barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-13 08:18:11
TAG: counta nt abl

Non - accountable gross floor area


Non - accountable cash allowance


Non - accountable allowance


The conversion of the removal allowance into a fully non - accountable allowance with effect from a prospective date in 2006 - 07 ; and


Continuing to manage senior civil servants separately and centrally taking steps to simppfy systems of allowances by consopdating or abopshing existing allowances and making them non - accountable i


Provide a new non - accountable miscellaneous expenses allowance of 4 , 000 per month to cover items pke entertainment expenses , self - development courses and minor purchases , and to delegate to the secretary for financial services and the treasury the authority to approve future revisions of the mea annually on 1 january by reference to the movement of consumer price index , be it an inflation or deflation year ; and

增设每月4 , 000元非实报实销的杂项开支津贴,用以支付酬酢开支个人进修费用和小额购物等开支,以及授权财经事务及库务局局长,批准日后的杂项开支津贴款额在每年1月1日按甲类消费物价指数的变动幅度不论在通胀或通缩的年度,作出调整及


/a 是什么单位 /年的英文应该如何写

2023-06-11 23:26:292


  纪念日是为了纪念重大事件、伟人、先烈等特定的节日,通常会开展相关活动。一些特别的纪念日尤其需要我们记住,那么你知道纪念日用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来纪念日的英语说法,欢迎大家阅读学习。   纪念日的英语说法1:   Memorial Day   纪念日的英语说法2:   commemoration day   纪念日相关英语表达:   行宪纪念日 constitution day   美国旗纪念日 Flag Day   圣徒纪念日 saint"s day   庆祝结婚纪念日 Celebrate the Wedding Anniversary   纪念日英语说法例句:   1. It was the fortieth anniversary of the death of the composer.   这是该作曲家逝世40周年纪念日。   2. He died on Independence Day, 1831.   他是1831年独立纪念日那天去世的。   3. the quincentenary of Columbus"s voyage to America   哥伦布航海到达美洲的500周年纪念日   4. They celebrated their silver wedding in May.   他们于五月份庆祝了银婚纪念日。   5. Today"s our wedding anniversary.   今天是我们的结婚纪念日。   6. They celebrate their wedding anniversary annually.   他们每年庆祝一番结婚纪念日.   7. Today is my parents"30 th wedding anniversary.   今天是我父母结婚30周年纪念日.   8. He invited her to spend the Fourth of July holiday at his summer home on Fire Island.   他邀请她去自己在法尔岛上的消夏寓所过美国独立纪念日。   9. It is the 100th anniversary of his death. We here are having very great celebrations in this connection.   今天是他逝世100周年纪念日,我们为此在这里举行盛大的纪念活动。   10. My parents are going to celebrate their twenty - fifth wedding anniversary.   我父母要庆祝他们的第二十五个结婚纪念日.   11. Next Monday is the anniversary of the day I first met you.   下周一是我第一次遇见你的周年纪念日.   12. This is not the way to spend our fifth anniversary.   这不是我们过五周年纪念日的方式.   13. The prohibition against firecrackers was widely ignored on the Fourth of July.   不许放爆竹的禁令在独立纪念日广遭忽略.   14. We had a party to celebrate mother"s silver wedding.   我们办了一个晚会,庆贺妈妈的银婚纪念日.   15. A golden wedding is the fiftieth anniversary of a marriage.   金婚是结婚五十周年纪念日.
