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哪位能帮我翻译下这篇文章 超急的!星期二要交了!我把我所有的分都给了

2023-06-11 09:47:18

[摘要] 商务英语传达商务理论和实务等信息,其词汇专业性极强,语体规范正式,语句简洁明快,多社交性套语。商务英语翻译应遵守“忠实、准确、统一”三原则,商务活动参与者应具备较强跨文化意识,尽量做到文化信息对等。 [关键词]商务英语专业 知识 文化 意识 翻译一、引言二、商务英语的特点三、商务英语的翻译商务英语是我国涉外经济活动中的主要交际语言,商务英语翻译在这一活动中起桥梁作用,翻译质量倍受关注。商务英语是专门用途英语的一个分支,与普通英语没有本质区别, 但商务英语又具有其特定的“ 商务” 特色。商务英语涉及到营销学、经济学、金融学、会计学和管理学等许多边缘学科知识,商务活动涉及到对外贸易、技术引进、招商引资、商务谈判、贸易合同、国际支付与结算与涉外保险等范围,因此有必要研究商务英语本身的特点及其翻译,从而能够在各个领域准确规范运用。作为专门用途英语的商务英语具有与普通英语不同的特点,有其独特的特点。在使用上有其显著特色,主要表现在文体、语言和文化意识方面。(一)商务英语文体风格商务文体是随着商品生产及贸易的发展而形成的一种文体形式。商务英语文体不以语言的艺术美为其追求的目标,而是讲求逻辑的清晰和条理性、思维的准确严密以及结构的严谨性。风格朴实,明白易懂。商务信函一般风格朴实,明白易懂,淡于修饰,很少使用比喻、拟人、夸张等修辞手段,目的是提高实效性。商务英语避免使用陈旧笼统的商业术语或套语,而用简明的现代英语来表达。如不说“We are in receipt ofu22ef”,而用“We have receivedu22ef ” ; 不说“ Express myheartfelt gratitude to you foru22ef ” ,而用“Thank you foru22ef”。商务英语在陈述事物往往具体、明确,绝不含糊其辞。如商务英语不说“We wish to confirm our telex dispatched yesterday。” 而要说“ We confirm our telex of July 2nd,2000。”因为前者笼统含糊,后者清晰明了。语句简洁明快,逻辑严密简洁明快主要表现在商务信函中多使用简洁句、简短并列句和简短复合句。例如: We are delighted to receive your letter of November 18 asking whether we can supply you with Art. No. 6120。(很高兴收到你方11月28日来函询问我方可否供应6120货号产品)。商务英语的逻辑严密性主要体现在商务合同等法律文件多用长句、复合句、并列复合句等法律公文常用句式以及分隔现象、介词(短语)、插入语、倒装句、被动语态( 过去分词) 等特殊句型。例如: If Egyptian buyers insist on concluding business direct with Party A,Party A may conclude business with such Egyptian buyers who come to visit China or attend the Chinese Export Commodity Fair at prices not lower than those quoted toParty B.(如果埃及客户坚持要与甲方成交,甲方也可和他们直接达成交易,但交易对象仅限于来访中国或参加中国商品交易会的客户,并且价格不能低于报给乙方的报价。)措辞礼貌,礼貌是国际商务英语应用文中非常重要的语言特点。汉语的商务用语有时缺少必要的客气,常见的礼貌用语往往只是一个“ 请” 字。商务英语则比较讲究客套,随处可见礼貌的客套。例如,汉语中仅有的一个请字,商务英语中要用“We wouldappreciate”“It would be appreciated”,“We would be glad tou22ef”之类的结构来表达。因此汉英翻译时切忌照原文字面硬译,添加常用礼貌客套结构,注意措辞婉转。问题补充:(二)商务英语语言特点 1.专业性商务英语涉及商务理论和商务实践等方面,其语言具有极强的专业性。商务英语的词汇都是缩略词汇,其中包含大量专业术语,具有商务含义的普通词或复合词,以及缩略词等。如B/L(bill of lading)提单,Exp.&Imp.Inc( export-import incorporated)进出口公司,forex:(foreign exchange)外汇,workfare(work welfare)工作福利制, blue chip绩优股,a firm offer实盘等等。不具有一定的专业知识是根本无法了解这些专业的商务英语词汇的内涵的。 2.书卷词语的使用商务文体措辞严谨精确、正式和不带个人感情色彩。为此,商务英语常用拉丁语派生词取代同义的一般英语词汇,这就是常说的书卷用词(literary words或learnedwords),即所谓的“大词”。(1)冷僻用词代替日常用词 Everything concurred to jack up theprice in the international market.(用concur代替come together) (2)大量使用古词语商务文体中,古词语时而再现,以体现其庄重严肃的文体风格。经常使用的古词语多为一些复合副词, 如: hereby (by this); whereat(at/to which place)。


Business English Business Communication Theory and Practice and other information, and its highly specialized vocabulary, stylistic norms of formal, concise statement crisp, sociability many sets of words. Business English Translation shall be subject to "true, accurate, and unified the" three principles, business participants should have a strong cross-cultural awareness, as far as possible on a reciprocal cultural information.

