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2023-06-13 20:25:40
TAG: noon

Ⅰ先搞好意思: noone ph. 1.没有人 nothing KK:[] DJ:[] pron. 1.无事;无物;没什么 Thereisnothingonthetable. 桌上什么都没有。 Heknewabsolutelynothing. 他什么也不知道。 n. 1.微不足道的事(或人) Hislatestplayisnothing. 他的新戏一文不值。 ad. 1.一点也不,并不 Yourapproachtoteachingdiffersnothingfromhers. 你的教学方法同她的教学方法并无不同之处。 none KK:[] DJ:[] pron. 1.一点儿也没;一个也没[(+of)] Iwantedsomemorecoldmeatbuttherewasnoneleft. 我想再吃些冷盘肉,可是一点也不剩了。 Hehadnoneofhisbrother"sboldness. 他一点都不像他哥哥那样有魄力。 2.没有任何人(或物)[(+of)] Noneofthetelephonesare/isworking. 所有的电话都坏了。 Noneofthemspeak(s)English. 他们都不会讲英语。 3.无一人;无一个 Nonewouldtaketherisk. 谁也不愿冒此风险。 a. 1.【书】一点没有的 ad. 1.毫不,决不 Hespenttwoweeksinhospitalbuthe"snonethebetterforit. 他在医院住了两星期,但未见好转。 Ⅱ 1.noone=nobody 1)不与of连用;2)谓语动词用单数;3)只能指人,但不具体指什么人;4)一般用来回答who,及含 anyone,anybody引起的疑问句。如: 1)Noonelikeapersonwithbadmanners. 2)——Whoisintheroom? ——Noone. 3)——Isthereanyoneintheroom? ——Noone. 2.none 1)可与of连用;2)谓语动词用单或复数;3)具体指什么人或物;4)一般用来回答howmany+n,how much+n及含any+n引起的疑问句。请看: 1)Noneofushave/hasseenhim. 2)——Howmanystudentsarethereintheroom?——None. 3)——Isthereanywaterinthethermos?——None. 4)——Howmuchmoneydoyouhaveonyou?——None. 3.nothing 1)指物;2)谓语用单数;3)一般用来回答含anything的一般问句及what引起的特殊问句。请看: 1)——Whatisinthebox?——Nothing. 2)——Isthereanythinginthesky?——Nothing. 3)——Canyouseeanythingwithoutglasses?——Nothing. 下面的顺中溜将帮你记得更清楚。 Noone与none好分辨。/具体人,物把none填。 不知何人与何物,/Noonenothing是一路。 Noone人nothing物,/保你不会出错误 noneof这是一个固定结构,指人或物 none用来回答有范围的句子,如howmany的问句, 可以指可数或不可数名词,单数或复数谓语。 noone则没有要求,用来指人,不可以和of连用。单数谓语 [散散的哦,你自己再组织一下下``]



大胆, 勇敢, 莽撞等
2023-06-12 23:58:592

魄力的英语翻译 魄力用英语怎么说

2023-06-12 23:59:083


夏陷作者Boldness:勇于面对现实,迎接未来挑战 夏陷作者Boldness是一个勇于面对现实、乐观向上的作家。他的作品以现实主义为基础,描述着各种社会问题和人性的纠葛,而他的小说风格则幽默风趣,轻松华丽,成为众多年轻读者的心头好。小说作品:现实主义主题下的幽默表达 Boldness的代表作品有《夏陷》、《爱我的人都死了》等。其中,《夏陷》是一部讲述一对中年夫妇和他们的儿子,身陷经济、家庭、情感问题的故事。Boldness在现实主义描写基础上,以幽默的手法抒发情感,以及对社会现状的不满和对未来的希望。他以深入人心的挖掘和描写,展示了他对人性复杂性和现实困境的独特洞察力。勇于发声:关注社会问题,演绎人性轮廓 作为一名现实主义作家,Boldness关注于社会生活,他从人类行为的省思中,平写着那些众所周知的事情、忧愁,以及那些我们通常却忽略的事情,让读者看到生活的真实面纱。他从人性入手,深刻地剖析了现实社会的层层真相,并通过深入的描述,敏锐的观察力,以及对人性黯然的评判,向读者展现了清晰、真切的社会困境与问题。对未来的展望:面对挑战,迎接机遇 面对新世纪的挑战和机遇,Boldness表示:“我将更加关注中年群体和生活在边缘的人,继续用现实主义描写并以幽默的手法表达。”他认为,现实主义作家要勇于发声,关注社会问题,并通过同情他人的眼光去表达,不仅可以呈现出真切生活,更能让读者对社会和人性有更加深刻的认知。在未来,他将坚持自己的理念和风格,继续为读者提供基于现实主义的小说作品,不断挖掘人性与社会问题的关联,以及从具体的形态出发,抒发出信仰与希望。结语 夏陷作者Boldness,是一个勇于面对现实,迎接未来挑战的作家。他用幽默的手法表现现实主义,将读者带入生活的真实面纱中,从人性角度真切展现社会问题。在未来,他将继续以幽默深入的手法,探索当今时代人类的各种问题,引领读者勇于面对,迎接未来挑战。
2023-06-12 23:59:151


boldness of vision
2023-06-12 23:59:232

翻译成汉语 谢谢

2023-06-12 23:59:493


2023-06-12 23:59:561


2023-06-13 00:00:054


2023-06-13 00:00:132


翻译如下Boldness-a willingness to extend yourself to the extreme-is not one that can be acquired overnight勇敢:一个敢于将自己推向极致巅峰的人不是一夜之间就能打造的。
2023-06-13 00:00:331

勇敢,坚强,无所畏惧用英语都怎么说,我想纹在身上. 整权威的,别中式英语,

勇敢:boldness 坚强:adamancy 无所畏惧:undaunted
2023-06-13 00:00:411


Just tell him/her, if you really like someone. Don"t hesitate or shy away!
2023-06-13 00:00:496


  做任何事情都贵在坚持,只有坚持下去才有可能成功。关于坚持的英文俗语大家有阅读过吗?下面我就为大家整理了有关于坚持的英文俗语,供大家参考查阅,希望对大家有所帮助。    关于坚持的英文俗语   1、回避现实的人,未来将更不理想。   Those who avoid reality will have a worse future.   2、守其初心,始终不变。   Keep its original intention and remain unchanged.   3、绳锯木断,水滴石穿。   The rope is sawn and the dripping stones pierce.   4、天行健,君子以自强不息。   As Heaven keeps vigor through movement, a gentleman should unremittingly practice self-improvement.   5、穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。   Poor and strong, not falling into the clouds of ambition.   6、耐心是一切聪明才智的基础。   Patience is the foundation of all intelligence.   7、为学正如撑上船,一篙不可放缓。   Learning is like getting on board a boat, a pool can not be slowed down.   8、种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。   You get what you grow, you get what you grow.   9、成功的秘诀是走向目的的坚持。   The secret of success is perseverance towards purpose.   10、谁给我一滴水,我便回报他整个大海。   Whoever gives me a drop of water, I will repay him the whole sea.   11、为了高尚的目标,多大的代价我也愿付出。   In order to achieve noble goals, I would like to pay the price.   12、春种一粒子,秋收万颗粮。   Spring sows one particle and autumn harvest ten thousand grains.   13、冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。   Freezing three feet is not a day"s cold.   14、经历沧桑的人是不会轻易气馁的。   People who experience vicissitudes of life are not easily discouraged.   15、有志者事竟成。   Where there is a will, there is a way.   16、生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强的人才能达到生命的彼岸。   Life is like an ocean. Only a man of strong will can reach the other side of life.   17、通过苦难,走向欢乐。   Through suffering, to joy.   18、只要路是对的,就不怕路远。   As long as the road is right, we are not afraid of the distance.   19、坚韧是意志的最好助手。   Toughness is the best assistant of will.   20、顽强的毅力可以克服任何障碍。   Persistence can overcome any obstacle.   21、一日一钱,十日十钱。绳锯木断,水滴石穿。   One dollar a day, ten dollars a day. The rope is sawn and the dripping stones pierce.   22、事业常成于坚忍,毁于急躁。   Business is often built on perseverance and destroyed by impatience.   23、书山有路勤为径,学海无崖苦作舟。   There is a way to learn from the sea without cliffs.   24、不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。   No footsteps, no miles; no streams, no rivers and seas.   25、逆水行舟用力撑,一篙松劲退千寻。   When the boat is sailing against the water, its strength will fade away.   26、大胆是取得进步所付出的代价。   Boldness is the price of progress.   27、坚持就是胜利。   Perseverance prevails.   28、吃的苦中苦,方为人上人。   If you suffer from bitterness, you will become a man.   29、要想获得什么,就看你付出什么。   What you want depends on what you give.   30、要获得理智,须付出昂贵的代价,它必须以青春为代价。   To acquire reason, we must pay   31、永远没有人力可以击退一个坚决强毅的希望。   There will never be any manpower to fight back a strong and determined hope.   32、保持对勇气,正如轮子对杠杆,那是支点的永恒更新。   Keeping courage is like a wheel to lever, that is the eternal renewal of fulcrum.   33、疼痛的强度,同自然赋于人类的意志和刚度成正比。   The intensity of pain is directly proportional to the natural will and stiffness of human beings.   34、壮志与毅力是事业的双翼。   Ambition and perseverance are two wings of a career.   35、一个人只要强烈地坚持不懈地追求,他就能达到目的。   A man can achieve his purpose if he pursues vigorously and persistently.   36、事业常成于坚忍,毁于急躁。   Business is often done by perseverance and by haste.   37、成功呈概率分布,关键是你能不能坚持到成功开始呈现的那一刻。   Success is a probability distribution. The key is whether you can hold on to the moment when success begins.   38、锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。   If you give up, you will never lose your rotten wood.   39、有罪是合乎人性的,但长期坚持不改就是魔鬼。   Guilt is human, but persisting without change is the devil.   40、斧头虽小,但经历多次劈砍,终能将一棵最坚硬的橡树砍刀。   The axe is small, but after many chopping, it can eventually chop a hardest oak tree.   41、穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。   Be poor and strong, and do not fall in mind.   42、坚持就是胜利。   Perseverance prevails.   43、只要持续地努力,不懈地奋斗,就没有征服不了的东西。   As long as we keep working hard and struggle unremittingly, there is nothing we can"t conquer.   44、不作什么决定的意志不是现实的意志;无性格的人从来不做出决定。   The will to make no decisions is not the real will; the non character people never make decisions.   45、生命没有完结,生命只有前进。   Life is not finished, life is only forward.   46、人生应该如蜡烛一样,从顶燃到底,一直都是光明的。   Life should be like candles, from top to bottom, always bright.   47、冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。   Freezing is not a cold day.   48、成功最终属于耐心等待得人。   Success belongs to those who wait patiently.   49、但愿每次回忆,对生活都不感到负疚。   I hope every time I recall, I will not feel guilty about life.   50、成功最终属于耐心等待的人。   Success belongs to those who wait patiently.
2023-06-13 00:01:041

ENGLIST 来帮我找病句

like enjoy 不能连用,它们的意思相同,所以去掉其中一个。
2023-06-13 00:01:124


2023-06-13 00:01:201

什么叫敢为性? 有个人际关系的说法,讲一个人的人际关系取决于人的敢为性!

2023-06-13 00:01:314

Daring 是什么意思啊??

