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2023-06-11 10:28:19

Objective of IAS 23

The objective of IAS 23 is to prescribe the accounting treatment for borrowing costs. Borrowing costs include interest on bank overdrafts and borrowings, amortisation of discounts or premiums on borrowings, amortisation of ancillary costs incurred in the arrangement of borrowings, finance charges on finance leases and exchange differences on foreign currency borrowings where they are regarded as an adjustment to interest costs.

Key Definitions

Borrowing cost is: [IAS 23.6]

* interest expense (calculated by the effective interest method under IAS 39),

* finance charges in respect of finance leases recognised in accordance with IAS 17 Leases, and

* exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings to the extent that they are regarded as an adjustment to interest costs

Borrowing cost does not include amortisation of ancillary costs incurred in connection with borrowings. Nor does it include actual or imputed cost of equity capital, including any preferred capital not classified as a liability pursuant to IAS 32. [IAS 23.1]

A qualifying asset is an asset that takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use. [IAS 23.5] That could be property, plant, and equipment and investment property during the construction period, intangible assets during the development period, or "made-to-order" inventories. [IAS 23.6]

Scope of IAS 23 (as revised in 2007)

Two types of assets that would otherwise be qualifying assets are excluded from the scope of IAS 23:

* Qualifying assets measured at fair value, such as biological assets accounted for under IAS 41 Agriculture

* Inventories that are manufactured, or otherwise produced, in large quantities on a repetitive basis and that take a substantial period to get ready for sale (e.g. maturing whisky).

Accounting Treatment


Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset form part of the cost of that asset and, therefore, should be capitalised. Other borrowing costs are recognised as an expense. [IAS 23.8]

The foregoing reflects Revisions to IAS 23 adopted by the IASB in March 2007 that prohibit immediate expensing of borrowing costs. Those revisions are effective for borrowing costs relating to qualifying assets for which the commencement date for capitalisation is on or after 1 January 2009. Earlier application is permitted.

Until that revision is effective, an entity may apply the previous version of IAS 23, which permitted, as an accounting policy option, the "immediate expensing model". Under that model, all borrowing costs should be expensed in the period in which they are incurred.


Where funds are borrowed specifically, costs eligible for capitalisation are the actual costs incurred less any income earned on the temporary investment of such borrowings. [IAS 23.12] Where funds are part of a general pool, the eligible amount is determined by applying a capitalisation rate to the expenditure on that asset. The capitalisation rate will be the weighted average of the borrowing costs applicable to the general pool. [IAS 23.14]

Capitalisation should commence when expenditures are being incurred, borrowing costs are being incurred and activities that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale are in progress (may include some activities prior to commencement of physical production). [IAS 23.17] Capitalisation should be suspended during periods in which active development is interrupted. [IAS 23.20] Capitalisation should cease when substantially all of the activities necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale are complete. [IAS 23.22] If only minor modifications are outstanding, this indicates that substantially all of the activities are complete.

Where construction is completed in stages, which can be used while construction of the other parts continues, capitalisation of attributable borrowing costs should cease when substantially all of the activities necessary to prepare that part for its intended use or sale are complete. [IAS 23.24]

Disclosure [IAS 23.26]

* The accounting policy adopted [required only until 1 January 2009 if immediate expensing model is used]

* Amount of borrowing cost capitalised during the period

* Capitalisation rate used

IAS 23 Revised in March 2007 to Require Capitalisation of Borrowing Costs

On 29 March 2007, the IASB issued a revised IAS 23 Borrowing Costs. The main change from the previous version is the removal of the option of immediately recognising as an expense borrowing costs that relate to assets that take a substantial period of time to get ready for use or sale. An entity is, therefore, required to capitalise borrowing costs as part of the cost of such assets.

The revised IAS 23 does not require the capitalisation of borrowing costs relating to assets measured at fair value, and inventories that are manufactured or produced in large quantities on a repetitive basis, even if they take a substantial period of time to get ready for use or sale.

The revised Standard applies to borrowing costs relating to qualifying assets for which the commencement date for capitalisation is on or after 1 January 2009. Earlier application is permitted. Click for Press Release (PDF 51k).

Special newsletter on borrowing cost amendments

Deloitte"s IFRS Global Office has published a special edition of our IAS Plus Newsletter titled IASB Issues Revised Standard on Borrowing Costs (PDF 99k).


The cost of borrowing capital accounting method Analysis

For some time now, because of the cost of borrowing on the capital of the quantitative criteria to define and unknown, the capitalization of interest has become a number of enterprises, especially listed companies the means to manipulate profits. January 18, 2001 issued by the Ministry of Finance, "Borrowing Costs" in the guidelines for implementing the principles of the stability of the major changes were made, but also to a certain extent, increased the difficulty of accounting for the cost of borrowing. According to this article, "Borrowing Costs" guidelines for the purchase of fixed assets to build the cost of borrowing capital for a number of examples of accounting analysis.

Borrowing Costs related to the capitalization of the provisions in the evolution of our country has experienced three times: "The construction business accounting system" built on the purchase of fixed assets, the cost of borrowing to be completed in the accounting profession as a clearing, settlement occurred prior to the completion of the full cost of borrowing to be capitalized; "shares Limited accounting system "built on the purchase of fixed assets in order to account for the cost of borrowing is fixed for the delivery sector, fixed assets had not yet taken place prior to the delivery of the full cost of borrowing to be capitalized;" Borrowing Costs "Guidelines for the purchase of fixed assets to build the cost of borrowing Fixed assets accounting in order to achieve the intended use for the state sector. Therefore, the cost of borrowing capital to the completion of the settlement for the industry to change to meet the target can be used for the state sector, the capital of gradually reducing the amount of the cost of the relative amount of increase in the stability of the efforts to implement the principles of a certain extent Strengthened.

First, the capital accounts of the basic ideas

1. Capitalization of borrowing costs in the amount of borrowing by the Pi Chengshu an expenditure of the decision, and the amount borrowed is not directly related to the size. When the purchase of a building only a fixed expenditure, the expenditure is Beisheng Shu; when the total number of expenditures, it is important to make sure that accounting period, and then a different weighted average expenditure to determine Pi Chengshu.

2. The cost of borrowing capital of the multiplier that is, the amount of capitalization rate, which has identified the following two situations:

(1) does not involve a discount or premium: a loan, the loan interest rate is the capitalization rate; more than the borrower must be calculated as a weighted average capitalization rate interest rates.

(2) relating to the discount or premium, as long as the capitalization rate in the above calculation formula should be coupled with amortization of discount or premium, the calculation of the remaining unchanged.

Second, the capital of the accounting method

The cost of borrowing capital of the main accounting methods fall into two categories: no discount or premium and the amount of discount or premium.

(A) does not involve a discount or premium

1. Borrow a sum of expenditure. In the actual purchase of fixed assets to build on the calculation of capital expenditure is the amount of Beicheng Shu, and the capitalization rate is the borrower"s loan rate or the bond coupon rate.

For example: a company in January borrow 2,000,000 yuan, the annual interest rate of 5% .2 on 1 expenditures in fixed assets of 1,200,000 yuan for the construction of the entity to a February accounting period, the cost of borrowing for the amount of capital: 120 × 5% ÷ 12 = 0.5 (million)

2. Expenditure of more than a loan. The capitalization rate is the borrower"s loan rate or the bond coupon rate. However, the actual construction took place in the purchase of fixed assets spending more on the pen must be based on different time-weighted average expenditure converted to determine the borrowing costs Picheng Shu of the amount of capital.

For example: a company in January borrow 4,000,000 yuan of loans for the construction of fixed assets of the entity, the annual interest rate of 5%, and has started construction. February 1 expenses 1,000,000 yuan, on March 15 expenditures 1,200,000 yuan, on April 10 and expenses 1,500,000 yuan. January to June in order for an accounting period, then:

(1) on February 1 the first expenditures 1,000,000 yuan, the actual occupation of the 150-day period, the weighted average of expenditures for: 100 × 150 ÷ 181 = 82.9 (million)

(2) March 15 second expenditures 1,200,000 yuan, the actual time to take up 108 days, the weighted average of expenditures for: 120 × 108 ÷ 181 = 71.6 (million)

(3) on April 10 in the third expenditures total 1,500,000 yuan, the actual time occupied by 82 days, the weighted average of expenditures for: 150 × 82 ÷ 181 = 68 (million)

(4), 1-6 cumulative expenditures for the month weighted average = 82.9 +71.6 +68 = 222.5 (million)

(5), 1-6 for the month of borrowing costs in the amount of capital: 2,225,000 yuan × 5% ÷ 365 × 181 = 5.51 (million)

3. Borrowing more than more than expenditure. To resolve this situation in fact is borrowing more than the circumstances of the capitalization rate calculation. Because it is more than the borrower, the borrower will inevitably involve different interest rates or interest rates although the same, but since the beginning of the loan period, leading to the current burden of interest should be different, and so on. As a result, "Borrowing Costs" provisions of the guidelines, borrowing more than the capitalization rate used to be the weighted average interest rate.

The weighted average interest rate = more than the current special interest of the borrower and the borrower ÷ multiple specialized weighted average principal × 100%

For example: a company for the construction of a fixed asset in January 1, 2001 devoted to borrow 200 million-year lending rate by 6% on March 1 and specialized borrow 200 million-year lending rate of 9%. Fixed Assets Construction of the entities from January 1 to start spending 500,000 yuan, on February 1 expenses 1,000,000 yuan, on March 1 expenses 500,000 yuan. The assumption that the quarterly measurement of corporate borrowing costs capitalized amount.

(1) January 1, 2001 devoted to borrow 200 million-year lending rate by 6%, in the first quarter of the actual interest rate = 200 × 6% ÷ 12 × 3 = 3 (million)

(2) on March 1 and specialized borrow 200 million-year lending rate of 9%, in the first quarter of the actual interest rate = 200 × 9% ÷ 12 × 1 = 1.5 (million)

(3) two actual current loan interest rate of 3 +1.5 = and = 4.5 (million)

(4) in the first quarter of the weighted average loan principal = (200 × 3 +200 × 1) / 3 = 266.67 (million)

(5) specialized in the first quarter of the weighted average loan rate = 4.5/266.67 × 100% = 1.69% (6) specialized in the first quarter of the cost of borrowing the amount of capital = (50 +100 × 60/90 +50 × 30/90) × 1.69% = 2.26 (million)

(B) relating to a discount or premium

1. Borrow a sum of expenditure or more spending.

Took place at a discount or a premium only through issuing bonds in the form of loans, bonds and the discount or premium is actually increasing or reducing the cost of borrowing, can not carry a coupon interest rate of bonds as the capitalization rate, due consideration must be given a discount or premium on the interest To determine the actual impact of capitalization rate, and then by adjusting the capitalization rate to calculate the cost of borrowing the amount of capital. Formula is as follows:

= Capitalization rate (the current bond interest is actually happening in the current period should be ± amortization of discount or premium) ÷ beginning of the book value of bonds × 100%

= Amount of capital to purchase fixed assets, built a total expenditure of the weighted average capitalization rate ×

For example: companies for the construction of a fixed asset, in January 1, 2001 issue of 5-year bonds with a face value of 10,000,000 yuan, 10% of the nominal interest rate, at the end of each year to pay interest, principal payments due, the bond issue price of 9,000,000 yuan . February 1, 2001 expenditures 3,000,000 yuan, on May 1, 2002 expenditures 5,000,000 yuan, calculated at the end of 2001 and the amount of capital at the end of 2002.