[Key words] business expertise and cultural awareness in English Translation

1 Introduction

Second, the characteristics of three Business English, Business English, Business English Translation of foreign-related economic activities in China are the main communication language, Business English Translation at the event played the role of a bridge, the quality of translation has drawn greater attention. Business English is English for Specific Purposes a branch, and there is no essential difference between General English, business English but also has its particular "commercial" characteristics. Business English involves the study of marketing, economics, finance, accounting and management study and so much study the edge of subject knowledge, business activities related to foreign trade, introduction of technology, investment, business negotiations, trade contracts, international payments and settlement with the foreign insurance such as the scope, it is necessary to study the characteristics of their business English and its translation in various fields in order to be able to standardize the use of accurate.

As English for Specific Purposes Business English General English with different characteristics, has its own unique characteristics. There is up in the use of its significant characteristics, reflected primarily in the style, language and cultural awareness.

(1) Business English style

Business style, with commodity production and trade development in the form of a style. Business English is not the style of language the United States for its pursuit of artistic goals, but emphasizes the logic of the article clear and rational thinking as well as the exact structure of tight rigor. Style simple, readily understandable language. General style of business letters and simple, clear, light in the modification, rarely used metaphor, personification, exaggeration, such as rhetorical devices, aims to improve the effectiveness. Business English to avoid the use of outdated general commercial terms or sets of words, and use simple English to express the modern. If we do not say "We are in receipt of u22ef", using "We have received u22ef"; not say "Express myheartfelt gratitude to you for u22ef", and with "Thank you for u22ef". Business English in the statement of things are often specific, clear, in no way ambiguous. Such as Business English did not say "We wish to confirm our telex dispatched yesterday." And say "We confirm our telex of July 2nd, 2000." Because the former general and vague, which is clear. Statements simple, concise tight crisp logic mainly manifested in the use of business letters in many simple sentence, a short brief并列句and complex sentences. For example: We are delighted to receive your letter of November 18 asking whether we can supply you with Art. No. 6120.

(Very pleased to receive your letter dated November 28 asked whether the supply of our 6120 Product Code). Business English logic tightness is mainly embodied in legal documents such as business contracts with many long sentence, compound sentence, complex sentences, such as parallel legal documents commonly used sentence patterns, as well as segregation of the two prepositions (Phrases), parentheses, inverted sentence, the passive voice ( past participle) and other special patterns. For example: If Egyptian buyers insist on concluding business direct with Party A, Party A may conclude business with such Egyptian buyers who come to visit China or attend the Chinese Export Commodity Fair

at prices not lower than those quoted toParty B. (if Egypt insisted on customer transactions with Party A, Party A can also deal with them directly, but trading was limited to visiting China or Chinese take part in the merchandise trade customers, and prices should not lower than reported to the party B"s quotation.) the wording of courtesy, politeness is an international Business English Writing a very important feature of language. Chinese business language sometimes lack the necessary polite, common terminology is often just a polite "Please" is used. Business English is more about courtesy, polite courtesy can be seen everywhere. For example, Chinese, only a requested character in Business English to use "We wouldappreciate" "It would be appreciated", "We would be glad to u22ef" like structure to express. Chinese-English translation is therefore avoid hardware according to the literal translation of the original text, add the common courtesy courtesy structure, attention mildly worded.

Supplementary question: (b) Business English linguistic characteristics

1. Professional

Business English related to business theory and business practices, etc., their language is extremely professional. Business English vocabulary words are abbreviated, which contains a large number of professional jargon, with the ordinary meaning of the word commercial, or compound words and abbreviations such as. Such as B / L (bill of lading) the bill of lading, Exp. & Imp.Inc (export-import incorporated) import and export companies, forex: (foreign exchange) Currency, workfare (work welfare) system of job benefits, blue chip blue chip stocks, a firm offer firm and so on. Do not have the expertise must not know these are professional business English vocabulary connotation.

