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如何在excel算pretax discount rate

2023-06-11 08:26:52
TAG: ate nt isco isc

Step 1 – Estimate post-tax cash flows

First of all, we shall calculate asset"s / CGU"s value in use with application of post-tax rate. But hang on a minute – we have post-tax rate and pre-tax cash flows and this inconsistency would not give us the answer even close to correct. Therefore, I would do the following:

Estimate future tax payments from our pre-tax cash flow projection. Do it on a year-by-year basis. But be careful here. If you want to be really precise, you should take various tax issues into account – for example, future tax allowances related to asset / CGU, utilization of future tax losses, temporary differences, etc. Simply – try to estimate tax payments as realistic as possible, not by multiplying tax base and tax rate.

Deduct estimated future tax payments from pre-tax cash flows. And also do it on a year-by-year basis.

Fine, thus we arrive at post-tax cash flows.

Step 2 – Calculate value in use on post-tax basis

That is clear. You have post-tax cash flows in your table and you also have post-tax discount rate. So using discounting technique, get present value of your post-tax cash flows.

Before I get to the last step, let me remind simple consistency rule: when calculating value in use, you should be consistent to avoid double counting. And, you should arrive to the same result. So, when you calculate value in use using post-tax cash flows and post-tax discount rate, that rate shall be the same as calculated from pre-tax values. In other words:

post-tax cash flows discounted by post-tax rate

= pre-tax cash flows discounted by pre-tax rate

= value in use

The step 3 is derived from this logic.

Step 3 – Calculate pre-tax rate from value in use and pre-tax cash flows

That"s why I call it “top down” calculation. You just work out the rate at which the present value of pre-tax cash flows equals the value in use. Sure, this is not as easy as it seems, because it requires using certain iteration technique. But all is doable!

Now you might ask: Why to bother with pre-tax rate when we already have value in use from post-tax values? The answer is that you might be required to disclose your pre-tax discount rate in the notes to the financial statements or elsewhere when necessary.

Please watch the video with the explanation here:


所有形容词都是人感觉的+ed 物本身的+ing?

不是所有的,但这两种规则是存在的,前者是从动词的被动形式发展来的,如 interested,bored;后者是从动词的主动形态加 ing 构成的(一说是动名词形式),如 interesting,boring 等。在使用时要分清主动与被动的区别,如:I"m interested in this book. This book is interesting. 再如:I"m bored with him. He is boring.前述形容词只是形容词家族的一小部分,还有一些形容词是以动词加其他成分构词的,如 active,talkative,doable,workable 等。名词加其他成分如:childish,selfish,national,revolutionary,dangerous 等。还有相当多的形容词不是从动词或名词演化而来,如:red,hot,dark,safe,warm,rough,sharp 等。
2023-06-10 11:17:011


becouse i have some misunderstand with the time about pay for the school fee,so i tiil play to do it at the beginning of oct ,if i pay it befor eight sep ,my fee may no enoght ,othought i ....
2023-06-10 11:17:1015


