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2023-06-11 10:20:53











anyone pron. 谁, 任何人; 无论谁, 无论哪个人
2023-06-11 06:21:595


anyone的读音是:英["eniw?n]。anyone的读音是:英["eniw?n]。anyone的例句是用作代词(pron.)We dislike to have anyone patronize us.我们不喜欢任何人对我们以恩人自居。anyone的词语用法是anyone指“任何人”,不指“任何一个”,any one指“任何一个”,但是有时也指“任何人”,现在比较不普遍那样说。一、详尽释义点此查看anyone的详细内容pron.(代词)任何人无论谁,无论什么人二、词典解释1.(用于否定句)任何人You useanyone oranybody in statements with negative meaning to indicate in a general way that nobody is present or involved in an action.e.g. I won"t tellanyone I saw you here...我不会告诉任何人我在这儿见过你。e.g. You needn"t talk toanyone if you don"t want to...不想说话的时候,你可以不说。2.(用于疑问句或条件从句)任何人You useanyone oranybody in questions and conditional clauses to ask or talk about whether someone is present or doing something.e.g. Why wouldanyone want that job?...为什么会有人想要那份工作呢?e.g. How cananyone look sad at an occasion like this?...在这样的场合怎么会有人显得忧伤呢?3.(用于描述所谈论的人的词语前)…人You useanyone oranybody before words which indicate the kind of person you are talking about.e.g. I always had been the person who achieved things beforeanyone else at my age...我过去总是比同龄人要捷足先登。e.g. It"s not a job foranyone who is slow with numbers...这份工作不适合不擅长算术的人。4.(用于强调)任何人,随便哪个人You useanyone oranybody to refer to a person when you are emphasizing that it could be any person out of a very large number of people.anyone在线翻译e.g. Anyone could be doing what I"mdoing...我在做的事,谁都可能正在做。e.g. Al Smith could make anybody laugh.阿尔·史密斯能把所有人逗乐。5.重要人物;有影响的人物You useanyone who is anyone andanybody who is anybody to refer to people who are important or influential.e.g. It seemsanyone who"sanyone in business is going to the conference.似乎商界所有重要人物都将参加那个会议。Do not confuseanyone withany one.Anyone always refers to people. In the phraseany one, "one" is a pronoun or a determiner that can refer to either a person or a thing, depending on the context. It is often followed by the wordof.Parting from any one of you for even a short time is hard... None of us stay in any one place for a very long time. In these examples,any one is a more emphatic way of sayingany.Anyone oranybody is mainly used in questions and negative sentences. You usenot anyone instead ofsomeone in negative sentences.There isn"t anyone here... There isn"t anybody here.切勿混淆anyone和any one。anyone总是指人,而短语any one中的one可以作代词也可作限定词,根据上下文既可指人也可指物,后面常跟of:Parting from any one of you for even a short time is hard(要离开你们中的任何一人,即使时间很短暂,也是件令人难受的事),None of us stay in any one place for a very long time(我们谁也没有在任何一个地方久留过)。在上述例子中,any one是any的强调性说法。anyone或anybody主要用于疑问句或否定句。在否定句中不用someone,而用not anyone:There isn"t anyone here(这儿没有人),There isn"t anybody here(这儿没有人)。三、网络解释1. anyone是什么意思1. 任何一个:Has anybody seen my pen 有人看见我的钢笔了吗? |anyone:任何一个 | anything:任何事2. 有人吗:Please!|救命! |Anyone?|有人吗? | Hello?|有人吗?3. 谁知道:Because what do we really want?|因为我们真的需要什么? |Anyone?|谁知道? | Nobody? Nobody knows?|没人? 没人知道?四、例句We dislike to have anyone patronize us.我们不喜欢任何人对我们以恩人自居。She never heeded anyone"s warning.她从不理会任何人的警告。五、情景对话参观B:That‘s the end of the tour.参观就此结束了。anyone是什么意思A:It was a great help to me.真是获益良多anyone什么意思B:Just let me know if you want to bringanyone else.如果你要带别人来,请随时通知我。A:I‘d like to have my boss go through the plant some day.我真想叫我老板哪天也过来看看。在超市A:Cananyone tell me where I can buy the ingredients to make Chinese food?谁能告诉我哪里可以买到做中国菜的原材料?B:There is a supermarket in Kensington High Street. I"ll come and give you a hand.肯辛顿高街上有家超市。我可以跟你一起去,帮你忙。A:That is good of you.你真是太好了anyone的解释B:Here, take one of these trolleys. What do you want exactly?到了,请拿一辆手推车。你到底买些什么?A:I"m after things to stuff dumplings with, like Chinese cabbage, bean sprouts, that sort of thing. I also need some Soya sauce and vinegar. Oh, and some lychees or honeydew melon to finish with.我要买些包馄饨的馅料,比如说白菜、豆芽,还要买些酱油和醋。哦,最后还要买些荔枝和蜜瓜。B:The fruit and vegetables are over there.水果和蔬菜在那边。A:Pork. Where"s the meet counter?猪肉。肉柜台在哪里?B:Over there.在那边。没找到人A:Beijing Trading Campany. May I help you?北京贸易公司。请问有何贵干?B:I would like to talk with Mr.Zhong.我想找钟先生。A:We have two Zhongs. Is that Bob Zhong, or John Zhong?我们这里有两位先生姓钟。你要接Bob钟,还是John钟?B:John ZhongJohn钟。A:I"m sorry, he"s not in the office now.很抱歉,他现在不在办公室。B:Do you have any idea when he"ll be back?你知道他何时回来吗?A:I have no idea(when he"ll be back.)我不知道(他何时回来)。B:Can you ask him to call me when he comes back?It"s urgent.他回来时请告诉他打电话给我好吗?有急事。A:I"m sorry but he"s in Shanghai on business.Probably sometime tomorrow.很抱歉,他出差去上海了。可能明天(回来)。B:Is thereanyone else who can help me?有没有其他的人能帮我?A:Maybe you can connect with Miss Zhang.或许你可以和张小姐联系一下。B:OK.Would you please get it through to Miss Zhang.好的,那麻烦转接一下张小姐。A:OK. I"ll just put you through.Just a moment, please.好的,我这就给您转接。 请稍候。B:You"re welcome.别客气。六、词语用法anyone指“任何人”,不指“任何一个”,any one指“任何一个”,但是有时也指“任何人”,现在比较不普遍那样说;anyone不能同one或one"s同时使用,如If anyone comes, ask him to wait里面的him不可替换成one;anybody比anyone更加普遍,在口语中出现比较频繁;anyone后不可接动词的否定形式,所以不能说Anyone cannot do it,该说No one can do it。anyone的相关临近词anything、anymore、anyone else、anyone rs guess、anyone that we know、anyone and everyone点此查看更多关于anyone的详细信息
2023-06-11 06:22:211


