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2023-06-11 10:21:53

Hugh Jackman

The academy likes to salute range-

Kate Winslet-an English who plays a German in the reader, nominated

Robert Downny Jr.-an American who plays an Australian who plays an African American, nominated

Whereas me, an Australian who plays an Australian in a movie called Australia, hosting.

So I am the host this year but that"s not the only thing that is different. Everything has been downsized because of the recession. So next year, I am going to be playing in a movie called New Zealand

Mickey Rourke -I want you to say whatever is on you mind. You know we have a 7 seconds delay tonight but if you win, we will switch to a 20 min delay.

I actually don"t have a joke for them. I am just contractually obligated to mention their names at least 5 times tonight. -Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

Meryl Streep-15 nominations -that"s a record. when someone puts up numbers like that it is high enough to think steroids. Steroids-performance enhancing drugs used and abused in sports.

Best supporting actress-- Penelope Cruz

Whoopi Goldberg --It"s not easy being a nun-take it from one who is been there and back(很显然,她指的是他从前的那部影片 修女也疯狂 sister act)-first of all, your face never look thin; you never get to wear pants and your love interest is always off screen. But in spite of this, Amy Adams showed us how a woman could sum up the courage she didn"t know she had and place herself in the middle of a deeply troubling moral mystery. She was compelling and moving without a doubt.

Penelope Cruz-it"s not going to be 45 seconds. has anyone fainted before? Cause I think I might be the first one. thank you woody for trusting me with this beautiful character. Thanking you for having written all these years some of the greatest characters for women. …I always felt that this ceremony is a moment of unity for the world because art in any form is, has been and will always be a universal language and we should do everything we can to protect its survival.

Best original screen play-adapted screen play

Tina Fay and Steve Martin

The two incredible presenters walk out to center stage. The crowd is amazed by the star power and beauty of the two presenters. The audience members are too stunned to leap to their feet except for those consumed by bitter jealousy. The audience breaks into wild, uncontrollable applause.

It has been said that to write is to live forever. And man who wrote that is dead.

Every great movie starts with a great screenplay. Or a very good idea for the poster, but usually a screen play.

And every writer starts with a blank page and every blank page was once a tree.

And every tree was once a tiny seed and every tiny seed was placed on earth by the alien king.

Milk -Dustin Lance Black-we will have equal rights federally in this great nation of ours.

Best animated feature

Jennifer Aniston/Jack Black-kungfu panda

The nominees in this category are a reminder that we are becoming quickly obsolete.

Jack-each year I do one Dreamworks project and I take all the money to the Oscars and bet it on Pixar (Disney and Pixar)

A lot of people mistakenly think it is easier to win the best short animated film.

But that is not true. The shorter your movie, the less time you panda has to work its way into America"s heart.

Best supporting actor

Seymour Phillip Hoffman-fortunately for us, Phillip, your commitment for the truth in every moment keeps us exactly where we should be-unsettled, unsure, and uncertain. For this again this year, we sing your praises.

Heath ledger

Premature death-posthumously


Reese Witherspoon

There is one person we have yet honored. For those of you at home, they are the ceo, the head honcho, the grand poobah, the big cheese. (cheesy) on site they can be you mother, your father and your therapist. They can even manage hostage negotiations when certain actor/actress having trouble coming out of their trailer-not I am speaking about myself but you know who you are. Ben stiller.

The director is a grand collaborator taking inspiration from all artists around them to create one singular vision, clarifying the screen writer"s words, creating a visual language with the cinematographer, helping each actor find a true emotional connection to their character, designing each shot so that everything in the frame adds to the immediacy of the story telling, making sure that every creative aspects work together to elevate craft to the level of art.

Danny Boyle: My kids are too old to remember this-but I swore to them, if this mircal even happens, I would receive it in the spirit of tiger from Winnie the pooh. For the beautiful show you have done, but in the room it is bloody beautiful.

Best actress-

Sophia Loren-it is hard to know where to begin with the next nominee, her name itself has come to represent a whole world of unmatched excellence. So it is probably best to simply start there. Meryl Streep. 15 nominations 2 wins

Shirley MacLaine (terms of endearment, in her shoes, steel magnolia)-anna Hathaway

You fearlessly stepped into the shoes of someone struggling with addiction and grief. I think you are an amazing example of every young actress in this business because you are not afraid to show both your dark and your bright side.

Rachel"s wedding/funeral at a wedding/the family stone


Grant Me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the thingsI can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

May you live to be a hundred and I a hundred minus a day so I would never know beautiful people like you passed away.

Kate Winslet -5 nominations at Oscar and GG

Dad, whistle or something cauz I don"t know where you are.

To be surrounded by a remarkable group of people who provided unbroken chain of support

Acknowledge my fellow nominees-I think we all can"t believe we are in a category with Meryl Streep at all. I am sorry Meryl but you will have to just suck that up.

Best actor-

Robert De Niro-how did he do it? How for so many years did Sean Penn get his job playing straight man? Being a movie star can get in the way of acting but not for Sean Penn, Sean loses himself in every role. Sean brings his commitment to his off screen life-you see him campaigning for human rights, respectfully advises the world leaders and gently, gently reasons the paparazzi. Tonight it is important to be a great actor and in life, it is great to be a human being.

Sean Penn-you commie, homo-loving sons of guns. I did not expect this but i want it to be very clear that I do know how hard I make it to appreciate me often. I am touched by the appreciation.



Dance as nobody is watching,


Singing as nobody is listening,


love as you never been hurt,


Live as its heaven on earth.


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这是我以前回答的问题 都是我自己打的 不好发这个 要审核好久 我就不发了 你看着给分吧



