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Welcome Back 歌词

2023-06-13 08:15:03
TAG: welcom ome wel elc
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歌曲名:Welcome Back
专辑:Harvest Songs

Young Jeezy - Welcome Back
Yeah I told you Niggas
Yeah Niggas
I told yalls I was coming back niggas
I want it down below homies
Lets go
Welcome back
Guess whos back and he is shinin on you niggas
Welcome back
Guess whos back and he is stuntin on you hoes
Welcome back
Yea I"m back and I"m shinin on you niggas
Welcome back
Yea I"m back and I"m stuntin on these hoes
Been on my grizzy but now I"m back in the place
And if you show me the money ill put this brick in your face
And if ya aint got mo money ill put this strap in your face
And believing these niggas is like a slap in the face
Welcome back
Guess what
None of these niggas real as me
I think i might line em up
What you say
Suck a dick
Scuse me if I"m bein rude
Let me check my attitude
Scues me Mr. Attitude
Why you got an attitude
Can"t stand the rapper niggers
Thinking that its trap a nigga
These never ever never ever
Never had a pack niggas
I"m tellin you
What they do to you
What"s happening?
Wut up dude
Ive been done
You too slow
I"m too fast
Movin like slim fast
Keep my Ronald Williams cash
In a black Chevy bag
Welcome back
Guess whos back and he is shinin on you niggas
Welcome back
Guess whos back and he is stuntin on you hoes
Welcome back
Yea I"m back and I"m shinin on you niggas
Welcome back
Yea I"m back and I"m stuntin on these hoes
Been on my grizzy but now I"m back in the place
And if you show me the money ill put this brick in your face
And if ya aint got mo money ill put this strap in your face
And believing these niggas is like a slap in the face
Welcome back
So kind so kind
Thank you very much
Actin like i lost touch
I aint never lost touch
Dam sure aint lost much
Mater of fact i still got it
Yea you know im still ballin
Catch me in my black T
But im a business man
Catch me at the kitchen table weighing out my business plan
Young what your dentist plan
Whats wrong with your pussy niggas
Needin my opinions man
Ok here we go again
Street status necessary
Start talking blow again
Got that bureau if the niggas sellin blow again
Streets think its necessary that a nigga blow a man
Welcome back
Guess whos back and he is shinin on you niggas
Welcome back
Guess whos back and he is stuntin on you hoes
Welcome back
Yea I"m back and I"m shinin on you niggas
Welcome back
Yea I"m back and I"m stuntin on these hoes
Been on my grizzy but now I"m back in the place
And if you show me the money ill put this brick in your face
And if ya aint got mo money ill put this strap in your face
And believing these niggas is like a slap in the face
Welcome back
In my yayo in my kitchen
Sky storch every where
White fat black top
Kung Foo panda bear
Call me sense I got the taiquondo
My Angelina shit I want that Brad Pitt dough
I said so funny same time snow money
Aint nuthin funny bitch
Im on my money shit
A movie star bitch
We can make our own flick
I just came to beat it down
You play with your own shit
Yea ok I"m bout to wild out
Call it a v neck
Took a nine out
750 luck
750 head
Bitch I dont even know what 750 is
Welcome back
Guess whos back and he is shinin on you niggas
Welcome back
Guess whos back and he is stuntin on you hoes
Welcome back
Yea I"m back and I"m shinin on you niggas
Welcome back
Yea I"m back and I"m stuntin on these hoes
Been on my grizzy but now I"m back in the place
And if you show me the money ill put this brick in your face
And if ya aint got mo money ill put this strap in your face
And believing these niggas is like a slap in the face
Welcome back
We told you niggas right
Ah ha ha




2023-06-11 23:03:196


dick 英[du026ak] 美[du026ak] n. 〈口〉家伙; 〈俚〉阴茎; 〈美俚〉侦探; 〈俚〉誓言; [例句]I wasn"t asking for your opinion, Dick我并不是在征求你的意见,迪克。[其他] 复数:dicks
2023-06-11 23:04:441


2023-06-11 23:04:522


2023-06-11 23:05:026


2023-06-11 23:05:274


dick迪克 拼音 双语对照 dick英 [dɪk] 美 [dɪk] n.〈口〉家伙; 〈俚〉阴茎; 〈美俚〉侦探; 〈俚〉誓言网络阴茎; 迪克; 狄克复数: dicks 形近词: Dick数据来源:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典英英释义百度知道
2023-06-11 23:05:431


2023-06-11 23:05:571

suck a bag of dicks是什么意思

2023-06-11 23:06:171


张镇麟的父亲是:前辽宁队主力球员张岩。篮球运动员张镇麟的父亲是张岩,但是关于张岩的信息也仅仅只有名字和职业而已,只知道是一名优秀的辽宁篮球运动员。张镇麟是个土生土长的沈阳小伙,可以说出生于一个标准意义上的篮球世家。母亲也是王芳不仅是辽宁女篮和中国女篮的绝对主力,更是在1992年奥运会和1994年女篮世锦赛上,以绝对主力兼球队主要得分手的身份。2017年4月1日消息,Dicks全美高中锦标赛头号种子La Lumiere和曾经的霸主Montverde会师决赛,La Lumiere高中的小前锋张镇麟成为历史上第一位打入该赛事决赛的中国球员。2018年4月14日,2018年耐克篮球峰会,世界队89-76战胜美国队。张镇麟代表世界队参赛,出战9分钟得到1助攻。张镇麟的个人特点1、对抗性篮球运动持续时间可长可短,但需要参与者快速奔跑、突然与连续起跳、敏捷反应与力量抗衡。2、集体性篮球运动不仅要求运动员具有技战术能力,以及在比赛中表现出的智慧、胆略、意志、活力与创造力,运动员也必须具备勇敢顽强的斗志和团结协作的精神。3、观赏性篮球比赛中,可以欣赏到娴熟的运球、巧妙的传球、准确的投篮、机智的抢断、精彩的扣篮和出奇的封盖,再加上攻守交错、对抗变换,从而使比赛双方斗智斗勇,球场形势变化富有戏剧性,能使参与者和观看者得到心理的满足和愉悦。4、趣味性篮球运动简单易行,趣味性很强,可以因人、因地、因时、因需而异。通过变换各种活动方式,篮球运动更加方便与吸引人们的参与,以达到活跃身心、健身强体的目的,进而提高社会的文明氛围,充实人们业余文化娱乐生活。
2023-06-11 23:06:231


