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2023-06-11 08:51:30

扬声器系统的技术和制造,多年来波澜不兴,一直在平稳发展。最近情况有了变化,在世界许多大型运动会、大型演出现场出现了线性阵列扬声器系统。2001年11月在广州奥林匹克体育中心的开幕式上就采用了Apogee的线性阵列扬声器系统。这个有80000座位的体育场,据说采用了4组共30只ALA9音箱。覆盖整个运动场,效果满意。 近年来,世界各主要专业扬声器、音箱公司,纷纷推出各自的线性阵列扬声器系统。其中有:Meyersound M3D,Deliya-Sound-la210 , EV X—Line ,Martin Audio W 8L。这些系统名称不同,但原理和特性却大同小异。同时又各自标新立异,或在结构、或在箱体工艺、单元选择等方面八仙过海,各显神通。既避免 专利、模仿、抄袭的困扰,又独树一帜,宣扬本公司的卖点。这就自然引起国内同行的兴趣和关注。不断人提出问题,但目前国内刊物中资料很少,有必要讨论。



线性阵列不仅用在专业音箱中,也用于Hi—Fi音箱中。最近Dynaudio推出的信心(confidence)系列音箱采用了一种DDC(Dynaudio Directivity Control丹拿指向性控制)其实是6只扬声器组成一个小型的线性阵列。 回顾线性阵列的产生背景,在一个大型运动场,希望四周看台的观众都能听到均匀、清晰的声音。一个常用的办法是分散扩声,在运动场四周多装多组扬声器系统,这就需要多组分散扬声器系统。另外,当在主舞台演唱时,所听到的声音方向出于商业目的或其它,一些介绍资料有言过实际方向不一致,影响聆听效果。在对远距离辐射时,采用大功率音箱,如600W,不但价格昂贵,还有一个大功率失真问题。线性阵列可以解决这一问题。 奥尔森当时所称的直线声源,是由大量分布在直线上间隔相同,但非常小的等强同相点声源组成。如果点声源的数量趋近于无穷大,点声源间距趋近于零,并有关系nd=l式中,n为声源的数量;d为声源间距离;f为直线声源长度。 直线声源的指向性图如图2所示。它是长波长的函数,这是用极坐标表示的在一定距离角变化的声压曲线。相应于零度角的方向垂直线,在三维空间的指向特性是以直线为轴旋转面。从这一组曲线可以看出,最新最先进~线阵图线性声源的扬声器的数目愈多,指向图愈尖锐。 近年来,制造的线性阵列扬声器系统是由若干音箱在垂直面重叠组合,形成一个水平方向角度一定(一般为90。)垂直方向较窄的波束。一个室外运动场(距离可在100m以上),有这样4条线性阵列系统就足以满足声场覆盖的要求,这就是线性阵列系统的优势所在。


线性阵列音响,顾名思义它肯定不是单只的,而是一串 一般情况下一串最少四个箱子,大型的扩音一串8个的10个的都有。现大多用于室外,如体育场扩声 广场扩声等。线性阵列的好处在于它的音箱多,声压级大,而且都是远程的,声波射的远,覆盖面广。由于音箱多 而且是穿在一起的,为了减小声干涉和避免隐蔽效应所以完全采用的事全频音响(即高音中银低音),每个箱子的声音都是一样的。另外每串音箱单独配两超低音加强效果。现在线性阵列音响在国内大型扩声领域占主导地位,包括体育场鸟巢和大型路演、室外演唱会等 用的都是线阵。



2023-06-10 15:18:493


1、在其他电脑上能否正常识别,多换几个接口试试2、如果在 其他电脑能识别那就说明你的这个电脑的接口和声卡的接口接触不良或供电不足导致的;也有可能是系统问题,建议你升级或者重装一下系统试试3、然后在打开驱动人生这个软件,检测一下外设驱动一键安装就可以啦
2023-06-10 15:19:051


2023-06-10 15:19:142

apogee symphony mk2如何连接M1电脑

2023-06-10 15:19:221

Apogee 96k 辨别真假

2023-06-10 15:19:301


2023-06-10 15:19:381


2023-06-10 15:19:451

Apogee 5300主机正常显示器不亮如何维修?