2023-06-11 06:56:066


2023-06-11 06:56:212

我是中共党员,党龄5年 英文怎样表达

2023-06-11 06:56:294

谁能给我一些奥斯卡的颁奖词和获奖感言 要英文的就行

【第81届奥斯卡最佳男女主角获奖感言】And the Oscar goes to Sean Penn.Thank you. Thank you. You commie, homo-loving sons-of-guns. I did not expect this, but I, and I want it to be very clear, that I do know how hard I make it to appreciate me often. But I am touched by the appreciation and I hoped for it enough that I did want to scribble down, so I had the names in case you were commie, homo-loving sons-of-guns, and so I want to thank my best friend, Sata Matsuzawa. My circle of long-time support, Mara, Brian, Barry and Bob. The great Cleve Jones. Our wonderful writer, Lance Black. Producers Bruce Cohen and Dan Jinks.And particularly, as all, as actors know, our director either has the patience, talent and restraint to grant us a voice or they don"t, and it goes from the beginning of the meeting, to through the cutting room. And there is no finer hands to be in than Gus Van Sant. And finally, for those, two last finallies, for those who saw the signs of hatred as our cars drove in tonight, I think that it is a good time for those who voted for the ban against gay marriage to sit and reflect and anticipate their great shame and the shame in their grandchildren"s eyes if they continue that way of support. We"ve got to have equal rights for everyone. And there are, and there are, these last two things. I"m very, very proud to live in a country that is willing to elect an elegant man president and a country who, for all its toughness, creates courageous artists. And this is in great due respect to all the nominees, but courageous artists, who despite a sensitivity that sometimes has brought enormous challenge, Mickey Rourke rises again and he is my brother. Thank you all very much.And the Oscar goes to Kate Winslet."Ok, that fainting thing Penelope!" (referring to Penelope Cruz Oscar speech earlier)“I"d be lying if I have not made a version of this speech before, I think I was probably 8 years old and staring into the bathroom mirror. And this (holding up her statuette) would"ve been a shampoo bottle.“Well, it"s not a shampoo bottle now!“I feel very fortunate to have made it all the way from there to here.“And I"d like to thank some of the people along the way who had faith in me, my friends and my family, especially my mum and dad, who are in this room somewhere.“Dad, whistle or something, "cause then I"ll know where you are. (He whistles.) Yeah! (Waving to him.) I love you.“And I also want to thank Hylda Queally, Dallas Smith and the late, much loved, much missed Robert Garlock.“And from Peter Jackson and Emma Thompson to my very own Sam and Stephen Daldry.“I"m very lucky to have been given Hanna Schmitz by Bernhard Schlink and David Hare and Stephen and working with you is an experience I will never forget.“There was no division between the cast and the crew on this film, and that"s what made it so special.“So, to have been surrounded by a remarkable group of people who provided an unbroken chain of support from David Kross to Ralph Fiennes, Bruno Ganz, Lena Olin, from hair and makeup to cinematography, from the art department to the ADs, and from New York to Berlin.“And I am so lucky to have a wonderful husband and two beautiful children who let me do what I love and who love me just the way that I am.“Anthony and Sidney, this is for you. This is for both of you.“And I want to acknowledge my fellow nominees, these goddesses. I think we all can"t believe we"re in a category with Meryl Streep at all.“I"m sorry, Meryl, but you have to just suck that up! And, just to the Academy, thank you so much, my God! Thank you!”【Oscar Awards of Speech奥斯卡颁奖典礼获奖感言】 Good evening! Ladies and gentlemen,Thank you! Thank you so much! Oh, my god. I just can"t believe it . Is it real or am I just dream? Please forgive me, I am, I am just so shocked and so thankful. I never expected this award tonight. I"m very grateful to receive this award for “Best Actress.” I can"t begin to tell you how much I appreciate this great honor. There are so many people I"d like to thank. First of all, I want to thank my parents for bringing me into this world. I also want to express my gratitude to all of my teachers over the years, but especially to my acting teacher Clark Johnson who taught me everything I know. I want to thank my husband, for his understanding and kindness. And finally, I want to express my appreciation to all of my friends for their support, especially to Martin Miller, for being there when I needed him. There are just too many people I should thank and I know I am probably forgetting someone. So again, I just want to say thank you to everyone who helped me, supported me, or just listened to me when I needed a shoulder to cry on. This award means a great deal to me. Words can"t express how honored I feel at this moment. I will remember this night for the rest of my life! Thank you very much.【李安(Ang Lee)】: I wish I knew how to quit you. First of all, I want to thank two people who don"t even exist. Or I should say, they do exist, because of the imagination of Annie Proulx(注:小说《断背山》原作者) and the artistry of Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana(注:两人均为电影改编剧本作者). Their names are Ennis and Jack. And they taught all of us who made “Brokeback Mountain” so much about not just all the gay men and women whose love is denied by society, but just as important, the greatness of love itself.… 谢谢大家! 点评:作为一位文人导演,李安机智而风趣地引用《断背山》的经典台词“I wish I knew how to quit you.(我希望我能知道如何戒掉你。)”表达对奥斯卡奖的重视。他的感言理性中透出对艺术的热爱。最后一句中文“谢谢大家”充分体现了一位华人导演对母语的尊敬。 【乔治克鲁尼 (George Clooney)】: All right, so I"m not winning director.…We"re the ones who talk about AIDS when it was just being whispered, and we talked about civil rights when it wasn"t really popular. …This Academy, this group of people gave Hattie McDaniel an Oscar in 1939 when blacks were still sitting in the backs of theatres. … 点评:乔治克鲁尼的获奖感言幽默风趣,并且运用了排比句式使发言更加条理和有力。同时,他对政治问题的关注如民权和种族问题也淋漓尽致地体现在他的致辞中。 ————————————————————————————————以上是我在不同的网站找到的。。也不知道能不能帮到你。。下面是奥斯卡官方的网站,是英文的。打开“OscarNight”下面的“winners”就能看到全部的获奖人员及他们的发言。就不知道你是不是能够打开了,速度可能会很慢。。
2023-06-11 06:56:371

叶挺的生平 叶挺(1896-1946),字希夷,广东惠阳人,是中国人民解放军的创建者之一。1924年赴苏联东方劳动大学与军事学校学习。1925年回国。第一次国内革命战争时期,曾任国民革命军独立团团长、二十四师师长、十一军军长。1927年先后参加南昌起义和广州起义。抗战时任新四军军长。1941年皖南事变时被国民党非法逮捕,先后被囚于江西上饶,湖北恩施,广西桂林等地,最后移禁于重庆“中美特种技术合作所”集中营。1946年3月4日,由于中共中央的坚决要求,始获自由。出狱后即电中共中央请求加入中国共产党,于3月7日经中共中央批准。4月8日自重庆飞返延安,途中因飞机失事遇难
2023-06-11 06:56:466


