint, Compute Cluster Server, and of course Visual Studio and the .NET Framework. He has spoken at conferences and community events such as TechEd and Code Camp. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from Drexel University with a B.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering.Chris Bowen is Microsoft"s Developer Evangelist for the northeastern United States, specializing in development tools, platforms, and architectural best practices. Asoftware architect and engineer with 15 years of experience, Chris joined Microsoft after holding senior positions at companies such as, VistaPrint, Staples, and IDX Systems, and consulting on Web presence and e-commerce projects with others. He is coauthor of Professional Visual Studio 2005 Team System (2006, WROX) and holds an M.S. in Computer Science and a B.S. in Management Information Systems, both from Worcester Polytechnic Institute
2023-06-13 00:41:041


天山雪狐信息安全团队常用端口列表1 传输控制协议端口服务多路开关选择器2 compressnet 管理实用程序3 压缩进程5 远程作业登录7 回显(Echo)9 丢弃11 在线用户12 我的测试端口13 时间15 netstat17 每日引用18 消息发送协议19 字符发生器20 文件传输协议(默认数据口)21 文件传输协议(控制)22 SSH远程登录协议23 telnet 终端仿真协议24 预留给个人用邮件系统25 smtp 简单邮件发送协议27 NSW 用户系统现场工程师29 MSG ICP31 MSG验证33 显示支持协议35 预留给个人打印机服务37 时间38 路由访问协议39 资源定位协议41 图形42 WINS 主机名服务43 "绰号" who is服务44 MPM(消息处理模块)标志协议45 消息处理模块46 消息处理模块(默认发送口)47 NI FTP48 数码音频后台服务49 TACACS登录主机协议50 远程邮件检查协议51 IMP(接口信息处理机)逻辑地址维52 施乐网络服务系统时间协议53 域名服务器54 施乐网络服务系统票据交换55 ISI图形语言56 施乐网络服务系统验证57 预留个人用终端访问58 施乐网络服务系统邮件59 预留个人文件服务60 未定义61 NI邮件?62 异步通讯适配器服务63 WHOIS+64 通讯接口65 TACACS数据库服务66 Oracle SQL*NET67 引导程序协议服务端68 引导程序协议客户端69 小型文件传输协议70 信息检索协议71 远程作业服务72 远程作业服务73 远程作业服务74 远程作业服务75 预留给个人拨出服务76 分布式外部对象存储77 预留给个人远程作业输入服务78 修正TCP79 Finger(查询远程主机在线用户等信息)80 全球信息网超文本传输协议(www)81 HOST2名称服务82 传输实用程序83 模块化智能终端ML设备84 公用追踪设备85 模块化智能终端ML设备86 Micro Focus Cobol编程语言87 预留给个人终端连接88 Kerberros安全认证系统89 SU/MIT终端仿真网关90 DNSIX 安全属性标记图91 MIT Dover假脱机92 网络打印协议93 设备控制协议94 Tivoli对象调度95 SUPDUP96 DIXIE协议规范97 快速远程虚拟文件协议98 TAC(东京大学自动计算机)新闻协议99 Telnet服务,开99端口 (Troj.open99)101 usually from sri-nic102 iso-tsap103 gppitnp104 acr-nema105 csnet-ns106 3com-tsmux107 rtelnet108 snagas109 Post Office110 Pop3 服务器(邮箱发送服务器)111 sunrpc112 mcidas113 身份查询114 audionews115 sftp116 ansanotify117 path 或 uucp-path118 sqlserv119 新闻服务器120 cfdptkt121 BO jammerkillah123 network124 ansatrader125 locus-map126 unitary127 locus-con128 gss-xlicen129 pwdgen130 cisco-fna131 cisco-tna132 cisco-sys133 statsrv134 ingres-net135 查询服务 DNS136 profile PROFILE Naming System137 NetBIOS 数据报(UDP)138 NetBios-DGN139 共享资源端口(NetBios-SSN)140 emfis-data141 emfis-cntl142 bl-idm143 IMAP电子邮件144 NeWS145 uaac146 iso-tp0147 iso-ip148 jargon149 aed-512150 sql-net151 hems152 bftp153 sgmp154 netsc-prod155 netsc-dev156 sqlsrv157 knet-cmp158 PCMAIL159 nss-routing160 sgmp-traps161 远程管理设备(SNMP)162 snmp-trap163 cmip-man164 cmip-agent165 xns-courier Xerox166 s-net167 namp168 rsvd169 send170 network Po171 multiplex Network172 cl/1 Network173 xyplex-mux174 mailq175 vmnet176 genrad-mux177 xdmcp178 nextstep179 bgp180 ris181 unify182 audit183 ocbinder184 ocserver185 remote-kis186 kis187 aci188 mumps189 qft190 gacp191 prospero192 osu-nms193 srmp194 Irc195 dn6-nlm-aud196 dn6-smm-red197 dls198 dls-mon199 smux200 src IBM201 at-rtmp202 at-nbp203 at-3204 at-echo205 at-5206 at-zis207 at-7208 at-8209 qmtp210 z39.50 ANSI211 914c/g212 anet214 vmpwscs215 softpc Insignia Solutions216 CAIlic217 dbase218 mpp219 uarps220 imap3221 fln-spx222 rsh-spx223 cdc242 direct243 sur-meas244 dayna245 link246 dsp3270247 subntbcst_tftp248 bhfhs256 rap257 set258 yak-chat259 esro-gen260 openport263 hdap264 bgmp280 http-mgmt309 entrusttime310 bhmds312 vslmp315 load316 decauth317 zannet321 pip344 pdap345 pawserv346 zserv347 fatserv348 csi-sgwp349 mftp351 matip-type-b351 matip-type-b353 ndsauth354 bh611357 bhevent362 srssend365 dtk366 odmr368 qbikgdp371 clearcase372 ulistproc ListProcessor373 legent-1374 legent-2374 legent-2375 hassle376 nip377 tnETOS378 dsETOS379 is99c380 is99s381 hp-collector383 hp-alarm-mgr384 arns385 ibm-app386 asa387 aurp388 unidata-ldm389 ldap390 uis391 synotics-relay393 dis394 embl-ndt395 netcp396 netware-ip397 mptn398 kryptolan399 iso-tsap-c2400 vmnet0401 ups Uninterruptible Power Supply402 genie Genie Protocol403 decap404 nced405 ncld406 imsp407 timbuktu408 prm-sm409 prm-nm410 decladebug DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol411 rmt412 synoptics-trap413 smsp SMSP414 infoseek415 bnet416 silverplatter417 onmux418 hyper-g419 ariel1420 smpte421 ariel2422 ariel3423 opc-job-start424 opc-job-track425 icad-el426 smartsdp427 svrloc428 