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2023-06-11 06:23:123


anyone 英[u02c8eniwu028cn]美[u02c8u025bniu02ccwu028cn, -wu0259n]pron. 任何人; 谁; 任何一个;
2023-06-11 06:23:533


anyone是一个英语单词,属于代词,在作代词时意思是“任何人;某个人;任何……的人;重要人物;(没有)一个人(用于否定句);任何一个人”。anyone表示的意思如下:Anyone表示单数,单人。表示特定对象为多人中的单个人。意指只需有一人即可。例如:Does anyone have a question?Anybody表示复数,可以指多人。表示特定对象可以有很多人。意指可以有多人同时应答。例如:Does anybody here have a dollar?anyone用法如下:表示“某人”,常用于否定句、 疑问句及条件句 ,用以代替someone / somebody (常译为:什么人、谁);表示“任何人”,可用于肯定句。用作主语,谓语动词用单数;若需用代词代替,可用单数 he, him, his (正式)或复数they, them, their。
2023-06-11 06:24:011

anyone怎么读 anyone的意思

1、anyone单词发音:英[u02c8eniwu028cn];美[u02c8eniwu028cn]。 2、anyone是一个英语单词,代词,作代词时意思是“任何人;某个人;任何……的人;重要人物;(没有)一个人(用于否定句);任何一个人”。
2023-06-11 06:24:231

anyone和no one的区别

anyone意为“任何人,无论是谁“,与anybody一样,只指人不指物,完全没有范围,后面不接of短语everone与everbody一样,只指人,不指物,也不能接of短语,谓语动词用单数no one指没有人,相当于nobody它只指人,不能指物。no one和someone,anyone,everone一样,后面不能接介词of构成的短语。no one作主语时,谓语动词要用单数。none指没有一个,既可指人,又可指物。它可单独使用,也可接介词of短语,none of相当于not one of。它作主语时,谓语动词用单复数形式都可,需注意与表语的单复数形式一致。回答how many 句型一定用none
2023-06-11 06:24:302

