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2023-05-19 14:49:28
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7 . 结论7.1总结硬件implementations近似串匹配算法通常都忽略了各种任务,其中dp 配套应用. 我们证明了家庭的硬件组成,调谐互用,互相 是一个切实可行的方法,提供了多种选择. 我们也证明,由裁缝每一部分的具体任务, "一般性的惩罚" ,可避免: 每份申请仅支付的费用,其本身的要求,而不是费用,其他可能的选择. 我们还看到,一些面向对象的设计原则是非常有益的,在这一执行,包括开放封闭原理, 依赖倒置的原则,并利用该战略的设计模式. 这些都直接适用于标准VHDL和标准的发展环境. 这实在令人乐观的转换,将现代软件设计技巧的大型复杂的硬件设计, 并提出了一些办法,使小手段的变化可能产生重大影响的设计生产力. 7.2今后的工作中,有大量的配置选项, 如nw末成本及评分位元的宽度,也可以不同; 费还没有确定所有的组合. 新文字的规则都是可能的,如密码子与氨基酸. 他们提出新的问题,诸如可能会有差距处罚,处罚密码框轮班. 这些实现让所有参考字符串被装在一个运行系统. 比较可能会比较简单快捷,但 如果参照弦被硬编码为逻辑的规则性细胞如在其他系统[ 8,9 ] . 当前implementations are not highly tuned ,使资源利用率和时钟速度可能会有所改善,在未来. 从长远来看,这种机制提供了前所未有的工具,探讨得失硬件的效率与应用的特点. 史密斯- eggerton ( SE )的反复核对〔15〕是一个很有意思的变化, 而是基于一种计算wavefront在于垂直横跨主电网. 这些民主党的算盘是基于一种波运行斜对面的逻辑网. 硒可容纳可能有不同的组织的DP网 但我们还没有调查所需的变动. 我们已审阅修改se算法对角线波,但还没有完全具有这种算法的字符串匹配的表现.


7. 近似



DP匹配是应用的任务的品种。 我们表示,硬件元件家庭


品种。 我们也表示,通过为每个组分专门制作一项具体任务, “普通性

惩罚”可以避免: 每种应用它本身支付仅费用要求,不是




战略设计样式的原则和用途。 这些直接地是可适用的对标准VHDL和

标准开发环境。 这给真正的起因为乐观关于现代





费用和比分位宽度; 费用为所有组合未建立。 新的字符

规则是可能的,例如密码子对 氨基酸。 他们提出新的问题,例如的空白

惩罚的可能性处罚密码子框架转移。 这些实施全部在

一个连续系统允许参考串被再装。 比较是更加简单和

更加快速的, 然而,如果参考串是硬编码入字符规则细胞的逻辑

和在其他系统[8,9]。 当前实施不高度调整,因此资源使用

和时钟频率也许在将来改善。 从长远看来,这个机制提供一辆

史无前例的车为硬件效率探索的交易对 应用特点。

史密斯Eggerton (SE)重覆的匹配[15]是有趣的变异,但根据垂直

横跨DP栅格在的演算波前。 这些DP演算根据

跑对角地横跨逻辑栅格的波前。 SE可能大概


将需要的变动。 我们审查了一种修改过的SE算法以对角



7. 结论

7.1 摘要


相配的 DP 被应用到的工作多样性。 我们硬件的一个家庭

成份, 调谐的为互通性和彼此, 是一个实际的方法提供一个广泛的多样性

选项。 我们也那,藉由缝制对一件特性工作的每个成份, 那 " 概论

处罚"可能被避免: 每个申请只支付它自己需求的费用, 不那



落实, 包括开着- 关闭原则,属国倒转原则, 和

策略设计式样的使用。 这些直接地可以应用在标准的 VHDL 和一

标准发展环境。 这有关可转移性为乐观主义给真正的因素

现代的软件设计,大的, 复杂的硬件技术设计, 而且一些


7.2 未来工作

有大量的结构选项, 像是 NW 结束费用而且得分咬- 宽度

那也可能被改变;费用为所有的组合没有被建立。 新的个性

规则是可能的,像是 codons 和含氨基的酸比较。 他们升起新的议题, 如此的当做那

处罚 codon 体格变化的缝隙处罚的可能性。 这些落实全部允许

叁考线到在一个赛跑系统中被再装货。 比较会是比较简单的和

更快速地,然而,如果叁考线很难- 进入个性规则细胞的逻辑之内编码

当做在其他的系统中 [8,9]. 现在的落实不高度调谐, 因此资源用法

而且时钟率未来可能改良。 最后,这一个机制提供一

探究硬件效率和申请特征比较的 tradeoffs 的空前交通工具。

史密斯- Eggerton(SE) 重复的相配 [15] 是一种有趣的变化, 但是为基础一

横过垂直地躺卧 DP 格子的计算波前。 这些 DP 计算是建立

在一个波前横过对角的跑合乎逻辑的格子上。 SE 可能是或许

以 DP 格子的一个不同的组织适应,但是我们没有调查那

变化会被需要。 我们已经用对角线调查一个被修正的 SE 运算法则

波前, 但是不已经完全表示那一个运算法则的相配线的表现特色了

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!




Hardware implementations of approximate string matching algorithms have typically ignored

the variety of tasks to which DP matching is applied. We show that a family of hardware

components, tuned for interoperability with each other, is a practical way to offer a wide variety

of options. We also show that, by tailoring each component to a specific task, the “generality

penalty” can be avoided: each application pays only the cost of its own requirements, not the

cost of other possible options.

We also observed that several object-oriented design principles were very helpful in this

implementation, including the Open-Closed principle, the Dependency Inversion principle, and

use of the Strategy design pattern. These were directly applicable to standard VHDL and a

standard development environment. This gives real cause for optimism about the transferability

of modern software design techniques to large, complex hardware design, and suggests several

ways in which minor tool changes could have significant effect on design productivity.

7.2 Future Work

There are large numbers of configuration options, such as NW end costs and score bit-widths

that can also be varied; costs have not been established for all combinations. New character

rules are possible, such as codons vs. amino acids. They raise new issues, such as the

possibility of gap penalties that penalize codon frame shifts. These implementations all allow

the reference strings to be reloaded in a running system. Comparisons would be simpler and

faster, however, if the reference strings were hard-coded into the logic of the character rule cells

as in other systems [8,9]. The current implementations are not highly tuned, so resource usage

and clock rates may improve in the future. In the long run, this mechanism offers an

unprecedented vehicle for exploring tradeoffs of hardware efficiency vs. application features.

Smith-Eggerton (SE) repeated matching [15] is an interesting variation, but is based on a

calculation wavefront that lies vertically across the DP grid. These DP calculations are based

on a wavefront running diagonally across the logical grid. SE could be probably

accommodated with a different organization of the DP grid, but we have not investigated the

changes that would be required. We have examined a modified SE algorithm with a diagonal

wavefront, but have not fully characterized that algorithm"s string-matching performance.