2023-06-10 11:17:331

以-le结尾的英语形容词 情感色彩是正面的 越多越好 谢谢

2023-06-10 11:17:424


【TED演讲】如何掌控你的自由时间。经常听有人抱怨自己很忙 - 腾讯视频 时间管理对我们自身的成长的确很重要,总是一天浑浑噩噩的度过,不知道自己干了什么,生活会越来越让你失去信心。自律的生活不是束缚,而是自己对生活的一种仪式感,对流逝的时间的敬畏,会让自己越来越自信并且充满活力。所以规划自己的时间,要利用自己的有效时间做自己想做的事情。 我们并不是没有时间而是不愿意去做这件事情,所以规划好自己的目标,然后去实现,一定要是一个长期的比如一年的,然后开始付诸行动。 只有动起来才会发现自己的不足,行动是检验真理的唯一标准。 如何管理时间: 对整块时间的规划: 1、列出未来一年中自己要完成的事情。 2、把要完成的事情划分为具体的小的单个事情,具体到每一周 3、在周五或者周日的时候,对自己的做个总结,并计划下一周的事情 对零碎时间的规划: 1、上下班坐车空闲时间,可以选择看书,浏览一些自己喜欢的网站之类的。 2、睡觉前可以选择听一篇英文演讲 3、调节自己的状态,冥想 2018-5-27 flag 第一周 when people find out I write about time managerment, They assume two things. One is that I"m always on time, And I"m not, I have four small children, And I would like to blame them for my occasional (adj 偶尔的,临时的) tardiness (n 缓慢、拖延、拖拉). But sometimes it"s just not their fault. I was once late to my own speech on time managerment. We all had to just take a moment together and savor (v 品尝) the irony (n 讽刺) . The second thing they assume is that I have losts of tips and tricks for saving bits of time here and there. Sometimes I"ll hear from magazines that are doing a story also these lines. generally on how to help their readers find an extra hour in the day. And the idea is that we"ll shave bits of time off everyday activities, add it up, and we"ll have time for the good stuff. I question the entire (adj 整个、全部) premise (n 前提) of the piece (n篇、块、个) ," but I"m always interested in hearing what they"ve come up with before they call me. Some of my favorites: doing errands (n 任务、使命) where you only have to make right-hand turns.. Being extremely (adv 极其、非常) judicious (adj 明智的) in microeave usage:it says three-and-a-half minutes on the package,we"re totally getting on the bottom side of that. And my personal favorite, which makes sense on some level, is to DVR your favorite shows so you can fast-forward through the commercials (n广告) . That way,you save eight minutes every half hours, so in the course of two hours of watching TV,you find 32 minutes to exercise. Which is true. you know another way to find 32 minutes to exercise? Don"t watch two hours of TV a day,right? Anyway,the idea is we"ll save bits of time here and there,add it up. we will finally get to everything we want to do. But after studying how successful people spend their time and looking at their schedules hour by hour, I think this idea has it completely backward, Here is what I mean, I recently did a time diary project looking at 1001 days in the lives of extremely busy women. They had demanding (adj 严格) jobs,sometimes their own businesses,kids to care for,maybe parents to care for,community commitments.... busy,busy people I had them keep track (n/v 跟踪) of their time for a week, so I could add up how much they worked and slept, and I interviewed them about their strategies , for my book One of the women whose time log I studied... she goes out on a Wednesday night for something. she comes home to find that her water heater has broken,and there is now water all over her basement. If you"ve ever had anything like this happen to you, you know it is a hugely damaging,frightening,sopping (adv 湿透地) mess (n 杂乱、困境). So she"s dealing with the immediate aftermath (n 后果) that night, next day she"s got plumbers coming in, day after that, professional cleaning crew dealing with the ruined carpet. All this is being recorded on her time log. Winds up (收场、扫尾,收尾) taking seven hours of her week. Seven hours. That"s like finding an extra hour in the day. But I"m sure if you had asked her at the start of the week, "Could you find seven hours to train for a triathlon?" "Could you find seven hours to mentor seven worthy people?" I"m sure she would"ve said what most of us would"ve said,which is,"No...can"t you see how busy I am?" Yet when she had to find seven hours because there is water all over her basement, she found seven hours. And what this shows us is that time is highly elastic8(adj 弹性,伸缩 n 橡皮筋).* To get at this,I like to use languager from one of the busiest people I ever interviewed. By busy,I mean she was running a small bussiness with 12 people on the payroll, she had six children in her spare time,I was getting in touch with her to set up an interview on how she "had it all"...that phrase. I remember it was a Thursday morning,and she was not availiable to speak with me.of course,right? But the reason she was unavailable to speak with me is that she was out for a hike,because it was a beautiful spring moring,and she wanted to go for a hike.So of course this makes me even more intrigued,and when I finally do catch up with her, she explains it like this.she says,"Listen Laura,everything I do, every minute I spend,is my choice" And rather than say,"I don"t have time to do x,y or z." because it"s not a priority. If you think about it,that"s really more accurate language. I could tell you I don"t have time to dust my blinds,but that"s not true. If you offered to pay me $100000 to dust my blinds, I would get to it pretty quickly. Since that is not going to happen,I can acknoeledge this is not matter of lacking time; it"s that I don"t want to do it. Using this language reminds us that time is a choice. And granted, there may be horrible consequences for making different choices, I will give you that, But we are smart people, and certainly over the long run, we have the power to fill our lives with the things that deserve to be there. So how do we do that? How do we treate our priorities as the equivalent of