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我参加了一些比赛,令我高兴的是我都取得了不错的成绩 英语怎么说?

2023-06-11 09:01:24

I took part in some contests.To my delight,I all got excellent achievements.



冲突英文conflict。conflict不可数,conflict,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词的意思是“冲突,矛盾;斗争;争执”,作动词的意思是“冲突,抵触;争执;战斗”。词典释义:conflictn.冲突,矛盾;斗争;争执;vi.冲突,抵触;争执;战斗。clashn.冲突,不协调;碰撞声,铿锵声;vi.冲突,抵触;砰地相碰撞,发出铿锵声;vt.使碰撞作声。collidevi.碰撞;抵触,冲突;vt.使碰撞;使相撞。例句与用法:Armed conflict may break out at any moment .武装冲突有一触即发之势。Men create oppositions which are not .人们造出实际并无其事的冲突。Yes, the one fact doesn"t prevent the other .不错,这两件事并不冲突。The conflict between them seems ceaseless .他们之间冲突似乎没个止息。
2023-06-10 17:15:411


Third Prize in Mathematical Contest in Modeling
2023-06-10 17:17:472

加拿大国际数学竞赛GAUSS 高斯数学比赛?

加拿大滑铁卢大学高斯数学竞赛是加拿大国际数学竞赛之一,每年都会举办。Gauss Mathematics Contests高斯数学竞赛以德国著名的数学家、物理学家和天文学家JohannCarl Friedrich Gauss(1777年4月30日-1855年2月23日)的名字命名,由加拿大滑铁卢大学University of Waterloo旗下The Centire for Education in Mathematics and Computing(CEMC)举办。Gauss数学竞赛作为加拿大初中阶段最高级别的数学竞赛之一,每年有大量的海内外注册学校组织7-8年级对数学极有兴趣的学生参加,其竞赛内容的范围均在加拿大各省的教学大纲范围内。考试内容本竞赛规定时间为60分钟,共25到选择题,没有问答题。比赛分3组题目:A组10题,每题5分;B组10题,每题6分;C组5题,每题8分;总分150分。允许学生带任何计算器进考场。高斯数学竞赛有一个特殊的地方,如果你对问题做不来,可以不选,不答的空白题目每道题将得2分(但是最多只有十道空白题目给分)。这个给分方式的目的在于鼓励学生确保每一道题目都要做得有理有据有信心,对于不确定的题目或结果不乱猜——这一点对于数学和思维的训练至关重要。难度上来说:A组题 (Q1-Q10) 最简单,即使是放在学校测试里也属于偏简单的题目,这组题纯用于热身,在这上面丢分是不应该的。B组题目 (Q11-Q20) 要比A组题目稍难但不多,对于在学校成绩不错的学生来说,这部分题目难度适中,唯一需要注意的是B组题最后3道题目,也就是第18,19,20题,可能要稍动下脑筋。C组题 (Q21-Q25) 在难度上要明显高于B组。如果你想甩开对手争取前5%的名次,这5道题目是绝对的关键。一般来说,数学程度好的考生最多在A,B组题目上花费20分钟,把剩下的40分钟全留下给C组题。在整个竞赛中不会出现超出相应年级学校的课程知识,难度的高低全都集中在对观察力(observation),思路(insight)和解题能力(problem solving ability)上。考试流程在线写作的学生将:输入学生信息表中通常提供的所有信息下载(并打印,如果他们愿意的话)比赛论文解决尽可能多的问题并输入25个多项选择答案提交在线平台将记录他们的开始时间和结束时间;学生必须最多在65分钟内完成这些任务,才被视为合格。在线写作的学生不会立即获得分数。比赛结束后数周,所有学生将通过学校收到成绩单。奖项级别一等奖、二等奖、三等奖奖项国际地位该竞赛是加拿大官方的,也是最负盛名的数学竞赛。滑铁卢大学设有加拿大唯一一所数学学院,这也是北美乃至全世界最大的数学学院,因滑铁卢大学在数学领域的优良声誉及传统,该竞赛成绩在加拿大和美国大学中已经得到广泛认可,被誉为类似加拿大"数学托福"的考试。参赛地点在线答题竞赛报名资格针对七年级、八年级学生和感兴趣的更低年级学生须由学校统一报名注册费税前4加元每人,若组织学校参赛人数超过500人,则注册费降为税前3.5每人学生可以通过他们的学校或个人/家庭学校注册报名时间比赛报名截止时间:4月20日竞赛如何报名官方网站:每年几次比赛1次 ,5月份
2023-06-10 17:17:561

我将会参加大量的比赛 用英语怎么说?