anyone 和any one的区别和用法,请具体解释具体举例说明

anyone仅指人,any one既可指人,也可指物.Would anyone like a drink?谁想喝一杯吗?I don"t want to waste anyone"s time.我不想浪费任何人的时间.He told her not to tell anyone.他告诉她不要告诉任何人.Which pen do you want?—Any one will do.你要哪支钢笔?——随便哪一支都行.Any one who knows English can apply for the work.任何会英语的人都可以申请这份工作.2.anyone 后不能接表示范围的 of 短语,而any one 后可接表示范围的 of 短语.如:I don"t know any one of them.他们中我一个也不认识.Any one of our employees could be the informer.我们的任何一位雇员都有可能成为告密者.Parents should not show preference for any one of their children.父母不应流露出对任何一个孩子的偏心.3.anyone 不能用作定语修饰名语,而 any one 可以用作定语修饰名词.如:You can borrow any one video at a time.你一次可以借任何一盘录像带.I can"t point to any one particular reason for it.那件事我找不出具体原因来.4.anyone 可以受形容词的修饰,且修饰语于anyone之后;而any one 很少受形容词的修饰,若语义上需要,应将修饰语置于any与one之间.如:Did you see anyone else there?你在那里看到其他的人吗?Have you seen anyone [anybody] famous?你见过名人吗?Any red one will do.任何一个红色的都可以.via @膤墽傰
2023-06-11 06:25:311

anyone可以写成any one吗?

有些英美学者认为,anyone不能分写成any one,而有些学者则认为可以,但有以下区别: (一)anybody 等于anyone.anyone专用以指人,不指物,意思是“任何人”, 重音落在any了之上,它不作“任何一个”解;any one既可用以指人,又可用以指物,其意为“任何一个”,如any one of you(不用anyone of you),重音落在one之上。 (二)any one比anyone更强调“个别”(more distributive force)的意味;anyone则含有“全体”、“毫无例外”(all and without exception)之意。因此,其后有时可用复数形式的代词来指代它。如: Anyone can enter for the competition,can"t they? 下面请对比anyone和any one在句中的不同涵义: Anyone may pay a visit to the palace。任何人(即所有的人)都可以到皇宫一游。 Any one of uw may paya visit to the palace.我们当中任何一个都可以到皇宫-游。 Anyone who does it is risking his life.任何人做此等事都要冒着生命危险。 请注意,anyone之后不能用one"s或one等词来指代它,如上句不能改作Anyone who does it is risking one"s life。 Which screw do you want? Any one will do. “你要哪一枚螺丝钉?” “随便哪个都行”。 与之类似区别的的词有:anybody和any body; anything和any thing; eneryone和every one; everybody和every body。 如所周知,everyone, everybody, anyone, anybody,every, each等词一般都是表示“单数”的概念,句中其后指代的代词用his或her。但在现代英语中,不少英美人士却用复数的代名词来代替单数代词。下面的例句都是选自英美的知名文学家的作品: Nobody knows what it is to lose a friend till they have lost him. (Fielding) I do not mean that I think anyone to blame for taking due care of their health. (Addison) Everybody is discontented with their lot in life. (Beaconsfield)
2023-06-11 06:25:461

everyone和anyone 在用法上有什么区别

2023-06-11 06:25:551

Anyone与Any one,区别在哪里?

1. anyone仅指人,any one既可指人,也可指物。 I don"t want to waste anyone"s time. 我不想浪费任何人的时间。 He told her not to tell anyone. 他告诉她不要告诉任何人。 Which pen do you want?—Any one will do. 你要哪支钢笔?——随便哪一支都行。 Any one who knows English can apply for the work. 任何会英语的人都可以申请这份工作。 2. anyone 后不能接表示范围的 of 短语,而any one 后可接表示范围的 of 短语。如: I don"t know any one of them. 他们中我一个也不认识。 Any one of our employees could be the informer. 我们的任何一位雇员都有可能成为告密者。 Parents should not show preference for any one of their children. 父母不应流露出对任何一个孩子的偏心。 3. anyone 不能用作定语修饰名语,而 any one 可以用作定语修饰名词。如: You can borrow any one video at a time. 你一次可以借任何一盘录像带。 I can"t point to any one particular reason for it. 那件事我找不出具体原因来。 4. anyone 可以受形容词的修饰,且修饰语于anyone之后;而any one 很少受形容词的修饰,若语义上需要,应将修饰语置于any与one之间。如:
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2023-06-11 06:26:562


someone例句如下: What will you do if someone who you care about suddenly takes no notice of you ? 当你关心的人不再在乎你了,你该怎么办?
2023-06-11 06:27:124

any one和anyone的区别

1. anyone仅指人,any one既可指人,也可指物。Would anyone like a drink? 谁想喝一杯吗? I don"t want to waste anyone"s time. 我不想浪费任何人的时间。He told her not to tell anyone. 他告诉她不要告诉任何人。Which pen do you want?—Any one will do. 你要哪支钢笔?——随便哪一支都行。Any one who knows English can apply for the work. 任何会英语的人都可以申请这份工作。2. anyone 后不能接表示范围的 of 短语,而any one 后可接表示范围的 of 短语。如:I don"t know any one of them. 他们中我一个也不认识。Any one of our employees could be the informer. 我们的任何一位雇员都有可能成为告密者。Parents should not show preference for any one of their children. 父母不应流露出对任何一个孩子的偏心。3. anyone 不能用作定语修饰名语,而 any one 可以用作定语修饰名词。如:You can borrow any one video at a time. 你一次可以借任何一盘录像带。I can"t point to any one particular reason for it. 那件事我找不出具体原因来。4. anyone 可以受形容词的修饰,且修饰语于anyone之后;而any one 很少受形容词的修饰,若语义上需要,应将修饰语置于any与one之间。如:Did you see anyone else there? 你在那里看到其他的人吗?Have you seen anyone [anybody] famous? 你见过名人吗?Any red one will do. 任何一个红色的都可以。
2023-06-11 06:27:218


