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2023-06-13 20:31:05
TAG: colon olo






英/ku0259u02c8lu0259u028aniu0259l /

美/ku0259u02c8lou028aniu0259l /









殖民地的 ; 殖民地所特有的 ; 集群的 ; 群体的 ; 殖民地时期制造的 ; 殖民地时期式样的


殖民地当地人 ; 殖民地居民 ; 殖民地时期式样的房屋



















colonial era


colonial goose


colonial power



Of necessity, colonial America was a projection of Europe.













It is filled with neighborhoods that resonate with Chinese and colonial tradition, while it"s soaring skylines look boldly towards the future.





adv.勇敢地;无畏地;大胆地;醒目地;显眼地;大胆地;英 [u02c8bu0259u028aldlu026a]同义词:fearlessly勇敢搭配词:Act/go/patterned/coloured/decorated短语:1、Softly Then Boldly低下你的头;温柔而勇敢地2、Carry Me Boldly轻轻地举起我;请勇敢地带着我;勇敢地带我前进3、resisit boldly the authority对抗权威双语例句1、A Prices and Incomes policy was boldly conceived.一个有关物价与收入的政策被大胆地构想出来了。2、to boldly go where no man had gone before勇敢地去别人所未去之地3、The design is pretty startling and very boldly coloured.该设计颇出人意表,着色十分大胆。4、You can and must act boldly and confidently.你能够、也必须表现得勇敢而有信心。5、The dark silhouette of the castle ruins stood out boldly against the fading light.城堡遗迹的黑色轮廓在暮色映衬下清晰可见。
2023-06-13 00:15:521


A deadly coldness stole over me . 一股阴森的冷意 悄悄 笼罩住我的全身。 Again we stalked a massive form . 我们又 悄悄 潜步追踪一个巨大的形体。 A deadly coldness stole over me . 一股阴森的冷气 悄悄 笼罩住我的全身。 The ship sppped into the harbor at night . 那艘船夜里 悄悄 开进了港口。 Let us steal away tomorrow morning . 我们要在明天早晨 悄悄 地溜走。 She whispered sweet nothings into his ear . 她对他 悄悄 地说情话。 I"ll tell you in confidence why i"m worried . 我 悄悄 告诉你我为什么心烦。 She sppped away without being seen . 她 悄悄 地溜掉了,没人看见。 Boldly, he addressed me in a low voice . 这人神气十足地, 悄悄 地跟我搭话。 He creeps by aunt rachel"s . 他 悄悄 地从雷切尔大婶的小屋旁走过。 Unobtrusively, he sppped off the gloves . 他 悄悄 地把手套脱下。 He is watching for an opportunity of retiring quietly . 他在瞅空 悄悄 离开。 He raised his spear and sneak forward . 他提起长矛 悄悄 地前进。 He sneaked a glance at the grateful woman . 他开始 悄悄 瞟著那激动不安的女人。 He lowered his voice to a whisper . 他压低了声音 悄悄 地说话。 Hunt *** en chased the deer silently . 猎人们 悄悄 地追捕那头鹿。 The morning pght was steapng through the shutters . 晨光 悄悄 穿过了百页窗。 She stole down the stairs and passage again . 于是她重新 悄悄 走下阶梯和通道。 Feepngs of infinite melancholy stole over him . 无限的哀情愁思向他 悄悄 袭来。 The charges against morrow were quietly dropped . 对莫罗的指控被 悄悄 地撤消了。
2023-06-13 00:16:341


the positive energy
2023-06-13 00:16:552


英语重音与词缀的关系   导语:英语的重音会落在哪里,是否取决于词缀还是词根呢?下面由我告诉大家,欢迎参考!   1. 英语中派生词的重音和词根重音一致。 派生词就是一些有同样词根的词。比如: act, active, actively com"pare com"parison   2. 带有下列后缀的词:-ary, -ery, -ory, -ism, -ist, -mony, -ment, -ary等,重音通常在第一个音节上。例如: customary scientist slavery factory realism   3. 带下列前缀的词:a-, ab-, ac-, ad-, al-, be-, con-, de-, dis-, em-, en-, in-, mis-, re-, tans-, un-重音通常在第二音节上。例如: a"bout ab"duce ac"cede ad"mire be"long con"sult de"tect dis"like   4. 带下列后缀的词:-aim, -ain, -cur, -eem, -duce, -ere, -firm, -gn, -oin, -oke, -ose, -pt, -rce, -self, -ume重音通常在第二音节。 contain occur sincere design confirm   5. 带下列后缀的词:-ade, -ain, -ee, -eer, -esque, -ette, -ique, -ine, -oon重音通常在最后一个音节。这些词一般都是从法语中借来的词。例如: emplo"yee an"tique maga"zine ci"gar volun"teer gaso"line   6. 带下列后缀的词:-eous, -ial, -ian, -ic, -ics, -ient, -ion, -ious, -ish, -it, -liar, -sive, -tal, -uous重音通常在倒数第二音节上。例如: oc"casion re"lation as"tonish de"posit mu"sician   7. 但是有些派生词,比如从名词派生出来的形容词,它的.重音就得发生变化,通常是后移。 例如: "science scien"tific "accident acci"dental "democrat demo"cratic "politics po"litical   常见副词后缀:   1.-ly意为:以u2026u2026方式(in a...manner;etc.)   例词:happily, boldly,attentive- ly,strangely   2.-ward(s)意为:表示方式或动作的方向(manner and direction of movement)例词:onward(s),backward(s),earthward(s),homeward(s),eastward(s)   3.-wise意为:1)按照u2026u2026方式(in the manner of)例词:crabwise,clockwise2)就u2026u2026而言(as   far as concerned)例词:weatherwise ,educationwise   常见形容词后缀:   1.-ful意为:充满,有(full of;hav- ing;giving;etc.)例词:useful,pitiful, hopeful,helpful,forgetful,thankful, fearful   2.-less意为:没有,无(without;not giving)例词:speechless,childless,harmless,hopeless,meaningless   3.-ly意为:有u2026u2026品质的(having the qualities of)例词:beastly,manly, brotherly,friendly   4.-like意为:像u2026u2026的(like)例词: childlike,statesmanlike,tiger-like   5.-y;-ish意为:像u2026u2026一般的(somewhat like)例词:meaty,sandy, silky,hairy,leafy,watery,foolish,girlish,blackish,thinnish   6.-some意为:像u2026u2026一样的;引起u2026u2026的;有u2026u2026品质的(like;causing; having the quality of)例词:troublesome,burdensome,wholesome,tiresome,bothersome   7.-able(ible)意为:能u2026u2026的;可以u2026u2026的(able to be ;capable)例词: changeable,readable,drinkable,comfortable,expansible,convincible   8.-ed意为:有u2026u2026的(having,etc.)例词:wooded,pointed,moneyed, odd-shaped   9.-al意为:有u2026u2026属性的,u2026u2026类型的(nature of,typical of)例词:cultural,personal,regional,musical   10.-ary(ory)意为:属于u2026u2026的,与u2026u2026相连的(belonging to;connected with)例词:revolutionary,imaginary, contradictory   11.-ous意为:富含u2026u2026的;有u2026u2026品质的;像u2026u2026的(full of;having the quality of;like)例词:glorious,erroneous,malicious,gracious   12.-ic(ical)意为:u2026u2026类的;属于u2026u2026的(typical of;belonging to)例词: historic,historical,methodic,methodical,dramatic,heroic   13.-ive意为:有u2026u2026属性的;有某种倾向的(having the nature or quality of;given or tending to)例词:attractive, talkative,restrictive,defensive,preventive,constructive,sensitive   动词后缀:   1.-ify意为:转为,变为(to turn into,to make or become)例词:beautify, diversify,simplify   2.-ize;-en意为:使u2026u2026,变得u2026u2026(to make or become ;to make into)例词:modernize,popularize,legalize,hospitalize,symbolize,ripen,widen,heighten,threaten   3.-ate意为:增加,使u2026u2026(give or add,make or become)例词:originate, hydrogenate,validate,differentiate ;
2023-06-13 00:17:331