that broken water heater? Well,first we need to figure out what they are. I want to give you two strategies for thinking about this, The first , ont the professional side:I"m sure many people coming up to the end of the year are giving or getting annual performance reviews. You look back over your success over the year,your " opportunities for growth"And this serves its purpose,but I ifnd it"s more effective to do this looking forward.So I want you to pretend it"s the end of next year. you"re giving yourself a performance review, and it has been an absolutely amazing year for you professiionally. What three to five things did you do that made it so amzing? So you can write next year"s performance review now. And you can do this for your personal lift,too. I"m sure many of you,like me,come December, get cars that contain these folded up sheets of colored paper,on which is written what is known as the family holiday letter. Bit of a wretched genre of literature,really, going on about how amazing everyone int the household is,or even more scintillating, how busy everyone in the household is.But these letters serve a purpose, which is that they tell your friends and family waht you did in your personal life that mattered to you over the year. So this year"s kind of done,but I want you to pretend it"s the end of next year, and it has been an absolutely amazing year for you and the people you care about. What three to five things did you do that made it so amazing? so you can write next year"s family holiday letter now. Don"t send it. please , don"t send it. but you can write it,And now, between the performance review and the family holiday letter, we have a list of six to ten goals we can work on in the next year, And now we need to break these down into doable steps. so maybe you want to write a affamily history. First,you canread some other family historyies,get a sense for the style. Then maybe think about the questions you want to ask you relatives, set up appointments to interview them.Or maybe you want to run a 5K,so you need to find a race and sign up, figure out a training plan, and dig those shoes out of the back of the closet. And then...this is key.. we treat our priorities as the equivalent of that broken water heater, by putting them into our schedules first. we do this by thinking through our weeks before we are in them. I find a really good time to do this is Firday afternoons。 Friday afternoon is what an economist might call a low opportunity cost time, Most of us are not sitting there on Friday afternoons saying,"I am excited to make progress toward my personal and professional priorities right now." But we are willing to think about what those should be. So take a little bit of time Friday afternoon,make yourself a three-category priority list:: career,relationships,self Making a three-category list reminds us that there should be something in all three categories. Career,we think about, relationships ,self.. but not so much But anyway,just a short list, two to three items in each.Then look out over the whole of the next week, and see where you can plan them in. where you plan them in is up to you.and I know this is going to be more complicated for some people than others. I mean, some people"s lives are just harder than others, It is not going to be easy to find time to take that poetry calss if you are caring for multiple children onyour own. I get that. And I don"t want to minimize anyone"s struggle. But I do think that the numbers I am about to tell you are empowering, There are 168 hours in a week. That is a lot of time. If you are working a full-time job,so 40 hours a week, sleeping eight hours a night, so 56hours a week..that leaves 72 hours for other things, That is a lot of time. You say you"re working 50 hours a week, maybe a main job and a side hustle. Well, tha leaves 62 hours for other things. you say you"re working 60 hours, Well,that leaves 52 hours for other things. you say you"re working more than 60 hours. well,are you sure? There was once a study comparing people"s estimated work weeks with time diaries. They found that poeple claiming 75-plus-hours work weeks were off by abou 25 hours. You can guess in which direction,reight? Anyway,in 168 hours a week, I think we can find time for what matters to you. If you want to spend more time with you kids,you want to study more for a test you"re taking, you want to exercise for three hours and volunteer for two, you can. And tha"s even if you"re working way more than full-time hours.So we have plenty of time,which is great, because guess what? we don"t even need that much time to do amazing things. But when most of us have bits of time,what do we do? pull out the phone,right? start deleting emails,Otherwise , we"re puttering aroung the house or watching Tv. But small moments can have greate power. you can use you bits of time for bits of joy. Maybe it"s choosing to read something wonderfunl on the bus on the way to work. I known when I had a job that required two bus rides and a subway ride every morning,, I used to go to the library on the weekends to get stuff to read. It made the whole experience almost,almost,enjoyable. Breaks at work can be used for meditating or praying. If family dinner is out because of your crazy work schedule maybe family breakfast could be a good substitute. It"s about looking at the whole of one"s time and seeing where the good stuff can go.
2023-06-10 11:17:491


