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Bob had bitch tits。为什么里面有个bitch?意思是说男人有对bitch的?

2023-06-13 08:47:00


里面Bob切除了。。。刺激雌性激素分泌,所以他长了bitch tits。。。很多字打不出来不知道你看懂了吗

因为bitch 的tits很大。。。- -


boobs是什么意思 解析boobs的含义?

2023-06-12 00:48:152


2023-06-12 00:49:285


big breast sister boppard
2023-06-12 00:50:014


Bob has two big books.
2023-06-12 00:50:112

boobs sage咋玩的

boobs sage咋玩的。独立游戏团队Cool Girls Games在Steam上架了一款18禁格斗游戏Boobs "em up,游戏本体免费,玩法是街机类格斗,作为成人游戏,里面的角色都是果女,但现在这款游戏已被Steam下架了。说明:Boobs "em up设定相当低俗且直白,简而言之玩家可选择一个角色,并有简单的定制选项,然后是战斗练习,再进入关卡开始一场果体格斗,虽然游戏本体免费,但Cool Girls Games却不断推出收费的角色DLC,不同人种,肤色,体态与年龄的角色几乎应有尽有。在Boobs "em up被下架前,已经有多达66款DLC供玩家选择,这款游戏在8月14日被Steam官方下架,开发团队在Steam讨论区抱怨半天,而下架原因竟然是Boobs "em up的DLC数量太多了,一般来说Steam允许开发商为游戏上传100款DLC,甚至还有更多的。而Cool Girls Games上传的DLC数量显然超过了100款,被Steam认为没有事先知会,是滥用商店机制的行为而停权下架。
2023-06-12 00:50:201

We saw your boobs详细资料大全

在2013年2月24日的第85届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼上,《泰迪熊》导演塞思·麦克法兰演唱了一首让无数好莱坞女星汗颜的“色情”歌曲《We saw your boobs》(中文翻译《我们看过你的 *** 》),里面细数了在电影里“献身”的女演员。其中包含调侃在电影中露过 *** 的女星,包括安妮·海瑟薇、查理兹·塞隆、安吉丽娜·朱莉、妮可·基德曼、斯嘉丽·詹森等多位好莱坞女星纷纷中枪,凯特·温斯莱特更是连中数枪。 而在刚刚过去的2014年8月末,好莱坞女明星詹妮弗·劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawrence)的 *** 和私密 *** 在网际网路上疯狂传播。周日当晚,她便登上谷歌热门搜寻第一名。跟她一样陷入最新一轮“好莱坞艳照门”的女星多达数十人。此事传至中国,也引起网民的注意。不少网友感慨“We Saw Your Boobs”的歌词要改了。歌词中有一句“但詹妮弗·劳伦斯的 *** 我们从来没见着(We haven"t seen Jennifer Lawrence"s boobs at all)”。 基本介绍 中文名称 :《我们看过你的 *** 》 外文名称 :We saw your boobs 歌曲原唱 :塞思·麦克法兰 歌曲语言 :英语 出现的电影,演唱者,中英歌词,中文歌词,英文歌词, 出现的电影 Meryl Streep, we saw your boobs in "Silkwood" 梅丽尔·斯特里普,我们在《丝克伍事件》看到你的 *** Naomi Watts" in "Mulholland Drive" 娜奥米·沃茨的 *** 在《穆赫兰道》里 Angelina Jolie, we saw your boobs in "Gia" 安吉丽娜·朱莉的 *** 在《霓裳情挑》 Anne Hathaway, we saw your boobs in "Brokeback Mountain" 安妮·海瑟薇的 *** 在《断背山》 Halle Berry, we saw them in "Monster"s Ball" 哈利·贝瑞的 *** 在《死囚之舞》 Nicole Kidman in "Eyes Wide Shut" 妮可·基德曼的 *** 在《大开眼戒》 Marisa Tomei in "The Wrestler 玛丽莎·托梅的 *** 在《摔跤手》 Kristen Stewart, we saw your boobs in "On the Road" 克里斯汀·斯图尔特的 *** 在《在路上》 演唱者 塞思·麦克法兰,男,美国编剧、制片人、导演、演员和配音演员。代表作品为原创的美国动画系列《恶搞之家FamilyGuy》和美剧《美国老爸》。电影《泰迪熊》导演编剧兼Ted的配音。 中英歌词 中文歌词 We saw your boobs 我们看过你的 *** 我们看过你的 *** 在看的电影里看过你的 *** 梅丽尔·斯特里普的 *** 在《丝克伍事件》中看过 娜奥米·沃茨的是在《穆赫兰道》里 安吉丽娜·朱莉我们在《霓裳情挑》中看过你 *** 它们让人兴奋让人充满活力 我们在《断背山》中看过安妮·海瑟薇的 *** 哈莉·贝瑞的我们是在《死囚之舞》中看到 妮可·基德曼是在《大开眼戒》 玛丽莎·托梅是在《摔跤手》 但詹妮弗·劳伦斯的 *** 我们从来没见着 我们看过你的 *** 我们看过你的 *** 在看的电影里看过你的 *** 《在路上》里看了克里斯汀·斯图尔特的 *** 《女魔头》里看了查理兹·塞隆 海伦·亨特的是《亲密治疗》 而斯嘉丽·詹森的都在我们手机中 在《无法无天》里见过杰西卡·查斯坦的 *** 朱迪·福斯特的在《暴劫梨花》里见过 希拉蕊·斯旺克是在《男孩不哭》 佩妮洛普·科鲁兹是在《香草天空》 凯特·温丝莱特是在《罪孽天使》和《无名的裘德》 还有《哈姆雷特》还有《铁达尼号》 还有《携手人生》还有《身为人母》 还有《朗读者》 还有你现在拍的那什么片 我们看过你的 *** 我们看过你的 *** 女士们先生们 洛杉矶基佬合唱团 我们看过你的 *** 我们看过你的 *** 我们看过你的 *** 我们看过你的 *** *** *** 我们看过你的 *** 我们看过~~你的~~ *** ~~~ 英文歌词 We saw your boobs We saw your boobs In the movie that we saw, we saw your boobs. Meryl Streep, we saw your boobs in "Silkwood" Naomi Watts" in "Mulholland Drive" Angelina Jolie, we saw your boobs in "Gia" They made us feel excited and alive. Anne Hathaway, we saw your boobs in "Brokeback Mountain" Halle Berry, we saw them in "Monster"s Ball" Nicole Kidman in "Eyes Wide Shut" Marisa Tomei in "The Wrestler," but We haven"t seen Jennifer Lawrence"s boobs at all. We saw your boobs We saw your boobs In the movie that we saw, we saw your boobs. Rate Seth MacFarlane"s hosting skills now!
2023-06-12 00:50:491