1. Social Structure.In China the social structure is formal and hierarchical.There is no crossing into other areas.In America, it is much more loose and informal.It is not uncommon to see those of various social levels socializing and knowing each other.There are very few lines that socially are not allowed to be crossed.2. Self.The Chinese looks more at the group collectivism than at individualism.America has become known for its push of individualism which has been a source of conflict with other cultures that look collectively.A person from China is more prone to look at how their acts affect the whole instead of how it affects them personally.They are more willing to give up and sacrifice for the greater good.America"s individualism has been its backbone ]and the reason for its success as a world power,]but when visiting China it needs to be reined in.3. Face and Reputation.Reputation of the individual is very important in China.If an action will humiliate someone or ruin a reputation, it is avoided.When shame occurs,the person sacrifices his job or whatever it is that will heal the shame.In America, reputations come and go overnight and in the end usually does not matter.The end result is more of the focus.A person is more likely to overlook a reputation to get the job done.4.moralsChinese society places high values on the morals of their people.Marriage is not encouraged until the late twenties.In fact, dating is discouraged early in a young adult"s life and proprieties are expected to be held up.The American culture is much more relaxed and some could even argue that there needs to be more morality emphasized.5. Humility.Humility is a revered virtue in Chinese culture.The success of one"s business or personal life is downplayed while in America the successes are lauded.Most Americans in the fast business world consider humility a sign of weakness.
2023-06-11 06:57:023


李大钊同志,字守常,一八八九年十月二十九日生于河北省乐亭县大黑坨村。七岁起在乡塾读书,一九○五年入永平府中学,一九○七年入天津北洋法政专门学校。青年时代,目睹在帝国主义侵略下的国家危亡局势和社会黑暗状况,激发了爱国热忱,立志要为苦难的中国寻求出路。辛亥革命的果实被袁世凯窃夺后,开始发表文章,揭露军阀官僚的统治只是加深了民族的灾难和人民的痛苦。一九一三年,含愤东渡日本,就读于东京早稻田大学。在日本向中国袁世凯政府提出二十一条亡国条件后,参加留日学生总会的爱国斗争,向国内寄发《警告全国父老书》。这时,开始接触社会主义思想和马克思主义学说。一九一六年回国后,积极参与正在兴起的新文化运动。他在《青春》一文中号召青年“冲决历史之桎梏,涤荡历史之积秽,新造民族之生命,挽回民族之青春”。他积极抨击以孔子为偶像的旧礼教、旧道德,向当时抬出孔子来维护自己统治的反动势力展开猛烈的斗争。一九一七年俄国十月社会主义革命的胜利使大钊同志受到极大的鼓舞和启发。他逐步明确地站到马克思主义的立场上来,成为中国最早的马克思主义者和共产主义者。在一九一七年到一九一九年,他发表了许多热情地宣传俄国革命和马克思主义的文章,并与资产阶级改良派胡适展开了“问题与主义”的论战,在思想界引起了广泛强烈的反响。他在一九一八年担任北京大学图书馆主任,后兼任经济学教授,参加《新青年》杂志编辑部。这年年底与陈独秀等创办《每周评论》,并于次年主编《晨报副刊》。同时,他还协助北京大学学生创刊《国民》和《新潮》。随着大钊同志等领导下的反帝反封建的五四爱国运动的发展,马克思主义的影响日益扩大。一九二○年三月,大钊同志在北京先后发起组织马克思学说研究会和共产主义小组。许多青年在他的影响下接受了马克思主义,其中有些成为中国共产党早期的著名活动家,如邓中夏同志、高君宇同志等。毛泽东同志和周恩来同志也都受到过他的影响。大钊同志为建立中国共产党努力奋斗,是我党主要创始人之一。 一九二一年中国共产党成立后,大钊同志代表党中央指导北方的工作。在党的二大、三大、四大,都当选为中央委员。一九二四年底,任党的北方区执行委员会书记。在他领导下,北方党组织派出许多同志在冀、鲁、豫、晋、陕、内蒙和东北的广大地区开展了党、团工作,先后发动了开滦大罢工、二七大罢工等著名斗争。一九二二年,他受党的委托在上海与孙中山先生谈判国共合作,并在一九二四年在广州参加国民党第一次全国代表大会的领导工作,为建立国民革命统一战线,实现第一次国共合作作出了重大贡献。一九二五年在孙中山先生北上时和逝世时,在五卅运动中,他领导北方党组织发动群众,在北洋军阀统治的北方地区,开展了轰轰烈烈的反帝反军阀斗争。他积极地进行广泛的统一战线工作,领导改组后的国民党在北京的组织。坚决反对国民党右派。他努力为南方的革命运动培养、输送了大批干部。他坚决支持当时主要在南方一些农村蓬勃兴起、同时也开始波及北方的农民运动,并著文论述开展农民运动和解决土地问题的重要性。他也注意在军队中扩大革命运动的影响,对冯玉祥将军五原誓师参加北伐起了重要作用。大钊同志作为具有高尚道德品格的学者和革命家,受到社会各阶层的广泛尊崇,名重当世,这是他能卓有成效地开展多方面革命工作的一个重要条件。 一九二六年三月十八日,北京各界人民在天安门举行反对日本等国要求大沽口撤防的大会,并到皖系军阀段祺瑞执政府门前请愿,竟遭到段政府的血腥屠杀。大钊同志在惨案发生后,继续领导共产党和国民党的北方组织坚持斗争。不久,奉系军阀张作霖的军队进入北京,白色恐怖更加严重。次年四月六日,张作霖在帝国主义支持下逮捕了大钊同志等八十余人。大钊同志备受酷刑,在监狱中,在法庭上,始终大义凛然,英勇不屈。四月二十八日,凶残卑怯的敌人不顾广大舆论的反对,将大钊同志和谭祖尧、邓文辉、谢伯俞、莫同荣、姚彦、张伯华、李银连、杨景山、范鸿劼、谢承常、路友于、英华、张挹兰、阎振三、李昆、吴平地、陶永立、郑培明、方伯务共二十位革命者(其中多数是共产党人,也有国民党人)一齐绞杀。大钊同志临刑时毫无惧色,第一个走上绞架,从容就义。时年尚不足三十八周岁。 李大钊同志的灵柩多年停放在宣武门外的一个庙宇内。一九三三年四月二十三日,他的家属和许多社会知名人士,发起为大钊同志举行葬礼,将灵柩安葬于香山万安公墓。大批学生、工人、市民群众冒着白色恐怖参加葬礼,形成一次壮烈的示威运动,许多参加者为此而被捕,甚至被杀害。 在全国解放前,李大钊同志的一部分著作虽曾由他的亲属编集,由鲁迅先生作序,但在反动统治下一直没有能发行。直到一九五九年,人民出版社才出版了重新编辑的《李大钊选集》。一九八一年,人民文学出版社又出版了经过增订的《李大钊诗文选集》。一九八四年,人民出版社出版了一百一十多万字的《李大钊文集》。 李大钊同志对中国人民的解放事业,对马克思主义的信仰和无产阶级的革命前途无限忠诚。他为在我国开创和发展共产主义运动的大无畏的献身精神,永远是一切革命者的光辉典范。大钊同志和其他无数先烈光荣地倒下去了,但是他们的牺牲没有使中国革命停止,相反,中国革命在牺牲者的血泊中继续前进,直至获得伟大的胜利。作为中国人民的优秀儿子和伟大的无产阶级革命家,大钊同志的业绩将永远受到中国人民的追怀和崇敬。 为纪念李大钊同志,发扬他伟大的共产主义革命精神,中共中央于一九八三年三月十八日将他和他的夫人赵纫兰同志(一八八三年——一九三三年)的灵柩移葬于新建的李大钊烈士陵园。 中国共产主义运动的先驱者,伟大的马克思主义者李大钊同志永垂不朽! 参考资料:
2023-06-11 06:57:186


