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2023-06-13 13:35:07

MiddlebrookBoltonWanderersFC:博尔顿漫游者足球俱乐部(Bolton Wanderers Football Club)成立于1874年。是英格兰足球联赛的7个创建者之一,博尔顿足球俱乐部成立于1874年。作为英格兰足球联赛的7个创建者之一,是唯一一个没有夺得过超级联赛冠军的俱乐部。尽管没有获得过联赛冠军,但是球队在顶级联赛中获得过三次季军。近30年来,博尔顿队多在低水平联赛中徘徊。他们在英格兰足总杯中却有不错的表现:共获得过4次冠军(1923、1926、1929、1958年),3次亚军(1894、1904、1953年)。博尔顿队最后一次获得英格兰足总杯冠军是在1958年,决赛中他们以2:0战胜曼联。




Middlebrook Bolton Wanderers FC





Middlebrook -Bolton Wanderers FC (博尔顿)


Arsenal Arsenal FC*

West Midlands Village -Aston Villa FC

West Midlands City -Birmingham City FC

Lancashire -Blackburn Rovers FC

Middlebrook -Bolton Wanderers FC

South East London Reds -Charlton Athletic FC

Chelsea Chelsea FC*

Merseyside Blue -Everton FC

West London White -Fulham FC

Merseyside Red -Liverpool FC

Man Blue -Manchester City FC

Man Red -Manchester United FC

Teesside -Middlesbrough FC

Tyneside -Newcastle United FC

Pompy -Portsmouth FC

Wearside -Sunderland FC

North East London -Tottenham Hotspur FC

West Midlands Stripes -West Bromwich Albion FC

East London -West Ham United FC

Lancashire Athletic -Wigan Athletic FC






PES5名字 实名

Middlebrook Bolton Wanderers FC



bolton 英["bu0259u028altu0259n] 美["bou028altu0259n] adj. (汽车部件等) 可用螺栓固定的; [例句]A bus service operates between Bolton and Salford.博尔顿和索尔福德之间有一班公共汽车往返。
2023-06-12 20:51:201


2023-06-12 20:51:291

bolton 是哪个国家城市名

2023-06-12 20:51:574


2023-06-12 20:52:041

bolton 在英国哪里

2023-06-12 20:52:131


2023-06-12 20:52:213


2023-06-12 20:52:281

关于 迈克 波顿

  Michael Bolton  演唱情歌的歌声略带沙哑却又迷人,这是Michael Bolton的特色。双鱼座的他生于1953年2月16日,很喜欢打棒球,甚至自己主动组了一个棒球队。Michael Bolton的本名是Michael Bolton,来自美国康乃狄克州的新海文(New Haven )市,在家排行老么,父亲George Bolotin为民主党官员,对Botown影响甚钜。  Bolton从小在摩城(Motown)之声和蓝调音乐中成长,这对他后来的唱歌方式及创作走向有很大的影响。他从15岁开始在康乃迪克卅的各酒吧内驻唱表演,10年之后,来到加州参加Shelter 唱片公司歌手甄选。  新力旗下绽放光彩  直到1983年,Bolton首度在CBS 旗下出版个人同名专辑“Michael Bolton”,这张专辑象徵他音乐历程的一个新起点,他也藉此向父亲致意的献礼专辑,这张专辑成绩不赖。同在这一年,Bolton也以作曲人崭露头角,为Laura Branigan创作「How Am I Supposed To Live Without You 」。  虽然在1984年这一年当中,Michael Bolton并没有推出专辑,也没有太多的媒体曝光,这一年对他而言却是丰富的一年。他在本年度内为多位著名艺人团体创作歌曲,包括有Pointer Sisters和Irene Cara..等,同时也和其他几位畅销作者建立了良好的合作关系,如Diane Warren, Eric Kaz、Desmond Child ....等等。  成为巨星的一年  1990年的一月Michael 重唱自己所写,原为Laura Branigan所唱的「How Am I Supposed To Live Without You」,登上了全美排行冠军,这是他的第一首冠军单曲。在奋斗多年之后,Michael Bolton终于尝到为众人注目的滋味。到了四月,Michael帮重金属乐团Kiss所创作的歌曲也在单曲榜上拿下不错的成绩。到了12月底,Bolton以八场门票销售一空的演唱会结束了他轰轰烈烈的1990年,演唱会并邀请到Kenny G 助阵,净赚了一千三百多万美金。而他的音乐实力也受到美国总统克林顿的赏识,在1993年1月19日,身为民主党官员么子的Bolton在克林顿就职典礼上献唱了「Lean On Me」。  人道主义的身体力行  虽然成为高知名度、高收入的巨星,Michael Bolton并不因此而不问世事,只专注于他自己的音乐事业发展。隔年的2月10日,他与将近100位艺人携手合唱、参与由David Foster制作的唱片“Voices That Care”,为红十字会的波湾危机基金会筹募基金,为当时在波斯湾战争中受到伤害的人尽一份心力在3月3日,他还参加了在家乡New Haven的退伍军人纪念馆演唱美国国歌,为一系列为波湾伤患复健中心活动募款。  除了为波湾战争受害者筹募款项,MichaelBolton显然觉得癌症也是对人类的一项严重伤害,他积极为癌症研究中心筹募基金,1992年,纽约医学院公开表扬Bolton为他们的癌症研究中心筹募基金所做的努力,而到了年底,Bolton则再次为康乃迪克州癌症研究基金会举办的募款活动演唱。之后,他也一再为癌症病人募款演出。  隔年,Michael Bolton为了受虐儿童及妇女设立了一个Michael Bolton慈善基金会〉热心公益的 他在94年与康乃迪克州的〈新英格兰管弦乐团〉合作举办了一场演唱会,这是他首度在古典乐编制伴奏下演唱自己的歌曲。这次演唱会的所得收入,大部份都汇入了〈Michael Bolton慈善基金会〉,其馀则捐给面临财务危机的新英格兰管弦乐团。由于 Bolton的热心公益,耶鲁大学也同时决定要在秋天授予他荣誉学位。  人道奖纷落他家  也许是因为他积极参与慈善事业,也许也因为他的巨星地位,Michael Bolton在94、95、及96这三年当中,获得不少组织的赞赏。在94年,除了耶鲁大学的荣誉学位之外,美国国立童工协会颁给他〈人道主义奖〉、VH-1音乐频道也颁给他一个〈人道主义奖〉。  在95与96这两年中,不仅纽约慈善协会颁给 Michael Bolton〈人道金碟奖〉,美国成就协会的〈人道主义奖〉、ITT人道主义奖也落到他的身上;在1996年所举办的马丁路德·金恩博士慈善晚宴上,他更获颁〈C.O.R.E.人道奖〉。  来自音乐同行的肯定  Michael Bolton在公益事业上认真,对于自己的音乐事业也同样投入,也因此,他获得相当多奖项的赞许。从1988年,他获得纽约音乐奖〈最佳节奏蓝调男歌手〉之后,他几乎每年都会获得一两个奖项 ,像是1990年、第32届葛莱美奖的〈最佳流行乐男 艺人〉就是由他获得,得奖作品则是「How Am I Supposed To Live Without You」。好事成双地,第34届葛莱美的〈最佳流行乐男艺人〉依旧是 Michael Bolton的天下。  不只葛莱美,像是在美国相当具公信力,由观众票选而出的全美音乐奖也相当喜爱Michael Bolton。 从1992年开始,19届的〈最受欢迎流行摇滚男艺人〉、〈最受欢迎流行摇滚专辑〉,20届的〈最 受欢迎流行摇滚男艺人〉、〈最受欢迎成人抒情 曲男艺人〉,以及22届的〈最受欢迎流行摇滚男艺人〉皆由Michael Bolton拿下。  而在美国一个相当大的非营利音乐组织—BMI,也分别在1991年、1993年、1994年将〈年度最佳歌曲 〉颁给Michael Bolton。他在这些年度,分别是以「How Am I Supposed To Live Without You」、 「By The Time This Night Is Over」、及「Said I Loved You....But I Lied」,拿下奖项。  来自学术界的肯定  对Michael来说,1995年美国国立流行音乐学院所颁发的〈最佳畅销歌曲作者奖〉,以及名列该学院作曲者名人殿堂之列,还有1995年康乃狄克大学〈艺术博士〉荣誉学位,更是一种不同的肯定。  Michael Bolton所有唱片  Michael Bolton(1975)  Every Day of My Life(1976)  Blackjack(1979)  Worlds Apart(1980)  Michael Bolton(1983)  Everybody"s Crazy(1985)  The Hunger(1987)  Soul Provider(1989)  Time Love & Tenderness(1991)  Timeless(1992)  One Thing(1993)  Greatest Hits(1995)  This Is The Time: Xmas Album(1996)  All That Matters(1997)  My Secret Passion(1998)  Timeless-The Classics Vol.2(1999)  Only A Woman Like You(2002-04-2)  Vintage(2003-09-02)  Til the End of Forever(2005-09-13)
2023-06-12 20:53:181