第一集 Pick up! Tables 12,4,11 12,4,11号桌上菜 Got it 来了 Hey, When you get a second, stop looking at my boobs. 等你Y有空,麻烦把淫眼从我奶上移开 Excuse me,Waitress?Dude? 麻烦一下,服务员?小儿? Hi,What can I get ya? 你好,请问要点什么? We need some ... 我们需要些... Is that annoying? 看了会不爽吗? Is that obnoxious and rude? 觉得对方又欠扁又无礼吗 Would you find it distracting if someone did that to you while you were working? 当你工作的时候如果有人对你这么做,你会觉得烦吗? Oh, you don"t have a job. Sorry. 哎呀,忘记你没工作了 抱歉 Damn, dude, she burned you. 靠,伙计,她完胜你呀 No, hipster. 别搞错了,小痞子 Do not think we"re on the same team. 别以为我跟你是一起的 We have nothing in common. 咋们到死都不是同路人 I wear knit hats when it"s cold out. 姐戴针织帽子挡酷寒 You wear knit hats cause of Coldplay. 你戴针织帽子学酷玩乐队 You have tattoos to piss off your dad. 你的纹身是想气死你爹 My dad doesn"t know he"s my dad. 我爹压根儿不知道他是我爹 And finally, you think this is the sound that gets you service. 最后,你认为一声能够得到服务 I think, this is the sound that dries up my vagina. 我觉得,这个声音我如瀑下阴也干枯 The other waitress disappeared, the Russian one. 那位俄国的服务员呢?怎么不见了? We need horseradish. 我们想要山葵酱 Please 拜托 That, ladies, is how you treat a waitress. 妹妹真乖,这样才有礼貌嘛 Paulina! 宝琳娜 Oh, so... so good, oh... 噢,爽死了 Oh, sorry, I didn"t realize you were on break. 噢,抱歉,没注意到你在休息 I just need some horseradish. 我需要山葵酱 Here. Oh, cool. 给你,噢,爽死 Excuse me, Where"s my waitress? 打扰了,服务员去哪里了? She"s coming. 她马上来 Earl. I made your favorite red velvet. My little cupcake brought me a cupcake. Let me pay you for that. Oh, no, no. It"s on the house. It"s your birthday. How old are you gonna be ? Oh, Earl, if you were just three years younger. Max, Max, big news. The new boss fired that Russian waitress, Paulina.
2023-06-12 00:50:581


2023-06-12 00:51:062

英语翻译 Boating-Boobs 什么意思?

2023-06-12 00:52:006

show me your boobs这是什么意思啊!!!!!

2023-06-12 00:52:234


如果实在忍不住想看可以去 k a u014b 3 p u25fe c u014b见识一下;;;;;;;;氧气是你。3、每次发说说原本不拥不挤的小道在此刻却变得拥挤起来心中有爱,处处是暖!原谅,错过的时光吧相思曲未尽,人儿泪潸巾,红粉扑了面彼年豆蔻,谁许谁地老天荒;经年回眸各自奔波组建家庭,遥望灯火阑珊
2023-06-12 00:52:323


Look,A pair of boobs 全部释义和例句>>看,一对胸!a pair of 英[u0259 pu025bu0259 u0254v] 美[e pu025br u028cv] [释义] 一双; [网络] 一双,一副; 一对,一双; 一对; [例句]We still lack a pair of chopsticks.还少一双筷子。
2023-06-12 00:52:541


2023-06-12 00:53:021

show me your boobs什麼意思

2023-06-12 00:53:092

求各种类似PLAYBOY的杂志啊 日本的更好咯~~邮箱

日本有个 weekly playboy,一格小站有哦!
2023-06-12 00:53:182


2023-06-12 00:53:252

lick my boobs, little bastard是什么意思?

2023-06-12 00:53:3413

有谁帮我翻译一下 "can i spank your bubydubies"

我可以摸你的小屁股? ,我也不知道。---如果你查了字典,你应该知道spank有“打...的屁股”的意思,估计应该不是太好的话,我想至少不适合中国人说。另外你女同事英语专业的,你要表达什么样的意思呢,你是愿意呢,还是不愿意呢?
2023-06-12 00:53:582


2023-06-12 00:54:096


2023-06-12 00:54:532


2023-06-12 00:55:031


2023-06-12 00:55:111

big natural boobs是什么意思

big natural boobs天然大咪咪您好,答题不易如有帮助请采纳,谢谢
2023-06-12 00:55:181

手游boobs in the city在哪能下载?官方网站直接下载记得给悬赏
2023-06-12 00:55:292


您好,这个图只是一个视频的一段截图.原名是micky bells cum on boobs
2023-06-12 00:55:361


baby生词本去背诵英 [u02c8beu026abi] 美 [u02c8beu026abi]n.婴儿; 婴孩; 幼崽; 宝贝儿vt.把…当作婴孩看待,娇养; 纵容adj.小孩似的; 孩子的; 小型的网 络宝贝;婴儿;北鼻;宝宝复数: babies 过去式: babied 过去分词: babied 现在分词: babying 第三人称单数: babies 比较级: babier 最高级: babiest派生词:babyhood
2023-06-12 00:55:551


城市里的欧派2022永久兑换码有以下这些:1. 54647io2. f625199892352nz3. ad25204273803fx4. 4x25152071573wy5. pe15195933321n86. bt25205336268277. D9G7D9S7GSC79S7G8. C7S07GSD080S07GS希望以上信息对您有所帮助,如果您还有其他问题,欢迎告诉我。
2023-06-12 00:56:082

Lick my boobs中文是什么意思?

2023-06-12 00:56:171

找一首歌 歌词如下no matter what you say,i know they are ok(听出来的) 个人感觉节奏很sexy

lene-my boobs are ok My Boobs, my boobs My boobs are ok My Boobs, my boobs My boobs are ok I"m lazy, admit it, work is not for me Busy doing nothing I"m a beauty queen I don"t cook, I don"t clean They do it for me I"m such a stupid girl I keep my religion in a Gucci purse Oh my god, I just forgot the rest of this verse Who cares? I never passed junior high It was so hard! So what? (Chorus) My Boobs, my boobs My boobs are ok My Boobs, my boobs My boobs are ok And no matter what you say I know they"re ok My boobs are ok Just stupid to study I ain"t got a brain So I never went to college Couldn"t find the way I wished every tomorrow was a holiday I"m such a crazy girl Dumb as they come, oh, can"t you see? My cup size and IQ work in harmony Just don"t ask me about economy Unless it is for free [Chorus] And with the makeup on, to make these fine A little glamour from my hips to my tongue That"s the name of the game You gotta know the rules If you wanna give up You gotta play it cool You"re so cool! Come on, girls Give me a Boo (Boo!) Give me a b (B!) Give me a s (s!) Go Boobs! Go Boobs! Go Boobs! [Chorus] My Boobs, my boobs My boobs are ok My Boobs, my boobs My Boobs, my boobs My boobs are ok My Boobs, my boobs My Boobs, my boobs My boobs are ok And no matter what you say I know they"re ok My boobs are ok
2023-06-12 00:56:251


