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2023-06-13 20:09:23




n.轶事, 奇闻 相近词gossip
2023-06-12 23:15:172


2023-06-12 23:15:257


此本辞典在1944年首次出版,由于两位作者John Samuel Kenyon及Thomas A. Knott的姓皆以“K”为开头,所以此辞典被称为K.K.(Kenyon and Knott)。K.K.音标的主要用途之一是教导非英语母语者学会美式英语的发音,K.K.音标的使用区域越来越多,属于当前较流行的音标学习类别。
2023-06-12 23:16:033


  轶事的英文:   anecdote   参考例句:   Anecdotal memoirs   轶事录.shopworn ane cdotes.   陈旧的轶事That book is pleasantly anecdotal.   那本书中有许多有趣的轶事。He preceded his lecture with a humorous anecdote.他以一个幽默的轶事开始他的演说He departs from the text to tell an anecdote   他没讲课文而讲了一段轶事。He launched into endless anecdotes about shaw   他开始滔滔不绝地讲起肖伯纳的轶事。It is a chatty, gossipy account of Forster"s life.   它是对福斯特生平轶事的漫谈式的记述。He introduced his speech with a humorous anecdote.   他以一则幽默轶事开始了他的演讲。For all the evidence, both statistical and anecdotal, suggests that women fare better in divorce than men.   不管是从统计数字还是奇闻轶事来看,所有的证据都表明离了婚的女性生活得比男性强。 Jonathan Spence"s lectures are known for his insightful anecdotes from Chinese history   乔纳森·斯彭斯的演讲以其对中国历史轶事的洞察而著称anecdote是什么意思:   n. 轶事,奇闻,秘史   They are talking about latter anecdotes.   他们正在谈论近来的"奇闻趣事。It was a conversation pleasantly coloured with wit and anecdote.   这是一次充满妙语和轶闻的愉快交谈。Gray"s book is anecdotal and entertaining.   格雷的书中尽是些八卦消息,颇具娱乐性。He farced his novel with anecdotes.   他用秘史形式使他的小说更富有趣味。Anecdotal instances are open to the criticism of biased selection.   奇谈怪论的例子容易受到带有偏见的选择的批评。
2023-06-12 23:16:571

“轶” 听朋友说读YI 的第4声,但是我不知道什么意思。告诉我。

第一种意思:散失,失传(轶文,轶事,轶书,轶闻)。第二种意思:超过一般(超轶,轶群)。 查自现代汉语词典
2023-06-12 23:17:172


of course 是个修饰语, is 才是这个句子的动词 。就相当于:He is of course older than me, 同样的因为of course只是个修饰,所以有其他表达:He is much older than me. 修饰语可以换,但是动词不能没有
2023-06-12 23:17:464


在加拿大ESSAY从10年级开始正式的学习,在这之前一般都是journal.ESSAY STRUCTUREIntroductory paragraph总起段Thesis statement中心Argument #1Argument #2Argument #3Concluding sentence结束句Body Paragraph #1中间段1Topic sentence总起句Explanation #1Explanation #2Explanation #3Concluding Sentence结束句Body Paragraph #2中间段2Topic sentenceExplanation #1Explanation #2Explanation #3Concluding SentenceBody Paragraph #3中间段3Topic sentenceExplanation #1Explanation #2Explanation #3Concluding SentenceConcluding Paragraph总结段*Paraphrase!Restate thesisSummarize argumentsConcluding Statementessay一般有五段第一段是introduction二到四段是body paragraph最后一段是conclusion第一段最后一句话叫做thesis statement包括topic,controling idea 和predictor第一段的写作手法一般分为anecdote,quotation,general to specific,interesting facts or statistics,historical introduction。body paragraph一般每一段都有三个main support,每个main support都附带minor support concluding paragraph一般有两种手法。restatement and final comment。In the first paragragh, let others know what are you writing about. Then, bring out the points and explain it. A good essay does not need to be a long one. It just need to have a good grammar, relavent points and good explanation. Add proverbs and good words if you can.
2023-06-12 23:17:531


