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G-Dragon的This love汉语同音歌词,不是罗马音标,高分。

2023-06-11 10:27:31
TAG: GON lov

this love yeah yeah yeah

this loving in dugging dison

oh I"m tray falling dislike

yeah yeah yeah

this is song for young



















this love 他信撒狼大wing




this love 一米都那波灵






september 19th 弄也色也


alone i"m a fallin love shady











one love

this love 他信撒狼大wing




this love 一米都那波灵






september 19th 弄也色也


alone i"m a fallin love shady








now i"m crazy without you for me

once again

this love 一久你巧波灵




this love no 母那托哟灵




this love this love

ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

ya ya ya ya ya ya

ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

hey J look at me

after your left it ain"t the same

i"m not what i used to be

it hurts so much u know??

i need you girl

always all time this love



2023-06-11 08:02:401


2023-06-11 08:02:525

汽车设计师 志水俊晴是谁?他有什么生平介绍?

日本设计师。志水俊晴先生,于1993年加入日本ARRK集团,拥有完整之交通工具设计经历。 由于大陆经济之快速崛起,志水先生于2000年开始投入于中国大陆之交通工具设计领域,对于中国汽车设计市场需求、造型走 向颇为熟悉,于是在2009年6月,ARRK DISON整合志水先生的设计力、以及ARRK集团的原型制作能力, 成立了ARRK DISON上海汽车设计中心,以最全方位的能力,为从前端设计到后端车模,打造具有高度竞争力的的设计项目。
2023-06-11 08:03:061


2023-06-11 08:03:311


阁下说的pic16f877a单片机的12864液晶串行显示驱动程序! 你用的屏应该是12864带中文字库,控制芯片是ST7920的屏,那你就可以用模块内置自带的中文字库,只要根据ST7920中文字型码表里提出你想的内容就可以了,你可以在网下一个"ST7920中文字型码表",网上有很多,里面都是12864液晶串行接口的汉字库,你从里面调出来用就可以!参考资料(不包含自调字库)/*-------------------------------------ST7920串行驱动程序--------------------------------------*/#ifndef ST7920_H#define ST7920_H/*--------------------------------*///#include<reg52.h>/*--------------------------------*/#define uchar unsigned char#define uint unsigned int/*--------------------------------下面是ST7920的内部指令宏定义--------------------------------*/#define bascmd 0x30 /*使用基本指令集*/#define clear 0x01 /*清屏*/#define turn 0x02 /*地址归位*/#define entset 0x06 /*游标右移,DDRAM地址计数器AC+1*/#define gor 0x1c /*整屏右移*/#define gol 0x18 /*整屏左移*/#define dison 0x0c /*显示开,关光标*/#define cgrama 0x40 /*cgram基地止*/#define ddrama 0x80 /* 设定DDRAM 地址,第一行80H~87H,第二行90H~97H */#define page0 0x80#define page1 0x90#define page2 0x88#define page3 0x98#define extcmd 0x34 /*使用扩展指令集*/#define reverse 0x04 /*反白显示*/#define mapdison 0x36/*扩充指令图形显示开*//*--------------------------------硬件接口--------------------------------*/#define LCM_DATA P0 /* P0口,作为数据总线 */sbit LCM_RS = P1^7; /* 数据(H)/指令(L) */sbit LCM_RW = P1^6; /* 读(H)/写(L) */sbit LCM_EN = P1^5; /* 使能-写(H->L)/读(H) */sbit LCM_PSB = P1^4; /* 8位或4位串口 */sbit LCM_BF = LCM_DATA^7; /* LCD模块内部忙标志 *//*------------------------------*/void delay(uint t);void Ldelay(uint t1);void LCM_busy();void LCM_wrcmd(uchar cmd);void LCM_wrdat(uchar dat);void LCM_add(uchar x,uchar y);void LCM_basinit();void LCM_wrpagestr(uchar add,uchar* dis,uchar num);void LCM_mapclr();void LCM_extinit();void LCM_12864map(uchar code *dis);void LCM_6464map(uchar x,uchar *p);void LCM_3232word(uchar x,uchar *p);#endif以下是并行方式的驱动:#include"ST7920.h"/*------------------------------*函数名:void delay(uint t)延时t个5倍指令周期,1个指令周期约为1us*--------------------------------*/void delay(uint t){ while(t--) { _nop_();_nop_();_nop_();_nop_();_nop_(); }}void Ldelay(uint t1){ while(t1--) delay(1000);}/*------------------------------*读忙函数,等待液晶处于就绪态LCM_busy=1时为忙*-------------------------------*/void LCM_busy(){ LCM_RS = 0; LCM_RW = 1; LCM_EN = 1; while(LCM_BF); LCM_EN = 0;}/*------------------------------*向LCM写指令*-------------------------------*/void LCM_wrcmd(uchar cmd){ LCM_busy(); LCM_RS = 0; LCM_RW = 0; LCM_DATA = cmd; LCM_EN = 1; delay(1); LCM_EN = 0;}/*------------------------------*向LCM写数据*-------------------------------*/void LCM_wrdat(uchar dat){ LCM_busy(); LCM_RS = 1; LCM_RW = 0; LCM_DATA = dat; LCM_EN = 1; delay(1); LCM_EN = 0;}/*------------------------------*写地址函数,基本指令集,文字*-------------------------------*/void LCM_add(uchar x,uchar y){ switch(x) { case 0:x=page0;break; case 1:x=page1;break; case 2:x=page2;break; case 3:x=page3;break; } LCM_wrcmd(x+y);// delay(8);}/*------------------------------*LCM初始化函数,基本指令集*-------------------------------*/void LCM_basinit(){ LCM_PSB = 1; LCM_wrcmd(bascmd); delay(80); LCM_wrcmd(entset); delay(80); LCM_wrcmd(dison); delay(80); LCM_wrcmd(clear); delay(1000);}void LCM_extinit(){ LCM_wrcmd(0x34); delay(80); LCM_wrcmd(0x02); delay(80);}/*------------------------------*向某一行写字符串*-------------------------------*/void LCM_wrpagestr(uchar add,uchar* dis,uchar num){ LCM_wrcmd(add); while(num--) { LCM_wrdat(*dis++); }}/*------------------------------*图形清屏函数*-------------------------------*/void LCM_mapclr(){ uint i,j; LCM_extinit(); for(i=0;i<512;i+=16) { LCM_wrcmd(0x80+i/16); LCM_wrcmd(0x80); for(j=0;j<16;j++) { LCM_wrdat(0x00); } } for(i=0;i<512;i+=16) { LCM_wrcmd(0x80+i/16); LCM_wrcmd(0x88); for(j=0;j<16;j++) { LCM_wrdat(0x00); } }}/*----------------------------*输入一幅128*64的图像*----------------------------*/void LCM_12864map(uchar *p){ uint i,j; LCM_extinit(); LCM_mapclr(); for(i=0;i<512;i+=16) { LCM_wrcmd(0x80+i/16); LCM_wrcmd(0x80); delay(1); for(j=0;j<16;j++) { LCM_wrdat(p[j+i]); } LCM_wrcmd(0x80+i/16); LCM_wrcmd(0x88); delay(1); for(j=0;j<16;j++) { LCM_wrdat(p[512+j+i]); } } LCM_wrcmd(mapdison); delay(16);}void LCM_6464map(uchar x,uchar *p){ uint i,j; LCM_extinit(); LCM_mapclr(); for(i=0;i<256;i+=8) { LCM_wrcmd(0x80+i/8); LCM_wrcmd(0x80+x); delay(1); for(j=0;j<8;j++) { LCM_wrdat(p[j+i]); } LCM_wrcmd(0x80+i/8); LCM_wrcmd(0x88+x); delay(1); for(j=0;j<8;j++) { LCM_wrdat(p[256+j+i]); } } LCM_wrcmd(mapdison); delay(16);}/*----------------------------*自定义图形文字32*32*----------------------------*/void LCM_3232word(uchar x,uchar *p){ uint i,j; for(i=0;i<128;i+=4) { LCM_wrcmd(0x80+i/4); LCM_wrcmd(0x80+x); delay(1); for(j=0;j<4;j++) { LCM_wrdat(p[j+i]); } } LCM_wrcmd(mapdison); delay(16);}以下是串行方式的驱动#include"ST7920_s.h"/*------------------------------*函数名:void delay(uint t)延时t个5倍指令周期,1个指令周期约为1us*--------------------------------*/void delay(uint t){ while(t--) { _nop_();_nop_();_nop_();_nop_();_nop_(); }}void Ldelay(uint t1){ while(t1--) delay(1000);}/*------------------------------*读忙函数,等待液晶处于就绪态LCM_busy=1时为忙*-------------------------------*//*void LCM_busy(){ LCM_RS = 0; LCM_RW = 1; LCM_EN = 1; while(LCM_BF); LCM_EN = 0;}/*------------------------------*向LCM写1byte*-------------------------------*/void LCM_wrbyte(uchar DATA){ uchar i; for(i=0;i<8;i++) { LCM_SID=DATA&0x80; //取出最高位 LCM_CLK=1;// _nop_(); LCM_CLK=0;// _nop_(); DATA<<=1; //左移 } }/*------------------------------*start=0向LCM写指令start=1向LCM写数据*-------------------------------*/void LCM_wrcord(bit start, uchar DATA) //写指令或数据{ uchar start_data,Hdata,Ldata; if(start==0) start_data=0xf8; //写指令 else start_data=0xfa; //写数据 Hdata=DATA&0xf0; //取高四位 Ldata=(DATA<<4)&0xf0; //取低四位 LCM_wrbyte(start_data); //发送起始信号 delay(3); //延时是必须的 LCM_wrbyte(Hdata); //发送高四位 delay(1); //延时是必须的 LCM_wrbyte(Ldata); //发送低四位 delay(1); //延时是必须的}/*------------------------------*写地址函数,基本指令集,文字*-------------------------------*/void LCM_add(uchar x,uchar y){ switch(x) { case 0:x=page0;break; case 1:x=page1;break; case 2:x=page2;break; case 3:x=page3;break; } LCM_wrcord(0,x+y);}/*------------------------------*LCM初始化函数,基本指令集*-------------------------------*/void LCM_basinit(){ LCM_PSB = 0; //串口驱动模式 LCM_CS=1; LCM_wrcord(0,bascmd); //8 位介面,基本指令集 LCM_wrcord(0,dison); //显示打开,光标关,反白关 LCM_wrcord(0,clear); //清屏,将DDRAM的地址计数器归零 }void LCM_extinit(){ LCM_wrcord(0,0x34); LCM_wrcord(0,0x02);}/*------------------------------*向某一行写字符串*-------------------------------*/void LCM_wrpagestr(uchar add,uchar* dis,uchar num){ LCM_wrcord(0,add); while(num--) { LCM_wrcord(1,*dis++); }}希望能对你有帮助,祝你开发成功!
2023-06-11 08:03:381


