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emerge into是什么意思

2023-06-11 09:02:25
TAG: nt erg emerge

您好,emerge into 是出现的意思。


Only after the mysterious mass extinction of the dinosaurs about 65 million years agowere our ancestors able to emerge into the daylight in any substantial numbers.




emerge into 翻译成中文是:





emerge的名词形式和形容词如下:emerge是一个英文单词,其名词形式为:emergence;作为动词基本含义为浮现;显现;(从隐蔽处或暗处)出现;露出;暴露;露出真相;被知晓;露头;显露。第三人称单数:emerges;现在进行时:emerging;过去式:emerged;过去分词:emerged。例句为From the files that have now been released, a truer picture emerges.从现在已公布的文件看,真相开始浮现。
2023-06-10 17:21:061


emerge是我们常用的动词,那么你emerge做动词都表达哪些意思吗?下面我为大家带来emerge的英语意思解释和英语例句,欢迎大家参考学习! 目录 emerge作动词的意思 emerge的时态 emerge的英语例句 emerge作动词的意思 出现,浮现;暴露;摆脱 emerge的英语音标 英 [i?m?:d?] 美 [??m?d?] <<< emerge的时态 现在分词: emerging 过去式: emerged 过去分词: emerged <<< emerge的英语例句 1. The missiles emerge from the underbelly of the transport plane. 导弹从那架运输机的底部飞了出来。 2. The chilling facts behind this veil of silence were slow to emerge. 沉默背后的骇人真相慢慢显露出来。 3. The favoured candidate will probably emerge after private discussions. 中意的候选人很可能将在私下讨论后产生。 4. The tadpoles metamorphose and emerge onto land. 蝌蚪蜕变了,登上陆地。 5. The cultural life of the country will sink into atrophy unless more writers and artists emerge. 如果没有更多的作家和艺术家出现,这个国家的 文化 生活将衰退。 6. The cancer may re-emerge years later. 癌症可能在多年之后复发。 7. The baby"s head was starting to emerge from the womb. 婴儿的头开始从母亲的子宫中露出来. 8. A large number of independent African countries emerge at a historic moment. 一大批非洲独立国家应运而生. 9. It"s still hard to tell who will emerge victorious. 鹿死谁手尚难逆料. 10. His voice stopped short as he saw the blade emerge from Desmond"s pocket. 当他看到从德斯蒙德口袋里露出的刀刃时,他突然不吭声了。 11. Divested of the hype surrounding its launch, the show can now emerge as a full-fledged classic. 没有了上映时的炒作,这场演出现在可以作为一部真正意义上的经典之作亮相了。 12. Local police chiefs should re-emerge as figures of authority and reassurance in their areas. 地方警察局局长应该重新成为其所治一方具有权威和安定人心的人物。 13. The pupae remain dormant in the soil until they emerge as adult moths in the winter. 蛹蛰伏在土壤中,直到冬天它们才蜕变成蛾子飞出来。 14. Consequently, even as the blogosphere continues to expand, only a few blogs are likely toemerge as focal points. 结果,尽管博客圈继续扩大,但仅有少数的博客有可能脱颖而出,成为关注的焦点。 15. To try to open a foreign-owned business is to enter a thicket of regulations from which fewemerge. 要开一家外资企业就要钻条条框框,没几个出来的。 <<< emerge是什么意思知识相关 文章 : ★ emerge是什么意思 ★ emerge是什么意思 ★ emerge的近义词辨析 ★ emerge的同义词辨析 ★ appear的用法总结大全 ★ 英语单词学习:阶段必背核心词组 ★ bask的用法总结大全 ★ 考研英语词汇常用的后缀,你知道多少个? ★ 学习英语的秘诀 ★ 六级仔细阅读强化训练 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-06-10 17:21:511


我看过流星坠落地面 (流星坠落地面)我见过最阴暗的欲念 (最阴暗的欲念)我受过背后刺的利剑 (背后刺的利剑)我遭过数不清的历练 (数不清的历练)我经过猛然间的剧变 (猛然间的剧变)明白了生命是个剧院 岸哺茸怪嵌杜研狗鲁
2023-06-10 17:22:172


emerge英 [u026a"mu025cu02d0du0292]美 [u026a"mu025ddu0292]vi. 浮现;摆脱;暴露emerge 出现,显现,浮现emerge from 曾经一度遭到,从,浮现emerge as 成为,应运而生
2023-06-10 17:22:333