(1) the amount of capital in 2001, as follows:

① = face value of bonds carry a coupon interest rate × = 1000 × 10% = 100 (million)

② issue is likely to be of amortized discount = (1000-900) ÷ 5 = 20 (million)

③ bonds beginning book value = 1000-100 = 900 (million)

④ 2001 year bonds capitalization rate = (100 +20) ÷ 900 × 100% = 13.33%

⑤ 2001 the amount of capital = 300 × 11 ÷ 12 × 13.33% = 36.66 million

(2) the amount of capital in 2002, as follows:

① = face value of bonds carry a coupon interest rate × = 1000 × 10% = 100 (million)

② issue is likely to be of amortized discount = (1000-900) ÷ 5 = 20 (million)

③ bonds beginning book value +20-100 = 900 +100 = 920 (million)

④ 2002 year bonds capitalization rate = (100 +20) ÷ 920 × 100% = 13.04% ⑤ 2002 the amount of capital = (300 +500 × 8 ÷ 12) × 13.04% = 82.59 (million)

2. Borrowing more than more than expenditure. If built for the purchase of fixed assets of more than one issue bonds, these bonds again the existence of a discount or premium, the same will only have to borrow more than the above-mentioned formula should be added in amortization of discount or premium, the calculation of the weighted average interest rates. The main calculations are as follows:

The weighted average interest rate = (devoted to the actual current loan interest rate of ± and the amortization period should be at a discount or premium) ÷ specially weighted average loan principal × 100%

= Capitalization rate (the current bond interest is actually happening in the current period should be ± amortization of discount or premium) ÷ beginning of the book value of bonds × 100% = amount of capital to purchase fixed assets, built a total expenditure of the weighted average ×capitalization rate


The cost of borrowing capital accounting method Analysis

For some time now, because of the cost of borrowing on the capital of the quantitative criteria to define and unknown, the capitalization of interest has become a number of enterprises, especially listed companies the means to manipulate profits. January 18, 2001 issued by the Ministry of Finance, "Borrowing Costs" in the guidelines for implementing the principles of the stability of the major changes were made, but also to a certain extent, increased the difficulty of accounting for the cost of borrowing. According to this article, "Borrowing Costs" guidelines for the purchase of fixed assets to build the cost of borrowing capital for a number of examples of accounting analysis.

Borrowing Costs related to the capitalization of the provisions in the evolution of our country has experienced three times: "The construction business accounting system" built on the purchase of fixed assets, the cost of borrowing to be completed in the accounting profession as a clearing, settlement occurred prior to the completion of the full cost of borrowing to be capitalized; "shares Limited accounting system "built on the purchase of fixed assets in order to account for the cost of borrowing is fixed for the delivery sector, fixed assets had not yet taken place prior to the delivery of the full cost of borrowing to be capitalized;" Borrowing Costs "Guidelines for the purchase of fixed assets to build the cost of borrowing Fixed assets accounting in order to achieve the intended use for the state sector. Therefore, the cost of borrowing capital to the completion of the settlement for the industry to change to meet the target can be used for the state sector, the capital of gradually reducing the amount of the cost of the relative amount of increase in the stability of the efforts to implement the principles of a certain extent Strengthened.

First, the capital accounts of the basic ideas

1. Capitalization of borrowing costs in the amount of borrowing by the Pi Chengshu an expenditure of the decision, and the amount borrowed is not directly related to the size. When the purchase of a building only a fixed expenditure, the expenditure is Beisheng Shu; when the total number of expenditures, it is important to make sure that accounting period, and then a different weighted average expenditure to determine Pi Chengshu.

2. The cost of borrowing capital of the multiplier that is, the amount of capitalization rate, which has identified the following two situations:

(1) does not involve a discount or premium: a loan, the loan interest rate is the capitalization rate; more than the borrower must be calculated as a weighted average capitalization rate interest rates.

(2) relating to the discount or premium, as long as the capitalization rate in the above calculation formula should be coupled with amortization of discount or premium, the calculation of the remaining unchanged.

Second, the capital of the accounting method

The cost of borrowing capital of the main accounting methods fall into two categories: no discount or premium and the amount of discount or premium.

(A) does not involve a discount or premium

1. Borrow a sum of expenditure. In the actual purchase of fixed assets to build on the calculation of capital expenditure is the amount of Beicheng Shu, and the capitalization rate is the borrower"s loan rate or the bond coupon rate.

For example: a company in January borrow 2,000,000 yuan, the annual interest rate of 5% .2 on 1 expenditures in fixed assets of 1,200,000 yuan for the construction of the entity to a February accounting period, the cost of borrowing for the amount of capital: 120 × 5% ÷ 12 = 0.5 (million)

2. Expenditure of more than a loan. The capitalization rate is the borrower"s loan rate or the bond coupon rate. However, the actual construction took place in the purchase of fixed assets spending more on the pen must be based on different time-weighted average expenditure converted to determine the borrowing costs Picheng Shu of the amount of capital.

For example: a company in January borrow 4,000,000 yuan of loans for the construction of fixed assets of the entity, the annual interest rate of 5%, and has started construction. February 1 expenses 1,000,000 yuan, on March 15 expenditures 1,200,000 yuan, on April 10 and expenses 1,500,000 yuan. January to June in order for an accounting period, then:

(1) on February 1 the first expenditures 1,000,000 yuan, the actual occupation of the 150-day period, the weighted average of expenditures for: 100 × 150 ÷ 181 = 82.9 (million)

(2) March 15 second expenditures 1,200,000 yuan, the actual time to take up 108 days, the weighted average of expenditures for: 120 × 108 ÷ 181 = 71.6 (million)

(3) on April 10 in the third expenditures total 1,500,000 yuan, the actual time occupied by 82 days, the weighted average of expenditures for: 150 × 82 ÷ 181 = 68 (million)

(4), 1-6 cumulative expenditures for the month weighted average = 82.9 +71.6 +68 = 222.5 (million)

(5), 1-6 for the month of borrowing costs in the amount of capital: 2,225,000 yuan × 5% ÷ 365 × 181 = 5.51 (million)

3. Borrowing more than more than expenditure. To resolve this situation in fact is borrowing more than the circumstances of the capitalization rate calculation. Because it is more than the borrower, the borrower will inevitably involve different interest rates or interest rates although the same, but since the beginning of the loan period, leading to the current burden of interest should be different, and so on. As a result, "Borrowing Costs" provisions of the guidelines, borrowing more than the capitalization rate used to be the weighted average interest rate.

The weighted average interest rate = more than the current special interest of the borrower and the borrower ÷ multiple specialized weighted average principal × 100%

For example: a company for the construction of a fixed asset in January 1, 2001 devoted to borrow 200 million-year lending rate by 6% on March 1 and specialized borrow 200 million-year lending rate of 9%. Fixed Assets Construction of the entities from January 1 to start spending 500,000 yuan, on February 1 expenses 1,000,000 yuan, on March 1 expenses 500,000 yuan. The assumption that the quarterly measurement of corporate borrowing costs capitalized amount.

(1) January 1, 2001 devoted to borrow 200 million-year lending rate by 6%, in the first quarter of the actual interest rate = 200 × 6% ÷ 12 × 3 = 3 (million)

(2) on March 1 and specialized borrow 200 million-year lending rate of 9%, in the first quarter of the actual interest rate = 200 × 9% ÷ 12 × 1 = 1.5 (million)

(3) two actual current loan interest rate of 3 +1.5 = and = 4.5 (million)

(4) in the first quarter of the weighted average loan principal = (200 × 3 +200 × 1) / 3 = 266.67 (million)

(5) specialized in the first quarter of the weighted average loan rate = 4.5/266.67 × 100% = 1.69% (6) specialized in the first quarter of the cost of borrowing the amount of capital = (50 +100 × 60/90 +50 × 30/90) × 1.69% = 2.26 (million)

(B) relating to a discount or premium

1. Borrow a sum of expenditure or more spending.

Took place at a discount or a premium only through issuing bonds in the form of loans, bonds and the discount or premium is actually increasing or reducing the cost of borrowing, can not carry a coupon interest rate of bonds as the capitalization rate, due consideration must be given a discount or premium on the interest To determine the actual impact of capitalization rate, and then by adjusting the capitalization rate to calculate the cost of borrowing the amount of capital. Formula is as follows:

= Capitalization rate (the current bond interest is actually happening in the current period should be ± amortization of discount or premium) ÷ beginning of the book value of bonds × 100%

= Amount of capital to purchase fixed assets, built a total expenditure of the weighted average capitalization rate ×

For example: companies for the construction of a fixed asset, in January 1, 2001 issue of 5-year bonds with a face value of 10,000,000 yuan, 10% of the nominal interest rate, at the end of each year to pay interest, principal payments due, the bond issue price of 9,000,000 yuan . February 1, 2001 expenditures 3,000,000 yuan, on May 1, 2002 expenditures 5,000,000 yuan, calculated at the end of 2001 and the amount of capital at the end of 2002.

(1) the amount of capital in 2001, as follows:

① = face value of bonds carry a coupon interest rate × = 1000 × 10% = 100 (million)

② issue is likely to be of amortized discount = (1000-900) ÷ 5 = 20 (million)

③ bonds beginning book value = 1000-100 = 900 (million)

④ 2001 year bonds capitalization rate = (100 +20) ÷ 900 × 100% = 13.33%

⑤ 2001 the amount of capital = 300 × 11 ÷ 12 × 13.33% = 36.66 million

(2) the amount of capital in 2002, as follows:

① = face value of bonds carry a coupon interest rate × = 1000 × 10% = 100 (million)

② issue is likely to be of amortized discount = (1000-900) ÷ 5 = 20 (million)

③ bonds beginning book value +20-100 = 900 +100 = 920 (million)

④ 2002 year bonds capitalization rate = (100 +20) ÷ 920 × 100% = 13.04% ⑤ 2002 the amount of capital = (300 +500 × 8 ÷ 12) × 13.04% = 82.59 (million)

2. Borrowing more than more than expenditure. If built for the purchase of fixed assets of more than one issue bonds, these bonds again the existence of a discount or premium, the same will only have to borrow more than the above-mentioned formula should be added in amortization of discount or premium, the calculation of the weighted average interest rates. The main calculations are as follows:

The weighted average interest rate = (devoted to the actual current loan interest rate of ± and the amortization period should be at a discount or premium) ÷ specially weighted average loan principal × 100%

= Capitalization rate (the current bond interest is actually happening in the current period should be ± amortization of discount or premium) ÷ beginning of the book value of bonds × 100% = amount of capital to purchase fixed assets, built a total expenditure of the weighted average ×capitalization rate









1、borrower的意思:借钱人;借用人,剽窃者(n.)读音:英 [u02c8bu0252ru0259u028au0259(r)] 美 [u02c8bɑ:rou028au0259(r)] 2、borrower的反义词:lender读音:英 [u02c8lendu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8lendu0259r] 意思:出借人,贷方;债主。
2023-06-11 08:10:141


borrower:n.借钱人;借用人,剽窃者 ,1,This fax of bid clarification is addressed to the borrower.这封投标澄清电是发给借款人的。-spender:n.挥霍者;挥金如土的人,1,You know I really am a big spendelender:n.出借人,贷方1,Obtaining funds from a lender.从出借人那里获得资金。saver:n:储蓄者,储蓄的人1,The rise intererst rates is good news for savers. 总结:saver-lender:储户—出借人 borrower-spender:借款人—消费者希望对你有帮助哈
2023-06-11 08:10:381


2023-06-11 08:11:003


“借用”的英语是:borrow[u02c8bu0252ru0259u028a]v. 借,借入;(向……)借贷;采用,借用;(演算减法时)借(位)
2023-06-11 08:11:116


2023-06-11 08:11:575

2023-06-11 08:12:172

Neither a borrower ,nor a lender be. 什么意思.

