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2023-06-13 12:17:25

  名字叫my prayer(我的祈祷)



  Dear god:


  I know that she"s out there...

  the one I"m suppose to share my whole life with.

  她,那个我想要与她共度一生的人, 虽然不在这里……

  And in"ll show her to me.

  但是我相信,某个时候, 你将会让我见到她。

  Will you take care of her,


  comfort her,


  and protect her...


  until that day we meet.


  And let her know...


  my beating with hers


  In a dream I hold you close


  Embracing you with my hands


  You gazed at me with eyes full of love


  And made me understand


  That I was meant to share it with you,My heart my mind my soul


  Then I open my eyes


  And all I see reality shows I"m alone


  But I know someday that you"ll be by my side


  Cause I know god"s just waiting till the time is right


  God will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm


  When the day"s cold will you keep her warm


  When the darkness falls will you please shine her the way


  God will you let her know that I love her so


  When theres no one there that she"s not alone


  Just close her eyes and let her know


  My heart is beating with hers


  So I prayed until that day (prayed until that day)


  When our hearts will beat as one


  (when our hearts hearts will beat as one)

  I will wait so patiently (patiently)


  For that day to come (for that day to come)


  I know someday that you"ll be by my side


  Cause I know god"s just waiting till the time is right


  God will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm

  When the day"s cold will you keep her warm

  when the darkness falls will you please shine her the way

  (shine he the way)

  God will you let her know that I love her so

  When theres no one there that she"s" not alone

  Just close her eyes and let her know

  My heart is beating with hers

  Is beating with hers (ooo)

  My heart is beating with hers (oooo)

  It"s beating with hers

  Oh~~~ it"s beating with hers

  (it"s beating with hers)



  Devotion是由五个来自美国加州橘子郡的小伙子在1997年组建的乐队,乐队在2000年2月推出了第一张专辑《Image Of Devotion》,歌曲My prayer就是出自这张专辑。而其中的单曲When I与Talking 2 U在美国的亚裔市场取得了轰动的效应,使得Devotion乐队成功晋身为美国三大亚裔乐队之一(另外两支为Kai与One Voice)。而When I单曲的销售量在北卡地区登顶。之后,他们进行了一次“Image of Devotion”之旅,在圣地亚哥、洛杉矶、旧金山、西雅图、多伦多、芝加哥、纽约、休斯敦和拉斯维加斯等地巡回演出。之后,在2002年Devotion与菲律宾唱片公司Viva签约,在2003年7月,他们推出了另一张专辑《Devotion》,这张专辑共收录14首歌,其中有12首由他们自己创作。其中,单曲“So Wonderful”在电台播出后反响非常强烈,被收录进菲律宾电影《Walang Kapalit》做电影音乐。期间,他们在MTV Asia上亮过相,2004年,Devotion重新回到美国加入jE唱片公司开始新的歌曲创作。

  我想告诉大家的事,Image Of Devotion中不只是只有My Prayer一首好歌,Devotion5位成员都相当有实力,歌曲无论从配乐到和声的处理,从歌词到旋律都十分精致,完美,这张完美的专辑为何未造成很大的反响,实在让人不解。听听吧,以Devotion的话说,他们的音乐是Soul Music——触及灵魂的歌曲,来自Devotion的演唱。

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《My Prayer》

My Prayer(我的祈祷)
“Dear god:
I know that she"s out there...
the one I"m suppose to share my whole life with.
她,那个我想要与她共度一生的人, 虽然不在这里……
And in"ll show her to me.
但是我相信,某个时候, 你将会让我见到她。
Will you take care of her,
comfort her,
and protect her...
until that day we meet.
And let her know...
my beating with hers
In a dream I hold you close
Embracing you with my hands
You gazed at me with eyes full of love
And made me understand
That I was meant to share it with you,My heart my mind my soul
Then I open my eyes
And all I see reality shows I"m alone
But I know someday that you"ll be by my side
Cause I know god"s just waiting till the time is right
God will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm
When the day"s cold will you keep her warm
When the darkness falls will you please shine her the way
God will you let her know that I love her so
When theres no one there that she"s not alone
Just close her eyes and let her know
My heart is beating with hers
So I prayed until that day (prayed until that day)
When our hearts will beat as one
(when our hearts hearts will beat as one)
I will wait so patiently (patiently)
For that day to come (for that day to come)
I know someday that you"ll be by my side
Cause I know god"s just waiting till the time is right
God will you keep her safe from the thunderstorm
When the day"s cold will you keep her warm
when the darkness falls will you please shine her the way
(shine he the way)
God will you let her know that I love her so
When theres no one there that she"s" not alone
Just close her eyes and let her know
My heart is beating with hers
Is beating with hers (ooo)
My heart is beating with hers (oooo)
It"s beating with hers
Oh~~~ it"s beating with hers
(it"s beating with hers)





devotion的用法主要作名词使用,意思是献身,忠诚;信仰,短语包括in devotion to 在献身于…时等。 扩展资料 devotion的用法主要作名词使用,意思是献身,忠诚;信仰等。devotion的短语包括with devotion 虔诚地,专心地;in devotion to 在献身于…时,为献身…;without single devotion专心致志地等。
2023-06-12 13:24:221