ocs_cmu429 ocs_amu430 utmpsd431 utmpcd432 iasd433 nnsp434 mobileip-agent435 mobilip-mn436 dna-cml437 comscm438 dsfgw439 dasp440 sgcp441 decvms-sysmgt442 cvc_hostd443 安全服务444 snpp445 NT的共享资源新端口(139)446 ddm-rdb447 ddm-dfm448 ddm-ssl449 as-servermap450 tserver451 sfs-smp-net453 creativeserver454 contentserver455 creativepartnr456 Hackers457 scohelp458 appleqtc459 ampr-rcmd460 skronk461 datasurfsrv462 datasurfsrvsec463 alpes464 kpasswd465 smtps466 digital-vrc467 mylex-mapd468 photuris469 rcp470 scx-proxy471 mondex472 ljk-login473 hybrid-pop474 tn-tl-w1475 tcpnethaspsrv476 tn-tl-fd1477 ss7ns478 spsc479 iafserver480 iafdbase481 ph Ph482 bgs-nsi483 ulpnet484 integra-sme485 powerburst Air Soft Power Burst486 avian487 saft488 gss-http489 nest-protocol490 micom-pfs491 go-login492 ticf-1493 ticf-2494 pov-ray495 intecourier496 pim-rp-disc497 dantz498 siam499 iso-ill500 sytek501 stmf502 asa-appl-proto503 intrinsa504 citadel505 mailbox-lm506 ohimsrv507 crs508 xvttp509 snare510 fcp511 passgo512 exec513 login514 shell515 printer516 videotex517 talk518 ntalk519 utime520 efs521 ripng522 ulp523 ibm-db2524 ncp NCP525 timed526 tempo newdate527 stx528 custix529 irc-serv530 courier531 conference chat532 netnews533 netwall534 mm-admin535 iiop536 opalis-rdv537 nmsp538 gdomap539 apertus-ldp540 uucp541 uucp-rlogin542 commerce543 klogin544 kshell545 appleqtcsrvr546 dhcpv6-client547 dhcpv6-server548 afpovertcp549 idfp550 new-rwho551 cybercash552 deviceshare553 pirp554 rtsp555 dsf556 remotefs557 openvms-sysipc558 sdnskmp559 teedtap560 rmonitor561 monitor562 chshell chcmd563 nntps564 9pfs565 whoami566 streettalk567 banyan-rpc568 ms-shuttle569 ms-rome570 meter571 meter572 sonar573 banyan-vip574 ftp-agent575 vemmi576 ipcd577 vnas578 ipdd579 decbsrv581 bdp588 cal589 eyelink590 tns-cml593 http-rpc-epmap594 tpip596 smsd599 acp Aeolon Core Protocol600 ipcserver Sun IPC server606 urm Cray607 nqs608 sift-uft609 npmp-trap610 npmp-local611 npmp-gui613 hmmp-op620 sco-websrvrmgr621 escp-ip625 dec_dlm626 asia628 qmqp630 rda631 ipp632 bmpp634 ginad635 rlzdbase636 ldaps637 lanserver639 msdp666 doom667 disclose668 mecomm669 meregister670 vacdsm-sws671 vacdsm-app672 vpps-qua673 cimplex674 acap675 dctp704 elcsd705 agentx709 entrust-kmsh710 entrust-ash729 netviewdm1730 netviewdm2731 netviewdm3741 netgw742 netrcs744 flexlm747 fujitsu-dev748 ris-cm749 kerberos-adm750 rfile751 pump752 qrh753 rrh754 tell send758 nlogin759 con760 ns761 rxe762 quotad763 cycleserv764 omserv765 webster769 vid770 cadlock771 rtip772 cycleserv2773 submit774 rpasswd776 wpages780 wpgs786 concert Concert787 qsc QSC801 device873 rsync rsync886 iclcnet-locate887 iclcnet_svinfo888 erlogin900 omginitialrefs911 xact-backup990 ftps991 nas992 telnets993 imaps994 ircs995 pop3s996 vsinet997 maitrd998 busboy999 garcon1000 cadlock1010 surf1023 Reserved1024 NetSpy.698 (YAI)1025 network blackjack1026 Win2000 的 Internet 信息服务1031 iad21032 iad31033 Netspy1042 Bla1.11047 GateCrasher1080 Wingate1058 nim1059 nimreg1067 instl_boots1068 instl_bootc1080 Wingate1083 ansoft-lm-11084 ansoft-lm-21109 kpop1114 SQL1123 murray Murray1155 nfa Network File Access1212 lupa lupa1222 nerv SNI R&D network1239 nmsd NMSD1243 Sub-7木马1245 Vodoo1248 hermes1269 Mavericks Matrix1492 FTP99CMP (BackOriffice.FTP)1509 Streaming Server1524 ingreslock后门1313 bmc_patroldb1314 pdps1321 pip PIP1345 vpjp VPJP1346 alta-ana-lm1347 bbn-mmc1348 bbn-mmx1349 sbook Registration Network Protocol1350 editbench1352 lotusnote1353 relief1354 rightbrain1355 intuitive-edge1356 cuillamartin1357 pegboard1358 connlcli1359 ftsrv1360 mimer1361 linx1362 timeflies1363 ndm-requester1364 ndm-server1365 adapt-sna1366 netware-csp1367 dcs1368 screencast1369 gv-us1370 us-gv1371 fc-cli1372 fc-ser1373 chromagrafx1374 molly EPI Software Systems1375 bytex1376 ibm-pps1377 cichlid1378 elan1379 dbreporter Integrity Solutions1380 telesis-licman1381 apple-licman1382 udt_os1383 gwha1384 os-licman1385 atex_elmd1386 checksum1387 cadsi-lm1388 objective-dbc1389 iclpv-dm1390 iclpv-sc1391 iclpv-sas1392 iclpv-pm1393 iclpv-nls1394 iclpv-nlc1395 iclpv-wsm1396 dvl-activemail1399 cadkey-licman1400 cadkey-tablet1402 prm-sm-np1403 prm-nm-np1404 igi-lm1405 ibm-res1406 netlabs-lm1407 dbsa-lm1408 sophia-lm1409 here-lm1410 hiq1411 af AudioFile1412 innosys1413 innosys-acl1414 ibm-mqseries1415 dbstar1416 novell-lu6.21417 timbuktu-srv11418 timbuktu-srv21419 timbuktu-srv31420
2023-06-13 00:41:271

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最近出的《经济学原理》不错,分宏观(第5版)和微观(第4版)。由哈佛大学经济学教授曼昆编制,已经被翻译20多种语言,美国许多高校都用这门本书作为教材!你可以先网上去看看评论! 我也读了一半,感觉不错,有案例,有题目做,分析独到!