2023-06-13 00:01:394


2023-06-13 00:02:001


流传于民间口语中的 谚语 ,伴随着文字的产生,开始出现在各种文学作品和 文化 典籍中。以下是我精心收集整理的英语谚语,下面我就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 英语谚语篇1 1、学问勤中得,富裕俭中来。 Academic diligence leads to wealth and thrift. 2、河里泛青苔,必有大雨来。 If the river is covered with moss, it will rain heavily. 3、病急乱投医,逢庙就烧香。 When the patient is in a hurry, he will burn incense in every temple. 4、人嘴两层皮,言是又言非。 A man"s mouth has two skin layers: right and wrong. 5、蜻蜓千百绕,不日雨来到。 Dragonflies go around in thousands and come in rain every day. 6、学习如赶路,不能慢一步。 If you are in a hurry, you can"t slow down. 7、鸟美在羽毛,人美在勤劳。 Bird beauty is in feathers, and man beauty is in diligence. 8、 小暑 一声雷,倒转做黄梅。 Xiao Shu thundered and turned into Huangmei. 9、南风刮到底,北风来还礼。 The south wind blows to the end and the north wind returns courtesy. 10、豌豆不要粪,只要有灰拌。 Peas don"t need dung, as long as they are mixed with ash. 11、鱼儿出水跳,风雨就来到。 Fish jump out of the water and rain comes. 12、雾露在山腰,有雨今明朝。 Fog and dew on the hillside, rain today and tomorrow. 13、无风现长浪,不久风必狂。 No wind, no waves, soon the wind will be strong. 14、时雨时晴,几天几夜不停。 Rain and sunshine, days and nights. 15、戒酒戒头一盅,戒烟戒头一口。 Stop drinking and smoking. 16、理不说不明,火不点不燃。 If you don"t know, the fire won"t ignite. 17、一顿省一口,一年省一斗。 A meal saves a mouthful and a bushel a year. 18、台上三分钟,台下十年功。 Three minutes on stage and ten years off stage. 19、吃米带点糠,老小都安康。 Eat rice with some bran, all the young and old are healthy. 20、冬天比粪堆,来年比粮堆。 Winter is better than dung heap, and next year is better than grain heap. 英语谚语篇2 1、冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。 Freezing three feet is not a day"s cold. 2、生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强的人才能达到生命的彼岸。 Life is like an ocean. Only a man of strong will can reach the other side of life. 3、天才就是这样,终身努力便成天才。 Genius is like this. Lifelong efforts make genius. 4、宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。 April showers bring May flowers. 5、忍耐和坚持是痛苦的,但它会逐给你好处。 Patience and persistence are painful, but they will benefit you one by one. 6、耐心之树,结黄金之果。 The tree of patience bears the fruit of gold. 7、吃的苦中苦,方为人上人。 If you suffer from bitterness, you will become a man. 8、一分耕耘,一分收获。 No pains, no gains. 9、伟大的作品,不是靠力量而是靠坚持才完成的。 Great works are accomplished not by strength but by perseverance. 10、成功需要付出代价,不成功需要付出更高的代价。 Success comes at a price. Failure comes at a higher price. 11、成功并非重要的事,重要的是努力。 Success is not a matter of importance, but of effort. 12、失败就是迈向成功应付出的代价。 Failure is the price of success. 13、路遥知马力,日久见人心。 Lu Yaoyao knows horsepower, and he sees people"s hearts and minds for a long time. 14、天才是百分之一的灵感,百分之九十九的汗水。 Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. 15、守其初心,始终不变。 Keep its original intention and remain unchanged. 16、骆驼走得慢,但终能走到目的地。 Camels walk slowly, but they eventually reach their destination. 17、一分钟的成功,付出的代价却是好些年的失败。 A minute of success costs years of failure. 18、要获得理智,须付出昂贵的代价,它必须以青春为代价。 To acquire reason, we must pay a high price. It must be at the cost of youth. 19、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。 There are many ways to learn from the sea. 20、世上无难事,只要肯登攀。 Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb. 21、经历沧桑的人是不会轻易气馁的。 People who experience vicissitudes of life are not easily discouraged. 22、为了高尚的目标,多大的代价我也愿付出。 In order to achieve noble goals, I would like to pay the price. 23、谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦! Who knows that Chinese food is hard to eat! 24、大胆是取得进步所付出的代价。 Boldness is the price of progress. 25、绳锯木断,水滴石穿。 The rope is sawn and the dripping stones pierce. 26、事业常成于坚忍,毁于急躁。 Business is often built on perseverance and destroyed by impatience. 27、宁肯折断骨头,不能放弃信念。 Better break a bone than give up faith. 28、成功的秘诀在于永不改变既定的目标。 The secret of success is never to change your goals. 29、为学正如撑上船,一篙不可放缓。 Learning is like getting on board a boat, a pool can not be slowed down. 30、毅力是永久的享受。 Perseverance is a permanent enjoyment. 英语谚语篇3 1、有山必有路,有水必有渡。 Where there is a mountain, there is a road, and where there is water, there is a ferry. 2、宁做蚂蚁腿,不学麻雀嘴。 Better be an ant"s leg than a sparrow"s mouth. 3、知了叫,割早稻。知了喊,种豆晚。 Know it, cut early rice. Know shout, grow beans late. 4、长五月,短十月,不长不短二八月。 Long May, short October, not short February and August. 5、送君千里,终须一别。 Send you a thousand miles, you have to be different. 6、人靠饭养,地凭粪壮。 People depend on food, and the ground depends on manure. 7、劳动出智慧,实践出真知。 Wisdom comes from work and truth comes from practice. 8、机不可失,时不再来。 Opportunity is not lost, time never comes again. 9、棉怕八月连天阴,稻怕 寒露 一朝霜。 Cotton is afraid of the clouds in August and rice is afraid of the frost in cold dew. 10、路不怕远,只要不停的走。 The road is not afraid of the distance, as long as you keep walking. 11、蚊子咬的怪,天气要变坏。 Mosquitoes bite strange, the weather will deteriorate. 12、十雾九晴。 Ten fogs and nine sunshines. 13、药不治假病,酒不解真愁。 Drugs do not cure false diseases, but wine does not solve real worries. 14、柳芽拧嘴儿,山药入土儿。 Willow sprouts twist their mouths and yam go into the earth. 15、春得一犁雨,秋收万担粮。 Spring brings a plough of rain, and autumn brings ten thousand tons of grain. 16、病从口入,寒从脚起。 Disease comes from the mouth and cold comes from the feet. 17、五月不热,稻谷不结。 May is not hot, rice is not knotted. 18、草灰结成饼,天有风雨临。 Grass ashes form cakes, and rain and wind come. 19、只见树木,不见森林。 No trees, no forests. 20、说了半天胡子嘴,还是一个光下巴。 Speaking for a long time, he still had a beard and a bare chin. 21、乐时想往他处走,悲时想往自家回。 Happy times want to go elsewhere, sad times want to go home. 22、宁作蚂蚁腿,不学麻雀嘴。 Better an ant"s leg than a sparrow"s mouth. 23、无风起横浪,三天台风降。 There is no wind and waves, and typhoon falls in three days. 24、吸不张口,呼不闭口。 You can"t breathe or breathe. 25、云在东,雨不凶;云在南,河水满。 Clouds in the east, rain is not fierce; clouds in the south, the river is full. 26、撑死胆大的人,饿死胆小的鬼。 Supports the bold person, starves the cowardly ghost. 27、粪灰一混,肥效减半。 When dung and ash are mixed, the effect of weight gain is reduced by half. 28、团结1条心,黄土变成金。 Unite one heart and turn loess into gold. 29、一有百有,一穷百穷。 One hundred, one hundred poor. 30、外头累折膀子,家里饿断肠子。 The outside is tired, the home is hungry and the intestines are broken. 31、久晴西风雨,久雨西风晴。 Long sunshine and westerly wind and rain, long rain and westerly wind and sunshine. 32、人老思家乡,乌老思窝巢。 Old people miss their hometown and old people miss their nest. 33、麦倒一包糠,谷倒一包秧。 Put a bunch of bran in wheat and a bunch of seedlings in grain. 34、宁叫顿顿稀,不叫一顿饥。 Better call it Dunton Sparse than a hunger. 35、今冬麦盖三层被,来年枕着馒头睡。 This winter wheat cover three bedding, next year pillow steamed bread to sleep. 36、闷雷拉磨声,雹子必定生。 Hail is sure to grow when thunder is muffled. 37、磨刀不用看,全仗一身汗。 You don"t have to look at sharpening knives. It"s all sweat. 38、肥料对你笑,看你找不找。 Fertilizer laughs at you to see if you can find it. 39、一张牛皮有厚薄,一家子女有好坏。 A cowhide is thick and thin, and a family"s children are good or bad. 40、柱石脚下潮有雨。 At the foot of the pillars there was rain and tide. 41、一堆粪,一堆粮;一个粪蛋蛋,一碗米饭饭。 A pile of dung, a pile of grain; a dung egg, a bowl of rice. 42、过了河,忘了桥,愈了伤,忘了痛。 Crossing the river, forgetting the bridge, healing, forgetting the pain. 43、一年牛粪三年猛。 One year, cow dung, three years. 44、撒网要撒迎头网,开船要开顶风船。 Spread the net head-on, and sail the windward boat. 45、滴水之恩,当涌泉相报。 The grace of dripping water should be reported by the gushing spring. 46、 谷雨 麦挺直, 立夏 麦秀齐。 The grain, rain and wheat stand upright and the summer wheat is beautiful. 47、不怕学问浅,就怕志气短。 If you are not afraid of shallow learning, you are afraid of short ambition. 48、水利不修,水田白丢;水利修好,收成稳保。 If water resources are not repaired, paddy fields will be lost; if water resources are repaired, the harvest will be stable. 49、吃饭打湿口,洗脸打湿手。 Wet your mouth, wash your face and hands. 50、谋官如鼠,得官如虎。 An officer is like a rat, but an officer is like a tiger. 英语谚语带翻译简短的相关 文章 : ★ 英语谚语大全带翻译100句大全 ★ 英语谚语带翻译精选汇总 ★ 英语谚语带翻译大全 ★ 常见的英语谚语带翻译 ★ 简短的英语谚语精编集锦 ★ 英语谚语带翻译集锦 ★ 简短的英语谚语集锦90句 ★ 英语谚语大全带翻译精选汇总 ★ 简短的英语谚语大全最新归纳 ★ 简短的英语谚语有哪些
2023-06-13 00:02:091


1、有勇气的人才有信心。 A man of courage. 2、爱会让人拥有战斗的勇气。 Love can make people have the courage to fight. 3、幸运的爱,与勇者长相随。 Lucky love, with brave appearance. 4、勇气是衡量灵魂大小的标准。 Courage is the measure of the size of the soul. 5、不要怕他,因为他也在怕你。 Don"t be afraid of him, because he is afraid of you. 6、小心就是勇敢的一个重要部分。 Caution is an important part of courage. 7、勇气如爱情,需要希望来滋养。 Courage, like love, needs hope to nourish. 8、勇敢里面有天才、力量和魔法。 Courage is genius, power and magic. 9、懦夫一生数死,丈夫中死一遭。 A coward dies in his life, and a husband dies. 10、报复不是勇敢,忍受才是勇敢。 Revenge is not courage, tolerance is brave. 11、大胆是取得进步所付出的代价。 Boldness is the price paid for progress. 12、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。 Courage leads to heaven. 13、软弱甚至比恶行更有害于德性。 Weakness is even worse than evil. 14、没有不冒风险就能克服的风险。 There is no risk that can not be overcome. 15、勇气是一个人处于逆境中的光明。 Courage is a light in the face of adversity. 16、自己甘做羔羊者终必为豺狼所噬。 He who makes himself lamb will be eaten by wolves. 17、凡是自强不息者,最终都会成功。 Those who strive for self-improvement will eventually succeed. 18、大胆产生勇气,多疑却产生恐惧。 Dare to be bold, but to fear. 19、有德必有勇,正直的人绝不胆怯。 Virtue is brave, upright man is not afraid. 20、生活随人的勇气大小而收缩或膨胀。 Life shrinks or expands with the courage of men. 21、为其所应为,这样的人才是勇敢的。 For the sake of it, such a person is brave. 22、任何卓越的胜利总多少是大胆的成果。 Any great victory is always a bold achievement. 23、真正的勇气在极端的胆怯和鲁莽之间。 The real courage between extreme timidity and recklessness. 24、害怕,这是我们唯一应当害怕的东西。 That"s the only thing we should be afraid of. 25、你在患难之日若胆怯,你的力量就微小。 If you faint in the day of trouble, your strength is small. 26、勇气是智慧和一定程度教养的必然结果。 Courage is the inevitable result of wisdom and a certain degree of breeding. 27、表现勇敢则勇气来;往后退缩则恐惧来。 Courage is the exPssion of courage; the latter is fear. 28、对付任何事情,首要的一步是:能够面对它! The first step in dealing with anything is to face it! 29、勇敢是一种基于自尊的意识而发展成的能力。 Courage is the ability to develop on the basis of self-esteem. 30、勇敢征服一切:它甚至能给血肉之躯增添力量。 Conquer all: it can even add strength to flesh and blood. 31、勇敢寓于灵魂之中,而不单凭一个强壮的躯体。 Courage is in the soul, not just a strong body. 32、极其重大的第一条戒律:别让敌人把你吓坏了。 The first great commandment: don"t let the enemy scare you. 33、匹夫见辱,拔剑而起,挺身而斗此不足为勇也。 Pifu see shame, sword, to stand and fight for this lack of courage. 34、怯懦是你最大的敌人,勇敢则是你最好的朋友。 Cowardice is your greatest enemy, and courage is your best friend. 35、人心忧惧则前途之光明,幸福顷刻间为黑幕所遮。 People fear the future bright, happy moment for shady cover. 36、侮辱那些无法要你道歉的人,本身就是怯懦的表现。 Insulting people who can"t ask you to apologize is cowardly. 37、谁是不可战胜的人?那种在任何时候都临危不惧的人。 Who is invincible? That all in person at all times. 38、天下绝无不热烈勇敢地追求成功,而能取得成功的人。 There is no one who is brave enough to pursue success, but who can succeed. 39、勇者发怒,抽刃向更强者;怯者愤怒,即抽刃向更弱者。 The brave man is angry, the blade is stronger; the timid one is angry, that is to say, the blade is weaker. 40、冒险是历史富有生命力的元素,无论是对个人还是社会。 Adventure is a vital element of history, whether it is for inpiduals or society. 41、人的勇气能承担一切重负;人的耐心能忍受绝大部分痛苦。 The courage of man to bear all the burdens, and the patience of man to suffer most. 42、苦和甜来自外界,坚强则来自内心,来自一个的人自我努力。 Bitter and sweet come from the outside, strong comes from the heart, from a person"s own efforts. 43、英雄就是对任何事都有全力以赴,自始至终,心无旁骛的人。 The hero is anything to people, from first to last, intentnesses. 44、卑怯的人,即使有万丈的愤火,除弱草以外,又能烧掉什么呢? A person, even if there is a fire of anger, in addition to the weak grass outside, and can burn what? 45、大多灵敏人都是运用力量时已经太晚的时候,才埋怨缺乏力量。 Most sensitive people use force when it is too late, only to complain about the lack of strength. 46、在全人类中,凡是坚强、正直、勇敢、仁慈的人,都有是英雄! In all men, all who are strong, honest, brave and kind are heroes! 47、一个有坚强心志的人,财产可以被人掠夺,勇气却不能被人剥夺。 A man of strong will can be plundered, but not his courage. 48、我惟一能信赖的,是我的狮子般的勇气和不可战胜的从事劳动的精力。 The only thing I can rely on is my lion"s courage and the energy to work hard. 49、勇气很有理由被当作人类德性之首,因为这种德性保证了所有其余德性。 Courage is a good reason to be regarded as the head of human virtue, because it guarantees all others. 50、由大智中产生大勇,由理解中加强信心,是最坚毅的大勇与最坚强的信心。 Produced by wisdom in Dayong by understanding, strengthen confidence, perseverance and courage is the most strong confidence. 51、在下决心以前,犹豫也许是必要的。然而,一旦下了决心,就应该一直往前走。 Before you make up your mind, hesitation may be necessary. However, once you have made up your mind, you should go straight ahead. 52、对付贫穷要有勇气,忍受嘲笑要有勇气,正视自己营垒里的敌对者也要有勇气。 Have the courage to fight against poverty, endured ridicule have the courage to face their own, in the camp of enemies have the courage. 53、当一个人敢于用自己来冒险,敢于体验新的生活方式时,他就有可能变化和发展。 It is possible for a person to change his life when he dares to take risks and try new ways of life. 54、在我们中间,就连最勇敢的人,对于自己真正理解的事拿得出勇气,也是罕见的。 It is rare among us, even the bravest, to take courage in what they truly understand. 55、勇气是人类最重要的一种特质,倘若有了勇气,人类其他的特质自然也就具备了。 Courage is one of the most important characteristics of human beings. If we have the courage, we will have other characteristics of human beings. 56、我崇拜勇气、坚忍和信心,因为它们一直助我应付我在尘世生活中所遇到的困境。 I admire courage, perseverance, and faith, for they have helped me cope with the difficulties I have encountered in my earthly life. 57、造化既然在人间造成不同程度的强弱,也常用破釜沉舟的斗争,使弱者不亚于强者。 Now that caused by different degrees of intensity in the world, are also used to burn, the less the strong. 58、在不幸中所表现出来的勇气,通常总是使卑怯的心灵恼怒,而使高尚的心灵喜悦的。 The courage in misfortune, usually make cowardly heart angry, and the noble soul of joy. 59、如果你是懦夫,你就是你自己最大的敌人;但如果你是勇者,你就是你自己最大的朋友。 You are your greatest enemy if you are a coward, but if you are brave, you are your greatest friend. 60、认为痛苦是最大的不幸,是不可能勇敢的;认为享受是最大的幸福的人,是不可能有节制的。 It is impossible to be brave, to think that pain is the greatest misfortune, and to think that it is impossible to have the greatest happiness. 61、我认为克服恐惧最好的办法理应是:面对内心所恐惧的事情,勇往直前地去做,直到成功为止。 I think the best way to overcome fear is to face the fear of the heart and move on to success. 62、愚勇的人当危难未来之时,激昂急躁,情不自禁,而在危难之事临头时又销声匿迹,热血冰销。 The brave person when the future danger, excitement and impatience, unable to restrain the emotions in danger disappeared, things doom, blood ice pin. 63、勇气不仅仅是一种美德,而且还是各种美德在经受考验时,也即在最逼真的情形下的一种表现形式。 Courage is not only a virtue, but also a form of exPssion when all the virtues are tested. 64、真的算得勇敢的人是那个最了解人生的幸福和灾患,然后勇往直前,担当起将来会发生的事故的人。 It is the most courageous people understand the happiness of life and disasters, and then move forward, take on the future incidents of people. 65、要坚强,要勇敢,不要让绝望和庸俗的忧愁压倒你,要保持伟大的灵魂在经受苦难时的豁达与平静。 Be strong, be brave, don"t let despair and vulgar sadness overwhelm you, and keep the great soul open and calm when you are suffering. 66、虽然危险并未临近,而迎头邀击比长久注视其前来的好,因为如果一个人注视过久,他是很有睡觉的可能的。 Although the risk is not near, and to intercept the enemy head-on than long at the good, because if you look at him for too long, it is possible to sleep. 67、人的一生中,最光辉的一天并非是功成名就那天,而是从悲叹与绝望中产生对人生的挑战,以勇敢迈向意志那天。 One of the most glorious days of one"s life is not the day of success, but the challenge of life, from grief and despair, to the day of courage. 68、到了热血沸腾、理智允许的时候还不敢挺身向前的人,就是懦夫;达到了预想的目的后还在冒进的人,就是小人。 The reason is not allowed, one step forward who is a coward; people are still "to achieve the desired purpose, is the villain. 69、怯懦只是夺去安全的手段,它不仅减削我们的卫护能力,甚至于驱我们于毁灭之崖,使我们碰着从来无意干犯我们的灾祸。 Just take the means of security weakness, it not only weakened our defense ability, even in our drive for destruction cliff, so that we have had no intention to commit our disaster hit. 70、你若想尝试一下勇者的滋味,一定要像个真正的勇者一样,豁出全部的力量去行动,这时你的恐惧心理将会为勇猛果敢所取代。 If you want to try the taste, must be like a real brave, give all the power to act, then you will fear the bold and decisive place. 71、世界上的事物永远不是绝对的,结果完全因人而异,苦难对于天才是一块垫付脚石,对能干的人是一笔财富,对弱者是一个万丈深渊。 Things in the world will never be absolute, the results vary from person to person, suffering is a gift for the advance of the foot of the stone, capable person is a wealth of the weak is a bottomless abyss. 72、你为人像水一般软弱。这一点人家很快就会发现的。他们不用费什么劲就会发现你为人没有骨气。他们可以像对付一个奴隶一样对付你。 You are as weak as water. This one will soon find out. They don"t have to find out that you have no backbone. They can deal with you like a slave. 73、只要你坚持的时间足够长,在恐惧之中的某一时刻来到之后,恐惧就根本不再是极端的痛苦,而不过是一种十分讨厌、令人恼火的刺激。 As long as you stick to it long enough, after a certain moment of fear, fear is no longer extreme pain, but it is a very annoying, irritating stimulation. 74、勇气就是一种坚韧;正因为它是一种坚韧,才使我们具有任何形式的自我否定和自我战胜的能力。因而,正是借助于这上点,勇气也多少与德行发生了关系。 Courage is a kind of tenacity; it is because it is a kind of tenacity, so that we have any form of self denial and self defeating ability. Therefore, it is by virtue of this point, how much courage and moral relations. 75、许多天才因缺乏勇气而在这世界消失。每天,默默无闻的人们被送入坟墓,他们由于胆怯,从未尝试着努力过;他们若能接受诱导起步,就很有可能功成名就。 Many geniuses vanish in the world for lack of courage. Every day, unknown people are sent to the grave, because they are timid, never tried hard; if they can accept the start of induction, it is possible to succeed. 76、考验越是巨大、严峻、繁杂。对于善于承受考验的人就越有好处。无论多么强烈的痛苦,对于任何一个能够看出这痛苦给人带来非同一般的裨益的人,都会丧失效力。 The test is more severe, complicated. For those who are good at it, the better it is. No matter how strong the pain, for any one can see that the pain of the extraordinary benefits to the people, will lose their effectiveness. 77、有胆气的人是不惊慌的人,有勇气的人是考虑到危险而不退缩的人;在危险中仍然保持他的勇气的人是勇敢的,轻率的人则是莽撞的,他敢于去冒险是因为他不知道危险。 Have the courage of the people is not to panic, a man of courage is considered dangerous and not flinch; still keep his courage in danger who is brave, thoughtless person is reckless, he dare to take the risk because he did not know the danger.
2023-06-13 00:02:161


