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2023-06-13 08:35:22



(独立的)学院, 高等专科学校; [美]大学(单科); [英]大学预科; 公学, 书院(专指中学程度的公立学校)

职业学校, 技术学校


团体, 学会, 社团

学校的建筑物, 校舍

〔俚〕监狱, 感化院; (老弱病残者的)收容所


学会; 协会; 学院; (大专)学校; 研究站[院]

讲习会; 讲座

会址; 院址; 校址; 站址

(公认的)基本原则; 基本原理

[pl. ]法理概要; 初级法律读本


学会, 研究院, 学术协会


专科学校, 学院

[Academy ]学院派哲学, 柏拉图哲学; 学园(柏拉图讲哲学的地方)


a college is an institution where students study

after they left secondary school

an institute is an organization set up to do a

particular type of work,especially resrarch or teaching.

you can also use institute to refer to the building the

organization occupies

academy is sometimes used in the names of schools and colleges,

especially those specializing in particular subjects

or skills,or private hige schools in the united states




















academy和college区别:college意思:(英国)学院,职业学校,技术学校;(美国)大学;高等专科学校;高等职业学院。academy意思:专科院校;(艺术、文学、科学等的)研究院,学会苏格兰中等学校美国私立学校。college既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。academy作“研究院; 学会”解时主要用于艺术、文学、科学等领域。 扩展资料 college意思:(英国)学院,职业学校,技术学校;(美国)大学;高等专科学校;高等职业学院。academy意思:专科院校;研究院,学会苏格兰中等学校美国私立学校。college既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。academy作“研究院; 学会”解时主要用于艺术、文学、科学等领域。
2023-06-12 00:19:432


college的意思是学院。学院(college)主要指门类科目较少、专业性强的学习机构的高等学习机构。学院可以作为独立的学校,在有些国家,很多大学也拥有自己下属的二级学院(与系相同)或普通高等学校与国家机构以外的社会组织或者个人合作设置的独立学院。元音字母o在重读闭音节里发短元音/ɑ/的音,发音时,舌端靠近下齿,舌后部抬高,牙床接近全开,开口较大,双唇呈圆形,这个音出现在字首、字中位置,如:ox 公牛(阉割过的)on 在……上面(强调接触)octopus 章鱼box 盒子socks 短袜operate 动手术,操作ostrich 鸵鸟希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。
2023-06-12 00:20:043


  同样是美国大学,为什么在美国会有college和university只分呢?这两者有什么区别?下面就来说说美国留学college和university的区别。下面就一起来看看吧。   首先,美国人说“上大学”一般只说“go to college” 而不是“go to university”,例如“My daughter will go to college next year”;此外,大学教育一般的说法是“college education”,大学学位是“college degree”。   虽然college是大学(注),但college和university还是有分别的。   Liberal arts colleges (可以译作“文理学院”,另一较造作的翻译是“博雅教育学院”)几乎全是私立的,规模较小,只有一二千学生,大多只提供本科教育(学士),少数有硕士课程,但一定没有研究院。   除此之外,liberal arts college着重通才教育,也就是通用型人才教育。包括体育、德育、思辨能力、领导才能等,不只是传授知识,更不会提供偏重职业技能的课程(例如会计)。    University   University分研究型和教学型,前者规模很大,有不同的研究院;顶尖的研究型大学里,研究生的人数可以比本科生多(例如Columbia University)。   教学型大学大多是公立的,没有研究院,但很多都有硕士课程;教学型大学的规模比研究型的小,但比起liberal arts college则仍然大很多,学生至少过万,提供的课程也较多样化,而且肯定会包括偏重职业技能的课程。   这样的解释好像很清楚了,可是,不要以为名字是“university”的一定是university,名字是“college”一定是liberal arts college。   长春藤里的Dartmouth College是university,另一名校College of William & Mary也是university;Wesleyan University是Little Three之一(另外两间是Williams College和Amherst College;Big Three是Harvard , Yale,和Princeton) ,名为university,却是一间不折不扣的liberal arts college。   还有一点容易令人混淆的,是university可以由不同的colleges组成,例如college of natural sciences或college of humanities and fine arts;有些研究型大学则将整个本科教育部分称为college,例如Harvard University里的Harvard College—在哈佛大学本科毕业,可以说“graduated from Harvard College”。   以上讲的只是美国的情况,其他英语国家里,college和university的分别并不一样。   例如加拿大的colleges很多是职业先修学校,只颁文凭,不授学位;就算是颁授学位的,也会被认为比university低级。   假如你在美国读liberal arts college,即使是最显赫的,你那些对美国教育制度不熟悉的加拿大姨妈姑姐也可能会认为你连大学也读不上。   最后我还要说的就是,Community college(社区学院)也叫“college”,只读两年,有些人不当是大学,但是却是很多美国贫困地区以及留学生读名校的“跳板”,在社区大学里学习两年,成绩优异就可以申请一些美国名校,而且GPA成绩也是可以转过去的。
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普通高校: regular institutions of higher learning 民办高校: private higher learning institution 高校扩招计划: college expansion plan高校一览表A catalogue of a university.高校学生的高校学生的,大学程度的Of,for,or typical of college students.来自22所高校的学生参加了比赛,共选拔出16名选手参加11月21日在天津商学院举行的决赛。By the end of the contest in which students from22universities and colleges participated,16contestants were selected for the final which was held in Tianjin University of Commerce on Nov.21.在某高等学校注册入学matriculate at an institution of higher learning高等学校图书馆academic library这些学校使成千上万的学生具备条件升人高等学校。These schools have qualified thousands of students for entrance into colleges.全国高等学校图书情报工作委员会National Committee on Library and InformationService of University美国学生升入大学很容易,相反,在日本进入高等学校很难。It"s easier for American students to enter colleges or universities,on the contrary,it is difficult to enter colleges and universities in Japan.高校扩招后首批毕业生: college graduates who were the first to be enrolled under the college expansion of 1999
2023-06-12 00:22:162


是的复数为 colleges有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)
2023-06-12 00:22:251


高职院校的全称是高等职业院校,是中国高等教育的重要组成部分之一,具有专科和本科这两个学历层次。目标是为了培养出具有高等教育专业知识和技术技能的应用型人才。 高职院校一向以社会职业的需求率为指向来培养学生,且学制期限只有2年到3年。期间,高职院校会教授学生所报专业的基础知识和职业性的技术技能,使得学生更加容易适应未来的就业岗位,不需要接受工作单位对员工进行的岗位培训,所学的专业内容能够很好的在岗位上实现应用。2、培养综合能力
2023-06-12 00:22:354