When I单曲的销售量在北卡地区登顶。之后,他们进行了一次“Image of Devotion”之旅,在圣地亚哥、洛杉矶、旧金山、西雅图、多伦多、芝加哥、纽约、休斯敦和拉斯维加斯等地巡回演出。之后,在2002年Devotion与菲律宾唱片公司Viva签约,在2003年7月,他们推出了另一张专辑《Devotion》,这张专辑共收录14首歌,其中有12首由他们自己创作。其中,单曲“So Wonderful”在电台播出后反响非常强烈,被收录进菲律宾电影《Walang Kapalit》做电影音乐。期间,他们在MTV Asia上亮过相,2004年,Devotion重新回到美国加入jE唱片公司开始新的歌曲创作。我想告诉大家的是,Image Of Devotion中不只是只有My Prayer一首好歌,Devotion5位成员都相当有实力,歌曲无论从配乐到和声的处理,从歌词到旋律都十分精致,完美,这张完美的专辑为何未造成很大的反响,实在让人不解。听听吧,以Devotion的话说,他们的音乐是Soul Music——触及灵魂的歌曲,来自Devotion的演唱。
2023-06-12 13:24:441

单词loyalty与devotion用法的区别 loyalty与devotion的区别

...他们的区别是:accomplish 指成功地完成预期的计划或达到预期的目的或成果 ...loyalty 献身; 忠心:devotion to duty 忠於职守 *
2023-06-12 13:25:001

devotions 和 devotion的区别

devotions是devotion 的变体,仅仅就一种意思,还是奉献,祈祷和虔诚大多用prayer和sincere,我认为devotion的本意是忠诚,那么忠诚的累积表现就是奉献。不妥之处请您指正。
2023-06-12 13:25:082


2023-06-12 13:25:271


问题一:无私奉献的英语怎么说 你好! 无私奉献 Selfless dedication 问题二:无私奉献的英语怎么说?devotion怎么用? 无私奉献 selfless devotion devotion [di"v?u??n] n. 献身,忠诚 例句用法: He works with greater devotion. 他工作得更专心了。 His devotion to music is plain to see. 他对音乐的挚爱是显而易见的。 His devotion led him to the priesthood. 他的信仰使他成为祭司。 问题三:关于无私奉献的英语短文 Selfless contribution is very important in our life. We need it very much if we want to live in harmony. Many people who are in trouble need our help. For me, I want to be a volunteer whose job deserves no price. If there were many more volunteers, our society would be better. Though being ready to help others is very difficult, many people,no matter whether they are old or young,men or women,strong or weak,like to help those in trouble. Only in this way can we live happily. So we hope that there are more and more people to be volunteers. 亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V! 望采纳,thanks! 问题四:一个爱你并且无私奉献的父母英语怎么说 Parents who love you and devote care upon you without any selfish heart. 问题五:没有做到无私奉献用英语怎么说啊????急求!!!谢啦 没有做到无私奉献 I failed to be selfless. 直译就是这么说 问题六:默默无闻无私奉献的人 用英语怎么说 默默无闻无私奉献的人的英文翻译_百度翻译 默默无闻无私奉献的人 An anonymous person 默默无闻无私奉献的人的英文翻译_百度翻译 默默无闻无私奉献的人 An anonymous person 问题七:有关 无私奉献 的英语格言警句 giving is better than asking 问题八:无私奉献的精神四级英语作文 My Mother isa kind and gentle woman.She is always very gentle.She takes good care of her children and keeps them all at school.I have one brother and two sistets.So she gets four children in all.She gives us every fort.We all love her and she loves us also. My mother has too much to do in bringing us up.As our family is too poor to keep a servant,my mother has always to do very much work.She gets up very early and sleeps very late every day.She works hard,yet without plaining. She is also a thrifty,and industrious woman.She saves every cent that she can and keeps everything in order.As she has been busy eversince she was young,she looks older than she really is.Her face is wrinkled,her hair bees silver white,but she works as hard as ever. Often she says to us,work while you work,play while you play.If you do not work,you will bee lazy and of no use to society. What piece of good advice this is!We must worth it well and always keep it in our mind.
2023-06-12 13:25:341


最近,Eason又发了首新歌《可一可再》. 可一不可再,粤语:意味着已经发生的事,难以再来第二次.感情也是如此可一可再,意味着:分开之后,你我仍会在一起,是很奢侈的念...
2023-06-12 13:25:423

Devotion 的My Prayer的歌词作者是谁?

呵呵,我也对此有些兴趣,网上面找了些资料。Devotion的5位成员:(貌似都是菲律宾裔)John-Paul RiturbanRichmond AndalEric CruzRodney HidalgoIan PesiganDevotion的歌基本都是他们自己创作的,所以My Prayer的词曲应该也不例外,是由以上5位中的某位创作的。而歌曲是由以上5位的某位领唱的....附上Devotion乐队的资料:Devotion是由五个来自美国加州橘子郡的小伙子在1997年组建的乐队,成员是John-Paul Riturban, Richmond Andal, Eric Cruz, Rodney Hidalgo和Ian Pesigan。乐队在2000年2月推出了第一张专辑《Image Of Devotion》,歌曲My prayer就是出自这张专辑。之后,他们进行了一次“Image of Devotion”之旅,在圣地亚哥、洛杉矶、旧金山、西雅图、多伦多、芝加哥、纽约、休斯敦和拉斯维加斯等地巡回演出。2003年7月,他们推出了另一张专辑《Devotion》,这张专辑共收录14首歌,其中有12首由他们自己创作。其中,单曲“So Wonderful”在电台播出后反响非常强烈,被收录进菲律宾电影《Walang Kapalit》做电影音乐。Formed in 1997, Devotion consists of the songwriting and vocal talents of John-Paul Riturban, Richmond Andal, Eric Cruz, Rodney Hidalgo, and Ian Pesigan. Their debut album, was released in February 2000 spawning two hit singles, When I and Talkin 2 U. Immediately the group made an impression on the Asian American music scene becoming one of the top 3 artists in this genre alongside groups such as Kai and One Voice. Devotion"s single When I became a top selling single for Tower Records" 4th market (Northern California/ Bay Area) region while Talkin 2 U was included in the motion picture film, The Debut starring Dante Basco and Joy Bisco, as well as on the soundtrack. Their Image of Devotion Tour in support of the album release included cities all across the U.S. and Canada from San Diego to Seattle, Chicago to Toronto, New York to Virginia, and Houston to Las Vegas. They have also had the opportunity to share the stage with artists such as Regine Velasquez, Sharon Cuneta, and Martin Nievera. In 2002 they signed a multi-album deal with Viva Records of the Philippines, toured the country, appeared on several national TV shows like MTV Asia, and released the Devotion album as well as a live acoustic concert CD under the Viva label. Today the group is back in the states reunited with the jE label and is currently working on new material. 这段英语的大意:1997年成立,2000年发行Image Of Devotion并在美国巡演,成为三大美国亚裔演唱组合之一,大概是爱国心切(汗),2002年签约了菲律宾的唱片公司,03年发行了第二张专辑Devotion(新创作了Angel From Above,Fall In Love这些同样出色的歌曲,但不少还是Image Of Devotion的歌曲,题外话),04年又终于回到美国,加入新的唱片公司,并开始新的歌曲创作。但到现在还没新的专辑,不知道是为什么。他们最新的资料实在找不到。
2023-06-12 13:26:011

