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Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice and need.

2023-06-12 07:05:09










厌倦 厌倦[简明汉英词典][yànjuàn]1. be sick of2. boredom3. ennui4. pall of5. sicken of6. tire7. weariness
2023-06-11 13:34:474


2023-06-11 13:35:109


boredom 只是名词,n.无聊;厌烦;厌倦;令人厌烦的事物它的同源词,还有borevt.令人厌烦;钻孔;用钻、挖或掘的方式打通vi.挖洞;钻孔;稳步前进;挤过去n.使人讨厌的人[物];高潮;膛径,口径;钻子复数:bores第三人称单数:bores过去式:bored过去分词:bored现在分词:boringboring adj.令人厌烦的;乏味的副词: boringly 名词: boringness 若回答满意,请采纳
2023-06-11 13:35:411


2023-06-11 13:35:514

ennui boredom都是无聊 又区别么?

boredom更偏向个体感到无聊。例句:We are dying of boredom! 我们要无聊死了!ennui更正式,指的是更大范围的抽象的 诸如世界的无聊 党派的倦怠 职业倦怠等~ 例句:One antidote to ennui is war. 无聊的解毒剂之一就是战争。
2023-06-11 13:36:012


只要是词性不同,相应句法功能也不同。bored,形容词或者过去分词,作定语,状语,补语/表语;boredom 名词,只能作主语,宾语。英语中带dom/om 后缀的都是名词。
2023-06-11 13:36:081


无聊在英语中,可以用以下单词表示:bored; in extreme depression; menial; poor; ennui; routine在句子中,可以这么表达:1、有几个年青人闲坐着,一副无聊的样子。There were several young people sitting around looking bored.2、我觉得无聊极了。I was bored rigid.3、这个会议自始至终都无聊透顶。The meeting was one big yawn from start to finish.4、由于实在闲极无聊,我开始无节制地大吃起来。I started to eat too much out of sheer boredom.5、真是见鬼!我可从没听说过这样无聊的事。A ghost indeed! I"ve never heard anything so silly.6、长时间等待实在无聊,我们就打扑克来解闷儿。We played cards to relieve the boredom of the long wait.7、电视有助于打发漫长无聊的冬夜。Television helps to relieve the boredom of the long winter evenings.8、我们结束这场无聊的争辩吧。Let"s have done with this silly argument.9、电视上全是些无聊的东西。There"s nothing but junk on the TV.10、她不得不款待当地一些无聊的大人物。She had to entertain some boring local bigwigs.11、戴维辞掉了他那份无聊的工作,走上自我发现的道路。David left his boring job to go on a journey of self-discovery.12、我不能把时间浪费在这种无聊的活动上。I can"t waste time on such frivolities.13、有些部门的无聊琐事太多。In some departments there is too much make-work.14、也许这次骑马的无聊活动比她所想象的要好玩一些。Perhaps this riding lark would be more fun than she"d thought.15、她思量着自己空虚无聊的生活。She contemplated the sterility of her existence.
2023-06-11 13:36:301


感到厌烦的英语短语 be fed up with; be sick of; be tired of; be weary of; brassed off; get sick of; get tired of; browned off; boredom in sports; Tired of boring ; weary of 扩展资料   他是一位感到厌烦的学生。   He is a bored student.   你对于这不停的雨不感到厌烦吗?   Are you tired of this continual rain?   我们对他没完没了的埋怨感到厌烦。   We are tired of his incessant complaining.   老师对大学一年级学生讲得太平淡无奇了,他们都感到厌烦。   The teacher talked down to the freshmen, and they were bored.
2023-06-11 13:36:521


sheer boredom 无聊透顶relieve boredom 解闷relieving boredom 解闷
2023-06-11 13:37:161


如果要记词意,一定要放到文章中(大量阅读),至少是句子里,这样根据句意就能记住了,而且还学会了如何运用这个词.如果要记住拼写,那么首先要会读单词,大多数单词是可以根据读音拼出来的,就算不一样,也比一个个字母念着那么背要高效.我就是这么记的,开始可能不太熟悉,但接触多了,自然就会有感觉了,就会掌握某个音对应的字母是什么(例如"申"=tion),有时还可以利用联想和汉语拼音记忆,要多种方法结合,总之不要死记硬背,在背的过程中摸索出一种适合自己的方法. 最重要的还是要有兴趣,至少不抵触,要用心享受背单词,而不是为了背单词而背单词.要想想小时候学汉字时,看到某个生字,学会了之后得到表扬是多么的兴奋.汉字那么难都记住了,还怕英文单词吗?
2023-06-11 13:37:231

avenging boredom怎么理解

2023-06-11 13:37:304


2023-06-11 13:37:403


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2023-06-11 13:38:062


learn with computer at home
2023-06-11 13:38:251


2023-06-11 13:38:324

烦闷的 厌倦的 英文怎么说?

