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男式 内裤 的英语是什么?

2023-06-11 09:05:44

Male undergarments 男式内衣裤


Boxer shorts:四角宽松内裤

Briefs :三角裤


men"s underwear


men"s briefs/underwear/underpants/undergarment/boxers



boxersn. 拳击短裤;四角裤①The club is the proving ground for youngboxers.这个俱乐部是年轻拳击手的摇篮。——《牛津词典》②Both boxers weighed in at several poundsbelow the limit.两个拳击手赛前量的体重都比规定限度少几磅。——《牛津词典》③Ina few hours" time one of the world"s mostfamous boxers will be fighting here for thefirst time.再过几个小时,世界最著名的拳击手之一将首次在这里参加比赛。——《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
2023-06-10 18:13:411


boxer 英[u02c8bu0254ksu0259] 美[u02c8bɑksu025a] n. 1.(尤指职业)拳击手 2.拳师狗 名词 n.1.(尤指职业)拳击手 The boxer took up a fighting stance.拳击手采取了攻势。A hard blow knocked the boxer down.对方猛烈的一拳将这个拳击手击倒在地。He moved lightly on his toes like a boxer.他像拳击手一样踮着脚轻盈移动。2.拳师狗
2023-06-10 18:14:061


最强的星际选手 韩国著名星际争霸职业选手 姓名:林遥焕 游戏ID:SLayerS"_"BoxeR 所属:SKT1 现役: AirForce ACE(空军战队) 国籍:韩国 种族:Terran 最喜欢的对局:TvZ 最喜欢的单位:坦克 生日:1980年9月4日 身高:178cm 体重:68Kg 血型:B型 爱好:看电影、看漫画 喜欢的食物:拉面汤(和中国的拉面不同,里面放很多的东西,当然包括泡菜) 印象最深的比赛:可口可乐OSL上击败Yellow(此后他有了“人族皇帝”的称号) 最喜欢的游戏:《StarCraft》 ID由来:Boxer原来是forever战队成员,forever战队有个见习战队 boxer战队。当时他是从boxer战队升到正式战队forever的考官。那时候的ID是forever@BoxeR。后来foerver战队消失,觉得SlayerS的意思不错就起了SlayerS_"BoxeR",意思是无法者的复苏,杀人者的复苏。 他是所有星际FANS口中的"人族皇帝", 他是世界上最好的电子竞技职业选手, 他对电子竞技事业有不可取代的推动作用, 他在韩国星际争霸联赛中创造了无数的神话, .......... 主要荣誉: 2000年第一届Game-Q冠军 2001年第三届Game-Q冠军 2001年Hanbitsoft OSL冠军 2001年CocaCola OSL冠军 2001年WCG冠军 2001年SKY OSL亚军 2002年第一届KPGA冠军 2002年SKY OSL亚军 2002年WCG冠军 2003年KTEC KPGA亚军 2003年Olympus OSL季军 2004年EVER OSL亚军 2005年SO1 OSL亚军 2005~2006年SinHan OSL 8强 2006年SinHan OSL第一赛季16强 .......有待更新 boxer1 KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 拳击手,拳师,拳击选手[C] boxer2 KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 拳师狗(德国原产的狗,体格中型、强壮)[C]
2023-06-10 18:14:152


你好。china boxer翻译成中文是:中国拳击手。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。
2023-06-10 18:14:242


2023-06-10 18:14:344


2023-06-10 18:14:431


义和团运动 Boxer Uprising
2023-06-10 18:14:513


四角裤 他穿,我也穿. 四角裤 今天,您穿了吗? 四角裤 我常穿着,您呢? 四角裤 青春好朋友 爱生活 爱四角裤子 关心女人 从四角裤开始 女人的问题四角裤办 四角裤 比女人更了解女人
2023-06-10 18:15:102


防守个人防守:individual defense补防:fill in;help补漏[位]:shift协防:double-cover抢位:take position确定防守对象:match up.替换防守:shift defense背后防守:guard from the back[rear]重叠防守:tandem defense夹击:double-team;clamp场角夹击:corner trap三夹一:triple-team堵截防守:check defense遏制:contain断球:intercept抢断;夺球;偷袭:steal盖帽:block[reject]a shot封死(传球线路):cut[close;block] off严密封锁:bottle up.紧逼防守:press [pressure] defense全场紧逼:all-[full-]court press; full press半场紧逼:half-court press窒息性防守(距防守对象不到1米):suffocation defense紧逼中锋(在罚球区内):collapse.围守:girding defense关门:shut the door撤回:retreat后撤防守:sag; slough; sluff后撤队员:sagger钉人:marking面对面的钉人防守:face guarding钉住:pin.交换钉人:switch; mark change.区域联防:zone [zonal] defense; zone.4人联防:zone-box5人联防:five-man defense.区域紧逼:zone press.混合防守(钉人与区域联防结合):combined[combination」defense.2-1-2区域联防阵形:2-1-2 zone format.1-3-1区域联防阵形:1-3-1 zone format.1-2-2区域联防阵形:1-2-2 [jug; box-and-one]zone format.1-2-1-1区域联防阵形:1-2-1-1[diamond-and-one]zone format.1-1-3区域联防阵形:1-1-3 zone format.2-3区域联防阵形:2-3 zone format.无人防守的:clear; open; unguarded; unprotected无人防守的队员:unguarded player.有人防守的队员:guarded player.沉底防守的队员:deep man.灵活的防守步法:boxers step--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Drive:突破。   Driving layup: 突破上篮。lay-up:带球上篮。reverse lay-up:反手带球上篮。hook (shot):钩射。dunk:灌篮。jam:灌篮。reverse dunk:反手灌篮。slam dunk:强力灌篮。dunk、jam和 slam都可以当动词用。bank shot:擦板球。bank还可以当动词用。tap in:托[拍]球(进篮框)。“fade-away” shot:后仰投篮。“double pump”:「拉杆式」投篮。Set screens : 掩护Pick and roll:挡拆Penetration:突破,切入。Comeback:逆转Footwork:脚步移动
2023-06-10 18:15:201


