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2023-06-13 14:05:10
TAG: ert desert




例句:Some of them died of thirst in the desert.他们中有些人在沙漠中渴死了。


1、reclaim a desert开垦沙漠

2、barren desert荒凉的不毛之地

3、cultural desert文化沙漠

4、trackless desert人迹罕至的沙漠

5、arid desert干旱的沙漠



例句:He abandoned his wife and took all their money.他抛弃了妻子,拿走了他们所有的钱财。


例句:The Queen has no intention of abdicating her throne.女王不打算让位。


例句:He deserted his wife and married a Japanese girl.他抛弃妻子后,和一位日本姑娘结婚了。

4、give up phr.取消;放弃,普通用语,强调终止做某事,通常用来表示放弃某个计划、设计、工作、职位等。

例句:He has given up his decision to visit New York.他取消了访问纽约的决定。


例句:He wants to quit smoking.他想戒烟。



2023-06-12 22:48:314

deserted 怎么读啊?

2023-06-12 22:49:284

deserted 音标

2023-06-12 22:49:364


2023-06-12 22:49:453


We were shipwrecked on a deserted island . 我们遭遇海难而困在荒岛上。 Her virtue is pke a pathless desert . 她的品德象一片人迹难到的沙漠。 He will be punished according to his deserts . 他将受到应有的惩罚。 The cpmate is very dry in the desert area .. 沙漠地区气候很干燥。 Imagine yourself to be on a desert island . 设想你处在一个荒岛上。 He had deserted the office without leave . 他没有请假就擅离职守。 That wretch deserted his wife and children . 那个卑鄙的家伙遗弃了妻小。 Eugene found dixieland almost deserted . 尤金发现南国宾馆几乎门可罗雀。 Turnus was deserted by his celestial alpes . 图努斯已为天国盟友所摈弃。 The masses are in rebelpon and one "s friends are deserting . 众叛亲离。 His luck never entirely deserted him . 可幸运之神从来都没有完全遗弃过他。 He cannot stand the fervors of those deserts . 他无法忍受那些沙漠的酷热。 His passion for reading never deserted him . 他的读书的嗜好从没有失去过。 A pght gleamed in that deserted house . 那间空房里有一点亮儿。 He went forth into the desert to pray . 他向前走到沙漠中祈祷。 All his sagacity seemed to desert him . 他似乎完全失去洞察力。 Much territory in africa is desert . 非洲的大部分地方是沙漠。 At night he roamed the deserted campus . 夜晚他在杳无人迹的校园里四处徜徉。 C *** s have been built to take water to the desert . 开掘渠道把水引进沙漠。 There is practically no plant cover on the deserts . 沙漠实际上没有植物层。 The corridor was deserted and silent . 走廓里静悄悄地没有人。 Imagine yourself on a desert island . 设想你处在一个荒岛上。 I have deserted also his pttle half-sister . 我遗弃了他的同父异母的小妹妹。 The captain of the ship has deserted the ship for survival . 船长已弃船逃生。 He deserted this classical tradition . 他抛弃了古典的传统。 Ap"s genius has deserted him . 阿里的天赋却已荡然无存。 Do you want us to stay eternally in this desert ? 你要我们一辈子留在这荒野里吗? He deserted from his regiment . 他开小差逃离他所在的团。 Life on a desert island is wretched . 荒岛生活凄凉悲戚。 She lay back in the darkness, feepng deserted . 她在黑暗中躺著,感到被遗弃似的。 There was no change in the character of the desert . 这片荒野的面貌一点也没改变。 He could not tolerate the extremes of heat in the desert . 他忍受不住沙漠的酷热。 The saracens of the desert captured jerusalem . 沙漠地区的撒拉逊人占领了耶路撒冷。 This city is located on the southern fringe of the desert . 这个城市处于沙漠南缘。 Farmers can make the desert bloom pke the rose . 农民能使沙漠象玫瑰那样生机盎然。 Shvabrin deserted to the rebels . 希瓦卜林投靠了叛军。 We traverse the desert by truck . 我们乘卡车横穿沙漠。 All his convictions deserted him . 他失去了一切信念。 All of these cities were deserted during the 800s . 到九世纪所有这些城市都被舍弃了。 The afternoon was the desert she had feared . 下午,正如她所担心的那样,漫长而无聊。 He often had to spend the night in deserted temples . 他常常不得不在清冷的庙中过夜。 Pomey"s soldiers deserted him . 庞培的士兵背弃了他。 The station was deserted . 车站上一个人影儿也没有。 A desert is a beautiful land of silence and space . 沙漠是一片美丽的大地,沉寂、辽阔。 The streets appeared deserted . 街上似乎行人绝迹。 It "s too bad of you to desert her in trouble . 你在她困难的时候抛弃她,真是太差劲了。 I"ve deserted from the army . 我从军队里逃出来了。 I found myself standing alone on the deserted platform . 我影只形单地站在无人的月台上。 His presence of mind deserted him . 他失去镇静。 This desert of unattractiveness has its oasis . 在这一片枯燥无味的沙漠上,也有一座绿洲。
2023-06-12 22:49:531