俗话说:“日有所思,夜有所想。”之所以你会做这样的梦,是不是因为你是他的忠实粉丝?对他的帅气所吸引?追星不是不可以,但过分的追星就不好了。会影响你的正常生活,你说是不是啊 !
2023-06-11 08:04:0215

网页求解 The owner of this website ( has banned your IP address (

2023-06-11 08:04:322

求bigbang的《this love》歌词

bigbang-this love(英文)歌词 This love (Yea, yea, yea) (I gotta holla about my girl full of ‘"mazing") [note: amazing?] (Yea, yea, yea) Let"s do it ch"all Yea, it"s really taking me from high-low Let"s see, where should I begin? The club on Friday night yo Just having a good"ol time yo The music"s banging; people"s like ‘whoa" But there was one that caught my eye, so I just had to get closer to her She"s super-fly yo, I must confess some I"m thinking, ‘Damn I need to-" with the lovin" gesture I"m about to hit her with a, ‘How you"ve been" ‘You don"t remember me?"‘Hey!" Instead I"ll stick with the traditional, ‘Hi, what"s you"re name?" I be the GD, I"m a cool gentleman Check out my melody, the flavor straight like your cinnamon Feel the adrenaline; I"m pulled in by your honey lovin" It"s all about the two of us getting together, now that"s what I"m saying Chorus: This love got me high and so in Baby girl, you know I live for it And I"ll never ever hurt you Without you, there"s no life in me This love got me proud of showin" Ain"t no doubt, I"ma keep on holding And it"s all-deep forevermore, well baby On and on, you know we have each other"s back yo (Whoa) Baby got them looks so deadly And every time I think about ‘em, man I get chills That"s with the beauty, yea that"s for real You know that"s she"s my only love My only love baby (Yea) She"s standing by me And no one phases mommy She holds the game and that"s the way she fully gains control You ain"t never wanna test her It"s surely for the best yo Unless you wanna mess around, don"t say I never warned ya These type of girls, they goin" everyday (everyday) It just don"t stop, it comes like every way (every way) My baby got it, like you"re shakin" with —–——, yes —- [note: this entire verse makes no sense] Gon" definitely rid your destiny Repeat Chorus (Whoa) Baby got them looks so deadly And every time I think about ‘em, man I get chills That"s with the beauty, yea that"s for real You know that"s she"s my only love My only love baby (Yea)Come girl now take my hand (Oh) Let us love until the end (‘til the end) Never gonna let you go Baby we are both so deep in this (No, no, no, no) Not a second I regret (Oh) Gonna cherish all of it (All of it) So amazing glad I found ya Got me crazy for your loveliness Once again… Repeat Chorus This love …. Hey J, look at me After you left, it ain"t the same I"m not what I used to be It hurts so much you know? I need you girl Always, one-time This love 中文音译 G-dragon - This Love中文譯音this love yeah yeah yeahthis loving in dugging dison oh I"m tray falling dislikeyeah yeah yeahthis is song for young哦怒论他论闹波他都古你他所怕起内尼噶波过ship他过一姐难你蓝蛮都哈苏噶哦不西腿吧林个儿古恰也陪色起kia波速穷家都哦不撒恰蛮巨挺个儿啊木灵吧都把波噶忒搜后谈ging忒蛮不铺料加噶满内搜故类尿男家亲故噶一嫩带那怒古果啦嫩带we故冷怒几苦料西落你噶你哇巧亲故图里纳波够表西尼来个噶摸噶古里加狼内国强新恰里来卡亲过弄过来桑关哦不搜啊木料摸忒一落尅啦图弄波速蛮你他秒难顾尅录巧尅this love 他信撒狼大wing他几难拿内幕那呀wing内幕塑不把啦不腻we一里吧波噶图几 this love 一米都那波灵巧gi也怒撒狼巧波灵都拉哦起土完嫩萨朗马摸里摸里纳拉噶叫度录滴落马诶图我挪内也一过森马奇like哈那配gi一儿 september 19th 弄也色也后路那马alone i"m a fallin love shadygi哦贵那你你几把配搜把米大噶都落内gi大龄你妈咪大图落恰米行大白退过搜蛮母你米退恰搜gi带哇怒带离no啊过比噶内料搜gi切搜呀那怒马米儿穷理嘿(米按内)怒股噶一尅其那路we罗嘿(米安嘿) gi过拖摸里过诺汤黄可黑思你(yes你)拖他系那怒行恰噶忒思你one lovethis love 他信撒狼大wing他几难拿内幕那呀wing内幕塑不把啦不腻 we一里吧波噶图几this love 一米都那波灵巧gi也怒撒狼巧波灵都拉哦起土完嫩萨朗马摸里摸里纳拉噶叫度录滴落马诶图我挪内也一过森马奇like哈那配gi一儿 september 19th 弄也色也后路那马alone i"m a fallin love shady那喔拖给黑呀对弄路萨朗哈努给切亲过慢噶退忒起鼓诺姆蛮你him图忒no以故男家也给掐架噶满来巨类无力一落满忒假那now i"m crazy without you for meonce again this love 一久你巧波灵西干搜给莫穷久波灵gi翁搜给呼酱秋恰we一里噶苏麻噗几this love no 母那托哟灵撒狼一拉哈gi耶no灵古剧喔托gi耶都大摸里摸里纳拉噶叫度录滴落this love this loveooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oohya ya ya ya ya ya ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oohhey J look at meafter your left it ain"t the same i"m not what i used to beit hurts so much u know i need you girl always all time this love 谢谢采纳
2023-06-11 08:04:391

求sundaland on mind罗马音歌词

原文日语歌词badisoncondibairobadisonconreirohobadisoncondibairobadisonconreirohobairobasonbairobasonbairobasonbadisonconreiroho落ちる夕日よ教えて给ふ落ちる夕日よ教えて给ふ爱と暮らした远い昔のいとしい记忆よ教えて给ふ揺れる祖国よ教えて给ふ揺れる祖国よ教えて给ふ爱と暮らした远い昔のいとしい记忆よ教えて给ふ平假名歌词    给ふ(口语:たもう)badisoncondibairobadisonconreirohobadisoncondibairobadisonconreirohobairobasonbairobasonbairobasonbadisonconreirohoおちるゆうひよおしえてたもうおちるゆうひよおしえてたもうあいとくらしたとおいむかしのいとしいきおくよおしえてたもうふゆれるそこくよおしえてたもうゆれるそこくよおしえてたもうあいとくらしたとおいむかしのいとしいきおくよおしえてたもう罗马音badisoncondibairobadisonconreirohobadisoncondibairobadisonconreirohobairobasonbairobasonbairobasonbadisonconreirohoochiruyuuhiyooshietetamouochiruyuuhiyooshietetamouaitokurashitatooimukashinoitoshiikiokuyooshietetamoufuyurerusokokuyooshietetamouyurerusokokuyooshietetamouaitokurashitatooimukashinoitoshiikiokuyooshietetamou
2023-06-11 08:04:481


2023-06-11 08:05:101


2023-06-11 08:05:211


2023-06-11 08:05:401

go加动词ing的短语 如go shopping go hiking 不少于100个!

go climbing go walking go jogging go swimming go running go driving go boating go fishing go camping go home go to school go dison go swim go boating come to tea go dance go play bestkeball go play football go play tennis go play talb. .
2023-06-11 08:05:471