2. Use of the phrase books

Precise wording of strict business style, formal and non-personal emotional. To this end, the Business English Latin derivatives commonly used synonyms to replace the general English vocabulary, which is often said that the wording of books (literary words or learnedwords), the so-called "big words."

(1) unfamiliar terminology in place of daily usage

Everything concurred to jack up theprice in the international market. (With concur replace come together)

(2) substantial use of the ancient words

Business style, the ancient words from time to time again to reflect its solemn serious style. Frequently used by many ancient term for a number of compound adverbs, such as: hereby (by this); whereat (at / to which place).


Business English convey business theory and practice, the information such as the professional vocabulary, sentence, regulating formal style is concise and lively, many social sets. Business English translation should abide by "loyalty, accurate, unified" three principles, and business activities participants should have strong cross-cultural awareness, as cultural information.

[key] business English specialty knowledge culture consciousness

A, introduction

Second, business English, business English, the characteristics of the translation of foreign business English is the main economic activities, business English communicative language translation in the activity of the bridge, people pay more attention to the quality of translation. Business English is special use English, with a branch of common English no essential difference, but the business English has its special characteristic of "business". English business involves marketing, economics, finance, accounting and management discipline knowledge, many business activities involving foreign trade, technology import and investment, business negotiation, contract, international trade payment and settlement and foreign insurance limits, so it is necessary to study the characteristics of business English and translation, which can accurately regulate use in various fields.

As a special use English business English has different from common English characteristics, has its own characteristics. In its remarkable characteristics in use, mainly displays in style, language and cultural awareness.

(a) business English style

Business style is as commodity production and trade development and formation of a style. Business English style in the artistic language for the pursuit of the goal, but with the logic thinking, clear and accurate rigorous organization and structure of preciseness. Simple style, accessible. Business letters, general and simple style accessible, light, seldom use norg metaphor, personification, exaggerated rhetorical devices, the purpose of which is to improve the effectiveness. Business English avoid using general commercial terms or obsolete, and use the east-west modern English to express. If say "field in return, and use of..." We are sorry. ";" Don"t say "myheartfelt Express gratitude to..." and for "yes." for. In the statement of business English, often, something no ambiguity. As business English say "We confirm to carry from dispatched yesterday." telex And say, "We confirm July 2nd, telex of success." Because the former general vague, the latter clarity. Statement concise and lively, tight logic is concise and lively mainly displays in business letters in use for short sentences, concise and short. Example: the field of delighted to receive November 18 asking whether of your paintings Art. (6120 100pct pieces.

(are very pleased to receive your letter of November 28, we can supply 6120 ask each product). Business English logical mainly embodies in business contract, and other legal documents use long sentences, compound sentences juxtaposed, compound sentence patterns and legal document commonly separated phenomena and prepositional phrases), insert language (and strue-ture, passive (the past participle) and special patterns. Example: If A soul insist on Egyptian paintings as A concluding, Party A Party may conclude such A soul? Come to Egyptian who are the Chinese version (China Export Commodity Fair

At those increases are still not quoted toParty B (if customer insist on Egypt with party a, party a can clinch a deal directly with them, but only to visit China or trade in China"s commodities fair price cannot customers, and to offer than B). Politeness is polite phrase, international business English application in very important language features. The Chinese language is sometimes necessary business of polite, common courtesy often just a "please". Business English is more exquisite polite, everywhere manners polite. For example, in the Chinese characters, the only one in business English, please use "ship" It wouldappreciate wherever ", "We would like your boss..." the structure to express. So when the original chinese-english translation as literal translation means, add common courtesy, polite phrase structure tactfully.

Problem: (2) added business English language features

1 professional

Business English, business and business practices involving the aspects of language, strong professional. Business English vocabulary is short of vocabulary, including professional terms, commercial meaning of ordinary word or compound, and acronym, etc. As B/L (bill of lading) bill of lading, Exp. & export (Imp) Inc import &export company import - either), foreign exchange (forex) affiliating workfare (welfare) of webmaster, blue, blue chip FuLiZhi work, a firm referred to a firm offer, etc. Don"t have professional knowledge is not understand these professional business English vocabulary connotation.

2 the words used. Scroll

An exact wording style business, formal and without personal emotional. Therefore, business English common Latin PaShengCi replace synonymous general English vocabulary, it is often said that scroll words (by keeping heart or learnedwords), the so-called "big words".

(1) little-used words instead of daily language

Back to jack up theprice concurred in (up) with concur instead of coming

(2) use the words

Business style, the ancient words and reappear, in order to reflect its solemn style. The ancient words more often used for some compound adverb, such as: hereby (by memories), Whereat (to a) which /.