deserting和deserted 的区别

词性不同deserted 英 [ du026au02c8zu025c:tu026ad ] 美 [ du026au02c8zu025c:rtu026ad ]GRE TOEFLadj.( 地方) 无人居住的; 空寂无人的; 被抛弃的; 被遗弃的v.舍弃( desert的过去式和过去分词 ); 废弃; (在需要时刻)背离; 擅离(职守、工作岗位、现役等)1.The house seemed muted, hushed as if it had been deserted.房子里似乎悄然无声,安静得好像已经没人在住一样。deserting v.舍弃( desert的现在分词 ); 废弃; (在需要时刻)背离; 擅离(职守、工作岗位、现役等)1.He was pained to see many youngsters deserting kibbutz life.看到那么多的年轻人放弃了合作农场的生活,他感到很痛心。
2023-06-12 22:50:001


2023-06-12 22:50:354


desert[英]["dezu0259t][美][u02c8du025bzu0259t]n.沙漠; 荒地; 应得的赏罚; 功劳,美德; adj.沙漠的; 荒芜的,不毛的; 无人的; desertv.丢开,抛弃; 擅离职守; 逃亡,逃走; 开小差; 第三人称单数:deserts过去分词:deserted复数:deserts现在进行时:deserting过去式:deserted[例句]The goal , however , is to learn how to integrate green ideas into a livable desert city.但它真正的目标是研究如何将绿色理念付诸于一座宜居的沙漠城市。2.The gobi desert is inching south. 戈壁滩沙漠正在向南方侵蚀。3.This clearly in volves undertaking the survey of a certain desert. 这显然包括承担对一片特定沙漠的调查活动。4.But one sandy desert hillside shines jet-black. 但在沙质荒漠山坡上闪耀着乌黑颜色。5.True friends don"t desert each other when one is facing trouble. 当其中一人面临困难时,真正的朋友是不会抛弃对方的。
2023-06-12 22:50:441


desert作为名词的意思是沙漠、荒漠、荒原;作为动词的意思是抛弃、离弃、遗弃(某人),舍弃、离弃(某地方),擅离(部队),逃走,开小差,废弃,背离的意思;作为形容词的意思是不毛的、沙漠的、无人的。例句:1、Somalia is mostly desert.索马里大部分地区都是荒漠。2、She was deserted by her husband.她被丈夫遗弃了。3、The villages had been deserted.这些村庄已经荒无人烟了。4、The owl seems to have deserted its nest.这只猫头鹰似乎不要这个窝了。5、Her courage seemed to desert her for a moment.她一时间似乎失去了勇气。6、They live in 12 high-rise apartment buildings that sit in a desert of concrete.他们居住的地方是坐落于一片钢筋水泥丛林中的12栋高层公寓楼。
2023-06-12 22:50:511


desert 的英语同义词的确是 abandon 所以从一个角度看把 deserted 看作与 abandoned 相等是合理的, 但另一方面, 英语 deserted 的定义是 to be caused to appear empty (使造成空洞或空虚的样子), 所以 A 和 B 之间 A 是最佳选择. 也希望点击“选为满意答案”及时采纳,
2023-06-12 22:51:161