谎言  ye, Love is pain ..  To all my brokenhearted people (come again)  one"s old a flame, scream my name  And i"m so sick of love songs  ye, i hate damn love song, memento of ours  (够几吗儿)  呢怎 把木 比噶 内料哇 闹儿 带料哇  早怎 gi哦 个太 对草giao 那  闹 哦不西 杂儿 撒儿 素 一大够 大几没把豆 哦早儿 素 哦不大够  某他嫩 素儿都 吗西够 艘他嫩 吗木 把木sei cei我把豆  西喽 闹 哦不嫩 哈路嫩 gi喽  比喽 在把里该 黑大拉够(够几吗里呀)  闹 哦不嫩 内在怒四米 包一几 啊那  (怒恩)木儿走擦 够一几 啊那 的嫩 撒儿够 西(不)几 啊那  要噶忒 要儿把该 你 僧噶该 豆拉波里够 噶忒  包够西喷带 包儿 素噶 哦不带 某度 可那带  I"ll be right there  I"m so sorry but i love you  大 够几吗儿 一呀 某拉扫 一在呀 啊拉扫 乃噶 皮六嘿  I"m so sorry but I love you  那儿卡喽问 吗拉gi麦 那豆 某了该 闹儿 的那包内几满  I"m so sorry but I love you  (塔 够几吗儿)  I"m so sorry, but I love you  I"m so sorry but I love you  那了儿 的那 草恩草你 一早组内 内噶 啊怕哈儿 素 一该  个dei 类嘿扫 不闹哇(的恩) 内 某的恩 够儿 大把亲 闹类  啊吗 撒拉木的(了恩) 某了该就  难 混杂 可 啊木豆 啊木豆 某类  可类 内噶 黑的恩 吗了恩 够几吗儿  后喽 那木giao几挪头里 可 艘该 海麦嫩 内 够里  组么你 艘该 够gi够gi 早波吨 一表了两喊 走几(hey)  闹闹地那哟 闹儿 不了嫩 四(不)关豆  难 大那几内 一在恩 塔 无扫闹木gi 该  I"m so sorry but I love you  大 够几吗儿 一呀 ,某拉扫 一在呀 啊拉扫 乃噶 批六嘿  I"m so sorry but I love you  那儿卡喽问 吗拉gi麦 那豆 某了该 闹儿 的那包内几满  I"m so sorry but I love you  (大,够几吗儿)  I"m so sorry, but I love you  I"m so sorry but I love you  那了儿 的那 草恩草你 一早组内 内噶 啊怕哈儿 素 一该  oh oh oh oh oh(某的恩该 古米gi儿)  oh oh oh oh oh (一够把该 按对嫩 那拉扫)  啊几豆 闹了儿 某你早  啊你 piaong僧儿 噶都 组够扫卡几豆  内噶 尊桑草 啊木喽嫩几  米啊内 啊木够都 黑尊该 哦不嫩 那拉扫  I"m so sorry but I love you  大 够几吗儿 一呀 某那扫 一在呀 啊拉扫 乃噶 批六嘿  I"m so sorry but I love you  那儿卡楼问 吗拉gi麦 那都 某了该 闹儿 的那包内几满  I"m so sorry but I love you  (他,够几吗儿)  I"m so sorry, but I love you  I"m so sorry but I love you  那了儿 的那 草恩草你 一早组内  内噶 啊怕哈儿 素 一该 红霞let"s go yes"ll we"re back again with 李文世fresh collaboration 2008 it"s bigbangTOP :苦day啊 吸纳呦一家那呦苦day嘎no 木苦一哇呦够该素杜弄木互祝呦溏心内一路木不喽呦太阳:只要一想到你头疼欲裂就像喝了剧毒的酒一样TOP :no马say嘎开门某力啊PO 兜滴兜看苏嘎透志龙:苏扑你该苏飘你几内 阿拉弄木苗跑力几内离南兜恰酷卡你加达大头某里几米纳西嘎那改几马苦累兜殴斗K阿几马撒郎独有含day吐啦哦扣啦米嫩day难no马ki大力嫩day合 :难no奴撒郎嘿 一say桑嫩no呼你呀搜历久布鲁几马旧忒大不门怒骂不K撒嫩dayTOP :西K day嘎米亚尼汗搭苗内哦住BO KI主 gyang 大苗 girl苦累麻将合(得儿)(得儿)(得儿)那no啦苗hi尼(盆儿)(盆儿)(盆儿)那胜利:南希喷苦day一呼将不笨mo无无(得儿)(某儿)扣四剖几嫩(够儿)大成:oh baby baby叹息难干洗干wuli嘎汗给安旧喔一几麻辣旧呦哦太阳:nr nr嘎马搜一又西难不娄旧大苗昂见那 扣大料嘎给呦哦龙 :eveyday eveynight I need you难no奴撒郎嘿 一say桑嫩no呼你呀搜历久布鲁几马旧忒大不门怒骂不K撒嫩day大成:艾伦到挖ten古内木苏不一间不苏no开气马太阳:苦艾娄他K家 帕拉不苏一给 扑开他旧喔哦~~合 :啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 let"s go啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 singing togetherTOP :害嘎土狗害嘎几内 弄比切 搜破几内咖喱土狗咖喱几内 搜苏给那土星不透几内志龙:害嘎土狗害嘎几内 弄比切 搜破几内咖喱土狗咖喱几内 苦day ki该兜画木day几内合 :难no奴撒郎嘿一say桑嫩no呼你呀搜历久布鲁几马旧忒大不门怒骂不K撒嫩day(重复一次)啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 let"s go啊啊啊(龙:konw who)啊啊啊啊啊龙: BIGBANGTonight (TITLE SONG)Tonight such a beautiful nightsing with me now 2011 follow mebig bang big bangwe"re back again one more time sayno way no wayno木洗该东那不太big bang big bangDon"t stop let"s playok ok go go go那米奇够噶忒亚麻期亲够噶太外啊nia亲临够噶切波搜大不奈新洗ei汉尼奥家能闹蛮重魔塔能bad boyBut I"m nice啊闹毛该够嫩毛拜gin够let me blow ya mind哦捷普巧叫嫩级卡们迷药赛金努力为艳马级亲 吧金kim吧金跑来噶期五刚噶开进切嫩king扫豆李丹汉kiao嫩kiukv掉桑那也囊毛没济刚那Don"t wanna try no more闹吕恰加扫Oh-e-oh那不巧级您巧买为啦来楼kv来恰家扫Oh-e-oh 吕期好定期冒吕gi亲慢Tonight tonight tonight tonight囊撒浪nun莫啦到冒闹gia尼奥胡里玩桑强那里表里末扫我 (So what so what)nun巧慢南森gia李kv李我 (no more no more)kv叫哇噗买扫屯够皮哈顾洗喷够But You know that I love yougirl girl girl洗研级研苦囊三giao say no恰嘎五您速楼嫩敖老不该哈嫩那那那Take ma soul take ma heart back赛老们扫啦因 get that撒浪eng奈该哦五里级呀那don"t think too much it"s simple闹吕恰加扫Oh-e-oh那不巧级您巧买为啦来楼kv来恰家扫Oh-e-oh 吕期好定期冒吕gi亲慢Tonight tonight tonight tonight囊撒浪nun莫啦到冒闹gia尼奥胡里玩啊尼奥你浪嘛来sei pun没你敖ten苦临恰嫩卡聊期够奈吗临扫 一脚包临闹吕哈嫩那也ki聊闹吕恰加扫Oh-e-oh那不巧级您巧买为啦来楼(扫他喂他来楼)kv来恰家扫Oh-e-oh (苦带 oh baby)吕期好定期冒吕gi亲慢(哦品军谋老)Tonight tonight tonight tonight囊撒浪nun莫啦(撒浪nun莫啦)到冒闹gia尼奥胡里玩闹吕恰加扫Oh-e-oh(tonight)那不巧级您巧买为啦来楼(such a beautifulnight)kv来恰家扫Oh-e-oh 吕期好定期冒吕gi亲慢Good nightG-dragon - This Lovethis love yeah yeah yeahthis loving in dugging disonoh I"m tray falling dislikeyeah yeah yeahthis is song for young哦怒论他论闹波他都古你他所怕起内尼噶波过ship他过一姐难你蓝蛮都哈苏噶哦不西腿吧林个儿古恰也陪色起kia波速穷家都哦不撒恰蛮巨挺个儿啊木灵吧都把波噶忒搜后谈ging忒蛮不铺料加噶满内搜故类尿男家亲故噶一嫩带那怒古果啦嫩带we故冷怒几苦料西落你噶你哇巧亲故图里纳波够表西尼来个噶摸噶古里加狼内国强新恰里来卡亲过弄过来桑关哦不搜啊木料摸忒一落尅啦图弄波速蛮你他秒难顾尅录巧尅this love 他信撒狼大wing他几难拿内幕那呀wing内幕塑不把啦不腻we一里吧波噶图几this love 一米都那波灵巧gi也怒撒狼巧波灵都拉哦起土完嫩萨朗马摸里摸里纳拉噶叫度录滴落马诶图我挪内也一过森马奇like哈那配gi一儿september 19th 弄也色也后路那马alone i"m a fallin love shadygi哦贵那你你几把配搜把米大噶都落内gi大龄你妈咪大图落恰米行大白退过搜蛮母你米退恰搜gi带哇怒带离no啊过比噶内料搜gi切搜呀那怒马米儿穷理嘿(米按内)怒股噶一尅其那路we罗嘿(米安嘿)gi过拖摸里过诺汤黄可黑思你(yes你)拖他系那怒行恰噶忒思你one lovethis love 他信撒狼大wing他几难拿内幕那呀wing内幕塑不把啦不腻we一里吧波噶图几this love 一米都那波灵巧gi也怒撒狼巧波灵都拉哦起土完嫩萨朗马摸里摸里纳拉噶叫度录滴落马诶图我挪内也一过森马奇like哈那配gi一儿september 19th 弄也色也后路那马alone i"m a fallin love shady那喔拖给黑呀对弄路萨朗哈努给切亲过慢噶退忒起鼓诺姆蛮你him图忒no以故男家也给掐架噶满来巨类无力一落满忒假那now i"m crazy without you for meonce againthis love 一久你巧波灵西干搜给莫穷久波灵gi翁搜给呼酱秋恰we一里噶苏麻噗几this love no 母那托哟灵撒狼一拉哈gi耶no灵古剧喔托gi耶都大摸里摸里纳拉噶叫度录滴落this love this loveooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oohya ya ya ya ya yaooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oohhey J look at meafter your left it ain"t the samei"m not what i used to beit hurts so much u know??i need you girlalways all time this love权志龙少年啊音译歌词GD your choice drop it on me yo吧们gi喷嫩得家门那NO够内聊南度同挂撒唔够诶里就里对求 ki哒sing噶K讲giu兜配嫩不就够呗giu搜内den噶嫩噶撒衣啊内内求啦ki噶的噶哒不用哒呗用gi挂恰内帮 home sweet home 啊内噶他哟塞桑那衣也哇搜 西ten某西他聊哇搜萌某能嫩加心讲米 内噶讲肯目gi要搜哦len吗gi里啦们r内里吗gi兜为嫩播兜啦噶gi也 奴目嫩就不聊搜I can"t let goRemember back in that day比那den 股们南就得衣及某忒 苦得够唔们rDon"t forget back in that day 搜年也要你某进某搜里喽塞桑也搜里求shine aliveG-dragon南度里沃啦跟 恰哒够 唔里哒够难G-dragon 南度里沃啦跟 wow 撒浪度len吗类内噶不录沃噶亲给NO目吗那哟内音度len哒票哈给慢撒啦哒 卡路慢股衣抢也对吧啦不为嫩给哒噶 啊你浪够啊啦西甘你呼喽噶们搜外表唔们扣就噶搜们某len嫩内目噶内给噶讲肯不哒没搜哦len吗gi里啦们r内里吗gi兜喂嫩播兜慢气gi kian 奴目嫩叫播聊搜I wanna goRemember back in that day比那den 股们南就得衣及某忒 苦得够唔们Don"t forget back in that day 搜年也要你某进某搜里喽塞桑也搜里求shine alive西年兜噶苏吗嫩哦len度挂内噶 呼林苏吗嫩哒吧hin的挂内噶恰吗后恰噶问嫩某忒Ah ah Ah ah 哒西家K BO嫩够呀Remember back in that day比那den 股们南就得衣及某忒 苦得够唔们Don"t forget back in that day 搜年也要你某进某搜里喽塞桑也搜里求shine alive(Just once) Remember back in that day(Go back) 比那den 股们 (Huh)南就得衣及某忒(forget)苦得够唔们 (Huh)Don"t forget back in that day (way back)搜年也要你某进某搜里喽塞桑也搜里求shine aliveCome back to me now【要年那兜】Come back to me now【西要年及那兜】Come back to me nowCome back to me now【及那甘塞沃r哒 内青群那】Remember back in that day【It"s time to shine】南就得衣及某忒【That"s choice】Don"t forget back in that day【dropped to you by GD】你某进某搜里喽塞桑也搜里求shine aliveCrayon - G-Dragon 音译冉er.制作 ?GD?GET YOUR CRAYONGET YOUR CRAYON马力 啊敢 无了 拜swag check swag check马力 啊敢 无了 拜swag check swag check啊及投无力及呀乃 yes I"m a pretty boy那拿来大力 so fly 当拉力 boy波哇四莫更凑那 巴巴 偶吧 那把 bad boyI"m a G to the D Gold N Diamonds boy怒噶啊你内 U know I beez that哦呢类DJ 那了恰里 弄了米哎阿格西 啊啊啊格西 弄四够了鸡涌西伊利挂bua有 必有米 你难加戏no挤莫米拿那吗其 噶马其内一桑呀 so give me some今册gi哇gi米桑 oh my god 权及哟Why so serious?Get your crayon Get your crayon Get your cray Get your crayonGet your crayon Get your crayon Get your cray Get yourWhy so serious?Come on girls Come on boys Come on come on Get your crayon crayon Come on girls Come on boys Come on come on Get your crayon crayon 马力 啊敢 无了 拜swag check内噶的呢Black木完才有撒个够不拉一弄了Crack木完噶都挖个留不拉刚得咯进步得给哪行够不秒那木够得咯本不得给尅就既有呢刚他够哦据一够 踹据一够 撇且弄熄 Crayon加了噶都 忙呢里够 恰被都吸 Crayon 和那 都 three four 我擦可擦弄里够恰问啊给 slow it down 求西哈们就得把里给打了的搜 那就给得为了送得给气门搜弄了里波里秒去的给噶齐齐么求ling ga ling ga ling 巴特呢 吧波吗里要给木了把木了把木么了的 ROCKWhy so serious?Get your crayon Get your crayon Get your cray Get your crayonGet your crayon Get your crayon Get your cray Get yourWhy so serious?Come on girls Come on boys Come on come on Get your crayon crayon Come on girls Come on boys Come on come on Get your crayon crayon Get your crayon crayonGet geeeeeeeet your crayonCome on girls Come on boys Come on Come on Come on Come onCome on girls Come on boys Come on Come on Come on Come on马力 啊敢 无了 拜swag check普塔:无冷妈你丫 乌本菜以可得no不理 出哇不了夜波家得 no难桑 内录嫩我类古瓦不了鸡涌:肯得哦嫩打拉来跟打啦不了右安hi门哇都擦嘎哇不了哪路不嫩弄比七同僧也卡都猜一搜内啊呸搜男擦该不了monster普塔:昆恰呐擦A搜忒哇出这里怕国不了鸡涌:木古西盘嘛里嘛嫩得嫩打擦啦不了得king没里菜兰不了内不理得滚思球起拿T都拉森姑江卡不了有给搜no擦不面五搜哦几那太阳:安木买多都了几安球带面搜no汗都排家提楼一杰内噶五搜但可慢奶路米奇跟哈嫩路那台大成:I love you baby I"m not a monsterno难加那爷将嫩木丝不西干你陈那面擦拉就波里疼得哭得哪里疼得 baby太阳:I need you baby I"m not a monster乃爱加嘛一楼K卡机吗no买加玻里面难出根波里疼得I"m not a monster胜利:木森衣里衣色都永嗯哈加够丝朴得都ki本得都嘎几哈家够You don"t say that tomorrow五冷你妈七吗跟扣擦冷撒狼哈家够鸡涌:猫门赛门忠心king赛桑滚粮几对疼起跟niano来重杰嫩做几表西了你嗯搜忙搜米了你啊普塔:赛桑撒狼特例内跟吐零den木等可西贝贝果要一等嫩抄里等呐跟卡加困啊扑们啊朴们内嘎可得卡他家但靠本大成:I love you baby I"m not a monsterno难加那爷将嫩木丝不西干你陈那面擦拉就波里疼得哭得哪里疼得 baby太阳:I need you baby I"m not a monster乃爱加嘛一楼K卡机吗no买加玻里面难出根波里疼得I"m not a monster 胜利:卡几慢 卡几慢 卡几慢 都南极好啦哈几满 哈几满 哈几满 no卡几啊拿大成:么楼几cei楼 拉桑温开楼金cei楼胜利:擦几慢 擦几慢 擦几慢 来擦几慢啦妈几慢 妈几慢 妈几慢太阳:内啊呸搜一嫩内木丝杯K有k就奶一几吗啦就大成:I love you baby I"m not a monster no难加那爷将嫩木丝不西干你陈那面擦拉就波里疼得哭得哪里疼得 baby太阳:I need you baby I"m not a monster乃爱加嘛一楼K卡机吗no买加玻里面难出根波里疼得I"m not a monster 鸡涌:I think I"m sickI think I"m sickI think I"m sick I think I"m sick旋转旋转弄吗起内噶您 难掐音够qio龙  帕比噶提莫掐你 用外噶起波将你  多内噶大噶所mion 弄那您过qio龙  汗白木落那将你 难堂皇嘚将你 ye  喂 噶够诺大吗你  喂 难就gi嫩啊噶你 Ye  弄米有嫩给撒掐里  纳嫩故jio诺也诺里给音娘芭比 Ye  一撒狼给米内很同冷 foul!  就加嫩满路问吗求  亲故V桑恩系漏纳尼撒望一系漏  将难起及吗欧及落  Bingle Bingle 买多里及吗哟  掐股hi噶里给 喂乃噶过诺拉哟  Bingle Bingle 莫里噶啊怕哟  Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh  Can I be the one girl  I should be the one  Can can can I be the one  I I I"ll give you the world  Can I be the one girl  I should be the one  Can can can I be the one  I I I"ll give you the world  难吗起内噶您 用你您够qio龙  红家掐噶给抢你给嫩NO尾巴将你  诺那您嘚那妈 你撒难过qio龙  gie所ki嘚啦将你“Come on don"t make me that guy”  bin bin bin Bingle Bingle乃们多嫩闹  内莫里冷比图落乃或里够  哟无噶提哟有落问怒比投楼  给起怕内噶qio波林snoopy  内噶僧噶给多那难四落及  努嘎bua多股nio嫩抢撒狼四落及  莫亲噶送 米娃哭买送系  难莫那几满弄诺姆莫嘚将你  Bingle Bingle 买多里及吗哟  掐股hi噶里给 喂乃噶过诺拉哟  Bingle Bingle 莫里噶啊怕哟  Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh  Can I be the one girl  I should be the one  Can can can I be the one  I I I"ll give you the world  Can I be the one girl  I should be the one  Can can can I be the one  I I I"ll give you the world  Baby 闹囧买唯列  你买们他gie(就很急系冷及话系啦给)  吗列 诺波mion将hie  欧嫩吧没 一掐没 乃落啦给jio  Bingle Bingle 买多里及吗哟  掐股hi噶里给 喂乃噶过诺拉哟  Bingle Bingle 莫里噶啊怕哟  Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh  Can I be the one girl  I should be the one  Can can can I be the one  I I I"ll give you the world  Can I be the one girl  I should be the one  Can can can I be the one  I I I"ll give you the world  先这些,亲,要采纳哦。。。。
2023-06-11 08:05:551