will you be there中文歌词

Will you be thereHold Me (支持我)Like The River Jordan(就像约旦河)And I Will Then Say To Thee (然后我将对你说)You Are My Friend (你是我的朋友)Carry Me(支撑我)Like You Are My Brother (就像你是我的兄弟)Love Me Like A Mother (爱我,像一个母亲)Will You Be There? (你会在那里吗?)Weary (疲倦时)Tell Me Will You Hold Me (告诉我你能否支持我)When Wrong, Will You Skold Me(错误时你会责怪我吗?)When Lost Will You Find Me? (当我迷路,你会寻找我吗?)But They Told Me (但是他们告诉我)A Man Should Be Faithful (男人必须可靠)And Walk When Not Able (在不能行走时行走)And Fight Till The End (在最后的最后战斗)But I"m Only Human (但是我只是一个人)Everyone"s Taking Control Of Me (每人都在寻求控制我)Seems That The World"s Got A Role For Me (看上去我在这世界中有一个角色)I"m So Confused (我是那么困惑)Will You Show To Me(你能否向我展示?)You"ll Be There For Me(你会为了我在那里)And Care Enough To Bear Me (并且细心的承受我)(Hold Me)(支持我)(Lay Your Head Lowly)(低下你的头)(Softly Then Boldly)(温柔并且大胆)(Carry Me There) (在那里支撑我)(Lead Me)(领着我)(Love Me And Feed Me)(爱我并且喂养我)(Kiss Me And Free Me) (吻我然后释放我)(I Will Feel Blessed) (我会觉得幸福)(Carry)(支撑)(Carry Me Boldly) (大胆的支撑我)(Lift Me Up Slowly)(轻轻的举起我)(Carry Me There)(在那里支撑我)(Save Me)(拯救我)(Heal Me And Bathe Me) (治愈我并且沐浴我)(Softly You Say To Me) (你轻声对我说)(I Will Be There) (我会在那里)(Lift Me)(举起我)(Lift Me Up Slowly)(轻轻的举起我)(Carry Me Boldly)(大胆的支撑我)(Show Me You Care)(向我展示你的细心)(Hold Me)(支持我)(Lay Your Head Lowly)(低下你的头)(Softly Then Boldly)(温柔并且大胆)(Carry Me There) (在那里支撑我)(Need Me)(需要我)(Love Me And Feed Me)(爱我并且喂养我)(Kiss Me And Free Me) (吻我并且释放我)(I Will Feel Blessed) (我会觉得幸福)(Spoken)(开始讲话ing) In Our Darkest Hour In My Deepest Despair Will You Still Care? Will You Be There? In My Trials And My Tribulations Through Our Doubts And Frustrations In My Violence In My Turbulence Through My Fear And My Confessions In My Anguish And My Pain Through My Joy And My Sorrow In The Promise Of Another Tomorrow I"ll Never Let You Part For You"re Always In My Heart.
2023-06-13 00:17:522

Will you be there 歌词

Will You Be There Michael Jackson (choir) (piano) Hold me Like the River Jordan And I will then say to thee You are my friend Carry me Like you are my brother Love me like a mother Will you be there? Hey Oh Hey Oh Oh Hey When weary Tell me will you hold me When wrong will you scold me When lost would you find me But they told me A man should be faithful And walk when not able And fight till the end But I"m only human Hey Oh Oh Hey Oh Hey Everyone"s taking control of me Seems that the world"s got a role for me I"m so confused will you show to me You"ll be there for me And care enough to bear me (Hold me) Show me (Lay your head lowly) Lowly (Softly then boldly) Yeah (Carry me there) I"m only human (Need me) Hold me (Love me and feed me) (Kiss me and free me) Yeah (I will feel blessed) I"m only human (Carry) Carry (Carry me boldly) Carry (Lift me up slowly) Yeah (Carry me there) I"m only human (Save me) Save me (Heal me and bathe me) Fill me up fill me up (Softly you say to me) (I will be there) I will be there (Lift me) (Lift me up slowly) (Carry me boldly) Yeah (Show me you care) Show me you care (Hold me) Whoo! (Lay your head lowly) I get lonely sometimes (Softly then boldly) I get lonely...yeah yeah (Carry me there) Carry me there (Need me) Whoo! (Love me and feed me) Fill me up hold me up fill me up sometimes (Kiss me and free me) Up sometimes (I will feel blessed) Blessed In our darkest hour In my deepest despair Will you still care? Will you be there? In my trials And my tribulations Through our doubts And frustrations In my violence In my turbulence Through my fear And my confessions In my anguish And my pain Through my joy And my sorrow In the promise of another tomorrow I"ll never let you part For you"re always In my heart MAKE BY HANSONMARK
2023-06-13 00:18:015


Grown stereo
2023-06-13 00:18:222

go ahead boldly

go ahead boldly大胆地往前走
2023-06-13 00:18:302

谁知道Will You Be There(迈克尔。杰克逊)的完整歌词?

歌手:Michael Jackson 专辑:Dangerous Will You Be ThereMichael Jackson(Angel"s intro)(Piano intro)Hold meLike the River JordanAnd I will then say to theeYou are my friendCarry meLike you are my brotherLove me like a motherWill you be there?When wearyTell me will you hold meWhen wrong, will you mold meWhen lost will you find me?But they told meA man should be faithfulAnd walk when not ableAnd fight till the end But I"m only humanEveryone"s taking control of meSeems that the world"s got a role for meI"m so confused will you show to meYou"ll be there for meAnd care enough to bear me(Hold me)(Lay your head lowly)(Softly then boldly)(Carry me there)(Hold me)(Love me and feed me)(Kiss me and free me)(I will feel blessed)(Carry)(Carry me boldly)(Lift me up slowly)(Carry me there)(Save me)(Heal me and bathe me)(Softly you say to me)(I will be there)(Lift me)(Lift me up slowly)(Carry me boldly)(Show me you care)(Hold me)(Lay your head lowly)(Softly then boldly)(Carry me there)(Need me)(Love me and feed me)(Kiss me and free me)(I will feel blessed)In our darkest hourIn my deepest despairWill you still care?Will you be there?In my trials and my tribulationsThrough our doubts and frustrationsIn my violenceIn my turbulenceThrough my fear and my confessionsIn my anguish and my painThrough my joy and my sorrowIn the promise of another tomorrowI"ll never let you partFor you"re always in my heart
2023-06-13 00:18:494