2023-06-11 23:06:4415


张镇麟,中国篮球运动员,目前效力于NCAA杜兰大学篮球队。张镇麟是辽宁篮管中心主任王芳之子,曾在辽宁青年队打球,现在在美国读高中,1999年生人,身高已经长到2米08,身体素质非常出色,持球进攻能力强悍,还拥有三分投射能力,打球风格酷似杜兰特。6月29日报道,据知名篮球解说柯凡透露,他今天曾与辽宁男篮中方教练组组长杨鸣有过交流,目前效力美国杜兰大学的张镇麟明年将加盟辽宁男篮。扩展资料:运动生涯:2017年4月1日消息,Dicks全美高中锦标赛头号种子La Lumiere和曾经的霸主Montverde会师决赛,La Lumiere高中的小前锋张镇麟成为历史上第一位打入该赛事决赛的中国球员。2018年4月14日,2018年耐克篮球峰会,世界队89-76战胜美国队。张镇麟代表世界队参赛,出战9分钟得到1助攻。2018年4月18日,张镇麟宣布自己的择校选择,最终选择加盟美国杜兰大学。2018年4月20日,中国篮协公布中国男篮红蓝两队的集训名单,张镇麟入选蓝队名单。2018年11月12日,张镇麟上演了自己的NCAA首秀,得到24分和7个篮板,他所在的杜兰大学在主场以69-80输给了佛罗里达州立大学。2019年5月6日,中国篮协公布中国男篮2019年的集训名单,张镇麟入选。2019年6月28日,中国男篮通过官方微博发布消息,张镇麟暂时离队。参考资料来源:百度百科-张镇麟
2023-06-11 23:09:231


2023-06-11 23:09:423


~..~..@~@@你要的这个资源我有~~~~你可以加我百度云账号:海米的心加完后 在百度云上发一下你要的资源的名字给我~~很高兴为你服务~~。。@~....最后一定要记得采纳哦~~@~~
2023-06-11 23:09:512


2023-06-11 23:10:0313


2023-06-11 23:10:335


千万不要买“Made in China”的巧克力。凡是中国制造的巧克力都是用代可可脂和氢化植物油造的,味道好像吃肥皂。宁愿花多一点钱买进口的外国巧克力,也不要买中国品牌的巧克力,因为都是垃圾。
2023-06-11 23:11:029


2023-06-11 23:11:364


2023-06-11 23:11:4410


第一篇网上有中文译本。《伯杰氏系统细菌学手册》(Bergey"s Manual of Systemaic Bacteriology) 一本有代表性的、参考价值极高、比较全面系统的细菌分类手册。由美国布瑞德(Breed)等人主编。1923年第1版,后于1925、1930、 1934、1939、1948、1957、1974年相继出版了第2至第8版,每个版本都反映了当时细菌学发展的新成就。其中第8版有美、英、德、法等 14个国家的细菌学家参加了编写工作,对系统内的每一属和种都做了较详细的属性描述。近年来,由于细胞学、遗传学和分子生物学的渗透,大大促进了细菌分类学的发展,使分类系统与真正反映亲缘关系的自然体系日趋接近。第9版(1984,1986)中实质性的变化,象征着细菌分类学的发展进入新的阶段。第一,手册更名,原书名为《伯杰氏鉴定细菌学手册》(Bergey"s Manual of Determinatie Bacteriology),第9版由于内容增加,范围扩大,提高了手册的实用性,同时指出各类细菌间的关系,所以改名为《伯杰氏系统细菌学手册》;第二,由1卷分成4卷,这是考虑到能及时反映新进展和使用者的方便;第三,细菌在生物界的地位,8、9版间无变动,但它们的高级分类单位有很大变化(见下表),尤其嗜盐细菌和产甲烷细菌,根据胞壁分析和DNA序列分折,另列疵壁菌门,古细菌纲;第四,趋近自然体系,在各级分类单位中全面应用核酸研究;在表型特征的基础上,以DNA资料给予决定性的判断。使人为的分类体系过渡到自然体系的理想进一步付诸实现。第二篇发给你邮箱呢,发给你!
2023-06-11 23:12:071


迪克斯=理查德Dix = Richard纳西莎=西茜Narcissa = Cissy
2023-06-11 23:12:153

Kesha的《Blah Blah Blah》歌词

Coming oot your mouth with your blah blah blah你一张嘴就是废话废话废话ust zip your lips like a padlock and meet me at the back with the jack and the jukebox.快吧嘴巴关住不许说话 代号杰克丹尼和点唱机到休息室见我I dont really care where you live at just turn around boy and let me hit that.我才不管你住在那 快转过去男孩,让我来一下Dont be a little bitch with your chit chat just show me where your dicks at.别像个小娘们唧唧喳喳 你的小弟弟到底在哪?Music starts Listen hot stuff音乐响起,听着库辣的节奏Im in love With this song我迷上这首歌So just hush baby shut up所以安静,宝贝快住口Heard enough我已经听够Stop stop stop talking that Blah blah blah think youl be getting this nah nah nah别再说-说那些废话,废话废话 以为这样能得到我,?错错错Not in the back of my car car car快离开我的汽车后座座座座If you keep talking that blah blah blah blah blah.如果你在继续说那些废话废话废话废话Boy come on now " " "男孩 快给我来电劲暴的Come put a little love it my glove bag把一些爱放入我的包包i wanna dance with no pants on我想要脱掉内裤luo舞Come meet me in the back with the jack and the jukebox带包杰克丹尼和点唱机再休息室见我So cut to the chase kid cuz I no you dont care what my middle name is快切入正题小子因为我知道你根本不在乎我姓什么I wanna be naked but your wasted我先要脱光而你已无比疯狂MMusic starts Listen hot stuff音乐响起,听着库辣的节奏Im in love With this song我迷上这首歌So just hush baby shut up所以安静,宝贝快住口Heard enough我已经听够Stop stop stop talking that Blah blah blah think youl be getting this nah nah nah别再说-说那些废话,废话废话 以为这样能得到我,?错错错Not in the back of my car car car快离开我的汽车后座座座座If you keep talking that blah blah blah blah blah.如果你在继续说那些废话废话废话废话Your always talking that shit你说话总是想放屁I dont care who you areIn this bar it only matters who I is 全是废话废话废话 因为我才不管你叫啥在这个就把 只有我才是老大中英对照的
2023-06-11 23:12:222


