barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 14:46:13
TAG: 翻译

1.Speak more clearly so that they can understand you.

2.I don"t know when the earth came into being.

3.The request that every class needs to buy a computer is being considered by the school principal.

4.Her pale face meant she was ill,so her parents suggested that she go to see a doctor.

5.According to the report,two workers were hit by a car when mending the road.


1.Express more clearly so that they could understand you.

2.We don"t know when the earth came into being.

3.The request of buying a computer for each class is being considered by the schoolmaster.

4.Her pale face conveyed her illness, so her parents suggested her to go to the doctor soon.

5.According to the report, two workers were clashed by a car when mending the road.


1.Say it clearly so that they can understand you

2.we didn"t know when the sun came into being

3.The request of buying computers for every class is thonght by the head teacher

4.Her pale face said she was ill, so her parents suggested that it go to a doctor immediately

5.According to the report ,two road workers were hit by acar


1 Please speak more clearly so that they can understand you.

2 We don"t know that when the earth comes into being.

3 The requirement of buying a computer for each class is considered by the headmaster.

4 Her pale face shows that she is ill. So her parents suggest her that she should go to see the doctor at once.

5 According to the reporting, two workers who were repairing the road were knocked down by a car.


1.To put it more clearly so that they can understand you

2.We do not know when the earth come into being

3.Vice-Chancellor is considering buy a computer class this requirement

4.Three of her pale face said she was ill, so her parents suggested that it go to a doctor immediately

5.According to reports, are the two road workers have been hit by a car


1.Speak more clearly so that they can understand you.

2.I don"t know when the earth came into being.

3.The request that every class needs to buy a computer is being considered by the school principal.

4.Her pale face meant she was ill,so her parents suggested that she go to see a doctor.

5.According to the report,two workers were hit by a car when mending the road.



  convey是我们在英语中常用的动词,那么convey做动词都表达哪些意思呢?下面我为大家带来convey的英语意思解释和英语例句,欢迎大家学习!   convey作动词的意思:   表达;传达;运输;转移   convey的英语音标:   英 [kən"veɪ]   美 [kən"veɪ]   convey的时态:   过去分词: conveyed   过去式: conveyed   现在分词: conveying   convey的英语例句:   1. Euclid was trying to convey his idea of a geometrical point.   欧几里得试图表达他的一个几何学观点。   2. The speed at which we talk can also convey a great deal.   我们的语速同样能传达许多信息。   3. Colours like red convey a sense of energy and strength.   红色之类的颜色可给人以充满活力与力量的感觉。   4. It is difficult to convey the sheer complexity of the situation.   很难说清楚形势究竟有多复杂.   5. Convey the joyous news to her as soon as possible, please.   请尽快把这一福音告诉她.   6. Don"t forget to convey my regards when you see him.   你去见着他,别忘了给我捎个好儿.   7. He hammered home the points he wanted to convey.   他把所要传达的重点讲得非常透彻.   8. My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life.   我的信将使你了解到一些我的生活方式.   9. Destroyers escorted a convey of merchant ships.   驱逐舰护送一支商船队.   10. I can"t convey my feelings in words.   我无法用言语来表达我的情感.   11. He tried to convey how he felt.   他试图表达他的感受.   12. Convey my congratulations to her.   请代我向她表示祝贺.   13. The words fail to convey the meaning.   词不达意.   14. Please convey my gratitude to her.   请向她转达我的谢意.   15. When I returned home, I tried to convey the wonder of this machine to my husband.   回到家后,我竭力地想把这台机器的精妙之处描述给丈夫听。 convey相关 文章 : 1. convey的近义词辨析 2. regard的第三人称单数
2023-01-01 12:40:311


他的解释给那位困惑的女士提供了某些启示 searched shelf after shelf 意思是到处翻找 who就是指代这个女士conveyed 是传达 表达意思
2023-01-01 12:40:374


这句话的语法结构如下:主语:The picture conveyed here ()谓语动词:is 表语从句:that air pollution is quite severe in China 主语部分的 conveyed here 是过去分词短语,充当 the picture 的后置定语,相当于定语从句 the picture that is conveyed here。
2023-01-01 12:40:573


