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2023-06-13 08:33:16
TAG: ods fre boods






boods 书
2023-06-12 00:23:391

I have no books与I have no book.是一个意思吗,哪个对?

2023-06-12 00:23:485


He never sells the book which is harmful to readers.
2023-06-12 00:24:207


During my holiday, I didn"t do much. What I did do was go to school, Do my homework, read, and stayed at home. Never less, I found this holiday interesting. Everyday, I would wake up very late, and do some exercises with my mom.We often played badminton. After badminton, I would entertain myself. In the afternoon, I do my homework, and read for a while.Even though I did not do much during the holiday, it was worthwhile.
2023-06-12 00:24:394

What books do you like to reading about?这的句子成立吗?

Which book you like to read about?
2023-06-12 00:24:475

求美剧,知名度比较小,或者年份比较早,但是好看的。我不是新人,Ctrl C+V 党,就请自重。

2023-06-12 00:25:1610


2023-06-12 00:25:404

quality john galsworthy 的作品。我们英美文学需要分析手法。求分析。我谷歌了很久找不到technic分析。

2023-06-12 00:25:5010


SELECT 表EXPORT TO "c:1.xls" XLS导出为xls还可以用copy命令的select 表copy to "c:aa.xls" xl5
2023-06-12 00:26:282

quality john galsworthy 的technic 分析。我谷歌百度了很久找不到。英美文学我要做PPT

Tired, miserable even bored is the way that many people feel when they wake up in the morning to get ready for work. Even the very thought of work puts some people in a bad mood. Others may not mind work but still do not look forward to going. It is a rare occasion to find someone who is completely satisfied with his or her career. However, for one man, work is bliss.Yah, we can see in "Quality" by Galsworthy , Gessler, the shoemaker, is shown to be a man of integrity and of complete dedication to his work. the story of the hopeless struggle of good craftsmanship against low-price industry. Mr. Gessler had his own shoe business where he made leather boots. His dedication is shown through the fact that, "He made only what was ordered, never taking ready-made shoes down from the shelf." He wanted each pair of boots to be a custom fit to each individual and for every pair he made, he used a pattern taken from the customer"s foot size. One day the narrator of the story walked into Mr. Galsworthy"s shop wearing a pair of boots from a big business. Mr. Gessler noticed them right away and after a short time he said, "Dey get id all, dey get id by advertisement, nod by work. Dey take it away from us, who lofe our boots."Later in the story, the reader comes to find out that Mr. Gessler is forced to sacrifice half of his shop to a big business. He continued to make his boots for the same price and with the same amount of painstaking work. He must be truly dedicated in order to love his business unconditionally.Mr. Gessler spent such an incredible amount of time preparing the shoes, never trying to forget the process, in order to make them as perfect as possible and because of this, he stood behind all of his work. The narrator, absent-minded of the fact that Mr.Gessler was so passionate about his boots once said to him, "Mr. Gessler, that last pair of boots creaked, you know." Angered by the boy"s comment, Mr. Gessler said, "Zend dem back! I will look at dem." He went on to say, "Zome boods, are bad from birdt. If I can do noding wid dem, I dake dem off your bill." Not only does this show dedication, but also integrity because he was honest about his work and wanted to satisfy his customer.Near the end of the story, the narrator comes back to Mr.Gessler"s shop after a long hiatus, only to find out that Mr. Gessler was no longer alive. When he questioned the worker about his death the man said, "Slow starvation, the doctor called it. You see, he went to work in such a way!… Never gave "imself time to eat; never had a penny in the house. All went in rent and leather… He regular let his fire go out…But he made good boots." That last sentence was the meaning of the whole story. Mr. Gessler dedicated his life to making boots. No matter what he had to sacrifice, including his life, he was willing to do it for the love of his work. Even in his last few days of life, he never stopped making boots, and he even finished the narrator"s boots before he died.Mr. Gessler indeed was a man of integrity and dedication. His dedication was shown through his struggle to please every customer, and his integrity was shown through his honest way of life and his credibility in his work. In his mind, the needs of his customers more important than his own, and when he was no longer in business, he had no reason to go on living. 这篇文章主要描述了一个男人以自己所做的卑微工作为荣誉,人生意义只存在于追求质量、满足他人需求,对工作的热爱近乎于病态,离了工作就失了一切。这是篇读后感外加人物分析,希望你能满意。
2023-06-12 00:26:361

I have no books与I have no book.是一个意思吗,哪个对?

I have no book 意思是我没有书 I have no boods 意思是我没有一本书 也许有很多本. 一般说我没有书 应该说I have no books anymore.
2023-06-12 00:26:441


2023-06-12 00:26:511

read books on

read litteratures 是对的..,能够准备表达意思 读文学书籍. read boods on literature,可以理解成 读论文学的书籍.
2023-06-12 00:26:591

good of 放句首

句意:好书的产生是无止境的,……也不会……. 也可以意译为“一直有好书的产生,……” 此句可理解成There"s no end of the making of good boods.的倒装式.of可解释成“有关”、“在……方面”. 又如: Of the making of trouble, there"s no end. 永远会有麻烦产生.(麻烦的产生是无休止的)
2023-06-12 00:27:071