烦闷的 厌倦的Weary of boredom
2023-06-11 13:39:1811

wander out of boredom.......

slow readers觉得阅读是boredom,所以他们阅读的时候,他们的minds总是会游荡,离开这种boredom,所以他们很难集中注意力阅读。wander out of boredom有点拟人化的手法,把集中不了注意力比拟成mind在闲逛,走出了阅读的boredom。
2023-06-11 13:39:411

bordem是什么意思 keep bordem away

大哥,中间的单词错了! bordem 应该是 boredom keep boredom away 汉译:保持乏味
2023-06-11 13:39:481

confusion concentration boredom assistance movement 那些有复数形式怎么变

你好!! confusion“混乱;混乱状况;骚动”没有复数, concentration “集中,专注”没有复数, boredom“无聊;厌倦 ”没有复数 assistance“援助,帮助”没有复数, movement“运动,活动行动,动静,”复数为movements, 希望采纳
2023-06-11 13:39:561

关于escape,escape from希望英语专业人士回答精确简练

escape from逃离…,从…逃脱; escape death逃过死劫、幸免一死; escape from中的escape为不及物动词“逃亡、逃”之义,而后者中的escape为及物动词,意“逃避免受”“灾难”,再如: 1、He escaped from the prison. 他越狱了。 2、He escaped the punishment.
2023-06-11 13:40:052


整句的意思是,工作终极作用其实就是打发无聊。因为一个人工作时,即便他对工作本身没兴趣,这种工作时的无聊对比一天到晚没事干(不工作) 的情况下产生的无聊根本算不了什么。第一个for后面的the boredom是主语,后面that 至uninteresting work 都是作定语修饰它的。as a preventive of boredom这个as 是必面的,表目的,意思是作为打发(预防 )无聊。这里作“作为”解释为妥第二个as nothing in comparison with 这个as是英语国家中某些人的写作习惯,与语法无关,从语法的角度,这里不用也可以。
2023-06-11 13:40:312


  无聊感的产生主要归咎于两个因素:一是外部的 *** ;二是自身的调节能力。不清楚自己的需要和愿望,找不到生活的目标和意义,做人就很容易会深陷在“无聊”的深渊中。那么你知道吗?下面我为大家带来无聊的英语说法,欢迎大家学习。   无聊的英语说法1:   boring   英 [u02c8bu0254:riu014b] 美 [u02c8bu0254ru026au014b, u02c8bor-]   无聊的英语说法2:   bored   无聊相关英语表达:   有点无聊 kind of boring   无聊喜剧 narrow edy   无聊男子 Boring man   好无聊 So boring   很无聊 very boring   无聊英语说法例句:   他自从失业以来,常觉百无聊赖。   Since losing his job, he has often experienced a profound sense of ennui.   讨厌的人愚钝的、无聊的或讨厌的人;害人精   An obtuse, boring, or bothersome person; a pest.   他挺讨人喜欢,就是有点无聊。   He"s likeable enough, but a bit boring.   我的周末过得很无聊--只是在屋子里转转或者看看电视。   My weekend was boring I just floated about the house or watched TV.   说什么东西lame就是说没有意思,无聊。还有什么事情你觉得是无聊的?   When you say something is lame you mean that it is silly or it is uninteresting.   他无聊的演讲可以让你无聊到死.   His boring speech will bore you to death.   我真的有必要回答你那些无聊的问题吗?   Is it really necessary for me to answer all your tedious puestions?   他在一些无聊的事上花了好多钱。   He spent a lot of his money on frivolous things.   你要不来的话会很无聊的。   It would be very dull without you.   但弗雷德觉得很无聊,想要回家。   But Fred was bored and desired to go home.   抱怨说他们觉得很无聊的孩子们   Children who whine that they are bored   同时,又无聊得让人苦恼不已。   Meanwhile, the boredom is excruciating.   整天呆在家里,他感到无聊透了。   He felt very bored at home all day long.
2023-06-11 13:40:391