COLLEGE 是什么意识啊?中文

2023-06-12 00:22:564


【精品】大学英语作文集合9篇   在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。那么一般作文是怎么写的呢?下面是我整理的大学英语作文9篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 大学英语作文 篇1   1. 描述漫画   As is vividly depicted in the cartoon given above, we can observe that… 或As is vividly shown in the picture, we can see that…… 或As we can see from the picture,…   2. 描述漫画本质/内涵   Apparently, the picture reflects/reveals that …… 或The cartoon informs us of the phenomenon that……   3. 出现的问题或现象的原因   We believe that three reasons can account for this phenomenon. First,____. Second, ____. Third, _____. 或What contributed to these changes? I think the reasons are as follows. To start with, ④______. Secondly, ⑤______ . What"s more, ⑥ _______. Last but not least, ⑦________. Reasons for …… are in abundance.   或The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows. Firstly,____. Secondly, ____. Thirdly, _____.   或There are at least two good reasons accounting for ______. On the one hand, ________. On the other hand, _______ is due to the fact that ________.   4. 提出措施/建议   Therefore, immediate measures should be taken to …. To begin with,…….. What"s more,……. Last but not least,……   或It is high time that strict measures were taken to stop ...   或It is necessary that steps should be taken to ...   或To solve the above-mentioned problem, we must ...   5. 收尾段   From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that ... 或In conclusion, it is imperative that ...   或In summary, if we continue to ignore the above-mentioned issue, more problems will crop up. 或With the efforts of all parts concerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly. 或We might do more than identify the cause it is important to take actions to ... 或Taking all these into account, we ...   或Whether it is good or not /positive or negative, one thing is certain/clear...   或Given all the above factors, it is safe to reach the conclusion that …   或Taking into account all the above factors, it is reasonable to reach the conclusion that … 大学英语作文 篇2   How to Lose Weight   A beautiful and healthy figure is everyone"s dream. However, not everyone can easily fulfill this dream. Overweight people often have to find precise ways to lose weight.   For normal healthy people, weight is gained by taking in more calories than the body needs. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you either have to eat fewer calories or find ways to use up more calories you take in. Dieting is probably the most popular way of losing weight, because when on a diet, you are taking fewer calories.   However, the body needs many elements in order to stay healthy, and “fad” or starvation diets are bad because they are not nutritiously balanced. A better way of dieting is to keep track of everything you eat, either by your own careful choices or by buying, for a week at a time, the packaged meals sold by some diet companies. If you do not normally exercise, you should also begin sensible exercises for your age and lifestyle to help your body use up surplus calories.   In short, a combined effort of reducing the calories you eat and using up more calories than usual through exercises should help you shed off part of your body. 大学英语作文 篇3   Sports are flourishing in china now. More and more people are willing to take part in sports of different kinds, such as table-tennis, football, volleyball, and so on. Every year there are many matches played on the city, provincial or national level. Sports are no longer limited to a few professional players. Early in the morning people may be seen doing exercise. Martial arts (like Chinese boxing or swordplay) which formerly were cultivated for self-defense, now have become a form of physical exercise and are practiced in parks, streets, gardens, or on campuses. In addition young and old people are also often seen running in order to build up their bodies. China promotes sports to enhance the physical condition of its people; she is formulating policies to provide encouragement of this activity. She awards prizes to the excellent players for the best records both in china and the world. In the world the Chinese have become a strong people instead of “the weaklings of East Asia”. 大学英语作文 篇4   Students long to attend colleges or universities for various reasons. In my opinion, the most coMMon reasons are to prepare for a career, to have new experiences and learn to be independent.   Career preparation is becoming more and more important to young people. For many, this is the primary reason to go to college. They know that the job market is competitive and in order to be employed in the future they have to be well equipped with knowledge and skills.   Also, students go to colleges or universities to have experiences and learn to live on their own. Going to colleges often means having the opportunity to meet with different people from different parts of the country. They learn to communicate and co-operate with each other. For most students, we guess, it is the first time that they have been away from home. They are faced with many new situations and have to learn to solve them independently, making decisions on their own and dealing with various things themselves. So colleges and universities help them grow up.   Surely, colleges and universities become their first choice.   (185words) 大学英语作文 篇5   As is known to all, dating is popular with college students. One opinion clarify that it is reasonable, but the other keep the opposite opinion. In my opinion, dating is acceptable in suitable case.   In colleges, the students are all adults. So, they have rights to built a romantic relationship in our country. College students have been strongly committed to studying hardly towards a successful carrer and therefore hesitant to date with their different sex or not. If the dating is supportive to their studies, it should be encouraged. In that case, they will do their best to finish the all aspects of their goals for the one they love, because they don"t want see that the other involved into frustration and disappointment. Of course, if the dating is only the burden, we should refuse to accept. When the dating take you up the most time and therefore you have no time to study, communication with your friends, take part in colorful activities and do other things, I think you will be deeply depraved and never gains during your college life.   In conclusion, the influence of dating between college students is versatile. Keep your eyes open between right and wrong, let"s make ourselves to be the masters of the future. 大学英语作文 篇6   1) According to a recent study, 根据最近的一个研究   2) A recent survey indicates that . So some people take the view that . Others, however, don t think so. 最近一项调查表明 。所以有些人认为 ,而另一些人却不这样认为。   3) No one can deny the fact that , but 没有人能否认这一事实 ,但   4) A recent newspaper report on a survey among states that 最近一家报纸报道了在学生中间进行的一项调查,指出   5) One of the of is, and always has been, that 的乐趣之一,而且永远如此的,是   6) Somebody has offered a fascinating insight into the nature of 某人已对 的本质提出了有趣的深邃见解。   7) According to a major new study, conducted by , 根据 的一项新的研究,   8) One of the most striking things about sth. /sb. is that 关于某事/某人的最令人吃惊的事情之一是   9) Although the popular idea is that , a recent study shows that 虽然普遍的观点是 , 但最近的一项研究显示   10) All scientific observations justify the view that 所有科学观察都证明 的`观点是正确的。 大学英语作文 篇7   I have the same routine from Monday to Friday. I usually get up at five fifty. Then I have breakfast. At six thirty, I go to school. I don"t ride a bike. I go to school on foot. I have five lessons in the morning. I do morning exercises with my classmates after the second lesson. At eleven thirty, I go home for lunch. In the afternoon, I have three lessons. After class, we often have sports in the playground. At five, I go home. After supper, I do my homework. At about ten, I go to bed. I am happy every day. 大学英语作文 篇8   what should children do in their spare time?   today children are often busier than adults, for they have to attend some classes such as dancing and art at weekends or in the holidays.   parents think that their children will benefit from such classes. firstly, with the development of today's society, competitionwill be more and more intense. so only the more versatile people will have bright prospects. secondly, children will not waste their time playing games. instead, they can gain some knowledge. moreover, such classes can broaden their horizons.   however, i do not agree with the parents. nowadays, many children have been deprived of their free time and become mechanical learners at the price of their own interest. i think children should have the rights to enjoy their childhood, and to play. in their spare time they can do what they want to do. gradually they will discover what they are interestedin and do their best in respective fields. 大学英语作文 篇9   My dream college is the University of Arizona, which is a beautiful university located in a beautiful town, Tucson, Arizona. It is great place for sunlight. I love science. The optical science is ranked No.1 in the United States. And the communication major also is ranked No.1 in America. The campus is very beautiful and full with smiles on people"s faces. They will say "Thank you" if you hold the door for them after you enter a building. The University of Arizona is a scenic spot for the traveller. There are lots of travellers, who are with their children, go the Student Union to taste fun of the college life and visit Main Library to feel the academic air. I also heard the Lunar Planetary Science College already had a cooperation with NASA and they will send an satellite to an asteroid, called 1999 RQ36. The mission is called OSIRIS-REx. Finally, BEAR DOWN, ARIZONA!   我梦想中的大学是亚利桑那大学,这是一所美丽的大学,位于Tucson亚利桑那州的一个美丽的小镇上。这是阳光的好地方。我爱科学。光学科学在美国排名第一。而通信专业也在美国排名第一。校园非常美丽,人们的脸上充满了笑容。进入大楼后,如果你为他们开门,他们会说“谢谢”。亚利桑那大学是旅行者的旅游景点。有许多旅行者和他们的孩子在一起,去学生会品尝大学生活的乐趣,参观图书馆,感受学术氛围。我还听说月球行星科学学院已经与美国航天局合作,他们将发送一个卫星,小行星1999 RQ36,称为。任务叫做奥西里斯雷克斯。最后,亚利桑那州! ;
2023-06-12 00:23:101

以下句子 如何翻译,最好详细讲解一下?