2023-06-12 00:27:263


在数据库的编程应用中经常用到将数据从一种文件格式转变另一种格式,这时OLE是一种上上之选,OLE技术以其易用性以及平台无关性成为了编程人员的上上之选。不过我们在开发程序时,一个模块一般只能用于将一个数据表导出因为导出数据内容受表结构的限制,表结构不同则编程中必须要做一切改动。笔者在开发一个学务管理系统的过程就遇到这类问题。经过一番探索笔者巧妙地结合VFP函数成功实现了表文件无关地导出。最后成功实现了将源表导出到EXCEL中。特此提出以供大家讨论,同时借此抛砖引玉,还望高手不吝赐教。其实笔者所用的原理很简单。主要使用了Visual Foxpro中的FCOUNT()与FIELDS函数。打开表后利用FCOUNT()函数取得了表中的字段个数。然后用FIELDS()函数设法取得各个字段的字段名。这样问题就基本解决了。不过在实践中笔者发现仅取得了字段名还不能取得记录中各字段的值,笔者利用宏替代暂时解决了此问题。如果哪位高手有更好的方法。还望指教。 源码清单: local myoleapp local myfilenamelocal myfield yfilename=getfile("*.dbf")&&得到源表 myoleapp=createobject("excel.application") &&创建OLE对象 myoleapp.visible=.t.myoleapp.workbooks.adduse &myfilenamefor i=1 to fcount() myoleapp.cells(i,1).value=fields(i)endforscan for i=1 to fcount() myfield=fields(i) myoleapp.cells(recno()+1,i).value=&myfield endforendscanmyoleapp.activeworkboods.saveas("myxls.xls")myoleapp.quit
2023-06-12 00:27:341

take you these can school to pictures连词成句

You can take these pictures to school.Can you take these pictures to school?There aren"t any English boods in the desk.
2023-06-12 00:27:423


一 单项选择。( )1. --- __________ you have a pen pal? Yes, I __________. A. Are;am B. Can;can C .Do;do D. Do;have ( )2. --- Where ___________ your pen pals from? --- The United States. A. does B. do C. is D. are ( )3. Frank is my pen pal, he _____________ Sydney, Australia. A. lives B. from C. comes from D. be from ( )4. My pen pal is from Canada. She _____________ English very well. A. says B. speaks C. tells D. talks ( )5.--- _____________ your grandfather live? --- He lives next to the library. A. What does B. How is C. Where does D. How old is ( )6. Bob likes _____________ to the movies _____________ his friends on weekends. A. to go; and B. goes; or C. going; with D. go; for ( )7.Coco lives in Tokyo and she speaks ____________. A. Chinese B. English C. Japanese D. French ( )8. Look! There________ a lot of people and cars on New Street. It"s a ______ street . A. are; busy B. is; easy C. are; dirty D. is; quiet ( )9. _____________ there a post office and some supermarkets near here? A. Have B. Do C. Are D. Is ( )10. Let him _________________ these things to his parents. A. takes B. taking C. take D. to take ( )11. The pay phone is _________ Green Street and it"s across _________ the library. A. in, to B. on, from C. at, through D. by, of ( )12. They live in a small house ______________ interesting garden. A. with an B. have an C. has a D. with a ( )13. Can you write and tell me ________________? A. yourself B. to yourself C. about yourself D. of yourself ( )14.---Where is the bank? ---It"s down Grand Street ___________ the right. A. between B. on C. in D. at ( )15. Her grandmother often takes ______________ after dinner. A. walking B. to walk C. walks D. a walk 二 完形填空。Li Wei, look 16 this picture. This is a 17 of a classroom. In the picture you can see some desks 18 chairs. On the blackboard(黑板), you can see a cat. A map is 19 the door. The room is different (不同的) from 20 classroom. Under the 21 table there is a ball, 22 you can"t see it. The boy in the hat is my friend, Jim. He is a new student. He is 23 American(美国人) . He looks 24 Kate. But they are not 25 . ( )16. A. in B. on C. at D. to ( )17. A. map B. picture C. room D. door ( )18. A. or B. but C. with D. and ( )19. A. behind B. in C. at D. of ( )20. A. you B. our C. us D. we ( )21. A. teacher"s B. teachers" C. of teacher D. teacher ( )22. A. so B. or C. and D. but ( )23. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )24. A. after B. at C. the same D. like ( )25. A. students B. boys C. twins(双胞胎) D. girls 三 阅读理解。Fred and Jane are brother and sister. They are American. They are in the same(相同的) school. Their school is not far (远) from their home. Fred is in Mr. Black"s class. He is thirteen. He is one of the best student in his class. Mr. Black likes him very much. He does well in (善长于) Chinese, but Mr. Black is not. Jane is eleven. She is in Mrs. Black"s class. Mrs. Black teaches English. Jane is good at English, but she is not good at Chinese. ( )26. Fred and Jane are _______________. A. Chinese. B. English C. friends D. American ( )27. Jane is _______________________. A. good at Chinese B. in Mr. Black"s class C. not good at English D. Fred"s sister ( )28. ________________ is good at Chinese. A. Fred B. Jane C. Mr. Black D. Mrs. Black ( )29. Mrs. Black is ____________________. A. a Chinese teacher B. a teacher of English C. one of the best student D. Jane"s mother
2023-06-12 00:27:532


引用一下excel吧,dim xls as new excel.applicationdim wb as excel.workbookdim sht as excle.worksheet"上面为窗体变量"form loadset wb =xls.workboods.add("F:data.xls")set sht =wb.worksheets(1) "---"按钮:dim r as integer r=sht.range("A65536").end(xlsup).row+1sht(r,1)=text1.textsht(r,2) "---form unload 时wb.closexls.quit
2023-06-12 00:28:011


谓语(predicate verb)是对主语动作或状态的陈述或说明,指出“做什么”“是什么”或“怎么样。谓语动词的位置一般在主语之后...例: He works like a dog every day.他每天都像狗一样的忙碌工作.为了使你比较容易区别,此处附上非谓语动词的解释:非谓语动词可以在句子中用作主语、状语、定语等; 括孤内为(非谓语动词)例: Smoking is not good for your health. (Smoking) He found those boods hard to read. (read) <在这句里面 found 为谓语动词,read 为非谓语动词.>
2023-06-12 00:28:091


2023-06-12 00:28:172


2023-06-12 00:28:521


Books are the the symbol of wisdom. Have your read boods today?
2023-06-12 00:29:022

linda has got some boods否定句怎么写

linda hasn"t got some boods
2023-06-12 00:29:103


2023-06-12 00:29:192


【books】are our good friends. Why I said that? Because we can learn a lot of things from all kind of books. If we don"t read boods, we would be a ignorant person. Mr. Win who was my English, he said, " we have to study and read book every day. Then we will be enrich and become a knowledgeable person. And become a ability to control ourselves and quality person. And if want to be a useful person in the future, you must read books every day". Now, you know how important the books is for us!
2023-06-12 00:29:291

