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以崇尚科学为荣 以愚昧无知为耻 用英语怎么说

2023-06-11 10:35:57


Uphold science; don"t be ignore and unenlightened.


Chinese President Hu Jintao recently called on the whole nation to adopt the "socialist concept of honour and disgrace(社会主义荣辱观)", also known as "Eight Dos and Dont"s", or "eight honours, eight disgrace".



Love; don"t harm the motherland;


Serve; don"t disserve the people;


Uphold science; don"t be ignore and unenlightened.


Work hard; don"t be lazy and hate work;


Be united and help each other; don"t gain benefits an the expense of others;


Be honest and trustworthy; don"t chase profit at the expense of your values;


Be disciplined and law-abiding; don"t break laws and violet disciplines.


Know plain living and hard struggle; don"t wallow in luxuries and pleasures


honor with upholding science and disgrace because of (blindneess and ) unwisdom


be proud of advocating science and be ashamed of blindness



disgrace[英][du026asu02c8greu026as][美][du026asu02c8ɡres]n.丢脸; 耻辱; 不光彩; 丢脸的人(或事); vt.使丢脸; 使失宠; 使受耻辱; 贬黜;
2023-06-11 09:49:551


2023-06-11 09:50:042


《初中英语常用同义词辨析(56)》由留学英语组我整理(。本内容整理时间为05月20日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 hole, cave, cavity, hollow, pit 这些名词均有 洞、穴 之意。 hole : 最普通用词,泛指实体上的洞、孔或坑,不涉及其大孝深浅或穿透与否。 cave : 指出洞、窑洞或溶洞,可以是天然的或人造的。 cavity比hole正式, 2011中考英语考前错题 中考即将来临,我特别为大家整理了考前易错题,希望对大家有所帮助,22套错题本各种……[详细] 中考填报 考生会犯四点“常规错误” “十六个字”玩转中考 | 中考前40天如何有效复习 三段四步法写作技巧 | 考前50天快速提高写作能力 如何准备中考阅读题 | 2011中考完形填空选项构成 hole, cave, cavity, hollow, pit 这些名词均有“洞、穴”之意。 hole : 最普通用词,泛指实体上的洞、孔或坑,不涉及其大小、深浅或穿透与否。 cave : 指出洞、窑洞或溶洞,可以是天然的或人造的。 cavity比hole正式,指实体内中或表面的空洞或空腔。 hollow : 通常指表面上的坑或凹处,也指物体内部的空洞。 pit : 指天然的大洞,尤指地上的洞,也指为采掘矿物而挖的深洞。 holiday, festival, vacation, leave 这些名词均有“假日,节日”之意。 holiday : 指按规定不工作的各种假日,时间可长可短。在英国复数形式表示较长的假期。 festival : 指公众庆祝、欢度的节日。 vacantion : 通常指时间较长的假期,如学校的寒暑假等。 leave : 主要指政府机关工作人员或军队人员获准的休假、假期。 hope, anticipate, await 这些动词均有“希望,期待”之意。 hope : 指希望得到积极、有利的结果,所期待的可能实现,也可能不会实现。 anticipate : 指对未来的期望,一般是对好事的期待。 await : 书面用词,指对将要或预料要发生的事怍于期待状态。 hot, warm, burning 这些形容词都有“热的”之意。 hot : 最普通用词,指温度很高,往往有灼热、滚烫含义。 warm : 通常指温度不太高,介于hot与cold之间,不太热也不太凉,给人以舒适感。 burning : 暗示热源是火,多用于夸张,指像火烧一样热。 hotel, inn, motel 这些名词都有“旅馆,客店”之意。 hotel : 指开设于城镇,有一定设备,可提供食宿的旅馆。 inn : 多指开设于乡间、路边,设备简陋的小旅店。 motel系motor hotel的混合缩写词,指美国开设于公路旁,专供驾驶汽车的旅客往宿和有停车场的旅店。 house, building, dwelling, shelter, habitation, home, residence 这些名词均含有“居住处”之意。 house : 中性词,泛指一切供居住的建筑物,尤指适合一家一户居住的房屋。 building : 泛指一切建筑物,不限于居住的房子。 dwelling : 正式用词,仅指人们居住的任何建筑物。 shelter : 可指长期或临时的住处,也指简陋或临时搭建的躲避风雨的场所。 habitation : 指长久或固定的住所或居住地。 home : 指永久住家时,带有家庭所特有的温暖、情感等气息。 residence : 指大而堂皇的寓所或公馆,也指法律上的居住点。 huge, enormous, immense, giant, gigantic, colossal, vast, massive, tremendous 这些形容词均有“巨大的,庞大的”之意。 huge : 含义广,强调体积或容积的庞大。也可用于引申意义。 enormous : 指体积、数量或程度远远超过一般标准。 immense : 正式用词,侧重空间的广阔,也指面积或分量的巨大。 giant : 非正式用词,多为褒义。指如巨人般的庞大体积。 gigantic : 指面积或体积的巨大,但多用于引申意义。 colossal : 侧重尺寸、规模和体积的无比巨大。 vast : 多指空间、面积、范围的巨大,不涉及重量。 massive : 指大的体积、数量和重量,侧重庞大而笨重。 tremendous : 指某物很大,大得惊人;也可用作引申意义。 humble, humiliate, degrade, disgrace 这些动词均含有“使丢脸、使受耻辱”之意。 humble常可和degrade换用,强调降级所带来的耻辱;也多指自卑和感到渺小无能的心理状态。 humiliate : 指损伤或剥夺自尊感,损坏自尊心,强调蒙受耻辱。 degrade : 指因过失而受到降级、阶格;也多指因自身的境遇而感到耻辱。 disgrace : 指降低某人在他人心目中的地位,使其丢脸。 humid, damp, moist, wet 这些形容词均有“潮湿的”之意。 humid : 正式用词,特指空气与天气的潮湿,相对湿度大。 damp : 指吸进或覆盖着一点水份,常表示潮湿得使人不舒服。 moist : 指微湿,侧重不干,但并非湿得使人不快。 wet : 普通用词,指各种潮湿的状态。 humorous, funny, comic, witty 这些形容词均有“使人高兴的,令人发笑的”之意。 humorous : 指富有幽默感、诙谐、引人发笑的。 funny : 非正式用词,通常侧重因古怪、奇特或不合适宜的举动等引起的发笑。 comic : 指像喜剧一样滑稽可笑。 witty : 强调机智而饶有风趣。 课程名称 课时 课程价格 视频解读 在线选课 暑期班初一英语目标人大附四中班 10 1670 暑期班初一英语2000词汇速记班(上) 10 1670 暑期班初中二年级英语语法精讲班 10 1670 暑期班初中二年级英语尖子班 10 1670 暑期班初中三年级英语尖子班 10 1670 咨询电话: 010-82618899 《初中英语常用同义词辨析(56)》由留学英语组我整理(
2023-06-11 09:50:111


