barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-12 07:05:10

“diaosi”就是“屌丝”的英语表达,其中“ female diaosi”则是“女吊丝/女屌丝”。






2023-06-11 13:42:091


2023-06-11 13:42:162


迪奥尔 中文:迪奥尔 (安德尔省);英语:Diors;法语:Diors
2023-06-11 13:42:251


2023-06-11 13:42:351


就是 屌丝
2023-06-11 13:42:433


2023-06-11 13:42:523

Diors 是啥子意思嘛?翻译一哈

2023-06-11 13:42:594


2023-06-11 13:43:081


2023-06-11 13:43:311

2023-06-11 13:43:491

屌丝(Diors),吊炸天(Take the fried day)英文怎么读?因为不懂所以才来百度

2023-06-11 13:44:032


2023-06-11 13:44:102


diors_翻译diors [词典] 屌丝;
2023-06-11 13:44:171


你好!新年快乐!中文名:屌丝(亦称“吊丝”、“吊死”、“叼丝”)外文名:Diors性质:无奈与自嘲的意味适用人群:穷、丑、矮、矬、呆、胖、撸反义词汇:高富帅 土豪领衔偶像:李毅屌丝需求:房子、车、女人、事业、钱起自D8元老操笔帝的一篇文章,首次提及“屌丝”一词,从而使“屌丝文化”在D8大红大热!也是中国大陆地区网络文化兴盛后产生的讽刺和自嘲用语,开始通常用作称呼“矮穷矬”(与“高富帅”相对)的人,其中“屌丝”最显著的特征是穷,房子、车子对于屌丝来说是遥不可及的梦。
2023-06-11 13:44:242


2023-06-11 13:44:335


屌丝, 是中国网络文化兴盛后产生的讽刺用语,开始通常用作称呼“矮矬穷”(与“高富帅”或“白富美”相对)的人。其中“屌丝”最显著的特征是穷,房子、车子对于屌丝来说是遥不可及的梦。2012年初,“屌丝”在中国大陆地区广泛流行起来,年轻人群体间的语言文化中更被广泛应用。相对于屌丝最初的定义,如今却已成为一种社会性的自嘲现象。现在你会发现,无论是从表面符合屌丝定义的人,还是和屌丝属性毫不相关的人,无论男女都在争领这一名号。究其原因,是屌丝一词与当代的现实特征实现了完美的合拍。而另一方面,有些人利用屌丝一词“自我设障”,降低成功期望,以此来缓解巨大的社会压力,这部分人当中多数拥有自我意识,自我觉醒才主动归类“屌丝”,所谓资本社会中自暴自弃的无产阶级或忧虑没落的中产阶级。与此同时,“白富美”与“高富帅”一类词也在相当大的程度上被用于讽刺与嘲笑而不是羡慕。有人认为,“屌丝”文化不过是一种社会变革中网络亚文化的崛起,屌丝一词的“兴起”只是人们幽默的自嘲。
2023-06-11 13:44:481

(屌丝) 英文名是?

屌丝loser;cock wire更多释义>>[网络短语]屌丝 Dios;Loser屌丝的崛起 The Great Fusion屌丝的故事 the act
2023-06-11 13:44:574