.有关新学校和新老师的英文作文 不少于80词

Today, let me feel happy and exciting for the begining of the new high school. And I go to the school library, I am so surprised that not only the high schhol library is bigger than middle school library, but also the high school library"s books more than middle school library"s books. At this time, I really enjoy reading boods at the school library, I even forget to go home and eat my dinner. because of my mom calls me and says, "Will you come for dinner?" I ask my mom, "What time is it?" Mom answers, " It"s seven o"clock, my son." I say, "What?"After three weeks past, I feel my new teachers are very friendly, and the new teachers teach methods are totally different from previously teachers. I like new teaching methods that leading me into another level and learning new extent reached and new life.今天,让我感到高兴和兴奋为一个新高中学校的开始。我去学校的图书馆,我很惊讶的是,不仅高中学校图书馆比中学的图书馆要大,而且高校图书馆的书比中学图书馆的书要多。在这个时候,我真的很喜欢在学校的图书馆阅读书,我甚至忘了回家吃晚饭。因为我妈妈打电话给我说,“你能来吃晚饭吗?”我问妈妈,“现在是什么时间?”妈妈回答,“现在是七点,我的儿子。”我说,“什么?”三周过去后,我觉得我的新老师们都很友好,和新教师的教学方法和以前的教师的教学方法完全不同。我喜欢新的教学方法,它引导我到另一个水平和学习的新境界和新的生活。
2023-06-12 00:29:371


句意:好书的产生是无止境的,……也不会……。也可以意译为“一直有好书的产生,……”此句可理解成There"s no end of the making of good boods.的倒装式。of可解释成“有关”、“在……方面”。又如:Of the making of trouble, there"s no end. 永远会有麻烦产生。(麻烦的产生是无休止的)
2023-06-12 00:29:591

躺在床上看书对眼睛有害(翻译) _________________________ is ______________________eyes.

Reading boods lying in bed is harmful to your eyes.
2023-06-12 00:30:192

college student 和 student of junior colleges以及undergraduate的区别

depends on where you are.
2023-06-12 00:24:114


RBA 责任商业联盟行为准则 6.0 版(Code of Conduct - Responsible Business Alliance,RBA Version 6.0),更名前称之为 EICC,RBA 责任商业联盟行为准则每3年进行一次审查,以确保其与成员在其供应链中可能面临的国际规范和问题的相关性。RBA 责任商业联盟行为准则包含5大范畴:1. 劳工(labor)2. 健康与安全(Health & Safety)3. 环境(Environmental)4. 道德规范(Ethics)5. 管理系统(Management System)等,但合计检验细项达数百项以上。2004年,美国电子业IBM、Dell与HP等…全球电子业跨国集团,为了善尽企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility,CSR),自发性的制定行为准则。RBA 责任商业联盟行为准则约束对象除了自身企业之外,也涵盖了整个产品供应链的各个卫星制造商。所谓卫星制造厂商包括原始设备制造商(Original Equipment Manufacturing,OEM)、原始设计制造商(Own Designing & Manufacturing,ODM)以及电子制造服务(EMS)公司。RBA 责任商业联盟行为准则自发布以后历经7次修改,现行的版本是 RBA 责任商业联盟行为准则 6.0 版(Code of Conduct - Responsible Business Alliance,RBA Version 6.0)。2017年10月17日,EICC 电子行业公民联盟 (Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition) 宣布组织重塑并更名为责任商业联盟( Responsible Business Alliance, RBA),此次变动反映了 EICC对全球产业影响范围的成长。此次的组织重塑为 RBA 责任商业联盟,代表下一阶段的开端。同时,RBA 责任商业联盟行为准则 6.0 版也可以被视为全球电子产品供应链的人权、环境与道德的行为规范,高度呼应《联合国企业与人权指导原则》(UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights) 、国际劳工组织的《工作基本原则与权利宣言》 (Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work) 与 《世界人权宣言》 (UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights) 等指标型国际人权标准。
2023-06-12 00:24:126

电影生化危机1 里黑人指挥官是谁演的?

给你演员表科林·塞尔蒙 Colin Salmon 黑人队长米拉·乔沃维奇/蜜拉乔娃维琪 Milla Jovovich ...... Alice 米歇尔·罗德里格兹 Michelle Rodriguez ...... Rain Ocampo 艾里克·马比乌斯 Eric Mabius ...... Matt Addison 詹姆斯·普尔弗伊 James Purefoy ...... Spence Parks Martin Crewes ...... Chad Kaplan 科林·塞尔蒙 Colin Salmon ...... One Ryan McCluskey ...... Mr. Grey Oscar Pearce ...... Mr. Red Indra Ové ...... Ms. Black Anna Bolt ...... Dr. Green Joseph May ...... Dr. Blue Robert Tannion ...... Dr. Brown 海克·玛卡琪 Heike Makatsch ...... Dr. Lisa Addison Jaymes Butler ...... Clarence the Security Guard 史蒂芬·比灵顿 Stephen Billington ...... Mr. White Fiona Glascott ...... Ms. Gold Pasquale Aleardi ...... J.D. Salinas Elizabeth Brice ...... Medic Torsten Jerabek ...... Commando #1 Marc Logan-Black ...... Commando #2 Michaela Dicker ...... Red Queen Jeremy Bolt ...... Zombie (uncredited) Jamie Harding ...... Mail Boy (uncredited) 詹森·艾萨克 Jason Isaacs ...... Dr. William Birkin/Narrator (uncredited)
2023-06-12 00:24:181