《Disgrace》(J M Coetzee)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码: rjhx书名:Disgrace作者:J M Coetzee豆瓣评分:8.7出版社:Penguin (Non-Classics)出版年份:31 October, 2000页数:220内容简介:Disgrace--set in post--apartheid Cape Town and on a remote farm in the Eastern Cape--is deft, lean, quiet, and brutal. A heartbreaking novel about a man and his daughter, Disgrace is a portrait of the new South Africa that is ultimately about grace and love.At fifty--two Professor David Lurie is divorced, filled with desire but lacking passion. An affair with one of his students leaves him jobless and friendless, except for his daughter, Lucy, who works her smallholding with her neighbor, Petrus, an African farmer now on the way to a modest prosperity. David"s attempts to relate to Lucy, and to a society with new racial complexities, are disrupted by an afternoon of violence that changes him and his daughter in ways he could never have foreseen. In this wry, visceral, yet strangely tender novel, Coetzee once again tells "truths [that] cut to the bone" (The New York Time Book Review).A finalist for The National Book Critics Circle AwardsCoetzee is the only writer to have been awarded the Booker Prize twice作者简介:库切(J. M. Coetzee, 1940―):南非当代著名小说家,自1974年起,先后出版了《幽暗之乡》(Dusklands, 1974)、《国之中心》(In the Heart of the Country: A Novel, 1977)、《等待野蛮人》(Waiting for the Barbarians, 1980)、《迈克尔u30fbK.的生平与时代》(Life and Times of Michael K., 1983;获1983年布克奖)、《敌人》(Foe, 1986)、《铁的时代》(Age of Iron, 1990),以及《彼得堡的主人》(The Master of Petersburg, 1994)等多部小说,被评论界认为是当代南非最重要的作家之一。
2023-06-11 09:50:181


It is better to die when life is disgrace
2023-06-11 09:50:578


WeWillRockYou  ByQueen  Buddyyou"reaboymakeabignoise伙计,你只是个会大声嚷嚷的孩子  Playinginthestreet,gonnabeabigmansomeday在街道里玩耍,总有一天会成为一个大人物  You"vegotmudonyourface.你搞得灰头土脸  Yourbigdisgrace丢人现眼  Kickingyourcanallovertheplace.把铁罐到处踢来踢去  Singing唱吧(主唱)  Wewillwewillrockyou.我们将震撼你(合唱)  Wewillwewillrockyou我们将震撼你(合唱)  Buddyyou"reayoungmanhardman老兄,你是个年轻人,一条硬汉  Shoutinginthestreet,gonnatakeontheworldsomeday在街头大喊,总有一天要接管这个世界  You"vegotbloodonyourface.你脸上流着鲜血  Yourbigdisgrace颜面尽失  Wavingyourbannerallovertheplace到处挥舞着旗帜  Wewillwewillrockyou我们将震撼你(合唱)  Singing唱吧(主唱)  Wewillwewillrockyou我们将震撼你(合唱)  Buddyyou"reanoldmanpoorman兄弟,你老了,穷人一个  Pleadingwithyoureyes,gonnamakeyousomepeacesomeday眼里充满了祈求,希望有一天能得到平静  You"vegotmudonyourface.你搞得灰头土脸  Yourbigdisgrace狼狈至极  Somebodybetterputyoubackintoyourplace最好有人能把你赶回去  Wewillwewillrockyou我们将震撼你(合唱)  Singing唱吧(主唱)  Wewillwewillrockyou我们将震撼你(合唱)  Everybody每个人(主唱)  Wewillwewillrockyou我们将震撼你(合唱)  Wewillwewillrockyou我们将震撼你(合唱)  Alright好极了(主唱)
2023-06-11 09:51:121