平角裤 内裤的一种
2023-06-10 18:15:293

2017年英语六级阅读理解:Smother Love

   Smother Love   Every morning,Leanne Brickland and he sister would bicycle to school with the same words ringing in their ears:“watch out crossing the road.Don"t speak to strangers”.“Mum would stand at the top of the steps and call that out,”says Brickland,now a primary-school teachet and mother of four from Rotorua,New Zealand.Substitute boxers and thongs for undies(内衣),and the nagging fears that haunt parents haven"t really changed.What has altered,dramatically,is the confidence we once had in our children"s ability to fling themselves at life without a grown-up holding their hands   Worry-ridden Parents and Stifled Kids   By today"sstandards,the childhood freedoms Brickland took for granted practically verge on parental neglect.Her mother worked,so she and her sister had a key to let themselves in after school and were expected todo their homework and put on the potatoes for dinner.At the family"s beach house near Wellington,the two girls,from the age of five or six,would disappear for hours to play in the lakes and sands.   A generation later,Brickland"s children are growing up in a world more indulged yet more accustomed to peril.The techno-minded generation of PlayStation kids who can conquer entire armies and rocket through spacecan"t even be trusted to cross the street alone.“I worry about the road.I worry about strangers.In some ways I think they"re missing out,but I like to be able to see them, to know where they are and what they"redoing.”   Call it smother love,indulged-kid syndrome,parental neurosis(神经症).Even though today"s children have the universe at their fingertips thanks to the Internet,their physical boundaries are shrinking at a rapid pace.According to British social scientist Mayer Hillman,a child"s play zone has contracted so radically that we"re producing the human equivalent of henhouse chickens-plump from lack of exercise and without the flexibility and initiative of freerange kids of the past.The spirit of our times is no longer the resourceful adventurer Tom Sawyer but rather the worry-ridden dad and his stifled only child in Finding Nemo.   In short,child rearing has become an exercise in risk minimization,represented by stories such as the father who refused to allow his daughter on a school picnic to the beach for fear she might drown.While it"s natural for a parent to want to protect their children from danger,you have to wonder;Have we gone too far?   Parents Wrap Kids up in Cotton Wool   A study conducted by Paul Tranter,a lecturer in geography at the Australian Defence Force Academy in Canberra,showed that while Australian and New Zealand children had similar smounts of unsupervised freedom,it was far less than German of English kids.For example,only a third of ten-year-olds in Australia and New Zealand were allowed to visit places other than school alone,compared to 80 percent in Germany.   Girls were even more restricted than boys,with parents fearing assault or molestation(骚扰),while traffic dangers were seen as the greatest threat to boys.Bike ownership has doubled in a generation,but“independent mobility”---the ability to roam and explore unsupervised---has radically declined.In Auckland,for example,many primary schools have done away with bicycle racks because the streets are considered too unsafe.And in Christchurch,New Zealand"s most bike-friendly city,the number of pupils cycling to school has fallenfrom more than 90 percent in the late 1970s to less than 20 percent.Safely strapped into the family 4x4,children are instead driven from home to the school gate,then off to ballet,soccer or swimming lessons--rarely straying from watchful adult eyes.   In the U.S.Journal of Physical Education,Recreation&Dance,New Jersey assistant principal and hockey coach Bobbie Schultz writes that playing in the street after school with neighbourhood kids--creating their own rules,making their own decisions and settling disputes--was where the real learning took place.“The street was one of the greatest sources of my life skills,”she says.“I don"t see‘on-the-street play"anymore.I see adult-organized activities.Parents don"t realize what an integral part of character development their children are missing.”   Armoured with bicycle helmets,car seats,“safe”playgrounds and sunscreen,children are getting the messageloud and clear that the world is full or peril--and that they"re ill-equipped to handle it alone.Yet research consistently shows young people are much more capable than we think,says professor Anne Smith,directorof New Zealand"s Children"s Issues Centre.“The thing that many adults have difficulty with is that children can"t learn to be grown-up if they"re excluded and protected all the time.”   Educational psychologist Paul Prangley reckons it"s about time the kid gloves came off.He believes parenting has taken on a paranoid(患妄想狂的)edge that"s creating a generation of naive,insecure youngsters whoare subconsciously being taught they"re incapable of handing things by themselves.“Flexibility and the ability to resist pressure and temptation are learned skills,”Prangley explains.“If you wrap kids up in cotton wool and don"t give them the opportunity to take risks,they"re less equipped to make responsible decisions later in life.”   Parents Should Gain Proper Perspective   Sadly,high-profile cases of children being kidnapped and murdered--such as ten-year-old Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman in the United Kingdom;five-year-old Chloe Hoson in Australia,whose body was found just 200 metres from where she lived;and six-year-old Teresa Cormack in New Zealand,who was snatched off the street on her way to school--only serve to reinforce parents"fears.Teresa Cormack"s death,for example,was one of the rare New Zealand cases of random child kidnap.In Australia,the odds of someone under the age of 15 being murdered by a stranger have been estimated at one in four million.A child is at far greater risk from afamily member or someone they know.   However,parental fear is contagious.In one British study,far more children feared an attack by a stranger than being hit by a car.“We are losing our sense of perspective,”write Jan Parker and Jan Stimpson in their parenting book,Raising Happy Children.“Every parent has to negotiate their own route between equipping children with the skills they need to stay safe and not restricting or terrifying them unnecessarily in the process.”   Dr.Claire Freeman,a planning expert at the University of Otago,points to the erosion of community responsibility as another casualty of that mutual distrust.Not so long ago,adults knew all the local kids and werethe informal guardians of the neighbourhood.“Now,particularly if you are a man,you may hesitate to offer help to a lost child for fear your motives might be questioned.”   More Space and More Attention to Kid"s Needs   As a planner in the mid-1990s,Freeman became concerned about the loss of green space to development and the erosion of informal places to play.In a study that looked at how children in the British city of Leeds spent their summer holidays,compared with their parents" childhood experiences,she found the freedom to explore had been severely contracted--in some cases,down to the front yard.Freeman says she cannot remember being inside the house as a child,or being alone.Growing up was about being part of a group.Now a mother offour,Freeman believes the “domestication of play”is robbing kids of their sense of belonging within a society.   Nevertheless,Freeman says children"s needs are starting to get more emphasis.In the Netherlands,child-friendly “home zones”have been created where priority is given to pedestrians,rather than cars.And ponds arebeing incorporated back into housing estates on the principle that children should learn to be safe aroundwater,rather than be surrounded by a barren landscape.After all ,as one of the smarter fosh says in Finding Nemo there"s one problem with nothing ever will.   1.According to Brickland,parents nowadays have changed their____________.   A)standards of the children"s proper dressing   B)worry about the children"s personal safety   C)ways to communicate with children   D)confidence in the children"s ability   2.When Brickland and her sister were little,they kept the home key because_____________.   A)they wanted to be trusted   B)their mother had to work   C)their mother didn"t live at home   D)they were very naughty and wild   3.Mayer Hillman indicates that children now have less and less_____________.   A)space for playing   B)contact with animals   C)concern about others   D)knowledge about nature   4.Paul Tranter finds that eighty percent of the children were allowed to visit places other than school alone in_____________.   A)Australia   B)New Zealand   C)Germany   D)Britain   5.What is ranked by parents as the greatest threat to boys?   A)Gang crimes.   B)Online games.   C)Extreme sports.   D)Dangerous traffics.   6.Bobbie Schultz points out that real learning takes place in______________.   A)on-the-street play   B)adult-organized activities   C)student-centered teaching   D)home and nature   7.What accident had happened to a little girl called Chloe Hoson?   A)She was robbed on her way to school.   B)She was kidnapped and murdered.   C)She fell a victim to domestic violence.   D)She disappeared for no reason.   8.Claire Freeman thinks that lack of mutual trust results in__________________.   9.Freeman concludes that kids are robbed of their sense of belonging to the society by___________________.   10.Netherlands has placed the rights of pedestrians before those of cars in such areas called____________.   答案:   1.[D][定位]首段末句。   解析:题止中的changed与原文该句中的altered为同义词,可见altered的宾语confidence为答案的关键间,在4个选项中,只有D与confidence有关,为本题答案。A中的dressing试图将考生的注意力转移到首段倒数第2句的boxers(四脚裤)和undies(内衣),虽然这两个词比较陌生,但看到该句末的haven"t changed,就无须考虑太多,可以肯定A并非本题答案。其他两个选项的内容在原文并未提及。   2.[B][定位]根据题干中的Brickland, her sister及home key定位到第1个小标题Worry-ridden Parents and Stifled Kids下首段第2句。   解析:原文该句中的表明了与题干要求的同样的因果关系,so前面提到的原因与B相同,因此本题应选B。其他选项均来提及。   3.[A][定位]根据题干中的Mayer Hillman定位到笫1个小标题Worry-ridde Parents and Stifled Kids下第3段第3句。   解析:该句中的contracted与less and less意思相近,与contracted前的play zone   同义的选项为本题答案,因此A为本题答案。要小心B。原文该句中提到的henhouse chickens可能会误导考生选择B.事宴上,henhouse chickens用于比喻受过分保护的小孩,与animals没有关系。   4.[C][定位]根据题干中的allowed to visit places 和school alone定位到第2个小标题Parents Wrap Kids up in Cotton Wool下首段末句。   解析:原文该段提到多个国家的名称,只要按照题干中的eighty percent,再结合选项中的国家名称。应该很快可以确定本题答案为C。   5.[D][定位]根据the greatest threat to boys定位到第2个小标题Parents Wrap Kids up in Cotton Wool下第2段首句。   解析:原文该句while引出的分句明确表明traffic dangers是对男孩最大的安全威胁,D是对traffic dangers的同义改写,为本题答案。   6.[A][定位]根据题干中的Bobbie Schultz和rcal learning定位到第2个小标题Parents Wrap Kids up in Cotton Wool下第3段首句和第3句。   解析:将首句中破折号前后的内容结合起来可以知道playing in the street after school with neighbourhood kids就是真正学到本领的地方。在该段第3句Bobbie Schultz将此简称为on-the-street play,因此A为本题答案。   7.[B][定位]根据题干中的Chloe Hoson定位到第3个小标题Parents Should Gain Proper Perspective下首段首句。   解析:该句笫2个分句中的body暗示Chloe Hoson被murdered(该句开头提到的),因此本题应选B。本段提到的是kidnap和murder,其他选项提到的各种罪案在原文并未提及。   8.[the erosion of community responsibility]   [定位]根据题干中的Claire Freeman和mutual定位到第3个小标题Parents Should Gain Proper Perspective下末段首句。   解析:空白处应为名词(词组)。原文该句中的 another casualty of...,表明mutual distrust导致the erosion of community responsibility,题目中的lack of mutual trust是对mutual distrust的同义改写,由此可见,the erosion of community responsibility为本题答案。   9.[the“domestication of play”]   [定位]根据题干中的Freeman和kids are robbed of their sense定位到最后一个小标题More Space and More Attention to Kids"Needs下首段末句。   解析:空白处应为名词(词组)。对比原文与题目可见,两个句子的语态相反:原文rob为主动语态,而题目中rob为被动语态,两句的主语和宾语位置相反,所以原文rob的主语the“domestication of play”即为本题答案。   10.[child-friendly“home zones”]   [定位]根据题干中的The Netherlands和pedestrians定位到最后一个小标题 More Space and More Attention to Kids" Needs下末段第2句。   解析:空白处应为名词(词组)。题干与原文中where引出的定语从句内容相同,两句对比可见.题目中缺少了原句中的主语child-friendly“home zones”。
2023-06-10 18:15:441


shorts[英][ʃɔ:ts][美][ʃɔ:rts]n.(从事运动或天气炎热时穿的)短裤; <美>男人的短内裤; 电影短片; 短裤( short的名词复数 ); 短路; 缺乏;例句:1.I have technical shirts and shorts and socks.2.Students played hackeysack in t-shirts and shorts.学生们穿着t恤和短裤在玩沙包。3.Next month, maybe we will play in our shorts and t-shirts!下个月,我们也许会穿着短裤和t恤玩儿!4.Would you take a guy seriously if he wore shorts to the office?一个穿着短裤在办公室里的男人,你会把他当真吗?5.Just 24 hours prior, we had been basking in sunshine wearing only t-shirtsand shorts.仅仅在24个小时之前,我们还穿着t恤短裤沐浴在阳光下。
2023-06-10 18:15:534


