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2023-06-13 08:17:02

Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of the adolescent wizard Harry Potter, together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his friends from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The central story arc concerns Harry"s struggle against the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry"s parents in his quest to conquer the wizarding world and subjugate non-magical people (Muggles) to his rule.The novels revolve around Harry Potter, an orphan who discovers that he is a wizard at the age of eleven.[6] Wizard ability is inborn, but children are sent to wizarding school to learn the magical skills necessary to succeed in the wizarding world.[7] Harry is invited to attend the boarding school called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Each book chronicles one year in Harry"s life, and most of the events take place at Hogwarts.[8] As he struggles through adolescence, Harry learns to overcome many magical, social and emotional hurdles.[9]

Wizarding world

Flashbacks throughout the series reveal that when Harry was a baby he witnessed his parents" murder by Lord Voldemort who was a dark wizard obsessed with racial purity.[10] For reasons not immediately revealed, Voldemort"s attempt to kill Harry rebounds.[10] Voldemort is seemingly killed and Harry survives with only a lightning-shaped mark on his forehead as a memento of the attack.[10] As its inadvertent saviour from Voldemort"s reign of terror, Harry becomes a living legend in the wizard world. However, at the orders of his patron, the wizard Albus Dumbledore, the orphaned Harry is placed in the home of his unpleasant Muggle (non-wizard) relatives, who keep him safe but completely ignorant of his true heritage.[10]

The first novel in the series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher"s Stone, begins near Harry"s 11th birthday. Half-giant Rubeus Hagrid reveals Harry"s history and introduces him to the wizarding world.[10] The world J. K. Rowling created is both completely separate from and yet intimately connected to the real world. While the fantasy world of Narnia is an alternative universe and the Lord of the Rings" Middle-earth a mythic past, the Wizarding world of Harry Potter exists alongside that of the real world and contains magical elements similar to things in the non-magical world. Many of its institutions and locations are in places that are recognisable in the real world, such as London.[11] It comprises a fragmented collection of hidden streets, overlooked and ancient pubs, lonely country manors and secluded castles that remain invisible to the non-magical population of Muggles.[7]

With Hagrid"s help, Harry prepares for and undertakes his first year of study at Hogwarts. As Harry begins to explore the magical world, the reader is introduced to many of the primary locations used throughout the series. Harry meets most of the main characters and gains his two closest friends: Ron Weasley, a fun-loving member of an ancient, large, happy, but hard-up wizarding family, and Hermione Granger, an obsessively bookish witch of non-magical parentage.[10][12] Harry also encounters the school"s potions master, Severus Snape, who displays a deep and abiding dislike for him. The plot concludes with Harry"s second confrontation with Lord Voldemort, who in his quest for immortality, yearns to gain the power of the Philosopher"s Stone.[10]

The series continues with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets describing Harry"s second year at Hogwarts. He and his friends investigate a 50-year-old mystery that appears tied to recent sinister events at the school. The novel delves into the history of Hogwarts and a legend revolving around the "Chamber of Secrets", the underground lair of an ancient evil. For the first time, Harry realises that racial prejudice exists in the wizarding world, and he learns that Voldemort"s reign of terror was often directed at wizards who were descended from Muggles. Harry is also shocked to learn that he can speak Parseltongue, the language of snakes; this rare ability is often equated with the dark arts. The novel ends after Harry saves the life of Ron"s younger sister, Ginny Weasley, by destroying the diary in which Voldemort saved a piece of his soul (although Harry does not realize this until later in the series). The concept of storing part of one"s soul inside of an object in order to prevent death is officially introduced in the sixth novel under the term "horcrux".[10]

The third novel, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, follows Harry in his third year of magical education. It is the only book in the series which does not feature Voldemort. Instead, Harry must deal with the knowledge that he has been targeted by Sirius Black, an escaped murderer believed to have assisted in the deaths of Harry"s parents. As Harry struggles with his reaction to the dementors—dark creatures with the power to devour a human soul—which are ostensibly protecting the school, he reaches out to Remus Lupin, a Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher with a dark secret. Lupin teaches Harry defensive measures which are well above the level of magic generally shown by people his age. Harry learns that both Lupin and Black were close friends of his father and that Black was framed by their fourth friend, Peter Pettigrew.[13]

Voldemort returns

During Harry"s fourth year of school, detailed in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry unwillingly participates in the Triwizard Tournament, a dangerous magical contest with the young foreign witches and wizards of visiting schools.[14] Harry attempts to discover who has forced him to compete in the tournament, and why.[15] An anxious Harry is guided through the tournament by Professor Alastor Moody, who is the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. The point at which the mystery is unravelled marks the series" shift from foreboding and uncertainty into open conflict as the children are growing up. The novel ends with the resurgence of Voldemort and the death of a student (Cedric Diggory)