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2。有些年轻人出于好奇学着父母吸烟,没有察觉到上瘾的危险。(不知道)3。渔夫叫来好几个帮手试图把那条大鱼拖上岸。(在试图拖动)4。这些知名画家的最新画作已于本周一在美术馆(画廊)展出。(把......上显示)5。这个男孩没吃早饭就冲向车站希望还能赶上校车(希望)11。他现在除了在本地的一家旅行社工作外,还经营自己的一个公司(除)12。这样的温度和湿度(湿度),有助于大部分绿色蔬菜保鲜(保留)13。有时,人们可以从与外行(外行)的交流中获益。(利润,互动)14。对自然资源的破坏造成了这一地区的失业问题,这令我们很吃惊,(会惊讶,会引起)15。并非只有钱才能激发(刺激)起人们的工作欲望。(它不只是... ...)19。在过去的五年里,中国政府一直在恪守入世承诺。(满足的承诺)20。政策的改变引起了企业文化(企业文化)的改变。21。为了更有效地实施新法律,我们应该协调(协调)政府各部门(付诸行动)22。请妥善处理这些礼品的外包装(处置,包装)23。这家跨国公司主要从事集装箱运输(跨国公司,专注于)24。没有人想卷入这场复杂的纠纷中。(参与)25。这场展览为参观者提供了多种资讯科技产品(供应......,广泛)
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1. (构成形容词)表示"充满...的","有...性质的","有...倾向的"(如:beautiful, masterful, forgetful) 2. (构成名词)表示"充满...所需量的"(如:handful)希望对你有帮助,呵呵 请采纳 谢谢加ly是用来修饰动词时。。加ful是一些抽象名词在词尾加-ful可以变为形容词其他的和以下回答一样:ly后缀 1. (结合名词构成形容词)表示"性质的"(如:cowardly, friendly) 2. (结合名词构成形容词或副词)表示"在...方面(的)","每隔...时间(的)"(如: decently, hourly, partly) 3. (结合形容词构成副词)表示"方式","程度","范围","方向","时间"(如:boldly, gradually, relatively, outwardly, annually)ful后缀 1. (构成形容词)表示"充满...的","有...性质的","有...倾向的"(如:beautiful, masterful, forgetful) 2. (构成名词)表示"充满...所需量的"(如:handful)在英语单词后+ful是变什么词?ly结尾的单词+ly同+ful有什么不同啊?那么+ful也有例外的吗?名词+ful是形容词。形容词+ly是副词。名词+ly是形容词。以上是大多数情况-ly是一个后缀,如果加在名词的后面,这个词就变成了形容词;如果加在形容词的后面,这个词就变成了副词。quickly quicklovely love friendly friendfatherly a fatherly teacherlovely a lovely girllively a lively child lonely a lonely travellerdeadly a deadly blowsilly a silly questionorderly an orderly mind manly a manly person daily daily work weekly a weekly magazine yearly a yearly incomecowardly cowardbeastly beastghostly ghostsightly sight 许多英语初学者看见含有后缀-ly的单词,便认定是副词。其实,不少以-ly结尾的单词只能用作形容词,还有一些单词既可用作形容词,也可用作副词。现将这类带后缀-ly的单词作一分类,并加以说明。 一。 在friend, brother, woman这类名词的词尾加上后缀-ly所构成的单词,一般是形容词,不是副词,其意义为“具有那种本性或本质的”。属于这一类的形容词主要有:beastly, cowardly, earthly, fatherly, gentlemanly, heavenly, leisurely, manly, masterly, motherly, princely, queenly, kingly, scholarly, sisterly等。例如: Mrs Wang is a motherly old teacher.(王老师是位慈母般的老教师。) Slave owners were beastly people.(奴隶主是非常残忍的人。) 假若要表示上述形容词的副词意义,如“友好地,悠闲地”,可以使用像“in a friendly way/manner”或“in a leisurely fashion”这类短语。例如: The villagers treated us in a friendly way.(村民们对我们很友好。) 二。 在hour, day等表示时间的名词词尾加上后缀-ly构成的单词,含有“每……”的意思,它们既可用作形容词,也可用作副词。这一类单词主要有:hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, biweekly, bimonthly等。例如: The public show great interest in the president " s weekly(形容词)radio talk.(公众对总统每周一次的广播讲话表现出极大的兴趣。) Are you paid weekly or monthly(副词)?(你是按周还是按月领工资?) I read this poem in a quarterly(形容词)magazine.(我在一本季刊上看到过这首诗。) This magazine is published monthly(副词)。(这种杂志每月出版一期。) 三。 含后缀-ly的deadly, likely及costly很容易被误用。 (1)deadly意为“致命的,仇深的”。例如: Aids is a deadly disease.(爱滋病是一种致命的疾病。) He couldn " t forgive his deadly enemy.(他不能宽恕他的仇敌。) (2)likely意为“很可能的,有希望的”。例如: Rain is likely in all parts of the country today.(今天全国各地都可能下雨。) We explored the likely regions for the discovery of coal.(我们勘探了有希望发现煤的地区。) (3)costly意为“昂贵的,代价高的”。例如: Hong Kong is one of the costliest cities in the world.(香港是全球生活费用最高的城市之一。)
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2023-06-11 23:27:3910