  星期五,一个让小学生高兴的日子,同时也是小学英语里面的英语单词。下面是我给大家整理的星期五的英文是什么,供大家参阅!   星期五的英文是什么   英 [u02c8frau026adeu026a] 美 [u02c8frau026au02ccdeu026a]   Friday   星期五的英语例句   1. He fled on Friday, saying he feared for his life.   他星期五逃走了,说是担心自己有生命危险。   2. The South African mailboat arrived on Friday mornings unless bad weather intervened.   除非受恶劣天气干扰,南非邮船一般在星期五上午抵达。   3. Flying out on Friday from Gatwick it took seven hours door-to-door.   星期五从盖特威克起飞全程需要7个小时。   4. She arranged an appointment for Friday afternoon at four-fifteen.   她在星期五下午4点15分安排了一次会面。   5. "Shall I give you a ring on Friday?" — "Yeah okay."   “我星期五给你打电话好吗?”——“好的。”   6. "I"ll talk to you on Friday anyway."— "Yep. Okay then."   “不管怎样,我星期五和你谈。”——“行,就这么定了。”   7. The interview took place on a Friday afternoon.   采访是在一个星期五的下午进行的。   8. Today is Friday, September 14th.   今天是9月14日,星期五.   9. All tickets go on sale this Friday.   所有票在本星期五开始销售。   10. It"s not doable by Friday.   这事星期五之前做不了。   11. The earliest we can finish is next Friday.   我们最早能在下星期五完成。   12. We made a tentative arrangement to meet on Friday.   我们暂定星期五见面。   13. Next Friday is the deadline for applicants"sending in photos and vitae.   下星期五是申请人呈递照片和简历的截止日期.   14. The shop takes stock every week on Friday mornings.   这家商店每星期五早晨盘点存货.   15. We are working against the clock to finish the report by Friday.   我们正在抢时间要在星期五之前完成这一报告.   星期五的双语例句   What are you doing next Friday?   下星期五你们打算干什么?   What do you do on Friday?   你们星期五干什么?   See you next Friday.   下个星期五再见。   On one particular Friday, I left the office after a week full of overtime and complete immersion in the work.   在一个普通的星期五,在一个星期的加班和在工作中完全的沉浸之后我离开办公室。   “Next Friday, I should just jump onto the table and run off with it, ” Harold suggested.   “下个星期五,我干脆跳到桌上去,拿起披萨就跑!” 哈罗德开始建议说。   I took it out on a Friday evening.   我在星期五晚上将他拿出来了。   I expect the briefing to be held here on Friday afternoon.   我预计这次吹风会将于星期五下午在这里举行。   We always interview people on Thursday and Friday.   我们总是在星期四和星期五采访。   They play cards every Friday.   他们每个星期五玩纸牌。   Can I take this Friday off?   这星期五我可以请假吗?   She died on a Friday.   她在一个星期五死的。   Their conclusions will be published Friday in the journal Science.   他们的结论将于星期五发表在《科学》杂志上。   In a statement Friday, she asked the Burmese people to "struggle together with new strengths,new force and new words" in 2011.   她星期五在一份声明中请求缅甸人民,在2011年“以新的优势、新的力量和新的语言一起进行奋斗。”   It will be a process that unfolds over several stages, and obviously the first stage began lastFriday when I signed the rescue package into law.   它将是一个分好几个阶段展开的过程。显然,第一阶段是从上星期五我把救助方案签署成法律的时候开始的。   It will be a process that unfolds over several stages, and obviously the first stage began lastFriday when I signed the rescue package into law.   它将是一个分好几个阶段展开的过程。显然,第一阶段是从上星期五我把救助方案签署成法律的时候开始的。   
2023-06-10 11:17:571