desert英[u02c8dezu0259t]美[u02c8dezu0259rt]n.沙漠; 荒地; 应得的赏罚; 功劳,美德adj.沙漠的; 荒芜的,不毛的; 无人的desertv.丢开,抛弃; 擅离职守; 逃亡,逃走; 开小差第三人称单数:deserts复数:deserts现在分词:deserting过去式:deserted过去分词:deserted
2023-06-12 22:51:251


n. 沙漠;荒地;应得的赏罚;功劳,美德 adj. 沙漠的;荒芜的,不毛的;无人的 第三人称单数:deserts;过去分词:deserted;名词复数:deserts[例句]The gobi desert is inching south.戈壁滩沙漠正在向南方侵蚀。
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2023-06-12 22:51:435

“ship in the desert” 怎么翻译?

沙漠之舟例句The captain of the ship has deserted the ship for survival.船长已弃船逃生。The captain of the ship has deserted.船长已逃。Rats leave (or desert or forsake) a sinking ship船沈鼠先窜Container ship集装船A ship chandler.轮船经销商Shipping instructions装运说明Coastal shipping沿海航运Shipping note托运单Launch a ship使船下水Shipping by chartering租船运输相似短语ship of the desert n. 骆驼(沙漠之舟)the ship of the desert n. 沙漠之舟,骆驼the pride of the desert n.骆驼/he morning n.晨雾the pride of desert 骆驼fleet of the desert 沙漠商队the Libyan Desert 利比亚沙漠(非洲)desert the colours 变节, 开小差 放弃原来所支持的事业an oasis in the desert 沙漠中的一片绿洲 枯燥乏味事物中的令人高兴的变化desertification of land 土地沙化gobi desert 戈壁[蒙古和中国西北部]名词 沙漠之舟,骆驼相似单词desert v. 1.[T]离弃(一地方),放弃,遗弃,离弃(某人),抛弃 2.[I,T]擅自离开(尤指军中或船上的职守), 逃跑,潜逃 3.[T]在关键时使(某人)失望 n. [C, U]沙漠, 荒漠,荒原deserted adj. 1.(地方)无人居住的;空寂无人的 2. 被抛弃的;被遗弃的;被舍弃的deserter n. 背弃者,脱党者,逃亡者desertification n. (土壤)荒漠化,沙漠化desertion n. 丢掉,遗弃,逃亡desert-sore 【医】 沙漠疮desertomycin 【化】 沙漠霉素deserting [ deserted ]的现在分词;[ deserter ]的现在分词deserts n. [desert] 的复数;沙漠;荒原half-desert 半荒漠,半沙漠
2023-06-12 22:52:101


2023-06-12 22:52:394

The car park was deserted .It was ____ A.a desert B.empty C.abandoned

B是空的 指空间上的 而C是遗弃的 是带有感情色彩的 问题是从客观角度选得
2023-06-12 22:52:496


empty city
2023-06-12 22:53:032


2023-06-12 22:53:182

这道题什么做 关于英语的

2023-06-12 22:53:315


He deserted her friend in a time of need.The guard was punished for deserting his postThe soldier deserted. 那个士兵开了小差。 How can I desert them?我怎么能抛弃他们?
2023-06-12 22:54:333


柯林斯词典是没有的形容词加ed废弃的desertedThey went off to swim in the pool, which was now deserted...他们去一个已废弃的游泳池游泳。
2023-06-12 22:54:422


2023-06-12 22:54:525

The car park was deserted.It was__ A empty B wasted(解释原因)

2023-06-12 22:55:183


关于我对每个事物本质的期盼和见到的信念丧失了。主题结构是my beliefs(in looking forward and seeing the positive in everything起修饰作用的)+deserted+me,谢谢采纳
2023-06-12 22:55:262


2023-06-12 22:55:358


desertvt. 遗弃;放弃;逃跑vi. 遗弃;开小差;逃掉n. 沙漠;荒原;应得的赏罚adj. 沙漠的;荒凉的;不毛的deserteddeserted 荒芜的;被遗弃的
2023-06-12 22:56:012