楼主英文好的话可以直接在系统中#man emerge 这是最详细的解释。一般来说:升级系统:#emerge -avuDN world 应用新USE:#emerge --newuse world安装某软件:#emerge -avt *卸载某软件:#emerge --unmerge *-p 也可以是--pretend假装做某事,指显示该emerge语句的具体过程-a 询问,指开始emerge 时询问用户是否继续-t 列出emerge 依赖树其它的,楼主自己去发现吧……很简单的……
2023-06-10 17:22:413


emerge[英][u026a"mu025c:du0292][美][u026au02c8mu025adu0292]vi.出现,浮现; 暴露; 摆脱; 第三人称单数:emerges过去分词:emerged现在进行时:emerging过去式:emerged
2023-06-10 17:23:001


  你知道呈现的英文是什么吗?我们学习英语单词是都会学到呈现的英文。下面是我为你整理的呈现的英文,希望大家喜欢!   呈现的英文   1.appear   2.emerge   3.present   appear例句   1. He was bailed to appear before local magistrates on 5 November.   他获得保释,将于11月5日在地方法庭出庭受审。   2. Lumpen shapes began to appear out of the shadows.   阴影里闪出几个大大的黑影。   3. Some foreign governments appear happy to gloss over continued human rights abuses.   一些外国政府似乎很乐于掩盖不断出现的侵犯人权现象。   4. New diet books appear at a rate of nearly one a week.   新的饮食类书籍差不多一周出一本。   5. By all accounts, Rodger would appear to be a fine fellow.   据说,罗杰是个好小伙。   6. Most doctors appear to recognize homeopathy as a legitimate form of medicine.   大多数医生似乎都接受顺势疗法是一种合理的医疗手段。   7. Would you turn down $7,000,000 to appear nude in a magazine?   给你700万美元要你裸体登上杂志,你会拒绝吗?   8. They appear masters in the art of making regula-tions work their way.   他们似乎十分擅长利用规章制度为自己服务。   9. He continued to appear in the office with unfailing regularity thereafter.   从那以后他照常出现在办公室,风雨无阻。   10. Nine months later, those talks appear as distant as ever.   9个月以后,那些会谈似乎仍然遥遥无期。   emerge常见用法   vi.出现,浮现; 暴露; 摆脱;   1. The missiles emerge from the underbelly of the transport plane.   导弹从那架运输机的底部飞了出来。   2. The chilling facts behind this veil of silence were slow to emerge.   沉默背后的骇人真相慢慢显露出来。   3. The favoured candidate will probably emerge after private discussions.   中意的候选人很可能将在私下讨论后产生。   4. The tadpoles metamorphose and emerge onto land.   蝌蚪蜕变了,登上陆地。   5. The cultural life of the country will sink into atrophy unless more writers and artists emerge.   如果没有更多的作家和艺术家出现,这个国家的文化生活将衰退。   6. The cancer may re-emerge years later.   癌症可能在多年之后复发。   7. The baby"s head was starting to emerge from the womb.   婴儿的头开始从母亲的子宫中露出来.   8. A large number of independent African countries emerge at a historic moment.   一大批非洲独立国家应运而生.   9. It"s still hard to tell who will emerge victorious.   鹿死谁手尚难逆料.   10. His voice stopped short as he saw the blade emerge from Desmond"s pocket.
2023-06-10 17:23:071


2023-06-10 17:23:261


2023-06-10 17:23:332


emerge近义词是:appear, emerge, show, loom。关于如何学好英语的方法如下:1、培养学习英语的兴趣:如何学好英语的五条建议之一:兴趣是最好的老师,培养学习英语的兴趣非常重要。我们可以通过看美剧、电影、英文原版书等来培养自己的学习兴趣。2、每周至少做四次五至十分钟的听力练习:如何学好英语的五条建议之二:如果你下定决心一次苦练两个小时,很可能短时间内不会做任何额外的听力。3、时不时背英语单词:如何学好英语的五条建议之三:经常背单词,一直复习,才能记忆深刻。最好随身携带一本单词小册子,这样可以在零碎时间背诵,效率很高。4、交个外国的朋友:如何学好英语五条建议之四:事实上,和自己的外国朋友一起学习英语会很有效率,过程也会很快乐。交一个外国朋友不仅可以提高你的社交能力,还可以学习英语,一举两得。5、每天都练习口语:如何学好英语五条建议之五:想学好英语口语的人,可以选择每天固定时间段练习口语,可以大声朗读英语文章,也可以跟着朗读。
2023-06-10 17:23:521