baby vox 的第六张专集Devotion都有什么歌

专辑名称:vol.6-Devotion Poster 歌手名称:Baby VOX 全部歌曲 唱片公司:doremi media co., ltd 专辑语种:韩语 韩国五人女子组合Baby Vox推出第六张大碟《Devotion》,展现她们性感的舞姿及强而有力的声线;今次她们尝试以欧洲甚为流行的中版节奏音乐。主打歌“Na Eo duk hae”(what should I do...) 改编自Kim Chang-Hwan的歌曲,再加上强劲的节拍及她们成熟的声线,令人耳目一新! 另外,她们亦请来著名流行曲制作人Shim Sang-Won打造“Please hold me”和“Loveless”,她们高唱一首国语歌“I"m still loving you”,更成功打入中国十大流行榜之一,当然不少得她们喜爱的punky、disco及R&B乐曲!歌曲列表:1 我怎么办? 2 送别 3 悲伤的期待 4 伤处 5 是爱吗 6 抓住我吧 7 Loveless 8 眼泪 9 虚假的爱 10 抛弃的离别 11 最后 查看下载 12 A.S.A.P(As soon as possible) 13 偶然(Deep club Re-mix) 14 I
2023-06-12 13:26:101

介绍devotion乐队 用中文啊他们的官网 你在用Google 网页翻译翻译一下
2023-06-12 13:26:161


  devotion 英[du026au02c8vu0259u028au0283n] 美[du026au02c8vou028au0283n]  n. 忠诚; 热爱; 献身,奉献; 信仰,祈祷;  [例句]At first she was flattered by his devotion.  刚开始他的爱慕让她感到荣幸。  [其他] 复数:devotions
2023-06-12 13:26:481

Sean Maguire的《Devotion》 歌词

歌曲名:Devotion歌手:Sean Maguire专辑:Sean MaguireDevotion (feat. Kylie Minogue)Inside the heart of every man there is so much to understandAnd I"m just the sameWhen all the love has gone away and passion stares me in the faceCould I walk awayEars open you"ll help me to be braveDevotion save me nowI don"t wanna stray from the hallow groundI"ll turn temptation downI"m asking you to take me to safety this timeForgive my thoughts when I"m asleepForgive these words I"m yet to speakI feel so ashamedRight now you seem so far awaySo much confusion clouds my mindAnd I don"t know which path to takeEars open you"ll help me to resistDevotion save me nowI don"t wanna stray from the hallow groundI"ll turn temptation downI"m asking you to take me to safety this timeDevotion, devotionI"m a slave unto the mercy of your loveFor so long, I"ve been so wrongI could never live without youDevotion, devotionTake me to safety----- e n d -----
2023-06-12 13:27:491

Jim Brickman的《Devotion》 歌词

歌曲名:Devotion歌手:Jim Brickman专辑:Pure Jim BrickmanDevotion (feat. Kylie Minogue)Inside the heart of every man there is so much to understandAnd I"m just the sameWhen all the love has gone away and passion stares me in the faceCould I walk awayEars open you"ll help me to be braveDevotion save me nowI don"t wanna stray from the hallow groundI"ll turn temptation downI"m asking you to take me to safety this timeForgive my thoughts when I"m asleepForgive these words I"m yet to speakI feel so ashamedRight now you seem so far awaySo much confusion clouds my mindAnd I don"t know which path to takeEars open you"ll help me to resistDevotion save me nowI don"t wanna stray from the hallow groundI"ll turn temptation downI"m asking you to take me to safety this timeDevotion, devotionI"m a slave unto the mercy of your loveFor so long, I"ve been so wrongI could never live without youDevotion, devotionTake me to safety----- e n d -----
2023-06-12 13:27:561

Newsboys的《Devotion》 歌词

歌曲名:Devotion歌手:Newsboys专辑:The Ultimate CollectionDevotion (feat. Kylie Minogue)Inside the heart of every man there is so much to understandAnd I"m just the sameWhen all the love has gone away and passion stares me in the faceCould I walk awayEars open you"ll help me to be braveDevotion save me nowI don"t wanna stray from the hallow groundI"ll turn temptation downI"m asking you to take me to safety this timeForgive my thoughts when I"m asleepForgive these words I"m yet to speakI feel so ashamedRight now you seem so far awaySo much confusion clouds my mindAnd I don"t know which path to takeEars open you"ll help me to resistDevotion save me nowI don"t wanna stray from the hallow groundI"ll turn temptation downI"m asking you to take me to safety this timeDevotion, devotionI"m a slave unto the mercy of your loveFor so long, I"ve been so wrongI could never live without youDevotion, devotionTake me to safety----- e n d -----
2023-06-12 13:28:031

