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Windows Mobile 6.0的系统支持能下载什么软件?

2023-06-11 10:22:56
TAG: bile bil ndo mobil




一、PC的移植版游戏:英雄无敌(Pocket Heroes V1.03)、暗黑破坏神(AncientEvil)、星际争霸(StarCraft)、魔兽争霸2(Warcraft2)、红警(Warfare);





好了,基本讲完了,不过需要再指出一条,上面所说的PocketDOS对于喜欢玩机的朋友是非常有用的,可以跑linux内核(ELKS.DSK)、运行win32(Windows 3.2 CHS.HDD,令人怀念的操作系统)、TC3(TurboC,是的你没看错,手机上使用也完全OK)~




2023-06-11 07:01:311


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2023-06-11 07:01:486


elk 英[elk] 美[u025blk] n. 麋鹿; [例句]Elk and deer are gone.麋鹿没了,野鹿没了。[其他] 复数:elks 中文谐音:诶儿客
2023-06-11 07:02:031


2023-06-11 07:03:141


2023-06-11 07:03:362


2023-06-11 07:03:451


即使留有充分的余地也可以说,驼鹿(Alces alces)是现生鹿科动物中体型最大的。成年雄驼鹿的体重大约是成年雄马鹿的3倍。仅驼鹿角的重量就超过了国际航班所允许的个人免费携带行李的重量(约22.5千克),而且也很宽,足够为小孩在鹿角的两叉之间悬挂一个吊床的了。驼鹿长得高大使其更能够适应寒冷的气候,因为它们只生活在北半球的高纬度地区。体型大对于保暖更为有利(因为身体表面积与体积的比例比较小,有利于防止热量的散失),这就是为什么冰河时期的哺乳动物都长得如此庞大的原因。驼鹿具有双层的隔热体毛,长长的腿适于在雪中跋涉,即使是新生的幼仔似乎在零下30℃的严寒中生活也很快乐。温暖的气候会给它们带来更多的麻烦:它们不能出汗,发酵的植物使它们的胃变成了一个熔炉。在冬天,如果温度在零下5℃以上它们就会气喘吁吁,只好靠平卧在雪地上来降温。由于同样的原因,在夏天它们会花很多时间在水中跋涉。驼鹿是出了名的很难被圈养的动物。与其他大多数鹿类(只要能吃到嫩枝或嫩草就会很高兴)不同,它们具有特殊的食性。一只成年雄性驼鹿每天需要吃相当于一大捆麦秆的植物,并且像牛一样进行反刍,从而最大程度地获取其中的营养价值。在秋天和冬天,为了获取能量它们会吃树叶、树皮和树枝。在春天和初夏为了获取钠,它们也会吃沼泽植物。商业性的饲养不可能维持它们的营养平衡,因此圈养的驼鹿很快就会死掉。它们对于盐的需求可以解释为什么你经常会在夏天看见驼鹿用嘴在道路上舔来舔去,这也是为什么驼鹿会花很长时间呆在水里的原因。水生植物如百合和木贼等的体内都含有丰富的钠,驼鹿为了在池塘底部吃到这些植物有时会把自己完全淹没在水中。关于驼鹿“会潜水”的报道实际上有点夸大其词,因为它们的体型和庞大的身躯都极不适合在水下游泳。驼鹿做得很好的事情是用它们具有膨大而下垂的上唇剥去树皮(它们没有上犬齿)。驼鹿的英文名字“moose”来自北美洲古印第安语中的“mooawa”一词,意思是“剥树皮的动物”。它们的双眼可以独立转动,这使得它们在往前看的同时也可以看到身后的情况。由软骨和肌肉组成的下垂的长鼻子用来帮助寻找食物和配偶是非常灵敏的。驼鹿肉质的鼻子没有被美国土著部落浪费掉。根据18世纪博物学家汤姆斯·彭南特的记载,驼鹿的鼻子是“食物中的精华,在整个加拿大都把驼鹿的鼻子当作最好吃的美味佳肴”。在欧洲,驼鹿的名字叫“elks”,来自拉丁语中“alces”一词,最早是由朱利叶斯·恺撒在公元前50年起的名字。在青铜时代驼鹿就在英国灭绝了,但是它的名字却留了下来,被用于描述任何一种体型大的鹿类。当英国殖民者进入美洲以后,那里最常见的鹿——美洲马鹿(Cervus canadensis)使他们想起了它们的英国近亲——马鹿(Cervus elaphus)。结果它就获得了“elk”这个名字,而其他的那些大型的不熟悉的动物继续使用它在当地的名字——“驼鹿”。
2023-06-11 07:03:531


2023-06-11 07:04:002


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2023-06-11 07:04:363


2023-06-11 07:04:443

ELKS BCD型号冰箱温度怎么调节为OK???

2023-06-11 07:04:521


英语不同于汉语,是没有专门的量词的。在英语中,表达数量关系常常用一些名词词组,如a drop of … (一滴……),a piece of … (一片、段、块、张……),many bags of … (许多袋……)等等。
2023-06-11 07:05:025


A hotdog 常常汉语中的量词在英语中不须特别表示的。在英语里其实没有量词这一词类,在汉语里所说的"一头牛"、"一匹马"、"一只笔"、"一本书",在英语里并没有区别:"a cow"、"a horse"、"a pen"、"a book",都是冠词后面加上可数名词。 在汉语里有许多简单的物品,在英语里则需要成双成对的表达: a pair of glasses (一副眼镜) a pair of scissors (一把剪刀) a pair of spectacles (一副眼镜) a pair of trousers (一条裤子) a pair of pants (一条裤子) a pair of pliers(一把剪钳) 英语的... of ...结构既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词,如: a piece of paper (一张纸) a piece of information (一条消息) an article of clothes(一件衣物) 汉语里的表示度量衡量的量词在英语里可以找到相应的表达结构,即... of ...。比如: a cup of water(一杯水) a packet of cigarettes(一盒香烟) a basket of vegetables(一篮子蔬菜) 最有意思的就是英语关于各种动物群体的称呼了,各不相同。如: an army of elephants(一群大象) a pack / throng of wolves(一群狼) a batch of dogs(一群狗) a brood of chicks(一群小鸡) a hive of bees(一群蜜蜂) a host of monkeys(一群猴子) a school of fish(一群鱼) a swarm of locusts(一群蝗虫) a team / field of horses(一群马) a gang of elks(一群驼鹿) 我们前面讲了英语中量词与汉语中的量词有很多是对应不上的。不过汉语中许多形象量词,在英语里是能够找到对应的,如: a head of garlic(一头蒜); a drop of water(一滴水); a flood of moonlight(一片月光); a wisp of smoke(一缕烟); a pane of glass(一块玻璃); a layer of rock(一层岩石); a cloud of smoke(一团烟雾); a beam of light(一束光线); a blade of grass(一片草叶); a block of wood(一块木头); a cube of sugar(一块方糖); a roll of newspaper(一卷报纸); a cone of icecream(一个蛋卷冰淇淋); a bar of chocolate(一块巧克力); a stack of hay(一堆乾草); a loaf of bread(一个面包); a grain of rice(一粒米); a cake of soap(一块肥皂); a dash of salt(一撮盐); a coil of wire(一卷电线); a ball of wool(一个毛线球)。 许多形象量词,不仅说明了数量,还有动态和修辞的含意,比如: a glimmer of hope(一线希望); a burst of laughter(一阵笑声); a gust of wind(一阵风); a web of railroad(铁路网); a train of thoughts(一连串的想法)等等。 英语和汉语关于表示数量的词的用法还有一点不同。 汉语说"一杯好茶",在英语里则成了"一好杯茶:a nice cup of tea"。类似的例子还有: a thin coat of ice(一层薄冰); a stagnant pool of water(一潭死水)。a drop of water 一滴水a flood of moonlight 一片月光a wisp of smoke 一缕烟a pane of glass 一块玻璃a layer of rock 一层岩石a cloud of smoke 一团烟雾 a beam of light 一束光线a blade of grass 一片草叶a block of wood 一块木头a cube of sugar 一块方糖a roll of newspaper 一卷报纸a cone of icecream 一个蛋卷冰淇淋a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力a stack of hay 一堆乾草a loaf of bread 一个面包a grain of rice 一粒米a cake of soap 一块肥皂a dash of salt 一撮盐a coil of wire 一卷电线a ball of wool 一个毛线球a nice cup of tea 一杯好茶a thin coat of ice 一层薄冰a stagnant pool of water 一潭死水a beautiful stretch of field 一片美丽的原野a pair of glasses 一副眼镜a pair of scissors 一把剪刀a pair of spectacles 一副眼镜a pair of trousers 一条裤子a piece of paper 一张纸a piece of information 一条消息an article of clothes 一件衣物a cup of water 一杯水
2023-06-11 07:06:2313


分类: 电脑/网络 >> 操作系统/系统故障 问题描述: 非微软的操作系统有哪些?除了LINUX,能装到个人PC上的,最好是开源的。Linux用的有点恶心了,有没有国人写的非Linux内核的操作系统。想法的给我回答案呀!!积分多少好说!! 解析: adaOS, arOS, atheOS, BSD, Cefarix, chaos, DCP, E.R.I.K.E, eCOS, ELKS, EraMS, EROS, Fiasco, Free-vms, FreeBSD, FREEDOS, freedows, Menuet, NetBSD, Oberon, OpenBEOS, OpenBSD, QNX, ReactOS, RETMS, S.Ha.R.K, Unununium, V2_OS, VSTa, Winmac, xMach, ZotOS 以上的OS,有的只能运行在64bit的硬件上的,有的只能运行在Intel的CPU上的,还有其它,自己找吧 国人写的系统??好像没有,麒麟也是抄freebsd的现在国人都很聪明,什么都会抄
2023-06-11 07:06:471


