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2023-06-11 08:37:05
TAG: ase




2023-06-10 12:54:183


emission英语单词造句,有如下这些:1、China and Malaysia combine one of emission stamps.中国和马来西亚联合发行的邮票之一。2、But some of effective methods, such as potential method, can not be used in concrete, while theacoustic emission method may be used.但是,其中一些很有效的方法如电位法等,在混凝土材料中不能应用,而声发射法则是可以应用的。3、Using diamond film or diamond-like film as field emission cathode is one of the promisingapplications.金刚石膜或类金刚石膜用来作为场发射的阴极,是其极具前景的应用之一。4、Developing the electric vehicles, wind energy and solar energy, China is trying to stride forward the goal of reducing the emission.发展电动汽车、风能、太阳能,中国已经在努力向减排目标迈进。
2023-06-10 12:56:071


send out;distribute;issue;send forth;emanate ;
2023-06-10 12:56:302


2023-06-10 12:56:454


n. [环境] 排放;[环境] 排放物,辐射;发行(emission的复数形式)
2023-06-10 12:57:002


没有关于这个单词的动词形式,排放只有别的几个动词例如 exhaust discharge
2023-06-10 12:57:171


excitation emission matrix 荧光光谱 例如: Three-Dimensional Excitation Emission Matrix Fluorescence Spectroscopic Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter 溶解有机质的三维荧光光谱特征研究 Fluorescence excitation-emission
2023-06-10 12:57:261


emission是放射的意思.很多东西都可放射. radiation只有辐射的意思. 镭射:受激后辐射放射的光线放大. 不可以去掉radiation. amplification 不是applification.
2023-06-10 12:57:331

英语单词summit 和emissions分别是什么意思啊,有什么联系和区别啊?

summit:巅峰、顶峰、峰会 emission:发散,挥发,动词形式是emit
2023-06-10 12:57:391


2023-06-10 12:57:483


2023-06-10 12:57:589


- -!都是在线翻译
2023-06-10 12:58:358

emission standard是什么意思?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  emission standard,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:污染物排放标准。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!
2023-06-10 12:58:491