2023-06-11 23:12:305


Beast Mode (Explicit) - LudacrisUh mic check 1-2 Go get "emListen close nigga yeahUh if rappers want it they can get itFlow tighter than four fat bitches sittin" in a CivicMy flows are unimaginable Hannibal Lecter shitEatin" emcees for breakfast bitchSince I was born to touch the micThe first time it"s been a problemYour life was a mistakeYour pops should"ve wore a condomYou niggas think you hardI think you better come harder Go hardI leave rappers confused like will I am barberAh fuckin" with Luda"s not a great lookA verse"ll make your fans unfriend you on FacebookClick my styles are goin" into laborSo if stars won a war I made daddy like Darth VaderAnd since I"m always high it"s kind of hard to overlook meFor over a hundred stacks it"s kind of hard to overbook meAnd a whole "nother house for my cars is on my checklistCause to fit "em in one garage is like a nigga playin" TetrisBut they say patience is a virtueCause I got your bitch stayin" out way past her curfewGuess I was a thief that got away with these wordsSlangin" chickens out my whip like I been playin" Angry BirdsIn a black Rolls Royce Dark Knight like BatmanEverywhere you turn the Ghost follows like Pac-ManAnd I sleep with the John DillingerAnd always keep an eye half-open like Forest WhitakerNo you boys ain"t ready for combatBe more worried if I renew my Def Jam contractWhat path is he on Opponents I laugh and be goneThey handin" in the towels like they work in Bed Bath and BeyondBut in the midst of all the meleeY"all niggas just bitches with dicks like ShenenehYour rap styles are phony your lines are just deadAnd I be on them lines like a nigga just playedGuess I"m tryin" to say I"m advanced you intermediateYou wouldn"t know the real me if your bitch Wikipedia"d itJust know that I never tried to be hardProbably cause Mr. Glock 40"s my security guardYou"ll get chopped like judoGangs in my hood make you reverseAnd change your color like the block"s playin" UnoAnd yes some of my friends is still sellin" them drugsBut I just say they Weight Watchers like Jennifer HudThey show me loveThat"s why I"ll always stay reppin" until the death of meRappers talk shit but ain"t nobody ever stepped to meI hereby command all my fans" to inject itOverdose on Red Bull in your veins if you ever slept on meYeah my mind is sharper than a guillotineAll the knives extended from the knuckles of WolverineNot a X-Man but man I got that XI"m on my hardest switch labels but I still get a chequeThe more albums they sell the more we all winAnd I can be seen in thirty rocks like Alec BaldwinOr watchin" CBS in a Cadillac DTSI plan to reach the world man your plan is MetroPCSI changed my music up cause I was gettin" boredYou may not like the way I shoot but my points go on the boardMy name still engrained and these books will be the outcomeAnd this one verse is harder than a lot of niggas" albumsPeace fuck out of here rewind that shitHa-ha-ha Luda ain"t shit changed
2023-06-11 23:13:031


‍‍巴布亚和印尼都有烟熏味,印尼的淡一点。委内瑞拉是王道,可可香够好,带有适度的水果酸甜味。加纳的可可味、苦味比委内瑞拉重一点。坦桑尼亚有辛味,呛嗓子。马达加斯加我最喜欢,风格强烈、个性鲜明,前味的酸很呛,后面紧接着就是类似炭烤咖啡的香味。厄瓜多尔我永远不想碰,除了苦就是涩。风味不同,可可豆也可以根据产地,气候,加工方法,配方配比不同而有不同风味。巧克力不同产地带来的区别就类似咖啡和红酒,乐趣在于体会到这个世界的多样性和偶然性。各个地方的味道不同,从不同的材料、成本、到各个工序都有着很大的差距,所以 不同地方的巧克力还是蛮不错的。‍‍
2023-06-11 23:13:123


dick_百度翻译dick 英[du026ak] 美[du026ak] n. 〈口〉家伙; 〈俚〉阴茎; 〈美俚〉侦探; 〈俚〉誓言; [例句]I wasn"t asking for your opinion, Dick我并不是在征求你的意见,迪克。[其他] 复数:dicks
2023-06-11 23:16:311


dick 英[du026ak] 美[du026ak] n. 〈口〉家伙; 〈俚〉阴茎; 〈美俚〉侦探; 〈俚〉誓言; [例句]I wasn"t asking for your opinion, Dick我并不是在征求你的意见,迪克。[其他] 复数:dicks
2023-06-11 23:16:501


dick[英][dɪk][美][dɪk]n.〈口〉家伙; 〈俚〉阴茎; 〈美俚〉侦探; 〈俚〉誓言; 复数:dicks例句1Why don"t you ask your dick?你怎么不问问你的小弟弟?2Is this where you put dick?这是你扔狄克的地方吗?
2023-06-11 23:16:582


dick1. N-COUNT A man"s dick is his penis. [非正式,粗话]2. N-COUNT A dick is a private detective. 侦探 [非正式]例:Most private dicks charge by the hour.绝大多数私家侦探按小时收费。
2023-06-11 23:17:111


2023-06-11 23:17:194


dick英 [du026ak] 美 [du026ak] n.〈口〉家伙;〈俚〉阴茎;〈美俚〉侦探;〈俚〉誓言复数: dicks双语例句1I wasn"t asking for your opinion, Dick 我并不是在征求你的意见,迪克。2She is livid that I have invited Dick. 她因为我请了迪克而大发雷霆。3As soon as I met Dick, he entranced me because he has a lovely voice 我一遇到迪克,就被他那动听的声音迷住了。
2023-06-11 23:17:261

suck a bag of dicks是什么意思

2023-06-11 23:17:341

whiskey dicks 什么意思

whiskey dicks的 中文翻译威士忌老二
2023-06-11 23:17:431

能发下The Best by Private 116 Old Dicks Fucking Young Chicks的种子或下载链接么?