常见的否定前缀有:un-、non-、in-、dis-、a-、de-、under-、anti-、counter-。根据其语义功能的不同分为四类:non-、in-、a-的意义相当not;de-属于逆转前缀,它把词干所表示的动作进颠倒;under- 是表示“不充分”、“不完全”的程度前缀;anti-和 counter-表示一种反对的态度。例如: (1) atypically: not typically decode: to discover the meaning of something written in a code undermanned: not having enough workers counterattack: an attack made to stop, oppose, or return an enemy attack Un-和 dis-各有两种语义功能。以 un-为例,如处于形容词、-ed 分词、-ing 分词三类词干前,其意义相当于 not;处于动词和名词词干前,则属于逆转前缀。 In-和 a-根据词干的不同其形式会有所变化。In-常出现在源于拉丁语或法语的词干前,il-在[l前,ir- 在[r]前,im-在唇音前。In-、il-、ir-、im-这些变体呈互补分布,由于同化作用,这些前缀的结束音与词干的开始音很相似。A-与出现在元音和辅音[h]前的 an-属于同样的情况。 英语中只有三个否定后缀:-less、-free、-proof。-less 和-free 类似,都表示 not 和 without 之意,其句 法功能都是把名词转变成形容词。例如: hatless: not wearing a hat salt-free: without salt -proof 的词干常为名词,词干加上-proof 后用作形容词或动词。例如: a bulletproof car: a car designed not to be harmed by bullets to bulletproof a car: to make a car bulletproof 祝你进步!
2023-06-13 00:19:093


有ly的词大多是副词词性,ful多是形容词词性。补充:根据具体的语境,副词修饰动词,形容词修饰名词。补充:ly后缀 1. (结合名词构成形容词)表示"性质的"(如:cowardly, friendly) 2. (结合名词构成形容词或副词)表示"在...方面(的)","每隔...时间(的)"(如: decently, hourly, partly) 3. (结合形容词构成副词)表示"方式","程度","范围","方向","时间"(如:boldly, gradually, relatively, outwardly, annually)ful后缀1. (构成形容词)表示"充满...的","有...性质的","有...倾向的"(如:beautiful, masterful, forgetful) 2. (构成名词)表示"充满...所需量的"(如:handful)
2023-06-13 00:19:171

他开车比我小心 英语怎么翻译好点

he drives more cautiously than me.
2023-06-13 00:19:253

英语翻译 “横眉冷对千夫指 俯首甘为孺子牛”

这句话应该翻译为:“Boldly forth Head bowed,like a willing ox I serve the children.” 照英文这么翻译下来意思就是:“Head bowed”是:低下头.“like a willing ox I serve the children”是:甘为孺子牛.而“横眉冷对千夫指”其实可以翻译为:“Boldly forth”,但是在翻译此句中却没有体现出来,这就是词组的原因,就像中国的某一个词组,放在一起是才是一个意思一样.英文在翻译我们中国的词组或者对联之类的文字,就在于表达出那个意思就OK了.就像:“Boldly forth Head bowed,like a willing ox I serve the children.”一样,这么一句英文,就是翻译了中国的 “横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛”了.PS:-------应该说不能那么非抠着某些字不放,中西文化不一样,文字和语言表达也就有了一定的差异.追问:谢谢你的回答 你能给我推荐一本详细的讲方法的翻译教材吗?回答:那你要哪一类翻译?笔译还是 口译 上海外国语大学 和上交大出版的不错,不过比较适合业余爱好者.内容会有点枯燥,不过如果你爱好,那就不会觉得啦!可以吗?
2023-06-13 00:19:331

开朗大方,自信乐观 用英文怎么说

1.The viewpoint of different prevailing practice2.The small step doesn"t let, give tit for tat, let the person change countenance often to the respect of the truth3.Volunteer to help, contradict with it
2023-06-13 00:19:443


烈酒 Spirit
2023-06-13 00:19:543

生活大爆炸第六季12集里谢耳朵唱的那首维多利亚圣诞颂歌 叫做什么名字?最好有歌词

没印象了- -
2023-06-13 00:20:262


bold assumption,search for carefully
2023-06-13 00:20:475


  英文诗歌有着丰厚的文化底蕴和历史文化渊源,读起来朗朗上口,且韵律优美,便于记忆。我精心收集了有关和平的英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习!   有关和平的英文诗歌篇1   Guns, bombs, mines and tortures   Form its massive sound   But, within its power, within its might   And within its fearful threats   Peace is not to be found   If we kill people, with whom will we live?   The enemy is not a person; it lies within each of us   Perhaps just perhaps it takes only one more person   To shake the temple bell of compassion   To light a candle of love, and to hold up their hand   In courageous refusal   to the enemies lurking within each of us   To finally break the grip of violence over our world   Then, truly then, peace will be found.   枪支、炸弹、地雷与酷刑   惊天动地   但,在其力量中,在其威力中,   在其骇人的威胁中,   我们无法觅得和平。   如果我们杀人,我们身边还将有谁?   我们的敌人不是某个人,它就在我们各自心中,   或许,只是或许,只需再多一个人,   去敲响怜悯的寺钟,   去点燃友爱的蜡烛,去举起他们的双手,   勇敢地制服,   潜伏在我们各自心中的敌人,   去最终消弭暴力对你我共有的世界的控制,   那时,真的要到那时,我们方能找到和平。   有关和平的英文诗歌篇2   On Peace咏和平   O Peace! and dost thou with thy presence bless   啊,和平!你可是前来祝福   The dwellings of this war-surrounded isle,   这被战火包围的岛国土疆?   Soothing with placid brow our late distress,   你的慈容能减轻我们的痛苦,   Making the triple kingdom brightly smile?   能使这三岛王国笑得开朗?   Joyful I hail thy presence; and I hail   我欢呼你的来临;我也欢呼   The sweet companions that await on thee;   那些伺候你的、可爱的友伴;   Complete my joy—let not my first wish fail,   让我高兴:让我如愿,满足,   Let the sweet mountain nymph thy favourite be,   愿你喜爱这温柔的山林女仙;   With England"s happiness proclaim Europa"s liberty.   凭英国的欢悦,宣布欧洲的自由!   O Europe! let not sceptred tyrants see   欧洲呵!不能让暴君重来,不能再   That thou must shelter in thy former state;   让他见到你屈服于从前的状态;   Keep thy chains burst, and boldly say thou art free;   打断锁链!高喊你不是狱囚!   Give thy kings law—leave not uncurbed the great;   叫君主守法,给枭雄套上笼头!   So with the honours past thou"lt win thy happier fate.   恐怖过去后,你的命运会好起来!   有关和平的英文诗歌篇3   和平之诗 Peace PoetryIf we kill people, with whom will we live?   如果我们杀人,我们身边还将有谁?   The enemy is not a person; it lies within each of us.   我们的敌人不是某个人,它就在我们各自心中。   Perhap just perhap it takes only one more person.   或许,只是或许,只需再多一个人。   To shake the temple bell of compassion.   去敲响怜悯的寺钟。   To light a candle of love, and to hold up their hand.   去点燃友爱的蜡烛,去举起他们的双手。   In courageous refusal.   勇敢地制服。   to the enemies lurking within each of us.   潜伏在我们各自心中的敌人。   To finally break the grip of violence over our world.   去最终消弭暴力对你我共有的世界的控制。   Then, truly then, peace will be found.   那时,真的要到那时,我们方能找到和平。
2023-06-13 00:21:031


Space, the final frontier.宇宙,最后的边境These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise.这是进取号星舰的航程Her on going mission to explore starnge new worlds.她将继续去()探()索()未()知()的()新()世()界To seek out new life forms and new civilisations.zhao()xun()xin()de()sheng()ming()yi()ji()xin()de()wen()ming()To boldly go where no one has gone before.勇敢地航向前人所未知的领域
2023-06-13 00:21:172

michael jackson 的will you be there 有什么故事吗?