屌丝,说明一个人矮、穷、丑、搓、撸、呆、胖,都可以说成是“屌丝样着"。 起自李毅吧元老操笔帝的一篇文章,首次提及“屌丝”一词,从而使“屌丝文化”在李毅吧大红大热!也是中国大陆地区网络文化兴盛后产生的讽刺和 自嘲 用语,开始通常用作称呼“ 矮穷矬 ”(与“ 高富帅 ”相对)的人,其中“屌丝”最显著的特征是穷,房子、车子对于屌丝来说是 遥不可及 的梦。中文名: 屌丝(亦称“吊丝”、“吊死”、“叼丝”) 外文名: Diors 性质: 无奈与自嘲的意味 适用人群: 具备:矮、穷、丑、矬、呆、胖 反义词汇: 高富帅 领衔偶像: 李毅 屌丝需求: 没有房子、车、事业、地位,女朋友。屌丝 :屌(diǎo )是男子阴茎的俗称,现代又用侮辱用语,该字读鸟的古音,鸟(diǎo)是屌的本字。屌丝二字结合所派生之意为:动物阳具作为某菜品的主料而被再次加工改刀后的东西,常被迷信中医"以形补形”理论者推演出来的“壮阳”食材;另一种解释为阴毛;后演变为贬义词,即对拥有穷、胖、矮、丑、矬、呆、撸等属性特征的各种雷人行径及想法表示轻蔑、讥讽,其人本身亦无一技之长。 由于其涵盖人物属性泛宽较广因此衍生义为: ①喻不方便明言或不合适直言的隐语,多用于熟人之间互侃。 ②喻自嘲:谓就其人因客观的自身条件及背景使得理想和信念成为泡影而形成思想上的忿恨和无奈,悲苦的状态导致其用自嘲来当作是宽慰自己的灵药。也常指平庸的碌碌无为的或者性格独特猥琐的人。 ③还有一部分人用屌丝一词自嘲来活跃气氛,屌丝一词传用至今已无特定人群的界限,多用于朋友,熟人之间的戏侃。屌丝(或写作“ 吊丝 ”)可以说是由骂人话“屌死”、“吊死”、“叼死”是 粤语 “粗口”即“脏话”演变而来。 “屌丝男”主要是指一类人: ⑴出身清贫之家,如乡村或许多来自精神病医院和福利院的人,因为,没有背景。 ⑵外表又是典型路人甲,甚至丑、胖、矮、呆等。 ⑶头脑也不是很聪明,智商情商都不高,没有很强的能力,不善言辞。 ⑷有一种”挫"的气质,部分男性表现为猥琐感。 ⑸所做的工作卑微,工资不多,比较贫穷。 ⑹不爱运动,肥的坐下肚子的肉都要堆三层。 ⑺.内心善良,但对自身和世界缺乏正确的认知。 ⑻他们有尊严,但一点都不自尊,总渴望别人施舍。(9)因为肢体残障,失去了劳动能力;家庭破败、贫病交加、完全失去生活依靠的,孤苦弃儿,鳏寡无依,只得靠人施舍的乞丐。一枚意思是:一个. 枚在这里作量词,相当于“个”,多用于形体小的东西:一枚别针。不胜枚举(一个一个地举不完)。 枚字的详细资料,希望对你有帮助.谢谢! 枚méi 部首:木 部外笔画:4 总笔画:8 基本字义 1. 树干:伐其条~。 2. 古代行军时防止士卒喧哗的用具,状如箸,衔在口中:“又如赴敌之兵,衔~疾走,不闻号令,但闻人马之行声”。 3. 马鞭:以~数(shù)阖(用马鞭指点着数门扇)。 4. 量词,相当于“个”,多用于形体小的东西:一~别针。不胜~举(一个一个地举不完)。 5. 姓。
2023-06-11 13:45:063


2023-06-11 13:45:256


你好,这里你的摘录,法文和英文都有,常见的护肤品外文和你说下,你就明白了:乳霜、面霜的法文一般是CREME,英文一般写CREAM;LOTION,意思是乳液、露等;精华,法文一般写SERUM,英文一般是写ESSENCE;出现CLEANSING的一般是指清洁类;你的摘录中出现比较多的单词是WRINKLE,意思是皱纹的意思,一般在护肤品里面翻译成抗皱;ULTIMATE,一般的意思是最终、极限的意思,在护肤品中一般翻译成极致;REPARATION,在护肤品中一般翻译成修复;GEL,一般是啫喱的意思,就是介于液体和面霜之间,呈凝胶状;部分单词也有化妆品厂家自己创造的,比如SUBLISSIME这个单词意思一般不清楚,据我所知,这个是迪奥08-09年推出的美白护肤系列;关于眼部的意思,法文一般用YEUX,英文一般用EYE,复数是EYES。以下大致给你翻译了下,供你参考,可能不是很妥帖的翻译,但是我尽量按照字面的意思给你比较看得懂的翻译。1面霜类 CREME INTENSE CORRECTION RIDES ENRICHD WRINKLE NIGHT CREME集中修复平滑增强抗皱晚霜2 REPARATION RIDES ULTMATE WRINKLE RESTORING平滑极致抗皱修护3水状的一瓶 LOTION PRE-TRAITEMENT RIDES WRINKLE PRE-TREATMEM LOTION平滑防皱乳液4 SERUM RECORD REPAPATION RIOES ULTIMATE WRINKLE RESTORINGSERUM极致抗皱修护精华5 乳液状一瓶 DIORSNON SUBLISSIME GEL DE LAITOEMAQUILLANT ECLAIRCISSAET WHITENING CLEANSING GEL-MILK VISAGE ET YEUX FACE AND EYES迪奥SUBLISSIME系列的轻柔眼部脸部美白清洁乳
2023-06-11 13:45:421