is和 held都是动词,为什么可以出现在同一个句子中,例如: The exhibition is held annually

两个句子可以有多个动词,只不过两个动词同时放在一起,除了并列句之外,后面的动词的形式可能变化,也可能不变化。这要根据前一个动词来觉得。例:help sb (to) do sth ,stand doing sth~~~~ 每个句子中只能有一个谓语。
2023-06-11 23:28:063


1. The expo manual has detailed information.2. You can easily advertise your exhibition and increase your influence with the help from the media and sponsors.3. I will come and pick you up at the hotel.4. Guangzhou Expo is held twice annually.5. Can you lower the price? (Can I have a better price?这个比较口语话)6. What is the minimum discount order amount?7. The similarity between a discussion and a forum lies in that they both have mutual activities between the speech givers and listeners.8. In terms of the prices, yours are higher than others.9. With today"s technology level, more and more people will choose to register online.10. We will prepare some posters, banners and exhibition boards for indoor advertising.手工翻译
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2023-06-11 23:28:234


   离职 就是离开现有的职位。公私机关的工作人员因退休、辞职、停职、免职、死亡等原因,脱离其所担任的职位。那么,你知道离职英语怎么说吗?   离职的英文释义:   dimission   pop off the hooks   drag it   turnover   drop off the hooks   离职的英文例句:   约翰不愿离职。他记得找这个工作他付出了多大代价。   John would not quit. He remembered what it had cost him to get a job.   她失去了工作,却说是自愿离职以保全面子。   Though she"d lost her job, she saved face by saying she"d left it willingly.   她是一家大公司即将离职的负责人。   She is the outgoing head of a large corporation. 离职英语怎么说   我曾经因为压力因素而考虑过离职。   I have considered leaving my job due to stress related factors.   这个监狱的看守昨晚擅离职守被发现了。   The prison guard was found to have deserted from the post last night.   工作时间不得擅离职守或早退。   Working hours shall not be absent from duty or leave early.   汤姆诱使他的几个朋友擅离职守。   Tom enticed some of his friends away from their work.   他们以损毁他名声的办法迫使他离职。   They have him hounded out by a conspiracy to damage his good name.   一个斟酒服务员要离职了,老板给了他顶替上去的机会。   A sommelier was leaving and he was offered the chance to step in.   确保招聘及离职事宜有序及时地完成。   Ensure the recruitment and exit issues will be finished smoothly.   但是离职时,你要把它们全部归还公司。   When you quit, youu2019ll have to return them to the company.   有许多人死亡、退休或离职并且没有人来替代。   Many have died, retired or left and have not been replaced.   离职礼物则取决于我对要走的这个人有多喜欢。   With leaving collections it depends how much I like the person going.   为使其他用户可对相应房间创建自己的预订,管理员不必再像过去那样进入数据库,并删除已离职的用户的预订。   No longer will administrators have to go in and delete reservations from someonewho left the company, so that the replacement users can create their ownreservations.   我离职的原因是和管理层不合。   I left this job because of disagreements with management.   如果一年期间没有新用户加入,DPAR 就会开始损失用户(因为他们可能离职、退休等)。   If no new users are added over the course of a year, a DPAR starts to lose users(they leave the company, retire, and so on).   花时间写信感谢那些在你任职期间帮助过你,支持过你的人,让他们知道你离职后的联系方式。   Take time to write to those who have supported you in this period of employment,thank them, and let them know how to contact you after you leave.   他曾暗示他可能离职而去私营部门谋一份工作,但由于他推行的一系列经济政策,私营部门目前没有任何就业机会,所以我猜他打算继续在财政部留任。   He had suggested he might be leaving and getting a job in the private sector. Butthanks to his economic policies there are no jobs in the private sector, so I guesshe"s going to stay.   如果您是一位经理,而且您团队中的一名成员即将离职,您又会有自己的一套难题。   If you"re a manager, and one of your team members is leaving, you"ll have your own set of challenges.   在设计新的创新中心时已经考虑到如何设置员工接触各类信息的权限,这样当任何一位员工离职时,能降低信息泄漏的风险。   The design of the new innovation center has included consideration of how to manage workers" access to various kinds of information to limit the leakage whenany one worker leaves.   马丁的离职重要且具历史意义,但可能也预示着这一职位会有所改变,英国公众对这个职位并不甚熟悉。   Martin"s departure is therefore momentous and historic, but may also presagechanges to the post, one with which the British public is largely unfamiliar.   我们学校的教师提留率并不完美,但是最近的研究称半数以上的 教育 者在 入职 五年内都离职了,而我们每年能留住82%的教师。   My schoolu2019s teacher-retention rate isnu2019t perfect, but while recent studies show thatmore than half of educators leave in the first five years, we keep 82 percentannually.   如这个问题听起来一样怪,这是选择离职的一个最坏的原因。   Strange as it sounds, this is the worst reason to leave a job.
2023-06-11 23:28:301


李先生打算存一定数额的资金在银行,银行提供两种储蓄计划供他选择。方案1,年利息10.8%,每年结算一次。方案2, 年利息8.2%,是每季度结算一次。
2023-06-11 23:28:429


reviewed,复查;重新考虑;回顾;反思;写(关于书籍、戏剧、电影等的)评论;评介。review的过去分词和过去式。Data reviewed by cnn found no evidence of coordination having taken place on twitter cnn复查的信息没有发现在微博上有相互协调的证据。The ranking , reviewed annually , determines how much individual funding each athlete gets .这份每年复查一次的排名会决定每位运动员能获得多少个人资助。The new board is to meet quarterly ; its usefulness will be reviewed after a year .新委员会每季举行一次会议;委员会的效用将在一年后复查一下。Prof. shiller reviewed his calculations in light of the criticism and says he likes his math the way he did it .席勒教授针对那些不同观点对他的计算进行了复查,他说他还是喜欢自己的计算方法。
2023-06-11 23:29:011


five times a year
2023-06-11 23:29:263

英语 选词 语法

1,选词 说明原因Mother bats find and nurse their young,_____ in the huge colonies where many millions of babies cluster at up to more than 5000 per square meter. a,thus b,indeed c,even d,just这里用even(甚至乎)是强调蝙蝠妈妈在数以百万计的小蝙蝠中也找到自己的骨肉.2,语法experts agree that an estimated (of)100 millon sharks caught around the world annually is not unreasonable.为什么会有括号中那个OF? 如果有,这个OF是怎么用的?an estimated 100...不行吗? 另外,从句中主语是sharks,unreasonale又形容sharks? 你的提问很有理由应当不要of若真是要找个解释基於 an 这个字下文应有1个名词以此推论1 也许原文全写是an estimated figure(或 number) of 100 million..中的figure (或 number)被删去2 又或者将estimated当做名词(noun)unreasonable不是形容sharks而是形容 an estimated figure(或an estimated)(估计数目)这亦即是说an estimated 有2组的形容其一是100 million sharks caught around the world annually其二是unreasonable
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annual annually区别