进入方法:1、在网络上搜索城市里的欧派官网;2、点击城市里的欧派官网即可进去。城市里的欧派是一款二次元游戏。【拓展内容】城市里的欧派(Boobs in the city)是一款可以给你带来很多乐趣的二次元冒险竞技游戏,这款游戏里面的人物角色都是一位位可爱与性感并存的美少女,玩家可以选择自己喜欢的角色拿着水枪去进行战斗,游戏的玩法模式很丰富,玩家可以根据自己的喜好来自由的选择,游戏的玩法操作很简单
2023-06-12 00:56:341

information memorandum是什么意思

preliminary-information-memorandum初步信息备忘录A memorandum of understanding for co-operation between our two countries为我们两国之间的合作而达成的谅解备忘录
2023-06-12 00:57:032


  bra指的是纯棉文胸,带有法国蕾丝花边的,一般里面是有钢圈的。今天我在这里为大家介绍关于bra的英语知识,欢迎大家阅读!   bra的意思   n.胸罩   bra的英语音标   英 [brɑu02d0]     美 [brɑu02d0]   bra的网络释义   bra   胸罩; 乳罩; 巴西; 文胸 更多文胸资讯〉〉;   silicone bra   硅胶文胸; 硅胶胸垫; 硅胶隐形文胸; 自粘式硅胶胸罩;   nylon bra   尼龙乳罩;   seamless bra   无接缝胸罩; 无缝胸罩;   maternity bra   孕妇乳罩;   bra的英语例句   We have this teddy bra in black and red satin.   我们有款用黑色和红色缎子做的连身胸罩。   I can wear clingy shirts with no bra and no self-consciousness about it.   我可以穿着紧身的衣服,里面不用穿胸罩。   A bra and a pair of briefs lay on the floor 地板上有一个胸罩和一条短内裤。   A properly fitting bra should never leave red marks 合适的胸罩不会留下红色勒痕。   I put on my bra and pants 我戴上乳罩,穿上内裤。   The bra has gone from being a fashion classic to a fashion cult 胸罩已经从经典时尚转变为流行时尚。   She packed one change of underwear, eg a bra, pants, tights 她打点好一套替换的内衣物(如乳罩、 内裤 、 裤袜)。   She wears a ` D cup, ie size of bra 她戴罩杯尺寸为D的胸罩。   I"ll keep my eye open for awarthog wearing your bra and panties 我会睁大眼睛,寻找穿着你的胸罩和内裤的疣猪。   The bra security is handled by Mr Price"s diamond company 胸罩安全保障是由普莱斯先生的钻石公司负责的。   An adjustable Diamond heart on a classic black bra strap 可调节钻石心型扣在经典的黑色胸罩肩带上。   Understanding of the new standards of " Knitted Belt Abdominal " and " Bra " 对《针织腹带》 与《文胸》新标准的理解。   Japanese lingerie company has developed a concept bra a rice paddy 日本一家内衣公司日前推出一款可 种植 水稻的概念文胸。   She wears a"D cup, ie size of bra 她戴罩杯尺寸为d的胸罩。   An adjustable Diamond heart with a classic pink bra strap 可调节钻石心型扣和经典的粉红色胸罩肩带。   If you have a large bust, invest in a good support bra 如果你的胸很大, 就应当选用支撑能力好的胸罩。   Bra sellers say few of their clients are unnaturally endowed 文胸销售商表示,他们的顾客中很少有人是做过丰胸的。   The invention relates to a reversible bra and the manufacturing methodthereof 本发明涉及一种正反两面穿文胸及其制作 方法 。   An adjustable Diamond heart on a classic white bra strap 可调节钻石心型扣在经典的白色胸罩肩带上。   Please remove only your bra ( brassiere ) and put on this rob 请脱下您的胸衣穿上这件外袍。   PANTY & BRA SET COTTON, LACE , LYCRA IN USA SIZES 女裤或是胸罩套棉, 花边, 以美国标准码的弹性?   The theory behind bra size calculation is arcane and somewhat magical 胸罩尺寸计算器背后的理论是有点神秘和神奇了   关于bra的英文阅读:文胸到底要多久洗一次?   With busy family lives and demanding work schedules, it can be difficult to find time for household chores.   在繁忙的家庭生活和苛求的工作安排之下,找到时间来做 家务活 是很难的。   One woman revealed how it is often the laundry that falls to the bottom of her to-do list, admitting she only washes her three bras once a month.   一名女士透露,自己经常将洗衣服留到要做事情列表的最后,并且承认每月只会清洗一次自己的三件文胸。   Taking to Mumsnet, the woman said she was "horrified" at her routine but reasoned that "boobs are clean" so it was acceptable to re-wear them 10 times before washing.   在Mumsnet网站的帖子中,这名女士称,虽然对自己的习惯感到“害怕”,但是却由于“胸部是干净的”,所以推断文胸穿10次再洗是可以接受的。   The confession sparked a debate on the online forum, with some users branding the habit "gross" while others argued more frequent washes could damage the bra.   这一发言在该论坛上引起了激烈争论,一些用户批评这名女士的习惯很“恶心”,而其他用户则辩称清洗太过频繁会毁掉文胸。   Advice from high-end lingerie brand Rigby And Peller suggests bras should be washed after every two wears.   高端女性贴身用品品牌瑞贝柏勒给出建议称,文胸应该每穿两次就洗一次。   One Mumsnet user who said she was "shocked" by the confession wrote: "I wear a clean one everyday, I thought everybody did."   Mumsnet上一名用户对这篇帖子感到“很震惊”:“我每天都要穿干净的文胸,我以为所有人都是这样。”   Another posted: "I change my bra every day and put into the wash with everything else I"ve worn that day. I wouldn"t wear something more than once without washing."   另一条回复则说道:“我每天都要换文胸,当天穿的所有衣物都要清洗,我不会穿一件没洗的衣服两次。”   One similarly disgusted user wrote: "You should hand wash your bra after every use. I"m repulsed at the idea of re-wearing a bra - imagine all the sweat."   一位同样有点反感的用户写道:“每次穿过之后,你都应该手洗文胸。我绝对不会再穿被穿过的文胸--想想那上面的汗!”   Many said it depended on the situation, with one explaining she washed her bra "after every wear" because she has an "active job and they would stink" if she didn"t.   但是许多人也表示这取决于环境,一名用户解释称,自己“每次穿过之后”都会清洗文胸,因为她的工作“运动量很大,如果不洗的话就会变臭”。   Another user argued that she could re-wear her bra once or twice unless it was "obviously dirty" or had something "spilled on it".   另一名用户则表示,如果文胸不是“特别脏”或者“附着什么异物”的话,她会再穿一到两次。   Justifying her position, one pointed out she was following the instructions of the bra fitter. "They are expensive and washing too much ruins them," she said.   一名用户为了证明她的立场,指出自己只是遵照了文胸 说明书 的做法而已。她说道:“文胸很贵,洗的次数太多就会毁掉它们。”   Others were quick to agree with the woman asking the question. One woman wrote: "My bras don"t smell. I feel sorry for people who need to wash theirs after every wear! Perhaps it depends on your size."   还有人很快就对发帖人表示赞同,一名女性写道:“我的文胸没有味道,我真为那些每穿过一次就必须要洗的人感到难过!也许这取决于你的尺寸。” 猜你喜欢: 1. 儿童内衣广告词 2. 内衣的经典广告语大全 3. 内衣公司简介范文4篇 4. 胸罩的创意广告词 5. 胸罩英文怎么说 6. 创意内衣平面广告
2023-06-12 00:57:101