2023-06-11 23:17:501

i like dicks up my but hole····什么意思

2023-06-11 23:18:002

It is half past shree ,some dicks什么on the pond?

3:45分,池塘上有几只小鸡。It is half past three ,some dicks is on the pond.
2023-06-11 23:18:202

How many dicks do you have?

我可以告诉你急吧收银 我不知道
2023-06-11 23:18:261

suck a bag of dicks是什么意思suck a bag of dicks

suck a bag of dicks吸一袋吊suck a bag of dicks吸一袋吊
2023-06-11 23:18:341

eminem drips歌词

歌词:drips 歌曲:Drips 歌手:eminem Obie, Yo? Obie Trice: I"m sick Eminem: Damn, you straight dogg? Chorus: That"s why I ain"t got no time For these games and stupid tricks All these bitches on my dick That"s how dudes be gettin" sick That"s how dicks" be gettin" drips Fallin" victims to this shit From these bitches on our dicks Fuckin" chickens with no ribs That"s why I ain"t got no time Obie Trice: Yo, I woke up, fucked up off the liquor I drunk I had a bag of tha skunk, one and last night"s tunk Pussy residue was on my penis, Denise, from the Cleaners Fucked me good, you should"ve seen us Big booty bitch, switch unbearable, french role stylin", body like a stallion Sizin" up the figure, while my shit gettin" bigga Debatin" on to fuck her, do I wanna be a nigga Caressin" this bitch, plus I"m checkin" out them tits Sippin" on that fine shit, I ain"t use to buyin" I gotta hit it from behind, it"s mandatory Like takin" ho"s money, but that"s another story For surely your pussy on toast, after we toast Our clothes fell like Bishop and Juice The womb beater, clean pussy eater, insertin" my john In that spot hotter than the hottest block, don"t stop! Response I got when I was knockin" it Clocks steadin" tickin", kinky finger lickin" The cannon, seen us at my temple when she moans I gotta slow down before I cum soon And work that nigga, like a slave owner When I dropped off my outfit, she knew I wanted to bone her She foamin" at the lips, the ones between the hips Pubic hair"s lookin" like some sour cream dip Without the nacho, my dick hit the spot though Pussy tighter than conditions of his black folks Bein" a vinyl stretched, the last part of sex I bust a fat ass nut - then I woke up next Like, what the fuck is goin" on here? This bitch evaporated, pussy and all just picked up and vaccated And now I"m frustrated cause my dick was unprotected And doctor Wesley tellin" me I ain"t really got that shit Fuck (Chorus 2x) Eminem: That"s why I ain"t got no time For these games and stupid tricks All these bitches on my dick That"s how dudes be gettin" sick That"s how dicks" be gettin" drips Fallin" victims to this shit From these bitches on our dicks Fuckin" chickens with no ribs That"s why I ain"t got no time Obie Trice: Now I don"t wanna hit no women when this chicks got it comin" Someone better get this bitch before she gets kicked in the stomach And she"s pregnant, but she"s eggin" me on, beggin" me to throw her Off the steps on this porch, my only weapon is force And I don"t wanna resort to violence of any sort But why"s she shovin" me for? Doesn"t she love me no more? Wasn"t she huggin" me four minutes ago at the door? Man I"m this close to goin" toe to toe with this whore What would you do if she was tellin" you she wants a divorce She"s havin" another baby in a month and it"s yours And you found it isn"t cause this bitch has been visitin" Someone else and suckin" his dick and kissin" you on the lips When you get back to Michigan, Now the plot has thickend "n worse Cause you feel like you"ve been stickin" your fuckin" dick in a hurse So your paranoid at every little cold that you get Ever since they sold you this shit, you"ve been holdin" your dick So you go to the clinic, sweatin" every minute you"re in it Then the doctor comes out lookin" like Dennis the Menace *hahahaha* And it"s obvious to everyone in the lobby, it"s aids He ain"t even gotta call in you the office to say it So you jet back home, cause you gon" get that ho And when you see her, you"re gonna bend her fuckin" neck back yo Cause you love her, you never would"ve expect that blow Obie told you to scoop, how could she stoop that low? Jesus, I don"t believe this bitch works at the Cleaner"s Bringin" me home diseases swingin" from Obie"s penis She"s so deceiving, shit this ho"s a genious She gee"d us Outro: Eminem: That"s why I ain"t got no time For these games and stupid tricks All these bitches on my dick That"s how dudes be gettin" sick That"s how dicks" be gettin" drips Fallin" victims to this shit From these bitches on our dicks Fuckin" chickens with no ribs That"s why I ain"t got no time Obie Trice: "I"m busy!" Obie Trice: Yeah, fuck these bitches Eminem: Fuck "em all" Obie Trice: Get money Eminem: Shady Records Eminem: Ha! Obie Trice: Woow! Obie Trice: Obie Trice Eminem mutha fucka *Hissing sounds* New millenium shit Yeah
2023-06-11 23:18:411

mickey avalon的my dick的歌词 谢谢

  Mickey Avalon - My Dick  My dick cost a late night fee,  Your dick got the HIV.  My dick plays on the double feature screen,  Your dick went straight to DVD.  My dick bigger than a bridge,  Your dick look like a little kids.  My dick large like the chargers (the whole team),  Your shit look like you"re fourteen.  My dick locked in a cage (right),  Your dick suffer from stage fright.  My dick so hot its stolen,  Your dick look like Gary Coleman.  My dick pain and big,  Your dick stinks like shit.  My dick got a  Your dick needs a tweezer dude.  My dick is like supersize,  Your dick look like two fries.  My dick more mass than the Earth,  Your dick half staff (it needs work).  My dick been there done that,  Your dick said so  My dick, V.I.P.,  Your shit needs I.D.  [Repeat: 2x]  It"s time that we let the world know,  Dude, you gotta let your girl go.  D.S. is the best in the business,  P.s. we got dicks like jesus.  My dick need no introduction,  Your dick don"t even function.  My dick served a whole lunch-in,  Your dick, it look like a munchkin.  My dick size of a pumpkin,  Your dick look like Mackauley Culkin.  My dick good good lovin",  Your dick good for nothin".  My dick bench pressed 350,  Your dick couldnt shotlift at thrifty.  My dick pretty damn skimpy,  Your dick hungry as a hippy.  My dick don"t fit down the chimney,  Your dick is like a kid from the Philippine.  My dick is like an M16,  Your dick, broken vending machine.  My dick parts the seas,  Your dick  My dick rumble in the jungle,  Your dick got touched by your uncle.  My dick goes to yoga,  Your dick fruit roll up.  My dick grade a beef,  Your dick made a geek.  My dick sick and dangerous,  Your dick quick and painless.  My dick "nuff said.,  Your dick  [Repeat: 2x]  It"s time that we let the world know,  Dude, you gotta let your girl go.  D.S. is the best in the business,  P.s. we got dicks like jesus.
2023-06-11 23:18:481