2023-06-10 15:20:041


这两个词虽然在中文翻译中都可以译作“顶峰”、“巅峰”,但它们的概念是不一样的: apex:三角形的顶端.其延伸词义通常用于可通过攀登达到的“顶峰”. zenith:穹顶中间的部分.其延伸词义通常表达位置、地位的“顶峰”. 这两个词都很常见.
2023-06-10 15:20:111

apogee minime usb接口数字话放声卡怎么样

Mini-Me沿袭了Track2 的优秀品质,同样设有话筒输入/线路输入/乐器电平输入端口。 如果提供了幻象电压,并插入了卡农插头,通用卡农头 /大三芯输入端口将自动选择乐器电平输入方式。好像满意看见有数字输入端口的。只能是使用模拟那些线性输入的噢。
2023-06-10 15:20:201

apogee rosetta 800 怎么录电脑里面播放的声音

首先你的电脑需要有声卡驱动,注意不是系统自带的驱动。如果没有声卡驱动的朋友可以用一些安装驱动类的软件来下载安装。你也可以上网搜索声卡驱动来安装。此过程不再赘述。当你在电脑里听到一首很好听的歌,然后想记录下来却找不到下载地址的时候,请右键点击任务栏处的声音图标,点击录音设备。接下来的界面就是录音设备的选项。点击右键,选择“显示禁用的设备”。然后就会出现下面标注的“stereo Mix”设备。右键点击这个设备,选择第一项,启用。这时这个设备显示准备就绪。这样就点击确定关闭窗口了。这样我们的准备工作就做好了。其实上面那个隐藏的设备就是立体声设备,是专门录电脑内部传出的声音,而不是录外部输入的声音的。然后你打开开始菜单,在最下方的搜索框中输入录音机三个字,这时上面会出现这个录音机程序,打开它。这时,你要把你想要录的电脑内部的声音准备再次播放,为的是要录下它。当你准备好之后,点击开始录制按钮。这时录音机程序就开始录电脑发出的声音了,也就是你在电脑上听到的声音。录音完成之后点击停止录音,这时会跳出一个界面,是让你保存你的录音文件的。点击保存之后,你想听到的声音就已经存到了你的电脑上了。
2023-06-10 15:20:281

apogee mic麦克风连接mac或iphone电流声大,录的声音特别小,求解决办法

2023-06-10 15:20:371


楼宇还是用 APOGEE系统吧,针对性更强,再说了你不用专用系统,客户会觉着你不专业的
2023-06-10 15:20:431


2023-06-10 15:20:501

请高手讲讲,apogee minidac 怎么和耳放连接

得看那个一体机后面带不带输出,如果有rca或者xlr输出就可以接,没有就不行。 “解码耳放一体机”这个玩意,如今非常流行,被很多发烧友、乐迷朋友、数码爱好者使用,作为主要的听音方案。可以说,现在开始“发烧”的朋友,很少还会选择CD机作为音源。
2023-06-10 15:20:571

apogee mic 96k怎么样

  Apogee最近推出了一款新话筒MiC 96K,作为老MiC的升级版,可支持更高标准的24bit/96kHz精度录音。  升级后的MiC 96K新颖之处还包括可直接连接Lightning接口的iOS设备,话筒侧面设计了了话筒支架接口。  MiC 96K主要特性:  24bit/96kHz精度USB话筒 ;  支持连接Mac电脑、iPad和iPhone ;  带有30针iOS设备线缆,也有可直接连接Lightning接口的线缆,以及直接连接Mac电脑的USB线缆 ;  全金属外壳 ;  多彩LED灯可表示话筒状态 ;  增益控制旋钮 ;
2023-06-10 15:21:061