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2023-06-11 23:30:591

About one million Americans are diagnosed annually with skin cancer.

【答案】:A【题 干】每年大约100万美国人被诊断为皮肤癌。A.每年 B.严重地 C.积极地 D.每个月【解 析】本题考查副词。划线单词annually的意思是“年度地,每年地”,与 every year含义相同。故本题答案为A。
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once a year annually
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once a year
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bi- 前缀 pref. 1.表示"二","双"(如:bicentenary) annually 副词 ad. 1.每年;每年一次 They celebrate their wedding anniversary annually. 他们每年庆祝一番结婚纪念日. 所以,bi-annually表示每年两次.
2023-06-11 23:32:061


2023-06-11 23:32:143

About one million Americans are diagnosed annually with skin cancer.

【答案】:A题意:每年大约有l00万美国人被确诊患有皮肤癌。 句中annually意为:每年,一年一次。 A项every year意为:每年;例句:Many people die during famines every year。每年有许多人死于饥荒。 B项severely意为:严重地,严厉地;例句:Her joints are severely inflamed.她的关节严重发炎。 C项actively意为:积极地,活跃地;例句:we hope everybody will join actively in this struggle.我们希望每个人都积极参加这一斗争。 D项every month意为:每月;例句:He banked half his salary every month.他每月把工资的一半存入银行。故本题选A。
2023-06-11 23:32:221

About one million Americans are diagnosed annually with skin cancer.

【答案】:A【解析】句意为:每年约100万美国人被诊断为患有皮肤癌。annually“每年地”,四个选项:every year“每年”;severely“严格地”;actively“活跃地”;every month“每月”;根据题意,A项符合题意。
2023-06-11 23:32:431

Floods cause billions of dollars worth of property damage _______.

c、 annually 每年洪水都带来数亿美元的财产损失。
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13 months salary per one year
2023-06-11 23:33:063

compounded annually与compounded fortnightly 有什么区别

compounded 是复利计算。compounded annually 是指按每年复利计算compounded fortnightly 是指按每两周复利计算。
2023-06-11 23:33:141


ally n.同盟国;同盟者; alphabetically ad. 按字母表顺序; anatomically ad. 解剖学上,结构上; annually ad.一年一次,每年; accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地;偶尔,附带,等。 扩展资料   例句:   Indonesia can be one ally.   印度尼西亚可以成为盟友。   South Korea is our ally.   韩国是我们的盟友。   You"ve proved a valuable ally, Jedi.   你为我们带来了很有价值的盟友,绝地武士。   The forms should be filed alphabetically.   这些表格应该按字母顺序归档。   Towns in the guide are listed alphabetically.   旅游指南里的城镇是按字母顺序排列的"。   The books are arranged alphabetically by author.   这些书是按作者姓名字母顺序排列的。   Anatomically designed for ease of use.   符合解剖学设计,便于使用。   Where were the two lesions from anatomically?   这两个病变的解剖部位在哪里?   When does fetal sentience become anatomically possible?   胎儿感觉什么时候在解剖上成为可能?   Prune established plants annually as new shoots appear.   每年嫩芽长出来时,要给长成的植物剪枝。   A formal contract is signed which is renewable annually.   签署的一份正式合同每年可续签一次。   An estimated 1,600 vessels pass through the strait annually.   估计每年有1600艘船经过这个海峡。   She accidentally knocked the glass off the shelf.   她无意中把架子上的玻璃杯碰了下来。   The damage couldn"t have been caused accidentally.   这次损毁不可能是偶然因素造成的。   She accidentally stepped on his foot on a crowded commuter train.   她在一辆拥挤的通勤火车上不小心踩到他的脚。
2023-06-11 23:33:231


ally n.同盟国;同盟者 alphabetically ad. 按字母表顺序 alternately ad. 交替地,轮流地 alternatively adv. 交互地;交替地;另外,此外;两者择一 amazingly ad. 惊人地;惊奇地 amply ad. 充足地,详细地 扩展资料   anatomically ad. 解剖学上,结构上   angrily adv.发怒地,愤怒地   animatedly adj. 活生生地,热烈的"   annually ad.一年一次,每年   anomaly n. 异常、反常   anonymously adj. 匿名地   anxiously adv. 焦急地,急切地;不安地;挂念地;渴望地;担心的   apparently ad. 明显地;外表地;显然,表面上地;adj. 显然,似乎   ably ad. 能干地,巧妙地   abruptly adv. 突然地;突然;粗鲁地   absently ad. 心不在焉地   absolutely ad.完全地;绝对地   absurdly ad. 荒诞地   accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地;偶尔,附带   accordingly ad.因此,所以;照着
2023-06-11 23:33:301