Eminem的《Drips》 歌词

歌曲名:Drips歌手:Eminem专辑:Hot JointsObie, Yo?I"m sickDamn, you straight dogg?That"s why I ain"t got no timeFor these games and stupid tricksAll these bitches on my dickThat"s how dudes be gettin" sickThat"s how dicks" be gettin" dripsFallin" victims to this shitFrom these bitches on our dicksFuckin" chickens with no ribsThat"s why I ain"t got no timeYo, I woke up, fucked up off the liquor I drunkI had a bag of tha skunk, one and last night"s tunkPussy residue was on my penis, Denise, from the CleanersFucked me good, you should"ve seen usBig booty bitch, switch unbearable, french role stylin", body like a stallionSizin" up the figure, while my shit gettin" biggaDebatin" on to fuck her, do I wanna be a niggaCaressin" this bitch, plus I"m checkin" out them titsSippin" on that fine shit, I ain"t use to buyin"I gotta hit it from behind, it"s mandatoryLike takin" ho"s money, but that"s another storyFor surely your pussy on toast, after we toastOur clothes fell like Bishop and JuiceThe womb beater, clean pussy eater, insertin" my johnIn that spot hotter than the hottest block, don"t stop!Response I got when I was knockin" itClocks steadin" tickin", kinky finger lickin"The cannon, seen us at my temple when she moansI gotta slow down before I cum soonAnd work that nigga, like a slave ownerWhen I dropped off my outfit, she knew I wanted to bone herShe foamin" at the lips, the ones between the hipsPubic hair"s lookin" like some sour cream dipWithout the nacho, my dick hit the spot thoughPussy tighter than conditions of his black folksBein" a vinyl stretched, the last part of sexI bust a fat ass nut - then I woke up nextLike, what the fuck is goin" on here?This bitch evaporated, pussy and all just picked up and vaccatedAnd now I"m frustrated cause my dick was unprotectedAnd doctor Wesley tellin" me I ain"t really got that shitFuckNow I don"t wanna hit no women when this chicks got it comin"Someone better get this bitch before she gets kicked in the stomachAnd she"s pregnant, but she"s eggin" me on, beggin" me to throw herOff the steps on this porch, my only weapon is forceAnd I don"t wanna resort to violence of any sortBut why"s she shovin" me for? Doesn"t she love me no more?Wasn"t she huggin" me four minutes ago at the door?Man I"m this close to goin" toe to toe with this whoreWhat would you do if she was tellin" you she wants a divorceShe"s havin" another baby in a month and it"s yoursAnd you found it isn"t cause this bitch has been visitin"Someone else and suckin" his dick and kissin" you on the lipsWhen you get back to Michigan, Now the plot has thickend "n worseCause you feel like you"ve been stickin" your fuckin" dick in a hurseSo your paranoid at every little cold that you getEver since they sold you this shit, you"ve been holdin" your dickSo you go to the clinic, sweatin" every minute you"re in itAnd it"s obvious to everyone in the lobby, it"s aidsHe ain"t even gotta call in you the office to say itSo you jet back home, cause you gon" get that hoAnd when you see her, you"re gonna bend her fuckin" neck back yoCause you love her, you never would"ve expect that blowObie told you to scoop, how could she stoop that low?Jesus, I don"t believe this bitch works at the Cleaner"sBringin" me home diseases swingin" from Obie"s penisShe"s so deceiving, shit this ho"s a geniousShe gee"d us"I"m busy!"Yeah, fuck these bitchesFuck "em all"Get moneyHa!Shady RecordsWoow!Obie Trice:Eminem mutha fuckaNew millenium shitYeah
2023-06-11 23:18:571