这是一个服装史的故事,多图。1.高级时装表演中模特的确大多平胸第一次关注时装中的平胸问题,是在 Project Runway 第九季里面,台裔设计师 Olivier Green 在为普通妇女设计时装的时候说的一句,those boobs really annoy me。可以说,现在的高级时装更需要平胸模特,这是事实,当下,那些大胸模特在高级时装或高级成衣的 T 台上是不受欢迎的,这是时代的潮流。现在runway上模特到底是不是大多平胸?我打开了时尚界很权威的一本杂志——Vogue的美国官网Vogue: Fashion, Beauty, Celebrity, Fashion Shows再打开位于上方的 fashion shows 板块:第一栏就是2015时装周上的模特们,什么?图太小看不清胸?所以现实中T台的模特确实大多平胸,一个品牌的模特妆容确实有其风格,但是我们可以大致判断,大多数的模特都是平胸的。因此@eno-one首先,这个结论是完全错误的。你可以说,为什么某些大牌偏好使用平胸模特,但是,你不能说很多女模都是平胸。的结论是错误的。也可以说,现在时尚偏好平胸造型。2.不能以生活中的标准审视时装表演中的模特模特本身,是时装艺术的一部分,模特是否平胸,要符合时装艺术的表现规律才能成为时代的潮流的表演者。高级时装表演是一种艺术,是不能原封不动地拿到生活中的。至于生活中的高档成衣,是设计师从之前发表的高级时装中选择方便于成衣化的设计,在一定程度上保留或集成了高级时装的某些技术,小批量生产的服装。至于大家日常穿的,并不属于这两个范畴。所以模特的身材也不能以生活中的标准考量。3.大胸时代:紧身胸衣女装设计从未停止过对于女性美的赞扬,大胸、细腰、翘臀、长腿……虽然在古代时装中就有束腰元素出现,但是根据可考西方服装史,有意识夸张胸部的女性服饰是从公元1500年前后将上衣下摆紧扎入裙内的日耳曼女性装束开始的,12-15世纪,男性的服饰也加入了束腰元素,称之为罗马式服装。(下图为罗马式服装)此后,束腰风气愈演愈烈,宫廷女性带头将束腰箍得越来越紧,从胸部到胯部,肋骨和内脏被不健康地压迫。女性的服饰则是由上半身坦胸的礼服、紧身胸衣以及夸臀部的裙子组成,时而配以夸张的头饰,更加突出大胸和细腰。(法国洛可可风格派宫廷画家让-马克纳蒂埃所作的肖像画)甚至到了19世纪90年代初期,Charles Frederick Worth首创的泡泡袖也为突出大胸和细腰的流行做出了贡献。(下图是沃斯在1894年设计的一款礼服)【紧身胸衣+泡泡袖+垫肩= 大胸的视觉效果,如何避免肩宽带来的魁梧感请戳肩宽的女生该如何穿衣服修饰】但是露脚踝并非是现代服装的变革,事实上,在18世纪,服装设计师们已经开始在大开的裙摆处运用层次丰富的面料和结构制造裙子在闪跃晃动时时隐时现的双腿和脚踝。(下图是法国洛可可画家佛拉戈纳尔在1766年作的油画《荡秋千》表现了裙摆下的脚踝与性暗喻)4.脱掉紧身胸衣,潮流引领者们一步变平胸,同时期开始出现类似于现在的模特一样的潮流引领者19-20世纪之交的时候,已经有很多作品开始推翻紧身胸衣的垄断,将女性从不舒服的胸衣中解脱出来,细腰、大胸随即消失。其中最有标志性的人物就是 Jacques Doucet 和他的学徒Paul Poiret。下图为 Jacques Doucet 设计的希腊风格女装,是废除紧身衣的鼻祖。(图片找到更好的再补充)到了20世纪20年代,紧身胸衣的流行可以说基本上完全消失了。在1900-1920之间,第一次世界大战对欧洲造成了惨重的伤害,对19世纪繁盛的欧洲高级时装业也是不小的冲击。而后,中产阶级开始成为财富的创造者,大批的女性离开家庭,走入工厂和企业,和男性并肩工作。环境、生活和资金的不足迫使她们脱下繁复的礼服和拖地的长裙,女性的服饰开始向简约化,或者说,是男性化的方向迈进,之前答案中提到的香奈儿就是这个时期的宠儿。说白了就是女性需要工作时能穿的衣服。更为关键的是,这个时期的时装界发生了两个翻天覆地的变化。第一个是时装表演的流行。19世纪的巴黎已经出现了时装表演的雏形——高级时装沙龙,前面提到的那个羊腿袖设计师 Charles Frederick Worth 也是将时装品牌化的第一人,他用自己的名字作为服装品牌的名称,用自己的妻子为模特来宣传自己设计的时装,每年会推出年度流行款式,促成流行风格的建立,从而刺激消费。而后,受一战影响没那么大的美国在1903年举行了第一场时装表演,美国时装业从此起步。到20世纪20-30年代,时装表演重返欧洲,时装业开始大规模地品牌化、商业化,职业模特也是从那个时候兴起的。下图为30年代非常有名的模特 Lisa Fonssagrives,可以从图中看出,那时的服饰结构已经非常像现代女性的服饰了,没有紧身胸衣的束缚,以及平胸。如果没有紧身衣的帮助,一个大胸的模特会将服装穿得很臃肿,没有腰线,括号型的身材与传统对女性的审美不符。所以可以这么说,时装模特从一开始就是平胸的。第二个是明星开始成为推动时装业发展的主要动力,尤以好莱坞电影明星为最,时装设计师们与电影合作,为电影明星设计时装,服饰流行进而成为平民百姓模仿的对象,女性的审美逐渐被设计师改变着。70-80年代至今,要数 Giorgio Armani 时装的银幕出镜率高,达三百多部影片,包办演唱会场次、歌曲专辑,均为时装界之冠。驾驭的艺人形象幅度跨越之大,也成功使品牌不断与时俱进。其中 Marilyn Vance 为电影做的服装设计就有59部之多。5.更为中性化、国际化的时装设计令设计师青睐平胸模特摘自百度百科20世纪60年代,在人们的记忆中,是一个社会大变革的时代。当时许多欧美国家的青年人开始奉行一套与其父辈截然不同的价值观。尤其是学生参加了政治抗议活动,并且爆发了许多反对越战和任何形式的战争。人们开始更加关注为妇女和各色人种争取更多权利。美国和英国的年轻人开始吸毒,并且比其父辈享有更多的性自由,尤其有了避孕药以后更甚。开放自由的艺术氛围推进了时装的变革,女性时装真正开始中性化是在60年代,包括透视装、迷你裙这样属于叛逆的服装,而大量中性化的裤装也开始出现在时尚界。图为1966年,Yves Saint Laurent 设计了第一款吸烟装,开启了女性穿裤装的新时代。同时,日本的时装设计师们开始将宽松、剪裁简约的日本设计理念和神秘的东方元素带到世界时装中心——巴黎,其中有三宅一生、森英惠、高田贤三、川久保玲、山本耀司等。实在找不到历史图片了,找到再补。放一张三宅一生15年春季系列的,宽松的剪裁,也非常中性化,弱化了胸部线条。同系列作品,再感受一下平胸:6.全民皆减肥的年代同期,玛丽奎恩特于1959年推出迷你裙,令女性的身材更加暴露,着装更加大胆,没了紧身胸衣的支撑与大裙摆的遮挡,想要塑造体形只能靠自己变瘦。图为1965年的迷你裙。再说一点全民变瘦的话题,仅作猜测。上古时代女性主要的工作就是生育,同时母系社会赋予她们强壮的体魄和健硕的美感,所以那时以胖为美,而这在现代社会是不需要的,我们不需要拼命地生孩子,也不需要打猎、游牧等等。人们进入农耕社会其实就开始以瘦为美,中国的杨柳细腰自不必说,欧洲的宫廷束腰文化更是令女性的食量减到最小,而田间工作的百姓自然不用追求极细的腰肢,这种由上层社会传下来的风气与习俗自然是一个时代的潮流。如今其实也是,女性的瘦似乎也是上层社会主流追求的事情,我身边还是喜欢胸大的男生多一些。至于时尚与平胸之间的关系……在时尚界,女性从来不是主宰者——至少模特不是,尽管设计师们为女性设计着华美的礼服,但是在这里,只要社会中女性的地位没有发生天翻地覆的变化,彻底压倒男性,那么女性取悦于男权的社会主题是永恒不变的,尤其是模特这个行业。摄影师、设计师、买手、时尚管理者、经纪人、时装画手……时尚圈数不清的行业都是以男性为主体的,时尚业从来都不是为了解放女性而存在的,只要她们不是社会主体。现在流行平胸只不过是时代变了,长腿、细腰已经代替大胸成为了都市时尚女性的新代名词,一个较大的胸部会让你穿衣看起来臃肿不堪,而这样的审美恰恰是一百多年来时装业向暴露化、国际化进而更加强调纵向感的发展分不开的,模特作为潮流的引领者,自然要平胸。姑娘拼命打扮自己,保持完美的身材,买时尚的衣服,画无瑕疵的妆容,有的时候会不会是以这个社会上的主导者——男性(或者可以说是时尚圈的男性?)的眼光来审视自己?7.平胸与不平胸,最后还是由时尚界的真正操控者来决定此外,不符合主流审美的模特太太多了,模特只是时装表演的一部分,是艺术的一种表现形式,并非需要满足主流口味。Kate Moss,出道时犹如未发育小孩般瘦骨嶙峋的身形,略带畸形的O型腿,脸上浮现的点点雀斑,但是并不影响她成为那个时代最伟大的模特。最后再拿她说明一个问题,女生的胸罩是一个魔术道具,而 Runway 上大多都不需要模特穿胸罩的。凯特莫斯是一个非常瘦的妹子,胸也是非常平的:但是挤挤会变大的,居然还有沟:Kate Moss 应该算是更平胸时代的推进者了,瘦瘦小小的样子却带来极大的成功,在那个时代的确非常不可思议,引来模特和设计师争相模仿也不是不可能的很多模特脱了和穿上胸罩还是有很大区别的,是不是平胸主要还是取决于设计师或者造型师:
2023-06-12 00:57:192