2023-06-11 13:40:489


bored的比较级是more bored,最高级是the most bored。bored是bore的过去分词和过去式,可用作动词和形容词,用作形容词时可译为“无聊的;厌烦的;郁闷的”,用作动词时的意思是“使厌烦;开凿;钻孔;挖掘;盯着看”。常见句型After sixteen years of marriage they have grown bored with each other.结婚16年后,他们已经渐渐彼此厌倦了。But Fred was bored and desired to go home.但弗雷德觉得很无聊,想要回家。It"s a bore having to go out again.又要外出真是讨厌。He used a drill to bore a hole in the door.他用钻在门上钻孔。His blue eyes seemed to bore into her.他的一双蓝眼睛似乎要穿透她。词汇搭配bore pit 钻探坑 Spindle bore 主轴通孔直径词形变化原型: bear 第三人称单数:bores 复数:bores现在分词:boring 过去式:bored 过去分词:bored
2023-06-11 13:41:072

killing boring语法正确吗?

你好, 这个表达不正确。首先写短语时一般用动词原形, 其次boring是形容词,表示事情是无聊的, kill是动词, 后面应该用名词做它的宾语, 所以boring要改为名词形式, kill boredom 消除无聊,不过更常见的表达是 relieve theboredom of sth/doing sth. 请采纳!
2023-06-11 13:41:401


boredom 只是名词,n.无聊;厌烦;厌倦;令人厌烦的事物它的同源词,还有borevt.令人厌烦;钻孔;用钻、挖或掘的方式打通vi.挖洞;钻孔;稳步前进;挤过去n.使人讨厌的人[物];高潮;膛径,口径;钻子复数:bores第三人称单数:bores过去式:bored过去分词:bored现在分词:boringboring adj.令人厌烦的;乏味的副词: boringly 名词: boringness 若回答满意,请采纳
2023-06-11 13:42:061


你好!无聊透顶boredom 英[u02c8bu0254:du0259m] 美[u02c8bu0254:rdu0259m] n. 厌倦; 讨厌,令人讨厌的事物; 无聊,无趣; [例句]He had given up attending lectures out of sheer boredom他不再去听那些讲座完全是出于厌倦。
2023-06-11 13:42:151


dry, dryasdust, uninteresting
2023-06-11 13:42:364


boredom [" b00:d05m ] n. 厌烦,厌倦,令人厌烦的事物 ennui [" 00nwi: ] n. 怠倦,无聊 prosaic [ pr05u"zeiik ] a. 单调的,无趣的 humdrum [ "h05mdr05m ] a. 单调的,乏味的 boring [" b00:ri07 ] a. 令人厌烦的
2023-06-11 13:43:091


2023-06-11 13:43:275


bore(词根) vi. 钻孔 vt. 钻孔;使烦扰 n. 孔;令人讨厌的人 而boredom n. 厌倦;令人厌烦的事物 ,一个是词根;一个是衍生词,名词.
2023-06-11 13:43:411


以bore为词根的单词,boring,形容词,烦人的;bored,感到烦的;boredom,n. 厌倦;令人厌烦的事物。
2023-06-11 13:43:491