In the fifth book, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry must confront the newly resurfaced Voldemort. In response to Voldemort"s reappearance, Dumbledore re-activates the Order of the Phoenix, a secret society which works from Sirius Black"s dark family home to defeat Voldemort"s minions and protect Voldemort"s targets, including Harry. The Order includes many of the adults Harry trusts, including Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and members of the Weasley family, but also some surprising members. Good and the dark characters are not so obvious. Despite Harry"s description of Voldemort"s recent activities, the Ministry of Magic and many others in the magical world refuse to believe that Voldemort has returned.[16]

In an attempt to counter and eventually discredit Dumbledore, who along with Harry is the most prominent voice in the Wizarding World attempting to warn of the Dark Lord"s return, the Ministry appoints Dolores Umbridge as the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts. She transforms the school by a dictatorial regime and refuses to allow the students to learn ways to defend themselves against dark magic.[16] Harry forms a secret study group to teach his classmates the higher-level skills of Defense Against the Dark Arts that he has learned. The novel introduces Harry to Luna Lovegood, an airy young witch with a tendency to believe in oddball conspiracy theories. An important prophecy concerning Harry and Voldemort is revealed,[17] and Harry discovers that he and Voldemort have a painful connection, allowing Harry to view some of Voldemort"s actions telepathically. In the novel"s climax, Harry and his school friends face off against Voldemort"s Death Eaters, who include the rich and arrogant Malfoy family. The timely arrival of members of the Order of the Phoenix saves the children"s lives and allows many of the Death Eaters to be captured and imprisoned.[16]

In their sixth year, in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the protagonists have passed their OWL-levels and start on their specialist NEWT courses. Voldemort is leading another wizarding war, which has become so violent that even Muggles have noticed some of its effects. Although Harry and friends are relatively protected from that danger at Hogwarts, they are subject to all the difficulties of adolescence. At the beginning of the novel, he stumbles upon an old potions textbook filled with annotations and recommendations signed by a mysterious writer, the Half-Blood Prince.[18] While the shortcuts written in the book help Harry to excel at potions, he eventually learns to mistrust the anonymous writer"s spells. Harry also takes private tutoring with Albus Dumbledore, who shows him various memories concerning the early life of Voldemort. These reveal that Voldemort"s soul is splintered into a series of horcruxes, evil enchanted items hidden in various locations.[18] Harry"s snobbish adversary, Draco Malfoy, attempts to attack Dumbledore, and the book culminates in the killing of Dumbledore by Professor Snape.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the last book in the series, begins directly after the events of the sixth book. Voldemort has completed his ascension to power and gains control of the Ministry of Magic. Harry, Ron, and Hermione drop out of school so that they can find and destroy Voldemort"s remaining horcruxes. To ensure their own safety as well as that of their family and friends, they are forced to isolate themselves. As they search for the horcruxes, the trio learn details about Dumbledore"s past, as well as Snape"s true motives.

The book culminates in the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry, Ron, and Hermione, in conjunction with members of the Order of the Phoenix and many of the teachers and students, defend Hogwarts from Voldemort, his Death Eaters, and various magical creatures. Several major characters are killed in the first wave of the battle and Voldemort resumes his intention to kill Harry. In an effort to save the survivors, Harry surrenders himself but the battle resumes as the parents of many Hogwarts students, residents of the nearby village Hogsmeade and other magical creatures arrive to reinforce the Order of the Phoenix. With the last horcrux destroyed, Harry finally faces Voldemort. Harry offers the Dark Lord a chance at remorse, but Voldemort ignores this and attempts to kill Harry one final time; resulting in Voldemort"s death by his own hand. An epilogue describes the lives of the surviving characters and the effects on the wizarding world.




anguish 后缀ish有哪些意思

-ish [iu0283] suff. 像…似的;…民族的;有点儿...的;大约…-ish [iu0283] suf.[构成形容词]表示: “…语的”,“…民族的”:English,Spanish“…性质的”,“似…的”,“…一样的”:childish,mulish“稍…的”,“颇…的”,“有点儿…的”:reddish,coldish“…左右”,“…前后”:dinnerish,fortyish“近于…的”;“沉溺于…的”:bookish,selfish[构成动词 ]:finish
2023-06-11 23:28:432


book 英[bu028ak] 美[bu028ak] n. 书; 卷; 课本; 账簿; vt. 预订; vt. 登记; (向旅馆、饭店、戏院等) 预约; 立案(控告某人); 订立演出契约; [例句]His eighth book came out earlier this year and was an instant best-seller 他的第8本书在今年早些时候面世,迅速成为了畅销书。拓展;booky 读法:["bu028aku026a] adj. 书呆子气的;好学的;书本上的;咬文嚼字的,书面语的。 比较级 bookier 最高级 bookiest 扩展资料:近义词 1、studious 英 ["stjuu02d0du026au0259s] 美 ["studu026au0259s] adj. 用功的;热心的;专心的;故意的;适于学习的。 2、bookish 英 ["bu028aku026au0283] 美 ["bu028aku026au0283] adj. 书本上的;好读书的;书呆子气的。
2023-06-11 23:28:501