我来给你讲解。neither……nor……既不,也不。borrow,借入,动词。后面加er,变成名词,借入的人。lend,借出,动词。后面加er,变成名词,借出的人。 Neither a borrower nor a lender be的翻译是:莎士比亚名剧《哈姆雷特》剧中人波洛尼厄斯忠告他的儿子说,既不要借钱给人,也不要向别人借钱。
2023-06-11 08:12:261


贷款相关英语词汇详解-金融专业在职研究生英语词汇Fixed Rate Loan A loan in which the interest rate will remain the same during the term of the loan or specified period.Borrowing LimitThe maximum amount a bank is willing to loan a borrower.Variable Rate LoanA loan in which the interest rate is adjusted periodically during the term of the loan based on a pre-selected index and time adjustment.GuaranteeTo accept responsibility for repayment obligations under a loan contract if the borrower is unable to meet the loan obligations.SecurityAssets pledged by a borrower to secure a loan or other credit, and subject to seizure in the event of default.Credit Standing CertificateA record of a customer"s past borrowing and repaying behavior. It will also show credit lines currently in the customer"s name.Interest Offset Account A savings account attached to the loan earning the same interest rate as the loan. Any funds in the account reduce the loan interest paid.MortgageA loan to finance the purchase of real estate, usually with specified payment periods and interest rates.考研政策不清晰?同等学力在职申硕有困惑?院校专业不好选?点击底部官网,有专业老师为你答疑解惑,211/985名校研究生硕士/博士开放网申报名中:
2023-06-11 08:12:341

英语的发展为什么是heavy borrower

1. Development of English vocabularyAll the words in a language together constitute what is known as its vocabulary.A. English vocabulary as viewed in the historical perspectiveThe history of English begins with the conquest and settlement of what is now England by the Angles, Saxons and the Jutes from about 450 AD.The language they spoke was Anglo-Saxon, which replaced the Celtic spoken by the former inhabitants. The next seven hundred years (449-1100) are known as the Old English (OE) or Anglo-Saxon (AS) period of the English language. The vocabulary of Old English contains some fifty or sixty thousand words, which were chiefly Anglo-Saxon with a small mixture of Old Norse (a general term for the Scandinavian language in its very early stage) words as a result of the Scandinavian or the Danish conquests of England in the ninth century.During the Old English period, English language borrowed a considerable number of Latin words, especially after the introduction of Christianity into Britain in 597.e.g. bargain, cheap, inch, pound; cup, dish, wall, wine; abbot, altar, candle, disciple, hymn, martyr, nun, priest, pope, shrine, temple and a great many others.The transitional period from Old English to Modern English is know as Middle English (ME 1100-1500), which is characterized by the strong influence of French following the Norman Conquest in 1066.Since the French-speaking Normans were the ruling class, French was used for all state affairs and for most social and cultural matters; but the masses continued to speak English.The French loan words(借词)were found in every section of the vocabulary:e.g. law and governmental administration (judge, jury, justice; government, parliament, state…); military affairs (conquer, sergeant, victory…); religion (baptism, confess, divine, sermon…); clothing (coat, dress, gown, robe…); food (beef, mutton, pork, dinner…); art (beauty, image, design…); literature (chapter, poet, prose…); science (medicine, remedy, surgeon), and so on.The English language from 1500 to the present is called Modern English.In the early stages of this period (including the years between 1500 and about 1700) the Renaissance brought great changes to vocabulary. In this period, the study of classics were stressed and the result was the wholesale borrowing from Latin. The Latin loan words were mostly connected with science and abstract ideas.e.g. chemist, function, scientific, vacuum; area, irony, theory, education, adapt, exist, appropriate, precise.The renewed study of Greek also led to the introduction of some Greek words directly into the English vocabulary. Greek borrowings were mostly literary, technical and scientific words.e.g. drama, comedy, tragedy, lexicon, criterion, botany, physics and so on.From the 16th century onward, English borrowed words from an increasing number of languages,For example, fromFrench: attach, café and so on;Italian (mainly in the fields of music, art and architecture): concert, duet, piano, soprano, solo, tenor; model, bust, studio; dome, balcony, piassa and so on;Spanish: armada, cargo, vanilla, cocoa and cigar;Portuguese: caste and pagoda;German: bismuth, cobalt, nickel and zinc;Dutch: dock, freight and keel; Russian: vodka, troika, ruble and tsar;Australian: boomerang, kangaroo and dingo;Arabic: sugar, sultan and alcohol;Indian: coolie, cashmere and khaki;Hebrew: schmozzo and schmalts;Chinese: tea, typhoon and yamen;Japanese: kimono and tycoon;African: gorilla and zebra.In fact English has adopted words from almost every known language in the course of its historical development.As summed up in The Encyclopedia Americana: "…The English language has vast debts. In any dictionary some 80% of the entries are borrowed" English is supposed to have the most copious vocabulary of all the language in the world, estimated at more than a million words.
2023-06-11 08:13:001

英语翻译 短语

Phone lending records Borrower Return time The reasons for borrowing Borrowed time
2023-06-11 08:13:085


非银行专业人士,仅供参考。at the request of () (the ‘applicant")which has its registered address at (), we, industrial and commercial bank ofchina limited, () branch, with our office at ( ), hereby issue in your favourthis irrevocable stand-by letter of credit no. ( ) amounting to cny ( ) ( themaximum amount ) (say chinese yuan xxxx only).在XX(开证申请人,注册地址为XX)的要求下,我们,中国工商银行(地址为XX),在此以贵公司为受益人开立信用证号为XX、最大金额为人民币XX(大写人民币XX元整)的不可撤销备用信用证。this stand-by letter of credit is to securethe obligations (including but not limited to any interest, cost, expenses andany other sums), from time to time, due and payable to you by ( ) (the“borrower”) , which has its registered address at ( ), under the facilityagreement (the "facility agreement") with reference no. ( ) dated ( ) amountingto usd ( ) (say: united states dollars xxxx only) for the purpose of ( ).此备用信用证用于确保 XX日签订的协议号为XX的最大金额为XX美元的目的为XX的 贷款协议项下的可能发生的XX(贷款人)(注册地为XX)应向贵公司支付款项的义务(包括但不限于任何利息、成本、费用及其他金额)。upon our receipt of your demand byauthenticated swift at our counter not later than the expiry of this stand-byletter of credit, stating that the borrower has failed to fulfill its paymentor repayment obligations under the facility agreement and the amount drawn byyou represents the unpaid balance of indebtedness due to you by the borrower,we shall within ( five ) banking days pay you the amount specified in each ofyour demands provided that the aggregate amount drawn under this stand-byletter of credit shall not exceed the maximum amount aforesaid.一旦我行柜台接收到贵公司不晚于此备用信用证有效期的、关于陈述贷款人未能履行其在此贷款协议项下支付或偿付义务的、且贵公司提取金额为借款人未支付债务余额的SWIFT电文要求,我行将在5个银行工作日内将贵公司要求的每笔金额支付给贵公司,前提是此备用信用证项下提取的总金额不超过此备用信用证最大金额。except as expressly stated herein, thisstand-by letter of credit is not subject to any agreement, condition orqualification. our obligations under this letter of credit shall be theindividual obligations.除非另有明文规定,此备用信用证不受限制于任何协议、条件或资格。我行在此备用信用证项下的义务是独立的。any amendment or modification of contents,or, extension or renewal with respect to the facility agreement aforesaid couldonly be made with our prior written consent.关于上述贷款协议的内容的任何修改、修正或延期或补充只能在我行事先书面确认情况下进行。
2023-06-11 08:13:261


Date 日期 Borrower"s section 借阅部门 Reasons 事由 File name 文件名称 Keeping time 需用时间 Superior Inspection 领导审核 People in charge of the Section 部门负责人 Borrower 借用人 Purposes 用途 Returner 归还人 Result 处理结果 Superior opinion 领导批示
2023-06-11 08:13:363

备用信用证 翻译

2023-06-11 08:13:443


每天学点金融知识Learn More Financial Knowledge Everyday明斯基时刻据西班牙《经济学家报》网站4月11日报道,全球金融系统已经深切感受到了历史性利率上升造成的影响。美国和欧元区的银行业爆发危机的迹象已经触动了市场的敏感神经。投资者现在都很谨慎,因为他们在等待下一个受害者。经过多年的低利率、负债率攀升和追逐风险以获得回报之后,在加息的过程中,有很多可以“打破”。然而,德国安联保险集团的经济学家清楚地预知了短期内最大的风险是什么:影子银行或将是下一个被放弃的筹码。在这家德国保险巨头的分析师眼中,下一个巨大风险、下一个跌倒的“巨人”就是非银行金融机构,也就是所谓的“影子银行”。为了解释这一观点,他们采用了“明斯基时刻”这一概念,并使用“明斯基时钟”的说法,开始了下一次金融风暴的倒计时。1.明斯基时刻:明斯基时刻(Minsky moment)是美国经济学家海曼·明斯基所描述的时刻,即资产价格崩溃的时刻。明斯基观点主要是经济长时期稳定可能导致债务增加、杠杆比率上升,进而从内部滋生爆发金融危机和陷入漫长去杠杆化周期的风险。“明斯基时刻”指的是市场在过度乐观和自满之后遭遇崩溃的时刻。简单明了的说:好日子的时候,投资者敢于冒险;好日子的时间越长,投资者冒险越多,直到过度冒险。一步一步地,投资者会到达一个临界点上,其资产所产生的现金不再足以偿付他们用来获得资产所举的债务。投机性资产的损失促使放贷者收回其贷款。“从而导致资产价值的崩溃”。2.明斯基时刻被划分为三阶段。第一阶段(hedge borrower)收入现金流足以覆盖本息偿还,这一阶段称为对冲性融资;第二阶段(speculative borrower),指现金流只够偿还利息,不足以偿还本金,债务通过借新还旧滚续,这一阶段称为投机性融资;第三阶段(Ponzi borrower),指现金流无法覆盖利息,利息支出也依靠借贷。第三阶段即庞氏骗局,他们的债务水平要求不断上涨的价格水平才能安然度日,可以称为庞氏融资。3.“明斯基时刻”只会迟到,不会缺席。“明斯基时刻”是未来一段时期金融市场最大的“灰犀牛”。当前美国实体经济濒临衰退但尚未衰退,实体现金流状况尚未大幅恶化但金融周期出现见顶迹象,且资产价格出现回落。美国当前服务业的韧性是经济周期和金融周期出清的梗阻点,总需求未陷入负向螺旋,企业现金流的状态也足以维系信贷泡沫膨胀。美国服务业景气度全面恶化后,金融周期将真正进入Ponzi borrower阶段,“明斯基时刻”的到来只是时间问题。投资者后续需要密切跟踪美国服务业景气度和实体部门现金流状况,以及影子银行体系风险暴露情况,在资产配置上做好应对“明斯基时刻”的准备。
2023-06-11 08:13:551