波顿家族(House Bolton)是奇幻小说冰与火之歌里维斯特洛的几大家族之一,属于北境。他们是先民的古老后裔,历史可以追溯到英雄纪元。家徽是粉底上的红色剥皮人。他们的家堡是恐怖堡,且是北境最有权势的贵族之一,在与瓦德·佛雷携手背叛罗柏·史塔克之后被兰尼斯特家族封为北境守护。波顿家族因活剥他们敌人的皮而广为人知。族语是“吾刃尚锋”,原文为:''Our blades are sharp''。但他们更喜欢一句更广泛流传在本家的话:''裸体的人少有秘密,但被剥皮的人没有秘密。''
2023-06-12 20:53:381

请推荐michael bolton几首代表作

最爱他的:said i love you,but i lied
2023-06-12 20:53:563


2023-06-12 20:54:054

Thom Browne 和他相恋已经六年的爱人 Andrew Bolton 两人之间是如何相处的?

2023-06-12 20:55:2510


博尔顿博尔顿漫游者足球俱乐部(Bolton Wanderers Football Club)成立于1874年。是英格兰足球联赛的7个创建者之一,近30年来,博尔顿队多在低水平联赛中徘徊。2000~2001赛季,博尔顿队通过附加赛,击败普雷斯顿队,夺得了最后一个晋级超级联赛的资格。中文队名:博尔顿漫游者足球俱乐部外文队名:Bolton Wanderers Football Club运动项目:足球角逐赛事:英格兰足球冠军联赛所属地区:博尔顿成立时间:1874年主场馆:锐步球场 (Reebok Stadium)容纳人数:28,723人拥有者:艾迪·戴维斯 (Eddie Davies)现任主教练:道奇·弗里德曼主要荣誉:4次英格兰足总杯冠军昵称:快马(The Trotters)球衣赞助:阿迪达斯分享简介成立时间: 1874-01-01所在国家:英格兰俱乐部教练:道奇·弗里德曼主球场:锐步球场旧队徽主队服:白色上衣,蓝黑色短裤。昵称:快马赞助商:锐运动商所在城市:曼彻斯特市郊上赛季名次:6最高收入:麦卡蒂尔450万、1995利物浦最高开销:霍斯沃斯350万、1997温布尔登
2023-06-12 20:56:281

歌舞青春3中全部人物的角色中文名,像Troy Bolton翻译成特洛伊·博尔顿

Troy Bolton特洛伊·波顿 Gabriella Montez凯碧欧拉·曼提兹 Sharpay Evans夏培·伊凡斯 Ryan Evans雷恩·伊凡斯 Chad Danforth查德·丹佛斯 Taylor McKessie泰勒·麦肯锡 Kelsi Nielsen凯西·尼尔森 Jason Cross杰森·克洛斯 Zeke Baylor柴克·贝勒 Martha Cox玛莎·考克斯 Ms. Darbus达布斯老师 Coach Jack Bolton波顿教练 Lucille Bolton 露西尔·波顿Tiara Gold蒂亚拉·戈尔德 好奇一下……你怎么会想出这个问题?
2023-06-12 20:56:364