随着路边炸弹威力增强,腹股沟部位及下半身受伤的人数不断攀升,具保护功能的裤子不久可能变成士兵的重要装备。军事配件供应商“BCB国际”近期将开始贩售“炸弹平角裤”(blast boxers)给一般民众,一件由克维拉(Kevlar)纤维制成的平角裤售价不到60英镑。英国国防部正考虑一种以密织丝衬垫保护最脆弱部分的款式。以这种织法,丝料十分坚韧,却比克维拉更有弹性。根据该公司主管,克维拉面料制成的内裤无法保护直接站在大威力土制炸弹上方的军人,但能防止炸弹的微小碎片造成伤害。
2023-06-10 18:17:371


1. one day, two call self is the first under heaven boxer arrives the forest competition, you thought which wins? Looks at your original story! After chooses the boxer who you want to help to start to play, listens to the recording choice answer, if replies correctly, opposite party can overthrow by you. Otherwise, you choose the boxer can overthrow by opposite party, each topic only then 10 seconds do answer. 2. who do do to the topic many moreover uses the time few is the victory.
2023-06-10 18:17:537

Challenge everything是什么意思

Challengeeverything的中文翻译  Challengeeverything  挑战一切  双语例句  1  Mentallychallengeeverythingnotvocallyparticularlytheassumptionsthatarebuiltintothesituation.  在精神上质疑一切而不是口头上特别是那些对形势的预设。  2  Bothbusinessesfacealargerchallenge:Willenoughpeoplebewillingtoshareeverythingfromacademicawardstothebrandofboxerstheywear?  两家公司都还面临着一个更大的挑战:到底有没有足够多的人愿意分享从学业成绩到平角内裤品牌的一切信息?
2023-06-10 18:18:201


2023-06-10 18:18:438


纽卡斯尔RomanThe first settlement in what is now Newcastle was Pons Aelius, a Roman fort and bridge across the River Tyne and given the family name of the Roman Emperor Hadrian who founded it in the 2nd century AD. The population of Pons Aelius at this period was estimated at 2,000. Hadrian"s Wall is still visible in parts of Newcastle, particularly along the West Road. The course of the "Roman Wall" can also be traced eastwards to the Segedunum Roman fort in Wallsend - the wall"s end and to the supply fort Arbeia in South Shields. The extent of Hadrian"s Wall was 73 miles (117 km), spanning the width of Britain; the wall incorporated Agricola"s Ditch[9] and was constructed primarily to prevent unwanted immigration from the north, not as a fighting line for a major invasion.[10]Anglo-Saxon and NormanBlackgate, part of Newcastle Castle.After the Roman departure from Britain, completed in 410, Newcastle became part of the powerful Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Northumbria, and became known throughout this period as Monkchester.[11] After a series of conflicts with the Danes and the devastation north of the River Tyne inflicted by Odo of Bayeux after the 1080 rebellion against the Normans, Monkchester was all but destroyed. Because of its strategic position, Robert Curthose, son of William the Conqueror, erected a wooden castle there in the year 1080 and the town was henceforth known as Novum Castellum or New Castle.Middle AgesThroughout the Middle Ages, Newcastle was England"s northern fortress. A 25-foot (7.6 m) high stone wall was built around the town in the 13th century, to defend it from invaders during the Border war against Scotland. The Scots king William the Lion was imprisoned in Newcastle in 1174, and Edward I brought the Stone of Scone and William Wallace south through the town. Newcastle was successfully defended against the Scots three times during the 14th century, and was created a county corporate with its own sheriff by Henry IV in 1400.16th to 19th centuryFrom 1530 a royal act restricted all shipments of coal from Tyneside to Newcastle Quayside, giving a monopoly in the coal trade to a cartel of Newcastle burgesses known as the Hostmen. This monopoly, which lasted for a considerable time, helped Newcastle prosper, but it had its impact on the growth of near-neighbours Sunderland, causing a Tyneside and a Wearside rivalry that still exists. In the Sandgate area, to the east of the city and beside the river, resided the close-knit community of keelmen and their families. They were so called because they worked on the keels, boats that were used to transfer coal from the river banks to the waiting colliers, for export to London and elsewhere.An engraving by William Miller of Newcastle in 1832During the English Civil War, Newcastle supported the king and in 1644 was stormed ("with roaring drummes") by Cromwell"s Scots allies, based in pro-Parliament Sunderland. The grateful King bestowed the motto "Fortiter Defendit Triumphans" ("Triumphing by a brave defence") upon the town. Ironically, Charles was imprisoned in Newcastle by the Scots in 1646-7.In the 18th century, Newcastle was the country"s fourth largest print centre after London, Oxford and Cambridge, and the Literary and Philosophical Society of 1793, with its erudite debates and large stock of books in several languages, predated the London Library by half a century. Newcastle also became a glass producer with a reputation for brilliant flint glass.[12]Newcastle"s development as a major city, however, owed most to its central role in the export of coal. The phrase taking coals to Newcastle was first recorded in 1538. In the 19th century, shipbuilding and heavy engineering were central to the city"s prosperity; and the city was a powerhouse of the Industrial Revolution. Innovation in Newcastle and surrounding areas included the development of safety lamps, Stephenson"s Rocket, Lord Armstrong"s artillery, Be-Ro flour, Joseph Swan"s electric light bulbs, and Charles Parsons" invention of the steam turbine, which led to the revolution of marine propulsion and the production of cheap electricity.20th centuryHeavy industries in Newcastle declined in the second half of the 20th century; office and retail employment are now the city"s staples.The development of the city in the 1960s and 1970s saw the demolition of part of Grainger Town as a prelude to the modernist rebuilding initiatives of T. Dan Smith, the leader of Newcastle City Council. A corruption scandal was uncovered involving Smith and John Poulson, a property developer, and both were jailed. Echoes of the scandal were revisited in the late 1990s in the BBC TV mini-series, Our Friends in the North.天津The land where Tianjin lies today was created in historical times by sedimentation of various rivers entering the sea at bay area of Bohai (渤海湾), including the Yellow River, which entered the sea in this area at one point.The opening of the Grand Canal of China during the Sui Dynasty prompted the development of Tianjin into a trading center. Until 1404, Tianjin was called "Zhigu" (直沽), or "Straight Port". In that year, the Emperor Yong le renamed the city Tianjin, literally means "the Heavenly Ford", to indicate that the Emperor (son of heaven) forded the river at that point. This is because he had indeed forded the river in Tianjin while on a campaign to scramble for the throne from his nephew. Later on, a fort was established in Tianjin, known as "Tianjin Wei" (simplified Chinese: 天津卫; traditional Chinese: 天津卫; pinyin: Tiānjīnwèi), the Fort of Tianjin.Tianjin was promoted to a prefecture in 1725. Tianjin County was established under the prefecture in 1731.In 1856, Chinese soldiers boarded The Arrow, a Chinese-owned ship registered in Hong Kong flying the British flag and suspected of piracy, smuggling and of being engaged in the opium trade. They captured 12 men and imprisoned them. In response, the British and French sent gunboats under the command of Admiral Sir Michael Seymour to capture the Dagu forts (大沽炮台) near Tianjin in May 1858. At the end of the first part of the Second Opium War in June of the same year, the Treaties of Tianjin were signed, which opened Tianjin to foreign trade. The treaties were ratified by the Emperor of China in 1860, and Tianjin was formally opened to the outside world. Between 1895 and 1900, Britain and France were joined by Japan, Germany and Russia, and even by countries without other Chinese concessions such as Austria-Hungary, Italy and Belgium, in establishing self-contained concessions in Tianjin, each with its own prisons, schools, barracks and hospitals.The presence of foreign influence in Tianjin was not always peaceful; one of the most serious violent incidents to take place was the Tianjin Church Incident (天津教案). In June 1870, Wang hai lou Church (T: 望海楼教堂 / S: 望海楼教堂) in Tianjin, built by French Roman Catholic missionaries, was accused of the kidnapping and brainwash Chinese children. The rumor has that nuns were preserving children"s eyes (it seems that the confusion came from the jars of pickle with small onions in the kitchen). On June 21, the magistrate of Tianjin County initiated a showdown at the church that developed into violent clashes between the church"s Christian supporters and non-Christian Tianjin residents. The furious protestors eventually burned down Wanghailou Church and the nearby French consulate. After the incident, France and six other Western nations complained to the Qing government, which was forced to pay compensation for the incident.In June 1900, the Boxers were able to seize control of much of Tianjin. On June 26, belligerent European forces heading towards Beijing were stopped by Boxers at nearby Langfang, and were defeated and forced to turn back to Tianjin. The foreign concessions also came under siege for several weeks.In July 1900, the Eight Nation United Army attacked and occupied Tianjin. They soon established the Tianjin Provisional Government, composed of representatives from each of the occupying forces (Russian, British, Japanese, German, French, American, Austro-Hungarian, and Italian). Tianjin was governed by this council until August 15, 1902 when the city was returned to Qing control. Eminent Qing General Yuan Shikai headed efforts to remake Tianjin into a modern city, establishing the first modern Chinese police force here.Tianjin was established as a municipality of China(直辖市) in 1927.Western nations were permitted to garrison the area to ensure open access to Peking. The British maintained a brigade of two battalions there, and the Italians, French, Japanese, Germans, Russians, and Austro-Hungarians maintained understrength regiments; the United States did not initially participate. During World War I, the German and Austro-Hungarian garrisons were captured and held as Prisoners of War by Allied Forces while the Bolshevik government withdrew the Russian garrison in 1918. In 1920, the remaining participating nations asked the United States to join them, and the US then sent the 15th Infantry Regiment, less one battalion, to Tientsin from the Philippines.Garrison duty was highly regarded by the troops. General George C Marshall, the "architect of victory" in World War II when he was the United States Army Chief of Staff, served at Tientsin in the 1920s as Executive Officer of the 15th Infantry. The US withdrew this unit in 1938 and a US presence was maintained only by the dispatch of a small US Marine Corps contingent from the Embassy Guard at Peking.On July 30, 1937, Tianjin fell to Japan, as part of the Second Sino-Japanese War, but was not entirely occupied, as the Japanese for the most part respected foreign concessions until 1941, when the American and British concessions were occupied. In the summer of 1939, there occurred a major crisis in Anglo-Japanese relations with the Tientsin Incident. On June 14, 1939, the Imperial Japanese Army surrounded and blockaded the British concession over the refusal of the British authorities to hand over to the Japanese six Chinese who had assassinated a locally prominent Japanese collaborator, and had taken refuge in the British concession. For a time, the 1939 crisis appeared likely to cause an Anglo-Japanese war, especially when reports of the maltreatment by the Japanese Army of British subjects wishing to leave or enter the concession appeared in the British press. The crisis ended when the British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain was advised by the Royal Navy and the Foreign Office that the only way to force the Japanese to lift the blockade was to send the main British battle fleet to Far Eastern waters, and that given the current crisis in Europe that it would be inappropriate to send the British fleet out of European waters, thus leading the British to finally turn over the six Chinese, who were then executed by the Japanese. During the Japanese occupation, Tianjin was ruled by the North China Executive Committee, a puppet state based in Beijing.On August 9, 1940, all of the British troops in Tianjin were ordered to withdraw. On November 14, 1941 the American Marine unit stationed in Tianjin was ordered to leave, but before this could be accomplished, the Japanese attacked the United States. The small 47 man American Marine detachment surrendered to the Japanese on December 8, 1941. Only the Italian and French concessions (the local French officials were loyal to Vichy) were allowed to continue by the Japanese. Japanese occupation lasted until August 15, 1945, the surrender of Japan marking the end of World War II.Gate monument (paifang) extolling ConfuciusAfter 1945, Tianjin became base to American forces. In December 1946, the rape of a Beiping (北平)(now Beijing(北京)) female university student by an American soldier, together with a series of rapes that had previously occurred in Tianjin, sparked protests in Tianjin that culminated in a demonstration on January 1, 1947, involving thousands of students. American troops pulled out of Tianjin in June 1947.Communist forces took Tianjin on January 15, 1949, following a 29-hour long battle. After the communist takeover, Tianjin remained a municipality of China, except between 1958 and 1967, when it became part of Hebei province and its capital. The Tangshan earthquake of 1976 killed 23,938 people in Tianjin and wrought heavy damage on the city.After China began to open up in the late 1970s, Tianjin has seen rapid development, though it is now lagging behind other important cities like Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou. Tianjin is now home to the Binhai New Area, a Pudong-like special economic zone that is supposed to balance out Shanghai"s obvious commercial superiority.
2023-06-10 18:18:591