2023-06-10 17:24:131


emerge是不及物动物,后面接介词frombehind the clouds 表示云后端整个句子就表示从云后浮现出来的意思咯
2023-06-10 17:24:341


emergesv. 出现( emerge的第三人称单数 ); 露头; 形成; 事实
2023-06-10 17:24:422

arise 与emerge的区别

2023-06-10 17:24:491


emerge和emergency这2个词的意思完全不同:1、emerge,不可数名词,有两种意思:出现、呈现;(困境的)摆脱。示例:the emergence of new evidence;the company"s emergence from bankruptcy。2、emergency,表示紧急情况、不测事件,若表示这种情况时是不可数名词,表示具体事件时则是可数名词。首先看下跑步机上警告在使用跑步机前仔细阅读使用手册。为了避免受伤,在跑步机启动前请站在两边侧轨上。(位置1让孩子远离启动后的跑步机。扩展;如何操作跑步机?1)如何启动跑步机?按键“QUICK START”(①快速开始)即可启动跑步机,跑步机屏幕亮但跑道无反应则再按一下该按键。启动后跑步机默认速度为1千米每小时(1KM/h)。2)如何关闭跑步机?先按“PAUSE”(②暂停键),然后再按“STOP”(③停止键)。按下“暂停键”(②PAUSE)后,跑步机会暂止但不会清除之前你的跑步数据。这时按下“快速开始”(①快速开始)可以在之前的数据上继续练习。3)如何强制停止跑步机?有时跑步者跟不上跑步机速度,有被甩出去和其他受伤的风险。就需要快速关闭跑步机。按下大号红色按钮“紧急停止”(④EMERGENGY STOP),会直接停止跑步机传送带(亮红灯)。如果你用这个方法关闭了跑步机,记得再按一遍解除“紧急停止”(④EMERGENCY STOP)打开跑步机电源方便其他人使用。
2023-06-10 17:24:561

take on、emerge、appear有什么区别?

take on 的意思比较多,但都和另两个区别明显。 一般表示 承担,雇佣,搭载等意思emerge 翻译成显现比较恰当,表示原来被挡住或者掩盖了,后来露出来。 例如 sunlight emerged from mistappear 也有出现的意思,更加注重从无到有出现的过程。 例如appear from NOTHING
2023-06-10 17:25:211


emergedv.出现( emerge的过去式和过去分词 ); 露头; 形成; 事实网络浮现; 显现; 兴起Richard was waiting outside the door as she emerged.她出现的时候,理查德正在门外等着。
2023-06-10 17:25:291


成功了 在家等中信银行电话吧
2023-06-10 17:25:382


个人认为:这两个句子中的介词不应该与前面的required 或emerged连到一起来看。应该是:details of..../efforts of ,而中间出现的emerged/efforts放在名词details和efforts后面做后置定语,来修饰这个名词。
2023-06-10 17:26:161

take on、emerge、appear有什么区别?

2023-06-10 17:26:361

linux emerge

Emerge是来源于Gentoo Linux的portage包管理系统的管理工具,portage体现了Gentoo Linux特有的理念。Red Hat是没有这个工具的。Red Hat 9甚至没有分源安装软件的概念,Emerge对他来说也是多余的。
2023-06-10 17:27:181