通常用来表示人、事物或动作的数量单位的词,叫做量词。英文中的量词(这里只能举出一些例子)有:a drop of water 一滴水a flood of moonlight 一片月光a flood of light 一大片强光 a flood of people人潮如涌 a flood of words口若悬河 a flood of tears泪如泉涌a wisp of smoke 一缕烟/一股烟a wisp of a smile 一丝微笑a pane of glass 一块玻璃a layer of rock 一层岩石a cloud of smoke 一团烟雾a beam of light 一束光线a blade of grass 一片草叶a block of wood 一块木头a cube of sugar 一块方糖a roll of newspaper 一卷报纸a cone of icecream 一个蛋卷冰淇淋a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力a stack of hay 一堆乾草a loaf of bread 一个面包a grain of rice 一粒米a cake of soap 一块肥皂a dash of salt 一撮盐a coil of wire 一卷电线a roll of tobacco一卷烟草a roll of bread 一块面包a ball of wool 一个毛线球a glimmer of hope 一线希望a thread of hope一线希望a thread of smoke一缕青烟A piece of such cord一根细丝a thread of water细细的一条流水a mouthful of sweet country air一口新鲜的乡村空气a handful of corn 一把玉米a handful of people 少数几个人a group of people [trees, houses]一群人[一片树林, 一片房子]an army of elephants 一群大象a pack / throng of wolves 一群狼a batch of dogs 一群狗a brood of chicks 一群小鸡a hive of bees 一群蜜蜂a host of monkeys 一群猴子a school of fish 一群鱼a swarm of locusts 一群蝗虫a team / field of horses一群马a gang of elks 一群驼鹿a burst of laughter 一阵笑声a gust of wind 一股风a web of railroad 铁路网a train of thoughts 一连串的想法a nice cup of tea 一杯好茶a thin coat of ice 一层薄冰a stagnant pool of water 一潭死水a beautiful stretch of field 一片美丽的原野a pair of glasses 一副眼镜a pair of scissors 一把剪刀a pair of pliers一把钳子a pair of spectacles 一副眼镜a pair of trousers 一条裤子a pair of shoes一双鞋a pair of pant 一条裤子a pair of dancers一对舞伴a pair of stairs一段楼梯a pair of pliers 一把剪钳a piece of paper 一张纸a piece of information 一条消息an article of clothes 一件衣物a cup of water 一杯水a packet of cigarettes 一盒香烟a basket of vegetables 一篮子蔬菜
2023-06-11 07:06:561


2023-06-11 07:07:054

panda{熊猫}-bamboo{竹子} 这是熊猫喜欢的食物 而袋鼠,猴子,骆驼,老虎,考拉的食物分别是什么,请用英

雄性袋鼠没有袋的 袋鼠原产于澳大利亚大陆和巴布亚新几内亚的部分地区。其中,有些种类为澳大利亚独有。所有澳大利亚袋鼠,动物园和野生动物园里的除外,都在野地里生活。不同种类的袋鼠在澳大利亚各种不同的自然环境中生活,从凉性气候的雨林和沙漠平原到热带地区。 袋鼠是食草动物,吃多种植物,有的还吃真菌类。它们大多在夜间活动,但也有些在清晨或傍晚活动。不同种类的袋鼠在各种不同的自然环境中生活。比如,波多罗伊德袋鼠会给自己做巢而树袋鼠则生活在树丛中。大种袋鼠喜欢以树、洞穴和岩石裂缝作为遮蔽物。 所有袋鼠,不管体积多大,有一个共同点:长着长脚的后腿强键而有力。大多数袋鼠在地面生活,从它们强健的后腿跳越的方式很容易便能将其与其他动物区分开来。袋鼠在跳跃过程中用尾巴进行平衡,当它们缓慢走动时,尾巴则可作为第五条腿。 所有雌性袋鼠都长有前开的育儿袋,育儿袋里有四个乳头。“幼崽”或小袋鼠就在育儿袋里被抚养长大,直到它们能在外部世界生存。 袋鼠虽是胎生,却无胎盘。袋鼠妈妈怀孕四五个星期就生下一个像铅笔头大小的小袋鼠,长2厘米,重0.5—0.75克,没有毛,看不见东西。靠前肢和灵敏的嗅觉,小袋鼠沿着妈妈给它舐出的道路爬进育儿袋,叼着袋里的乳头发育成长。200天后,小袋鼠可外出活动,但一有危险就立即钻入袋中,由妈妈带着逃走。当袋内孩子长到能独立生活时,妈妈便不允许它再进去。袋鼠的繁殖力惊人,当袋内的孩子能独立生活时,第二个孩子便诞生了,同时,妈妈又怀上了第三条小生命
2023-06-11 07:08:453


  美国哪个州艺术氛围最好呢?答案是:明尼苏达州。这与它悠久的历史和诸多的顶尖大学是息息相关的,更多的详细信息跟着来一起了解一下吧,欢迎阅读。   明尼苏达州留学及移民优势    前言: 明尼苏达州北接加拿大的曼尼托巴省和安大略省,东临苏必利尔湖,隔密西西比河与威斯康星州相望,南接艾奥瓦州,西邻南、北达科他州。美国大陆的极北点(北纬49度23分)就在该州,因此明尼苏达州的别称为北星之州。面积21.9万平方公里,在50州内列第12位。人口5167101(2006年)。首府为圣保罗。   一、明尼苏达州   u2022 Located in the north of the US; borders with Canada to the north, Lake Superior and Wisconsin to the east, Iowa to the south and South Dakota and North Dakota to the west   u2022 Highest point is Eagle Mountain (2,301 ft)   u2022 The (many) memorable lake names include Whale Lake, Artichoke Lake, Bad Axe Lake, Darling Lake, Lady Slipper Lake and Sleepy Eye Lake   u2022 Famous Minnesotans include author F. Scott Fitzgerald, musicians Bob Dylan and Prince, and filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen   u2022 Wildlife in Minnesota includes deer, bears, bison, moose, wolves, beavers, chipmunks, elks, porcupines, racoons, flying squirrels, Canada lynx and cougars   u2022 Of Minnesota"s 67 state parks, the most popular include Fort Snelling, Gooseberry Falls, Itasca, Tettegouche and Split Rock Lighthouse (pictured).   u2022位于美国北部与加拿大接壤的北部,苏必利尔湖和威斯康辛州东部,爱荷华州南部,南达科他和北达科他西部   u2022最高点是鹰山(2301英尺)   u2022(许多)令人印象深刻的湖名包括:鲸鱼湖、洋蓟湖、坏斧湖、达令湖、斯里珀湖和睡眼湖   著名的明尼苏达人包括作家f .斯科特·菲茨杰拉德,音乐家鲍勃·迪伦和普林斯,以及电影制片人乔尔·科恩和伊桑·科恩   u2022明尼苏达州的野生动物包括鹿、熊、野牛、驼鹿、狼、海狸、花栗鼠、麋鹿、豪猪、浣熊、飞鼠、加拿大猞猁和美洲豹   在明尼苏达州的67个州立公园中,最受欢迎的有Fort Snelling,Gooseberry Falls,Itasca,Tettegouche和Split Rock Lighthouse。   二、气候条件   Minnesota"s ‘Twin Cities" are among the Midwest"s leading centers for arts and culture, and rank high up on the list of the US"s top destinations for students and new graduates.More than half of Minnesota"s residents live in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul metropolitan area, the region surrounding the ‘Twin Cities" - state capital Saint Paul and largest city Minneapolis.Despite their borders sprawling into overlap, the two cities have maintained distinct identities, and have historically been rivals in fields such as sports and architecture.However, one common element both Minneapolis and Saint Paul share is a reputation for spearheading arts and culture. Live music, comedy and drama are all thriving here, and even over the course of a four-year degree, you"re unlikely to run out of cool venues to explore.   Employment prospects are also good. Unemployment rates are below the US national average, and the state is home to 16 Fortune 500 companies, most of them based in the Twin Cities.As well as doing ‘urban" on a grand scale, Minnesota offers natural attractions in excess as well. Its nickname ‘land of the 10,000 lakes" is an underestimation; it actually has 11,842 lakes.Lakes certainly take the prize for sheer quantity, but Minnesota also has plenty of variety, including forests, waterfalls, water sports, snow sports, prairie land and coast (not sea-coast, but with Lake Superior, one of the five "Great Lakes").The climate in Minnesota is continental, which means cold winters and warm summers. Average summer temperatures are 60°F (16°C) in the north of the state, to 70°F (21°C) in the south. Average winter temperatures are 6°F (-14°C) in the north, and 16°F (-9°C) in the south.   明尼苏达州的“双子城”是美国中西部领先的艺术和文化中心,排在美国学生和新毕业生的首选地的前列。明尼苏达州超过一半的居民居住在明尼阿波利斯-圣保罗都会区,这一地区围绕着“双子城”——州首都圣保罗和明尼阿波利斯最大城市。尽管两城市的边界不断扩大,但它们仍保持着不同的身份,而且在历史上一直是体育和建筑等领域的竞争对手。然而,明尼阿波利斯和圣保罗的共同要素是先锋艺术和文化的先锋。现场音乐、喜剧和戏剧都在这里蓬勃发展,即使是在四年的时间里,你也不太可能从凉爽的场馆里跑出来探索外面的世界。   就业前景也不错。美国的失业率低于美国的平均水平,该州拥有16家财富500强企业,其中多数位于双子城。除了在宏大的规模上做“城市”,明尼苏达州也提供了自然景观。它的昵称“万湖之乡”是一个低估的地方;它实际上有11842个湖泊。湖泊当然以数量众多而获得奖励,但明尼苏达州也有丰富的种类,包括森林、瀑布、水上运动、冰雪运动、草原陆地和海岸(不是海岸,而是五大湖之一的苏必利尔湖)。明尼苏达州的气候是大陆性的,这意味着寒冷的冬季和温暖的夏季。夏季平均温度是60°F(16°C)北部的国家,到70°F(21°C)在南方。冬季平均气温6°F(-14°C)在北方,和16°F(9°C)在南方。   三、明尼苏达州的顶尖大学   Minnesota"s highest ranking university, the University of Minnesota, put in a strong performance in the 2011/12 QS World University Rankings, just two places short of the top 100.Despite having a large and growing student body – about 65,000 at the last count – the university has managed to maintain a good student-to-faculty ratio.Most of these students are based at the flagship campus, the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (UMTC), which is split into two halves, one in Minneapolis and one in Saint Paul. A shuttle bus service connects the two.There are also University of Minnesota campuses are in Duluth, Crookston, Morris and Rochester.In addition, the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system is made up of 31 institutions, spread across 54 campuses all around the state. Of these, 24 are two-year colleges, where it"s possible to complete an associate"s degree, before transferring elsewhere for an additional two or more years to complete a full bachelor"s degree.   明尼苏达大学是明尼苏达州排名最高的大学,它在2011 / 12年度的QS世界大学排名中表现突出,仅差两名,进入了前100的排名。尽管拥有一个庞大且不断增长的学生群体——在最近一次统计中大约有6.5万名学生——但该大学仍保持着良好的学生与教师的比例。这些学生中的大多数都是在该校的顶尖学校——明尼苏达大学、双城,这两个城市分为两个部分,一个在明尼阿波利斯,一个在圣保罗。穿梭巴士服务将两者连接起来。还有明尼苏达大学的校区在德卢斯、克鲁克斯顿、莫里斯和罗切斯特。此外,明尼苏达州立大学系统由31个大学组成,分布在全州54个校区。其中,有24所是两年制的大学,在那里有可能完成副学士学位,然后再转到其他地方两年或更长的时间来完成一个完整的学士学位。
2023-06-11 07:09:051