2023-01-01 12:41:103


  眼神含义为眼睛的神态,另外眼神又是特殊奥林匹克运动会形象标识以及其作用是透过窗户传递出的内心世界的本质。同时锻炼眼神能够学会用敏锐的眼睛洞察别人的心理。那么你知道眼神用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    眼神的英语说法1:   look    眼神的英语说法2:   expression in one"s eyes    眼神的相关 短语 :   眼神追踪 eye-tracking   眼神茫然 Staring blankly   眼神闪烁 fluid glance   眼神交流 eye contact ; E - Eyes Contacts ; make eye contact ; Keeping eye contact   一个眼神 One look ; A look ; A glance   眼神的英语例句:   1. Over coffee, she lit a cigarette, her eyes daring him to comment.   喝咖啡时,她点燃了一支烟,用挑衅的眼神看着他,谅他也不敢吭声。   2. When we go out, girls are always giving me the evil eye.   我们出去时,女孩子们总是用忌妒的眼神看着我。   3. Mrs Hastings" eyes grow warmer and more appreciative with my every word.   我讲的每句话让黑斯廷斯夫人的眼神变得越来越热情,越来越充满欣赏。   4. She gave me the stoniest look I ever got.   她看我的眼神冷酷无比。   5. He looked at me, a flicker of amusement in his cold eyes.   他看着我,冷酷的眼神里闪过一丝嘲笑。   6. The only giveaway was the look of amusement in her eyes.   唯独她俏皮的眼神使事情露馅儿了。   7. Behind his eyes was a whole universe of pain.   他眼神中隐藏着无尽的痛楚。   8. With a glazed stare she revived for one last instant.   她最后清醒了一会儿,眼神呆滞。   9. She smiled with a faraway look in her eyes.   她微笑着,眼神缥缈恍惚。   10. The attacker still stood there, watching her with silent contempt.   袭击者还站在那里,用一种鄙夷的眼神一言不发地看着她。   11. The accusing look in her eyes conveyed her sense of betrayal.   她责备的眼神中流露出一种被骗的神情。   12. The look in his eyes made my heart flutter.   他的眼神让我心里扑通扑通直跳。   13. He avoids any eye contact, quickly averting his gaze when anyone approaches.   他避免任何眼神接触,一有人靠近就把目光迅速移开。   14. His eyes were always so vague when he looked at her.   他看她的眼神总是那么暧昧。   15. She was silent for a moment, lips tight shut, eyes distant.   她沉默了一会儿,嘴唇紧闭,眼神茫然。
2023-01-01 12:41:231


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2023-01-01 12:41:468


Much meaning can be conveyed可以传达意义
2023-01-01 12:42:192


2023-01-01 12:42:294


这句话中由and引导两个并列句;第一个并列句中television是主语;is 是谓语;one of the means 是表语;by which these feelings are created and conveyed 是修饰means的定语从句。第二个并列句中it 是主语指代television;has served 作谓语;so... as连接两个比较对象,before和in the recent events ;to connect different peoples and nations 表示目的;in Europe 表示地点状语。
2023-01-01 12:42:512


2023-01-01 12:43:132


(1)Although the fight against it is a long-standing and tremendous one,our efforts will eventually pay off.(2) Only when you pay attention to it can you see a colorful and harmonious future sooner or later.或者Only when your attention is paid to it can you see a colorful and harmonious future sooner or later.(3)There is no doubt that its subtly conveyed symbolic meaning should be given deep consideration. 或者There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning,subtly conveyed,should be given deep consideration.再或者There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning which is subtly conveyed should be given deep consideration.
2023-01-01 12:43:244

there is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly conveyed should be given deep consideration....

2023-01-01 12:43:433

英语翻译一下 这看似一个笑话,但不得不引发我们的深思 这句话

This may seem like a joke, but to lead us to question
2023-01-01 12:43:573


2023-01-01 12:44:143

In order for your level of interest to be conveyed it is important to show that effort and ...

level of interest:兴趣的程度,level越高兴趣越浓我的翻译和上面略有区别,也许是不知道上下文的缘故:为了增加你的兴趣,有一点很重要,即是在你们相处的时候要拿出努力和想法保持正确(合适)的语气(我想是说话吧)按照我的翻译:后面那句的意思就是:在你们相处的时候保持正确(合适)的语气
2023-01-01 12:44:331