2023-06-12 22:56:091


desert:[ di"z?:t ] n.沙漠 v.放弃,遗弃 词形变化: 名词:deserter 动词过去式:deserted 过去分词:deserted 现在分词:deserting 第三人称单数:deserts 例句与用法: 1.The baby"s mother deserted him soon after giving birth. 那个母亲生下他后不久就把他遗弃了. 2.The writer decided to live in the Sahara Desert for some time. 那位作家决定去撒哈拉沙漠住一段日子. 3.The guard deserted his post. 卫兵擅自离开了他的岗位. 4.Vast areas of land have become desert. 广大的地区均已变成沙漠. 5.He deserted his wife and children and went abroad. 他抛弃了妻子儿女,出国去了. 6.His courage/presence of mind deserted him. 他丧失了勇气[再不能镇定自若]. 7.He has become so rude that his friends are deserting him. 他变得十分粗野,朋友们都不和他来往了. 8.A soldier who deserts (his post) in time of war is punished severely. 战争期间开小差的士兵要受到严惩.
2023-06-12 22:56:441


desert作形容词的时候意思是“沙漠的 不毛的 荒凉的” deserted意思是“荒芜的 荒废的 为人所弃的” 这两个词含义明显是不一样的
2023-06-12 22:56:511


2023-06-12 22:57:006


desert: [ di"z05:t ] n. 沙漠v. 放弃,遗弃词形变化: 名词:deserter 动词过去式:deserted 过去分词:deserted 现在分词:deserting 第三人称单数:deserts 例句与用法: 1. The baby"s mother deserted him soon after giving birth. 那个母亲生下他后不久就把他遗弃了。 2. The writer decided to live in the Sahara Desert for some time. 那位作家决定去撒哈拉沙漠住一段日子。 3. The guard deserted his post. 卫兵擅自离开了他的岗位。 4. Vast areas of land have become desert. 广大的地区均已变成沙漠. 5. He deserted his wife and children and went abroad. 他抛弃了妻子儿女, 出国去了. 6. His courage/presence of mind deserted him. 他丧失了勇气[再不能镇定自若]. 7. He has become so rude that his friends are deserting him. 他变得十分粗野, 朋友们都不和他来往了. 8. A soldier who deserts (his post) in time of war is punished severely. 战争期间开小差的士兵要受到严惩.
2023-06-12 22:59:041


adj.1. 被舍弃的,被抛弃的,被遗弃的,放弃的2. 荒废的,废弃的,无人居住的,空无一人的3. 荒无人烟的,荒僻的,人迹罕至的
2023-06-12 22:59:121


desert中文翻译: n.沙漠;荒漠;荒原 v.抛弃,离弃,遗弃(某人);舍弃,离弃(某地方);擅离(部队);逃走;开小差 第三人称单数: deserts复数: deserts现在分词: deserting过去式: deserted过去分词: deserted 扩展资料   The wind blew in from the desert and covered everything with sand.   风从沙漠那边吹来,把一切都蒙上了一层沙子。   The grandiose scheme for a journey across the desert came to nothing.   不切实际的"穿越沙漠计划已成泡影。   To add verisimilitude, the stage is covered with sand for the desert scenes.   为了更加逼真,舞台上铺满了沙子作为沙漠的场景。   The owl seems to have deserted its nest.   这只猫头鹰似乎不要这个窝了。   She was deserted by her husband.   她被丈夫遗弃了。
2023-06-12 22:59:191