李大钊(1889~1927) 中国共产主义运动的先驱,无产阶级革命家,中国共产党的主要创始人之一。河北乐亭大黑坨村人。字守常,笔名孤松、猎夫。1907年考入北洋法政专门学校。在校期间受同盟会会员影响,参加进步活动。1912年冬加入中国社会党,任天津支部干事,撰写文章,揭露军阀窃权卖国罪行。1913年冬去日本,入东京早稻田大学政治本科,开始接触马克思主义,参加留学生反袁斗争和反对二十一条卖国条约。先后写《国情》、《警告全国父老书》等文,为反对袁世凯称帝的先声。1916年5月,为推动反袁斗争,弃学回国,在上海、北京创办刊物,发表文章抨击北洋军阀的黑暗统治,以及封建文化思想。1917年俄国十月革命的胜利使他受到极大鼓舞和启发,逐渐站到马克思主义立场上。1918年1月任北京大学图书馆主任,后任经济学教授,并参加《新青年》编辑工作,积极传播新文化。1918年7月~1919年1月,先后发表《法俄革命之比较观》、《庶民的胜利》、《布尔什维主义的胜利》等文,热情歌颂俄国十月革命,成为中国接受与传播马克思主义的先驱。1918年底与陈独秀等创办《每周评论》。1919年,积极领导五四运动。7月,发起成立少年中国学会,创办《少年中国月刊》。8月,与胡适展开“问题与主义”的论战。其后,发表《我的马克思主义观》,系统地介绍了马克思主义学说。1920年3月,在北京会见共产国际代表G.N.维辛斯基对筹备中国共产党取得一致意见。同月,他发起和组织北京的马克思学说研究会和共产主义小组。1921年7月中国共产党成立后,负责中共北京地方执行委员会工作,兼任中国劳动组合书记部北方区分部主任。先后发动开滦五矿大罢工、京绥铁路工人大罢工、京汉铁路工人总同盟罢工。在党的三大、四大上,均当选为中央委员。1922年8月受党的委托在上海与孙中山会见,讨论国共合作,帮助孙中山确定联俄、联共、扶助农工三大政策和改组国民党。9月,经孙中山主盟,加入中国国民党。1924年1月参加中国国民党第一次全国代表大会,被孙中山指定为大会主席团成员,参与审定大会宣言和国民党章程草案,并当选为中央执行委员。4月,国民党北京执行部成立,任组织部长。5月,遭北洋政府通缉,避居昌黎五峰山。6月,任中共代表团首席代表,赴莫斯科参加共产国际第五次代表大会。是年底,任中共北方区执行委员会书记,领导冀、鲁、豫、晋、陕、内蒙古和东北等地区的革命斗争;发动北方地区五卅、三一八等群众运动。1924~1925年,李大钊相继与国民军第一军、第二军司令会谈,使他们接受苏联援助,从军事上策应了南方国民革命军的北伐。1926年初多次发表演说,反对日本侵略。1927年4月6日被奉系军阀张作霖逮捕,4月28日就义。著作编为《李大钊选集》、《李大钊文集》、《李大钊遗文补编》、《李大钊诗文选集》出版。
2023-06-11 06:57:474


2023-06-11 06:58:012

钢铁雄心2末日的秘籍 注意是要末日的

2023-06-11 06:58:093

2023-06-11 06:58:176


留下个邮箱 给你传个 简体的修改器就ok了 自己慢慢琢磨下就明白了
2023-06-11 06:58:464


2023-06-11 06:58:544


2023-06-11 06:59:114

the big bang theory Sheldon语录

2023-06-11 06:59:283


李大钊 (1889~1927) 中国共产主义运动的先驱,中国共产党主要创始人之一。字守常。河北乐亭县人。1913年留学日本。开始接触马克思主义,参加反对袁世凯的斗争。 1916年回国,任《晨钟报》主编。1918年任北京大学图书馆主任,并参与编辑《新青年》,先后任北大评议会评议员,经济、历史等系教授。俄国十月革命后,1918~1919年,先后发表《法俄革命之比较观》、《庶民的胜利》、《布尔什维主义的胜利》、《新纪元》等著名论文,与陈独秀创办《每周评论》,积极领导了五四运动。 1919年8月写《再论问题和主义》,批判了以胡适为代表的改良主义思潮。1920年春,和陈独秀开始酝酿组建中国共产党,发起组织了马克思学说研究会。同年10月,建立了北京共产主义小组。中国共产党成立后,负责中共北京区委和北方区委的工作。在中国共产党第二、三、四次全国代表大会上当选为中央委员。1924年1月,出席国民党第一次全国代表大会,帮助孙中山确定了联俄、联共、扶助农工三大政策,为改组国民党、实现国共合作起了重要作用。同年6月,作为中国共产党代表团首席代表,赴苏联参加共产国际第五次代表大会。1925~1926年,积极参加和领导了“首都革命”、“三·一八”运动,被北洋军阀政府下令通缉。遂于1926年3月避入苏联驻北京大使馆,继续坚持斗争。1927年4月6日,张作霖派军警搜查苏联大使馆,李大钊等60余人被捕。28日慷慨就义。主要著作收入《李大钊文集》等.
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2023-06-11 07:00:1114