权利的游戏 lord bolton 是谁

卢斯·波顿(Roose Bolton)是美国奇幻小说《冰与火之歌》又叫权利的游戏 中的人物,是恐怖堡的现任领主。外表温文尔雅,然而为人冷酷,精于算计,残忍无情。
2023-06-12 20:56:441


1928年2月26日卡罗瑟斯成为杜邦公司有机化学研究的负责人,他来到杜邦后的第一个目标是合成出一种最早由德国化学家赫尔曼·埃米尔·费歇尔实现合成的分子量超过4200的聚合物。然而直到1929年中旬,卡罗瑟斯带领的研究团队仍未能合成出分子量超过4000的这种聚合物。1930年1月,Elmer K. Bolton博士成为卡罗瑟斯的顶头上司(immediate boss)。Bolton想要在1930年取得实际的成果而且他的愿望实现了。Bolton要求卡罗瑟斯试验利用乙炔聚合生产合成橡胶.1930年4月,卡罗瑟斯的研究组的一名成员Arnold M. Collins博士分离得到了生产合成橡胶所用的单体氯丁二烯并合成出了第一种合成橡胶-氯丁橡胶。
2023-06-12 20:57:011

正畸名词 包腾指数 ,求解释。。

2023-06-12 20:57:292


是不是 杰克逊?
2023-06-12 20:57:373


2023-06-12 20:57:509

Michael Bolton的《Steel Bars》 歌词

歌曲名:Steel Bars歌手:Michael Bolton专辑:The Essential Michael BoltonSTEEL BARSIn the night I hear you speakTurn around, you"re in my sleepFeel your hands inside my soulYou"re holding on and you won"t let goI"ve tried running but there"s no escapeCan"t bend them, and I just can"t break these....Steel bars, wrapped all around meI"ve been your prisoner since the day you found meI"m bound forever, till the end of timeSteel bars wrapped around this heart of mineTrying hard to recognizeSee the face behind the eyesFeel your haunting ways like chains"Round my heart they still remainI"m still running, but there"s nowhere to hideMy love for you has got me locked up inside these……Steel bars, wrapped all around meI"ve been your prisoner since the day you found meI"m bound forever, till the end of timeSteel bars wrapped around this heart of mineAnd with every step I takeEvery desperate move I makeIt"s clear to meWhat can all my living meanWhen time itself is so obsceneWhen time itself don"t mean a thingI"m still loving youChorus
2023-06-12 20:58:331


2023-06-12 20:59:312


两只英超队 分别是曼彻斯特联队和曼彻斯特城队
2023-06-12 20:59:414


Blackburn with Darwen is a unitary authority area in Lancashire, England. It is located in the north-west of the county, bordering the boroughs of Bolton, Chorley, Hyndburn, Pendle and Ribble Valley, and the cities of Manchester and Preston. The main towns in the borough are Blackburn, Darwen, Accrington, Oswaldtwistle and Great Harwood. The area has a population of 145,816, making it the thirtieth most populous local authority district in England. The borough is named after Blackburn and Darwen, its two largest settlements, which lie on the River Darwen.
2023-06-12 21:00:172


2023-06-12 21:00:263

missing you now Michael Bolton 中英文歌词

Missing You Now Michael Bolton中午歌词I talk to you but it"s not the same as touching you 与你交谈,但却不能抚摸你 and every time you whisper my name 每一次你耳语我的名字 I wanna run to you 我想奔向你 we"ll be together 我们会在一起 it won"t be long 时间很短暂 it won"t be long 时间很短暂 but it feels like forever 但感觉就像永远 and it"s hard to be strong 且感情很难加深 baby "cause I"m missing you now 宝贝,我正在想念你 and it"s driving me crazy 想到我近乎疯狂 how I"m needing you baby 我该如何拥有你 I"m missing you now 想念你 can"t wait till I"m alone with you to show you how I"m missing you now 再也不能等到我和你独处时告诉你我是多么想念你 wishing you were here by my side 希望你现在就在我身旁 is all that I can do got my arms around 我只想紧紧地拥抱你 my pillow at night 整个夜晚在我的枕边 they should be holding you thought I was stronger 尽管我更强壮,但他们却总在拥有你 how could I know 我怎么能知道 how could I know 我怎么能知道 I can"t take this much longer 我不能挽留你更长时间 it"s so hard on my soul 我的灵魂很痛苦 baby I just can"t wait till I see you face 宝贝,我再也不能等到看见你的容颜 chase away this loneliness inside 驱赶我这颗孤独的心灵 when you"re close to my heart right here in my arms 当你正躺在我的臂腕,靠近我的心灵时 then and only then 只在那个时刻 will I be satisfied 我该感到满足吗 I"m missing you now 想念你 we"ll be together 我们会在一起 it won"t be long 时间很短暂 it won"t be long 时间很短暂 but it feels like forever 但感觉就像永远 and it"s hard to be strong 且感情很难加深
2023-06-12 21:00:341


2023-06-12 21:00:4315

Michael Bolton的《Steel Bars》 歌词

歌曲名:Steel Bars歌手:Michael Bolton专辑:Live At The Royal Albert HallSTEEL BARSIn the night I hear you speakTurn around, you"re in my sleepFeel your hands inside my soulYou"re holding on and you won"t let goI"ve tried running but there"s no escapeCan"t bend them, and I just can"t break these....Steel bars, wrapped all around meI"ve been your prisoner since the day you found meI"m bound forever, till the end of timeSteel bars wrapped around this heart of mineTrying hard to recognizeSee the face behind the eyesFeel your haunting ways like chains"Round my heart they still remainI"m still running, but there"s nowhere to hideMy love for you has got me locked up inside these……Steel bars, wrapped all around meI"ve been your prisoner since the day you found meI"m bound forever, till the end of timeSteel bars wrapped around this heart of mineAnd with every step I takeEvery desperate move I makeIt"s clear to meWhat can all my living meanWhen time itself is so obsceneWhen time itself don"t mean a thingI"m still loving youChorus
2023-06-12 21:01:461

2023-06-12 21:02:031

雪儿cher曾是迈克尔·波顿Michael Bolton的女朋友?