excitation scan 和emission scan有什么区别

2023-06-10 12:58:572


2023-06-10 12:59:161

emission reduction是什么意思

2023-06-10 12:59:246


measurement 热线风速仪 hot wire anemometer 电子示功仪 electronic indicator 燃烧分析仪 combustion analyzer 压力传感器 pressure transducer 精密声级计 precision sound level meter 排放 emission 排放物 emission 排气污染物 gaseous pollutant 蒸发排放物 evaporative emission 曲轴箱排放物 crankcase emission 漏气 blowby gas 氨氧化物 oxids of nitrogen 一气化碳 carbon monoxide 碳氢化合物 hydrocarbon 甲烷 methane 无甲烷碳氢化合物 non-methane hydrocarbons 光化学活性碳氢化合物 photochemically reactive hydrocarbons 微粒物 particulated matter 黑烟 black smoke 蓝烟 blue smoke 白烟 white smoke 碳烟 soot 光化学烟雾 smog 臭味 odor 丙烷 propane 排放浓度 concentration of emission 排气烟度 exhaust smoke 先期排气 initial exhaust 亚临界排气 subcritical exhaust 超临界排气 supercritical exhaust 强制排气 forced exhaust 自由排气 free exhaust 排气提前角 exhaust advance angle 排气迟后角 exhaust lag angle 排气热损失 exhaust heat loss 排气净化 exhaust purification 排气背压 exhaust back pressure 残余废气 residual gas 排气有害成分 poisonous exhaust composition 柴油机排烟 diesel smoke 综合排放浓度 composite concentration of exhaust emission 综合排放质量 composite mass of exhaust emission 排放系数 emission factor 排放率 emission index 质量排放量 mass emission 比排放量 brake specific emission 排放物控制系统 emission control system 排气排放物控制系统 exhaust emission control system 二次空气 secondary air 二次空气分配歧管 secondary air distribution 二次空气控制阀 secondary air control valve 二次空气转换阀 secondary air switching valve 二次空气转流阀 secondary air diverter valve 二次空气喷射装置 secondary air injection system 二次空气喷射管 secondary air injection tube 二次空气喷射减速压阀 secondary air injection relief valve 脉动空气装置 pulsating air system 二次空气泵 secondary air pump 曲轴箱排放物控制系统 crankcase emission control system 曲轴箱双通风系统 crankcase closed system 曲轴箱单通风系统 crankcase sealed system 曲轴箱强制通风装置 positive crankcase ventilation PCV阀 PCV valve 蒸发排放物控制系统 evaporative emission control system 活性碳罐贮存装置 charcoal canister storage system 活性碳罐 charcoal canister 曲轴箱贮存装置 crankcase storage system 空气滤清器贮存装置 air filter storage system 燃油箱止回阀 fuel tank check valve 油气分离器 fuel and vapor separator 清除阀 furge valve 催化转化系统 catalytic converting system 催化燃烧分析仪 catalytic combustion analyzer 催化剂 catalyst 转化器 converter 催化转化器 catalytic converter 轴流式转化器 AXIAL FLOW TYPE CONVERTER 径流式转化器 RADIAL FLOW TYPE CONVERTER 下流式转化器 down flow type converter 上流式转化器 up flow type converter 双床式转化器 dual bed converter 单床式转化器 single bed converter 氧化型催化剂 oxidation catalyst 还原型催化剂 reduction catalyst 三元催化剂 three-way catalyst 贵金属催化剂 noble metal catalyst 普通金属催化剂 base metal catalyst 稀土催化剂 rare earth catalyst 催化剂耗损 catalyst attrition 催化剂收缩 catalyst shrinkage 催化剂中毒 catalyst poisoning 比表面积 specific surface area 空速 space velocity 载体涂料 washcoat 双重催化系统 dual -catalyst system 催化箱 catalyst container 载体 substrate 整体式载体 monolithic substrate 颗粒式载体 pelleted substrate 转化效率 conversion efficiency 熄灯温度 light-off temperature 热态反应系统 thermal reacting system 热反应器 thermal reactor 反应式歧管 reactive manifold 过热保护装置 over heating protection system 过热警报装置 over heating warning system 排气口衬套 exhaust port liner 后燃器 after burner 排气再循环系 EGR system 排气再循环 exhaust gas recirculation 节气门前EGR系统 above throttle valve EGR system 节气门后EGR 系统 below throttle valve EGR system 空气比例式EGR系统 air proportional EGR system 负荷比例式EGR系统 load proportional EGR system 孔口真空控制式EGR 系统 ported vacuum controlled EGR system 喉管真空控制式EGR系统 venturi vacuum controlled EGR system 排气压力控制式EGR系统 exhaust pressure controlled EGR system 声速控制式EGR系统 sonic controlled EGR system 电子控制式EGR系统 electronic controlled EGR system EGR冷却器 EGR cooler EGR 过滤器 GER filter EGR 控制阀 EGR control valve EGR调压阀 EGR pressure regulator 再循环排气 EGR gas 再循环排气率 EGR rate 点火和喷油时刻控制系统 ignition and injection timing control system 点火时刻控制系统 ignition timing control system 减速点火提前控制装置 deceleration spark advance control 推迟喷油时刻控制系统 retarded injection timing control system 转速控制的推迟喷油时刻 retarded injection timing with speed 负荷控制的推迟喷油时刻 retarded injection timing with load 燃油控制系统 fuel control system 反馈控制 feedback control 空燃比反馈控制系统 air-fuel ratio feedback control system 理论配比 stoichiometric 高效带 window 氧传感器 oxygen sensor 稀混合气 lean mixture 浓混合气 rich mixture 分层充气 stratified charge 温度补偿 temperature compensating 海拔补偿 altitude compensating 气压补偿 atmospheric pressure compensating 电子控制化油器 electronic controlled carburetor 电子燃油喷射系统 electronic fuel injection system 怠速限制器 idle limiter 阻风门开启器 choke opener 减速控制装置 deceleration control system 补气阀 gulp valve 节气门定位器 throttle positioner 节气门缓冲器 throttle dash pot 节气门开启器 throttle opener 强制怠速加浓装置 coasting richer 发动机电子集中控制系统 electronic concentrated engine control system 温度传感器 temperature sensor 压力传感器 pressure sensor 位置传感器 position sensor 转速传感器 speed sensor 爆震传感器 knock sensor 进气流量传感器 intake flow sensor 温度开关 temperature switch 节气门位置开关 throttle position switch 其他控制装置 other control systems 除水系统 water removal system 喷水装置 water injection system 调温式空气滤清器 temperature controlled (modulated )air cleaner 微粒物捕集装置 particulate trap system 捕集装置氧化器 trap oxidizer 一氧化碳容积百分率 carbon monoxide percent by volume 一氧化碳分析仪 co analyzer 湿度 moisture 量距和零点 span and zero 补偿 compensation 标定气体 calibration gas 样气处理系统 sample handling system 凝水分离器 condensate trap 密封垫 gasket 玷污 contaminate 防漏 leakproof 稀释 dilution 算术平均值 arithmetic average 精度 accuracy 全量程 full scale 漂移 drift 预热时间 warm-up time 抗腐蚀性 corrosion -resistance 流量计 flowmeter 热交换器 heat exchanger 不透气收集袋 gas-tight collection bag 分析测定方法和仪器 analysis measuring method and instrument 不分光红外线分析法 nondispersive infrared 不分光紫外线分析法 nondispersive ultraviolet 氢火焰离子化检测器 flame ionization ditector 总碳氢化合物分析仪 total hydrocarbon analyzer 气相色谱仪 gas chromatograph 化学发光检测器 chemiluminescent detector 臭氧发生器 ozonator 底盘测功机 chassis dynamometer 惯性模拟系统 inertia simulation system 功率吸收装置 device for power absorption 转鼓 roller 空气阻力 aerodynamic resistance 滚动阻力 rolling resistance 当量惯量 equivalent inertia 滤纸式测试仪 filter-type measuring apparatus 转速表 tachometer 成套分析设备 analytical train 组合气室 stacked cell 参比室 reference cell 滤光室 filter cell 干扰滤光器 interferential filter 加热式氢火焰离子化检测器 heated flame ionization detector 氮氧化合物转化器 Nox converter(No2-NO) 反应室 reactive cell (chamber) 催化燃烧分析仪 catalytic combustion analyzer 碳氢化合物响应度 hydrocarbon response 碳数当量 carbon equivalent 百万分率碳 parts per million carbon (ppmC) 氧干扰 oxygen interference 氧校正 oxygen correction 湿度较正系数 humidity correction (kh)factor 拖尾 tailing 五氧化二碘法 iodine penta-oxide method 平衡气 balance gas 零点气 zero grade gas (air zero gas) 校正气 calibrating gas 量距气 span gas 拉格朗日拟合 lagrangian fit 二氧化碳干扰校正 corrected for CO2 extraction 袋式分析 bag analysis 柴油机排烟测定仪器 diesel smoke measuring instrument 排气烟度 opacity of exhaust gas 烟度计 opacimeter 全流式烟度计 full flow opacimeter 取样烟度计
2023-06-10 12:59:381