deserting和deserted 的区别

2023-06-12 22:59:361

desert造句 desertの例文 "desert"是什麼意思

We were shipwrecked on a deserted island . 我们遭遇海难而困在荒岛上。 Her virtue is pke a pathless desert . 她的品德象一片人迹难到的沙漠。 He will be punished according to his deserts . 他将受到应有的惩罚。 The cpmate is very dry in the desert area .. 沙漠地区气候很干燥。 Imagine yourself to be on a desert island . 设想你处在一个荒岛上。 He had deserted the office without leave . 他没有请假就擅离职守。 That wretch deserted his wife and children . 那个卑鄙的家伙遗弃了妻小。 Eugene found dixieland almost deserted . 尤金发现南国宾馆几乎门可罗雀。 Turnus was deserted by his celestial alpes . 图努斯已为天国盟友所摈弃。 The masses are in rebelpon and one "s friends are deserting . 众叛亲离。 It"s difficult to see desert in a sentence. 用 desert 造句挺难的 His luck never entirely deserted him . 可幸运之神从来都没有完全遗弃过他。 He cannot stand the fervors of those deserts . 他无法忍受那些沙漠的酷热。 His passion for reading never deserted him . 他的读书的嗜好从没有失去过。 A pght gleamed in that deserted house . 那间空房里有一点亮儿。 He went forth into the desert to pray . 他向前走到沙漠中祈祷。 All his sagacity seemed to desert him . 他似乎完全失去洞察力。 Much territory in africa is desert . 非洲的大部分地方是沙漠。 At night he roamed the deserted campus . 夜晚他在杳无人迹的校园里四处徜徉。 C *** s have been built to take water to the desert . 开掘渠道把水引进沙漠。 There is practically no plant cover on the deserts . 沙漠实际上没有植物层。 The corridor was deserted and silent . 走廓里静悄悄地没有人。 Imagine yourself on a desert island . 设想你处在一个荒岛上。 I have deserted also his pttle half-sister . 我遗弃了他的同父异母的小妹妹。 The captain of the ship has deserted the ship for survival . 船长已弃船逃生。 He deserted this classical tradition . 他抛弃了古典的传统。 Ap"s genius has deserted him . 阿里的天赋却已荡然无存。 Do you want us to stay eternally in this desert ? 你要我们一辈子留在这荒野里吗? He deserted from his regiment . 他开小差逃离他所在的团。 Life on a desert island is wretched . 荒岛生活凄凉悲戚。 She lay back in the darkness, feepng deserted . 她在黑暗中躺著,感到被遗弃似的。 It"s difficult to see desert in a sentence. 用 desert 造句挺难的 There was no change in the character of the desert . 这片荒野的面貌一点也没改变。 He could not tolerate the extremes of heat in the desert . 他忍受不住沙漠的酷热。 The saracens of the desert captured jerusalem . 沙漠地区的撒拉逊人占领了耶路撒冷。 This city is located on the southern fringe of the desert . 这个城市处于沙漠南缘。 Farmers can make the desert bloom pke the rose . 农民能使沙漠象玫瑰那样生机盎然。 Shvabrin deserted to the rebels . 希瓦卜林投靠了叛军。 We traverse the desert by truck . 我们乘卡车横穿沙漠。 All his convictions deserted him . 他失去了一切信念。 All of these cities were deserted during the 800s . 到九世纪所有这些城市都被舍弃了。 The afternoon was the desert she had feared . 下午,正如她所担心的那样,漫长而无聊。 He often had to spend the night in deserted temples . 他常常不得不在清冷的庙中过夜。 Pomey"s soldiers deserted him . 庞培的士兵背弃了他。 The station was deserted . 车站上一个人影儿也没有。 A desert is a beautiful land of silence and space . 沙漠是一片美丽的大地,沉寂、辽阔。 The streets appeared deserted . 街上似乎行人绝迹。 It "s too bad of you to desert her in trouble . 你在她困难的时候抛弃她,真是太差劲了。 I"ve deserted from the army . 我从军队里逃出来了。 I found myself standing alone on the deserted platform . 我影只形单地站在无人的月台上。 His presence of mind deserted him . 他失去镇静。 This desert of unattractiveness has its oasis . 在这一片枯燥无味的沙漠上,也有一座绿洲。 It"s difficult to see desert in a sentence. 用 desert 造句挺难的
2023-06-12 22:59:431

desert怎么读音 desert的意思

1、desert的读音:英[u02c8dezu0259t , du026au02c8zu025cu02d0t],美[u02c8dezu0259rt , du026au02c8zu025cu02d0rt] 2、n.沙漠;荒漠;荒原; 3、v.抛弃,离弃,遗弃(某人);舍弃,离弃(某地方);擅离(部队);逃走;开小差; 废弃;背离; 4、adj.不毛的;沙漠的;无人的; 5、[例句]Desert plants are adapted to cope with extreme heat.沙漠植物适于耐酷热。 6、第三人称单数:deserts 复数:deserts 现在分词:deserting 过去式:deserted 过去分词:deserted
2023-06-12 23:00:151