accommodate意思:v.为(某人)提供住宿(或膳宿、座位等);容纳;为…提供空间;考虑到;顾及accommodate发音:英 [əˈkɒmədeɪt]   美 [əˈkɑːmədeɪt]  第三人称单数:accommodates现在分词:accommodating过去式:accommodated过去分词:accommodated记忆技巧:ac加强+com共同+mod方式+ate表动词→方式相同→与…符合例句:1、The school was not big enough to accommodate all the children.这个学校不够大,容不下所有的孩子。2、Students are accommodated in homes nearby. 学生被安置在附近的住家中。3、It is difficult to accommodate differences between us. 我们之间的岐见很难调解。accommodate相关短语:accommodated staff 留宿职工accommodated crime 包容犯accommodated entry 市场容纳allurement accommodated 邀请赛Extremes accommodated 两极相通accommodated eyes 集成光学扩展资料:同义词辨析:accommodate adapt adjust 导航词义:适应1、accommodate v. [正式]适应,顺应〔辨析〕强调适应新的环境。〔例证〕Your eyes will accommodate to the darkness after a while.过一会儿你的眼睛就能适应黑暗。2、adapt v. (使)适合,(使)适应〔辨析〕强调改变现有条件以适应新的情况。〔例证〕He adapted to the new school.他使自己适应新学校。Bob adapted his old car so his son could use it.鲍勃改装了旧汽车,这样他的儿子便能使用。3、adjust v. 适应,习惯〔辨析〕指稍微调整以适应特定工作或新的情况,调整幅度没有 adapt 大,常后接介词 to。〔例证〕His eyes have"t adjusted to the darkness yet.他的眼睛还没有适应黑暗。Kids are quite good at adjusting.小孩子适应能力很强。
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容纳; 使适应; 向…提供住处; 帮忙;
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  accommodate有陪伴的意思,你是否有用过这个单词造句过?下面我为大家带来accommodate是什么意思,欢迎大家一起学习!   accommodate的英语音标   英 [əˈkɒmədeɪt] 美 [əˈkɑmədeɪt]   accommodate的时态   过去分词: accommodated 过去式: accommodated 现在分词: accommodating   accommodate的意思   vt. 容纳; 使适应; 向…提供住处; 帮忙;   vi. [后面省去反身代词]适应于; (眼)作调节,调节眼球的晶状体(使其变得适应不同距离的物体); 调解,调停;   accommodate的词语辨析   furnish, accommodate, afford这组词都有“提供”的意思,其区别是:   furnish v.指提供生活或某种用途所需要的东西。   Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge, it is thinking that makes what we read ours.阅读虽然为我们的思想提供了各种知识,然而只有思考才能将我们读到的内容变成自己的东西。   accommodate v.提供住宿、房间;适应,迎合,迁就。   This hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests.这家饭店可供500位来宾住宿。   The company accommodated the customer"s wish and sent the delivery overnight.公司满足了顾客的愿望,连夜将货物发了出去。   afford v.负担,支付;当“提供”讲时,多用于指抽象事物的提供。   We can"t afford that expensive sports car.我们买不起那辆昂贵的跑车。   The tall building affords a beautiful view of the ocean.从这幢高楼上可以看到大海的美丽景致。   accommodate的词汇搭配   Accommodate group 容国团   accommodate vt 向…提供住处 ; 容纳 ; 提供住宿 ; 向   accommodate with 向某人提供 ; 提供   Can accommodate 可以容纳   ACCOMMODATE V 通融   speed accommodate 速度调节   Wires Accommodate 铁皮孔径 ; 铁板孔径   accommodate to 使适应 ; 适应 ; 提供   accommodate pads 适应港口及机场发展 ; 容纳垫   accommodate的英语例句   1. He has never put an arm around his wife to accommodate photographers.   他从未为了迎合摄影师而搂住妻子。   2. Some animal and plant species cannot accommodate to the rapidly changing cond-itions.   某些种类的动植物不能适应迅速变化的环境。   3. There is usually room to accommodate up to 80 visitors.   那里通常可以住得下80位来客。   4. The roads are built to accommodate gradual temperature changes.   修建这些道路时考虑到了温度的逐渐变化。   5. She walked slowly to accommodate herself to his pace.   她走得很慢,以便与他保持一致的步伐。   6. The hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests.   这家旅馆可供500位旅客住宿。   7. You should soon accommodate yourself to the new circumstance.   你应尽快适应新环境.   8. The new policy was sufficiently elastic to accommodate both views.   新政策充分灵活地适用两种观点.   9. Are there enough shelves to accommodate all our books?   有足够的书架容纳我们所有的书 吗 ?   10. I guess this hall to accommodate 1 , 000 persons.   我猜这个大厅能容纳1000人.   11. This restaurant can accommodate two hundred people at a time.   这家餐馆可供200人同时用餐.   12. The runway of this airport is undergoing expansion to accommodate large planes.   这个机场的跑道正在扩建以适应大型飞机起落.   13. The eye can accommodate itself to seeing objects at different distances.   眼睛能自动调节以便观看远近不同的景物.   14. The hotel can accommodate 600 guests.   这家旅馆可供600位来宾住宿.   15. The hotel can accommodate 500 guests.   这旅馆可容纳500个客人.   
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accommodate的名词形式accommodationaccommodatev.为(某人)提供住宿(或膳宿、座位等);容纳;为…提供空间;考虑到;顾及第三人称单数: accommodates现在分词: accommodating过去式: accommodated过去分词: accommodated造句:1、I needed to accommodate to the new schedule.我需要适应新的时间表。2、I have accommodated the press a great deal, giving numerous interviews.我多次接受采访,已给了报界许多方便。
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accommodate意思:v.为(某人)提供住宿(或膳宿、座位等);容纳;为…提供空间;考虑到;顾及accommodate发音:英 [əˈkɒmədeɪt]   美 [əˈkɑːmədeɪt]  第三人称单数:accommodates现在分词:accommodating过去式:accommodated过去分词:accommodated记忆技巧:ac加强+com共同+mod方式+ate表动词→方式相同→与…符合例句:1、The school was not big enough to accommodate all the children.这个学校不够大,容不下所有的孩子。2、Students are accommodated in homes nearby. 学生被安置在附近的住家中。3、It is difficult to accommodate differences between us. 我们之间的岐见很难调解。accommodate相关短语:accommodated staff 留宿职工accommodated crime 包容犯accommodated entry 市场容纳allurement accommodated 邀请赛Extremes accommodated 两极相通accommodated eyes 集成光学扩展资料:同义词辨析:accommodate adapt adjust 导航词义:适应1、accommodate v. [正式]适应,顺应〔辨析〕强调适应新的环境。〔例证〕Your eyes will accommodate to the darkness after a while.过一会儿你的眼睛就能适应黑暗。2、adapt v. (使)适合,(使)适应〔辨析〕强调改变现有条件以适应新的情况。〔例证〕He adapted to the new school.他使自己适应新学校。Bob adapted his old car so his son could use it.鲍勃改装了旧汽车,这样他的儿子便能使用。3、adjust v. 适应,习惯〔辨析〕指稍微调整以适应特定工作或新的情况,调整幅度没有 adapt 大,常后接介词 to。〔例证〕His eyes have"t adjusted to the darkness yet.他的眼睛还没有适应黑暗。Kids are quite good at adjusting.小孩子适应能力很强。
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hold 可以用于小的容器,比如瓶子,也可以大的,比如房间,体育馆等; accommodate 一般指大的,room, building 等; hold v.拿着;抓住;抱住;托住; n.抓;握;拿;支撑;持;抱;(尤指摔跤、拳击中的)擒拿法; accommodate v.为(某人)提供住宿(或膳宿、座位等);容纳 扩展资料   I don"t hold with the use of force.   我不赞成使用武力。   The same argument does not hold good in every case.   同样的论点并非在所有的.情况下都正确。   You"re not holding it the right way up.   你把它拿倒了。   I needed to accommodate to the new schedule.   我需要适应新的时间表。   I have accommodated the press a great deal, giving numerous interviews.   我多次接受采访,已给了报界许多方便。
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adjust[英][əˈdʒʌst][美][əˈdʒʌst]vt.& vi.(改变…以)适应,调整,校正; 调准(望远镜等),对准,校正,校准(机械等); 核算(盈亏); [保]评定(赔偿要求)adapt[英][əˈdæpt][美][əˈdæpt]vi.适应于,适应不同情况(或环境)(to); vt.改编,改写; 改变…以适合(for)
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accommodate和adaptation就适应的意思的区别是:accommodate(1)vt.容纳;使适应;向…提供住处;帮忙(2)vi.[后面省去反身代词]适应于;(眼)作调节,调节眼球的晶状体(使其变得适应不同距离的物体);调解,调停。例句:(1)The school in Poldown was not big enough to accommodate all the children. 波尔登的学校不够大,容不下所有的孩子。(2)Students are accommodated in homes nearby. 学生被安置在附近的住家中。adaptationn.适应,顺应;改编,改编本;适应性的改变;同化。例句:(1)Most living creatures are capable of adaptation when compelled to do so. 大多数生物都能在迫于压力的情况下适应新环境。(2)This adaptation perfectly captures the spirit of Kurt Vonnegut"s novel .这次改编非常好地抓住了库尔特·冯内古特小说的精髓。
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adapt oneself to sth 和adjust oneself to sth 用法差不多。 我认为虽然这两个词在英文的解释上有细微的区别,但是涉及到使用的时候,两个词基本一样,尤其在考试中这样两个词轻易不会放在一起出的,除非是考核两个词除了“适应”之外的含义时,比如adjust 还有“调节”的含义。adjust和adapt的区别:一、Adjust:1.及物动词 vt. :调节,使…适合,校准 adjust a radio (dial) 调准收音机的选台指针 adjust color on a TV 调整电视的色彩 adjust one"s tie in a mirror 照镜子整理领带 2.及物动词 vt. 使…适合[于…][to] adjust a telescope to one"s eye 调节望远镜使之适合眼睛观看 3.及物动词 vt. 调整<机器> adjust a clock 调准时钟 二、adapt:1.及物动词 vt. :(改装)使适合,改编。 make to fit in a new place; make fit for He adapted his old car engine to the boat. 他把他的旧汽车上的引擎用到那只船上。 adapt sth. for a particular use 使某物适合某一特殊用途 三.当表示:改变。。。适应环境时adjust和adapt则差不多。 常跟to 搭配。 The body adjusts itself to changes of temperature. 身体会自行适应温度的变化。 You must adjust yourself to new conditions. 你必须使自己适应新的环境。 He soon adjusted to army life. 他很快就适应了军队生活。 adapt oneself to a new job 使自己适应新的工作 adapt one"s thinking to the new situation 使思想适应新形势
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区别是:hold 英[həʊld] 美[hoʊld] vt. 容纳; 拿住,握住; 保留,保存; 扣留,拘押; vi. 拿住,握住; 同意,赞成; 保持不变; 有效; n. 握住; 保留; 控制; [例句]1、Hold the knife at an angle.斜握住刀。2、I was woken up by someone grabbing hold of my sleeping bag. 有人猛地抓住了我的睡袋,把我惊醒了。3、If only he would hold her close to him. 要是他能将她拥入怀中就好了。accommodate 英[əˈkɒmədeɪt] 美[əˈkɑ:mədeɪt] vt. 容纳; 使适应; 向…提供住处; 帮忙; vi. [后面省去反身代词] 适应于; (眼)作调节,调节眼球的晶状体(使其变得适应不同距离的物体) ; 调解,调停; [例句]1、The school in Poldown was not big enough to accommodate all the children.波尔登的学校不够大,容不下所有的孩子。2、Students are accommodated in homes nearby. 学生被安置在附近的住家中。3、The roads are built to accommodate gradual temperature changes.修建这些道路时考虑到了温度的逐渐变化。
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adjust to与adapt to的区别

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其实这里有三个词汇类似:adapt adjust modify, 它们有什么区别呢?如下:这三个形容词都含“调整以适应”的意思。adapt 指“修改或改变某物使适应(新用途,新情况)”,或改变你的行为适应(新情况)如:1. Most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by disabled people.这些工具多数已经过特别改装,供残疾人使用。【同义词modify】(改物)2. You should adapt yourself to the new environment.你应该适应新环境。【同义词adjust】 (改人)adjust 指(轻微地)“调整”、“调节”某物使之适应, 或“改变(行为或观点)以适应,调节,习惯”,如:3. You can"t see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes.你把望远镜调节到适合你的目光之后, 你才看得见。(改物)4. We have been preparing our fighters to adjust themselves to civil society.我们一直在培训我们的战士,以使他们适应普通的社会生活。【同义词adapt】(改人)Modify(轻微地)修改,改进,变动(使其更完善,更有效,更适合),如:5. The software we use has been modified for us.我们使用的软件已按我们的需要作过修改。【同义词adapt】 (改物)6. to modify your behaviour / language / views。使你的行为/语言/观点更容易让人接受。 【同义词adjust】(改人)●特别要注意黑体字部分的注解。更多的在“词不离句:英语常用词汇8000分级过关‘"(链接请百度“词不离句”)。●●不要试图去记那些用法,是记不住的;而是把例句记下来,这样用法也就记住了!通过听录音,复述,默写,就轻松地把句子记住啦!在英语常用词汇里有哪些词汇是同义词,近义词及易混词呢?《词不离句:英语常用词汇8000分级过关》统计如下:从上可见,在英语常用的词汇8000多个里,有过半的词汇是同义词,近义词及易混词,这是很多人没想到的,我们都得区分清楚它们的用法。
2023-01-01 13:52:246