we will rock you歌词 它是谁唱的

1、《We Will Rock You》歌词:Buddy, youre a boy make a big noise。Playing in the streets gonna be a big man someday。You got mud on your face,You big disgrace。Kicking your can all over the place。Singing,We will, we will rock you。We will,we will rock youBuddy。youre a young man, hard man。Shouting in the street gonna take on the world someday。You got blood on your face。You big disgrace。Waving your banner all over the place。We will, we will rock youSinging it now,We will, we will rock you。Buddy youre an old man, poor man。Pleading with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day。You got mud on your face,big disgrace。Somebody better put you back into your place。We will, we will rock you。Sing it,We will, we will rock you。Everybody,We will, we will rock you,We will, we will rock you,Alright. 2、《We Will Rock You》是Queen(皇后乐队)演唱的歌曲,歌曲词曲由乐队吉他手布赖恩·梅制作,于1977年发行,收录于乐队专辑《News of the World》中。《We Will Rock You》被大量的体育甚至政治场合借用。歌曲于2004年被《滚石》杂志评为历史上最伟大的500首歌曲第330名。
2023-06-11 09:51:181

“We will rock you”是什么意思??

2023-06-11 09:51:263

有谁知道后街男孩版的we will rock you 的歌词? 求!!

LZ烧饼吧 后街没唱过。。 123L都是烧饼
2023-06-11 09:51:496


社会主义荣辱观的 Socialist concept of honor and Disgrace 注:disgrace 英 [du026asu02c8greu026as] 美 [du026asu02c8ɡres] .n. 耻辱; 丢脸; 不光彩; 丢脸的人(或事); vt. 使丢脸; 使失宠; 使受耻辱; 贬黜; [例句]His vice president also had to resign in disgrace.他的副总统也被迫不光彩地辞去职务。
2023-06-11 09:52:031


2023-06-11 09:52:113


honour or disgrace
2023-06-11 09:52:194


道德经英文:Dao De Jing: The Classic of the Virtue of the Tao (by the ancient philosopher Lao Zi)。《道德经(英文版)》是2008年外文出版社出版的图书,作者是(春秋)老子。《道德经》为全英文版,简要介绍了老子和《道德经》的有关知识,力求做到行文通俗易懂,希望能帮助大家更好地理解《道德经》中的智慧真谛,让“道”真正地融入我们的日常生活之中,从我们身边的细微末节就能够体会到老子的思想。道德经英文版摘抄:One is alarmed when in receipt of favor or disgrace,One has great trouble because of one"s body tha the has.What is meant by being alarmed by favor or disgrace?Favor is regarded as superior, and disgrace as inferior.One is alarmed when one receives them.And equally alarmed when one loses them.This is wha tis meant by being alarmed by favor or disgrace.What is meant by having great trouble because of the body?The reason why I have great trouble is that I have a body.If I had no body,What trouble could I have?Hence he who values the world similarly as heval-Des his body.Can been trusted with the world.
2023-06-11 09:52:371

有谁有有We Will Rock You 摇滚万岁的完整歌词 就是 包括前面的说唱部分的

We Will Rock You Buddy you"re a boy make a big noisePlayin" in the street gonna be a big man some dayYou got mud on yo" faceYou big disgraceKickin" your can all over the placeSingin""We will we will rock youWe will we will rock you"Buddy you"re a young man hard manShoutin" in the street gonna take on the world some dayYou got blood on yo" faceYou big disgraceWavin" your banner all over the place"We will we will rock you"Singin""We will we will rock you"Buddy you"re an old man poor manPleadin" with your eyes gonna make you some peace some dayYou got mud on your faceYou big disgraceSomebody better put you back into your place"We will we will rock you"Singin""We will we will rock you"Everybody"We will we will rock you""We will we will rock you"Alright
2023-06-11 09:53:053


朋友,你是一个男孩做一个大的噪音玩的街上有一天将会是一个重要的人你有"face泥在哟你这个大耻辱Kickin "你可以到处乱放唱啊”我们将我们将你摇滚我们将我们将你摇滚朋友,你是一名年轻男子严厉的人“在街上Shoutin总有一天会重新回到这个世界你有"face血哟你这个大耻辱“你的大旗Wavin满天飞我们将我们将你摇滚我们将我们将你摇滚朋友,你是一位老人穷人用你的眼睛Pleadin”会让你一些平静一些日子你有泥浆对你的脸你这个大digrace有人想把你回到你的地方我们将我们将你摇滚我们将我们将你摇滚 (可以吗)
2023-06-11 09:53:123

we will rock you的中文歌词是什么?