具备施工条件 翻译成英语是??急!!

have a qualified construction conditions
2023-06-10 11:18:086

英文问题 形容词

比50个你 Stupid Foolish Smart Clever Close Far Low High Short Long Small Medium Large Big Huge Funny Joyful Happy Sad Enjoyable Cool Hot Cold Peaceful Painful Comfortable Cozy Doable Unbeatable Delicious Tasty Noisy Quiet Silent Tight Loose Bright Dark Soft Hard Beautiful Attractive Ugly Easy Difficult Good Bad Poor Excellent Fail 参考: me 希望以下资料帮到你...... 1.cold(寒冷的)炎热的) 3.hardworking (勤奋的) 4.convenient (方便的) 5.clever(聪明的) 6.attractive(吸引的) 7.foolish(愚蠢的) 8zy(懒惰的) 9.rude(粗鲁的) 10.faithful (忠实的) 11.polite(有礼貌的)安全的) 13mon(普通的) 14.dangerous(危险的) 15.conservative(保守的) 16.weak(弱的) 17.noisy(嘈吵) 18.delicious(美味的) 19.poor(穷困的)有钱) 21.quiet(安静) 22.helpful(有帮助的) 23.diffcult(困难的) 24.important(重要的) 25.awful(难吃的) 26.soft(软的) 27. possible (有可能的) 28.impossible(不可能的) 29.hard(硬的) 30.expensive(昂贵的)便宜的) 32.simple(简单的) 33.horrible(恐怖的) 34.selfish(自私的) 35.healthy(健康的) 36.strong(强壮的) 37.famous(著名的) 38.awesome(可怕的) 39.optimistic(乐观的) 40.mature(成熟) 41.happy(开心的) 42.unhappy(不开心的) 44.quite(安静的)快速的) 46.slow(缓慢的) 47.naught(顽皮的) 48.nervous(焦虑的) 49.abvious(明显的) 50.disappointed(失望的) 1. helpful 2. ugly 3. beautiful 4. happy 5. sad 6. hard 7. easy 8. mischievously 9. tall 10. short 11. baggy 12. tight 13. lazy 14. awful 15. best 16. worry 17. huge 18. jolly 19. oily 20. restless 21. humble 22. horrific 23. romantic 24. stupid 25. foolish 26. tired 27. obese 28. silm 29. fat 30. narrow 31. healthy 32. balanced 33. necessary 34. important 35. silly 36. stuffy 37. red 38. yellow 39. blue 40. black 41. green 42. brown 43. khaki 44. golden 45. slievry 46. white 47. pink 48. long 49. curly 50. mousey 51. *** all 52. big 53. sleeveless 54. beige 55. grey 56. plain 57. checked 58. orange 59. srtiped 60. flowered 61. patterned 62. lilac 63. correct 64. wrong 65. independent 66. creamy 67. crazy 68. jealous 69. weak 70. strong 71. rich 72. poor 73. useful 74. bright 75. deep 76. stiff 77. urban 78. rural 79. stylish 80. fashionable 81. fast 82. slow 83. warm 84. cold 85. windy 86. shiny 87. cloudy 88. messy 89. muddy 90. woody 91. nice 92. bad 93. impatient 94. bearable 95. rude 96. polite 97. young 98. old 99. sharp 100. sensible Oh my God!! 打完 100 个先知你净要 50 个 ~~~~ 我晕啦 参考: myself 1. hardworking (勤力) 2. convenient (方便) 3. optimistic (乐观) 4. clever (聪明) 5. foolish (蠢) 6. mature (成熟) 7. lazy (懒惰) 8. polite (有礼貌的) 9. rude (粗鲁的) 10. strong (强壮的) 11. weak (弱的) 12. conservative (保守的) 13. safe (安全的) 14. dangerous (危险的) 15. noisy (嘈吵) 16. quiet (安静) 17. rich (有钱) 18. poor (穷困的) 19. deligious (美味的) 20. awful (难吃的) 21. childish (幼稚的) 22. difficult (难的) 23. simple (简单的) 24. helpful (有帮助的) 25. expensive (贵的) 26. cheap (便宜的) 27. soft (软的) 28. hard (硬的) 29. impossible (不可能的) 30. possible (有可能的) 31. important (重要的) 32. healthy (健康的) 33. selfish (自私的) 34. horrible (恐怖的) 35. awesome (可怕的) 36. mon (普通的) 37. attractive (吸引的) 38. famous (有名的) 39. faithful (忠实的) 参考: myself
2023-06-10 11:18:241