   展现的英文:   come out   emerge    参考例句:   The Chinese cheongsam shows the style and features of traditional clothing.   中国旗袍展现传统服装的风貌。To wield,wave,or exhibit dramatically.   挥舞,舞动引人注目地挥舞、摇曳或展现The curtain goes up on (ie is raised to show)a suburban living-room.   幕布升起,展现的.是市郊住宅的起居室.Flaunt your femininity with sweet-edged shades empowered by Advanced Luminous Technology.   淋漓展现妩媚色彩,全凭崭新亮采技术。to unfold before one"s eyes; to emerge; to show; to spread out; to open out; to unroll   展现 Switched on the charm.   展现魅力A new era is now dawning upon the world.   世界的新纪元正展现I will stage a brand new play.   我将展现全新的剧本。The book follows the beauty of love.   这本书展现了爱之美好。The path unwound before them   道路清楚地展现在他们面前。come是什么意思:   v. 来;发生;开始;出现;变成;达到;来做;来取;来拿   int. 嗨,得啦,好啦   The bale will be coming.   不幸就要降临了。Come on get with it!   好啦,时髦点儿吧!Illness comes in by mouth and comes out by it   病从口入祸从口出out是什么意思:   adv. 出外;在外;离岸;出现;问世;大声地;完全;用完;不流行   adj. 外侧的;偏僻的   prep. 通过…而出;沿着…而去   n. 借口,托辞   pref. 外,超过,出,向外   be out for the count   拳击者被击倒后经裁判数到十秒还站不起来|被判失败|打输|被打败 Out of the Blue   从天上掉下来Out of power, he is out of favour.   当他失去权力之后,他也就不再受人欢迎。emerge是什么意思:   v. 暴露;浮现;摆脱   emergency panel   备用配电盘 Language emerges and develops with the emergence and development of society.   语言是随着社会的产生而产生,随着社会的发展而发展的。   You must keep calm in an emergency.   在紧急关头要保持镇静。
2023-06-10 17:27:251


2023-06-10 17:27:414


朗文词典的附录里面有单列 其实很多义项用法早已存在 只不过才被编入词典而已
2023-06-10 17:28:133


show sth to sbshow sb sth
2023-06-10 17:28:4111


联系动词 意同 appear/come out/turn out
2023-06-10 17:29:231


出现的英文有:appear,appearance,arise,emerge,occur。1、appear 释义: vi. 出现;出版;显得;好像;登场Although some of those items are disabled on this panel, they appear on all panels in the tutorial. 尽管在这个面板中禁用了某些项,但它们是出现在教程的所有面板中。2、appearance:外貌,外观,外表,(尤指突然的)抵达。Flowering plants were making their first appearance, but were still a rarity 显花植物开始出现了,但仍然很少。3、arise:v. 发生,产生,出现,(由…)引起,(因…)产生,发展。You have one idea, they have another, and problems arise. 你有一个主意,他们也有一个,问题出现了。4、emerge:(从隐蔽处或暗处)出现,浮现,露出,暴露, 露出真相。After all, we all have a “Gandhi” inside of us, just waiting to emerge. 毕竟,我们的心中都有一个“甘地”,只是等待着时机出现。5、occur:发生,出现,存在于,出现在。If these drugs are stopped abruptly then some withdrawal symptoms may occur.如果突然停服这些药,则可能出现一些戒断症状。
2023-06-10 17:29:302


释义(问题等)出现, 暴露变形过去式emerged from过去分词emerged from现在分词emerging from第三人称单数emerges from短语emerge from the ashes毁后被重建例句The yacht will emerge from the yard with her original rig.游艇将以独特的帆装从造船厂驶出。
2023-06-10 17:30:032


emerge的名词形式和形容词如下:emerge是一个英文单词,其名词形式为:emergence;作为动词基本含义为浮现;显现;(从隐蔽处或暗处)出现;露出;暴露;露出真相;被知晓;露头;显露。第三人称单数:emerges;现在进行时:emerging;过去式:emerged;过去分词:emerged。例句为From the files that have now been released, a truer picture emerges.从现在已公布的文件看,真相开始浮现。
2023-06-10 17:30:221


emerge的名词是emergence。emerge常用作动词,意思是“浮现;显现;暴露;露出真相;被知晓”,其名词形式emergence的意思是“出现;兴起”。emerge还可作系动词,接名词或形容词作表语。常见句型---------The 1960s saw the emergence of many new nations.二十世纪六十年代出现了许多新兴国家。My emergence is by chance or inevitable?我的出现是偶然还是必然?The submarine at last emerged.那艘潜艇终于浮出了水面。No new evidence emerged during the inquiry.询问中没有发现新的证据。A high degree of enthusiasm has emerged in the masses.群众中出现了高度的热情。
2023-06-10 17:30:411