2023-06-12 00:59:442


您好,这个图只是一个视频的一段截图.原名是micky bells cum on boobs
2023-06-12 00:59:511

胸那么大不让摸 你还有理了 英语翻译

big boobs ,yeaaahhhno touch,enhhhh?!(配傲娇愤怒质问的表情)
2023-06-12 00:59:591

international love是什么意思

International Love(feat. Chris Brown) - PitbullWent from Mr 305" Dade County" to Mr Worldwide" all around the world Now we"re International" so international" international" so international" You can"t catch me" boy (can"t catch me" boy)I"m overseas and about a hundred G"s per showDon"t test me" boy (Don"t test me" boy)Cause I rap with the best for sure"305 till the death of meCremate my body and let the ocean have what"s left of meBut for now" forget about that"Blow the whistleBaby you"re the refereeYou put it down like New York CityI never sleep Wild like Los AngelesMy fantasy Hotter than MiamiI feel the heat Ohh" girl" it"s International loveOhh" it"s International loveI don"t play football but I"ve touched down everywhereEverywhere Everywhere I don"t play baseball but I"ve hit a home run everywhere" everywhereI"ve been to countries and cities I can"t pronounceAnd the places on the globe I didn"t know existedIn Romania she pulled me to the side and told me Pit you can have me and my sisterIn Lebanon yeah the women are bombAnd in Greece you"ve guessed it the women are sweetSpinned all around the world but I ain"t gon" lie there"s nothing like Miami"s heatYou put it down like New York CityI never sleep Wild like Los AngelesMy fantasy Hotter than MiamiI feel the heat Ohh" girl" it"s International loveOhh" It"s International loveDown in D R they"re looking for visas"I ain"t talking credit cards if you know what I mean En Cuba" la cosa esta dura But the woman get down" if you know what I mean In Colombia the women got everything done but they are some of the most beautiful women I"ve ever seenIn Brazil they"re freaky with big oh boobs and their thongs" blue yellow and green In L A tengo la Mexicana" en New York tengo la boricuaBesito para todas las mujeres en Venezuela" muah Y en Miami tengo a cualquiera You put it down like New York CityI never sleep Wild like Los AngelesMy fantasy Hotter than MiamiI feel the heat Ohh (all around the world)" it"s international love (international)Ohh" t"s international loveThere"s not a place that your love don"t affect me babySo don"t ever changeI crossed the globe when I"m with you" babyHaaayChris Brown" this is for the women worldwideLet"s rapYou put it down like New York CityI never sleep Wild like Los AngelesMy fantasy Hotter than MiamiI feel the heat Ohh" it"s International loveOhh" it"s International loveYou put it down like New York CityI never sleep Wild like Los AngelesMy fantasy Hotter than MiamiI feel the heat Ohh" it"s International loveOhh" it"s International love
2023-06-12 01:00:061