a spoonful of sugar - 一匙糖 a plate of vegetables - 一碟蔬菜 a column of *** oke - 一条烟柱 a column of mercury ( in a thermometer ) - ( 温度计中的 ) 一条水银柱 a cloumn of figures - 一列数字 a slice of cake - 一片西饼 a slice of bread - 一片面包 a herd of sheep - 一群羊 a range of colour - 一系列的颜色 a pair of glasses (scissors spectacles trousers pants pliers)(一副眼镜,一把剪刀,一副眼镜,一条裤子,一条裤子,一把剪钳)等。 a piece of paper a piece of information an article of clothes(一张纸,一条消息,一件衣物)。 a cup of water a packet of cigarettes a basket of vegetables(一杯水,一盒香烟,一篮子蔬菜)。 an army of elephants(一群大象); a pack / throng of wolves(一群狼); a batch of dogs(一群狗);   a brood of chicks(一群小鸡); a hive of bees(一群蜜蜂); a host of monkeys(一群猴子);   a school of fish(一群鱼); a swarm of locusts(一群蝗虫);    a team / field of horses(一群马); a gang of elks(一群驼鹿) a head of garlic(一头蒜); a drop of water(一滴水); a flood of moonlight(一片月光); a wisp of *** oke(一缕烟); a pane of glass(一块玻璃); a layer of rock(一层巖石); a cloud of *** oke(一团烟雾); a beam of light(一束光线); a blade of grass(一片草叶); a block of wood(一块木头); a cube of sugar(一块方糖); a roll of newspaper(一卷报纸); a cone of icecream(一个蛋卷冰淇淋); a bar of chocolate(一块巧克力); a stack of hay(一堆干草); a loaf of bread(一个面包); a grain of rice(一粒米); a cake of soap(一块肥皂);   a dash of salt(一撮盐); a coil of wire(一卷电线); a ball of wool(一个毛线球)。 a glimmer of hope(一线希望); a burst of laughter(一阵笑声); a gust of wind(一股风); a web of railroad(铁路网) a train of thoughts(一连串的想法)等等。 a thin coat of ice(一层薄冰) a stagnant pool of water(一潭死水) a beautiful stretch of field(一片美丽的原野)等等。 ctpc/n435777/n435875/n436266/4930 (这网址还有很多资料) hsenglish/pla/Detail?TitleID=577, a pair of shoes - 一双鞋子 a pair of je - 一条牛仔裤 a piece of paper - 一张纸 a cup of coffee - 一杯咖啡 a bottle of beer - 一樽啤酒 a can of coke - 一罐可乐; a packet of chocolate - 一排朱古力 a pack of soap - 一份番枧; a bowl of soup - 一碗汤 a box of tissue - 一盒纸巾 a roll of toilet paper - 一卷厕纸 a dozen of eggs - 一打蛋 a pile of bricks - 一堆砖头 a pack of instant noodle - 一包即食面 a pair of socks - 一双袜 a pair of chopsticks - 一双筷子 Basically you can search by 英文量词 in Knowledge. Someone ask the same question. Now I cut from the best solution
2023-06-11 07:09:111


雅思英语量词的灵活搭配和使用方法   引导语:下面我为大家带来雅思英语量词的灵活搭配和使用方法,希望能够帮助到您,谢谢您的"阅读。    一、食品   a scoop of ice cream 一个冰淇淋球 (注意,不可用ball)   a slice of pizza 一块披萨   a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力   a loaf of bread 一个面包   a grain of rice 一粒米   a sack of potatoes 一袋土豆   a cube of sugar 一块方糖   a basket of vegetables 一篮蔬菜   a handful of corn 一把玉米   a basket of eggs 一篮子鸡蛋   a crate of bananas 一箱香蕉   a bunch of grapes 一串葡萄   a dash of salt 少量盐   a clove of garlic 一瓣蒜    二、液体   a teaspoon of medicine 一勺药水   a bowl of soup 一碗汤   a pot of tea 一壶茶   a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡   a jug of lemonade 一罐柠檬汁   a carton of juice 一盒果汁   a can of beer 一罐啤酒   a keg of beer 一桶啤酒   a bottle of milk 一瓶牛奶   a glass of milk 一杯牛奶   a tank of gas一箱油   a shot of vodka 一小杯伏特加(注:烈酒量词多用shot)   a drop of rain 一滴雨水   a gallon of gasoline 一加仑汽油    三、生活用品   an article of clothing 一件衣物   a roll of toilet paper一卷卫生纸   a ball of wool 一个毛线球   a pane of glass 一块玻璃   a roll of newspaper 一卷报纸   a bar of soap 一块肥皂   a tube of toothpaste 一支牙膏   a packet of cigarettes 一盒香烟   a stick/piece of chalk 一支粉笔   a pad of paper 一叠纸   四、动物、人   a pack of dogs 一群狗   a troop of monkeys 一群猴子   a brood of chicks 一窝小鸡   a plague of locusts 一群蝗虫   a swarm of bees 一群蜜蜂   a gang of elks 一群驼鹿   a school of fish 一群鱼   a pack of wolves 一群狼   a herd of cattle 一群家畜   a flock of birds一群鸟   a gang of thieves 一帮小偷(贬义)   a choir of singers 一个唱诗班   a mob of demonstrators 一群示威者   a troop of soldiers 一队士兵   a crew of sailors 一组船员    五、自然   a stretch of field 一片原野   a bolt of lightning 一道闪电   a flood of moonlight 一片月光   a beam of light 一束光线   a layer of rock 一层岩石   a cloud of smoke 一团烟雾   a blade of grass 一片草叶   a block of wood 一块木头   a thin coat of ice 一层薄冰   a gust of wind 一股风   a field of flowers 一片花海   六、抽象事物   a flood of words 口若悬河   a wisp of a smile 一丝微笑   a burst of laughter 一阵笑声   a flood of tears 泪如泉涌   a train of thoughts 一连串的想法   a piece of information 一条消息   a glimmer of hope 一线希望   a network of railroad 铁路网   a flood of people 人潮如涌   a piece of advice 一条建议 ;
2023-06-11 07:09:291

英语中,“another”和“another one”的区别

有another one 只能表示“另外一个”another 可以单独使用,表示“另外一个”但是后面还可以接数量词,如another three,就 表示“另外3个”
2023-06-11 07:09:453


用英语形容女孩子特别漂亮,怎么说?, 英语形容女孩子特别漂亮如何说 排 性格好,令人愉快:easygoing,friendly,agreeable 可爱伶俐型,年纪较轻:lovely,cute,(naive更偏向很傻很天真) 活泼有意思:lively,active,frisky, 个性型:stylish,handsome, 气质好:elegant, geous,stunning(这三个词,级别依次上升) 其他:pretty, charming, well-impressed, graceful,fascinating 一般形容一位女性Geous已经是了不得的评价,Stunning可以说是极品美女了 不要用beautiful,中国人用太多了,导致我们对它修饰的物体没有任何印象 英语形容女孩子特别漂亮如何说 She is so beautiful 就可以了 要不然 你知道沉鱼落雁闭月羞花么? At the sight of them, fish sink to the bottom of the water,birds soar into the sky and elks and deer immidiately flee. 如果你是给中国人看的,这个可以,因为中国人知道庄子的这个典故,上面的就是描述的四种动物见到美人的反应 但是如果你是给外国人看的,还是不要用了,因为他们很少知道这个典故 或者你在后面加上这句话:这四种动物怎么知道人类的美丽的?因为美丽的女子。。。。。。。how do these four species of animals know the beautiful in this human world? Because of the beauty of a woman. 方言:酸真,形容女孩子特别漂亮 这个女娃子长的好巴适 这个美女长的好乖 这个女娃子长的各种哪样(形容各方面都很完美) 这个美女长的简直不摆了(好看的没有语言来形容了) 形容女孩子漂亮的词语用英语怎么说 ely adj. 标致的, 清秀的, 美丽的,〔古〕(举止等)适当的, 合宜的 fairness n. 晴朗; 明亮; 美好 ; [诗、古]美丽; 洁白 goodliness n. 美丽, 美好, 美貌 lovely adj. 可爱的,动人的,秀丽的,[口]令人愉快的,有趣的,高兴的, 纯洁的,高尚的, 谦和的 n. 美女(尤指女艺术家, 女模特儿等)。漂亮的东西 pulchritude n. 美丽, 标致 beautiful adj. 美丽的, 很好的 pretty adj. 漂亮的, 可爱的, 优美的, 机灵的, 恰当的 handsome adj. 英俊的, 大方的, 慷慨的, 美观的, 堂皇的 attractive adj. 有吸引力的 ,漂亮的 beauteous adj. 美丽的(多用于文学作品中) fair adj. 美丽的, 女性的, (肤色)白皙的, (头发)金黄的, 干净的, 公平的, (天气)晴朗的 goodly adj. 优秀的, 优美的 geous adj. 华丽的, 灿烂的 pulchritudinous adj. 美丽的, 悦目的; 漂亮的 ravishing adj. 非常美丽的 sightly adj. 好看的 stunning adj. 极吸引人的;令人愉快的;美丽的 charming adj. 迷人的, 娇媚的, 可爱的; 有趣的 alluring adj. 诱惑的, 迷人的, 吸引人的 enchanting adj. 迷人的, 迷惑的, 妩媚的 saucy adj. 漂亮的 双眼皮的女孩子特别漂亮吗 双眼皮漂亮。这个波折可以弥补眉毛与眼睑缘之间的空白。从而增加美感。 用英语口语形容某女性很漂亮怎么说 She"s hot! She"s cute! She"s geous! She"s stunning! She"s fabulous! 这些都是口语常用的,尤其是前两项,后两项一般是正式场合和一般看到女生穿的比较正式的时候。 为什么夏天的时候女孩子特别漂亮? 虽然夏天天气很热,但有些女孩子有必要穿得那么暴露吗? 怎么形容女孩子漂亮? 爱没有对与错,只有适合与否,愿意与否,快乐与否。当你们已经不能在一起时,不是她没有选择你,也不是你抛弃了她,而是快乐没有选择你们,幸福没有选择你们,爱情没有选择你们。所以不要烦恼,也不要悲伤,你们应该互相祝福,希望各自找到真正属于自己的爱。如果当你失去对方时感到痛苦,那么证明你根本不是爱她,你只是想占有她,而当你的占有欲不能得到满足时你才会痛苦。当你爱一个人时,你应该想到的不是对方能给你什么,而是你可以给她什么,你可以给她所需要的感情吗?你可以给她快乐和幸福吗?你可以快乐着她的快乐幸福着她的幸福吗?只有这样的爱才是真爱,只有这种爱才是幸福的。 女孩子的字为什么特别漂亮 女生心思细腻,字如其人嘛,不过有的男生写的字也很秀气嘛。
2023-06-11 07:10:221