somebody to love 中文音译歌词

this love yeah yeah yeah this loving in dugging dison oh I"m tray falling dislike yeah yeah yeah this is song for young 哦怒论他论闹波他都 古你他所怕起内 尼噶波过ship他过 一姐难你蓝蛮都 哈苏噶哦不西腿吧林个儿 古恰也陪色起kia波速穷家都哦不撒恰蛮巨挺个儿 啊木灵吧都把波噶忒搜 后谈ging忒蛮不铺料 加噶满内搜 故类尿男家亲故噶一嫩带 那怒古果啦嫩带 we故冷怒几苦料西落你噶你哇巧 亲故图里纳波够表西尼来 个噶摸噶古里加狼内国强新恰里来 卡亲过弄过来 桑关哦不搜啊木料摸忒 一落尅啦图弄波速蛮你他秒 难顾尅录巧尅 this love 他信撒狼大wing 他几难拿内幕那呀wing 内幕塑不把啦不腻 we一里吧波噶图几 this love 一米都那波灵 巧gi也怒撒狼巧波灵 都拉哦起土完嫩萨朗马 摸里摸里纳拉噶叫度录滴落 马诶图我挪内也 一过森马奇like哈那配gi一儿 september 19th 弄也色也 后路那马 alone i"m a fallin love shady gi哦贵那你 你几把配搜把米 大噶都落内gi大龄你妈咪大图落 恰米行大白退过搜 蛮母你米退恰搜 gi带哇怒带离no啊过比噶内料搜 gi切搜呀那怒马米儿穷理嘿(米按内) 怒股噶一尅其那路we罗嘿(米安嘿) gi过拖摸里过诺汤黄可黑思你(yes你) 拖他系那怒行恰噶忒思你 one love this love 他信撒狼大wing 他几难拿内幕那呀wing 内幕塑不把啦不腻 we一里吧波噶图几 this love 一米都那波灵 巧gi也怒撒狼巧波灵 都拉哦起土完嫩萨朗马 摸里摸里纳拉噶叫度录滴落 马诶图我挪内也 一过森马奇like哈那配gi一儿 september 19th 弄也色也 后路那马 alone i"m a fallin love shady 那喔拖给黑呀对 弄路萨朗哈努给 切亲过慢噶退忒 起鼓诺姆蛮你him图忒 no以故男家也给 掐架噶满来巨类 无力一落满忒假那 now i"m crazy without you for me once again this love 一久你巧波灵 西干搜给莫穷久波灵 gi翁搜给呼酱秋恰 we一里噶苏麻噗几 this love no 母那托哟灵 撒狼一拉哈gi耶no灵 古剧喔托gi耶都大 摸里摸里纳拉噶叫度录滴落 this love this love ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ya ya ya ya ya ya ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh hey J look at me after your left it ain"t the same i"m not what i used to be it hurts so much u know?? i need you girl always all time this love
2023-06-11 08:06:041