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(一)卵磷脂型DHA的来源卵磷脂型DHA只存在于蛋黄中,因此只能来源于蛋黄。而鱼油DHA、藻油DHA不是甲酯型,就是乙酯型或甘油三酯型。(二)卵磷脂型DHA的分子结构卵磷脂Lecithin是一类含磷脂类物质,最早由Uauquelin于1812年从人脑中发现, Golbley于1844年从蛋黄中分离出卵磷脂(也称为蛋黄素),并于1850年按照希腊文lekithos(蛋黄)命名为Lecithos。广义的卵磷脂是各种磷脂的总称,包括磷脂酰胆碱(Phosphatidylcholine,PC)、磷脂酰乙醇胺(Phosphatidythanolamine,PE)、神经鞘磷脂(Sphingomyelin,SM)、肌醇磷脂(Phosphatidylinositol,PI)、溶血磷脂酰胆碱(Lysophosphatidylcholine,LPC))磷脂酰丝氨酸(Phosphatidyserine,PS)等,狭义的卵磷脂是指磷脂酰胆碱(PC)。科学家经过长期研究发现,鸡蛋黄中卵磷脂主要为磷脂酰胆碱(70%~75%)和磷脂酰乙醇胺(15%~20%),当卵磷脂成分中的R1,R2为DHA时即形成了卵磷脂型DHA。磷脂酰胆碱和磷脂酰乙醇胺的结构式(R1,R2代表脂肪酸)如下:(三)新一代卵磷脂型DHA具备的特点1、纯天然市售的甲酯型和乙酯型DHA是通过分子蒸馏等方法把鱼油或海藻中的DHA水解下来分离纯化得到的,而蛋黄中含有的卵磷脂型DHA是鸡吃了含有DHA或α-亚麻酸的饲料,在鸡体内经过一系列消化吸收等生理反应自然形成的,具有纯天然特性。至于鸡为什么会在体内转化、吸收并特异性的积累形成卵磷脂型DHA还需要科学界进一步探索研究。2、更容易被人体吸收DHA存在形态不同,被人体吸收利用的效率差异很大。乙酯型DHA在人体内是以被动扩散的方式被吸收,吸收率仅为20%左右;甘油三酯型吸收率远高于乙酯型,也只有50%左右。因为卵磷脂可促进脂肪酸代谢,因此蛋黄卵磷脂型DHA在人体内吸收方式为主动吸收,吸收率接近100%。3、安全性高众所周知,蛋黄因为其营养丰富及安全性高是婴幼儿添加辅食的第一选择。蛋鸡是“生物筛”,鸡蛋形成过程中的屏蔽效能可将对婴幼儿健康产生不利影响物质阻挡在鸡蛋之外,因此蛋黄卵磷脂型DHA既不含对人体有升高胆固醇和破坏血管内膜作用的豆蔻酸、月桂酸等;也不存在被重金属污染而超标问题,产品更安全,妈妈和宝宝的健康更有保障。同时,从人体对各种DHA的消化吸收过程来看,甲酯型DHA在人体内分解为甲醇和DHA;乙酯型DHA分解为乙醇和DHA;卵磷脂型DHA分解为卵磷脂和DHA。甲醇具有毒性,乙醇对胚胎和婴幼儿具有刺激性,而磷脂是很好的乳化剂,能促进乳糜微粒的形成,有助于提高乳糜的稳定性和运输脂肪酸的能力。因此可以促进DHA的运输能力,进而提高吸收率。磷脂的乳化能力具有与胆汁的协同作用,具有节约胆汁的作用,对于肝胆发育尚未完全的婴幼儿具有更大价值。4、营养丰富蛋黄中卵磷脂型DHA属于动物胚胎磷脂,除了卵磷脂和DHA外,还富含人体所必须的其他营养素:蛋白质和多种矿物质(钙、铁、锌、硒、钾、镁等)和多种维生素(如维生素A、维生素E、维生素B2、B12,还含有丰富的长链不饱和脂肪酸—油酸、亚油酸以及多种氨基酸,打破了单纯补充DHA的模式,实现了生命所需营养的全方位补充,能对孕产妇和婴幼儿进行全面营养补充。5、稳定性好卵磷脂和DHA紧密结合在一起, 相比游离DHA更稳定,不易被氧化,保质期更长。6、降低血液中胆固醇浓度,防止胆结石体内过多的胆固醇会发生沉淀,从而形成胆结石,蛋黄卵磷脂型DHA中的卵磷脂可将胆固醇乳化为极细的颗粒,这种微细的乳化胆固醇颗粒可透过血管壁被组织利用,故具有降低血液中的胆固醇浓度及防止胆结石的作用。7、产品气味、滋味好新一代蛋黄卵磷脂型DHA气味芬芳,有淡淡的蛋香味,作为辅食添加在牛奶、面条、粥等主食里,使主食的滋味、气味更好,能够增加食欲;即使直接用温水冲服,也很容易被孕妇和婴幼儿接受和喜爱。附:卵磷脂型DHA与普通乙酯型DHA对比表 项 目 蛋黄DHA 普通DHA制品 来源 蛋黄 鱼油、海藻油 DHA类型 卵磷脂型 乙酯型 生产工艺 生物技术 分子蒸馏等方法 产品形态 粉末 油状 溶剂残留 无 有 豆蔻酸,月桂酸等 无 有(藻油) 消化吸收方式 主动吸收 被动吸收 DHA消化吸收率 ≥99% 21% 人体消化产生的物质 卵磷脂+DHA 乙醇+DHA 稳定性 稳定,不易氧化 不稳定,易氧化 口感及风味 蛋香味,无腥味 腥味重 适宜人群 孕产妇,婴幼儿 老年人,心脑血管病患者 主要营养成分对比 DHA含量(例) 100mg/袋 100mg/粒 卵磷脂(PC) 丰富 无 蛋白质 丰富 无 多种维生素(维生素A、维生素E、维生素B2、B12等) 富含 少量或无 多种矿物质(钙、铁、锌、硒、钾、镁等) 富含 无 油酸(长链不饱和脂肪酸) 丰富 无 亚油酸(长链不饱和脂肪酸) 富含 无 多种氨基酸 丰富 无 (四)卵磷脂型DHA的研究进展卵磷脂型DHA只存在于蛋黄中,但由于含量极低,吃普通鸡蛋无法起到补充卵磷脂型DHA的作用。中国农业大学的科学家发明创新的复合植物提取物促进技术,采用纯植物提取物,根据生物富集和转化过程中各个阶段的特点,经过反复试验,把纯植物提取物进行科学配比,再与饲料充分发酵融合,充分释放了纯植物提取物的活性,使其在生物富集、转化过程的各个阶段发挥了强有力地促进作用,大大提高了富集率和转化率,为人们提供更多更好更优质的卵磷脂型DHA创造了条件。