watch chain中文翻译

Inch by inch had the gold watch chain beneath it disappeared from within the range of tupman"s vision . 它下面拖著的金表链一寸一寸地退出了特普曼的视野。 Does the size of the watch chain suits you well 手表带的大小是否合适? He felt a itch at his watch chain 他感觉到有人扯了一下他的表链。 What material is the watch chain made of 表带是什么材质的? It was a gold watch chain 那是一条金表链。 Professor caldwell sat for a full minute , silent and fingering his watch chain 考德威尔教授摸弄著他的表链,一言不发,坐了足有一分钟。 His suit was of excellent cloth , with a watch chain and cravat in the continental style 他的西服用料上乘,配上一条怀表链和欧洲大陆风格的领带。 A pocket watch is usually carried in the waistcoat pocket and attached to the clothing with a watch chain 怀表通常放在背心的袋子里,用一条表链系在衣服上。 Said rose mignon . mignon , who was toying with his watch chain , eyed the journapst for a second or o with his severe glance 米尼翁正在玩他的表链,听了这话,眼睛狠狠地瞪了记者一会儿。 The caretaker hung his thumbs in the loops of his gold watch chain and spoke in a discreet tone to their vacant *** iles 管理员的两个大拇指勾在打著弯儿的金表链上。他朝著他们那一张张茫然的笑脸,用谨慎的口吻讲开了。 Spectacles , clocks and watches , jewelry and ornaments , watch chains , watch shells , medical apppances , optical instruments , chemistry , food , high - tech labs , etc 眼镜、钟表、珠宝首饰、表带、表壳、医疗器械、光学仪器、化学、食品、高科技实验室等。 His fingers bore several rings - one , the ever - enduring heavy seal - and from his vest dangled a neat gold watch chain , from which was suspended the secret insignia of the order of elks 他手指上戴著好几个戒指,其中有一枚是沉甸甸的图章戒指,这枚戒指是始终不离身的。从他的西装背心上垂下一条精致的金表链,表链那一头垂挂著兄弟会的秘密徽章。
2023-06-11 07:10:281


2023-06-11 07:10:4610


定语从句的英语翻译方法 英语和汉语分属两种不同语系,其差别很大,翻译起来有诸多困难,英语定语从句汉译便是困难之一。由于定语从句在英语中应用十分广泛,因此,我们必须想办法、找方法、寻规律,从而很好地解决它。   一、限制性定语从句   限制性定语从句对所修饰先行项起限制作用,在意义上与先行项密切不可分。如被省去,主句意思就含糊不清,甚至变得毫无意义。关系词和先行项之间一般不用逗号分隔。   (一)定语词组   ①I have but one lamp by which my feed are guided. 我只有一盏指路明灯。   ②It was so with the vast railroad yards with the crowded array of vessels she saw in the river. 火车站广大场地,河里鳞次梯比船只,她也同样不能理解。   ③Before following her in her round of seeking, let us look at the sphare in which her future was to lie. 我们暂且把她找寻工作事搁下来不谈,先看一看她前途所寄托这个世界。   ④...and the thread which bound her so lightly to girlhood and home were irretrievably broken ……而那些把她和少女时代以及故乡轻轻系住柔丝,不得不就此断绝了。   (二)并列从句   1)省略英语先行项   ①The lungs are subjecd to several diseases which are treatable by surgery. 肺易受几种疾病侵袭,但均可经手术治疗。   ②A little way on she saw a great door which, for some reason, attracted her attention. 又走了一些路,她看见一个大门,不知怎,引起了她注意。   ③As a result, a hum of gossip was set going which moved about the house in that secret manner common to gossip. 结果就造成一阵闲话,暗中在公寓里流传,闲话一般都是如此。   ④A will had been made which divide the small tax –eaten property equally among the remaining four, so that it was really of no interest to any of them. 遗嘱已立好,把这片快要给税吃光薄产平分给四个孩子,但谁都对此不感兴趣。   上述定语从句例句比(一)里定语从句例句长些,因此,就不宜译成定语词组成形式。否则,译句就会显得太长且不符合汉语表达习惯。如④就不宜译成“把这片快要给税吃光薄产平分给四个孩子中遗嘱早已立好,谁都对此不感兴趣。”这类从句不是长、难复杂定语从句,一般就按原文顺序位置译。上面译句第二分句,有承前省略了主语,如③④,有借用第一分句不定语作逻辑主语,如①②   2)重复英语先行项   ①At dimmer I found myself placed between Mrs. Bradly, and a shy drab girl who seemed even younger than the other. 席间,我发现自己坐在布拉得雷太太和一腼腆乏味女孩子中间;她看上去比其余人都年轻。   ②A writer--in fact every one of us in life--needs that loving-mother force from which all creation flows... 一个作家——实际上生活中每个人——都需要慈母力量,它是创造一切源泉。   ③Man possesses an expressive faculty that goes far beyond gestures, that allows and even compels him to express his thoughts, feedings, dreams, and inituitions. 人类具有远远超过于手势表达官能,这种官能不仅使人能够,而且使他要把思想、感情、幻梦、直觉表达出来。   这些先行项重复,有时用是代词如①②,有时用是限定词如③。汉译时,需重复先行项地方,就要重复。否则会影响意思连贯和清楚。我们一般采用分述法将带定语从句英语复合句译成并列分词。分述法就将主句和从句分开翻译方法。此方法除了将定语从句译为并列分句外,还译为状语从句。   (三)状语从句   让我们来看看下例该怎么译:   He insisted on building another house which he had no use for.   上例能译成“他坚持再建一座他不用房子”或“他坚持再建一座房,这房他不用”吗?显然不能,因为这样译文令读者莫名其妙。这两种译文是套用定语词组和并列分句形式而译,然而错了。   正确译文是:他虽自己不用,但仍坚持再建一座房。此句之所以这样译,是因为它含有状语从句意思。英语定语从句——尤其是非限制性定语从句——有时兼有状语从句职能,可以表示时间、条件、原因、让步、目、结果等等关系。 兹再举几例说明限制性定语从句所表示状语意思:   ①I think it will grow even on non-irrlgated land where there is a forest belt. 我想即使在没有灌溉土地上,只要有一条树林带,苜蓿还是会生长。(表条件)   ②In a personed sense, I think of my eldest daughter, whose birthday is today. 就个人来讲,我想到我大女儿,因为今天是她生日。(表原因)   (四)独立句   ①He paid that peculiar deferente to women which every member of the sex appreciates. 他对女性殷勤令每个女人所赏识。   ②What were the hopes and dreams that had made of them the incredibly stubborn warriors?是什么希望,什么目标,什么理想使他们成为顽强到令人难以置信战士呢?   翻译英语There be 句型和带定语从句复合句时,常用溶合法。溶合法就是把原主句主语同定语从句溶合在一起而译成独立句方法。溶合法要求改变句子构造形式。具体作法是,将原主句词或词组用作独立句主语,再将定语从句用作谓语,这样便译成独立句,如①将He paid that peculiar deference to women 压缩译为“他对女性殷勤”而定语从句“which every member of the sex appreciates”译为谓“令每个女人所常识”。   (五)复合宾语   ①I also found on the ground near the tracks of the lamed groups of ants which were rulling grains of corn. 我还看见骆驼脚印边有许多蚂蚁在拖玉米粒。   ②He did not find any one in the house who particularly cared to see. 他认为家里没有人特别想知道。   当主句谓语动词是表示“感观”或“心理活动”等意义时,修饰宾语定语从句多译为复合宾语。   二、非限制性定语从句   非限制性定语从句同其先行项之间联系是松散。它不是先行项必不可少组成部分,而仅是对先行项作些描写或补充说明。非限制性定语从句前常有逗号将它与主语分开。非限制性定语从句也主要是采用前面已说过分译法和溶合法来译。它常驻被译为并列分句、独立和状语从句,偶尔还可译为定语词组等。   (一)译成并列分句   1、译成并列分句,省略先行项   ①Wait a minute, said the boss, and he opened the load and took out a ham, which he started to bone and string up. “等一会儿!”老板说道,说罢便打开火腿包,拿出一只,开始剔骨头,并用绳子缚起来。(省主语)   ②Carrie reached home in high good spirits,which she could scarely conceal. 嘉莉兴高采烈地回到家,想掩饰也掩饰不住。(省主语)   2、译成并列分句,重复英语先行项   ①...from his vest dangled a real gold watch chain, from which was suspended the secret insignia of the Order of Elks……背心上荡着一根精致金表链,链上系着“共进会”徽章。   ②He came within the meaning of a still newer term, which had sprung into general use among Americans in 1880... 他其实适合于一个更新名词,那个名词1880年在美国人中突然流行起来……   (二)译成独立句   ①It has long been my wish to encounter one of the oldest civilizations in earth. I have come amidst you from Egypt, On the banks of the Nile, which also has a most ancient civilization. 我一直向往着要同世界最古老文明会晤。尼罗河畔埃及也有着最古老文明,我正是从那里来到你们中间。   ②You"ve given Feldstyn, who dislikes me any how, the chance he was waiting for. 费尔德丁反正讨厌我,你给他机会正是他求之不得。   (三)译成状语从句   ①These actions, which have aroused universal and unreserved disapproval, must nevertheless give us a pause. 这些行动,虽已激起普遍而毫不掩饰反对,却也使我们举棋不定。(表让步)   ②In a dispute between two states with which one is friendly, try not to get involved. 在两国发生争端时,如与该两国皆友好,则应避免卷入。(表条件)。   ③Copper, which is used so widely for carrying electricity, offers very little resistance. 铜电阻很小,因此被广泛用于输电。(表结果)   (四)译成定语词组   As I came in, Gus Meyer, who owned the taxicad that used to stand at the corner of our street, waved to me from a table. 我进去时,那个开出租汽车古司.买耶坐在一张桌子那里向我招手,他车子经常就停在我们街角上。非限制性定语从句主要是译成并列分句、独立句和状语从句这几种形式,这与它作用——仅是对先行项提供一些补充说明——有关。难怪《新编英语语法》(修定本)指出:在意义上,非限制性定语从句相当于一个并列分句,可以完全脱离主句而独立出现。   综上举例可以看出,定语从句可用“分述法”和“溶合法”进行翻译,形式有定语词组,并列分句、状语从句、复合宾语等。这些形式是英译汉主要“框架结构”,并非全部“标准答案”。在具体和翻译实践中,我们应该视其不同情况,选用不同形式或作灵活变通处理。
2023-06-11 07:11:071