开官网 点击服务中心--产品注册--加密锁产品注册--添加、删除驱动 点击下载安装后 重新开ie窗口就可以啊
2023-06-10 15:21:141

apogee duet2 进水了 现在没反应 怎么修理 国内没修理的地方

出进水机吗 我工作室最近需要个apogee duet2的尸体机拿来拆机 有想法发我邮箱哦,
2023-06-10 15:21:342


2023-06-10 15:21:401

请教apogee groove驱动在哪下

2023-06-10 15:21:471

请教apogee groove驱动在哪下

2023-06-10 15:21:541


如下:1、福克斯特Solo三代录音声卡福克斯特三代solo录音声卡内置一个三代Scarlett话放,新增的Air模式为音质注入了更多细节优化,确保了专业音质水平。配备一个高动态余量的乐器输入端口,支持吉他或贝斯的接入。比巴掌大一些非常小巧的体积,同样兼容录音和直播,是千元内入门级的必选款。2、雅马哈UR22C直播录音声卡UR22C专业录音声卡具有理想的体积大小、坚实的外壳、赠送Cubase AI录音软件,使它成为非常棒的音乐制作伴侣。它使用USB3.1 Type-C接口,D-PRE前置放大器,合适的价格,让他成为个人录音,直播K歌中性价比的代表声卡,也是目前同价位中热门必选声卡。3、Audient iD14 MKII专业录音K歌声卡Audient iD14 MKII专业录音K歌声卡号称“小钢炮”,外观就是满满的品质感,自带的话放也具备高品质,无需加载虚拟通道即可实现直播K歌,是目前能做到录音和直播兼容且操作简单,运行稳定的为数不多的声卡。有录音和直播需求的,优先考虑!4、罗兰Rubix 22 USB专业录音声卡罗兰Rubix 22支持双麦克风输入,带前级放大器,可同时满足底噪和高清的使用需求,可捕捉保存用户录制的所有声音细节和冲击力,而面板设置的灵活插孔可使用户轻松的连接各种插头,每个通道都配有独立的增益控制旋钮,提供给用户出色的录音音质输出效果。5、Apogee Duet 3便携式专业录音声卡Apogee Duet 3专业录音声卡,具有独特的外观,带紫色LED背光,品质感十足,巴掌大小非常便携,移动性强。2进4出,带2个麦克风前置放大器和硬件DSP,音质在同价产品中是比较出色的,特别对苹果设备兼容更友好。性能强大,搭载虚拟通道同样可以实现直播K歌。
2023-06-10 15:22:281


阿波罗 828mk3 RME MAC 马头
2023-06-10 15:23:162


马克斯普朗克地外物理研究所的科学家们根据 APOGEE 数据,建立了迄今为止最准确的银河系中心区域模型,并在那里发现了一个新结构——富含金属的恒星环。 研究银河系的结构一直是一项艰巨的任务,因为我们必须从内部看它。太阳系位于银盘的一个臂附近。从这个有利的角度来看,银河系中的许多恒星都被稠密的气体和尘埃云所掩盖。尤其难以看到中部地区。因此,科学家们正在积极研究其他星系,更加关注那些与银河系相似的星系。 银河系是一个棒旋星系。在其他具有这种结构的星系中,科学家们一再注意到中心区域有一圈正在形成的恒星。问题出现了:银河系有这样的环吗? 十年来,来自马克斯普朗克地外物理研究所(德国)的科学家们一直在收集天文观测数据并建立我们银河系的计算机模型。在他们的新研究中,他们使用了 APOGEE 调查的结果和 盖亚 的观察结果一样。天文学家比较了 3 万多颗恒星的参数,并建立了它们运动的计算机模型。这是银河系中心区域最准确的地图。在它的帮助下,第一次有可能看到一个缓慢旋转的杆( slow bar )和一个弯曲的凸起,形状像一个花生。这项工作的结果发表在《 天文学与天体物理学 》杂志的一篇文章中。 APOGEE 巡天是一项大型的天空光谱巡天项目。它是斯隆数字巡天 (SDSS) 的一部分。在近红外范围内进行了观察。这个范围可以让你看穿稠密的气体和尘埃云。新工作的作者从 APOGEE 获得了有关银河系中心区域恒星的组成、位置、多普勒频移和大致年龄的信息,并从 盖亚 项目获得了确切的坐标、方向和运动速度. 通过结合这些数据,科学家们能够计算出中心区域恒星的完整轨道。这使得模拟被凸起隐藏的银河区域成为可能。由于新模型数据的准确性和完整性,中心条周围出现了令人梦寐以求的年轻和金属含量更高的恒星环。最重要的是,在银河平面附近,它们的浓度更高。这意味着在棒形成之后,环中活跃的恒星形成继续存在,因此它们的年龄可以用来分析银河系中心结构的演化。根据该研究的作者,环中恒星的平均年龄表明银河棒至少在 70 亿年前形成。 目前尚不清楚这个恒星环与银河系的旋臂之间是否存在联系,以及气体流动是否像其他旋涡星系那样为薄环提供能量。 让我们希望在下一代望远镜发射后,天文学家能够回答这些问题。新设备将使科学家能够进行更准确地观察。基于这些数据,将有可能开发出更复杂的计算机模型。我们的银河系仍有许多谜团有待揭开。
2023-06-10 15:24:071