这首歌是电影《人鱼传说1》的主题曲另外childhood是《人鱼传说2》的主题曲Will You Be There 你会守侯我身边?Hold Me 抱着我Like The River Jordan 就像约旦河And I Will Then Say To Thee 然后我将对你说You Are My Friend 你是我的朋友Carry Me 带着我Like You Are My Brother 就像你是我的兄弟Love Me Like A Mother 像母亲一样爱我Will You Be There? 你会为我而守侯吗?Weary 疲倦时Tell Me Will You Hold Me 告诉我你能否抱住我When Wrong, Will You Scold Me 错误时你会责怪我吗?When Lost Will You Find Me? 当我迷路,你会寻找我吗?But They Told Me 但是他们告诉我A Man Should Be Faithful 男人必须可靠And Walk When Not Able 在不能行走时行走And Fight Till The End 奋战就要到底But I"m Only Human 但是我只是一个人而已Everyone"s Taking Control Of Me 每个人都在想控制我Seems That The World"s Got A Role For Me 看上去我须在这世界中扮演一个角色I"m So Confused 我是那么困惑Will You Show To Me 你能否向我展示?You"ll Be There For Me 你会为我而守侯吗?And Care Enough To Bear Me 并且关怀地容忍我吗?(Hold Me)抱住我(Lay Your Head Lowly)低下你的头(Softly Then Boldly)温柔并且大胆(Carry Me There) 带我前进(Lead Me)领着我(Love Me And Feed Me)爱我并且喂养我(Kiss Me And Free Me) 吻我并让我自由(I Will Feel Blessed) 我会感受到福佑(Carry)带着我 (Carry Me Boldly) 大胆的带着我(Lift Me Up Slowly)轻轻的举起我(Carry Me There)带我前进(Save Me)拯救我(Heal Me And Bathe Me) 治愈我并且洗礼我(Softly You Say To Me) 你轻声对我说(I Will Be There) 我会为你守侯(Lift Me)举起我(Lift Me Up Slowly)轻轻的举起我(Carry Me Boldly)大胆的带着我(Show Me You Care)向我展示你的关爱(Hold Me)抱住我(Lay Your Head Lowly)低下你的头(Softly Then Boldly)温柔并且大胆(Carry Me There) 带我前行(Need Me)需要我(Love Me And Feed Me)爱我并且喂养我(Kiss Me And Free Me) 吻我并让我自由(I Will Feel Blessed) 我会感受到福佑(独白) In Our Darkest Hour In My Deepest Despair Will You Still Care? Will You Be There? In My Trials And My Tribulations Through Our Doubts And Frustrations In My Violence In My Turbulence Through My Fear And My Confessions In My Anguish And My Pain Through My Joy And My Sorrow In The Promise Of Another Tomorrow I"ll Never Let You Part For You"re Always In My Heart.
2023-06-13 00:21:253


Everyone dreams of success, as a student, we are now the biggest dream is to go to university. If you want the dream come true, we need to work harder. Then, we are going to listen to the teacher carefully, do your homework carefully, carefully read a book, make full use of the time, don"t be afraid of making mistakes, courage to face difficulties. We will try our best to do better, and never give up. In the long run you will succeed.
2023-06-13 00:21:367


lead[英][li:d][美][li:d]vt.领导; 引导; 指挥; vi.领导; 导致; 用水砣测深; n.铅; 领导; 榜样; 枪弹; adj.领头的; 最重要的; 领先的; 第三人称单数:leads过去分词:led复数:leads现在进行时:leading过去式:led短语词组lead offlead onlead someone astraylead someone by the noselead someone a dancelead from the frontlead someone up (或北美down) the garden pathlead the waylead with one"s chinget the lead out例句:1.But that attitude can lead apparently successful businesses astray. 但是这种态度会导致明显成功的企业走上歧途。祝你英语学习成功!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~如有疑问请继续追问,望采纳,谢谢,您的采纳是我的力量!
2023-06-13 00:22:083

“说的好,但是这豪无意义.” 英文原话

Nice try. But it won"t help.
2023-06-13 00:22:243

They did it so well that the wondering world sees them to be great, and labeled them accordingly

第一个did 发出动作的主语是the men of history, 由于他们如此致力于一项工作,并将工作完成得如此出色,以致于充满疑惑的世界也相应地将他们看作伟大和非凡的。这里sees是 wondering world发出的动作,lebel接在to be 后面作被动语态。
2023-06-13 00:22:331


大胆的英语有bold、daring、audacious。1、bold adj.大胆的;有冒险精神的;自信而勇敢的;醒目的;显著的;轮廓清晰的;陡峭的;突出的;放肆的;无礼的。2、daring adj.冒险的;大胆的;不从习俗的。3、audacious adj.敢于冒险的;大胆的;放肆的;鲁莽的;冒失的。双语例句1、要大胆尝试,不要前怕狼,后怕虎。We must try boldly and must not fear wolves ahead and tigers behind. / We must try boldly without hesitation.2、他的大胆妄为是众所周知的。It is well known that he is reckless. / He is a proverb for his recklessness. / He is reckless to a proverb.3、表面上的大胆掩盖了心虚和怯懦。The show of bravura hid a guilty timidity.4、他的大胆行动总是使他陷入麻烦。His exploits always landed him in trouble.5、威利大胆地放开嗓子唱起歌来。Willie sang boldly, lifting up his voice.
2023-06-13 00:25:051

live boldly是什么意思

live boldly是勇敢的活下去的意思
2023-06-13 00:25:301

If it be right,do it boldly.

2023-06-13 00:25:402


bravely,是 形容词 brave 的副词形式,勇敢地、拼命地同义词,应该是 boldly
2023-06-13 00:25:481


2023-06-13 00:26:036


An adverb 副词can modify a verb an adjective another adverb a phrase or a clause. An adverb indicates manner time place cause or degree and wers questions such as "how " "when " "where " "how much". While some adverbs can be identified by their characteristic "ly" suffix most of them must be identified by untangling the grammatical relationships within the sentence or clause as a whole. Unlike an adjective an adverb can be found in various places within the sentence. In the following examples each of the highlighted words is an adverb: The seamstress quickly made the mourning clothes. In this sentence the adverb "quickly" modifies the verb "made" and indicates in what manner (or how fast) the clothing was constructed. The midwives waited patiently through a long labour. Similarly in this sentence the adverb "patiently" modifies the verb "waited" and describes the manner in which the midwives waited. The boldly spoken words would return to haunt the rebel. In this sentence the adverb "boldly" modifies the adjective "spoken." We urged him to dial the number more expeditiously. Here the adverb "more" modifies the adverb "expeditiously." Unfortunately the bank closed at three today. In this example the adverb "unfortunately" modifies the entire sentence. I hope this helps you! 参考: website
2023-06-13 00:26:291