2023-06-12 23:18:373


1. 种放 字明逸文言文翻译 是个古人的名字。 种放(955年-1015年),字明逸,号云溪醉侯,河南洛阳人,父种诩,宋吏部令史,后调补长安主簿。七岁能写文章,精于易学。不应科举,父亡随母亲隐居终南山,讲学为生,撰写的《蒙书》十卷以及《嗣禹说》、《表孟子上下篇》、《太一祠录》等,人们很是称许。 宋太宗淳化三年(992年),陕西转运使宋惟干向朝廷推荐种放,种放推辞了。宋真宗咸平四年(1001年),兵部尚书张齐贤对皇帝再次举荐种放,种放仍旧推辞了。咸平四年(1002年),张齐贤任京兆太守,再次向朝廷推荐种放,种放应诏而面圣。而后数年中,种放奔走于朝廷与终南山之间,数次归山后又数次再度出山入仕。 大中祥符四年(1011年)正月,种放再次来朝觐见,陪祭汾阴,被授予工部侍郎。种放晚年侈靡丧清节, 《宋史》记载:“颇饰盥服”,“于长安广制良田,岁利甚博”。谏官王嗣宗参奏了种放,恰逢赦恩而停止。后种放再次辞官归隐。宋真宗大中祥符八年(1015年)十一月十九日,种放晨起,穿上道士衣裳,召门生一起饮酒,几巡酒后安然离世,终年60岁。上诏赠工部尚书。 2. 种放 字明逸文言文翻译 种放(955年-1015年),字明逸,号云溪醉侯,河南洛阳人,父种诩,宋吏部令史,后调补长安主簿。 七岁能写文章,精于易学。不应科举,父亡随母亲隐居终南山,讲学为生,撰写的《蒙书》十卷以及《嗣禹说》、《表孟子上下篇》、《太一祠录》等,人们很是称许。 宋太宗淳化三年(992年),陕西转运使宋惟干向朝廷推荐种放,种放推辞了。宋真宗咸平四年(1001年),兵部尚书张齐贤对皇帝再次举荐种放,种放仍旧推辞了。 咸平四年(1002年),张齐贤任京兆太守,再次向朝廷推荐种放,种放应诏而面圣。而后数年中,种放奔走于朝廷与终南山之间,数次归山后又数次再度出山入仕。 大中祥符四年(1011年)正月,种放再次来朝觐见,陪祭汾阴,被授予工部侍郎。种放晚年侈靡丧清节, 《宋史》记载:“颇饰盥服”,“于长安广制良田,岁利甚博”。 谏官王嗣宗参奏了种放,恰逢赦恩而停止。后种放再次辞官归隐。 宋真宗大中祥符八年(1015年)十一月十九日,种放晨起,穿上道士衣裳,召门生一起饮酒,几巡酒后安然离世,终年60岁。上诏赠工部尚书。 3. 文言文阅读题及答案《宋史 列传隐逸上》种放 种放(955年-1015年),字明逸,号云溪醉侯,河南洛阳人,父种诩,宋吏部令史,后调补长安主簿。 七岁能写文章,精于易学。不应科举,父亡随母亲隐居终南山,讲学为生,撰写的《蒙书》十卷以及《嗣禹说》、《表孟子上下篇》、《太一祠录》等,人们很是称许。 宋太宗淳化三年(992年),陕西转运使宋惟干向朝廷推荐种放,种放推辞了。宋真宗咸平四年(1001年),兵部尚书张齐贤对皇帝再次举荐种放,种放仍旧推辞了。 咸平四年(1002年),张齐贤任京兆太守,再次向朝廷推荐种放,种放应诏而面圣。而后数年中,种放奔走于朝廷与终南山之间,数次归山后又数次再度出山入仕。 大中祥符四年(1011年)正月,种放再次来朝觐见,陪祭汾阴,被授予工部侍郎。种放晚年侈靡丧清节, 《宋史》记载:“颇饰盥服”,“于长安广制良田,岁利甚博”。 谏官王嗣宗参奏了种放,恰逢赦恩而停止。后种放再次辞官归隐。 宋真宗大中祥符八年(1015年)十一月十九日,种放晨起,穿上道士衣裳,召门生一起饮酒,几巡酒后安然离世,终年60岁。上诏赠工部尚书。 4. 求《宋史·隐逸上 林逋本传》原文 原文如下:《宋史·隐逸上 林逋本传》中古圣人之作《易》也,于《遁》之上九曰“肥遁,无不利”,《蛊》之上九曰“不事王侯,高尚其事”。 二爻以阳德处高地,而皆以隐逸当之。然则隐德之高于当世,其来也远矣。 巢、由虽不见于经,其可诬哉。五季之乱,避世宜多。 宋兴,岩穴弓旌之招,叠见于史,然而高蹈远引若陈抟者,终莫得而致之,岂非二卦之上九者乎?种放之徒,召对大廷,亹亹献替,使其人出处,果有合于《艮》之君子时止时行,人何讥焉。作《隐逸传》。 戚同文,字同文,宋之楚丘人。世为儒。 幼孤,祖母携育于外氏,奉养以孝闻。祖母卒,昼夜哀号,不食数日,乡里为之感动。 始,闻邑人杨悫教授生徒,日过其学舍,因授《礼记》,随即成诵,日讽一卷,悫异而留之。不终岁毕诵《五经》,悫即妻以女弟。 自是弥益勤励读书,累年不解带。时晋末丧乱,绝意禄仕,且思见混一,遂以“同文”为名字。 悫尝勉之仕,同文曰:“长者不仕,同文亦不仕。”悫依将军赵直家,遇疾不起,以家事托同文,即为葬三世数丧。 直复厚加礼待,为筑室聚徒,请益之人不远千里而至。登第者五六十人,宗度、许骧、陈象舆、高象先、郭成范、王砺、滕涉皆践台阁。 同文纯质尚信义,人有丧者力拯济之,宗族闾里贫乏者周给之。冬月,多解衣裘与寒者。 不积财,不营居室,或勉之,辄曰:“人生以行义为贵,焉用此为!”由是深为乡里推服。有不循孝悌者,同文必谕以善道。 颇有知人鉴,所与游皆一时名士。乐闻人善,未尝言人短。 与宗翼、张昉、滕知白为友。生平不至京师。 长子维任随州书记,迎同文就养,卒于汉东,年七十三。好为诗,有《孟诸集》二十卷。 杨徽之尝因使至郡,一见相善,多与酬唱。徽之尝云陶隐居号坚白先生,先生纯粹质直,以道义自富,遂与其门人追号坚素先生。 二子维、纶。维,建隆二年,以屯田员外郎为曹王府翊善,累官职方郎中,致仕,卒,年八十一。 纶自有传。大中祥符二年,府民曹城即同文旧居旁造舍百余区,聚书数千卷,延生徒讲习甚盛。 诏赐额为本府书院,命纶子奉礼郎舜宾主之,署诚府助教,委本府幕官提举之。杨悫者,虞城人。 力学勤志,不求闻达。宗翼者,蔡州上蔡人。 父为虞城主簿,因家焉。笃孝恭谨,负米养母。 好学强记,经籍一见即能默写。欧阳、虞、柳书皆得其楷法。 能属文。隐而不仕,家无斗粟,怡怡如也,未尝以贫窭干人。 市物不评价,市人知而不欺。尝言“昼夜者,昏晓之辨也”,故既暝未曙,皆不出户。 见邻里小儿,待之如成人,未尝欺绐。同文尝谓翼曰:“子劳谦有古人风,真吾友也。” 卒,年八十余。子度,举进士,至侍御史,历京西转运使,预修《太祖实录》。 张昉有史材,历知杂御史、省郎,至殿中少监致仕。子信,自有传。 滕白善为诗,至刑部员外郎、河北转运使。子涉,为给事中。 高象先父凝佑,刑部郎中,以强干称。象先,淳化中三司户部副使,卒于光禄少卿。 郭成范最有文,为仓部员外郎,掌安定公书记。辞疾,以司封员外郎致仕,卒。 王砺事母甚谨,太平兴国五年进士,至屯田郎中。子涣、渎、渊、冲、泳。 涣子稷臣,渎子尧臣,并进士及第。涣子梦臣,进士出身。 陈抟,字图南,亳州真源人。始四五岁,戏涡水岸侧,有青衣媪乳之,自是聪悟日益。 及长,读经史百家之言,一见成诵,悉无遗忘,颇以诗名。后唐长兴中,举进士不第,遂不求禄仕,以山水为乐。 自言尝遇孙君仿、獐皮处士二人者,高尚之人也,语抟曰:“武当山九室岩可以隐居。”抟往栖焉。 因服气辟谷历二十余年,但日饮酒数杯。移居华山云台观,又止少华石室。 每寝处,多百余日不起。周世宗好黄白术,有以抟名闻者,显德三年,命华州送至阙下。 留止禁中月余,从容问其术,抟对曰:“陛下为四海之主,当以致治为念,奈何留意黄白之事乎?”世宗不之责,命为谏议大夫,固辞不受。既知其无他术,放还所止,诏本州长吏岁时存问。 五年,成州刺史朱宪陛辞赴任,世宗令赍帛五十匹、茶三十斤赐抟。太平兴国中来朝,太宗待之甚厚。 九年复来朝,上益加礼重,谓宰相宋琪等曰:“抟独善其身,不干势利,所谓方外之士也。抟居华山已四十余年,度其年近百岁。 自言经承五代离乱,幸天下太平,故来朝觐。与之语,甚可听。” 因遣中使送至中书,琪等从容问曰:“先生得玄默修养之道,可以教人乎?”对曰:“抟山野之人,于时无用,亦不知神仙黄白之事,吐纳养生之理,非有方术可传。假令白日冲天,亦何益于世?今圣上龙颜秀异,有天人之表,博达古今,深究治乱,真有道仁圣之主也。 正君臣协心同德、兴化致治之秋,勤行修炼,无出于此。”琪等称善,以其语白上。 上益重之,下诏赐号希夷先生,仍赐紫衣一袭,留抟阙下,令有司增葺所止云台观。上屡与之属和诗赋,数月放还山。 端拱初,忽谓弟子贾德升曰:“汝可于张超谷凿石为室,吾将憩焉。”二年秋七月,石室成,抟手书数百言为表,其略曰:“臣抟大数有终,圣朝难恋,已于今月二十二日化形于莲花峰下张超谷中。” 如期而卒,经七日支体犹温。有五色云蔽塞洞口,弥月不散。 捧好读《易》,手不释卷。常自号扶摇子,。 5. 明逸 明 逸yì(1)(会意。 从辵(chuò)兔。兔子善于奔逃。 本义:逃跑)(2)同本义 [escape]逸,失也。从辵兔,兔谩訑善逃也。 ――《说文》随侯逸。――《左传·桓公八年》。 注:“逸,逃也。”马逸不能止。 ――《国语·晋语五》。注:“逸,奔也。” 取之以逸逃于褒。――《国语·郑语》。 注:“逸,亡也。”无教逸欲有邦。 ――《书·皋陶谟》见一赤兔,每搏辄逸。――《北史》(3)又如:逸犯(逃犯);逸亡(逃亡);逸窜(逃窜);逸盗(在逃的盗匪);逸禽(逃逸之鸟);逸马(奔逃的马);逸匪(指在逃的匪徒);逸飞(指漏网的鸟);逸逃(逃亡)(4)奔跑 [gallop]马逸不能止。 ――《左传·成公二年》逸,奔也。――《玉篇》彘逸出于窦中,马退而却。 ――《韩非子·外储说右下》疾逸道左。――唐·李朝威《柳毅传》(5)又如:逸踊(犹奔跑);逸尘(马奔跑时扬起的尘土);逸骑(奔跑的马);逸骏(善奔驰的马);逸驰(犹奔驰);逸象(奔走的象);逸兔(奔走的兔);逸走(奔跑)(6)超越 [excel]亮少有逸群之才。 ――《三国志·诸葛亮传》(7)又如:逸才(超人的才智);逸足(比喻才能超越出众的人);逸伦(超越同辈);逸德(马有超群的禀性);逸艺(高超的技艺);逸侪(超过同辈);逸操(高洁的情操);逸品(超越流俗的艺术修养或艺术品);逸珠(稀世难求的珍珠。