卵磷脂+DHA是1+1>2卵磷脂存在于人体所有的器官和细胞中,是构成细胞膜的主要成分,占细胞膜干重的70—80%,并集中存在脑及神经系统,磷脂酰胆碱因此被称为“细胞膜的建筑砖”。卵磷脂肩负着细胞的营养代谢、能量代谢、信息传递等功能,是生命和健康的必需物质,被誉为与蛋白质、维生素并列的“第三营养素”。牛奶、动物的脑、骨髓以及大豆和鸡蛋等食物中都含有卵磷脂,其中蛋黄卵磷脂是营养成分最完整,营养价值最高的。卵磷脂的质量差异取决于所含活性成分的含量,其中最主要的活性成分即磷脂酰胆碱和磷脂酰乙醇胺。DHA是脑细胞增殖和大脑沟回形成所必须的重要构成成分的物质,但是仅有独立的脑神经细胞,大脑仍不能够正常思维,只有当各神经细胞间建立起信息传递的通道时,大脑才能具备思维的能力。信息传递的通道,就象一条条高速公路,高速公路的路面决定信息传递的速度,DHA促进了高速公路的延伸,保证高速公路四通八达;而高速公路的护栏,可确保信息传递的准确性,防止信息“上错路”,卵磷脂不但是高速公路路面的物质前体,同时也是护栏的重要组成部分。DHA和卵磷脂二者紧密合作才能保证信息安全高速准确地到达目的地,二者对大脑的作用相辅相成,密不可分。因此,同时补充卵磷脂和DHA能起到事半功倍的效果,使得1+1>2。参考文献:1、Beckermann B, Beneke M, Seitz I. 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公司简介 Celestica天弘集团是总部设在加拿大多伦多的全球领先的电子制造服务商 (EMS), 在纽约与多伦多上市, 2005年产值达88亿美金。我们向全球知名的计算机,信息技术和通讯企业(世界500强企业)提供一流的生产制造方案和增值服务。天弘家族拥有设在全球42个国家地区的子公司,全球员工近4万名。在中国,我们在上海,苏州,东莞,厦门等地合计拥有近万名员工,是目前加拿大籍公司在华雇员最多的公司之一。为配合多元化业务发展的需要,Celestica天弘集团在上海注册有全资子公司――天弘电子技术服务(上海)有限公司和加弘科技咨询(上海)有限公司。业务涵盖电子制造服务(隶属天弘电子技术服务(上海)有限公司),产品研发设计服务和地区帐务结算(隶属加弘科技咨询(上海)有限公司)。天弘电子技术服务(上海)有限公司坐落于浦东金桥出口加工区金桥工业园区。向客户提供计算机及其外围设备的生产,组装等电子制造服务。加弘科技咨询(上海)有限公司位于张江集电港高科技园区内,主要负责设在上海的Celestica天弘全球产品研发设计和亚洲帐务结算业务。其中,Celestica天弘(上海)设计中心是Celestica集团全球五大研发设计中心之一,也是其在中国的少数的全球设计中心。该设计中心致力于为领先的电子厂商(OEM)提供设计服务及联合设计服务。领域主要包括对各类网络,电信,IT高科技产品(如路由器, 机顶盒, 服务器等) 的系统设计,电子硬件设计,软件及韧件开发,嵌入式设计, 机械结构设计,和线路板布线设计等。多样化的设计项目、国际化的客户群和工作团队, 可以让成员发挥经验,开拓视野,并带来丰富的项目体验。 亚洲帐务结算中心拥有专业的财务团队,应用先进的SAP系统,为天弘集团庞大的亚洲业务提供帐务支持服务。Celestica天弘专注于员工的个人成就。 我们通过实践努力去创造一种高效,灵活和团结的组织,使我们的员工充分发挥潜能。学习和使用先进的技术,最大限度地应用到各种他们感兴趣的项目中,力争成长为行业先锋和技术创新者。这,是不是您一直在找寻的方向? 凡符合所述条件者,请在两周内发电子邮件至我公司,并在主题栏内标明应聘职位; 如需了解更多Celestica的信息,请登陆总公司网站: ; 公司网站: Celestica is one of the founding member of EICC, we are adhere to EICC Standard.天弘公司是EICC标准制定的确立人之一,我们严格遵循EICC的规定标准.
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军工认证的四个资质认证咨询申请条件有哪些 民企参军从事军工科研生产需先取得“军工四证”。即: 1.国军标准质量管理体系认证,简称国军标认证;2.武器装备科研生产单位保密资质认证,简称:保密认证;3.武器装备科研生产许可证认证,简称:许可证认证4.装备承制单位资格名录认证,简称:名录认证。 四个军工资质中,有先后顺序之分,国军标认证和保密认证是取得许可证认证和名录认证的前提条件。第一步同时启动国军标认证和保密认证,在通过上述两个认证后根据需求再启动许可证认证和名录认证。 军品生产并非总要拿齐“四证”,视企业军品任务型别而定。  那么,申请认证需要具备什么条件? 根据国家有关规定,申请武器装备科研生产许可的单位,应当符合以下条件: 一是具有法人资格; 二是有与申请从事的武器装备科研生产活动相适应的专业技术人员,科研生产条件和检验检测、试验手段,技术和工艺,以及安全生产条件和保密资格; 三是经评定合格的质量管理体系。申请武器装备科研生产许可的单位应提交《武器装备科研生产许可证申请书》,同时提交以下档案、材料(影印件):1.