2023-01-01 12:44:403

without grammar little can be

原文:"Without grammar very little can be conveyed; Without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed." 作者:Wilkins,David A.(1972).(1972年出版的) 书名:Linguistics in Language Teaching.(翻译过来是《语言教学理论》) 出版社所在城市:Cambridge 出版社:MA:MIT Press. 这句话首次出现在该书的第111页.
2023-01-01 12:44:531

fine_____of meaning are conveyed not only by the words themselves, but by st

It is difficult to convey delicate shades of meaning in a translation.在译文中传达意义上精微的差别是很不容易的。 shades of meaning.意义的细微差别/语意色彩微妙差别 都是这么说的 shades of meaning/opinion有细微差别的意思/意见Very fine shades of meaning cannot easily be conveyed with a limited word bank.细微的意思不能用几个字就轻而易举地表达清楚。
2023-01-01 12:45:001


2023-01-01 12:45:082

sense 有多少种意思?

1.Any of the faculties by which stimuli from outside or inside the body are received and felt, as the faculties of hearing, sight, smell, touch, taste, and equilibrium.感觉:接受和感觉体外或体内刺激的能力,如听力、视力、嗅觉、触觉、味觉和平衡的官能2.A perception or feeling produced by a stimulus; sensation:感觉:由刺激产生的感觉或知觉;感觉:a sense of fatigue and hunger.疲劳和饥饿的感觉3.senses The faculties of sensation as means of providing physical gratification and pleasure.senses 官能:作为提供身体的满足和快乐的感觉的官能4.Intuitive or acquired perception or ability to estimate:直觉,意识:直觉的或已获得的估计的领悟力或能力:a sense of diplomatic timing.对时间有敏锐的意识5.A capacity to appreciate or understand:欣赏或理解的能力:a keen sense of humor.敏锐的幽默感6.A vague feeling or presentiment:觉得:模糊的感觉或预感:a sense of impending doom.对即将到来的厄运的预感7.Recognition or perception either through the senses or through the intellect; consciousness:意识:通过感官或智力的确认或感觉;意识:has no sense of shame.没有羞耻感8.Often senses Normal ability to think or reason soundly; correct judgment:常作 senses 理智:正确地思考或推理的正常能力;正确的判断力:Come to your senses.回到你的理智中来9.Something sound or reasonable:合理:合理的或有道理的事物:There"s no sense in waiting three hours.等三小时是不合理的10.A meaning that is conveyed, as in speech or writing; signification:含义:要传达的意思,如在演说或文学作品中;含义:The sense of the novel is the inevitability of human tragedy.小说的含义是人类悲剧的不可避免性11.One of the meanings of a word or phrase:意思:单词或短语的一个意思:The word set has many senses. See Synonyms at meaning 单词set 有很多意思 参见 meaning12.Judgment; consensus:宣告;一致意见:sounding out the sense of the electorate on capital punishment.陪审团宣告判决为死刑13.Intellectual interpretation, as of the significance of an event or the conclusions reached by a group:公众意见:由一群众作出的对事件的重要性或结论的理智解释:I came away from the meeting with the sense that we had resolved all outstanding issues.会议的结果是我们解决了所有悬而未决的问题习惯用语in a sense 在某一方面;就某种意义来说make sense 有 意义;意思清楚;有道理make sense of 理解;懂;明白no sense in 没道理
2023-01-01 12:45:272