他们应该寄去照片的处理速度满足客户的想法自我彩色塑料和一对2 C处理红/白色的色彩方案如果处理不相同的厚度为旗他们会说如果我们选择2 C处理因为它是10%我们将需要较厚因此更灌装等价
2023-06-10 11:18:333


  1. how has this position evolved since it was created?   1. 从设立这个职位以来,这个职位发成了怎样的变化?   getting a brief history on the role should clear up whether the position has expanded over the years or has been a dead end for employees, palmer says.   palmer表示,对这个职位的历史有一个简单的了解会让你知道该职位已经存在多年还是一个员工的死胡同。   interpreting the response: if the interviewer says the position has expanded beyond its original scope (and is continuing to do so), that signifies an opportunity for growth within the company. if the position has stayed static for years, don"t expect to blossom there. depending on your career ambitions, the latter response isn"t necessarily bad, palmer says.   解读面试官的反馈:如果面试官表示这个职位的职能已经超出最原始的范围(并且还在不停扩大),那么这个职位在这家公司就会有非常好的发展机会。如果好几年这个职位停滞不前,那就别指望它能开花结果了。当然palmer也表示,根据自己的职业期望,后一种情况也并非一定是坏事。   2. what have past employees done to succeed in this position?   2. 过去的员工是如何采取行动在这个职位当中取得成功的?   knowing how the organization measures achievements will help you understand what the expectations will be and whether you have the skill set to meet them, palmer says. but don"t undermine your past accomplishments just because your route to success doesn"t match up with the one embraced by the company. "you also don"t want to be too narrowly defined by what other people have done. because you"re a different person, you may approach things a little differently," she says.   palmer说,知道这家机构如何去衡量成功会帮助你了解公司对你的期望,以及你是否具备必要的技能去满足公司的需求。但是,也不要因为之前取得成功的路径不被现在的雇主看好而否认之前的成绩。她说道,“你也不想很狭隘地根据别人做过的事被评判。因为你是另外一个人,你处理事情也就会和他人有所不同。”   interpreting the response: you may hear a description that highlights the positive and negative attributes of your predecessor. that could be a good indicator of the company"s culture. "typically, what one person has done to be successful is what the organization tends to do to be successful," palmer says.   解读面试官的反馈:你听到的回答可能会强调对于该职位上一个员工正面或者负面的描述。这可能是企业文化很好的一个风向标。palmer说:“个人在哪方面取得成功,那么一家公司往往也在这方面取得成功。”   3. what have you enjoyed most about working here?   3. 在这里工作最开心的是什么?   your prospective boss can relay what he or she values most and what led to his or her personal success with the organization. then, palmer says, you can internally ruminate about whether you share the same values and can envision yourself working there.   你将来的上司会向你传达他最看重的方面,以及在这家公司当中是什么促成了他的个人成功。palmer说,“以此,你可以从内部思考你是否有相同的价值观,并且想象你如何在这个工作。”   interpreting the response: your interviewer may commend the company for everything from benefits to year-end bonuses. on the other hand, "if they"re struggling to come up with something positive about why they like working there, chances are good that you"re not going to be able to come up with anything positive after having worked there either," palmer says.   解读面试官的反应:你的面试官可能会从各种福利聊到年终奖。从另外一个方面讲,”如果他们挖空心思和你讲在这里工作好的方面,那么到时候你在这个地方工作了一段时间之后也会想不出这个地方有什么好来。”palmer说道。   4. what is the top priority for the person in this position over the next three months?   4. 在未来三个月,对这个岗位上的员工来说,什么事最重要的?   this question is helpful so you know what to focus on if you do get the position, palmer says. without a clear expectation, she adds, you won"t know what to accomplish or how to make the right impression during your first days on the job.   palmer说:“问这个问题很有用,可以让你知道要是真正开始工作之后,你需要去关注什么。”她补充说道,“没有一个明确的期望,你就无法知道要完成什么工作,以及如何在工作的头几天留下一个恰当合适的印象。”   interpreting the response: you may be told that you need to complete 15 tasks rather than two or three. "if these are all big initiatives that they want you to handle, probably not that doable," palmer says.   面试官反应的解读:你有可能听到你要完成不止两个三个的任务,而是15个。palmer 说,”如果这些任务都是些大条目,那么他们也许并非那么可行。”
2023-06-10 11:18:401