We Will Rock You   我们将震撼你   Buddy, you"re a boy   老兄,你是个小孩   Make a big noise playing in the street 《We Will Rock You》[1]  大声嚷嚷的在街头   Gonna be a big man someday   如果有一天能成为大人   You got mud on your face   你脸上沾着泥土   You big disgrace   你太丢脸了   Kicking your can all over the place   把铁罐踢来踢去   Singing We will, we will rock you   唱吧,我们将要震撼你   we will, we will rock you   我们将要震撼你   Buddy, you"re a young man   老兄,你是个年轻人   Hard man shouting in the street   是一条硬汉,在街头叫嚣   Gonna take on the world someday   总有一天要接管这个世界   You got blood on your face   你脸上流着鲜血   You big disgrace   颜面尽失   Waving your banner all over the place   到处挥舞著旗帜   We will, we will rock you   我们将要震撼你   Singing we will, we will rock you   唱吧,我们将要震撼你   Buddy, you"re an old man   老兄,你老了   Poor man pleading with your eyes   穷光蛋一个,眼里祈求著宽恕   Gonna make you some peace someday   总有一天可以使你得到平静   You got mud on your face   你搞得灰头土脸   Big disgrace   狼狈至极   Somebody better put you back into your place   最好有人能把你带回从前   We will, we will rock you   我们将要震撼你   Singing we will, we will rock you   唱吧,我们将要震撼你   Everybody We will, we will rock you   每一个人,我们将要震撼你   We will, we will rock you   我们将要震撼你
2023-06-11 09:53:191

queen的we will rock u歌词

buddy you"re a boy make a big noise playin" in the street gonna be a big man some day your got blood on your face, your big disgrace kicking your can all over the place we will, we will rock you (ha ha) we will, we will rock you keep the beat up, why i"m gonna turn your head up gonna get you on the floor gonna burn your feet up rockin" you like i never rocked you before like the way i do got you screamin" for more we will, we will rock you (we gonna rock you baby) we will, we will rock you (we gonna rock you baby) we will, we will rock you (we gonna rock you baby) go, go, go, go ,go, go, go, go buddy, you"re an old man, poor man pleading with your eyes gonna make (you) something some day you got mud on your face, big disgrace somebody better put you back in your place we will, we will rock you we will, we will rock you we will, we will rock you
2023-06-11 09:53:262

We will rock you 的歌词是什么啊

歌手:Five & Queen 专辑:We will rock you Buddy you"re a boy make a big noisePlayin" in the street gonna be a big man some dayYou got mud on yo" faceYou big disgraceKickin" your can all over the placeSingin""We will we will rock youWe will we will rock you"Buddy you"re a young man hard manShoutin" in the street gonna take on the world some dayYou got blood on yo" faceYou big disgraceWavin" your banner all over the place"We will we will rock you"Singin""We will we will rock you"Buddy you"re an old man poor manPleadin" with your eyes gonna make you some peace some dayYou got mud on your faceYou big disgraceSomebody better put you back into your place"We will we will rock you"Singin""We will we will rock you"Everybody"We will we will rock you""We will we will rock you"Alright
2023-06-11 09:53:345

we will rock you 谁唱最好听,怎么唱?

2023-06-11 09:53:483

NBA中球队进攻得时候那个“嘣 蹦 蹦 蹦”的很有节奏感得音乐是什么?

we wil rock you!
2023-06-11 09:53:563


2023-06-11 09:54:178

那个we will we will rock you那首歌叫什么名字?

we will rock youBuddy you"re a boy make a big noise Playin" in the street gonna be a big man some day You got mud on yo" face You big disgrace Kickin" your can all over the place Singin" "We will we will rock you We will we will rock you" Buddy you"re a young man hard man Shoutin" in the street gonna take on the world some day You got blood on yo" face You big disgrace Wavin" your banner all over the place "We will we will rock you" Singin" "We will we will rock you" Buddy you"re an old man poor man Pleadin" with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day You got mud on your face You big disgrace Somebody better put you back into your place "We will we will rock you" Singin" "We will we will rock you" Everybody "We will we will rock you" "We will we will rock you" Alright
2023-06-11 09:54:364


2023-06-11 09:55:1014


I haven"t a bank note, which doesn"t means I"m poor.
2023-06-11 09:55:375

开头很有节奏,前头是一阵说唱,高潮是vivo,vivo,rock you

2023-06-11 09:55:524

有首歌找了很长时间了 只知道 音调 喂哇 喂哇 哇扣 谁给我说下嘛 谢谢!

92 avril lavigne-complicated(艾薇儿 大家对她不会陌生吧起初看她的长相 以为是个柔情的小女生 没想到她的声音竟然如此的豪放喜欢外文歌曲朋友们去下她的歌听听吧)93 郑伊健-甘心替代你(看过蛊惑仔的朋友一定都记得这首歌阿细被乌鸦打死时的背景歌曲 当时我差点就流泪了 真的很感动强烈建议大家要听啊)94 陈弈迅-掏空(她掏空我的心 她操控我的情 很好听的说我很喜欢听他的歌众人都说除了歌神"学友"第二把交椅就非他莫属了)95 陆毅-非同寻常(这和就有些太俗了 估计没有人没听过大家的观点都该一致吧 好听)96 杜德伟-跟着我一辈子(很适合唱个情人听的歌 用来表白也不错而且很容易上口 也很好听)
2023-06-11 09:56:002