400-8872-400 免费电话 问问吧



concur 英[ku0259nu02c8ku025c:(r)] 美[ku0259nu02c8ku0259:] vi. 同意; 互助; 同时发生; 共同作用; [例句]Local feeling does not necessarily concur with the press当地人的感受未必与媒体一致。[其他] 第三人称单数:concurs 现在分词:concurring 过去式:concurred过去分词:concurred
2023-06-11 00:48:351

concur 报销系统怎么样

2023-06-11 00:48:452

concur 和 agree的区别是什么?

assent多指那种上级对下级,长辈对晚辈的同意,准许,如同意孩子去郊游。 concur多指意见上的统一,而不是那种准许的意思 agree就是最宽泛的了
2023-06-11 00:48:542


2023-06-11 00:49:031

concur 房间费率 什么意思

同时产生的房间费率concur[英][ku0259nu02c8ku025c:(r)][美][ku0259nu02c8ku0259:]vi.同意; 互助; 同时发生; 共同作用; 第三人称单数:concurs过去分词:concurred现在进行时:concurring过去式:concurred例句:1.Most independent observers would concur. 大多独立观察者会同意这种说法。2.Some analysts concur with the view that the situation may not be that dire. 一些分析师同意以下看法:即形势或许没那么可怕。
2023-06-11 00:49:261


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2023-06-11 00:50:121

con什么意思 解析con这个单词的含义?

concur(意为“同意”)He conned me into lending him money.(他骗我借给他钱。)con还可以作为前缀出现,表示“共同、一起、共用”的意思。例如:除了上述基本含义外,con还有一些其他的意思:He"s a con artist who"s been in and out of jail his whole life.(他是一个惯犯,一辈子都在进进出出监狱。)总之,con这个单词的含义非常丰富,需要根据上下文具体理解。在日常生活中,我们要警惕骗子,不要被他们的con骗术所迷惑。同时,我们也要保持自信,拥有足够的con去面对生活和挑战。
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2023-06-11 00:50:551

合作 用英语怎么说?

2023-06-11 00:51:077

如何使用Concur Triplink来为我的商务差旅预订付费

如果您的公司使用Concur的TripLink服务,那么您需要关联您的Airbnb帐号和Concur帐号,才能将您的Airbnb预订收据自动上传到您的Concur帐号中。关联您的帐号如果需要关联您的Airbnb帐号和Concur帐号,请按照以下步骤操作:前往 Concur应用中心的Airbnb,然后点击“关联”登录您已有的Airbnb帐号;如果您没有,创建一个新帐号将两个帐号关联起来后,您只要在预订申请的结算页面中勾选“发送此预订至Concur”旁边的方框,所有的Airbnb预订收据就会显示在您的Concur帐号中。
2023-06-11 00:51:261


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2023-06-11 00:51:532

小米8 concur 闪退?

2023-06-11 00:52:082

手机版sap concur显示无法登录 我们未能识别您输入的信息 这是为什么 怎么解决?

从你的描述来看,你的手机版sap concur显示无法登录,未能识别您输入的信息。可能是这个软件的问题,建议你卸载重装一下。
2023-06-11 00:52:173


医生开的药一定比网上买的准 朋友的狗也用过那个药 效果是很不错 给他吃医生开的那个应该没事 观察着吃 觉得实在不对劲再去医院检查 网上的药最好不要乱吃 或者你可以在网上直接找厂家买 这样比较安全
2023-06-11 00:52:323


2023-06-11 00:52:411


简洁点的话世界之窗,界面很干净 想安全点的话360还不错 速度快的话360急速或者搜狗 个人觉得360不错,如果是有高要求的就用火狐
2023-06-11 00:52:491


2023-06-11 00:52:581


2023-06-11 00:53:111

华为sap concur 闪退什么问题

2023-06-11 00:53:311


in the meantime at the same time    all at once
2023-06-11 00:53:406


2023-06-11 00:54:193


费用报销系统来说的话,选择哪家有保障 其实每一个报销系统都有自己的优势的,关键是要看它的规模需求,以及你想要解决什么样的问题来报销 选择适合自己企业的软件
2023-06-11 00:54:262

コンクール コンテスト有何不同?