经典励志的英文故事(精选8篇)   你是不是也跟我一样喜欢经常找一些经典励志英文故事来看看呢,那么经典励志英文故事都有哪些呢?下面 为大家带来经典励志的英文故事,快来看看吧。   经典励志的英文故事 篇1   Tiresias was a blind, darkseeing prophet(先知) of Thebes. He was struck with blindness in his youth, because he had spied unwittingly on the goddess Athena. He was wandering in the woods one day when quite unexpectedly he saw anaked maiden bathing in a placid lake. Little did he know that he had offended the virgin goddess. Taken unaware and scarlet with wrath(愤怒) , the goddess exclaimed that whoever had the boldness to steal a glance at her naked body was doomed to perpetual(永久的) blindness. But when she learned later that the offence was unintentional, it was too late for her to take back what she had said. Taking pity on the poor youth for the loss of his sight, she obtained from Zeus an exceptional long life for him, and from Apollo a divine(神圣的) power of prophecy. Besides, she provided him with a marvellous sharpness of ear, so that he could understand the voices of all birds. And she filled his mind with mystic knowledge of things past and of things to come. In short she gave him quite an amount of her own wisdom. He was the first to recognise and welcome Dionysus, god of feast and wine, on the The ban land. When the infant Heracles caught Hera"s two serpents(巨蛇) in its hands, it was Tiresias who cast the child"s fortune and revealed the divine origin and destiny of the boy. When Oedipus abused Tiresias as having had a hand in the murder of Laius, Tiresias had the fearless courage to tell the truth that Oedipus was the murderer. Even in the lower world he continued to prophesy. There he helped Odysseus when the hero came to him for advice. Alive, he was highly respected by all;dead, he enjoyed the generous air and rosy light in the land of the Blest.   泰瑞西斯是位只能看见黑暗的底比斯先知。由于他年轻时不小心窥见了女神雅典娜,他的双目失明。一天,他在森林里漫步时,意外地看见一位全身裸露的仙女正在平静的湖水中沐浴。他不知道他已经冒犯了这位贞洁的女神。因莫名其妙地被人看了个一清二楚,女神勃然大怒。她诅咒道:谁胆敢偷看她的玉体,谁就必将永远变瞎。但当后来她得知泰瑞西斯并非有意冒犯她时,再想收回她的咒语已经不可能了。出于怜悯,她从宙斯那里替这位贫穷的,丧失了视力的年轻人争取到了长寿;又从阿波罗那里要来了神圣的预言本领;并且,她赋予他神奇敏锐的双耳,这样他就可以明白各种鸟语。此外,雅典娜给了他魔术般的本领,使他既知过去,也能预测未来。总而言之,她使他拥有了她自身智慧中的很大一部分。在底比斯,是泰瑞西斯第一个认出了宴会神、也是酒神的狄俄尼索斯,并向他表示欢迎。当海格克斯还是个婴儿,用手抓起赫拉的两条毒蛇时,也正是泰瑞西斯卜算出了这个孩子的未来并预示出他的出身及其命运。当奥狄浦斯指责泰瑞西斯参与谋杀了拉伊俄斯时,泰瑞西斯勇敢地讲出了事实真相:奥狄浦斯才是凶手。即使到了地狱,他依然预测未来。在那儿,当奥德修斯前去征求他的意见时,泰瑞西斯帮助了他。活着的时候,他受到人们的普遍敬重;死后,在不莱斯特这块土地上,他享受着无比清新的空气和玫瑰般绚丽多彩的阳光。   经典励志的英文故事 篇2   Far out in the sea there was an island, on the rocky edge of which lived three Sirens, the three sisters of magic song. Half human and half bird, the Siren sisters sat in a field of flowers, singing in voices that excited the hearts of men. The attractive songs were so sweet that ships were attracted to the island and struck to pieces on the rocks. No sailor nor ship had ever been known to pass the Island of the Sirens without being attracted to disaster.   Acting on the advice of Circe, Odysseus took careful preparation against the Sirens. Before their ships came to where they could hear the song, Odysseus had himself tied to the mast(桅杆,柱) , stopped the ears of his men with wax(蜡) and ordered them to ignore his orders and gestures when they were passing the fatal island.   Soon they came in sight of the rocky island, and the attractive song reached the ears of Odysseus. It moved him so much that he struggled in despair to free himself and shouted for his men to turn towards the rich and flowery grass land of the singing sisters. But no one paid any attention to him. The sailors kept straight on until they were completely out of hearing. Then his friends freed him and took the wax out of their ears. For once the Sirens had sung with no effects. The eldest of the sisters, Partherope, loved Odysseus so much that she threw herself into the sea after his ships had passed.   遥远的海面上有一岛屿,石崖边居住着唱魔歌的海妖塞壬三姐妹。半人半鸟的塞壬姐妹们坐在一片花丛里,唱着盎惑人心的歌,甜美的歌声把过往的船只引向该岛,然后撞上礁石船毁人亡。过往的海员和船只都受到迷惑走向毁灭,无一幸免。   奥德修斯遵循女神喀耳斯的忠告。为了对付塞壬姐妹,他采取了谨慎的防备措施。船只还没驶到能听到歌声的地方,奥德修斯就令人把他拴在桅杆上,并吩咐手下用蜡把他们的耳朵塞住,他还告诫他们通过死亡岛时不要理会他的命令和手势。   不久石岛就进入了他们的视线。奥德修斯听到了迷人的歌声。歌声如此令人神往,他绝望地挣扎着要解除束缚,并向随从叫喊着要他们驶向正在繁花茂盛的草地上唱歌的海妖姐妹,但没人理他。海员们驾驶船只一直向前,直到最后再也听不到歌声。这时他们才给奥德修斯松绑,取出他们耳朵中的蜡。这次塞壬海妖们算是白唱了歌。三姐妹中的老大帕耳塞洛珀深深地爱慕着奥德修斯,当他的船只走过后,她就投海自尽了。   经典励志的英文故事 篇3   A Straight Wall Is Hard to Build   人格的力量   by Lou R. Crandall   卢.R.克兰德尔   As I try to outline my thoughts, the subject becomes more and more difficult. I have many basic beliefs but as I try to pick and choose it seems to me that they all can be summarized in the word "character." Obviously, what you believe is a fundamental thing. There can be no fanfare, no embellishments. It must be honest.   我在努力清理思路时,主题变得越来越难讲述。我有很多的信仰,但试图挑选时,似乎都可用“人格”一词概括。显然,一个人的信仰是根本,不需要炫耀,不用饰,本来是什么就是什么。   An architect once told me that the most difficult structure to design was a simple monumental shaft. The proportions must perfect to be pleasing. The hardest thing to build is a plain straight wall. The dimensions must be absolute.   一位建筑师告诉我,最难设计的建筑是一尊简单的纪念柱,比例必须完美无缺,赏心悦目;最难砌的.是一堵简朴笔直的墙,尺寸必须一丝不差。   In either case there is no ornamentation to hide irregularities, no moldings to cover hidden defects and no supports to strengthen concealed weaknesses.   在这两种情况下,都无法用修饰掩盖不平整,以造型遮盖暗藏的缺陷,以支撑物来加固不牢的根基。   I am using this example to illustrate human character, which to me is the most important single power in the world today. The young people of toady are in reality foundations of structures yet to be built.   我以此例来说明人格,在我看来它是当今世界上最重要的唯一的力量。今天的年轻人实际上是世界待建结构的根基。   It is obvious that the design of these human structures is the combined efforts of many human architects. Boys and girls are influenced first by their parents, then by their friends and finally by business associates. During this period of construction, the human character is revised and changed until at maturity a fairly well-fixed form of character is found.   很显然,设计这些人格结构需要众多人类建筑师的共同努力。孩子们的成长,先后要受到父母、朋友和事业伙伴的影响。在这一成长过程中,人格一直在改变,直到在成熟期定型。   There are few human straight walls and fewer human monumental shafts. Such men and women are personalities of great beauty and are so rare that history records their being and holds them up as examples for the future.   人类中堪称墙一般笔直挺立的人少有,像纪念柱一样矗立的人更少,这样的人是美的化身,世所罕见,历史记录他们的存在,奉之为后世的楷模。   The Biblical characters are for me the closest examples of human perfection. They were unselfish, steadfast in their faith and unstinting in their help to others.   《圣经》中的人物在我心中是最接近完人的范例,他们无私,信仰坚定,帮助他人,不遗余力。   Today in this world of turmoil and trouble we could use more of such people, but they do not just happen along. I believe that they are the result of concentrated effort on the part of parents and associates, and the more we build with character the better the world will become.   在今天这个混乱不安的世界,我们可以多用这样的人,但他们并非从天而降。我相信他们是父母、同伴倾力锻造的结果。我们越重视人格的建构,世界会越美好。   This may sound like a dreamer"s hope and a theoretical goal which can never be reached. I do not think so.   这听起来像痴人说梦,是永远无法实现的理论目标,我却不这么想。   The world as a whole has progressed tremendously material-wise, and we are a fortunate nation in that we are leading the procession. It is, I believe, natural that nations not so fortunate should look upon us with envy. We would do the same if the positions were reserved, so we should not judge too harshly the efforts of others to equal our standard of living. In either case, the fortunate or the unfortunate character in the individual and collectively in a nation stands out.   全世界在物质生产上已取得巨大进步,美利坚荣幸地成为引导这一进程的国家。我相信,没有这样好运气的国家可能会嫉妒我们,如果换个位置,我们也会如此,因此对于别人奋力向我们的生活标准看齐,我们不应该草率地评判。无论是哪种情况,个人或民族的幸运或不幸的品格都会凸显出来。   I agree that it is easier to build character under ideal conditions but cannot forget that character is also required to give as well as receive.   我赞同在理想条件下更容易塑造人格的说法,但我认为不能忘记人格的塑造不仅需要外界条件的熏陶,也需要自身的努力。   It should be to the benefit of humanity if all individuals - and this includes myself - did a renovation or remodeling job on our own character. It may merely be a case of removing rough edges or tossing away molding to expose irregularities, in some cases to remove a prop and stand on one"s own feet.   如果所有人——也包括我自己——都更新或重铸自己的人格,这应该是有益于人类的。这也许仅仅是抹去粗糙的边缘或丢弃固有的模式,从而显露出不平整,有时则需要拿走支撑物,完全靠自己站立。   In any event if some of us set example, others will follow and the result should be good. This I believe.   不论何种情况,只要我们有人树立榜样,其他人就会效仿,结果就应该是好的。对此我深信不疑。   经典励志的英文故事 篇4   Give the wrong-doer a way out   Beginning with Yu the GREat, the Xia Dynasty had lasted about four hundred years before Jie became the supreme ruler.   And that was in the 18th century BC. Jie was extremely tyrannical and dissolute. This aroused GREat resentment among the people. Tang, the Chief of the tribe Shang took advantage of this situation to overthrow the Xia Dynasty and established the Shang Dynasty in the early 17th century BC. Among the preparations for the overthrow had been the winning over of popular support.   One day, Tang was having a walk in the open country. He saw a man catching birds with a big net spread in a box-like and mumbling: "Come on, birds! Come into my net. All of you, whether you are flying high or low, east or west. Come into my net!"   Tang walked over and said to the man, "This method is ruthless! You"ll spare no birds this way!" With these words, he cut the net down on three sides. Then he murmured in a light voice as if praying: "Oh, birds! Fly to the left or right as you like. And if you"re really tired of your life, come into this net!"   When chiefs of other tribes heard about this, they were all moved. They said, "Tang is a good king indeed. He is so kind even to birds and beasts. He must be more merciful to human beings." And very soon, about forty tribes pledged allegiance to Tang.   From that story came the idiom "Open the net on three sides". Later, people changed it into "Give the wrong-doer a way out.", indicating to be lenient to the wrong-doers.   从大禹到桀,夏朝一共持续了四百多年的历史。   那是在公元前十八世纪。桀是个极端残暴,放荡的人。他激起了人民的极度不满。部落商的领袖汤利用这个形势,推翻了夏朝,并在公元前十七世纪早期建立了商朝。在准备这场推翻夏朝的行动中,汤赢得了广泛的支持。   一天,汤在一片开阔的田野里散步。他看见一个人正在捕鸟。那人支开一张像笼子般的大网,喃喃的说:"来吧,鸟儿们!飞到我的网里来。无论是飞得高的还是低的,向东还是向西的,所有的鸟儿都飞到我的网里来吧!"   汤走过去对那个人说:"你这种方法太残忍了!这样作你连一只鸟也不放过!"   一边说着,汤砍断了三面网。然后,像做祈祷那样,他轻轻的低声说道,"哦,鸟儿们,喜欢向左飞的,就向左飞;喜欢向右飞的,就向右飞;如果你真的厌倦了你的生活,就飞入这张网吧!"   其它部落的首领得知这件事后都非常感动。他们说:"汤真是一位贤王啊。他对鸟兽都如此仁慈,何况是对人呢?" 不久就有四十多个部落宣誓效忠汤。   "网开三面"这个成语就是由此而来的。后来,人们把它改为"网开一面",表示宽容的对待做错事的人。   经典励志的英文故事 篇5   A bird startled by the mere twang of a bow-string   During the time of the Warring States (475-221 BC), there lived a well-known archer named Geng Ying whose art in shooting was excelled by none at his time.   One day, as he was standing by the side of the King of Wei, a flock of swan geese were flying over. With confidence, Geng Ying said to the king, "The twang of my bow-string might bring down a bird." The King doubted much. Just then a solitary swan goose appeared, low and slow in its flight, sad and dolorous in its cry. Instantly Geng Ying bended his bow and forcibly pulled the bowstring. Twang! High up went he shrilling sound into the air and down fell the bird to the ground. The king admired with bewilderment. Gang Ying then explained: "The bird was flying low and slow, because it was already hurt; it was crying in a bitter tone, because it had lost its companions. Due to the fact that it was already hurt and sad at heart, the twang of my strong bow, that birds dreaded most, startled it. The shrilling sound made its heart beat fast, its wings weak, its balance uneven. Thus it fell down just as commonly as a man drops his chop-sticks, at the thunder-stroke, at a dinner table." Henceforth comes the idiom "A bird startled by the mere twang of a bow-string", illustrating a case where a man who had been previously and repeatedly frightened became numb and stupefied by a new thing of the same nature not knowing how to face the new situation.   战国时期,有个杰出的弓箭手,叫做更赢。他的射箭本领在当时可称是举世无双。有一天,他和魏王并肩站着,天空中忽然飞过一群鸿雁。更赢很自信的对魏王说:"我可以用弓声就把飞鸟给打下来。"魏王很怀疑。正在那是,一只孤雁很低很慢的飞过。鸣声凄惨。更赢见了,就张着弓,扣着弦,砰的一声,直入云宵。那孤雁果然应声落地。魏王惊叹之余,不明白这是怎么回事。更赢解释说:"那孤雁飞得低且慢,因为它已经受过伤;它鸣叫的声音悲而哀,因为它离了群。身伤心碎,使它心跳加速,两翼无力,体重失去平衡,正如人们吃饭时,突然听见雷声,筷子落地的情况一样自然而平常。   后人根据上面的故事,做成了"惊弓之鸟"这个成语,形容先前多次受过惊吓的人,忽然遇到同样可怕的事物,就吓得魂飞魄散,惊惶失措,不知如何去应付新的环境。   经典励志的英文故事 篇6   乌鸦坐在树枝上,嘴里叼着一块奶酪。这时,狐狸在观察乌鸦,转动鬼脑筋想得到那块奶酪。   于是,狐狸先生走过去,站在树下,仰起头说道:“我的头上有一只多么高贵的鸟儿呀!”她的美貌天下无双,她的羽毛精致纤美。   要是她的声音也像外貌和羽毛那样美好,毫无疑问,她该成为鸟类的女王!“听到这番恭维,乌鸦简直受宠若惊,一心只想向狐狸炫耀一下自己的歌喉,就“呱”地大叫一声。   理所当然,她嘴里的那奶酪就掉了下去,狐狸立刻抓起奶酪,说:“乌鸦夫人,我知道你的歌喉很不错,可你需要的是智慧。”   A Crow was sitting on a branch of a tree with a piece of cheese in her beak when a Fox observed her and set his wits to work to discover some way of getting the cheese. Coming and standing under the   tree he looked up and said, "What a noble bird I see above me! Her beauty is without equal, the hue of her plumage exquisite. If only her voice is as sweet as her looks are fair, she ought without doubt to be Queen of the Birds." The Crow was hugely flattered by this, and just to show the Fox that she could sing she gave a loud caw. Down came the cheese, of course, and the Fox, snatching it up, said, "You have a voice, madam, I see: what you want is wits."   经典励志的英文故事 篇7   A young man asked Socrates the secret to success. Socrates told the young man to meet him near the river the next morning. They met. Socrates asked the young man to walk with him toward the river. When the water got up to their neck, Socrates took the young man by surprise an
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1、庆祝成功是好事,但汲取失败的教训更重要。 It is good to celebrate success, but it is more important to learn from failure. 2、好的习惯主要是依赖于人的自我约束,或者说靠人对自我欲望的否定。 Good habits are mainly dependent on the person"s self restraint, or by the people"s desire for self denial. 3、电视并不是真实的生活。在现实生活中,人们实际上得离开咖啡屋去干自己的工作。 Television is not real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs. 4、企业发展需要的是机会,而机会对于有眼光的领导人来说,一次也就够了。 Enterprise development needs is the opportunity, and the opportunity for the vision of the leaders, once is enough. 5、人生是不公平的,习惯去接受它吧。请记住,永远都不要抱怨! Life is not fair, get used to it. Remember, never complain! 6、我之所以为自己所领导的微软而感到自豪,是因为在这个团体中,聚集了一大批与我一样热爱微软事业的人。 The reason why I am proud of the leadership of Microsoft, because in this group, gathered a large number of people like me love the cause of Microsoft. 7、聪明的人能把事情做好,精明的人能把事情做得更好,高明的人能把事情做到最好。 Smart people can do things well, smart people can do things better, smart people can do the best thing. 8、管理者在任何时候,任何情况下都有使员工们更加成熟的使命。 Managers at any time, in any case have to make employees more mature mission. 9、当你在事业上遇到挫折,有打退堂鼓的念头时,你应该加以注意,这是最危险的时候! When you encounter setbacks in their careers, have beat a retreat idea, you should be aware that this is the most dangerous time! 10、机会大,并不等于你就会成功。 Opportunity is not equal to success. 11、有非凡志向,才有非凡成就。 Have extraordinary ambition, have extraordinary achievement. 12、成功的轨迹作为一种策略路线,从一开始就应该走上正轨。 The trajectory of success as a strategic route, from the beginning should be on the right track. 13、在所有客户当中对你最有意见的人,才是你最需要学习的对象。 Of all the customers who have the best opinion of you, you are the one who needs to learn. 14、一旦做出决定就不要拖延,任何事情想到就去做并且立即行动。 Once you make a decision, don"t procrastinate, do whatever you want and do it right away. 15、如果情况已经非常糟糕时你才意识到麻烦,那已经晚了。要有希望,除非你总是保持危机感。 It is too late for you to realize the trouble if the situation is very bad. Hope, unless you always keep a sense of crisis. 16、当你的努力与时代同步时,你就会对社会产生不可忽略的影响。 When your efforts are in sync with the times, you will have a negligible impact on society. 17、社会充满不公平现象。你先不要想去改造它,只能先适应它。 Social injustice. You do not want to transform it, only to adapt to it. 18、一个公司要发展迅速得力于聘用好的人才,尤其是需要聪明的人才。 A company needs to grow rapidly by hiring good people, especially smart people. 19、把我们顶尖的20个人才挖走,那么我告诉你,微软会变成一家无足轻重的公司。 Dig out our top 20 talents, and I"ll tell you, Microsoft will be a big company. 20、失败是成大事者之母。 Failure is the mother of all things. 21、学校里有节假日,到公司打工则不然,你几乎不能休息,很少能轻松地过节假日。 School holidays, the company is not working, you can hardly rest, very few holidays can easily. 22、微软公司雇用工作狂真是眼光独到。 The Microsoft Corp is a workaholic. 23、我不知道上帝是否真的存在,但我认为宗教的原则值得赞同。 I don"t know if God really exists, but I think the principles of religion are worthy of approval. 24、解我的公司在各区、各产品门类和各客户群体中的经营情况,对于我这个首席执行官来说是很重要的。 It is important for me to understand the operation of my company in the area, the product category and the customer base. 25、假如你一事无成,不是你父母的错,所以不要对自己犯的错发牢骚,从错误中往学习。 If you do nothing, it is not your parents" fault, so don"t whine about your mistakes, learn from them. 26、人们所认识到的是成功者往往经历了更多的失败,只是他们从失败中站起来并继续向前。 It is recognized that successful people tend to experience more failures, but they stand up and move on. 27、没有悟性的创业者,反应就不够灵敏,很难把自己的公司办得火起来。 EntrePneurs do not understand, the reaction is not sensitive enough, it is difficult to do their own fire up the company. 28、在这个世界上,没有人能使你倒下,如果你自己的信念还站立的话。 In this world, no one can make you fall, if your own faith is still standing. 29、站在镁光灯下是堕落的,站在讲台上是堕落的;因为他们会让你觉得,你比别人更聪明。 Standing in the spotlight is fallen, standing on the podium is corrupt; because they will make you feel that you are smarter than others. 30、微软公司在用人上所表现出的胆略与气魄是别的公司无可比拟的。 Microsoft Corp is another company in the courage and boldness There is nothing comparable to this people show. 31、为成功而庆祝是应该的,但更重要的是吸取失败的教训。 It is important to celebrate success, but more important is to learn from failure.
2023-06-13 00:02:441