  读书是指获取他人已预备好的符号、文字并加以辨认、理解、分析的过程,有时还伴随着朗读、鉴赏、记忆等行为。那么,你知道读书的英语怎么说吗?   读书的英文释义:   study   read   read books   读书的英文例句:   你应该努力读书。   You should study hard.   我的朋友都是男生,他们一点也不关心读书。   My friends were all boys who cared nothing about studying.   我很想到国外去读书。   I have a good mind to study abroad.   你弟弟今晚不读书。   Your brother is not going to study this evening.   我最喜爱的消遣是读书。   My favorite pastime is reading.   多读书或许可以减少你的疑惑。   More reading may be allaying your doubt.   我喜欢读书,他喜欢读书看报纸。   I like to read books and he reads newspapers and books.   在日光下读书比在灯光下读书舒适。   It is easier to read by daylight than by lamplight.   读书俱乐部和读书活动随处可见。   Book clubs and bookish events are now mon.   他整天作画或读书。   He painted or read all day.   有些人边读书边作评注。   Some people annotate as they read.   读书是我唯一值得一提的爱好。   Reading is the only hobby I can speak of.   你有大量的时间读书。   You have plenty of time to read.   老师,为什么我一定要读书?   Teacher, why do I have to read?   老师,为什么我必须读书?   Teacher, why do I have to read?   我喜欢在那里读书。   I like reading books there.   除了最后一周的其他每周,我希望你们可以读书。   Every week, except for the last one I expect you to do some reading.   她是由于你才学会了读书。   She learned to read with you.   我不需要读书。   I need not study.   读书是一好事,但我们必须多加注意书的选择。   Reading is good, but we have to choose what to read.   现在的问题不是读什么书而是怎样读书。   The problem now is not what to read,but how to read   这个年龄的孩子,应该还在学校读书,应该还在父母的怀里撒娇。   At this age, they should be studying and nestling in the arms of their parents.   可如果你要的是一个读书的地方,那图书馆依然还是个好去处。   If you want a place to read, a library is still the place to go.   我总是在夜里读书或学习。   I always read or study at night.   除了睡觉外,不要使你的床做其他用途。这就意味着,不要在床上读书、看电视、吃东西或是发愁。   Do not use your bed for anything except sleep; that is, do not read, watchtelevision, eat, or worry in bed.   我喜欢读书,滑冰,画画和英语。   I like reading, skating, drawing and English.   而且我现在完全可以自己读书了!   And I can read them all by myself now!   我们两下读书都有不加选择的习惯。   Both of us have indiscriminate reading habits.   即使她和她丈夫正在旅行或忙于工作而脱不开身,也会有其他人做饭给他们的孩子吃、读书给他们的孩子听。   If she and her hu *** and are travelling or are stuck at their desks, there is someone else to feed their kids and read to them.
2023-06-11 23:28:581


2023-06-11 23:29:1014


booking 英[u02c8bu028aku026au014b] 美[u02c8bu028aku026au014b] n. 预约,预订; 挂号; 演出契约; 订货; v. 预订(book的现在分词); 预约,预定; [网络] 订舱; 订票; 预定; [例句]I suggest you tell him there was a mistake over his late booking.我建议你告诉他,他应该及早预订。[其他] 复数:bookings 形近词: hooking choking bookish
2023-06-11 23:29:492

好学的精神英语怎么翻译?bookish spirit?