2023-06-11 00:54:343


reincur 钢筋; incur 招致; reoccur 复现; concur 同意; sencur 森库尔; procur 采购; occur 发生; recur 重现 扩展资料   The government had also incurred huge debts   政府也已负债累累。   Benign tumors had a rare tendency to reoccur while the malignant had a50% recurrence rate.   良性肿瘤术后少有复发,恶性肿瘤复发率约占被随访者的"50%。   Daniels and Franklin concurred in an investigator"s suggestion that the police be commended.   丹尼尔斯和富兰克林一致同意一位调查人员的建议,即警方应该受到赞扬。   The department denies responsibility for what occurred.   这个部门拒绝为所发生的事承担责任。
2023-06-11 00:54:431


2023-06-11 00:54:524


cooperate between ...
2023-06-11 00:55:016


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2023-06-11 00:56:002


cur后缀的单词只有: concur vi. 意见相同,一致,互助; cur n. 坏种; incur v. 招惹; occur vi.发生;出现,存在; recur vi. 复发,回到,重现,循环,依赖,。 扩展资料   例句:   I concur with him in many points.   在许多方面,我是同意他的。   I concur with your recommendations.   我完全同意你的建议。   Wealth and happiness do not always concur.   财富与幸福并非总是并存的。   The judge all concur in give john the prize.   评判员都同意把奖品给约翰。   Many people"s feelings concur on the subject of freedom.   许多人的`感情,在自由的问题上是一致的。
2023-06-11 00:56:591


问题一:我不同意用英语怎么说? I disagree=我不同意. I agree = 我同意 I concur = 我同意 or simply "agree" = 同意 I second = 我同意 I disapprove = 我不同意 many other forms of disagree also depends on situation and form of voting. 问题二:我不同意用英语怎么说 我不同意_有道词典 我不同意 I disagree;I don"t agree更多释义>> [网络短语] 我不同意 I disagree;I don"t agree;I do not agree 但我不同意 But I Disagree;I Would Disagree 我不同意。 I disagree. 详细用法>> 问题三:我不同意这个做法!英语怎么写!? I do not consent to this亥behavior. I do not agree with this behavior. I object to this behavior. 祝你好运~_~ 问题四:我不同意他说的话用英语怎么说 我不同意他说的话 I don"t亥agree with his words =I disagree with his words 有不会的可以再问我 问题五:我不愿意的英文怎么写? 你好,“我不愿意”的翻译是: I am not willing to (do sth)... I wouldn"t like to (do sth)... I don"t w抚nt to (do sth)... I don"t feel like (doing sth)... 希望对您有用,祝您学习进步 望采纳谢谢 问题六:他不同意我们的观点 用英文怎么说 He didn"t agree with our point of view 问题七:我不同意你的看法 英文 I don"t agree with you. 问题八:我也不同意。英文怎么说 I don"t agree,either. I disagree,either. 祝你学习进步,更上一哗楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!
2023-06-11 00:57:051


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2023-06-11 00:57:331


concur solutions词典结果concur solutions同意的解决方案
2023-06-11 00:57:591


2023-06-11 00:58:081


该常量指示可以更新的 ResultSet 对象的并发模式。
2023-06-11 00:58:152

国外知名的 SaaS 软件提供商有哪些

国外知名的SaaS软件有SAP、oracle这些。国内知名的SaaS软件有 瑞人云、瑞方人力这些。
2023-06-11 00:58:243

我记得的翻译过来好像是“我们都是追梦人”是一首英文歌曲 一个女的唱的 曲调和追梦人一样,好像还是名曲

是这个吗?secret garden的dreamcatcher
2023-06-11 00:58:321


1.cooperation; cooperate; to collaborate; to team up with; to work together; to be in concert with
2023-06-11 00:59:074


二者的区别在于前者对于修改不敏感,而后者对于修改敏感resultSetConcurency是设置ResultSet对象能够修改的,取值如下: ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY 设置为只读类型的参数。 ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE 设置为可修改类型的参数。 以下两种方法的共性:返回可滚动的结果集,当数据库变化时,当前结果集同步改变。 不可用结果集更新数据库: con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); 可用结果集直接更新数据库: con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATETABLE);
2023-06-11 00:59:231