2023-06-13 00:02:554

用人如器,各取所长的翻译! 要全文的。。

Employing such devices, their respective merits
2023-06-13 00:03:053

求the loons 读后感一篇,要英文的,五六百字。急

Read the xu beihong inspiring painting recently "xu beihong"! This is my reading today the xu beihong inspiring learns a hearty ". The xu beihong inspiring painting "this article mainly about xu beihong went to Paris, a large painting painters of tilting awards. A foreigner is very jealous of him, said: "the Chinese is to study and become to heaven!" Xu beihong was not foreigners, at last, he unyielding in Paris exhibition of paintings, stirred throughout the world with their own strength, won the foreigners. I read this story, I deeply touched, such as xu beihong ability for Chinese proud proud. Regardless of how others laughed at him, insult, always working towards a goal, assiduous study, unyielding, he became a world famous painter, let foreigners to know the real Chinese strength! Chinese is not weak, Chinese is impossible to overthrow, Chinese is to become! See, think oneself, xu beihong don"t think dixialetou. Remember once I learn to write, I very seriously, there"s the teacher often praised me. But a classmate say: "you gotta writing so weak, pen, no wind wind will fall, have what good?" I heard his words and looked at their own handwriting and thought: I like the words he had indeed as teacher praised me, but why? He said the teacher I earnestly study and didn"t say my words. My heart suddenly lost confidence to write, and finally quit writing class. So far, I have to write the words or crooked. Now, I read the story of this painting inspiring xu beihong, don"t know should not to hear that no self-confidence, students should be discouraged after word, should use the strength to prove himself will write better. With the strength of his winning the foreign students, became the world famous great painter. And I heard the words of jealousy will lose confidence, depressed, I should not. If I see this article early years, study xu beihong, striving to prove himself, with scores of strength, that maybe I have become a little calligrapher! Don"t laugh is down, striving, courage, and this is our assurance of victory. As long as we head, boldness and walk, success will open to us. Xu beihong that gao da4"s image
2023-06-13 00:03:364