“著名”的英文说法:famous 读法:英["feu026amu0259s] 美["femu0259s] 释义:adj.著名的;极好的,非常令人满意的famousfor驰名 famousbrand名牌 FamousPersons风云人物例句:1、ThepassageisalsofamousbecauseinitMiltondoessomethingthathealmostneverdoes.Miltonhasmadeamistake.这篇文章有名也是因为弥尔顿做了一些,他几乎从未做过的事,弥尔顿犯了一个错误。2、Thewayhedidalotofprintsandyouknow,famous,likecelebritiesandpop,likebasicallythepopart。他的画,是很有名的,就像社会名流和流行音乐,基本上是流行艺术。扩展资料famous的近义词:noted 读法:英["nu0259u028atu026ad] 美["notu026ad] 释义:1、adj.显著的;附有乐谱的2、v.注意;记下(note的过去式和过去分词)短语:1、beingnoted被注意2、notedsights名胜3、NotedPad便条纸4、Notedthanks表示感谢5、closelynoted密切注意
2023-06-10 18:19:082


2023-06-10 18:19:242


head office 总公司;总行 head on 迎面地 head for 前往;出发;取向于 head off 阻止;转移方向 cylinder head 气缸盖 head coach 主教练;总教练 water head n. 水头(水源);水压;水位差;落差 at the head of 在…的最前面;获最多的选票;在…的前面 head of state 国家元首 head up 领导;抬高;加盖子于 head injury 头部伤害 head down 开往;朝向;向下 head out 头向外;出海;片头就位,片头朝外 head start 领先;抢先起步的优势;有利的开端 big head 大头,大头鱼;大骨头病 head into 走向 department head 部门主管;系主任 from head to toe 遍布全身;从头到脚 have a head 头痛 head back 调头,回去 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】
2023-06-10 18:19:451

求历史问题 用英文的

2023-06-10 18:20:034

拳王 英文怎样说

2023-06-10 18:20:126

翻译:”仁 义 礼 智 信”五个字!

benevolence仁 justice 义 courtesy礼 wisdom 智 trust 信
2023-06-10 18:20:4214


  boxer 英[u02c8bu0252ksu0259(r)] 美[u02c8bɑ:ksu0259(r)]  n. (尤指职业) 拳击手; 拳师狗; 装箱者,装箱工;  [例句]The boxer saw his chance and struck out at his opponent"s jaw.  那位拳击手看准了机会,猛击对手的下颚。  [其他] 复数:boxers
2023-06-10 18:21:171


2023-06-10 18:21:461

get your boxers in a bunch是什么意思?

2023-06-10 18:22:042


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片名:福建少林拳别名:福建少林寺/Shaolin Boxers原名:Fu jian Shaolin quan类型:动作片长:90分钟年代:1974国家/地区:中国香港语言:粤语导演:黄达主演:李天鹰,田蜜,马剑棠 制作公司:嘉氏影业(香港)公司 [中国香港]发行公司:北京橙天嘉禾影视制作有限公司 [中国香港]
2023-06-10 18:22:461

Colin Linden的《The Boxer》 歌词

歌曲名:The Boxer歌手:Colin Linden专辑:Intolerable CrueltyEditors - The BoxerA Bruisful Blue Play fights with the starsThis Place is our prisonIt sells the pastSo take me to townI wanna dance with the cityShow me something ugly,Show me something prettyDamn this place makes a boy out of meThe Rain meets my face by the ?An Unwanted sun pulls rank in the skyThe Boxer isn"t finishedHe"s not ready to dieI"m attracted to the lightI"m attracted to the heatIt"s a violent nightThere are boxers in the streetAnd damn this place makes a boy out of meThe rain meets my Face before an oak treeDazed in the final rounds
2023-06-10 18:22:591


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中文释义: 1.锻炼身体,做运动2.成功地发展3.理解4.算出,解决,慢慢地想出5.制定出,拟定出6.挖尽,开采光同义词:compute,cypher,figure,calculate,reckon,cipher;elaborate;figure out,lick,puzzle out,solve,work;work up;exercise;exercise,work。英语句子The boxers are working out at the gym.拳击手们正在体育馆里训练。The basketball players are working out at the gym篮球运动员们正在体育馆进行练习。
2023-06-10 18:24:141