desert n.沙漠;荒漠;荒原 v.抛弃,离弃,遗弃(某人);舍弃,离弃(某地方);擅离(部队);逃走;开小差 第三人称单数: deserts复数: deserts现在分词: deserting过去式: deserted过去分词: deserted 扩展资料   Her courage seemed to desert her for a moment.   她一时间似乎失去了勇气。   I think she got her just deserts.   我认为她罪有应得。   The wind blew in from the desert and covered everything with sand.   风从沙漠那边吹来,把一切都蒙上了一层沙子。   The grandiose scheme for a journey across the desert came to nothing.   不切实际的穿越沙漠计划已成泡影。
2023-06-12 23:00:231


desert n.沙漠;荒漠;荒原 v.抛弃,离弃,遗弃(某人);舍弃,离弃(某地方);擅离(部队);逃走;开小差 第三人称单数: deserts 复数: deserts 现在分词: deserting 过去式: deserted 过去分词: deserted 派生词: desertion n. 扩展资料   The heat in the desert was extreme.   沙漠中极其炎热。   Don"t desert me in my hour of need.   不要在我困难的时候离开我。   Why did you desert teaching for politics?   你为什么弃教从政呢?
2023-06-12 23:01:001


desert 英 [dezt , dzt] 美 [dezrt , dzrt] n.沙漠;荒漠;荒原 v.抛弃,离弃,遗弃(某人);舍弃,离弃(某地方);擅离(部队);逃走;开小差 第三人称单数: deserts复数: deserts现在分词: deserting过去式: deserted过去分词: deserted 扩展资料   例句:1、Desert plants are adapted to cope with extreme heat.   沙漠植物适于耐酷热。   2The heat in the desert was extreme.   沙漠中极其炎热。
2023-06-12 23:01:091

The car park was deserted.It was__ A empty B wasted(解释原因)

b wasted 意思是被人浪费的,舍弃的 deserted的意思就是荒废的 the answer is b
2023-06-12 23:01:161


desert [英]["dezu0259t][美][u02c8du025bzu0259t] n.沙漠; 荒地; 应得的赏罚; 功劳,美德; adj.沙漠的; 荒芜的,不毛的; 无人的; desert v.丢开,抛弃; 擅离职守; 逃亡,逃走; 开小差; 第三人称单数:deserts过去分词:deserted复数:deserts现在进行时:deserting过去式:deserted [例句]The goal ,however ,is to learn how to integrate green ideas into a livable desert city. 但它真正的目标是研究如何将绿色理念付诸于一座宜居的沙漠城市. 2.The gobi desert is inching south. 戈壁滩沙漠正在向南方侵蚀. 3.This clearly in volves undertaking the survey of a certain desert. 这显然包括承担对一片特定沙漠的调查活动. 4.But one sandy desert hillside shines jet-black. 但在沙质荒漠山坡上闪耀着乌黑颜色. 5.True friends don"t desert each other when one is facing trouble. 当其中一人面临困难时,真正的朋友是不会抛弃对方的.
2023-06-12 23:01:241


词典结果:desert[英][u02c8dezu0259t][美][u02c8dezu0259rt]n.沙漠; 荒地; 应得的赏罚; 功劳,美德; adj.沙漠的; 荒芜的,不毛的; 无人的; desertv.丢开,抛弃; 擅离职守; 逃亡,逃走; 开小差; 第三人称单数:deserts过去分词:deserted复数:deserts现在进行时:deserting过去式:deserted易混淆单词:Desert以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Almost half of the total country is uninhabitable desert. 全国几乎一半是不适于居住的沙漠。
2023-06-12 23:01:321