企业法人营业执照或者事业单位法人证书;2.相应的质量管理体系认证证书;3.安全生产达标证明档案;4.保密资格证书;5.法律、行政法规规定的环保、消防验收档案或者达标档案;6.申请单位认为可以证明其能力条件的其他档案、材料。 申请保密资格的单位应当具备以下基本条件: (一)在中华人民共和国境内依法成立3年以上的法人,无违法犯罪记录; (二)承担或拟承担武器装备科研生产的专案、产品涉及国家秘密; (三)无境外(含港澳台)控股或直接投资,且通过间接方式投资的外方投资者及其一致行动人的出资比例最终不得超过20%; (四)法定代表人、主要负责人、实际控制人、董(监)事会人员、高阶管理人员以及承担或者拟承担涉密武器装备科研生产任务的人员,具有中华人民共和国国籍,无境外永久居留权或者长期居留许可,与境外(含港澳台)人员无婚姻关系; (五)有固定的科研生产和办公场所,具有承担涉密武器装备科研生产任务的能力; (六)保密制度完善,有专门的机构或者人员负责保密工作,场所、设施、装置防护符合国家保密规定和标准; (七)1年内未发生泄密事件; (八)法律、行政法规和国家保密行政管理部门规定的其他条件。 保密资质的办理流程: 依据《武器装备科研生产单位保密资格认定办法》,申请保密资格认证,需要经过的步骤主要包括:一是向国家或省级军工保密资格认证委提出申请;二是提交申请书和有关证明材料;三是接受国家或省级军工保密资格认证委组织的书面审查和现场审查;四是审查通过后取得保密资格证书。以下为工作具体开展的流程: 1、开具《保密资格认定等级建议表》(简称《密级建议表》)。有权开具密级建议表的单位包括:军队资格审查申请受理点、军工集团公司、专案总承包单位或者法律法规规定的有关部门。 2、企事单位依据《密级建议表》确定申请的密级,进行保密要害部门、部位的建设和保密档案的建立。 3、向国家或省(自治区、直辖市)保密行政管理部门(会同同级国防科技工业管理部门)报送申请书和有关材料,由省(自治区、直辖市)军工保密资格认证委组织进行保密资格认证的书面审查。书面审查通过后,准备迎接保密行政管理部门会同共同审批部门组织的现场审查。 4、国家或省(自治区、直辖市)军工保密资格认证委根据现场审查结论和有关材料,在规定日期内作出是否批准的决定,并将审查批准的保密资格申请单位有关材料报国家军工保密资格认证委备案。 5、国家军工保密资格认证委颁发《武器装备科研生产单位保密资格证书》。全国各省(自治区、直辖市)对保密资格认证政策存在地方性差异,建议申请单位因地制宜。 EICC认证咨询 EICC认证需要提供的档案有哪些 有很多档案,如禁止使用童工/防止强迫劳工/保护青少年等 我从事这行已经很多年了,对ISO9001质量/14001环境/OHSAS18001职业健康安全/SA8000社会责任/CCC产品认证/客户验厂等都很熟悉。如果还不清楚,你可以继续追问或SIXIN! 谢谢,希望以上答案能够帮到你! 请问“认证培训机构”能否申请“认证咨询机构”的资质?具体如何申请? 不能!培训机构和咨询机构两者职能范围不同,方向不同,占位不同。 咨询是第三方公正机构的业务,具有社会公益性质。 培训机构一般牵涉到物件的利益收费等,属于社会赢利机构,二者出发点不一样。 军工四证保密资格申请条件有哪些 军工保密认证的基本条件 1. 中华人民共和国境内登记注册的企业法人或事业法人。 1.1公司成立需满三年以上。 2. 承担或拟承担武器装备科研生产的专案或产品涉密。 3. 无外商(含港澳台)投资和雇用外籍人员,国家有特殊规定的除外。 4. 承担涉密武器装备科研生产任务的人员,应当具有中华人民共和国国籍,在中华人民共和国境内居住,与境外人员(含港澳台)无婚姻关系。 5. 有固定的科研生产和办公场所,并符合国家有关安全保密要求。科研生产和办公场所应当具有产权证明或3 年(含)以上的租赁合同。 6. 一年内未发生泄密事件。 7. 无非法获取、持有国家秘密以及其他严重违法行为。 8. 另外,属于上市公司的单位,其承担涉密任务的范围还应当符合国家有关政策规定。 高等院校申请保密资格应当结合科研专案管理建立保密管理体制, 具备相对集中的涉密科研场 所,与开放区域隔离。参考:军工保密认证网页连结 海南绿色建筑认证咨询公司LEED认证咨询公司有哪些 深绿设海南分公司就在海口,海南省肿瘤医院三星级认证就是他们做的 JIS标准 日本JIS认证怎样申请 JIS认证咨询 认证申请 申请时间 : 年中随时 申请资料 : 企业营业执照, 工厂执照, 制造装置目录, 检查装置目录, 企业相关的事项, 包装等贴的标示模样, 品质管理负责人相关的事项 江苏省最权威有资质的认证咨询公司有哪些 到国家认监委网站 机构查询 栏目 选择 认证咨询机构名录 在选择 江苏省 即可 凡是在国家认监委备案的 均可在这里面查询到! 3C认证咨询公司有哪些? 咨询公司很多,要选择知名企业。 比如:华盛认证、北京火正咨询公司、 湖北LEED认证咨询有哪些公司? 深圳市深绿建筑设计有限公司武汉分公司 LEED认证咨询 生态模拟分析 专业的认证咨询公司有哪些 有很多呢 我从事这行已经很多年了,对ISO9001质量/14001环境/OHSAS18001职业健康安全/SA8000社会责任/CCC产品认证/客户验厂等都很熟悉。如果还不清楚,你可以继续追问! 谢谢,希望以上答案能够帮到你!
2023-06-12 00:24:431