2023-06-10 18:24:234


超级男孩 —— "N Sync 主要成员: 全名:Joseph Anthony Fatone 生日: 1977年1月28日 星座:水瓶座 出生地:纽约布鲁克林区 嗜好:跳舞、电影、唱歌及调情 喜欢女生类型:黛咪摩尔Demi Moore 喜爱用语:Burrrt!(无特殊意义,但一定要大大声说) 喜爱歌手、团体:The Temptations, Supremes, Boyz Ⅱ Men 内衣品牌:Fruit Of The Loom 喜爱运动:除了溜冰及跳舞外一窍不通 讨厌:配有塔塔酱的牛排、无知的人 会引他发笑的电影:“一只叫汪达的的鱼” “A Fish Called Wanda” 优点:乐观主义 影响你最深的人:Frankie Lynn、Boyz Ⅱ Men 让你害臊的事:被称赞 最想改变自己的…:大脚丫 收集品:超人相关产品 坏习惯:咬指甲 最喜欢的节日:圣诞节 全名:James Lance Bass 生日: 1979年5月4日 星座:金牛座 出生地:密西西比州月桂市(Laurel-Mississippi) 喜欢女生类型:珍妮佛安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston) 内衣品牌:Tasmanian Devil Boxers 梦中情人:有趣、经得起玩笑话、爱冒险、可爱善良 喜爱食物:法国土司 讨厌:先入为主的人、蘑菇 影响你最深的人:Garth Brooks、Boyz Ⅱ Men 会令你害臊的事:赞美 最想改变自己的:长高点 收集:照片、旧慢画书、邮票、老式小刀、枪 做过最大胆的事:在森林中找杀人凶手 最恐惧的事:任何会嗡嗡想的东西 最喜欢的节日:圣诞节 全名:Joshua Scott Chasez 生日:1976年8月8号 星座:狮子座 出生地:美国华盛顿特区 嗜好:作曲、写歌、睡觉 喜欢女生类型:娜欧蜜坎贝儿(Naomi Campbell) 内衣品牌:汤米赫菲格(Tommy Hilfiger) 喜爱男演员:哈理逊福特(Harrison Ford) 喜爱食物:中国菜 喜爱音乐:节奏蓝调、灵魂 座右铭:己所不欲勿施于人Treat people how you wanna be treated. 热中事物:是个狗痴 影响你最深的人:Sting、Seal、Stevie Wonder,很多耶 会让你脸红的事:想不出来,但是可以确定的是有很多 最想改变自己的地方:不要那么固执,像条牛一样 收集品:Hard Rock Cafe的菜单 做过最大胆的事:从两层楼高上跳下来 最恐惧的事:我恨针 坏习惯:咬指甲 做过最笨的事:油漆未干的地板就这样给他踩上去 最喜欢的节日:圣诞节 全名:Justin Randall Timberlake 生日: 1981年1月31日 星座:水瓶座 出生地:美国田纳西州孟菲斯市(Memphis-Tennessee) 小名:跳跳(Bounce)、卷毛(Curly)、宝宝(the Baby) 喜爱食物:义大利通心粉、喜瑞儿 喜爱女演员:珊卓布拉克(Sandra Bullock) 喜欢的歌星、团体:Babyface、Jimi Hendrix 喜爱用语:Crunk!(疯狂的意思) 内衣品牌:Tommy Hilfiger 偶像:麦克乔登Michael Jordan 优点:是个好听众 兴趣:篮球、游泳 坏习惯:打嗝 最自豪自己身体的那部分:手 最讨厌自己那部分:头发,因为太卷了 令你脸红的事:被赞美 影响你最大的人:Brian McKnight、Take 6 宠物:一只狗、一只猫 最想改变自己的…:耐心、拖拉 收集:运动鞋 做过最大胆的事:高空弹跳 最恐惧的事:死时没人爱 做过最心虚的事:骗老师 最喜欢的节日:圣诞节
2023-06-10 18:24:381


请问1号登机口在哪?Excuse me, where is boarding gate one?2.请问航班CZ623(航班号)在哪换登机牌?Hi, where can I get the boarding pass for flight CZ623?3.我在何处可取得行李?Where can I get my baggage/luggage?4.这些是我私人使用的东西。These are for personal use5.旅游咨询中心在那里?Where is tourist information?6.是否可建议一间较为廉价的旅馆?Can you recommend an economical hotel?7.是否有机场巴士可到市区?Is there a bus to the city?8.是否有每晚花费在50美元以下的饭店?Is there a hotel that costs under 50 dollars a night?9.巴士站牌(出租车招呼站)在那里?Where is the bus stop(taxi stand)?10.是否可建议一家位于市中心的旅馆?Could you recommend a hotel in center city?住宿篇1.我要早上8:00设定电话叫醒。I would like to have a morning call at 8:00 in the morning.2.我要食物送到房间的服务。I"d like to order room service, please.3.我要单人房。I"d like a single room.4.我要两张床的房间。I"d like a double room.5.我要在702房多加一张床。I"d like an extra bed for room 702.6.退房的适合时间?What is the time for check-out?7.我想订房。I would like to book a room.8.我要订一间双人房从(日期)到(日期)I"d like to book a double room for 3 nights from ...(日期)日期).9.双人床一晚多少呢?How much is a double room for one night?10.你的房间已经预定成功。Your booking is confirmed.11.有饭店的巴士在机场接送吗?Do you have a bus service to and from the airport?12.你可以带我到我的房间吗?Could you show me my room?13.紧急出口和楼梯在那里?Where is the emergency exit and staircase?14.床单很脏。The sheets are dirty.15.我房间没有热水。There"s no hot water in my room.16.我会晚一点到达,请保留所预订的房间。I"m going to be arriving late, but please keep my reservation.17.我想要一间视野好(有阳台)的房间。I"d like a room with a nice view (a balcony).18.餐厅几点开始营业?When does the dining room open?19.早餐几点开始供应?When is breakfast served?20.是否可代为保管贵重物品?Could you keep my valuables?21.我要退房。I"d like to check out.22.请送给我一些冰块和水。Please bring me some ice and water.23.冷气(电视、灯)无法开启。The air-conditioner (TV、light) doesn"t work.24.这附近有青年旅社吗?Is there a hostel around here?觅食篇1.你好,我们有2位。Hi, a table for two, please.2.我们想坐在靠窗的位子。We prefer to sit by the window.3.我可以坐这个位子吗?Can I take this seat?4.我可以要冰水吗?May I have some ice water?5.请给我菜单。May I have a menu?6.是否有中文菜单?Do you have a menu in chinese?7.这里最受欢迎的餐点是什么呢﹖What is the most popular dish here?8.不要辣椒Not spicy.9.可以再帮我加点水吗?Can I have some more water?9.买单Check, please?交通篇1.这里有从机场去市中心的巴士吗?Is there an airport bus to center city?2.巴士车站在哪里?Where is the bus stop?3.乘计程车到市中心需要多少钱?How much does it cost to take a taxi to center city?4.不用找钱了。Keep the change.5.请拉我去这个地址。Take me to this address, please.6.到市中心需要多长时间?How long does it take to go to center city?7.请停在这里。stop here, please.8.几点发车?What time is the departure?9.在哪里买票?Where can I get a ticket?10.我想到(地名),请问要多少钱?How much is it to (地名)?购物篇1.我可以试穿这个吗?May I try this on?2.这免税吗?Is this tax free?3.我可不可以用信用卡付帐(银联卡)?Can I pay by credit card(UnionPay)?4.太贵了,打个折吧?It"s too expensive. How about a discount?5.你能卖便宜一点吗?Can you come down a little bit?6.不能再便宜了吗?Is this your final price?7.我要大一点的。I"d like one size up.8.我要买这个。I"ll take this one.9.我要在哪里换钱?Where can I change money?10.收银台在哪里?Where is the cashier?11.哪里有自助取款机?Where is the ATM?
2023-06-10 18:25:002