1.回答下列问题。 (每题4分。) 1)表4数据模型。 2)名单数据库系统的两个缺点。 3)将5个数据库管理员的主要职能。 4)什么是程序性的语言?什么是nonprocedural语言? 5)什么是交易? 2。考虑下面的教学资料库: 学生学生(StudentNo,StudentName,年龄,性别) 课程课程(CourseNo,CourseName,教师) 研究Student2Course(StudentNo,CourseNo,级) 1)给这个数据库的SQL的DDL定义。确定参照完整性约束,应该持有,其中包括当时在DDL定义。 2)给每对有在SQL表达的查询。: (1)求谁的学生选择CourseNo C4的平均年龄。 (2)找出每个课程平均成绩王伟教授 (3)找出学生人数和学生的课程编号, 其等级为NULL,由资深大律师。 (4)求的名称和所有学生的张姓的年龄。 (中文名称排序)。 (5)找到的名称及所有小学生的年龄比女学生的平均年龄较高年龄。 3.Using阿姆斯特朗的公理来证明工会的规则: 如果α→β和α→γ然后α→βγ 4.Translate关系代数到以下查询,元组关系演算和域关系演算。 1)选择loan_number 从贷款 其中branch_name ="Perryridge"和金额“2000年 2)选择customer_name,borrower.loan_number,数额 从借款人,贷款 其中borrower.loan_number = loan.loan_number 和branch_name = Perryridge" 6.Write一个SQL触发器进行的仓库重新排序。 假设仓库有以下表格: 清单(项目,级别):多少每个项目是在仓库。 minlevel(项目,级别):什么是最低期望每个项目的水平。 重新排序(项目,金额):什么数量是否应重新在一个时间顺序 订单(项目,金额):订单放置(由外部进程读取) 7.R =(甲,乙,丙地下,然后H,I) F =(甲→乙甲→荤Cg语言→ħ Cg语言→一B→H)表示 计算封闭属性(集团)+, 是公司是一家集候选键?。 这是什么问题啊???就算是翻译出来,也看不明白。
2023-06-11 08:15:262

后缀.jpg.brw 是什么文件格式?

这个文件的后缀其实只是.brw,因为系统只认最后一个点后面的后缀,在这个例子里.jpg就被当做文件名的主名的一部分了。********************************************************************************************.brw文件类型:Calyx Point Borrower File(《Calyx Point 信贷处理》是一款抵押自动管理软件)扩展名为.brw的文件是一个数据(Borrower借用者,借贷者?)文件。文件说明:File used by Calyx Point, a program used to create and manage mortgage loans; contains loan financial data for the borrower; used to track loan status information between a lender and borrower..brw google翻译结果:由花萼点,用于创建和管理按揭贷款的程序中使用的文件,包含了借款人的贷款金融数据;用于跟踪贷款银行和借款人之间的状态信息糙米重.. 打开.brw文件Mac OS WindowsCalyx Software Calyx Point Linux*****************************************************************************************************如果是在*nix系统下:l表示的是链接文件,相当于windows下的快捷方式, c表示字符设备文件。比如猫等串口设备,b表示块设备,比如硬盘、光驱等设备链接文件是根据所对应的真实文件的类型选择不同的方式来打开的设备文件一般是需要通过mount挂载到某个目录下来打开的字符设备文件似乎是不能打开吧!后边的rw表示的是权限位,我想你应该是知道什么意思吧!
2023-06-11 08:15:341


(以下简称为"信用")为不超过 EUR 米的青睐。我们特此发出我们不可撤销的和毫无保留备用信用证号对你有利 EUR XXXX.00 累计金额最高 (说 EUR XXXX 万只) 的代表和涵盖的负债本金利益发生,税、 费和由于你们你们给予银行基金 ("基金") 向公司所产生的银行费用。有限公司 ("借款人")。凭你们已经过身份验证的迅速索赔或之前向美国证明信用证的有效期,借款人未能在生产的条款和条件的设施中执行本合同项下的金额代表和涵盖的未付债务本金的利益发生了,费、 税和您此欠你的借款人的银行费用我们将支付你你已通过身份验证的 SWIFT 达规定的数额和金额等于信贷限额以上的已经过身份验证斯威夫特在收到后 5 个工作日内。除了明确规定本文所述,这项工作是不受任何协议、 条件或资格。此备用信用证之前有效和无效后会自动成为到期日期。索赔本合同项下,但是否必须收到由美国到到期日期之前或在本信用证在我们柜台。你的索赔必须承担条款"绘制德尔备用信用证号的信"我们与你,斯威夫特在下方绘制进行身份验证并符合本信用证条款应兑付接洽。允许多个绘图。这个信用是受提供统一海关和实践为跟单信用证 (2007年修订) 国际商会第 600 号出版物出版
2023-06-11 08:15:411

Neither a borrower nor a lender be 怎么翻译啊 莎士比亚的一句.

2023-06-11 08:15:591


选B,因为damage 是 negligence 的逻辑主语,应该用主动式
2023-06-11 08:16:064


2023-06-11 08:16:414


即系话呢份文件系 3 Parties 既按揭 3 Parties 即系指此按揭有三方 分别系︰ (I) Mortgagor : 业主 (II) Borrower : 借款人 (III) Lender/Mortgagee : 贷款银行 例如︰呢份文件Mortgagor 系A先生,Borrower : B公司,Lender 系某银行 意思︰A先生把物业抵押给某银行,但用款者(贷款)系B公司 2008-03-26 23:30:38 补充: 其实,曾经做过有d case 业主系 A先生,借款人/用款人 系 A先生同埋A先生老婆 ,我睇唔出有咩唔妥 有时有d业主,会把物业作抵押,用款人系有限公司/无限公司。 其实,你都唔需要太担心,总之业主成交日清缴所有按揭欠数咪得罗,当然,如你想保障多d,你可以<保留>临时约上面一条条文,就系<所有买家支付之所有订金,交予卖方律师作为中间人托管,除非卖方能证明楼价余款能支付按揭尾数>。 通常加呢条条文,系惊d业主负资产,惊d业主收左订金之后走左佬,但而家个楼市,暂时都系升紧,基本上个个卖楼都有钱赚,所以负资产既情况应该比较少。 2008-03-26 23:30:45 补充: 通常而家既按揭,都会以all monies / all moneys 形式,简单d讲,通常银行会贷款七成按揭,但为左方便d买家,都唔会话写死一个贷款金额,因为业主将来要加按,银行系要d业主揾律师行做一份第二按揭,但如果做 all monies/all moneys 既话,只要银行同意,系唔需要再做第二按揭架!,Second legal mortgage 同 second mortgage点解?,
2023-06-11 08:16:481

A syndicated loan

2023-06-11 08:16:551


首先感谢LZ,让我学到了断言是什么意思其实语句上讲是不复杂的not exists(select * from borrower,depoisitor,account where loan.loan_number=borrower.loan_number and borrower.customer_name=depoisitor.customer_name and depoisitor.account_number=account.account_number and account.balance>=1000) 这个not exists 查看帐号是否有人的存款大于1000,如果有,传递到上面一层就是false,那么上面那个not exist传出去的值就是true,断言就正确,数据库的写就能执行。如果是没有,那么这个not exist传到上一层的就是true,上面那个not exist传出来的就是false,那么对数据库写就不能执行并报告错误
2023-06-11 08:17:021


在此,我们发出我们义不容辞的信用卡号________________你方为受益人的备用信用证帐户___________ [金额数字和文字______________which是可以通过付款和支付应由我们按照您的指示后为准,不得发生第一 - (一)您的演示文稿在______ [地址] ________以挂号邮件或快递服务您签署的声明说明此备用信用证的数量和我们得出的数额表示由于未偿债务由_____ [名称借款人__________(以下简称“借款人”)所产生的____ [设备类型] ___授予借款人受银行信贷的信号__ [基金信参考号码_月_ [融资函件日期_;或(二)传输给我们(SWIFT地址:HASECNSH)您的身份验证的电传/ SWIFT说明这个备用信用证的数量和金额在您的身份验证的电传/ SWIFT声称代表因对你产生的借款人未偿还债务出______ ___授予借款人受银行信贷的信号[设备类型] _ [基金信参考号码]月_ [融资函件日期] 我们确认,并宣布该备用信用证构成合法,有效和有约束力的义务,对我们的一部分根据其条款强制执行。我们进一步确认和宣布,这个信贷备用信是完全符合所有适用法律和人民共和国生效不时对中国的法规颁布,是所有必要的批准和任何政府或监管当局所需的授权在发行方面,合法性,有效性,约束力,可执行和本备用信用证的性能已获得或影响和十足效力及作用。此备用信用证在中国______到期。届满日期后,此备用信用证将自动为空。#[部分图纸根据本备用信用证允许。] / [是没有根据本备用信用证允许部分图纸。] #[注:请删去不适用]此备用信用证是不可转让或出让。我们应当对收到您签署的声明后,按照您的付款指令付款或验证上述电传/ SWIFT。在谈判和绘图本备用信用证的所有银行费用由本备用信用证的受益人的帐户。 这种备用信用证是由信用证统一的海关和实践(2007年修订),国际商会第600号出版物商会现已生效或经修订不时修改或取代。
2023-06-11 08:17:101


2023-06-11 08:17:192

担保协议 合同 英文翻译

In consideration of the following as:1.The borrower A (hereinafter referred to the borrower for short) signed the Loan Contract(斜体,这里无法标示——译者注) on the 1 million dollars as the maximum limit with B (hereinafter referred to B for short) on January 1st, 2010 and, the expiring/expiration(2选1,下同) date of the contract was set on August 31st, 2011. C (hereinafter referred to C for short) is the guarantor for such loan contract.2.The borrower and B have reached an agreement on extend the expiring/expiration date of the loan contract till August 31st, 2012.Hereby C as the guarantor agrees to take warranty for the borrower and also undertake legal liabilities/responsibilities in accordance with the clauses below.仅供参考
2023-06-11 08:17:401