Gary Numan的《Devotion》 歌词

歌曲名:Devotion歌手:Gary Numan专辑:OutlandDevotion (feat. Kylie Minogue)Inside the heart of every man there is so much to understandAnd I"m just the sameWhen all the love has gone away and passion stares me in the faceCould I walk awayEars open you"ll help me to be braveDevotion save me nowI don"t wanna stray from the hallow groundI"ll turn temptation downI"m asking you to take me to safety this timeForgive my thoughts when I"m asleepForgive these words I"m yet to speakI feel so ashamedRight now you seem so far awaySo much confusion clouds my mindAnd I don"t know which path to takeEars open you"ll help me to resistDevotion save me nowI don"t wanna stray from the hallow groundI"ll turn temptation downI"m asking you to take me to safety this timeDevotion, devotionI"m a slave unto the mercy of your loveFor so long, I"ve been so wrongI could never live without youDevotion, devotionTake me to safety----- e n d -----
2023-06-12 13:28:101


我根据语法来分析一下吧,你自己分析一下我说的有没有道理:that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to 就是“从这些光荣的死者身上,我们获得了增长的牺牲精神”后面的 that 是从句,表示这种“献身精神”导致了( cause for) 他们献出(给出)了(which they gave) 自己最后的一份力量(承诺)(the last full measure of devotion)其实devotion 这个词,本义是两个,一个是热爱---great love,affection, 还有一个意思是对一个特定活动的承诺 --- a commitment to a particular activity. 所以它会被翻译成 “献身,奉献,忠诚”,因为这些都是一种对承诺的实现。还有因为 the last full measure of devotion 实际上已经成为了习惯用语(主要还是因为林肯),就是“鞠躬尽瘁死而后已”的意思,比如:I began to realize that Gussie was offering her own last true measure of devotion.我开始意识到格西的确在实践“鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已”。所以很不好翻译,毕竟英语和中文是两种语言。像这种文艺向的宣言,很难翻好的,但意思可以理解清楚,希望你好好研究一下语法,这样自己翻译起来也方便,我水平有限就不自己翻译献丑了。
2023-06-12 13:28:271


专心地英文:with devotion.1、杰克逊先生专心致志地研究汉语。Mr Jackson devotes his attention to the study of Chinese.2、那位勤奋的学生一直在专心地学习。The diligent student engaged himself in concentrated study .3、玛丽总是专心地做好她的工作。Mary always attends to her work.4、汤姆半张着嘴,专心地听我讲。Tom listened to me attentively, his mouth half open.5、你放松身心,专心地看着电视。You may be entirely relaxed, settling down to watch some TV.专心双语例句:1、他在专心看电视,没听见门铃声。He was too absorbed in his TV programme to hear the bell.2、她干什么事都很专心。She is attentive in whatever she is doing.3、她工作起来专心致志,不让任何事使自己分心。She worked with single-minded determination, letting nothing distract her.4、他话也不答,头也不回,只顾专心干他的事儿。He kept bent on his work without so much as a reply or a turn of his head.5、吉尔专心在读她的园艺杂志。Gill was intent on her gardening magazine.
2023-06-12 13:28:481

devotion 和 dedication 有什么区别

2023-06-12 13:29:201


devote词语用例:短语动词。1、devote yourself to sb/sth献身;致力;专心to give most of your time, energy, attention, etc. to sb/sth把你的大部分时间、精力、注意力等放在某人/某事上2、devote sth to sth把…用于to give an amount of time, attention, etc. to sth给予某物一定的时间、注意力等
2023-06-12 13:29:591

my prayer devotion 歌名的中文含义

myprayer(我祈祷)演唱:devotiondeargod敬爱的上帝啊iknowthatshe"soutthere...我知道她在那里theonei"msupposetosharemywholelifewith那个我将与之共度一生的人andintime...在某个时刻you"llshowhertome您会让我见到她willyoutakecareofher请您好好照顾她comforther让她过得舒适andprotecther...还要佑护她...untilthatdaywemeet直到我们见面的那一天andletherknow...还有让她知道....myheart...我的心....isbeatingwithhers只为她而跳动inadreamiholdyouclose睡梦中我常常梦到你embracingyouwithmyhands用我的手拥抱你yougazedatmewitheyesfulloflove你用充满爱意的眼神凝视着我andmademeunderstand我知道thatiwasmeanttoshareitwithyou我应该与你分享这一切myheartmymindmysoul我的心我的思想我的灵魂theniopenmyeyes然而当我睁开眼睛andalliseerealityshowsi"malone看到的却依然是我孤身一人butiknowsomedaythatyou"llbebymyside但我知道总有一天你会出现在我身边causeiknowgod"sjustwaitingtillthetimeisright因为上帝正在安排这个神圣的时刻godwillyoukeephersafefromthethunderstorm上帝你能不能让她平安远离风暴whentheday"scoldwillyoukeepherwarm当天气寒冷时你能给她温暖吗whenthedarknessfallswillyoupleaseshinehertheway当黑夜来临时你能给她光明吗godwillyouletherknowthatiloveherso上帝你能不能让她知道我如此爱她whentheresnoonetherethatshe"snotalone让她知道即使世界上没有其他人她也不会孤单justclosehereyesandletherknow让她知道只要她闭上眼睛就能感受到myheartisbeatingwithhers我的心在为她跳动soiprayeduntilthatday(prayeduntilthatday)我祈祷那天能出现whenourheartswillbeatasone(whenourheartsheartswillbeatasone)我们感受到彼此的心在同时跳动iwillwaitsopatiently(patiently)我会一直耐心的等下去forthatdaytocome(forthatdaytocome)直到那一天来临iknowsomedaythatyou"llbebymyside我知道总有一天你会出现在我身边whenthedarknessfallswillyoupleaseshinehertheway(shinehetheway)当黑夜来临时你能给她光明吗isbeatingwithhers在为她跳动oh~~~哦~~~~(it"sbeatingwithyours在为你跳动)电影《机器人总动员》MyPrayer(我的祈祷)  一个痴情地用一生等待着真爱的男子,为了自己和爱的人向上帝的祈祷
2023-06-12 13:30:061