乔治·巴顿-美国陆军四星上将,号称“铁胆将军”。他是一个暴戾的军神,他既可以一边信仰上帝和天国,一边对着血肉横飞的战场吟诵诗篇;一边逼迫成千上万的士兵完成超越体力极限的战斗人物,一边在伤员的床边为他默默祈祷;战场上,巴顿用他那极富特性的粗俗的语言激发士兵的斗志……一个琢磨不透的战争疯子,一个用兵如神的五星上将。本演讲是影片《巴顿将军》中开场,巴顿对第三集团军的士兵们的演讲,极为鼓舞士气,根据巴顿将军的真实演讲改编。 Now, I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country. Men, all this stuff you"ve heard about America not wanting to fight, wanting to stay out of the war, is a lot of horse dung. Americans, traditionally, love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle. When you were kids, you all admired the champion marble shooter, the fastest runner, the big league ball players, the toughest boxers. Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time. I wouldn"t give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed. That"s why Americans have never lost and will never lose a war. Because the very thought of losing is hateful to Americans. Now, an army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a bunch of crap. The bilious bastards who wrote that stuff about individuality for the Saturday Evening Post don"t know anything more about real battle than they do about fornicating. Now, we have the finest food and equipment, the best spirit, and the best men in the world. You know, by God, I actually pity those poor bastards we"re going up against. By God, I do. We"re not just going to shoot the bastards. We"re going to cut out their living guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks. We"re going to murder those lousy Hun bastards by the bushel. Now, some of you boys, I know, are wondering whether or not you"ll chicken-out under fire. Don"t worry about it. I can assure you that you will all do your duty. The Nazis are the enemy. Wade into them. Spill their blood. Shoot them in the belly. When you put your hand into a bunch of goo that a moment before was your best friend"s face, you"ll know what to do. Now there"s another thing I want you to remember. I don"t want to get any messages saying that we are holding our position. We"re not holding anything. Let the Hun do that. We are advancing constantly and we"re not interested in holding onto anything -- except the enemy. We"re going to hold onto him by the nose, and we"re gonna kick him in the ass. We"re gonna kick the hell out of him all the time, and we"re gonna go through him like crap through a goose! Now, there"s one thing that you men will be able to say when you get back home -- and you may thank God for it. Thirty years from now when you"re sitting around your fireside with your grandson on your knee, and he asks you, "What did you do in the great World War Two?" -- you won"t have to say, "Well, I shoveled shit in Louisiana." Alright now you sons-of-bitches, you know how I feel. Oh, I will be proud to lead you wonderful guys into battle anytime, anywhere. That"s all. 弟兄们:我要你们记住,没有哪个杂种是靠“为国捐躯”来赢得一场战争的。要赢得战争,靠的是让敌国那些可怜的杂种为他们的国家捐躯。 最近有些小道消息,说我们美国人对这次战争想置身事外,缺乏斗志。那全是一堆臭狗屎!美国人从来就喜欢打仗。真正的美国人喜欢战场上的刀光剑影。你们今天在这里,有三个原因。一,你们来这,是为了保卫家乡和亲人。二,你们来这,是为了荣誉,因为你此时不想在其他任何地方。三,你们来这,是因为你们是真正的男子汉,真正的男子汉都喜欢打仗。 当今天在座的各位还都是孩子的时候,大家就崇拜弹球冠军、短跑健将、拳击好手和职业球员。美国人热爱胜利者。美国人对失败者从不宽恕。美国人蔑视懦夫。美国人既然参赛,就要赢。我对那种输了还笑的人嗤之以鼻。正因如此,美国人迄今尚未打输过一场战争,将来也不会输。一个真正的美国人,连失败的念头,都会恨之入骨。 一个战斗队是个集体。大家在那集体里一起吃饭,一起睡觉,一起战斗。所谓的个人英雄主义是一堆马粪。那些胆汁过剩、整日在星期六晚间邮报上拉马粪的家伙,对真正战斗的了解,并不比他们搞女人的知识多。 我们有世界上最好的给养、最好的武器设备、最旺盛的斗志和最棒的战士。说实在地,我真可怜那些将和我们作战的狗杂种们。真地。 我麾下的将士从不投降。我不想听到我手下的任何战士被俘的消息,除非他们先受了伤。 即便受了伤,你同样可以还击。这不是吹大牛。我愿我的部下,都象在利比亚作战时的一位我军少尉。当时一个德国鬼子用手枪顶着他胸膛,他甩下钢盔,一只手拨开手枪,另只手抓住钢盔,把那鬼子打得七窍流血。然后,他拾起手枪,在其他鬼子反应过来之前,击毙了另一个鬼子。在此之前,他的一侧肺叶已被一颗子弹洞穿。这,才是一个真正的男子汉! 不是所有的英雄都象传奇故事里描述的那样。军中每个战士都扮演一个重要角色。千万不要吊儿郎当,以为自己的任务无足轻重。每个人都有自己的任务,而且必须做好。每个人都是一条长链上的必不可少的环节。大家可以设想一下,如果每个卡车司机都突然决定,不愿再忍受头顶呼啸的炮弹的威胁,胆怯起来,跳下车去,一头栽到路旁的水沟中躲起来,那会产生什么样的后果。这个懦弱的狗杂种可以给自己找借口:“管他娘的,没我地球照样转,我不过是千万分之一。”但如果每个人都这样想呢?到那时,我们怎么办?我们的国家、亲人甚至整个世界会是怎么一个样子?不,他奶奶的,美国人不那样想。每个人都应完成他的任务。每个人都应对集体负责。每个部门,每个战斗队,对整个战争的宏伟篇章,都是重要的。 弹药武器人员让我们枪有所发,炮有所射。没有后勤人员给我们送衣送饭,我们就会饥寒交迫,因为在我们要去作战的地方,已经无可偷抢。指挥部的所有人员,都各有所用,即使是个只管烧水帮我们洗去征尘的勤务兵。 每个战士不能只想着自己,也要想着身边一起出生入死的战友。我们军队容不得胆小鬼。 所有的胆小鬼都应象耗子一样被斩尽杀绝。否则,战后他们就会溜回家去,生出更多的胆小鬼来。老子英雄儿好汉,老子懦夫儿软蛋。干掉所有狗日的胆小鬼,我们的国家将是勇士的天下。 我所见过的最勇敢的好汉,是在突尼斯一次激烈的战斗中,爬到电话竿上的一个通讯兵。我正好路过,便停下问他,在这样危险的时候爬到那么高的地方瞎折腾什么?他答道:“在修理线路,将军。”我问:“这个时候不是太危险了吗?”他答道:“是危险,将军,但线路不修不行啊。”我问:“敌机低空扫射,不打扰你吗?”他答:“敌机不怎么打扰,将军,你倒是打扰得一塌糊涂。”弟兄们,那才是真正的男子汉,真正的战士。他全心全意地履行自己的职责,不管那职责当时看起来多么地不起眼,不管情况有多危险。还有那些通往突尼斯的路上的卡车司机们,他们真了不起。他们没日没夜,行驶在那狗娘养的破路上,从不停歇,从不偏向,把四处开花的炮弹当成伴奏。我们能顺利前进,全靠这些天不怕地不怕的美国硬汉。这些司机中,有人连续开车已经超过四十小时。他们不属战斗部队,但他们同样是军人,有重要的任务要完成。 任务他们是完成了,而且完成得真他娘的棒!他们是大集体的一部分。如果没有大家的共同努力,没有他们,那场战斗可能就输掉了。只因所有环节都各司其职,各尽其责,整个链条才坚不可破。 大家要记住,算我没来过这里。千万不要在信件里提及我。按理说,我是死是活,对外界要保密,我既不统率第三集团军,更不在英国。让那些狗日的德国佬第一个发现吧! 我希望有一天看到,那些狗杂种们屁滚尿流,哀鸣道:“我的天哪!又是那挨千刀的第三集团军!又是那狗娘养的巴顿!” 我们已经迫不及待了。早一日收拾掉万恶的德国鬼子,我们就能早一日掉转枪口,去端日本鬼子的老巢。如果我们不抓紧,功劳就会全让狗娘养的海军陆战队抢去了。 是的,我们是想早日回家。我们想让这场战争早日结束。最快的办法,就是干掉燃起这场战争的狗杂种们。早一日把他们消灭干净,我们就可以早一日凯旋。回家的捷径,要通过柏林和东京。到了柏林,我要亲手干掉那个纸老虎、狗杂种希特勒,就象干掉一条蛇! 我不想听到报告说,“我们在坚守阵地。”我们不坚守任何见鬼的阵地。让德国鬼子坚守去吧。我们要一刻不停地进攻,除了敌人的卵子,我们对其它任何目标都不感兴趣。 我们要扭住敌人的卵子不放,打得他们魂魄离窍。我们的基本作战计划,是前进前进再前进,不管要从敌人身上身下爬过去,还是要从他们身体中钻过去。我们要象挤出鹅肠或小号的屎那样执著,那样无孔不入! 有时免不了有人会抱怨,说我们对战士要求太严,太不近情理。让那些抱怨见鬼去吧! 我坚信一条金玉良言,就是“一杯汗水,会挽救一桶鲜血。”我们进攻得越坚决,就会消灭越多的德国鬼子。我们消灭的德国鬼子越多,我们自己人死得就会越少。进攻意味着更少的伤亡。我希望大家牢牢记住这一点。 凯旋回家后,今天在座的弟兄们都会获得一种值得夸耀的资格。二十年后,你会庆幸自己参加了此次世界大战。到那时,当你在壁炉边,孙子坐在你的膝盖上,问你:“爷爷,你在第二次世界大战时干什么呢?”你不用尴尬地干咳一声,把孙子移到另一个膝盖上,吞吞吐吐地说:“啊……爷爷我当时在路易斯安那铲粪。”与此相反,弟兄们,你可以直盯着他的眼睛,理直气壮地说:“孙子,爷爷我当年在第三集团军和那个狗娘养的乔治·巴顿并肩作战!”
2023-06-10 18:25:101

Deepside -- Booty Music原版歌词(除非你听清了)

我用360网站上的 翻译的  shaguar qq:116014731  只听欧美滴!  当了这样的对话(潮潮)  女孩,我要你在我的屋子里了  我想让你上去攻击那堵墙  把你扔在床上,把你的衣服脱了衣服了)  每个人都不喜欢它缓慢迟钝()  我想其中一个民间  让我们开始吧(找)  (去做)  到它(得到)  再  有点crunk和我要离开这个场面  玩个尽兴,  我曾经有一个镜头,良好的petrone  我喜欢我的拳击手鲍比·琼斯  每一个
2023-06-10 18:25:184


adj. 1.赤裸的 2.光秃秃的,叶子掉光的 3.空的,无装饰的 4.【仅用于名词前】仅有的,勉强的,最低限度的 v. 及物动词:使暴露,使赤裸,露出 词形变化:形容词比较级:barer,barest;名词:bareness;时态:bared,bared,baring,bares。 同义词:unfinished;unsheathed;desolate,barren,bleak,stark;plain,spare,unembellished,unornamented;denudate,denude,strip;air,publicise,publicize;marginal;mere,simple;stripped。 反义词:sheathed;covered。 单词分析:这些形容词都含“裸露的”之意。 bare:指缺少必要的遮盖物。用于人时,多指身体的部分裸露。 naked:指全身一丝不挂,暴露无遗。 bald:指头上无发,山坡无树无草,树顶无叶。 barren:着重缺少肥力或生活能力,无草无木,荒瘠不毛。英语句子 Quite bare 空无所有 To bare the breast 敞胸露怀 A bare mountain 光秃秃的山 To fight bare-handed 徒手博战 boxers fighting bare - knuckle. 裸露手指而搏斗的拳击运动员英语解释 lacking a surface finish such as paint not having a protective covering providing no shelter or sustenance相似短语 bare-breasted n. 光着上身 bare bone phr. 准系统 bare-ass adj. 赤条条的 bare-knuckled adj. 混乱的 bare infinitive phr. 不带to的不定式,原形动词,动词原型相似单词 bare adj. 1.赤裸的 2.光秃秃的,叶子掉光的 3.空的,无装饰的 4.【仅用于名词前】仅有的,勉强的,最低限度的 v. [T]使暴露,使赤裸,露出 bare-board adj. 空板子 bare-chested adj. 敞胸 bare-headed n. 光头 bareback a. 无鞍的 ad. 不用马鞍地
2023-06-10 18:25:241