2023-06-11 13:43:582


2023-06-11 13:44:254


  无聊感的产生主要归咎于两个因素:一是外部的刺激;二是自身的调节能力。不清楚自己的需要和愿望,找不到生活的目标和意义,做人就很容易会深陷在“无聊”的深渊中。那么你知道无聊用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来无聊的英语说法,欢迎大家学习。   无聊的英语说法1:   boring   英 [u02c8bu0254:riu014b] 美 [u02c8bu0254ru026au014b, u02c8bor-]   无聊的英语说法2:   bored   无聊相关英语表达:   有点无聊 kind of boring   无聊喜剧 narrow comedy   无聊男子 Boring man   好无聊 So boring   很无聊 very boring   无聊英语说法例句:   他自从失业以来,常觉百无聊赖。   Since losing his job, he has often experienced a profound sense of ennui.   讨厌的人愚钝的、无聊的或讨厌的人;害人精   An obtuse, boring, or bothersome person; a pest.   他挺讨人喜欢,就是有点无聊。   He"s likeable enough, but a bit boring.   我的周末过得很无聊--只是在屋子里转转或者看看电视。   My weekend was boring I just floated about (the house) or watched TV.   说什么东西lame就是说没有意思,无聊。还有什么事情你觉得是无聊的?   When you say something is lame you mean that it is silly or it is uninteresting.   他无聊的演讲可以让你无聊到死.   His boring speech will bore you to death.   我真的有必要回答你那些无聊的问题吗?   Is it really necessary for me to answer all your tedious puestions?   他在一些无聊的事上花了好多钱。   He spent a lot of his money on frivolous things.   你要不来的话会很无聊的。   It would be very dull without you.   但弗雷德觉得很无聊,想要回家。   But Fred was bored and desired to go home.   抱怨说他们觉得很无聊的孩子们   Children who whine that they are bored   同时,又无聊得让人苦恼不已。   Meanwhile, the boredom is excruciating.   整天呆在家里,他感到无聊透了。   He felt very bored at home all day long.
2023-06-11 13:44:471

escape punishment

escape from更强调从哪里逃跑,逃脱,解脱,经常加一个地方或者一种可以持续的状态 如:A lion has escaped from its cage.(地点) 有一头狮子从笼中逃走了. She longed to escape from her mother"s domination.(一种状态) 她渴望摆脱母亲的操纵. 而escape+n 或者doing sth更强调躲开,避开,常表示眼前的某个问题,或者危险 如:Where can we go to escape the crowds? 我们到哪里才能躲开这些人群? The fox escaped the hunter. 狐狸躲开了猎人. 那么boredom是一种状态,所以用escape from 你可以再看看其他的例句分析一下.
2023-06-11 13:45:171

bored有名词形式吗 有 是什么?

无聊 名词形式:boredom
2023-06-11 13:45:242


1.(闲得烦闷) in extreme depression; bored 2.(没有意义) senseless; silly; stupid; uninteresting I laugh all alone at my complete inanity . 十分无聊时,我就独自大笑。 2.Never have i heard such a silly story . 我从来没有听过这样无聊的故事。 3.In truth, such criticism was often silly . 事实上,这种非义往往很无聊。 4.Isn"t it loathsome! isn"t it petty ! 这是多么荒谬!这是多么无聊! 5.He is likeable enough , but a bit boring . 他挺讨人喜欢,就是有点无聊。 6.It is so much better than just dull comfort . 那比无聊的安安逸逸好多了。 7.My face turns dead with boredom . 我终因无聊厌烦,憋得面呈死色。 8.He sat there idly turning the pages of a book . 他无聊地坐在那儿翻着书。 9.What a wretched, crazy world this was . 这世界多可怜,多无聊。 10.I dare say you "re dull at home . 我敢说你在家里感到沉闷无聊。
2023-06-11 13:45:331


2023-06-11 13:45:391

对....厌烦厌倦。 有什么英文表达??越多越好。

be tired of sick of be fed up boring变得厌烦 get bored厌烦了 be tired of极为厌烦 be bored to death表示厌烦 Being Bored损失厌烦 loss audio-videoersion厌烦的 bored ; tired ; brownedoff ; cloying厌烦地 vexatiously ; disgustedly厌烦情绪 boredom
2023-06-11 13:45:486

How to beat boredom

How to make your life exciting Many people"s lives are boring and incredibily mundane. Thankfully, there are lots of ways to make your life a bit more fantastic. Just because you have school doesn"t mean you can"t have fun. School is a time when you can see and meet new friends. School gives you a chance to meet adults and help you learn from them. School is over! What are you going to do now? Well, you can take some afterschool classes. Some classes can teach you sports, how to play a musical instrument, how to speak a different language, or even teach you the ability of your choice. Lots of people choose singing, dancing, and drawing as an afterschool class. Like school, you can use this time to meet new people. Also, you can use your new skills to impress people. Listen to the radio or pick up a book. Listening to the radio will keep you updated on the news and the reports of the world. And reading books can help you open your eyes and learn more knowledge. Theses are all my opinions of how to make your life exciting. You can take some of my advice in your life. And you also can think some by yourself.不知道意思对不对
2023-06-11 13:46:311