[00:03.56]Welcome to a demonstration欢迎体验[00:05.06]of 3-dimensional sound.三维立体声[00:07.14]In order to achieve为了达到[00:08.34]the most convincing effect,最佳效果[00:10.15]we advise you我们建议您[00:10.97]to close your eyes.闭上双眼[00:12.70]The sound you are about to hear您将听到的音响[00:14.39]has been recorded[00:15.25]using binaural technique.采用双声道立体声技术录制[00:17.46]Binaural technique differs双声道立体声技术有别于[00:19.05]from mono,stereo,单声道立体声[00:20.47]and surround sound recordings以及环绕音响[00:22.18]in that you can determine在这种音响中,您可以判断[00:23.32]the exact distance声音的确切距离[00:24.63]and direction of a given sound.以及声源方向[00:27.32]For instance,举例说明,[00:28.25]if I walk around you,如果我围着你转圈[00:29.96]you will be able to你就可以[00:31.60]locate my voice[00:32.50]while I am talking to you.在我向你说话时辨别我的位置[00:34.58]And if I drop my keys如果我丢下我的钥匙[00:37.17]and pick them up,然后将它们捡起来[00:40.68]you can determine你就能判断[00:41.82]whether my voice我的声音是否[00:42.98]is coming from below,从低处传来[00:43.98]or from a source或是从[00:45.38]that is right next to you.您身边传来[00:48.05]By use of virtual sound sources,通过虚拟音响资源[00:49.90]a variety of effects各种各样的音效[00:51.36]can be applied可供选择[00:52.94]enhancing your experience[00:54.16]of being in a different place.带给您更真实的身临其境的体验[00:57.63]In addition to the effects conveyed除了[00:59.64]by the separate sound sources多源独立音源的效果外[01:01.37]all kinds of atmospheres各种气氛[01:02.82]can be created,都可以被创造出来[01:04.08]wrapping you up 把你包围在[01:05.15]in a virtual environment.一个虚拟的环境中[01:09.13]"It can be noisy."这或许嘈杂[01:11.62]"Ok this is about an hour?"嗯,大概一小时?[01:18.57]Or meditative.或冥想[01:23.10]It can be almost anything它几乎可以达到[01:24.30]you wanted to be.您可以想象到的任何体验[01:25.65]Even a kiss. 甚至接吻[01:28.40]You now have a brief sample of现在您简单的了解了[01:29.68]how the 3-D synthesis can be三维合成是怎样[01:31.83]used in a musical context.运用于音乐功能中的[01:36.44]The special and movable sound scene这种特别,可移动的声音场景[01:38.51]gives you a pleasant, relaxing,带给您舒适愉快[01:40.15]almost meditative experience.甚至愈疗的体验[01:43.29]Close your eyes.闭上眼睛[01:44.66]Lean back in a comfortable chair靠在舒服的椅背上[01:46.38]and set your imagination free. 放飞您的想象力吧
2023-01-01 12:45:384


Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed(定语从句,先行词是means)-----and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe.这是一个有and连接的并列句。第一个句子中含有一个定语从句,第二个句子是一个简单句,现在完成时倒装。
2023-01-01 12:45:562

威尔金斯 Without grammar, little can be conveyed; Without vocabulary这句话他在哪本书中写过?

Notional Syllabus
2023-01-01 12:46:071


既然是过去分词词组作后置定语,就不要加which/that be 过去分词词组作后置定语,语法功效相当于一个定语从句 the idea conveyed in the picture=the idea that/which is conveyed in the picture 100%对!
2023-01-01 12:46:151


honesty an essential principle of living是病句吧
2023-01-01 12:46:254


防护服装As homeothermic有机体,人使用新陈代谢维护一合理地恒定的核心体温的processes (Tc) 37±1◦C,与高效率的体温调节在35–40◦C.在的典型的发热Tc的occurring resting成人从70范围到110 W.66, 89这价值is显著在物理发挥时增加了当70–100%代谢能被表达对环境以热的形式。 成人引起280–350and >1000热W在走和最大的施加时,是非常频繁工作量的respectively, 66,89in职业性和军事设置globally.11, 140更加进一步,metabolic宇航员的发热在EVAs期间的通常is在600 W,并且可能,在特殊情况下,上升1000 W.14, 23,64,89这些过热装载更加进一步由显示了的防护服装的aggravatedreduce重大运动的效率和的增量特定activity.85的, 90,119 metabolic率在情况where这热负荷不可能是dissipated—mainly,因为of高绝缘材料价值和低蒸气渗透性protective clothing—uncompensable热应力将发生within 60–90 min10,26,67,68,100或less.12, 25,80,114,118,虽然high干球温度计温度也许进一步加重this现象,热病症可能发生甚而适度地hot环境,单独地由于内在factors66,80防护clothing.52的and低渗透性,除非thermoregulatory系统适应这样温度极端through生理并且/或者行为的响应,heat冲程是不可避免的。 之间热能交换the环境和人体通过辐射发生,conduction、对流和蒸发
2023-01-01 12:46:421


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2023-01-01 12:47:002


1、从细节、小事中看出大问题get the big picture from small details2、简单从事、免于复杂be simplified without complicated procedures3、touch others by kindness..情字翻得不好,请见谅。4、真正的意义难以用言语表达the true meaning can not be expressed/conveyed by words.5、通过意想不到的行动获取胜利triumph from an unexpected move.
2023-01-01 12:47:113

帮我翻译一篇文章啊 重谢!