blow sth away 彻底击垮,彻底解决或打败某物。 1. The invention of the telephone blew away all other methods of communication. 电话的发明超越了其他所有通信手段。 2. Our soccer team got blow away in the final. 我们的足球队在决赛中被击败了。 blow someone away 把别人给震了,让人非常震惊。 1. Our dragon boat team this year is so good that we"re going to blow all of the other teams away in the upcoming race. 今年我们的队伍实力非常强,接下来的比赛了我们绝对会让其他队伍感到震惊的。 2. The young boy blew his teachers away with his intelligence. 这个少年太聪明了,令老师们很震惊。 blow it 把某件事彻底搞砸了。 1. This is your chance to make the team,don"t blow it. 这可是你最后一个机会,要想进入那只队伍的话,你可千万别搞砸了。 2. I blew my chances with Tina when I told her she looked fat. 我把和蒂娜交往的机会通通搞砸了,因为我告诉她说我认为她有点胖。 blow a shot 因为说错话或办错事而丧失了机会,把事情搞砸了。 1. I blew my shot to be in the movie when I forgot my lines. 我在电影了忘了台词,彻底搞砸了。 2. Nancy blew her shot to go to Beijing University by arriving late to the exam. 南希没有考上北京大学,因为她考试迟到了。 blow 挥霍浪费,It means to use sth carelessly,or just waste it.”To blow something on …:在某些方面上挥霍某物 1. Don"t blow it all at once. 不要一次就浪费光。 2. You shouldn"t blow all your money on beer,rent is due next week. 你不应该把钱都挥霍买酒喝,房租下星期要到期了。 blind luck 撞大运,非常好的运气。 1. It was blind luck that I found 100RMB on the ground. 我在地上捡到100块人民币,真是撞大运了。 2. Success is not gained through blind luck, you have to work hard for it. 成功可不是撞大运撞来的,你必须去拼搏和奋斗。 birthday suit It means “naked”,中文意思是“赤身*”. Well, it is the naked mile run, everyone else is in their birthday suits, except that guy. 这可是一英里*奔.别人都是一丝不挂,除了那个家伙. Bingo! 猜对了,答对了。 1. A:Let me try to guess your age. Are you 27? B:Bingo! 你让我试试猜猜你的年纪吧,你是不是27呢? 答对了。 2. A:What"s your exciting news?Did you find a new job? B:Bingo! 你有什么令人惊喜的消息?你是不是找到了新的工作? 答对了。 bimbo 花花公主,轻佻的时髦女子,在感情上不负责的女人。 1. I don"t like that girl. She"s always hanging out at the bar in tight clothes, waiting for men to buy her drinks. She"s such a bimbo. 我不喜欢那个女孩,她总是穿着紧身衣服呆在酒吧里等着男人们给她买饮料。她真是个轻佻女人。 2. You can"t wear that dress. It"s so low cut. I don"t want you to look like a bimbo. 你不能穿那件裙子,领口太低了,我不喜欢你穿得像个花花公主。 bet 我打赌某事是怎样,表示一种非常坚定的猜测。 1. A:Why isn"t Josh here yet? B:I bet he forgot about the meeting. 为什么乔希现在还没有到呢? 我打赌他已经忘记了这个会议。 2. I bet it will snow tonight. 我打赌今天晚上一定会下雪。 below the belt 出言不逊。 1. What he said about Tom"s mother was way below the belt. 他对汤姆的妈妈评论的话真的是出言不逊。 2. Even when you are angry, you should never say anything that hits below the belt. 就算你非常生气,你也不应该出言不逊。 behind sb"s back 背着某人做某事或讲什么事。To do it without them knowing. 1. It"s not nice to talk about your friends" secrets behind their backs. 背着你的朋友去讨论他们的秘密,是非常不道德的。 behind 对某事负责,支持某事。Being responsible for something or supporting it. 1. At school I was behind starting a debating society. It was my idea and I developed it. 在学校是我支持创办了一个辩论社团,这是我的创意,也是我一手创办的。 2. There are a few shareholders behind this new investment but all the rest are opposed. 只有一部分股东支持这个新的投资计划,其他所有人都反对。 bean counter 管钱的人,如财务、会计。 1. Yes, that"s right, I am a bean counter for the government. Every department is always asking me for more money in their budgets. 你说对了,我是在政府里做财务工作,你知道吗?每个部门都想我给他们多拨一些钱给他们。 be thrown to the wolves 被彻底抛弃,背弃。 1. After the Beijing soccer team did really badly last season they all blamed the captain.He was really thrown to the wolves by his teamates. 北京足球队在上一个赛季里面表现非常差劲,大家都在一起指责队长。他真的完全被大家遗弃了。 2. When our chairman criticized the work of our company,my boss told him it was all my fault。He totally threw me to the wolves and I was very upset. 当我们公司董事长在批评我们业绩不好的时候,我们老板说都是因为我的过错造成的,我感觉到自己被老板出卖了,我非常很生气。 be through with sth 受够了,再也忍受不了了。 1. After waiting for the doctor, who was two hours late for my appointment, I was through with being delayed and left. 医生的迟到使我等待了两个小时也没有得到诊断,我实在受够了,转身离去。 2. I was glad that I had quit my job because I was through with getting up early every morning. 我很高兴我摆脱了这份工作,因为我实在无法忍受每天早起。 be out cold 不灵了,不管用了。完全不工作,不动弹了。 1. They could not go anywhere as the car engine was out cold. 因为汽车的发动机完全不工作了,所以他们什么地方都去不了。 2. The fight was ended when one of the two boxers was knocked out cold. 当两个拳击手其中一个被打晕了,这个时候失去了意识,比赛要停止了。 be on to 意识到,明白,了解,察觉。 明白某事的真相了。 1. The police were on to the criminals"plan very quickly. 警察很快就明白了这帮罪犯的计划。 2. If anyone"s on to us we should call the whole thing off. 如果有任何人察觉到了我们的计划,我们就要全盘取消。 be my guest 喜欢怎样就怎样,随便,尽管随意。 1. If you think you can do the job be my guest and give it a try. 如果你觉得这个工作你可以胜任的话,那么你就去试一试吧。 2. A:Can I try your new badminton racket? B:Sure,be my guest? 我能用一下你的新羽毛球拍吗? 没问题,用吧。
2023-06-10 18:25:311


The Koopa Troopa (ノコノコ Nokonoko?) is the most mon classification of Koopa. Koopa Troopas are the standard troopers of the Koopa Army who work for Bowser King of the Koopas. Koopa Troopas are all mon Koopas meaning they have no special abilities or characteristics. As the lowest ranking members of the Koopa Army they just patrol their assigned areas on foot. If an enemy is referred to as just "Koopa" this usually me Koopa Troopa. Koopa Troopas first appeared in the arcade game Mario Bros. under the name "Shellcreepers" as enemies that have to be flipped. In Super Mario Bros. they were renamed "Koopa Troopa" and Koopa Paratroopas Koopa Troopas with wings made their debut. They can be used as projectiles after they retreat into their shells. Super Mario World brought drastic changes to the Koopa Troopa. In this game Koopa Troopas finally started walking on o legs and wearing shoes. Also stomping on Troopas ejects them from their shells rather than causing them to hide. An ejected Troopa will slide out of its shell wearing only a t-shirt and will crawl back to its shell after being temporarily stunned. In Super Mario 64 they wear boxers after being knocked out and then you can use their shells as skate boards. The Paper Mario series introduces friendly Koopas that have their own towns and are even rescued by Mario on occasions. An example of such a koopa is Koopa the Quick first appearing in Super Mario 64 who races you in Bob-Omb Battlefield and Tiny-Huge Island. Generic Koopa Troopas have also appeared throughout the Mario Party series as NPCs. Like Toad they are generally helpful towards the players usually providing them with rewards or running mini-games. Single Koopa Troopas have been playable in Mario Kart games and various other sport games along with Paratroopas. Koopa Troopas were the most regularly-seen minions of Bowser in The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! where they were voiced by John Stocker and made one appearance in the Super Mario World animated series. 参考: Wikipedia
2023-06-10 18:25:501

德语翻译 在线等 急!

2023-06-10 18:26:002

Booty Music中文歌词!