2023-06-12 21:02:212


街头鲨鱼,又译鲨鱼侠(street sharks),是美国DIC Entertainment公司出品的经典动画。这部动画曾经在小神龙俱乐部播出过,此外小神龙上还播放过一部和街头鲨鱼画风极其相似的星级恐龙。这部动画总共3季40集。导演: Joe Galliani制片国家/地区: U.S.A上映日期: 1994双面博士Dr. Paradigm企图通过基因改造技术制造变异军团,征服Fission市。在一次实验中,他成功的将一只龙虾和旗鱼改造成了变异生物,但是却被Bolton博士撞见。Dr. Bolton反对双面博士的研究,却反而成了双面博士的实验对象,被变成了怪物。为斩草除根,双面博士设计抓住了bolton的四个儿子,再他们身上注射了混有鲨鱼基因的药剂。四兄弟并没有因此而死去,反而变成了上半身是鲨鱼,下半身为人身的鲨鱼侠。鲨鱼侠拥有巨大的力量,能够在地底下自由穿行;他们的大嘴具有惊人的咬合力,可以咬断并吞食钢铁、混凝土。后面的故事,就是鲨鱼侠和双面博士的变异军团展开的系列战斗了。
2023-06-12 21:02:351


2023-06-12 21:02:561

Michael Bolton的《Yesterday》 歌词

歌曲名:Yesterday歌手:Michael Bolton专辑:Timeless (The Classics)Toni Braxton - Yesterday (Feat. Trey Songz)|Toni Braxton|Gave you the benefit of the doubt"Till you showed me what you were aboutYour true colours came outAnd your words couldn"t hide the sin"Cause the truth about where you"ve beenIs in a fragrance I can"t recognizeJust standing there, scratching your headBlood shot eyes, drunk with regretHanging yourself ten feet over the edgeI"m done with this, feeling like an idiotLoving you, I"m over itI just don"t love you, don"t love you no more|Chorus|You, you are so yesterdayNever thought you"d lose my love this wayNow you come begging me to staySee you, you are so yesterdayI won"t let you rain on my paradeI don"t wanna hear a thing you sayYou"re so yesterday|Trey Songz|Baby what you"re saying to me isThere"s no more you and II couldn"t get it right on yesterdaySo kiss our tomorrows goodbyeBaby love should ride me homeShould"ve just been a man about itBut now I"m crying like a babyGirl your love was like my blanketDon"t know what to do without itI"m standing here, pleading my caseYou don"t care, to hear what I say|Toni Braxton|Hanging yourself ten feet over the edge|Trey Songz|My promises don"t mean nothingThe end is so disgusting|Toni Braxton|I just don"t love you, don"t love you no more|Chorus|You, you are so yesterdayNever thought you"d lose my love this way (I never thought)Now you come begging me to staySee you, you are so yesterdayI won"t let you rain on my paradeI don"t wanna hear a thing you sayYou"re so yesterday|Bridge|And now you wanna reminisce(Now I wanna reminisce)Say you wanna try again(Said I wanna try again)It start out with a little kiss(A kiss)But we can"t even be friends (oh no)No no now i never wanna see you,Never wanna feel you,Never wanna hear youI don"t love you,Don"t need you,I can"t stand youNo more|Chorus|You, you are so yesterdayNever thought you"d lose my love this way (oh no)Now you come begging me to stay (i won"t stay)Baby you, you are so yesterdayI won"t let you rain on my paradeI don"t wanna hear a thing you say (Don"t you hear)you"re so yesterday, so yesterdayyou"re so yesterday, so yesterdayyou"re so yesterday, so yesterday
2023-06-12 21:03:051


我听过布莱恩亚当斯(Bryan Adams)和帕瓦罗蒂合唱的我的太阳,应该是他了
2023-06-12 21:03:123

Michael Bolton的《Drift Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Drift Away歌手:Michael Bolton专辑:Michael Bolton The Very BestDrift AwayArtist: The KinksDrift away, just drift awaySometimes I wish I could just drift awayAlbum: PhobiaThey say there"s gonna be a river of bloodIt"s apocalypse nowSo we"re waiting for the floodThe ice is gonna melt, the water gonna riseAnd we"ll all go to hellSo they"re keeping us advisedWhile the dollar falls downThe yen gonna climbIt"s a moral declineAnd I"m losing my mindI think I"ll just drift awayTo that island of my dreamsLive in total fantasyClose my eyes and drift awayBack in the real worldThere"s tension everywhereAnd the smell of fearKeeps hanging around and polluting the airThe man on the news is going over the topNow he"ll say anything so his show don"t flopWall Street"s down, so whatAnd according to astute market analysisThe world"s gonna stopthey shout the story to the nationPass on the panic to the populationThis is the end of civilizationIt"s all over nowMeanwhile, I just drift awayTo my island in the sunImaginary paradise, perfectionSometimes I wish I could just drift awayDrift away (drift away)Drift away (drift away)Drift away (drift away)Now all the politicians are running out of hopeThey"ve burned all their bridgesNow they just can"t copeAnd who do we blame now we"re all going broke?It"s that man over thereWho"s hanging from a ropeNewsmen winding up the nationA little bad news helps circulationPass on the panic to the populationIt"s all over, it"s all overIt"s all over nowTimes like this, I just drift awayTo my tropical fantasyLiving on coconuts growing on the treesSometimes I wish I could just drift awayDrift away, drift away, drift awayIt"s apocalypse now, drift awayRivers of blood, drift awayAnd the man on the news is going over the topSometimes I just drift awayTo my island in the sunImaginary paradise, perfectionSometimes I wish I could just drift awayDrift away (drift away)Drift away (drift away)Drift away (drift away)
2023-06-12 21:03:191

Michael Bolton的《Steel Bars》 歌词

歌曲名:Steel Bars歌手:Michael Bolton专辑:Michael Bolton The Very BestSTEEL BARSIn the night I hear you speakTurn around, you"re in my sleepFeel your hands inside my soulYou"re holding on and you won"t let goI"ve tried running but there"s no escapeCan"t bend them, and I just can"t break these....Steel bars, wrapped all around meI"ve been your prisoner since the day you found meI"m bound forever, till the end of timeSteel bars wrapped around this heart of mineTrying hard to recognizeSee the face behind the eyesFeel your haunting ways like chains"Round my heart they still remainI"m still running, but there"s nowhere to hideMy love for you has got me locked up inside these……Steel bars, wrapped all around meI"ve been your prisoner since the day you found meI"m bound forever, till the end of timeSteel bars wrapped around this heart of mineAnd with every step I takeEvery desperate move I makeIt"s clear to meWhat can all my living meanWhen time itself is so obsceneWhen time itself don"t mean a thingI"m still loving youChorus
2023-06-12 21:03:261