2023-06-10 15:24:169

本人喜欢网络k歌,目前有一台mac,想入手Apogee Symphony I/O Mk II MK

2023-06-10 15:24:403

RME Babyface PRO和APOGEE Avid Pro Tools 这两款声卡,哪款声卡输出给音箱,音质最好!!请高手给点建议

2023-06-10 15:24:501


2023-06-10 15:24:5911


高手,说实话一般的水货行货在网上真查不出来,即使是100个机子用以个进网许可证然后把100个机子分到不同的省市里,就算是在同一个地方出现了,也没法确认。要是说怎么分别真伪,我做手机行业8年了,还真没好的办法,机子见多了 ,拿在手上凭感觉一看就知道,假的网标很假,一对比就能看出来。
2023-06-10 15:25:551


2023-06-10 15:26:068


2023-06-10 15:26:541


Ping-pong Ping-pongAthletic creation, belong to the fortuity purely.Is because of twoEnglandThe youth plays to cause of. The end of 19 centuries, a dayLondonTwo youths the person has a meal to a restaurant, at wait for the bellboy sends the rice, they feel the boredom, will pack then and at randomCigarOf a cover takes atHandPlay inside, filled the cork of the wine bottle to also stir down again at the same time, two people are on the dining table you to I to, beat to come over to beat mutually past, result, his a pair play unexpectedly into be fond of, connect to have a meal to all attend to not ascend.From here, this the game on the dining table, turn into, develop very quickly ping-pong ball game, combine to roll up London, became a ping-pong the heat at that time.In honor of contrivance country,1926, the first batch world ping-pong championships holds in London.In former times When people play ping-pong, like mostly to stick on the wooden board racket a layer leather or cork.The rubber racket is British the thou is virtuous to invent first and use of. When a small change for, over ball in ancient virtuous match empress, on the way home arriving medicine store buying medicine, being medicine store boss will finding back throws to him, the coin falls to played to get up on the rubber plate.Ancient virtuous eye eye immediately a bright, hence direction medicine store the boss bought the rubber plate, on where own racket, reformed the oneself with meticulous care at first of racket. Afterwards, the thou is virtuous to use this piece of in this worlds a racket for gluing last rubber takes part in a game, combining to win all opponents calmly.From that time on, the rubber racket published then and publicly. The ping-pong gets cause and others ofIn exercising history, the ping-pong sport can be regarded as a young athletics exercises, it only has the history of more than 100 years, than rises the athletics(2,000 years are above) comes, it can be regarded as the reputation corresponds to reality younger generation. In 1890, several garrisonsIndia( India) of England navy( navy) the military officer discovers by chance to play the tennis to stimulate very on an estrade for not very.Afterwards they change to replace the flexibility with the hollow and small ball solid ball not very, counteract the wooden board replaced the net claps, going forward in the table a line of this kind of is novel of" tennis match", this is the cause that table tennis get. The Table tennis appears soon, then a kind of popular sport that become popular for a time.At the beginning of 20 centuries,The United StatesBeginning a game for producing ping-pong tools and implements.At the beginning, table tennis contain other name, such as Indoor tennis.Afterwards, a the United States manufactory creates the this new phrase in ping- pong with the voice that ping-pong send out when bumping shot, being used as the " ping-pong" patent registration trademark that he make.The Ping- pong is afterwards table tennis formal name in another.It spread to China behind, people creates the this new phrase in " ping-pong" language again. AtJapanese, the ping-pong is called"Table tennis".The ping-pong is athletic and a lot of to use the phrase changes from the tennis of.Playing ping-pong a ball for using calls ping- pong ball or table- tennis ball, the ping-pong set calls ping- pong table, the set calls the court, the in-between ball net calls the net, propping up the shelf of the ball net call net support. The ping-pong single game adopts generally three bureau two 胜 or five bureau three 胜 system, so-called" bureau", English is a set.The hair ball calls serve.The ping-pong originates England.EuropeThe person call the " a last tennis" to the ping-pong up to now, from here then, the ping-pong be developped by tennis since then.The end of 19 centuries, the European widely accepted tennis exercises, but be suffered by 於 to be present a ground of with the restrict of the weather, some university students in England move to the indoors to the tennis then, regarding dining table as the ball set, the book makes the ball net, using the parchment does the racket, beating on the dining table to beat to go to.At the beginning of 20 centuries, the ping-pong exercises in Europe withAsiaIt is booming to open the exhibition gets up.In 1926, in Germany Berlin held the international ping-pong invitational tournament.The 后 were confirmed for first batch world ping-pong championships.Established the international ping-pong the consociation the meeting at the same time. The ping-pong is athletic extensive to open the exhibition, urging the racket to have the very big improvement with the ball.The first racket is a piece of slightly wooden board that pass through process.The 后 comes to someone to stick on the racket a layer sheepskin.With the modern industrial development in著 , the European sticks to take the rubber of the gum grain on the racket.In the beginning of 50"s, the Japanese invents to stick the racket of the thick sea cotton again.First ball is a category the rubber ball,1890 of the tennis, the athlete 吉 cloth of England bring back the some conduct and actions toy from the United States ofCelluloidBall, use the 於 ping-pong sport. In title numerously of ping-pong game, most the negative great reputation is the ping-pong championships of world, holding once annually at first,1957 the 后 changes to two years to hold once. In 1904, an owner of stationer store in Shanghai the kingly way noon buy to return to 10 sets of ping-pongs device from Japan.From now on, the ping-pong sport streams into China.The ping-pong sport originates England in last phase in 19 centurieses about, spreading to later on the United States, European central part, Japan, China and Korea etc. ground.The ping-pong exercises the inception was seen by the many people for amusing the activity, but the development is up to now, having become one of a world and main sports.The Olympic sports games in winning of ping-pong sport admits in 1988, becoming the event formally, among them included single, women"s singles, men"s doubles in man and women"s doubleses.Ping-pong technical termA, the district of the game set( a) the left and right half area calls again 1/2 area, its direction to hit ball with racket oneself but speech. ( two) the near net area points to be apart from the ball net 40 the rice of 厘 including of district( three) the bottom line area points to be apart from to carry the line 30 the rice of 厘 including of district( four) inside area is pointed to lie in near net area with the district of the bottom line areaTwo, the racket bounce the form racket claps the form includes to clap the angle with clap the direction.