C++ 语句被无视掉了

2023-06-10 12:59:453


Emission xiu
2023-06-10 13:00:076

emission permits是什么意思啊??

emission permits 排放许可证
2023-06-10 13:00:242

LTE对UE的Out of band emission有什么规定

根据36.1016.6.2 Out of band emissionThe Out of band emissions are unwanted emissions immediately outside the assigned channel bandwidth resulting from the modulation process and non-linearity in the transmitter but excluding spurious emissions. This out of band emission limit is specified in terms of a spectrum emission mask and an Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio. Spectrum emission maskThe spectrum emission mask of the UE applies to frequencies (ΔfOOB) starting from the uf0b1 edge of the assigned E-UTRA channel bandwidth. For frequencies greater than (ΔfOOB) as specified in Table the spurious requirements in subclause 6.6.3 are applicable. Minimum requirementThe power of any UE emission shall not exceed the levels specified in Table for the specified channel bandwidth.Table General E-UTRA spectrum emission mask Spectrum emission limit (dBm)/ Channel bandwidthΔfOOB(MHz) 1.4MHz 3.0MHz 5MHz 10MHz 15MHz 20MHz Measurement bandwidthuf0b1 0-1 -10 -13 -15 -18 -20 -21 30 kHz uf0b1 1-2.5 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 1 MHzuf0b1 2.5-2.8 -25 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 1 MHzuf0b1 2.8-5 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 1 MHzuf0b1 5-6 -25 -13 -13 -13 -13 1 MHzuf0b1 6-10 -25 -13 -13 -13 1 MHzuf0b1 10-15 -25 -13 -13 1 MHzuf0b1 15-20 -25 -13 1 MHzuf0b1 20-25 -25 1 MHzNOTE: As a general rule, the resolution bandwidth of the measuring equipment should be equal to the measurement bandwidth. However, to improve measurement accuracy, sensitivity and efficiency, the resolution bandwidth may be smaller than the measurement bandwidth. When the resolution bandwidth is smaller than the measurement bandwidth, the result should be integrated over the measurement bandwidth in order to obtain the equivalent noise bandwidth of the measurement bandwidth. Spectrum emission mask for CAFor intra-band contiguous carrier aggregation the spectrum emission mask of the UE applies to frequencies (ΔfOOB) starting from the uf0b1 edge of the aggregated channel bandwidth (Table 5.6A-1) For intra-band contiguous carrier aggregation the bandwidth class C, the power of any UE emission shall not exceed the levels specified in Table for the specified channel bandwidth.Table General E-UTRA CA spectrum emission mask for Bandwidth Class CSpectrum emission limit [dBm]/BWChannel_CAΔfOOB(MHz) 50RB+100RB(29.9 MHz) 75RB+75RB(30 MHz) 100RB+100RB(39.8 MHz) Measurement bandwidthuf0b1 0-1 -22.5 -22.5 -24 30 kHzuf0b1 1-5 -10 -10 -10 1 MHzuf0b1 5-29.9 -13 -13 -13 1 MHzuf0b1 29.9-30 -25 -13 -13 1 MHzuf0b1 30-34.9 -25 -25 -13 1 MHzuf0b1 34.9-35 -25 -13 1 MHzuf0b1 35-39.8 -13 1 MHzuf0b1 39.8-44.8 -25 1 MHz
2023-06-10 13:00:342


