barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-12 07:31:15


I am very anxious to know the result of the examination,

;He is very upset for the result of the examination,你用手机提问,回答有100字限制,不然就详细了





anxious的意思是渴望的;急切的;焦虑的;忧虑的;不安的;(时间或局势)紧张的,令人焦虑的,让人担忧的”例句:She was very anxious to get away from cities and back to nature.她特别渴望离开城市,回归自然。Every anxious person will have his or her own special problems or fears.每一个焦虑的人都会有自己的问题或者担心。anxietyanxiety是个名词,其既可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词。当其为可数名词时,其含义为“担心;忧虑;害怕”,其复数形式为anxieties。当其为不可数名词时,其含义为“焦虑;忧虑;渴望”。例如:Some hospital patients experience high levels of anxiety.有些住院病人十分焦虑不安
2023-06-11 15:22:421


用anxious造的句子为:I am anxious to hear back from the university about my application status. 汉语意思为:我很焦虑地等待着大学回复我申请的状态。"Anxious"是一个形容词,表示担忧、不安或焦虑。它可以用来形容一个人的情感状态,也可以用来形容一种情况或环境。以下是一些关于"anxious"的详细解释和例句:1.担心的、不安的:当一个人感到担心、不安或忧虑时,可以用"anxious"来形容他的情感状态。例如:I feel anxious about my upcoming job interview.(我对即将来临的面试感到担忧。)She"s been anxious about her daughter"s health.(她一直担心女儿的健康。)2.渴望的、急切的:有时候"anxious"也可以表示渴望、急切地想要做某件事。例如:I am anxious to start my new job.(我急切地想要开始我的新工作。)The students were anxious to hear the results of the exam.(学生们急切地想要知道考试结果。)3.令人不安的、危险的:"anxious"还可以用来形容一种令人不安或危险的情况或环境。例如:The dark alley made me feel anxious.(黑暗的小巷让我感到不安。)The pilot"s anxious voice over the intercom made the passengers nervous.(飞行员焦急的广播让乘客感到紧张。)总的来说,"anxious"通常用于描述一个人的情感状态,但也可以用于形容一种渴望、急切或危险的情况或环境。这个词可以在很多场合下使用,但一般都带有一种紧张或不安的情感色彩。
2023-06-11 15:23:391


1、anxious:adj. 焦虑的;担忧的;渴望的;急切的。主要表焦急、焦虑、担忧,如:The foreign minister admitted he was still anxious about the situation in the country.外交部长承认他对该国的局势依然感到焦虑。2、serious:adj. 严肃的,严重的;认真的;庄重的;危急的。主要表严肃、严重、认真,如:Crime is an increasingly serious problem in Russian society.犯罪是俄罗斯社会一个日益严重的问题。
2023-06-11 15:24:102

anxious desire区别

anxious 焦虑desire 欲望这两个单词貌似没什么共同点
2023-06-11 15:24:182


患得患失有以下几种说法 swayed by considerations of gain and loss2.worry about personal gains and losses3.anxious for a favor and worried lest one should lose mindful of personal gains and losses5.think in terms of(give thoughts to)personal gain and loss
2023-06-11 15:24:391

用英语单词anxious 造句

Anxious for sth.渴望有(得到)He looks anxious.他显出忧虑的样子。I am anxious.我感到担心。Overtired and anxious过度疲劳和焦虑的;心力交瘁的He is over anxious.他太焦急了。
2023-06-11 15:24:551

fretful 和 anxious 的区别

fretful 是烦躁的、焦燥,火燥,是一种情绪反映 anxious 是焦急盼望,急切担忧,是对心中某事的盼望产生的焦急情绪
2023-06-11 15:25:031


前者是焦虑 后者是担心 着急 前者描绘的感情更深 满意请采纳
2023-06-11 15:25:123


2023-06-11 15:25:205

anxious和 worried 及concerned的区别

anxious 一般表示很焦虑,心乱,对某件事很在意敏感又很为此揪心worried一般单纯表示担心,担心会发生什么危险意外什么的concerned一般表示对什么事在考虑范围内,在意,思量,关心。这只是我的个人凭平时读文章的语境和语感得来的,已经好久不关注具体的语法了
2023-06-11 15:25:471