2023-06-13 00:41:481


2023-06-13 00:42:064


How students can improve sleep quality We know that sleep for brain health is of paramount importance. People generally have required more than eight hours of sleep time, and must ensure high quality. If insufficient sleep time or quality is not high, then the brain will have an adverse effect, the brain"s fatigue would be difficult to restore seriously the potential impact of the brain"s function. If lack of sleep or poor quality sleep, it should be appropriately increased sleep time, such as a short nap in summer, and to find ways to improve sleep conditions. As a general point of view, sleep is to remove the main form of brain fatigue. If long-term lack of sleep or poor quality sleep, it will seriously affect brain function, it is very clever people will become very confused. A lot of people suffering from diseases such as neurasthenia, because a lot of time is caused by a serious lack of sleep. In short, a person"s First, there are many one-third of the time are spent in sleep. While good sleep, can regulate physiological function, the nervous system to maintain balance in life are important. Bad sleep less than the next day will be the first mistake bulging brain, the body can not afford. Sleep and Health at Work and study the relationship between the very closely. The following areas can improve sleep quality: * Sleep to moderate 1, we have an important point of view are: essential to sleep sleep. In a lot of books that adults generally sleep 7-8 hours a day on the same subject. Recently, however, the United States, professor of psychology James? Dr. Ma Si pointed out: one person 6-7 hours of sleep at night is not enough. His sleep study results showed that only 8 hours of sleep so the body can only function of the peak. What is so "modest", mainly "to mental and physical restoration," as the criteria. Human sleep is divided into the slow eye movement sleep and rapid eye movement sleep to two. The concentration of rapid eye movement sleep in memory storage, maintenance organizations, information collation and new learning and performance have occurred in rapid eye movement sleep of the final stage and the rapid eye movement sleep usually occurs in 8-hour sleep period the rear, and can be sustained for about 90 minutes. Although we may not have noticed, but we sleep most of the people are actually not enough, This not only reduces the quality of life, but also may lead to disease. In order to compensate for this widespread lack of sleep, Dr. Ma Si promote "nap." This nap is the official day of sleep to wake up 20 minutes after the nap, the effect of bed early is much better than the evening. In particular, we emphasize that although primary and secondary school students now say "burden", but because of a variety of exam pressure, they are not easy, a lot of people obviously insufficient sleep time. Compared with the past, are in fact dark Mingsong tight. This is in fact both the society or the family are not worth the candle. We believe that only sleep sleep can be a good study. Sleep does not prevent future sleep: sleep time must be guaranteed! * Sleeping environment To get a good night"s sleep, attention to appropriate bedtime Three three bogey very important. Three are advised to: Walking bedtime. "Purple rock hidden book? Dependent book," Say: "sleep when the trip around the room a thousand step-by-step, beginning on the pillow cover is God ... ... labor, labor rates are thinking, moving and seeking a very static." Sleep should have a suitable environment, the main bedroom is a quiet and comfortable bedding. Ventilation is an important condition for the bedroom, because fresh air more important than anything else. Regardless of outdoor temperature high or low, should go to bed before the ventilation window. Choose a comfortable bed, and generally moderate brown stretch of soft and hard or soft wood bed of cotton-padded mattress is better. Pillow soft and hard to moderate, as far as possible冬暖夏凉. Should have a correct sleep posture. General propositions to the right side,微曲legs, decane are naturally relaxed, single-handedly put elbow pillow ago, on the one hand natural thigh. To develop good sleep habits. Whether it is night sleep or nap during the day as far as possible should be maintained at the same time go to bed and get up and holidays are no exception. To have the laws of moderate action. * Conform to the biological clock If we get up on time every day, go regularly every morning