She is so beautiful 就可以了要不然 你知道沉鱼落雁闭月羞花么?At the sight of them, fish sink to the bottom of the water,birds soar into the sky and elks and deer immidiately flee.如果你是给中国人看的,这个可以,因为中国人知道庄子的这个典故,上面的就是描述的四种动物见到美人的反应 但是如果你是给外国人看的,还是不要用了,因为他们很少知道这个典故 或者你在后面加上这句话:这四种动物怎么知道人类的美丽的?因为美丽的女子。。。。。。。how do these four species of animals know the beautiful in this human world? Because of the beauty of a woman.
2023-06-11 07:11:221


1.在《嘉莉妹妹》著作中,跪求英文高手给翻译这段话 When a girls leaves her home at eighteen, she does one of two things. Either she falls into saving hands and becomes better, or she rapidly assumes the cosmopolitan standard of virtue and becomes worse. Of an intermediate balance, under the circumstances, there is no possibility. 2.《嘉莉妹妹》的英文评论 Living in a poor and intensely religious family,Dreiser had a very unhappy childhood.A world of jungle where "kill or to be killed" was the law can be found in Dreiser"s fictions.In Sister Carrie Dreiser expressed his naturalistic pursuit by expounding the purposelessness of life and attacking the conventional moral standards. Sister Carrie best embodies Dreiser"s naturalistic belief that while men are controlled and conditioned by heredity, instinct and chance,a few extraodinary and unsophisticated human beings refuse to accept their fate wordlessly and instead strive,unsuccessfully,to find meaning and purpose for their existence.Carrie,as one of such,senses that she is merely a cipher in an uncaring world yet seeks to grasp the mysteries of life and thereby satisfies her desires for social status and material comfort. 至于新女性的观点,以下我的意见供您参考 To satisfies her disires for social status and material comfort Sister Carrie naively puts her stakes on two men, first Drouet then Hurstwood. While this proved to no avail, she starts striving by her own. This is against the convention that a woman can only hope her marriage bring her worldly success. 3.嘉莉妹妹的人物名字的中英文 嘉莉/Caroline Meeber/Carrie:美丽聪明的女主角。到芝加哥谋生,开始的她爱慕虚荣、羡慕富贵的生活而不愿当艰苦的工人,为了生存先后成为了德鲁埃和赫斯特伍德的情人。后受到赫斯特伍德的欺骗两人私奔到了纽约市一起生活,在他找不到工作后,她凭借个人的才能成为一名出色的舞台演员。 德鲁埃/Charles H. Drouet:男配角,推销员。秉性温和、沉静、宁静,富有自信心,喜欢对女人献殷勤。最初是在火车上认识了嘉莉,后来帮助了她并与之同居。但她后来同赫斯特伍德私奔到了纽约。 明妮/Minnie Hanson:嘉莉的姐姐,汉森的老婆,育有一个婴儿,居住在芝加哥西范伯伦街职工住宅区,在一家纺织厂工作。 汉森/Sven Hanson:明妮的丈夫,嘉莉的姐夫,父亲是瑞典人,他沉默寡言爱看报纸,在一家牲畜圈养场当冷藏车清洁工。 赫斯特伍德/George W. Hurstwood:男主角,酒店经理。老于世故,举止温和,通达善变。在认识嘉莉后,很快就陷入热烈的爱和情欲中。后来到了同老婆将要离婚的地步后,他偷了酒店的钱与嘉莉私奔到了纽约。然而到了纽约这样繁华的大都市后他却始终无法立足,无法找到一份称心的工作,境遇越来越差,嘉莉最后选择离开了他。最终他沦为乞丐,自杀身亡。 朱丽娅/Julia Hurstwood:赫斯特伍德的太太。冷酷自私,好嫉妒和虚荣,一心追求更高的社会地位,跟丈夫彼此没有深厚的感情。 杰西卡/Jessica Hurstwood:赫斯特伍德跟太太的女儿。娇生惯养,与母亲一样好虚荣,没有孝心,很少将父亲放在心上。 乔治/George Hurstwood:赫斯特伍德跟太太的小儿子。 万斯夫妇/The Vances:富有的商人夫妇,嘉莉和赫斯特伍德在纽约时结识的邻居。万斯太太喜好狂欢、应酬交际和看戏,嘉莉与她成为朋友。 艾姆斯/Robert Ames:万斯夫妇的侄子,来自印地安纳州的英俊年青的知识分子,是嘉莉心仪喜欢的对象。 罗拉/Lola Osborne:剧团女演员。嘉莉的好友,嘉莉离开赫斯特伍德后就跟她住在一起。 4.《嘉莉妹妹》内容英文简介,急用,有分 The novel depicts the rural girl Carrie came to Chicago to find the well-being of cities, in order to escape poverty, selling their virginity, met with a salesman and hotel manager of cohabitation, and then with the beautiful voice to become singers and story. Writer skilled use of natural and creative approach to human behavior materialized as a "chemical reaction" by the fruit, so that works with a strong social expression.The story of the real circumstances of the novel is this: Carrie is a handsome rural girl, she envied material life metropolis came to Chicago to make a living. Grim reality shattered her dream to meet her, unemployment and disease. In desperation, she has done a salesman Drouet"s mistress, and later as a result of a greater desire to do the hotel manager Hurstwood mistress.After the elopement with Hurstwood, in New York as a result of chance, she became a star at the actor, got the upper reaches of society and realize her fantasy. However, the so-called "upper-class social life," gave her anything at all? She felt that life is empty and can not find the true meaning of life, in the loneliness and desolation, she dreams of sitting in a rocking chair in a TV drama is not the end of happiness.。 5.嘉莉妹妹的英文简介 150字 SISTER CARRIE is a novel by Theodore Dreiser. It was first printed in 1900 but publication was held up until 1912 because its realism and alleged immorality were judged likely to give offense. The book is talk about a young country girl who moves to the big city where she starts realizing her own American Dream by first becoming a mistress to men that she perceives as superior and later as a famous actress. This novel deeply influenced later 20th-century writers, it has been called the "greatest of all American urban novels." 不知道够不够150字=。= 。。。 但是语法和内容什么的不会错的。。。望采纳 6.小妇人、少年维特之烦恼、嘉莉妹妹 《小妇人》:人最幸福的事莫过于坚信有人爱着你。 当你凝望我的时候,我心不在焉, 当我奔向你的时候,你已经无影无踪了。 我们总是在一次次错过时,失去了很多。 不过,我想说这是因为我们还年轻。 不,或许这就是我们的人生。 从那以后,我总会回头望望来时的路。 《少年维特之烦恼》:人啊,自己在这里抱怨又有何用?亲爱的朋友,我向你保证我要改变自己,我不会再像往常一样反复咀嚼命运赐给我的点滴不幸,我要享受现在,过去的事情就让它过去吧! ¤人要是不那么死心眼,不那么执著地去追忆往惜的不幸,会更多的考虑如何对现时处境泰然处之,那么人的苦楚就会小的多 ¤世界上误解和懈怠也许比奸作和恶意还要误事 ¤人总归是人,当一个人激情澎湃,而又受到人性局限的逼迫时,他即使有那么点理性也很少能起作用或者根本不起作用 ¤如果你问我这儿的人怎么样,那我只能说:和别处一个样。人都是一个模子里造出来的,多数人为了谋生,大部分的时光都用来干活,剩余的一点空闲时光却令他们犯愁,非要挖空心思,想办法把它打发掉,唉,人就是这样的命 《嘉莉妹妹》:我们在生活中往往不知道我们从对别人提出的每一条批评中都可以得益 的事实。 下坡路上是不大有立足点和平地的,下坡路上是不大有立足点和平地的。 她又成了大城市的诱惑力的俘虏,受到超理性的力量的催眠的可怜虫。 人到了中年,在青春活力停止发展和衰老的趋势到来之间,往往会有一 个时期,两种趋势几乎处于完全平衡的状态,大会向两面发展。可是,过了 些时候,这种平衡会向死亡一面下陷。起先很慢,然后会稍微快些,最后会 以最快的速度走向死亡。 生命本来始终像是一种珍贵的东西,但是现在,老是没得吃,体力也衰 弱了,已使人世的美景大为减色,难以觉察了。 她觉得他每一句话的声音,都是倾心于她的表示。在他细致的表情和吐 露的语言中,包含着写一大部书也无法阐释的内容。 7.嘉利妹妹英文简介和读后感 刚刚看完《嘉莉妹妹》,美国作家西奥多*德莱塞的作品。 情难自禁的写下了一些文字: 故事是这样的: 18岁的嘉罗琳(嘉莉)离开自己的父母,到芝加哥找姐姐,想谋求一份适合自己的工作。虽然之前曾经去过姐姐家一次,但毕竟对城市生活非常陌生。 在火车上,被推销员德鲁埃认识,互相交换了在芝加哥的地址。 到达姐姐家后,找工作十分的不顺利,曾经在一个每周收入只有四块半的鞋厂工作,但是,在给姐姐交完每周四块钱的食宿费后,只有五角钱的使用空间,而这些,并没有阻挡住对城市灯红酒绿生活的向往,富人生活的诱惑始终在吸引着她,但是,出路在哪里呢? 由于工作的辛苦,淋雨病到后,这唯一的工作也就没有了。 姐夫无法得到应得的食宿费补贴家用,让嘉罗琳产生回老家的念头。推销员德鲁埃在找到嘉莉后,了解她的情况,愿意资助她,又鼓起了她继续待在城市的念头。 嘉莉给姐姐留了一张纸条后,就和德鲁埃一起在租住一个公寓里。 从此以后,嘉莉就在德鲁埃的影响下,开始去适应城市生活,去看演出、吃饭等,此时的她,认为有钱的日子真舒服,也感到非常的幸福。 这是她到芝加哥之后第一次感到幸福,特别是透过阳台的窗户,看到路边走过的,曾和她在鞋店工作类似的女工时,她非常满足目前的物质生活。 通过德鲁埃,嘉莉也认识了酒店经理赫斯特伍德。 相对对城市生活不太陌生的嘉莉发现,赫斯特伍德其实比德鲁埃更风趣幽默,更善解人意。其实要知道,他们两人的区别,主要是由于工作的不同,人物性格也就不同,而这些,嘉莉她不知道。 在德鲁埃外出工作时,她发现自己和赫斯特伍德非常谈的来,频频的约会,心中会时不时地想起赫斯特伍德。但是,这种变化被德鲁埃发现后,告诉她,赫斯特伍德是有妻子和孩子的,嘉莉发觉自己受到了欺骗,准备疏远赫斯特伍德。 赫斯特伍德是有妻子和孩子,但是追逐物质享受和交际的妻子,没有和丈夫有过多的交流,赫斯特伍德和妻子的生活没有激情。嘉莉的纯洁让他心动,可是自己的资产都在妻子名下,钱的问题让赫斯特伍德非常尴尬。 为了和心动的人在一起,为了不受到妻子的讽刺挖苦,逃。赫斯特伍德一心想和嘉莉远离这个让他痛苦和烦闷的家,让嘉莉离开德鲁埃和自己在一起。 一天营业结束后,赫斯特伍德拿了酒店的营业款10000美元,当夜找到嘉莉,欺骗她德鲁埃受伤把她拉上了开往蒙特里尔的火车。 虽然离开了芝加哥,但是,侦探的到来还是让赫斯特伍德交出了大部分公款,同时,为了避免遇到昔日的熟人,他们到达纽约。 纽约的生活水平,让赫斯特伍德认为必须找到一份合适的工作,否则的话,留下的钱无法长久满足嘉莉日常的开销,毕竟嘉莉没有太多城市工作的经验,生活的压力目前不应该让她有。 赫斯特伍德把留下钱的一大部分与别人合伙开了一个酒店,他负责经营。 工作忙碌的他,渐渐没有时间陪在嘉莉身边,嘉莉打发时间,认识了新来的邻居万斯先生和夫人。他们三人会到百老汇吃饭、看演出。 嘉莉意识到,在百老汇大街上游玩的人,才是真正的有钱人,他们不是单单地来游玩,是来摆阔的,让嘉莉非常羡慕。 可是,赫斯特伍德合伙的生意受骗了,两人的生活开始拮据起来,经常为一些琐碎的事发生争吵。 接连半年多的时间,逐渐年老的赫斯特伍德也没有找到工作,也丧失了继续工作的热情。无奈之下,嘉莉想起在芝加哥时,自己曾有过一次登台演出的经历,当时是帮助德鲁埃给别人许下的诺言,挽回了德鲁埃的面子。 功夫不负有心人,嘉莉从合唱歌舞队开始了她的舞台生涯。由于她热情的投入,迅速地得到经理的认可和提拔。 在开始的一段时间里,她还用自己的钱照顾赫斯特伍德,但是她发现,赫斯特伍德沾染上赌博的毛病,让她恼火。在给赫斯特伍德留下一部分钱后,和一个女同伴在外边单独租了一个住处。 嘉莉的演出工作,一直比较顺利,慢慢地,她也成了百老汇出名的女演员。离开嘉莉的赫斯特伍德,最后也死去了。 出名后的嘉莉,车马有了,豪华的住处也有了,银行的存款也有了,请她吃饭、玩的朋友也非常多,但是她觉得自己并不幸福,她会一个人静静地坐在躺椅上,看着窗外,她觉得,物质生活满足的她,非常孤单。 这个故事描述的19世纪末的美国大都市,跟我们现在所处的中国十分相似;而文中的嘉莉妹妹,跟我的一个朋友的处境也似乎有许多共同之处,同样的在大都市中找不到安身立命之本,同样不愿意把命运交在别人的手中,却无法拒绝别人的好意和诱惑。 只是嘉莉妹妹的结局过于完美,她可以得到自己想要的东西,名誉,事业,社会地位和爱情。