应该是两个原因 你找下 看是不是 第一 让贴图 显示 第二把贴外景的模型加个NOrmal反转法线修改器 试一下 还有一个原因 你的灯设置成不可见
2023-06-10 13:00:411


2023-06-10 13:00:481


2023-06-10 13:01:107


2023-06-10 13:02:032


是Carbon dioxide emission。短语1、Liability for carbon dioxide emission碳排放责任2、Standard for carbon dioxide emission碳排放标准3、cut carbon dioxide emission减少二氧化碳排放量例句1、The infographic below puts many carbon dioxide emission horrors on full display.下面的信息图全面展示许多恐怖的二氧化碳排放。2、You asked about China is the second largest carbon dioxide emission state any comments, I think this problem should be complete at.你具体问到对中国是第二大二氧化碳排放国有什么评论,我认为这个问题应该完整地看。
2023-06-10 13:02:101


请打开中国电磁兼容网来学习.EMC是Electro Magnetic Compatibility的缩写,即电磁兼容。是指电子设备或网络系统具有一定的抵抗电磁干扰的能力,同时不能产生过量的电磁辐射。也就是说,要求该设备或网络系统能够在比较恶劣的电磁环境中正常工作,同时有不能辐射过量的电磁波干扰周围其它设备及网络的正常工作。EMC 包括EMI(interference)和EMS(susceptibility),也就是电磁干扰和电磁抗干扰。EMI,电磁干扰度,描述一产品对其他产品的电磁辐射干扰程度,是否会影响其周围环境或同一电气环境内的其它电子或电气产品的正常工作;EMS,电磁抗干扰度,描述一电子或电气产品是否会受其周围环境或同一电气环境内其它电子或电气产品的干扰而影响其自身的正常工作。EMI又包括传导干扰CE(conduction emission)和辐射干扰RE(radiation emission)以及谐波harmonic。
2023-06-10 13:02:324

emission credit是什么意思

2023-06-10 13:02:423

emission rate是什么意思,翻译过来是放射率,但我不知道定义(pn结相关)