求结尾为 lly 的单词一个一分,不浪费

以下最低限度有265个或多过,请楼主数一数罢.那麼落力,能够加分吗?最低限度也不要食言. lovely quickly sadly happily beautifully ridiculously wonderfully slowly quietly noisily greatly potentially largely richly poorly healthily sickly strongly weakly thoughtfully excitedly clearly murkily deeply madly strangely easily hardly badly forcefully brutally crazily cleverly stupidly wisely dreadfully brightly faintly widely narrowly hugely funnily enormously simply completely wholeheartedly joyfully nearly timely untimely likely unlikely faithfully truly honestly shortly highly mightily solemnly seemingly lightly thoroughly lastly firstly secondly thirdly cunningly wishfully doubtfully sharply loudly bloodily cruelly kindly sincerely knowingly carefully carelessly blindly surely wickedly gently roughly pleasingly fairly closely vividly recently mildly solely splendidly cheerfully yearly daily monthly weekly quarterly annually coldly warmly colourfully cheaply expensively competitively evilly saintly openly newly privately painfully friendly hostilely playfully foolishly demandingly heavily successfully unsuccessfully securely progressively defensively offensively threateningly peacefully inevitably imminently mostly gratefully totally impressively soundly unsoundly informatively scornfully artificially naturally neatly orientally singly cloudily deadly lively bodily repeatedly collectively presently politely politically systematically equally unequally partly partially virtually Italy importantly officially mainly crucially privately famously particularly generally finally smoothly certainly basically decisively entirely increasingly formally informally exclusively fatherly motherly brotherly informally namely incredibly really comfortably continuously eventually eventfully rurally nightly directly globally shapely stately radically remotely lonely wrongly rightly rightfully uncomfortably heartedly quaintly fundamentally mentally convincingly acutely accurately falsely meaningfully violently extensively barely rarely confidently usually unusually cynically passionately busily decidedly loosely tightly historically evenly unevenly illegally legally unequivocally family universally dynamically hatefully only scholarly originally uniquely independently commonly uncommonly magnificently significantly comprehensively ghastly lowly humbly differently alphabetically medically scientifically physically chemically additionally traditionally jointly separately gravitationally constantly typically boldly cowardly biblically resourcefully disgracefully shamefully thinly thickly currently chiefly financially surprisingly proportionally possibly obviously internally externally levelly internationally nationally dearly justly conditionally unconditionally sleepily anomaly
2023-06-13 00:26:361

will you be there 歌词加中文意思

Hold Me 拥抱我 Like The River Jordan 就像约旦河 And I Will Then Say To Thee 然後我将对你说 You Are My Friend 你是我的朋友 Carry Me 支持我 Like You Are My Brother 就像你是我的兄弟 Love Me Like A Mother 像母亲一样爱我 Will You Be There? 你会为我而守侯吗? When Weary 疲倦时 Tell Me Will You Hold Me 告诉我你是否会拥抱我 When Wrong, Will You Scold Me 错误时,你会责怪我吗? When Lost Will You Find Me? 当我迷路,你会寻找我吗? They Told Me 但是他们告诉我 A Man Should Be Faithful 男人必须可靠 And Walk When Not Able 在不能行走时行走 And Fight Till The End 奋战到最後一刻 But I"m Only Human 但是我只是一个“人”而已 Everyone"s Taking Control Of Me 每个人都在想控制我 Seems That The World"s Got A Role For Me 似乎我是世上的特殊角色 I"m So Confused 我是那麽困惑 Will You Show To Me 你能否向我展示呢? You"ll Be There For Me 你会为我而守侯吗? And Care Enough To Bear Me 并且关怀地容忍我吗? (Hold Me)拥抱我 (Lay Your Head Lowly)低下你的头 (Softly Then Boldly)温柔并且大胆 (Carry Me There) 带我前进 (Lead Me)领著我 (Love Me And Feed Me)爱我并且满足我 (Kiss Me And Free Me) 吻过我便放开我 (I Will Feel Blessed) 我会感到幸福 (Carry)带著我 (Carry Me Boldly) 大胆的带著我 (Lift Me Up Slowly)轻轻的举起我 (Carry Me There)带我前进 (Save Me)拯救我 (Heal Me And Bathe Me) 为我治疗为我淋浴 (Softly You Say To Me) 轻声对我说 (I Will Be There) 我会为你守侯 (Lift Me)举起我 (Lift Me Up Slowly)轻轻的举起我 (Carry Me Boldly)大胆的带著我 (Show Me You Care)关爱我 (Hold Me)拥抱我 (Lay Your Head Lowly)低下你的头 (Softly Then Boldly)温柔并且大胆 (Carry Me There) 带我前行 (Need Me)需要我 (Love Me And Feed Me)爱我并且满足我 (Kiss Me And Free Me) 吻过我便放开我 (I Will Feel Blessed) 我会感到幸福 独白: In Our Darkest Hour 在我们最黑暗的时刻 In My Deepest Despair 在我最深的绝望中 Will You Still Care? 你仍然关心麽? Will You Be There? 你还会在哪裏守候麽 In My Trials ,And My Tribulations 在我的考验与苦难中 Through Our Doubts ,And Frustrations 穿过我们的怀疑与失败 In My Violence ,在我遭受暴力时, In My Turbulence 在我动荡不安时 Through My Fear ,And My Confessions 穿越我的恐惧和自由 In My Anguish And My Pain 在我的虚弱痛苦时 Through My Joy And My Sorrow 穿过我的欢乐与悲伤 In The Promise Of Another Tomorrow 对你许下另一个明天的承诺 I"ll Never Let You Part 我永远不会让你离开 For You"re Always In My Heart.因为你一直在我心中……
2023-06-13 00:26:441

Let lily do it.she reads loudly and b后面填什么?

2023-06-13 00:27:021

跪求迈克尔杰克逊的will you be there 的中英文歌词

Hold Me (支持我)Like The River Jordan(就像约旦河)And I Will Then Say To Thee (然后我将对你说)You Are My Friend (你是我的朋友)Carry Me(支撑我)Like You Are My Brother (就像你是我的兄弟)Love Me Like A Mother (爱我,像一个母亲)Will You Be There? (你会在那里吗?)Weary (疲倦时)Tell Me Will You Hold Me (告诉我你能否支持我)When Wrong, Will You Skold Me(错误时你会责怪我吗?)When Lost Will You Find Me? (当我迷路,你会寻找我吗?)But They Told Me (但是他们告诉我)A Man Should Be Faithful (男人必须可靠)And Walk When Not Able (在不能行走时行走)And Fight Till The End (在最后的最后战斗)But I"m Only Human (但是我只是一个人)Everyone"s Taking Control Of Me (每人都在寻求控制我)Seems That The World"s Got A Role For Me (看上去我在这世界中有一个角色)I"m So Confused (我是那么困惑)Will You Show To Me(你能否向我展示?)You"ll Be There For Me(你会为了我在那里)And Care Enough To Bear Me (并且细心的承受我)(Hold Me)(支持我)(Lay Your Head Lowly)(低下你的头)(Softly Then Boldly)(温柔并且大胆)(Carry Me There) (在那里支撑我)(Lead Me)(领着我)(Love Me And Feed Me)(爱我并且喂养我)(Kiss Me And Free Me) (吻我然后释放我)(I Will Feel Blessed) (我会觉得幸福)(Carry)(支撑)(Carry Me Boldly) (大胆的支撑我)(Lift Me Up Slowly)(轻轻的举起我)(Carry Me There)(在那里支撑我)(Save Me)(拯救我)(Heal Me And Bathe Me) (治愈我并且沐浴我)(Softly You Say To Me) (你轻声对我说)(I Will Be There) (我会在那里)(Lift Me)(举起我)(Lift Me Up Slowly)(轻轻的举起我)(Carry Me Boldly)(大胆的支撑我)(Show Me You Care)(向我展示你的细心)(Hold Me)(支持我)(Lay Your Head Lowly)(低下你的头)(Softly Then Boldly)(温柔并且大胆)(Carry Me There) (在那里支撑我)(Need Me)(需要我)(Love Me And Feed Me)(爱我并且喂养我)(Kiss Me And Free Me) (吻我并且释放我)(I Will Feel Blessed) (我会觉得幸福)(Spoken)(开始讲话ing) In Our Darkest Hour In My Deepest Despair Will You Still Care? Will You Be There? In My Trials And My Tribulations Through Our Doubts And Frustrations In My Violence In My Turbulence Through My Fear And My Confessions In My Anguish And My Pain Through My Joy And My Sorrow In The Promise Of Another Tomorrow I"ll Never Let You Part For You"re Always In My Heart. 在我们最黑暗的时刻,在我最深的绝望中,你仍然会关心么?你仍然会在那里吗?在我的考验与苦难之中,穿过我们的怀疑与失败,在我遭受暴力的时候,在我动荡不安的时候,穿越我的恐惧和自白,在我的虚弱与痛苦中,穿过我的欢乐与我的悲伤,对你许下另一个明天的承诺。我将永远不会让你分离,因为你永远在我心中。
2023-06-13 00:27:103