(The diverse selection of subjects offered at universities and colleges across China) reflects(the diversity of Chinese society itself) . 这个句子是一个长句 分成上述三部分主语是前面的部分 ……多样化系动词是 reflects (反映出)表语是后面一部分 ……的多样性翻译出来就是 中国各地院校提供选择课程的多样化 反映出 中国社会本身的多样性
2023-06-12 00:23:234

college student 和 student of junior colleges以及undergraduate的区别

depends on where you are.
2023-06-12 00:24:114


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2023-06-12 00:24:466


college含有:职业学校,技术学校的意思。英['ku0252lu026adu0292]释义:n.大学;学院;学会[复数:colleges]短语:College Board大学理事会;美国大学理事会;美国大学委员会;大学委员会扩展资料:词语辨析:college,university,institute,school这些名词均含有“学院,大学”之意。1、college多指大学内的学院,分科学院或科目较少的高等学校。2、university主要指综合大学,一般由多个学院组成。当泛指大学时通常用college表示。3、institute指设立有专门学科的学院,如外语学院、地质学院、建筑学院等。4、school指大学所属的学院或系。
2023-06-12 00:25:001


  爱丁堡大学,简称爱大,苏格兰之王,世界20强顶尖大学,世界一流大学,位于英国苏格兰首府爱丁堡市,创建于1583年,是英语国家中第六古老的大学。如今,爱丁堡大学在英国乃至全世界一直享有很高的声誉。那么爱丁堡大学院系设置如何呢?下面和一起来看看吧。   Colleges and schools   The University of Edinburgh"s academic structure is based on three Colleges containing a total of 20 Schools.   Colleges   Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, College of   Medicine & Veterinary Medicine, College of   Science & Engineering, College of    爱丁堡大学的院系设置情况:   爱丁堡大学的学术结构是3个学院,包括总共20个系部。   1、学院   - 艺术、人文和社会科学学院;   - 医学和兽医学学院;   - 科学和工程学院。   Schools   Biological Sciences, School of   Business School   Chemistry, School of   Divinity, School of   Economics, School of   Edinburgh College of Art   Edinburgh Medical School   Education, The Moray House School of   Engineering, School of   GeoSciences, School of   Health in Social Science, School of   History, Classics and Archaeology, School of   Informatics, School of   Law, School of   Literatures, Languages and Cultures, School of   Mathematics, School of   Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences, School of   Physics and Astronomy, School of   Social and Political Science, School of   Veterinary Studies, Royal (Dick) School of   2、系部   - 生物科学系;   - 商学院;   - 化学系;   - 神学院;   - 经济学系;   - 爱丁堡艺术学院;   - 爱丁堡医学院;   - 莫雷豪斯教育学院;   - 工程学院;   - 地球科学系;   - 社会健康科学学院;   - 历史、古典和考古学院;   - 信息学院;   - 法律系;   - 文学、语言和文化学院;   - 数学系;   - 哲学、心理学和语言科学学院;   - 物理和天文学系;   - 社会和政治科学学院;   - 皇家(狄克)兽医研究院。
2023-06-12 00:25:141

your college years翻译是什么?

your college years翻译成中文是你的大学时光college学院; 职业学校; 技术学校; 大学; 高等专科学校; 高等职业学院; 师生,教师,学生; 中学,公学; 学会例句:1、Which of your college years was the toughest?你大学最艰难的是第几年?2、Your college years will be some of the best of your life.你的大学时光将是你一生中最好的。3、Try to work for someone who"ll challenge your powers.You"ll learn more in a year than 4 years of college.尝试为那些会对你的个人能力形成挑战的人工作。你会在一年的时间里学习到比大学四年还多的东西。4、College should be a part of, but not the entire scope of, your existence for the next few years.在接下来的几年里,大学应该是你生活的一部分,而不应该涵盖你的全部。
2023-06-12 00:25:374

he role of the Colleges in University life

分类: 教育/科学 >> 学习帮助 问题描述: the forign life in university aboard.thnaks answer must be in english ,not chinese 解析: 对哦,确实是很多错字哦。 回到正题,给你解答一下吧。(网上摘的)The role of the Colleges in student life A College is the place where students live, eat and socialise. It is also the place where they receive *** all group teaching sessions, known as supervisions. The supervision system is one of the main reasons for the University"s success in the external reviews of learning and teaching. The Colleges and the University support access initiatives to encourage applications from able students from both state and independent schools. The most successful of these is the summer schools programme. In addition to resources provided by the University, each College has its own library and sports facilities, and some have their own bar and theatre. Most Colleges have their own clubs and societies, offering a variety of non-academic activities for students to take part in. Benefits of the College system for students Teaching: The supervision system, where students receive tuition in *** all groups, is regarded as one of the best teaching models in the world. Acmodation: Almost all undergraduates live in College acmodation for the duration of their time at Cambridge. Welfare: A variety of support systems ensure that students are treated as individuals, allowing overseas students in particular to be fully integrated. This is one of the reasons that Cambridge has one of the lowest drop-out rates. Financial support: Many Colleges offer awards for their own members, in addition to funds available from the University. /附GOOGLE翻译 发挥高校学生的大学生活是学生生活的地方,吃、socialise.这也是地方接收小组教学时段,称为监督.监督制度是主要原因之一,为大学成功的教与学校外检讨.进入大学和学院的支持措施,鼓励有能力的学生申请,由国家和独立学校.其中最成功的是夏季学校课程.除了大学提供的资源,每个大学都有自己的图书馆、体育设施、有的网吧里有自己的剧院.大部分高校都有自己俱乐部和社团提供各种非学术活动,让学生参与进来的好处学院学生教学体系:笔他监督制度,让学生获得助学小团体,我收盘被誉为世界上最好的教学模式.住宿:几乎所有居住在学院本科生住宿在剑桥的时间长短.福利:各种保障系统,确保学生当作个人允许留学生尤其要充分集成.这是原因之一,剑桥已是全世界最低的辍学率.财政支援:许多高校给予奖励自己的成员除了来自高校的资金.
2023-06-12 00:26:101


可以,申请大专(college)只要有高中毕业证书,高中成绩单就可以了,一般要求雅思考到6(最低5.5),学费一般在11000加元一年,课程有3年,也有两年的,毕业后就业率高,工作一年可以移民,大专课程所读课程可以转学分至大学,继续完成本科学士学位.如果你要申请加拿大的college,可以找我,我可以免费为你递交申请,一般我替人申请的都是加拿大当地最大的公立学院,比如seneca college或者百年理工.
2023-06-12 00:26:201