I will compete in substancial contests
2023-06-10 17:18:313


在20世纪60年代以前,仅受过一般教育的人在下笔时都会寻求一种更高雅的强调;而那之后,即使是最受关注的文章也开始逮住口语就写在纸面上。the modestly educated 仅受过一般教育的人 1.the与某些形容词连用,使形容词名词化,相当于复数的普通名词,表示一类人。例如: the young 青年 the old 老年 the poor 穷人 the rich 富人 the sick 病人 2. the + 分词形容词——表示某一类型的人 Times are hard for the unemployed. 失业者的日子很难熬。 Many of the wounded died on their way to hospital. 许多伤员死在去医院的途中了。 这类结构常见的有: the wounded 伤员 the injured 伤员 the killed 被杀者 the employed 被雇用者 the unemployed 失业者 the accused 被告 the learned 有学问的人 the aged 老年人 the missing 失踪的人 the living 活着的人在这里,educated是educate的过去式和过去分词,adj.有教育的;受过良好训练的。modestly是副词,修饰educated
2023-06-10 17:18:395


2023-06-10 17:18:542


Our school often holds all kinds of matches.
2023-06-10 17:19:024


2023-06-10 17:19:122


2023-06-10 17:24:535


   英语比赛邀请信范文篇一 Dear Ms. Kelly,   Im Li Hua, Chairman of the School Student Union. Im writing to invite you to be a judge at our English speech contest to be held in our school on September 2. As scheduled previously, it will start at 2:30 pm at the Lecture Hall of our library, and ten students will deliver their speeches on the given topic ― Chinese Folk Customs. It is expected that the contest will come to an end at 5:30 pm. Id appreciate it if you could accept our invitation at your convenience. If possible, please call me at 88539688. I am looking forward to your early reply.   With best wishes!   Yours,   Li Hua    英语比赛邀请信范文篇二 University (college) office:   National college students traffic science and technology competition (NACTranS) is the first by a lot of advantage position in the field of transportation engineering colleges and universities work together contribute to the undergraduate course contests, is one of the college students as the main participant of national traffic science and technology innovation, academic competitions. Series professional include traffic engineering, transportation, roads and Bridges to cross a river engineering (roads, Bridges and tunnels), or transport civil engineering (roads and Bridges), navigation technology, flight technology, and other disciplines. The 6th national college students traffic science and technology competition will be held in changan university in May 2011, the preparatory work has been in full swing.   Competition organizing committee sincerely invites your school organize students to participate in the 6th national college students traffic science and technology competition, the competition process and schedules can be found in the attachment, please before December 31, 2010 will be receipt by mail, fax, E-mail and so on returns, waiting your feedback.   advance   The ritual   The organizing committee of the national college students traffic science and technology competition   Chang an university    英语比赛邀请信范文篇三 Distinguished leadership:   A: hello!   Between rich for each business unit staff amateur cultural life, improve the employees physical quality, adhering to the unity, enterprising of the Olympic spirit, make the staff work in insecurity to relax and promote friendship, will be held on June 2nd cup friends god nine people making football tournament!   In this we ask that your company team sign up for the event.   Advance!   XX XX group office
2023-06-10 17:25:081