2023-06-11 13:45:523


早上朋友跟我聊了个事儿。 他朋友 招商银行 的的黑YOUNG卡额度已经6.8W了,没有收到过招行的白金邀请。 他跟朋友介绍经典白、百夫长,朋友一听要3600年费,马上拒绝。 后来他耐着性子跟朋友解释白金卡的种种好处,朋友迫不及待的按他要求做,只用了2天,曲线成功下卡经典白、百夫长白。 (人呐,都是嘴上说不要,身体却很诚实)年初我写了一篇文章,总结了经典白的权益和申请技巧,在飞客上还被加精华: 卡圈天王巨星:招商银行经典版白金 信用卡 的权益和申请技巧。 但是后来招行改了一些规则: 1、分期大法提额到5万申请白金卡的路走不通了; 2、证券大法0开金葵花也走不通了; 3、金卡额度不再存在5万或者6万毕业的说法。 比如下面这位,金卡额度已经到8万,临时额度到18万,仍然没有收到招行的白金邀请:那么到底该如何申请招行的经典白或者百夫长呢? 分2种情况。 一、额度没到5万 还是以提额为主,招行真的很快,每3个月都会审核一次,符合条件就提额。 这种情况申请经典白,可以用以下方法: 1、搬50砖去招行网点,申请金葵花 理财 卡,连续3个月满足日均50万,可以请理财经理填表推荐,大概率下卡。 2、招行代发工资1.8W每月,一定概率下卡。 (不是绝对数字,上下浮动都可以,看网点肯不肯填表) 3、华丽资产进件,车本、房本进件。 (要求是5年内的新车,车价30万以上;房产是150平方以上。) 4、优秀的工作单位,不错的工作岗位,比如500强企业、公务员等。 以上4种情况我都见到过下卡成功的,成功率也是依次递减。 二、额度超过5万 仍然可以用上面4种办法申请,通过率会更高。 如果上面4种办法不行,还是有办法的。 下面来详细谈谈。 A:邮寄申请: 这种情况主要是用在不符合上面4种条件,但也接近的情况下,可以邮寄。 或者你符合上面4种条件,但是网点的人员比较苛刻,也可以邮寄。 邮寄没有100%下卡可能,只是说多了一种申请方式。 招商银行快递寄送地址:上海市浦东新区来安路686号招商银行信用卡中心作业中心B1楼汇合收件室,邮编:201201 收件人:招商银行信用卡中心 电话:4008205555 到淘宝搜索“ 招行 白金”买几张X合一的表格,或者去网点找美女骗几张。 (骗到美女的话就忘了什么申请表,那都是diors干的事) 把所有你能想到的材料都复印附上,包括房、车、招行存款、工资流水、工作证、社保、税单、公积金缴费单等等。 越详细越好,毕竟是有求于人。 工资流水、社保、税单、公积金这些可以倒推收入,所以还是真实条件需要接近招行要求才行。 整理之后,再手写一份申请书,介绍你和招行的相遇相知相爱,点点滴滴都是情,不仅规范用卡、按时还款,还经常推荐给身边的朋友,现在觉得条件成熟,想提枪上马,呃不,更进一步申请白金卡云云。 (你一定会编的比我还感人。) 大概率下卡。 B:曲线申请 比如文章开头的那位,就是先申请分期白,审核通过,马上申请经典白和百夫长,当天全部审核通过。 可以先曲线以下几张卡片: 1、尊尚白金分期卡: 2、银联白金卡: 3、全币种国际白金卡: 这3张卡的共同点都是白金卡(废话),但权益没办法和经典白、百夫长比,在招行眼里,档次略低,所以审核条件会适当放宽。 可以试试先申请这3张的其中之一,等审核通过之后,再去手机APP的“高端专项”里申请经典白或者百夫长,有大概率能申请,小概率会审核不通过。 这3张卡里,分期白可以网申,银联白和全币白需要去网点。 同样,也可以邮寄申请。 最后的话: 目前没有人测试出什么情况下会出白金邀请,多少额度会出白金邀请。 比如3.5W额度出的白金邀请:比如5.5W额度出的白金邀请:我还见过有些人,境外旅行消费几笔招行之后,邀请就来了。 更多的,还是需要提高自身实力的同时,正常用卡。 再提醒一下,出了白金邀请,不要手欠点返回,返回之后只会出现调整固定额度,没有邀请了。 只有再等3个月。
2023-06-11 13:45:581