foothill colleges 和de ansa college 有什么区别啊 之前一直以为是

Foothill and De Anza Colleges山麓-迪安萨学院是同一所大学坐落于硅谷,是世界计算机产业的中心“有史以来最美丽社区大学”著称一、 学校概况中文名称:山麓迪安萨城市学院英文名称:Foothill / De Anza Colleges学校性质:公立学校类别:社区学院地理位置:加州教育监管网认证:是Foothill College成立于1957年是一所全美知名的社区学院,目前在校生16000,其中国际学生700。它向学生提供可以在完成学业后转学到4年制学院和大学的初级课程。这所学院以优异的教学、创新能力和极具竞争力的升学率而著名,有超过1000名的国际学生在这里就读。Foothill 学院是一所由美国西部学校和学院协会(Western Association of Schools and Colleges)和其他专业认证机构认可的公共教育机构。教育机构如加州州立大学和加州大学、Santa Clara大学、斯坦福大学和其它学院及大学同样都对在Foothill完成的课程给予接受和承认。Foothill每年都为加州和加州以外地区的顶尖大学输送许多学生。很多学生升入了加州大学,如UC Berkeley, UCLA,和UC San Diego.。其他一些学生则升入加州州立大学,如San Jose大学和旧金山州立大学。还有一些学生则选择了一些加利福尼亚的私立大学,如斯坦福大学或Santa Clara大学。Foothill学院坐落于旧金山以南40英里,San Jose以北15英里处,位于一个十分安全的社区叫做Los Altos Hills。这里是硅谷的心脏,并且拥有丰富多彩的娱乐活动和文化景观。距离旧金山市区50分钟路程 距离斯坦福大学15分钟路程,距离加州大学伯克利分校1个小时路程。旧金山湾区更是融合了各个不同种族的文化,如亚洲、中东、拉丁美洲、非洲和欧洲。大批顶尖的硅谷科技公司在靠近校园的地区设立了他们的总部,他们同时也得益于Foothill学院优秀的教育资源。学校的校园占地122英亩,美国建筑师协会曾经两次颁奖给Foothill以赞扬其突出的建筑设计。San Francisco Chronicle报纸也将其称为“有史以来最美丽的社区学院”。De Anza学院成立于1957年,目前在校生25000,其中国际学生1300。坐落于加利福尼亚州的Cupertino,位于旧金山以南45英里,距离圣琼斯也仅有6英里远,这里有世界闻名的硅谷。这一区域汇集了全球各大高科技产业公司,如苹果电脑、思科、英特尔、甲骨文、惠普、硅谷图形公司和太阳计算机系统公司。还有其他一些公司坐落在旧金山湾区,包括美国银行、美国联合航空公司、雪佛龙石油、李维斯服饰等。因此,De Anza迅速发展成为一个注重高科技、环境研究、电影和广播、信息管理系统的教育中心。De Anza学院占地112英亩,其独特的建筑与周边环境完美的融为一体,创造出一个优美舒适的学习环境。校园里的建筑混合了西班牙和现代建筑的多种元素,包括砖墙、红瓦的屋顶、拱门和喷泉。而De Anza学院的标志正是采用的校园内拱门设计的理念。校园里的Flint中心是承办学校重要演出的艺术礼堂,在这里举办过许多杰出演讲人的演讲和其他文化活动,例如交响乐演奏会、芭蕾舞和百老汇舞台剧。学院还拥有一座奥运会标准的水上运动中心,一个拥有5000个座位的室外表演场地,Minolta天文馆和高科技中心。De Anza学院在加州地区学校的转学升学率上一直保持着领先地位。其升学率达到了加州社区学院平均水平的两倍。特别是在升入加州大学(拥有九个校区,其中包括Berkeley和UCLA)和加州州立大学(拥有23个校区,其中包括San Jose State和San Francisco State)的升学率上,连年排名前两位。自从1960年建校以来,Foothill / De Anza大学在美国就已是两所一流的社区大学,教学课程相当于在大学就读的前两年要求。杰出的学生成绩证明了我们的教学成就。在Foothill / De Anza完成前两年课程的所有国际学生,都能成功转学位于加州或美国其他地区的世界级公立或私立大学,成为大学三年级的学生。二. 学校特色uf0d8 一流教学课程在Foothill / De Anza,都采用小班授课且提供个别指导,学校提供80种以上的转学课程及30种职业课程,包括商业、计算机科学、多媒体及绘图设计。每年有许多Foothill / De Anza的学生成功转学到四年制的大学来继续他们的学业,知名大学加州大学伯克利分校、加州大学洛杉矶分校、斯坦福大学、加州州立、南加州大学等都包括在内uf0d8 小班授课与个别指导每个班级的学生人数通常少于25人,而且提供充分的个别指导。我们还帮助国际学生在文化调整,职业选择以及转学到四年制学院或大学作为三年级学生方面提供特殊咨询。uf0d8 介绍说明与指导课程所有国际学生在第一学期开始之前,会在Foothill / De Anza校园参加为期一周的新生训练课程。在课程期间,每位学生都配有指导人员,他们会负责全面的介绍说明,内容涵盖从个人调整到Foothill / De Anza班级注册的问题,这也是认识新朋友的绝佳方式。uf0d8 比四年制大学入学条件灵活Foothill / De Anza的入学条件相对于四年制的大学来说比较灵活,无需TOEFL成绩,学生可以先在KAPLAN语言中心完成英语课程并通过考试,然后进入Foothill / De Anza的一年级课程或二年级课程。uf0d8 环境,建筑与设施美国建筑师协会(American Institute of Architects)多次颁奖Foothill学院因而具有“有史以来最美丽的社区大学”的美名,而De Anza具有西班牙式建筑,特殊设施包括大型 中心,线上图书馆,符合奥运标准的得奖建筑及现代设施游泳池,体能训练场,足球运动场以及多个运动中心,包括De Anza的Flint艺术表演中心三、专业设置4年制大学升学专业课程accounting 会计American studies 美洲研究animation (D) 动画anthropology 人类学art: General, history & studio options 艺术:艺术概论,艺术历史和工作室athletic injury care (F) 运动伤害护理Biological sciences 生物科学Biotechnology (F) 生物技术Business administration 商业管理international Business 国际商务chemistry 化学child development 儿童发展classics 古典文学communications 信息沟通computer information systems 计算机信息系统computer science 计算机科学creative Writing 创作文学写作data communication & network Management 数据信息及网络管理drama (F) 戏剧economics 经济学engineering 工程学English 英语environmental horticulture & design (F) 环境园艺和设计environmental studies (d) 环境研究ethnic studies 人种研究Film / cinema (D) 电影French 法语General studies: humanities, science &social science options 综合研究:人文学科,科学及社会科学Geographic information systems (F) 地理信息系统Geography 地理学Geology 地质学German 德语Graphic design & interactive design 图形设计和交互式设计Health sciences: pre-dentistry, pre-Medicine,Pre-pharmacy & pre-Veterinary options健康科学:牙科预科,医学预科,药剂学预科和兽医预科history 历史学information technology 信息技术intercultural studies (D) 跨文化研究international relations 国际关系Japanese 日语Journalism (D) 新闻学liberal arts 文科艺术Management information systems 管理信息系统Mathematics 数学Music 音乐Music technology (F) 音乐科技nursing (D) 护理学philosophy 哲学photography & digital imaging 摄影及数码映象physical education & human performance 体育及生理表现physics 物理学political science 政治科学pre-law 法学预科psychology 心理学radio Broadcasting (F) 广播学sociology 社会学Spanish 西班牙语speech communication 演讲交流television (D) 电视theatre technology (F) 剧场技术travel careers (F) 旅游生涯Video arts (F) 录影艺术Women"s studies 女性研究大多数专业在两所大学都可以就读。专业后标注(D)说明该专业在De Anza大学最具实力;专业后标注(F)说明该专业在Foothill大学最具实力。Foothill +De Anza 国际学生一学年(3个学期)费用估算uf06c 学费与杂费(36个学分/学年) $5,292uf06c 健康保险费用 $1,170uf06c 生活费用预算uf06e 书本与相关学习用品费用 $1,000uf06e 住宿与交通费用 $8,000uf06e 零用开销 $2,000uf06c 总预算 $17,462(每个学期至少修满12个学分)四、录取语言标准TOEFL要求成绩 61 (IBT) / IELTS 6.0,如果学生没有语言成绩可以参加学校的英语测试,根据成绩安排语言学习时间(10周、20周、32周及42周不等)五、申请截止日期秋季班 6月30日冬季班 10月31日春季班 1月31日
2023-06-12 00:26:291


2023-06-12 00:26:371

伦敦大学 英文简介

The University of London is unlike many other universities. It consists of 19 self governing Colleges and 10 other smaller specialist research Institutes. In many ways the Colleges are considered universities in their own right: they set their own entrance criteria for their courses and they offer their own services to students. Some now also have their own degree awarding powers. All students from all the Colleges and Institutes are also University of London students, making them part of a community of over 120,000 students and giving them access to many services in London.
2023-06-12 00:26:591


US. news上面的绝对权威,中国所有公司都认这个网站上的排名
2023-06-12 00:27:107


community college
2023-06-12 00:27:275


2023-06-12 00:27:495

university college是什么意思?为什么一些大学叫这个名字?