222. 我不行了。 I"m done.   注:在以下几种情况可以用I"m done来表达: ①感到太累,不耐烦而不想做某事。② 吃太饱而不想再吃。 ③ 完成某件工作。另外,也可以用"I"m finished."来代替,意思一样。   223. 我就知道! I knew it! (表示事情打一开始我就知道是怎么会事了)   224. 看得出来。 You can tell.   E.g. A: You gained weight, didn"t you? You can tell.   225. 来得及吗? Is it too late? (指是否还有足够得时间)   Can we make it? (指我们可否及时完成或我们可否及时赶到)   226.不买可惜。 Hard to pass up.   E.g. A: Clothes on sale are hard to pass up.   注:Pass up放弃、拒绝,也就是 turn down的意思。   227.快去快回! Hurry back!   228.你说了算。 Up to you.   You"re the Boss. Anything you say.   229.放松一下! Relax!   230.习惯就好! It"s fine once you get used to it. / You"ll be fine.   231. 自作自受! Serves you right! / You get what you deserve.   232. 我急着要。 I need it badly.   233. 说话算话! You can"t take it back!   234. 笨蛋一个! Idiot!   235. 真没礼貌! How rude!   236. 你还嘴硬! Don"t be so stubborn!   e.g. A: I can do it! Let me try again!   B: You"re injured! Don"t be so stubborn.   237. 借看一下。 Let me take a look-see. (俚语用法)   Give me a look. (比较正式一点)   238. 可想而知。 Goes without saying.   注:本句是比较正式的说法,一般年轻人口语上常以"Duh!"表示相同的意思,不过语气比较酸,隐含"这件事谁都知道,你还以为我不晓得啊?"的味道。   239. 气死我了! Makes me so mad!   Piss me off! (比较粗俗)   240. 说来听听。 Let"s hear it.   241. 天要亡我! I"ve got no place to go.   I"ve come to a dead end.   注:以上两句都隐含绝望的语气,其中"no place to go"还带有请求别人帮忙的意思,而"I"ve come to a dead end."则特别用来形容经过一番努力却仍然失败的情形。   242.顺其自然。 Go with the flow.   注:俚语,Flow原意是水流,这里用来指就像水会自然流动,事情也会自然解决。   242. 经济实惠。 Get your money"s worth.   243. 说来话长。 It"s a long story. (意味着情况过于复杂,难以细说分明)   244. 无怨无悔。 ( I have ) No regrets.   245. 买一送一。 Buy one get one free.   246. 打个折吧! Give me a discount! (Can I get a discount?)   247. 血债血还。 An eye for an eye. (语出圣经,原话是:An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.   248. 不知羞耻! Shame on you!   249. 你省省吧! Save it!   250. 看缘分吧! Leave it up to fate(destiny).   注:再美国只是偶尔在戏剧性的场合用到这些字,可说是过时的字眼。   251. 我支持你! I"ll back you up.   252. 马马虎虎。 So-so.   253. 真是有缘。 It"s destiny (fate).   254. 再接再历。 Work harder.   255. 白忙一场。 In vain.   e.g. I did it all in vain. 指事情结果令人大失所望,语气多是难过,失望或生气的。   256. 出师不利。 Get off on the wrong foot.   注:本句表示一开始就遇到了麻烦,走错方向或做出错误的决定,与"get up on the wrong side of the bed." 意思不同,后者是"心情不好、烦躁"的意思。   257. 你出卖我! You betrayed me!   注:这是对人的严重指责,一般在日常生活中较少有这句话的情形出现。另外,"You traitor!"(你这叛徒),意思与本句相同。   258. 一言为定! It"s a deal!   注:这句话很常见,只要是达成协议或共识,不管是商业上成交了某种交易,或是和朋友讲定了某件事情,都可用"It"s a deal!"表示   259. 快一点啦! Hurry up!   260. 我不在乎! I don"t care.   261. 真是遗憾。 What a shame (pity)! Or That"s too bad.   5 字篇   262. 我怎么知道? How would I know?   注:句子在I加强语气,有"为什么要问我"的意味。   263. 不关我的事。 None of my business.   264. 我是清白的。 I"m innocent.   注:innocent本身有两种意思:①无罪的、清白的 ② 不成熟的、无知的。这儿的例句意味着"我和这事无关,不是我做的。"   265. 面对现实吧! Wake up and smell the coffee!   Face reality! (较正式)   266. 笔记借我抄。 Lend me your notes.   267. 这不是重点。 That"s not the point. (可在that,not或point上加强语气。)   268. 包在我身上。 You can count on me.   269. 有钱好办事。 Money makes the world go round.   270. 别那么夸张。 You"re overdoing it. (中国人常用此句,而美国人很少用)   271. 不可以偏食。 