气动闸阀的注塑阀住房气动闸阀包括阀住房取得的注塑塑料材料和具有多元化的外部端口。收到阀住房是一个多元化的阀门衬套处置轴向间距的关系,以确定一个阀门口径和多元化的压力流体舱室沟通流体的港口。的幻灯片会员管理流动压缩空气港口之间是住在阀口径阀门住房轴线方向。阀门衬套是由塑料材料,以同样的熔化温度为塑料阀门住房,以实现物质联盟之间的阀门的阀衬套和住房,在塑料材料成型的阀衬套注射成型过程中的阀门住房。相互参照相关应用1 。气动闸阀,其中包括:一个阀门住房界定和具有轴内部,说阀住房取得的注塑塑料材料和具有多元化的外部端口;多种阀门衬套,以便在收到内部的阀住房轴间距的关系来确定一个阀门口径和多元化的压力流体舱室在流体沟通与港口,其中港口和流体的压力舱室被置于一对一通讯;幻灯片会员管理流动压缩空气港口之间的说,住在幻灯片会员阀门口径阀门住房位移的方向轴,其中阀门套管是由塑料材料具有熔化温度相当于一个熔化温度的塑料材料阀门的住房,以实现物质联盟之间的瓣膜套管和阀住房时,塑料材料成型的阀衬套注射成型过程中的阀门住房。
2023-01-01 13:52:591

不及物动词有被动语态么? (conform的用法)

2023-01-01 13:53:053

我已经适应了这个环境 英语翻译

I have already adapted to the condition.
2023-01-01 13:53:184

求此英文片段翻译…… 像人话就行……

两space-frame结构覆盖曲面建筑物内部街道在20岁至30岁之间,30 ~ 40岁(见图10),将4000平方米的玻璃安排在三角形板。他们沿着一边以便排烟的火。他们站在大约25米以上较低的地面,是12.5米宽于他们的最大跨度和外置电动清扫门式台架。 建筑物的10 ~ 40修建了钢结构由于速度的要求施工和租户大型清晰,而建筑物之间的跨列在20岁至30岁concrete-frame主要结构。这个组合的运动之间的四楼的随介质/长期混凝土收缩的pre-tensioned低磨板导致四个构造运动关节被设计成结构如图10。详细的设计,需要仔细考虑关节运动和造型,以确保他们能容纳预期的运动。 玻璃罩范围覆盖街道从一个建筑转到另一所学校。再次,为建筑,这不得不独立活动住在设计的支撑结构。软件模型来预测范围的运行和移动导致滑动轴承安装在一面。
2023-01-01 13:53:334

请问为……提供膳宿 是provide accommodation for还是make accommodations for?谢谢

用provide accommodation for.we will provide the accommodation for the delegaion.我们将为代表团提供膳宿。
2023-01-01 13:53:523

2021年高考英语全国卷2 - 阅读理解A

The Biggest Stadiums in the World 世界上最大的体育场 People have been pouring into stadiums since the days of ancient Greece. In around 8 A.Q., the Romans built the Colosseum, which remains the world"s best known stadium are continues to inform contemporary design. Rome"s Colosseum was 157 feet tall and had 80 entrances, seating 50,000 people. However, that was small fry compared with the city"s Circus Maximus, which accommodated around 250,000 people. 从古希腊时代起,人们就开始涌入体育场。大约公元前8世纪,罗马人建造了罗马竞技场,它仍然是世界上最著名的体育场,并继续为当代设计提供参考。罗马斗兽场高157英尺,有80个入口,可容纳5万人。然而,与该市容纳约25万人的马克西姆斯马戏团相比,这只是小菜一碟。 These days, safety regulations-not to mention the modern sports fan"s desire for a good view and a comfortable seat-tend to keep stadium capacities slightly lower. Even soccer fans tend to have a seat each; gone are the days of thousands standing to watch the match. 如今,安全法规(更不用说现代体育迷对良好视野和舒适座位的渴望)往往要求体育场容量小一些。就连足球迷也倾向于每人都有一个座位;数千人站着观看比赛的日子一去不复返了。 For the biggest stadiums in the world, we have used data supplied by the World Atlas list so far, which ranks them by their stated permanent capacity, as well as updated information from official stadium websites. 对于世界上最大的体育场,我们使用了迄今为止由World Atlas提供的数据,以下是根据其规定的永久容量的排名以及来自官方体育场网站的最新信息。 All these stadiums are still functional, still open and still hosting the biggest events in world sport. 所有这些体育场都仍在运行、开放,举办世界最大的体育赛事。
2023-01-01 13:54:051


桃花源记英文版本 桃花源记 晋太元中,武陵人捕鱼为业;缘溪行,忘路之远近。忽逢桃花林。夹岸数百步,中无杂树,芳草鲜美,落英缤纷,渔人甚异之。复前行,欲穷其林。 林尽水源,便得一山。山有小口,仿佛若有光,便舍船从口入。初极狭,才通人。复行数十步,豁然开朗。土地平旷,屋舍俨然,有良田、美池、桑竹之属,阡陌交通,鸡犬相闻。其中往来种作,男女衣着,悉如外人;黄发垂髫,并怡然自乐。 见渔人,乃大惊,问所从来,具答之。便要还家,设酒杀鸡作食。村中闻有其人,咸来问讯。自云先世避秦时乱,率妻、子、邑人来此绝境,不复出焉,遂与外人间隔。问今是何世,乃不知有汉,无论魏晋。此人一一为具言所闻,皆叹惋。余人各复延至其家,皆出酒食。停数日,辞去。此中人语云:“不足为外人道也。” 既出,得其船,便扶向路,处处志之。及郡下,诣太守说如此。太守即遣人随其往,寻向所志,遂迷不复得路。南阳刘子骥,高尚士也。闻之,欣然规往,未果,寻病终。后遂无问津者。A Tale of the Fountain of the Peach Blossom SpringIn the year of Taiyuan[1] of the Jin Dynasty, there lived a man in Wuling[2] jun who earned his living by fishing. One day, he rowed his boat along a stream, unaware of how far he had gone when all of a sudden, he found himself in the midst of a wood full of peach blossoms. The wood extended several hundred footsteps along both banks of the stream. There were no trees of other kinds. The lush grass was fresh and beautiful and peach petals fell in riotous profusion. The fisherman was so curious that he rowed on, in hopes of discovering where the trees ended. At the end of the wood was the fountainhead of the stream. The fisherman beheld a hill, with a small opening from which issued a glimmer of light. He stepped ashore to explore the crevice. His first steps took him into a passage that accommodated only the width of one person. After he progressed about scores of paces, it suddenly widened into an open field. The land was flat and spacious. There were houses arranged in good order with fertile fields, beautiful ponds, bamboo groves, mulberry trees and paths crisscrossing the fields in all directions. The crowing of cocks and the barking of dogs were within everyone"s earshot. In the fields the villagers were busy with farm work. Men and women were dressed like people outside. They all, old and young, appeared happy. They were surprised at seeing the fisherman, who, being asked where he came from, answered their every question. Then they invited him to visit their homes, killed chickens, and served wine to entertain him. As the words of his arrival spread, the entire village turned out to greet him. They told him that their ancestors had come to this isolated haven, bringing their families and the village people, to escape from the turmoil during the Qin Dynasty and that from then onwards, they had been cut off from the outside world. They were curious to know what dynasty it was now. They did not know the Han Dynasty, not to mention the Wei and the Jin dynasties. The fisherman told them all the things they wanted to know. They sighed. The villagers offered him one feast after another. They entertained him with wine and delicious food. After several days, the fisherman took his leave. The village people entreated him not to let others know of their existence. Once out, the fisherman found his boat and rowed homeward, leaving marks all the way. When he came back to the jun, he reported his adventure to the prefect, who immediately sent people to look for the place, with the fisherman as a guide. However, the marks he had left could no longer be found. They got lost and could not find the way. Liu Ziji of Nanyang[3] jun, a learned scholar of high repute, was excited when he heard the fisherman"s story. He devised a plan to find the village, but it was not carried out. Liu died soon afterwards, and after his death, no one else made any attempt to find it.Notes:1. Taiyuan was the title of the reign of Emperor Xiaowu of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (376-396).2. Wuling is today"s Changde City, Hunan Province.3. Nanyang is today"s Nanyang City, Henan Province.
2023-01-01 13:54:111


A Tale of the Fountain of the Peach Blossom SpringIn the year of Taiyuan[1] of the Jin Dynasty, there lived a man in Wuling[2] jun who earned his living by fishing. One day, he rowed his boat along a stream, unaware of how far he had gone when all of a sudden, he found himself in the midst of a wood full of peach blossoms. The wood extended several hundred footsteps along both banks of the stream. There were no trees of other kinds. The lush grass was fresh and beautiful and peach petals fell in riotous profusion. The fisherman was so curious that he rowed on, in hopes of discovering where the trees ended. At the end of the wood was the fountainhead of the stream. The fisherman beheld a hill, with a small opening from which issued a glimmer of light. He stepped ashore to explore the crevice. His first steps took him into a passage that accommodated only the width of one person. After he progressed about scores of paces, it suddenly widened into an open field. The land was flat and spacious. There were houses arranged in good order with fertile fields, beautiful ponds, bamboo groves, mulberry trees and paths crisscrossing the fields in all directions. The crowing of cocks and the barking of dogs were within everyone"s earshot. In the fields the villagers were busy with farm work. Men and women were dressed like people outside. They all, old and young, appeared happy. They were surprised at seeing the fisherman, who, being asked where he came from, answered their every question. Then they invited him to visit their homes, killed chickens, and served wine to entertain him. As the words of his arrival spread, the entire village turned out to greet him. They told him that their ancestors had come to this isolated haven, bringing their families and the village people, to escape from the turmoil during the Qin Dynasty and that from then onwards, they had been cut off from the outside world. They were curious to know what dynasty it was now. They did not know the Han Dynasty, not to mention the Wei and the Jin dynasties. The fisherman told them all the things they wanted to know. They sighed. The villagers offered him one feast after another. They entertained him with wine and delicious food. After several days, the fisherman took his leave. The village people entreated him not to let others know of their existence. Once out, the fisherman found his boat and rowed homeward, leaving marks all the way. When he came back to the jun, he reported his adventure to the prefect, who immediately sent people to look for the place, with the fisherman as a guide. However, the marks he had left could no longer be found. They got lost and could not find the way. Liu Ziji of Nanyang[3] jun, a learned scholar of high repute, was excited when he heard the fisherman"s story. He devised a plan to find the village, but it was not carried out. Liu died soon afterwards, and after his death, no one else made any attempt to find it. Notes:1. Taiyuan was the title of the reign of Emperor Xiaowu of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (376-396).2. Wuling is today"s Changde City, Hunan Province.3. Nanyang is today"s Nanyang City, Henan Province
2023-01-01 13:54:172