【第81届奥斯卡最佳男女主角获奖感言】 AndtheOscargoestoSeanPenn. Thankyou.Thankyou.Youcommie,homo-lovingsons-of-guns.Ididnotexpectthis,butI,andIwantittobeveryclear,thatIdoknowhowhardImakeittoappreciatemeoften.ButIamtouchedbytheappreciationandIhopedforitenoughthatIdidwanttoscribbledown,soIhadthenamesincaseyouwerecommie,homo-lovingsons-of-guns,andsoIwanttothankmybestfriend,SataMatsuzawa.Mycircleoflong-timesupport,Mara,Brian,BarryandBob.ThegreatCleveJones.Ourwonderfulwriter,LanceBlack.ProducersBruceCohenandDanJinks. Andparticularly,asall,asactorsknow,ourdirectoreitherhasthepatience,talentandrestrainttograntusavoiceortheydon"t,anditgoesfromthebeginningofthemeeting,tothroughthecuttingroom.AndthereisnofinerhandstobeinthanGusVanSant.Andfinally,forthose,twolastfinallies,forthosewhosawthesignsofhatredasourcarsdroveintonight,Ithinkthatitisagoodtimeforthosewhovotedforthebanagainstgaymarriagetositandreflectandanticipatetheirgreatshameandtheshameintheirgrandchildren"seyesiftheycontinuethatwayofsupport.We"vegottohaveequalrightsforeveryone.Andthereare,andthereare,theselasttwothings.I"mvery,veryproudtoliveinacountrythatiswillingtoelectanelegantmanpresidentandacountrywho,forallitstoughness,createscourageousartists.Andthisisingreatduerespecttoallthenominees,butcourageousartists,whodespiteasensitivitythatsometimeshasbroughtenormouschallenge,MickeyRourkerisesagainandheismybrother.Thankyouallverymuch. AndtheOscargoestoKateWinslet. "Ok,thatfaintingthingPenelope!"(referringtoPenelopeCruzOscarspeechearlier) “I"dbelyingifIhavenotmadeaversionofthisspeechbefore,IthinkIwasprobably8yearsoldandstaringintothebathroommirror.Andthis(holdingupherstatuette)would"vebeenashampoobottle. “Well,it"snotashampoobottlenow! “Ifeelveryfortunatetohavemadeitallthewayfromtheretohere. “AndI"dliketothanksomeofthepeoplealongthewaywhohadfaithinme,myfriendsandmyfamily,especiallymymumanddad,whoareinthisroomsomewhere. “Dad,whistleorsomething,"causethenI"llknowwhereyouare.(Hewhistles.)Yeah!(Wavingtohim.)Iloveyou. “AndIalsowanttothankHyldaQueally,DallasSmithandthelate,muchloved,muchmissedRobertGarlock. “AndfromPeterJacksonandEmmaThompsontomyveryownSamandStephenDaldry. “I"mveryluckytohavebeengivenHannaSchmitzbyBernhardSchlinkandDavidHareandStephenandworkingwithyouisanexperienceIwillneverforget. “Therewasnodivisionbetweenthecastandthecrewonthisfilm,andthat"swhatmadeitsospecial. “So,tohavebeensurroundedbyaremarkablegroupofpeoplewhoprovidedanunbrokenchainofsupportfromDavidKrosstoRalphFiennes,BrunoGanz,LenaOlin,fromhairandmakeuptocinematography,fromtheartdepartmenttotheADs,andfromNewYorktoBerlin. “AndIamsoluckytohaveawonderfulhusbandandtwobeautifulchildrenwholetmedowhatIloveandwholovemejustthewaythatIam. “AnthonyandSidney,thisisforyou.Thisisforbothofyou. “AndIwanttoacknowledgemyfellownominees,thesegoddesses.Ithinkweallcan"tbelievewe"reinacategorywithMerylStreepatall. “I"msorry,Meryl,butyouhavetojustsuckthatup!And,justtotheAcademy,thankyousomuch,myGod!Thankyou!” 【OscarAwardsofSpeech奥斯卡颁奖典礼获奖感言】 Goodevening!Ladiesandgentlemen, Thankyou!Thankyousomuch!Oh,mygod.Ijustcan"tbelieveit.IsitrealoramIjustdream?Pleaseforgiveme,Iam,Iamjustsoshockedandsothankful.Ineverexpectedthisawardtonight.I"mverygratefultoreceivethisawardfor“BestActress.”Ican"tbegintotellyouhowmuchIappreciatethisgreathonor.TherearesomanypeopleI"dliketothank.Firstofall,Iwanttothankmyparentsforbringingmeintothisworld.Ialsowanttoexpressmygratitudetoallofmyteachersovertheyears,butespeciallytomyactingteacherClarkJohnsonwhotaughtmeeverythingIknow.Iwanttothankmyhusband,forhisunderstandingandkindness.Andfinally,Iwanttoexpressmyappreciationtoallofmyfriendsfortheirsupport,especiallytoMartinMiller,forbeingtherewhenIneededhim.TherearejusttoomanypeopleIshouldthankandIknowIamprobablyforgettingsomeone.Soagain,Ijustwanttosaythankyoutoeveryonewhohelpedme,supportedme,orjustlistenedtomewhenIneededashouldertocryon.Thisawardmeansagreatdealtome.Wordscan"texpresshowhonoredIfeelatthismoment.Iwillrememberthisnightfortherestofmylife!Thankyouverymuch. 【李安(AngLee)】: IwishIknewhowtoquityou.Firstofall,Iwanttothanktwopeoplewhodon"tevenexist.OrIshouldsay,theydoexist,becauseoftheimaginationofAnnieProulx(注:小说《断背山》原作者)andtheartistryofLarryMcMurtryandDianaOssana(注:两人均为电影改编剧本作者).TheirnamesareEnnisandJack.Andtheytaughtallofuswhomade“BrokebackMountain”somuchaboutnotjustallthegaymenandwomenwhoseloveisdeniedbysociety,butjustasimportant,thegreatnessofloveitself.…谢谢大家! 点评:作为一位文人导演,李安机智而风趣地引用《断背山》的经典台词“IwishIknewhowtoquityou.(我希望我能知道如何戒掉你。)”表达对奥斯卡奖的重视。他的感言理性中透出对艺术的热爱。最后一句中文“谢谢大家”充分体现了一位华人导演对母语的尊敬。 【乔治克鲁尼(GeorgeClooney)】: Allright,soI"mnotwinningdirector.…We"retheoneswhotalkaboutAIDSwhenitwasjustbeingwhispered,andwetalkedaboutcivilrightswhenitwasn"treallypopular.…ThisAcademy,thisgroupofpeoplegaveHattieMcDanielanOscarin1939whenblackswerestillsittinginthebacksoftheatres.… 点评:乔治克鲁尼的获奖感言幽默风趣,并且运用了排比句式使发言更加条理和有力。同时,他对政治问题的关注如民权和种族问题也淋漓尽致地体现在他的致辞中。 ———————————————————————————————— 以上是我在不同的网站找到的。。也不知道能不能帮到你。。下面是奥斯卡官方的网站,是英文的。打开“OscarNight”下面的“winners” 就能看到全部的获奖人员及他们的发言。就不知道你是不是能够打开了,速度可能会很慢。。
2023-06-11 07:00:401