2023-06-11 23:33:413


initiate用法及搭配如下:initiate+名词:initiate the advertisement war 引起广告战。initiate the community 建立共同体。initiate the custom 首开这种风气。initiate+副词:initiate accurately 准确地开始。initiate annually 每年一次地开始。initiate apparently〔palpably〕 明显地开始。initiate bluntly 直截了当地介绍。initiate casually 漫不经心地开始。initiate into(v.+prep.)介绍或接纳某人加入…; 使某人获知… introduce sb into...; allow sb to share...例子:The booklet initiates us into the problems of living abroad.这本小册子使我们对生活在国外的情况有了初步了解。
2023-06-11 23:33:581

开头是a结尾是ually的单词 八个字母的单词

2023-06-11 23:34:193

About one million Americans are diagnosed annually with skin cancer.

【答案】:A句意为:每年约有l00万美国人被诊断出患有皮肤癌。every year意为“每年”,se-verely意为“严重地”,actively意为“积极地”,every month意为“每个月”。只有everyyear意思上和annually最接近。
2023-06-11 23:34:261


once half a year half a year 半年
2023-06-11 23:34:353

求翻译 高分

The company should have his own product outline, namely"common contract scope detailed list".The alteration of "common contract scope detailed list" requests to carry on once annually, is drafted by the sale department, the manufacturing management Dept. organization judges and carry out, the total engineer signs young man effect."Common contract scope detailed list" of the effective edition is outward one of the condition that the sale department signs contract
2023-06-11 23:39:204