Studious spirit
2023-06-11 23:29:583

傲慢与偏见 人物分析

2023-06-11 23:30:284


就是许多纸订在一起 纸上还有字
2023-06-11 23:30:394

有关比较级和最高级的英语作文 题目《My family》

My family 我的家庭 there are 3 members in our family,my father,my mother and i.we love each other father likes reading.we share a big bookshelf,and he take large proportion o f it.everyday he reading newspaper,magazines and all kinds of paper which have letters on mum love to play puter games since i teach her how to do it.she likes to see the movies and play majiang on it.what"s more,i like to do some games in our garden with my dog.we are very happiness for we can do whatever we like.we never quarel,if we have some promblems we will sit together and take suggestions from each other.My family is very harmonious,i love my family. 我家有三个成员,爸爸,妈妈和我.我们都非常爱彼此.我爸爸非常喜爱阅读,家里有一个我和他共用的书架,大部分都是他的书.每天都要找点什么来读,报纸啦,杂志啦,只要是有字的,他都要读上一读.我妈妈则爱上了电脑,自从我教会她如何看电影以及如何在上面打麻将之后,她就为之疯狂了.至于我,我喜欢和我的狗狗在室外一起做一些运动.我们是个幸福的家庭,因为我们可以做任何我们喜欢的事情,我们从不吵架,要是家里出现了任何问题,我们都会坐下来一起讨论解决.并听取彼此的意见.我的家庭很和谐.我爱我家.
2023-06-11 23:30:562


  实际上指相同事物的两个词或短句拆开来出现在两个地方,用一个做句子的成分,把另外一个放在句外。我们就把这个居于结构之外的成分叫外位语,那个结构之内的成分叫本位语。举个简单的栗子”关起门来搞建设,这样是不行的”,其中”关起门来搞建设”是外位语,”这”是本位语,对于这类句子我们主要有两种方法:”译出来”和”译进去”.   一,译出来   所谓”译出来”即将外位语译成一个独立的成分与主句分离,分以下三种情况   1,译成外位语结构   如:   然而朋友们把多量的同情,多量的爱,多量的欢乐,多量的眼泪分了给我,这些东西都是生存所必需的。   My friends then gave me in large quantities sympathy, love, joy and tears—things essential for existence.   有喜有忧,有笑有泪,有花有实,有香有色,既须劳动 ,又长见识 ,这就是养花的乐趣。(老舍:《养花》)   Joy and sorrow, laughter and tears, flowers and fruit ,fragrance and color, manual labor and increased knowledge all these make up the joy of flower cultivation.   以上两例,都是套用汉语中含有外位语结构的句子框架来翻译。   2,译为独立的一个句子或者是并列句   有些朋友,连他们的名字我以前也不知道,他们却关心我的健康,处处打听我的“病况”,直到他们看见了我那被日光晒黑了的脸和膀子,他们才放心地微笑了,这种情形的确值得人掉泪。   Some, whom I did not even know by name, showed concern over my health and went about inquiring after me. It was not until they saw my suntanned face and arms that they began to smile a smile of relief. All that was enough to move one to tears.   世间有不少的人为了家庭抛弃朋友,至少也会在家庭和朋友之间划一个界限,把家庭看得比朋友重过若干倍。这似乎是很自然的事情。   Many people forsake their friends in favor of their own families, or at least draw a line of demarcation between families and friends, considering the former to be many times more important than the latter. That seems to be a matter of course.   亵渎的人固然不少,我可总不忍——这一套又是书生之见。   Though many other people violate the taboo, I for my part cannot bear to do the same. This again is the impractical view of a bookish person.   3,将外位语结构译为由介词of ,as for, as to, as regard等引导的介词短语放在句首,通常适用于句子中出现”至于”或含有此意味的句子.   至于不挑食,其心态与上面相似。   As to picky eating, I often find people barely over forty becoming very choosy about food.   4,译为同位语或非限制性定语从句   一个人既不能独立转移风气,也该在消极方面有所自守,邦同作弊,赞助越出常轨的事儿,总可以免了吧,——这自然是书生之见,不免通达的人一笑。   If it is beyond one"s capacity to single-handedly stem the prevailing social evils, one should at least be self-disciplined so as not to make matters worse. All this is undoubtedly the pedantic view of bookish person—a view which must sound ridiculous to all sensible gentlemen.(译为同位语)   世人常称大学为“最高学府”,这名称易滋误解,好像过此 以上即无学问可言。   A university has often been misleadingly referred to as "the highest seat of learning", which sounds as if there were no more learning to speak of beyond it.   (译为定语从句)   二,译进去   即将外位语作为句子的一部分来翻译,”融入”到句子中   1, 将外语结构转化成为名词从句或不定式短语,置于句末,作逻辑主语,而用it作形式主语。例如:   不调查、不研究、提起笔来“硬写”,这就是不负责的态度.   It is sheer irresponsibility to pick up the pen and "force ourselves to write" without investigation or study.   2, 将"这""这些"略去不译,直接把外位语结构译为句中的一个成分   今天忽然听说北京大学要开一个运动会,这个消息使我很高兴。   Today I was very happy to hear that Peking University was about to schedule a sports meet.   他们根据自己的文学欣赏的才能,根据不同时代潮流,对文学作品提出自己的看法,互相争论,互相学习,互相启发,互相提高,这也是一种创作活动,对文学理论的建设会有很大的好处.   In accordance with their own capacity for literary appreciation and the different historical trends, the views they put forward for mutual discussion, study, inspiration and improvement are also something creative and conducive to the development of literary theory.   逢到和旧友谈话,就不知不觉地把话题转到旧事上去,这是我的习惯。   When chatting away with my old friends, I am in the habit of unwittingly channeling the topic of conversation toward things of former days.   这种译法比较灵活,童鞋们要在平时多做积累。   3,指代主语的外位语,可译为句中的表语,有些地方称这种方法为”倒置法”   如:   工厂、铁道、枪炮等,这些是物质条件。   The material conditions are factories, railways, firearms and the like.   皮包,水壶,剃须刀,旅行药箱等等,这些是旅行的必需品。   The necessities for traveling are leather satchels, flasks, razors, small medicine kits, and the like.   实现经济发展,这是我们今后相当长时间的中心工作.   For a relatively long period ahead ,the focus of our work is to realize the economic development.   综上,我们可以看到,汉译英时,外位语的处理方法是多种多样的,有时可直接原封不动地套用原文的框架,有时可进行必要的转换。但是究竟选择何种方法,要充分考虑到英汉语不同的句法特点,结合上下文,以达到最佳的翻译效果。
2023-06-11 23:31:051