2023-06-10 13:02:505


energy-saving and emission-reduction
2023-06-10 13:03:042


The reason is a fundamental one associated with the mechani *** of pght emission . 其基本原因涉及到 光发射的 机理。 Both ionization and excitation lead to electronic transitions that may be the emission of pght . 电离和激发都将导致可能伴随有 光发射的 电子跃迁。 Emission of visible pght by pving organi *** s such as the firefly and various fish , fungi , and bacteria 在阴极射线管显示器中,用电子束激励后荧光物质 光发射的 持续现象。 In cathode ray tube display , the continuation of pght emission from phosphor after excitation by the electron beam 在阴极射线管显示器中,用电子束激励后荧光物质 光发射的 持续现象。 . water quapty - determination of the inhibitory effect of water samples on the pght emission of vibrio fischeri luminescent bacteria test - method using freshly prepared bacteria 水质.水样品对fischeri弧菌 光发射的 抑制效果的测定 The study of si - based materials pght emitting is a new leading field in semiconductor optoelectronics and photonics . the pght emitting if si - based quantum - dot is attractive research direction Si基材料 光发射的 研究是当前半导体光电子学与光子学中迅速发展起来的一个前沿领域, si基量子点的光发射是近年来极引人注目的新研究方向。 A team from france and the herlands set a new speed record for subdividing the second , reporting last year that a laser strobe pght had emitted pulses lasting 250 attoseconds ? that " s 250 bilponths of a bilponth of a second 去年,法国与荷兰合组的研究团队创下新纪录,根据他们报导,一束频闪雷射 光发射的 脉冲,只持续了250阿秒( 10 - 18秒) 。 After hf dipping , four blue emission peaks in pl spectra still can be observed . so the blue emission was not from sio2 or the defects in sio2 . it is possible that the blue pght emission was from the skeleton of porous sipcon 在其他文献报道中,用同样类型的硅片制备的多孔硅,却没有发现这一现象,这说明要实现多孔硅的蓝 光发射的 要求是很苛刻的。 As a result 4 the rising anneapng temperature induces si02 phase to form , also ivolves the formation of a si phase . in high - temperature - annealed sio ~ , films the excess sipcon atoms are present as si - si4 tetrahedra , randomly dispersed in the amorphous si02 matrix . photoluminescent spectra were observed for the samples excided by the laser whose wavelength is 365nm . the pl peak is located at about 445nm , which dose n " t shift as the anneapng temperature changes . as the anneapng temperature is raised , the luminescent intensity increases . the phenomena suggest that the si - o - si bond as a defect center which is broken down by the stress at the si nc / si02 interface is the primary source of blue luminescence 这个陡的界面由于明显的晶格结构的差别而有较大的应力。界面的形成伴随著界面发光中心的增加,同时pl强度在l户800有一个大的增强。这个结果提示我们,界面上h 0 s工键断裂形成的nbohc应是蓝 光发射的 主要原因。 As one kind of si nanostructures , si - rich si02 films are the important si - based pght - emitting materials . moreover , sipcon is the leading semiconductor in the microelectronic industry . furthermore si02 films as passitive and insular layers are widely used in si device and integrated circuit . so si - rich films are considered suitable for optoelectronic apppcations 另一种观点认为纳米硅薄膜中的可见光发射来自界面或介质层中的发光中心。还有人认为对于镶嵌在sio _ 2中的纳米晶粒来说,与氧有关的缺陷可能是导致可见光或蓝绿 光发射的 主要原因。
2023-06-10 13:03:111

spectrum emission是什么意思

可以参考放射光谱:The emission spectrum of a chemical element or chemical compound is the spectrum of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation emitted due to an atom or molecule making a transition from a high energy state to a lower energy state. The energy of the emitted photon is equal to the energy difference between the two states. There are many possible electron transitions for each atom, and each transition has a specific energy difference. This collection of different transitions, leading to different radiated wavelengths, make up an emission spectrum.
2023-06-10 13:03:182


英音 [ i"miu0283n ] ; 美音 [ i"miu0283u0259n ] 名词1.不可数名词:【文】(光、热、烟、气、分泌物、体液等的)散发,发射,发出2.可数名词:散发之物、发出之物;流出物;排泄物同义词:emanation;discharge,expelling;discharge。英语句子spontaneous emission and stimulated emission自发发射和受激发射emission theory【物】微粒说
2023-06-10 13:03:372

emissions 怎样加ing

2023-06-10 13:04:162


release [ru026a"liu02d0s] n. 释放;发布;让与vt. 释放;发射;让与;允许发表emission [u026a"mu026au0283(u0259)n] n. (光、热等的)发射,散发;喷射;发行n. (Emission)人名;(英)埃米申
2023-06-10 13:04:571


2023-06-10 13:05:073


1.emission 2.give off 3.emanate 4.emanation分发,散发 1.hand out 2.handout散发出 1.give off 2.give out(off)散发标准 1.emission standard 2.emissionstandard发射,散发 1.emission 2.die Emission
2023-06-10 13:05:131


问题一:“气体排放”用英语怎么说 degassing exhaust 问题二:气体排放用英语怎么说 gaseous emission 英 [?g?si:?s ??m???n] 美 [??si?s ??m???n] 气体发射[排放] 双语例句: First, no cha *** or gaseous emission had ever existed in the temple at Delphi. 首先,德尔菲的神殿中根本就没有裂沟,亦无气体逸出。 问题三:排放有害气体 英语怎么说 Emission of harmful gases 词典释义 [法]discharge of noxious gases 问题四:“温室气体排放”英语怎么说 “温室气体排放” Greenhouse gas emission “温室气体排放” Greenhouse gas emission 问题五:用英语翻译“排放” 排放 [pái fàng] discharge; blowoff; blowdown; issue; let ; volley; emission; sluice; bleed: [例句] 1. 我们知道如何限制温室气体排放。 We know how to limit greenhouse-gas emissions. 2. 对碳排放和金融交易征税。 And tax carbon emissions and financial transactions. 3. 加拿大的排放则继续增加。 Canada"s emissions continue to grow. 4. 印度是世界第四大碳排放国。 India is the world"s fourth largest carbon emitter. 5. 天然气发电排放的二氧化碳只有煤发电的一半。 Gas power emits just half the carbon dioxide of coal.
2023-06-10 13:05:201