My Devotion 歌词

歌曲名:My Devotion歌手:Dinah Washington专辑:Roulette Sessions In LoveStart that trackYeahHey RJ, you ready?OhhYeah yoOoo yeah yeahOnly when I stop to take a breathOnly every time I take a stepThat"s the only time I grow to love you even moreEverytime I think I"m sure I knowOur love has gone as deep as it can goSuddenly the feeling gets much stronger than beforeYou"re my reason whyYou"re my living stream in a desert dryAnd you can believe meIf you ever ask me toThere"s nothing in this world I wouldn"t doLike giving You the best of meI don"t wanna give you half a heartI don"t wanna hold back any part)Oh of my devotionI don"t wanna turn and walk awayCause I wanna walk with you each dayDay by dayLoving you in slow emotionI just wanna take my own sweet timeSpending every moment of my lifeDiscovering the mystery of everything you areThis is not a temporary thingI"m saying you can always count me inAnd if you ever call me there"s no road that"s too farYou"re my dreaming placeJust the thought of youIt carries me awayAnd I see foreverYou"re the arms I fall intoThere"s nothing in this world I wouldn"t doJust to know you betterI don"t wanna give you half a heartI don"t wanna hold back any partOh of my devotionOh ohI don"t wanna turn and walk awayCause I wanna walk with you each dayDay by dayLoving you in slow emotionLet"s be real for a secondSee there"s so many timesThat I"ve taken your love for grantedIt"s hard work for us to grow the seed that we plantedI pick up the piecesOf the past and present problemsYou have perfectly placed in my pathTo help me solve themI can"t even try to lieLike I ain"t blown awayI guess it"s just a simple factAnd now I know today I"m tired of playing games with my devotionI just wanna press rewind and play it back in slow emotionI don"t wanna give you half a heartI"m never gonna turnI don"t wanna turn and walk awayCause I wanna walk with you each dayLoving you in slow emotionI don"t wanna give you half a heartI don"t wanna hold back any partOh of my devotionOh ohI don"t wanna turn and walk awayCause I wanna walk with you each dayDay by dayLoving you in slow emotionOoo yeah yeah
2023-06-12 13:30:421

Devotion And Desire 歌词

歌曲名:Devotion And Desire歌手:bayside专辑:Live At The Bayside Social ClubI"m trying to create something that"s not there.A spark I saw as a bomb,Is just a means to an end.And I was just so happy to be out of my shell again,Don"t think that I really cared for who or what,So for now I"ll just have to keep it shut.If you"re not ready, you"re not ready.Please stop acting like you are.How could I know that everything you say are,Lies about devotion and desire?And I know the spark inside your eyes was just,The match I used to set myself on fire.My mouth"s shooting blanks.This situation"s unbearable,I"ve gotten vulnerable.Now anyone is free to waltz right in.My temple"s been invaded and there"s,Nobody guarding it.All over this lonely life,But what"s so wrong with being all alone?Alone"s the only way I"ve ever known.You"re not ready, you"re not ready.Please stop acting like you are.How could I know that everything you say are,Lies about devotion and desire?And I know the spark inside your eyes was just,The match I used to set myself on fire.And I"m pleading cause this kills and it"s still bleeding.My darling, I"m taking my life back to start healing.How could I know that everything you say are,Lies about devotion and desire?And I know the spark inside your eyes was just,The match I used to set myself on fire.Set myself on fire.
2023-06-12 13:31:471

Devotion means to set our heart on one thing at a time and give up all other thoughts 可以

2023-06-12 13:31:551

Devotion And Desire 歌词

歌曲名:Devotion And Desire歌手:bayside专辑:BaysideI"m trying to create something that"s not there.A spark I saw as a bomb,Is just a means to an end.And I was just so happy to be out of my shell again,Don"t think that I really cared for who or what,So for now I"ll just have to keep it shut.If you"re not ready, you"re not ready.Please stop acting like you are.How could I know that everything you say are,Lies about devotion and desire?And I know the spark inside your eyes was just,The match I used to set myself on fire.My mouth"s shooting blanks.This situation"s unbearable,I"ve gotten vulnerable.Now anyone is free to waltz right in.My temple"s been invaded and there"s,Nobody guarding it.All over this lonely life,But what"s so wrong with being all alone?Alone"s the only way I"ve ever known.You"re not ready, you"re not ready.Please stop acting like you are.How could I know that everything you say are,Lies about devotion and desire?And I know the spark inside your eyes was just,The match I used to set myself on fire.And I"m pleading cause this kills and it"s still bleeding.My darling, I"m taking my life back to start healing.How could I know that everything you say are,Lies about devotion and desire?And I know the spark inside your eyes was just,The match I used to set myself on fire.Set myself on fire.
2023-06-12 13:32:081