一首男生唱的歌曲,其中有开始是英文,后来是韩文,,歌词中有September nineteen,最后with ?? ture for me,

2023-06-11 08:06:243

this love中文歌词权志龙

  u200dThis Love  this love yeah yeah yeah  this loving in dugging dison  oh I"m tray falling dislike  yeah yeah yeah  this is song for young  今天比其他日子更加伤心  想见到你 现在连这话都不能再说起  连在旁边照看也不可以 真的完了  怎么看都像个傻瓜  白费心思一直错觉下去  你有男友 我是知道的  为什么那样 越那样越喜欢上你  朋友们都说像变了一个人  他有什么好的 叫我清醒过来  玩我的 没关系 当然 怎么样  能像这样见到你 我就知足  This Love再也不需要爱情  非常消瘦  望着我的身影 为什么这样傻  This Love已经离开了的  想抓却消失了的  不会回来的人 远远地飞向那云里  不在心里的你的故事  这个就像Like一减一  9月19日你的生日 独自一个人  alone I"ma fallin luv shady  记起来了吗 在你门前的夜里  都走了 等着你的我的心很低落  拿着一束玫瑰花 心里已经浮起来  跟期待的不一样的你没来 却下起了雨  现在才整理我的心(在你心里)  在你心里应该有别人 安慰我吧(对不起)  也没弄清楚就让你惊慌(对吗)  再一次我成了一个人  This Love再也不需要爱情  非常消瘦  望着我的身影 为什么这样傻  This Love已经离开了的  想抓却消失了的  不会回来的人 远远地飞向那云里  叫我怎么办 那么爱你  好象受罪 现在实在太累  去跟你的男人说  我们这样是不对的  This Love赶紧忘了吧  淹没在岁月里的  连记忆里的痕迹  为什么我这么心痛  This Love那么的脆弱  谈到爱情显得年轻  那些回忆和记忆都远远地飞向那云里  this love this love  this love this love  this love this love  this love this love  this love this love  this love this love  ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh  ya ya ya ya ya ya  ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh  hey J look at me  after your left it ain"t the same  i"m not what i used to be  it hurts so much u know??  i need you girl   always all time this luv  u200d
2023-06-11 08:06:431

芙蓉楼送辛渐 这首诗的意思

寒雨连江夜入吴”,迷蒙的烟雨笼罩着吴地江天,织成了无边无际的愁网。夜雨增添了萧瑟的秋意,也渲染出离别的黯淡气氛。那寒意不仅弥漫在满江烟雨之中,更沁透在两个离人的心头。“连”字和“入”字写出雨势的平稳连绵,江雨悄然而来的动态能为人分明地感知,则诗人因离情萦怀而一夜未眠的情景也自可想见。 但是,这一幅水天相连、浩渺迷茫的吴江夜雨图,不也展现了一种极其高远壮阔的境界吗?中晚唐诗和婉约派宋词往往将雨声写在窗下梧桐、檐前铁马、池中残荷等等琐物上,而王昌龄却并不实写如何感知秋雨来临的细节,他只是将听觉视觉和想象概括成连江入吴的雨势,以大片淡墨染出满纸烟雨,这就用浩大的气魄烘托了“平明送客楚山孤”的开阔意境。 清晨,天色已明,辛渐即将登舟北归。诗人遥望江北的远山,想到行人不久便将隐没在楚山之外,孤寂之感油然而生。在辽阔的江面上,进入诗人视野的当然不止是孤峙的楚山,浩荡的江水本来是最易引起别情似水的联想的,唐人由此而得到的名句也多得不可胜数。 然而王昌龄没有将别愁寄予随友人远去的江水,却将离情凝注在矗立于苍莽平野的楚山之上。因为友人回到洛阳,即可与亲友相聚,而留在吴地的诗人,却只能象这孤零零的楚山一样,伫立在江畔空望着流水逝去。一个“孤”字如同感情的引线,自然而然牵出了后两句临别叮咛之辞:“洛阳亲友如相问,一片冰心在玉壶。”诗人从清澈无瑕、澄空见底的玉壶中捧出一颗晶亮纯洁的冰心以告慰友人,这就比任何相思的言辞都更能表达他对洛阳亲友的深情
2023-06-11 08:06:5213


高富帅。古天乐成长在一个四口之家,小时候妈妈对古天乐采用高压管制。古天乐中学就读于迦密中学,15岁时便进入社会打拼,做搬运工和麦当劳的服务员,16岁时去服装店当售货员、保安。1991年至1993年期间参与拍摄歌手的MV,如张信哲的《爱如潮水》、刘德华的《情人》、黎明的《夏日倾情》等。1994年,古天乐在电影《男儿当入樽》里跑龙套,这是他出演的首部电影。1996年,古天乐在警匪片《旺角的天空2之男烧衣》中出演一个古惑仔。2000年8月,搭档朱茵、张家辉主演的赌片《中华赌侠》上映,饰演一手飞牌绝技名震江湖的香港赌王“阿酷” 。2001年,古天乐与中国星电影公司签定三年电影合约,离开TVB正式加入电影圈;同年10月,与刘青云、梁咏琪、刘嘉玲主演的喜剧片《绝世好Bra》上映。2002年11月16日,古天乐在广州举行一千多名歌迷参加的“入型入格酷MENSHOW”音乐晚会 。9月,连同张柏芝主演的古装电影《河东狮吼》上映,古天乐在片中饰演风流潇洒、文质彬彬的诗人陈季常。
2023-06-11 08:07:175


2023-06-11 08:07:537


This Love this love yeah yeah yeah this loving in dugging dison oh I"m tray falling dislike yeah yeah yeah this is song for young 今天比其他日子更加伤心 想见到你 现在连这话都不能再说起 连在旁边照看也不可以 真的完了 怎么看都像个傻瓜 白费心思一直错觉下去 你有男友 我是知道的 为什么那样 越那样越喜欢上你 朋友们都说像变了一个人 他有什么好的 叫我清醒过来 玩我的 没关系 当然 怎么样 能像这样见到你 我就知足 This Love再也不需要爱情 非常消瘦 望着我的身影 为什么这样傻 This Love已经离开了的 想抓却消失了的 不会回来的人 远远地飞向那云里 不在心里的你的故事 这个就像Like一减一 9月19日你的生日 独自一个人 alone I"ma fallin luv shady 记起来了吗 在你门前的夜里 都走了 等着你的我的心很低落 拿着一束玫瑰花 心里已经浮起来 跟期待的不一样的你没来 却下起了雨 现在才整理我的心(在你心里) 在你心里应该有别人 安慰我吧(对不起) 也没弄清楚就让你惊慌(对吗) 再一次我成了一个人 This Love再也不需要爱情 非常消瘦 望着我的身影 为什么这样傻 This Love已经离开了的 想抓却消失了的 不会回来的人 远远地飞向那云里 叫我怎么办 那么爱你 好象受罪 现在实在太累 去跟你的男人说 我们这样是不对的 This Love赶紧忘了吧 淹没在岁月里的 连记忆里的痕迹 为什么我这么心痛 This Love那么的脆弱 谈到爱情显得年轻 那些回忆和记忆都远远地飞向那云里 this love this love this love this love this love this love this love this love this love this love this love this love ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ya ya ya ya ya ya ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh hey J look at me after your left it ain"t the same i"m not what i used to be
2023-06-11 08:08:083

急求权志龙只看着我part2,butterfly,but i love you,this love中文音译歌词。

亲。毕竟中文音译是VIP自编的。不能如你所求也是在所难免的。亲求的音译中我只找到一个。给你留个地址。都是VIP自编的一些团曲。也挺不错的。亲不一定只学GD的solo啊。第一个第二个 LOVE G-dragon - This Love this love yeah yeah yeah this loving in dugging dison oh I"m tray falling dislike yeah yeah yeah this is song for young 哦怒论他论闹波他都 古你他所怕起内 尼噶波过ship他过 一姐难你蓝蛮都 哈苏噶哦不西腿吧林个儿 古恰也陪色起kia波速穷家都哦不撒恰蛮巨挺个儿 啊木灵吧都把波噶忒搜 后谈ging忒蛮不铺料 加噶满内搜 故类尿男家亲故噶一嫩带 那怒古果啦嫩带 we故冷怒几苦料西落你噶你哇巧 亲故图里纳波够表西尼来 个噶摸噶古里加狼内国强新恰里来 卡亲过弄过来 桑关哦不搜啊木料摸忒 一落尅啦图弄波速蛮你他秒 难顾尅录巧尅 this love 他信撒狼大wing 他几难拿内幕那呀wing 内幕塑不把啦不腻 we一里吧波噶图几 this love 一米都那波灵 巧gi也怒撒狼巧波灵 都拉哦起土完嫩萨朗马 摸里摸里纳拉噶叫度录滴落 马诶图我挪内也 一过森马奇like哈那配gi一儿 september 19th 弄也色也 后路那马 alone i"m a fallin love shady gi哦贵那你 你几把配搜把米 大噶都落内gi大龄你妈咪大图落 恰米行大白退过搜 蛮母你米退恰搜 gi带哇怒带离no啊过比噶内料搜 gi切搜呀那怒马米儿穷理嘿(米按内) 怒股噶一尅其那路we罗嘿(米安嘿) gi过拖摸里过诺汤黄可黑思你(yes你) 拖他系那怒行恰噶忒思你 one love this love 他信撒狼大wing 他几难拿内幕那呀wing 内幕塑不把啦不腻 we一里吧波噶图几 this love 一米都那波灵 巧gi也怒撒狼巧波灵 都拉哦起土完嫩萨朗马 摸里摸里纳拉噶叫度录滴落 马诶图我挪内也 一过森马奇like哈那配gi一儿 september 19th 弄也色也 后路那马 alone i"m a fallin love shady 那喔拖给黑呀对 弄路萨朗哈努给 切亲过慢噶退忒 起鼓诺姆蛮你him图忒 no以故男家也给 掐架噶满来巨类 无力一落满忒假那 now i"m crazy without you for me once again this love 一久你巧波灵 西干搜给莫穷久波灵 gi翁搜给呼酱秋恰 we一里噶苏麻噗几 this love no 母那托哟灵 撒狼一拉哈gi耶no灵 古剧喔托gi耶都大 摸里摸里纳拉噶叫度录滴落 this love this love ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ya ya ya ya ya ya ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh hey J look at me after your left it ain"t the same i"m not what i used to be it hurts so much u know?? i need you girl always all time this love
2023-06-11 08:08:162