Michael Bolton的《Steel Bars》 歌词

歌曲名:Steel Bars歌手:Michael Bolton专辑:Playlist: The Very Best Of Michael BoltonSTEEL BARSIn the night I hear you speakTurn around, you"re in my sleepFeel your hands inside my soulYou"re holding on and you won"t let goI"ve tried running but there"s no escapeCan"t bend them, and I just can"t break these....Steel bars, wrapped all around meI"ve been your prisoner since the day you found meI"m bound forever, till the end of timeSteel bars wrapped around this heart of mineTrying hard to recognizeSee the face behind the eyesFeel your haunting ways like chains"Round my heart they still remainI"m still running, but there"s nowhere to hideMy love for you has got me locked up inside these……Steel bars, wrapped all around meI"ve been your prisoner since the day you found meI"m bound forever, till the end of timeSteel bars wrapped around this heart of mineAnd with every step I takeEvery desperate move I makeIt"s clear to meWhat can all my living meanWhen time itself is so obsceneWhen time itself don"t mean a thingI"m still loving youChorus
2023-06-12 21:03:331

Michael Bolton的《The Hunger》 歌词

歌曲名:The Hunger歌手:Michael Bolton专辑:The Soul Provider: The Best Of Michael BoltonEric Benet - The HungerStill wanting me... still hungryNow the first kiss was the one that left me seeingjust how deep your into me.Surprised by your intensity, I couldn"t believe.Now the next kiss happened 7 days agothat"s when I started letting godropped my guard and let you knowi was ready for more.Oh, thats when I took you homeand i wasn"t quite ready for how you camewords can"t explainthe pleasures we"ve explored.oh, we"ve been making love 6 nights strongand i can"t believe just how long you can goi"m ready for more of the hunger in your soulGirl you"re blazing like you never get enough of meits amazing and i"m loving that you"restill wanting me... you"re still hungryYou keep rising like you"re never gonna reach the topI"m not trynna make you stopbecause you"re still wanting me... still hungryNow the first time was amazing like I said.Like nothing I"ve seen, done or readColors and music played in my headI wasn"t preparedNow the next time happen when i finally caught my breathI saw the sweat drip off your chest.Girl you inspire my very bestand I gave nothing lessand it seemswith every conversation in betweeni get a little more attractedwhen you open up your mind girl I findyour perception of the world coincides with mine.and I tried to let the fever in me subsidebut every time i see that little look in your eyei come back to lifeand I rise, I rise, I rise, ohhhhFrom the bedroom to the kitchen, up against the wallStill I hear your body call becauseyou"re still wanting me, and you"re still hungryFrom 100 miles an hour back to slow motionI"m the waves up on your oceancause your still wanting me, and you"re still hungryDid you know that you smile when you"re asleep?is it there all the time...or only when you"re with me?When the morning sun shines on your faceLet me be the first breath you take.Girl you"re blazing like you never get enough of meits amazing and i"m loving that you"restill wanting me... you"re still hungryGirl you"re blazing like you never get enough of meits amazing and i"m loving that you"restill wanting me... you"re still hungryFrom the bedroom to the kitchen, up against the wallStill I hear your body call becauseyou"re still wanting me, and you"re still hungryFrom 100 miles an hour back to slow motionI"m the waves up on your oceancause your still wanting me, and you"re still hungryGirl you"re blazing like you never get enough of meits amazing and i"m loving that you"restill wanting me... you"re still hungryYou keep rising like you"re never gonna reach the topI"m not trynna make you stopbecause you"re still wanting me... still hungryFrom the bedroom to the kitchen, up against the wallStill I hear your body call becauseyou"re still wanting me, and you"re still hungry
2023-06-12 21:03:401

Michael Bolton的《Fools Game》 歌词

歌曲名:Fools Game歌手:Michael Bolton专辑:The Soul Provider: The Best Of Michael BoltonRichard Marx: FOOL'S GAMEFool's game to risk perfectionOut here alone on a wireUnsuspecting victim of desireYou wear a thousand facesA master of disguiseAnd I'm addicted to the madness in your eyesYou will always be the one I dream aboutAnd I know my heart won't beat the same againYou will always be the shadow of a doubtNow I go crazy wondering what we might have beenYour charms have made me sufferWhy do I care where you areI'm afraid my dignity has strayed too farCan't read what you're writingUnable to make the callDo you want me desperatelyOr not at allYou will always be the one I dream aboutAnd I know my heart won't beat the same againYou will always be the one I dream aboutNow I go crazy wondering what we might have beenCan't read what you're writingUnable to make the callDo you want me desperatelyOr not at allYou will always be the one I dream aboutAnd I know my heart won't beat the same againYou will always be the shadow of a doubtNow I go crazy wondering what we might have beenNow I go crazy wondering what we might have beenNow I go crazy wondering what we might have beenRichard Marx: FOOL'S GAME
2023-06-12 21:03:481