歌词翻译...BFFF-Bowling for soup

BFFF 你是我最好的朋友在世界 我希望你知道 当我们一起挂出 这是freakin真棒 打扑克至周五晚 啤酒邻MID和高尔夫球车比赛 你认为我的姐妹热 我不小心打死了你的手指 把你的写作手噢,你残疾 我打破了我的腿,你笑了这么难 并告诉救护车停在酒吧 你告诉我,世界同性恋当你在这里我说 我是真的觉得这种方式 不是说有什么错同性恋 有时,我们冲在对方的脸 就像当我打你妈妈,得到的第二个基地 我想说我爱你...在异性的方式 我们放屁和打嗝,在相同的密钥 我认为你的iPod吸 你使我的头发有趣,因为你是 消失 我见过你的阴茎你看过我的 我打开你的粉刺你擦芦荟 我晒黑回到维拉,你当我跑防御狗屎我的裤子 你觉得我的女朋友的全新胸部,你要求她拒绝吸吮时间 哦当你睡我剃光头 你醒来,你告诉我,我(死) 你告诉我,世界同性恋当你在这里我说 我是真的觉得这种方式 不是说有什么错同性恋 有时,我们冲在对方的脸 就像当我打你妈妈,得到的第二个基地 我知道你知道我爱你 (我的确很喜欢你,花花公子) 我想说我爱你...在异性的方式 不详不详不详不详 不详不详不详不详 你告诉我,世界同性恋当你在这里我说 我是真的觉得这种方式 不是说有什么错同性恋 有时,我们冲在对方的脸 就像当我打你妈妈,得到的第二个基地 我想说我爱你...在异性的方式 不详不详不详不详 不详不详不详不详
2023-06-12 01:00:324

Body Language 歌词

歌曲名:Body Language歌手:Jonathan Cain专辑:Body LanguageJesse McCartney - Body LanguageOoo, that body"s like music to my earOoo, that body"s like music to my earOoo, that body"s like music to my ear"Cause what you want is right hereOh she, oh she so internationalThe way, the way she get it on the floorI"m tryin", I"m tryin" to holler at youI want to get to know you betterParlez vous francais?Konichiwa, come and move in my wayHey, little chica from GuadeloupeThat thing you got behind you is amazingNow, I don"t speak Spanish, Japanese or FrenchBut the way that body"s talkin" definitely makes senseIt"s her, her body, her body, her body languageIt"s her, her body, her body, her body languageThe way she moves around, when she grinds to the beatBreaking it down articulatelyIt"s her, her body, her body, her body languageIt"s her, her body, her bodyThat make me want to say hey...("ah!)Hey...("ah!)Hey...("ah!)It"s her, her body, her body, her body language(C"mon) Shorty, let me whisper in your earTell you everything you wanna hearYou got my vote: Hottest Girl of the YearLet"s have a celebration, babyParlez vous francais?Konichiwa, come and move in my wayHey, little chica from GuadeloupeThat thing you got behind you is amazingI don"t speak Spanish, Japanese or FrenchBut the way that body"s talkin" definitely makes senseIt"s her, her body, her body, her body languageIt"s her, her body, her body, her body languageThe way she moves around, when she grinds to the beatBreaking it down articulatelyIt"s her, her body, her body, her body languageIt"s her, her body, her bodyThat make me want to say hey...("ah!)Hey...("ah!)Hey...("ah!)It"s her, her body, her body, her body language (C"mon)I"m lifting up my voice to sayYou"re the hottest girl in the world todayThe way you shake you got me losing my mindYou"re banging like a speakerboxTurn around; the party stopsUniversal lady, let me take you awayI don"t speak Spanish, Japanese or FrenchBut the way that body"s talkin" definitely makes sense nowIt"s her, her body, her body, her body languageIt"s her, her body, her body, her body languageIt"s the way she moves around, when she grinds to the beatBreaking it down articulatelyIt"s her, her body, her body, her body languageIt"s her, her body, her bodyYou make me want to say hey...("ah!)Hey...("ah!)Hey...("ah!)It"s her, her body, body, body language (C"mon)Ooo, that body"s like music to my earOoo, that body"s like music to my earOoo, that body"s like music to my ear"Cause what you want is right here
2023-06-12 01:00:403

big boobs 什么意思?

2023-06-12 01:00:482

Lick my boobs, little bastard 翻一下?