2023-06-12 00:24:466

protel99se如何自动标号?在SCH 和PCB里,就是我的电阻值按我输的,序号如何自动编?

2023-06-12 00:24:512


词源: 前缀ob-来源于拉丁介副词ob,原意是“toward",在构词当中又引申出“against,inversely”等意思,还有“to, in the way, over, away, completely,intensive”等含义。ob-是个原生词缀,一般与拉丁词根缀合,所构成的派生词的词性取决于词根或后缀的属性。由于语音的同化作用,ob-在c,f,p前面,变成oc-,of-,op-。在元音字母及其它辅音字母前,ob-形态不变。 每个前缀的纯英语来源解释:ob-prefix meaning "toward, against, across, down," also used as an intensive, from Latin ob "toward, to, over against, in the way of, by reason of, about, before, in front of," from PIE root *epi, also *opi "near, against" (see epi-).oc-assimilated form of ob- before -c-.of-assimilated form of ob- before -f-.op-assimilated form of ob- before -p-.os-frequent form of ob- before -c- and -t- in words from Latin. 现在对这几个前缀的含义整理如下: 1.逆着…,和…敌对,和…相反 oppress, opprobrium 2.向着…,给… obnoxious, opportune 3.妨碍地 officious, obsequious, obsession 4.越过,盖住 obscene, obfuscate, obscure 5.远远地,消失 obviate, omission 6.表强调[完全,干脆,厉害地,继续] obese, obdurate, obeisance 另外,前缀ob-还有很多变形。 1.oc-[在辅音字母c之前] occult, occupied 2.of-[在辅音字母f之前] offensive, officiator 3.op- [在辅音字母p之前] opponent, inopportune 4.os-[在辅音字母t之前] ostensible, ostentatious 5. o- [在辅音字母m之前] 此外,前缀ob-还有一些同义前缀,也有“反对,抵抗”的意思,这些词缀是:anti- ,contra- ,contro-,counter-,with-。
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2023-06-12 00:23:541

Using SingleR to annotate single-cell RNA-seq data

Aaron Lun*, Jared M. Andrews1, Friederike Dündar2 and Daniel Bunis3 1Washington University in St. Louis, School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA 2Applied Bioinformatics Core, Weill Cornell Medicine 3Bakar Computational Health Sciences Institute, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA * SingleR 1.4.1 SingleR is an automatic annotation method for single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) data (Aran et al. 2019). Given a reference dataset of samples (single-cell or bulk) with known labels, it labels new cells from a test dataset based on similarity to the reference. Thus, the burden of manually interpreting clusters and defining marker genes only has to be done once, for the reference dataset, and this biological knowledge can be propagated to new datasets in an automated manner. To keep things brief, this vignette only provides a brief summary of the basic capabilities of SingleR . However, the package also provides more advanced functionality that includes the use of multiple references simultaneously, manipulating the cell ontology and improving performance on big datasets. Readers are referred to the book for more details. The easiest way to use SingleR is to annotate cells against built-in references. In particular, the celldex package provides access to several reference datasets (mostly derived from bulk RNA-seq or microarray data) through dedicated retrieval functions. Here, we will use the Human Primary Cell Atlas (Mabbott et al. 2013), represented as a SummarizedExperiment object containing a matrix of log-expression values with sample-level labels. Our test dataset consists of some human embryonic stem cells (La Manno et al. 2016) from the scRNAseq package. For the sake of speed, we will only label the first 100 cells from this dataset. We use our reference to annotate each cell in hESCs via the SingleR() function. This identifies marker genes from the reference and uses them to compute assignment scores (based on the Spearman correlation across markers) for each cell in the test dataset against each label in the reference. The label with the highest score is the assigned to the test cell, possibly with further fine-tuning to resolve closely related labels. Each row of the output DataFrame contains prediction results for a single cell. Labels are shown before fine-tuning ( first.labels ), after fine-tuning ( labels ) and after pruning ( pruned.labels ), along with the associated scores. At this point, it is worth noting that SingleR is workflow/package agnostic. The above example uses SummarizedExperiment objects, but the same functions will accept any (log-)normalized expression matrix. Here, we will use two human pancreas datasets from the scRNAseq package. The aim is to use one pre-labelled dataset to annotate the other unlabelled dataset. First, we set up the Muraro et al. (2016) dataset to be our reference. We then set up our test dataset from Grun et al. (2016). To speed up this demonstration, we will subset to the first 100 cells. We then run SingleR() as described previously but with a marker detection mode that considers the variance of expression across cells. Here, we will use the Wilcoxon ranked sum test to identify the top markers for each pairwise comparison between labels. This is slower but more appropriate for single-cell data compared to the default marker detection algorithm (which may fail for low-coverage data where the median is frequently zero). plotScoreHeatmap() displays the scores for all cells across all reference labels, which allows users to inspect the confidence of the predicted labels across the dataset. Ideally, each cell (i.e., column of the heatmap) should have one score that is obviously larger than the rest, indicating that it is unambiguously assigned to a single label. A spread of similar scores for a given cell indicates that the assignment is uncertain, though this may be acceptable if the uncertainty is distributed across similar cell types that cannot be easily resolved. Another diagnostic is based on the per-cell “deltas”, i.e., the difference between the score for the assigned label and the median across all labels for each cell. Low deltas indicate that the assignment is uncertain, which is especially relevant if the cell"s true label does not exist in the reference. We can inspect these deltas across cells for each label using the plotDeltaDistribution() function. The pruneScores() function will remove potentially poor-quality or ambiguous assignments based on the deltas. The minimum threshold on the deltas is defined using an outlier-based approach that accounts for differences in the scale of the correlations in various contexts - see ?pruneScores for more details. SingleR() will also report the pruned scores automatically in the pruned.labels field where low-quality assignments are replaced with NA . Finally, a simple yet effective diagnostic is to examine the expression of the marker genes for each label in the test dataset. We extract the identity of the markers from the metadata of the SingleR() results and use them in the plotHeatmap() function from scater , as shown below for beta cell markers. If a cell in the test dataset is confidently assigned to a particular label, we would expect it to have strong expression of that label"s markers. At the very least, it should exhibit upregulation of those markers relative to cells assigned to other labels. How can I use this with my Seurat , SingleCellExperiment , or cell_data_set object? SingleR is workflow agnostic - all it needs is normalized counts. An example showing how to map its results back to common single-cell data objects is available in the README . Where can I find reference sets appropriate for my data? celldex contains many built-in references that were previously in SingleR but have been migrated into a separate package for more general use by other Bioconductor packages. scRNAseq contains many single-cell datasets, many of which contain the authors" manual annotations. ArrayExpress and GEOquery can be used to download any of the bulk or single-cell datasets in ArrayExpress or GEO , respectively. Where can I get more help? It is likely that your questions is already answered by the function documentation (e.g., ?SingleR ). Further explanations on the reasoning behind certain functions can be found in the book . If this is not sufficient, we recommend posting an issue on the Bioconductor support site or the GitHub repository for this package. Be sure to include your session information and a minimal reproducible example. Aran, D., A. P. Looney, L. Liu, E. Wu, V. Fong, A. Hsu, S. Chak, et al. 2019. “Reference-based analysis of lung single-cell sequencing reveals a transitional profibrotic macrophage.” Nat. Immunol. 20 (2):163–72. Grun, D., M. J. Muraro, J. C. Boisset, K. Wiebrands, A. Lyubimova, G. Dharmadhikari, M. van den Born, et al. 2016. “De Novo Prediction of Stem Cell Identity using Single-Cell Transcriptome Data.” Cell Stem Cell 19 (2):266–77. La Manno, G., D. Gyllborg, S. Codeluppi, K. Nishimura, C. Salto, A. Zeisel, L. E. Borm, et al. 2016. “Molecular Diversity of Midbrain Development in Mouse, Human, and Stem Cells.” Cell 167 (2):566–80. Mabbott, Neil A., J. K. Baillie, Helen Brown, Tom C. Freeman, and David A. Hume. 2013. “An expression atlas of human primary cells: Inference of gene function from coexpression networks.” BMC Genomics 14. . Muraro, M. J., G. Dharmadhikari, D. Grun, N. Groen, T. Dielen, E. Jansen, L. van Gurp, et al. 2016. “A Single-Cell Transcriptome Atlas of the Human Pancreas.” Cell Syst 3 (4):385–94.
2023-06-12 00:23:501