any one 指某些人或物中的任何一个,后面常接of1. anyone仅指人,any one既可指人,也可指物。Would anyone like a drink? 谁想喝一杯吗?
2023-06-11 06:28:012

anyone与any one分别修饰什么?

答案是:anyone意思是:任何人,而any one 既可以指人也可以指物,后面可以使用介词of,而anyone不能跟有介词,比如:thisissuchaneasyquestionthatanyonecananswerit,youcanchooseanyofthebooks,你可以选择书中的任何一本(指物)any oneofuscanspeakenglishwell~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳、给与好评!~
2023-06-11 06:28:093


  anyone (=anybody:口语)任何人,只表示人,可单独做主语宾语成分.作主语时跟单数动词.[用于否定句、疑问句、条件句]任何人, 无论谁[什么人] [用于肯定句]任何一个人 You may ask anybody here for help. 你可以请求这里的任何人帮忙。 Does anybody else want to go? 还有别人要去吗? everyone(=everybody)每个人,人人,只表示人,可单独做主语宾语成分. [作主语时跟单数动词]每人, 人人, 所有的人, 大家 【说明】everybody与everyone 同义, 但口语中常用everybody none和no one 的区别; none既可指人,也可指物,它只是指在一定范围内,代替上下文已出现过的名词.No one 一般用来指人,使用时不受一定范围的限制,后面一般不接引导的介词短语,如:"Have you bought any clothes" "None"."你买衣服了吗 ""一件没买"."What did you buy yesterday " "None""昨天你买什么了 ""没有买什么".
2023-06-11 06:28:161


any one这么读就可以了(^_^)
2023-06-11 06:28:552


anyone一般指人,比如老师问学生谁知道这个问题的答案.老师会问Anyone who know the answer to this question.anything一般指事或物.比如我不想知道关于她的一切事情.I do not want to know anything about him.
2023-06-11 06:29:051


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2023-06-11 06:30:072

求各位学霸帮帮忙, anyone造句

i.don"t want anyone to change me
2023-06-11 06:30:221

英语词汇anybody, anyone的用法

关于英语词汇anybody, anyone的用法   英语词汇anybody, anyone在大多数情况下都能互换,下面是我整理的anybody, anyone 的用法,希望能帮到大家!   anybody, anyone 的"用法   1. 用于否定句时,要放在否定词之前,而不能放在否定词之后。如:   正:Nobody [No one] can do it. 这事谁也干不了。   误:Anybody [Anyone] cannot do it.   2. 受形容词修饰时,形容词应置于其后。如:   Have you seen anyone[anybody] famous? 你见过名人吗?   3. 请看两个句子:   Jimu2019s taller than anybody [anyone] else in his family.   Jimu2019s taller than anybody [anyone] in my family.   4. 表示“某人”,常用于否定句、 疑问句及条件句 ,用以代替someone, somebody ;表示“任何人”,可用于肯定句 。如:   Did anybody hear of such a thing? 有谁听说过这样的事吗?   Donu2019t owe anybody a penny. 不要欠任何人一分钱。   I can do it if anybody can. 如果有谁能干这事,我也能。   Anyone can cook;itu2019s easy. 做饭谁都会,这很容易。   5. 用作主语,谓语动词用单数;若需用代词代替,可用单数 he, him, his 或复数they, them, their 均可。如:   If anybody[anyone] comes, ask him [them] to wait. 要是有人来,让他等着。   第一句在 anyone, anybody 之后用了else, 是因为 Jim 是 hisfamily中的一员;第二句没用 else, 是因为 Jim 不是 my family 中的一员。   6. 只能指人,不能指物;且其后一般不接 of 短语。若是指物或后接of短语,可用any one 。如:   any one of the boys 孩子们 当中的任何一个 ;
2023-06-11 06:30:521

anyone是什么意思 anyone的意思

1、anyone是一个英语单词,代词,作代词时意思是“任何人;某个人;任何……的人;重要人物;(没有)一个人(用于否定句);任何一个人”。 2、单词发音:英[u02c8eniwu028cn],美[u02c8eniwu028cn] 3、[例句]I would prefer it if you didnt tell anyone.我希望你别告诉任何人。
2023-06-11 06:31:381