好几种表达方式:worry aboutcare aboutconcern about希望可以帮助你,满意的话,希望采纳,谢谢!
2023-06-11 15:25:581


eager~ (for sth/to do sth) full of interest or desire; keen 热切的; 渴望的; 热心的: eager for success 渴望成功 * eager to please 极想讨好(别人). (idm 习语) an eager `beaver (sometimes derog 有时作贬义) keen, hard-working and enthusiastic person 积极、 努力又热心的人. > eagerly adv. eagernessanxious~ (about/for sb/sth) feeling anxiety; worried; uneasy 忧虑的; 担忧的; 不安的: an anxious mother 焦虑不安的母亲 * I am very anxious about my son"s health. 我非常担心儿子的健康.* He was anxious for his family, who were travelling abroad. 他担心在国外旅行的家眷. [attrib 作定语] causing anxiety 引起忧虑的; 令人担心的: We had a few anxious moments before landing safely. 我们在安全着陆以前, 感到阵阵忧虑. 综上所述,eager多用于主观意愿,anxious更侧重人物自身的一种情感状态。
2023-06-11 15:26:381


2023-06-11 15:26:464

焦虑的英文,怎么说 ?

2023-06-11 15:26:5710

be anxious about 和be anxious at 的区别

be anxious about 担心,为…担忧be anxious for 急切盼望,渴望如:There is no reason to be anxious about theresult.不必为这结果而担心。Children always seem to be anxious for the Christmasto come.孩子们总是渴望圣诞节的来临。
2023-06-11 15:27:312

anxious 和worried 的区别

worried 表示担心(某件事情)anxious 表示焦虑的状态
2023-06-11 15:27:462


adj.焦虑的;忧虑;渴望;担心;流露出忧虑的;非常希望造句:1.The metamorphosis from anxious wife to feted author was rapid and dramatic.从整日焦虑的妻子到受人追捧的作家,这变化迅速而剧烈。2.Every anxious person will have his or her own special problems or fears.每一个焦虑的人都会有自己的问题或者担心。3.She was anxious to finish school and get a job.她渴望毕业找一份工作。4.I"m anxious that we should allow plenty of time.我殷切希望我们能留出充裕的时间。5.She was anxious that he should meet her father.她盼望他见她父亲。6.They are anxious to ensure the continuation of the economic reform programme.他们渴望经济改革计划一定持续下去。
2023-06-11 15:30:201


anxious的用法及搭配如下:1、表示“担心的”“焦虑的”,其后通常接介词about,for。如:We"re anxious about[for]her health.我们担心她的健康。He was anxious for his family,who were traveling abroad.他担心在国外旅行的家人。2、表示“热切的”“渴望的”,其后通常接介词for。如:Lily has been most anxious for your return.莉丽非常急切地盼望你回来。be anxious for既可表示“为……担心”,也可表示“渴望得到……”,具体含义视语境而定。3、表示渴望或想要做某事,其后接不定式。如:We are anxious to know the result.我们渴望知道结果。有时不定式前带有由介词for引出的逻辑主语。如:She"s anxious for her daughter to win the competition.她盼望她女儿赢得比赛。He was anxious for the performance to be repeated.他盼望演出能再来一次。4、有时后接that从句,此时从句谓语一般都用“should+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气。如:I"m anxious that nobody should be hurt.我很着急,希望大家都不会受伤。The committee is anxious that this matter should be kept secret.委员会切望这件事保密。
2023-06-11 15:30:541


be anxious about表示 为……担心,为……着急be anxious for表示 渴望,急需
2023-06-11 15:31:332


2023-06-11 15:32:291


anxious的用法及搭配如下:1、表示“担心的”“焦虑的”,其后通常接介词about,for。如:We"re anxious about[for]her health.我们担心她的健康。He was anxious for his family,who were traveling abroad.他担心在国外旅行的家人。2、表示“热切的”“渴望的”,其后通常接介词for。如:Lily has been most anxious for your return.莉丽非常急切地盼望你回来。be anxious for既可表示“为……担心”,也可表示“渴望得到……”,具体含义视语境而定。3、表示渴望或想要做某事,其后接不定式。如:We are anxious to know the result.我们渴望知道结果。有时不定式前带有由介词for引出的逻辑主语。如:She"s anxious for her daughter to win the competition.她盼望她女儿赢得比赛。He was anxious for the performance to be repeated.他盼望演出能再来一次。4、有时后接that从句,此时从句谓语一般都用“should+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气。如:I"m anxious that nobody should be hurt.我很着急,希望大家都不会受伤。The committee is anxious that this matter should be kept secret.委员会切望这件事保密。
2023-06-11 15:33:341

anxious 的用法

2023-06-11 15:34:061


be anxious about 因...而不安be anxious for 渴望 anxious to do sth急于做...
2023-06-11 15:34:152