比喻人有超绝凡常的嘉德);逸格(超越流俗的高尚格调)(8)释放;从约束、禁闭、奴役下释放出来 [release]乃逸楚囚。 ――《左传》(9)又如:逸水(犹洪水)(10)隐逸,退出社会而隐居起来 [retire from society and live in solitude]兴灭国,继绝世,举逸民,天下之民归心焉。――《论语》(11)又如:逸士(隐居山林的读书人);逸妻(遁世隐士的妻子);逸迹(犹遁迹。 指隐居);逸彦(遁世隐居的才德之士);逸叟(遁世隐居的老人);逸伏(犹隐伏)(12)散失,亡失 [be loose]然则夏后、周公之典逸矣。――柳宗元《时令论上》(13)又如:逸诗;逸简(散失的简册);逸编(散失的篇章);逸记(散失的记载);逸品(指散失的物品);逸言(散失之言);逸句(散失的文句);逸失(散失;失落)逸yì(1)闲适;安乐 [leisurely]民莫不逸。 ――《诗·小雅·十月之交》笺:“逸,逸豫也。”而又不自安恬逸。 ――《国语·吴语》。注:“逸,乐也。” 为之者劳,居之者逸。――张衡《东京赋》国治身逸。 ――《吕氏春秋·察贤》。注:“逸,不劳也。” 足以逸身暖骸而矣。――《吕氏春秋·重己》身安逸乐。 ――《史记·货殖列传》能逸而能劳。――宋·苏轼《教战守》无穷逸致。 ――明·李渔《闲情偶寄·种植部》好逸恶劳。――清·黄宗羲《原君》(2)又如:逸豫(安乐);逸境(安乐闲适的境地)(3)疾速 [quick]良骏逸足。 ――《文选·傅奕·舞赋》。注:“逸,疾也。” 朔阳逸骇于扶桑之津。――《文选·木华·海赋》。 注;“言出疾也。”夫子奔逸绝尘。 ――《庄子·田子方》良骏逸足,跄捍凌越。――《老残游记》逸骇(迅疾升起);逸翮(指疾飞的鸟)(4)放纵;荒淫 [dissolute]夫婿乐逸。 ――唐·李朝威《柳毅传》(5)又如:逸党(荒淫放荡的一伙人);逸遨(放纵遨游);逸游(放纵游乐);逸志(纵欲放荡之志);逸声(淫声)(6)美丽 [beautiful]。如:逸女(美女);逸丽(犹美丽);逸艳(犹美丽);逸 辞(美丽的词藻)逸荡,逸宕yìdàng,yìdàng[dissolute] 放浪不羁逸荡而歌逸乐yìlè[fort and pleasure] 安逸享乐逸民yìmín[recluse;hermit] 古代称节行超逸、避世隐居的人。 也指亡国后的遗老遗少逸群yìqún[preeminent;excel all others] 超越常人,出众超群逸散yìsàn[vaporize] 因未封闭或封闭不严而散失防止粉尘逸散逸史yìshǐ[historical records beyond the history] 正史以外的历史记载;散失的史事逸氏yìshì(1)[hermit(in ancient times)]∶古代称避世隐居不作官的人(2)[recluse]∶过隐居或独居生活的人逸事yìshì[anecdote ] 世人不太知道的事迹。多指未经史书记载的琐事逸事者皆前史所遗,后人所记,求诸异说,为益实多。 ――刘知几《史通·杂述》逸闻yìwén[anecdote] 传闻逸豫yìyù[living an easy a。 6. 鲁直之字文言文阅读答案 元祐①初,山谷②与末坡、钱穆父同游京师宝梵寺。饭罢,山谷作草书数纸,东坡甚称赏之。穆父从旁观曰:“鲁直之字近于俗。”山谷曰:“何故?”穆父曰:“无他,但未见怀素真迹尔。”山谷心颇疑之,自后不肯为人作草书。络圣③中,谪居涪陵④,始见怀素⑤《自叙》于石杨休家。因借之以归,暴临累日,几废寝食。自此顿悟草法,下笔飞动,与元祐已⑥前所书大异。始信穆父之言不诬⑦,而穆父死已久矣。故山谷尝自谓得草书于涪陵,恨穆义父不及见也。(选自曾敏行《独醒杂志》) 【注释】①元枯:来哲宗赵煦年号。②山谷:黄庭坚,字鲁直,号山谷道人,“宋四大书法家”之一,下文的“钱穆父”、“石场休”都是人名。③绍圣:宋皙宗赵煦年号。④涪陵:地名。⑤怀素:唐代大书法家,以善“狂草”出名。存世书迹《自叙》对后世影响很大。⑥已:同“以”。⑦不诬:不假。 1.用“/”给文中画线句子划分朗读节奏。(只划一处) 与元祐已前所书大异 2.解释文中加粗词语。 (1)罢:( ) (2)从:( ) 3.说说“故山谷尝自谓得草书于涪陵,恨穆父不及见也”的意思。 ___________________________________________________________________________ 4.文中哪两个词语鲜明地表达了山谷对穆父之言的看法? ___________________________________________________________________________ 5.山谷草书从“近于俗”到“下笔飞动”,是哪三个重要原因促成?请根据文中信息概括。 ___________________________________________________________________________ 题型:阅读理解与欣赏难度:中档来源:同步题 答案(找作业答案--->>上魔方格) 1.与元祐已前所书/大异 2.(1)结束(完了,停止);(2)跟随 3.所以山谷曾经自己认为是在涪陵深得草书的真谛,遗憾的是穆父未能看到自己的书法。 4.疑;信;异乡孤征(意思相同即可) 5.(1)钱穆父的批评、指点;(2)得到了怀素的《自叙》帖;(3)自身的努力 7. 晏子谏景公文言文翻译 原文 景公之时,雨雪三日而不霁。公被狐白之裘,坐于堂侧陛。晏子入见,立有间。公曰:“怪哉!雨雪三日而天不寒。”晏子对曰:“天不寒乎?”公笑。晏子曰:“婴闻古之贤君,饱而知人之饥,温而知人之寒,逸而知人之劳。今君不知也。”公曰:“善!寡人闻命矣。”乃令出裘发粟与饥寒者。令所睹于途者,无问其乡;所睹于里者,无问其家;偱国计数,无言其名。士既事者兼月,疾者兼岁。孔子闻之曰:“晏子能明其所欲,景公能行其所善也。” 选自《晏子春秋·内篇谏上》 注解 (1)景公:名杵臼,庄公的异母弟。(春秋时期齐国国君齐景公) (2)雨雪:下雪。雨,音yu(四声),动词,下雨。霁(jì):雨、雪后天气转晴。 (3)被:披。裘:皮衣。用狐皮最好的部分,即狐腿下白色毛皮缝制的皮衣,非常珍贵。 (4)阶:台阶。 (5)晏子:字平仲,春秋时期齐国大夫,齐景公时任国相。 (6)有间:一会儿。 (7)逸:安逸,闲适。 (8)闻命:受到教诲。(齐景公自谦的话,) (9)粟:指救济粮。 (10)饥寒:指饥寒之人。 (11途:路上。 (12)里:指里巷。 (13)循:巡,巡视。 (14)既事:指任职。兼月:两个月。 (15)兼岁:两年。 (16)明:阐明。欲:欲念,愿望。 (17)行:实行。善:善行,德政。 (18)乃:于是。 (19)既事者:已有职业的人。 (20)兼月:两个月。兼,两倍的。 (22)陛:殿堂的台阶。 (23)霁:雨后或雪后初晴 (24)谏:进谏 (25)对:对答,回答 (26)裘:皮衣 (27)间:一会儿 (27)闻:听说 (28)与:给 (29)见:朝见 翻译 齐景公在位的时候,雪下了几天不转晴。景公披着用狐狸腿下白色的皮毛缝制的皮衣,坐在朝堂一侧台阶上。晏子进去朝见,站立了一会儿,景公说:“奇怪啊!雪下了几天,但是天气不冷。”晏子回答说:“天气不冷吗?”景公笑了。晏子说:“我听说古代贤德的国君,自己饱却知道别人的饥饿,自己温暖却知道别人的寒冷,自己安逸却知道别人的劳苦。现在君王不知道了。”景公说:“好!我明白你的教育了。”于是命人发放皮衣、发放粮食,给那些挨饿受冻的人。命令:在路上见到的,不必问他们是哪乡的;在里巷见到的,不必问他们是哪家的;巡视全国统计数字,不必记他们的姓名。士人已任职的发给两个月的粮食,病困的人发给两年的粮食。孔子听到后说:“晏子能阐明他的愿望,景公能实行他认识到的德政。” 8. 唐临为万泉丞古文翻译 唐临为万泉丞 原文 唐临为万泉丞。 县有囚十数人,皆因未入赋而系。会暮春时雨,乃耕作佳期。 唐临白县令:“囚人亦有妻儿,无稼穑何以活人,请出之。”令惧其逸,不许。 唐临曰:“明公若有所疑,吾自当其罪。”令因请假归乡。 临悉召囚令归家耕作,并与之约:农事毕,皆归系所。囚等感恩,至时毕集县狱。 临由是知名。 [注释] 1、为:做 2、万泉:古县名 3、丞:原为辅助意,此处讲辅助县令的从属官员 4、赋:赋税 5、系:拘囚 6、会:适逢,正赶上 7、雨(yǜ):下雨 8、乃:是 9、佳期:好的时期 10、白:禀报 11、稼穑(sè):耕种与收获12、活:使…活下来 13、请:请允许我,请让我 14、出:使…出来 15、逸:逃跑 16、许:答应 17、明公:对县令的尊称 18、自:自愿 19、当:担当 20、罪:责任 21、因:于是 22、悉:全部 23、令:让 24、约:约定时间 25、毕:结束 26、系:关押 27、所:…的地方 28、等:用在人称代词或名词后面,表示多数,一类人 29、感:感谢 30、恩:恩德 31、由是:从此 [译文] 唐临当上万泉县令的从属官员。 县里有十几个囚犯,都是因为未交赋税而被关押的。适逢暮春时节的雨季,正是耕种的好日子。 唐临禀报县令:“囚犯也有妻子孩子,不能耕种与收获怎么养活他们,请把他们放出来。”县令害怕他们逃跑,不允许。 唐临说:“大人如果有所顾忌,我一个人承担罪责。”于是县令请假回家。 唐临把囚犯全部召集起来让他们回家耕种,并且和他们约定:农忙结束,都要回到监狱里去。囚犯们感激唐临的恩情,到时候全部集中在县的监狱里了。 唐临从此出名了。
2023-06-12 23:18:441