anyone用作代词,表示任何人,无论谁,无论什么人等含义。anyone后不可接动词的否定形式,不能同one或one"s同时使用。1.anyone指“任何人”,不指“任何一个”,any one指“任何一个”,但是有时也指“任何人”,现在比较不普遍那样说; 2.anyone不能同one或one"s同时使用,如If anyone comes, ask him to wait里面的him不可替换成one。 3.anyone后不可接动词的否定形式,所以不能说Anyone cannot do it,该说No one can do it。 4.用作代词 We dislike to have anyone patronize us. 我们不喜欢任何人对我们以恩人自居。 She never heeded anyone"s warning. 她从不理会任何人的警告。
2023-06-11 06:32:041


2023-06-11 06:32:136


anyone后面加名词。 anyone: pron.(用于否定句、疑问句,也用于if或whether之后,或紧接prevent、forbid、avoid等动词,代替someone)任何人;随便哪个人;重要人物。 扩展资料   She wasn"t anyone before she got that job.   她在得到那份工作之前不过是个无名之辈。   Entry is open to anyone over the age of 18.   18岁以上的.人均可参赛。   Stay close together ─ I don"t want anyone to get lost.   紧紧靠在一起,我不想把谁给丢了。   He"s been at the bank longer than anyone else.   他在银行工作的时间比任何人都长。   He couldn"t find it in himself to trust anyone again.   他再也不愿意相信任何人了。
2023-06-11 06:32:331


2023-06-11 06:32:541


anyone指某范围内的人; anybody指完全没有范围的任何人。anybody比anyone更加普遍,在口语中出现比较频繁。 一.anyone的用法 1.anyone指“任何人”,不指“任何一个”,any one指“任何一个”,但是有时也指“任何人”,现在比较不普遍那样说; 2.anyone不能同one或one"s同时使用,如If anyone comes, ask him to wait里面的him不可替换成one; 3.anyone后不可接动词的否定形式,所以不能说Anyone cannot do it,该说No one can do it。 二.anybody的用法 1.anybody多用在疑问句、否定句和条件句中,意为“某人”“任何人”;也可用于肯定句中,意思是“随便哪个人”。anybody不指物。 2.anybody在口语中或非正式文体中,当涉及的人有男有女,或所指人的性别关系不明确,则有时用复数代词指代anybody。在反意疑问句中也如此。 3.anybody在句中用作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数形式。 4.anybody如有形容词修饰,该形容词应置于anybody之后。 5.anybody用作名词时可指“重要人物,有地位的人,名声高的人”,可数,但不需使用不定冠词。
2023-06-11 06:33:011


不定代词,同someone, no one, 一般指人,指物或事用anything,something, nothing, 比如:Anyone can do it. (任何人都可以做),you can do anything.(你可以做任何事)
2023-06-11 06:33:111


当需要有“任何一个人”这样的词义时,anyone能用于肯定句:2.Anyone who collaborated was shot.所有叛国通敌的人都枪决了。收藏指正3.Woe betide anyone who arrives late!谁迟到谁倒霉!收藏指正4.Anyone who wants to can join.“俊狼猎英”团队为您解答,祝学习进步!
2023-06-11 06:33:571

anyone 是单数还是复数?

anyone every都是单数
2023-06-11 06:34:128


anyone的用法anyone指“任何人”,不指“任何一个”,any one指“任何一个”,但是有时也指“任何人”,现在比较不普遍那样说;anyone不能同one或one"s同时使用,如If anyone comes, ask him to wait里面的him不可替换成one;anybody比anyone更加普遍,在口语中出现比较频繁;anyone后不可接动词的否定形式,所以不能说Anyone cannot do it,该说No one can do it。
2023-06-11 06:34:271

anyone和no one的区别

1、具体含义不同anyone的意思是任何人;任何一个。no one的意思没有人;没有任何人。2、用法不同anyone与anybody一样,只指人不指物,完全没有范围,后面不接of短语。no one作主语时,谓语动词要用单数,需注意与表语的单复数形式一致。例句:I am under orders not to discuss his mission or his location with anyone.遵照命令,我不能与任何人谈论他执行的任务和他所在的地点。No one can open mail except the person to whom it has been addressed.除收信人本人外,没人能打开邮件。扩展资料词汇解析:1、anyone英文发音:[u02c8eniwu028cn]中文释义:pron. 任何人;任何一个例句:I"m not one to waste time on just anyone.我可不是个随便浪费时间在任何人身上的人。2、no one英文发音:[u02c8nu0259u028a wu028cn]中文释义:pron.没有人;没有任何人例句:No one"s going to hurt you. No one. Not any more.没有人会伤害你了,不会有人了,再也不会有了。
2023-06-11 06:34:411

any one是否等于anyone?