Buddy you"re a young man hard man 伙计,你是一个年轻又坚定的人 Shoutin in the street gonna take on the world some day 叫喊着你将在某一天征服这世界 You got blood on you face 脸上沾满了血 You big disgrace 背负着坏名声 Wavin" your banner all over the place 到处挥舞着你的旗帜 We will we will rock you 我们将击败你 Singin" We will we will rock you 唱着我们将击败你 Buddy you"re an old man poor man 伙计,你是个老人,一个可怜的人 Pleadin" with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day 用你的眼神祈求过上平静的日子 You got mud on your face 你脸上沾满了泥土 You big disgrace 背负着坏名声 Somebody better put you back into your place 比你好的人将代替你的位置 We will we will rock you 我们要击垮你 Singin" We will we will rock you 唱着我们要击垮你 Everybody 所有人 We will we will rock you 我们要击垮你 We will we will rock you 我们要击垮你 Alright 好!
2023-06-11 09:56:084

有人知道《we will rock you》的中文歌词吗

巴迪,你是个男孩,吵吵闹闹在街头玩耍 有一天你将长大成人 你脸上糊着泥巴 样子一点也不雅 踢着铁罐四处跑 唱着 我们来摇滚 唱着 我们来摇滚 巴迪,你是个青年,一条硬汉 在街上叫嚷着有一天要征服世界 你脸上淌着血 摇着旗子四处跑 我们来摇滚 唱着 我们来摇滚 巴迪,你是个老头,穷苦的人 眼神在祈祷,有一天你能得到安宁 你脸上糊着泥巴 样子一点也不雅 最好能有人让你闭上嘴巴 我们来摇滚 唱着 我们来摇滚 大家一起 我们来摇滚 我们来摇滚 回答者: 哈库 - 魔导师 十一级 9-25 15:13Buddy you"re a young man hard man 伙计,你是一个年轻又坚定的人 Shoutin in the street gonna take on the world some day 叫喊着你将在某一天征服这世界 You got blood on you face 脸上沾满了血 You big disgrace 背负着坏名声 Wavin" your banner all over the place 到处挥舞着你的旗帜 We will we will rock you 我们将击败你 Singin" We will we will rock you 唱着我们将击败你 Buddy you"re an old man poor man 伙计,你是个老人,一个可怜的人 Pleadin" with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day 用你的眼神祈求过上平静的日子 You got mud on your face 你脸上沾满了泥土 You big disgrace 背负着坏名声 Somebody better put you back into your place 比你好的人将代替你的位置 We will we will rock you 我们要击垮你 Singin" We will we will rock you 唱着我们要击垮你 Everybody 所有人 We will we will rock you 我们要击垮你 We will we will rock you 我们要击垮你 Alright 好!
2023-06-11 09:56:164


一、详细释义: , n. , 丢脸,耻辱,不光彩 , 例句: ,Poverty is not a sufficient cause of disgrace, but poverty without resolution to help oneself is a disgrace.,贫穷并不可耻,穷而不争气才可耻。, 例句: ,The dirty classrooms are a disgrace to the school.,肮脏的教室是学校的耻辱。, 丢脸的人(或事) , 例句: ,And you needn"t fuss; there is no disgrace.,你不必大惊小怪,没有什么丢脸的事。, 例句: ,Republican leaders called him a disgrace to the party.,共和党领导人称他是全党的耻辱。, v. , 使丢脸,使受辱 [T] , 例句: ,I would sooner die than disgrace myself.,我宁死不受屈辱。, 例句: ,I"m afraid poor Barbary will disgrace herself.,恐怕可怜的芭芭瑞将使自己蒙受耻辱。, 使失宠,贬黜 [T] , 例句: ,The dishonest government official was publicly disgraced.,那个不诚实的 *** 官员被公开贬斥。, 例句: ,The cowardly officer was disgraced for failing to do his duty.,这卑怯的官员因不尽职被解职。, 二、词义辨析: , disgrace,humiliate,shame,dishonour ,这些动词均含“使丢脸、使受耻辱”之意。disgrace侧重在别人,尤其在众人面前丢脸。 humiliate强调受辱者自尊心的损坏。shame指由不光彩或不道德的行为引起的惭愧感或羞耻感。dishonour有时可与disgrace换用,但前者是指因失去荣誉所致。, 三、词义辨析: , humble,humiliate,degrade,disgrace ,这些动词均含有“使丢脸、使受耻辱”之意。humble常可和degrade换用,强调降级所带来的耻辱;也多指自卑和感到渺小无能的心理状态。humiliate指损伤或剥夺自尊感,损坏自尊心,强调蒙受耻辱。degrade指因过失而受到降级、阶格;也多指因自身的境遇而感到耻辱。disgrace指降低某人在他人心目中的地位,使其丢脸。, 四、参考例句: ,He fell into disgrace with his panions.,他的朋友都看不起他。,I would sooner die than disgrace myself.,我宁死不受屈辱。,You would disgrace your own sister.,你会使你姐姐蒙羞的。,I"m afraid poor Barbary will disgrace herself.,恐怕可怜的芭芭瑞将使自己蒙受耻辱。,Can even our Ministers sustain a more humiliating disgrace?,我们的各位部长大人是否还能容忍这样的屈辱?,He quit in disgrace by accepting a bribe.,他因受贿而不光彩地辞职了。,The dirty classrooms are a disgrace to the school.,肮脏的教室是学校的耻辱。,Poverty is not a disgrace,but theft is a disgrace.,贫穷不可耻,偷窃乃足羞。,As a result he faced disgrace, prosecution , and perhaps imprisonment.,因此,他将名誉扫地,受到起诉,也许还会进监狱。,Republican leaders called him a disgrace to the party.,共和党领导人称他是全党的耻辱。
2023-06-11 09:56:581