我想说的是,嘉莉的才华或许很高,嘉莉的运气或许十分好,嘉莉所处的时代或许有很多机会给她平步青云,嘉莉确实的有一个美妙的结局,但是,平心而论,成功的机会太少了,真的几乎不可能出现。 我们的社会,给予的机会太少,给予的压迫太多;给予的友善太少,给予的欺诈太多。 我的朋友切身的经验,让我真切的了解到一个弱女子能在一个陌生的城市立足,是多么的不容易,她需要面对那么多的困难,苦难。 另外一个方面,她要抵制那么多的诱惑,好奇。 大家设。 8.谁有嘉莉妹妹英文版的评论,知道的请告诉我一下,谢谢 "Few American novels have been launched into the stream of naturalism and literary history as decisively as Theodore Dreiser"s SISTER CARRIE" (The New York Times Book Review) "很少有几部美国小说能像 德莱塞 的 嘉莉妹妹 那样毅然决然投入到自然主义和 文学史的长流中去的了。“ (纽约时报 书评) 9.跪求英文高手帮我翻译这段关于《嘉莉妹妹》的文字~~~急用 Carrie"s desire for material is endless, from broke to wealth and status, she did not desire to rest. First arrived in Chicago, she is looking for a living to support themselves. But after indulging in the magnificent city, in shopping malls before the window, "she could not help but think that each one of her decorations are lovely, can make her appearance more beautiful." However, her low wages discouraged. To meet Drouet cohabitation with her inner desires, and soon learned of the rich lifestyle. She met her that once the rich life. But in Mrs. Hale"s introduction, she met more celebrities, when she returned to her home, I feel, "They live only to provide general furniture in a dorm room just three small rooms." Desire is always growing in her mind again and again.。 10.谁能帮忙翻译下这段成英文,《嘉莉妹妹》的剧情介绍,或者有类似的 Dissatisfied with life in her rural Wisconsin home, 18 year-old Caroline "Sister Carrie" Meeber takes the train to Chicago, where her older sister Minnie, and her husband Sven Hanson, have agreed to take her in. On the train, Carrie meets Charles Drouet, a traveling salesman, who is attracted to her because of her simple beauty and unspoiled manner. They exchange contact information, but upon discovering the "steady round of toil" and somber atmosphere at her sister"s flat, she writes to Drouet and discourages him from calling on her there.Carrie soon embarks on a quest for work to pay rent to her sister and her husband, and takes a job running a machine in a shoe factory. Before long, however, she is shocked by the coarse manners of both the male and female factory workers, and the physical demands of the job, as well as the squalid factory conditions, begin to take their toll. She also senses Minnie and Sven"s disapproval of her interest in Chicago"s recreational opportunities, particularly the theatre. One day, after an illness that costs her job, she encounters Drouet on a downtown street. Once again taken by her beauty, and moved by her poverty, he encourages her to dine with him, where, over sirloin and asparagus, he persuades her to leave her sister and move in with him. To press his case, he slips Carrie two ten dollar bills, opening a vista of material possibilities to her. The next day, he rebuffs her feeble attempts to return the money, taking her shopping at a Chicago department store and securing a jacket she covets and some shoes. That night, she writes a good-bye note to Minnie and moves in with Drouet.Drouet installs her in a much larger apartment, and their relationship intensifies as Minnie dreams about her sister"s fall from innocence. She acquires a sophisticated wardrobe and, through his offhand comments about attractive women, sheds her provincial mannerisms, even as she struggles with the moral implications of being a kept woman. By the time Drouet introduces Carrie to George Hurstwood, the manager of Hannah and Hogg"s - a respectable bar that Drouet describes as a "way-up, swell place" – her material appearance has improved considerably. Hurstwood, unhappy with and distant from his social-climbing wife and children, instantly becomes infatuated with Carrie"s youth and beauty, and before long they start an affair, communicating and meeting secretly in the expanding, anonymous city.One night, Drouet casually agrees to find an actress to play a key role in an amateur theatrical presentation of Augustin Daly"s melodrama, “Under the Gaslight,” for his local chapter of the Elks. Upon returning home to Carrie, he encourages her to take the part of the heroine, Laura. Unknown to Drouet, Carrie long has harbored theatrical ambitions and has a natural aptitude for imitation and expressing pathos. The night of the production – which Hurstwood attends at Drouet"s invitation – both men are moved to even greater displays of affection by Carrie"s stunning performance.The next day, the affair is uncovered: Drouet discovers he has been cuckolded, Carrie learns that Hurstwood is married, and Hurstwood"s wife, Julia, learns from an acquaintance that Hurstwood has been out driving with another woman and deliberately excluded her from the Elks theatre night. After a night of drinking, and despairing at his wife"s financial demands and Carrie"s rejection, Hurstwood stumbles upon a large amount of cash in the unlocked safe in Fitzgerald and Moy"s offices. In a moment of poor judgment, he succumbs to the temptation to embezzle a large sum of money. Under the pretext of Drouet"s sudden illness, he lures Carrie onto a train and escapes with her to Canada. Once they arrive in Montreal, Hurstwood"s guilty conscience – and a private eye - induce him to return most of the stolen funds, but he realizes that he cannot return to Chicago. Hurstwood mollifies Carrie by agreeing to marry her, and the couple move to New York City.In New York, Hurstwood and Carrie rent a flat where they live as George and Carrie Wheeler. Hurstwood buys a minority interest in a saloon and, at first, is able to provide Carrie with a satisfactory – if not lavish – standard of living. The couple grow distant, however, as Hurstwood abandons any pretense of fine manners toward Carrie, and she realizes that Hurstwood no longer is the suave, powerful manager of his Chicago days
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elk 英[elk] 美[u025blk] n. 麋鹿; [例句]Elk and deer are gone.麋鹿没了,野鹿没了。[其他] 复数:elks 中文谐音:诶儿客
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四不像英文怎么说 You are my neither fish nor fowl I am neither fish nor fowl your 麋鹿用英文怎么说 elk 英 [elk] 美 [u025blk]n.麋鹿 I found a pulse! The elk was not dead. 我感觉到了一丝脉搏!这头麋鹿还没有死。 麋鹿用英文怎么说? 欧洲叫 elk 北美洲叫 moose 两种都是同一类动物。 麋鹿的英文名 【中文名称】:麋鹿 【拉丁学名】:Elaphurus davidianus 【俗名】:四不像 【英文名】:Pere David"s Deer 【国家重点保护动物级别】:一级 麋鹿用英语怎么说? :elk|wapiti|Elaphurus davidianus 麋鹿英语怎么写 elk “麋鹿”的英文怎么写??? deer 麋鹿英文怎么读 elk 英[elk] 美[u025blk] n. 麋鹿; [例句]Elk and deer are gone. 麋鹿没了,野鹿没了。 [其他] 复数:elks 中文谐音:诶儿客 糜鹿英文怎么说 糜鹿 [词典] pronghorn; David"s deer; [例句]由于要钻入雪中寻找食物,这只公糜鹿脸上戴上了白色面具,鹿角上也结起了霜冻。 Breaking through snow to find food, this bull elk has added a white mask to his face and frosting to his antlers.
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问题一:麋鹿用英文怎么说 elk 英 [elk] 美 [?lk] n.麋鹿 I found a pulse! The elk was not dead. 我感觉到了一丝脉搏!这头麋鹿还没有死。 问题二:麋鹿用英文怎么说? 欧洲叫 elk 北美洲叫 moose 两种都是同一类动物。 问题三:麋鹿用英语怎么说? :elk|wapiti|Elaphurus davidianus 问题四:麋鹿的英文翻译 Père David"s Deer 学名:E憨aphurus 这才是中国的麋鹿 问题五:麋鹿英文怎么读 elk 英[elk] 美[?lk] n. 麋鹿; [例句]Elk and deer are gone. 麋鹿没了,野鹿没了。 [其他] 复数:elks 中文谐音:诶儿客 问题六:麋鹿英语怎么写 elk 问题七:【麋鹿】的英文是什么? elk 麋鹿;软鞣粗皮;驼鹿皮革 问题八:“麋鹿”的英文怎么写??? deer 问题九:麋鹿的头脸像马,脚像鹿,蹄像牛,尾像驴。英文怎么说 The milu deer head like a horse, feet like a deer, cattle hoof like tail, like a donkey.请采纳求采纳
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英语想 piece这样的量词还有哪些 如题