Network game An accidental opportunity, I learned to play one kind ofnetwork game, its name was: Runs card Ding Che. From just starts"primarily to cross the threshold" to the present "L3 Driver"s license " (in gamerank), this process has filled the interest. Plays this kind ofathletics -like game, whenever won could have the achievement feelingvery much, but lost has been able to let the person be angry verymuch, why was this also the majority plays can so attract person"sreason. In the real life, very many young people can in a stew for the game,even arrived one day not to play the game all not to be able to makethe situation on any matter. Therefore the society appealed: Resistingnetwork poison! In my opinion, otherwise, the network game is actuallyadvantageous to develops person"s intelligence, the exercise thoughtsensitivity, for is just and the evil better definition, but also canimperceptibly raise person"s sense of responsibility. For example: Thechess sign class game, the vigor dance group, runs card Ding Che andthe perfect world and so on. So long as can contact the network game under the correct guidance, italso is a person lives essential filling a prescription.
2023-01-01 12:47:252

use "while"to introduce information that contrast

2023-01-01 12:47:352


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2023-01-01 12:48:002


1. Schools emphasize this idea : parents and their children to participate in school activities worthwhile. 2. The soldiers received rigorous training, and to complete this new mandate to be fully prepared. 3. In decorative room, you must make matching carpet and curtains. 4. This young man entered the office of Dr. hands carry around, that he admired it on the long-girls desks. 5. In view of the Queen Mary, I can lend you the car to solve your transport problems. 6. Post-war political cartoon named Uncle Sam has developed a mission soon, Uncle Sam has become a symbol of welcome by the Americans. 7. Although these students after graduation road will be very difficult, but their future is bright. 8. How can you say this to her? She is the largest to you, help you complete their studies. 9. Since early summer, the company launched Haier AC marketing advertising War. 10. Life is full of joy and pain.
2023-01-01 12:48:101


为您解答三观指世界观,人生关观和价值观。世界观是world outlook人生观,outlook of life,或views on life价值观 values三观可以简称为values也可以是three fundamental views官方有翻译的,to guide people in fostering a common ideal for socialism with Chinese characteristics, correct world outlook, views on life and values.
2023-01-01 12:48:212

出处“Without grammar, very little can be conveyed;without vocabula

英国语言家David Wilkins, 书名Linguistics in Language Teaching. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.,1972年 第111页
2023-01-01 12:48:351


2023-01-01 12:48:412

hakuna mtata 的英文歌词

Hakuna Matata!What a wonderful phraseHakuna Matata!Ain"t no passing crazeIt means no worriesFor the rest of your daysIt"s our problem-free philosophyHakuna Matata!When he was a young warthogWhen I was a young warthogHe found his aroma lacked a certain appealHe could clear the Savannah after every mealI"m a sensitive soul though I seem thick-skinnedAnd it hurt that my friends never stood downwindAnd, oh, the shame"Thoughta changin" my nameAnd I got downheartedEv"rytime that I...It means no worriesFor the rest of your daysIt"s our problem-free philosophyHakuna Matata!It means no worriesFor the rest of your daysIt"s our problem-free philosophyHakuna Matata!
2023-01-01 12:48:504


哎 好多啊 告诉你一个方法,以后可以自己查了,正确率的话,不好说哦,但也有百分之90多啦, 就是打开google搜索引擎页面,下面有翻译的导航字样,点它就行了。呵呵呵
2023-01-01 12:49:042

既然“convey”是及物动词,为什么还存在“convey to”这种用法呢?