超分子化学淡化了有机化学、无机化学、生物化学和材料化学之间的界限,着重强调了具有特定结构和功能的超分子体系,将四大基础化学(有机化学、无机化学、分析化学和物理化学)有机地融合为一个整体,从而为分子器件、材料科学和生命科学的发展开辟了一条崭新的道路,且为21世纪化学发展提供了一个重要方向。 超分子化学并非高不可攀,有许多超分子结构似乎都可见我们的日常生活。例如,可以把轮烷(rotaxane)比为东方的算盘;索烃(catenane)舞池中的一对舞伴;C60类似于圆拱建筑;环糊精(cyclodextrins)和激光唱盘(CD)有同样的简称何信息存放功能;DNA双螺旋泽与家喻户晓的早餐佐食麻花多少有点相似。以非共价键弱相互作用力键合起来的复杂有序且有特定功能的分子结合体——“超分子”是共价键分子化学的一次升华,被称为“超越分子概念的化学”,它不仅在材料科学、信息科学,而且在生命科学中均具有重要的理论意义和广阔的应用前景。 1987年诺贝尔化学奖授予了超分子化学研究方面的三位科学家:美国的佩德森(Pedersen C J)、克拉姆(Cram D J)和法国的莱恩(Lehn J M)。莱恩在获奖演说中曾为超分子化学作了如下解释:超分子化学式研究两种以上的化学物种通过分子间力相互作用缔结而成的具有特定结构和功能的超分子体系的科学。
2023-06-12 00:23:482

深圳加入EICC认证 RBA认证会员的费用多少?

2023-06-12 00:23:471


在拿到核磁数据后,我们需要将数据进行处理,得到最终的谱图,有些时候,对于-些谱图需 要标注信息,例如ACS杂志社要求化合物的氢谱上需要标注化合物的结构。而对于-些复杂的堆积谱图,需要标注质子对应的编号、化学位移的变化等信息。标注的方式有两种,-种是直接在软件中标注,-种是导出图片后在PPT中进行标注。通常而言,为了能直观地观察到谱图中不同质子对应的信号以及它们的变化,最好是在核磁软件中进行标注。对于化合物的单个谱图而言,需要在谱图中展示两个信息,首先是氘代试剂残余的信号峰,以MesReNova软件为例, 在Annotate选项中选择text,然后输入氘代试剂的残余峰信息,然后继续在Annotate中选择arrow, 指向对应的信号峰,可以选中arrow点击鼠标右键选择properties来改变箭头的形式。下一步就是将化合物的结构式粘贴到谱图中,需要注意的是如果直接从chemdraw中将结构式粘过来,结构式会变形,为了避免这个情况,需要将结构式存成图片再粘贴进去,或者将结构式复制到office文档中,再粘贴到谱图中,然后将谱图所有内容选中存成图片格式到处就可以了。对于复杂的堆积谱图而言,需要在谱图中标注质子对应的编号、化学位移的变化等信息。按照上-段中的情况直接插入文本输进质子信息,插入箭头,指向化学位移的移动方向。
2023-06-12 00:23:431


Janeane Alex
2023-06-12 00:23:394


刚果民主共和国以及毗邻的国家Adjoining Country" 国际公认与刚果民主共和国共享边境的国家。 注解:无冲突冶炼厂评估项目也将肯雅列为毗邻的国家。
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德语的叔叔是der Onkel。
2023-06-12 00:23:321