2023-06-10 13:05:411


ejection 是弹出 喷出emission 排放,放射状流出injection 是注入,打针
2023-06-10 13:05:493


2023-06-10 13:05:563


[航] launchsend[物] emission[军] shoottransmit短语:发射卫星 launch a satellite ; place a satellite in orbit ; send up satellites ; launch a sashoutite发射规格 Transmitter Specifications发射失败 Failure to Launch ; abortive launch ; abort ; mallaunching发射功率 transmitted power ; Output power ; Transmit Power ; TX Power发射控制 emission control ; EMCON - Emission Control ; EMCONEmissions Control ; EMCON发射角 launch angle ; angle of divergence ; angle of emission ; emission angle发射信号 F-Bus Tx USB ; mySignal ; TRANSMIT ; Set out signal发射时限 launch window ; launch a blow window ; A launch window.无用发射 unwanted emission
2023-06-10 13:06:031

emission behavior是什么意思

emission behavior[英]u026au02c8mu026au0283u0259n bu026au02c8heu026avju0259[美]u026au02c8mu026au0283u0259n bu026au02c8hevju025a排放性能[例句]Coherence-controlled entanglement dynamic behavior in the dissipative system of spontaneous emission.自发辐射耗散系统中由相干控制的纠缠动力学。
2023-06-10 13:06:102


emission KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 放射;散发 2. 射出物 3. 发行 我觉得是出版自由!
2023-06-10 13:06:171

Emission footprint 是什么意思

....Emission footprint ....排放的覆盖区前面可用定语表示。。。的排放满意的话请点击“满意”【采纳】
2023-06-10 13:06:321


send up
2023-06-10 13:06:512

emission test没通过怎么办

2023-06-10 13:06:591


更新1: To physics8801: 如果能以中文回答的话便立即选你。 更新2: 令其强度(粗幼)变弱 的答案 英文水平低,睇唔明... 1. 为什么氢原子的发射光谱(emission spectrum)是线状光谱(line spectrum)而不是连续光谱(continuous spectrum)? The emission of hydrogen atoms es from tristion of orbital electrons from a high energy level into a low energy level. Because energy levels (orbits) in an hydrogen atom are discrete the energies emitted from these electronic tristions are also discrete which resulted in the formation of a line spectrum. Each line in the spectrum corresponds to a tristion beeen o distinct energy levels. 2. 为什么在一发射光谱中,谱线会随着频率增加(波长减少)而变得频密及令其强度(粗幼)变弱? Higher frequency emission indicates electron tristion from a very high energy level to a very low energy level (the ground state for example). Since the separation beeen sucessive energy levels bees *** aller at very high levels the difference in energy beeen tristions from very high levels to a low level is *** all. The lines in the spectrum would appear close to each other. As the energy levels at very high orbits are close to each other the chance for electronic tristion from these levels have been spreaded over a larger number of orbits the number of emissions from any o tristion (which corresponds to a spectral line) thus bees less and the spectral line decreases in intensity.
2023-06-10 13:07:131

radiation emission是什么意思

radiation emission英 [u02ccreidiu02c8eiu0283u0259n u026au02c8mu026au0283u0259n] 美 [u02ccrediu02c8eu0283u0259n u026au02c8mu026au0283u0259n] [医]辐射发射网络辐射干扰; 空间辐射; 1The technical requirements include channel selection, noise figure and radiation emission limits. 技术要求包括频道选择、噪声系数和辐射发射限值。2Testing Method and Disturbance Location of Vehicle Radiation Emission of New Energy Automobile 新能源汽车整车辐射发射检测方法及骚扰定位3Conclusion Technical level of the surveillance system of individual radiation emission dosage in this laboratory meets the requirements of the national related standards. 结论该实验室个人剂量监测系统的技术水平符合国家有关标准的要求。
2023-06-10 13:07:221


2023-06-10 13:07:304