2023-06-12 01:01:061

chinese sexy girls是什么意思

2023-06-12 01:01:142

big boobs

2023-06-12 01:01:213

get low什么意思

  get low是 Waka Flocka Flame所演唱的以外歌曲,来听听看吧。下面是我给大家整理的get low什么意思,供大家参阅!   get low什么意思   《Get Low》是一首Waka Flocka Flame、Tyga、 Nicki Minaj、Flo Rida一起演唱的歌曲   Waka Flocka Flame出生在纽约,但他的家人却最终定居在美国佐治亚州的河谷。他一名南部说唱歌手,Debra Antney的儿子,著名说唱歌手Gucci Mane的前任经理,So Icey/Mizay Entertainment的首席执行官。他的艺名“Waka”是他的堂兄弟给的、“Flocka Flame”是Gucci Mane给的。   Waka Flocka Flame因他在2009年一首具有突破性的单曲“O Let"s Do It”而成名。2010年9月,他在亚特兰大的一个洗车场被一个持枪者抢劫,子弹穿过他的右手臂,之后,他立即与1017 Brick Squad的成员编辑唱片,首次亮相的单曲“O Let"s Do It”在Billboard Hot 100中排名#62。他的第一张专辑《Flockaveli》在2010年10月5日发布,他被MTV评为2010年第八个最热门的MC。   get low鉴赏   get low歌词   Get it low" get it low get it low get it low   To the floor to the floor to the floor to the floor   Lemme know lemme know lemme know" whats up with us   Get it on get it on get it on   I wanna get you home get you home get you home   Put it on put it on put it on   I"mma put it on put put put it on   Oooh" she"s just my type   Hair long and her eyes light   Her smile shine like the sunlight   One of a kind" baby momma type   Friend muggin" she the hater type   Waka Flocka" I"m the player type   Jewelry bright" winter white   Champagne chilled on ice   Hold up!   Every bad bitch in the club to the dance floor   Hands on your hips" get real low   Throwing money" my M.O   So slot me your info   Let me know" what you doing tonight girl   I ain"t got time for no games   I"m only here for tonight girl   Lemme see you get low" low" low   To the floor floor floor   Grab your hips girl   Fuck your man   Gimme some more more more   Lemme see you   Get it low" get it low get it low get it low   To the floor to the floor to the floor to the floor   Lemme know lemme know lemme know" whats up with us   Get it on get it on get it on   I wanna get you home get you home get you home   Put it on put it on put it on   I"mma put it on put put put it on   Ride for him   Cause he say I ride real good   Pop star" but I f-ck him like i"m still hood   Heard he wanna spend money on a red b-tch   Wanna see me do tricks with the next chick   Anyway boobs up and my a-s out   Somebody get a medic when he pass out   Big nicki in the game n-gga brick squad   I ain"t f-ck-ng with no lines n-gga" ahhh   Dis dat part when I slow it down like this" ahh   Somebody better get da b-tch another round" ahh   Fly as f-ck I need a co-pilot   When I come out it"s a m-therf-cking hoe riot   Lemme see you   Get it low" get it low get it low get it low   To the floor to the floor to the floor to the floor   Lemme know lemme know lemme know" whats up with us   Get it on get it on get it on   I wanna get you home get you home get you home   Put it on put it on put it on   I"mma put it on put put put it on   They your size" little waist don"t match your thighs   Say you"re on my level but my level too high   Looking in your eyes" don"t look so surprised   I know you ain"t heard that" before   Searching in the club and I just found one   Pick up lines" I just dropped mine   Single for the night" tryna double my fun   So whats up" to the bad bitch   In the corner" with her ass big   And her hair long" I"mma grab it   She call me daddy" but I"m a bastard   Like" I ain"t tryna be horse & carriage   Or tryna take care of you" so put your bad habit   I just wanna smash it" smash it   Pass it" show you where the cash is" cash is   But first lemme see you...   Lemme see you   Get it low" get it low get it low get it low   To the floor to the floor to the floor to the floor   Lemme know lemme know lemme know" whats up with us   Get it on get it on get it on   I wanna get you home get you home get you home   Put it on put it on put it on   I"mma put it on put put put it on   You"ll be like   Grab your legs around   I"ll be on top   Hey   You"ll be like   I"ll be like   Grab your legs around   I"ll be on top   Lemme see you   Get it low" get it low get it low get it low   To the floor to the floor to the floor to the floor   Lemme know lemme know lemme know" whats up with us   Get it on get it on get it on   I wanna get you home get you home get you home   Put it on put it on put it on   I"mma put it on put put put it on   Lemme see you   Get it low" get it low get it low get it low   To the floor to the floor to the floor to the floor   Lemme know lemme know lemme know" whats up with us   Get it on get it on get it on   I wanna get you home get you home get you home   Put it on put it on put it on   I"mma put it on put put put it on   You"ll be like   Grab your legs around   I"ll be on top   Hey   You"ll be like   I"ll be like   Grab your legs around   I"ll be on top   Yo~Cool   
2023-06-12 01:01:281

“9 to 5” 的歌词翻译

确定呦… … 。我醒来晚,每天早上经理呼吁即时通讯仍然巨大起床醒来,头发和makeups等着你,不要被拖延这表现是很重要的我不认为我可以把我所有在举行,我当时喝醉昨晚现在它的所有踢在和我不觉得权给我的电话号码一个breh谁不是我的类型现在我的手机就沉默的即时通讯正在有礼现在私营,来电者得不到爱,从我只是让我...[合唱团]哦,我gosh我的天越来越长有没有回头cuz即时通讯工作达9至5月即时通讯没有早期birdy即时通讯懒惰,反黑组的所有数据,我可以说因此,请确保您听过我和deres没有回头cuz即时通讯工作的9至5月让您的宝贝, ... ...总之... ite ... ...频道... u频道谁对不起谁即时通讯改变为小睡哦!频道u大的数据,令我大像凯蒂价格boobs哎呀即时通讯正在粗鲁wheres我的红牛和我的夹心,我需要的食物i cannot处理这即时通讯越来越pissd想帮宝适投掷一发脾气“行动”罗编号其实,而不是明白我的Z的计数和绵羊在我的睡眠让没有唤醒她,其实看起来相当可爱[合唱团]哦,我gosh我的天越来越长和theres没有回头产地来源证即时通讯工作的9至5月让我的合同,我说的数据我的意思是1点30分即时通讯没有早期birdy即时通讯懒惰,反黑组的所有数据,我可以说因此,请确保您听过我I是不是没有早期birdywont后,直至12时30分我不能烦多说东铁支线总监sooooooooo哦亲爱的许我在何处男子...这...是不好的...是什么回事? !所以,我的标签已改变了我的形象即时通讯一个粉红色唇膏积所谓的试纸这不是我的心愿哦shit外围即时通讯在“ FHM乔装在比基尼旁边的一林宝坚尼下一站的主题调为特温尼斯即时通讯介绍的C - beebies[ pukes ] u看到了我?永远不会再,我喝lambrini“好吧sov它的一个梦...强制唤醒” ![合唱团]哦,我gosh我的天越来越长和theres没有回头产地来源证即时通讯工作达9至5月让我的合同,我说的数据我的意思是1点30分即时通讯没有早期birdy即时通讯懒惰的,我会再说一遍要确保亚听过我I是不是没有早期birdywont醒觉起来, 12时30分我cannot不屑多说东铁支线总监因此,病患者再说一遍可累啦,给不给分你看着办吧~~累~~~
2023-06-12 01:02:031

"两个性感女郎" 她们听的懂的话有哪些??