也许是迈克尔杰克逊的will you be therewill you be thereHold Me (支持我)Like The River Jordan(就像约旦河)And I Will Then Say To Thee (然后我将对你说)You Are My Friend (你是我的朋友)Carry Me(支撑我)Like You Are My Brother (就像你是我的兄弟)Love Me Like A Mother (爱我,像一个母亲)Will You Be There? (你会在那里吗?)Weary (疲倦时)Tell Me Will You Hold Me (告诉我你能否支持我)When Wrong, Will You Skold Me(错误时你会责怪我吗?)When Lost Will You Find Me? (当我迷路,你会寻找我吗?)But They Told Me (但是他们告诉我)A Man Should Be Faithful (男人必须可靠)And Walk When Not Able (在不能行走时行走)And Fight Till The End (在最后的最后战斗)But I"m Only Human (但是我只是一个人)Everyone"s Taking Control Of Me (每人都在寻求控制我)Seems That The World"s Got A Role For Me (看上去我在这世界中有一个角色)I"m So Confused (我是那么困惑)Will You Show To Me(你能否向我展示?)You"ll Be There For Me(你会为了我在那里)And Care Enough To Bear Me (并且细心的承受我)Hold Me(支持我)Lay Your Head Lowly(低下你的头)Softly Then Boldly(温柔并且大胆)Carry Me There (在那里支撑我)Lead Me(领着我)Love Me And Feed Me(爱我并且喂养我)Kiss Me And Free Me (吻我然后释放我)I Will Feel Blessed (我会觉得幸福)Carry(支撑)Carry Me Boldly (大胆的支撑我)Lift Me Up Slowly(轻轻的举起我)Carry Me There(在那里支撑我)Save Me(拯救我)Heal Me And Bathe Me(治愈我并且沐浴我)Softly You Say To Me(你轻声对我说)I Will Be There(我会在那里)Lift Me(举起我)Lift Me Up Slowly(轻轻的举起我)Carry Me Boldly(大胆的支撑我)Show Me You Care(向我展示你的细心)Hold Me(支持我)Lay Your Head Lowly(低下你的头)Softly Then Boldly(温柔并且大胆)Carry Me There(在那里支撑我)Need Me(需要我)Love Me And Feed Me(爱我并且喂养我)Kiss Me And Free Me(吻我并且释放我)I Will Feel Blessed(我会觉得幸福)In Our Darkest Hour In My Deepest Despair Will You Still Care? Will You Be There?In My Trials And My TribulationsThrough Our Doubts And FrustrationsIn My ViolenceIn My Turbulence Through My Fear And My Confessions In My Anguish And My Pain Through My Joy And My Sorrow In The Promise Of Another Tomorrow I"ll Never Let You Part For You"re Always In My Heart.
2023-06-13 00:27:403


1.straight2.directly3.just4.vertical5.frank[网络释义]直sprue吉田直Sunao Yoshida高师直Kō no Moronao例句:革命者顶天立地,勇往直前Revolutionaries fear nothing on earth,and will forever march forward.勇往直前1.set off at a ruthless pace2.march forward courageously3.advance bravely4.go ahead boldly
2023-06-13 00:27:491

will you be there歌曲中英文翻译

2023-06-13 00:28:041

MJ有首歌歌词有句hold me,求歌名

是MJ 的【Will You Be There】 、Q音乐了就有、你听一下试试 歌词、hold me like the river jordan and i will then say to thee you are my friend carry me like you are my brother love me like a mother will you be there weary tell me will you hold me when wrong will you scold me when lost would you find me but they told me a man should be faithful and walk when not able and fight till the end but i"m only human everyone"s taking control of me seems that the world"s got a role for me i"m so confused will you show to me you"ll be there for me and care enough to bear me (hold me) show me (lay your head lowly) lowly (softly then boldly) yeah (carry me there) i"m only human (need me) hold me (love me and feed me) (kiss me and free me) yeah (i will feel blessed) i"m only human (carry) carry (carry me boldly) carry (lift me up slowly) yeah (carry me there) i"m only human (save me) save me (heal me and bathe me) fill me up fill me up (softly you say to me) (i will be there) i will be there (lift me) (lift me up slowly) (carry me boldly) yeah (show me you care) show me you care (hold me) whoo! (lay your head lowly) i get lonely sometimes (softly then boldly) i get lonely yeah yeah (carry me there) carry me there (need me) whoo! (love me and feed me) fill me up hold me up fill me up sometimes (kiss me and free me) up sometimes (i will feel blessed) blessed in our darkest hour in my deepest despair will you still care will you be there in my trials and my tribulations through our doubts and frustrations in my violence in my turbulence through my fear and my confessions in my anguish and my pain through my joy and my sorrow in the promise of another tomorrow i"ll never let you part for you"re always in my heart
2023-06-13 00:28:131


By evening i was in low spirits again . 到晚上我的情绪又消沉下来了。 The water-table has been lowered by drought . 地下水位因干旱已降低。 He "s in low water now , being out of job . 现在他失业了,手头很紧。 Milpkan used a value about 1% too low . 密立根所用的值大约偏低1。 She looked at the lower part of the carriages . 她凝视著车厢的下面。 The small lower hole is that for the injector . 下方小洞用于装喷嘴。 The lower level is subordinate to the higher level . 下级服从上级。 I have searched high and low for my lost pen . 我到处寻找丢失的钢笔。 Marks at the lower end need to be leveled up . 低的一端分数需提高。 All fillers lowered the maximum exotherm . 所有填料都降低放热效应。 His mother"s lower pp was ing at him . 他母亲的下嘴唇向他撇来。 The branches bent low with ripened fruits . 成熟的果实压弯了树枝。 Tramps are from the lowest stratum of society . 流浪汉来自社会最下层。 Speak to her ? i would never lower myself . 跟她说话?我可不自贬人格。 His prime task is to lower the tax rate . 他的首要任务是降低税率。 That task rates low on my priority pst . 那件事情并不是我的当务之急。 The trough is the lowest level of the cycle . 谷底是整个周期的最低点。 In other words, e is the lower part of-a . 换句话说,E是-A的下面部分。 Thus the final cake moisture is lower . 因而最终泥饼的含水量也较低了。 It usually suggests that the head is low . 此字通常含有垂头之意。 Eichmann is not a low popce brute . 艾克曼不是一个低三下四的警察畜生。 Her body was lowered into the indian ocean . 她的遗体被沉进了印度洋里。 The remote beach seemed lower than the sea . 遥远的海滩显得比海面更低。 The maid lowered her chin and simpered . 那位侍女压低下额傻笑著。 I"ve looked high and low for my wallet . 我上上下下地找我的钱包。 That gag you pulled was pretty low . 你耍的拙劣花招是骗不过人的。 He laid his opponent low with a single punch . 他一拳就把对手打倒在地。 The radius expands markedly at its lower end . 桡骨下端明显扩张。 Our rate of borrowing was incredibly low . 我们的贷款利率非常低。 I shall sink lower and be worse . 我必然会更堕落下去,变得更坏。 The trees had thrown out new low branches . 树丛中乱生乱长著低矮的新枝。 He explained in a low smooth tone . 他解释著,声音很低,很柔和。 The lower level subordinates itself to the higher level . 下级服从上级。 That remark lowered him in my opinion . 那句话降低了他在我观感上的身价。 I nearly brained myself on that low beam . 那低矮的横梁险些把我的头撞碎。 Supppes are running out , i.e. being low . 供应品快用完了。 In a low voice the correspondent addressed the captain . 记者低声喊船长。 The long lower hall had not beet pghted . 楼下的长廊没有点灯。 Boldly, he addressed me in a low voice . 这人神气十足地,悄悄地跟我搭话。 His salary is low and he gets few luxuries ... 他的薪水低,很少买奢侈品。 Shit, mate, you"re lowering the flag . 扯谈,伙计,你这是投降。 The sky was grey and the clouds were heavy and low . 天空阴沉,乌云低矮。 The vast arch of cloud above was strangely low . 彤云密布的天穹低得出奇。 The low tastes just cater his needs . 这些低级趣味正从其所好。 All right, but i feel a pttle low about it . 好吧,不过我总觉得有点泄气。 We wish to lower the temperature of something . 我们想降低一些物体的温度。 The lowering clouds presage a storm . 暗云低沉是暴风雨的前兆。 My office was so low that people avoided me . 我的职位低微,大家都不理我。 I find it as low as the 18th century . 我发现近在18世纪也有。 Dark clouds were flying low across the sky . 乌云在低空翻滚。
2023-06-13 00:28:191