外国很多都这样 望采纳为最佳答案,谢谢!
2023-06-12 00:28:343


Wuhan University (WHU) is a comprehensive and key national university directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education. It is also one of the "211 Project" and "985 Project"universities with full support in the construction and development from the central and local government of China.The history of Wuhan University can be traced back to Ziqiang Institute, which was founded in 1893 by Zhang Zhidong, the then governor of Hubei Province and Hunan Province in the late Qing Dynasty. In the process of development and evolution, the institute changed its name several times before it was finally named Wuhan National University in 1928. It is one of the earliest comprehensive national universities in modern China. By the end of 1946, the university had established 6 colleges, the colleges of liberal art, law, sciences, engineering, agriculture and medicine. In 2000, an amalgamation of the former Wuhan University, Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping, and Hubei Medical University was announced, which ushered in a new era in its 100-odd years of development.
2023-06-12 00:28:442


regular college academy Higher Vocational College Army colleges
2023-06-12 00:29:003


2023-06-12 00:29:101

macalester college好不好

玛卡莱斯特学院(Macalester College)于1874年建校,是一所私立的文科学院,位于美国明尼苏达州著名城市圣保罗,占地53英亩,学院建筑都属于国家历史保护遗产。玛卡莱斯特学院是一所长老制的非宗教学派大学。学校在强调学术质量的同时,特别重视国际性、多文化性以及社会服务教育,是所有美国大学中拥有外国留学生人数最多的大学。
2023-06-12 00:29:202


名词 n.大学;学院[C][U]She studies at a medical college in New York.她在纽约的一所医学院学习。What do you plan to do after college?你打算大学毕业后做什么? 2. (英国大学中各自独立的)学院[C] 3. (英国)公学;书院[C] 4. 学院校舍[C] 5. 学院的全体师生[C][G] 6. 职业学校,专科学校[C] 7. 团体;协会;学会[C]college1. 学院,学会医学词汇(C)[全国翻译资格认证考试论坛] 学院,学会2. 专科学校,大学,学院雅思(ielts)听力考试场景词汇 专科学校,大学,学院3. 综合学院分类英语词汇之教育college 综合学院
2023-06-12 00:29:532


指大学,同时也有中学,学院的意思,列句:What is your college?或Which college are you in?
2023-06-12 00:30:002


college和university区别是:含义不同、规模不同、不同国家情况不同、申请难度不同,所以需要好好去区分,尤其是对于想要出国留学的人员,一定要合理选择,避免因为选择失误。1、含义不同college是名词,意思是大学、学院,不同国家有不同意思使用,有大学、大学里的学院、文理学院、职高,大专含义。university也是名词,是大学的意思,这里强调是综合性的大学。2、规模不同University分研究型和教学型,前者规模很大,有不同的研究院,在美国,university可以由不同的colleges组成,例如college of natural sciences或college of humanities and fine arts。3、不同国家情况不同college在英美国家中,指的中学之后的教育机构,如职高,大专,大学。在美式英语中,指的只传授初级学科的学府,更高级的如研究生则在college中没有,而university则指提供本科和研究生课程的学校。在英国,上大学用的是university,college一般指两年制的学校,学生专攻某项技能。在加拿大,colleges指职业先修学校,只颁文凭,不授学位被认为比university低级。4、申请难度不同在我国里,大学就是university,大学里的院系是college,但在欧美国家的教育体系中,college的含义要比国内更多。不同国家college和university情况不同,不一定college就比university差,甚至有些college比university更难申请。
2023-06-12 00:30:081


1、含义不同college是名词,意思是大学、学院,不同国家有不同意思使用,有大学、大学里的学院、文理学院、职高,大专含义。university也是名词,是大学的意思,这里强调是综合性的大学。2、规模不同University分研究型和教学型,前者规模很大,有不同的研究院,在美国,university可以由不同的colleges组成,例如college of natural sciences或college of humanities and fine arts,希望大家能好好区分。3、不同国家情况不同college在英美国家中,指的中学之后的教育机构,如职高,大专,大学。在美式英语中,指的只传授初级学科的学府,更高级的如研究生则在college中没有,而university则指提供本科和研究生课程的学校。在英国,上大学用的是university,college一般指两年制的学校,学生专攻某项技能。在加拿大,colleges指职业先修学校,只颁文凭,不授学位被认为比university低级。4、申请难度不同在我国里,大学就是university,大学里的院系是college,但在欧美国家的教育体系中,college的含义要比国内更多。不同国家college和university情况不同,不一定college就比university差,甚至有些college比university更难申请。总体来说,university指综合性大学,可授予各种学位,college多指与综合性大学的专科院校,尤指军事、体育或艺术院校,严格字面意义上区分来讲,college的规模要比university要小一些。
2023-06-12 00:30:321


My home is only a bus stop from the college . 我家离学院只有一站地。 The college is affipated with the university . 该学院附属于该大学。 The college is not operated for profit . 这所大学不是为了营利而办的。 Joe was in college and worried about exams . 乔在大学读书时发愁考试。 I was rather pterary in college . 我在大学的时候是喜欢舞文弄墨的。 I had a very exclusive college education . 我受到得天独厚的大学教育。 That is our sister college in cambridge . 那是我们剑桥大学的姐妹学院。 These books are his legacy to the college . 这些书籍是他给学院的遗赠。 Amanda is home from college once again . 阿曼达又从学校回到家中。 The school is attached to the normal college . 这所学校附属于师范学院。 She and i were contemporaries at college . 她和我在学院里是同学。 He planned to work his way through college . 他打算靠勤工俭学读完大学。 In college i made honors in my studies . 在大学里,我的成绩优异。 He has dug himself in well at the college now . 如今他在学院已站住脚了。 She used to run when she was at college . 她上大学时经常练跑步。 There are three options in our college . 我们大学里有三种选科。 Did you major in journap *** in college ? 你大学时主修新闻学吗? He is a considerable person in that college . 他是那所学院相当重要的人物。 He interrupted college to serve in the army . 他中断大学的学业到军队服役。 This college is renowned for its football team . 这所大学因其足球队而闻名。 The college offers courses in a variety of trades . 该学院开设多种职业课程。 I"m majoring in business administration in college . 在大学里我专攻商业管理。 She did a lot of acting while she was at college . 她在大学时代演过很多次戏。 It was important to me to do well in college . 在学院里干得好对我来说很重要。 A girls" college is a busy place . 女子大学是个忙乱的地方。 The college is named after george washington . 该大学以乔治华盛顿的名字命名。 The meeting was sponsored by 22 colleges . 这次会议是由二十二所院校发起的。 What do you think the purposes of college pfe are ? 你认为大学生活的目标何在? Some lazy college students take snap courses . 有些懒惰的大学生选择容易的课程。 The engpsh college is under earl marshal . 英格兰信章院由EarlMarshal院长领导。 Our college is to make arrangements for the meeting . 我们学院负责筹办这次会议。 The college was founded in 1920 . 这所学院于1920年建立。 He somehow bumbled through o years of college ... 他胡乱地混过了两年大学生活。 The students at the college are passive and respectful . 大学的学生都很规矩恭顺。 Bill had been dating a young college girl . 比尔近来常常和一个年轻的女大学生来往。 She was awarded a place at the royal college of music . 她获得皇家音乐学院的学籍。 He held on his studies until he graduated from college . 他继续学习直到他大学毕业。 He picked up the girl at a college disco . 他在学校的迪斯科舞会上偶然结识了那姑娘。 The college has five thousand teachers and students in all . 该校共有师生五千人。 Her daughter is now in college . 她的女儿在上大学。 Their friendship flowered while they were at college . 他们的友谊在求学时已根深蒂固。 He was in my year at college . 他在大学与我同年级。 He is always back in germany at medical college . 他老是回想他在德国医学院读书的日子。 His record of academic excellence continued through college . 他大学时代成绩一直全优。 She wants to do social work when she finishes college . 她打算毕业后从事社会福利工作。 College gets nicer and nicer . 大学越来越可爱了。 Blodgett college is on the edge of minneapops . 布洛杰特学院座落在明尼阿波利斯的近郊。 Now our mountain village has its own college students . 如今咱们山村也有了自己的大学生。 He got nervous again at the college entrance examination this year . 今年高考他又怯场了。 Karl was sweating out the results of the college exams . 卡尔焦急地等待著大学考试的结果。
2023-06-12 00:31:041

美国university中的college,school and department都是指什么?