2023-06-11 13:46:051


2023-06-11 13:46:258

diocs man这句话是什么意思

2023-06-11 13:46:391


2023-06-11 13:46:481


2023-06-11 13:47:104


奇葩的意思 很另类
2023-06-11 13:47:294


叫丁莉 姓名:丁莉 出生地:北京 星座:射手 学历:首都师范大学艺术学院音乐系(钢琴十级) 中央戏剧学院进修班 出道经历:2000年参加sony碱性电池代言人全国选拔赛,脱颖而出,成为六名代言人之 一。 广告:喜之郎果冻布丁、歌杰思羽绒服、Nokia、索爱、丝宝柏兰洗面奶、卡尼尔(染发产 品)、李宁运动服、NEC(日本)、大发TADIORS汽车(日本)、三星手机、博朗家 电、古玉、旗袍等。 影视:2003年,被琼瑶国内经纪人公司选中,邀请签约加盟,因投考中戏放弃。 2004年,香港银都影业《绿水英雄》选角时,被选定饰演章盈(女二) 2005年,田有良导演“花”系列舞台喜剧《淡了,加点韭菜花》饰演欣欣(女二) 2005年底,中韩合拍电视电影《蓝街》 饰演:心怡(女一) 2006年,电视剧《最好的时光》 饰演:桂香(女二) 2006年,电视剧《霍元甲》 饰演:王云(女二)
2023-06-11 13:48:241


2023-06-11 13:48:346


姓名:丁莉昵称:丁丁英文名:DEMI生日:12月6日星座:射手座身高:170cm体重:47公斤国籍:中国地区:中国大陆籍贯:北京现住地:北京特长:表演职业:演员毕业学校:首都师范大学(音乐系)【广告】喜之郎果冻布丁、歌杰思羽绒服、Nokia、索爱、丝宝柏兰洗面奶、卡尼尔(染发产品)、李宁运动服、NEC(日本)、大发TADIORS汽车(日本)、三星手机、博朗家电、古玉、旗袍【影视作品】2004年,电视剧《绿水英雄》丁莉 饰 章盈(女二)2005年,舞台喜剧《淡了,加点韭菜花》丁莉 饰 欣欣 (女二)2005年,中韩合作电影《蓝街》(女一)2007年,电视剧《最好的时光/一世情缘》丁莉 饰 桂香 (女二)2007年,电视剧《顺娘》丁莉 饰 丽虹 (女二)2007年,电视剧《霍元甲》丁莉 饰 王云 (女二)2008年,电视剧《关中风云》丁莉 饰 凌云(女一)
2023-06-11 13:48:491

看完阿凡达的感想 英文的

Yesterday I went to watch 3D IMAX "Avatar" with my mother and the teachers in her school. I have to admit that the film is such a wonder that I thought it is well worth watching in one"s whole life. "Avatar" is not just a film. Yes the view in it is really beautiful, charming, amazing, wonderful...I can use hundreds of words to discribe what I saw. The film is not just about the love story between a "human" and a Na"vi princess, but also a educational file. The film has someting in common with the USA history. The Na"vi people live on the planet called Pandora, seems like the Indian people who used to live on the America continent. They first welcomed the new guys who came to settled on the new land. They gave them food, provide them with warm clothing, and taught them the living skills, including how to hunt, to build house... But soon everything changed. The settlers became robbers. They robbed many things of the Indians, and treated them very bad, even began to drive them out of their living places. The Indians became homeless. What a shame! The new settlers treated their benedactor in such a crul way. How coldblood they were.In this film, the charactors were just changed. The Americans are changed into human beeings, and the locol Indians turn into the Na"vi people on the Pandora. They begin to rob again. They, or should I say "we" are miserly. We have already damaged too much on the earth. The environment has been destroyed, the water has been wasted, the air has been polluted, the forest has been cut, millions of animals have been killed and we can never see them again. It is just so sad! I just cannot stand it. We must live in harmony with the nature. On the The U.N. Climate Change conference, which was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, our Chinese govenmengt published our aim, reducing the Carbon Dioxide. The USA government did not promise anything, they just focus on their own industry development. Do they really want to act like what the film has shown? Though I admire Mr. Obama, I can"t understand why did he do this.In the film, I saw a Circumstances, the commander told the soldior that the Na"vi people believe that the Eywa would bless them everybody laughed at it. Because they don"t have anything to believe in. Or can I say they just believe in themselves. It is so sad! People hang together because they have the same belief. But the soldiors in this film, have completed been coldblood killer. What did they fight for? For resources? Then they"re robbers. For the commander"s orders? Then they"re idiot...My men it"s time to wake up! It"s time for us to hang together just like brothers and sisters, to fight for our living areas. Come on!
2023-06-11 13:48:583