Michael Bolton的《Drift Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Drift Away歌手:Michael Bolton专辑:The Essential Michael BoltonDrift AwayArtist: The KinksDrift away, just drift awaySometimes I wish I could just drift awayAlbum: PhobiaThey say there"s gonna be a river of bloodIt"s apocalypse nowSo we"re waiting for the floodThe ice is gonna melt, the water gonna riseAnd we"ll all go to hellSo they"re keeping us advisedWhile the dollar falls downThe yen gonna climbIt"s a moral declineAnd I"m losing my mindI think I"ll just drift awayTo that island of my dreamsLive in total fantasyClose my eyes and drift awayBack in the real worldThere"s tension everywhereAnd the smell of fearKeeps hanging around and polluting the airThe man on the news is going over the topNow he"ll say anything so his show don"t flopWall Street"s down, so whatAnd according to astute market analysisThe world"s gonna stopthey shout the story to the nationPass on the panic to the populationThis is the end of civilizationIt"s all over nowMeanwhile, I just drift awayTo my island in the sunImaginary paradise, perfectionSometimes I wish I could just drift awayDrift away (drift away)Drift away (drift away)Drift away (drift away)Now all the politicians are running out of hopeThey"ve burned all their bridgesNow they just can"t copeAnd who do we blame now we"re all going broke?It"s that man over thereWho"s hanging from a ropeNewsmen winding up the nationA little bad news helps circulationPass on the panic to the populationIt"s all over, it"s all overIt"s all over nowTimes like this, I just drift awayTo my tropical fantasyLiving on coconuts growing on the treesSometimes I wish I could just drift awayDrift away, drift away, drift awayIt"s apocalypse now, drift awayRivers of blood, drift awayAnd the man on the news is going over the topSometimes I just drift awayTo my island in the sunImaginary paradise, perfectionSometimes I wish I could just drift awayDrift away (drift away)Drift away (drift away)Drift away (drift away)
2023-06-12 21:03:561

Michael Bolton的《Drift Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Drift Away歌手:Michael Bolton专辑:Time, Love And Tenderness "The Best Of Michael Bolton"Drift AwayArtist: The KinksDrift away, just drift awaySometimes I wish I could just drift awayAlbum: PhobiaThey say there"s gonna be a river of bloodIt"s apocalypse nowSo we"re waiting for the floodThe ice is gonna melt, the water gonna riseAnd we"ll all go to hellSo they"re keeping us advisedWhile the dollar falls downThe yen gonna climbIt"s a moral declineAnd I"m losing my mindI think I"ll just drift awayTo that island of my dreamsLive in total fantasyClose my eyes and drift awayBack in the real worldThere"s tension everywhereAnd the smell of fearKeeps hanging around and polluting the airThe man on the news is going over the topNow he"ll say anything so his show don"t flopWall Street"s down, so whatAnd according to astute market analysisThe world"s gonna stopthey shout the story to the nationPass on the panic to the populationThis is the end of civilizationIt"s all over nowMeanwhile, I just drift awayTo my island in the sunImaginary paradise, perfectionSometimes I wish I could just drift awayDrift away (drift away)Drift away (drift away)Drift away (drift away)Now all the politicians are running out of hopeThey"ve burned all their bridgesNow they just can"t copeAnd who do we blame now we"re all going broke?It"s that man over thereWho"s hanging from a ropeNewsmen winding up the nationA little bad news helps circulationPass on the panic to the populationIt"s all over, it"s all overIt"s all over nowTimes like this, I just drift awayTo my tropical fantasyLiving on coconuts growing on the treesSometimes I wish I could just drift awayDrift away, drift away, drift awayIt"s apocalypse now, drift awayRivers of blood, drift awayAnd the man on the news is going over the topSometimes I just drift awayTo my island in the sunImaginary paradise, perfectionSometimes I wish I could just drift awayDrift away (drift away)Drift away (drift away)Drift away (drift away)
2023-06-12 21:04:031

Michael Bolton的《Lean On Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Lean On Me歌手:Michael Bolton专辑:The One ThingLean On MeHOME MADE 家族作诗:KURO/MICRO/U-ICHI作曲:KURO/MICRO/U-ICHI/Takahiro Watanabe(SHOUT)“君の心の叫び声が今 仆の耳元まで聴こえてるよ独り壳に闭じこもらずに ほら、さらけ出しな楽になるから”(HOOK)Lean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こう(KURO)You are not alone 一人じゃないの倒れそうなら 仆を使えよ远虑せずに 寄り挂かればいい别に気にするな Lean On MeI"m your F.R.I.E.N.D.だ 『友达』だマブダチだ“SOUL BROTHA”つまり『人』という字の小っさい方さキミを伤付けるものを决して许さん(MICRO)Tell me, Tell me, Tell meその浮かない颜の訳は何?话せば すっきりする时もあるから 乗るぜ相谈に昔から何でも语り合ってきた中そんな仲间が 宝だから独りで悩みを抱えてないで苦楽は分かち合って行こうぜ(HOOK)Lean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こう(MICRO)何が正解で不正解かさえも解らず行きばを无くしたPEOPLE见えない不安に怯えながら孤独を抱えた多くの人々大人たちも迷い込んだ迷路こんな时代だからこそ、一层寄りそって互いに助け合って行こう君は决して独りじゃないよ(KURO)谁もそんな强くはないし本当は淋しい それこそが本心だが最後に决めるのは自分自身さ勇気持って踏み出せ uh!してやれることは そうさ、ここまで後は自力で “顽张るだけ”そしてどうしようもなく 打ち拉がれたらまたここにくればいいさ(HOOK)Lean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こう(SHOUT)“君の心の叫び声が今 仆の耳元まで聴こえてるよ独り壳に闭じこもらずに ほら、さらけ出しな楽になるから”(KURO+MICRO)谁にも頼らないで生きている人间なんて绝対にいないだから Lean On Me 困った时はお互い様Lean On Me 持ちつ持たれつ助け合えばいいLean On Me You"re my friend そう心の支え キミがいるから仆にみなぎる底力(HOOK)Lean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こうLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me 谁だってそうそこまで强くないから くじけそうになる时だってあるのさLean On Me, Lean On Me, Lean On Me だから一层辛い时こそ 手を取り合って 支えあって行こう(SHOUT)“君の心の叫び声が今 仆の耳元まで聴こえてるよ独り壳に闭じこもらずに ほら、さらけ出しな楽になるから”
2023-06-12 21:04:231

Michael Bolton的《Gina》 歌词

歌曲名:Gina歌手:Michael Bolton专辑:The Hunger逆时针乐队逆时针乐队逆时针乐队Gina来到世间的第一天是我看到你的最后一天你活在我遥远的世界里面那里只有百花争艳的季节oh Gina让我们作一次对生的告别继续无人知晓的明天oh Gina你为何总在黑暗里边活着的世界里只有我一个人在想念那些被迷乱控制的日子里生活就象一部生锈的机器难挣脱现实对梦想的考验疲倦过后笑的依然那么甜oh Gina我回到起初跋涉的地点坚强仿佛遗留在昨天oh Gina眼前的黑暗多了一点点看见了阳光在我身上划下的界线
2023-06-12 21:04:451