emerge 的详细用法

好像是emerged 这个单词吧
2023-06-10 17:31:022


emerge用法及搭配:emerge的基本意思是出现,指隐藏的、模糊的、孕育中的或原来并不重要的事物显露或出现,常指一种前所未见的新情况、新问题的出现。emerge是不及物动词,常与from,out of或into等介词连用,也常用于It emerged that...结构。 扩展资料 emerge的例句:There is growing evidence that the economy is at last emerging from recession(有越来越多的证据表明经济终于开始摆脱萧条);The emerging caution over numbers is perhaps only to be expected(对数字显露出来的谨慎可能完全是正常的)。
2023-06-10 17:32:471


emerge的名词形式和形容词如下:emerge是一个英文单词,其名词形式为:emergence;作为动词基本含义为浮现;显现;(从隐蔽处或暗处)出现;露出;暴露;露出真相;被知晓;露头;显露。第三人称单数:emerges;现在进行时:emerging;过去式:emerged;过去分词:emerged。例句为From the files that have now been released, a truer picture emerges.从现在已公布的文件看,真相开始浮现。
2023-06-10 17:32:531


emerge的名词形式和形容词如下:emerge是一个英文单词,其名词形式为:emergence;作为动词基本含义为浮现;显现;(从隐蔽处或暗处)出现;露出;暴露;露出真相;被知晓;露头;显露。第三人称单数:emerges;现在进行时:emerging;过去式:emerged;过去分词:emerged。例句为From the files that have now been released, a truer picture emerges.从现在已公布的文件看,真相开始浮现。
2023-06-10 17:33:131

emerge 的用法

2023-06-10 17:34:171

emerge 的用法

我记得以前做题的时候说newly后面一般都加动词的过去时态 像a newly built house 新建的 房子 a newly unearthed bronze 新出土的青铜 一样的道理
2023-06-10 17:34:273

群星的《Emerge》 歌词

歌曲名:Emerge歌手:群星专辑:Nova Tunes Vol.5Lauren Evans - Emerge~ Thx Jerry, 映云!! ~ur reflection in the mirroris a different person starin back at udon"t u knou can"t go backit"s another time, another placei kno what i can feelur wondering what are u supposed to dodon"t u knoneed to let it gosometimes u find the answer on the waylet ur light shine through ur heartgive u the strength when it gets toughkeep ur hope bond strongit wont be longuntil u"ve had enoughthen u emergelike a beautiful butterflysometimes it hurtscuz everything changes in this lifegotta take a chance make a choicelisten to ur inner voiceemergelike a beautiful butterflyu got this feeling it"s like deep insidepushin out in every directionsometimes it seemsur in a dreamtrapped within somebody elsewanna break through on the other sidereach out and make a connectionhere"s my handi got a plandon"t let go through this all by urselfjust let ur light shine through ur heartteach u the melody to singkeep ur hope bond strongit won"t be longtill u find ur wingsbreak it downtake it by the minuteshake it upshow on that u come on with itbreak through to the blue skyfeel like its the first timeso highthat"s rightu can do itcuz u"ve got all u needsomeday soon i know ur gonna seeall you gotta do isemergeemergeemerge
2023-06-10 17:34:461


v.(从隐蔽处或暗处)出现,浮现,露出;暴露;露出真相;被知晓;露头;显现;显露。变形第三人称单数:emerges;现在分词:emerging;过去式:emerged。搭配finally emerge。短语搭配:1.emerge prominently 涌现。2.emerge ahead 展现在前面。3.emerge victorious 得胜。双语例句:1.Such leadership will emerge in all areas of the human dance from 2025 on.这类领导方式将自2025年起在人类舞蹈的一切领域中浮现。2.Most likely, there is a near competitor, or a direct competitor that is about to emerge.最有可能的,是有近的竞争对手,或直接竞争对手就是即将出现。3.However, if you expect masterpieces to effortlessly emerge from then on, you will be disappointed.然而,如果你期望从此以后名作会毫不费劲地出现,你将会很失望。
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emerge英 [u026a"mu025c:du0292]美 [u026au02c8mu025adu0292]vi.出现,浮现; 暴露; 摆脱1. The cultural life of the country will sink into atrophy unless more writers and artists emerge. 如果没有更多的作家和艺术家出现,这个国家的文化生活将衰退。来自《权威词典》2. The cancer may re-emerge years later. 癌症可能在多年之后复发。来自《权威词典》3. The baby"s head was starting to emerge from the womb. 婴儿的头开始从母亲的子宫中露出来。来自《简明英汉词典》4. A large number of independent African countries emerge at a historic moment. 一大批非洲独立国家应运而生。来自《现代汉英综合大词典》5. It"s still hard to tell who will emerge victorious. 鹿死谁手尚难逆料。来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
2023-06-10 17:35:081