2023-06-11 13:49:054

cooler than me 的歌词翻译

共两首(1)i can see them every daythere on my wall nowand when the girls come outto play ,i"m never alone nowand i convince myself that they"dpick me if i met them some daysince i met you ,the months stopped changingthese girls won"t do.better than miss januaryfitter than miss februarygirl,you make me hotter than july ,whoa-whoaaugust right through to novemberyour more cooler than miss decemberyou"re my world now your my calendar girli first saw you back in mayyou knew my sisterand i would bug you every day by taking your picturei convince myself that you"re not feeling the same waybut on a friday night in juneyou said "throw the calendar girls away"since i met you the nmonthsstopped changing these girls won"t dobetter than miss januaryfitter than miss februarygirl,you make me hotter than july ,whoa-whoaaugust right through to novemberyour more cooler than miss decemberyou"re my world now your my calendar girlyou"re much safer than the othersgirl,now i"m not caught by my mother ,girlbetter than miss januaryfitter than miss februarygirl,you make me hotter than july ,whoa-whoaaugust right through to novemberyour more cooler than miss decemberyou"re my world now your my calendar girlyou"re my worldnow your my calendar girlyou"re my worldnow your my calendar girlyou"re my worldnow your my calendar girl(2)Calendar Girl by Stars Lyrics If I am lost for a day; try and find me But if I don"t come back, then I won"t look behind me All of the things that I thought were so easy just got harder and harder each day December is the darkest and June is the light but this empty bedroom won"t make anything right While out on the landing a friend I forgot to send home Who waits up for me all through the night Calendar girl whos in love with the world Stay alive Calendar Girl whos in love with the world Stay alive I dreamed I was dying; as I so often do And when I awoke I was sure it was true I ran to the window; threw my head to the sky And said whoever is up there,please don"t let me die But I can"t live forever,I can"t always breath One day I"ll be sand on a beach by a sea The pages keep turning, I"ll mark off each day with a cross And I"ll laugh about all that we"ve lost Calendar Girl who is lost to the world Stay Alive Calendar Girl who is lost to the world Stay Alive January,February,March,April,May I"m alive June,July,August,September,October I"m alive November,December,yah all through the winter, I"m alive I"m alive
2023-06-11 13:49:134


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The people with very poor condition.
2023-06-11 13:50:006


2023-06-11 13:50:142


屌丝一词网路上用的人很多,但是大多数是跟风使用而已,并不知道其中含义。 1、屌丝一词首先诞生于百度贴吧的李毅吧。 2、足球运动员李毅曾经说他护球很像亨利。因为亨利被称为亨利大帝,所以网友调戏李毅 称其为大帝。 3、李毅吧的粉丝,比较喜欢大帝的称呼,于是李毅吧被戏称为“帝吧”、“D吧”,而李毅 的粉丝也自称自己为“D丝”。 4、网络上很多人感觉他们这个称呼很装逼,于是将D曲解为屌,戏称他们“屌丝”,用那种 极其不屑的语气,洗刷他们。 5、但是李毅吧的网友很牛逼,他们将原来不屑的“屌”,引申为很“屌”很牛逼的屌。于 是竟然欣然接受了,屌丝这个称号,甚至更甚于“帝丝”。 6、又有一部分网友很是看不下去,想继续打击D吧的网友,于是写了各种屌丝苦逼、矮、穷 、搓的故事,用来影射D吧的网友不上道等等。 7、但是伟大的网络让生活的不是那么幸福的网民们,发现了这个屌丝的故事,感觉很贴近 自己生活,感觉很屌很牛逼。 8、于是,各种自称屌丝自嘲的帖子诞生,于是更多的人感同身受。 9、自此,屌丝一次一发不可收拾,成为了“苦逼”阶级的代名词。
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2023-06-11 13:51:3010