运用构词法记忆单词.请你举出类似的词汇1合成 如class+room=classroom 2派生 如dis+like= dislike 3转化

hand earthquake playground mainland widespreadspacecraft Postcard Postman taxpayer wildlifemailbox supermarket Headline deadline
2023-06-11 23:31:274


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2023-06-11 23:31:468


It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in posses-sion of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may beon his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in theminds of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightfulproperty of some one or other of their daughters.这个应该可以吧
2023-06-11 23:32:316


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  工作总结以年终总结、半年总结和季度总结最为常见和多用。就其内容而言,工作总结就是把一个时间段的工作进行一次全面系统的总检查、总评价、总分析、总研究,并分析成绩的不足,从而得出引以为戒的经验。那么你知道工作总结用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。   工作总结的英语说法1:   work summary   工作总结的英语说法2:   Job Summary   工作总结的相关短语:   大学教育工作总结 University Education Work Summary   初中教育工作总结 Junior High School Work Summary   辅导班工作总结 Experience For Training Center   教师工作总结 Teacher Work Report   英语教师工作总结 English Teacher Wrok Report   大学班主任工作总结 University Main Teacher Work Report   工作总结的英语例句:   1. Theauthors sum up their experience in image processing by using the AIPS.   作者根据自己的实际工作,总结了用AIPS进行图象处理的经验.   2. Chapter VIII summarized the content and prospect the next step research.   第八章对所做工作总结,并给出有待进一步研究的问题.   3. The summary and prospect of the research is given finally.   最后给出了研究工作总结和后续研究工作的建议.   4. Make work summary every month and plans of the following month.   每月进行工作总结和下月计划.   5. Finally, the summarization of this thesis and the view on future research are proposed.   最后对全文工作总结并对需要进一步研究的问题和方向提出看法.   6. Now you are examining your work and summing up your experience; this is very good.   你们现在正在检查工作,总结经验, 这样很好.   7. They always sum up their work experience whenever it is necessary, so they improve rapidly.   他们总是随时总结经验, 所以工作质量提高很快.   8. We must take a serious attitude in summing up our work, and not just make it a mere formality.   总结工作要认真, 不要走过场.   9. The schools produced diligent excerpting from older manuscripts, summarizing, and mentaries.   各学院从古代手稿里作了辛勤的摘录 、 总结和评注工作.   10. The schools produced diligent excepting from older manuscripts, summarizing, and mentaries.   各学院从古代手稿里作了辛勤的摘录, 总结和评注的工作.   11. In this paper , the working mechani *** s and features of HEM were summarized.   对高能磨HEM的工作原理和特点进行了总结.   12. Words selected from government work report of 2004 Part II   2004年 *** 工作报告词汇总结 二   13. Finally we summarize our work and then pointthe improvement of our work.   文章的最后作者总结了在本专案实践中的工作心得体会,提出了一些以后工作的改进方向.   14. Conclusion: in practical work more flexibility is needed rather than bookishness.   总结: 实际工作中需要更多的变通而不是本本主义.   15. Summary of the work and achievement is made finally.   最后总结了全文的工作和取得的成果.
2023-06-11 23:34:271

two lives by helen naylor是什么小说

two lives by helen naylor是《Two Lives》小说。晚上一口气读完了《Two Lives》作者是HELEN NAYLOR,很感人,经不住就落泪了,几个场景描写很让人心酸,结局还算很好,相爱的人最终能够走到一起是多么幸福的事啊。基本信息William Trevor"s astonishing range as a writer--his humor, subtlety, and compassionate grasp of human behavior--is fully demonstrated in these two short novels.a lonely country girl escapes her loveless marriage in the arms of a bookish young man.In My House in Umbria, a former madam befriends the other survivors of a terrorist bombing with surprising results. Nominated for the Booker Award.
2023-06-11 23:34:341