1、只要你懂得怎样使用报纸,华生,报纸便是非常宝贵的工具。 As long as you know how to use newspapers, Watson, newspapers are very valuable tools. 2、生活是很枯燥的。我的一生就是力求不要在平庸中虚度光阴。这些小小的案件让我遂了心愿。 Life is very dull. My life is to strive not to waste time in mediocrity. These *** all cases made my wish e true. 3、我决定永远不要有任何偏见,事实指向哪里,我就会乖乖地跟到哪里。 I decided never to have any prejudice. Where the facts point, I will follow them obediently. 4、人不要在说明事实的理论上打圈圈,应该配合理论的说明,慢慢解开事实真相。 People should not circle the theory of explaining facts, but should cooperate with the theory of explaining facts slowly. 5、在没有得到任何证据的情况下是不能进行推理的,那样的话,只能是误入歧途。 It is impossible to reason without any evidence. In that case, we can only go astray. 6、生活之谜是任何聪明的大脑也发明不了的。 The mystery of life cannot be invented by any intelligent brain. 7、嫉妒是性格的奇异转换器。 Jealousy is a strange transformer of character. 8、不要让一个人的外表影响你的判断力,这是最重要的。感情会影响理智的。 Don"t let a person"s appearance affect your judgment. That"s the most important thing. Emotions affect reason. 9、一个为艺术而艺术的人,常常从最不重要和最平凡的形象中获得最大的乐趣。 A man who works for art often derives the greatest pleasure from the most unimportant and ordinary images. 10、再也没有比显而易见的事实更虚伪的了。 Nothing is more hypocritical than the obvious fact. 11、你有保持缄默的了不起的天赋,华生,有你做伙伴真是太难得了。 You have a great talent for silence, Watson. It"s very rare to have you as a partner. 12、一个医生误入歧途,他就是一流的罪犯,因为他既有胆识,又有知识。 When a doctor goes astray, he is a first-class criminal because he has both courage and knowledge. 13、她本身无害,而且往往是很有用的人,但却总是引起别人犯罪的因素。 She is harmless and often useful, but always causes others to mit crimes. 14、教育是没有止境的,华生。课程一门接一门,精益求精,这件案子很有启发性。 Education is endless, Watson. The case is very enlightening. 15、生活之谜是任何大脑也发明不出来的。 The mystery of life is that no brain can be invented. 16、感情作用会影响清醒的理智。 Emotional effects affect sober reason. 17、命运知识难以捉摸啊,如果来世没有抱应,那么这个世界就是一场残酷的玩笑。 The knowledge of fate is elusive. If there is no response in the next life, then the world is a cruel joke. 18、即使是最好的女人,也决不能完全信赖她们。 Even the best women can never trust them pletely. 19、我向来不作任何例外。定律没有例外。 I have never made any exceptions. There is no exception to the law. 20、不寻常的现象总能给人提供一些线索,而没有什么特征的案子却是难以侦破的。 Unusual phenomena always provide some clues to people, while cases with few characteristics are difficult to detect. 21、谦虚和骄傲都是与事实相背而行的。 Modesty and pride go against the facts. 22、有一句老格言说道,当你排除了不可能的情况后,其余的情况,不管是如何的不可能,却必定是真实的。 An old adage says that when you exclude impossible situations, the rest, however impossible, must be true. 23、除非两台打字机都相当新,否则没有哪两台打字机打出的字是一模一样的。 No o typewriters produce the same type unless they are quite new. 24、我完全没有虚度此生,如果我生命的旅程到今夜为止,我也可以问心无愧地欣然接受。 I have not wasted my life at all. If my journey of life ends tonight, I can accept it with a clear conscience. 25、我追求精神上的兴奋。 I pursue spiritual excitement. 26、所谓事件,只要有不可解之处,就很容易解决。看起来平凡无特征的犯罪才真棘手。 The so-called events can be easily solved as long as there are some irresolvable points. Crimes that seem mundane and featureless are really tricky. 27、探案过程中,我是最后的最高的上诉法庭。 In the course of the investigation, I was the last and highest court of appeal. 28、除去其他的因素,剩下的必是事实了。 Apart from other factors, the rest must be facts. 29、她无依无靠,到处为家。她又足够的钱供她从一个国家到另一个国家,从一家旅馆到另一个旅馆。 She was helpless and homeless. She had enough money to go from country to country, from hotel to hotel. 30、对于装病,我认为我有能力写个专论。 As for pretending to be ill, I think I have the ability to write a monograph. 31、我向来不猜想。猜想是很不好的习惯,它有害于作逻辑的推理。 I never guess. Guessing is a bad habit, which is harmful to logical reasoning. 32、许多被绞死的人死的冤枉。 Many hanged people are wronged. 33、华生,这不属于你的职业范围,不是生理上的问题,而是心理上的。 Watson, it"s not your career, it"s not a physical problem, it"s a psychological one. 34、生活平淡,报纸枯燥。大胆和浪漫似乎已经在这个充满罪恶的世界上绝迹了。 Life is dull and newspapers are dull. It seems that boldness and romance have disappeared in this world full of evil. 35、我的体质非常特别。工作的时候一点儿也不觉得累,如果闲着无事反而会使我委顿不堪了。 My constitution is very special. When I work, I don"t feel tired at all. If I"m idle, I"ll be exhausted. 36、我决定站在犯人这一边,不站在死者那一边。 I decided to stand on the prisoner"s side, not on the deceased"s side. 37、由于我的存在,伦敦的空气得以清新。在我办的一千多件案子里,我相信,我从未把握的力量用错地方。 Because of my existence, the air in London is fresh. In more than 1,000 cases I have dealt with, I believe that the power I never grasped was misused. 38、奇怪的是,打字机也象手写一般能表现出一个人的性格。 Strangely, typewriters can also express a person"s personality like handwriting. 39、世上的事都是前人做过的,没什么新鲜的。 Everything in the world has been done by predecessors, nothing new. 40、探案过程中,我是最后的,最高的上诉法庭。 In the course of the investigation, I was the last and highest court of appeal. 41、不用动脑筋,我就活不下去。 I can"t live without thinking. 42、对于伟大的心灵来说,世界上没有微小的事情。 There are no *** all things in the world for a great mind. 43、自从莫里亚蒂教授新近死了以后,伦敦变成了一座极度乏味的城市。 Since Professor Moriarty"s recent death, London has bee an extremely boring city. 44、这是一个要抽足三斗烟才能解决的问题。 This is a problem that can only be solved by *** oking three pipes of cigarettes. 45、不论多么天衣无缝的犯罪,只要是人做的,就没有解不开的道理。 No matter how seamless the crime is, as long as people do it, there is no inextricable truth. 46、通常来说,愈稀奇的事,真相大白后,内情愈平常。而那些非常普通的案件才令人迷惑。 Generally speaking, the more curious things are, the more mon they bee when the truth is known. And those very ordinary cases are confusing. 47、不论案件如何复杂,人们总能寻求出一个解释。 No matter how plex the case is, one can always find an explanation. 48、我好动不好静,一遇无事可做的时候,我就会心绪不宁起来。 I can"t move very well. When I have nothing to do, I feel uneasy. 49、我们必须深入生活,只有如此才能获得新奇的效果和非同寻常的配合,而这本身比任何想象都有 *** 性。 We have to go deep into life so that we can get novel effects and unusual cooperation, which in itself is more exciting than any imagination.
2023-06-13 00:03:451