2023-06-11 08:08:241


2023-06-11 08:08:311

Big bang的this love歌词 韩语用类似拼音的方法

亲如果想翻唱的话有英文版的,那个貌似简单点,也是志龙唱的。this love 是志龙的solo。 This Love this love yeah yeah yeah this loving in dugging dison oh I"m tray falling dislike yeah yeah yeah this is song for young o nu lun ta lun nal bo ta to guen ni ta sul pa qi ne ni ga bo go ship ta go i qie nun ni lan mal to hal su ga ob shi twe ba lin gel gu qia ye pe se qi kia bol su qio ja to ob sa qia mal ju tin gol a mu li ba to ba bo ga te so ho ten gi te man bu pul lio ja ga man ne so gu le nan nam jia chin ku ga i nun de na nun gu gol la nun de we gu le nun ji ku lio shi lo ni ga qio ha qio jin gu tu li na bo go biong shi ni le ge ga muo ga gu li ja lang ne go qiang shin qia li le ka qi go non go le sang guan ob so a mu lio mo te i luo ge la tu nol bol su man ni ta miong nan gu kel lu qio he this love ta shin sa lang ta wing ha qi nan na ne mu na yia wing ne mu su bu ba la bu ni we i li ba bo ga tung qi this love i mi to na bo ling qio gi ye nun sa la qio bo ling to la o qi tu wan nul sa la ma mo li mo li na la ga qio gu lum tui lo ma e tu wo nun ne ye gi i go sun ma qi like ha na pe gi il september 19th no ye sung il ho lu na ma alone i"m a fallin love shady gi o gun na ni ni qi ba pe so ba mi ta ga to lo nel gi ta ling ne ma mi tal tio lo qia mi hang ta bal tul go so mam mu ni mi tul ta to gi te wa nun tal li no nan na go bi ga ne lio so gi qie so yia na nun ma mil qiong li he (ni ang ne) nu gung ka i ge qi na lul wi lo he (mi ang he) gi go to mo li go nol tang huang ke he su ni (yes ni?) to ta shi na nun hang qia ga te su ni one love this love ta shin sa lang ta wing ha qi nan na ne mu na yia wing ne mu su bu ba la bu ni we i li ba bo ga tung qi this love i mi to na bo ling qio gi ye nun sa la qio bo ling to la o qi tu wan nul sa la ma mo li mo li na la ga qio gu lum tui lo ma e tu wo nun ne ye gi i go sun ma qi like ha na pe gi il september 19th no ye sung il ho lu na ma alone i"m a fallin love shady na o to ge he ya duwe no lul sa lang ha nun ge qie qin go man ga tung te qi gum no mu man ni him tun te no ui gu nam qia ye ge qia jia ga mal le jul le u li i lo man te jia na now i"m crazy without you for me once again this love i jiong ni qio bo ling shi gang so ge mo qio jio bo ling gi ong so ge hung jiang su qia wi i li ga sum ma pun ji this love no mu na to yio ling sa lang i la ha gi yiong no ling gu ju o to gi yiong to da mo li mo li na la ga qio gu lum tui lo this love this love ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ya ya ya ya ya ya ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh hey J look at me after your left it ain"t the same i"m not what i used to be it hurts so much u know?? i need you girl always all time this love 中文: This Love this love yeah yeah yeah this loving in dugging dison oh I"m tray falling dislike yeah yeah yeah this is song for young采纳哦
2023-06-11 08:08:561


2 due
2023-06-11 08:09:043

跪求 GD的this love的中文字韩文音 谢谢了大哥大姐们 或者发我邮箱 好人一生平安~

亲 我有
2023-06-11 08:09:102


2023-06-11 08:09:191


#include <SPI.h>#include <Ethernet.h>int red = 9; //设置输出端口int i ;int red_color,asc;//定义各颜色的PWM值参数 String POST = "";String SET = "";// Enter a MAC address and IP address for your controller below.// The IP address will be dependent on your local network:byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED }; //服务端IP地址IPAddress ip(192,168,1,178);// Initialize the Ethernet server library// with the IP address and port you want to use// (port 80 is default for HTTP):EthernetServer server(80);void setup() {// Open serial communications and wait for port to open: Serial.begin(9600); Ethernet.begin(mac, ip); server.begin(); pinMode(red, OUTPUT); Serial.print("server is at "); Serial.println(Ethernet.localIP()); //设置端口为输出}void loop() { // listen for incoming clients EthernetClient client = server.available(); if (client) { Serial.println("new client"); // an http request ends with a blank line----------- boolean currentLineIsBlank = true; while (client.connected()) { if (client.available()) { char c =; Serial.write(c); // if you"ve gotten to the end of the line (received a newline // character) and the line is blank, the http request has ended, // so you can send a reply if (c == " " && currentLineIsBlank){ // it is after the double cr-lf that the variables are // read another line! String POST = ""; // int p = 1; while(client.available()) { c =; // save the variables somewhere POST += c; } // send a standard http response header //打印输出网页代码 client.println("<html><head><title>Lamaq Color palette</title>" "<style>*{font-family:Arial;}body{background-color:#f2f2f2;}h1{color:#222;}</style>" "<body><div style="text-align:center;">" "<div>Color palette" "<table width="30%" align="center">" "<tr><td>" "<table width="100%" height="100" cellspacing="1"><tbody><tr>"); /*********************************************************/ client.println("</tr></tbody></table>"); client.println("<table width="100%" id="led">"); client.print("<tbody><tr>"); client.print("<form method="post" id="ledform">Led color:"); client.print("<input type="text" name="led" id="led" value=""); /*******************************************************************/ // for (int j=0; j<10; j++){ i = int(POST[4]); if(i==49){red_color=240;} if(i==48){red_color=0; } // } // i = int(POST[5]); // {red_color=240;client.print(POST[5]);} /*********************************************************/ client.print("">"); client.println("<input type="submit" value="Submit">" "</form></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></table></div></div></body></html>"); break; } if (c == " ") { // you"re starting a new line currentLineIsBlank = true; } else if (c != " ") { // you"ve gotten a character on the current line currentLineIsBlank = false; } } } // give the web browser time to receive the data delay(1); // close the connection: client.stop(); Serial.println("client disonnected"); // i=1; } analogWrite(red, red_color);}
2023-06-11 08:09:361


2023-06-11 08:09:461

求 班级 主题晚会主持词开场白

2023-06-11 08:09:573


罗马: This Love this love yeah yeah yeah this loving in dugging dison oh I"m tray falling dislike yeah yeah yeah this is song for young o nu lun ta lun nal bo ta to guen ni ta sul pa qi ne ni ga bo go ship ta go i qie nun ni lan mal to hal su ga ob shi twe ba lin gel gu qia ye pe se qi kia bol su qio ja to ob sa qia mal ju tin gol a mu li ba to ba bo ga te so ho ten gi te man bu pul lio ja ga man ne so gu le nan nam jia chin ku ga i nun de na nun gu gol la nun de we gu le nun ji ku lio shi lo ni ga qio ha qio jin gu tu li na bo go biong shi ni le ge ga muo ga gu li ja lang ne go qiang shin qia li le ka qi go non go le sang guan ob so a mu lio mo te i luo ge la tu nol bol su man ni ta miong nan gu kel lu qio he this love ta shin sa lang ta wing ha qi nan na ne mu na yia wing ne mu su bu ba la bu ni we i li ba bo ga tung qi this love i mi to na bo ling qio gi ye nun sa la qio bo ling to la o qi tu wan nul sa la ma mo li mo li na la ga qio gu lum tui lo ma e tu wo nun ne ye gi i go sun ma qi like ha na pe gi il september 19th no ye sung il ho lu na ma alone i"m a fallin love shady gi o gun na ni ni qi ba pe so ba mi ta ga to lo nel gi ta ling ne ma mi tal tio lo qia mi hang ta bal tul go so mam mu ni mi tul ta to gi te wa nun tal li no nan na go bi ga ne lio so gi qie so yia na nun ma mil qiong li he (ni ang ne) nu gung ka i ge qi na lul wi lo he (mi ang he) gi go to mo li go nol tang huang ke he su ni (yes ni?) to ta shi na nun hang qia ga te su ni one love this love ta shin sa lang ta wing ha qi nan na ne mu na yia wing ne mu su bu ba la bu ni we i li ba bo ga tung qi this love i mi to na bo ling qio gi ye nun sa la qio bo ling to la o qi tu wan nul sa la ma mo li mo li na la ga qio gu lum tui lo ma e tu wo nun ne ye gi i go sun ma qi like ha na pe gi il september 19th no ye sung il ho lu na ma alone i"m a fallin love shady na o to ge he ya duwe no lul sa lang ha nun ge qie qin go man ga tung te qi gum no mu man ni him tun te no ui gu nam qia ye ge qia jia ga mal le jul le u li i lo man te jia na now i"m crazy without you for me once again this love i jiong ni qio bo ling shi gang so ge mo qio jio bo ling gi ong so ge hung jiang su qia wi i li ga sum ma pun ji this love no mu na to yio ling sa lang i la ha gi yiong no ling gu ju o to gi yiong to da mo li mo li na la ga qio gu lum tui lo this love this love ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ya ya ya ya ya ya ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh hey J look at me after your left it ain"t the same i"m not what i used to be it hurts so much u know?? i need you girl always all time this love采纳哦
2023-06-11 08:10:031

请问Run-on sentence 和 comma splice 有什么区别?感觉都是粘连的,都是

Run-on sentence:流水句;溶合句;不间断句子;缺乏连接词或标点符号的长句;连写句(指两个主句之间不用连接词或错用标点的句子)示例:A runon sentence,its phrases piling up without division,is as unsightly as a sink piled high with dirty dishes.一个连绵不断的句子,其无休无止的词汇的堆积就如同清洗池内高高堆积的不堪入目的脏盘子comma splice:逗号粘连;逗号叠加;逗号结合;用逗号连接两个不带关联词或连接词的两个独立句子,英语中称之为“comma splice”是否齐全,分句之间的组合方式是否正确,连接词是否恰当,是否有“流水句(run-on sentences)”或“逗号拼凑句(comma splice)”,平行结构是 “流水句”或“逗号拼凑句”,是指两个或多个主句之间不用连接词或错用标点连接起来。示例:A comma splice is the use of comma between two independent clauses逗号是不可以连接两个独立的单句的连写句(指两个主句之间不用连接词或错用标点的句子)大概就是这么个意思,如有不懂就在问,如果明白了,请采纳祝你学习进步!!!
2023-06-11 08:08:501