高人帮忙翻译一下《cooler than me》的歌词

if i could write you a song如果我能为你写首歌and make you fall in love并让你因此爱上我i would already have you up under my arm.那么我将早已经把你拥入我怀里了i used up all my tricks我用光了所有我的妙计i hope that you like this.我希望你能喜欢这些but you probably won"t但你很有可能不会(喜欢)you think you"re cooler than me.因为你认为你比我更酷you got designer shades你戴着时尚的墨镜just to hide your face and刚好遮住了你的脸you wear them around like你戴着它们就像you"re cooler than me.你比我更酷and you never say "hey" or remember my name.你从不打招呼,或者记得我的名字its probably cause you think you"re cooler than me.这很有可能是因为你认为你比我更酷you got your high brow你带着你自认的高修养shoes on your feet鞋子在你的脚上and you wear them around你穿着它们like they aint shit.好像它们不是廉价品but you dont know the way that you look但是你不知道when your steps make that much noise.当你抬步走时 发出声音时的样子shh, see i got youshh,(安静),看我总算搞明白你了all figured outyou need everyone"s eyes just to feel seen.你需要众人目光,喜欢万众瞩目的感觉girl your so vain女孩你太自负了you probably think that this song is about you.你可能认为这首歌曲是关于你的dont you?是吗?dont you?是吗?if i could write you a song如果我能为你写首歌and make you fall in love并让你因此爱上我i would already have you up under my arm.那么我将早已经把你拥入我怀里了i used up all my tricks我用光了所有我的妙计i hope that you like this.我希望你能喜欢这些but you probably won"t但你很有可能不会(喜欢)you think you"re cooler than me.因为你认为你比我更酷you got designer shades你戴着时尚的墨镜just to hide your face and刚好遮住了你的脸you wear them around like你戴着它们就像you"re cooler than me.你比我更酷and you never say "hey" or remember my name.你从不打招呼,或者记得我的名字its probably cause you think you"re cooler than me.这很有可能是因为你认为你比我更酷you got your high brow你带着你自认的高修养switch your walk走路换着姿势and you dont even look when you pass by.当你路过的时候你都不正眼瞧but you dont know the way that you look但是你不知道when your steps make that much noise.当你抬步走时 发出声音时的样子shh, see i got youshh,(安静),看我总算搞明白你了all figured outyou need everyone"s eyes just to feel seen.你需要众人目光,喜欢万众瞩目的感觉girl your so vain女孩你太自负了you probably think that this song is about you.你可能认为这首歌曲是关于你的dont you?是吗?dont you?是吗?if i could write you a song如果我能为你写首歌and make you fall in love并让你因此爱上我i would already have you up under my arm.那么我将早已经把你拥入我怀里了i used up all my tricks我用光了所有我的妙计i hope that you like this.我希望你能喜欢这些but you probably won"t但你很有可能不会(喜欢)you think you"re cooler than me.因为你认为你比我更酷you got designer shades你戴着时尚的墨镜just to hide your face and刚好遮住了你的脸you wear them around like你戴着它们就像you"re cooler than me.你比我更酷and you never say "hey" or remember my name.你从不打招呼,或者记得我的名字its probably cause you think you"re cooler than me.这很有可能是因为你认为你比我更酷and dont you dare act like you dont know (dont know)你怎么敢扮演着你不知道怎么一回事know whats upcause your nose is up.因为你的高傲im approaching up. pshh yup我慢慢接近like i cant give you winter in the summer就像我不能在夏天给你冬天or summer in the winter或者在冬天给你夏天miami in december12月的迈阿密trying to look bored in them diors. (diors)对他们的dior尝试表现无趣she probably iswas acting shallow untilshe find out how deep that my pockets is.她很可能是假装肤浅直到她发现我的口袋有多深mrs. pre-madonna预备麦当娜 夫人this is your reminder这里是你的提醒that i think you"re fine我认为你还不错but im finer sean yup但是我更好的sean(sean penn,麦当娜的前夫)cause it sure seems (it sure seems)因为它毫无疑问看上去you got no doubts (you got no doubts)你一点也没犹豫but we all see (we all see)但是我们都看见了you got your head in the clouds (clouds)你在白日做梦if i could write you a song如果我能为你写首歌and make you fall in love并让你因此爱上我i would already have you up under my arm.那么我将早已经把你拥入我怀里了i used up all my tricks我用光了所有我的妙计i hope that you like this.我希望你能喜欢这些but you probably won"t但你很有可能不会(喜欢)you think you"re cooler than me.因为你认为你比我更酷you got designer shades你戴着时尚的墨镜just to hide your face and刚好遮住了你的脸you wear them around like你戴着它们就像you"re cooler than me.你比我更酷and you never say "hey" or remember my name.你从不打招呼,或者记得我的名字its probably cause you think you"re cooler than me.这很有可能是因为你认为你比我更酷
2023-06-11 13:51:541