  导语:勇气是一个人处于逆境中的光明。与勇气有关的英语谚语名言大家平时都有学习到哪些?下面是我为大家收集的关于勇气的英语谚语名言,希望可以帮助到您,欢迎大家一起来阅读!   与勇气有关的英语谚语   1、勇气减轻命运的打击。   Courage lightens the blow of fate.   2、勇气如爱情,需要希望来滋养。   Courage, like love, needs hope to nourish it.   3、勇敢,是金钱买不到的。   Courage is beyond money.   4、打开门闩,无须下跪。   Open the latch without kneeling.   5、勇气的考验通常不是去死而是活下来。   The test of courage is usually not to die but to survive.   6、英雄绝不先犯人,若有来犯绝不放。   Heroes never start with criminals, and never let go of criminals if they do.   7、我们的勇气就是我们最好的上帝。   Our courage is our best God.   8、报复不是勇敢,忍受才是勇敢。   Retaliation is not courage, but endurance is courage.   9、幸运的爱,与勇者长相随。   Lucky love goes hand in hand with the brave.   10、要自由,才能的幸福;要勇敢,才能有自由。   To be free, to be happy; to be brave, to be free.   11、勇气是智慧和一定程度教养的必然结果。   Courage is the inevitable result of wisdom and a certain degree of education.   12、若能爬上如意树,弄坏缎袍也甘愿。   If you can climb up the tree you like, you will break the satin gown.   13、想挤狮子奶,要有搏狮的胆。   If you want to milk a lion, you must have the courage to fight a lion.   14、鱼儿若怕跳水中,鱼儿长有金眼无意义。   If a fish is afraid of diving, its golden eyes are meaningless.   15、犹如砍高山,好似舀大海。   Like cutting mountains, like scooping the sea.   16、林园被鹞围,小鸟难逃脱。   The woodland was surrounded by kites, and the birds could not escape.   17、勇气是衡量灵魂大小的标准。   Courage is the measure of the size of the soul.   18、对付任何事情,首要的一步是:能够面对它!   The first step in dealing with anything is to be able to face it!   19、狮子一吼,众兽发抖。   When the lion roared, the beasts trembled.   20、若是硬汉子,石滩上面来较量。   If you are a tough man, fight on the rocky beach.   21、勇敢不在臂上,而在智慧上。   Courage is not in the arms, but in the wisdom.   22、勇者处处是家乡。   The brave are home everywhere.   23、勇气有时也会回到被服者的心中。   Courage sometimes returns to the hearts of the subject.   24、大胆产生勇气,多疑却产生恐惧。   Courage comes from boldness, but fear comes from suspicion.   25、对付毒蛇般的恶棍,需要恶狼般的杀手。   To deal with snake-like villains, we need wolf-like killers.   26、大胆天下去得,小心寸步难行。   It"s hard to go all over the world with caution.   27、有德必有勇,正直的人绝不胆怯。   Virtue leads to courage, and honest people are never timid.   28、有了勇气便能粉碎厄运。   Having courage can crush bad luck.   29、大路不走草成窝,胸膛不挺背会驼。   If you don"t walk on the road, you will have a hunched chest.   30、壮士醉时的勇气,平日也有该多好。   How good is the courage of a strong man when he is drunk?    关于勇气的英语名言   1、爱会让人拥有战斗的勇气。   Love can make people have the courage to fight.   2、酒给人勇气,酒使人多情。   Wine gives people courage, affectionate man.   3、连死的勇气都有,何况活呢?   Even have the courage to die, and live?   4、勇气如爱情,需要希望来滋养。   Courage, such as love, need hope to nourish.   5、只要你有勇气,做甚么都可以。   As long as you have courage, you can do.   6、我们的勇气就是我们最好的上帝。   Our courage is our best god.   7、大胆产生勇气,多疑却产生恐惧。   Bold courage, paranoid fear.   8、生活随人的勇气大小而收缩或膨胀。   Life with courage in a man size shrinkage or expansion.   9、和其他美德一样,勇气也是有限的。   Like other virtues, courage is limited.   10、有勇气主宰自己命运的人才是英雄。   Have the courage to dominate the talent is a hero of his own fate.   11、真正的对手会灌输给你大量的勇气。   The real opponent will instill gives you a lot of courage.   12、真正的勇气在极端的胆怯和鲁莽之间。   Real courage in extreme between the timid and the reckless.   13、才智和勇气必定满意地与机遇共享荣誉。   Wisdom and courage must be satisfied with the opportunity to share the honor.   14、太在乎结局,就会连开始的勇气都没有了。   Too care about the outcome, would even have the courage to start.   15、如果有足够的勇气,许多人都会成为懦夫。   If you have enough courage, many people would be a coward.   16、不管你做什么事,都离不开,勇气,成功!   No matter what you do, cannot leave, courage, success!   17、一定要有自信的勇气,才会有工作的勇气。   Must have confidence in the courage, just can have the courage to work.   18、只要坚持积极的理想,就能产生奋斗的勇气。   As long as adhere to the positive ideal, can produce struggle of courage.   19、勇气是一切天赋中最好的天赋,它先于一切。   Courage is the best gift of all gifts, it before everything.   20、迎头搏击才能前进,勇气减轻了命运的打击。   Head-on fight to advance, the courage to soften the blow of fate.   21、金钱是个好兵士,有了它就可以使人勇气百倍。   Money is a good soldier, it can make the person the courage to one hundred times.   22、勇气不是盲目地忽视危险,而是看见便去克服它。   Courage is not blindly overlooking danger, but saw, and to overcome it.   23、我没有勇气折断我的翅膀,却也飞不到任何地方。   I have the courage to break my wings, fly less than any place.   24、如果整个世界是公正的话,勇气就没有必要存在了。   If the world is fair, courage, there is no need to exist.   25、反思自我时展示了勇气,自我反思是一切思想的源泉。   Self reflection shows courage, self-reflection is the source of all thought.   26、勇气是一种内在的东西,并不是因为人多势众才有的。   Courage is an inner thing, not because the dint.   27、暧昧让人受委屈,找不到相爱的证据。连拥抱都没勇气。   Ambiguous, let a person be wronged can"t find evidence of love. Did not even the courage to embrace.   28、我不是缺少机会,我问真的是缺少勇气,改变现在的勇气!   I"m not a lack of opportunities, I asked was lack of courage, courage to change now!   29、只要我们能重拾昔日的勇气,那么,天大的困难也可以克服。   As long as we can regain the courage, former so big difficulties can be overcome.   30、你必须保持诚实人的立场。这时常是冒险的,这需要有勇气。
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  如果可以,我们最好多看一些,提高自己的阅读能力的同时还能感悟一些人生道理,那么都有哪些呢?一起来看看吧。   :The hidden gold 隐藏的金子   There was once a farmer who had a fine olive橄榄树 orchard果园 . He was very hardworking, and the farm always prospered under his care. But he knew that his three sons despised轻视,看不起 the farm work, and were eager to make wealth, trough adventure.   When the farmer was old, and felt that his time had e to die, he called the three sons to him and said, "My sons, there is a pot of gold hidden in the olive orchard. Dig for it, if you wish it."   The sons tried to get him to tell them in what part of the orchard the gold was hidden; but he would tell them nothing more.   After the farmer was dead, the sons went to work to find the pot of gold; since they did not know where the hiding-place was, they agreed to begin in a line, at one end of the orchard, and to dig until one of them should find the money.   They dug until they had turned up the soil from one end of the orchard to the other, round the tree-roots and between them. But no pot of gold was to be found. It seemed as if someone must have stolen it, or as if the farmer had been wandering漫游,闲逛 in his wits. The three sons were bitterly disappointed to have all their work for nothing.   The next olive season, the olive trees in the orchard bore more fruit than they had ever given; when it was sold, it gave the sons a whole pot of gold.   And when they saw how much money had e from the orchard, they suddenly understood what the wise father had meant when he said, "There is gold hidden in the orchard. Dig for it, if you wish it."   从前有一个农民,他有一座漂亮的橄榄园。他非常勤劳,而且农场在他的照管下蒸蒸日上。可他知道自己的三个儿子瞧不起农活,都迫不及待的想通过冒险发家致富。   这个农民上了年岁,感到死期快要来临时,将三个儿子叫到身边说:“儿子们,橄榄园里藏有一罐金子。你们想要,就去挖吧。”   儿子们想让父亲告诉他们金子藏在果园的那一块地方,可他什么也没再给他们说。   那个农民死后,三个儿子就开始挖地,想找到那罐金子;因为他们不知道金子藏在什么地方,所以他们一致同意排成一行从果园的一头开始挖起,知道其中一人挖到金子为止.   他们挖啊挖,从果园的一头一直挖到了另一头,果树周围和果树之间也都挖到了,可还是没有找到那罐金子。看来一定是有人已经把那罐金子头走了,要么就是他们的父亲一直在异想天开。三个儿子对他们白干了一场,感到大失所望。   到了第二年的橄榄季节,果园里的橄榄树接出的果子比以往的都多;卖完果子后,三个儿子赚了整整一罐金子。   他们从果园里得到这么多钱后,突然明白了聪明的父亲所说的“果园里藏有金子,想要就去挖吧”这句话的含义。   :Tiresias 泰瑞西斯   Tiresias was a blind, darkseeing prophet先知 of Thebes. He was struck with blindness in his youth, because he had spied unwittingly on the goddess Athena. He was wandering in the woods one day when quite unexpectedly he saw anaked maiden bathing in a placid lake. Little did he know that he had offended the virgin goddess. Taken unaware and scarlet with wrath愤怒 , the goddess exclaimed that whoever had the boldness to steal a glance at her naked body was doomed to perpetual永久的 blindness. But when she learned later that the offence was unintentional, it was too late for her to take back what she had said. Taking pity on the poor youth for the loss of his sight, she obtained from Zeus an exceptional long life for him, and from Apollo a divine神圣的 power of prophecy. Besides, she provided him with a marvellous sharpness of ear, so that he could understand the voices of all birds. And she filled his mind with mystic knowledge of things past and of things to e. In short she gave him quite an amount of her own wisdom. He was the first to recognise and wele Dionysus, god of feast and wine, on the The ban land. When the infant Heracles caught Hera"s two serpents巨蛇 in its hands, it was Tiresias who cast the child"s fortune and revealed the divine origin and destiny of the boy. When Oedipus abused Tiresias as having had a hand in the murder of Laius, Tiresias had the fearless courage to tell the truth that Oedipus was the murderer. Even in the lower world he continued to prophesy. There he helped Odysseus when the hero came to him for advice. Alive, he was highly respected by all;dead, he enjoyed the generous air and rosy light in the land of the Blest.   泰瑞西斯是位只能看见黑暗的底比斯先知。由于他年轻时不小心窥见了女神雅典娜,他的双目失明。一天,他在森林里漫步时,意外地看见一位全身裸露的仙女正在平静的湖水中沐浴。他不知道他已经冒犯了这位贞洁的女神。因莫名其妙地被人个一清二楚,女神勃然大怒。她诅咒道:谁胆敢偷看她的玉体,谁就必将永远变瞎。但当后来她得知泰瑞西斯并非有意冒犯她时,再想收回她的咒语已经不可能了。出于怜悯,她从宙斯那里替这位贫穷的,丧失了视力的年轻人争取到了长寿;又从阿波罗那里要来了神圣的预言本领;并且,她赋予他神奇敏锐的双耳,这样他就可以明白各种鸟语。此外,雅典娜给了他魔术般的本领,使他既知过去,也能预测未来。总而言之,她使他拥有了她自身智慧中的很大一部分。在底比斯,是泰瑞西斯第一个认出了宴会神、也是酒神的狄俄尼索斯,并向他表示欢迎。当海格克斯还是个婴儿,用手抓起赫拉的两条毒蛇时,也正是泰瑞西斯卜算出了这个孩子的未来并预示出他的出身及其命运。当奥狄浦斯指责泰瑞西斯参与谋杀了拉伊俄斯时,泰瑞西斯勇敢地讲出了事实真相:奥狄浦斯才是凶手。即使到了地狱,他依然预测未来。在那儿,当奥德修斯前去征求他的意见时,泰瑞西斯帮助了他。活着的时候,他受到人们的普遍敬重;死后,在不莱斯特这块土地上,他享受着无比清新的空气和玫瑰般绚丽多彩的阳光。   :The shoemaker"s adventure 鞋匠奇遇   A young shoemaker left his village. Along the way, he found some ants, who were very sad because a bear had destroyed their anthill蚁冢,人群密集的地方 . The shoemaker helped them rebuild it, and the ants offered to return the favor.   The shoemaker followed his way and found some bees with the same problem as the ants. The young man also helped them, and the bees promised to help him in the future.   Further along, the shoemaker learned that the king"s daughter was in the castle of a witch巫婆,女巫 . The young man decided to rescue her. But the witch locked him up in a stinking发恶臭的,非常讨厌的 dunge on with a sack of sand mixed with poppy罂粟 seeds and told him that if he wasn"t able to separate the two, she would cut off his head at dawn.   The young man thought about his death. But his friends the ants came and helped him pass the test. The witch was astounded. Then she took him to a room where there were thirteen maidens with their faces covered: the shoemaker had to discover which one was the princess.   The young man became discouraged but he saw a bee that landed on... the sweetest one, the true princess. When the shoemaker uncovered her face, the witch was changd into a crow乌鸦 . The young people fell in love and lived surrounded by animals and poppies.   一个年轻鞋匠离开他所在的村子。沿途中看到一些蚂蚁,蚂蚁们很伤心,因为熊破坏了他们的家。于是这个鞋匠帮助它们重修了蚁丘,蚂蚁们说将来会回报他的帮助。   鞋匠上路继续前行,发现一些蜜蜂遭遇到和蚂蚁一样的状况。于是这个年轻人也帮助了蜜蜂们,蜜蜂承诺将来也会帮助这位年轻人。   又走了很远,鞋匠听说国王的女儿困在女巫的城堡里,年轻人决定去营救她。但女巫把他锁在恶臭的粪土堆旁,还扔给他一麻袋混合在一起的沙子和罂粟种子。告诉他如果不能够在黎明前把这些区分开来,就要在黎明时砍掉他的脑袋。   年轻人想着他要死了。这时他的朋友蚂蚁来了,帮助他通过了这个考验。女巫大吃一惊,接着她把年轻人带到了一个房间,里面有蒙着面纱的是三个少女:鞋匠必须从中找出真正的王妃。   年轻人有些灰心了,但这时他看到了一只蜜蜂降落在一个人身上……那人就是真正的王妃。当鞋匠揭开她的面纱,于是女巫变成了一只乌鸦。年轻人跟公主坠入爱河,动物们和罂粟花都围绕着他们。
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问题一:勇敢的名词用英语怎么说 braveness 问题二:勇敢用英语怎么说 勇敢[yǒng gǎn] 词典 brave; courageous; valiant; gallant; boldness 双语例句 1 我们勇敢反抗了西方强权,这是一种精神上的胜利。 We stood up to the West, and that"s a moral victory. 2 我们必须证明我们有多么勇敢无畏。 We have to prove how gritty we are. 问题三:勇敢的男孩用英语怎么说 brave boy. 问题四:要勇敢! 用英文怎么写? Be brave! 问题五:勇敢这词的英语写法怎么写? brave, 通常我们会用brave encough to do sth.去表示有足够的勇气去做某事... 问题六:勇敢的 [用英文怎么写]???????????? 勇敢的 : 1. brave 2. manful 3. valorous4. valiant 5. stronghearted 6. stout 7. doughty 8. fearless 9. courageous Relative explainations: Examples: 1. 皇上授予这勇敢的士兵一头衔。 The emperor conferred a title on the brave soldier. 2. 勇敢的举动使他赢得了光荣的称号。 His brave action earned him a name crowned with glory. 3. 在各种不同的优良品质中,他也是很勇敢的。 He is very brave, among other good traits. 4. 敌人所有的防御工事都被我勇敢的战士摧毁了。 All the enemy"s defenses were beaten down by our brave soldiers. 问题七:勇敢面对一切 用英语怎么说 1楼face to语法错误 2楼变成两个短句了 3楼比较正确,但是right是哪里冒出来的? 4楼的all the things很中式 face everything with courage 问题八:“坚强的”和“勇敢”用英语怎么说 勇敢brave 不过坚强tough和s触rong tough更表示坚韧 strong表示坚强的意志很好 a strong will~~~
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1.英语勇敢:brave; courageous; gallant; valiant; boldness2.法语勇敢:courageux 估哈热3.德语勇敢:mutig勇敢ein mutiges Herz brave heart ;mutig,除了beherzt:Ein mutiges Herz名词的话有die Tapferkeit、die Khnheit 都是勇敢的意思形容词勇敢的、der Mut
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1、与天地兮同寿,与日月兮齐光。——屈原 Live with the sky and the earth, shine with the sun and the moon. 2、有生命,那里便有希望。——泰伦提乌斯 Where there is life, there is hope. 3、练世情之常尤,识前修之所淑。——陆机 Practice the mon feelings of the world, know the former Shu Xiu. 4、只有顺从自然,才能驾驭自然。——培根 Only by obeying nature can we control nature. 5、读书志在圣贤,为官心存君国。——朱用纯 Reading aspires to the sages and the government. 6、培养意志是我们生存的目标。——爱献生 To cultivate will is the goal of our existence. 7、要以探求真理为毕生的事业。——笛卡尔 To seek truth is a lifelong career. 8、文明就是要造成有修养的人。——罗斯金 Civilization is to create cultured people. 9、生活中唯一乐趣就是忘却。——托尔斯泰 The only joy in life is to fet. 10、只有爱给你解开不死之谜。──费尔巴哈 Only love can solve the mystery of immortality for you. 11、爱情的野心使人倍受痛苦。——莎士比亚 Love"s ambition is painful. 12、对我来说,信念意味着不担心。——杜威 For me, faith means not to worry. 13、谦固美名,过谦者,宜防其诈。——朱熹 If you are too modest and have a good reputation, you should guard against fraud. 14、必须在奋斗中求生存,求发展。——茅盾 We must strive for survival and development. 15、思想的自由就是最髙的独立。——费斯克 Freedom of thought is the most important independence. 16、我想,天才就是勤奋的结果。——郭沫若 I think genius is the result of diligence. 17、坦白是使人心地轻松的妙药。——西塞罗 Frankness is a great medicine for relaxation. 18、耐心是一切聪明才智的基础。——柏拉图 Patience is the foundation of all intelligence. 19、越年轻,就越不能跟丑事妥协。——纪德 The younger you are, the less you can promise with scandals. 20、死的伟大的人,永远没有失败。——拜伦 The great man who dies never fails. 21、善在美的后面,是美的本原。——普洛丁 Good behind beauty is the origin of beauty. 22、一切活动家都是梦想家。——詹·哈尼克 All activists are dreamers. Jan Hanik 23、成功之因,在于不屈不挠。——荷兰谚语 The reason for success lies in perseverance. 24、时间顺流而下,生活逆水行舟。——艾青 Time goes downstream and life goes against the current. 25、一分事业心能抵十分特权。——弗·马文 A single enterprise is worth a great privilege. 26、最严重的浪费就是时间的浪费。——布封 The most serious waste is the waste of time. 27、辛勤的蜜蜂永没有时间悲哀。——布莱克 Hard bees never have time to mourn. 28、忍耐虽然痛苦,果实却最香甜。——萨迪 Patience, though painful, has the sweetest fruit. 29、时间使一切发生着变化。——埃斯库罗斯 Time changes everything. 30、幽默来自智慧,恶语来自无能。——松林 Humor es from wisdom, and vice es from inpetence. 31、人的灵魂表现在他的事业上。——易卜生 Man"s soul is manifested in his career. 32、聪明在于学习,天才在于积累。——列宁 Wisdom lies in learning, and genius lies in accumulation. 33、人生只有在斗争中才有价值。——赫尔岑 Life is valuable only in struggle. 34、唯宽可以容人,唯厚可以载物。——薛宣 Only tolerance can tolerate people, only thick can carry things. 35、青年时鲁莽,老年时悔恨。——富兰克林 Youth is reckless, and old age regrets. 36、只要愿意去做,人无所不通。——艾略特 Everyone knows everything if he is willing to do it. 37、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。——塞内加 Courage leads to heaven, cowardice to hell. 38、事莫明于有效,论莫定于有证。——王充 It is not clear what is valid, but it is not certain that there is evidence. 39、逆境是通往真理的第一条道路。——拜伦 Adversity is the first road to truth. 40、我唯一的理想就是为人类服务。——戴维 My only ideal is to serve mankind. 41、真正的友谊是诚挚的和大胆的。——席勒 True friendship is sincere and bold. 42、人生只是努力下一系列的决心。——富勒 Life is just trying to make a series of resolutions. 43、成功是靠别人,不是靠自己!——陈安之 Success depends on others, not on oneself! 44、希望便是快乐,创造便是快乐。——冰心 Hope is happiness, creation is happiness. 45、勇气是衡量灵魂大小的标准。——卡耐基 Courage is the measure of the size of the soul. 46、希望是在风雨之夜所现的晓霞。——歌德 Hope is Xiaoxia on a stormy night. 47、常常是最后一把钥匙打开了门。——彦语 Often the last key opens the door. 48、要想吸引朋友,须有好的品性。——欧洲 If you want to attract friends, you must have good character. 49、能约束自己的人,最有威信。——塞涅卡 He who can restrain himself has the greatest prestige. 50、如意算盘,不必须贴合事实。——奥地利 If you want to make an abacus, you don"t have to conform to the facts. 51、目标愈高,志向就愈可贵。——塞万提斯 The higher the goal, the more valuable the ambition. 52、脱离劳动就是犯罪。——列夫·托尔斯泰 Breaking away from work is a crime. 53、心中所爱的人,总是美貌的。——土耳其 The person you love in your heart is always beautiful. 54、宁肯折断骨头,不能放弃信念。——蒙古 Better break a bone than give up faith. 55、大胆是取得进步所付出的代价。——雨果 Boldness is the price of progress. 56、奋斗就是生活,人生惟有前进。——巴金 Struggle is life, life can only go forward. 57、盖上天之生余,必有期于下地。——韩愈 Cover the rest of the life of heaven, we must expect to go down to earth. 58、君舟民水,水可载舟亦可覆舟。——荀子 Junzhou people"s water, water can carry a boat can also overturn the boat. 59、思想的自由就是最高的独立。——费斯克 Freedom of thought is the highest independence. 60、爱国必先爱家,帮人必先强己。——周立波 Patrioti *** must first love home, help others must first strengthen themselves. 61、生命的价值在于使用生命。——泰国谚语 The value of life lies in the use of life. 62、科学的基础是健康的身体。——居里夫人 The foundation of science is a healthy body. 63、离恨恰如春草,更行更远还生。——李煜 Hatred is just like spring grass, it goes farther and survives. 64、理想的书籍是智慧的钥匙。——托尔斯泰 Ideal books are the keys to wisdom. 65、快乐首先在于有健康的身体。——柯蒂斯 Happiness lies first in having a healthy body. 66、责任心是现代人素质的标志。——吴玉妍 Responsibility is the symbol of modern people"s quality. 67、理想很丰满,现实却很骨感。——周立波 Ideals are full, but reality is skeletal. 68、真实爱情的途径并不平坦。——莎士比亚 The path to true love is not *** ooth.
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  如果你想要想获得什么,就要看你付出了什么。有关付出的英文谚语大家知道哪些?今日我就为大家整理了有,供大家参考查阅。    付出的英文谚语   1、不付出劳动就不会有收获。   There is no gain without labour.   2、只要路是对的,就不怕路远。   As long as the road is right, we are not afraid of the distance.   3、春种一粒子,秋收万颗粮。   Spring sows one particle and autumn harvest ten thousand grains.   4、谁给我一滴水,我便回报他整个大海。   Whoever gives me a drop of water, I will repay him the whole sea.   5、一分耕耘,一分收获。   No pains, no gains.   6、春种一粒粟,秋收万颗籽。   A millet is planted in spring and ten thousand seeds are harvested in autumn.   7、吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。   If you suffer bitterly, you will bee a man.   8、成功需要付出代价,不成功需要付出更高的代价。   Success es at a price. Failure es at a higher price.   9、宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。   April showers bring May flowers.   10、所有坚忍不拔的努力,都迟早会取得报酬。   Sooner or later, all perseverance will be rewarded.   11、不是你比别人差,只是付出不够多。   It"s not that you are worse than others, it"s just that you don"t pay enough.   12、不受苦中苦,难得甜上甜。   Sugar is seldom sweet without suffering.   13、书山有路勤为径,学海无崖苦作舟。   There is a way to learn from the sea without cliffs.   14、谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦!   Who knows that Chinese food is hard to eat!   15、少壮不努力,老大徒悲伤。   Young men do not work hard, old men are sad.   16、我们能做到的,比想象的更多。   We can do more than we think.   17、世上无难事只怕有心人。   Nothing in the world is difficult for a willing person.   18、想不付出任何代价而得到幸福,那是神话。   It is a myth to want happiness without paying any price.   19、天才是百分之一的灵感,百分之九十九的汗水。   Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.   20、回避现实的人,未来将更不理想。   Those who avoid reality will have a worse future.   21、获取信用是要付出很高代价的。   It costs a lot to get credit.   22、一分钟的成功,付出的代价却是好些年的失败。   A minute of success costs years of failure.   23、失败就是迈向成功应付出的代价。   Failure is the price of success.   24、苦想没盼头,苦干有奔头。   There is no hope in hard thinking, but there is a rush in hard work.   25、业精于勤,荒于嬉。   Industry is good at diligence and playfulness.    关于付出的谚语英文   1、不受苦中苦,难得甜上甜。   Sugar is seldom sweet without suffering.   2、我们能做到的,比想象的更多。   We can do more than we think.   3、想不付出任何代价而得到幸福,那是神话。   It is a myth to want happiness without paying any price.   4、锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。   If you persevere, you will never break the dead wood; if you persevere, you will carve out the stone.   5、只要路是对的,就不怕路远。   As long as the road is right, we are not afraid of the distance.   6、只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。   As long as the work is deep, the pestle is ground into a needle.   7、书山有路勤为径,学海无崖苦作舟。   There is a way to learn from the sea without cliffs.   8、苦想没盼头,苦干有奔头。   There is no hope in hard thinking, but there is a rush in hard work.   9、大胆是取得进步所付出的代价。   Boldness is the price of progress.   10、获取信用是要付出很高代价的。   It costs a lot to get credit.   11、经历过;才会明白;有付出才有回报。   Experience; Only then will understand; Has pays only then repays.   12、春种一粒子,秋收万颗粮。   Spring sows one particle and autumn harvest ten thousand grains.   13、回避现实的人,未来将更不理想。   Those who avoid reality will have a worse future.   14、世上无难事只怕有心人。   Nothing in the world is difficult for a willing person.   15、谁给我一滴水,我便回报他整个大海。   Whoever gives me a drop of water, I will repay him the whole sea.   16、吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。   If you suffer bitterly, you will bee a man.   17、不是你比别人差,只是付出不够多。   It"s not that you are worse than others, it"s just that you don"t pay enough.   18、宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。   April showers bring May flowers.   19、智者一切求自己,愚者一切求他人。   All wise men seek themselves, and all fools seek others.   20、成功需要付出代价,不成功需要付出更高的代价。
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我不按照上面的来翻译,但是我可以给你找出严复三大原则的英文: faithfulness means the full and complete conveying or transmission of the original content or thought. 忠实意味着完全表达或对原有的传输内容或思想。 expressiveness demands that the version must be clear and flowing without any grammatical mistakes or confused logic and sense. 达要求译文必须清晰流畅,没有任何语法错误或产生歧义。 so the first two words as translation critera are acceptable.所以前两个词作为翻译标准是可以接受的。 elegance is unadoptable because it refers to use of classical chinese before the Han Dynasty.雅是不可取的因为它是指利用中国汉代以前的古典汉语。 of course, yan fu"s the explaination of translation criteria is limited by the age he lived in.当然,严复对翻译标准的解释是由他生活的时代限制的。 yan fu"s elegance can only be regarded as one style.严复的雅,只能算是一个风格。 its opposite is the style of "boldness and unconstraintedness."它的对立面是豪放。亲, 如果觉得有用的话,望采纳,谢谢!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2023-06-13 00:05:341