1. 耻在文言文中的意思 基本解释: 耻 chǐ 羞愧,羞辱:羞耻。雪耻。奇耻大辱。耻笑。耻骂。 荣 笔画数:10; 部首:耳; 笔顺编号:1221112121 详细解释: 耻 耻 chǐ 【名】 (形声。从心,耳声。本义:耻辱,可耻的事情) 同本义(因声誉受损害而至的内心羞愧)〖disgrace〗 耻,辱也。——《说文》 君不使 *** 。——《谷梁传·襄公二十九年》 行己有耻。——《论语》 越王苦会稽之耻。——《吕氏春秋·顺民》 而患其志行之少耻也。——《国语·越语上》 后世且行之而不知以为耻者多矣。——宋·刘开《问说》 又如: *** (不顾(知)羞耻);羞耻(不光彩;不体面);耻心(知耻之心) 羞愧〖shame〗 坐縻廪粟而不知耻。——刘基《卖柑者言》 又如:耻愧(羞愧);耻惧(羞愧恐惧) 耻 chǐ 【动】 羞辱;侮辱〖humiliate〗 不醉反耻。——《诗·小雅·宾之初筵》 左丘明耻之,丘亦耻之。——《论语·公冶长》 又如:耻怍(犹羞辱) 耻骨 chǐgǔ 〖pubis〗围成骨盆的不规则骨头之一,居骨盆前下方,左右各一 耻骂 chǐmà 〖abuse〗耻笑漫骂 遭人耻骂 耻辱 chǐrǔ 〖shame;disgrace;humiliation〗羞辱;侮辱 永远也洗不掉的耻辱 耻笑 chǐxiào 〖sneerat;hold *** .toridicule〗轻视和讥笑 欲收兵回,又恐被蜀兵耻笑。——《三国演义》 2. 文言文《三患五耻》你通常以何为‘患",以何为‘耻" 原文】:君子有三患:未之闻,患弗得闻也;既闻之,患弗得学也;既学之,患弗能行也.君子有五耻:居其位,无其言,君子耻之;有其言,无其行,君子耻之;既得之而又失之,君子耻之;地有余而民不足,君子耻之;众寡而己倍,君子耻之.【译文】:君子担心的事有三件:自己没有听说过的知识或道理,担心不能听到;已经听说了,担心不能学到手;已经学到了,又担心不能实行.君子感到可耻的事有五件:担任一定的职位,却不能发表应有的意见,君子感到可耻;发表了意见却不去实行,君子感到可耻;实行中半途而废,君子感到可耻;土地有余而劳动力不足,君子感到可耻;老百姓平均分东西,每人得一份,而自己却多拿一份,君子感到可耻.。
2023-06-11 09:57:061


一、详细释义: , v. , 降低,贬低 [I,T] , 例句: ,A dishonest action like that will degrade you.,像这样不诚实的行为会使你降低身份。, 例句: ,Don"t degrade yourself by answering him.,不要贬低身份去答理他。, (使)降解 [I,T] , 例句: ,A unique o-stage process is being used to degrade PCBs in the river"s sediments.,在河水沉积物中,降解PCBs是通过2个独特的步骤进行的。, 例句: ,The enzyme armoury is sufficient to degrade most proteins to *** all peptides and amino acids.,这一酶库足以将大多数蛋白质降解成短肽和氨基酸。, (使)退化 [I,T] , 例句: ,We need the ability to meet human needs indefinitely without degrading the environment.,我们需要的是无限制地满足人类需求而不造成环境退化的能力。, 例句: ,For some reason our balancing reflexes degrade with age.,我们的平衡反射,由于某种原因,随着年龄的增长而退化。, (使)降级 [I,T] , 例句: ,He was degraded from the class.,他被降级了。, 例句: ,Dreyfus is degraded before the Army on January 5, 1895.,德赖弗斯于1895年1月5日在全军面前被革职。, 二、词义辨析: , humble,humiliate,degrade,disgrace ,这些动词均含有“使丢脸、使受耻辱”之意。humble常可和degrade换用,强调降级所带来的耻辱;也多指自卑和感到渺小无能的心理状态。humiliate指损伤或剥夺自尊感,损坏自尊心,强调蒙受耻辱。degrade指因过失而受到降级、阶格;也多指因自身的境遇而感到耻辱。disgrace指降低某人在他人心目中的地位,使其丢脸。, 三、参考例句: ,Don"t degrade yourself by answering him.,不要贬低身份去答理他。,You degrade yourself when you tell a lie.,说谎会贬低自己的身份.,She wouldn"t degrade herself by asking for money.,她不会自贬身份去要钱。,A dishonest action like that will degrade you.,像这样不诚实的行为会使你降低身份。,For some reason our balancing reflexes degrade with age.,我们的平衡反射,由于某种原因,随着年龄的增长而退化。,As they degrade, the phosphates migrate into the soil.,它们在降解以后,磷酸盐会进入土壤。,Items will degrade with use and over time, requiring a craft *** an to repair them.,物品在过度或者过时使用后会降级,这就需要工匠进行修补。,The enzyme armoury is sufficient to degrade most proteins to *** all peptides and amino acids.,这一酶库足以将大多数蛋白质降解成短肽和氨基酸。,It would only destroy her happiness, and degrade her in the public estimation.,那只会破坏她的幸福,有损于她在社交界的声望。,If you cheat at examinations and tell lies, you degrade yourself.,如果你考试作弊、说谎话,你就是自甘堕落。
2023-06-11 09:57:121