Can"t be picky (about food).   注:本句可用choosy来代替picky,意思相同。另外,有一句常用的谚语"Beggars can"t be choosers."与这句话意思接近,是说人不可以对免费的事物太过要求,也就是"不要得了便宜还卖乖"的意思。   272. 行不通的啦! It"s not gonna work.   273. 你这张快嘴! You and your big mouth!   274. 我快饿扁了。 I"m starving to death. / I"m so hurry that I could eat a horse.   275. 我快撑死了! I"m stuffed.   276. 你喜欢就好! As long as you like it. (表示"只要你喜欢,一切都没问题。"的意思)   277. 怎么会这样? How did this happen? (指你不希望发生的事竟然发生了)   278. 你在烦什么? What"s bugging you? (如用bothering代替bugging会显得更正式些)   279. 有什么关系? What does it matter?   注:本句与以下句子意思相同:①What"s the matter? ② What"s the problem? ③ Does it make a difference?   280. 一切听你的。 You are the boss. (现在俚语中年轻人也用You"re the man,意思一样)   281. 你方便就好。 Whatever"s convenient for you.   282. 我们扯平了。 We are even. (一般用法则是互不亏欠的意思,比赛中用来形容比分相同)   283. 这才像话嘛! That"s more like it!   284. 跌个狗吃屎! Take a bad spill!   注:这是俚语,正式用法:falling down in a bad way.   285. 说点别的吧! Change the subject.   286. 听天由命把! Let it be! / Leave it be. (指要对方不要担心,顺其自然的意思)   287. 三思而后行。 Look before you leap. (Think before you speak)   288. 你很迟钝呐! You"re so retarded!   注:retarded这个字对人很不礼貌,有轻视别人的意思,现在多用"mentally challenged"来代替"retarded"。   289. 你懂不懂啊? Don"t you get it? (本句带有不耐烦或轻视的语气)   290. 别放在心上。 Never mind.   291. 我无能为力。 Out of my control. (control 可用hands代替,意思一样)   292. 明天在说吧! Talk about it tomorrow.   293. 我走不动了。 I can"t move.   294. 你认错人了。 You got the wrong person. (person可用man或guy代替)   295. 真是受不了。 I can"t take it (anymore) .   296. 你会后悔的。 You"ll be sorry. / You"ll regret it.   297. 吓我一大跳! You scared me!   298. 你想太多了。 You think too much.   299. 说了也没用。 Doesn"t matter what you say.   注:本句意味着对方已做出决定,不管你怎么说都不会改变。   300. 太夸张了吧! That"s an exaggeration!   Go overboard!   注:to go overboard字面意思是超过了船边而掉出去。用来指情况超过了一般范围,太夸张、太离谱了。   301. 可以走了吗? Can I go now?   302. 真拿你没辙! You"re hopeless!   303. 下次好运吧! Better luck next time.   注:以轻松得语气在比赛终了,勉励落败者"下次运气会更好"。平常在朋友间也会这样来安慰对方下次会更好。然而也有人故意借着这样说,来嘲笑对方的失败。   304. 我才不信咧! Yeah right. / I don"t believe it.   305. 门儿都没有! Not a chance! (本句句尾加上"in hell"就成了俚语用法)   306. 太离谱了吧! Off base!   E.g. A: I predict that we"ll finish this project in 2 days.   B: You"re way off base! That"s impossible!   307. 让我死了吧! Just shoot me!   308. 我也这么想。 I agree. / I think so too. / I concur.   309. 别被他唬了。 Don"t let him fool you.   310. 实际一点吧! Be practical!   注:本句与to be sensible(理智点)一样,但前者有责备对方的意思在。   311. 你来评评理。 You be the judge. (本句常常是律师对陪审团说的话)   312. 你现在才来! Took you long enough!   313. 一共多少钱? How much is it all together?   314. 还差得远呢! Far from it!   315. 你搞砸了啦! You messed up!   316. 不用麻烦了。 Don"t bother.   317. 要不要来赌? Wanna bet?   注:本句可按字面解释成要和人打赌,但大多数当事者得用意在显示自己是对的。   318. 信不信由你。 Believe it or not!   319. 我听到了啦。 I heard you. (如在句尾加上(the first time以加强语气,通常表示不耐烦)   320. 你说的容易。 That"s easy for you to say. (本句口气表示出不认同对方的说法)   321. 不用你插嘴! You don"t need to interrupt!   注:说这句话的语气通常是不耐烦的;比较客气的说法是:"Excuse me" or "please"。   322. 你算哪根葱? Who do you think you are?(带有责难对方的语气,所以是不怎么客气的一句话。)   323. 别有样学样。 