问题一:我的座右铭是.英文怎么说 My motto is。。。 例如: My motto is: the past is gone, and I as long as a better future. 我的座右铭是:过去的都过去了吧,我只要一个美好的未来。 问题二:座右铭用英文怎么说 a trse/witty/instructive saying 单独的saying也有格言、箴言的意思 问题三:提供一些英语座右铭? It probably sounded better in the original German -Molly Ivins ments on Pat Buchanaan"s speech at the last Republican conference To know a person"s religion we need not listen to his profession of faith but must find his brand of intolerance. * Eric Hoffer (1902-83), The Passionate State of Mind, aph. 215 (1955). * Anticipation of death is worse than death itself. Inverse: Anticipation of sex is better than sex itself. A society without religion is like a crazed psychopath without a loaded .45 Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something. --William Goldman, The Princess Bride Live as one already dead. --Japanese saying At the core of all well-founded belief lies belief that is unfounded - Wittgenstein Poi s"accose nel foco che gli affina - Dante Law of conservation of confusion : The total amount of confusion in this world remains constant. It just gets shifted around. For every difficult and plicated question there is an answer that is simple, easily understood, and wrong. H.L. Mencken A stand can be made against invasion by an army; no stand can be made against invasion by an idea. --Victor Hugo Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, magic in it. --- Goethe The problem with instant gratification is that it takes too long... Oh, the fort, the inexpressible fort of feeling safe with a person; having neither to wei......>> 问题四:人生格言座右铭 英文并翻译 要经典的!!! 14, people have the ability to influence others, not the ability of people, affected by others. 15、有智者立长志,无志者长立志。 15, the wise Li Changzhi, no chi long to. 16、世上无难事,只要肯登攀。 16, nothing is difficult, if you put your heart into it. 17、勤奋是学习的枝叶,当然很苦,智慧是学习的花朵,当然香郁。 17, diligence is learning branches, of course very bitter, wisdom is learning course, fragrant flowers. 18、不求做的最好,但求做的更好。 18, do not the best, but be better. 19、冰冻三尺,非一日之寒,成大事者不拘小节。 19, work harder, not a cold day, a major event not to stick at trifles. 20、智者千虑,必有一失;遇者千虑,必有一得。 20, wise thousand worries, there must be one; in thousands of concern, there will be one. 21、是金子总会发光。 21, is the gold will shine. 22、宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香苦自苦寒来。 22, Bao Jianfeng from sharpening out, plum blossom incense e from the bitter cold and bitter. 23、人,最大的敌人是自己。 23, people, is his own worst enemy. 24、失败是成功之母! 24, failure is the mother of success! 25、人活着就要快乐。 25, we must live happy. 26、天才是百分之九十九的汗水加百分之一灵感。 26, genius is ninety-nine percent perspiration and one percent inspiration. 27、书山有路勤为径,学海无崖苦作舟。 27, Qin Shu Shan Road for the size, but life is short. 28、忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空! 28, forbearance 1:00 calm, take a step as boundless as the sea and sky! 29、有志者,事竞成;苦心人,天不负。 29, where there is a will, there is a good day, not negative. 30、好好学习天天向上。 30 Study hard, make progress every day. 31、精诚所至,金石为开。 31, Faith moves mountains, mountains. 32、生活就像海洋,只有意志将强的人才能到达彼岸。 32, life is like a sea, and only the strong will ca......>>
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1、没有被听见不是沉默的理由。 Not being heard is not a reason for silence. 2、不美的人生来就错!美只爱美。 People who are not beautiful are born wrong! Beauty loves beauty only. 3、死亡是最伟大的平等,也是最平等的自由。 Death is the greatest equality and the most equal freedom. 4、他是情场做戏,她却一片痴情。 He was acting in love, but she was infatuated. 5、哪里有阴影,那里就有光。 Where there is shadow, there is light. 6、有许多可爱的女性,但没有完美无缺的女性。 There are many lovely women, but there are no perfect women. 7、爱情本是人干的蠢事,却又是上帝的智慧。 Love is man"s folly, but God"s wisdom. 8、只有一个办法可以拒绝明天,那便是死去。 There is only one way to refuse tomorrow, and that is to die. 9、科学到了最后阶段,便遇上了想象。 When science reaches its final stage, it encounters imagination. 10、我的风度是贵族的,但我的行为却是民主的。 My manners are aristocratic, but my actions are democratic. 11、进步,才是人应该有的现象。 Progress is what people should have. 12、花朵预兆着果实,少女梦想着爱情。 Flowers Herald fruits, girls dream of love. 13、凡是重大的事件,其后果往往难以预料。 The consequences of major events are often unpredictable. 14、衰老是从眼睛开始的。 Aging begins with the eyes. 15、没有风暴,船帆只不过是一张破布。 Without the storm, the sail was just a rag. 16、没有比金钱更能腐蚀人心的了。 There is nothing more corruptive than money. 17、虔诚的开端,带来美好的结束。 A pious beginning brings a happy ending. 18、孤独可以使人能干,也可以使人笨拙。 Loneliness can make a person capable or clumsy. 19、人们夜里走路,眼睛总要盯着灯光。 When people walk at night, they always keep their eyes on the lights. 20、机会是不守纪律的。 Opportunity is not disciplined. 21、做好人容易,做正直的人却难。 It"s easy to be a good man, but difficult to be an honest man. 22、再高明的人也有自己崇拜的偶像。 Every wise man has his own idol. 23、一场战役,总要有一场暴风雨干预。 In a battle, there must always be a storm to intervene. 24、音乐表达了无以言说但不得不说的东西。 Music expresses something that cannot be said but has to be said. 25、沉思就是劳动,思考就是行动。 Meditation is labour, and thinking is action. 26、每一个墓碑下,都是一篇长篇小说。 Under each tombstone is a novel. 27、每块墓碑下,都是一部长篇小说。 Under each tombstone is a novel. 28、人类有一个暴君,那就是蒙昧。 Human beings have a tyrant, that is ignorance. 29、树干总是一成不变,树叶却时落时生。 The trunk is always the same, but the leaves fall from time to time. 30、书籍,引领我散步在别人的灵魂中。 Books, lead me to walk in other people"s souls. 31、痛苦总是守在欢乐旁边。 Pain is always next to joy. 32、世间有那么一种躲避,恰好像是为了追求。 There is such a kind of avoidance in the world, just like to pursue. 33、真正的强者,是那种具有自制力的人。 The real strong are those who have self-control. 34、白天是属于所有人的,为什么只给我黑暗? Days belong to everyone. Why only give me darkness? 35、文化,不应将其提炼精制,而应使其纯化。 Culture should not be refined, but purified. 36、风度是理想的形态,容止则是理想的动态。 Grace is the ideal form, tolerance is the ideal dynamic. 37、人生是花,而爱是花蜜。 Life is a flower, but love is honey. 38、最伟大的人,也是最能忍辱的人。 The greatest man is also the most tolerant of humiliation. 39、恶梦是失望的继续,他夜里做梦,白天幻想。 Nigares are the continuation of disappointment. He dreams at night and fantasies during the day. 40、慈悲也不过是一种比较高级的法律而已。 Mercy is nothing more than a higher law. 41、进步是目的;理想是标准。 Progress is the goal; ideal is the standard. 42、谨慎比大胆要有力量得多。 Caution is much more powerful than boldness. 43、知识是人生旅途中的资粮。 Knowledge is the bread and butter of life"s journey. 44、人生是花,而爱便是花的蜜。 Life is a flower, and love is its honey. 45、碰到毒蛇,就得把它扼死。 When you meet a poisonous snake, you have to strangle it. 46、哪里有思想,哪里就有威力。 Where there is thought, there is power. 47、既然黑夜出自王座,就让光明从坟墓里出来! Since the night es from the throne, let the light e out of the grave! 48、一个乞丐,是不知向何处乞求爱情的。 A beggar does not know where to beg for love. 49、应该相信,自己是生活的战胜者。 We should believe that we are the winner of life. 50、爱和曾爱过,这就够了。不必再作其他希求。 Love and have loved, that"s enough. There is no need to make other demands. 51、良知是什么?是未知世界的指针。 What is conscience? It is the pointer to the unknown world. 52、任何卓越的胜利总多少是大胆的成果。 Any remarkable victory is somewhat bold. 53、生活中最大的幸福是坚信有人爱我们。 The greatest happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved. 54、这世上只有生物,既无所谓善,也无所谓恶。 There are only living things in the world, neither good nor evil. 55、最难于承受的事,往往是爱情上的痛苦。 The hardest thing to bear is often the pain of love. 56、比海更宏伟的是天,比天更宏伟的是良心。 What is more magnificent than the sea is the sky, and what is more magnificent than the sky is the conscience. 57、骄傲是所有英雄人物都能受到伤害的处所。 Pride is where all heroes can be hurt. 58、燃烧不可不中断飞翔,那只是天仙的神话。 Burning can"t stop flying, it"s just a fairy tale. 59、书籍是朋友,虽然没有热情,但是非常忠实。 Books are friends, although not enthusiastic, but very loyal. 60、有你在,就没有流亡。 If you are here, there will be no exile.
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boldness acumen autocephaly connotation taste
2023-06-13 00:06:082


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As for character surface, the host is that the host , the visitor are a guest. Extend a field saying the host is sovereign right person , ruler , dominator , initiative person , advanced person , attacks person , is in leading factor position; Visitor be cling to person , the ruled, are defended person with person, are in by leading factor position by the dominator , by the effector , passive person , the queen. And gain the initiative , be to be in the visitor by leading factor position , to strive for leading factor position , to replace the original host, readjust oneself to a certain extent with original host to the method of work fiddling with at will on the visitor location. Therefore, it is one kind of conversion law, in other words , being to carry off place law. Shoot horsemanship in the actual life, or flatter a skill being in vogue quite. Have fawned certainly being to start for the cavalryman , having ridden on a boss this troops, just can control a boss as easy as ABC , seeks interest rate having taken benefit. This is that one kind of modern times gains the initiative the skill, wonders if those bestow favor on good fortune if the officials who fawn currying favour with person have thought of this layer. Most probably, the thirty-six meter , cream and dross coexist. A man of honour, has to act with prudence very likely. Microsoft company: The technology follows strategy Microsoft company to adopt "technology Gen Sui " strategy consciously: Mount any new technology trend being staring at a marketplace tightly , observe the new technique lurking influence to the marketplace closely , analyse the high system control force that new technique and now available products and technology of Microsoft may come into being combining with each other. Microsoft is develop out and a product right away promptly Gen Sui , within very short time , possibly simply former wound person is bought over, and prompt when thinking that little new technique has been existed down and gigantic lurking value has been confirmed, capture a marketplace. "That the technology follows the strategy benefit " has been to omit large amount of funds , manpower , time developing, making use of entire industry"s the most effective has created wisdom , has avoided investing in a fault. In fact, be innovative being destined to be that ability has a success very many times fail, enterprise should be so gigantic expecting benefit, must satisfy several requirments: Have having simultaneously a person of foresight and technology talented person understanding by learning; Have tremendous capital prop up; Have observing marketplace sight and courage.
2023-06-13 00:06:243


2023-06-13 00:06:3410


darev.(动词)dared,,及物动词)To have the courage required for:敢:有要求达到的胆量:The gymnast dared a breathtakingly difficult move.这位体操选手敢于做惊险的高难度动作To challenge (someone) to do something requiring boldness:挑衅:挑起(某人)去做要求勇敢的事:They dared me to dive off the high board.他们挑衅我从高台上跳下水中To confront or oppose boldly; defy.See Synonyms at defy 向…挑战:勇敢地面对或反对;公然反抗参见 defyv.intr.(不及物动词)To be courageous or bold enough to do or try something:勇于,胆敢:有足够的勇气或胆量做或试着做某事:Go ahead and dive if you dare.如果你敢,尽管跳下水去v.aux.(助动词)To be courageous or bold enough to:胆敢:有足够的勇气和胆量:I dare not say. How dare she go?我不敢说。她怎么敢去呢?n.(名词)An act of daring; a challenge.挑衅的行为,挑战
2023-06-13 00:06:582

我最喜爱的明星 英文

my favourite (movie/pop/...) star
2023-06-13 00:07:052

To be a better self

1.有担当,不推卸责任 Life is full of ups and downs and it has episodes all along. Despite this, we"re working our way up and striving to the top of the social ladder, with the aim to surpass the original self and turn our life around. We want us to possess ambition, boldness, flexibility and all other merits so as to pursue our dream and reach our destination, and whenever you get all the pep you need, grasp it tightly and don"t hesitate, promptly make up your mind and carry out your own blueprint for life. 2.敢于承认错误,敢于改正 The journey is not that smooth and you have a long way to go. Sometimes,you would fall down and get hurt badly, but do remember the person who helps you stand and pep you up. 3.不墨迹,不娘炮 Eventually, you may be able to carve your own niche. You might as well look back and make time for introspection. You might easily internalize everything that has fostered your spirit, cultivated your heart and nurtured your mind as well as the obstacles that have toughened you up and rejuvenated your soul. 遇到对的人,会让你不断找到更优秀的自己。
2023-06-13 00:07:131