2023-06-11 23:39:372

lympany造句 lympanyの例文 "lympany"是什麼意思

When pving in New York, Lympany continued her concert and recording career. Moura Lympany and Anatole Fistoulari recorded the work again in the mid 1950s. Lympany has no regrets about her early departure from home for a foreign country. In 1969 Lympany was diagnosed with breast cancer and her left breast was removed. Cameron suggested the further change to the old form of " Lympany ." Now a resident of Monte Carlo, Lympany lets younger pianists take on new music projects. His interest in music kept him on friendly terms with female musicians including pianist Moura Lympany . Soloists with whom he worked in this period included Moura Lympany , Cpfford Curzon and Eileen Joyce. The couple had been brought together a year earper by a mutual acquaintance, the pianist Moura Lympany . Last night Moura Lympany gave evidence of possessing quapties which place her high among her historic colleagues ." It"s difficult to see lympany in a sentence. 用 lympany 造句挺难的 Her vineyard in the south of France produces the grapes used to make the award-winning Couvee Moura Lympany wine. On 25 February 1945, with Adrian Boult, Lympany was the first British musician to perform in Paris after the Liberation. Lympany very much wanted to start a family but she had o miscarriages, and a son who died shortly after birth. Lympany also gave a recital at Carnegie Hall on November 20, 1957, for which tickets sold for 75c to $ 1.50. Among the prominent performers who studied with Steuermann are Alfred Brendel, Jakob Gimpel, Moura Lympany , Menahem Pressler Avraham Sternklar and Russell Sherman. The orchestra appeared annually at the Rasigu鑢es Festival of Music and Wine, held near Perpignan, France, which Moura Lympany estabpshed in 1981. In 1938 he was awarded fourth prize in the Ysaye Competition in Belgium-the first three places going to Emil Gilels, Moura Lympany and Yakov Fper. Artists having recorded for Ivory Classics include, among others, Earl Wild, Shura Cherkassky, Ann Schein Carlyss, Eric Himy Moura Lympany and Igor Lovchinsky. The daughter of a British army captain father and a celpst mother, Lympany now 79, first learned the piano at a convent school in Belgium at age 6. The work was an immediate success, and it was frequently performed by pianists such as Cpfford Curzon, Moura Lympany , Eileen Joyce, Gina Bachauer and Arthur Rubinstein. Thus, Moura Johnstone became Moura Lympany , launching one of the most enduring musical careers of the century, and one of special historical significance for British and Russian music. The plete 24 Preludes have been recorded by Vladimir Ashkenazy, Sergio Fiorentino, Rustem Hayroudinoff, Dame Moura Lympany , Steven O *** orne, Michael Ponti, Alexis Weissenberg and others. Victor Borge returns July 16 for an evening of edy in music, and the eminent British pianist Dame Moura Lympany emerges from retirement for high tea and a " conversation" Kisch"s Albert Hall concert of 30 March 1947 ( with Moura Lympany playing 4th Piano Concerto ) led to his being offered a recording contract with Decca Records the following day. The concerto was first recorded in 1945, by Moura Lympany with the London Symphony Orchestra under Anatole Fistoulari, and again the following year by Wilpam Kapell with the Boston Symphony Orchestra under Serge Koussevitzky. In 1956 the LPO toured the Soviet Union, the first British orchestra to do so; the conductors were Boult, Anatole Fistoulari and George Hurst, and the soloists were Alfredo Campop and Moura Lympany . The British premiere was on 13 April 1940, at the Queen"s Hall, London, with pianist Moura Lympany ( who was approached after Cpfford Curzon had decpned ), conducted by Alan Bush. TSW also speciapsed in making relatively highbrow programmes for the region; in the arts world, it produced documentaries showcasing amongst others, leading concert pianist Moura Lympany , potter Bernard Leach, and sculptor Barbara Hepworth. All the other photographs of Moura Lympany that I uploaded, and for which I cannot identify copyright release, can be deleted as can the references to them-if I can"t delete them myself. Now honored as Dame Moura Lympany , she served on the 1993 Cpburn Competition jury and returned Tuesday to Fort Worth to open the 1995-96 concert season of the Cpburn Foundation with a concert of works of Frederic Chopin and Sergei Rachmaninoff. It"s difficult to see lympany in a sentence. 用 lympany 造句挺难的 For the course of the war Myra Hess, and other musicians, such as Moura Lympany , gave daily lunch-time recitals in the empty building, to raise pubpc morale at a time when every concert hall in London was closed. Although Russian music was only one of her many interests, the success of this project gave Lympany a special identification with that repertoire, and led to a second unique claim to fame when she made the first pubpc performance of Aram Khachaturian"s Piano Concerto outside of the Soviet Union. The above photo, currently on the Moura Lympany article was taken by me and I would pke to make it available for use by others on condition that a ) it is acpanied by the title as given at the time in the Wikipedia article and b ) acknowledges the sources as Wikipedia. Such musicians as Karel An erl, Leonard Bernstein, Sir Adrian Boult, Rudolf Firkuan? Jaroslav Krombholc, Rafael Kubel韐, Moura Lympany , Evgeny Mravinsky, Charles M黱ch, Gite Neveu, Jarmila Novotn? Lev Oborin, David Oistrakh, Ken-Ichiro Kobayashi and Jan Panenka have won enthusiastic ovations on the Prague Spring Festival stage. TSW were a far more professional pany than Wesard, and even made relatively high-brow programmes for their region; in the arts world, they had some big names who worked with them, including Saltash born Moura Lympany , who was one of Britain"s leading concert pianists at the time, potter Bernard Leach, and St Ives sculptor Barbara Hepworth. Mark Malkovich, the artistic director of the festival, is himself an enthusiastic *** pianist who over the years has presented an astounding number of significant pianists, many of them making their American debuts or returning after an absence of many years ( among their number are Magda Tagpaferro, Vlado Perlemuter, Dame Moura Lympany , Bella Davidovich, Hapna Czerny-Stefanska, Maria Tipo, Dubravka Tomsic, Andrei Gavrilov, Cecile Ousset, Andrea Lucchesini and Muza Rubackyte ).
2023-06-11 23:39:551

每年的造句 每年的造句是什么

每年的造句有:据有关方面测定,这里的地层每年都在下降。每年正月春节都是家人团聚的日子。 每年的造句有:每年正月春节都是家人团聚的日子。每年都有许多外国游客来中国观光。 拼音是:měi nián。 结构是:每(上下结构)年(独体结构)。 注音是:ㄇㄟˇㄋ一ㄢ_。每年的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】每年měinián。(1)一年一度;年年。二、国语词典年年。如:「愿你每年如意。」词语翻译英语everyyear,eachyear,yearly德语j_hrig(Adj)_,j_hrlich(Adj)_,jedesJahr(Adj)_,proJahr法语annuellement,chaqueannée关于每年的诗词《清明日·每年每遇清明节》《通奉寿·每年禊饮饮须醉》《相传金与蒙古战兵败军士化为蚂蚁南苑西墙每年清明蚁聚如土堆名蚂蚁坟》关于每年的诗句每年年每年每遇清明节钟表倒转日蚀已经出现不是肉体是灵魂每年一起再过一次生日你们有同样的年龄爱为死者缔造了永久的联盟你们紧紧拥抱在长长的死亡名单中关于每年的单词annualannuallyannualyyearlyyear after year关于每年的成语每下愈况年复一年桃李年每况愈下年年岁岁每饭不忘忘年交压线年年年年如是年年有余关于每年的词语每下愈况忘年交每事问桃李年每况愈下每饭不忘点此查看更多关于每年的详细信息
2023-06-11 23:40:021