2023-06-13 00:28:283

Burlap to Cashmere 的 hey man 歌词

Hey you, show me how to feelI"m carrying a gun but there"s nothing to stealWith bloodshot eyes guess it"s time for a healingHey man, join our bandOpen up your heart and let her expandSing to the world till they understandYou gotta crack the sky then drink it all downSing in the city with that old folk soundWe are the love and the love is bound We are the love and the love is lightningOne land, one heart Let"s get together then break apart Cover me, quarter to threeDriving through the night to TennesseeGot me a gig at 3rd and LindsleyTrickle down, shadow boundI"ll call you in the morning when my eyes are foundCause sometimes you have to burnWhen the fire"s hot you know it"s time to unlearnYou gotta crack the sky then drink it all downSing in the city with that old folk soundWe are the love and the love is boundWe are the love and the love is lightningOne land, one heart Let"s get together then break apart Poor man, what are you worth?Heading to the desert for another re-birthOpen up your eyes you"re the salt of the earthRich man.... Because sometimes you slip the fearWhen the fire"s hot you"re gonna disappearYou gotta crack the sky then drink it all downSing in the city with that old folk soundWe are the love and the love is boundWe are the love and the love is boundCrack the sky...Sing in the city with that old folk soundWe are the love and the love is boundWe are the love and the love is lightningHold me, mold meBreak down the door so boldly
2023-06-13 00:28:461

英语中单词后缀 动词与名词,名词与形容词的转化等,最好详细一点.

后缀是一种重要的构词法,通过后缀我们常常可以判断出一个词的词性.下面分四大类分别讲解一些常见后缀及其含义:   一、名词后缀   常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:   1.-ster,-eer,-er(or)意为:从事某种职业或参与某种活动的人(person engaged in an occupation or activity)例词:gamester,gangster,songster,engineer,profiteer,mountaineer,auctioneer,driver,teacher,director,actor,professor   2.-let意为:小或者不重要的东西(small,unimportant things)例词:booklet,leaflet,starlet   3.-ette意为:1)小的东西(small)例词:cigarette 2)假的东西(imitation)例词:leatherette 3)女性(female)例词: usherette   4.-ess意为:女性(female)例词:actress,poetess,hostess,paintress   5.-hood意为:时期(status;etc.)例词:boyhood,childhood,manhood   6.-ship意为:才能,状态,资格,品质等(skill,state,condition,status,quality)例词:leadership,friendship,membership,lectureship,sportsmanship   7.-ful意为:量(the amount which noun contains)例词:cupful,handful, mouthful,spoonful   8.-tion,-ion意为:1)状态,行动等(state;action;etc.)例词:action,oppression,possession,education,starva- tion 2)机构等(institution;etc.)例词: organization,foundation   9.-ment意为:状态,行动等(state; action;etc.)例词:movement,enslavement,pavement   10.-al意为:动作(action)例词:arrival,refusal,revival,recital,removal   11.-age意为:程度,数量等(extent; amount;etc.)例词:wastage,coverage, acreage,shrinkage,breakage,hostage   12.-ness;-ity(ty)意为:状态,品质(state;quality;etc.)例词:happiness, usefulness,selfishness,kindness,rapidity,activity,sanity,changeability   13.-ism意为:道义,主义,学说等(doctrine of,practice of)例词:idealism, impressionism,absenteeism,racism   二、动词后缀   常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:   1.-ify意为:转为,变为(to turn into,to make or become)例词:beautify, diversify,simplify   2.-ize;-en意为:使……,变得……(to make or become ;to make into)例词:modernize,popularize,legalize,hospitalize,symbolize,ripen,widen,heighten,threaten   3.-ate意为:增加,使……(give or add,make or become)例词:originate, hydrogenate,validate,differentiate   三、形容词后缀:   常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:   1.-ful意为:充满,有(full of;hav- ing;giving;etc.)例词:useful,pitiful, hopeful,helpful,forgetful,thankful, fearful   2.-less意为:没有,无(without;not giving)例词:speechless,childless,harmless,hopeless,meaningless   3.-ly意为:有……品质的(having the qualities of)例词:beastly,manly, brotherly,friendly   4.-like意为:像……的(like)例词: childlike,statesmanlike,tiger-like   5.-y;-ish意为:像……一般的(somewhat like)例词:meaty,sandy, silky,hairy,leafy,watery,foolish,girlish,blackish,thinnish   6.-some意为:像……一样的;引起……的;有……品质的(like;causing; having the quality of)例词:troublesome,burdensome,wholesome,tiresome,bothersome   7.-able(ible)意为:能……的;可以……的(able to be ;capable)例词: changeable,readable,drinkable,comfortable,expansible,convincible   8.-ed意为:有……的(having,etc.)例词:wooded,pointed,moneyed, odd-shaped   9.-al意为:有……属性的,……类型的(nature of,typical of)例词:cultural,personal,regional,musical   10.-ary(ory)意为:属于……的,与……相连的(belonging to;connected with)例词:revolutionary,imaginary, contradictory   11.-ous意为:富含……的;有……品质的;像……的(full of;having the quality of;like)例词:glorious,erroneous,malicious,gracious   12.-ic(ical)意为:……类的;属于……的(typical of;belonging to)例词: historic,historical,methodic,methodical,dramatic,heroic   13.-ive意为:有……属性的;有某种倾向的(having the nature or quality of;given or tending to)例词:attractive, talkative,restrictive,defensive,preventive,constructive,sensitive   四、副词后缀   常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下:   1.-ly意为:以……方式(in a...manner;etc.)   例词:happily, boldly,attentive- ly,strangely   2.-ward(s)意为:表示方式或动作的方向(manner and direction of movement)例词:onward(s),backward(s),earthward(s),homeward(s),eastward(s)   3.-wise意为:1)按照……方式(in the manner of)例词:crabwise,clockwise2)就……而言(as   far as concerned)例词:weatherwise ,educationwise   有一个原因的单音节词,结尾只有一个单音辅音,在加以元音后缀是,要双写这个辅音.例词:run + er = runner hit + ing = hitting
2023-06-13 00:28:531