After Watching "Avatar"(《阿凡达》观后感,英文 Yesterday I went to watch 3D IMAX "Avatar" with my mother and the teachers in her school. I have to admit that the film is such a wonder that I thought it is well worth watching in one"s whole life. "Avatar" is not just a film. Yes the view in it is really beautiful, charming, amazing, wonderful...I can use hundreds of words to discribe what I saw. The film is not just about the love story between a "human" and a Na"vi princess, but also a educational file. The film has someting in common with the USA history. The Na"vi people live on the planet called Pandora, seems like the Indian people who used to live on the America continent. They first welcomed the new guys who came to settled on the new land. They gave them food, provide them with warm clothing, and taught them the living skills, including how to hunt, to build house... But soon everything changed. The settlers became robbers. They robbed many things of the Indians, and treated them very bad, even began to drive them out of their living places. The Indians became homeless. What a shame! The new settlers treated their benedactor in such a crul way. How coldblood they were.In this film, the charactors were just changed. The Americans are changed into human beeings, and the locol Indians turn into the Na"vi people on the Pandora. They begin to rob again. They, or should I say "we" are miserly. We have already damaged too much on the earth. The environment has been destroyed, the water has been wasted, the air has been polluted, the forest has been cut, millions of animals have been killed and we can never see them again. It is just so sad! I just cannot stand it. We must live in harmony with the nature. On the The U.N. Climate Change conference, which was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, our Chinese govenmengt published our aim, reducing the Carbon Dioxide. The USA government did not promise anything, they just focus on their own industry development. Do they really want to act like what the film has shown? Though I admire Mr. Obama, I can"t understand why did he do this.In the film, I saw a Circumstances, the commander told the soldior that the Na"vi people believe that the Eywa would bless them everybody laughed at it. Because they don"t have anything to believe in. Or can I say they just believe in themselves. It is so sad! People hang together because they have the same belief. But the soldiors in this film, have completed been coldblood killer. What did they fight for? For resources? Then they"re robbers. For the commander"s orders? Then they"re idiot...My men it"s time to wake up! It"s time for us to hang together just like brothers and sisters, to fight for our living areas. Come on!
2023-06-11 13:52:022


2023-06-11 13:52:092


loser ; cock wire
2023-06-11 13:52:175

屌丝 是什么意思

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2023-06-11 13:52:586


屌丝就是这么一类人,他们身份卑微、生活平庸、未来渺茫、感情空虚,不被社会认同。他们也渴望获得社会的高度认可,但又不知道该怎么去做,生活没有目标,缺乏热情,不满于无聊的生活但又不知道该做点什么。   屌丝广泛的存在于我们的周围,长期的物质贫乏造成了精神的贫乏,他们是这个飞速发展的时代所催生的产物,但这绝对不是他们自己的错,也不是这个社会的错,因为一个时代要进步,就要付出代价,屌丝就是社会进步的牺牲品,他们是新时代的阿Q。一个肖晴 | 2012-02-244150
2023-06-11 13:53:134

电视剧屌丝男士哪里能看到完整的? 搜狐网 第一季到现在最新的都有!
2023-06-11 13:53:226

吊丝 是什么意思

中文名称:吊丝英文名称:suspension spring屌丝loser(屌丝是一种网络流行的新称谓,是“苦B青年”的自称,它代表了一类人群,多指出身卑微、相貌平凡的年轻男性。屌丝们自称“穷丑矮挫胖笨撸”,自称“见人就给人下跪”,屌丝二字蕴含着无奈与自嘲的意味)
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