be conveyed to do
2023-01-01 12:49:123

谁帮我翻译下 汉英互译
2023-01-01 12:49:374


It can be seen from the forum that:a student is seeking for an article titled " the importance of having a foreign language". Obviously it is a home work disposed for practice to him.considering whatever could be retrived from the powerful internet, the boy transfer his homework to a qiuz,and sent it to the webset in which any question can be sovled. The meaning subtly conveyed by the phenomenon is pregnent,and also sarcastic. As the Information Technology fast develops, internet changs our life. It is not only a imperative instrument used to work and study, but a daily life basic tool.The function of a computer connected to internet is so superior than ever before,that it could facilitate you achieve almost everything. Meanwhile, it bring us a great of convenient ,it also brings lot of nagetive side. As people become more and more dependent on the computer, then become lazy, and reluctant to movement, and the intellegence diminished. Further more it establish a invisible barrier which beteewn direct communication, and occasions to some psychology disease.Above all, I would like to give several following suggestion to you,boy.Firstly you should enhance your confidence. Aillce.Robert ever sayed:"Every one has the potential capability which could arrive at the miracle". Writing a english is a easy job , so is learning English too. The difficulty is just coused by your lost confidence. The way we repel this tough is more practice.
2023-01-01 12:49:521


然而,更大的leptin浓度 目前的核心受众arcuatehypothalamic比其他地点. satiety餐规模控制信号是不言自明的,无论是在个人消费的粮食数量餐,用餐次数,或两者兼而有之,如果要规范homeo能源是能够实现的. 主要因素是规模爆发satiety饭,引起了国家生物neurohumoral期间产生刺激食物摄取,导致膳食终止. 说明如何决定终止膳食一旦开始控制的能源管理homeo我们proposethathypothalamicpathwaysinvolvedinenergyhomeostasis同一个截然不同的途径参与响应satietysignals65,87. 同时间吃饭开始,可以受到很多内外的变数(如情绪因素、时间、供应、高蛋白的食物,并威胁环境)、膳食Terminationtendstobeamorebiologicallycontrolledprocess88.several结果显示,控制餐人数组成的喂养反应引起的变化,身体的燃料储存或adiposity讯号. 针对中央管理的hyperphagicNPY例如,主要是由消费meals89较大. 反过来说,leptin治疗动物食用相同数量的汽车膳食治疗控制,但smaller90饭菜. 这些观测表明,涉及能源homeo信号可控制饮食主要是调节个人用餐人数. 单程这是可以调整的大脑信号反应satiety地区thisinformation过程. 相反的,它的主要角色adiposity信号反应,可能不是甲状腺工地进程 satiety信号. 而信息satiety期间的膳食主要向后脑通过传入神经纤维的走神经及脊髓afferents走入从上游的南tract91
2023-01-01 12:50:012