对“最后通牒博弈”的实验是实验经济学中最为热门的选题之一,目前已有很多文献论及,因为它反映了实验方法的威力和特点。以提议者和回应者分配一定数量奖金的方式,Güth Schmittberger and Schwarze(1982)最早进行了最后通牒博弈实验,从实验的结果来看,提议者平均把总奖金的37%分给了回应者,而有近50%的回应者拒绝了仅获得低于奖金总额20%的提议者的出价。其后,Roth,Prasnikar,okuno-fujiwara,and Zamir(1991)、Bolton and Zwick(1995)、Croson(1996)、Larrick and Blount(1997)、Slonim and Roth(1998)、Camerom(1999)、List and Cherry(2000)、Eckel and Grossman(2001)等也相继进行了实验。在这些实验中,平均出价水平最高的是Roth,Prasnikar,okuno-fujiwara,and Zamir进行的实验,提议者平均把总奖金的45%分给了回应者。平均出价水平最低的是Bolton and Zwick进行的实验,提议者平均仅把总奖金的23%分给回应者。对提议者的出价,回应者拒绝水平最高的是Bolton and Zwick进行的实验,有35%的出价被回应者拒绝,回应者拒绝水平最低的是Eckel and Grossman进行的实验,仅有12%的出价被回应者拒绝。这这些实验中,极少出现把总奖金的50%以上或只把极少奖金分给回应者的出价。Forsythe (1994)进行了另一类被称为独裁者博弈的实验,与最后通牒博弈进行比较,独裁者博弈中提议者的任何出价都不需要回应者的回应,结果是提议者还是平均把奖金总额的20%分给了回应者,虽然提议者分给对方的奖金比在最后通牒博弈中的要少。通过这些实验,一般性结论是,对于最后通牒博弈,虽然实验已证明出于公平性,绝大多数提议者并不会按子博弈精练纳什均衡指示的策略出最低价,而是给回应者更多的利益,一些回应者也表现出了对不公平的出价予以拒绝的勇气,但实验结果的数据同样也证实了,提议者绝不会因为要做到公平放弃自己的利益,各次实验中平均出价水平最高45%最低仅把总奖金的23%分给回应者,极少有高于50%的出价充分说明了这点。对于不公平的出价,回应者也并不是总是拒绝,相反,在各次实验中,所有出价最多也只有35%的被回应者拒绝,最低仅有12%的出价被回应者拒绝的事实说明对不公平的出价,回应者多是选择了接受,除非提议者的出价过于不公平。
2023-06-12 21:04:551


十大假德国品牌:1、得宝纸巾 Tempo在德国,得宝几乎就是纸巾的代名词。得宝纸巾1929年诞生在柏林,凭借高品质深受消费者欢迎。因为得宝的创建人是犹太人,在纳粹时期公司被强制出售,卖给了Quelle家居用品公司的创建人Gustav Schickedanz。1994年,得宝成为美国宝洁集团的成员,2007年又被转手给瑞典SCA集团。因此,这个德国的传统纸巾品牌目前不属于德国企业了。2、彪马体育用品PUMA关于彪马的起源还有一段故事:1920年,鲁道夫和阿迪两兄弟于在德国巴伐利亚州的赫若拉赫小镇上开办了达斯勒制鞋厂,生意越做越好。几年之后,兄弟俩建立了自己的公司,起名为“阿迪达斯制鞋厂”。二战结束后,让人没想到的是,兄弟俩因意见不合分道扬镳。阿迪达斯公司由弟弟经营,哥哥鲁道夫另立门户,成立了彪马公司,也以体育产品制造为主。从此两人成为竞争对手。如今,彪马公司的总部还在德国,不过公司大部分股份属于法国的开云集团(Kering),开云集团原名巴黎春天集团,主要经营服饰以及配饰等奢饰品。3、家乐调料Knorr家乐(Knorr)公司主要经营调料和酱汁等食品。1838年,Carl Heinrich Theodor Knorr在德国海尔布隆创立了这家公司,家乐曾经多次易主。如今,家乐属于联合利华集团,后者是由荷兰Margarine Unie公司和英国Lever Brothers香皂公司于1929年合并而成。总部设于荷兰鹿特丹和英国伦敦。4、博朗电器Braun在德国,很多家庭都用博朗(Braun)公司的产品,剃须刀、电热水壶、洗碗机等。1921年,博朗在克龙贝尔格伊姆陶努斯(Kronberg im Taunus)成立,创建人Max Braun的两个儿子把公司出售给了美国吉列集团。2005年,博朗又成为宝洁集团旗下的一员。5、果倍爽饮料Capri Sun果倍爽(Capri Sun)饮料深受小孩欢迎,1971年Rudolf Wild在海德堡研发了果倍爽,目前它在24个国家都拥有专利。如今,果倍爽属于美国阿彻丹尼尔斯米德兰公司旗下品牌。去年,果倍爽还闹出了一场“改名风波”。为了更好地进行国际竞争,公司把原来的名称“Capri-Sonne”改成“Capri Sun”,即把德语改成了英语。当时很多德国的消费者对此表示不满。因为对很多德国人而言,“Capri-Sonne”不仅是饮料,也是儿时的回忆,可惜现在这个名字消失了。6、AEG家电AEG建于1883年,在洗衣机、厨房家电领域是世界市场的领导者之一。该企业1982年曾经申请了破产,后来戴姆勒集团收购了AEG。1996年,AEG品牌成为瑞典伊莱克斯(Elektrolux)集团的子公司。伊莱克斯集团是跨国家用电器制造商,主要生产冰箱、洗衣机、空调和吸尘器等家用电器。7、依思科食品Erasco依思科(Erasco)在德国家喻户晓,几乎在所有大超市的货架上,都能找到依思科的鸡汤罐头、蔬菜汤罐头等各种能长期保存的罐头食品。依思科的历史最早可以追溯到1870年,Charlotte Erasmi在吕贝克创立了这家公司,直到1950年该品牌才正式注册商标,受到法律保护。今天广为消费者熟知的各种食品罐头是该公司1968年才开始推出的。1996年,依思科被卖给了美国对手金宝汤(Campbell Soup)公司。2013年,依思科又回到了欧洲企业的手里,成为卢森堡CVC Capital Partners投资公司的成员。8、贝克啤酒Beck贝克啤酒(Beck)于1873年在德国不来梅诞生,2002年,贝克啤酒被比利时企业收购。如今,贝克啤酒属于比利时百威英博(Anheuser-Busch InBev)集团旗下的品牌。根据该公司的介绍,贝克啤酒按照德国啤酒纯度法令酿制,拥有悠久的传统。据统计,如今在全球100多个国家都有贝克啤酒。9、百利金钢笔Pelikan百利金(Pelikan)是著名的钢笔品牌。最早起始于1838年的汉诺威,1984年它被卖给了瑞士Condorpart公司。1996年来自马来西亚的GOODACE私人有限公司接管了百利金股份公司。所以百利金钢笔目前也不属于德国企业。10、Uhu胶水黄底黑字的Uhu胶水是德国最著名的胶水品牌,该品牌诞生于1932年。1972年,Uhu被卖给了英国Beecham集团,1994年又成为意大利Bolton集团的旗下品牌。如今,Uhu胶水畅销全世界125个国家。
2023-06-12 21:05:091