【篇一】简短英文高考励志短语   1、成功不是别人的专利,失败也非咱们的人生标签。   Success is not someone else"s patent, failure is not our life label.   2、你是个聪明和头脑灵活的人,我相信你一定成功!   You are a smart and flexible person, I believe you will succeed!   3、你既然认准一条道路,何必去打听要走多久。   Now that you have identified a road, why go and ask how long it will take?   4、发奋识遍天下字,立志读尽人间书。   Work hard to read all the characters in the world and make up your mind to read all the books on earth.   5、没高考,你拼得过富二代吗?   No college entrance examination. Have you ever competed for the second generation of the rich?   6、上帝总是会垂青付出汗水的人!相信你可以进入理想的大学。   God always favors those who give sweat! I believe you can enter the ideal university.   7、同样的旋车,车轮不知前进了多少,陀螺却仍在原处。   The same spinning car, wheels do not know how much forward, but the gyroscope is still in place.   8、要铭记在心:每天都是一年中最美好的日子。   Keep in mind that every day is the best day of the year.   9、很多时候不是不可能,而是我还没有尽力。   Many times it"s not impossible, but I haven"t tried my best.   10、有来路,没退路。留后路,没绝路。   There"s a way, there"s no way out. Leave the back road, there"s no way out.   11、站在巨人的肩上是为了超过巨人。   Standing on the shoulders of giants is to surpass giants.   12、没有不进步的人生,只有不进取的人!   There is no life without progress, only people without progress!   13、马行软地易失蹄,人贪安逸易失志。   Horses are apt to lose their feet when they are soft, while people are apt to lose their will when they are greedy and comfortable.   14、复自己的习,让别人紧张去吧!   Resume your study and let others get nervous.   15、三年苦读磨一剑,气定神闲战犹酣。势如破竹捣黄龙,千帆竞发齐凯旋。   After three years of hard study, he grinds a sword and remains calm and idle. The situation is like breaking bamboo to smash Huanglong, thousands of sails race to triumph.【篇二】简短英文高考励志短语   1、没有口水与汗水,就没有成功的泪水。   Without saliva and sweat, there would be no tears of success.   2、君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚。   The gentleman is open and magnanimous, the villain is long and sorrowful.   3、用汗水织就实力,用毅力成就梦想,用拼搏铸就辉煌。   Weave strength with sweat, achieve dreams with perseverance, and create brilliance with hard work.   4、各界精英大展宏图夺英魁,莘莘学子汇聚一堂学本领。   The elites from all walks of life have made great efforts to win the championship, and a large number of students have gathered together a school of learning skills.   5、成功,要靠辛勤与汗水,也要靠技巧与方法。   Success depends not only on hard work and sweat, but also on skills and methods.   6、为了的结果,让我们把疯狂进行到底。   For the best results, let"s go crazy to the end.   7、讲公德,守纪律,勿迟到,不吵闹。   Speak ethically and be disciplined. Don"t be late or noisy.   8、今日有心苦勤奋,明朝一举步青云。   Today, painstaking and diligent, the Ming Dynasty moves forward.   9、有压力,但不会被压垮;迷茫,但永不绝望。   Pressure, but not overwhelmed; confusion, but never despair.   10、不苦不累高三无味,不拼不搏高三白活。   No pain, no tiredness, no taste, no struggle, no white work.   11、百日誓言报母恩;六月考场谢师情。   A hundred-day vow to reward mother"s kindness; a gratitude to teachers in June examination hall.   12、时间,总是记住曾经付出汗水的人。   Time, always remember those who have paid sweat.   13、天时不如地利,地利不如人和。   Opportunities vouchsafed by Heaven are less important than terrestrial advantages, which in turn are less important than the unity among people.   14、差以毫厘,谬以千里。   The difference is millimeter, the fallacy is thousands of miles.   15、每一个生命都是美丽的,再小的花也不会拒绝开放。   Every life is beautiful, and no flower can refuse to open.【篇三】简短英文高考励志短语   1、进考室百倍努力一丝不苟,写答题千般注意十分用心。   Enter the examination room 100 times diligent and meticulous, write answers with great care.   2、生命中最快乐的是拼搏,生命中最痛苦的是懒惰。   The happiest thing in life is struggle, and the most painful thing in life is laziness.   3、如果你现在走得辛苦,就证明你在走上坡路。   If you"re working hard now, you"re going up the hill.   4、智者的梦再美,也不如愚人实干的脚印。   The dream of a wise man is no more beautiful than the footprints of a fool.   5、拼一个春夏秋天,赢一个无怨无悔。   Fight for a spring, summer and autumn, win a no complaints and no regrets.   6、考试守纪光荣,违纪作弊可耻。   It is glorious to be disciplined in examinations and shameful to cheat in violation of disciplines.   7、天再热,热不过心;有信心,一切皆有可能。祝高考顺利,前程似锦。   No matter how hot it is, it"s impossible to be warm. Everything is possible with confidence. I wish the college entrance examination a smooth and prosperous future.   8、人生坎坎坷坷,跌跌撞撞那是在所难免。   Life is full of ups and downs. It"s inevitable to stumble.   9、经过大海的一番磨砺,卵石才变得更加美丽光滑。   The pebbles become more beautiful and smooth after the sea"s grinding.   10、生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。   Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.   11、今日拼搏努力,他朝谁与争锋!   Who is he fighting for today?   12、读书如行路,历险毋惶恐。   Reading is like walking, adventure without fear.   13、高考是比知识、比能力、比心理、比信心、比体力的一场综合考试。   The College Entrance Examination is a comprehensive examination that compares knowledge, ability, psychology, confidence and physical strength.
2023-06-11 08:08:521

求一首歌的歌词 以前有个组合叫BOS吗?歌名叫浪迹天涯

Bo"s是1995年左右的一个台湾二人组合,具备很多可以走红的条件而没有真正的红起来,纳闷!没红起来也好,要不就泛滥了。 典型的台湾偶像包装,每首歌曲都听来很舒服,Bo"s纯净的嗓音,就象没有污染的天空。 作曲:潘芳烈 作词:夏哥时间象流沙 淹没了你我和他说什么天长地久 说什么爱情无价时间象流沙 淹没了你我和他说什么此情不变 说什么海角天涯那都是世间最大的谎话不要再掩饰彼此的虚假爱情一盏灯 瞬息之间全无价心情的故事 永远分不清真和假自古多情空余恨 回头只见满天彩霞留一点无奈 带一些潇洒随风浪迹天涯
2023-06-11 08:08:562


2023-06-11 08:09:041


2023-06-11 08:09:114

WIN 7中如何在重启时进入BOS

BOS?? 我猜是BIOS.一般按F2.屏幕会提示但速度可能很快。不建议重装。硬盘可以改分区尺寸。20多G对系统够了,把软件都放另一盘。这样备份系统也方便。
2023-06-11 08:09:124


2023-06-11 08:09:191

请问Run-on sentence 和 comma splice 有什么区别?感觉都是粘连的,都是

Run-on sentence意思是不间断句子流水句;溶合句;不间断句子;缺乏连接词或标点符号的长句Run-on sentence; Run-on sentence. Uninterrupted sentences; The lack of connection words or punctuation long sentencescomma splice意思是逗号粘连逗号粘连;逗号叠加,逗号结合The comma adhesion; Superposition of comma, comma
2023-06-11 08:09:191


打完最后一波小怪,会出现一个传送门,走进去就能传送到bos那里了。灵魂圣所bos打完怎么走? 1、打完最后一波小怪,会出现一个传送门,走进去就能传送到bos那里了。 2、如果是打完最后bos之后,还没有传送门出现,那就只能重新开始游戏了,或者等待一段时间,等待传送门自然出现。灵魂圣所是一款非常好玩的角色扮演类的手机游戏,游戏画面非常的精美,而且玩法也非常的丰富,玩家可以在游戏里面自由的去探索这个游戏世界,还能够和其他的玩家一起组队去挑战bos,还能够去收集更多的装备,喜欢这款游戏的小伙伴们,赶紧去下载吧。
2023-06-11 08:09:262

华硕笔记本进入 bos 不能退出,开机自动进入,如何自助

电脑一开机就进入BIOS,重启依然自动进入BIOS的问题分析及处理一,先了解BIOS:BIOS是"Basic Input Output System"的缩略词,意思是“主板底层硬件控制系统”。简单的说,这是一个主板主控制系统, BIOS的设置错误,主板就可能不能正常运作。二,开机自动进入BIOS的问题分析:1,键盘故障:这个是很多用户忽略的故障情况,一般主板设定开机按“DEL”键进入BIOS设置,而用户键盘上的“DEL”键或数字键上的“.(DEL)”键故障(比如卡住,内部粘连等),导致开机只能进入BIOS,重启后依然只能进入BIOS。2,BIOS设置错误:前面讲到“BIOS是主板主控制系统,设置错误就可能导致不能正常运作”,所以在BIOS设置错误时,可能导致开机只能进入BIOS,重启依然。三,判断及处理过程:1,键盘故障:一般维修此类故障,通常首先要考虑键盘问题,所以先更换键盘(笔记本的话,可以先把键盘连接线取下,另外连接USB键盘)。如果更换键盘后故障消失,则故障问题出在键盘上,为了不影响使用,更换新的键盘(笔记本也一样,需重新购买新键盘进行更换)。2,BIOS设置错误:①,非原装机预装WIN8、WIN10系统:ACHI模式设置错误:部分主机开机识别硬盘模式,硬盘一般有ACHI模式和IDE模式。通常WIN7以上,系统运行在ACHI模式下,会使系统运行速度加快;而部分主板为了让客户体验更高的速度,在BIOS中加入ACHI检测,导致部分主机在开机未能使用ACHI模式的情况下,直接进入BIOS设置。此类情况,目前只能按主板推荐的ACHI模式运行,所以在BIOS内将ACHI模式打开后安装系统,以便主板不再对此问题进行重复检测。②,原装机预装WIN8、WIN10系统:部分原装机在出厂时预装了WIN8、WIN10系统,并在BIOS中设置了保护。这类原装机如果用户在错误设置了主板BIOS后会自动提示并强制要求进入BIOS设置。具体设置如下:a,在BIOS中寻找BOOT选项,并找到Launch CSM设置(CSM的意思是兼容模式,其主板设置要求要开启才能正常启动Windows),设置为Enabled(开启)。b,在BIOS中寻找Security选项,并找到Secure Boot Control设置(安全启动设置),将其设置为Disabled(禁用)。c,保存并重启(大部分电脑的设置为F10)重启后不再出现“自动进入BIOS”,而是直接进入系统,故障解决。至此,“开机自动进入BIOS,重启依然进入BIOS”的情况已经解决,在此类故障出现的时候,维修人员需要细心检查,并做好前期资料查询;在维修过程中耐心检测,很多类似的故障都可以予以排除。
2023-06-11 08:08:482