2023-01-01 13:54:273


2023-01-01 13:54:393


2023-01-01 13:54:511

牛津学派 Allan Flanders 的生平

Allan Flanders (1910-1973) was one of the leading members of the highly influential‘Oxford School" of industrial relations. Along with Hugh Clegg, Alan Fox and OttoKahn-Freund, he developed a particular institutional approach to the analysis ofindustrial relations issues, first publicised in the 1954 textbook The System ofIndustrial Relations in Great Britain, co-edited with Hugh Clegg and later elaboratedin his popular collection of essays Management and Unions (1970). In the 1960sFlanders and his colleagues made substantial contributions to a range of governmentmeasures, including the design of state incomes policies, the promotion ofproductivity bargaining and more broadly the reform of collective bargaining.Flanders worked for the National Board for Prices and Incomes and the Commissionfor Industrial Relations and his evidence shaped the main arguments of the 1968Donovan Report.Less well known is the fact that Flanders was also a key figure in socialdemocratic and anti-communist politics from early in the Second World War up untilhis death in 1973. Consequently he was a major player in some of the key politicalstruggles and turning points of the 1950s and 1960s. For instance, as Chair of theEditorial Committee of Socialist Commentary, the principal postwar journal of rightwingsocial democracy, he contributed to the Gaitskellite victory over the Bevaniteleft in the 1950s and to the Campaign for Democratic Socialism (CDS) in the 1960s .This paper has three aims: first, to trace the development of Flanders" politicalthinking from his revolutionary and ethical socialist ideas of the 1930s through to hisright wing social democratic ideas of the late 1940s and beyond; second, to show theimpact of the Cold War on Flanders" political thinking especially in the period from1945 until around 1950; and third, to show how his political thinking influenced hisanalyses of industrial relations issues and his prescriptions for reform.The first part of the paper briefly maps out Flanders" conversion to a particularbrand of ethical socialism, through the influence of a tiny, leftist and vanguardistGerman sect, the Militant Socialist International. The group"s propagandising againstreformist socialism and against Marxism and communism proved ineffectual and itswhole raison d"etre was thrown into crisis by the onset of the Second World War.Flanders quickly accommodated to the widespread sentiment within the British labourmovement for anti- fascist unity and for economic planning, and soon came to believethat planning should serve two quite distinct purposes: it was to be a means for2effectively prosecuting the war against Nazi Germany but it was also to function as aninstrument of social reform, redistributing wealth and power away from Britain"smonopolists. As early as 1941 he had begun to argue that a reformist planning agendawould entail a radical shift in the role of trade unions. They would need to supportstate incomes policy, cooperate in improving work practices and abandon theirattachment to the ‘outmoded" doctrine of class struggle against capitalist exploitation.Initially inspired by the exigencies of war, these themes were to become permanentfeatures of Flanders" thinking as anti- fascist war gave way to Cold War.The growing antagonism between capitalist and communist states had severalmajor effects on Flanders" thinking and activity. First, his longstanding anticommunismwas intensified by the events of 1947 through 1949 (especiallyCzechoslovakia, Berlin, the Marshall Plan and the split in the WFTU). Second, hewas led to rework his ethical socialist ideas as a countervailing philosophy to SovietMarxism, particularly in the 1950s publications of the think tank Socialist Union. Inessence he argued that full employment, nationalization and the welfare state hadinaugurated a ‘new social order". Combining economic planning with individualfreedom, it was claimed to represent a ‘Third Way" between classical (US-style)capitalism and Soviet communism. Finally Flanders became increasingly active inmainstream politics, in the Labour Party and the Fabian Society and on the fringes ofthe CIA front organization, the Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF). His network ofcontacts and acquaintances included the leading British figures of anti-communistsocial democracy, such as Crosland, Gaitskell, Healey, Jenkins, Pickstock andRodgers as well as overseas writers and intellectuals associated with the CCF such asBondy and Silone.The final, and major, part of the paper traces the links between Flanders"political thinking and his industrial relations ideas. He argued consistently, from theearly 1940s through the early 1970s, that the role of trade unionism could no longerbe confined to, or dominated by, militant wage struggle or ‘free collectivebargaining". This would damage the competitive position of the British economy,threaten the public interest in low inflation and ‘orderly" industrial relations and createthe conditions under which communist agitation would find a receptive audience. Heargued unions should cooperate with both government and employers to raiseproductivity and control inflation, contribute to economic growth and therefore helpincrease wages. State incomes policy, with union support, he regarded as a legitimateand necessary form of economic planning under ‘the new social order". Throughcollective bargaining workers could participate in setting workplace rules andconditions, enhancing their dignity and status at the workplace and thus underpinninggood industrial relations. This set of activities therefore comprised an economicproject (protecting the British economy), a political project (protecting the new socialorder and the ‘free world" against communism) and an ideological project (securingworker support for a common purpose in industry and undermining support forMarxist ideas of class conflict).These positions placed him firmly in opposition to a variety of left-wing viewsand organizations and help account for the wide range of Flanders" activities. In hisacademic work he attacked leftist writers, such as Allen, Anderson and Blackburn,who were more sympathetic to union militancy and more hostile to union cooperationwith employers. In his analysis of union membership (later developed by GeorgeBain) he went out of his way to attack and downplay the idea that union militancyplayed any role at all in promoting union growth or improving terms and conditions ofemployment. His political work focussed both on the Labour and the trade union left:3he was close to Gaitskell and Crosland and to their key union supporters such as SamWatson of the Durham Miners and was active in CDS. He was a leading opponent ofthe left-wing demand for further, widespread nationalization, helping draft the antinationalizationarguments in the seminal 1960 text Must Labour Lose?The contradictions in Flanders" positions, and those of the Oxford school moregenerally, became increasingly clear through the1960s and 1970s. State regulation ofwages could not be combined with local wage bargaining for more than a few years ata time before breaking down in a wages explosion. Devolution of power to workplacerepresentatives often strengthened left militancy rather than promoting labourmanagementcooperation and genuine productivity bargaining.Flanders and other members of the Oxford School increasingly called for thetype of firm and authoritarian leadership of men such as Bevin and Citrine and thedegree of labour movement discipline seen during World War Two and the Cold War.They came to support legal curbs on trade unionism, e.g. In Place of Strife, andtougher incomes policies to enforce union compliance in the absence of widespreadconsent. Yet in the face of a powerful and well-organized trade union movement thesemeasures were doomed to fail. Politically, the social democratic circles aroundFlanders came under increasing strain as the economy slid into recession through the1970s. In the early days of the Thatcher era they finally split apart, one wingremaining inside the Labour Party, grouped around Healey and Hattersley, whilst theJenkins-Rodgers group broke away to create the SDP.
2023-01-01 13:54:571


车轮磨损磨作业中最重要的是,可能有很大差别根据切割测验非常迅速的车轮磨损通常是由于太软轮胎级的使用,但是它也可以是由于相结合的工作速度、导线和深度太大,因为切的高度的准确性,磨作业通常需要达到,磨损时,可以花边troublesome.this尤为重要的地方,从geinding形状的轮廓线轮critical.the所发生的车轮磨损有时能有更严重的影响要比实际汇率wear.this apperciated可以通过学习efffects longitudinal-feed的速度,在磨床cross-feed率在表面grinding.通常是控制在一个磨砂轮轴向进给速度经营的宽度不能超过face.obviously饲料的轮子的宽度,否则将面临步骤中出现的铸件的表面是喂入量有一些比例的轮宽度。 如果喂入评为,说,有三分之一的轮宽度,那么只有三分之一的车轮oneach外,球队会切割方向交替reversed.饲料是第三轮中几乎没有切割,迅速变得呆滞,导致凸轮的简介。 如果喂入评为三分之二的轮宽度,然后领先的三分之二的车轮两边将切割、为导向的效果,是altemated.中第三轮要做两倍的三分切为外,因此,轮子就会穿稍微带月牙。 理想的砂轮轴向进给速度应该一半以上的轮子,但是它是更宽的高端的凹形是少,车轮玻璃窗比avoided.将在每个导线车轮不应该移动时,这工作是made.反转的首选,只有三分之一的轮子外应该允许清理工作。 当然会正常车轮磨损了的深度的深度,这是削减applied. between0.01mm and0.04mm磨,通常为±0.01毫米以下的工作是为finishing.when不到的宽度被称为plungecut atechnique轮磨是adopted.这涉及到工作喂食的轮子没有任何纵向饲料被required.除非成型研磨争执,它是明智的车轮约5同时纵毫米获得尽可能车轮磨损。
2023-01-01 13:55:031