Don"t be a copycat! (小孩子之间常常用这句话。)   324. 坐过去一点! Move over!   325. 眼睛睁得大点! Open your eyes!   注:叫人眼睛睁大点就是要对方再看清楚点得意思。类似得句子有open one"s heart(宽厚一点),open one"s mouth(尽量说出来)。   326. 真是太惨了! That"s terrible! / That"s horrible! (带有震惊、不敢置信得口气)   327. 我快崩溃了。 I"m going out of my mind!   注:这里的意思是"疯掉了",但如果说"You"re going out of your mind!",就是指对方笨透了或疯掉了的意思。   328. 你不想活了? You wanna die? (形容别人所做的事很冒险)   329. 我吓得腿软。 Shake like jelly.   Like jelly. (jelly 也可用jello代替,表示两腿没力或在颤抖。)   330. 我情不自禁。 I can"t help myself. / I can"t control myself.   331. 我别无选择。 I have no choice.   332. 眼不见为净。 Ignorance is bliss. (谚语,意即"不知道真相有时反而比较好"。)   333. 我豁出去了! I"ve got nothing to lose.   E.g. A: This is very dangerous, you know.   B: But I"ve got nothing to lose.   334. 我跟他不熟。 I don"t know him well.   注:相反的说法"I know him very well.",年轻人说这句话时,有时暗示彼此已经有性关系了,当然还得看当时得情况及说法的口气而定。   335. 到时候见啦! See you later!   336. 这里给你坐。 Take a seat.   337. 谁会这么蠢? Who would be so dumb?   注:如果当别人的面说他so dumb,那是非常不友善、轻视的说法。   338. 你有意见吗? Do you have an opinion?   339. 你还不够格。 You don"t have the right.   E.g. A: Who do you think you are? You don"t have the right to say those things.   注:right "权利",是名词,这句话较不客气,带有批评的语气。   You are not qualified.   E.g. A: Can I talk to the manager about my ideas for this project?   B: You are not qualified!   注:这个回答比前面的"You don"t have the right."更礼貌、婉转。   340. 谁管那么多? Who cares?   注:也就是说没什么人会关心这事。而有些情况下的意思是"It doesn"t matter!"比如说你的朋友很容易杞人忧天,你会说"who cares?"来安抚对方说事情没那么严重,不用太在意。   341. 我才不信邪。 I don"t buy it. (是I don"t believe it.的俚语,表示不相信对方的说法)   342. 你行不行啊? Can you do it?   注:依前后不同,这句话有时在关心别人,问他有没有需要帮忙;有时在质疑对方有没有足够的能力。   343. 便宜没好货。 You get what you pay for.   E.g. A: This watch broke already… I just bought it last month.   B: You get what you pay for.   注:通常是说便宜的东西容易坏,反之贵的东西品质会较好,就是俗称的一分钱一分货。   344. 完美主义者。 Perfectionist.   注:依上下文可以是赞美对方力求完美,或是讽刺别人,吹毛求疵得让人受不了。   345. 天不从人愿。 You can"t always get what you want.   346. 我跟你拼了! Bring it on!   注:年轻人用的俚语,常是发生争执的时候,用来挑衅对方的话。   347. 听你在放*! That"s bullshit! (本句属粗话,表示非常地不屑。)   348. 现在要怎样? What now?   349. 都是你害的! It"s all your fault! (常见于小孩子之间吵架时的气话。)   6 字篇   350.我有什么好处? What"s in it for me?   351.你一点都没变! You haven"t changed a bit!   注:这句话除了可表达对于对方看起来依然年轻感到惊讶,有时也可用来挖苦人,暗示对方一点也没长进。   352.我改变主意了。 I changed my mind.   352. 还是有希望的。 There"s still hope.   E.g. A: Don"t worry. There"s still hope for you.   353. 他的话不可信。 Don"t believe a word he says.   注:本句可以用来警告他人不要轻信某人,或用来讽刺某人的信誉、能力不佳,不足以依靠。   354.你在哪里买的? Where"d you get it?   355.真是失望透顶。 What a disappointment.   注:根据语气和场合的不同,这句话可以是严肃的,表示真的感到失望;但也有幸灾乐祸的情况,表示对听者的失误暗自窃喜。另外,也可用"What a bummer!"来表达失望,但这句话就没有幸灾乐祸的味道了。   356.这下你可糟了! You really did it this time!   注:在不同状况下,若对方顺利完成某件任务,这句话就可以译成"这下你成功了!"。   357.我看他不顺眼。 He rubs me the wrong way.   358.我会找你算帐! You"ll pay for this.   359. 简直无法相信! I can"t believe it! (若在前加上"Oh,my God.",语气会加重)   360.眼睛放亮一点! Open your eyes!
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hold , concur , concord
2023-06-11 00:59:372