2023-06-12 00:31:346

美国university中的college,school and department都是指什么?

分类: 外语/出国 >> 留学 问题描述: 美国university中的college,school and department都是指什么? 解析: All above me are wrong. In USA, there are many colleges. Lots of them are famous with reputation equivalent to Stanford. These colleges focus on liberal education, not research. Their goal is to train graduates with generic training and potentials to grow and develop for life. Of course, ther are many wide chicken colleges. A university is usually bigger in scale and offers both teaching and research. A college in a university is a collection of departments or programs, under a particular theme not classified under the tradition of, for example, faculty of science. For instance, the Holy Cross College in a university may offer religion, philosophy, sociology and psychology, from a Christian perspective. A school in a university is like a faculty, but much larger in scale. Usually, the university names their biggest faculties as schools and provide more funding. You can tell which department or faculty receives more attention and is more famous if their name is school. For instance, a school of education may contain various departments like special education, education administration, education psychology, e A department is a collection of scholarsin a discipline, e.g. Economics.
2023-06-12 00:31:501


2023-06-12 00:32:103


1. 差用英语怎么说写 Adjectives poor 可怜,穷人,贫穷,差,贫困,穷,较差 bad 坏,不好,糟糕,不良,糟,差,恶劣 differential 微分,鉴别,差,差动,差分,差异,差速器 weak 弱,软弱,薄弱,虚弱,微弱,疲软,疲弱 Nouns difference 差异,不同,区别,差分,差,差别,差距 deviation 偏差,偏离,差,偏,偏移,背离,斜 error 错误,误差,错,差错,出错,差,失误 Adverbs poorly 不好,差,糟糕,不佳,不当,欠佳,不善 badly 严重,不好,糟糕,差,厉害,迫切,恶劣 2. 大学生自理能力差的英语作文 大学生自理能力差的英语作文 In recentyears, the creativity of college students is always mentioned because of thefact that it is generally accepted that college students are largely deficientof the creative abilities. It seems that an increasing amount of the studentsare merely satisfied with prehending or even copying others" thinkings,ideas or achievements rather than developing something new of their own. The mainreason that gives rise to the issue referred above, in my view, is thatcolleges have not fully fulfilled their responsibilities. All of thesecolleges" attention are on the basis of the tests, which force the studentsstudy more for their grades than for their synchronized qualities. As a result,most students have no enough time and energy to practise their creativeabilities. Owing to theserious issues we have to confront with, the whole society should take measuresto solve it. For example, colleges may pay more attention on the qualityeducation, the corporations can establish wider evaluation system, and so forth.
2023-06-12 00:32:251

关于college education

(1)Benefit of College Education College education is the doorway to receiving higher education, which is distinct from primary and secondary education that you have received in elementary school and high school. As we know, college education is not free; as a matter of fact, it can be expensive. However it"s worth it in every dollar and cent. From a career point of view, college education is your hedge against unemployment, and it has a positive effect on your earning potential. The more you learn, the more you earn. On the other hand, it supplies the opportunity to a person who wants to learn more. While you are in college, you are in the ocean of vast knowledge, which you have never seen. The diversity of college education can surely satisfy what you need in various fields, from basic reading and writing skills to high-level academic research. Generally, colleges provide a considerably flexible curriculum setting for certain orientation. In addition, there are many elective courses to choose from. All of these help you to master the very knowledge that you are interested in. You will benefit from what you have learned in college in your lifetime. No matter if it is for your own development or your career field, you need further knowledge and information, which are what college education can give you. Thus, college education is a sound investment in your future, although it might be expensive.(2)My interview experience---China college educationRecent days, the job-hunting is bothering ! As a undergraduats , we have litter work experience! Several days before, i"ve taken part in a job interview in a American-fund foward company. i have got through the firt two round paper interview and group interview.When i come to the third round of interview which will decide wether i can get this job or not .The perfomace in the interview is not as good as those in the first two round .After two days , i gave a call to the HR department to ask the results . The pesonnel told me i fail due to i am lack of work experience. i feel so annoying and even loose my temper ,because i apply the position in an jop recruting facing undergraduates . So i ask the personnel you recriut udergrduates or erperiences worker ? No matter what answer is ,i feel angry about the company behaviors!Accdroding to reports from many newspapers ,it is said that there are more than 6million undergraduates .Most of us will face fierce competition in the job markert !The society and the government should pay more attention to undergraduates who are the main strenth of national development! Meanwhile , undergraduates is a special part of this scoiety ,whose development will decide views about college education from village family. They spend almost all their savings on developing their children and hope they can contribute to their family and share burdens with their family .But now the results is oppsite!China college education is in a danger condition!
2023-06-12 00:32:351


in the university
2023-06-12 00:32:445

比较英国 美国高等教育区别英语论文600-800字

The Difference Between England And American Higher Education British higher education has a long history in the UK.State education in England is in three stages:primary,secondary and further(including higher and *** ).And British universities can be divided roughly into 3 main groups:the old universities; the Redbrick universities; the new universities.The old universities refer to those founded before 1600.Oxford & Cambridge are the oldest ones,dating back to the 12th and 13th century.Until the 19th century,they are the only 2 universities in England.The Redbrick universities include all the provincial universities of the period 1850-1930,as well as London University.They are so called because they were all built in the favorite building material of the period---red brick.The new universities are those founded since the 2nd world war.They have their own independent and modern approaches to teaching.Altogether,there are now 44 universities in the United Kingdom:33 in England,8 in Scotland,2 in Northern Ireland & 1,a federation of 7 colleges,in Wales. system is decentralized and very system has its own independent accrediting organization.In the U.S.there are public universities,private universities,liberal arts colleges,professional colleges,technical colleges and munity colleges.Universities are research oriented institutions which provide undergraduate and graduate education.Colleges are usually 2 year or four year institutions which do not emphasize research but rather teaching.Some universities have professional schools in specializations like journali *** ,engineering,medical,law,pharmacy and dental. In most U.S.universities American,students can begin their higher education at any time in their life,can take any major,can change majors at any time,can be a part-time or a full-time student,can stop or re-start their education at any time,can go to class during the day time or at night,can attend classes at sites off the campus of the university,and can take classes or a plete degree by a puter on-line.It is difficult to get into the best universities in the U.S.but not so difficult to get into lesser know universities even though the quality of education is still very high.Students attending universities are usually very intelligent and the universities demand much from them.The class work is very hard and requires much study.Much of their work is individual and requires much research and thinking.
2023-06-12 00:33:001


I know it"s extremely poor.This topic is same to my TOEFL composition.Question:People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.Here we go!Nowadays, after students graduate from senior high school, most of them will enter a university or college. In my opinion, there are three reasons which make students go to the college.Above all, people who graduated from senior high school haven"t enough social experience and ample knowledge. The knowledge of high school isn"t of adaptation for modern society. A person, who graduated from senior high school and doesn"t be educated from university, can"t adapt to society which is different between student"s lives. For getting more experience and improving abilities, they must go to the more high level school, college or university.Second, for getting a good job in future, they have to study in the college. You can see that a number of persons who graduated from senior high school can"t find a good job after they graduated. In this few years, the statistics shows that the new graduated student is more than vacant jobs which can earn a lot of money many times in China. Facing this terrible data, graduated from senior high school students have to enter a university for getting a higher level diploma. That is an important reason which is that students want to be educated in the colleges.The third one is for dream and ideal. When we are young, all of us have a plenty of fantastic dream. For example, some of us want to be the superman to beat the evil persons for justice or be a famous scientist to do many interesting experiments and invent significant things like Newton and Edison. Dreams and ideals are the magic things which can bring hope and motivation. Making us never give up. Entering the university is short way to make your dream coming truth. So It"s a reason that why student want to study in a college.Therefore, entering a university or colleges indeed is a brilliant way to help you being success and give you something that you want.
2023-06-12 00:33:092