一眨眼很快就要到ACCA9月考季了,相信各位考生也正在密锣紧鼓的开展备考工作,为了加强大家的印象和记忆,下面深空网就出几道关于ACCA考试MA科目习题练习来考一考大家。内容导航ACCA习题练习ACCA报考条件ACCA报考费用ACCA报考优势  ACCA习题练习第一题Demand: 150 units per month; price per unit: $25;order cost:32; holding cost: 18% p.a. of price.Following discounts apply:Discount of 1% given on orders of 150 and over; Discount of 2% given on orders of 300 and over; Discount of 4% given on orders of 800 and overQuestion: the minimum total cost are?解析:EOQ=根号下2CoD/Ch = 根号下2*32*150*12/(25*18%)=160unit150, 1% discount applied; Recalculate=根号下2*32*150*12/(25*99%*18%)约等于161考察知识点:EOQ与bulk discount结合求最低total cost。第二题A supplier offer a 3% discount to the order over the 500 unit; The C company is past reordering quantity is EOQ 300 units.If the bulk discount on the purchase price accepted, other variable remain unchanged。what would be the effect on the annual ordering costs and annual holding cost?A increase; decreaseB increase; increaseC decrease; increaseD decrease; decrease解析:过去一次订购300. 现在接受打折,说明订购量超过500unit。annual ordering cost=Co*D/Q,因为订货量增加,所以订货次数D/Q减小,annually ordering cost减少;Q增加,annual holding cost=Ch*Q/2,平均库存Q/2增加,所以annual holding cost增加。第三题What the effect on EOQ and the total annual holding cost of an increase in the cost of the ordering a batch of raw material(other variables remain unchanged)?A higher;lowerB higher;higherC lower;higherD lower;lower解析:Co增加,EOQ公式分母增加,其他不变所以EOQ增加;EOQ增加导致average inventory=EOQ/2增加,所以holding cost=Ch*average inventory就增加。考察知识点:EOQ公式,total holding cost公式 ACCA报考条件(一)报考ACCA需要什么条件?国际注册会计师这么高大上的名称是不是门槛也是特别高呢?是不是要本科或者硕士博士学历才可以报考呢?申请参加ACCA考试,必须先注册成为ACCA会员,而注册需要符合以下条件之一:1、凡具有教育部承认的大专及以上学历,即可报名成为ACCA的正式学员;2、教育部认可的高等院校在校生,顺利完成大一所有课程考试,即可报名成为ACCA的正式学员;3、未符合1,2项报名资格的申请者,可以先申请参加FIA资格考试,通过FFA,FMA,FAB三门课程后,可以申请转入ACCA并且豁免F1-F3三门课程的考试,直接进入ACCA技能课程阶段的考试。所以并不是一定要本科硕士才可以考ACCA,学历是大专就可以了。(二)报考需要准备哪些资料呢?上面有说到,申请参加考试之前,必须先注册成为ACCA的会员,注册时所需证件:1、身份证原件、复印件、翻译件。2、学历/学位证明(高校在校生需提交学校出具的在校证明函及第一年所有课程考试合格的成绩单)原件、复印件、翻译件。3、如果是管理、计算机、法律专业或MBA请提交成绩单(加盖学校公章)原件、复印件、翻译件。4、英语水平证明(CET-6、托福550,GMAT 550或ITES 6.5以上)原件、复印件,翻译件。5、一张近期两寸照片。6、72英镑注册报名费的银行汇票, 抬头开“The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants”或者ACCA。请检查银行开的汇票抬头的拼写。若拼写错,则汇票无效。7、将填好的注册申请表和完整证件材料交给北京办事处或者上海办事处进行复核和审理。如果是在职考生,下列文件您无需提交原件,但需提交加盖公章的复印件,此复印件上还必须有您所在公司总经理或人事部经理的签名和签注意见:模板:“Certified true copy by *name *job title”。 (*注:填入此经理的名字和职位) ACCA报考费用(一)ACCA的报考费用高不高?整个ACCA全部科目考下来大概需要多少费用?下面就从年费,教材费,培训费,考试费,根据汇率浮动的费用等来全面地分析整个ACCA全部科目考下来大概需要多少费用。1、必须支付的费用在线支付给ACCA官方:注册费:£79,一次性。年费:£105,每年。每年5月8号前注册缴纳,5月8号之后注册次年1月1号缴纳。建议5月8号以后注册。考试费:(注:所有考试费用都以早期缴费标准。)(二)通过率高不高?ACCA全球每年通过率大概在30%-40%左右,中国一般比全球通过率高10%。(三)难度大不大?ACCA 考试的难度是以英国大学学位考试的难度为标准, 具体而言, 第一、第二部分的难度分别相当于学士学位高年级课程的考试难度, 第三部分的考试相当于硕士学位最后阶段的考试。第一部分 的每门考试只是测试本门课程所包含的知识, 着重于为后两个部分中实务性的课程所要运用的理论和技能打下基础。第二部分 的考试除了本门课程的内容之外, 还会考到第一部分的一些知识, 着重培养学员的分析能力。第三部分 的考试要求学员综合运用学到的知识、技能和决断力。不仅会考到以前的课程内容, 还会考到邻近科目的内容。(四)含金量高不高?虽然目前中国法律不承认 ACCA 会员资格,即ACCA 会员不能替代中注协会员签署中国企业的审计报告。但ACCA 会员资格在国际上得到广泛认可,尤其是得到欧盟立法以及许多国家公司法的承认。ACCA 的会员可以在工商企业财务部门,审计/ 会计师事务所、金融机构和财政、税务部门从事财务和财务管理工作,许多会员在世界各地大公司担任高级职位(财务经理、财务总监CFO 甚至总裁CEO ),中国大陆的不少ACCA 会员也已担任许多大公司的重要职位。 ACCA报考优势高薪职位需求大根据市场上的数据统计,大学生在成为ACCA会员后,年收入提升非常显著,平均年薪基本上都能达到40万元以上,甚至有的会员年薪高达100多万。更值得关注的是,由于目前ACCA人才短缺,而且市场上的职位需求量较大,有的企业即使用高薪也未必招到足够的ACCA专业人才,可见ACCA职位相当吃香。求职方面刚才说到ACCA人才短缺,市场企业需求较大,因此,ACCA人员在求职应聘方面自然会相当受到企业的欢迎。只要手中持有ACCA证书,那就是证明自己能力最有效的证明,企业HR往往最看重的就是这本证书。升职方面众所周知,ACCA是一本极具含金量的证书,它不仅仅是求职者进入企业的“敲门砖”,同时也是升职必备的一本“通行证”,除了求职者以外,像行业的高管、经理、总监的职位都需要这本证书去证明自己。所以说ACCA证书的作用是无可置疑的。跳槽方面自己一旦有了经验、实力的资本,就为产生想法去跳槽。作为ACCA会员的你,如果在行业工作了有5年以上,假如跳槽到另外一家公司,别人看到你简历上了“5年的ACCA会员”,那么你就会成为众多求职者当中最拔尖、最优秀的,对此,企业也会优先择录你。
2023-06-11 23:40:091