翻译 谢谢 很急

2023-01-01 13:55:102

评《皇帝的新脑》-- 意图、思路及其他

第一次看这本书是差不多二十年前(98年)的事情了,看的是湖南科技出版社的中文翻译版,当时感觉非常难受,看不大懂,摸不着头脑。翻译很有问题! 第二次看的是Oxford出版社98年出的英文原版,是我同学从美国寄送来的原版。在书架上摆了一年后(99年)才看。当时只看了四章,看完了颇有些想法,就写了一篇书评发在Douban。2017年,一方面已经学习了部分量子计算的知识,其次部分阅读了Aaronson的《 Quantum Computing since Democritus 》让我回想起《皇帝的新脑》,于是重新翻出了这本书。 拖延了很久,2018年4月,改写了之前的书评发出,总算完成一个任务。 这是一部宏大异常的著作,包括的内容相当丰富:人工智能、计算理论、相对论、量子理论、宇宙学、脑结构,还有相当多的数学被嵌入到物理学当中进行讲解,尽管作者声称这是为非专业人士写的书,但是没有一点毅力估计是没有办法坚持读下去的。 那么多的内容混合在一本书,作者到底想说什么?我想,这是一个大问题,作者也不堪一再被误解,在98年的版本中加了一个新前言,强调说:I argue that the phenomenon of consciousness cannot be accommodated within the framework of present-day physical theory(我想论证,意识现象不能在当前的物理学框架内论述清楚)。 我为什么说作者一再被误解呢?最直接的证据就是该书的介绍语:In his bestselling work of popular science, Roger Penrose takes us on a fascinating roller-coaster ride through the basic principles of physics, cosmology, mathematics, and philosophy to show that human thinking can never be emulated by a machine。要证明人的思维无法用机器来模拟,至于要讲量子力学、相对论吗? 即使是著名的M. Gardner写的序也体现出一种误解:His little finger tells him that the human mind is more than just a collection of tiny wires and switches。(注:这句话是戏仿爱因斯坦的“就算我的小指头也会告诉我量子力学并不完备”。)当然,人类的思维不仅仅只是开关、导线的集合,虽然我不能用小指头得出这个结论,但我相信,我的大脑会有这个结论。况且,要证明这个,哥德尔定理就已经足够了。 以上两种说法应是不同表达的相同观点。现在看来,以上指出的这两点并非真正意义的误解。准确来说,是这些说法难以真正体现作者试图表示的内涵。要命的是,作者的意图真的很难概括,相信这也就是为什么作者长篇大论写了这么多的原因。不同的术语表达有着微妙的区别,单纯说“human thinking无法被模拟”或者“human mind不是计算机”确实是容易引起误解的。然而这些表述容易理解,所以写在简介或者序言中又显得颇为恰当。 不能不说的是,把书名《The Emperor"s New Mind》翻译为《皇帝的新脑》也是一种“误解”。“Mind”与“脑”的差距是显然的,“脑”并不能概括出“Mind”的本意。但不得不说,翻译为“新脑”并不坏,特别是在没有什么更好的选择时。 一开始,我认为,作者的真正意图是Introduction中的这句话 is our present lack of understanding of the fundamental laws of physics that prevents us from coming to grips with the concept of "mind" in physical or logical terms。强调的是“laws of physics”的不足。在结尾Conclusion部分的主题句写到:I have presented many arguments intending to show the untenability of the viewpoint - apparently rather prevalent in current philosophizing - that our thinking is basically the same as the action of some very complicated computer。这里,强调的是要论证“强AI观点”站不住脚。到底哪一方面的强调才是作者的主要目标? 不要忘记的是,此书98年出的是第二版,在多年的写作过程中,作者思路发生变化也是非常可能的。我理解,可能作者开始定好了标靶(论证“强AI观点”站不住脚),但是写着写着思路来了,野心也大了(寻找意识存在的物理基础)。这两种目标有关联,但是差距真的蛮大。看完了整本书我会同意第一个任务是可以完成的,但是第二个任务远未达到。后者真是mission impossible。 Penrose的思路是以物理学(physical theory)为基石来解释人类意识(human mind),不要忘记他是数学物理学家。要挑战这种思路将非常困难,因为我们的世界是原子的组合,似乎任何事情都可以追溯到原子的结构、量子理论等等物理学理论中去。(也许研究人类思维还有其他思路?谁知道呢.....) 以下我们稍微归纳总结一下作者要完成解释人类意识这个艰难任务的大概思路: 首先,抛出强人工智能学派的观点:人脑就是一台复杂的计算机。这是作者的主要攻击标靶。 接着,为了说明什么是计算机,引入了“算法”与“图灵机”这两个概念。通过“数学与实在”搭桥,到达“哥德尔定理”以说明计算机的计算缺陷,同时也讨论了计算机的计算效率问题。 再接着,走入经典物理(从牛顿到爱因斯坦),探讨可计算性与确定性的关系。再从经典世界走入量子世界(不确定的概率世界),再走向宇宙学和时间箭,为human mind的存在寻找物理世界。说真的,我暂时还看不出这里的知识点与计算、人类意识如何关联。 话锋一转,来到了生物学,讲解了大脑的结构、脑模型(或者模型脑),探讨人类意识、脑结构、计算机模型之间的关系。此时倒是可以把量子世界的内容引进,提出:脑行为中是否存在量子力学?这让我想起了朱清时的言论。 最后,总结、探讨人类意识物理学的存在基础。给出结论与相关讨论。【第十章】 以上总结个人感觉还不够清晰,最有把握的依然还是前四章。留待日后更新。 值得指出的是,《The Emperor"s New Mind》这书中与计算机科学相关的理论有这些:人工智能、图灵测试、强AI、算法、图灵机、不可判定问题、丘奇-图灵论题、Lambda演算、哥德尔定理、形式系统、递归论、集合论、分形理论、复杂性理论、可计算性。其思路:机器是否会思考?什么是智能?什么是计算?什么是算法?计算机理论中计算的局限?什么(不)可以计算?计算的确定性和不确定性?计算的速度如何度量?书中的前四章包含了这些知识,基本涵盖了计算理论的方方面面。这是书中我最熟悉的内容,也是我希望我的学生(计算机专业)阅读的内容。 如果读计算机的同学都望而却步,还指望所谓的非专业人士陪我们的大科学家Penrose进行什么科学的旅程? 最后声明,我浏览了全书,但并没有认真读完所有章节。认真读了前四章,后面章节有的是浏览,有的是跳过,特别是脑的生物学部分。关于量子计算的内容我也部分跳过,但是,相信其他教材与科普的阅读建立的知识体系不会让我丢失过多的信息。 当初读这本书的时候,百思不得其解的是,人工智能、算法这些计算机知识和相对论、量子力学、宇宙大爆炸有什么关系呢?怎么把这条思路串起来?破解这个谜的关键也许在于,我们要问:什么是计算?现在的计算理论是否符合物理世界的原则?还是那个态度:思考、提问,但不要指望答案,这样,思路就有了。特别是,量子计算机的出现,更有助于我们加速在这一领域的探讨。现在看起来,答案依然没有,思考远比答案重要。 最后强调,阅读这本书真不要指望作者给出终极答案。读者也许会误解,认为作者提出了一个伟大的问题,并通过完整的论述给出一个答案。其实,作者只是提出一个问题,然后给出一种思路,并如数家珍般地论述这条思路中的种种来龙去脉,细数其中已被解决或尚未解决的难题。答案显然是没有的(“人的思维无法用机器来模拟”根本算不得什么答案)!但是,阅读的收获却可以非常大。抛开书的整体结构不论,如果在某些独立章节中获取阅读乐趣也是非常有价值的,比如量子力学、广义相对论、哥德尔定理等。就算是书中的一些小例子中也能找到非常大的乐趣呢,比如 Goodstein定理 。 总之,伟大的作者将一系列伟大的思想、理论和结论凝聚在“Human Mind到底是什么?”这个关键论题之中,就好比把一大堆的奇珍异宝串成一款项链。读者可通过一次奇妙的阅读之旅来欣赏这些奇珍异宝,收获会很大。特别是大众对AI无比期待的今天,思考AI的实质也显得意义重大,故强烈推荐阅读。 -- 2017.11.29 2018.04.15 P.S. 时间有限,只能寄望于第四次阅读了,可喜的是每次翻看都会有所收获。
2023-01-01 13:55:231


2023-01-01 13:55:294

留学生探亲邀请函,英文的怎么写 急!!

这是我邀请我父亲来参加毕业典礼的邀请函~ 如果不是为了毕业典礼就把目的"attend my university degree congregation" 改改就好~~~~ PS:一般留学生不建议用美国介边的资金证明~用父母在国内的资金比较好~ To Whom It May Concern:Application for US family visitor Visa for 【YOUR FATHER/MOTHER/FRIEND"S NAME】; Date of Birth: _____; Passport Number ___________.I, YOUR NAME (Date of Birth: ______, Passport No. _______), would like to invite my father/mother/friend, named YOUR FATHER/MOTHER/FRIEND"S NAME, to visit me in the US for __ weeks (from ____ to _______) in order to attend my university degree congregation and also stay for a short holiday. I am a student at the University of _______ studying __________. I will complete a degree course in _______.During this time, my father/mother/friend will be providing his own funds in order to be financially maintained and accommodated in the US. I have enclosed the following documents for your consideration as required:- Copy of passport and the page with US Visa- Certificate of student status and letter from the University confirming graduation date- Copy of Certificate of Registration in the USShould you require further details or evidence, please do contact me.Yours faithfully,YOUR NAME
2023-01-01 13:55:452

想请教你,介词短语in regard to official reciept submitted,这里的sumbitted是做补语吗?

regard有关于的意思,在这里作某方面讲in this regard在这方面
2023-01-01 13:56:012


相关文章: 从弹性上班制到Elvis 星期: 公司文化在行动 在Gordon 、Odom 和Davis, Inc., 萨加门多, 基于加利福尼亚的CPA 企业, 创造性的雇员活动的分类并且公司方向组合坚实感觉创造独特的样式和工作环境。 根据处理的股东、Kerry Gordon, firm"s 强烈的客户"contributing 的焦点和目标更比numbers" 定口气为整个组织。"By 表明这种优先权非常从一开始, " 他说, "we"re 能变硬我们的职员在共同的视觉附近, 我相信, 充当了在帮助我们的一个大角色保留staff." 转移工作量和关心的紧迫雇员-- 譬如工作父母需要-- 由灵活的对兼职人员的日程表在职员之中, 用途和telecommuting, Gordon 容纳认为。实际上,一名长期雇员能对telecommute 二年跟随她的husband"s 拆迁对科罗拉多在返回工作之前全时在一个地方企业当她的孩子到达了教龄。 雇员社交活动开发社区感和家庭。有下午"treat" 断裂和一个Elvis 星期, 以老电影和比赛为特色。这些活动涉及整体职员和创造归属感。 找到适合文化的候选人, 企业使用依靠有关工作的可变物管理相信帮助确定一次好比赛为工作环境的一本pre-employment 活页练习题必需为所有job 申请人。勘测包括活动名单, 譬如"working 在一致和平稳的节奏... 解决新或不熟悉的problems" 并且"delegating 的当局对下级, " 并且要求他们认为工作的重要方面他们申请的候选人排列活动。 "The 过程证明卓越地准确的根据匹配求职者以一个位置并且以我们的公司文化, " Gordon 说。"The 活页练习题为一个具体工作提供关于个体的关于行为的属性的客观信息和帮助辨认candidate"s 兴趣、能力和个性` fit" 在firm." 之内; 相关文章: 辨认您的公司文化 It"s 重要最大化您的firm"s 内在呼吁对潜力聘用和现有的职员。但在您能开始做改进之前, 您首先需要工作以您的伙伴推测怎么其他人察觉您的企业。 1. 创造一个工作小组, 由任事股东和包括主持其它伙伴和关键经理, 获取普遍输入和促进宽广的支持对于它的推荐。 2. 看一看在向外线索对您的organization"s 文化。这一些问题使您的队考虑: 什么驾驶您的人员政策? 您可以是灵活的关于问题譬如工作计划、缺席着装条例和叶子吗?
2023-01-01 13:56:114