( a) clap the angle clap the angle is an angle to points to clap become with set.(1) clap and set 90 for perpendicular. (2) clap is smaller with the angle of the set formation 90 for ex- 倾 . (3) clap is over and above with the angle of the set formation 90 for empress 仰 . ( two) clap the direction clap the direction is an angle to points the racket the or so deflecting, become with ball you line.Three, hit ball with racket the part hit ball with racket the part is a concrete position to point to hit ball with racket racket 触 ball, it is basic up with clap the form angle to fit together mutually.( a) upper part( two) top central part( three) inside upper part( four) central part( five) inside lower part( six) bottom central part( seven) lower partFour, hit ball with racket time hit ball with racket time is that time to be pointed ball after this square set play rises to drop. ( a) run high the period:The ball playses to rise for new- risen stage from the set. ( two) period after running high:The ball plays the stage that rises nears to the apogee. ( three) apogee period:The ball plays the stage that rises attains the apogee. ( four) ex- period in descent:First stage that ball descend from the apogee beginning. ( five) descent empress period:The ball descends to near to the previous this stage in ground. Five, hit ball with racket the route hit ball with racket the route is a line to point from hit ball with racket to order to fall the pedestal a formation.Five basic circuit( then hit ball with racket for basis)s for:The right oblique line, right straight line, left oblique line, left is straightly and inside the road the straight line.The inside road straight line ball to stand at any time in actual game an and settle of, then make track for the body ball, also call that the road of inside makes track for the body road.Six, hit ball with racket to order to hit ball with racket to order is an opposite position for belonging to spatial position, this is to hitting ball with racket but speech of, include below three factors:The ball of ① is placed in bodily in front and back position ② ball and the high and low position of the bodily and far close quarter ③ ball. The main military tactics of the ping-pong--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A, push to offend the military tacticsCharacteristics:Main application offend the ball with versa push the speed that block with power, combine the combination falls to order the variety with rhythm variety to inhibit with transfer the other party, to fight for active or get a goal.Pushing to offend military tactics is a left pushing right strike against the method deals with the type that attackstone the main military tactics beats the method, having versa push the both sides of the ability of blocking offend the athlete and offend the 削 the combination athlete etc. to also often use it.Method:1, left push the right offending 2, push to block the side body to rush toward the positive hand after offending 3, push to block, the side body offends 4, left push to join together the versa offending 5, left push, versa offend, the side body rushes toward the positive hand after offending.Announcements:1, push, offend to all want the wired road change, fall to order the variety to change with the rhythm, this is the main method to push to offend military tactics fight for active with creates to button up intention to murder meeting.2, push to block general regard pressing the versa hand in the other party as lord, then become suddenly positive hand, to create the aggression opportunity.If the positive hand in the other party is worse, can just push the other party positive hand for lord.3, add suddenly in push block the dint push the other party inside road, making the other party difficult in make an effort to return to shot, then button up to kill with positive hand or side bodies.4, the hour of opportunity to meet ball wants to be resolute to button up to kill, this is the main means to push to offend military tactics get a goal.5, push to offend the military tactics wants to insist near set, can"t defend to the death the near set again, want the near pedestal in academic association to convert with the position of the inside set, control the opponent rhythm.6, push to offend the military tactics deal with turn of 弧 beats the method should insist near set as lord, use to push quickly with add, reduce the dint push to block the control falls to order, waiting for an opportunity near pedestal in adoption anti pull or the inside waits the power buttons up to kill the 弧 a ball, then enter positive hand continue take the offensive.Two, the both sides offends the military tacticsCharacteristics:Make use of primarily positive, versa offend the technical speed in ball to inhibit the other party with power, fight for active button up with creation intention to murder meeting.The both sides offends the technique is a main military tactics that both sides strike against the method deal with to attackstone the type beats the method.Method:1, offend the left buttonning up right 2, strike against two Cape, fierce button up the road of inside.Announcements:1, positive and versa offend the ball to all want the wired road change with fall to order the variety, for the purpose of creation button up the intention to murder the meeting.2, want to press versa hand in the other party is lord, then attackstone the other party positive hand or the road of inside, to create to button up intention to murder meeting.3, the hour of opportunity to meet ball wants the brave buttons up to kill.4, the both sides offends the military tactics to under the active aggression circumstance to insist near set, passive circumstance bottom can appropriate countermarch, in near pedestal of inside or the set proceeds the countercharge.5, the both sides offends the military tactics deals with the 弧 a ball beats the method should insist near set, use to take a 弧 for living the other party a ball quickly, wait for an opportunity near pedestal in adoption anti pull or the inside etc. power buttons up to kill the 弧 a ball, then turn in to continue the aggression.Three, pull to offend the military tacticsCharacteristics:Continuous the application is quick moving pull the creation aggression opportunity, then the adoption mounts sudden attack with button up to kill to be used as to get a goal the means.Pull to offend the military tactics to strike against quickly ball of 削 that method deal with main military tactics fight the method.Method:1, button up to kill after pulling 2, versa button up to kill after pullingMain it
2023-06-10 15:27:131