英语翻一下~~ 债务合同范本

甲方(以下简称被称为“贷款公司”)赐给乙方(以下简称被称为“借款人”)的总和200万美元到2011年6月1日。双方同意,此金额是借款人所欠债务的第一步。由甲方在利息的贷款余额的速度在4%,每年合成月刊。应计利息要加给未付的余额上来算。借款人应支付给贷款方在25日的每个月。每次付款应不少于X.00美元如果一个付款是晚了,以下的罚款$ Y要加给未付的余额上来算的贷款。如果支票被退回或期限内运抵欠债的是拒绝了另收取$ Z要加给未付的余额上来算的贷款,未来所有的支付应接受只有在保证基金(现金、汇票、认证检查)。由于整个平衡应缴足不迟于毫米/ DD / YYYY。如果整个到期的平衡不支付全部毫米/ DD / YYYY,或者假如借款人逾期不作出付款超过30天后到期日期,然后贷方有权要求立刻到期,整个平衡,采取一切必要行动来收集的法定债务。任何和所有的成本费用收集的债务要加给欠款由借用者负责赔偿。如果债务去收集其利率上升到XX %,每年每月、复合的罚款$ Y加平衡上交Xth一天直到每个月的全部债务的全部付清为止。在见证了他们接受和协议的所有条款,贷款人,债务协议借款人贴上他们的签名。
2023-06-11 08:18:012


借款人交易对象。翻译为英文是:Borrower"s trading object 注:请提问者及时采纳!
2023-06-11 08:18:081

创建一触发器,当删除Reader表中读者的信息时,同时删除Borrow表中该读者的记录。 用SQL语句

oracle的create or replace trigger 触发器名称after delete on readerfor each rowbegindelete from borrow where borrower.读者ID = :old.读者id;dbms_output.put_line("读者信息已删除");end 触发器名称;
2023-06-11 08:18:163


3.2 SMEs的财政费用 The文学(即, Stiglitz和Weiss 1981年; Freedman 2004)建议那信息非对称generates投保人不可靠所冒风险和有害选择问题, which使财政机关勉强借到是小或年轻的firm,和没有可靠的financial纪录。 然而,通过关闭和继续 与财政机关的interaction和关系, the企业可能提供贷款人以充足的信息about它的操作、远景和表现。 作为result, 一个好和长的记录通过连续 与机关的interaction也许保证机关about公司的还本付息容量和, conse- quently,使容易对企业获得财政 support. diamond (1984年, 1991)建议一财政institution在监视私有扮演一个重要角色借户的information 获取一家借用的公司的 credit纪录和监视它的管理行为, the机关能从信息学会到anticipate公司的未来行动和决定是否to切除借贷,扩大贷款,或者适应loan契约
2023-06-11 08:18:252

想请大家帮忙翻译一篇融资性保函(外债保函)信用证,正文如下: 谢谢大家啦!

“借款或融资备用信用证”(FINANCIAL STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT)STANDBY L / C NO。发行日期:申请人名称和地址受益人/融资银行名称和地址ISSUING BANK:(我行分行名称)发行银行地址:____________________(我行分行地址)我们在这里发出我们的无抵押的信用证信用证,以您的喜好为限,不超过合计美元(仅限于SAY),超过我们在上述地址上的地址。此信用可通过与发行银行的付款,通过认证的SWIFT或测试电报对您的需求美国状态:1)索赔所涉及的L / C的数量和日期2)您索赔的金额3)与索赔相关的贷款协议的数量和日期4)您的索赔金额根据贷款协议,代表您的债权人支付的债务余额(请填写被担保人即借款人的英文名称)。本待售信用证将对您和收款人之间签署的贷款协议的有效日期产生影响,并且根据您通过认证的SWIFT或测试的电子邮件向美国确认此类协议的日期和参考号码,通知您。本L / C外部发行银行下的所有费用均为受益人帐户。不允许多个图纸。本L / C不是可转让或可转让或可转让。UPON到期,请将原始L / C退还给我们。但是这个L / C将成为空,并且在到期时无效,无论原始L / C是否返回给我们。希望采纳!感谢
2023-06-11 08:18:541


(二)转让的购买合同执行,或执行有利于该银行的; (三)转让销售合同的执行,或执行有利于该银行的; (四) “收取的现金和担保协议的有关自己的负债”执行或将要执行的借款人在赞成的银行, (以下统称为“文件” ) : (一)在此附上标有“ A ” ,是真正的和正确的副本,该公司的构文件; (二)附上标有“ B ” ,是一个真正的和正确的副本的书面决议,本公司董事对_________________________________________,批准该协议,并授权其执行,签名,交付和性能,而这些决议没有得到条修订如下:规定,修改或撤销,并充分的效力和作用; (三)在此附上标有“ C ”是一个真正的和正确的副本,接受由代理人在新加坡,其被任命为代理公司的目的,接受服务的过程; (四)进入该公司的协议和表现由该公司履行其义务根据该协议是内部的权力,该公司根据其构文件,行使董事根据其构文件,并且不需要任何政府授权或同意,或任何同意对部分公司在股东大会或任何类别的成员,并且不排除,也不会侵犯,规定任何的信托契约,抵押贷款,收费,协议或其他文书的约束力后该公司; ( e )在最好的知识,信息和信念,该公司不存在未决诉讼(民事以及刑事)或仲裁对公司可能有重大的不利影响,该公司,其资产或其能力继续营业。 下列签名是真正签名的人谁已获授权签订协议的代表公司,以证明该追究的共同盖章,该公司向银行,并给予所有通知和通讯的要求或许可以给予或由他人代该公司下或为目的的协议。
2023-06-11 08:19:031


Origin of the wordThe name bank derives from the Italian word banco "desk/bench", used during the Renaissance era by Florentine bankers, who used to make their transactions above a desk covered by a green tablecloth. [ 2 ] However, traces of banking activity can be found even in ancient times.In fact, the word traces its origins back to the Ancient Roman Empire, where moneylenders would set up their stalls in the middle of enclosed courtyards called macella on a long bench called a bancu , from which the words banco and bank are derived. As a moneychanger, the merchant at the bancu did not so much invest money as merely convert the foreign currency into the only legal tender in Rome – that of the Imperial Mint. [ 3 ]The role of commercial banksCommercial banks engage in the following activities: processing of payments by way of telegraphic transfer, EFTPOS, internet banking, or other means issuing bank drafts and bank cheques accepting money on term deposit lending money by overdraft, installment loan, or other means providing documentary and standby letter of credit , guarantees, performance bonds, securities underwriting commitments and other forms of off balance sheet exposures safekeeping of documents and other items in safe deposit boxes sales, distribution or brokerage, with or without advice, of: insurance, unit trusts and similar financial products as a “financial supermarket” cash management and treasury merchant banking and private equity financing traditionally, large commercial banks also underwrite bonds, and make markets in currency, interest rates, and credit-related securities, but today large commercial banks usually have an investment bank arm that is involved in the mentioned activities [ clarify ] . Types of loans granted by commercial banksSecured loanA secured loan is a loan in which the borrower pledges some asset (eg a car or property) as collateral for the loan, which then becomes a secured debt owed to the creditor who gives the loan. The debt is thus secured against the collateral — in the event that the borrower defaults, the creditor takes possession of the asset used as collateral and may sell it to regain some or all of the amount originally lent to the borrower, for example, foreclosure of a home. From the creditor"s perspective this is a category of debt in which a lender has been granted a portion of the bundle of rights to specified property. If the sale of the collateral does not raise enough money to pay off the debt, the creditor can often obtain a deficiency judgment against the borrower for the remaining amount. The opposite of secured debt/loan is unsecured debt, which is not connected to any specific piece of property and instead the creditor may only satisfy the debt against the borrower rather than the borrower"s collateral and the borrower.Mortgage loanA mortgage loan is a very common type of debt instrument, used to purchase real estate. Under this arrangement, the money is used to purchase the property. Commercial banks, however, are given security - a lien on the title to the house - until the mortgage is paid off in full. If the borrower defaults on the loan, the bank would have the legal right to repossess the house and sell it, to recover sums owing to it.In the past, commercial banks have not been greatly interested in real estate loans and have placed only a relatively small percentage of assets in mortgages. As their name implies, such financial institutions secured their earning primarily from commercial and consumer loans and left the major task of home financing to others. However, due to changes in banking laws and policies, commercial banks are increasingly active in home financing.Changes in banking laws now allow commercial banks to make home mortgage loans on a more liberal basis than ever before. In acquiring mortgages on real estate, these institutions follow two main practices. First, some of the banks maintain active and well-organized departments whose primary function is to compete actively for real estate loans. In areas lacking specialized real estate financial institutions, these banks become the source for residential and farm mortgage loans. Second, the banks acquire mortgages by simply purchasing them from mortgage bankers or dealers.In addition, dealer service companies, which were originally used to obtain car loans for permanent lenders such as commercial banks, wanted to broaden their activity beyond their local area. In recent years, however, such companies have concentrated on acquiring mobile home loans in volume for both commercial banks and savings and loan associations. Service companies obtain these loans from retail dealers, usually on a nonrecourse basis. Almost all bank/service company agreements contain a credit insurance policy that protects the lender if the consumer defaults.Unsecured loan[Unsecured Loans] are monetary loans that are not secured against the borrower"s assets (ie, no collateral is involved). These may be available from financial institutions under many different guises or marketing packages: bank overdrafts An overdraft occurs when money is withdrawn from a bank account and the available balance goes below zero. In this situation the account is said to be "overdrawn". If there is a prior agreement with the account provider for an overdraft, and the amount overdrawn is within the authorized overdraft limit, then interest is normally charged at the agreed rate. If the POSITIVE balance exceeds the agreed terms, then additional fees may be charged and higher interest rates may apply. corporate bonds credit card debt credit facilities or lines of credit personal loans What makes a bank limited liability companyA corporate bond is a bond issued by a corporation. It is a bond that a corporation issues to raise money in order to expand its business.[1] The term is usually applied to longer-term debt instruments, generally with a maturity date falling at least a year after their issue date. (The term "commercial paper" is sometimes used for instruments with a shorter maturity.) Sometimes, the term "corporate bonds" is used to include all bonds except those issued by governments in their own currencies. Strictly speaking, however, it only applies to those issued by corporations. The bonds of local authorities and supranational organizations do not fit in either category.[clarification needed] Corporate bonds are often listed on major exchanges (bonds there are called "listed" bonds) and ECNs like and MarketAxess, and the coupon (ie interest payment) is usually taxable. Sometimes this coupon can be zero with a high redemption value. However, despite being listed on exchanges, the vast majority of trading volume in corporate bonds in most developed markets takes place in decentralized, dealer-based, over-the-counter markets. Some corporate bonds have an embedded call option that allows the issuer to redeem the debt before its maturity date. Other bonds, known as convertible bonds, allow investors to convert the bond into equity. Corporate Credit spreads may alternatively be earned in exchange for default risk through the mechanism of Credit Default Swaps which give an unfunded synthetic exposure to similar risks on the same "Reference Entities". However, owing to quite volatile CDS "basis" the spreads on CDS and the credit spreads on corporate bonds can be significantly different. Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the United States Glass-Steagall Act Mortgage constant
2023-06-11 08:19:101

C语言,提醒还书函数如何修改,1000积分悬? query(borrow borrower[]){for(int i =0;i<varynum;i++){int days = cal_day(borrower[i].date1);printf("本书已被借出%d天 ",days);if(days>30)printf("%d同学所借的%s已超期%天 ",borrower[i].id,borrower[i].bookname,days-30);}return 0;}query(borrower);2.数组哪来的野指针的说法,大不了就是为读取的文件为空,数组有效个数也为0就好了,操作前做好判断,确认数组是否被初始化就行了
2023-06-11 08:19:182