朋友,请帮我以China is calling 为题,写80字的英语作文,顺便翻译一下

The Summer Palace This is a beautiful spot with exuberant(茂盛的) wood and grass at the foot of the West Hill in the western outskirts(郊区) of Beijing. From the Ming Dynasty on, many high-taste nobles built their private gardens in this place. In the Qing Dynasty perhaps because the Manchu aristocrats(贵族) who had just left their forests and grassland had not accommodated(适应) themselves to the environment of the palaces, they built great imperial gardens there. The Summer Palace that has survived calamities(灾难) in history is one of those architectural masterpieces. This is a marvellous conception of a paradise(天堂) on the earth: The Long Corridor and the Seventeen Arch Bridge are like ribbons. They frame the Kunming Lake and turn it into a beautiful picture. With the Buddha Fragrance Chamber on the Longevity Hill as the highlight, the lake and mountains become a lively whole. The West Hill and the pagoda(塔) on top of the Jade Spring Hill blot out the limit of the garden and fuse it into an open expense. Spring in the Summer Palace is merrily colourful, the summer is leisurely exuberant, the autumn sentimentally bright and winter sober, tranquil(宁静的) and clean. The beauty of the Summer Palace is kaleidoscopic(千变万化的). First you enter spacious courtyards. Their owners have long passed away, but the peonies(牡丹), crabapples and magnolias (木兰) that have survived them still beam in elegance. Walking out the grandiose imperial courtyards, through the Long Corridor while enjoying the misty lake, along the scarcely traversed West Dike(堤) and the ride in the forest, you suddenly spot the dream-like Jade Belt Bridge... With elapse of time those roaming around the Kunming Lake are no more imperial relatives or nobles, but the common people. The beauty of the Summer Palace, however, is timeless. Year after year people greet the spring with the willow branches at the Spring Discerning Pavilion, sink into meditation facing lotus in a kiosk of the Garden of Harmonious Delights, and whisper with the frosted leaves at the tranquil back hill... Rain or shine, the Summer Palace is always enchanting. The beauty of the Summer Palace is, of course, deliberated. The pavilions, kiosks, terraces, bridges, dikes, corridors are crystallisation of the thousand-year old Chinese landscape gardening. The scenic spots contain a nation?謘s profound philosophical and aesthetic tradition. The Summer Palace was not built for public benefit, but through the turbulent(动乱的) century, the Summer Palace has been displaying the height a civilisation once reached to people of different times and origins. On 2 December 1998 the Summer Palace was listed in the World Legacy(遗产) of United Nations. The council of the World Legacy remarked, Chinese imperial gardens with the Summer Palace as a representative is a convincing symbol of one of the great world civilisations. 你选择一部分简单的吧
2023-01-01 13:56:264


space中文叫空格、太空。space[英][speɪs][美][ spes]n.空间,太空; 空白,间隔; 空隙; 片刻;vt.把…分隔开,留间隔于…之间;vi.以一定间隔排列;第三人称单数:spaces过去分词:spaced复数:spaces现在进行时:spacing过去式:spaced例句:1.Nearly limitless digital space has accommodated this expansion.几乎无限的数字空间为这种扩张提供了便利。2.He"s seen our planet from space three times.他曾三次从太空俯瞰我们的星球。3.Give some space for others to grab!给别人留下些扶的地方!4.What is the future of humans in space?在宇宙中人类的未来是什么?5.That gives you the punctuation followed by a space in one step.这使你能够一步就完成打标点,并且跟一个空格的操作。
2023-01-01 13:56:411