没有否定形式形容词,作形容词时意思是“焦虑的;担忧的;渴望的;急切的”。 anxious变化形式:比较级:more anxious最高级:most anxious副词: anxiously名词: anxiousness。
2023-06-11 15:34:461


2023-06-11 15:34:541


◆Don"t slacken off, just do it !
2023-06-11 15:35:025

be anxious to do的用法是什么?

没有:be anxious doing sth,但是有be anxious for sth,be anxious to do和be anxious for sth的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、be anxious to do:渴望做某事。2、be anxious for sth:为某事物着急。二、用法不同1、be anxious to do:anxious是与anxiety同根的形容词,其含义与anxiety相同。anxious表示“忧虑的,担心”时,可用作定语和表语,用作表语时,其后多接介词 about,at或for,有时可跟状语从句,还可跟that从句。2、be anxious for sth:anxious表示“急于,渴望”时,只用作表语,其后多接动词不定式(或其复合结构)、介词短语或that从句。anxious后接的that从句中,谓语部分要用虚拟式“should+动词原形”,美式英语中有时可省去should,表示说话时本该实现却还未实现的愿望。三、侧重点不同1、be anxious to do:侧重于表示着急做某事。2、be anxious for sth:侧重于表示因某事而着急。
2023-06-11 15:35:301


近义词:concerned afraid worried nervous upset eager distressed troubled tense disturbed restless fearful edgy paranoid uneasy apprehensive jumpy perturbed uptight jittery 相似词:nervous fearful scared worried frustrated confused stressed depressed excited overwhelmed frightened angry unhappy tired embarrassed apprehensive uneasy agitated upset sad 反义词:easy cool collected composed calm unconcerned nonchalant happy-go-lucky loath unperturbed confident peaceful reluctant heroic serene tranquil hesitant apathetic unafraid recollected
2023-06-11 15:35:452


2023-06-11 15:35:511

怎样区分angry, annoyed, anxious, worried

angry 生气 annoyed 懊恼 anxious 焦急bashful 害羞 cautious 谨慎 confident 自信confused 困惑 curious 好奇 depressed 郁闷 determined 确定 disappointed 失望 discouraged 灰心disgusted 反感 ecstatic 欣喜若狂 embarrassed 尴尬 enthusiastic 热心 envious 羡慕 excited 兴奋exhausted 精疲力尽 fearful 惧怕 frightened 害怕guilty 罪恶感 happy 高兴 helpless 绝望 hostile 敌对 hurt 伤害 innocent 无辜 interested 有兴趣 jealous 嫉妒 lonely 孤独
2023-06-11 15:36:411

anxious 与 worry

anxious 焦虑worry 担心
2023-06-11 15:37:042


1、anxious:adj. 焦虑的;担忧的;渴望的;急切的。主要表焦急、焦虑、担忧,如:The foreign minister admitted he was still anxious about the situation in the country.外交部长承认他对该国的局势依然感到焦虑。2、serious:adj. 严肃的,严重的;认真的;庄重的;危急的。主要表严肃、严重、认真,如:Crime is an increasingly serious problem in Russian society.犯罪是俄罗斯社会一个日益严重的问题。
2023-06-11 15:37:112


前者是代表一种渴望,有急切的意味;后者是焦急,没有渴望的意思。 例,i am eager to get the job 我非常急切地渴望得到那份工作。 i am anxious to get the job 我急切而担忧能不能得到那份工作。(意译)
2023-06-11 15:37:562


anxious除有担心的意思,还有一个意思是渴望anxious for表示渴望。。。。不知道这里第一个句子是不是楼主自己写的。表达他们她的安全很担心,常用they are anxious about her safety.用with的时候不多吧。。。
2023-06-11 15:38:062


worry about
2023-06-11 15:38:153

担心。 用英语怎么说

worry about
2023-06-11 15:38:236


Anxious 忧虑,担忧的意思。他不想去威胁这个人!!!我也不太懂!!呵呵
2023-06-11 15:38:459


anxiety; dysphoria; feel anxious
2023-06-11 15:39:026


Why not use a dictionary?
2023-06-11 15:39:204

anxious 和 anxiety 两个英语单词怎么读

2023-06-11 15:39:272

anxious 、eager、 keen 有何区别?