高中英语 改错中 以an开头的单词有哪些 没有全重点也行?

analyse v 分析,ancestor n祖宗, ancient adj古老的,anecdote n轶事,anger n愤怒,angle n角度,angry adj愤怒的,ankle n脚踝,announce vt宣布,annoy vt使恼怒
2023-06-12 23:19:021


2023-06-12 23:19:091

nintendo account是什么意思?

意思是:任天堂帐户重点词汇:account英[u0259'kau028ant]释义:n.账户;解释;账目,账单;理由;描述vi.解释;导致;报账vt.认为;把…视为[复数:accounts;第三人称单数:accounts;现在分词:accounting;过去式:accounted;过去分词:accounted]短语:account for说明;解释;占;报账扩展资料:词语辨析:account,anecdote,fable,legend,myth这组词都可表示叙事性的文字。1、account指对于某事的详细说明,原原本本,有头有尾,多用于报道事实2、story指取悦于人的完整故事,有人物,有情节,有头有尾,可口头也可书面,可真实也可虚构,体裁上则既可为诗体,也可为散文体3、anecdote指轶事趣闻,一般较短,有趣味4、fable指寓言,主人公多为拟人化的动物或非生物,多为虚构,旨在说明一个道理或教训,而寓言则多在结尾处点明5、legend指民间传说或传奇故事,多含虚幻成分
2023-06-12 23:19:162


introduce的用法1、introduce表示“介绍”时的意思是to tell two or more people who have not met before what each others" names are(告诉两个或多个原来未曾见面的人他们彼此的名字),或者是to tell the audience the name of the person who is going to speak or perform(告诉观众讲演者或演员的名字),也就是说,introduce表示“介绍”时,主要用于介绍两个不认识的互相认识,或是向听众或观众宣布并介绍演讲者或广播、节目等的细节。如:Allow me to introduce my wife、让我介绍一下,这是我太太。It is my pleasure to introduce tonight"s speaker、我很荣幸来介绍今晚的演讲者。2、有时汉语中说“介绍”,其实是指“推荐”,此时应用recommend,而不能用introduce扩展资料introduce1、介绍,引见[(+to)]It was my younger brother who introduced me to jazz.是我的弟弟介绍我听爵士乐的。Allow me to introduce my friend Miss Wood to you.允许我向你介绍我的朋友伍德小姐。2、引进;传入;采用[(+to/into)]Coffee was introduced into England from the Continent.咖啡是从欧洲大陆传入英国的。3、提出;制定;推行The vice chairman of the committee introduced a topic for discussion.委员会副主席提出议题供大家讨论。4、作为...的开始;引出He introduced his speech with an anecdote.他说了一则轶闻作为讲话的引子。
2023-06-12 23:19:583

轶镇怪谈The Anecdote电子书txt全集下载

2023-06-12 23:20:212


你可以在在线翻译里面自己翻译,很简单的啊!当美国总统林肯年轻时,他在商店里。作为一个秘书,他证明了诚实和有效率。一天一女,进入商店买了一些文章。他们还说,截至2美元和6和1季美分,或年轻的秘书以为他们没有。条例草案的支付,以及该名女子被完全满意。但年轻的存储蓄养,而不是感觉相当肯定,以准确性,他的计算,补充了项目的一次。他的惊愕,他发现的总和,应已只有两美元。 “我已经使她的薪酬6和1季美分,太多了,说: ”安倍晋三,不安。这是一个非常小的数目,许多文员,将它作为解雇等。但安倍晋三太conscien - tious忘记关于滥。 “这笔钱必须退回” ,他决定。这已足够容易了该名女子住在附近的角落,但是,正如青年男子知道,她住两个或三个千里之外。不过,这并没有改变这件事。这是夜,但他封闭和锁定商店,走到家,他的客户。抵达那里,他解释这件事,付出比6和1季美分,并返回满意。这轶事他赢得了一个新的名称:诚实的安倍晋三。
2023-06-12 23:20:304


2023-06-12 23:20:526

怎么看重音和弱音? 急用!!!!

2023-06-12 23:21:102


2023-06-12 23:21:202


2023-06-12 23:21:382


2023-06-12 23:21:484


1.It is November, more and more cold weather.2.Thanks to you, I find my bike.3.Mother out of the kitchen, holding a piece of cake.4.Motor fault occurred on the road, we were late.5.I have heard here to build schools, hospitals and parks.6.I advised him to go on holiday to the rural areas.7.Mother only desire is to allow their children to understand life.8.This morning, he said that he explained to me a headache, not to the city.9.On the third floor of her money went.10.In the day and a half on the road, we can not continue on their way by car.11. Who is the young people next to Window ?12.They have just finished their homework.13.The Chinese people drink tea regularly, but sometimes drink coffee.14.Because I have a lot to do and can not participate in the event of the evening.15.The students are missing their parents.16.Tourism is a people tired, but I really like.17.This dress bought it! It is ideal for you.18.This is my first visit to Guangzhou, Guangzhou is a beautiful city.19.After dinner, we often go to the river bank to take a walk.20.Yesterday, I went to the city with Wang Ling.21.I travel frequently, but for the first time for such a long trip.22.And all the boys, he is very curious.23.Room door opened, there are only a bed, a chair and a small table.24.I suggest that you go on vacation to the rural areas, where fewer people, good air.25.Even a few large shopping centers located here, the traffic becomes more difficult.26.With computers, our work has become easy and fast.27.Dawn, Mary woke up, she get out of bed to the fireplace, where she placed a beautiful pair of shoes.28.He seems to think that this was not much of an interesting point.29.Have you ever heard of here to build residential area, there will be a new road.30.We do not have to be bound, you will find that living in the nature of its romantic aspects of freedom.
2023-06-12 23:22:082