财务管理的题 急求

哦? 没有中国话吗?
2023-06-11 23:40:181


2023-06-11 23:40:295


先看几个例句:1. He said global biofuel demand could increase from 10bn gallons a year in 2005 to 25bn gallons annually by 2010, an annualised growth rate of 20 per cent. 他表示,到2010年,全球生物燃料需求可能从2005年的每年100亿加仑增至每年250亿加仑,折合为年率每年增长20%。 2. He paid tribute to the recent accelerated appreciation of the renminbi, which has risen against the US dollar at an annualised rate of about 15-20 per cent so far this year. 保尔森对人民币汇率近期的加速升值表示赞许。今年以来,人民币兑美元汇率的升幅折合成年率达到约15%至20%。 3. Strong data, such as annualised real growth of5.5 per cent in the fourth quarter, had also convinced the government that economic recovery was robust. 年率5.5%第四季实际经济增长率等强劲的经济数据,也令政府确信,经济复苏颇为有力。 4. This compares with an annualised rate of 3.1% in the final quarter of 2010.(BBC: US economic growth is revised upwards)5. India"s economy has beaten expectations by growing at an annualised rate of 9.2% during July to September.(BBC: NEWS | Business | India"s Sensex hits record high)从上述例句不难看出,annualizedannualised可以修饰每年、每月、每季度甚至几个月,有些例句翻译为“年率”,年率是什么我也不懂,看百度百科“年率”:在经济数据中的“年率”和“月率”应该就是“同比”和“环比”的意思。比如:3月份零售额年率增长1.3%,月率下降0.1%,意思就是:今年3月份零售额较去年3月份增长1.3%,今年3月份零售额较2月份下降0.1%。月率和年率在欧洲经济数据的披露中用得较多。美国通常使用环比或者是经过季节调整的环比数据。总的来说就是一中表示一段时间额度增减的名词,其中的例句也是用了个“3月份”。到这里你应该也知道了这个annualisedannualized什么意思了吧。说实话,这也是我第一次遇见这个词,不过这样查找过后就知道这个词的用法了。
2023-06-11 23:40:481


论July10 ,该公司将召开第一次全球视频conference.All第二十三设施将喜欢的卫星广播系统,使员工能够看到和谈论彼此。布莱克先生将于会议告诉我们了解我们的目标,今后五年内完成。其次,每一个经理会谈论当前的挑战。过去一小时内,将专门用于所有地点的问题。如果它被证明是成功的,我们希望世界各地的视频会议日程每年。 我们提供广泛的信息,在网站上,从详细的资料一般购物指南类(种类) ,如数码相机,家庭影院,服装和手表。无论您使您的在线购买或打印出的信息要考虑到我们的连锁店,我们希望您能相信在您的购买决策。如果您的一个项目不符合您的期望,只要返回到我们的商店没有成本。 我们有什么学生正在寻找在校外,负担得起和便利的生活。所有的设施,您担心的情况下,如有线电视,互联网接入,充分furnishedand准备朝着!我们也有舒适的公寓或房间的室友份额。租金可领取每周,每月或每年联络800-298-3579如果你有兴趣。
2023-06-11 23:40:594


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