2023-06-12 13:32:164


忠心  人心想不到任何的忠心 强过海岸对着海深—— 抱住一个弧形的名分 历数一种无尽的浮沉。忠贞 不知道还有怎样的忠贞 胜过岸对海的一往情深 — 守住了一个弧度, 默数无尽的往复。忠贞想不出怎样的挚爱胜过岸对海的眷顾守望一阙海湾默数无尽往复本人最喜欢这个翻译。君子不器指的是君子不应该像器具那样只有一种功能和用途,应该多才多艺。所以,翻译过来就是:A man of honor should be versatile.
2023-06-12 13:32:251


如何实现成功(How to make Success): Some people say the key to success is the luck, while others claim it is hard work. As far as I am concerned, there are many factors contributing to success and the three fundamental ones are diligence, devotion and perseverance. Diligence is the first key factor to success. Diligence helps us remove ignorance, overe difficulties, and enlighten our minds. It makes a fool wise, and a poor man rich. Devotion is another factor to success. Whatever we do, we must love it and do it whole-heartedly. Only when we set our minds on the job, can we do it well. Furthermore, perseverance, or a strong will, is the last key to success. Without a strong will, we are likely to give up when we meet some difficulties, let alone perform wonderful deeds. To conclude, all great men achieve success through diligence, devotion and perseverance. Just as the famous saying goes, "No pains, no gains", "Where there is a will, there is a way." 希望你能采纳我的 o()^))o 唉   如何实现成功(How to make Success): Some people say the key to success is the luck, while others claim it is hard work. As far as I am concerned, there are many factors contributing to success and the three fundamental ones are diligence, devotion and perseverance. Diligence is the first key factor to success. Diligence helps us remove ignorance, overe difficulties, and enlighten our minds. It makes a fool wise, and a poor man rich. Devotion is another factor to success. Whatever we do, we must love it and do it whole-heartedly. Only when we set our minds on the job, can we do it well. Furthermore, perseverance, or a strong will, is the last key to success. Without a strong will, we are likely to give up when we meet some difficulties, let alone perform wonderful deeds. To conclude, all great men achieve success through diligence, devotion and perseveranceJust as the famous saying goes, "No pains, no gains", "Where there is a will, there is a way."   How to Overe Difficulties in My English Studies My Experience on English Study When it es to English, some college students feel nervous, because they can not pass College English Test Band4 before graduation. That means they will not obtain bachelor"s degree when they graduate. For their part, English is a hard nut to crack. But in my opinion, it is not very difficult to learn English well. In general, English can be divided into five parts: listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation. Some students have difficulty listening. When they listen to material only one time, they don"t understand what it is about at all. When they listen o times more, they can hear several words, but still can not grasp the general idea. To improve your listening, I think, first of all, you should enlarge your English vocabulary. The more, the better. We can imagine if you know few words, you will surely not understand what the speakers mean. Secondly, you had better use some better teaching materials to practise listening. I believe Listen To This is a good book. You can have a try. Finally, practise more. We know practice makes perfect. If you don"t know what the speakers say for the first time, you should listen again and again until you absolutely understand the main idea. Furthermore, I think the best way to improve your English is to listen to the radio or the tapes every day. If your English is relatively poor, you can listen to VOA Special English every day. If your English is good, you can also listen to VOA Standard English per day. Talking about speaking, many students have the same feeling that they know the words, but they can"t express themselves in English. This phenomenon is regarded as “dumb English” in China. How to improve speaking? Firstly, you must overe your timidity. Don"t be shy to speak English. It doesn"t matter whether or not what you say in English is right. You don"t take it too much to heart. Open your mouth, speak out. Keep your courage and you"ll overe all the difficulty. Secondly, speak more. If you have a partner, you can speak English with him or her if you have time. It is a good method to improve your speaking. If you don"t find a partner, you can view yourself as your partner. You ask yourself some questions in English and then answer them. In addition, you should usually go to English Corner, where you can avail yourself of the opportunity to speak English with others. But I find that most of the students who often go to English Corner major in English. Therefore, my suggestion is that all of you should go there frequently to practise your spoken English. What"s more, please attach great importance to imitation in the course of speaking English. Imitate the speakers" pronunciation, tone and so on as possible as you can. As to reading, it plays an essential part in learning English. The more you read, the more you benefit. If you read nothing at all, you will harvest nothing at all. Reading not only can improve your English, but also can expand your horizon. In your spare time, you"d better read some English magazines( such as The World of English, Overseas English), English newspapers( such as China Daily, 21st Century), English novels( such as David Copperfield, EMMA, Oliver Twist). Writing is part of learning English, too. Some students feel that they have nothing to write. When asked to write articles by their teachers, they are at a loss as to how to begin writing. This is prevalent. To solve that problem, in the first place, we should read a great many English articles, books, magazines and the like, to broaden our mind. In doing so, we will have something to write. In the second place, form the habit of keeping diary in English. Keeping diary in English enables us to make use of English every day. In the third place, try to write articles on certain topics. For example, which is more important: love or money? And then correct them a few times until they are perfect. Of the five parts, translation is considered to be the most difficult one. Indeed, it is not a piece of cake to master translation. There are o kinds of translation, we know. One is “translate Chinese into English.” The other is “translate English into Chinese.” To do translation well, one must have rich knowledge. Furthermore, his or her Chinese is excellent. If your Chinese is poor, it is impossible for you to do translation well. So we should learn Chinese well first. In addition, he or she must have unusual ability in English and Chinese. There are other factors determining the translation is good or bad. For instance, your understanding to English words and expressions, especially idiom, slang. For example, how to translate “like a dog with o tails” into Chinese? I think many people have no idea what it means. Another instance, how to translate “a *** all fortune” into Chinese? I believe many of us certainly can"t be more wrong. Those questions require us to do further research
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2023-06-12 13:33:001