To guess boldly,human can live longer and longer
2023-06-13 00:29:011


If it (should) be right, do it boldly.只是省略了should,所以就是be。the wondering world是从句的主语,自然是名词性质。
2023-06-13 00:29:371


2023-06-13 00:29:556


A boy was playing in the fields when he was stung by a nettle . He ran home to tell his mother what had happened.  "I only touched it lightly," he said, "and the nasty thing stung me." "It stung you because you only touched it lightly," his mother told him." Next time you touch a nettle grasp it as tightly as you can. Then it won"t sting you at all."   Face danger boldly.  男孩和荨麻 有个男孩子在地里玩耍,被荨麻刺痛了。他跑回家去,告诉妈妈出了什么事。 "我不过轻轻地碰了它一下,"他说,"那讨厌的东西就把我刺痛了。" "你只轻轻地碰了它一下,所以它才刺痛你,"妈妈对他说,"下一回你再碰到荨麻,就尽量紧紧地抓住它。那它就根本不会刺痛你了。"    要敢于面对危险。
2023-06-13 00:30:221

英语翻译 “横眉冷对千夫指 俯首甘为孺子牛”

Leaning boldly forth a willing ox I serve the children 追问: 请问一下 你是如何体现“ 横眉 冷对千夫指”意思的?
2023-06-13 00:30:332


更新1: 另外 我都想知到with by for of 四者的分别同用法@@ THX~ No.1) 「In for」是一个组合来的,有「免不了遭受」的意思。它不是 Preposition. "In for" is not a preposition it me 1. Guaranteed to get 2. certain to encounter this trouble. This sentence me "he" was certain to get a nasty surprise. 当你想话你做错事 免不了遭受责骂或挨打,你就可以用呢个字。 No.2) There inside was the oldest plane she had ever seen.的意思系话,入面既飞机系果个女仔有史以黎见过最大既。尼句句子的重点是在the oldest plane she had ever seen,而was系介绍the oldest plane的位置。 好自然就可以讲到: You are the nicest child I has ever seen. XXX was the nicest child I had ever seen. 咁你又明唔明这几句? At the far end of the pasture the most magnificent animal I had ever seen--a white-tailed deer--was cautiously edging toward a salt-lick block. I had been in unrenovated apartments in the building before but this was the worst I had ever seen. When I bought Marvel it possessed three traits that made it the best stock idea I had ever seen. Everyone waved and hoorayed and hurrahed as the longest blackest shiniest automobile anyone had ever seen whooshed down Main Street. This Is The Worst Economy I"ve Ever Seen The truest thing Jack Shafer has ever written. I"m on my way my own way to boldly go where no man has ever gone before. The most gruesome killer Calderdale has ever known is dead - IT was the most gruesome murder Calderdale has ever known. "Ever" = sometime before now is used: a. in questions Have you ever been to Canada? Has she ever met someone famous? b. in negative questions Haven"t they ever been to Canada? Haven"t you ever eaten Thai food? c. and in negative statements using the pattern nothing.......ever nobody.......ever e.g. Nobody has ever said that to me before. Nothing like that has ever happened to me. d. "Ever" is also used with "The first time.... e.g. It"s the first time I"ve ever eaten Thai food. This is the first time I"ve ever been to Canada. 参考: 字数太多.with by for of 四者的分别同用法... 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运!
2023-06-13 00:31:051


简的勇气,害怕,因为她知道里德夫人简是正确的。简·里德夫人从家里,部分原因是因为勇敢无畏。她离开之前对“慈善”寄宿学校,她说到,“我夫人读大胆的人你最讨厌的是世界上除了约翰。里德。”“我决不会再叫你姑姑,只要我活着。”“我必不再见你…当我长大了,我就说你对待我残忍”(夏洛蒂u2022勃朗特用悲惨。 《简u2022爱》是勇敢的姑娘啊!当她还是个小女孩的时候,她的坚强的性格表现。没有害怕面对困难,她只有抗拒,直到最后爆发,她所有的愤怒! b。罗沃德, 在罗沃德,Evangelicalism虚伪的校长,夫人。布罗克赫斯特先生,简遭受进一步窘迫的严峻的环境和大量的耻辱。 这个可怜的女孩不被允许获得很多食物。他们基本上是挨饿。和所有的时间是冷冻,因为他们不花取暖。那里的条件是可憎的,但珍妮不服从它。她得到她的力量来自她的老师,她的学生和困难作斗争。刚开始时,简有多少同情,海伦,因为海伦不敢攻打人羞辱她。当海伦是被鞭打,并被送往站在房间挤满了人。简认为海伦要背叛别人时,她被人欺负。她应该抵制错过。Scatchard,不喜欢她。如果错过。简,Scatchard罢工,她应该要杖从她的手,她应该打破它在她的鼻子上。
2023-06-13 00:31:302

请翻译 错的人 歌词to 英文

Clearly knows love not sturdily but I go all out toward to jump clearly knew that walks is possibly the jail again but I believed that is only the suffering friends urges me not to want not to take own happiness to crack a joke but the personhood so was already tired the hypocritical wish to run away in the love cannot give the true laughable love the sincerity too really too to be then easy own sacrifice to be too easy oneself to perish easily too reckless full is the scar I stupid too clearly knew that you are the wrong person clearly knew this is not a fate but I also act boldly regardless of one"s safety I too stupid clearly knew that you are the wrong person clearly knew this is not a fate but I also act boldly regardless of one"s safety possibly inside the love like this calculated that stupid possibly forever does not have so-called eternal but I am not willing to give up inside this little possibly rather stupid not wanting the lamentation to like being too really too easy my sacrifice to be too easy myself to perish easily too reckless full am the scar I stupid too clearly knew that you are the wrong person clearly knew this is not fate but I acts boldly regardless of one"s safety I stupidly too clearly to know you are the wrong person clearly knew this is not fate but I believes a little possibly Knowing that love isn"t secure but I was desperate to jump Knew walk may be a prison but I still believe that just languish Friends advised me not to not do not take their own happiness joke But life has been so tired cheek to escape Aililian I can"t give it only really funny When love is so easy to sacrifice all too easy to let yourself go down Too easy to throw caution full of scars I was so stupid people who know you are wrong Knowing that this is not a fate I selfless I was so stupid people who know you are wrong Knowing that this is not a fate I selfless May love this stupid May last forever is no such thing as eternal But I don"t want to give up the inside may prefer a little bit stupid not to regret When love is so easy to sacrifice all too easy to let yourself go down too easy to throw caution full of scars I"m too stupid knowing that you"re the wrong people know this is not a fate I also selfless I"m too stupid knowing that you"re the wrong people know it"s not a fate I believe may 参考: bing You know that love is not strong but inside I was desperately out that longer follow the jump may be imprisoned but I still believe the only suffering friends advise me not Do not Do not take a joke but their happiness has been so hard shed man want to escape in love This really does not give in even true love too funny really too easy to sacrifice yourself too easy too easy to sink yourself full of scars I desperately stupid knows who you are wrong but knows this is not the fate I rushed I"m too stupid to know that you are clearly the wrong person knows this is not fate but I rushed inside this calculation may be in love could never be called stupid but I do not want to give it up forever inside may prefer a little bit of love too stupid not want to regret really too easy to sacrifice yourself too easy too easy to sink yourself full of scars I desperately stupid knows who you are wrong but knows this is not the fate I rushed out I"m too dumb to know who you are wrong knowing it not a fate but I believe somewhat likely
2023-06-13 00:31:421