Shuxiang elegant simplicity of the gas
2023-06-11 23:34:494


the weak students are the most useless ones in the world
2023-06-11 23:34:574


一天,这个富人和朋友们一起沿着河边走。他说说笑笑,突然就掉进河里了。他的朋友尝试着去救他。他的一个朋友说:“把你的手给我,这样我就能把你拉上来!”富人沉入了水中然后又浮出水面,但是他没有把他的手给他的朋友。他的另外一个朋友也这样试了一次,但是得到的是同样的结果。 Mike说:“拉住我的手,我就能把你拉上来!”。这个富人马上伸出了手,Mike就把他拉出来水面。“你们不是很了解我们的朋友。”他对其他人说。“当你对他说give,他什么也不会做。但是当你说take的时候,他就做了”。
2023-06-11 23:35:095

I entered high school having read hundreds of boo

我进入高中读了数百本书。但是,我不是一个好读者。在我阅读只限于阅读,没有我的观点时。然尔,我阅读,以便获得观点。我收集书籍好的经历和名言,信息,思想以及主题-我想书中任何内容都可以丰富我的思想和让我受到教育。当我的一位老师建议去看10年级英语课,一个人没有“复杂(复杂的)想法” ,直到他读至少2000本书,我听到的话不得不承认其具有讽刺意味的(嘲讽)或其非常复杂的真相。我只是决心要列出了所有的书籍我曾读过。严格,我自己,我只包括一个主题我可能已经阅读了好几次。 (可以这么说一读一本书不止一次? ) ,我只包括那些书籍一百多页篇幅。 (可以是任何较短的一本书? )在高中,我又列了清单。有一天,我在一家报纸看到有一篇文章是关于的州立大学附近的英文教授。这篇文章已经列出了“有关西方文明的最重要百本书。 ” “它们在我的生活中是最重要的, ”教授告诉记者,最后“ 这些书籍是我的所有,”这是什么样的话我不能忽视(忽视) 。数个月来,我一直按我所列的清单进行阅读。当然,大多数书籍,我很难理解。当读柏拉图的共和国,例如,我需要继续寻找介绍这本书,以提醒自己什么是对的文字。然而,由于小学生特殊的耐心和迷信(迷信),我看了文章中每一个字。我看到了文章的最后一句话,很高兴,我告诉我自己已阅读完柏拉图的共和国,并认真把他从我的清单中划过。
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可以I am pleased to attend this interview, I hope the teachers will guide me as I improve and grow. At first, I will introduce myself, my name is _________________, i am 24 this year........................如果你想知道更多,先采纳我,因为很忙
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嘌呤相对稳定 不可能放在冰箱里食物中所含的嘌呤被破坏减少
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2023-06-11 23:36:001


dickies是美国的服装品牌。dickies是美国的服装品牌,款式以休闲为主,性价比高,在美国Dickies是相对最知名也最大众的工装潮牌。Dickies自1922年于美国德克萨斯州诞生起就始终秉承功能性出色、品质超群的原则生产销售工装、休闲裤、T恤等。在美国Dickies是相对最知名也最大众的工装潮牌。成立之初是一家小型背带裤公司,发展成为了美式休闲工装制造商,潮流服装公司。扩展资料:Dickies成立于1922年,最早是一家小型背带裤公司,如今是全球最大的工作服制造商,能代表美国品牌在时尚界的优秀潮牌。通过不断了解美国工作者的苛刻需求,推出不少经典之作,如874工裤、工装衬衫、JT Eisenhower等产品。1922年, C Don Williams.on与他的父亲和兄弟三人收购了背带裤公司,每人各持三分之一的股份,并将公司更名为Williamson-Dick.ie制造公司。参考资料来源:Dickies-品牌故事
2023-06-11 23:36:091


COLMO 是2018年10月19日,在欧洲勃朗峰发布的高端家电品牌。COLMO 寓意“攀登,致力于为消费者带来拥有至臻品质和自主学习能力的AI科技家电。
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order book subscribe 这几个单词都可以
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精灵 eidolon fairy genius numen
2023-06-11 23:35:151