无聊的英语单词及句子表达    无聊 的英文:   nonsense   bored    参考例句:   I don"t read that tripe.   我才不看那种无聊的东西呢.   He sat there idly turning the pages of a book.   他无聊地坐在那儿翻着书.   Andy and Ruby were tiring.   安迪和露比都是无聊的人。   The most abject sentimentality drips from every page   每一页里都散发出最无聊的多愁善感。   Vera observed her guests"expressions glazing over with boredom at the insipidity of the conversation.   维拉注意到,客人们由于对无聊的谈话感到厌烦,流露出没精打采的神情。   the sexist,locker - room jive of men boasting and bonding(Trip Gabriel)   一伙夸夸其谈的男人们在更衣室无聊的性事漫谈(特里普·加布里埃尔)   Nice BlackBerry   无聊朋友   How Boring!   真无聊!   A dull play [story, talk]   无聊的戏   Boring!   真无聊!    nonsense 是什么意思:   n. 胡说;废话;愚蠢的行为;胡闹   int. 胡说;荒唐   adj. 无意义的;荒谬的   nonsense syllables; a nonsensical jumble of words.   无意义的音节;一堆无意义的杂乱的词语。   Nonsense, errant nonsense, as ever was talked!   废话,彻头彻尾的史无前例的废话!   Life is impenetrable, ridiculous and nonsense.   生命是不可理喻的,荒谬的,毫无意义的。   We"ll have no nonsense of that sort.   我们不能允许那种荒唐的事。   Nonsensical,incoherent,or meaningless talk.   胡言乱语信口胡说、不连贯或无意义的"谈话    bored 是什么意思:   adj. 无聊的,无趣的,烦人的,厌倦的,烦闷的   bore passengers   使旅客厌烦   She bore his children.   她怀了他的孩子。   The coin bore an image of the president.   这枚硬币上有总统的肖像。   A repeat of a television program is boring.   电视节目的重播是很乏味的。   Life in the country bores me.   乡村生活令我生厌。 ;
2023-06-11 13:46:381

英语nor dimmed by despair and boredom怎么翻译?

nor dimmed by despair and boredom也不因绝望和无聊而黯淡
2023-06-11 13:46:501


2023-06-11 13:47:331

cure for boredom

The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity~Dorothy Parker 好奇心是沉闷的解药,而好奇心本身却无可救药.
2023-06-11 13:48:041