Brendon Burchard

13.“If someone is counting on you then you have all the motivation you need. Take care of them. Be the role model. Rise above the petty worries to serve!” 14.“When you learn the difference between doing busywork vs your true life"s work, that"s the first step on the path to purpose.” 15.“Without taking action, having the guts to make the attempt, without trial and strife, there can be no true knowledge, no progress, no high achievement, and no legend. So get at it now.” 16.“Never let your current competencies limit your vision for the future.” 17.“Each morning is a curtain call to show the world your highest art of being.” 18.“Today we are conditioning ourselves to serve or conning ourselves with excuses.” 19.“I believe in my ability to figure things out, so I have a few fears or hesitations. With each step, I will learn and grow, and so I go.” 21.“Your dreams draw near when you advance despite fear.” 22.“When you are willing to learn, and believe in your ability to ‘figure things out," then fear becomes tamable.” 23.“Be an example of the kind of conduct you wish to see in the world. Do not expect love, excellence or generosity if you do not radiate such things.” 24.“We are not the sum of our intentions but of our actions.” 25.“What they call crazy might just be the thing that sets you free.” 26.“Image your greatest passions, relationships, health, and contributions and then set up a learning plan and daily habits and goals to “luckily” arrive there one day.” 27.“You are capable of remarkable things that you could never foretell and will never discover without taking consistent action.” 28.“The grateful person shares her lessons learned with the world to decrease pain and inspire hope.” 29.“Never fear departing that which causes suffering. Holding on to what is wrong is not strength, it is bad judgement.” 30.“When you knock on the door of opportunity, do not be surprised that it is work who answers.” 31.“What makes you all together more beautiful is that despite facing problems bigger than your current capabilities, you have not given up.” 32.“Self-Worth and Self-Reliance are sexy.” 33.“Never fail to remember to fail more often. Do not fear boldness for it only brings learning.” 34.“Sometimes we have to stop doing what we want or what is comfortable, and we must do what is required of us to grow and serve at a higher level.” 35.“When the world questions your abilities, respond with your actions. Don"t justify. Demonstrate.” 37.“Every great human victory is a story of perseverance.” 38.“It"s not selfish to want to be happier and have a better lifestyle. Those who judge you now for striving will thank you later for succeeding. 39.“Whatever you face in life, meet it knowing you will figure it out. Keep a positive attitude and remember your strength.” 40.“Don"t think it is necessary for anyone to understand your dreams or grant permission to begin. Not everyone needs to be on your same ambition line.”
2023-06-13 00:07:311

歌词 啦啦啦i dare you 和足球有关的

夏奇拉的la la la
2023-06-13 00:07:392


《水浒传》以它杰出的艺术描写手段,揭示了中国封建社会中农民起义的发生、发展和失败过程的一些本质方面。《水浒传》的社会意义首先在于深刻揭露了封建社会的黑暗和腐朽,及统治阶级的罪恶,说明造成农民起义的根本原因是“官逼民反”。作品开头写了一个一向被人厌弃的破落户子弟高俅,靠踢球被端王看中,后来这位端王作了皇帝(徽宗),高俅一直被提拔到殿帅府太尉,而这位皇帝也不过是个专会串瓦走舍的浮浪纨绔儿。他的亲信大臣还有蔡京、童贯和杨戬等,他们构成了一个最高统治集团,蔡、高等人以他们的亲属门客为党羽心腹,如梁世杰、蔡九知府、慕容知府、高廉、贺太守之流,在他们的下面,则是一些贪官污吏、土豪恶霸,从上到下,狼狈为奸,残害忠良,欺压良善,对人民进行残酷的剥削和压迫,形成了一个统治网。《水浒传》在揭露这些贪官污吏、土豪恶霸如何欺压人民的罪行时,首先叙述了高俅迫害王进的故事,因为王进的父亲早年比武时,一棒打翻了高俅,高俅任殿帅府太尉后,到任的第一天就官报私仇,无端责罚王进,害得王进连夜奉母逃走。作者还写了高俅为了让儿子霸占林冲的妻子,千方百计谋害林冲。高俅作为那个统治集团的代表人物之一,在他身上体现了凶残、阴险的权□特点,也体现了封建统治阶级的丑恶和腐朽的本质。傅雷家书主要讲的是如何教育孩子。傅雷夫妇作为中国父母的典范,一生苦心孤诣,呕心沥血培养的两个孩子:傅聪--著名钢琴大师、傅敏--英语特级教师,是他们先做人、后成“家”,超脱小我,独立思考,因材施教等教育思想的成功体现。家书中父母的谆谆教诲,孩子与父母的真诚交流,亲情溢于字里行间,给天下父母子女强烈的感染启迪…… 《傅雷家书》出版十八年来,五次重版,十九次重印,发行已达一百多万册,曾荣获“全国首届优秀青年读物”(1986年),足以证明这本小书影响之大,《傅雷家书》是一本“充满着父爱的苦心孤诣、呕心沥血的教子篇”;也是“最好的艺术学徒修养读物”;更是既平凡又典型的“不聪明”的近代中国知识分子的深刻写照。辑印在这本集子里的,不是普通的家书。傅雷在给傅聪的信里这样说:“长篇累牍的给你写信,不是空唠叨,不是莫名其妙的Gossip,而是有好几种作用的。第一,我的确把你当作一个讨论艺术,讨论音乐的对手;第二,极想激出你一些青年人的感想,让我做父亲的得些新鲜养料,同时也可以间接传布给别的青年;第三,借通信训练你的—不但是文笔,而尤其是你的思想;第四,我想时时刻刻,随处给你做个警钟,做面‘忠实的镜子",不论在做人方面,在生活细节方面,在艺术修养方面,在演奏姿态方面。”贯穿全部家书的情意,是要儿子知道国家的荣辱,艺术的尊严,能够用严肃的态度对待一切,做一个“德艺俱备、人格卓越的艺术家”。《培根随笔》为英国十七世纪著名思想家,政治家和经验主义哲学家弗兰西斯·培根所著.本书分为《论求知》,《论美》,《论善》,《论真理》,《论健康》,《论家庭》,《论友谊》等多篇随笔.从 《培根随笔集》的 “论真理”、“论死亡”、“论人的天性”等篇章中,可以看到一个热爱哲学的培根。从“论高官”、“论王权”、“论野心”等篇章中,可以看到一个热衷于政治,深谙官场运作的培根。从“论爱情”、“论友情”、“论婚姻与独身”等篇章中,可以看到一个富有生活情趣的培根。从“论逆境”、“论幸运”、“论残疾”等篇章中,可以看到一个自强不息的培根。从“论作伪与掩饰”、“论言谈”等篇章中,可以看到一个工于心计、老于世故的培根。
2023-06-13 00:07:487


2023-06-13 00:08:031


2023-06-13 00:08:118


2023-06-13 00:08:271


  如果可以,我们最好多看一些,提高自己的阅读能力的同时还能感悟一些人生道理,那么都有哪些呢?一起来看看吧。   :The hidden gold 隐藏的金子   There was once a farmer who had a fine olive橄榄树 orchard果园 . He was very hardworking, and the farm always prospered under his care. But he knew that his three sons despised轻视,看不起 the farm work, and were eager to make wealth, trough adventure.   When the farmer was old, and felt that his time had e to die, he called the three sons to him and said, "My sons, there is a pot of gold hidden in the olive orchard. Dig for it, if you wish it."   The sons tried to get him to tell them in what part of the orchard the gold was hidden; but he would tell them nothing more.   After the farmer was dead, the sons went to work to find the pot of gold; since they did not know where the hiding-place was, they agreed to begin in a line, at one end of the orchard, and to dig until one of them should find the money.   They dug until they had turned up the soil from one end of the orchard to the other, round the tree-roots and between them. But no pot of gold was to be found. It seemed as if someone must have stolen it, or as if the farmer had been wandering漫游,闲逛 in his wits. The three sons were bitterly disappointed to have all their work for nothing.   The next olive season, the olive trees in the orchard bore more fruit than they had ever given; when it was sold, it gave the sons a whole pot of gold.   And when they saw how much money had e from the orchard, they suddenly understood what the wise father had meant when he said, "There is gold hidden in the orchard. Dig for it, if you wish it."   从前有一个农民,他有一座漂亮的橄榄园。他非常勤劳,而且农场在他的照管下蒸蒸日上。可他知道自己的三个儿子瞧不起农活,都迫不及待的想通过冒险发家致富。   这个农民上了年岁,感到死期快要来临时,将三个儿子叫到身边说:“儿子们,橄榄园里藏有一罐金子。你们想要,就去挖吧。”   儿子们想让父亲告诉他们金子藏在果园的那一块地方,可他什么也没再给他们说。   那个农民死后,三个儿子就开始挖地,想找到那罐金子;因为他们不知道金子藏在什么地方,所以他们一致同意排成一行从果园的一头开始挖起,知道其中一人挖到金子为止.   他们挖啊挖,从果园的一头一直挖到了另一头,果树周围和果树之间也都挖到了,可还是没有找到那罐金子。看来一定是有人已经把那罐金子头走了,要么就是他们的父亲一直在异想天开。三个儿子对他们白干了一场,感到大失所望。   到了第二年的橄榄季节,果园里的橄榄树接出的果子比以往的都多;卖完果子后,三个儿子赚了整整一罐金子。   他们从果园里得到这么多钱后,突然明白了聪明的父亲所说的“果园里藏有金子,想要就去挖吧”这句话的含义。   :Tiresias 泰瑞西斯   Tiresias was a blind, darkseeing prophet先知 of Thebes. He was struck with blindness in his youth, because he had spied unwittingly on the goddess Athena. He was wandering in the woods one day when quite unexpectedly he saw anaked maiden bathing in a placid lake. Little did he know that he had offended the virgin goddess. Taken unaware and scarlet with wrath愤怒 , the goddess exclaimed that whoever had the boldness to steal a glance at her naked body was doomed to perpetual永久的 blindness. But when she learned later that the offence was unintentional, it was too late for her to take back what she had said. Taking pity on the poor youth for the loss of his sight, she obtained from Zeus an exceptional long life for him, and from Apollo a divine神圣的 power of prophecy. Besides, she provided him with a marvellous sharpness of ear, so that he could understand the voices of all birds. And she filled his mind with mystic knowledge of things past and of things to e. In short she gave him quite an amount of her own wisdom. He was the first to recognise and wele Dionysus, god of feast and wine, on the The ban land. When the infant Heracles caught Hera"s two serpents巨蛇 in its hands, it was Tiresias who cast the child"s fortune and revealed the divine origin and destiny of the boy. When Oedipus abused Tiresias as having had a hand in the murder of Laius, Tiresias had the fearless courage to tell the truth that Oedipus was the murderer. Even in the lower world he continued to prophesy. There he helped Odysseus when the hero came to him for advice. Alive, he was highly respected by all;dead, he enjoyed the generous air and rosy light in the land of the Blest.   泰瑞西斯是位只能看见黑暗的底比斯先知。由于他年轻时不小心窥见了女神雅典娜,他的双目失明。一天,他在森林里漫步时,意外地看见一位全身 *** 的仙女正在平静的湖水中沐浴。他不知道他已经冒犯了这位贞洁的女神。因莫名其妙地被人个一清二楚,女神勃然大怒。她诅咒道:谁胆敢偷看她的玉体,谁就必将永远变瞎。但当后来她得知泰瑞西斯并非有意冒犯她时,再想收回她的咒语已经不可能了。出于怜悯,她从宙斯那里替这位贫穷的,丧失了视力的年轻人争取到了长寿;又从阿波罗那里要来了神圣的预言本领;并且,她赋予他神奇敏锐的双耳,这样他就可以明白各种鸟语。此外,雅典娜给了他魔术般的本领,使他既知过去,也能预测未来。总而言之,她使他拥有了她自身智慧中的很大一部分。在底比斯,是泰瑞西斯第一个认出了宴会神、也是酒神的狄俄尼索斯,并向他表示欢迎。当海格克斯还是个婴儿,用手抓起赫拉的两条毒蛇时,也正是泰瑞西斯卜算出了这个孩子的未来并预示出他的出身及其命运。当奥狄浦斯指责泰瑞西斯参与谋杀了拉伊俄斯时,泰瑞西斯勇敢地讲出了事实真相:奥狄浦斯才是凶手。即使到了地狱,他依然预测未来。在那儿,当奥德修斯前去征求他的意见时,泰瑞西斯帮助了他。活着的时候,他受到人们的普遍敬重;死后,在不莱斯特这块土地上,他享受着无比清新的空气和玫瑰般绚丽多彩的阳光。   :The shoemaker"s adventure 鞋匠奇遇   A young shoemaker left his village. Along the way, he found some ants, who were very sad because a bear had destroyed their anthill蚁冢,人群密集的地方 . The shoemaker helped them rebuild it, and the ants offered to return the favor.   The shoemaker followed his way and found some bees with the same problem as the ants. The young man also helped them, and the bees promised to help him in the future.   Further along, the shoemaker learned that the king"s daughter was in the castle of a witch巫婆,女巫 . The young man decided to rescue her. But the witch locked him up in a stinking发恶臭的,非常讨厌的 dunge on with a sack of sand mixed with poppy罂粟 seeds and told him that if he wasn"t able to separate the two, she would cut off his head at dawn.   The young man thought about his death. But his friends the ants came and helped him pass the test. The witch was astounded. Then she took him to a room where there were thirteen maidens with their faces covered: the shoemaker had to discover which one was the princess.   The young man became discouraged but he saw a bee that landed on... the sweetest one, the true princess. When the shoemaker uncovered her face, the witch was changd into a crow乌鸦 . The young people fell in love and lived surrounded by animals and poppies.   一个年轻鞋匠离开他所在的村子。沿途中看到一些蚂蚁,蚂蚁们很伤心,因为熊破坏了他们的家。于是这个鞋匠帮助它们重修了蚁丘,蚂蚁们说将来会回报他的帮助。   鞋匠上路继续前行,发现一些蜜蜂遭遇到和蚂蚁一样的状况。于是这个年轻人也帮助了蜜蜂们,蜜蜂承诺将来也会帮助这位年轻人。   又走了很远,鞋匠听说国王的女儿困在女巫的城堡里,年轻人决定去营救她。但女巫把他锁在恶臭的粪土堆旁,还扔给他一麻袋混合在一起的沙子和罂粟种子。告诉他如果不能够在黎明前把这些区分开来,就要在黎明时砍掉他的脑袋。   年轻人想着他要死了。这时他的朋友蚂蚁来了,帮助他通过了这个考验。女巫大吃一惊,接着她把年轻人带到了一个房间,里面有蒙着面纱的是三个少女:鞋匠必须从中找出真正的王妃。   年轻人有些灰心了,但这时他看到了一只蜜蜂降落在一个人身上……那人就是真正的王妃。当鞋匠揭开她的面纱,于是女巫变成了一只乌鸦。年轻人跟公主坠入爱河,动物们和罂粟花都围绕着他们。
2023-06-13 00:08:561