题库内容:轶事的解释[anecdote] 同逸事。世人 不知 道的史事。多指未经史 书记 载的 事迹 名人轶事 详细解释 不见于正式 记载 的事迹。 《史记·管晏列传》 :“至其书,世多有之,是以不论,论其轶事。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·暗惑》 :“且案 太史公 云, 黄帝 、 尧 、 舜 轶事,时时见於他说。” 清 姚鼐 《金麓村招领 莫愁 湖》 诗:“轶事纵传何必详,元功极贵同泯亡。” 秦牧 《艺海拾贝·<画蛋·练功>》 :“ 中 西画史上都有 这么 一桩轶事。” 词语分解 轶的解释 轶 (轶) ì 超过:轶伦(超过同辈)。轶才(出众的才能)。轶材(不平凡的人才)。 散失:轶事。轶闻。 古同“溢”,充满而流出。 部首 :车; 事的解释 事 ì 自然 界和 社会 中的现象和活动:事情。 事件 。事业。 变故: 事故 ( 出于 某种 原因 而发生的 不幸 事情,如工作中的死伤等)。事端。 职业 :谋事(指找职业)。 关系和 责任 :你走吧,没你的事了。
2023-06-12 23:22:411


轶事的解释[anecdote] 同逸事。世人 不知 道的史事。多指未经史 书记 载的 事迹 名人轶事 详细解释 不见于正式 记载 的事迹。 《史记·管晏列传》 :“至其书,世多有之,是以不论,论其轶事。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·暗惑》 :“且案 太史公 云, 黄帝 、 尧 、 舜 轶事,时时见於他说。” 清 姚鼐 《金麓村招领 莫愁 湖》 诗:“轶事纵传何必详,元功极贵同泯亡。” 秦牧 《艺海拾贝·<画蛋·练功>》 :“ 中 西画史上都有 这么 一桩轶事。” 词语分解 轶的解释 轶 (轶) ì 超过:轶伦(超过同辈)。轶才(出众的才能)。轶材(不平凡的人才)。 散失:轶事。轶闻。 古同“溢”,充满而流出。 部首 :车; 事的解释 事 ì 自然 界和 社会 中的现象和活动:事情。 事件 。事业。 变故: 事故 ( 出于 某种 原因 而发生的 不幸 事情,如工作中的死伤等)。事端。 职业 :谋事(指找职业)。 关系和 责任 :你走吧,没你的事了。
2023-06-12 23:22:481

明逸 明。逸。 个字解释?

鲍照 《飞白书势铭》有:“圭角星芒,明丽烂逸。”指星光明亮灿烂,光芒流溢。明逸一词也指强调在动态闪耀的光明飞逸。明:1.本义:明亮,清晰明亮与“昏暗”相对“月明星稀,乌鹊南飞”,此非曹孟德之诗乎?—— 苏轼《赤壁赋》江船火独明。——唐· 杜甫《春夜喜雨》明暗之掩映。——蔡元培《图画》又如:明星(明亮的星。泛指众星);明珠(明亮的宝珠。多指珍珠);明明(明亮);明丢丢(明朗朗,明光光,明灼灼,明亮亮;明亮貌);明晃晃(明幌幌,光亮闪烁);明晦(晴阴);明彩(光彩)2.明艳, 鲜明 [bright and beautiful]。 如:明服(鲜艳的服饰);明姿(明艳的姿态);明绚(明丽绚烂)逸:1.疾速良骏逸足。——《文选·傅奕·舞赋》。注:“逸,疾也。”朔阳逸骇于扶桑之津。——《文选·木华·海赋》。注;“言出疾也。”夫子奔逸绝尘。——《庄子·田子方》良骏逸足,跄捍凌越。——《老残游记》逸骇(迅疾升起);逸翮(指疾飞的鸟)2.美丽。如:逸女(美女);逸丽(犹美丽);逸艳(犹美丽);逸辞(美丽的词藻)
2023-06-12 23:22:562


2023-06-12 23:23:195


2023-06-12 23:23:509

美国诗歌anacdote of the jar

是瓦罐的意思.诗中I placed a jar in Tennessee, And round it was, upon a hill意为:我在田纳西的荒山顶上安置了一个瓦罐
2023-06-12 23:24:062

含有an英语单词 含an的英语单词

2023-06-12 23:24:251

You are required to start an essay entitled Help the Homeless with an anecdote.

With the development of the world, our life has improved a lot. We are able to live in a good house, have access to good healthcare, and also receive better education such as attending university . However, not everyone has even this most basic shelter. We ought to have sympathy for the homeless, as there are still a number of people who suffer from misfortune and need help. Homeless people are vulnerable, and they may neither have proper shelter to live nor get good food to eat. When emergencies or fatal diseases happen to them, they are most likely to die instead of spending money in curing the illnesses. In sharp contrast, we have a good standard of living and we receive more help from our families and friends when emergencies come. Moreover, we sometimes can even splurge on clothes and cars. It is not only unfair for the homeless to suffer from poverty and misery, but also harmful for our development of wellbeing and health. As a healthy person, we should be sympathetic and pick up our responsibility to care for the homeless. We can give them a hand by actively donating money to charity, and donate some of the clothes and shoes that we do not need anymore. We can volunteer ourselves and take part in some activities to help them out, and set up a program to appeal for the community. We can try to make friends with them, and let their heart feel warm and happy. Apart from this, government also has duty to help them by providing shelter and setting up good healthcare services. If everyone tries their best to support these homeless, it will be accumulated to be an enormous help. They will be able to have happier life, and the society will be more healthy and developed!
2023-06-12 23:24:431

《Jokes For All Occasions》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Jokes For All Occasions》(Anonymous)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: asje书名:Jokes For All Occasions作者:Anonymous出版年份:2008-8页数:360内容简介:"The ways of telling a story are as many as the tellers themselves. It is impossible to lay down precise rules by which any one may perfect himself in the art, but it is possible to offer suggestions by which to guide practise in narration toward a gratifying success. Broadly distinguished, there are two methods of telling a story. One uses the extreme of brevity, and makes its chief reliance on the point. The other devotes itself in great part to preliminary elaboration in the narrative, making this as amusing as possible, so that the point itself serves to cap a climax. In the public telling of an anecdote the tyro would be well advised to follow the first method. That is, he should put his reliance on the point of the story, and on this alone."
2023-06-12 23:24:501


introduce的用法1、introduce表示“介绍”时的意思是to tell two or more people who have not met before what each others" names are(告诉两个或多个原来未曾见面的人他们彼此的名字),或者是to tell the audience the name of the person who is going to speak or perform(告诉观众讲演者或演员的名字),也就是说,introduce表示“介绍”时,主要用于介绍两个不认识的互相认识,或是向听众或观众宣布并介绍演讲者或广播、节目等的细节。如:Allow me to introduce my wife、让我介绍一下,这是我太太。It is my pleasure to introduce tonight"s speaker、我很荣幸来介绍今晚的演讲者。2、有时汉语中说“介绍”,其实是指“推荐”,此时应用recommend,而不能用introduce扩展资料introduce1、介绍,引见[(+to)]It was my younger brother who introduced me to jazz.是我的弟弟介绍我听爵士乐的。Allow me to introduce my friend Miss Wood to you.允许我向你介绍我的朋友伍德小姐。2、引进;传入;采用[(+to/into)]Coffee was introduced into England from the Continent.咖啡是从欧洲大陆传入英国的。3、提出;制定;推行The vice chairman of the committee introduced a topic for discussion.委员会副主席提出议题供大家讨论。4、作为...的开始;引出He introduced his speech with an anecdote.他说了一则轶闻作为讲话的引子。
2023-06-12 23:25:152