2023-06-11 13:48:134

confusion concentration boredom assistance movement 那些有复数形式怎么变

2023-06-11 13:48:192


1、世上只有一种英雄主义,就是在认清生活真相之后依然热爱生活。 There is only one kind of heroi *** in the world, which is to love life after knowing the truth of life. 2、艺术是发扬生命的,死神所在的地方就没有艺术。 Art carries forward life, and where death is, there is no art. 3、世上惟有一个真理:便是忠实于人生,并且热爱人生。 There is only one truth in the world: to be faithful to life and to love it. 4、有了朋友,生命才显出它全部的价值。 With friends, life shows its full value. 5、世界上还有些国家更重要的,那便是人类的良心。 There are some other countries in the world that are more important, that is, human conscience. 6、最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的信念。 The most terrible enemy is the lack of strong faith. 7、缺乏理想的现实主义是毫无意义的,脱离现实的理想主义是没有生命的。 It is meaningless to lack ideal reali *** , and ideali *** divorced from reality is lifeless. 8、严厉的话像烧红的铁,深深地打下烙印。 Strict words, like burning iron, are deeply branded. 9、扼杀思想的人,是最大的谋杀犯。 The greatest murderer is the one who stifles thought. 10、一旦自私的幸福,变成了人生惟一的目标,人生就会变得没有目标。 Once selfish happiness bees the only goal of life, life will bee aimless. 11、怀疑与信仰,两者都是必需的。怀疑能把昨天的信仰摧毁,替明天的信仰开路。 Doubt and faith are both necessary. Doubts can destroy yesterday"s beliefs and open the way for tomorrow"s beliefs. 12、以适当的娱乐调节工作过度后的疲劳,是非常有益的事情。 It is very useful to adjust the fatigue after overwork with proper entertainment. 13、今天倒运的人,也许明天走运,所以一个精明的外交家总是给未来留下余地的。 Those who are unlucky today may be lucky tomorrow, so a shrewd diplomat always leaves room for the future. 14、信仰不是一种学问。信仰是一种行为,它只被实践的时候才有意义。 Faith is not a kind of learning. Belief is an act, and it only makes sense when it is practiced. 15、我服从理性,有必要时,我可以为它牺牲我的友谊,我的憎恶,以及我的生命。 I submit to reason, and when necessary, I can sacrifice my friendship, my hatred, and my life for it. 16、问题在于用事实证明有理,没有事实,有理也不值一文。 The problem is to prove the truth by facts. Without facts, reason is not worth a penny. 17、一个人要帮助弱者,应当自己成为强者,而不是和他们一样变成弱者。 To help the weak, one should bee the strong himself, not the weak like them. 18、在有信心的男人和女人心目中,良心并不是儿戏。 Conscience is not a trifle in the minds of confident men and women. 19、你失掉的东西越多,你就越富有:因为心灵会创造你所缺少的东西。 The more you lose, the richer you bee: because the mind creates what you lack. 20、人生不发行往返车票,一旦出发了就再也不会归来了。 Life does not issue round-trip tickets, once you set out, you will never e back. 21、谁有进取的意志,谁就干得成。 Whoever has the will to make progress will succeed. 22、生命的第一个行动是创造的行动。 The first action of life is the action of creation. 23、与其花许多时间和精力去凿许多浅井,不如花同样的时间和精力去凿一口深井。 Rather than spend a lot of time and energy digging many shallow wells, it is better to spend the same time and energy digging a deep well. 24、天才免不了有障碍,因为障碍会创造天才。 Genius inevitably has obstacles, because obstacles create genius. 25、英雄就是对任何做他能做的事,而平常人就做不到这一点。 Heroes are for anything they can do, and ordinary people can"t do it. 26、前途是属于那些一旦决定之后,就不屈不挠不达目的誓不罢休的人。 The future belongs to those who persevere in reaching their goals once they have decided. 27、真正的幸福就是:成为完全客观,从而体现自己的抱负。 True happiness is to be pletely objective and to reflect one"s ambition. 28、天才有的弱点并不少于普通人,也许更多一些。 The weakness of genius is not less than that of ordinary people, perhaps more. 29、人不能光靠感情生活,人还得靠钱生活。 People can"t live by feelings alone, they have to live by money. 30、当人抛弃信仰时,可望搬进迷信来。 When people abandon their beliefs, they are expected to move into superstition. 31、善不是一种学问,而是一种行为。 Good is not a knowledge, but an action. 32、风险越大,甘冒风险的自傲感也越强。 The greater the risk, the stronger the risk-taking pride. 33、从来没有人读书,只有人在书中读自己,发现自己或检查自己。 No one ever reads a book, only one reads himself in it, finds himself or examines himself. 34、智慧、友爱,这是照亮我们的黑夜的惟一光亮。 Wisdom and fraternity are the only light that illuminates our night. 35、失败对我们是有好处的,我们得祝福灾难,我们是灾难之子。 Failure is good for us. We have to bless disaster. We are the children of disaster. 36、人生不售来回票,一旦动身,绝不能复返。 Life does not sell round-trip tickets. Once you start, you can never return. 37、没有志向的青年,就像断线的风筝,只会在空中东摇西晃,最后必然丧失前程。 Youth without ambition, like a broken kite, will only shake in the air and the Middle East, and eventually lose their prospects. 38、和书生活在一起,永远不会叹气。 Living with books never sighs. 39、如果你想独占真理,真理就要嘲笑你了。 