求大神分享[Big Daddy] Rub Him - Two Dicks One Massage种子下载,

2023-06-11 23:19:041


[Lickety Split] This guy"s a choke artist Ya catch a bad one Your better off shootin yourself With Papa Doc"s handgun Climbin up this mountain your weak Ill leave you lost without a paddle Floatin shits creek You ain"t Detroit, Im the D Your the new kid on the block Bout to get smacked back to the boonedocks Fuckin Nazi, this crowd ain"t your type Take some real advice and form a group with Vanilla Ice And what I tell you, you better use it This guy"s a hillbilly, this ain"t Willie Nelson music Trailor trash, Ill choke you to your last breath And have you lookin foolish Like Cheddar Bob when he shot himself Silly Rabbit, I know why they call you that Cause you follow Future like you got carrots up his asscrack And when you actin up thats when you got jacked up And left stupid like Tina Turner when she got smacked up Ill crack your shoulder blade Youll get dropped so hard Elvis will start turnin in his grave I dont know why they let you out in the dark You need to take your white ass back across 8 mile To the trailor park [Rabbit] This guy raps like his parents jerked him He sounds like Eric Sermon, the generic version This whole crowd looks suspicious Its all dudes in here, except for these bitchs So Im a German, Eh Thats ok, you look like a fuckin worm with braids These Leaders of the Free World rookies Lookie, how can 6 dicks be pussies Talkin bout shits creek Ho, you could be up piss creek With paddles this deep Your still gonna sink Your a disgrace Yeah, they call me Rabbit This is a turtle race He can"t get with me spittin this shit Wickedly lickety shot Spickety spickety split lickety So Im gonna turn around with a great smile And walk my white ass back across 8 mile! [Lotto] Yo, it"s time to get rid of this coward right here once and for all. I"m sick of the motha fucka! Check this shit out! Yo! I"ll spit a racial slur, honky, sue me! This shit is a horror flick, but a black guy doesn"t die in this movie! Fuckin" wit Lotto, dawg, you gotta be kiddin! That makes me believe you really don"t have an interest in livin! You think these niggas gonna feel the shit you say? I got a better chance joining the KKK. On some real shit, though, I like you That"s why I didn"t wanna have to be the one you commit suicide to Fuck "Lotto," call me your leader I feel bad that I gotta murder that dude from "Leave It to Beaver" I used to like that show, now you got me in ‘fight back" mode But oh well, if you gotta go, then you gotta go! I hate to do this; I would love for this shit to last So I"ll take pictures of my rear end so you won"t forget my ass And all"s well that ends ok? So I"ll end this shit with a "Fuck you, but have a nice day!" [Rabbit] Ward, I think you were a little hard on the Beaver So was Eddie Haskal, Wally, and Ms. Cleaver This guy keeps screamin", he"s paranoid! Quick, someone get his ass another steroid! "Blahbity bloo blah blah blahbity blooh blah!" I ain"t hear a word you said, "hipidy hooblah!" Is that a tank top, or a new bra? Look Snoop Dogg just got a fuckin" boob job! Didn"t you listen to the last round, meat head? Pay attention, you"re saying the same shit that he said! Matter fact, dog here"s a pencil Go home, write some shit, make it suspenseful, And don"t come back until something dope hits you Fuck it! You can take the mic home with you! Looking like a cyclone hit you, Tank top screamin", "Lotto, I don"t fit you!" You see how far them white jokes get you? Boys like “How Vanilla Ice gonna diss you?” My motto: Fuck Lotto! I"ll get the 7 digits from your mother for a dolla" tomorrow![Rabbit] Now everybody from the 313 Put your mother fucking hands up and follow me Everybody from the 313 Put your mother fucking hands up…look, look Now while he stands tough Notice that this man did not have his hands up This free world"s got you gassed up Now who"s afraid of the big bad wolf 1, 2, 3 and to the 4 1Pac, 2Pac, 3Pac, 4 4Pac, 3Pac, 2Pacs, 1 You"re Pac, he"s Pac, No Pac; none This guy aint no mother-fuckin MC, I know everything he"s ‘bout to say against me, I am white, I am a fucking bum I do live in a trailer with my mom My boy Future is an Uncle Tom. I do got a dumb friend named Cheddar Bob Who shoots himself in his leg with his own gun, I did get jumped, by all six of you chumps And Wink did fuck my girl I"m still standin here screamin "FUCK THE FREE WORLD!" Don"t never try to judge me dude You don"t know what the fuck I"ve been through But I know something about you You went to Cranbrook, that"s a private school What"s the matter dawg, you embarrassed? This guy"s a gangster; he"s real name"s Clarence And Clarence lives at home with both parents And Clarence"s parents have a real good marriage This guy don"t wanna battle, he"s shook "Cause ain"t no such things as half-way crooks" He"s scared to death, he"s scared to look In his fucking yearbook, fuck Cranbrook Fuck a beat, I go a cappella Fuck a Papa Doc, fuck a clock, fuck a trailer, fuck everybody Fuck y"all if you doubt me I"m a piece of fucking white trash, I say it proudly And fuck this battle, I don"t wanna win, I"m outtie, Here, tell these people something they don"t know about me.
2023-06-11 23:19:231

Beenie Man的《My Dickie》 歌词

歌曲名:My Dickie歌手:Beenie Man专辑:Ragga Ragga Ragga 2003my dick (feat. Dirt Nasty & Andre Legacy)Mickey AvalonMickey AvalonMy dick cost a late night feeYour dick got the HIVMy dick plays on the double feature screenYour dick went straight to DVDMy dick bigger than a bridgeYour dick look like a little kidsMy dick rush like the chargers (the whole team)Your shit look like you fourteenMy dick locked in a cage (right)Your dick suffer from stage frightMy dick so hot its stolenYour dick look like Gary ColemanMy dick pink and bigYour dick stinks like shitMy dick got a caesar doo,Your dick needs a tweezer dudeMy dick is like supersizeYour dick look like two friesMy dick more mass than the EarthYour dick half staff (it needs work)My dick been there done thatYour dick sits there with dunce capMy dick, V.I.P.Your shit needs I.D.It"s time that we let the world knowDude, you gotta let your girl goD.S. is the best in the businessP.s. we got dicks like JesusIt"s time that we let the world knowDude, you gotta let your girl goD.S. is the best in the businessP.s. we got dicks like JesusMy dick need no introductionYour dick don"t even functionMy dick served a whole lunch-inYour dick, it look like a munchkinMy dick size of a pumpkinYour dick look like Macauley CulkinMy dick good good lovin"Your dick good for nothin"My dick bench pressed 350Your dick couldn? shotlift at thriftyMy dick pretty damn skimpyYour dick hungry as a hippyMy dick don"t fit down the chimneyYour dick is like a kid from the PhilippinesMy dick is like an M16Your dick, broken vending machineMy dick parts the seasYour dick farts and quiefsMy dick rumble in the jungleYour dick got touched by your uncleMy dick goes to yogaYour dick fruit roll upMy dick grade a beefYour dick made a geekMy dick sick and dangerousYour dick quick and painlessMy dick "nuff said.Your dick loves sweatIt"s time that we let the world knowDude, you gotta let your girl goD.S. is the best in the businessP.s. we got dicks like JesusIt"s time that we let the world knowDude, you gotta let your girl goD.S. is the best in the businessP.s. we got dicks like Jesus
2023-06-11 23:19:301