压制组顶级:[ANE], [Henshin], THORA(Thor-anime,切OPED)不错:10bit: [Yousei-Raws], [Salender-Raws], Sakura-Raws, Kuroi-raws, Kuro-raws, BSS, QTS, Tormaid, [Kagura], HQR, Afro, gg, Schwarz, gaoshu, dgwxx, MY-RAWS, FLsnow, A.I.R.nesSub, OnDeed, 3xR...8bit: [ReinForce], Lv.1, ZilcH, ボン太, 葡萄/纱, ETB, Niizk...还行:10bit: Coalgirls, Chihiro, UTW, Doki, Commie, Underwater,...8bit: 魔法少女志摩子EME0gikfrb, ORInthDExF, iLllS3UoTS, J22vl0TKF0, 居留守, 藁エンコTV7AAyLe26, oldsnake, lloup/tct66, Link, slow, CrazyJ, Raws-4U, E-HARO, joseole99, TV-J, B-A, KAA, BG, Exiled-Destiny, BluDragon, U2-Rip... 糟糕:Ank, 字幕组顶级:星尘&异域SD&YYDM-11FANS(Angel Beats), 漫游连载制作组PSS(Chrno Crusade), KPDM&EDEN(MacrossF), OPFans&枫雪OPFans&Maplesnow(One Piece),不错:华盟CASO(Minami-ke), 幻樱HYSUB, 雪酷SC-OL(Ro-Kyu-Bu!), 还行:雪飘FLsnow , 极影ktxp, 澄空SumiSora, 漫游popgo/自由风freewind, 卡通空间KTKJ, 动音漫影Dymy, I.G&CASO(K-ON!),糟糕:除以上皆糟糕。。。慎下。
2023-06-11 07:00:481


2023-06-11 07:00:573

2023-06-11 07:01:063


2023-06-11 07:01:1611

1927年4月28日李大钊怎么了? 时代背景是什么?

2023-06-11 07:01:436


2023-06-11 07:01:572


入学要求一般没有太大区别, 关键是学费能省比较多.
2023-06-11 07:02:184


决战有自己附带的修改器 直接用修改器就行了 没必要这么麻烦
2023-06-11 07:02:252


还是说说吧。sheeple是一个习惯说法:“Wakeup, SHEEPLE!”也就是说愚昧无知,像羊群一样的人,比喻草原上羊群都是随大流,大家往哪里跑自己就往哪里跑,自己没有自己的思想。对自己没有认知。est觉得大多数中国人都是这样的。(虽然有人说est是shithead)Pics or it didn"t happen 也就是国内的“没图没真相”,“木图木有小JJ”CCC-COMBO BREAKER 这就是传说中破坏队形的。要坚决打死!om nom nom nom 这就是吃东西的时候发出的声音。。。挺像的。pedo bear 恋童癖 -_-! 貌似和Loli有点关系。Vote up if 跟cnBeta和163评论里一样:“如果WWW点支持,如果XXX点反对。YYY点举报,ZZZ点X关闭浏览器”。老子最恨这种投票。I see what you did there 整人的话。但是回味起来有有点意思。Ceiling Cat 跟LOLCAT一样。都是小猫咪的图片。这个主要是从天花板上,像上帝一样看人们手淫。。。囧Ron Paul 美国参议员,共和党人,华盛顿最后一个诚实的、说真话的人。发表了很多彪悍的言论,他的言论和行为如此之流行、之多、之泛滥、在Internet如此被广泛的引用,以至于各大论坛、BBS、新闻网站有他专门的板块,建立独立于politics板块的单独的分类。参加2008总统竞选,但是万恶的白宫幕后资本家怎么会让一个站在人民一边的人当上总统呢?In Soviet Russia 来自冷战漫画艺术家Yakov Smirnoff。非常调侃的一句话。无论是牛B的科技实力、低贱的人民生活水平、幕后监控、KGB特工、专zhi、暴力、强power、human右问题、red-commie、强大、对祖国母亲义无反顾的热爱、地球上唯一把美国和欧洲吓得尿裤子的政权、大集体大生产、斯大林主义,都可以这句话开头:In soviet russia...。例如:In America, you can always find a party. In Soviet Russia, party always finds you. -- Yakov SmirnoffIn America, you watch television. In Soviet Russia, television watches you.In America, you drive car. In Soviet Russia, car drives you!这句话在slashdot上非常流行。FAP FAP FAP 日本漫画里打手虫的拟声词。It"s a TRAP! 电影StarWars: Return of the Jedi里Admiral Ackbar经典的一句话。翻译成中文:我日,整人的。比如你看到一个PLMM,实际上是个男人,你就可以说:“It"s a TRAP!”The cake is a LIE! 也是游戏Portal里的。就是一个巨大的电脑系统把你给耍了。其实应该加上一个 [NSFW] 和 [SFW]
2023-06-11 07:02:331

snowy dreamy2个英文名哪个好 或者还有什么好的名字 不要长篇大论

2023-06-11 07:02:534

Walk Away (Commie S Cosmic Skullduggery Mix) (Feat. Roachford) 歌词

歌曲名:Walk Away (Commie S Cosmic Skullduggery Mix) (Feat. Roachford)歌手:pf project&Roachford专辑:Walk AwayElysion - Walk AwayHold your breath until you blowDon"t breathe in because they"ll knowJust where you"ve beenAnd where you"re goingTheir inspiration, stop ignoringWhy are you hiding from their sight?There is no winner in this fightThey"ve been haunting all your lifeThere"s no need running, through the nightStand up, wipe away your tearsYou"ve been against the tide for yearsDon"t surrender to this frayJust walk awayNow they think you"re not that strongYour doors keep shut and prove them wrongYou"re soul they wantTo keep it bottledAnd throw it in the dark sea"s bottom
2023-06-11 07:03:241