皇后乐队we will rock you翻译下歌词

  WeWillRockYou    Buddy,you"reaboy伙计,你是一个小男孩  Makeabignoiseplayinginthestreet大声嚷嚷的在街头鬼混  Gonnabeabigmansomeday希望有一天能成为大人物  Yougotmudonyourface你脸上流着鲜血  Youbigdisgrace颜面尽失  Kickingyourcanallovertheplace把铁罐到处踢来踢去  Singingwewill,wewillrockyou唱吧,我们要让你摇滚起来  Wewill,wewillrockyou我们要让你又摇又滚  Buddy,you"reayoungman老兄,你是个年轻人  Hardmanshoutinginthestreet是一条硬汉,在街头叫嚣  Gonnatakeontheworldsomeday总有一天要接管这个世界  Yougotbloodonyourface你脸上流着鲜血  Youbigdisgrace颜面尽失  Wavingyourbannerallovertheplace到处挥舞著旗帜  Wewill,wewillrockyou唱吧,我们要让你摇滚起来  Wewill,wewillrockyou我们要你摇滚起来  Buddy,you"reanoldman老兄,你老了  Poormanpleadingwithyoureyes穷光蛋一个,眼里祈求著宽恕  Gonnamakeyoupeacesomeday总有一天可以使你得到平静  Yougotmudonyourface你搞得灰头土脸  Youbigdisgrace狼狈至极  Somebodybetterputyoubackintoyourplace最好有人能把你赶回老家去
2023-06-11 09:57:261

一首歌 开头 v哇v哇法克you 求歌名 中文歌词与英文歌词

2023-06-11 09:57:321

we will rock you歌词翻译

2023-06-11 09:57:391

we will rock you歌词

2023-06-11 09:57:582

皇后乐队we will rock you翻译下歌词

  WeWillRockYou    Buddy,you"reaboy伙计,你是一个小男孩  Makeabignoiseplayinginthestreet大声嚷嚷的在街头鬼混  Gonnabeabigmansomeday希望有一天能成为大人物  Yougotmudonyourface你脸上流着鲜血  Youbigdisgrace颜面尽失  Kickingyourcanallovertheplace把铁罐到处踢来踢去  Singingwewill,wewillrockyou唱吧,我们要让你摇滚起来  Wewill,wewillrockyou我们要让你又摇又滚  Buddy,you"reayoungman老兄,你是个年轻人  Hardmanshoutinginthestreet是一条硬汉,在街头叫嚣  Gonnatakeontheworldsomeday总有一天要接管这个世界  Yougotbloodonyourface你脸上流着鲜血  Youbigdisgrace颜面尽失  Wavingyourbannerallovertheplace到处挥舞著旗帜  Wewill,wewillrockyou唱吧,我们要让你摇滚起来  Wewill,wewillrockyou我们要你摇滚起来  Buddy,you"reanoldman老兄,你老了  Poormanpleadingwithyoureyes穷光蛋一个,眼里祈求著宽恕  Gonnamakeyoupeacesomeday总有一天可以使你得到平静  Yougotmudonyourface你搞得灰头土脸  Youbigdisgrace狼狈至极  Somebodybetterputyoubackintoyourplace最好有人能把你赶回老家去
2023-06-11 09:58:051

《we will rock you》的中英文歌词?

2023-06-11 09:58:131


2023-06-11 09:58:201

《We Will we will rock you》歌词

WewillrockyouBuddy,you"reaboy  老兄,你是个小孩  Makeabignoiseplayinginthestreet 《WeWillRockYou》[1]  大声嚷嚷的在街头  Gonnabeabigmansomeday  如果有一天能成为大人  Yougotmudonyourface  你脸上沾着泥土  Youbigdisgrace  你太丢脸了  Kickingyourcanallovertheplace  把铁罐踢来踢去  SingingWewill,wewillrockyou  唱吧,我们要让你摇滚起来  wewill,wewillrockyou  我们要让你摇滚起来  Buddy,you"reayoungman  老兄,你是个年轻人  Hardmanshoutinginthestreet  是一条硬汉,在街头叫嚣  Gonnatakeontheworldsomeday  总有一天要接管这个世界  Yougotbloodonyourface  你脸上流着鲜血  Youbigdisgrace  颜面尽失  Wavingyourbannerallovertheplace  到处挥舞著旗帜  Wewill,wewillrockyou  我们要让你摇滚起来  Singingwewill,wewillrockyou  唱吧,我们要你摇滚起来  Buddy,you"reanoldman  老兄,你老了  Poormanpleadingwithyoureyes  穷光蛋一个,眼里祈求著宽恕  Gonnamakeyousomepeacesomeday  总有一天可以使你得到平静  Yougotmudonyourface  你搞得灰头土脸  Youbigdisgrace  狼狈至极  Somebodybetterputyoubackintoyourplace  最好有人能把你赶回老家去  Wewill,wewillrockyou  我们要让你摇滚起来  Singingwewill,wewillrockyou  唱吧,我们要让你摇滚起来  EverybodyWewill,wewillrockyou  每一个人,我们都要让你摇滚起来  Wewill,wewillrockyou  我们要让你摇滚起来(我们要震撼你)
2023-06-11 09:58:271