apogee 是什么意思?是一个品牌?

2023-06-10 15:27:441

如何识别真假apogee ensemble声卡

2023-06-10 15:27:531

apogee control 2怎么样

iOS版本的Apogee Control 2 软件正式发布。Apogee新款USB音频接口 Duet 3将与Apple iOS设备完美整合。apogee contro的评价。
2023-06-10 15:28:011

apogee duet 2连接Mac 电脑,关机后第二天开机,声卡都得15分钟左右才亮,使用

2023-06-10 15:28:091


1、福克斯特Solo三代录音声卡福克斯特三代solo录音声卡内置一个三代Scarlett话放,新增的Air模式为音质注入了更多细节优化,确保了专业音质水平。配备一个高动态余量的乐器输入端口,支持吉他或贝斯的接入。比巴掌大一些非常小巧的体积,同样兼容录音和直播,是千元内入门级的必选款。2、雅马哈UR22C直播录音声卡UR22C专业录音声卡具有理想的体积大小、坚实的外壳、赠送Cubase AI录音软件,使它成为非常棒的音乐制作伴侣。它使用USB3.1 Type-C接口,D-PRE前置放大器,合适的价格,让他成为个人录音,直播K歌中性价比的代表声卡,也是目前同价位中热门必选声卡。3、Audient iD14 MKII专业录音K歌声卡Audient iD14 MKII专业录音K歌声卡号称“小钢炮”,外观就是满满的品质感,自带的话放也具备高品质,无需加载虚拟通道即可实现直播K歌,是目前能做到录音和直播兼容且操作简单,运行稳定的为数不多的声卡。有录音和直播需求的,优先考虑!4、罗兰Rubix 22 USB专业录音声卡罗兰Rubix 22支持双麦克风输入,带前级放大器,可同时满足底噪和高清的使用需求,可捕捉保存用户录制的所有声音细节和冲击力,而面板设置的灵活插孔可使用户轻松的连接各种插头,每个通道都配有独立的增益控制旋钮,提供给用户出色的录音音质输出效果。5、Apogee Duet 3便携式专业录音声卡Apogee Duet 3专业录音声卡,具有独特的外观,带紫色LED背光,品质感十足,巴掌大小非常便携,移动性强。2进4出,带2个麦克风前置放大器和硬件DSP,音质在同价产品中是比较出色的,特别对苹果设备兼容更友好。性能强大,搭载虚拟通道同样可以实现直播K歌。
2023-06-10 15:28:191