2023-06-10 17:25:242

1.大学生活对学生作用重大。 2. 大学是丰富多彩3学生活富有挑战性 120字英语作文三段式 谢

2023-06-10 17:25:312


2023-06-10 17:25:413

想要一篇关于ways to make your campus life more colorful的大学英语作文作文,谢谢

2023-06-10 17:26:022


2023-06-10 17:26:125


  (  )55.According to the passage,the movie most probably tells a ____ story.   A.funny B.sad C.terrible D.true   C   You may know the song Happy Birthday very well. But do you know about its writer? It was written by an American girl. And she became very rich after that.   When she was a child, she was poor. Once, she was invited to her friendu2019s birthday party. She was pleased but sad because she didnu2019t have enough money to buy a gift for her.   “The party is coming soon, but now I have little money.” Tears ran down her face.   Later that night she was in bed, thinking about the gift when the door opened and her grandma came in.“ What happened? ” her grandma asked. Hearing the girlu2019s story, she said, “Donu2019t worry. I think I can help you. How about singing a song together? Happy birthday to u2026”What a beautiful song! They sang and sang. Suddenly she woke up. It was a dream! She decided to write it down at once and sing it to her friends at the party.   When she sang the song at the party the next day, her friends were very happy. “How wonderfully you sing! We havenu2019t heard such a beautiful song before. Thank you for giving me the special gift.” said her friend. And they learnt to sing it together. Later the girl became well-known in America.   ( ) 56.The song Happy Birthday was written by .   A. an American girl B. an American girlu2019s grandma   C. an American boy D. an American girlu2019s friend   ( ) 57. The girl was sad because _______________________.   A. she didnu2019t want to go to the party.   B. she would be busy that day.   C. she didnu2019t have enough money to buy a gift.   D. she wasnu2019t invited to the party.   ( ) 58. What gift did she give her friend?   A. A flower. B. A toy. C. An interesting book. D. A song.   ( ) 59. What did her friends think of the song? It was .   A. boring B. beautiful C. exciting D. interesting   ( ) 60. Which of the following is TRUE?   A. The girl was still poor after writing the song .   B. The girl sang the song with her grandpa in her dream.   C. The girlu2019s friends had heard the song before.   D. The girl became famous because of the song.   D   My sister Alli and I have been trying to get people to stop dropping cigarette butts(烟头) for seven years.   One day, we were walking in our hometown and saw hundreds of cigarette butts on the ground. 61   They made the town look so ugly that we decided to start a group to make people stop dropping butts. We called it “No Butts About It!”   At first, we drew pictures with “The Earth Is Not Your Ashtray(烟灰缸)” written on them. We put the pictures around our hometown—in parks, by beaches, and along roads.   We wanted to make people understand that dropping butts does harm to the environment. Most smokers donu2019t think that dropping butts harms the earth. 62   Later, we wrote to companies and asked them for money to help us. We used the money to buy ashtrays(烟灰缸)to give smokers.   We wanted smokers to carry the ashtrays with them so they didnu2019t have to drop butts.   At the moment, we are trying to get cigarette companies to put an ashtray in each pack of cigarettes. 63   Many people have started to join our group since it began.64 And there are even groups in England, Australia and India!   Many newspapers have written about my sister and I over the last seven years. And we have won many prizes for our good work.   65 We just want to make the earth a better and cleaner place for animals, plants and people.   One day it will be.   根据短文内容,从方框所给的选项中选出适当 句子 补全短文,使短文通顺,内容完整。   五、词语运用(每空1分,共10分)   阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。   friend, win, stop, interest, never , well,   during, they, feel, poor, it, important   I was in a speaking contest when I was nine years old.I had ___66___spoken in front of so many people before. My topic was “The Olympics”.I began speaking and then ___67__.I had forgotten what I had forgotten what I had to say. I began again and made more mistakes but, finally, I finished my speech. I felt terrible. But the audience (观众) cheered. Many said the speech was___68_____.   I didnu2019t win the contest, but taking part in the contest made me __69__ that I had achieved something. That is why contests and taking part in __70___are good. They make you test yourself. They help you find out what you are good at and what you are ___71__ at.   Most importantly, taking part in contests can be fun! They are cool! They let you show other people what you can do and how ___72__you can do it. That goes for anything: speaking, writing, singing, dancing, or playing an instrument. And ___73___the contest you get to meet other kids who are interested in the same things as you are . Itu2019s a great chance to make new ____74___.   So donu2019t be afraid to enter a contest. Sometimes you may not get any prize at all, but you will still be a(n) “___75_____” in so many other ways!   66.___________67.__________68.___________69.___________70._____________   71.___________72.__________73.___________74.___________75._____________   六、补全对话。(每题2分,共10分)   A:How heavy it rained last night! What were you doing at that time?   B:_______76______. It is one of the four famous works in China.   A:_______77_______?   B:I have read it for two weeks.   A: _______78______?   B:I think itu2019s really interesting . ______79_____?   A:Yes, I have. I read it two yeas ago.   B:_______80________?   A:Yes. I often spend my free time in reading.   B:So, thatu2019s why you are good at Chinese.   A:Thank you.   七、书面表达(15分)   进入初中已经两年,在学习和生活上你一定发生了许多变化。过去的你和现在的你一定有许多不同。成长的点点滴滴,久久不能忘记。请以I Am Not a Child Any More为题,记叙你在学习生活中经历的变化和感受,表明你已经不再是一个小孩子了。   要求: 1.注意紧扣主题,意思连贯,语言通顺,书写规范。   2. 不得使用真实姓名和校名.   3. 词数不得少于60词。   初二英语下册期末试题答案:   一、听力理解   1—5 BCACB 6—10 CABBC 11—15 BAACC 16—20 CADEB   二、单项选择   21—25 CABCD 26—30 BADAD 31—35 BDCAB   三、完形填空   36—40 BACAC 41—45 BABCB   四、阅读理解   46—50 DBABC 51—55 BCDDA   56—60 ACDBD 61—65 DEACB   五、词语运用   66.never 67.stopped 68. interesting 69. feel 70.them   71.poor 72. well 73. during 74. friends 75.winner   六、补全对话   76. I was reading. /I was reading books. / I was reading a book.   77. How long have you read it?   78. What do you think of it? / How do you like it?   79. Have you read it?   80. Do you like reading? / Do you often spend your free time in reading?
2023-06-10 17:26:371