If you want to monopolize the truth, the truth will laugh at you. 40、一个人追求的目标越高。他的能力就发展得越快。对社会就越有益。 The higher one pursues. The faster his ability develops. The more beneficial it is to society. 41、生活最沉重的负担不是工作,而是无聊。 The heaviest burden of life is not work, but boredom. 42、人生是共同使用的葡萄园,一起栽培,一起收获。 Life is a mon vineyard, cultivated together, harvested together. 43、为了高尚的目标,多大的代价我也愿付出。 In order to achieve noble goals, I would like to pay the price. 44、谁若是有一刹那的胆怯,也许就放。 Whoever has a moment of timidity may let it go. 45、世上只有一个真理,便是忠实于人生,并且爱它。 There is only one truth in the world, that is, to be faithful to life and to love it. 46、先相信自己,然后别人才会相信你。 Believe in yourself first, and then others will believe in you. 47、一种理想就是一种力量! An ideal is a power! 48、怯懦的人,会把朋友送给刽子手。 A cowardly man will send his friend to the executioner. 49、标志时代的最灵敏的晴雨表是青年人。 The most sensitive barometer of the times is the youth. 50、人生所有的欢乐是创造的欢乐:爱情天才行动全靠创造这一团烈火进射出来的。 All the joy of life is the joy of creation: the action of love genius depends entirely on the fire of creation. 51、一个丰富的天性,如果不拿自己来喂养饥肠辘辘的别人,自己也就要枯萎了。 A rich nature will wither itself if it does not feed the hungry. 52、有一些在推心置腹时所说的私房话,日后有被知己用来作为武器的危险。 There are some private words spoken when confiding in one"s heart, which are in danger of being used as weapons by confidants in the future. 53、对等工作的严肃态度,高度的正直,形成了自由和秩序之间的平衡。 A serious attitude towards reciprocal work and a high degree of integrity have created a balance beeen freedom and order. 54、最沉重的负担不是,而是无聊。 The heaviest burden is not boredom. 55、柔和的态度对于一颗被人轻蔑的心的确是很大的安慰。 A gentle attitude is indeed a great fort to a despised heart. 56、一个人向着目标迈进的时候,应当笔直地朝前望的。 A person should look straight ahead when he is moving towards his goal. 57、应当细心地观察,为的是理解;应当努力地理解,为的是行动。 We should observe carefully in order to understand; we should try to understand, in order to act. 58、我是我自己痛苦的主。 I am the master of my own pain. 59、人生有如一股奔流,没有暗礁,激不起美丽的浪花。 Life is like a torrent, without reefs, it can not stir up beautiful waves. 60、只要有一双真诚的眼睛陪我哭泣,就值得我为生命受苦。 As long as I have a pair of sincere eyes to cry with me, it is worth my suffering for life. 61、认识的人多了,我就更喜欢狗。 I like dogs better when I know more people. 62、没有伟大的品格,就没有伟大的人,甚至也没有伟大的艺术家、伟大的行动者。 Without great character, there would be no great man, no great artist or great actor. 63、暂时的是现实,永生的是理想。 Temporary is reality, eternal is ideal. 64、一无所有的人是有福的,因为他们将获得一切! Blessed are those who have nothing, for they will get everything! 65、不是我要关心政治,而是政治总在关心我。 Not that I care about politics, but that politics always cares about me. 66、人类的生活其实都是心理生活。 In fact, human life is all psychological life. 67、凡是个性强的人,都像行星一样。 Everyone with strong personality is like a planet. 68、真理是生活,你不应当从你的头脑里去寻找。 Truth is life. You shouldn"t look for it in your mind. 69、幸福是灵魂的一种香味,是一颗歌唱的心的和声。而灵魂的最美的音乐是慈悲。 Happiness is the fragrance of the soul, the harmony of a singing heart. And the most beautiful music of the soul is passion. 70、有信仰未必能成大事,而没有信仰。 Faith does not necessarily make a big difference, but no faith.
2023-06-11 13:48:261


Travel Travel is a very good means of broadening a person"s perspective. It makes you come into contact with different cultures, meet people of different colors and go through peculiar rites and ceremonies. Travelling much, you will not only enrich your knowledge and experiences, but also be aware of the vastness of nature. Travel may also relieve person of boredom and gloom. Travel brings you enjoyment and attraction. It gives you a pleasant experience, which will disperse your boredom and make you forget whatever annoys you. Travel broadens your mind and leaves you good memories. Later, you may go over these memories and enjoy your past experiences, thus keeping a fresh and sunny mind. The field"s his study, nature was his book. Travelers can choose different modes of transportation which have advantages and disadvantages. Airplanes are the fastest but also the most expensive. Buses and trains are less expensive, but they soon make you feel cramped and uncomfortable. Ships provide you with comfort unless you get seasick. Most people can afford traveling by bicycle, which, although slow, can limber up your muscles and get you closer to nature.
2023-06-11 13:48:351