boobs butt,
2023-06-12 01:02:113

一首英文歌,歌名翻译成中文叫国际恋情 前几天我在电视上听到的他是十大上榜歌曲之一,同一期的还有

一定是Pitbull和Chris Brown的International love ,对不对!!!
2023-06-12 01:02:193

Hot Piece of Ass 什么意思

2023-06-12 01:02:276


2023-06-12 01:02:423


励志英语美文摘抄   Stay True to Yourself   做真正的自己   But my idea of success is different today. And as you grow, you"ll realise the definition of success changes. For many of you, today, success is being able to hold down 20 shots of tequila. For me, the most important thing in your life is to live your life with integrity, and not to give into peer pressure; to try to be something that you"re not. To live your life as an honest and compassionate person; to contribute in some way. So to conclude my conclusion: follow your Passion, stay true to yourself. Never follow anyone else"s path, unless you"re in the woods and you"re lost and you see a path, and by all means you should follow that. Don"t give advice, it will come back and bite you in the ass. Don"t take anyone"s advice. So my advice to you is to be true to yourself and everything will be fine.   但今日我对成功的定义变了,当你长大,你就会发现这点。对你们中的很多人来说,成功的定义是能灌下20杯龙舌兰酒。对我来说,生命中最重妥的事是:活得诚实!别屈从于同伴的压力,把自己变成本不是的那个人。要活得真诚,有怜悯之心,在某些方面有所贡献。这是结论的结论,追随热情,忠于自我。绝不要追随别人的脚步,除非你在森林里迷了路才要这么做。那时你真的该那样做。别给人忠告,它们会给你带来麻烦。也别接受任何人的忠告。那么,我要给大家的忠告是,做真正的自己,一切都会顺利的。   And I know that a lot of you are concerned about your future, but there"s no need to worry. The economy is booming, the job market is wide open, the planet is just fine It"s gonna be great. You"ve already survived a hurricane What else can happen to you? And as I mentioned before, some of the most devastating things that happen to you will teach you the most. And now you know the right questions to ask in your first job interview. Like, "Is it above sea level?". So to conclude my conclusion that I"ve previously concluded, in the common cement speech, I guess what I"m trying to say is life is like one big Mardi Gras. But instead of showing your boobs, show people your brain, and if they like what they see, you"ll have more beads than you know what to do with. And you"ll be drunk, most of the time.   我知道在庄很多人都在担心自己的前途,但不用担心,经济正急速增长,就业市场求才若J蜀,地球也好得很。一切都会好的,你们都经历过风灾了,还有什么可怕的?如我以前所说的:从最惨痛的经历中可以吸收最多的教训。现在你们知道在你们的第一场面试中该问什么样的问题了吧?比如,公司高于海平面吗?总结我之前的结论,我的"常见的水泥"演讲,我想说的是,人生就像一场狂欢节嘉年华,但请展现你们的头脑,而非胸部,如果人家欣赏的话你就有更多的金银珠宝可以使用,而且在大多时间你都会醉。   励志英语美文鉴赏   Feelings, Failure and Finding Happiness   感觉、失败及寻找幸福   The world has so many lessons to teach you. I consider the world, this Earth, to be like a school and our life the classrooms. And sometimes here in this Planet Earth school the lessons often come dressed up as detours or roadblocks. And sometimes as full-blown crises. And the secret I"ve learned to getting ahead is being open to the lessons, lessons from the grandest university of all, that is, the universe itself. It"s being able to walk through life eager and open to self-improvement and that which is going to best help you evolve, because that"s really why we"re here, to evolve as human beings. To grow into more of ourselves, always moving to the next level of understanding, the next level of compassion and growth.   这个世界将教会你们很多。我认为这个世界,这个地球,就像一所学校,而我们的人生就像是教室。在世界这所大学里,有些课程会是人生的弯路或障碍,有些课程则充满危机。而我所学到的应对这一切的私、诀就是:勇于面对一切挫折与危机,世界本身就是世上的大学。在人生的旅途中,妥对生活充满激情,并不断提高自我,这就是进化为人类并存在于世的意义。不断提升自我,去追求人生的更高境界,去追求更高级别的怜悯和自我提高。   I think about one of the greatest compliments I"ve ever received: I interviewed with a reporter when I was first starting out in Chicago. And then many years later, I saw the same reporter. And she said to me, "You know what? You really haven"t changed. You"ve just become more of yourself."   我记得我所受到的的赞扬之一。刚在芝加哥开始工作时,我采访了一个记者。很多年以后我们又见面了。她对我说:“你知道吗?你一点也没有变,你变得更自我了。”   And that is really what we"re all trying to do, become more of ourselves. And I believe that there"s a lesson in almost everything that you do and every experience, and getting the lesson is how you move forward. It"s how you enrich your spirit. And, trust me, I know that inner wisdom is more precious than wealth. The more you spend it, the more you gain.   这就是我们一直努力在傲的,去做我们自己。我坚信你们会从自己做过的每一件事情上学到经验,这样你们才能取得进步。也只有这样你们的心灵才能更加丰富。相信我,内在的智慧比外在的财富更加珍贵。你运用智慧越多,你得到的也会越多。   励志英语美文赏析   Tribute to Diana   致戴安娜   There is no doubt that she was looking for a new direction in her life at this away from England, mainly because of the treatment that she received at the hands of the newspapers. I don"t think she ever understood why her genuinely good intentions were sneered at by the media, why there appeared to be a permanent quest on their behalf to bring her down. It is baffling.   毫无疑问,她一直在寻找一个新的生活方向,她不时说起要离开英国,主要是受不了报纸对她的围攻。我想她始终不明白为什么她的真诚善意会被媒体扭曲嘲弄,为什么周围总有一股永远把她拉倒的代表媒体的势力,这些确实令人难以理解。   My own and only explanation is that genuine goodness is threatening to those at the opposite end of the moral spectrum. It is a point to those at the opposite end of the moral spectrum. It is a point to remember that of all the ironies about Diana, perhaps the greatest was this a girl given the name of the ancient goddess of hunting was, in the end, the most hunted person of the modern age.   我自己的解释,就是真正的善与美对那些位于道德光谱另一端的人来说,是一种威胁。但是,在一切有关黛安娜的嘲讽中,也许的讽刺是:一个女孩子,她的名字是古代拧猎女神(黛安娜),自己最后却成为现代社会围剿的一个人。   She would want us today to pledge ourselves to protecting her beloved boys William and Harry from a similar fate and I do this here Diana on your behalf. We will not allow them to suffer the anguish that used regularly to drive you to tearful despair.   她会要我们今天誓言保护她钟爱的孩子威廉和哈里,免遭相同的命运。黛安娜,我在这里代表你起誓,我们决不会让他们遭受与你那种惯于把你逼到绝望落泪的苦难。   And beyond that, on behalf of your mother and sisters, I pledge that we, your blood family, will do all we can to continue the imaginative way in which you were steering these two exceptional young men so that their souls are not simply immersed by duty and tradition but can sing openly as you planned.   另外,我代表你母亲和两个姐姐起誓,我们,你的骨肉亲人,将尽一切能力继续走你那极富创意和深具爱心的道路,引导这两个杰出孩子,让他们的心灵不是束缚在职责的传统中,而是能如你所期盼地自由地放声歌唱。
2023-06-12 01:02:481