What a large capacity you dicks have!
2023-06-11 23:19:383

Eminem的《Drips》 歌词

歌曲名:Drips歌手:Eminem专辑:The Eminem ShowObie, Yo?I"m sickDamn, you straight dogg?That"s why I ain"t got no timeFor these games and stupid tricksAll these bitches on my dickThat"s how dudes be gettin" sickThat"s how dicks" be gettin" dripsFallin" victims to this shitFrom these bitches on our dicksFuckin" chickens with no ribsThat"s why I ain"t got no timeYo, I woke up, fucked up off the liquor I drunkI had a bag of tha skunk, one and last night"s tunkPussy residue was on my penis, Denise, from the CleanersFucked me good, you should"ve seen usBig booty bitch, switch unbearable, french role stylin", body like a stallionSizin" up the figure, while my shit gettin" biggaDebatin" on to fuck her, do I wanna be a niggaCaressin" this bitch, plus I"m checkin" out them titsSippin" on that fine shit, I ain"t use to buyin"I gotta hit it from behind, it"s mandatoryLike takin" ho"s money, but that"s another storyFor surely your pussy on toast, after we toastOur clothes fell like Bishop and JuiceThe womb beater, clean pussy eater, insertin" my johnIn that spot hotter than the hottest block, don"t stop!Response I got when I was knockin" itClocks steadin" tickin", kinky finger lickin"The cannon, seen us at my temple when she moansI gotta slow down before I cum soonAnd work that nigga, like a slave ownerWhen I dropped off my outfit, she knew I wanted to bone herShe foamin" at the lips, the ones between the hipsPubic hair"s lookin" like some sour cream dipWithout the nacho, my dick hit the spot thoughPussy tighter than conditions of his black folksBein" a vinyl stretched, the last part of sexI bust a fat ass nut - then I woke up nextLike, what the fuck is goin" on here?This bitch evaporated, pussy and all just picked up and vaccatedAnd now I"m frustrated cause my dick was unprotectedAnd doctor Wesley tellin" me I ain"t really got that shitFuckNow I don"t wanna hit no women when this chicks got it comin"Someone better get this bitch before she gets kicked in the stomachAnd she"s pregnant, but she"s eggin" me on, beggin" me to throw herOff the steps on this porch, my only weapon is forceAnd I don"t wanna resort to violence of any sortBut why"s she shovin" me for? Doesn"t she love me no more?Wasn"t she huggin" me four minutes ago at the door?Man I"m this close to goin" toe to toe with this whoreWhat would you do if she was tellin" you she wants a divorceShe"s havin" another baby in a month and it"s yoursAnd you found it isn"t cause this bitch has been visitin"Someone else and suckin" his dick and kissin" you on the lipsWhen you get back to Michigan, Now the plot has thickend "n worseCause you feel like you"ve been stickin" your fuckin" dick in a hurseSo your paranoid at every little cold that you getEver since they sold you this shit, you"ve been holdin" your dickSo you go to the clinic, sweatin" every minute you"re in itAnd it"s obvious to everyone in the lobby, it"s aidsHe ain"t even gotta call in you the office to say itSo you jet back home, cause you gon" get that hoAnd when you see her, you"re gonna bend her fuckin" neck back yoCause you love her, you never would"ve expect that blowObie told you to scoop, how could she stoop that low?Jesus, I don"t believe this bitch works at the Cleaner"sBringin" me home diseases swingin" from Obie"s penisShe"s so deceiving, shit this ho"s a geniousShe gee"d us"I"m busy!"Yeah, fuck these bitchesFuck "em all"Get moneyHa!Shady RecordsWoow!Obie Trice:Eminem mutha fuckaNew millenium shitYeah
2023-06-11 23:19:451


2023-06-11 23:20:0815

求黑眼豆豆的Disco club的英文歌词

If the lady"s in the disco club[03:24.95][03:16.63][01:43.54][00:53.03][00:44.63][00:10.84]I"ll freak you in the disco club[03:26.49][03:18.13][01:45.07][00:54.57][00:46.13][00:12.38]And dancing in the disco club[03:28.13][03:19.65][01:46.61][00:56.19][00:47.70][00:13.94]And shaking in the disco club[03:29.61][03:21.26][01:48.17][00:57.62][00:49.27][00:15.48]If you take me to the disco club[03:31.30][00:17.03]Yeah, I"m trying to party on out[00:19.40]Step to the disco can"t work it out[00:21.32]Let"s get go and this party started now[00:23.40]Parties and getting naughty is what I"m all about[00:25.75]So many girlies in the house[00:27.66]With slanging ass bodies and perty ass mouths[00:29.80]After the club we"re going straight to my house[00:31.87](I got to, go to) Gotta get you on my couch[00:34.77]I rock steady, no doubt[00:36.64]You ask for some of us so I let you turn it out[00:38.38]Don"t give me gomma baby, baby don"t pout[00:40.32]I don"t want a baby, momma, don"t want a spouse [00:59.63]I like the way that you move (move)[01:01.68]Don"t hold back, baby, do what you do(don"t make me)[01:04.46]You make a nigga go ooh (ooh)[01:06.02]How the hell a woman get as fine as you (so fine)[01:08.44]I"m trying to holler at you (you)[01:10.14]First time I see ya" I was like ‘hallelujah" (hallelujah!)[01:12.89]Turn around, let me view ya"[01:14.31](Got to, got to, got to) Damn I wanna do ya" (oh!)[01:17.08]Baby let"s get into it (into it)[01:18.69]Make moves like me and you was intimate (intimate)[01:20.47](Sexy) Let"s pretend that this beat [01:22.68]is a hot beat blown with intimate[01:24.61](Hotness) Sex with clothes on[01:26.67]Dancing on the dance floor, getting my bulge on[01:28.92](Rising) And I got a Trojan[01:30.84]Just in case we get it, get it going on[01:33.17][01:50.37]Coz the ladies in the disco club [01:52.03]ain"t the ones to be falling in love with[01:54.09]If you go to the disco club [01:56.04]protect yourself and don"t fall in love[02:03.02][01:58.46]The ladies in the disco club [02:04.60][02:00.29]ain"t the ones to be falling in love with [02:07.18]Playa listen, yeah, [02:08.37]I"m a Miss and I go to clubs and I sip on Cresson[02:11.18]That don"t mean I"m like the rest of them tricks[02:13.03]In the party getting naughty, [02:14.29]chasing money and dicks and[02:15.60]No, you got me all wrong brother[02:17.57]No, I"m a woman that"s strong brother[02:19.66]Yeah, it ain"t nothing wrong with a woman [02:21.91]in the club getting freaky to the song [02:24.19]Monday at the disco club[02:25.82]Tuesday at the disco club[02:27.37]Wednesday at the disco club[02:28.92]Thursday at the disco club[02:30.51]Friday at the disco club[02:32.31]Saturday at the disco club[02:34.22]Sunday at the disco club[02:35.80]Every day"s the disco club[02:37.33]See us at the disco club[02:38.93]See you at the disco club [02:41.36]We gonna break it on down[02:42.82]Rub it on your belly like a ultrasound[02:44.77]Shake it like a jelly and move around[02:46.84]Really wanna see y"all flaunt your style[02:49.04]Get wild, baby, get a little crazy[02:51.06]Don"t hesitate, won"t take no/maybe[02:53.26](Move) not like an eviction[02:55.51]But me and you baby all cause friction[02:57.64]Hmm, as my eyed undress you[02:59.40]Just wanna let you know there"s no pressure[03:01.92]Body conversation, they both want pleasure[03:03.96]But your girl cock-blocked and won"t let you[03:06.13]Hmm, what you gonna do now[03:07.94]Bounce, rock, shake and we can all while out[03:10.23]Let it all flow like a river now[03:12.20]Check me, check me, check ch-check me on out用千千静听就搞定
2023-06-11 23:20:342

男人只是用下半身思考的动物 翻译成英语是什么?