desert(沙漠)是可数名词,desert的基本意思是“沙漠”,指全部被沙子覆盖、很少下雨和少有植物生长的地方; 也可指“像沙漠一样荒芜的地方”。可充当不可数名词,也可作可数名词; 用作比喻可作“荒凉的境界”解,是不可数名词; desert还可作“应得到的事物”解,作此解时常用复数形式。 扩展资料   The heat in the desert was extreme.   沙漠中极其炎热。   Don"t desert me in my hour of need.   不要在我困难的时候离开我。   Why did you desert teaching for politics?   你为什么弃教从政呢?   As usual at that hour, the place was deserted.   跟平常那个时刻一样,那地方空荡荡的。   Large numbers of soldiers deserted as defeat became inevitable.   战败已成定局,许多士兵开小差跑了。
2023-06-12 23:02:281

desert vibes什么意思

意思为剪切效果。desert是一个英语单词,为动词、名词、形容词,作动词时意为“遗弃;舍弃,离弃(某地方);(士兵)擅离(部队);逃走;开小差;放弃,撇下不管;背离,使失望;(感觉、品质或技艺)离开,丧失”。作名词时意为“沙漠,荒原;沉闷乏味的境况(或地区),冷清的地方;应得的赏罚(常用复数)”。作形容词时意为“沙漠的;荒凉的;被抛弃的 ”。第三人称单数: deserts;复数: deserts;现在分词: deserting;过去式: deserted;过去分词: deserted。派生词: desertion n.双语例句:1、With this desert… around me.和我四周的沙漠一起。2、I have you at least, If i could desert the world.如果全世界我都可以放弃,至少我还有你。3、These towns out in the desert - you know why they got there?这些沙漠里的小镇—你知道它们为什么会在那儿吗?
2023-06-12 23:02:361


2023-06-12 23:02:431


1、desert容易与dessert混淆。2、dessert 英[du026au02c8zu025c:t] 美[du026au02c8zu025c:rt] n. 甜点; 餐后甜食; [例句]She had homemade ice cream for dessert她用自制的冰激凌作饭后甜点。[其他] 复数:desserts 3、desert 英[u02c8dezu0259t] 美[u02c8dezu0259rt] n. 沙漠; 荒地; 应得的赏罚; 功劳,美德; adj. 沙漠的; 荒芜的,不毛的; 无人的; v. 丢开,抛弃; 擅离职守; 逃亡,逃走; 开小差; [例句]The vehicles have been modified to suit conditions in the desert.车辆已改装过以适应沙漠的环境。[其他] 第三人称单数:deserts 复数:deserts 现在分词:deserting过去式:deserted 过去分词:deserted
2023-06-12 23:02:511


2023-06-12 23:02:593

abandon,deserted,gave up,put away有什么区别?

desest指废弃。abandon指 抛弃
2023-06-12 23:03:183


2023-06-12 23:03:284

乡村, 沙漠, 小岛, 山的英文分别怎么读

1、countryside 英[ˈkʌntrisaɪd] 美[ˈkʌntriˌsaɪd] n. 乡村; 郊野; 乡下的全体居民; [例句]I"ve always loved the English countryside一直以来我都很喜欢英国的乡间。[其他] 复数:countrysides 2、desert 英[ˈdezət] 美[ˈdezərt] n. 沙漠; 荒地; 应得的赏罚; 功劳,美德; adj. 沙漠的; 荒芜的,不毛的; 无人的; v. 丢开,抛弃; 擅离职守; 逃亡,逃走; 开小差; [例句]The vehicles have been modified to suit conditions in the desert.车辆已改装过以适应沙漠的环境。[其他] 第三人称单数:deserts 复数:deserts 现在分词:deserting过去式:deserted 过去分词:deserted 3、island 英[ˈaɪlənd] 美[ˈaɪlənd] n. 岛,岛屿; vt. 使孤立; [例句]We spent a day on Caldey Island.我们在科尔迪岛上度过了一天。[其他] 第三人称单数:islands 复数:islands 现在分词:islanding过去式:islanded 过去分词:islanded 4、mountain 英[ˈmaʊntən] 美[ˈmaʊntn] n. 山脉; 山,山岳; 一大堆; 大量; [例句]Ben Nevis, in Scotland, is Britain"s highest mountain.苏格兰境内的本尼维斯山是英国最高的山。[其他] 复数:mountains
2023-06-12 23:03:471