  大家庭,原意指人口众多的家庭,常用来比喻有共同目的﹑团结和睦的集体。那么,你知道大家庭的的英文是什么吗?现在跟我一起学习关于大家庭的英语知识吧。   大家庭的英文释义   kinship family   extended family   大家庭的英文例句   大家庭需要大的房子。   A large family needs a large house.   我要供养一个大家庭。   I have a big family to provide for.   他被一个大家庭所拖累。   He is encumbered with a large family.   大家庭有大家庭的难处.   A large family has its difficulties.   我们决不是来战胜你们,而是欢迎你们回归银河大家庭。   We come not to prevail over you but to welcome our family back.   你来自一个大家庭吗?   Do you come from a big family?   现在大家庭是非典型性的。   These days large families are atypical.   他有一个大家庭要抚养。   He has a large family to feed.   梅格出生在一个大家庭。   Meg was born into a large family.   他们的大家庭去年解体了。   Their big family dissolved last year.   据他的谈话,我推断他有个大家庭。   From his conversation,I deduced that he had a large family.   我的祖父母和我们住,因此我们有个大家庭。   My grandparents live with us, so we are an extended family.   大家庭的英语 句子 带翻译   在这个大家庭里,一旦有人遇到什么麻烦,它就会挺身而出,只要家里有人需要它,它都会走近他,去陪伴他。   And when someone in his family was in trouble, he went to that person and stayed with him or her for as long as he was needed.   欢迎你加入神的大家庭!   Welcome to the family of God!   咖啡因和酒精也是糖类大家庭的一部分,因为它们也会使你的血糖水平上升。   Caffeine and alcohol are also part of the sugar family as they too will raise yourglucose level.   非洲人本可以建立了这样的机制。在西方,基本经济和社会单位是属于个体的;而在非洲,这是属于大家庭或者是集体的。   Africans could have built upon this system. In the West, the basic economic andsocial unit is the individual; in Africa, it is the extended family or the collective.   在那一天,不管我们来自何处、不管我们向哪一位神灵祈祷,也无论我们的种族如何,我们都团结在一起,整个美国就像一个大家庭。   On that day, no matter where we came from, what God we prayed to, or what race or ethnicity we were, we were united as one American family.   接下来的惊讶便是我们成为这个大家庭的一员如此之快。   Our next surprise was how quickly we felt part of the family.   我有一个快乐的大家庭。   I have a big and happy family.   我们这里就像一个大家庭,如果你有什么事尽管开口。   We"re like a big family here. If you need anything just ask.   必须谋求和平,其首要原因,是因为和平是人类大家庭每个成员都过上尊严和安全生活的条件。   Peace must be sought, above all, because it is the condition for every member of the human family to live a life of dignity and security.   在灾难面前,我们永远都是一个整体,一个大家庭。   We shall always unite as one big family in face of disasters.   我们是美国大家庭的组成部分。   We are part of the American family.   你看,我自己就是从大家庭里过来的,我有两个姐妹两个兄弟。   Matt: Well, I come from a big family – I have two sisters and two brothers.   在这个大家庭中,所有人都必须顺从男主人的意思。   Every member of this family must bend to the wishes of the master.   在西方,基本经济和社会单位是属于个体的;而在非洲,这是属于大家庭或者是集体的。   In the West, the basic economic and social unit is the individual; in Africa, it is theextended family or the collective.   我已再次与她家人见面,向他们表示了耶鲁这个大家庭的深切支持。   I have met again with her family and conveyed to them the deeply felt support ofthe Yale community.   我们是美国大家庭的一份子。   We are part of the American family.   所有病例均是一个大家庭的成员:兄弟姐妹及他们的子女。   All cases are members of an extended family: sisters and brothers and theirchildren. 猜你喜欢: 1. 饮料用英语怎么说 2. 运营商用英语怎么说 3. 举手用英语怎么说 4. 7月3日的英文翻译 5. 关于家庭的英文句子 6. 关于家庭的优美英文句子
2023-01-01 12:50:101


忍受 to bear; to endure; to tolerate; to stand; to put up with ---------具体语言环境中的翻译\1. Now, we won"t submit to impertinence from these pimply, tipsy virgins. 现在我们决不能忍受这群长着脓包、喝醉了的小兔崽子们的无礼举动。 2. I could not put up with his indecency. 我无法忍受他的厚颜无耻。 3. He swallowed the insult without comment. 他无言地忍受着侮辱。 4. His cruelty got past endurance, so she left him 他的残忍使人无法忍受,所以她离开了他。 5. There comes a time that people get tired. 人们终有一天不能再忍受了。 6. There comes a time when people get tired of being pushed out of the glimmering sunlight of last July and left standing amid the piercing chill of an Alpine November. 终有一天,人们再也不能忍受被赶离七月的晨曦,遗弃在高山上11月的刺骨寒风之中。 7. We are also learning that truthful information, humanely conveyed, helps patients cope with illness: helps them tolerate pain better, need less medicine, and even recover faster after surgery. 我们还得知:富有人情味儿地传达给病人的真实消息会有助于病人妥善处理疾病----帮助他们更好地忍受病痛,更少地服用药物,甚至手术后更快地康复。 8. We are here this evening to say to those who have mistreated us so long that we are tired of being segregated and humiliated;tired of being kicked about by the brutal feet of oppression. 我们今晚聚集在这里,是要向长久以来不公平地对待我们的人说:我们不能再忍受了--不能忍受受到隔离和屈辱,不能忍受被压迫者残暴的脚踢来踢去。
2023-01-01 12:50:166


世界上最大的发达国家领导人上个星期来到太平洋彼岸的最大的发展中国家,没有人可以无视这个事件及其意义的存在。 通过美国总统奥巴马首次访问中国,对于中美关系德意义和影响远远不限于在这两个国家。 奥巴马对中国来说既是重要的合作伙伴和友好的竞争对手。他还强调,美中国关系将塑造21世纪。 “我们欢迎作为国际社会的强大,繁荣和成功的成员中国,”他说。 涉及中国和美国几乎在世界每一个角落所发生的事情,而不仅仅是两国之间。中美通信已扩大到各个领域,包括政治,经济,军事,文化和环境保护。此外,两国要共同面对气候变化对经济的影响使其复苏,而不是自己的正义问题的各种全球性挑战。而两国也不能单独解决它们。 “中国愿与美方共同努力,以更好地造福于两国和世界的。”由中国国家主席胡锦涛转达的这些言论不仅是中国的,也是世界的期待、
2023-01-01 12:50:383