在地性的设计思维以打造深刻记忆景观为目的专注于探寻场地本身的故事倾听历史的声音用新的设计手法,唤醒它遇见旧记忆,再现新时光BACKGROUND背 景01. 电建旧厂 | 工业基地△ 电建一公司旧址成立于1952年的湖北电建一公司是中南地区组建最早的电力施工企业,是我国第一支打入并立足国际电力建设市场,被誉为“中华电建第一旅”。上世纪70年代,电建厂加工车间落址武汉市武昌区小龟山,发展成为实力雄厚的后方生产基地。伴随着中国产业布局转型,武汉市城市规划蓝图出炉。这座昔日傲视群雄的工业后方生产基地逐渐落寞,只剩下破旧不堪的老厂房。Established in 1952, Hubei Electric Construction Company is the earliest electric power construction enterprise in the central and southern regions, and is known as the “First Brigade of Chinese Electric Construction”. In the 1970s, the processing workshop of the electric construction plant was located at Xiaoguishan, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, and developed into a strong production base. Along with the transformation of China"s industrial layout, the blueprint of Wuhan city planning was released. This former proud industrial back-end production base gradually fell into despair, leaving only dilapidated old factory buildings.△ 废旧的厂区环境△ 厂房内部照片02. 小龟山 | 破碎生长的山体公园小龟山属于中南路街,位于紫砂路以东,小龟山路以北,定位为武昌中心区域重要山体公园。山体山峰高程约63.8m,山体形态不规则,受建设影响明显。本项目位于小龟山坡地上,经过长时间的厂区建设,原有山体基本上已经消失。场地内部形成了巨大的高差。道路、台地、山坡之间,高差大多在7米-12米,局部最大高差21.5米。Xiaoguishan belongs to Zhongnan Road Street, located east of Zisha Road and north of Xiaoguishan Road, positioned as an important mountain park in the central area of Wuchang. The peak elevation of the mountain is about 63.8m, and the mountain form is irregular and obviously affected by the construction. The project is located on the slope of Xiaoguishan Mountain, and after a long time of plant construction, the original mountain has basically disappeared. A huge height difference has been formed inside the site. Between roads, terraces and slopes, the height difference is mostly 7m-12m, with a local maximum height difference of 21.5m.△ 山体缓坡△ 现场保留的茂密植被在场地里游走,时间忽然慢了下来,像是进入另一个世界。混乱、无序、破败的街区,上百棵大树散落在场地中,法国梧桐、青钱柳、构树、香樟······· 阳光透过树梢,在墙上、地面上投下斑驳的影子。浓郁的传统老街区氛围迎面而来。红砖厂房,废弃的轮胎、龙门吊、生锈的机械配件,这些遗留的工业元素,为场地打上了深刻的重工业烙印,也为艺术再创造提供了丰富的元素。Wandering around thegrounds, time suddenly slowed down, like entering another world. The dilapidated neighborhood, hundreds of large trees scattered in the site, sunlight through the treetops, casting dappled shadows on the walls and ground. The rich atmosphere of the old traditional neighborhood greets you. Red brickfactory buildings, discarded tires, gantry cranes, rusted machinery parts, these leftover industrial elements have marked the site with a profound heavy industry, and also provide rich elements for artistic re-creation.这是一个充满故事、也充满矛盾的地方,每一个场景都像是在讲述着曾经的热火朝天和如今的孤独落寞。作为未来的华中小龟山金融文化公园,我们需要为它找到重新“活”的方向。It is a place full of stories and contradictions, and every scene seems to tell the story of the once hot and now lonely desolation. As the future Xiaoguishan Financial Cultural Park in Central China, we need to find a new direction for it to “live”.DESIGN设 计01. 设计思考 | THANKING 金融主题:结合场地区位条件,定位金融文化公园,将武汉金融发展的历史进程,以艺术的形式呈现金融文化的特性。Financial Theme: Combined with the location conditions of the site, the financial and cultural park is positioned to present the historical process of Wuhan"s financial development with its characteristics in the form of art.历史文脉:对原有厂区的历史文化充分挖掘,利用原有厂区内遗留下的老工业设施、设备等展现历史变迁带来的发展、机遇和挑战。Site History: The historical culture of the original factory is fully explored, and the old industrial facilities and equipment left in the original factory are used to show the development, opportunities and challenges brought by historical changes.△ 遗留的老工业设施场地高差:场地内最低点标高22.3M,场地内最高点标高43.8M,最高点与最低点相差21.5M,高差问题的解决是设计面临的最大挑战,也是展现景观设计魅力的最好机遇。Site Elevation:  The elevation of the lowest point in the site is 22.3M and the highest point is 43.8M, a differenceof 21.5M. The solution of the height difference problem is the biggest challenge for the design and the best opportunity to show the charm of landscape design.02. 艺术再创造 | 重焕产业活力△ 区位 · 定位顺应城市发展战略,本项目将打造小龟山金融文化产业园。景观设计,围绕城市定位,提出了“华中金融·中央公园”的设计理念,用设计将金融产业需求、厂房更新、城市公园相融合,通过艺术化的手法,让旧记忆融入新场所,让生活与艺术不期而遇。In line with the city"s development strategy, this project will create a Central China Financial & Cultural Industrial Park. The landscape design, around the city"s positioning, puts forward the design concept of “Central Finance – Central Park”, using design to integrate the financial industry needs, plant renewal, urban park, through artistic techniques, so that old memories into new places, so that life and art meet unexpectedly.△ 空间推导通过“华中金融·中央公园”,黏合周边资源,传承历史文脉、重塑场地活力、对接未来生活,最终成为华中金融中心的活力引擎。Through the concept, our design bond with the surrounding resources, inherit the historical culture, reshape the vitality of the site, connect to the future life, and finally become the vitality engine of Huazhong Financial Center.△ 模型03.  回归是城市更新永恒的主题 在这里,我们呼唤“山的回归”,用设计让场地重获新生。整体框架围绕“两轴、三心、多节点”,形成“金融景观主题轴线和景观空间轴线”,以“龙门秀场、文化广场、小龟山森林公园”为中心,衔接南入口广场、北入口广场、办公花园等节点空间。The overall framework revolves around “two axes, three centers and many nodes”, forming a “financial landscape theme axis and landscape space axis”, with “Culture Square, Performance Square and Xiaoguishan Forest Park” as the center, connecting the south entrance square, north entrance square, office garden and other node spaces.△草图△总图CHAPTER 01  活力的回归龙门秀场 · 中央公园△空间策略△ 改造前实景龙门秀场,是一个东西长约130米,南北宽约45米的长方形空间,原有的铁轨、龙门吊,成为厂区最鲜明的时代记忆。现状空间平整、开阔,略显单调。龙门吊孤立在场地中,缺乏氛围的烘托。我们认为,艺术的介入,不是重新打碎重来,而是找到一个场景里真正的活力之源。在充分保留现状资源的基础上,我们重新划分了这个空间,形成鲜明的节奏序列。Gantry Showground, a rectangular space about 130 meters long and 45 meters wide, with the original railway tracks and gantry crane, has become the most distinctive memory of the factory"s era. The current space is flat, open and slightly monotonous. The gantry crane is isolated in the site, lacking the atmosphere. We believe that artistic intervention is not to break up and start over, but to find the realsource of vitality in a scene. On the basis of fully preserving the current resources, we redefined this space to form a distinct rhythmic sequence.△ 改造前:荒废土地上的龙门吊△ 建设中:重整场地,刷上红漆△ 改造后:变身为醒目的复古艺术装置阳光下,光影婆娑,穿过红砖厂房,来到龙门秀场,开敞的草坪区上曾经褪色老旧的龙门吊,重新刷上了鲜艳的红色,屹立着,成为场地独具个性的艺术品,张扬,充满故事性。工业气息鲜明,展现园区独一无二的时光记忆。Walking through the red brick factory under the sunlight to the Performing Arts Center, standing on the circular corridor, the once faded and old gantry crane on the open lawn area, repainted in bright red, stands, showing the unique time memory of the park.龙门吊,不管是尺度还是造型,都是公园的视觉焦点。The gantry crane, in both scale and shape, is the visual focal point of the park.△ 建设中:从厂房一角回望龙门吊△ 旧厂房“金融之眼”空中栈道以螺旋构架形态与方正的建筑形成对比,回应中国古老的“天圆地方”空间秩序。盘旋而上的栈道,以循环上升之态,创造立体的景观氛围,营造一种向心力与凝聚力,并植入金融文化图腾,与欣欣向荣的林木共同见证新的生长力量。站在高处,穿过树梢,远眺开阔的草坪区域。The “Eye of Finance” aerial walkway contrasts with the square building in a spiral structure, responding to the ancient Chinese spatial order of “Heaven and Earth”. The spiral walkway creates a centripetal force and cohesion, and implants a financial culture totem, witnessing the new growth force together with the thriving forest.△ 改造前:厂房前的硬质空地△ 建设中:龙门吊与螺旋栈道架构△ 改造后:立体的景观空间多个景观序列节点的结合,让龙门秀场成为一个多元化、可运营的艺术活动场地,交流、聚会、音乐PARTY,生活的各种想象皆可容纳,这里成为整个园区的活力之心。The combination of several landscape sequence nodes makes Longmen Showground a diversified and operable art activity venue, where communication, party, music PARTY, and all kinds of imagination of life can be accommodated, and it becomes the vital heart of the whole park.△ 园区秋景CHAPTER 02  自然的回归重塑“小龟山”· 小龟山森林公园△空间策略△ 改造前实景小龟山森林公园,是这个项目的生态之心。由于厂区建设,山体支离破碎,坡坎交错,最大高差有21.5米,小龟山实际上已经不复存在。但是,我们认为,这座山,恰恰是这个场地最原始的记忆。我们希望通过设计,让山回归。Xiaoguishan Forest Park is the ecological heart of this project. Due to the construction of the plant, the mountain is fragmented, the slopes are intertwined, and the maximum height difference is 21.5 meters. However, we believe that this mountain is precisely the most original memory of this site. Through the design, we hope tobring the mountain back to the site.△ 改造前:山坡上错落分布的废厂房△ 改造后:与自然共生的生态产业园区深入场地,设计师们努力寻找、拼凑着山体的碎片,致力让小龟山回归。设计还原山体坡地,打造不同高差的公园绿地,阳光草坪、富氧林荫与办公园区衔接在一起,让人们得以再次拥抱小龟山。The original site of Xiaoguishan faded into the “industrial wasteland” over time. Deep into the site, the designers worked hard to find and piece together the fragments of the mountain, trying to bring it back. The design restores the slope of the mountain to create a park with different heights, and connects the sunny lawn and oxygen-rich shade with the office park, allowing people to meet Xiaoguishan again.△ 改造前:生产生活建设破坏山体,现场杂乱无章却又仿佛孕育着新生△ 改造后:还原山体坡度,重建公园绿地△ 重塑厂房环境△ 静谧的办公花园△ 原场地高差与边坡挡土墙△ 星空艺术绘画,赋予墙体活力夕阳西下,股市金牛闲散地站立在草坡上,遥望着远处繁忙的金融街。自然之风迎面而来,这是山的回归,也是生活的回归。As the sun sets, acow stands idly on the grassy slope, looking away from the busy financial street in the distance. The breeze of nature welcomes you, it is the return of the mountain and the return of life.△ 改造前园路△ 保留原址植被林荫金融街道延伸在浓密的绿色中,一路遇见复古的红砖厂房、现代的设施装置;穿行其中,仿佛乘上了一列时光列车,不经意间感受新旧交替的和谐、生活意趣的温暖。The forested financial street stretches in the dense greenery, encountering vintage red brick factory buildings and modern facilities and installations along the way; walking through it is like riding a time train, inadvertently feeling the harmony of the old and the new, and the temperature of life"s interest.CHAPTER 03  记忆的回归小龟山文化广场△空间策略△改造前实景南入口广场,作为整个园区的主入口,这里缺乏清晰的指引,缺乏城市展示的界面,空间狭小,背景混乱。作为一个故事的开端,我们希望把边界打开,把视线导入核心地带,将场地强烈的时光烙印展现出来。The South Entrance Plaza, as the main entrance of the whole park, lacks a clear guide and aninterface for urban display, with a small space and a confusing background. Asthe beginning of a story, we want to open up the boundary and channel the view into the core, bringing out the strong time imprint of the site.设计采用锈铁LOGO雕塑墙,再现场地原有的工业元素,以敞开的八字形布置,形成视线上的引导,高大的LOGO墙既有效遮蔽了红线外混杂的空间,又和保留的红砖墙建筑形成很好的呼应。将人流自然地导向“文化广场”。The design uses a rusted iron LOGO sculpture wall, and then the original industrial elements of the site, with anopen eight-shaped arrangement, forming a line of sight guide, the tall LOGO wall that effectively obscures the mixed space outside the red line, but alsowith the retained red brick wall building to form a good echo. It will naturally lead the flow of people to the “Culture Square”.△ 金融牛雕塑金融牛,是开启整个景观序列的第一个聚焦点。简洁有力的线条,鲜明的红色,既保证了视线、流线的穿透性,又以张扬的姿态,成为这个广场空间独一无二的视觉中心。The financial bull isthe first focal point that opens the whole landscape sequence. The simple and powerful lines and distinctive red color ensure the penetration of sight linesand flow lines, but also become the unique visual center of this square space with an open posture.△改造前△建设中△旧铁轨改造的金融轨道金融轨道,从入口广场延伸,引导着人流。延续铁轨的形式,通过金属板印刻的金融历史事件,如同沿着时间的长河漫步,从旧时光走进新时代。The financial track,extending from the entrance plaza, guides the flow of people. Continuing the form of the railroad track, the financial history events are engraved in shade through the metal plates, as if strolling along the long river of time, fromthe old time into the new era.我们将现状遗留的工业机械构件保留下来,结合布置在景观之中,通过艺术的再创造,构建带有重工业印记的雕塑装置。使之成为这里独特的风景线,属于历史,却经艺术之手,连接现代,保留着曾经的记忆,又重焕青春的容颜。We have preserved the remaining industrial machinery components, combined them in the landscape, andthrough artistic re-creation, built sculptural installations with the mark of heavy industry. It is a unique landscape that belongs to the history, but by the hand of art, it connects with the modern, preserving the memory of the pastand rejuvenating its appearance.△厂区中的铁轨、机械与锈板△工业机械的保留△工业元素的再创造设计师寄语Message From Designers初次踏入这片场地,便被这片独一无二的场地环境所吸引,大树的树叶摇曳而下,红砖厂房的墙灰仿佛在说话,残存的公园痕迹记录这片场地曾经发生的故事,时常有鸟儿从我头顶飞过。当时我在想,这片场地是有性格的、有温度的、有灵魂的,我要好好对待它。通过几个场景再现的手法实现文化的沉淀,记忆的保留和再现,大树生长的公园,山的回归。重塑场地灵魂,赋予新的生命,让小龟山重新走入武汉人民的视野和生活。The first time I stepped into this site, I was attracted by the unique environment of this site, the leaves of the trees swayed, the red brick factory walls seemed to be talking, and the remaining traces of the park recorded the story of what had happened in this site. At that time, I thought, this site has a character, a temperature and a soul, and I want to treat it well. We realized the precipitation of culture, the preservation and reproduction of memory, the park where the trees grew, and the return of the mountain through several scenes of reproduction. To reshape the soul of the site and give it a new life, so that Little Turtle Mountain can come back to the vision and life of Wuhan people.开 发 商:南国置业地    点:湖北武汉景观设计:metrostudio 迈丘设计 项目3组建筑设计:水石设计景观设计面积:69071 ㎡设计时间:2018开放时间:2020摄     影:HOLI河狸景观摄影,林绿下载链接为网盘地址,如链接失效,可评论或私信告知。展开阅读全文© 版权声明本文版权归原作者所有,如有侵犯您的权益请及时联系,我们将第一时间删除。THE END景观方案设计# 景观# 景观设计# 绿色# 建筑设计# 红色# 城市规划# 景观改造喜欢就支持以下吧点赞18赞赏分享收藏Never say die.永不言弃admin关注1632445074.3W+这家伙很懒,什么都没有写...奥维2021版本以后不能用谷歌地图?最新解决办法苹果安卓电脑奥维2021版本以后不能用谷歌地图?最新解决办法苹果安卓电脑1年前 2.9W+水洗石、洗米石、水刷石、水磨石、胶粘石傻傻分不清楚水洗石、洗米石、水刷石、水磨石、胶粘石傻傻分不清楚2年前 9977全国各省份风向玫瑰图CAD图块合集全国各省份风向玫瑰图CAD图块合集2年前 3581户外防腐竹木、防腐木平台施工图画法详解户外防腐竹木、防腐木平台施工图画法详解2年前 2766广州、福建常见园林植物配置、植物的选择与搭配广州、福建常见园林植物
2023-01-01 13:56:501