一台售价4万元的冰箱摆在家中,究竟是怎样一种奢华的体验?2021年10月,我们将COLMO TURING套系·营养空间站带入《电器》消费体验中心,直面这台传说中的奢华级高端冰箱。在这里,我们就称它为TURING冰箱吧!印象里,TURING是现代计算机的鼻祖,也是电影中,卷福帅气又执着的经典形象。那么这台被COLMO命名为套系·营养空间站的超高端冰箱,是不是意味着它既是可以计算的智能大师,又是美学理念的经典代表呢?让我们一探究竟!TURING的美,惊艳了我的视线首先,我们将TURING冰箱安放在厨房的一角,感觉没错,放好它的那一刻,整个厨房都亮了起来。在产品简介当中,COLMO将这款TURING冰箱的颜色命名为“皓石蓝”。皓石是一种很珍贵的宝石,也是一种被赋予了很多文化意义的宝石。看上去,TURING冰箱在那里,很像一颗蓝宝石,绽放着沉静而不失尊贵的光芒。据说,为了让这颗“蓝宝石”展现最美的华彩,设计师用了0.2mm的精细拉丝,实现了每立方厘米中有1000万个碳离子交叉折射,才形成了我们眼前的TURING冰箱面板绝美的光彩。0.2mm精细拉丝的面板纹理效果蓝色皓石般典雅的冰箱面板上角TURING冰箱的皓石蓝面板上,COLMO以微米级的工艺将触控按钮和声控标识进行3D雕刻,伴随着十字门中央的感应式灯光映照,当人走近TURING冰箱时,它像是用高贵而温柔的姿态向你示意——你可以碰触我,也可以唤醒我。在皓石面板中若隐若现的触控按钮靠近它,品味它中控灯散发的光晕与精密3D雕刻的语音灯TURING冰箱的美不仅存在于形体与装饰,更有内在的理性和底蕴。打开门的瞬间,就被它的内在的质感所吸引。首先映入眼帘的,是金属质感映衬下的“全景天窗”,通过模拟自然柔光为食材打开自然的光亮。同时,我们还能看到像钢琴键一样在弹奏的“动态除菌进度提示灯”,两种光线于一动一静之间,将金属的质感充分展现。全面的天光光源柔和照射,让食材保鲜、让内部有格调在内部,我们还能看到36°钻石切割设计的门体背挂瓶架、可以调节高度的金属悬臂搁架以及金属质感浓厚的太空生态仓和微晶一周鲜。高度可调的背挂瓶架不仅具有金属质感,还有柔和阻尼的生态保鲜舱温度的调节,则以隐藏式LED数显的方式,置于门体的门封条上。这样的设计不仅精巧简约,更让冰箱的科技范儿显露无疑。位于门体内侧的调温按钮它的变温区和冷冻室,位于冰箱十字门体的下部,冷冻区可调温度最低可达-22℃,具备速冻冷冻的一切条件,变温室的调温区间则跨越零上与零下。这些温度调节均可在门体上手动便捷操作,你会看到“长按3秒”的提示,按住,操作,搞定。精巧大方的冷冻室TURING的鲜,让食材变得更高端TURING冰箱有两个极具特点的科技——光量子增养科技和AI抑嘌呤科技。太空生态舱我们将果蔬,放入太空生态舱,TURING冰箱会自动识别干果还是鲜果,通过智能控湿,为干果提供干燥环境,为果蔬提供高湿保鲜环境。在高湿状态下开启TURING独有的特异蓝光,通过光量子增养科技,提升合成花青素关键CHS酶活性,并激发花青素基因表达效率。经国际权威检测机构SGS认证,在TURING特异蓝光的作用下,草莓花青素7天增长高达221.25%,而花青素是我们人体最重要的营养物质之一,这可以“增养”的功能可以说是很吸引人了。这些果蔬在生态保鲜舱的呵护下,颜色鲜艳,娇嫩欲滴,依然保持一个非常新鲜的状态。经过测试,经过太空生态舱存储的草莓,花青素实现了大幅度提升值得注意的另一个食材保鲜“黑科技”则是AI抑嘌呤科技,据说可以抑制肉类海鲜类嘌呤的增长。百闻不如一见,我们将鲜嫩的三文鱼放入“微晶一周鲜”保鲜舱,用手机、语音或者手动均可以将微晶保鲜的模式设定为“水产”。水产模式控温更精细,在保持食材不冻的基础上,迅速抑制细菌繁殖,降解水产ATP酶的活性,抑制嘌呤含量。经过测试,水产模式下,嘌呤数值抑制效果明显在嘌呤大幅度被抑制,而让我们可以对海鲜大快朵颐的愉悦中,我们放入的鲜嫩三文鱼,在经过近一周时间的储存后,仍然鲜美可口。AI抑嘌呤科技和光量子增养科技,双管齐下,实现了“去害增养”,托起了TURING的科技个性,令其在完美的外观下,让食材变得更健康、更营养、更高端!TURING的智,让人赞不绝口TURING冰箱的美,让它像一件艺术品置于家中。而TURING的另一面则是它的“智”。首先,是它的触控+语音的“声触双控”全自动开关门设计,大大减少了主厨取放食材时的动作。通过触碰冰箱面板上的隐藏式按钮,冰箱门会全自动打开,并且它可以智能感知到用户的存在,不会因为开门而撞到用户的身体。我们还可以,温柔地称呼它:"小美、小美。"当它回应:”在呢!“的时候,对它说:”打开冰箱门。”她会在那一刻,为你打开冰箱门,并且说:“冰箱门已打开。”它还能在判定开门且无人操作60秒后,将门自动关闭,以免影响保鲜效果。相比语音唤醒,小编还是更喜欢,碰触它,感受指尖的温柔TURING冰箱的智慧,离不开联网的学习和控制。手机打开“美的美居APP”,添加设备,很快就能扫描出TURING冰箱,顺畅配网之后,手机里冰箱控制界面简直让人眼花缭乱。畅快联网在这个看起来有些酷炫的冰箱操控界面,你可以点击开启“智能保鲜”,一键开启TURING的智慧,通过AI的感知、理解、执行,实现抑制嘌呤增长、智能生态控湿、实现DPS+智能除菌、智能净味。在手机APP上,我们还可以调节各个保鲜空间的温度,可以增加各类食材,从而让TURING识别、记录这些食材的存储状态,提示用户即将过期的食材、为用户提供可供烹饪的食材组合。当然,这些,也都可以通过与TURING的语音对话来实现,完成对冰箱的各种操作以及播放歌曲、讲述故事、播报天气等功能是非常便捷的。通过手机添加食材值得一提的是,即使TURING有超过600L的存储空间,有多个不同的冷藏冷冻空间需要智能运转,它工作时却是十分安静。在我们多次贴近TURING冰箱的噪声检测中,即使它采用速冻+制冰模式,它的噪声仍然只有20dB左右,这让我们非常惊讶。制冰+速冻模式下,TURING依然很安静美丽动人、聪慧超群、安静沉稳的TURING冰箱,有没有打动你傲娇的内心?
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once half a year half a year 半年
2023-06-11 23:34:353