anxious焦虑的;担心的;渴望的 eager 渴望的;热切的 keen 敏锐的,渴望的;强烈的
2023-06-11 15:39:561


2023-06-11 15:40:053


2023-06-11 15:40:121


be anxious to do sthbe eager to do sth以上两句都是表示极其渴望做某事,但要注意的是,在日常使用的时候,anxious更多地用来表示“焦虑不安”的意思,如果在口语中使用会有点怪怪的~long to do sth意思和A,B 两句相同,但是它还有一个用法:long for sth也是表示渴求什么例:She longs to have love of her own. She longs for her own love.D选项之所以不可用是因为在这句话中hope前应直接加主语hope的意思是“希望”,是一个主观性词汇,从句子的意思来看,是“这个男孩儿希望能有属于自己的房间”,而不能理解为“这个男孩儿被希望有一个自己的房间”,在意思上是说不通的。如果要与be动词搭配,一般是表示“某人被寄予期望”比如说:He is hoped to get the doctor degree in this famous university.他被寄予在这所名校获得博士学位的期望。
2023-06-11 15:40:211

be anxious后面加哪个介词?

1. be anxious about sth (sb) 为某事或某人担心或担忧。如:I"m very anxious about him. 我很为他担心。He was anxious about her absence. 他担心她不来。2. be anxious for sth (sb)(1) 为某事或某人担心或担扰。如:He was anxious for family. 他为他的家人担心。We are anxious about his health. 我们都为他的身体担心。注:此用法有时可将介词 for 换成 about。如:We"re anxious for [about] his safety. 我们担心他的安全。(2) 渴望某事物。如:We are anxious for a change. 我们渴望换个环境。We are really anxious for peace. 我们确实渴望和平。3. be anxious to do sth 渴望(希望,想要)要做某事。如:He is anxious to see her. 他渴望见到她。We are anxious to leave here. 我们急于要离开这儿。注:此用法有时可与 be anxious for sth 互换。如:He"s anxious to know [for] the result. 他渴望知道结果。4. be anxious for sb to do sth 渴望(希望, 想要)要某人做某事。如:We are anxious for him to come. 我们希望他来。I was anxious for everything to be settled. 我希望把一切都解决。注:该句型有时可与带从句的结构互换。如上面两句也可说成:We are anxious that he should come.I was anxious that everything should be settled.
2023-06-11 15:40:281

be anxious to do sth.有没有?

没有:be anxious doing sth,但是有be anxious for sth,be anxious to do和be anxious for sth的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、be anxious to do:渴望做某事。2、be anxious for sth:为某事物着急。二、用法不同1、be anxious to do:anxious是与anxiety同根的形容词,其含义与anxiety相同。anxious表示“忧虑的,担心”时,可用作定语和表语,用作表语时,其后多接介词 about,at或for,有时可跟状语从句,还可跟that从句。2、be anxious for sth:anxious表示“急于,渴望”时,只用作表语,其后多接动词不定式(或其复合结构)、介词短语或that从句。anxious后接的that从句中,谓语部分要用虚拟式“should+动词原形”,美式英语中有时可省去should,表示说话时本该实现却还未实现的愿望。三、侧重点不同1、be anxious to do:侧重于表示着急做某事。2、be anxious for sth:侧重于表示因某事而着急。
2023-06-11 15:40:361


大众宝莱汽车跟你同名啦 换一个换一个
2023-06-11 15:39:484

a dime-worth candy 的说法对吗?

yes it means that the candy is worth every penny
2023-06-11 15:39:543

不知道哪个韩国女团有一首歌歌词高潮部分好像是:do baby baby baby want to

人家问的是韩文歌 女的唱的,你发了一些屎么?
2023-06-11 15:39:472


2023-06-11 15:39:404