刚刚帮人翻译完B题,一点点翻译出来的,准确度应该算可靠吧。甚高频无线电谱影响视距电波的传播和接受。这一局限性可以被接受识别和用不同频率转播弱信号的中继器所克服,因此,使用中继器可以使低功率用户(比如电台车)在用户间不能直接通讯的情况下进行通讯。但是,中继器之间可能存在干扰,除非他们之间距离足够远或者用完全独立分离的频率发射。除了地理上要隔开之外,亚音频——俗称专用线路,可用来减轻干扰问题,给这个系统会为每一个中继器连接一个亚音频,并通过中继器将亚音频传播给所有想要交流联络的客户中继器只回应属于它的特殊的专用线路声音讯号,用此系统,两个相近的中继器可以分享一对相同的频率来接受和传播,这样更多的中继器(用户)可以在特定的区域中共存。对于一个圆半径40英里为半径的平坦区域,请您确定同时存在1000个用户时所需要的中继器的最小数目。假设频谱提供145至148兆赫,在一个中继器发射频率为600 kHz的任一高于或低于600千赫频率接收器,并有54个不同的专用线可用。如果有10,000个用户,您的方案如何改变?讨论的情况下可能会有视线山区繁殖引起的缺陷。
2023-01-01 13:56:567


dormitory的意思:宿舍。读音:英[ˈdɔːmətri]、美[ˈdɔːrmətɔːri]。释义:n. 宿舍,学生宿舍adj. 住宅区的变形:复数 dormitories。常用搭配:dormitory building 宿舍大楼school dormitory 学校宿舍dormitory造句如下:1、The dormitory had a fire because of the improper electricity use.由于用电不当,宿舍起火了。2、The quarrel made me almost move out of the dormitory.那次争吵使我差点搬出宿舍了。3、The public security in this dormitory community is relatively poor.这个卧室社区的治安相对较差。4、She lived in a college dormitory.她住在大学宿舍里。5、The dormitory was full, so new students could not be accommodated.宿舍满员了,新学生无法入住。
2023-01-01 13:57:241


accommodate 英[əˈkɒmədeɪt];美[əˈkɑ:mədeɪt]vt. 容纳; 使适应; 向…提供住处; 帮忙;vi. [后面省去反身代词] 适应于; (眼)作调节,调节眼球的晶状体(使其变得适应不同距离的物体) ; 调解,调停;[例句]Are there enough shelves to accommodate all our books?有足够的书架容纳我们所有的书吗?
2023-01-01 13:57:384


accommodate容纳双语对照词典结果:accommodate[英][əˈkɒmədeɪt][美][əˈkɑ:mədeɪt]vt.容纳; 使适应; 向…提供住处; 帮忙; vi.[后面省去反身代词]适应于; (眼)作调节,调节眼球的晶状体(使其变得适应不同距离的物体); 调解,调停; 第三人称单数:accommodates过去分词:accommodated现在进行时:accommodating过去式:accommodated例句:1.You can switch days to accommodate your schedule. 你可以调换天数适应你的计划。
2023-01-01 13:57:533


accommodate 英 [ə"kɒmədeɪt] 美 [ə"kɑmədet] vi. 适应;调解[ 过去式 accommodated 过去分词 accommodated 现在分词 accommodatting ]accommodate /əˈkɒməˌdeɪt/ CET6 TEM4(accommodating,accommodated,accommodates)1.V-T If a building or space can accommodate someone or something, it has enough room for them. 容纳例:The school was not big enough to accommodate all the children.学校没有足够的地方容纳所有的学生。
2023-01-01 13:58:052


vt. 容纳;使适应;向…提供住处;帮忙 vi. [后面省去反身代词]适应于;(眼)作调节,调节眼球的晶状体
2023-01-01 13:58:143


  accommodate是我们在英语中比较常见的英语动词,那么accommodate做动词都表达哪些意思呢?下面我为大家带来accommodate的英语意思解释和英语例句,供大家学习!   accommodate作动词的意思:   容纳;使适应;向…提供住处;帮忙;调解,调停   accommodate的英语音标:   英 [əˈkɔmədeit] 美 [əˈkɑməˌdet]   accommodate的时态:   现在分词: accommodating   过去式: accommodated   过去分词: accommodated   accommodate的英语例句:   1. He has never put an arm around his wife to accommodate photographers.   他从未为了迎合摄影师而搂住妻子。   2. Some animal and plant species cannot accommodate to the rapidly changing cond-itions.   某些种类的动植物不能适应迅速变化的环境。   3. There is usually room to accommodate up to 80 visitors.   那里通常可以住得下80位来客。   4. The roads are built to accommodate gradual temperature changes.   修建这些道路时考虑到了温度的逐渐变化。   5. She walked slowly to accommodate herself to his pace.   她走得很慢,以便与他保持一致的步伐。   6. The hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests.   这家旅馆可供500位旅客住宿。   7. You should soon accommodate yourself to the new circumstance.   你应尽快适应新环境.   8. The new policy was sufficiently elastic to accommodate both views.   新政策充分灵活地适用两种观点.   9. Are there enough shelves to accommodate all our books?   有足够的书架容纳我们所有的书 吗 ?   10. I guess this hall to accommodate 1 , 000 persons.   我猜这个大厅能容纳1000人.   11. This restaurant can accommodate two hundred people at a time.   这家餐馆可供200人同时用餐.   12. The runway of this airport is undergoing expansion to accommodate large planes.   这个机场的跑道正在扩建以适应大型飞机起落.   13. The eye can accommodate itself to seeing objects at different distances.   眼睛能自动调节以便观看远近不同的景物.   14. The hotel can accommodate 600 guests.   这家旅馆可供600位来宾住宿.   15. The hotel can accommodate 500 guests.   这旅馆可容纳500个客人. accommodate相关 文章 : 1. 适应用英语怎么说 2. adjust的同义词和例句
2023-01-01 13:58:291


accommodate英 [əˈkɒmədeɪt] 美 [əˈkɑ:mədeɪt] vt.容纳; 使适应; 向…提供住处; 帮忙vi.[后面省去反身代词]适应于; (眼)作调节,调节眼球的晶状体(使其变得适应不同距离的物体); 调解,调停网络调解; 提供食宿; 提供第三人称单数: accommodates 现在分词: accommodating 过去式: accommodated 过去分词: accommodated双语例句 The school in Poldown was not big enough to accommodate all the children. 波尔登的学校不够大,容不下所有的孩子。
2023-01-01 13:58:381


accommodate英 [əˈkɒmədeɪt] 美 [əˈkɑ:mədeɪt] vt.容纳;  使适应;  向…提供住处;  帮忙vi.[后面省去反身代词]适应于;  (眼)作调节,调节眼球的晶状体(使其变得适应不同距离的物体);  调解,调停网络调解;  提供食宿;  提供第三人称单数: accommodates 现在分词: accommodating 过去式: accommodated 过去分词: accommodated数据来源:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典英英释义百度知道1The school in Poldown was not big enough to accommodate all the children. 波尔登的学校不够大,容不下所有的孩子。
2023-01-01 13:58:471


accommodate美 [ə"kɑmə.deɪt]英 [ə"kɒmədeɪt]v.容纳;顺应;提供住宿(或膳宿、座位等);提供空间适应;调节;供应过去分词:accommodated 现在分词:accommodating 第三人称单数:accommodates 例句筛选1.If his house could accommodate any friend of theirs-it would be but aslight acknowledgment of the many favours he owned them.如果他的屋子能使公爵的任何朋友感到方便,这对公爵的恩情不过是个微不足道的报答。2.She has agreed to accommodate me with the use of her car.她已经同意将她的汽车供我使用。
2023-01-01 13:58:561


accommodate 英[əˈkɒmədeɪt]美[əˈkɑ:mədeɪt]vt. 容纳; 使适应; 向…提供住处; 帮忙;vi. [后面省去反身代词] 适应于; (眼)作调节,调节眼球的晶状体(使其变得适应不同距离的物体) ; 调解,调停;[网络] 调解; 提供食宿; 提供;[例句]The school in Poldown was not big enough to accommodate all the children.波尔登的学校不够大,容不下所有的孩子。[其他] 第三人称单数:accommodates 现在分词:accommodating 过去式:accommodated 过去分词:accommodated
2023-01-01 13:59:051


2023-01-01 13:59:112


accommodate容纳双语对照词典结果:accommodate[英][əˈkɒmədeɪt][美][əˈkɑ:mədeɪt]vt.容纳; 使适应; 向…提供住处; 帮忙; vi.[后面省去反身代词]适应于; (眼)作调节,调节眼球的晶状体(使其变得适应不同距离的物体); 调解,调停; 第三人称单数:accommodates过去分词:accommodated现在进行时:accommodating过去式:accommodated例句:1.You can switch days to accommodate your schedule. 你可以调换天数适应你的计划。
2023-01-01 13:59:241