Gotta Go My Own Way High School Musical 2 Album: High School Musical 2Year: 2007 Title: Gotta Go My Own Way Print Correct Gabriella I gotta say what"s in my mind Something about usdoesn"t seem right these days life keeps getting in the wayWhenever we try, somehow the planis always rearranged It"s so hard to say But I"ve gotta do what"s best for me You"ll be ok.. I"ve go to move on and be who I am I just don"t belong here I hope you understand We might find our place in thisworld someday But at least for now I gotta go my own away Don"t wanna leave it all behind But I get my hopes upand I watch them fall everytime Another colour turns to greyand it"s just too hard to watch it allslowly fade leaving today "cause I"vegotta do what"s best for me you"ll be ok.. I"ve got to move on and be who I am I just don"t belong hereI hope you understand We might find our place in thisworld someday But at least for now I gotta go my own awayTroyWhat about us? What about everything we"ve been through? GabriellaWhat about trust? Troyyou know never wanted to trust youGabriellaand what about me? Troy What am I supposed to do? GabriellaI gotta leave but I"ll miss youTroy I"ll miss youGabriellasoI"ve got to move on and be who I amTroyWhy do you have to go? GabriellaI just don"t belong here I hope you understandTroy: I"m trying to understandGabriella We might find our place in thisworld somedaybut at least for nowTroy I want you to stayGabriellaI wanna go my own way I"ve got to move on and be who I amTroyWhat about us?GabriellaI just don"t belong hereI hope you understandTroyI"m trying to understandGabriella We might find our place in thisworld somedaybut at least for nowI gotta
2023-06-12 21:05:254


在 快手好友中找一下,看不能找到。 1、用户们想要在快手里查看通讯录好友的话,就应该先点击左上角的横杠按钮,打开个人列表选择“消息”功能,从而查找好友。 2、接下来在消息页面里选择下方“去关注好友”的功能,就可以将感兴趣的人添加为好友了。 3、而就在添加关注的页面里,大家点击“关联通讯录”右侧的“关联”选项,就能够找到自己手机通讯录里使用快手的好友了。
2023-06-12 21:05:403

missing you now Michael Bolton 中英文歌词

I talk to you but it's not the same as touching youand every time you whisper my nameI wanna run to youwe'll be togetherit won't be longit won't be longbut it feels like foreverand it's hard to be strongbaby 'cause I'm missing you nowand it's driving me crazyhow I'm needing you babyI'm missing you nowcan't wait till I'm alone with youto show you how I'm missing you nowwishingyou were here by my sideis all that I can dogot my arms aroundmy pillow at nightthey should be holding youthought I was strongerhow could I knowhow could I knowI can't take this much longerit's so hard on my soulbaby 'cause I'm missing you nowand it's driving me crazyhow I'm needing you babyI'm missing you nowbaby I just can't waittill I see you facechase away this londliness insidewhen you're close to my heartright here in my armsthen and only then will I be satisfiedI'm missing you nowwe'll be togetherit won't be longit won't be longbut it feels like foreverand it's hard to be strongbaby 'cause I'm missing you nowand it's driving me crazyhow I'm needing you babyI'm missing you nowcan't wait till I'm alone with youto show you how I'm missing you now
2023-06-12 21:05:483


扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)
2023-06-12 21:05:583

michael bolton soul provider那位高手帮忙翻译下

讨论爱情,讨论新人讨论关于永远的话题 宝贝儿每当我谈论起彼此我会给与你我保证,并固执的坚持请相信我所说的话宝贝我们只是刚刚开始而已你不明白,不我长远的计划我会做到我知道你被伤害 我知道你对充满不安你无需说出来宝贝也许过程会有些漫长但你已经得到了我的心(我的爱)。你的手掌感到到(我的)心跳动的地方那里就是我给你承诺的地方再给我一次机会也许你现在还不明白我未来全部的蓝图宝贝,我想成为你灵魂的伴侣宝贝,我想一直在你身边驻足永远不变宝贝我想成为你灵魂的伴侣只要你允许亲爱的我一定可以做到我会等着知道有人像你一样给与我爱给我且全部的爱不论白天或者夜晚只要说出口,我们会成为彼此生命的全部亲爱的我会告诉你我这么做的原因是的,我想要成为你的灵魂伴侣宝贝我想要成为你的灵魂伴侣亲爱的,我想永远在你身边停留永远这样下去亲爱的,我想要这样,这样成为你的灵魂伴侣讨论关于我们的爱,讨论关于信任的话题 LZ在百度打谷歌翻译就可以找到的
2023-06-12 21:06:182


侣人有不一样的价值。对于学生来说,时间是通向完美将来b 0 1 7 1 ℃ 0 U0001d648
2023-06-12 21:06:295