a drop of water 一滴水 a flood of moonlight 一片月光 a wisp of smoke 一缕烟 a pane of glass 一块玻璃 a layer of rock 一层岩石 a cloud of smoke 一团烟雾 a beam of light 一束光线 a blade of grass 一片草叶 a block of wood 一块木头 a cube of sugar 一块方糖 a roll of newspaper 一卷报纸 a cone of icecream 一个蛋卷冰淇淋 a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力 a stack of hay 一堆乾草 a loaf of bread 一个面包 a grain of rice 一粒米 a cake of soap 一块肥皂 a dash of salt 一撮盐 a coil of wire 一卷电线 a ball of wool 一个毛线球 a glimmer of hope 一线希望 a burst of laughter 一阵笑声 a gust of wind 一股风 a web of railroad 铁路网 a train of thoughts 一连串的想法 a nice cup of tea 一杯好茶 a thin coat of ice 一层薄冰 a stagnant pool of water 一潭死水 a beautiful stretch of field 一片美丽的原野 a pair of glasses 一副眼镜 a pair of scissors 一把剪刀 a pair of spectacles 一副眼镜 a pair of trousers 一条裤子 a pair of pant 一条裤子 a pair of pliers 一把剪钳 a piece of paper 一张纸 a piece of information 一条消息 an article of clothes 一件衣物 a cup of water 一杯水 a packet of cigarettes 一盒香烟 a basket of vegetables 一篮子蔬菜 an army of elephants 一群大象 a pack / throng of wolves 一群狼 a batch of dogs 一群狗 a brood of chicks 一群小鸡 a hive of bees 一群蜜蜂 a host of monkeys; 一群猴子 a school of fish 一群鱼 a swarm of locusts 一群蝗虫 a team / field of horses 一群马 a gang of elks 一群驼鹿
2023-06-11 07:12:321

英语量词搭配 a pair of a bottle of a packet of a bag a cup of a giats a piate of

在英语里其实没有量词这一词类,在汉语里所说的一头牛,一匹马,一枝笔,一本书在英语里并没有区别: a cow,a horse,a pen,a book,都是冠词后面加上可数名词. 在汉语里有许多简单的物品,在英语里则需要成双成对的表达: a pair of glasses (scissors,spectacles,trousers,pants,pliers)(一副眼镜,一把剪刀,一副眼镜,一条裤子,一条裤子,一把剪钳)等. 英语的 ...of ...结构既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词,如:a piece of paper,a piece of information,an article of clothes(一张纸,一条消息,一件衣物). 汉语里的表示度量衡的量词在英语里可以找到相应的表达结构,即 ...of . 比如:a cup of water,a packet of cigarettes,a basket of vegetables(一杯水,一盒香烟,一篮子蔬菜). 最有意思的就是英语关于各种动物群体的称呼了,各不相同.如: an army of elephants(一群大象); a pack / throng of wolves(一群狼); a batch of dogs(一群狗); a brood of chicks(一群小鸡); a hive of bees(一群蜜蜂); a host of monkeys(一群猴子); a school of fish(一群鱼); a swarm of locusts(一群蝗虫); a team / field of horses(一群马); a gang of elks(一群驼鹿)等等. 汉语中的形象量词在英语里也能找到对应,如: a head of garlic(一头蒜); a drop of water(一滴水); a flood of moonlight(一片月光); a wisp of smoke(一缕烟); a pane of glass(一块玻璃); a layer of rock(一层岩石); a cloud of smoke(一团烟雾); a beam of light(一束光线); a blade of grass(一片草叶); a block of wood(一块木头); a cube of sugar(一块方糖); a roll of newspaper(一卷报纸); a cone of icecream(一个蛋卷冰淇淋); a bar of chocolate(一块巧克力); a stack of hay(一堆乾草); a loaf of bread(一个面包); a grain of rice(一粒米); a cake of soap(一块肥皂); a dash of salt(一撮盐); a coil of wire(一卷电线); a ball of wool(一个毛线球). 许多形象量词,不仅说明了数量,还有动态和修辞的含意,比如: a glimmer of hope(一线希望); a burst of laughter(一阵笑声); a gust of wind(一股风); a web of railroad(铁路网),a train of thoughts(一连串的想法)等等. 英语和汉语关于表示数量的词的用法还有一点不同. 汉语说一杯好茶,在英语里则是一好杯茶:a nice cup of tea. 类似的例子还有:a thin coat of ice(一层薄冰),a stagnant pool of water(一潭死水),a beautiful stretch of field(一片美丽的原野)等等.
2023-06-11 07:12:381

量词用的好,可以给你的英语加分呦 !

场景1:当和外国友人走在公园,突然看到一群鸽子。这时候你是不是就会说:There are many pigeons 或者a lot of呢? 想再高大上一点吗?Sam, look! There is a flock of pigeons over there.场景2:当说三张纸的时候,是不是很习惯说:“three papers”?错了哦。paper是不可数名词。正确说法是:three pieces of paper。量词用法整理+讲解 量词可以用于描述可数名词比如a herd of elephants(一群大象), 也可以描述不可数名词;比如three pieces of paper(三张纸)。1、描述一群...量词+群+of+名词 一群人 a/an crowd/group/army/team/of people; 一群牛、象、马、天鹅 a herd of cattle/elephants/horses/swans 一群鸟、鹅、母鸡、羊、燕子a flock of birds/geese/hens/goats/swallows 一群猎狗、狼 a pack of hounds/wolves2、描述一丝/点/层一丝怀疑 a shadow of doubt 一线未来之光 a glimpse of future 一缕月光 a streak of moonlight 一层霜/雪/糖霜 a layer of frost/snow/cream3. piece块;片;段;项;件;篇;首;幅;张 a piece of bread/paper/wood/furniture/land/advice/news/meat/cloth/music...4、英译“一阵”一阵哭泣/喝彩/炮击/雷声a burst of tears/cheers/gunfire/thunder一阵泪雨/瓢泼大雨/夸夸其谈 a flood of tears/rain/boasts5. A pair of 在英语需要成双成对的表达: a pair of glasses (一副眼镜) a pair of scissors (一把剪刀) a pair of spectacles (一副眼镜) a pair of trousers (一条裤子) a pair of pants (一条裤子) a pair of pliers(一把剪钳)6、最常用英语量词用法例举a drop of water 一滴水 a flood of moonlight 一片月光 a flood of light 一大片强光 a flood of people人潮如涌 a flood of words口若悬河 a flood of tears泪如泉涌 a wisp of smoke 一缕烟/一股烟 a wisp of a smile 一丝微笑 a pane of glass 一块玻璃 a layer of rock 一层岩石 a cloud of smoke 一团烟雾 a beam of light 一束光线 a blade of grass 一片草叶 a block of wood 一块木头 a cube of sugar 一块方糖 a roll of newspaper 一卷报纸 a cone of ice cream 一个蛋卷冰淇淋 a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力 a stack of hay 一堆乾草 a loaf of bread 一个面包 a grain of rice 一粒米 a cake of soap 一块肥皂 a dash of salt 一撮盐 a coil of wire 一卷电线 a roll of tobacco一卷烟草 a roll of bread 一块面包 a ball of wool 一个毛线球 a glimmer of hope 一线希望 a thread of hope一线希望 a thread of smoke一缕青烟 a piece of such cord一根细丝 a thread of water细细的一条流水 a mouthful of sweet country air一口新鲜的乡村空气 a handful of corn 一把玉米 a handful of people 少数几个人 a group of people [trees, houses]一群人[一片树林, 一片房子] an army of elephants 一群大象 a pack / throng of wolves 一群狼 a batch of dogs 一群狗 a brood of chicks 一群小鸡 a hive of bees 一群蜜蜂 a host of monkeys 一群猴子 a school of fish 一群鱼 a swarm of locusts 一群蝗虫 a team / field of horses一群马 a gang of elks 一群驼鹿 a burst of laughter 一阵笑声 a gust of wind 一股风 a web of railroad 铁路网 a train of thoughts 一连串的想法 a nice cup of tea 一杯好茶 a thin coat of ice 一层薄冰 a stagnant pool of water 一潭死水 a beautiful stretch of field 一片美丽的原野 a pair of glasses 一副眼镜 a pair of scissors 一把剪刀 a pair of pliers一把钳子 a pair of spectacles 一副眼镜 a pair of trousers 一条裤子 a pair of shoes一双鞋 a pair of pant 一条裤子 a pair of dancers一对舞伴 a pair of stairs一段楼梯 a pair of pliers 一把剪钳 a piece of paper 一张纸 a piece of information 一条消息 an article of clothes 一件衣物 a cup of water 一杯水 a packet of cigarettes 一盒香烟 a basket of vegetables 一篮子蔬菜 学会使用量词,英语说的更精准!
2023-06-11 07:12:451

求一篇英语作文an interesting trip

An Interesting TripLast summer, I went on an interesting trip with my family. We went to visit a national park in the United States, which was known for its stunning landscapes and diverse wildlife. It was a long journey, but the breathtaking views and unique experiences made it all worthwhile.When we arrived at the park, we were immediately struck by the natural beauty all around us. The park was home to towering mountains, cascading waterfalls, and lush forests teeming with wildlife. We spent days hiking through the park, taking in the sights and sounds of nature. We saw animals such as bears, elks, and mountain lions, and even witnessed a bald eagle soaring high overhead.One of the highlights of our trip was a camping adventure that we embarked on deep in the heart of the park. We spent a night under the stars, cooking over an open fire, and telling stories around the campfire. It was a truly magical experience, and we felt a deep sense of connection to nature and each other.Another memorable moment from our trip was a visit to a natural hot spring. The water was warm and soothing, and we relaxed in the bubbling waters as we watched the sun set over the mountains. It was a moment of pure relaxation and inner peace, and one that we will cherish forever.Overall, our trip to the national park was an unforgettable experience. We were able to escape the stress and busyness of our daily lives and reconnect with nature and each other. I learned that sometimes the greatest adventures are the ones that are right in front of us, waiting to be discovered.
2023-06-11 07:12:511


2023-06-11 07:13:117


Elks or Mooses are endangered animal nowadays.现在麋鹿是濒危动物。意译吧,我觉得这样不错,谢谢。
2023-06-11 07:13:271


2023-06-11 07:13:342


2023-06-11 07:13:427


2023-06-11 07:13:595

elks in jewell meadows 什么意思

elks in jewell meadows公园草地上的麋鹿请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助
2023-06-11 07:14:141

关于麋鹿的英文介绍100字以下 急!!!!!!