有些英美学者认为,anyone不能分写成any one,而有些学者则认为可以,但有以下区别: (一)anybody 等于anyone.anyone专用以指人,不指物,意思是“任何人”, 重音落在any了之上,它不作“任何一个”解;any one既可用以指人,又可用以指物,其意为“任何一个”,如any one of you(不用anyone of you),重音落在one之上。 (二)any one比anyone更强调“个别”(more distributive force)的意味;anyone则含有“全体”、“毫无例外”(all and without exception)之意。因此,其后有时可用复数形式的代词来指代它。如: Anyone can enter for the competition,can"t they? 下面请对比anyone和any one在句中的不同涵义: Anyone may pay a visit to the palace。任何人(即所有的人)都可以到皇宫一游。 Any one of uw may paya visit to the palace.我们当中任何一个都可以到皇宫-游。 Anyone who does it is risking his life.任何人做此等事都要冒着生命危险。 请注意,anyone之后不能用one"s或one等词来指代它,如上句不能改作Anyone who does it is risking one"s life。 Which screw do you want? Any one will do. “你要哪一枚螺丝钉?” “随便哪个都行”。 与之类似区别的的词有:anybody和any body; anything和any thing; eneryone和every one; everybody和every body。 如所周知,everyone, everybody, anyone, anybody,every, each等词一般都是表示“单数”的概念,句中其后指代的代词用his或her。但在现代英语中,不少英美人士却用复数的代名词来代替单数代词。下面的例句都是选自英美的知名文学家的作品: Nobody knows what it is to lose a friend till they have lost him. (Fielding) I do not mean that I think anyone to blame for taking due care of their health. (Addison) Everybody is discontented with their lot in life. (Beaconsfield)
2023-06-11 06:34:561


2023-06-11 06:35:452


相同处是都可以指人,“任何人”, 或疑问句否定句的的 “某个人”。不同处是 anybody只能指人, 而anyone, 还可指别的, “任何一个”“某一个”。二者在指代方面有一定的差别。 anybody的用法 同 anyone;(用于否定句)任何人;(用于疑问句、条件从句)任何人。 (1)I don"t grovel to anybody 我对谁都不会卑躬屈膝。 (2)No wonder you can"t find anybody here; they"re all away at a meeting. 难怪找不到人,都开会去了。 (3)You don"t do anybody any good by getting yourself arrested. 你要是被抓了对谁都没有好处。 (4)I don"t know whether they"ve found anybody yet. 我不知道他们有没有找到什么人。 (5)Is there anybody who can help me? 有人能帮我吗? 2.anyone的用法 (用于否定句、疑问句,也用于if或whether之后,或紧接prevent、forbid、avoid等动词,代替someone)任何人;随便哪个人;重要人物。 (1)Is anyone there? 有人吗? (2)Does anyone else want to come? 还有人想来吗? (3)She wasn"t anyone before she got that job. 她在得到那份工作之前不过是个无名之辈。 (4)Anyone could be doing what I"mdoing. 我在做的事,谁都可能正在做。 (5)Here"s a bite to eat if anyone"s hungry. 这里有点吃的,谁饿了可以先点补点补。
2023-06-11 06:40:311


anyone是代词,不是名词,不分单复数的。释义:(用于否定句、疑问句,也用于if或whether之后,或紧接prevent、forbid、avoid等动词,代替someone)任何人;随便哪个人;重要人物。 anyone的用法 1、anyone指“任何人”,不指“任何一个”,any one指“任何一个”,但是有时也指“任何人”,现在比较不普遍那样说; 2、anyone不能同one或one"s同时使用,如Ifanyonecomes, ask him to wait里面的him不可替换成one; 3、anyone后不可接动词的否定形式,所以不能说Anyone cannot do it,该说No one can do it。 anyone的例句 I would prefer it if you didn"t tell anyone. 我希望你别告诉任何人。 I don"t want anyone getting the wrong idea. 我不希望任何人有所误会。 Keep down! You mustn"t let anyone see you. 蹲下!一定不要让人看见你。 It was the best possible surprise anyone could have given me. 那是我曾感受过的最大惊喜。 Have you discussed the problem with anyone? 你与谁商量过这个问题吗? She wasn"t anyone before she got that job. 她在得到那份工作之前不过是个无名之辈
2023-06-11 06:40:591


  anyone用作代词,表示任何人,无论谁,无论什么人等含义。anyone后不可接动词的否定形式,不能同one或one"s同时使用。   1、anyone指“任何人”,不指“任何一个”,anyone指“任何一个”,但是有时也指“任何人”,现在比较不普遍那样说;   2、anyone不能同one或one"s同时使用,如Ifanyonecomes,askhimtowait里面的him不可替换成one。   3、anyone后不可接动词的否定形式,所以不能说Anyonecannotdoit,该说Noonecandoit。   4、用作代词   Wedisliketohaveanyonepatronizeus.   我们不喜欢任何人对我们以恩人自居。   Sheneverheededanyone"swarning.   她从不理会任何人的警告。
2023-06-11 06:41:331


anyone 不定代词whoever 引导句子的连词
2023-06-11 06:41:412


anyone who want to be a scientist should study hard.无论谁要成为一个科学家都要努力学习才行。
2023-06-11 06:42:142