apogee mic麦克风配合什么声卡能够发挥出最好音效?

你想唱歌 就配唱歌的声卡 你想录音就选录音声卡!!总之声卡是根据你的需要去选择的!!
2023-06-10 15:29:091

如何用 Apogee 的软限制器防止录音或母带时爆音

  标准音质,超高音质与无损音质的差别:  标准音质:128kbps(位速率)  高清音质:320kbps  无损音质:1411kbps(cd采样率下)  前两者即是总说的mp3,无损音乐的格式多为wave,flac,aiff等等。  1.大小差别:1首3分钟的流行歌曲,128k的大约3mb,320k的大约7.5mb,无损大约30mb。(采样率标准是44100hz,也就是和cd一样;有很多歌曲录音用的是192khz,96khz的采样率,在母带处理时候也会降成标准的44100hz,16bit)  2.音质差别:有损音乐的高频部分会被削弱,用好的监听耳机听会感觉空间感变窄了;事实上所谓对音乐进行压缩也即是压缩其低频高频,使得压缩后的音乐频响范围没有无损的广阔。  有一些还会出现爆音。用专业的声卡听歌,一首制作的很好的无损音乐,声卡是不会跳红的,但是听mp3,声卡会跳红,尽管并不爆音。
2023-06-10 15:29:231


含有ee后缀的单词: agree vt.&vi.同意,赞成; apogee n. 远地点(太阳等距离地球最远的点); absentee n. 缺席者,未上班者,不在者; bailee n. (财物监护或修理)受托人,受托方; addressee 收信人,等。 扩展资料   例句:   I agree with you, as it happens.   我恰恰和你意见一致。   I"m half inclined to agree.   我不十分同意。   We, the undersigned, agree to...   我们,本文件的具名人,同意…   Apogean tides occur when the moon is at the apogee of its orbit.   月潮在月球位于其轨道的最远点时发生。   The markets recovered quickly and the dotcom bubble reached its apogee.   金融市场很快恢复元气,而互联网泡沫则达到其最高点。   Now we want to know what the situation is with perigee and with apogee.   现在我们要看看,近地点和远地点的情况。   Yet it is a strange, absentee dignity.   但这是奇怪的不在场尊严。   He was charged with being an absentee.   这次会议有很多人缺席。   The deadline for absentee voting in was Saturday.   缺席投票的.最后期限是星期六。   The delivery of personal property in trust by the bailor to the bailee.   寄托人出于信任把个人财产移交给受托人。实现计划。   This insurance shall not inure to the benefit of the carrier or other bailee.   本保险的权益承运人或其他受托人不得享受。   The delivery of personal property in trust by the bailor to the bailee is very popular now.   现在很流行财产委托人出于信任把个人财产移交给受托人。   When the addressee has received the mail item without any objection.   收件人无异议接受邮件者。   And signed the corresponding call to clear himself and the addressee.   称呼和署名要对应,明确自己和收信人的关系。   Now let me write the address and the addressee "s name on the box for you.   我现在让我在箱子上给你写明地址和姓名。
2023-06-10 15:29:291