to greet the sun, then your clock will be running on time. Studies have shown that this is to improve the quality of sleep one of the key elements. The impact of clock running one of the factors are the body temperature. Studies have shown that temperature fluctuations of the people of the circadian clock has a great impact. Person"s body temperature dropped, it is easy to cause drowsiness, which is the use of temperature regulation in an effective way to clock. If temperature regulation out of control, the clock will cause sleep disturbance happened. Ways to control a lot of body temperature, for example, take a bath before going to bed or before going to bed to do 20 minutes of aerobic exercise and so on, to sleep when the body temperature will decline. In short, the formation of habits, the person will fall asleep on schedule. Young people to develop good sleep habits, this is the most important. Clock are not easily damaged, do not on Saturdays, Sunday evening did not sleep during the day can not afford to undermine its own clock. * Regulation of Food We often see this: In the evening a small number of people have substantial consumption of coffee, chocolate, cola, tea and other food or drink does not sleep after the subjective feeling bad, but the experiment confirmed that the depth of their sleep will be adversely affected. So before going to bed, not to eat these things. In order to get a good sleep effects, before going to bed has the following aspects should be taboo: Eat three square meals a bogey 78 into a supper you can eat. Do not eat before going to bed so as not to increase Health and gastrointestinal burden. Avoid drinking strong tea and coffee Evening not to drink strong tea, coffee and other food, so as to avoid the spirit of excitement, or frequent urination normal sleep. Avoid alcohol Studies have shown that alcohol seems to help people fall asleep, but in fact is not correct. Wine in the process of metabolism will release a natural stimulant, to undermine our midnight sleep. * Noise Friend because many young people in some kind of noise often, the habit into nature, to adapt to this adverse environment. This should be in our sleep is detrimental, will reduce the concentration of our sleep time. So sleep environment should try to avoid noise interference. In addition, people who easily suffer from insomnia, drowsiness should have when going to bed, early to bed is often the result of "More haste, less speed", will only increase the psychological pressure. Someone once had such a test, in some cases,晚睡to get up early, to reduce the sleep time, and is conducive to improve sleep quality. * Sleep time To improve sleep quality, must pay attention to the time; Able to obtain a better quality of sleep in sleep time is 21:00 to 11:00, 12:00 to 1:30, 2:00 to 3:30, then dropped the body energy, slow to react, slowed thinking, emotional low conducive to the human body into slow-wave sleep, sweet dreams to enter. What kind of sleep is the best way? Sleep should be a pleasant state of unconsciousness. Even if the sleep time is short, and the next day be able to get up very spirit that has good sleep "quality", but if in sleep after a long time still feel very tired, poor sleep quality on the express. Modern scientists confirm that the diet for insomnia is the best method of treatment, is better than sleeping pills without side effects. Here are a few are available for trial: (1) 1 tablespoon vinegar, pour a cup of cold water in the drink, you can fall asleep and sleep soundly hypnosis. (2) often suffer from insomnia, the use of lotus seeds, longan, lilies with kaoliang cereals (corn)熬粥, sleep has an effect. (3) blood insomnia, will be dressed in uniforms or lotus root starch, or low heat simmer add honey moderate eating lotus root; also available longan meat 10g, jujube 5 go nuclear, a steamed egg consumption, once a day. (4) guilty conscience, hyperhidrosis, insomnia, and Pig Heart by a cut, then put into Changium, Danggui the 25g, with steamed to drugs, eating pork heart and soup, have good efficiency. (5) due to hypertension due to insomnia, the use of banana root 50g, pork 100g,同煮taking it to hypnotic sleep. (6)怔忡Patient anxiety and insomnia, check plantain root 50g, pork 100g,同煮using them, can fall asleep hypnosis. (7) of insomnia in patients with neurasthenia, it is desirable serous lettuce 1 tablespoon, dissolved in a glass of water. As a result of this milky juice have a calming sedative function, so has a certain hypnotic effect. (8)临睡前eat an apple. Or placed in a bedside cabinet or ripping skin incision citrus, so the sleepless smoking smell its aroma, you can calm the central nervous system, helping to fall asleep. (9) onion pounded appropriate, into the bottle cover, Pillow临睡前on sniffing the air, and generally will be able to fall asleep after a while. Improve sleep quality ten law 1. Insist on a regular schedule, do not sleep late on weekends. If you sleep late Saturdays Sundays starting late Sunday evening so you may suffer from insomnia. 