the refined elites
2023-06-11 08:08:396


2023-06-11 08:08:313

插入数据时 报错ORA-00917: missing comma 请问该怎么改呢

你这个是不是换行以后有空格,造成的。一般这样的句子 换行以后有时候会有问题
2023-06-11 08:08:277

Comma_Split sentence逗号分裂句 难道它的语法不是错的吗。一个句子中只能有一个谓语

2023-06-11 08:08:173


《雪国列车》(朝鲜语:uc124uad6duc5f4ucc28,英语:Snowpiercer)是一部2013年上映的韩国科幻电影,韩国导演奉俊昊的首部英语电影,并由朴赞郁监制,根据法国雅克·勒布(Jacques Lob)的科幻漫画《Le Transperceneige》改编,聚集美、英、韩三国多名影星演出。因为全球暖化,人类打造出一台名为CW7机器来调节气温,但是最后失败导致全球气温骤降。仅存的人类都乘坐在诺亚方舟般的列车里,这台自给自足,能永恒不灭地运转下去的列车却存在两种截然不同的生活,前区的人奢华度日,后区的人被压榨,只能劳苦工作。末节车厢的人们不堪忍受如战俘收容所般的恶劣环境,决定起来反抗。叛军领袖寇帝斯(Curtis)策划利用一场暴动来夺取神秘残暴独裁者威佛(Wilford)所掌控火车命脉的引擎区,首先他要解救被囚禁起来的掌钥人,也就是设计这辆列车的南宫民秀,不过暴动计划也因为横生枝节的意外变得更加险峻。本片在媒体试映后得到了大部分媒体的积极肯定,其中欧美媒体对影片的特效与独到风格予以盛赞,韩国媒体则认为影片价值观和故事性仍带有鲜明的奉俊昊烙印。《综艺》杂志称它是“一部野心勃勃、视效极佳、内涵丰富、非常令人满意的未来史诗”,并盛赞导演为“来自韩国的天才导演”。Twitchfilm网站认为“西方主流观众是否能接受这种黑暗残忍的类型还未可知,不过奉俊昊已经以自己的方式击败了好莱坞。《雪国列车》讲述了一个绝佳的末日科幻故事,是一次非常独特和令人激动的观影体验。”Snowpiercer (Korean: uc124uad6duc5f4ucc28; hanja: 雪国列车; RR: Seolgungnyeolcha) is a 2013 South Korean science fiction action film based on the French graphic novel Le Transperceneige by Jacques Lob, Benjamin Legrand and Jean-Marc Rochette.[3] The film is directed by Bong Joon-ho,[4][5] and written by Bong and Kelly Masterson. The film marks Bong"s English-language debut; approximately 80% of the film was shot in English.The film stars Chris Evans, Song Kang-ho, Tilda Swinton, Jamie Bell, Octavia Spencer, John Hurt, and Ed Harris.In 2014, an experiment to counteract global warming causes an ice age that kills nearly all life on Earth. The only survivors are the inhabitants of the Snowpiercer, a massive train powered by aperpetual-motion engine that travels on a globe-spanning track. A class system is installed, with the elites inhabiting the front of the train and the poor inhabiting the tail.In 2031, the tail inhabitants prepare for the latest in a series of rebellions. Guards arrive periodically to deliver protein blocks for food, and take some of the children. During the guards" next visit, Curtis Everett (Evans) leads the tail inhabitants in revolt, forcing their way through several train cars to the prison section. There, they release prisoner Namgoong Minsu (Song), the man who built the security system that controls the doors dividing each car, and his clairvoyant daughter Yona. They offer him uncut Kronole, a drug that both he and his daughter are addicted to, as payment for unlocking each of the remaining doors.One of the cars is filled with armed men. Under the orders of Minister Mason (Swinton), the men battle Curtis" forces. Curtis" side prevails, and he captures Mason, but he is forced to sacrifice his second-in-command, Edgar, to do so. Mason agrees to lead the group through the high-class cars in exchange for her life. In the school car, the teacher points out seven frozen rebels through the window. She and a henchman then draw machine guns, slaughtering many of Curtis" followers, and executing his mentor Gilliam. Curtis then kills Mason.Curtis, his few remaining followers, and Namgoong and Yona continue through the train, discovering the extravagance in which the elites have been living while the poor wallowed in squalor. One of Mason"s henchmen, Franco the Elder, kills the rest of Curtis" followers, before the henchman is himself seemingly killed. Curtis resolves to complete his mission, accompanied by Namgoong and Yona. The trio moves through the remaining cars where the elite indulge in food, partying and Kronole; Namgoong steals much of this Kronole from the inebriated revelers. As they arrive at the Engine door, Namgoong suggests they use the collected Kronole, made from explosive chemical waste, to blow open the side of the train, and escape into the outside. Namgoong explains that every year, the train has passed a crashed plane buried in snow, which has become less buried with each passing year, suggesting that Earth is warming, and that survival outside is now possible.Curtis explains why he must confront Wilford, creator of the train and its hierarchy. When the tail dwellers first boarded the train, they were deprived of food, water, and supplies, and in crowded conditions, forcing them to turn to cannibalism. Before the introduction of the protein blocks, Curtis had kidnapped an infant Edgar to eat him, and killed his mother, before Gilliam cut his own arm off and offered it in Edgar"s place. Namgoong resolves to use the explosive, but the engine door opens, and Namgoong is shot and wounded by Wilford"s assistant Claude, who forces Curtis inside. Curtis confronts Wilford, who explains that the revolution was orchestrated between himself and Gilliam as a means of population control, necessary to maintaining balance aboard the train for supplies, but Curtis was too successful and Wilford"s own losses too great, so he executed Gilliam as punishment. The aging Wilford says that he wants Curtis to replace him as the train"s overseer, while in the tail, Wilford"s henchmen execute 74% of the inhabitants.Meanwhile, Yona and the recovered Namgoong fight off the irate partiers and Franco (who survived the previous fight). Yona knocks Claude unconscious, gets inside the engine room and pulls up the floor to reveal that Wilford is using the tail children as slave labor, to replace the train"s failing components. Outraged, Curtis sacrifices his arm to block the train gears, freeing one of the children, Timmy. Yona recovers the explosive from Claude and ignites it, before retreating into the engine with Namgoong. The damaged engine door fails to close, and Namgoong and Curtis sacrifice themselves to shield Yona and Timmy from the resulting explosive fire. The explosion sound wave causes an avalanche in the surrounding mountains that strikes and derails the train, destroying many of the cars. In the aftermath, Yona and Timmy step outside into the snow. In the distance Yona spots a polar bear, revealing that life exists outside the train.Since its South Korean opening, the film has earned US$86.7 million worldwide.[169] As of April 2014, it is the tenth highest-grossing domestic film in South Korea with 9,350,141 admissions.[170] The film holds the domestic record for the fastest movie (domestic and foreign) to reach four million admissions, which it achieved in its fifth day after premiere, and another record for the highest weekend figure (from Friday to Sunday) for a Korean film, with 2.26 million viewers.[171] The film took in a total of $171,187 on its US opening weekend, averaging $21,398 per theater.[172] The film grossed US$59,802,711 in South Korea and its largest international market was China, with $11,100,000James Rocchi of wrote that, "If the film has one element that never flags or falters, it"s Evans." [184]Scott Foundas of Variety wrote, "An enormously ambitious, visually stunning and richly satisfying futuristic epic from the gifted Korean genre director Bong Joon-ho." Foundas added that Beltrami"s original score was "among the generally impeccable craft contributions [to the film]."
2023-06-11 08:08:141


2023-06-11 08:08:091


  Glock 格洛克  Usp - -德国  制造商:汉克勒寇奇  SIG P228  Desert Eagle 沙漠之鹰  FN Five-seveN FN57  Dual Beretta Elites  Benelli M3 Super 90 就是传说中的单喷  Benelli/HK XM1014 连喷  Steyr TMP 史岱尔公司在1993年推出新型战术冲锋枪  Mac-10 乌兹冲锋枪  HK MP5-Navy MP5  HK UMP.45AC  PFN P90  FAMAS 法马斯  Galil 加利尔突击步枪,产自以色列  Steyr souct  Colt M4A1 科尔特M4A1卡宾枪  AK-47 Ak-47,不知道的话去死好了  AUG 施太尔AUG  SIG SG550 SIG-552短突击步枪  AWP AWP(Arctic Warfare Police -AWP),是英国精密仪器制造公司为执行狙击任务而研制的步枪,其设计思想是:不管枪管清洁与否,都要做到首发命中。AWP狙击步枪是英国国际精密设备有限公司的杰作。它是在L96A1步枪的基础上改进成的,于20世纪80年代末问世。它按照英国陆军新式狙击步枪的试验规定要求设计,突出强调在北极气候条件下使用的可靠性。它的一个主要特点是结构设计上考虑了防冻问题,如设计了特殊的表面保护层、吸纳冰屑土渣的浅沟槽、三位置保险柄、滑动自如的手动式枪机开闭锁机构。AW是Arctic warfare一词的英文缩写,意即北极作战。但它不单适合北极寒冷地域使用,能在-40℃条件下可靠地工作,而且能在热带使用。它在炎热潮湿气候条件下的性能也是相当优良的。  HK G3/SG1 G3/SG1狙击步枪
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