apogee mic k96这个麦有人用过吗,想买个音质好的麦玩唱吧,电容麦感觉太麻烦,这个方便点

2023-06-10 15:29:391

毁灭公爵的第一节 简陋的开始

首先声明一点:我没有拼错本作的名称。这部系列首作事实上一开始就是叫“Nukum”,而不是后来我们所熟知的“Nukem”。根据Apogee的说法,在当初游戏的开发过程中,有人发现Duke Nukem这个名称已被日本的一个角色给抢注了,为了避免发生版权纠纷,Apogee遂将拼写稍稍改动了一下,于是便成了“Duke Nukum”。后来,人们又发现这其实是一个误会,“Duke Nukem”这个名字并未被正式注册,于是在Apogee发售其续作的时候,便又顺理成章地将其改回了原有的名字!Duke Nukem首作很好地体现了Apogee的共享软件销售模式。它将游戏分为Shrapnel City, Mission: Moonbase,和Trapped in the Future! 三个部分,其中第一集就是免费发放的共享版,而要玩到其余的两集就只有向Apogee/3D Realms购买了。这也许是共享软件历史上最成功的一个程序:当它于1991年甫一亮相,便立刻占据了共享软件Top Ten的头把交椅,而且一坐就是22个月之久。它的剧情很简单,就是Duke阻止一个疯子科学家Proton博士妄图用他所制造的机器人部队(Techbots)统治世界的故事。游戏的方式就是不停地奔跑、不停地跳跃障碍,不停地向敌人射击,为了揪住Proton, Duke一路追到了博士的月球空间站,直到最后深入地球核心才终于拯救了未来。如果单以系列首作的品质来衡量,也许谁都不会想到这部简陋的横向卷轴游戏会造就出如今这位最有名望的游戏角色之一。但是它却很早播下了成功的种子:比如他那招牌式的凶煞金发与粗暴个性就已经在本作中显露无疑——哪怕只是用文字的方式来表现。游戏所运用的EGA图像尽管非常糟糕(看看公爵那满身疑似病态的暗红色皮肤就知道了),却有着极强的互动性,他能摧毁监视器、喝补充体力的饮料,还能在他的大包里放入各类枪支弹药及宝物道具。不论以哪种标准来衡量,该作的图像与声音都实在是有些惨不忍睹。这也难怪早期年代的游戏机游戏会在与电脑游戏的竞争中占据上风。不过Duke挣得了众多饭斯的支持也是不争的事实,续作的开发更是顺理成章。游戏名:Duke Nukum开发商:Apogee出版商:Apogee发售日期:1991年7月类型:横版过关>注意看, 本系列初作的名称叫做Duke Nukum.与现在的Duke Nukem隔一字之差.>一身红褐色皮肤的公爵正在朝一只Techbot开火>由于初代糟糕的图像,公爵这身暗红色的皮肤总给人一种病态的感觉>在游戏中有各种各样补充体力的道具,图中就是这样一只喷着热气的火鸡.
2023-06-10 15:29:591

apogee bigben 时钟 怎么用

这是用来同步数字信号的 !一般具体使用方式,用75欧姆数字线与数字设备连接!可以同时带6台数字设备!
2023-06-10 15:30:152


2023-06-10 15:30:264

汕头彩超 Apogee3100 多少钱能买到?

2023-06-10 15:30:421


2023-06-10 15:30:511


2023-06-10 15:31:002

打开CAD文件:外壳命令执行异常,请确认 所有命令行参数的有效性后重试

2023-06-10 15:31:282


2023-06-10 15:32:217


那就多了。PHOTOSHOP,CORELDRAW,INDESIGN,PAGEMAKER,ILLUSTRATER,方正飞腾...本科基本上就学这些。其他还有很多色彩管理软件,本科时候有印刷色彩管理讲到这些:1.GMG ColorProof色彩打样软件2.EFI Colorproof XF 数码打样解决方案3.EFI BestCoior 色彩管理软件4.爱色丽ProfieMaker 色彩管理软件5.爱色丽彩行者ColorMunki色彩管理软件6.爱色丽i1 Match显示器色彩管理软件7.海德堡Print Open色彩管理软件8.海德堡LinoColor色彩管理软件9.爱克发︰Apogee Color数码打样软件 10.爱克发ColorTune Pro色彩管理软件11.苹果ColorSync 色彩管理系统 12.BlackMagic 数码打样软件 13.柯达Color Flow色彩管理系统14.网屏LabProof数码打样软件15.CGS ORIS Press Matcher印刷色彩匹配软件16.CGS ORIS ColorTuner 数码打样软件17.方正写真色彩管理软件18.Star Proof 数码打样软件19.金豪Express Color RIP色彩管理软件
2023-06-10 15:32:381