四、财务评价结论 Four, financial evaluation conclusion (一)据计算,项目计算期年均利润总额为549.30千欧元,则项目投资财务内部收益率所得税前、所得税后分别为 和 ,项目投资财务净现值分别为 欧元(ic= )和 欧元(ic= ),项目投资回收期1.5年(含建设期7个月)所得税前、所得税后分别为 年和 年。 (a) according to calculation, project calculation issue with an average annual total profit for 549300 euros, the project investment financial internal rate of return before income tax, income tax and respectively after, project investment finance net present value respectively for the euro (IC =) and the euro (IC =), project investment is 1.5 years (including the construction period of seven months) before income tax, income tax respectively after years and years. 资本金财务内部收益率为6.83%,总投资收益率为4.5%,项目资金净利润率为 。 Capital financial internal rate of return is 6.83%, the total investment return of 4.5%, project fund net profit margin for. 财务预测价格表明盈利能力 。 Financial projections show that prices profitability. (二)项目长期借款在完全自主运营的情况下,按最大能力还贷的条件( 的折旧费和 的未分配利润用于还贷),借款偿还期覆盖率达到 (年度偿债覆盖率为 之间)。 (2) project long-term loans in the fully autonomous operation, at maximum capacity of lousy conditions (of the depreciation cost and undistributed profit loans), loan to cover will (annual debt service coverage between). (三)敏感性分析表明:项目的抗风险能力尚可,以下项目财务效益的三种因素(建设投资、营业收入和经营成本)在-15%~+15%的变化范围内,营业收入对财务效益影响最为敏感,其次为建设投资,经营成本影响较小。 (3) the sensitivity analysis shows that the project the ability to resist risk is compatible, the following project financial benefit of the three factors (construction investment, business revenue and operating cost) in 15% ~ + 15% within the scope changes, the income of the financial benefits of influence most sensitive, followed by construction investment, management cost less effect. 因此,项目在实施过程中应严格控制投资,争取实现项目预期营业收入。 Therefore, in the process of project implementation shall be strictly controlled investment, strive for the realization of project expected business income. 综上所述,项目如能实现预期的投入和产出,财务上市可行的,单必须加强经营管理,努力降低成本,以提高经济效益。 To sum up, the project can achieve the desired such as the input and output, financial listed feasible, single must strengthen the operation and management, to reduce the cost, to increase economic efficiency. 五、比较方案财务指标 Five, compare projects financial index 据比较研究,在项目基准电价为0.117欧元/千瓦时、补贴电价为 欧元/千瓦时(运营期 半年内)的条件下,项目主要财务指标如下: According to the comparison, the benchmark price in project 0.117 euros/KWH, subsidies for the euro price/kilowatt-hours (the operation period and a half years), under the condition of project main financial indexes are as follows: (一)项目计算期年均营业收入为7381.00千欧元、年均利润总额为549.30千欧元,则项目投资财务内部收益率所得税前、所得税后分别为 和 ,项目投资财务净现值分别为 欧元(ic= )和 欧元(ic= ),项目投资回收期1.5年(含建设期7个月)所得税前、所得税后分别为 和 年。 (a) project calculation issue with an average annual operating income for 7.381 million euros, with an average annual total profit for 549300 euros, the project investment financial internal rate of return before income tax, income tax and respectively after, project investment finance net present value respectively for the euro (IC =) and the euro (IC =), project investment is 1.5 years (including the construction period of seven months) before the income tax, the income tax and years respectively. 资本金财务内部收益率为6.83%,总投资收益率为4.5%,项目资本金净利润率为 。 Capital financial internal rate of return is 6.83%, the total investment return of 4.5%, net profit margin for capital projects. 财务预测结果表明盈利能力 。 Financial forecast results show that profitability. (二)项目长期借款在完全自主运营的情况下,按最大能力还贷的条件(100%的折旧费和100%的未分配利润用于还贷),借款偿还期为 年(含建设期),计算期偿债覆盖率达到 ,还款期偿债覆盖率达到 (年度偿债覆盖率为 之间)。 (2) project long-term loans in the fully autonomous operation, at maximum capacity of lousy conditions (100% of depreciation cost and 100% undistributed profit loans), borrowing will have a year (including the construction period), calculation issue debt service coverage rate, debt insults to cover (annual debt service coverage between). 7.4 贷款保障措施 7.4 loan guarantee measures 本项目采用项目电费收入(至补贴电价获得的收入)、股权个股东保证的综合担保措施。 The project adopt the project electricity income (to price subsidies for income), shares a comprehensive security measures to ensure that the shareholders. 具体担保情况如下: Specific guarantee as follows: 1. 质押 1. The pledge (1) 项目电费收入质押 (1) project electricity income pledge 根据意大利相关法律法规,可再生资源计划的合格运营商可向第三方受让人转让或质押其在项目的应收款,以担保项目融资的能力,前提是将接受全部应收款的权利作为整体转让并且只能有一名受让人。 According to the relevant laws and regulations of Italy, renewable resource planning of qualified operators can, to a third party or pledge the transferee in the project of receivables, to guarantee project financing ability, the premise is will accept all the right transfer accounts receivable as a whole and only have a assigns. 聚能(卢森堡)有限公司、借款人、聚能SPV(意大利),【合作伙伴】同意将项目电费(至补贴电价收入)收入质押给国家开发银行,用作项目的担保措施。 Fusion (Luxembourg) Co., LTD, the borrower, get together can SPV (Italy), the partners 】 to agree to the project electricity (to subsidies electricity price income) income to the state development bank pledged, used as a project guarantee measures. (2) 股权 (2) equity 借款人、【合作伙伴】同意将其拥有的聚能SPV(意大利)100%的股权质押给国家开发银行,用作项目贷款的担保措施,按照意大利法律办理质押登记。 The borrower, the partners 】 agreed to have them together to the SPV (Italy) the equity of 100% pledge to the state development bank, used as a project of loan assure measures, according to the Italian law for the pledge registration. 同时未经国开行同意,不得将电站资产质押或抵押给其他方,不得在其上设置不利于融资方的现值条件。 At the same time without countries agreed to sail, and shall not will power station pledged or mortgage assets to the other party, and shall not on it set against the present value of the RongZiFang conditions. (3) 最终控股股东担保 (3) eventually controlling shareholders guarantee 聚能SPV(意大利)的最终控股股东香港恒达国际实业公司将为国家开发银行的该笔贷款提供无限连带责任担保,即包括对借款本金、利息、违约金、赔偿金及借款方为实现债权的费用等在内的款项承担连带支付责任。 Can gather SPV (Italy) at the end of the controlling shareholders Hong Kong international industrial company will hengda state development bank, the loan provides unlimited joint liability assure, which including the loan principal, interest, liquidated damages and for the cost of the borrowers realize creditor"s rights, shall bear joint liability to pay the money.
2023-06-11 08:19:261


2023-06-11 08:19:484


  实用资料频道我分享融资租赁英文词汇大汇总,希望对你有所帮助。   融资租赁英文词汇1   包揽租赁:wrap lease --- a lease transaction generally involving a   lease from an investor to an operating lease company   with a sublease by the operating lease company to the   end-user lessee.   报关: custom entry   保管费: custody fee   保管合同: deposit contract   保管凭证: deposit receipt   保管人(保管合同): depositary   保管人(仓储合同):warehouseman   保税区: trade free zone   保险: insurance   保险单: policy   保险费: insurance premiums   保险索赔: claim   保险理赔: settling   保险,由A投保:insurance to be effected by A   保险由买方自理:insurance to be effected by the Buyers   保险赔偿金:insurance indemnity   保险人(保险公司):insurer   (被)保险人:insured, insurant   保证期: warranty period   报告格式: reporting format   报酬: remuneration   备抵法: allowance methods   被撤销的合同:rescinded contract   背书: endorsement   背书人: endorser   必要的准备时间:the necessary preparation time:   闭口租赁: closed-end lease--a lease transaction that allows the   lessee to "walk away" from the leased property at the   end of the lease term with no liability for increases or   decreases in the expected residual value of the   property. The lessee will still beliable for damage   to the property beyond ordinary wear and tear and   may or may not have a purchase option.   币种: currency   变现: liquidate   变更: modify,modification,amend   标的物: subject matter   表外: off balance sheet   表外融资: off balance sheet financing   表外租赁: off balance sheet lease   表外贷款: off balance sheet loan   不可撤消信用证:irrevocable letter of credit   不完整租赁:broken lease--a financing treated as a lease for、accounting purposes and a loan for tax purposes; also known as an off-balance sheet loan, see-through lease;synthetic lease.   不正当: improper   簿记系统: bookkeeping system   补救措施: remedy   融资租赁英文词汇2   裁定 (法): award   财产: property   财产保险: insurance of property   财务报表: financial statement   财务报告: financial report   财务费用: finance expense   财务会计: financial accounting   财务公司: Capital company   财务收入: finance income   财务年度: fiscal year   财务状况: financial position   财政部: Ministry of Finance   阐明: elucidate   残值: residual value   仓单: warehouse receipt   仓储费 :warehousing charge   仓储合同: warehousing contract   仓储物: stored goods   常规融资租赁:conventional finance lease:   长期负债: long-term liabilities   长期借款: long-term debts   长期投资: long-term investments:   长期应付款:long-term payables   长期资产: long-term assets   超越权限 :ultra vires   城市建设附加费:city development surcharge:   承包人: contractor   总承包人 :general contractor   发包人::employer   承担损害赔偿责任:to be liable for damages:   承担违约责任:to be liable for breach of contract   承担责任: be liable therefor   承诺函: commitment letter   承租人: lessee   承揽合同: contract for work   承揽人 :contractor   共同承揽人 :joint constractors   定作人::customer   承诺: acceptance   成功的案例:successful story   撤回: withdrawn   撤销: revoke, rescind   抽逃资金: surreptitiously withdrawn funds:   除当事人另有约定的以外 unless parties have agreed otherwise   除法律另有规定外:unless the law provides otherwise   处分: disposal   出卖人: supplier   出让人: transferor   (受让人):(transferee)   出租 :rental   出租人: lessor   催告: remind   存货人: bailor   充分披露原则:full disclosure principle:   存货: inventory   存货盘亏: inventories loss   融资租赁英文词汇3   打包租赁: bundled lease--a lease in which the lossor pays for   taxes, insurance and maintenance on the leased equipment.   代理人: agent   贷款人: lender   (借款人):(borrower)   贷记: credit   担保: security   担保法: security law   道德义务: moral duty   到期利息: interest due   到期债权: matured claim   等额租金: level payment   第一承运人:first carrier   递变租金: stepped rent --- a lease in which the periodic lease、   、payments are reduced and/or increased at some point 、 at the lease term.   递变租金租赁:stepped payment lease:   递减租赁: step-down lease---a lease in which the periodic lease   、 payments are reduced at some point in the lease term.   递延资产: deferred assets   递增租赁: step-up lease --- a lease in which the periodic lease 、 payments are increased at some point in the lease 、 term.   抵押担保: encumbrance   调查: survey   调查对象: respondent   定金: deposit   董事会: board of directors   独资企业: single proprietorship   短期租赁: short-term lease--generally, a lease of less than three years.   对承租人的好处:benefits to lessee   对出租人的好处:benefits to lessor   融资租赁英文词汇4   额定股份: authorized shares of stock   额度: quota   恶意串通: malicious conspiracy   融资租赁英文词汇5   法定代表人:legal representative   法定代理人:statutory agent   法定地址: legal address   法律地位平等:equal legal status   法律问题: legal issue   法律约束力:legally binding   法人: fictitious person   发行债券: issuance of bonds   防洪基金: flood prevention surcharge   妨碍租赁的原因:objections to leasing   放弃: migration away from, waive   非法干预: illegally intervene therein   非法目的: illegal objective   非正式出租人:casual lessor--a lessor who is not in the business of 、leasing but who does an occassional lease, primarily 、for the tax benefits of the lease transaction.   废止: to be repealed   费用: expenses   分类帐户: ledger account   分包: subcontract   分配: distribution   风险: risk   定价风险::pricing risk   法律风险::legal risk   收益风险::yield risk   税收风险::tax risk   信贷风险::credit risk   资产风险::asset risk   风险租赁: venture lease   扶贫: poverty relief   扶养义务: an obligation to maintain …   浮动利率: variable rate   浮动利率租赁:floating rate lease--a lease in which the lease   payments may vary from one payment period to   another, particularly when they vary according to   changes in a specified index; variable rate lease.   福利费:welfare expenses   服务租赁: service lease --- a lease in which the lessor provides   complete service, maintenaince and care for the   leased equipment; a maintenance lease; an operating   lease; a gross lease.   复式记帐法:double entry system   附加费: surcharge   附加税: surtax   付款: payment   付款条件: payment term   付款人: payer   负债: liabilities   负责人: responsible person   负债与股东权益之比:debt to net worth   附则: supplementary provisions   融资租赁英文词汇6   干预选择租赁物:interfer in the selection of the leased thing   杠杆租赁: leveraged lease   格式条款: standard clauses   工程勘察、设计、施工 project surveying, design, construction   (xx日)公布:promulgated on …   公开、公平、公正:an open, fair and impartial manner   公允价值: fair value   公证: notarize   根据违约情况:depending on the circumstances of the breach   固定资产: fixed assets   固定资产净值:net fixed assets   固定资产清理:fixed assets in liquidation:   固定资产原价:fixed assets at cost   固定租金租赁:fixed payment lease--a lease in which is the lease   payment remains the same throughout the lease term.   故意:willfully   故意隐瞒 :eliberately concealed,willfully conceal   股份上市:initial public offering (IPO)   股利政策:divident policy   广告宣传费:advertising and promotion expenses   国家标准:State standard   国家工商行政管理局:State Administration for Industry and Commerce   国家计划委员会:State Planning Commission:   国家进出口商品检验局 State Administration for Import and Export Commodity Inspection   国家经济贸易委员会:State Commission for Economic and Trade   国家外汇管理局:State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE)   国家重大建设工程:major State construction project:   国际会计准则委员会:International Accounting Standard Committee   国库券: treasury bill   过帐记号: post referance
2023-06-11 08:19:561