2.猛吃not猛喝bedtime. Before going to bed around 2 hours to eat a small supper, do not drink too much water, constantly on the toilet at night because affect sleep quality; Evening Do not eat spicy foods rich in fats, because these foods can also affect sleep. 3. Bedtime stay away from coffee and nicotine. Suggest that you do not sleep eight hours before the coffee. 4. Selection exercise time. Afternoon exercise is to help the best time to sleep, and have regular physical exercise can improve nighttime sleep quality. 5. To keep at room temperature with cooler temperatures. Bedroom temperature slightly contribute to sleep. 6. To sleep on the night. Nap during the day may cause sleep time at night was "deprived." Daytime sleep time strictly controlled in less than one hours, and can not sleep after 15 o"clock. 7. To keep silent. Turn off the television and radio, because quiet on the improve sleep quality are very useful. 8. A comfortable bed. A comfortable bed give you a good sleep space. In addition, you have to determine whether bed spacious enough. 9. Bedtime bath. Before going to bed a hot water bath will help relax your muscles, make you sleep better. 10. Do not rely on sleeping pills. Prior to taking sleeping pills should consult their doctors recommend that you do not take sleeping pills over four weeks. Finally, experts advise, insomnia should not give their own time pressure because the pressure makes you more awake.
2023-06-13 00:42:262


Gilberto Montibellera,Valerie Beltonb and Marcus Vinicius A.Limac Supporting factoring transactions in Brazil using reasoning maps: a language-based DSS for evaluating Accounts Receivable Available online 13 January 2005. Ben J. Sopranzetti 《The Economics of Factoring Accounts Receivable》 Available online 18 August 2004
2023-06-13 00:42:342


2023-06-13 00:42:453


问题一:谁能介绍一下英语的构词法?最好能举例说明。 一般来说,英语的构词方法有三种:合成法,派生法和转化。 问题二:寻求大量英语构词法的例子 转化法 英语中,有的名词可作动词,有的形容词可作副词或动词,这种把一种词性用作另一种词性而词形不变的方法叫作转化法。 1)动词转化为名词 很多动词可以转化为名词,大多意思没有多大的变化(如下①);有时意思有一定变化(如下②);有的与一个动词和不定冠词构成短语,表示一个动作(如下③)。例如: ①Let"s go out for a walk.我们到外面去散散步吧。 ②He is a man of strong build.他是一个体格健壮的汉子。 ③Let"s have a swim.咱们游泳吧。 2)名词转化为动词 很多表示物件(如下①)、身体部位(如下②)、某类人(如下③)的名词可以用作动词来表示动作,某些抽象名词(如下④)也可作动词。例如: ①Did you book a seat on the plane?你订好飞机座位了吗? ②Please hand me the book.请把那本书递给我。 ③She nursed her hu *** and back to health.她看护丈夫,使他恢复了健康。 ④We lunched together.我们在一起吃了午餐。 3)形容词转化为动词 有少数形容词可以转化为动词。例如: We will try our best to better our living conditions.我们要尽力改善我们的生活状况。 4)副词转化为动词 有少数副词可以转化为动词。例如: Murder will out.(谚语)恶事终必将败露。 5)形容词转化为名词 表示颜色的形容词常可转化为名词(如下①);某些形容词如old, young, poor, rich, wounded, injured等与the连用,表示一类人,作主语时,谓语用复数(如下②)。例如: You should be dressed in black at the funeral.你在葬礼中该穿黑色衣服。 The old in our village are living a happy life.我们村的老年人过着幸福的生活。 派生法 在词根前面加前缀或在词根后面加后缀构成一个与原单词意义相近或截然相反的新词叫作派生法。 1)前缀 除少数前缀外,前缀一般改变单词的意义,不改变词性;后缀一般改变词类,而不引起词义的变化。 (1)表示否定意义的前缀常用的有dis-, il-, im-, in-, ir-, mis-, non-, un-等,在单词的前面加这类前缀常构成与该词意义相反的新词。例如: appear出现→disappear消失 correct正确的→incorrect不正确的 lead带领→mislead领错 stop停下→non-stop不停 (2)表示其他意义的前缀常用的有a-(多构成表语形容词), anti- (反对;抵抗), auto- (自动), co- (共同), en- (使), inter- (互相), re- (再;又), sub- (下面的;次;小), tele- (强调距离)等。例如: alone单独的antigas防毒气的 autochart自动图表 cooperate合作enjoy使高兴 internet互联网reuse再用 subway地铁telephone电话 2)后缀 英语单词不仅可以通过加前缀构成新词,也可加后缀构成新词。后缀通常会改变单......>> 问题三:英语三大构词法 一、派生法 所谓派生法,就是在词根前加前缀或在其后加后缀构成新词。加前缀,一般不改变词性,而只是引起意义上的变化。加后缀一般意义变化不大,只改变了词性。 1. 前缀 (1)表示否定意义的前缀有anti-(反对,相反,防止),dis-(不,无,相反,取消),in-(不,无,非),mis-(误,错,不),non-(非,无,不),un-(不,无,非,未,取消,相反动作)。如: anti-sunburn防晒的,disappearance消失,dishonest不诚实的,illegal非法的,impolite不礼貌的,incorrect不正确的,irregular不规则的,misguide误导,misunderstand误解,non-drinker不喝酒的人,non-English非英语的。 (2)其它常见前缀 auto-(自动,自己),co- (联合, 伴同),bio-(生命,生物),en- (置于......之上,使成某种状态,致使), extra-(以外,超过),fore- (前,先,预告),inter-(在......之间,互相),over-(过度),post- (后),pre- (前,预先),re- (回,再,重新),sub-(下,低于,次于),super- (超级,在......上,过度),tele- (远,电视),trans-(横过,转变,变换),vice-(副)。