比较英国 美国高等教育区别

The Difference Between England And American Higher EducationBritish higher education has a long history in the UK. State education in England is in three stages: primary, secondary and further(including higher and adult). And British universities can be divided roughly into 3 main groups: the old universities; the Redbrick universities; the new universities. The old universities refer to those founded before 1600. Oxford & Cambridge are the oldest ones, dating back to the 12th and 13th century. Until the 19th century, they are the only 2 universities in England. The Redbrick universities include all the provincial universities of the period 1850-1930, as well as London University. They are so called because they were all built in the favorite building material of the period---red brick. The new universities are those founded since the 2nd world war. They have their own independent and modern approaches to teaching. Altogether, there are now 44 universities in the United Kingdom: 33 in England, 8 in Scotland, 2 in Northern Ireland & 1, a federation of 7 colleges, in Wales.U.S. university system is decentralized and very independent. U.S. university system has its own independent accrediting organization. In the U.S. there are public universities, private universities, liberal arts colleges, professional colleges, technical colleges and community colleges. Universities are research oriented institutions which provide undergraduate and graduate education. Colleges are usually 2 year or four year institutions which do not emphasize research but rather teaching. Some universities have professional schools in specializations like journalism, engineering, medical, law, pharmacy and dental. In most U.S. universities American, students can begin their higher education at any time in their life, can take any major, can change majors at any time, can be a part-time or a full-time student, can stop or re-start their education at any time, can go to class during the day time or at night, can attend classes at sites off the campus of the university, and can take classes or a complete degree by a computer on-line. It is difficult to get into the best universities in the U.S. but not so difficult to get into lesser know universities even though the quality of education is still very high. Students attending universities are usually very intelligent and the universities demand much from them. The class work is very hard and requires much study. Much of their work is individual and requires much research and thinking.
2023-06-12 00:33:161


2023-06-12 00:33:231


  美国高校教育,会依据培养方案来安排学制,这样会更有效的提高教学的效率。和来一起看看美国高校学制有哪些?    学制介绍   1.什么是学季制?   学季制将学年分成四个学期: 秋季、冬季、春季和夏季学期。一般来说,暑期课程不是必须的,但是可以用来完成其他课程没有提供的课程,或者提前完成你的学位。在学季制下,每种课大约持续10周。每个季度你可以上三到四种课,这取决于每种课有多少学分。学年于九月底开始,并在隔年六月结束。社区学院及提供副学士学位的大学倾向于使用学季制。   2.什么是学期制?   学期制把学年分为两部分:秋季和春季。每门课约15周,秋季和春季之间有寒假,春季之后有暑假。你可以选修 4-6 门课,取决于每门课有多少学分。美国大约90%的大学实行学期制,是最常见的一种学习制度。   3.什么是三学期制?   三学期制把学年分为三个阶段:秋季、冬季和春季。每期大约12-13周。在每个三学期制的学期,你可以选择三到四门课,具体取决于每门课有多少学分。许多使用三学期制的学校提供与学季制更密切相关的夏季课程。在美国,许多中学和高中使用三学期制,而大多数高校则采用学期制。   了解每种校历可以帮助学生更好地了解他们的学年是怎样的,以及课程负荷如何。无论你的学校使用哪种校历,最终目标都是一样的:让你毕业并获得学位。    学校介绍   一、Doctorate granting Universities   这样的学校属于研究型的学校,所提供的学位还是比较多的,有学士、硕士等很多种学位,而且这些学校在美国这里的大学系统中有比较高的地位,但它也会有私立和公立这两种类型的。一般它们都会有比较强的学院,像是商学院、法学院这些,而且专业非常多,甚至能有上百个专业,或者是几百个研究项目。也是因为这样,这些学校的研究水平往往都是很顶级的,每年能得到的研究经费也有很多,甚至有十几亿美元。学生在这里读研自然就有更多拿奖的机会了。   二、Master Granting Universities   这样的学校很多都是地区级的大学,也有学士、硕士这样的学位,但它们的硕士一般都是职业教育方面的,在就业上比较好。而且在申请上还是很容易被录取的。这些学校也涉及到研究方面,但是研究的任务不是很多,都是更偏向教学。最重要的是它们的学费往往都很便宜   三、Liberal Arts Colleges文理学院   在文理学院中,比较多的是学士学位,也有一些是会有硕士学位。所教的内容主要是文理学科。在这些文理学院中,有着美国在大学教学上很传统的精髓,对于综合教育是非常注重的,所以这些文理学院也有比较多学生来就读。   它比较明显的特点是和别的学校不一样的小班授课,这样学生在课程中就能得到教授更多的关注,而且这里的学生因为人数不多,所以师生间的联系就很密切,这样能让学生有更好的人脉基础。   四、Community College 社区大学   社区学院里大多是副学士学位,很少会有学士学位的。这里一般有两类课程,一种是通识课程,学生学完后也能去读大学。还有一种是技术型的课程,读完后就能直接就业。其实跟国内的专科还是比较相似的,但从社区学院里读完后再去读本科,学生们所能得到的学位是一样的,所以有一些学生也会通过这些社区学院来让自己之后能进入美国这里的大学中。
2023-06-12 00:33:301