2023-06-11 06:42:475


答:who和that都可以,严格来讲是that. 不定代词后要用that. 例句:Can anyone decipher his handwriting? 有谁能辨认他的字迹? 扩展资料   anyone的用法:   anyone用作代词,表示任何人,无论谁,无论什么人等含义。anyone后不可接动词的"否定形式,不能同one或one"s同时使用。   1、anyone指“任何人”,不指“任何一个”,any one指“任何一个”,但是有时也指“任何人”,现在比较不普遍那样说;   2、anyone不能同one或one"s同时使用,如If anyone comes, ask him to wait里面的him不可替换成one。   3、anyone后不可接动词的否定形式,所以不能说Anyone cannot do it,该说No one can do it。   4、用作代词:   We dislike to have anyone patronize us.   我们不喜欢任何人对我们以恩人自居。   She never heeded anyone"s warning.   她从不理会任何人的警告。
2023-06-11 06:43:021


不定代词是不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词,英语中不定代词有:some(something,somebody,someone),any(anything,anybody,anyone), no(nothing,nobody,no one), every(everything,everybody,everyone),all,each,both,much,many,(a)little,(a)few,other(s),another,none,one,either, neither等。 1.不定代词的作用 1)作主语,例: Both(of us) are right. (我们)两人都对。 Either(of the answers) is correct. 两个回答不论哪一个都对。 Neither(of the answers) is correct. 两个回答哪一个都不对。 Is everybody here? 大家都到了吗? Nothing special happened yesterday. 昨天没有发生什么特殊的事情. All is going well. 一切进行得很好。 2)作宾语,例: There is room for all of us. 我们所有的人全坐得下。 He gave two to each(of them). 他给(他们)每人两个。 I like none of the books. 这些书我全不喜欢。 If you have any, give us some. 有的话,给我们一点。3)作表语,例: That"s nothing. 没什么。 Is that all you want to know? 你想知道的就是这些吗? Thanks, it"s too much for me. 谢谢,太多了。 I"m not somebody,I"m nobody. 我不是重要人物,我是个无名小卒. That"s really something. 那真是一大收获。 4)作定语,例: You may take either road. 两条路你走哪条都行。 Every room is clean and tidy. 每一个房间都很整洁。 Everybody"s business is nobody"s business.人人都管等于没人管。(谚) Where are the other students? 其他的学生在哪里? Please give another example to illustrate your point.请再举个例子来说明你的论点。 5)作同位语,例: They both agreed to stay here. 他们两人都答应待在这儿。 We are all for him. 我们全支持他。 We none of us said anything. 我们谁也没说什么。 Give them two each. 给他们每人两个。 2.不定代词的用法比较 1)all,every和each的比较 all在表示抽象的整体概念时,作单数,相当于everything(一切东西),例: All was destroyed in the big fire. 大火中一切都毁了。 Grasp all, lose all. 什么都抓,什么都抓不住。(谚) Is that all you Want to know? 你想知道的就这些吗? all指人时用作复数,意为指三者以上的“全部”、“全体”,相当于everyone(每个),例: All are present. 大家都出席了。 There is room for all of us. 我们所有的人全坐得下。 She knows us all. 她认识我们所有的人。 all在人称代词前面,只能用all of,而且要与人称代词的宾格us, you, them等连用,如:all of us,而不能说成all us。 every用于三个或三个以上的人或物,是“每一个”的意思,只能作定语,强调整体概念,例: Every player is present. 每个运动员都出场了。 They helped us in every way. 他们从各方面帮助我们。 在表示“每个”、“全体”意思时,every的意思与all很接近。但一般情况下every和单数名词搭配,all和复数名词搭配,例: Every child enjoys Christmas. 每个孩子都喜欢过圣诞节。 All children enjoy Christmas. 所有的孩子都喜欢过圣诞节。 Each也是“每一个”的意思,但与every不同,each用于指两个或两个以上的人或物,着重于个别概念,例: Two men came into the room. Each carried an umbrella. 两个人走进房间,每人拿着一把伞。 Each book on this desk is worth reading. 这桌子上每一本书都值得读。 He gave three to each(of them). 他给(他们)每人三个。 2) some和 any的比较 不定代词some,any都是“一些”的意思,都可和可数名词或不可数名词连用。some一般用于肯定句中;而any则用于否定句、疑问句或条件从句中,例: Tom has some picture-books. 汤姆有几本图画书。 