2023-06-12 23:25:3611


2023-06-12 23:26:001

有关introduce 的用法

introduce 介绍
2023-06-12 23:26:085


这是综合教程2的uint1的New Words and Expressionsstylen. manner of doing things 行为方式,风格bustlinga. full of busy activity 繁忙的,熙攘的kindergartenn. 幼儿园elementarya. 基本的,初级的,基础的tellinga. impressive; effective 难忘的;有力的lobbyn. (旅馆的)大堂,(公共场所入口处的)大厅attachvt. fasten or join (one thing to another) 系,贴,连接attendant▲n. 服务员;侍者,随从slot▲n. a narrow opening 狭缝,狭槽vigorouslyad. energetically 用力地;精力充沛地vigorous a.tendera. young; gentle and loving 年幼的;温柔的not in the leastnot at allfind one"s wayreach a destination naturally; arrive at 到达;进入,流入bangv. (cause to) make a sudden loud noise, esp. by hitting two things together 猛敲,猛击exploratorya. done in order to find out sth. 探索的phenomenon (pl phenomena or phenomenons)n. 现象staffn. 全体职工,全体雇员initiala. of or at the beginning, first 开始的,最初的assistv. help 帮助repositionvt. 改变…的位置insertvt. put, fit, place (in, into, between) 插入,嵌入somewhatad. to some degree, a little 有点,稍微expectantlyad. 期待地awaitvt. (fml) wait for 等待,等候occasionn. a particular time when sth. happens 时刻,场合on occasionnow and then 有时,间或frownv., n. 皱眉slightlyad. 轻微地slight a.neglectvt. give too little attention or care to 忽视parentala. of a parent or parents 父的,母的;父母的relevanta. directly connected with the subject 有关的,切题的investigatev. try to find out information about 调查;探究creativityn. the ability to make new things 创造力anecdote▲n. a short amusing story about a particular person or event 趣闻,轶事exceptionn. 例外colleaguen. a person one works with 同事actionn. 动作;行动on one"s ownwithout anyone"s help; alone 独立地;独自地desirablea. worth wanting 值得向往的;称心的accomplishvt. manage to do (sth.) 完成(某事)activityn. 活动,行动accomplishmentn. skill; successful completion 本领,技艺;完成,成就in due courseat the proper time 在适当时机sympatheticallyad. 同情地sympathetic a.criticala. very important; very serious or dangerous 至关重要的;危急的effectivelyad. 有效地effective a.self-reliancen. acting without asking for support from others 依靠自己,自力更生principala. (rather fml) main, chief 主要的,首要的rearvt. look after until fully grown up 养育,抚养make up forrepay with sth. good, compensate for 补偿,弥补misdeedn. a wrong or wicked act 不端行为viewvt. (fml) regard, consider 看待,考虑creativea. resulting from newness of thought 独创的solutionn. (the act of finding) an answer to a problem 解决(问题的办法);解答in retrospect回顾artistica. relating to art 艺术的well-intentioneda. having good intentions 好意的intentionn. purpose 意图observern. 观察者,观察员clumsilyad. awkwardly and ungracefully 笨拙地clumsy a.extremea. very great 极度的,极端的n. the furthest possible limit, an extreme degree 极端,过分facilityn. (fml) ability to do sth. easily and well; (pl) equipment, aids, etc. which make it easy to do things 熟练,灵巧;设备,设施moldvt. make (sth.) into a particular shape or form 塑造performancen. 表现,行为;演出,表演traditionn. 传统continuala. happening again and again, repeated 不断的,一再重复的applyvi. 适用;申请calligraphern. 书法家work no/at从事craftn. skill, esp. with one"s hand 手艺;工艺reversaln. a complete change of order, direction, or position 颠倒priorityn. sth. that one must do before anything else; sth. that holds a high place among competing claims 优先考虑的事;重点bolda. brave and confident 勇敢的,无畏的departuren. action different from (what is usual or expected); an act of leaving 背离;出发,离开inseparablea. impossible to separate from sth. else 不可分离的evolvev. (cause to) develop gradually (使)逐步发展summarizevt. make a short account of the main points (of sth.) 总结,概述originalityn. 新颖;独创性independencen. the state of being free or not controlled by another person, country, etc. 独立;自主contrastv. 对比culturen. 文化harborvt. keep (sth.) secretly in one"s mind 怀有fearfula. (fml) afraid 害怕的,担心的(on the one hand) … on the other hand一方面…,另一方面…comparablea. that can be compared with sth. 比得上的;可比的promotevt. help to grow or develop 促进,推进emergevi. come out 出现pick upgain; learn 获得;学会overstatevt. state too strongly 把…讲得过分,夸大enormousa. extremely large 巨大的;极大的technologicala. 技术的,工艺的innovation▲n. (an example of) the introduction of sth. new 革新;新事物exaggeratev. make (sth.)seem larger, better, etc. than it really is 夸大,夸张breakthrough▲n. an important event or discovery 突破reliance▲n. dependence 依靠,依赖achievementn. 成就;成绩valida. based on truth or sound reasoning 有根据的foster▲vt. help the growth and development of 培养worthwhilea. worth doing, worth the trouble taken 值得的superiora. better than average or than others of the same type 优良的;较好的
2023-06-12 23:26:242

逸 字 什么意思?

2023-06-12 23:26:334


轵 zhǐ
2023-06-12 23:26:543

左边一个禾,右边一个卑 念什么

左边一个禾,右边一个卑 念什么 基本字义 1. 一年生草本植物,长在稻田里或低溼的地方,形状像稻,是稻田的害草。果实可酿酒、做饲料。 2. 喻微小的,琐碎的:~官(古代的一种小官,专给帝王述说街谈巷议、市井传闻。后泛称记载轶闻琐事的文字为“~~野史”)。~史(记载轶闻琐事的书)。 详细字义 〈名〉1. (形声。从禾,卑声。本义:稻田里的一种杂草) 稗草。一年生禾草 (Echinochloa crusgalli ),叶似稻,节间无毛,杂生于稻田中,有害于稻子的生长 [barnyard grass] 稗,禾别也。——《说文》 用秕稗也。——《左传·定公十年》。注:“草之似谷者。” 不如夷稗。——《孟子》 养稊(tí一种形似稗的草)稗者伤禾稼。—— 王符《潜夫论》 2. 又如:稗秕(稗,稻田杂草;秕,中空或不饱满的谷粒) 〈形〉 1. 形容小;非正统的 [ *** all;insignificant] 稗,小也。——《广雅》 盖出于稗官。——《汉书·艺文志》。注:“偶语为稗。”按:亦别种非正之意。故小贩亦谓之稗贩。 蒙正起稗贩,因缘戚里得官。——《宋史·高若讷传》 汝来床前,为说稗官野史可喜可愕之事,聊资一欢。——清· 袁枚《祭妹文》 2. 又如:稗官(古代的小官名。因稗官也收集民间故事小说,后沿以称小说家);稗官野史(略称稗史。泛称记载轶闻琐事的文字);稗政(指不良的政治措施) 常用片语 1. 稗记 bàijì [books of anecdote and trifles] 杂闻轶事 名家的记录稗记 2. 稗子 bàizi (1) [barnyard grass]∶稗的俗称 (2) [seeds of barnyard grass]∶稗的种子 (3) [tare]∶《圣经》上记载的据认为是毒麦的一种田间有害杂草 一个禾字旁一个卑是什么字 一个禾字旁一个卑是什么字 稗bài 稗,别名:稗子、稗草,拉丁学名Echinochloa crusgalli.为禾本科、稗属一年生草本。植株高50-150厘米;须根庞大;茎丛生,光滑无毛;叶片主脉明显,叶鞘光滑柔软,无叶舌及叶耳;圆锥花序;小穗密集于穗轴一侧;颖果椭圆形、骨质、有光泽。适应性强。喜温暖溼润环境,既能生长在浅水中而又较耐旱,并耐酸碱。繁殖力强,一株结子可达1万粒。由于根系庞大 ,吸收肥水能力强,为水稻的有害杂草。 成语 稗官野史 禾加一个卑念什么? 稗bài 稗,别名:稗子、稗草,拉丁学名Echinochloa crusgalli.为禾本科、稗属一年生草本。植株高50-150厘米;须根庞大;茎丛生,光滑无毛;叶片主脉明显,叶鞘光滑柔软,无叶舌及叶耳;圆锥花序;小穗密集于穗轴一侧;颖果椭圆形、骨质、有光泽。适应性强。喜温暖溼润环境,既能生长在浅水中而又较耐旱,并耐酸碱。繁殖力强,一株结子可达1万粒。由于根系庞大 ,吸收肥水能力强,为水稻的有害杂草。 禾字旁加卑念什么 禾字旁加卑 这个字是 稗 读音:[bài] 部首:禾 五笔:TRTF 一个禾一个卑念什么 bài 。。。。。。。。。 一个禾和一个卑加起来念什么字 稗读音:[bài] 禾木加一个卑念什么 念b唬i(同音-拜):一年生草本植物,长在稻田或低溼的地方,形状像稻,但一片毛涩,颜色较浅,主脉清楚,是稻田的害草。果实可以做饲料、酿酒。 禾字旁一个卑怎么读 稗 读音:[bài] 部首:禾五笔:TRTF 释义:1.一年生草本植物,长在稻田里或低溼的地方,形状像稻
2023-06-12 23:27:011


Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky, on February 12th, 1809. The son of Thomas Lincoln, a frontiersman whose own father had been killed by Native Americans, the years leading up to Abraham"s adulthood were marred by poverty. His mother, Nancy, died of "milk sickness" when Abraham was ten, and the family moved to Indiana. The year after, Thomas Lincoln married Sarah Bush Johnston, who encouraged Abraham"s education. Though he had little formal schooling, he could read and write. In 1830, when Abraham was twenty-one years old, his family moved again, this time to Illinois, and Abraham decided to go his own way. Albert Einstein was one of the greatest scientists the world has ever known, yet if I had to convey the essence of Albert Einstein in a single word, I would choose simplicity. Perhaps an anecdote will help. Once, caught in a downpour, he took off his hat and held it under his coat. Asked why, he explained, with admirable logic, that the rain would damage the hat, but his hair would be none the worse for its wetting. This knack for going instinctively to the heart of a matter was a secret of his major scientific discoveries - this and his extraordinary feeling for beauty.
2023-06-12 23:27:091

看NYTimes有个标题The Lede什么意思

2023-06-12 23:27:172


2023-06-12 23:27:231


在撰写Essay的时候,一般可以分为五个步骤,分别为:1、Essay选题想要撰写一篇essay,首当其冲的便是选题了,一个优秀的题目是非常加分的。但是需要具备相关的专业知识、基本技能、长期大量的阅读相关学术文献。在选题的时候,可以从学术研究的兴趣与学科相关的最新研究动态与热点来进行入手。2、查找资料 在定题之后,需要从各类相关文献中查阅资料,了解足够的相关知识,并将其中与人文社科essay题目相关的信息与知识点进行收集与整理,为eassy写作做准备。常见文献渠道为:图书期刊报纸档案文献专利文献学位essay研究报告 3、写作提纲  在正式开始写作essay的时候,需要先拟定一个essay提纲,其中规定essay的主要内容与逻辑,为撰写提供一个阐述问题的思维路径。  4、正式写作在写作时,如果学校有着相关的格式,需要严格按照格式来进行书写,若是没有的话,可以参考往年eassy或在查找资料时遇到过的essay格式。  5、编辑与修改  初稿完成之后,并不是万事大吉了,还需要进行相关的编辑、修改与润色。主要修改方向包括:选题及标题的修改文献材料的补充和删减结构的调整斟酌语言
2023-06-12 23:27:323

The most helpful ivention is light bulb 英语作文

2023-06-12 23:27:593


[7intrE5dju:s] vt. 1.介绍, 引荐2.引进, 提出3.引导,指导4.插入,引入
2023-06-12 23:28:147


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2023-06-12 23:28:381

2023-06-12 23:28:472

翻译:Before long I began to introduce the key-slot

2023-06-12 23:28:541

essay introduction怎么写 有没人指点下顺便问下有没有专业的essay辅导机构推荐

Centre for English Language CommunicationThe quality of an essay introduction often determines whether the essay gets read in the first place. Even if it has to be read, as in the case of essay writing assignments in a university setting, a fine introduction gives the reader a good initial impression, entices the reader to read on, and encourages the reader to give an excellent evaluation at the end.Hence, an essay introduction serves to attract the reader"s interest, introduce the topic, and explain what the essay will be about.Correspondingly, an essay introduction contains three features that usually appear in the following order: an attention-getter, some background information and the central idea.Getting the reader"s attentionSome common strategies used to attract the reader"s interest to an essay are:Relate a dramatic anecdote.Expose a commonly held belief.Present surprising facts and statistics.Use a fitting quotation.Ask a provocative question.Tell a vivid personal story.Define a key term.Present an interesting observation.Create a unique scenario.Providing background informationProviding background information in an essay introduction serves as a bridge to link the reader to the topic of an essay. But exactly how long this bridge should be is largely dependent on how much information the writer thinks the reader will need in order to understand the issue being discussed in the essay and appreciate the importance of the issue. For much university writing (for which the readership may not be restricted to lecturers alone), one good rule of thumb for students to determine whether enough background information has been provided is to read the draft introduction to fellow students from other faculties and see whether they understand what is being talked about.Stating the central ideaThe central idea or thesis statement in an essay introduction is the most important part of the essay and is thus indispensable. The thesis statement is usually one or two sentences long and tells the reader what the whole essay is going to be about.A thesis statement can be direct or indirect. A direct thesis statement gives a specific outline of the essay. For example, one of my students (in his essay entitled ‘The Qualities of a Successful Technopreneur") wrote the following thesis statement: “The three core qualities that a technopreneur must possess to be successful are vision, a never-say-quit attitude and an innovative mind.” This sentence tells the reader what the essay is going to be about (i.e. the qualities a technopreneur must possess in order to succeed) and provides a structural outline (i.e. that the essay will comprise three main parts, each portion respectively covering one of the three qualities mentioned).In an indirect thesis statement, no such outline is provided; however, the reader will still know what aspect of the topic the essay is going to discuss. For example, on the same topic, another of my students wrote this thesis statement: “In today"s rapidly changing technology market, only technopreneurs who possess certain qualities will succeed while those who do not will falter and fall in the battlefield.” From this sentence, the reader can still expect the essay to talk about some qualities of a successful technopreneur; but he/she will neither know exactly which and how many qualities the essay will cover, nor predict how many parts the writer will discuss in the main body paragraphs. The suspense given by an indirect thesis statement sometimes gives the reader a good reason to read on.Once aware of the three features of an essay introduction and some of the options for the presentation of each feature, students can experiment with different options to see which one(s) creates the best effect for each essay.
2023-06-12 23:29:131