saver-lenders and borrower-spenders 什么意思

saver-lenders and borrower-spenders: 省钱后再借出去的人和借钱来花的人
2023-06-11 08:20:041

英语的发展为什么是heavy borrower

Historically, English originated from the fusion of languages and dialects, now collectively termed Old English, which were brought to the eastern coast of Great Britain by Germanic (Anglo-Saxon) settlers by the 5th century – with the word English being derived from the name of the Angles, and ultimately from their ancestral region of Angeln (in what is now Schleswig-Holstein).[14] A significant number of English words are constructed based on roots from Latin, because Latin in some form was the lingua franca of the Christian Church and of European intellectual life.[15] The language was further influenced by the Old Norse language due to Viking invasions in the 8th and 9th centuries.The Norman conquest of England in the 11th century gave rise to heavy borrowings from Norman-French, and vocabulary and spelling conventions began to give the superficial appearance of a close relationship with Romance languages[16][17] to what had now become Middle English. The Great Vowel Shift that began in the south of England in the 15th century is one of the historical events that mark the emergence of Modern English from Middle English.Owing to the assimilation of words from many other languages throughout history, modern English contains a very large vocabulary. Modern English has not only assimilated words from other European languages but also from all over the world, including words of Hindi and African origin. The Oxford English Dictionary lists over 250,000 distinct words, not including many technical, scientific, or slang terms.
2023-06-11 08:20:131


2023-06-11 08:20:213


  借钱,顾名思义,就是借别人的钱。借钱范围很广泛,亲朋好友等都是借钱的对象,朋友之间借钱最多,但是借钱不还的人大有人在,多数都是借钱后不好意思张口要,久而久之这笔钱就变成了要不回来的债。那么你知道借钱用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    借钱英语说法1:   borrow money    借钱英语说法2:   lend money    借钱的相关短语:   借钱信 begging letter   我们借钱 we borrowed money   借钱消费 borrow-and-spend   借钱还债 rob Peter to pay Paul   借钱专家 Top Borrower   新湖借钱 Borrow to Sinhoo   借钱俱乐部 Lending Club   借钱新湖 Borrow money to Sinhoo    借钱的英语例句:   1. We"d been brought up to think that borrowing money was bad.   我们从小就被教导借钱是不好的行为。   2. They are borrowing just to stay afloat, not for investment.   他们借钱只为了周转,而不是投资。   3. His father, on principle, did not like to hear requests for money.   从原则上来说,他父亲不喜欢别人借钱。   4. Mr Wilson is no soft touch.   威尔逊先生绝不会轻易借钱给别人。   5. My parents lent me the money. Otherwise, I couldn"t have afforded the trip.   我父母借钱给我了。否则,我可付不起这次旅费。   6. Thanks for lending me the money.   多谢您借钱给我。   7. The company will lend you money on very favourable terms.   这家公司将以非常优惠的条件借钱给你.   8. The company will lend you money on very unfavourable terms.   这家公司会以非常刻薄的条件借钱给你.   9. I scraped by borrowing from my relations until my next check arrived.   在另一张支票寄来以前,我一直从亲戚那里借钱勉强度日.   10. Of course he would be ashamed to borrow often.   当然,常常向人借钱他自己也会惭愧的.   11. She took a vow never to lend money to anyone again.   她发誓绝不再借钱给别人.   12. I"m sorry, I can"t lend you anything — I don"t have a red cent.   很抱歉, 我不能借钱给你——我身无分文.   13. She has her doubts about loaning him more money.   她对是否再借钱给他不无疑虑.   14. She used to borrow money from her friends.   她常向她的朋友们借钱.   15. If you"re borrowing money for the down payment, provide a copy of the entire loan agreement.   如果你要借钱付首付的话,要提供一份完整的贷款协议副本。
2023-06-11 08:20:271

五下 语评阅读训练六【等一个的电话】和【一粒种子的信念】阅读答案,各位大哥哥大姐姐帮帮忙吧,谢谢了。

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2023-06-11 08:20:481


问题一:请问表跟表关联是什么意思? 就是表之间的关系,就是常说的一对一,一对多 ,多对多的关系。例子就如有两个表,一个是学生信息表,一个是教师信息表,一个学生有多个老师教学,一个老师教多个学生,那么这是多对多的关系。 满意请采纳 问题二:表对象和关联表什么意思 表对象指的是所有建立起来或者链接的数据表。 关联表指的是与某个表建立起关系的表,触之为某个表的关联表。 个人觉得,没必要非要把所有这些概念死记硬背,关键在于理解。 问题三:zigbee 关联表是什么意思 就是将“绑定表”存在源设备(即发送数据的设备)上,当该设备发送数据时,如果不指定目的地址,将根据绑定表中存储的目的地址来发送。 问题四:什么叫主从表,关联表 net 引用datagrid.我没用过.不过与datagridview差不多.这里可以讲讲供你参考, 1首先将表1绑定datagridview1.然后订阅datagridview1的点击单元格事件, 2在响应单元格事件获取单元格对应表1的主键值, 3通过表1的主键值与表2生成新的视图.然后直接. 问题五:什么是关联表? 如何建立关联表? 谢谢指导 一个表跟一个之间有联系的都叫关联表 把2个无关联的表建一个关系就是一个关联表 问题六:关联关系表怎么填 您好: 按照你上述内容,在法律形式上不是关联企业的范畴。上述ABC,合资筹建的企业,他们是公司的股东。 所谓关联企业,是指与其他企业之间存在直接或间接控制关系或重大影响关系的企业。相互之间具有联系的各企业互为关联企业。关联企业在法律上可表现为由控制公司和从属公司构成。而控制公司与从属公司的形成主要在干关联公司之间的统一管理关系的存在。这种关系往往籍助于控制公司对从属公司实质上的控制而形成。 问题七:什么是表间关系?两个表之间的关系有几种?分别是什么? 表间关系其实和数据库本身无关,是属于业务概念。 举个例子: 客户信息表,和客户绑定邮箱。 这个应该就是属于主表和子表的概念。 一般来说,表与表之间的关系,基本就是一对一,一对多,多对多。 比如上面的客户信息表,和客户绑定邮箱。 如果一个客户只能绑定一个邮箱,那就是一对一了。 如果改成客常信息表,和客户绑定信息, 一个客户可以绑定一个邮箱,一个电话号码,一个qq等等。那就是一对多的关系。 至于多对多,换个例子。 一个班级有活动小组,每个活动小组包含多名同学,一个同学也可以参加多个小组。 那么活动小组成员表,和班级成员表应该就是多对多的关系。 这里面一般像一对一和一对多的关系可以有约束----外键。 问题八:请问什么是数据库表自关联啊 求高手指教 自关联,字面意思是自己跟自己关联,如数据库中某表:EXP,有字段ID,PD数据内容是: ID PD 001 002 002 001 006 008 009珐 007 如何将字段ID中的前两位数字相同的ID号取出来,并对PD求和,那么这就是自关联,或者我们经常遇到的销售记录表: ID U_ID JE 1 001 800 2 001 -50 3 001 600 4 001 -1000 上表的意思是某用户第一次冲值800元,第二次消费50元,要查找出该用户所有消费记录和当前结余是多少,那么在对这个表查询需要用到内关联。 问题九:MySQL如何创建关联表 MySQL创建关联表可以理解为是两个表之间有个外键关系,但这两个表必须满足三个条件 1.两个表必须是InnoDB数据引擎 2.使用在外键关系的域必须为索引型(Index) 3.使用在外键关系的域必须与数据类型相似 下面分别建两个表来说明一下: Create TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `books` ( `book_id` *** allint(6) NOT NULL auto_increment MENT ‘书籍编号", `book_name` char(20) NOT NULL MENT "书名‘, `book_pic` varchar(200) NOT NULL MENT "封面‘, `book_author` char(20) NOT NULL MENT "作者‘, `book_pub` char(40) NOT NULL MENT "出版社‘, `book_sort` char(6) NOT NULL MENT "分类‘, `book_owner` char(6) default NULL MENT "所有者‘, `book_borrower` char(7) default NULL MENT "借阅者‘, `book_borrower_time` date default NULL MENT "借阅时间‘, PRIMARY KEY (`book_id`), INDEX (book_borrower)) ENGINE=InnoDB CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci AUTO_INCREMENT=5 ; Create TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `parts` ( `part_id` *** allint(6) NOT NULL MENT "成员编号‘, `part_name` varchar(6) NOT NULL MENT "成员名‘, `part_mail` varchar(50) NOT NULL MENT "邮箱‘, `part_pass` varchar(20) NOT NULL MENT "密码‘, PRIMARY KEY (`part_id`), FOREIGN KEY(part_name) REFERENCES books(book_borrower) on delete cascade on update cascade) 分析一下books表和parts表,创建他们的关联,我用了books表的book_borrower字段 创建表时索引并选择InnoDB为表引擎。而parts表即part_name字段为外键,关联到books表的book_borrower字段。注意两 个字段分别是char和varchar都是字符串类型。on delete cascade意思为当books表有相关记录删除时,那parts表也会跟着删除相关联的记录。 问题十:语c关系表是什么 网上的虚拟关系,如下。 1.双生 2.双子 3.共生 4.共存 5.同体 6.同命 7.宿命 8.宿敌 9.镜面 10.倒影 11.主人 12.宠物 13.CP 14.宝贝儿 15.情人 16.爱人 17.专属 18.独有 19.天使 20.恶魔 21.哥哥 22.弟弟 23.姐姐 24.妹妹 25.基友 26.搭档 27.男神 28.女神 29.师傅 30.徒弟 31.同义词 32.反义词 33.上司 34.男体 35.女体 36.损友 37.战友 38.同盟 39.同好 40.共帅 41.共疯 42.挚友 43.幼驯染 44.心脏 45.儿子 46.女儿 47.影子 48.共蠢 49.手足 50.亲信 51.同生 [2013.11.5版本]
2023-06-11 08:20:551