Olympic Games
2023-06-10 17:26:468

2023-06-10 17:27:034


YaoMing was born September 12, 1980 in ShangHai. At 226 centimeters he is one of the tallest men in the NBA. He has played basketball all of his life but in 1997 he joined the ShangHai Sharks. In 1998 YaoMing joined the Chinese National team. In the year 2000 Yao joined the All-Star team of Asia. Last year YaoMing was selected first in the NBA Draft by Houston. He was one of few first year players to make the NBA All-Star team. He has gotten off to a good start with the Houston Rockets this year by scoring 19 points in his first game. YaoMing now plays in the Houston Toyota Center. Although he played well last year, YaoMing will be more aggressive because he is coached by former NBA All-Star Patrick Ewing, who was known for his aggressive style of play. YaoMing loves meat and the color blue. He has much respect for ZhouEnlai.
2023-06-10 17:27:115


2023-06-10 17:18:472


2023-06-10 17:19:051

求马来西亚保时捷boxter 卡曼911报价

2023-06-10 17:19:132


保时捷09款Boxster即将入华随着保时捷新款的911车型上市,掀开了保时捷车系车型改款升级的序幕。近日,据保时捷中国内部人士透露,新款Boxster将于4月正式在国内上市,预计售价区间为73.8-88.8万元。保时捷Boxster是享誉全球的双座敞篷跑车,也是最早进入国内市场销售的保时捷车型之一。目前,09款的Boxster已经在海外上市,起售价为47550美元,新车价格比老款上涨了2000美元。boxster的S版本价格增加1万美元。另外还提供丰富的选装配置,例如导航系统、蓝牙免提电话、XM卫星无线系统、IPOD USB AUX接口、自适应的双氙大灯、机械的后差速锁、运动的Chrono套装、可加热的方向盘、通风带加热功能的座椅等。目前国内的老款车型的售价区间为68.80-86.80万,新款的售价预计高出老款约5万左右,加上部分选装配置,价格大概在90万左右 新款的保时捷Boxter配备了PDK双离合变速器,比老款使用的Tiptronic变速器拥有更高的传动效率和更快的换挡速度,它拥有两个离合器来分别控制奇数档位和偶数档位,当你行驶在一个档位时,下一个档位已经在随时待命了。换挡过程十分顺畅,你只会听到发动机声调的变化而感觉不到换挡所带来的顿挫感。此外,它还具有重量上的优势,尽管增加了2 个档位,其重量仍比传统的Tiptronic S 变速箱轻大约10公斤。 而更为关键的是,它能提供更加经济的油耗。09款保时捷Boxter 2.9升水平对置发动机在Boxster上输出255 匹马力,比现款增长了10 马力。而S高性能版本,则配备了3.4升水平对置发动机,输出最大功率,Boxter S 为310马力,比老款增加了25匹马力。 新增加的动力,使得Boxter S的重量功率比达到5.2千克/马力,动力性能更加出众
2023-06-10 17:19:201