哪里有My Friend ,Albert Einstein的中文版

He was one of the greatest scientists the world has ever known, yet if I had to convey the essence of Albert Einstein in a single word, I would choose simplicity. Perhaps an anecdote will help. Once, caught in a downpour, he took off his hat and held it under his coat. Asked why, he explained, with admirable logic, that the rain would damage the hat, but his hair would be none the worse for its wetting. This knack for going instinctively to the heart of a matter was a secret of his major scientific discoveries - this and his extraordinary feeling for beauty.爱尔伯特·爱因斯坦是世界上最伟大的科学家之一,但如果要我用一个词来概括他这个人的品质,那我会选"质朴"。也许一个小故事能让我们略知一二。有一次,天降大雨,爱因斯坦躲之不及,于是他摘下了帽子,把它夹在外衣下。当别人问他为什么要这么做时,他解释说,雨水会弄坏他的帽子,但是他的头发湿了不会有什么大碍。他的逻辑真是无懈可击。他这种本能地把握事物本质的能力正是他能够做出重大科学发现的秘诀所在,除此之外,还有他对美的那种非凡的感觉。I first met Einstein in 1935, at the famous Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J. He had been among the first to be invited to the institute, and was offered carte blanche as to salary. To the director"s dismay, Einstein asked for an impossible sum: it was far too small. The director had to plead with him to accept a larger salary.我第一次见到爱因斯坦是在1935年,在位于新泽西的著名的普林斯顿大学高级研究中心。他是最早被邀请到该中心的科学家之一。薪水方面,研究中心让他自己全权决定。但让研究中心主任感到沮丧的是,爱因斯坦开出了一个让人无法接受的数目:他要的实在是太少了。中心主任不得不恳求他接受一份更高的工资。I was in awe of Einstein, and hesitated before approaching him about some ideas I had been working on. When I finally knocked on his door, a gentle voice said, "Come" - with a rising inflection that made the single word both a welcome and a question. I entered his office and found him seated at a table, calculating and smoking his pipe. Dressed in ill-fitting clothes, his hair characteristically awry, he smiled a warm welcome. His utter naturalness at once set me at ease.我对爱因斯坦充满了敬畏,因此当我想就一些我正在研究的问题与他探讨时,一直犹豫不决。最终我还是鼓起勇气我敲了门,里面传来了非常温和的声音:请进---他说这个词的时候声调上扬,听起来即像是欢迎又像是在提问。我进到他的办公室,发现他正坐在桌旁,抽着烟斗,演算一个问题。他的衣服很不合身,头发乱蓬蓬的。他朝我微笑,表示对我的热忱的欢迎。他的自然随意立刻让我放松了。As I began to explain my ideas, he asked me to write the equations on the blackboard so he could see how they developed. Then came the staggering - and altogether endearing - request: "Please go slowly. I do not understand things quickly." This from Einstein! He said it gently, and I laughed. From then on, all vestiges of fear were gone.当我开始向他解释我的想法时,他让我把方程写在黑板上,这样让他能看到每一步的推演。然后他提出了一个让我极其震惊同时又备感亲切的要求:"请讲得稍微慢一点,我理解问题的速度比较慢"。这种话出自爱因斯坦之口!他说这话时非常温和,我不由得笑了。从此,我对他的畏惧之心烟消云散。Collaborating with Einstein was an unforgettable experience. In 1937, the Polish physicist Leopold Infeld and I asked if we could work with him. He was pleased with the proposal, since he had an idea about gravitation waiting to be worked out in detail. Thus we got to know not merely the man and the friend, but also the professional.和爱因斯坦的合作是让人终身难忘的经历。1937年,我和波兰物理学家列奥泼德·英费尔德问他是否可以和他合作,他欣然应允,因为他有一个重力方面的问题,有待仔细的研究。于是,我们有机会认识了爱因斯坦作为一个普通人和朋友的一面,我们还了解了他作为一个科学家的职业素养。The intensity and depth of his concentration were fantastic. When battling a recalcitrant problem, he worried it as an animal worries its prey. Often, when we found ourselves up against a seemingly insuperable difficulty, he would stand up, put his pipe on the table, and say in his quaint English, "I will a little tink" (he could not pronounce "th"). Then he would pace up and down, twirling a lock of his long, graying hair around his forefinger.他极度的专注,全身心的投入,让人叹为观止。当他处理一个难题的时候,他努力思索,就像动物撕咬猎物。通常,当我们碰到一个似乎是无法逾越的难题时,他会站起来,把烟斗放在桌子上,用他那口音古怪的英语说:"我要稍微思考一下。"然后他在房间里来回踱步,食指捻弄着他那长而灰白的发卷。A dreamy, faraway and yet inward look would come over his face. There was no appearance of concentration, no furrowing of the brow - only a placid inner communion. The minutes would pass, and then suddenly Einstein would stop pacing as his face relaxed into a gentle smile. He had found the solution to the problem. Sometimes it was so simple that Infeld and I could have kicked ourselves for not having thought of it. But the magic had been performed invisible in the depths of Einstein"s mind, by a process we could not fathom.他脸上会有一种恍惚出神而又深邃的表情。没有专著的神情,也没有皱眉---只有宁静的内心的交流。时间一分一秒过去,突然他会停止自己的脚步,脸上浮现出温和的微笑。他已经找出了问题的答案。有的时候,答案非常简单,我和英费尔德都会自责我们怎么会想不到呢。爱因斯坦在他的脑海深处,施展了外人无法看见的魔法,这个高深的过程是我们无法理解的。Einstein was an accomplished amateur musician. We used to play duets, he on the violin, I at the piano. One day he surprised me by saying Mozart was the greatest composer of all. Beethoven "created" his music, but the music of Mozart was of such purity and beauty one felt he had merely "found" it - that it had always existed as part of the inner beauty of the Universe, waiting to be revealed.爱因斯坦还是一位出色的业余音乐家。我们那时常进行二重奏,他拉小提琴,我弹钢琴。有一天他说莫扎特是所有作曲家中最伟大的一位,这让我吃惊不小。他认为贝多芬的音乐是"创造"出来的,而莫扎特的音乐是如此纯净和优美,让人感觉他只是在哪儿"发现"了它---它一直是宇宙内在的美的一部分,一直存在着,等待着我们去发现。It was this very Mozartean simplicity that most characterized Einstein"s methods. His 1905 theory of relativity, for example, was built on just two simple assumptions. One is the so-called principle of relativity, which means, roughly speaking, that we cannot tell whether we are at rest or moving smoothly. The other assumption is the speed of light is the same no matter what the speed of the object that produces it. You can see how reasonable this is if you think of agitating a stick in a lake to create waves. Whether you wiggle the stick from a stationary pier, or from a rushing speedboat, the waves, once generated, are on their own, and their speed has nothing to do with that of the stick.这种莫扎特式的淳朴正是大部分爱因斯坦理论的最显著特点。比如他1905年提出的相对论就是建立在两个简单的假说之上的。一个是所谓的相对原则,粗略的说,就是我们无法判断自己是否是静止还是在平稳的移动。另一个假定是:不管产生它的物体速度如何,光的速度是恒定的。如果你用一根木棍搅动湖水,你就会知道这个假定是多么的有道理。不管你是在一个静止的码头,还是在飞驰的高速游艇上搅动棍子,波浪一旦产生,就不受外界的影响,它的速度和木棍没有任何关系。Each of these assumptions, by itself, was so plausible as to seem primitively obvious. But together they were in such violent conflict that a lesser man would have dropped one or the other and fled in panic. Einstein daringly kept both - and by so doing he revolutionized physics. For he demonstrated they could, after all, exist peacefully side by side, provided we gave up cherished beliefs about the nature of time.这两个假定,分开来看,都是合理的,而看上去又如此明显,自然,无须证明。但是如果把这两个假定放在一起,它们之间便有了强烈的矛盾,一个二流的物理学家会丢掉其中一个,落荒而逃。爱因斯坦很大胆,一个都没有放弃,从而使物理学发生了翻天覆地的变化。因为他证明如果我们放弃我们原先持有的关于时间性质的观念,这两个假设是可以和谐地共存的。Science is like a house of cards, with concepts like time and space at the lowest level. Tampering with time brought most of the house tumbling down, and it was this that made Einstein"s work so important and controversial. At a conference in Princeton in honour of his 70th birthday, one of the speakers, a Nobel Prize-winner, tried to convey the magical quality of Einstein"s achievement. Words failed him, and with a shrug of helplessness he pointed to his wristwatch, and said in tones of awed amazement, "It all came from this." His very ineloquence made this the most eloquent tribute I have heard to Einstein"s genius.科学就好像是由很多扑克牌建成的房屋,时间和空间的概念是最底下的那两张。对时间的胡乱干预会让大半个房屋倒塌,正是这一点让爱因斯坦的工作显得举足轻重,同时也极具争议性。在普林斯顿举行的庆祝他70大寿的会议上,其中一位发言人,是诺贝尔奖获得者,当他试图表述爱因斯坦卓绝非凡的成就时,他找不到合适的词句,于是无助地耸了一下肩,指了指他的手表,说:"所有的一切都来自于此"。语气中充满了敬畏和惊异。他的语屈词穷恰恰是我听过的对爱因斯坦天才的最为深刻的褒奖。There was something elusively whimsical about Einstein. It is illustrated by my favorite anecdote about him. In his first year in Princeton, on Christmas Eve, so the story goes, some children sang carols outside his house. Having finished, they knocked on his door and explained they were collecting money to buy Christmas presents. Einstein listened, then said, "Wait a moment." He put on his overcoat, and took his violin from its case. Then, joining the children as they went from door to door, he accompanied their singing of "Silent Night" on his violin.爱因斯坦身上有让人难以捉摸的古怪的一面。我最为喜欢的一个关于他的逸事很好的说明了这一点。据说这是他在普林斯顿的第一年,圣诞前夜,几个孩子在他的屋外唱起了圣诞节颂歌。唱完之后,他们敲门告诉他,他们在筹钱买圣诞礼物。爱因斯坦听了之后说:"等一下"。他穿上外套,从琴盒里取出小提琴。然后他和他们一起走家串户,他们唱"寂静的夜", 他用小提琴给他们伴奏。How shall I sum up what it meant to have known Einstein and his works? Like the Nobel Prize-winner who pointed helplessly at his watch, I can find no adequate words. It was akin to the revelation of great art that lets one see what was formerly hidden. And when, for example, I walk on the sand of a lonely beach, I am reminded of his ceaseless search for cosmic simplicity - and the scene takes on a deeper beauty. 能够认识爱因斯坦这个人,了解他的工作,这对我来说意味着什么呢?我应该如何表述呢?和那个无助的指着自己手表的诺贝尔奖获得者一样,我找不到合适的词句。好像是一件伟大的艺术作品给人的启示,让你看到了原来看不到的东西。比如,当我走在一片人迹稀少的沙滩,想起他对简单宇宙的不懈追求,于是眼前的风景便具有了一种更为深沉的美。
2023-06-12 23:29:341