李大钊(1889-1927 )字守常,河北乐亭人。1913年天津北洋法政专门学校毕业。赴日本留学,入早稻田大学政治科,开始接触社会主义思想。1914年组织神州学会,进行反袁活动。次年为反对日本灭亡中国的“二十一条”,以留日学生总会名义发出《警告全国父老》通电,号召国人以“破釜沉舟之决心”誓死反抗。1916年5月回国,在北京创办《晨钟报》,任总编辑。旋辞职,任《甲寅日刊》编辑,推动新文化运动的发展。 1918年任北京大学图书馆主任,发表《布尔什维主义的胜利》等文章,号召全国人民走十月革命的道路。积极参加五四运动,对运动起了重要的推动作用。1919年参加创建少年中国学会,任《少年中国》月刊编辑主任。发表《我的马克思主义观》,是中国最早比较系统地介绍马克思主义学说三个组成部分的文章。与提倡实用主义的胡适展开“问题与主义”论战。1920年3月与前来北京的共产国际远东局局长魏金斯基和马迈耶夫等商谈建立中国共产党问题。10月成立北京共产党小组。11月建立北京社会主义青年团。1921年8月任中国劳动组合书记部北京分部主任,在京奉、京汉、京海等铁路开展工人运动。次年8月中共中央西湖会议后,受党的委托到上海与孙中山商谈“振兴国民党以振兴中国之问题”。不久,在孙主盟下以个人身份加入国民党。1923年6月出席中共“三大”,当选为中央执行委员。10月任国民党临时中央执行委员和改组委员。参与筹备国民党“一大”。1924年1月被孙指定为国民党“一大”五人主席团成员之一,当选为中央执行委员。会后任国民党北京执行部组织部长。6月率中共代表团赴莫斯科参加共产国际“五大”。11月返回北京,发动群众准备召开国民会议,揭露和抵制段祺瑞的“善后会议”。1925年五卅惨案爆发,与赵世炎等在京组织“沪案雪耻会”,声援上海人民的反帝斗争。1926年3月领导北京群众反对日英美等国要求拆除大沽口国防设备的“最后通牒”,18日因组织请愿示威游行被段祺瑞政府通缉。北伐战争期间协助冯玉祥制订军事行动方针。1927年4月6日被奉系军阀张作霖逮捕。28日在北京英勇就义。著作编为《李大钊文集》。
2023-06-11 07:03:324


李大钊 (1889~1927) 中国共产主义运动的先驱,中国共产党主要创始人之一。字守常。河北乐亭县人。1913年留学日本。开始接触马克思主义,参加反对袁世凯的斗争。 1916年回国,任《晨钟报》主编。1918年任北京大学图书馆主任,并参与编辑《新青年》,先后任北大评议会评议员,经济、历史等系教授。俄国十月革命后,1918~1919年,先后发表《法俄革命之比较观》、《庶民的胜利》、《布尔什维主义的胜利》、《新纪元》等著名论文,与陈独秀创办《每周评论》,积极领导了五四运动。 1919年8月写《再论问题和主义》,批判了以胡适为代表的改良主义思潮。1920年春,和陈独秀开始酝酿组建中国共产党,发起组织了马克思学说研究会。同年10月,建立了北京共产主义小组。中国共产党成立后,负责中共北京区委和北方区委的工作。在中国共产党第二、三、四次全国代表大会上当选为中央委员。1924年1月,出席国民党第一次全国代表大会,帮助孙中山确定了联俄、联共、扶助农工三大政策,为改组国民党、实现国共合作起了重要作用。同年6月,作为中国共产党代表团首席代表,赴苏联参加共产国际第五次代表大会。1925~1926年,积极参加和领导了“首都革命”、“三·一八”运动,被北洋军阀政府下令通缉。遂于1926年3月避入苏联驻北京大使馆,继续坚持斗争。1927年4月6日,张作霖派军警搜查苏联大使馆,李大钊等60余人被捕。28日慷慨就义。主要著作收入《李大钊文集》等。参考资料:
2023-06-11 07:03:452


李大钊 (1889~1927) 中国共产主义运动的先驱,中国共产党主要创始人之一。字守常。河北乐亭县人。1913年留学日本。开始接触马克思主义,参加反对袁世凯的斗争。 1916年回国,任《晨钟报》主编。1918年任北京大学图书馆主任,并参与编辑《新青年》,先后任北大评议会评议员,经济、历史等系教授。俄国十月革命后,1918~1919年,先后发表《法俄革命之比较观》、《庶民的胜利》、《布尔什维主义的胜利》、《新纪元》等著名论文,与陈独秀创办《每周评论》,积极领导了五四运动。 1919年8月写《再论问题和主义》,批判了以胡适为代表的改良主义思潮。1920年春,和陈独秀开始酝酿组建中国共产党,发起组织了马克思学说研究会。同年10月,建立了北京共产主义小组。中国共产党成立后,负责中共北京区委和北方区委的工作。在中国共产党第二、三、四次全国代表大会上当选为中央委员。1924年1月,出席国民党第一次全国代表大会,帮助孙中山确定了联俄、联共、扶助农工三大政策,为改组国民党、实现国共合作起了重要作用。同年6月,作为中国共产党代表团首席代表,赴苏联参加共产国际第五次代表大会。1925~1926年,积极参加和领导了“首都革命”、“三·一八”运动,被北洋军阀政府下令通缉。遂于1926年3月避入苏联驻北京大使馆,继续坚持斗争。1927年4月6日,张作霖派军警搜查苏联大使馆,李大钊等60余人被捕。28日慷慨就义。主要著作收入《李大钊文集》等。参考资料:
2023-06-11 07:03:533

谁能给我Tara time to love 适合放在空间里的链接地址?谢谢了
2023-06-11 07:04:111

you hava uncommieted changes

you have uncommitted changes的中文翻译_百度翻译you have uncommitted changes 您有未提交的更改changes_百度翻译changes 英[tʃendʒs] 美[tʃendʒs] n. 变迁; (会令人感兴趣或可喜的) 变化( change的名词复数 ); 换车; 辅币; [例句]Tremendous changes have taken place here.
2023-06-11 07:04:181