用户密码 1490 维护密码 5010 高级密码 厂家才有 一般不会告诉别人
2023-06-10 17:19:232


2023-06-10 17:19:274


没有听过EMR是国家缩写你会不会搞错了?会不会你要的答案是艾默生电气(Emerson Electric Co)在美国纽约股票市场NYSE 或者电子病历(EMR,Electronic Medical Record)的缩写。
2023-06-10 17:19:311


2023-06-10 17:19:541

保时捷718boxter 反向盘打死会有咯咯咯的声音?

2023-06-10 17:20:021


布菲只做黑管 ,,,,,其他都不做 。。。。
2023-06-10 17:20:053


2023-06-10 17:20:125


emerge的名词形式和形容词如下:emerge是一个英文单词,其名词形式为:emergence;作为动词基本含义为浮现;显现;(从隐蔽处或暗处)出现;露出;暴露;露出真相;被知晓;露头;显露。第三人称单数:emerges;现在进行时:emerging;过去式:emerged;过去分词:emerged。例句为From the files that have now been released, a truer picture emerges.从现在已公布的文件看,真相开始浮现。
2023-06-10 17:21:061


2023-06-10 17:21:102


迈凯轮加98的油。迈凯伦F1能在3.2秒内从静止加速到100km/h,极速突破380km/h。从1994年进入批量生产到2005年停产。McLaren F1全球最速量产跑车的记录保持了12年之久,这个纪录直到2005年才由科尼赛克CCR打破。McLaren F1的引擎是由宝马运动部门BMW Motorsport提供的代号为S702的6.1升V12,赛车版F1 GTR按比赛条例进行进气限制之后输出降为600匹,1995年McLaren F1 GTR的街道版F1 LM特别纪念版输出达到骇人的680匹。车辆尺寸这个尺寸几乎和第5代高尔夫(Golf)样小巧(4.216m长/1.756m宽),连保时捷博克斯特(Porsche Boxter)都比McLaren F1大。McLaren F1悬挂系统设计设计得非常小巧确保短车长和短悬长,超小型的V12和横置变速箱的布局实现了4.288m的超短车长。但McLaren F1布局高深之处还远不止于外形尺寸,在4.288m的短车长下,Gordon Murray成功的塞进了宽敞的3座位品字型驾驶仓,车厢内有空调,高级健伍音响,GPS导航以及车辆自动故障检测系统,车身的有多个行李储存间隔总行李储存容积比宝马5系还多。
2023-06-10 17:21:191


cd6平台有福特的探险者,领裕,林肯的飞行家车。发动机布置在汽车后部,与差速器和手动变速器连成一体,后轮为驱动轮,发动机布置在后桥后方,此为后置后驱。优点随着车桥运动学和弹性运动学的进一步发展,保时捷已经成功地提高了车辆在稳定状态(现在车辆的不足转向点趋向高侧向加速度)、非稳定状态以及在受到转矩转向效应时的直线行驶性能和弯道行驶性能。保时捷一直在坚持使用后轮驱动,即使是Boxter(为中置发动机,1996年开始推出)和911(为水冷,1997年推出)也不例外(但是VW Transporter自1991年停产),这种布置有以下好处。(1)由于横摆力矩小,车辆操纵非常灵活。(2)良好的起动和爬坡性能,而且几乎与负荷状态无关。(3)由于发动机、变速器和差速器连成一体,所以力的传递路线很短。(4)由于前轮负荷小,所以转向轻便。(5)制动力分配合理。(6)前悬架构造简单。(7)发动机易于拆卸。(8)车身底板上,没有隆起的通道或者只有很小的通道。(9)前面可以使用小悬挂。
2023-06-10 17:21:381