如: autodial自动拨号,autocontrol自动控制,biography传记,coauthor 合著者,co-worker 同事,enable使能够, encourage鼓励,enlarge扩大,ensure确保,extrabright特别光亮的,forearm前臂,foretell预言,international国际的,overstudy用功过度,postflight飞行后的,postwar战后的,prehistory史前,prewar战前的,reconsider重新考虑,repay偿还,subway地铁,superbright超亮的,supercool过度冷却,superhero超级英雄,telecontrol遥控, telegraph电报,transnational超国界的,vice-chairman副主席,vice-president副总统。 2. 后缀 (1)常见名词后缀 ①表示人的后缀有-er, -or, -ee (被/受......者),-ess(女性),-ese, -ian, -an (哪个国家的人),-ist (人,家,者,主义者)。如: reporter 记者,foreigner外国人,actor演员,inventor 发明家,trainee 新兵,employee 雇员,actress 女演员,hostess 女主人,Chinese 中国人,Canadian 加拿大人,European 欧洲人,musician 音乐家,typist 打字员,physicist 物理学家,munist共产主义者。 注意:以下以-er结尾的词指物:drawer 抽屉,printer 打印机,cooker 炊具,poster 广告、招贴,recorder 录音机,typewriter 打字机,loudspeaker 扬声器,laughter 笑声。 ②其它常见名词后缀 -age(场所......>> 问题四:英语造词法有哪些及举例 er found it, Toadflax, said Hazel. And we"ll eat it, replied Toadfla 问题五:什么是构词法? 所谓的构词法就是研究词内部如何组成的学问..。 不同的语言有不同的构词方式。 现代汉语的构词方法可分单纯词及合成词。 单纯词又可以分成二种 1.单音节的单纯词,如火、山 2.多音节的单纯词,如蛛蜘、琵琶等。 合成词则可以分成叠字法、复合法及缀字法三种。 叠字法有 1.重叠法,如SS、花花绿绿 2.镶叠法,绿油油 复合法有 1.并列复词,如国家、东西 2.偏正复词,如火车、雪白 3.主谓复词,如地震、眼红 4.谓补复词,如提高、 5.述宾复词,如开门、出席 缀字法有 1.前缀法,如第一、可爱 2.後缀法,如桌子、眉头 除此之外,还有简称,如人大。
2023-06-13 00:43:091

高中英语与大学英语的区别 英语作文

00 How to transform from high school to college 00The first thing you will notice about college is that it is much different than high school. You have more freedom and more opportunities, indicating that you must make important decisions yourself. At day one you are alone. Even if you know other students at the university, you are one in thousands. Being someone of importance is challenging, and at times can be very intimidating. Understanding the changes from high school to college will give you a head start. 00Freedom 00One of the biggest differences beeen high school and college is that in college every decision is yours to make. Your parents are not there to remind you to do your homework. You are now allowed to choose what classes you want to take and when those classes will be. 00The Benefit: If you have ever felt trapped while in high school, because you were unable to make decisions for yourself. Now is the time to prove to everyone that you know what is best for you. In college you are set free, and if you let your ambitions guide you, you can go places and do things that you never imagined. 00The Negatives: For many students, freedom is the one thing that destroys them. If you have the freedom to do great things, you also have the freedom to make poor decisions. 00My favorite freedom that I gained by graduating from high school was no longer needing to ask to use the restroom! I hated asking a student teacher, still in college and only a few years older than me, if I could use the restroom. 00Classes 00In high school, I was able to go to class, listen to the teacher, finish the homework assignment, and talk to my friends, all in one class session. In college those tasks will be separated. 00Total class time in college is much less than in high school. Professors will cover what they believe is the most important information in that time; however, it does not mean that they will cover all of the material that will be on the test. Most of your college learning will actually be done outside of class and classes will be used for reviewing and reinforcement of concepts. Where as in high school all learning was done in class and review was done outside of class and only if necessary. 00Class Attendance: Some professors will give you credit for being in class. Others could care less. However, it is HIGHLY remended that you attend ALL classes. 00Syllabus 00Everything you need for a class will be put on the syllabus. Professors may not give any additional reminders of tests, homework assignments, and papers. Not paying attention to your syllabus could be one of your worst mistakes. 00Opportunities 00The possibilities are endless. You can participate in “real” research, researching things that no one else has. You can be a leader in a student anization that grows to be an anization that many universities support. You can write a book, and have the necessary advisors, professors, to teach you the ropes of having something published. You will learn how to get involved in campus politics, which I believe can be as important as city or national politics. 00Meeting People 00One of my favorite parts of college is meeting people. Reach out to people. Don"t be afraid to start a conversation with a stranger. You never know, that stranger may end up being your coauthor, or your business partner. There is nowhere else besides a university where you can find such a large amount of people with countless and unimaginable skills. 