  伦斯勒理工学院创办于1824年,是英语世界创办时间最早的工科大学。不仅有先进的教学理念,也有世界一流的研究。那么,伦斯勒理工学院提供哪些奖学金呢?请看下面为大家提供的翻译介绍。   When you come to study at Rensselaer, you will benefit from a proud legacy of bold exploration. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute was established in 1824 as the first technological university in the English-speaking world.   The Institute was organized around a concept considered quite radical for the time: that students should actively engage with their studies by performing experiments and exploring other participatory forms of learning, rather than sitting passively in lectures.   Rensselaer is a diverse community of dreamers and doers who share several characteristics. They are drawn to the sciences and technology, and to disciplines ranging from architecture and business to literature. They love to tackle complex problems, and they have a sincere desire to improve the world.   Yet the people of Rensselaer are true individuals: everyone who comes here seeks a pathway to greatness that is uniquely his or her own.   As a Rensselaer student, you will walk in the footsteps of pioneers—and become one. You will enjoy access to world-class research facilities, and work alongside exceptionally talented researchers on challenges that range from eradicating cholera to combating global climate change.   来伦斯勒理工学院留学,你将可以从学院引以为豪的大胆探索的传统中受益。伦斯勒理工学院创办于1824年,是英语世界创办时间最早的工科大学。   学院创办之初所怀抱的理念在当时被认为是相当激进的。它认为学生应该积极地参与学习,通过实验和其他的学习形式参与到学习中,而不是消极地坐着听讲讲座。   伦斯勒理工学院是一个多样化的汇集了梦想家和实干家的社区。梦想家和实干家有着一些共同的特点,他们被科学和技术吸引,被从建筑学到商学,再到文学之间的各种学科吸引。他们喜欢处理复杂的问题,并有着真诚的改善世界的愿望。   尽管如此,伦斯勒理工学院的学生都是真正的个体:每个人来这里都是为了寻找通过自身伟大的道路。   作为伦斯勒理工学院的学生,你将有机会跟随先驱者们的脚步,并成为他们中的一员。你将有机会使用世界一流的研究设备,和优异的研究人员一起工作,迎接包括消除霍乱和战胜全球变暖在内的各种挑战。    Rensselaer Medal Scholarship   * A scholarship opportunity worth $100,000 for outstanding math and science students.   For more than 100 years, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, in conjunction with high schools around the world, has awarded the Rensselaer Medal to promising secondary school students who have distinguished themselves in mathematics and science.   The Medal was first presented in 1916 with two purposes: to recognize the superlative academic achievement of young men and women, and to motivate students toward careers in science, engineering, and technology.   This merit scholarship, with a value of $25,000 per year, is guaranteed for four years (five years for the B.Arch. program or the Co-Terminal Program) for each medalist who is accepted and enrolls at Rensselaer.   Each participating high school is allowed to select one member of the junior class to be honored with the Rensselaer Medal Award. The responsibility for designating the Rensselaer Medalist belongs to faculty and staff within the secondary school. Once school officials have made their selection, they should submit their choice online via the password-protected medal website.   Once the selection is received at Rensselaer, an award certificate is mailed to the school for presentation at a school assembly. If the student applies, is accepted, and enrolls, the official Rensselaer Medallion will be presented during Honors Convocation in the fall of the first year at Rensselaer.   Find out if your school is a participating Medal school. Selection information for the Class of 2018 (current juniors) was sent out in March 2017. Online selections for the Class of 2018 (current juniors) were due May 1, 2017. ***DEADLINE EXTENDED TO MAY 15!***    伦斯勒理工学院勋章奖学金   *金额:100,000 美元,提供给数学和科学成绩突出的学生。   一百多年以来,伦斯勒理工学院和世界各地的高校合作,为富有前景的在数学和科学中脱颖而出的中学生颁发了勋章奖学金。   勋章奖学金最先设立于1916年,有两个目的:一是认可青年男女的优异的学业成绩,二是激励学生朝科学、工程和技术方面发展。   这项优秀奖学金每年金额为25,000 美元,期限为四年(建筑学学术课程和共终端课程五年),颁发给被录取并注册伦斯勒理工学院的学生。   每一所参与该奖学金项目的高中被允许从高年级学生中选出一名学生获得斯勒理工学院勋章奖学金。获奖者由中学内部的教职员指定。一旦学校官员完成了筛选,他们就需要在密码加密勋章网站在线提交他们的选择。   一旦筛选被伦斯勒理工学院接收,获奖证书就会邮寄给你所在的学校,并在校方会议上展示。如果你申请、接受并注册了斯勒理工学院,学校的官方大奖章将在第一年秋季学期的荣誉会议期间展示。   你可以看看你所在的中学时候参与了该奖学金项目。2018级(当前的三年级学生)的筛选信息已经于2017年三月发出。2018级(当前的三年级学生)的在线筛选已于2017年5月1日截止。    Transfer Scholarships   Rensselaer offers transfer students a wide range of aid options and a staff of financial aid professionals who will work with you to devise the best solutions.   In an effort to distribute funds equitably, it is Rensselaer"s policy not to combine multiple merit scholarships in any one financial aid award. Students who receive the Rensselaer Mathematics and Science Award (the Rensselaer Medal) in high school, or who have already earned a bachelor"s degree are not eligible for these scholarships. Special merit scholarships will be incorporated into need-based packages if financial need is demonstrated by the FAFSA and CSS PROFILE applications.   Unless otherwise noted, all the scholarships below provide a minimum of $18,000 per academic year and are renewable. Generally speaking, the maximum number of semesters a student may receive the award is dependent on the individual"s credits that transfer. For example, a student who would be transferring as a junior would receive 4 semesters of eligibility, 6 if participating in our Co-Terminal Program.    Affiliated Two-Year and Community Colleges   The Award for Excellence   This scholarship is for the top student transferring into a non-engineering program from two-year affiliated colleges and universities.   The Joseph H. Smith Jr. "45 Award   This award was created for the most outstanding student in the engineering science program at our affiliated community colleges. Generally, the award is presented to the qualifying student with the highest cumulative average.    Four-Year Affiliated Colleges and Universities   The Award for Excellence   Awarded to the top student transferring to our engineering program from each of our four-year affiliated colleges and universities.    Two- and Four-Year Affiliated Colleges   The Garnet D. Baltimore Rensselaer Award and Scholarship for Minority Students   This annual scholarship is awarded to the qualifying African American, Hispanic, or Native American student with the highest combined average in mathematics and science at each of our two- and four-year affiliated colleges.   Phi Theta Kappa Society Scholarship   Phi Theta Kappa recognizes intellectual achievement in American two-year colleges. All Theta Kappa Society transfer students who are accepted and subsequently enroll at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute will receive the $5,000 annual scholarship.    PLEASE NOTE : If a student earns multiple Rensselaer merit scholarships, the university will award the highest merit award for which the student is qualified, but does not combine multiple awards. Total Rensselaer provided scholarships and/or tuition benefits may not exceed tuition.    转学奖学金   伦斯勒理工学院为转学生提供众多资助选项和一名经济资助人员。该名人员将协助你找到最佳的解决办法。   为了资金发放的公平起见,伦斯勒理工学院的政策不允许将多项优秀奖学金结合。在高中获得学院数学和科学奖(勋章奖)的学生和已经获得学士学位证书的学生不符合这些奖学金的资格。特殊的优秀奖学金将包含在以需求为基础的资助方案中,这种情况要求你通过“学生援助免费申请”和 CSS 简介证明有经济需求。   除非另有说明,以下的所有奖学金每学年金额不低于18000美元,并且可以更新。一般来说,你能在多少个学期里获得奖学金取决于你的可转学分的数量。举个例子来说,如果你转学为大三学生,那么你可以获得四个学期的奖学金;如果你参加我们的 Co-Terminal 项目,那么你可以获得六个学期的奖学金。    附属两年和社区学院   优秀奖   这项奖学金颁发给从两年制附属学院或大学转入非工程专业课程的尖子生。   约瑟夫H.斯密斯Jr. "45 Award   这项奖学金设立的初衷是提供给在我们的附属社区学院学习工程科学专业课程的最优秀的学生。一般来说,这项奖学金颁发给累积平均绩点最高的合格的学生。    四年制附属学院和大学   优秀奖   颁发给从我们的四年制附属学院和大学转入我们的工程专业课程的尖子生。    两年和四年制附属学院   Garnet D. Baltimore 伦斯勒奖学金(少数民族学生)   这项奖学金每年都提供,颁发给符合资格的非裔美籍学生、西班牙裔学生或美国本土学生。要求学生来自我们的两年和四年制附属学院,数学和科学的综合均分最高。   Phi Theta Kappa 联合会奖学金   Phi Theta Kappa 认可美国两年制学院学生的智力成绩。所有的Theta Kappa联合会转学生如果被录取并且接下来在伦斯勒理工学院注册,都将可以获得每年5000美元的奖学金。    请注意 :如果你获得多项奖学金,学校将只给你发放金额最高的那一项,而不会结合多项奖学金发给你。你能获得的总的奖学金和/或学费福利数额不得超过学费。
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We are one of the world"s oldest universities and leading academic centres,and a self-governed munity of scholars.Cambridge prises 31 Colleges and over 150 departments,faculties,schools and other institutions. The University of Cambridge is rich in history - its famous Colleges and University buildings attract visitors from all over the world.But the University"s museums and collections also hold many treasures which give an exciting insight into some of the scholarly activities,both past and present,of the University"s academics and students. The University of Cambridge is one of the world"s oldest universities and leading academic centres,and a self-governed munity of scholars.Its reputation for outstanding academic achievement is known world-wide and reflects the intellectual achievement of its students,as well as the world-class original research carried out by the staff of the University and the Colleges. Many of the University"s customs and unusual terminology can be traced to roots in the early years of the University"s long history,and this booklet looks to the past to find the origins of much that is distinctive in the University of today.
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colleges all over的意思是什么

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