emerge是我们常用的动词,那么你emerge做动词都表达哪些意思吗?下面我为大家带来emerge的英语意思解释和英语例句,欢迎大家参考学习! 目录 emerge作动词的意思 emerge的时态 emerge的英语例句 emerge作动词的意思 出现,浮现;暴露;摆脱 emerge的英语音标 英 [i?m?:d?] 美 [??m?d?] <<< emerge的时态 现在分词: emerging 过去式: emerged 过去分词: emerged <<< emerge的英语例句 1. The missiles emerge from the underbelly of the transport plane. 导弹从那架运输机的底部飞了出来。 2. The chilling facts behind this veil of silence were slow to emerge. 沉默背后的骇人真相慢慢显露出来。 3. The favoured candidate will probably emerge after private discussions. 中意的候选人很可能将在私下讨论后产生。 4. The tadpoles metamorphose and emerge onto land. 蝌蚪蜕变了,登上陆地。 5. The cultural life of the country will sink into atrophy unless more writers and artists emerge. 如果没有更多的作家和艺术家出现,这个国家的 文化 生活将衰退。 6. The cancer may re-emerge years later. 癌症可能在多年之后复发。 7. The baby"s head was starting to emerge from the womb. 婴儿的头开始从母亲的子宫中露出来. 8. A large number of independent African countries emerge at a historic moment. 一大批非洲独立国家应运而生. 9. It"s still hard to tell who will emerge victorious. 鹿死谁手尚难逆料. 10. His voice stopped short as he saw the blade emerge from Desmond"s pocket. 当他看到从德斯蒙德口袋里露出的刀刃时,他突然不吭声了。 11. Divested of the hype surrounding its launch, the show can now emerge as a full-fledged classic. 没有了上映时的炒作,这场演出现在可以作为一部真正意义上的经典之作亮相了。 12. Local police chiefs should re-emerge as figures of authority and reassurance in their areas. 地方警察局局长应该重新成为其所治一方具有权威和安定人心的人物。 13. The pupae remain dormant in the soil until they emerge as adult moths in the winter. 蛹蛰伏在土壤中,直到冬天它们才蜕变成蛾子飞出来。 14. Consequently, even as the blogosphere continues to expand, only a few blogs are likely toemerge as focal points. 结果,尽管博客圈继续扩大,但仅有少数的博客有可能脱颖而出,成为关注的焦点。 15. To try to open a foreign-owned business is to enter a thicket of regulations from which fewemerge. 要开一家外资企业就要钻条条框框,没几个出来的。 <<< emerge是什么意思知识相关 文章 : ★ emerge是什么意思 ★ emerge是什么意思 ★ emerge的近义词辨析 ★ emerge的同义词辨析 ★ appear的用法总结大全 ★ 英语单词学习:阶段必背核心词组 ★ bask的用法总结大全 ★ 考研英语词汇常用的后缀,你知道多少个? ★ 学习英语的秘诀 ★ 六级仔细阅读强化训练 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-06-10 17:21:511


famous quote
2023-06-10 17:17:5711


2023-06-10 17:17:542

保时捷boxter仪表盘显示convertible top not in limit posit是什么意思

2023-06-10 17:17:452


2023-06-10 17:17:0310

ups不间断电源 厂家

2023-06-10 17:17:001

请问一下保时捷boxster,和boxster s差别在哪里?一般23岁哪款好,

2023-06-10 17:16:373


2023-06-10 17:16:371

保时捷boxter这款车怎么样啊,2013 2.7L 的怎么样 上面说最高速度252KMH 真的假的 这辆车一年保养多少钱

BMW 740??????????????????,别听他的
2023-06-10 17:16:293

保时捷boxter 和boxter S的区别都有哪些 介绍下

2023-06-10 17:16:221


2023-06-10 17:16:172


Nature 艾默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson)的《论自然》,是关于超验主义的。超验主义代表美国浪漫主义文学的巅峰。以下是我个人总结的笔记的一部分,楼主可参考:In this essay, Emerson put forth the foundation of Transcendentalism(超验主义), a belief system that espouses a non-traditional appreciation of Nature. Transcendentalism suggests that the divine, or God, suffuses Nature, and suggests that reality can be understood by studying Nature. In short, Nature is the outfit of Deiity, which is omnipotent and omnipresent. Within the essay, Emerson divides Nature into four usages: Commodity, Beauty, Language and Discipline. These distinctions define the ways by which humans use Nature for their basic needs, their desire for delight, their communication with one another and their understanding of the world.
2023-06-10 17:15:571