(How to make Success):Some people say the key to success is the luck, while others claim it is hard work. As far as I am concerned, there are many factors contributing to success and the three fundamental ones are diligence, devotion and perseverance. Diligence is the first key factor to success. Diligence helps us remove ignorance, overcome difficulties, and enlighten our minds. It makes a fool wise, and a poor man rich. Devotion is another factor to success. Whatever we do, we must love it and do it whole-heartedly. Only when we set our minds on the job, can we do it well. Furthermore, perseverance, or a strong will, is the last key to success. Without a strong will, we are likely to give up when we meet some difficulties, let alone perform wonderful deeds. To conclude, all great men achieve success through diligence, devotion and perseveranceJust as the famous saying goes, "No pains, no gains", "Where there is a will, there is a way."
2023-06-12 13:33:081


挚爱 [zhì ài]基本翻译true lovedevotion网络释义挚爱:True Love|My Love Is Your Love|devotion挚爱小镇:Dea Little Town In The Old County Down付出挚爱:You Give Good Love
2023-06-12 13:33:151

想找一首歌 是一首英文歌 男的唱的 开头是一段独白 歌词中有个单词是“pray”

my prayer devotion
2023-06-12 13:33:393

Sleepthief的《Eurydice》 歌词

歌曲名:Eurydice歌手:Sleepthief专辑:the dawnseeker乐手: Sleepthief歌名: EurydiceEurydice - sleepthie...Touch my heartHer beauty sways the godsA gift of loving daysi"ve lost you my lovelyTo the depths of an oceanMy blind faithYou follow me with your hope and devotionI sing to your freedomI"m lost to release youNo heaven waits for you my sweetI"ll follow your demise to hell and beyondSleepthief - EurydiceI"m given the chance to lead you homeNo looking back, no way to knowThe light is ahead, we"re moving slowApproaching life, where you will be homeBut I"ve lost you my lovelyTo the depths of an oceanMy blind faith,I follow you with my hope and devotionI"ll sing for your freedomI"m lost to release youNo heaven waits for us my sweetI"ll follow your demise to hell and beyondWe will meet againIn life or in deathTouch my heart beatsAnd beauty swaysMy life, a song, a longing dayI found you my lovelyIn the depths of an oceanA story together of hope and devotionI found you my lovelyIn the depths of an oceanA story forever of hope and devotionEurydice...
2023-06-12 13:33:472


第14集所有插曲如下:The Heavy “Short Change Hero” Mates of State “At Least I Have You” Hurts “Devotion” Trent Dabbs “Wrap My Mind Around You” Ed Sheeran “Give Me Love” Sugar & the Hi Lows “Stubborn Lover”The Daylights “Weapons” She Wants Revenge “Up In Flames”
2023-06-12 13:33:542


devoted意思是:忠诚。devoted美[du026au02c8vou028atu0259d]英[du026au02c8vu0259u028atu026ad],adj.挚爱的;忠诚的;全心全意的,v.“devote”的过去式和过去分词。作动词时译为“献身于…;致力于…(devote的过去分词)”。devoted造句1、The final term will be devoted to project work.最后一学期的时间将全部用于专题研究。2、First,full global manufacturing capacity is devoted to this production.第一,要有适于这生产的充足的全球制造能力。3、devoted to or appreciative of music.献身于音乐或对音乐有欣赏力的。4、He is devoted to his studies.他献身于他的研究。5、The total acreage devoted to grain production in Gortland will soon decrease.很快,用于谷物生产的总亩地数会减少。6、Instead,he devoted his life to jurisprudence and moral philosophy.而是将毕生精力献给了法学和道德哲学。7、He devoted a full column to chewing out government for illegal wiretapping.他用整栏的篇幅严厉谴责政府的非法窃听措施。8、The second part is devoted to flood hazard and inundation analysis.第二部分致力于洪水危害和淹没分析。
2023-06-12 13:34:131


devoted的用法与搭配如下:adj. 献身的;忠诚的、挚爱的、热衷于…的、专用于…的。v. 献身于…;致力于…(devote的过去分词)。Devoted 常用短语:devote 指 “决心将全部身心、活动、精力等献出”, 如:devote one"s life to a cause 把生命献给事业。If you can"t convince one other person that this is something to devote your life to, then it"s not worth it.如果你不能让他人确信这是你值得用生命去换取的,那么它就不值得你去做。Devoted 习惯用语。1、devote sth to (doing) sth 把时间(钱,精力等)献给某事物。如:They devoted a great deal of money to the improvement of the railway station.他们花了一大笔钱来改善火车站的条件。2、devote oneself to sb (doing sth)。献身于或致力于(做)某事。如:After he graduated he continued to devote himself to research.毕业之后他继续致力于研究工作。3、专用于。如:The newspaper devotes two pages to comics.这份报纸用两页版面刊登连环漫画。4、喜欢,热爱。如:She devoted herself to tennis in her teens.她在少女时代热衷于网球。5、 be devoted to sb (doing sth)。致力于,献身于。如:The students are devoted to their studies.学生们专心于学习。Devoted 的同义词如下:Dedicate:vt. 致力;献身;题献。1、奉献:为祭神或宗教目的而奉献;供奉。This was the dedication of the altar after that it was anointed.这就是用膏抹坛之后,为行奉献坛之礼所献的。2、为某一特殊用途而奉献:They dedicated their money to scientific research.他们把钱用于科学研究。3、致力:承诺一特定的想法或承诺采用一特定的行动。We dedicated ourselves to starting our own business.我们开始经营自己的买卖。4、首次向公众展示:In June 1995, I went back to Little Rock to dedicate the Mahlon Martin Apartments for low-income working people.1995年6月,我回到小石城,为面向低收入、有工作的阶层的“马伦.马丁公寓”举行落成仪式。5、题献:在(例如,一部文学作品)上题献词表示尊敬或爱戴。It is a dedication to my wife.这是给我妻子的献辞。
2023-06-12 13:35:031