2023-06-11 07:04:2910


李大钊北京香山万安公墓内的李大钊烈士陵园,是根据中共中央的决定修建的。在墓碑上有中共中央撰写的碑文。碑文指出:李大钊同志是中国最早的马克思主义者和共产主义者,是中国共产党的主要创始人之一。他对中国人民的解放事业,对马克思主义的信仰和无产阶级的革命前途无限忠诚。他为在我国开创和发展共产主义运动的大无畏的献身精神,永远是一切革命者的光辉典范。 李大钊,字守常,河北省乐亭县人,生于1889年10月29日。1907年考入天津北洋法政专门学校学习政治经济。1913年冬,李大钊怀着忧国忧民的情怀,东渡日本,考入东京早稻田大学政治本科学习。当日本帝国主义向袁世凯提出灭亡中国的“二十一条”后,他积极参加留日学生总会的爱国斗争,他起草的《警告全国父老书》的通电迅速传遍全国,他也因此成为举国闻名的爱国志士。1916年李大钊回国后,积极参与正在兴起的新文化运动。 俄国十月社会主义革命的胜利极大地鼓舞和启发了李大钊,他先后发表了《法俄革命之比较观》、《庶民的胜利》和《布尔什维主义的胜利》等文章和演说。他宣称:“试看将来的环球,必是赤旗的世界!”1919年,他又发表了《新纪元》、《我的马克思主义观》、《再论问题与主义》等几十篇宣传马克思主义的文章。 1920年3月,李大钊在北京大学发起组织马克思学说研究会。10月,在李大钊发起下,北京共产主义小组建立。 1921年中国共产党成立后,李大钊代表党中央指导北方的工作。在党的二大、三大和四大,他都当选为中央委员。 1926年3月,李大钊领导并亲自参加了北京人民反对日、英帝国主义和反对军阀张作霖、吴佩孚的斗争。北洋军阀段祺瑞执政府制造了“三•一八”惨案,北京一片白色恐怖。李大钊在极端危险和困难的情况下,继续领导党的北方组织坚持革命斗争。1927年4月6日,奉系军阀张作霖勾结帝国主义,闯进苏联大使馆驻地,逮捕了李大钊等80余人。李大钊备受酷刑,在监狱中,在法庭上,始终大义凛然,坚贞不屈。4月28日,军阀不顾广大人民群众和社会舆论的强烈反对和谴责,悍然将李大钊等20位革命者绞杀在西交民巷京师看守所内。李大钊第一个走上绞架,从容就义,时年38岁。
2023-06-11 07:04:5610

finest classic 歌曲中文翻译

2023-06-11 07:05:502


2023-06-11 06:57:134


2023-06-11 06:57:222

看门狗Disrupt b64.dll怎么整?

无法定位、丢失Disrupt_b64.dll文件。需要先下载安装Disrupt_b64.dll,然后才能正常使用可以重新下载一个Disrupt_b64.dll文件,复制到c:windowssystem32文件夹【64位系统在C:WindowsSysWOW64目录】,然后【开始-运行-输入regsvr32 Disrupt_b64.dll】即可。下载地址:Disrupt_b64.dll免费高速下载_DLL文件下载,DLL文件丢失,系统文件下载详细安装方法:
2023-06-11 06:57:261


2023-06-11 06:57:351


disruptive[英][du026asu02c8ru028cptu026av][美][du026asu02c8ru028cptu026av]adj.破坏的; 分裂性的; 扰乱的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But the growth of real-time bidding may prove highly disruptive. 但也许实时竞价的增长会极具破坏性。
2023-06-11 06:57:441

anymore和any more是不是一个意思

2023-06-11 06:57:521

邪恶力量第六季 艾伦怎么复活了

因为他根本没死. 天使没把他的骨头消灭.天使和他做交易,寻找炼狱.将里面的灵魂对半分.灵魂有什么用?将拥有强大的力量.
2023-06-11 06:57:533


不是的,也可以用在一些其他的句型 比如疑问句中例如:“再,还;现在:Do they make this model anymore?他们还做这种模型吗?”还有:In standard American English the word anymore is often found in negative sentences: They don"t live here anymore. But anymore is widely used in regional American English in positive sentences with the meaning “nowadays”: “We use a gas stove anymore” (Oklahoma informant in DARE). Its use, which appears to be spreading, is centered in the South Midland and Midwestern states—Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Oklahoma, and Iowa—and the Western states that received settlers from those areas. The earliest recorded examples are from Northern Ireland, where the positive use of anymore still occurs. 在标准美国英语里anymore 一词常出现于否定句里: 他们再也不在这儿住了。 但anymore 在地方美国英语里广泛用于肯定句中,意思是“如今”: “我们现如今使用煤气炉” (美国区域英语词典的俄克拉何马州情报提供者)。它的用法似乎还正扩展,主要集中于中南部和中西部各州--田纳西州,肯塔基州,印第安纳州,俄克拉何马州和依阿华州——以及接收了这些地区移民的西部各州。最早记载的例子来自北爱尔兰,在那里anymore 一词的肯定用法仍在使用
2023-06-11 06:56:491


2023-06-11 06:56:489

disrupt interject 的区别

第一个是没有礼貌的,第二个是不得已的。两者详细解释:1disturbvt.弄乱, 打乱, 打扰, 扰乱v.扰乱interruptvt.打断(正在说话或动作的人), 中断, 妨碍, 插嘴vi.打断(别人的讲话或行动)n.(发给电脑的)中断信号
2023-06-11 06:56:391


2023-06-11 06:56:262

The Tymes的《Anymore》 歌词

歌曲名:Anymore歌手:The Tymes专辑:Cameo Parkway - The Best Of The Tymes (Original Hit Recordings)Emmy RossumAnymoreJamie LeeWhen she was youngerStood staring at the doorWaiting for the daythat she knew would surely comeTied bows in her hairDressed as she thought you"d likeBut as time ticked awayPromises fade one by oneAnd now she"s all grownMade it through on her ownNow strong enough to seeThat you"ve been where you want to beNo longer dying insideI will not let you defineEverything I am by one thing that I don"t haveCause I"m more than thatI will not be made to hideThese tears won"t fall for you this timeI will not be ashamedOf my name ,AnymoreSometimes she wondersImagines what you"re likeThe emptiness insidethat made you miss her lifeThe oceans widenWith all your silenceLeaves the daydreams behindChildish fantisies unwindAnd now she knowsYou"re not coming homeTake the bows from her hairShe"s been waiting twenty yearsNo longer dying insideI will not let you defineEverything I am by one thing that I don"t haveCause I"m more than thatI will not be made to hideThese tears won"t fall for you this timeI will not be ashamedOf my name ,AnymoreNo longer dying insideI will not let you defineEverything I am by one thing that I don"t haveCause I"m more than thatI will not be made to hideThese tears won"t fall for you this timeI will not be ashamedOf my name ,Anymore
2023-06-11 06:56:251

Ellen show艾伦秀第十季里面有一期有个小男孩,胖胖的,口头禅好像是seriously,和

Noah ritter
2023-06-11 06:56:192