我们要震撼你 中文歌词

2023-06-11 09:58:342

"we will we will rock you"这是哪首歌里的歌词??我要歌名

2023-06-11 09:58:401

"we will we will rock you"这是哪首歌里的歌词??我要歌名

2023-06-11 09:58:471

我需要《we well rock you》歌词和翻译

2023-06-11 09:58:541

十万火急:谁知道英文歌曲《we will rock you》的歌词?

2023-06-11 09:59:001

we will rock you 的歌词

WeWillRockYou  ByQueen  Buddyyou"reaboymakeabignoise伙计,你只是个会大声嚷嚷的孩子  Playinginthestreet,gonnabeabigmansomeday在街道里玩耍,总有一天会成为一个大人物  You"vegotmudonyourface.你搞得灰头土脸  Yourbigdisgrace丢人现眼  Kickingyourcanallovertheplace.把铁罐到处踢来踢去  Singing唱吧(主唱)  Wewillwewillrockyou.我们将震撼你(合唱)  Wewillwewillrockyou我们将震撼你(合唱)  Buddyyou"reayoungmanhardman老兄,你是个年轻人,一条硬汉  Shoutinginthestreet,gonnatakeontheworldsomeday在街头大喊,总有一天要接管这个世界  You"vegotbloodonyourface.你脸上流着鲜血  Yourbigdisgrace颜面尽失  Wavingyourbannerallovertheplace到处挥舞着旗帜  Wewillwewillrockyou我们将震撼你(合唱)  Singing唱吧(主唱)  Wewillwewillrockyou我们将震撼你(合唱)  Buddyyou"reanoldmanpoorman兄弟,你老了,穷人一个  Pleadingwithyoureyes,gonnamakeyousomepeacesomeday眼里充满了祈求,希望有一天能得到平静  You"vegotmudonyourface.你搞得灰头土脸  Yourbigdisgrace狼狈至极  Somebodybetterputyoubackintoyourplace最好有人能把你赶回去  Wewillwewillrockyou我们将震撼你(合唱)  Singing唱吧(主唱)  Wewillwewillrockyou我们将震撼你(合唱)  Everybody每个人(主唱)  Wewillwewillrockyou我们将震撼你(合唱)  Wewillwewillrockyou我们将震撼你(合唱)  Alright好极了(主唱)
2023-06-11 09:59:181

we will rock you歌词翻译

2023-06-11 09:59:264

you big disgrace 是什么意思

You big disgrace 网络 颜面尽失; disgrace 英[du026asu02c8greu026as] 美[du026asu02c8ɡres] n. 耻辱; 丢脸; 不光彩; 丢脸的人(或事); vt. 使丢脸; 使失宠; 使受耻辱; 贬黜;
2023-06-11 09:59:551


2023-06-11 10:00:021

we will rock you 歌词 汉语

2023-06-11 10:00:093

有首歌是WQWQ什么的 求这首歌

是皇后乐队(Queen)的Wewillrockyou,Buddy,you"reaboy  老兄,你是个小孩  Makeabignoiseplayinginthestreet 大声嚷嚷的在街头  Gonnabeabigmansomeday  如果有一天能成为大人  Yougotmudonyourface  你脸上沾着泥土  Youbigdisgrace  你太丢脸了  Kickingyourcanallovertheplace  把铁罐踢来踢去  SingingWewill,wewillrockyou  唱吧,我们要让你摇滚起来  wewill,wewillrockyou  我们要让你摇滚起来  Buddy,you"reayoungman  老兄,你是个年轻人  Hardmanshoutinginthestreet  是一条硬汉,在街头叫嚣  Gonnatakeontheworldsomeday  总有一天要接管这个世界  Yougotbloodonyourface  你脸上流着鲜血  Youbigdisgrace  颜面尽失  Wavingyourbannerallovertheplace  到处挥舞著旗帜  Wewill,wewillrockyou  我们要让你摇滚起来  Singingwewill,wewillrockyou  唱吧,我们要你摇滚起来  Buddy,you"reanoldman  老兄,你老了  Poormanpleadingwithyoureyes  穷光蛋一个,眼里祈求著宽恕  Gonnamakeyousomepeacesomeday  总有一天可以使你得到平静  Yougotmudonyourface  你搞得灰头土脸  Youbigdisgrace  狼狈至极  Somebodybetterputyoubackintoyourplace  最好有人能把你赶回老家去  Wewill,wewillrockyou  我们要让你摇滚起来  Singingwewill,wewillrockyou  唱吧,我们要让你摇滚起来  EverybodyWewill,wewillrockyou  每一个人,我们都要让你摇滚起来  Wewill,wewillrockyou  我们要让你摇滚起来(我们要震撼你)
2023-06-11 10:00:161