Eye contact 为题的英语作文

Eyes can speak-眼睛会说话 Much meaning can be conveyed, clearly, with our eyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak.Do you have such kind of experience? In a bus you may look at stranger, but not too long. And if he is sensing that he is being stared at, he may feel uncomfortable.The same in daily life. If you are looked at for more than necessary, you will look at yourself up and down, to see if there is anything wrong with you. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel angry toward other"s stare with you that way. Eyes do speak, right?Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and aggressive. But things are different when it comes to stare at the opposite sex. If a man glances at a woman for more than 10 seconds and refuses to avert his gaze, his intentions are obvious, that is, he wishes to attract her attention, to make her understand that he is admiring her.However, the normal eye contact for two people engaged in conversation is that the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time, in order to make sure that the listener does pay attention to what the former is speaking, to tell him that he is attentive.If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking, as if he tries to dominate you, you will feel disconcerted. A poor liar usually exposes himself by looking too long at the victim, since he believes in the false idea that to look straight in the eye is a sign of honest communication. Quite the contrary.In fact, continuous eye contact is confined to lovers only, who will enjoy looking at each other tenderly for a long time, to show affection that words cannot express.Evidently, eye contact should be done according to the relationship between two people and the specific situation.
2023-01-01 12:50:491

英国语言学家 D.A.Wilkins 的一句话出自哪本书或哪一年?

"Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed."出自: D.A. Wilkins, "Linguistics in Language Teaching." 下面是引用: citation ,页码不是很重要,只要MLA 的各是正确就行了:Wilkins, D. A. 1972. Linguistics in Language Teaching. The MIT Press. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts.
2023-01-01 12:50:551


您好,第8题:Although _____ (original) it was known as "hillbilly music", it has gained wide international acceptance since it became part of popular music.主句:it has gained ..... popular music.从句:although .... "hillbilly music"空格在从句,这个从句是由 although 引导的(让步状语从句),从句中的主干是 it was known as "hillbilly music" 也就是主谓都有,be known as 是固定用法,表示句子不缺主语,也不缺谓语,但可能缺少状语和定语。定语通常在名词的前后,但这里的 it 是指示代词,不需要修饰词,所以缺少的是状语。状语是副词性,所以 original 就变成了 originally。句子的成分就是 Originally it was known as "hillbilly music". 【最初它被称为“Hillbilly Music”。】这个是去掉 although 好的完整句子。originally 作为状语修饰整个句子。originally 也可以调到 known 之前,修饰 known,It was originally known as "hillbilly music". 但此时的 originally 仅仅是状语修饰谓语动词 known,汉语翻译为【它最初被称为“Hillybilly Music”。】第9题:After the necessities _____ (transport) to them, they conveyed their thanks to us.主句 = they conveyed their thanks to us.从句 = after the necessities _____ (transport) to them.空格在从句,这个从句是由 after 引导的(时间状语从句),而从句中的主干结构是 the necessities _____ (transport) to them。主语为 the necessities,也就是 the necessity 的复数形式了,necessity 是名词,有主语但没有谓语。有主语而没有谓语,但有非谓语动词构成状语,形成独立主格结构,但这里很明显不是独立主格结构,因为 after 这个从属连词已经引导了时间状语从句了,所以这个从句中缺少了谓语动词,transport 在英式英语是(名词)也是(动词),而在美式英语是(动词),名词是 transportation。因为主句用了(一般过去时),after 引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词发生在主句的谓语动词之前,所以需要用到(过去式),答案可以是 transported,也可以是 had transported。但因为从属连词 after 已经明确标明动作是前后发生,此时不需要用到(过去完成时)标明动作的前后,after 已经做到了,所以使用 transported 即可。希望这样的分析可以帮到您。
2023-01-01 12:51:011