booty musicdeepsidelyrics by shiningboywhen the beat goin like that (boom boom)girl, i wanna put you up in my roomi wanna put you up against that wallthrow you on the bed and take your clothes off (clothes off)everybody don‘t like it slow (it slow)consider me one of them folklet‘s get to it (get to it)do it (do it)get to it (get to it)get to itkinda crunk and i‘m off this scenehave a blast and that‘s my shitonce i had a shot of that good petronei‘m all in my boxers like bobby joneseverybody don‘t like it slow (it slow)consider me one of them folkand let‘s do it (do it)do it (do it)let‘s do it (do it)let‘s do itbaby, that‘s the way i like it (hey)that‘s the way you like it (hey)that‘s the way we like itmakin love to booty musicgo leo! it‘s your birthday (hey)go virgo! it‘s your birthday (hey)go pisces! it‘s your birthdaymakin love to booty musici feel it all in my bonestryna keep up with that tempomake it all night til your back gets soretil we just can take it no morelook at that xxx like oh my godwe clap back til you give me applauseand i‘m like...when i get in them drawersget your hair in tanglesi wrap it on my anklesi‘m grippin on your handlesi‘m gettin on different angleslike ten, five cent, ten cent, dollarten, five cent, ten cent, dollarten, five cent, ten cent, dollarlet me see you pop it (pop it)that‘s the way i like it (hey)that‘s the way you like it (hey)that‘s the way we like itmakin love to booty musicgo aries! it‘s your birthday (hey)go libra! it‘s your birthday (hey)go scorpio! it‘s your birthdaymakin love to booty musicdon‘t stop, get it, get itpop that coochie, let me hit iti wanna rock, i wanna rocklet me get a little bit of that bumpy ridedon‘t stop, get it, get itlet me put some stank up in iti wanna rock, i wanna rocklet me get a little bit of that bumpy ridedoes anybody out there wannalet me get a little bit of that bumpy ridebaby, that‘s the way i like it (hey)that‘s the way you like it (hey)that‘s the way we like itmakin love to booty musicgo cancer! it‘s your birthday (hey)go capricorn! it‘s your birthday (hey)go aquarius! it‘s your birthdaymakin love to booty musicthat‘s the way i like it (hey)that‘s the way you like it (hey)that‘s the way we like itmakin love to booty musicgo taurus! it‘s your birthday (hey)go gemini! it‘s your birthday (hey)go sag! it‘s your birthdaymakin love to booty music
2023-06-10 18:26:179

booty music歌词 关于booty music歌词和翻译

歌词: When it be going like that boom boom, 当我听到嘣嘣的声音时 girl I want to put you all up in my room. 妞,我想在我的房间里把你抱起 I wanna put you all up against that wall. 我想把你抱起抵住墙 Throw you on the bed and take your clothes off. 把你扔到床上,解开你的衣服 Everybody dont like it slow consider me one of them folk. 没有谁喜欢干这事慢慢吞吞的,我也一样 Lets get to it, 让我们开始吧 get to it, get to it,get to it. 开始干吧 Kinda crunk and Im on this scene a look back and thats my xxxx plus I had a shot of that quick Patron. 这是Crunk乐风,我在这里回头一看,那是我的xxx,还有,我搞定了我的赞助商 Now Im in my boxers like botron. 现在我像Botron一样穿着拳击短裤 Everybody dont like it slow consider me one of them folk. 没有谁喜欢干这事慢慢吞吞的,我也一样 And lets do it,让我们开始做吧 lets do it, lets do it, lets do it. 开始干吧 Baby thats the way I like it, 宝贝,这就是我喜欢的方式 thats the way you like it, 这也是你喜欢的方式 thats the way we like it, 这是我们都喜欢的方式 making love to booty music. 在战利品之歌中做爱 Go Leo its your birtday,狮子座--你的生日 Go Virgo its your Birthday, 处女座--你的生日 Go Pisces its your birthday making love to booty music. 双鱼座--你的生日在战利品之歌中做爱 Girl I feel all in my bones trying to keep up with that tempo. 妞,我感到全身的骨头都在随着这歌的节拍颤抖 Do it all night till your back gets sore till we just cant take it no more. 整个晚上翻云覆雨,直到你的后背开始发痛,直到我们已经精疲力竭无法继续 Girl your xxx like OH MY GOD! make it clap back till you give me 妞,你不停的喊叫“哦,我的上帝”,直到你 applause sounded like clap clap clap clap clap clap mhmm when i get in them drawers. 给我掌声“啪啪啪啪啪” ,当我进入时 Got you hair in tangles their wrapped around your anckles, 你的长发缠住了你的脚踝 im gripping on your handles, 我紧紧的抓住你 im hitting on different angles like 从不同角度 10, 5 cent, 10 cent dolla, 10, 5 cent, 10 cent, dolla, 10, 5 cent, 10 cent, dolla. 10,5美分,10美分,美元… Now let me see you pop it, pop it. 现在,让我看看你涌出来的 Thats the way I like it, 这就是我喜欢的方式 thats the way you like it, 这也是你喜欢的方式 thats the way we like it, 这就是我们都喜欢的方式 making love to booty music. 在战利品之歌中做爱
2023-06-10 18:26:441

booty music歌词是什么啊?

【中英歌词如下】 满意请记得采纳答案噢~O(∩_∩)O~When it be going like that boom boom,当我听到嘣嘣的声音时 girl I want to put you all up in my room. 妞,我想在我的房间里把你抱起I wanna put you all up against that wall. 我想把你抱起抵住墙Throw you on the bed and take your clothes off. 把你扔到床上,解开你的衣服Everybody dont like it slow consider me one of them folk. 没有谁喜欢干这事慢慢吞吞的,我也一样Lets get to it, 让我们开始吧get to it, get to it,get to it. 开始干吧Kinda crunk and I"m on this scene a look back and thats my xxxx plus I had a shot of that quick Patron. 这是Crunk乐风,我在这里回头一看,那是我的xxx,还有,我搞定了我的赞助商Now I"m in my boxers like botron. 现在我像Botron一样穿着拳击短裤Everybody don"t like it slow consider me one of them folk. 没有谁喜欢干这事慢慢吞吞的,我也一样And lets do it,让我们开始做吧 lets do it, lets do it, lets do it. 开始干吧Baby thats the way I like it, 宝贝,这就是我喜欢的方式thats the way you like it,这也是你喜欢的方式 thats the way we like it,这是我们都喜欢的方式 making love to booty music.在战利品之歌中做爱Go Leo its your birtday,狮子座——你的生日 Go Virgo its your Birthday, 处女座——你的生日Go Pisces its your birthday making love to booty music. 双鱼座——你的生日在战利品之歌中做爱Girl I feel all in my bones trying to keep up with that tempo. 妞,我感到全身的骨头都在随着这歌的节拍颤抖Do it all night till your back gets sore till we just cant take it no more. 整个晚上翻云覆雨,直到你的后背开始发痛,直到我们已经精疲力竭无法继续Girl your xxx like "OH MY GOD!" make it clap back till you give me妞,你不停的喊叫“哦,我的上帝”,直到你applause sounded like clap clap clap clap clap clap mhmm when i get in them drawers. 给我掌声“啪啪啪啪啪” ,当我进入时Got you hair in tangles their wrapped around your anckles, 你的长发缠住了你的脚踝im gripping on your handles,我紧紧的抓住你im hitting on different angles like 从不同角度*&……&10, 5 cent, 10 cent dolla, 10, 5 cent, 10 cent, dolla, 10, 5 cent, 10 cent, dolla.10,5美分,10美分,美元…Now let me see you pop it, pop it.现在,让我看看你涌出来的Thats the way I like it, 这就是我喜欢的方式thats the way you like it, 这也是你喜欢的方式thats the way we like it, 这就是我们都喜欢的方式making love to booty music. 在战利品之歌中做爱Go Aries its your birthday, 白羊座——你的生日Go Libra its your birtday, 天秤座——你的生日Go Scorpio its your birthday making love to booty music. 天蝎座——你的生日,在战利品之歌中做爱Now don"t stop get it,get it,我想要摇动让我进对位置 pop that coochie let me hit it.喃喃的告诉我,让我继续 I wanna rock, 我要撼动你的身体I wanna rock let me get a lil bit of that donkey right.我想要摇动让我进对位置(哎,真是…罪孽)Now don"t stop get it,get it, 我想要摇动让我进对位置let me put some stank up in it, 让我放些xx进去,I wanna rock, I wanna rock, 我想要摇动let me get a lil bit of that donkey right. 我想要摇动让我进对位置Does anyone out there wanna let me get a lil bit of that donkey right? Oooohh Oooohh, 每个人都想我放对位置?噢噢噢噢…baby thats the way I like it, thats the way you like it, thats the we we like it, making love to booty music. Go Taurus its your birthday, 金牛座——你的生日Go Capricorn its your birthday, 摩羯座——你的生日Go Aquarius its your birthday making love to booty music.水瓶座——你的生日在战利品之歌中做爱Thats the way you like it, thats the we we like it, making love to booty music.这是你喜欢的方式,这是我们都喜欢的方式,在战利品之歌中做爱 Go Taurus its your birthday, 金牛座——你的生日Go Gemini its your birthday, 双子座——你的生日Go Sag its your birthday, making love to booty music. 是你的生日,在战利品之歌中做爱。
2023-06-10 18:26:521

do it do it是什么歌

2023-06-10 18:27:471


Biff是4岁。他在他的首相。他可以留在赛道上几年,但现在他除了加紧作出的余地,他的两个儿子特伦特和獭,谁刚刚进入企业,他的离开,而他依然上。他还花费更少的时间,在飞机,这是一个生命的一部分,表明他不喜欢,和更多的时间与他的主人,威廉和蒂娜Truesdale ,谁可能被说服放弃零食规则。 7.Biff有一个很短,紧衣狐色的皮毛,白色的脚和踝关节,和一块白色的胸部的形状大致缅因州。他的肌肉显然勾画在他的皮肤,但他并没有隆起。他的脸是开启和推动,并有一个黑暗面具,海绵的嘴唇,一个叉状白色灌救,并认真,稍有瘁表达了小城镇的市长。有人曾经告诉我,他认为Biff看上去有点像美国总统克林顿。 Biff的脸是他的财富。有很多人喜欢拳击谁与大骨头和stockier身体和身高的肩膀-拳击谁看不到像马拉松运动员和更象体重举重-但几乎所有人都同意, Biff有一个近乎完美的头部。
2023-06-10 18:27:572

求一首英文歌,里面有句歌词好象是best we will like it

2023-06-10 18:28:053


Jesse McCartney
2023-06-10 18:28:194