About one million Americans are diagnosed annually with skin cancer.

【答案】:A句意为:每年约有l00万美国人被诊断出患有皮肤癌。every year意为“每年”,se-verely意为“严重地”,actively意为“积极地”,every month意为“每个月”。只有everyyear意思上和annually最接近。
2023-06-11 23:34:261

开头是a结尾是ually的单词 八个字母的单词

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initiate用法及搭配如下:initiate+名词:initiate the advertisement war 引起广告战。initiate the community 建立共同体。initiate the custom 首开这种风气。initiate+副词:initiate accurately 准确地开始。initiate annually 每年一次地开始。initiate apparently〔palpably〕 明显地开始。initiate bluntly 直截了当地介绍。initiate casually 漫不经心地开始。initiate into(v.+prep.)介绍或接纳某人加入…; 使某人获知… introduce sb into...; allow sb to share...例子:The booklet initiates us into the problems of living abroad.这本小册子使我们对生活在国外的情况有了初步了解。
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ally n.同盟国;同盟者 alphabetically ad. 按字母表顺序 alternately ad. 交替地,轮流地 alternatively adv. 交互地;交替地;另外,此外;两者择一 amazingly ad. 惊人地;惊奇地 amply ad. 充足地,详细地 扩展资料   anatomically ad. 解剖学上,结构上   angrily adv.发怒地,愤怒地   animatedly adj. 活生生地,热烈的"   annually ad.一年一次,每年   anomaly n. 异常、反常   anonymously adj. 匿名地   anxiously adv. 焦急地,急切地;不安地;挂念地;渴望地;担心的   apparently ad. 明显地;外表地;显然,表面上地;adj. 显然,似乎   ably ad. 能干地,巧妙地   abruptly adv. 突然地;突然;粗鲁地   absently ad. 心不在焉地   absolutely ad.完全地;绝对地   absurdly ad. 荒诞地   accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地;偶尔,附带   accordingly ad.因此,所以;照着
2023-06-11 23:33:301