0 00In university, teachers expect you to be responsible. They don"t usually remind you of uping due dates. If you are having difficulty in the class they won"t approach you, you have to ask for help. 00I have a lot more group projects than I used to. Grading sometimes is also more difficult. For instance in my math class there are only 4 tests that make up your grade. So each test is worth a lot more points than if there were homework assignments and quizzes as well as tests. 00As far as attendance some teachers care and others don"t. Most teachers will not allow make-up exams except under extenuating circumstances like a death in the family or religious holiday. The good thing is that you can choose to take classes at night or even online. 00As far as environment it is very rare for a teacher to have a discipline problem in the class. Teachers have the right to tell you to leave if you are disruptive. A lot of my fellow clas *** ates are also paying for school themselves so they take it a lot more seriously. 00I go to a munity college so I can"t tell you about living on campus. 00I hope I have answered your question. 00 00What are some things I should do to prepare? 00Find out early what is needed for your career choices and plan to take the appropriate courses. for example, if you are planning to pursue teaching you will need to take "teachable" courses in you undergraduate degree (courses that are taught in the public school system) 00Don"t put off studying, even if leaving things until the night before has worked for you in the past. Given that the workload is consistently higher in university, constant effort and study is imperative. 00Identify areas where you need support (time management, study skills, writing, etc) and ask for help - ask your professor where to find help or seek out the information through Student Services. 00Keep your options open by maintaining good grades that will allow to entrance into further study. 00Plan study times within your day. If you have an hour beeen classes, go to the library and review notes. 00 00High School 00Teacher/Student Contact: Contact is closer and more frequent (five days a week). 00Competition/Grades: Academic petition is not as strong; good grades can often be obtained with minimal effort. 00Status: Students establish a personal status in academic and social activities based on family and munity factors. 00Counseling/Dependence: Students can rely on parents, teachers and counselors to help make decisions and give advice. Students must abide by rules of parents, teachers and counselors. 00Freedom: Students" freedom is limited. Parents will often help students out of a crisis. 00Distractions: There are distractions from school, but these are partially controlled by school and home. 00Value Judgments: Students often make value judgments based on parental values; thus, many of their value judgments are made for them. 00 College 00Teacher/Student Contact: Faculty are available during office hours (only a few hours a week) and by appointment to address students" concerns. 00Competition/Grades: Academic petition is much stronger; minimal effort may produce poor grades. 00Status: Students can build their status as they wish; high school status can be repeated or changed. 00Counseling/Dependence: Students rely on themselves; they see the results of making their own decisions. It is their responsibility to seek advice as needed. Students set their own restrictions. 00Freedom: Students have much more freedom. They must accept responsibility for their own actions. 00Distractions: The opportunity for more distractions exists. Time management will bee more important. 00Value Judgments: Students have the opportunity to see the world through their own eyes and develop their own opinions and values.   同学你好啊~你是四川的啊,我是成都 西南民族大学英语系的,我跟你说说吧 看看有没有啥帮助 高中英语与其说是学语言,不如说是为了应付考试。所以就算你语法不好,但是单词知道的多点 阅读做得快做的准,听力不太差,作文字写好点,分数就会高。而在实际运用方面,到了大学你就明白,听力,英语的语音(就是发音),口语的流畅程度等,这些东西在高中,老师和学校真的不是很强调,所以高中往往生考试拿高分,但实际的英语语言运用却能力极差。 到了大学,如果你想“好好学英语”,那请你多做听力练习,培养早读的习惯以提高语音,平时多讲英语以提高口语,也不要忘了去背些单词,没有更高级的词汇支持(这不仅仅包括一个单词的拼写和几个简单的汉语意思,对于词汇要理解为对单词生动、丰富的运用,也包括短语、句型的应用,如bark up the wrong tree:做错误的决定或问错了人),你说的英语只会像小学生说的“good moring, i"m sorry"类似的英语白话,没意思。 但是,至于你说的"英语学习跟不上",我认为那基本是扯,不可能。即使到了大学,你仍然可以像高中那样,只为不挂科,只为过个四级或六级而学英语。即使口语很差,即使听力不好,但是背他5000个单词,多做几套练习题,保证考试能过。 另外大学里面,培养你英语能力、展示你英语才华的机会就多了,会有一些演讲比赛之类的,这点与高中很不同。所以按照你的提问,我建议你到大学好好提高语言的运用能力,说一口让人羡慕的英语也算有个额外的谋生技能~~~ 有帮助没.........