如果是对话的话,口语可以用You bet来表示肯定的意思,这是非常地道的美式口语表达。当然,你也可以用sure,of course,no problem,It is doable 等等来表达肯定的意思。
2023-06-10 11:18:581


  很多学生会选择去美国康奈尔大学就读,那么在这所大学读书时什么样的感受和体验呢?和一起来看看吧!下面是我整理的 在美国康奈尔大学留学是什么样的体验 ,欢迎阅读。   在美国康奈尔大学留学是什么样的体验   1.Academics: You can literally study almost anything you want at Cornell, and choose to major in almost anything out there. We have so many electives that you wouldn"t think of-- Wines, Magical Mushrooms, Human Bonding... and many of our professors hold national awards, are ambassadors, world-renown scientists, etc.   学术:基本上,在康奈尔你可以学习自己想学的任何方面的东西,几乎也可以选择任何方面的专业。我们有你几乎都想不到的种类繁多的选修课——酒类、奇异蘑菇、人际关系等等,我们的很多教授都获得过全国的奖项,有的是知名大使,有的是世界知名科学家等等。   2.Academics: The professors have a lot of experience and are always looking to improve, which makes each year better than the last.   学术:教授经验丰富,热衷进取,每年都比上一年更好一些。   3.Academics: No complaints about any of the professors. All of the ones I"ve encountered have been very smart and happy to help. However, some of the lower-level math classes are taught by TAs, which I hear is unpleasant. Also, a lot of the work assigned is busywork, which is annoying to have to do when you have more important things on your plate.   学术:对于教授,没什么好抱怨的!我遇到的教授都很睿智并很乐于帮助学生。但是,有些低年级的数学课由TAs授课的,据说学生不太满意。另外就是,还总有一些作业任务,这是让人抓狂的,尤其是你觉得自己还有一些更重要的事情去做的时候。   4.Academics: As an engineering major, the classes are obviously challenging, but that"s to be expected. The transition from high school to college is difficult, but there are plenty of resources on campus to help you with it.   学术:作为一个工程专业的学生,显而易见,专业课是很有挑战性的,但是同样那也是充满了期待的。从高中到大学的转变有点难度,不过学校里有很多方面的资源可以帮助到你!   5.Majors: Cornell is one of the most prestigious universities in the world. Every year it sends scores of students to the top firms within their respective industries. I interned, as a freshman, in the United States Senate. So there are plenty of upper-echelon options even for younger students.   专业:康奈尔大学是全世界最富盛名的大学之一。每年它都会向世界的顶级公司输送很多各领域的人才。我曾以新人的身份在美国参议院实习过。所以说,有很多自我提升的机会,甚至对年轻一点的学生也是这样。   6.Majors: As a Biological Engineer in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, I am getting the best education for a moderate price, since in-state tuition applies in CALS. The Common App for Cornell asks for you to rank the colleges in your order of preference and also choose a major in those colleges. I would suggest doing research on areas of interest and compiling a list of majors. If you are from New York State, I would consider looking at the state-subsidized schools, no matter what your financial situation is. Remember your choice of major or even of school is not final and there is room to switch during your college career.   专业:作为一个在农业与生命科学学院学习生物工程专业的学生,我以适中的费用受到了最好的教育,由于我符合“CALS”本州生学费条例。康奈尔的Common网申系统会要你列出你最喜欢的学院的排名,并让你选出你这些学院你喜欢的专业。我建议基于兴趣做研究,并列出一个不同专业的列表。如果你来自纽约州,我会考虑找一个有州补贴的学校,不论你自己的财政状况如何。记得你选的专业甚至学院并不是最终的结果,在你大学生涯还有转学(专业)的空间。   7.Majors: So far, Biological Engineering is a very interesting field, at least for me, and a very practical and lucrative field, no matter who you are. The workload is that of an engineer (not the easiest) but there is opportunity to take classes that interest you after completing the required courses. Engineers are in high demand, and get many internship opportunities. It is also a very social field, as groupwork is required to solve problems.   专业:目前为止,生物工程是个很有意思的领域,至少就我来说。这是一个很有现实意义,又有钱可赚的领域,不论你是谁。学习压力算是工程学里一般情况那种(不是最容易的),但是,你学完了自己的必修课之余,你有机会去学习自己感兴趣的其他课程。工程师有很高的需求,也会有很多的实习机会。同时,这也是个很社会化的领域,因为很多问题需要组队解决。   8.Majors: Obviously admissions is competitive, but once you are in your respective college it is pretty easy to select your concentration. (At least for the engineering school) All you have to do to declare a concentration is do a one-page application and get it reviewed by the department, but if you have taken the required classes and have the minimum GPA you will get in. For general admissions the most important things are probably grades and test scores, but most of the people here also have that "something special" to set them apart. If you don"t think you have anything that necessarily distinguishes you from other applicants it would be advisable to apply early decision.   专业:很明显这里录取要求很高,但是一旦你被录取进入了你的学院,选择你的学习方向就是很容易的事儿了(至少,工程学院如此)。选择你的学习方向你要做的是填一份一页的申请表格,然后等院系批复。如果你已经学习了必修的课程,并有不低于最低要求的GPA,你会被录取的。就一般录取来说,最重要的是成绩和标准化考试成绩!但是这里也有多数人都有他们自己的“特殊一面”让他们与众不同。如果你自认为和其他申请者相比,没什么让自己出类拔萃的能力的话,那么准备早申请才是上策。   9.Majors: I love the program that I am in at Cornell. It is unique and that it gives you a lot of flexibility as a pre-med and focuses on both the natural and social sciences.   专业:我爱我在康奈尔大学的项目。它很特殊,作为医学预科,该项目有很好的灵活性并能很好的聚焦于自然科学和社会科学两个方面。   10.Diversity: There are many opportunities on campus and in clubs for people of different races and sexual orientation especially. In my experience, most people are accepting of a wide range of diversity, but I"m sure the prejudices and biases exist somewhere. There is a mandatory orientation event for freshmen that does a good job of addressing this issue though, in my opinion.   多样性:在学校里,各种俱乐部上不同种族的,不同性取向的人们都有很多的交流机会。据我的经验,大家都不同程度地认可多样性的存在,但我确信成见和偏见也一定程度上存在。学校对新生有一个强制性的新生适应活动,在取消偏见这方面做的很好,我觉得。   11.Diversity: Very diverse when it comes to economic background, political beliefs, religion, and sexual orientation. I feel like there is a polarization between Hispanics/Blacks and the rest of the ethnicities. I know that blacks/hispanics feel like they have almost no friends of other races, and that it is because people avoid them, but being Hispanic, I can tell you that those feel segregated do it to themselves. The black/Hispanic communities cluster together freshman year, then stay that way the whole time. It is their own fault   多样性:在经济背景,政治信仰,宗教信仰和性取向方面,康奈尔是极具多样性的。