2023-06-11 07:14:223

高中英语 急需翻译!!!!!!!!!!!

2023-06-11 07:14:291


a pair of
2023-06-11 07:14:395

haberer造句 habererの例文 "haberer"是什麼意思

Haberer was chairman of Credit Lyonnais from 1988 until late 1993. Haberer is currently under formal investigation for his role in the losses. Former Credit Lyonnais president Jean-Yves Haberer was one of three executives convicted. Haberer said supporters did not expect " a plete and permanent enforcement ." Siegfried Haberer , executive vice president, will retire in the second half of 2001. Haberer said, adding that sofare stocks " were up pretty strongly today ." Haberer said he knew of no charges being filed against anyone on the basis of Amendment B. Lawyers for Beaufret and Haberer argued the investigation was flawed and said it should be thrown out. However, Haberer "s lawyer, Pierre Cornut-Gentille, appeared to acknowledge the request. Trichet also said Jean-Yves Haberer , who then ran Credit Lyonnais, had the confidence of regulators. It"s difficult to see haberer in a sentence. 用 haberer 造句挺难的 Haberer played with the Cincinnati Elks lodge baseball team in a game which was chronicled by the Cincinnati Historical Society bulletin. Peyrelevade took over as Credit Lyonnais chairman after the buyout, which was carried out under his predecessor Jean-Yves Haberer . A Paris criminal court in June convicted Haberer of falsifying accounts at Credit Lyonnais, giving him an 18-month suspended sentence. Historian Erich Haberer notes that many survived and made sense of the " totaptarian atomization " of society by seeking conformity with muni *** . Jean-Yves Haberer , Credit Lyonnais chairman from 1988 through 1993, is under investigation for presentation of false financial accounts and information. Haberer wrote that, as in the Baltic states, the Germans could not have killed so many Jews so quickly without local help. The Canadian historian Erich Haberer has contended that the Baltic flashpoint of genocide, as the kilpngs mitted by " Einsatzgruppe" They include Jacques de Larosiere, Trichet"s predecessor at the Bank of France, and former Credit Lyonnais Chairman Jean-Yves Haberer . Haberer , in a statement, said he had learned about the " crazy procedure " of an extradition request on French radio. Haberer , the senior pastor at Clear Lake Pre *** yterian Church in Houston, predicted that " only a *** all minority " would fight it. Haberer also said he weled the discussions on church unity, saying Pre *** yterians needed to talk about many issues, pke addressing differences in worship styles. The other individuals named in the indictment are Jean-Yves Haberer , Francois Gille, Dominique Bazy, Jean-Francois Henin and Eric Berloty. The prosecutor remended Friday that charges be brought against Haberer and Larosiere, according to judicial sources, who spoke on customary condition they not be named. The other individuals named in the indictment are : Jean-Yves Haberer , Francois Gille, Dominique Bazy, Jean-Francois Henin and Eric Berloty. Under Haberer , spending on the film industry swelled 10-fold in the late 1980s and early"90s to more than 2.5 bilpon francs. Jean-Yves Haberer , Credit Lyonnais"chairman from 1988 to 1993, was placed under investigation o years ago for presenting false financial records and information. Trichet also said Jean-Yves Haberer , who then ran Credit Lyonnais, had the confidence of regulators but had bee " very ambitious ." Authorities did not single out anyone in their latest probe, but their key is ex-chairman Jean-Yves Haberer , along with other top former directors. Investors now reapze " that all is well at the pany, " said Haberer , who has an " attractive " remendation on the stock. An official said the latest probe would examine whether former Credit Lyonnais Chairman Jean-Yves Haberer holds any legal responsibipty for inaccurate fipngs by Credit Lyonnais or its subsidiaries. It"s difficult to see haberer in a sentence. 用 haberer 造句挺难的 Also on trial is Jean-Yves Haberer , the former chief executive of Credit Lyonnais and Trichet"s predecessor as Bank of France governor, Jacques de Larosiere. Others on trial include Jean-Yves Haberer , the former chief executive of Credit Lyonnais, and Jean-Pascal Beaufret, who worked for Trichet at the Treasury. Real-estate spending, which rose rapidly under Haberer , has absorbed an estimated 100 bilpon francs in funds and provisions, according to a 1995 parpamentary report on Credit Lyonnais. "With natural gas prices so low, utipties would not horse around with wind, " said John Haberer , an *** yst with Adams Harkness, a Boston investment firm. Haberer , a high-ranking civil servant who had previously served as Treasury chief, was able to take such risks because he had the clout to evade scrutiny, Leser said. The Rev . Jack Haberer , moderator of the Pre *** yterian Coaption and pastor of the Clear Lake Pre *** yterian Church near Houston, was a leader in the fight to keep the tougher language. He took over in May, 1994 from Jean-Yves Haberer , who had been reassigned there by the state after Haberer"s reign at Credit Lyonnais, which almost went bankrupt. He took over in May, 1994 from Jean-Yves Haberer, who had been reassigned there by the state after Haberer "s reign at Credit Lyonnais, which almost went bankrupt. Haberer , a close ally of the Sociapst government then in power, allowed the state-owned bank to expand in numerous risky businesses and buy stakes in unprofitable state-owned panies. The investigation was requested by former Finance Minister Jean Arthuis and was to focus on the bank"s accounts for 1990-1993, the period when Jean-Yves Haberer was chairman. "It was not a surprise insofar as Mr . Haberer refused to sign the accord in September with the United States to avoid prosecution, " he said in an interview. The prosecutor sought the same fate for former Bank of France Governor Jacques de Larosiere, and an 18-month suspended sentence for the former president of Credit Lyonnais, Jean-Yves Haberer . He made his debut for the club on the opening day of the 2012 13 season ( his 20th birthday ) as a substitute for Janik Haberer in a 0 0 draw with Jahn Regen *** urg. The pany is bouncing back after a quarter in which it just met expectations rather than exceeding them, said John Haberer , an *** yst at Boston-based Adams Harkness & Hill Inc. Authorities did not single out anyone in their latest probe, but French media have widely reported that a key focus is ex-chairman Jean-Yves Haberer , along with other top former directors. Among others on trial are : former Credit Lyonnais President Jean-Yves Haberer , former Bank of France Governor Jacques de Larosiere, o former heads of the bank, and a former assistant to Trichet. John C . Haberer , an *** yst at Boston-based Adams Harkness & Hill Inc ., said he doesn"t know of any internal development at Cognos that would have caused the jump. In an interview shortly before the official announcement, the Rev . Jack Haberer , coordinator of the Pre *** yterian Coaption, which backed the amendment, said, " A majority agree with the amendment ." The other three are Jean-Yves Haberer , former Credit Lyonnais chief executive; Francois Gille, a former bank managing director; and Jean-Francois Henin, the former head of one-time bank subsidiary Altus. The action by the central bank came a day after U . S . prosecutors in Los Angeles unsealed criminal indictments against Peyrelevade and five other former bank officials, including another former chief executive, Jean-Yves Haberer . It"s difficult to see haberer in a sentence. 用 haberer 造句挺难的
2023-06-11 07:14:541


a pair of shoes , a bottle of wine, a packet of pins, a bag of rice , a cup of tea,
2023-06-11 07:15:152

jackies造句 jackiesの例文 "jackies"是什麼意思

Many of Warhol"s Jackies were images taken from Life magazine and his Flash series features newswirepke copy. The Dubpn team are sometimes called " The Jacks " with the ladies called " The Jackies ". After the break, the team lost to the Great Lakes Jackies to extend the team"s losing streak to six games. When in " Jackies " and asks which she is, Ken quips that she"s Gertrude Stein, and the younger men laugh. He began drawing the cowboy strip " Lariat Pete " in September for the McClure syndicate after " Two Jolly Jackies " was ended. Other marches include Law and Order, March of the Jackies , Skypner, and Call of the Elk ( official march of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks ). Mutts Silver ( owned by Sporting Life ) won a hard semi-final from Jackies Jet and Ballybeg Prim with Fpp Your Top and Shamrock Point both faipng to make the final. Warhol"s " Nine Jackies , " a silkscreen painting from 1964 showing his fascination with celebrity and disaster, depicts newspaper photographs of Jackie Kennedy around the time of her hu *** and"s assassination. She begins with the tale of a model named Janey, who may be selfish and ambitious but otherwise has nothing in mon with heroines by the Jackies ( Susann and Colpns ) who are Bushnell"s spiritual forebears. Dom Podge, apparently trying to infiltrate the creepy Jackies , dressed up as Jackie Broyles and was promptly murdered by the Little League dads, who subsequently also snatched Jim Beavers, formerly of Comcast Cable, off the street in order to lynch him. It"s difficult to see jackies in a sentence. 用 jackies 造句挺难的 "It all seems pke a dream, " said the 53-year-old masseur, who is going to miss gathering for dinner at Jackies Restaurant on Wednesday and spending a few bucks on Superball Keno, Aces High and other games. Were his drawings not so well known one would think he had mistaken his vocation . " Herriman"s work was increasing in popularity, and he occasionally had front-page, full-color strips for the Puptzer supplements, such as " Two Jolly Jackies " about o unemployed sailors, which began in January 1903. Bogart carried with his toughness a world-weariness, a palpable but unspoken hurt that somehow justified the steely exterior, an existential ennui enpvened only by danger, quapties sorely missing from the Ahnolds and Jackies and Jean-Claudes of today . ( How can you even think to pose as a tough guy with a name pke Jean-Claude, anyway ?) In addition to the seven Oldenburgs, there are seven Warhols, including o celebrity portraits, " Nine Jackies " ( 1964 ) and a " Double Elvis " ( 1963 ), as well as the early hand-painted " $ 199 Television " ( 1960 ), which was bought from the Capfornia collection of Kimiko Powers and her hu *** and, John . ( He died in 1999 .) Gallo and the Big Nazo Studio have created a cornucopia of sight gags . ( The patriarch Joseph P . Kennedy is presented as a giant talking head of a puppet; the redecoration of the White House is rendered in a flash by a whole army of identical Jackies . ) But the show fails to find fresh takes on such frequently shot-at targets as the shallowness of Hamptons society and East Coast boarding schools, the sports-loving rambunctiousness of the Kennedy clan, the vulgarity of Aristotle Onassis, or the image-fixated superficiapty of the Nixon-Kennedy debates.
2023-06-11 07:15:221