Boxter是保时捷的入门级跑车,最便宜,外观也有不少的争议,最主要是闭篷的时候样子很难看。Boxster没有硬顶和硬篷Cayman你可以把它当作Boxster的硬顶版,但定位高于Boxster。主要是因为Cayman是为了取代911和Boxster两者之间的价格空隙而推出的车型Cayman没有软篷和敞篷两者在外观设计上有些相似,但总体来说Cayman要比Boxster好看,也更有911的味道Cayman和Boxster都有普通型号和S版。Cayman和Boxster的基本型号所采用的引擎是一样的,水平对置6缸2.7升发动机,只是Cayman的进行了一些调校后性能增长了一些。而Boxster S搭载的是3.2L的水平对置6缸发动机,Cayman S则是3.4L的水平对置6缸 911是保时捷的旗舰车型,大概来说有Carrera和Turbo两个系列,外观一般认为也是最帅的Carrera系有Carrera、Carrera 4和Carrera Targa 4(取代Carrera Targa),具体型号如下: Carrera Carrera S Carrera Cabriolet Carrera 4 Carrera 4 Cabriolet Carrera 4S Carrera 4S Cabriolet Carrera Targa 4 Carrera Targa 4S具体区别也和前所说的基本型和S版大体相同,只不过引擎规格比Boxster和Cayman要高,基本型(没有S后缀)和敞篷型(Cabriolet)搭载3.6升水平对置6缸发动机,而S型则是搭配3.8L的Turbo系列有Turbo和Turbo S,主要区别是在Carrera的3.6L和3.8L发动机上加上2个涡轮增压器。外观上和Carrera区别主要在于车头两侧进气口和雾灯、转向灯。而且尾部多了一个小定风翼911也有GT系列的,这个系列主要由赛车改进过来,历史上出现过GT1、GT2、GT3,但到现在只有GT3还生产并更新换代。该系还是采用3.6升水平对置6缸发动机,但并没有安装涡轮增压器,而是进一步提高转速和动力,改用更轻的铝质引擎部件。外观上加装了空气动力套件,比911 TURBO帅一点Boxster和Cayman都是中置后驱的(MR)911系列,在代号为993的911系列之前是后置后驱的(RR),车子难控制。993及之后的车采用了后置全驱,也就是后置四驱,使车子的操控性和循迹能力得到很大改善。具体定位如下: Boxster < Cayman < Boxster S < Cayman S < 911 Carrera < 911 Carrera 4 < 911 GT3 < 911 Turbo
2023-06-10 17:15:452

爱默生说爱伦坡是“the jingle man”,具体是什么意思?

the jingle man的意思是叮当诗人,可译成写打油诗的人。爱伦坡是专业的文学评论家,因为坚持自己的观点得罪了很多大师级人物,比如爱默生。在爱伦坡去世后,Rugus Griswold 肆意修改爱伦坡的作品,外界怎么误解,他怎么改(因为爱伦坡曾在他的作品集里批驳过Rugus Griswold的作品 )。 从此爱默生被越抹越黑。‘Emerson认为——爱伦坡是jingle man , Mark Twain 认为—— Poe"s unreadable Henry james 认为——"enthusiasm for poe is the mark of a decidedly primitive state of development" (若你对爱伦坡的作品有极大的兴趣,这标志着你的思想绝对停留在初级水平)爱伦坡在当时的美国没名气,但在欧洲大陆名气很旺。比如20世纪初,艾略特认为爱伦坡是一流的评论家。另外王尔德,萧伯纳,劳伦斯等等都对他有极高的评价。
2023-06-10 17:15:351


2023-06-10 17:15:274


2023-06-10 17:15:223