很明显同词根 emerge : e-, 向外。 -merge, 浸没 -ency是名词后缀表状态emergency:原型为emergeency因为末尾有e所以去掉一个e.
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问题一:出现用英语怎么说 1.appear up 3.emerge 4.arise 5.grow 6.turn up 供参。 问题二:出现 用英语怎么说? 简明汉英词典 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 出现 [chūxiàn] appear appearance e forth emergence present itself 汉英词典 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 出现 [chū xiàn] appear;arise;emerge;grow;turn up 我们将以一个具盯高度文化的民族出现于世界。 We shall take our place in the world as a nation with an advanced culture. 用法 出现, 涌现 [yǒng xiàn]: 见“涌现”。 问题三:突然的出现 用英文怎么说 10分 suddenly appear 问题四:发生在英语翻译 发生在英文怎么说 happen to [例句]发生在洛杉矶附近的两起漏油事故已经污染了那里的海洋和天空。 Two oil-related accidents near Los Angeles have fouled the ocean and the skies there. happen to [例句]发生在洛杉矶附近的两起漏油事故已经污染了那里的海洋和天空。 Two oil-related accidents near Los Angeles have fouled the ocean and the skies there. 问题五:凭空出现 用英语怎么说? 凭空出现:incredible appear 希望能帮到您。。望采纳 问题六:是某事发生英语怎么说 Is something that happened 问题能不能详细一点= =别有头没尾的。按照你的问题四个字 翻译的。 问题七:出现 ”用英语怎么说 occur,show up, appear,emerge
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dustry keeps bright the key that opens the treasury of achievement. If Hugh Miller, afte
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2023-06-10 17:37:101

occur appear emerge arise 区别

occur (1) 发生 例句 Do not let it occur again. (2) 出现 被发现 存在 例句 These plants occur in Africa only (3) 被想到 例句 A good idea occurs to me appear (1) 出现 显露 例句 two men suddenly appeared(2) 正式场合露面 例句 he did not appear at the party last night (3)出版 发表 例句 the book appeared in print years ago emerge (1)浮现 出现 例句 the moon emerged from theclouds(2)冒出 事实暴露(3)兴起 露头arise(1)起立 起身 起床 he arises at 6 as usual(2)上升 (3)形成 产生 出现(4)由、、、所引起 由、、、所产生 例句accident can arises from carelessness我尽量把每个意思造个句子 写了这么多 希望对你有所帮助
2023-06-10 17:38:062

emerge 常用吗?属于四级词汇吗?

2023-06-10 17:38:131

Emerge in 是什么意思?我在字典上只查到了emerge 与from和as 的搭配,没看到这个搭配。

emerge in endlessly
2023-06-10 17:38:304


issuedv.发行者( issuer的过去式和过去分词 ); 形近词:issuer双语例句 1Staff will be issued with new grey-and-yellow designer uniforms.将会向雇员发放灰黄相间的名牌新制服。2According to the official court report issued through a Chinese microblogging service, this how the deal went down:中国一家微博网站发布了法院的正式报告,整个案件具体如下
2023-06-10 17:39:361

求occur appear emerge arise 这四个单词的异同

occur发生,出现一般指事件appear出现,表现出,貌似emerge 出苗,浮现,显现出来。比如突然从水中冒出来,很形象arise表示一种原因结果提出(问题),(问题)出现 appear 表示有形的物体物理上的现露,出现occur 表示一个事情的发生,比如打雷,下雨happen 和occur相似,但是occur正式一些
2023-06-10 17:39:511