devote 和 dedicate的区别

dedicatevt.奉献,献身; (为表示感情或敬意将著作、乐曲、艺术作品等)题献给(某人、某事业等)(to); (在书、音乐或作品的前部)题献辞; 以…供奉; 第三人称单数:dedicates过去分词:dedicated现在进行时:dedicating过去式:dedicateddevotevt.把…奉献(给),把…专用(于); 奉献; 第三人称单数:devotes过去分词:devoted现在进行时:devoting过去式:devoted
2023-06-12 13:35:482

be devoted to do 和be devoted to doing的区别

2023-06-12 13:35:594

“致力于”英语翻译 英文要用到devote(词组) devoted to sth./doing sth.致力于某事、 做某事。 devote one"s time/life/energy to...贡献某人的时间生命能力做某事2.可以做形容词devoted 如: a devoted worker,敬业的工人 a devoted husband对妻子忠诚的丈夫.
2023-06-12 13:37:081


2023-06-12 13:37:444


机会是被失去,所以用过去分词表被动(完成)devoted to 是固定短语,跟主动关系没有关系!
2023-06-12 13:37:524


您的问题中提到了 "dedicated",但没有明确需要对比的另一个词汇。为了回答您的问题,我将对 "dedicated" 进行详细解释,并与 "devoted" 进行对比。一、含义解释:二、语法、使用方法不同之处的对比:dedicated 更常用于表示对某项任务或目标的专注与献身,强调全身心地投入;devoted 通常用于表示忠诚,尤其是在人际关系中,表示对某人的关心和关爱。dedicated 可用于形容专用物品或设备;devoted 不具有此用法。三、具体用法举例:dedicated 的用例:She is dedicated to her work.(她全身心投入工作。)He is a dedicated teacher who always goes the extra mile for his students.(他是一位对学生尽心尽力的敬业教师。)This is a dedicated computer for graphic design.(这台电脑专用于平面设计。)devoted 的用例:He is a devoted father who always spends time with his children.(他是个全心全意陪伴孩子的父亲。)The devoted fans waited for hours in the rain to see their favorite singer.(忠实的粉丝们冒着雨等了几个小时就为了一睹他们最喜欢的歌手的风采。)She is a devoted supporter of animal rights.(她是动物权益的忠实支持者。)四、充分全面的决策参考:在实际应用中,我们应根据上下文和所要表达的含义来选择使用 dedicated 还是 devoted。例如,当表示全身心投入某项任务或目标时,使用 dedicated;而在表达对某人的关心和关爱时,使用 devoted。通过对这两个词汇的全面推荐和深度分析,我们可以更高效地在实际英语表达中运用它们,提高我们的语言表达能力。
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2023-06-12 13:23:001


要下载Dew Player然后就可以打开了
2023-06-12 13:21:451

DEW 礼物 歌词翻译

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dew 他的鞋子被露水湿透了. His shoes were drenched in dew. (温暖的)阳光化去了露水. The warm sun evaporated the dew
2023-06-12 13:21:111


2023-06-12 13:21:041


季节を追いかけて歌:Dew 作词:李和淑 作曲:牧野奏海 季节(きせつ)を追(お)いかける君(きみ)たちはいつの日(ひ)か 梦(ゆめ)を追(お)いかけてゆくんだなはるか 远(とお)く远(とお)く不思议(ふしぎ)だね 広(ひろ)い空(そら)の下(した)ではいつも新(あたら)しい笑颜(えがお)が见(み)つかるびゅんびゅんと 风(かぜ)を切(き)って飞(ひ)まわってる走(はし)るのそんなに速(はや)かったっけトンボの群(む)れが気(き)づかせてくれた未来(みらい)への确(たし)かな羽(は)ばたきそれは茜色(あかねいろ)の思(おも)い出(で)になる季节(きせつ)を追(お)いかけて君(きみ)たちはいつの日(ひ)か 梦(ゆめ)を追(お)いかけてゆくんだなはるか 远(とお)く远(とお)く不思议(ふしぎ)だね ちょっと前(まえ)までは私(わたし)の手(て) ずっと离(はな)さなかったのにぴょんぴょんと 自分(じぶん)の世界(せかい)ではしゃいでるひろげたその手(て)で何(なに)をつかむの菜(な)の花(はな)畑(はたけ)が気(き)づかせてくれた好奇心(こうきしん)のかわいいつぼみそれはきらり黄色(きいろ)の思(おも)い出(で)になる小(ちい)さな背中(せなか)を见(み)つめながら今日(きょう)の日(ひ)を 忘(わす)れたくないとつぶやいたひとり そっとそっと光(ひか)る水面(すいめん)が気(き)づかせてくれた去年(きょねん)よりはじけるしぶきそれはコバルト色(しょく)の思(おも)い出(で)になる季节(きせつ)を追(お)いかける君(きみ)たちはいつの日(ひ)か 梦(ゆめ)を追(お)いかけてゆくけれどきらめく思(おも)い出(で)が いつまでも心(こころ)をつないでくれるよ いつまでもきっと 强(つよ)く强(つよ)く
2023-06-12 13:20:451