英语口语的presentation 金融危机的因果

the financial crisis caused the decrease of economy.the break down of Iceland Bank ,the increase of the price of goods
2023-06-11 08:21:184

关于 sql server 中 in 使用多列,为什么会错?有什么可替代方法什么的,多谢!

2023-06-11 08:21:264

【超译】 哈姆雷特 第一幕 选段 「波罗涅斯的劝告」

(为什麼每次都在有主要任务的时候做别的事情啊我。。。还有一言,愿我的孩子静听—— And these few precepts in thy memory Look thou character.勿言思无障,万事行前三思。 Give thy thoughts no tongue, Nor any unproportion"d thought his act. 待人自当和暖,并忌失当亲狎。 Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar. 相知有素之友,则铭记於心;但不可滥施交情於新识。 T"hose friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel; But do not dull thy palm with entertainment Of each new-hatch"d, unfledg"d comrade. 留心力避辞争。若争端既起,则必彰庄穆非侮。 Beware Of entrance to a quarrel but, being in, Bear"t that th" opposed may beware of thee.、 耳倾千言万语,不忘少说词句;俯首为千夫指,不忘初心明志。 Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice; Take each man"s censure, but reserve thy judgement. 可散财货於诸衣裳、器物,华美庄严,力免炫新立异;求富丽,减浮豔——服器鉴人乃是常人共识之故。法兰西诸贵族、绅士,尤为精於此道。 Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, But not express"d in fancy; rich, not gaudy; For the apparel oft proclaims the man; And they in France of the best rank and station Are of a most select and generous chief in that. 勿告贷赊欠,亦毋容许他人告贷赊欠。债章一记,难免本金糊涂,情谊勾抹,落得个钱情双销,而向人告贷,则以遗因循慵懒之劣根。 Neither a borrower, nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend, And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. 而後有言,立身处世,曰清曰诚,尽忠於己。 恰似昼存夜具之理,对己忠实,方得无嗔痴讹诈,於己於斯。 This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. Farewell; my blessing season this in thee!
2023-06-11 08:21:321

Which of these embedded options most likelybenefits the investor?

【答案】:Ans:A;A is correct because the floor guarantees a minimum rate the investor will earn.Embedded options that favor thebondholders/investors:(1) conversion provisions;(2) a floor that guarantees a minimum interest payment to the bondholder;(3) a put option.Embedded options that favor theissuer/borrower:(1) the right to call the issue;(2) an accelerated sinking fund provision;(3) a prepayment option;(4) a cap on the floating coupon rate that limits the amount of interest payable by the borrower/issuer.
2023-06-11 08:21:401

借东西的小人阿莉埃蒂主题曲是谁创作的 作词与作曲

主题曲为Cécile Corbel演唱的《Arrietty"s Song》,CD预定4月7日发售。 作词:Cécile Corbel (塞西尔·科贝尔) 歌词翻译:伊平容子 作曲:Simon、Cécile Corbel 主题曲集专辑中文名: 借东西的阿丽埃蒂主题曲 专辑英文名: Arrietty"s Song 别名: 借りぐらしのアリエッティ 艺术家: Cécile Corbel 发行时间: 2010年04月07日 地区: 日本 语言: 英语,日语 专辑介绍: 吉卜力工作室将于2010年7月17日公映新片《借东西的阿丽埃蒂》,企画:宫崎骏,监督:米林宏昌。 法国歌手、竖琴演奏家塞西尔·科贝尔(法语:Cécile CORBEL)担任动画主题曲《Arrietty"s Song》的创作人和主唱。 专辑曲目: 1.Arrietty"s Song 2.Arrietty"s Song(英文版) 3.荒庭 The Neglocted Garden 4.Arrietty"s Song(伴奏)印象集中文名: 借东西的小人阿莉埃蒂印象集 英文名: The Borrower Arrietty 艺术家:Cecile Corbel]、 发行时间: 2010年04月07日 地区: 日本 对白语言: 英语,日语 【专辑介绍】 吉卜力2010年动画大作《借东西的小人阿莉埃蒂》终于在日本电视台(NTV)上播出了新款预告片。虽然此次工作室领军人物宫崎骏将导棒交给了年轻后辈米林宏昌,自己则退居二线担当编剧,但影片依旧透着浓浓的吉卜力特色。清新唯美的画面,配以凯尔特民谣歌手、竖琴演奏家塞西尔·科贝尔(Cécile Corbel)创作的电影原声,恬静清澈的歌声以及竖琴的伴奏,恰如其分地烘托着本片的童话意境。 【专辑曲目】 01.もうひとつの世界 Mou Hitotsu no Sekai [A Different World] 02.Arrietty"s Song (English version) 03.翔の歌 Shou no Uta [Sho"s Song] 04.翔の悲しみ Shou no Kanashimi [Sho"s Lament] 05.荒れた庭 Areta Niwa [The Neglected Garden] 06.禁じられた恋 Kinjiareta Koi [Forbidden Love] 07.はじめての“借り” Hajimete no "Kari" [My First Borrowing] 08.床下の我が家 Yuka no Waga Ie [Our House Below] 09.ハルの追迹 Haru no Tsuiseki [Haru"s Chase] 10.雨 Ame [Rain] 11.スピラー Supiraa [Spiller] 12.ドールハウス Dooru Hausu [The Doll House] 13.朝日の中の旅立ち Asahi no Naka no Tabidachi [Departure at Dawn] 14.Arrietty"s Song (Japanese Version)原声集专辑中文名: 借东西的小人阿莉埃蒂原声集 专辑英文名: The Borrower Arrietty Soundtrack 别名: 借りぐらしのアリエッティ サウンドトラック 艺术家: 塞西尔·科贝尔 Cécile Corbel 资源格式: MP3 发行时间: 2010年7月14日 地区: 日本 语言: 日语 简介: 专辑介绍: 《借东西的小人阿莉埃蒂》改编自英国已故儿童文学家玛丽·诺顿发表于1953年的代表作《借东西的地下小人》,影片依旧透着浓浓的吉卜力特色。清新唯美的画面,配以凯尔特民谣歌手、竖琴演奏家塞西尔·科贝尔(Cécile Corbel)创作的电影原声,恬静清澈的歌声以及竖琴的伴奏,恰如其分地烘托着本片的童话意境。 专辑曲目: 01. The Neglected Garden(荒れた庭) 02. Our House Below-Movie Version(床下の我が家) 03. Our House Below-Instrumental Version(床下の我が家) 04. The Doll House-Instrumental Version(ドールハウス) 05. Sho"s Lament-instrumental Version1(翔の悲しみ) 06. Arrietty"s Song-instrumental Version(Arrietty"s Song) 07. The Neglected Garden-Instrumental Version(荒れた庭) 08. Sho"s Waltz(翔のワルツ) 09. Spiller-Instrumental Version(スピラー) 10. Rain-Instrumental Version(雨) 11. The Wild Waltz(ザ?ワイルド?ワルツ) 12. Sho"s Lament-Instrumental Version2(翔の悲しみ) 13. Au Uneasy Feeling(不安な気持ち) 14. With you(あなたと共に) 15. The House is in Silence(静寂の屋敷) 16. Sho"s Song-Instrumental Version(翔の歌) 17. Precious Memories(大切な思い出) 18. Goodbye My Friend-Instrumental(グッバイ?マイ?フレンド) 19. I Will Never Forget You(あなたを决して忘れない) 20. 主题歌Arrietty"s Song(Arrietty"s Song) 21. ボーナストラックTears in My Eyes(仆の涙) 22. ボーナストラックGoodbye My Friend(グッバイ?マイ?フレンド)Cécile Corbel介绍出生于法国西北部的Bretagne,既是歌手也是竖琴演奏家。青春期为音乐而倾倒,在当地的音乐学校学习竖琴,之后开始弹奏竖琴演唱。与贝司手、吉他手、大提琴演奏者一起在法国和世界各地演奏,收获一批拥趸。去年,她赠送给吉卜力制作人铃木一张CD,这成为她为今夏公开的《借东西的阿丽埃蒂》演唱的契机。擅长多国语言,可以使用法语、英语、印度语、Breton语、Gaelic语、西班牙语演唱。这次是她首次挑战用日语演唱。
2023-06-11 08:21:581

Neither a borrower nor a lender be.

别借债,莫放债。莎士比亚 <哈姆雷特>
2023-06-11 08:22:061

借东西的小人英文简介 万分感谢啊!

借东西的小人内容提要:The Borrowers live in the secret places of quiet old houses; behind the mantelpiece, inside the harpsichord, under the kitchen clock. They own nothing, borrow everything, and think that human beings were invented just to do the dirty work. Arrietty"s father, Pod, was an expert Borrower. He could scale curtains using a hatpin, and bring back a doll"s teacup without breaking it. Girls weren"t supposed to go borrowing but as Arrietty was an only child her father broke the rule, and then something happened which changed their lives. She made friends with the human boy living in the house...作者简介:Mary Norton was born in 1903 and brought up in a house in Bedfordshire, which was to become the setting for The Borrowers. First published in 1952, The Borrowers was an imediate success, winning the Library Association"s Carnegie Medal. There followed four more Borrowers books: The Borrowers Afield (1955), The Borrowers Afloat (1959), The Borrowers Aloft (1961) and The Borrowers Avenged (1982). Poor Stainless was the last Borrowers story Mary Norton wrote. She died in 1992.
2023-06-11 08:22:131