2023-06-13 00:43:161

谁杀死了红男爵?Who Killed The Red Baron

谁杀死了红男爵?的剧情简介 · · · · · ·  "Scores of Allied pilots during World War I surely muttered, "Curse you, Red Baron!" as the notorious Baron Manfred von Richthofen closed in with guns blazing from his distinctive bright-red German fighter. But then on April 21, 1918, the Baron took a bullet in the chest while in hot pursuit of his 81st downing. Was the fatal shot fired by another plane that briefly engaged him? Or did it come from the ground? With state-of-the-art animation and footage filmed at the actual locations, "Who Killed the Red Baron?" sheds new light on the most celebrated whodunit in aviation history.   Setting the famous incident in context, the program explores the arms race that saw aircraft develop from fragile scouting planes at the start of the war in 1914 into agile and efficient killing machines by "Bloody April" of 1917, when improved German aircraft and tactics decimated Allied air forces. That month the Baron himself racked up an amazing 21 combat victories. The program also features commentary from noted aviation experts and from relatives of the hunter and hunted on the day of the Red Baron"s final mission.   Hermann von Richthofen, grand-nephew of the Baron and former German ambassador to NATO, reminisces about his great uncle"s rise from mounted cavalry officer to master of a completely new style of warfare that pitted fast, maneuverable flying machines against each other in deadly duels in the sky. Denny May, son of novice Canadian pilot Lt. Wilfrid "Wop" May, describes his father"s close brush with death when on his first combat patrol he found himself hunted by the Red Barona contest the lieutenant should have ignominiously lost.   In a fascinating forensic examination aided by aviation historian Norman Franks, coauthor of The Red Baron"s Last Flight, the program lays out the evidence and examines rival notions of his death. The inquest draws on rarely seen original documents and reports from eyewitnesses to explore the nature of the Baron"s wound, the direction and range from which the bullet was fired, and the possible candidates for the Baron"s killer. The program also probes why the Baron was breaking his own rigid rules of engagement by pursuing May far behind Allied lines."
2023-06-13 00:43:371

谁动了我的奶酪?Who Moved My Cheese

Change can be a blessing or a curse, depending on your perspective. The message of Who Moved My Cheese? is that all can come to see it as a blessing, if they understand the nature of cheese and the role it plays in their lives. Who Moved My Cheese? is a parable that takes place in a maze. Four beings live in that maze: Sniff and Scurry are mice--nonanalytical and nonjudgmental, they just want cheese and are willing to do whatever it takes to get it. Hem and Haw are "littlepeople," mouse-size humans who have an entirely different relationship with cheese. It"s not just sustenance to them; it"s their self-image. Their lives and belief systems are built around the cheesethey"ve found. Most of us reading the story will see the cheese as something related to our livelihoods--our jobs, our career paths, the industries we work in--although it can stand for anything, from health to relationships. The point of the story is that we have to be alert to changes in the cheese, and be prepared to go running off in search of new sources of cheese when the cheese we have runs out.Dr. Johnson, coauthor of The One Minute Manager and many other books, presents this parable to business, church groups, schools, military organizations--anyplace where you find people who may fear or resist change. And although more analytical and skeptical readers may find the tale a little too simplistic, its beauty is that it sums up all natural history in just 94 pages: Things change. They always have changed and always will change. And while there"s no single way to deal with change, the consequence of pretending change won"t happen is always the same: The cheese runs out. --Lou Schuler
2023-06-13 00:46:131

《Shadowed Summer》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Shadowed Summer》(Mitchell, Saundra)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 3nk4书名:Shadowed Summer作者:Mitchell, Saundra出版年份:2010-6页数:192内容简介:Kami Garcia, the New York Times bestselling coauthor of the Beautiful Creatures novels said this of Saundra Mitchell"s debut novel, Shadowed Summer : "Beautiful and haunting . . . The best Southern Gothic I"ve read in years."Iris is ready for another hot, routine summer in her small Louisiana town, hanging around the Red Stripe grocery with her best friend, Collette, and traipsing through the cemetery telling each other spooky stories and pretending to cast spells. Except this summer, Iris doesn"t have to make up a story. This summer, one falls right in her lap.Years ago, before Iris was born, a local boy named Elijah Landry disappeared. All that remained of him were whispers and hushed gossip in the church pews. Until this summer. A ghost begins to haunt Iris, and she"s certain it"s the ghost of Elijah. What really happened to him? And why, of all people, has he chosen Iris to come back to?
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