直译:Men (are special animals which) only use their sexual organ to think.意译:Men are born to mate.
2023-06-11 23:20:443


I hate most the persons who pretend.
2023-06-11 23:20:542

Pimp Like Me 歌词

歌曲名:Pimp Like Me歌手:D-12专辑:Devils Night(feat. dina rae)WhattupI gotta tell you motherfuckers the truthThis is straight g shitAnd all you can do is respect itWell i"ma state my name, swift mcvayNone of y"all niggaz got shit to sayRhymes keep comin off like a toupeePlus i"m big headed runnin things my wayA selfish man, the back of the handBe slappin the hell out of hoes because i canProstitute, i want my lootAnd i don"t give a fuck about your broke-ass man andY"all givin niggaz what they needin"til bitches understand i"m mean andSwift mcvay is, blowin upCourvosier "til i"m throwin upWanna playa hate me, bitch so what?What"s yo" function? where"s yo" bucks?All you wanna do is wanna stick him upYou wanna rob me but i got too much (hah)D-12, naturally liftedYou niggaz better duck when i cock the biscuitYou fuck wit me, i fuck wit youYour entourage, nigga fuck them tooI got grenadesWhat the hell your little twenty-two gon" do?(y"all ain"t gon" shoot)Y"all major softCops gettin mad cause i paid "em off, made "em coughBlood and shitThat"s what the hell you motherfuckers get, we runs this bitch?So hey, you ain"t gotta be scared to fuckIf you want head, then prepare to suck (do it)Even if the nigga don"t care to nutFor every stroke, it"s a hundred bucksRespect the game, you just a slutSo open your legs up and get my duckYou just a .. (hoe)You just my .. (hoe)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchI don"t spit game, no longer than my nameThen when my chain hang, my nuts do the sameDon"t pay pussy, pussy pay meBitch, slut, whore or lady (yup)And knowin the fact, i was born to mackThat"s why i got a hoe in the back, blowin my sacGot good game, that"s a hood thangWhat"d you brang, loot or poo-tang?Let "em all bang, run that cheeseTell that trick nigga (come back please!)Rob a l7, that"s a squareYou a bottom hoe, you got to knowOff you i plan to make a lot of doughSo suck fast bitch, and swallow slow(ah!) bitch quit talkin back(ah!) now walk the trackI don"t pay for ass, you pump my gasYou get slapped when we"re short of cashI get whiplash when i hit the gasAnd i holla out the window of the hatchWhere"s my scratch? bitch, that"s, itSuck it stroke it make me richAs a token of my appreciation it"sAnother client for you to hitI don"t give a fuck if you gotta go home to the kidsYou shoulda picked another occupation trickNow you"re stuck with me, fuck with meAnd i"ma slap you up in this truckYou must be out your mind or somethinCryin and whinin like you tired or somethinGo suck some head until it aches for bufferinYou don"t work? you make nothinI"m just another case of a lazy husbandI want the paper stackBuy you an outfit, then take it backWhen you page me bitch i never page you backYou only act a certain way that i make you act (whattup)Hoes recognize, and niggaz do tooCause they realize that niggaz do shootDon"t like a chick that act too cuteBitch hold my gat down when i shoot hoops (oh yeah)All harassin me, callin stressinOr i may have to release some aggressionBeat you to death and teach you a lessonLookin for handouts like you my damn spousePull your pants down and fuck my mans nowShut your damn mouth or get in the damn houseOff with the damn blouse and suck on my damn crotchYou just a .. (hoe)You just my .. (hoe)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchSell that pussySell that pussy bitchGet out there and switch and go make bizarre richYou gotta itch, you fuckin dirty bitchNow get on the corner, and start suckin some dicksNiggaz want pussy, and i need cashSo mom, get out there and start sellin yo" dirty assBizarre quick to hit "em, and then stick "emFuck it; i"ll let you hit one of my victims(somebody help i"m on 7 mile and ..)Shut up bitch, you talk too muchNow you about to get fucked in your dirty buttYou never seen a pimp like me, out here whorinShut your fuckin mouth and you"ll be out by the morninCause i"m the dirties pimp, you ever heard ofGive me my five-thousand, and take this cheeseburger (bitch!)Go suck dick in the back of the partySo what if you on your period, blood never hurt nobodyYou just a .. (hoe)You just my .. (hoe)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchGo get my .. (dough)Go bring me my .. (dough)Dirty-ass .. (hoe)I"m yo" pimp, you my bitchYou just a .. (hoe)You just a .. (hoe)That"s all you is .. (hoe, hoe, hoe)You just a, dirty ass bitchA dirty ass, nasty ass, stinky ass, filthy ass, stanky ass bitch(oooh, ooh-oooh) hahahahaha... (lahhh-ahhh)But i love you... (hahaha) .. kim (mmm)And there you have it god damnit, the fundamentals of pimpinYou heard it here first, from the dirtiest dozenYou ever seen in yo" god damn lifeYo this is rondell fiend on the sceneAnd we keep the pussyholes smilin, because we always whylinYouknowhati"msayin? fuck all what everybody else talkin aboutWe let you know right hereBig pimpin, it ain"t dead, we love gettin head, in a dirty-ass bedThat"s just what we doYou know we was throwin heroin pimp parties back in 1968The pussy is all greatI"ll see you at eight, bitch
2023-06-11 23:21:191