I have waited some time. 我已等了一会儿了。 Have you any questions? 你有问题吗? There aren"t any pictures on the wall. 墙上没有图片。 If there are any new magazines in the library, take some for me. 如果图书馆来了新杂志,替我借几本。 注意:在表示请求或建议,希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中,应用 some而不用 any,例: Would you please give me some paper? 请你给我一些纸张好吗? Would you like some sugar? 你要点糖吗?(=给你一些糖好吗?) some还可用于盼望得到肯定答复的疑问句,如: Isn"t there some ink in that bottle? 那个瓶不是还有点墨水吗? 当any表示“任何”或“无论哪一个”的意义时,可用于肯定句,此时any要重读,例: Any one will do. 任何一个都行。 You may come at any time that is convenient to you. 你可以在对你方便的任何时候来。 some, any和 body, one, thing构成合成代词 somebody,someone, something, anybody, anyone, anything等和 some,any的基本用法一样,由some构成的合成代词一般用于肯定句,由any构成的合成代词一般用于否定句和疑问句。 如果要在疑问句中表示请求,建议等肯定的意思或者盼望得到肯定的答复,须用somebody,someone或something。 3) many、 much和 few、little many(很多), few(很少), a few(有几个)是表示数的代词,用以代替或修饰可数名词; much(很多),little(很少), a little(有一些)是表示量的代词,用以代替或修饰不可数名词。 a few和 a little表示肯定的意义,而 few和little 则表示否定意义。这些词一般作定语时较多,有时也可作主语、宾语,例: She has as many books as you. 她拥有与你同样多的书。(定语) I have few books to lend you. 我几乎没书可借给你。(定语) My mother had a little money on her. 我妈妈身边有点儿钱。(定语) Many have come to the meeting. 许多人已来开会。(主语) There is little left. 没剩多少了(主语)。 He knows little about it. 这事他不太了解。(宾语) How much is it? 多少钱?(表语) 注意: a lot(of), plenty of等一类的短语相当于many和much,可修饰可数或不可数名词,一般用于肯定句,例: She has a lot of books on this subject. 她有许多关于这个课题的书。 4)other(s),the other和another other表示“另一个”的意思,在句中可作主语、宾语或定语,不独立使用,通常修饰可数名词复数。其复数形式是others,可独立使用,无范围限定。other和others前面加定冠词the时是特指,表示两个中的一个;前面不带定冠词the时,表示泛指,例: I have two brothers.One is a doctor,the other is a teacher. 我有两个兄弟。一个是医生,另一个是教师。(特指,作主语) He is always ready to help others. 他总是乐意帮助别人。(泛指,作宾语) Five of them are in the classroom.What about the others? 他们中有五个人在教室里。其余的人呢?(特指,作宾语) another(另外一个,又一个)只能代替或修饰单数名词,可用作主语、宾语或定语,不独立使用。它实际上是由an+other构成的,因此前面不可再用冠词,即不定指。例: Don"t lose heart.Have another try. 别灰心,再试一次。(作定语) I have got three English novels.One is written by Charles Dickens,another(is written)by Mark Twain,and the third(is written)by Bronte. 我有三本英语小说。一本是查尔·狄更斯写的,另一本是马克·吐温写的,还有一本是布朗蒂写的。(作主语) another后面还可以跟few 或带数字的复数名词,例: Just think what our town will be like in another few years. 设想一下,再过几年我们这个城市将是什么样子。 You"d better stay in bed for another two weeks.
2023-06-11 06:43:282


anyone英音:["eniw05n]美音:["07n01,w05n]代词 pron. 1. (用于疑问句或if从句时)谁,任何人If anyone calls, tell him I"ll be back about three o"clock. 如果有人来电话,就说我三点左右回来。 2. (用于否定句时)任何人There wasn"t anyone there. 那儿一个人也没有。 3. (用于肯定句时)无论谁,无论哪个人Anyone who has worked here for over three years is eligible for sick pay. 凡在这儿工作了三年以上的人都有资格获得病假
2023-06-11 06:43:491


anyone [英]ˈeniwʌn [美]ˈɛniˌwʌn,-wən pron.任何人;任何一个;谁 [例句]Today ,anyone and everyone easily uses the social network.现在,任何人、每个人都能轻易地使用社交网络.
2023-06-11 06:44:041


任何人 一般用于疑问句和否定句,也可用于条件句 Would anyone like a drink ? 谁想喝一杯吗? I don"t want to waste anyone"s time .我不想浪费任何人的时间.
2023-06-11 06:44:231