我觉得在拉美裔/黑色人群和其他人种之间有极化现象。我知道拉美裔觉得他们没有其他人种的朋友,因为人们疏远他们。但是作为拉美裔,我可以告诉你那些觉得被疏远了的人是咎由自取。拉美裔群体在新生季聚集到一起,然后就一直待在一起(不跟别人接触)。这是他们自己的过错。   12.Athletics: The Sports scene at Cornell is a hit or miss, but in the end it"s a good balance. Coming from the Midwest, I honestly miss Big Ten football and basketball, but other sports such as hockey and lacrosse are more than enough to fill the void. As one of the top teams in the nation, Cornell Hockey is the epitome and center of Cornell Sport culture, and it is truly exciting to be a part of it. As a season ticket holder, I can pledge that home hockey games are always fun, highly spirited, and never boring affairs. The cozy rink fills pretty much for every game, and Student section tickets (if you know what you"re doing) are fairly cheap. If you"re a fanatic, like me. Don"t worry. Priorities change when you go to college. To be honest, it"s all I can do to get to the Rink on Fridays. Cornell is a challenging school. If you manage to make time to follow ANY of the sports here, I"d say that"s a success.   体育:康奈尔大学的体育方面说不上卓越,但也不错!因为来自中西部,坦白说我还是怀念十大联盟橄榄球和篮球比赛,但是这里的其他的比赛项目比如曲棍球和长曲棍球赛也足够填补空白了。作为全美的顶级球队之一,康奈尔曲棍球比赛是校运动的代表和康奈尔体育文化的核心,能成为其中的一份子真的是令人激动的事。作为季票持有者,我敢说康奈尔的主场曲棍球比赛总是充满乐趣,又让人激动不已不会感到厌倦的比赛!舒适的球场,每场比赛都座无虚席。学生区域票(如果你知道自己在干什么的话)也相当便宜。如果你是狂热粉丝,像我一样,别担心,你进入大学以后,有优先改动权。老实说,这是我周五去球场唯一能做的事。康奈尔大学是一所充满了挑战的大学。如果你能管理好时间去关注以上任何种类的运动的话,得说那也是一种成功!   13.Guys & Girls: Everyone is so different and I think that"s a good thing. There are guys and girls who care about looking nice everyday and partying, and there are those who are very dedicated to their school work and don"t socialize much. A lot of the students are from New York so how they dress can be similar at times but it isn"t overbearing. You really will meet all kinds of people with a multitude of interests and hobbies.   男生女生:每个人都与众不同,我觉得这一点很好。有很多男生和女生每天都很在意他们的外表是否好看;也有总是醉心于自己的学习和工作,不太社交的人。很多学生来自纽约,所以有时候他们的打扮都差不多类似,但是也不是太过火。你真的能遇到很多不同类型,具有不同兴趣爱好的人。   14. Campus Food: Dining hall food is definitely some of the best in the country, but it can get old after all. But you have so many options to choose from, so even if you do get bored of one dining hall there are so many others to choose from.   校园饮食:餐厅里的食物绝对有一些是全国最美味的,但是也总会有厌倦的时候。但是你毕竟有很多的选择,即使对某一个餐厅没兴趣了,你还有很多其他的餐厅可以去。   15. Campus Housing: Some of the dorms are older, but still maintain a lot of character. There are a lot of housing options for upperclassmen.   校园住宿:一些宿舍有点老旧了,但是仍然个性十足。对高年级的学生有很多住宿选择方式。   16.Administration: I found there was a good balance of leniency towards minor offenses but strict consequences to major ones.   校园管理:我觉得学校在小事情上的宽松和大事情上的严格保持了很好的平衡。   17. Health & Safety: I feel very safe on campus. The blue light system adopted at many colleges exists here at Cornell. Every time a crime occurs, the entire community hears about it over email. The most serious incident this year has been some hooligan doing drive-bys with a paintball gun. Bikes are safe as long as you have a lock, and each residence hall has bicycle storage in the basement for added security. Police are also available at a moment"s notice.   健康与安全:我在学校感觉很安全。康奈尔这里有预警系统。每次有犯罪现象发生,通过互联网,整个学校都会知道。今年最严重的事情是有小流氓拿着彩弹枪飙车。你有锁的话,你的摩托车就会很安全。为了进一步确保安全,每个宿舍楼地下室都有自行车停放处。校警也总是随时待命。   18. Transportation: The T-Cat Bus system is pretty great. It takes some time before you can really figure out how it works, but overall I"d say it"s fairly convenient and quite cheap. The campus is also good for walking and fairly isolated from outside traffic.   交通:T-Cat 巴士公交系统很棒,但你得花点时间弄明白它们的运营方式。总的来说,它很方便又便宜。校园也很适于散步,和外界很好地隔开了。   19. Local Area: Ithaca is a charming small upstate New York town. Though it is a hassle to get to by driving (no major highways go near it), it is beautiful in the beginning and end of the school year. Ithaca has only one movie theater and does not have the largest shopping selection, but there are some great restaurants and occasional festivals and events going on. The cold Ithaca winters can be a hassle, but people find ways through it.   当地生活:伊萨卡是一个很有魅力的纽约的城镇。开车到那里去有点困难(附近没有干线公路),学年开始和结束的时候非常漂亮。伊萨卡只有一个电影院,没有特别大的购物中心,但是有一些很棒的参观,不同的节日和活动也都有很多不错的。伊萨卡寒冷的冬天有点难熬,但是人们总能找到办法度过冬天的。   20. Academics: I really like my program! The facilities are great, the Hotel School was just added a new library and lounge. The workload can be pretty heavy sometimes, but it"s doable. You have a lot of internship and work opportunities, and you have a connection to the Alumni network which is great as well.   学术:我真是超级喜欢我的专业。设施超棒,酒店学院刚增加了一个新的图书馆和休息厅。学习压力有时候会很重,但是是可以应付的。有很多实习和工作的机会,和校友网也会有很多的联系,真的是非常棒。   21. Academics: Nutrition at Cornell is the best in the nation, and the workload is fun, applicable and relevant in Nutrition classes. Facilities are awesome for cooking labs and classes, and there are a bunch of related research opportunities with big name professors. Workload sucks for prerequisites though in your first two years since they"re the same as pre-med students.   学术:康奈尔的营养学是全国最好的,营养学的课堂上学习很有意思,也是可以应付的,并且课程都很切中要害。实验室和课堂中的设施都极好,还有很多相关的研究经历,都是跟着特别知名的教授的。前两年课业压力会因为要学先修课程而很重,因为他们与医学预科的学生是一样的。
2023-06-10 11:19:061

take the lead是什么意思

  take the lead  中文意思:牵头; 一马当先; 占主要地位, 领先, 带头; 打头; 打头阵; 带头,居首位; 领先;  形近词:Take the Lead  1.First, continue to improve team-building leadership system, the formation of companies, trade unions take the lead, with the functional departments, full participation in the management mechanism.  一是不断健全班组建设领导体系,形成公司、工会牵头、职能部门配合、全员参与的管理机制。  2.Since 2000 the skyrocketing demand in China for iron ore, coal and oil combined with a massive upturn in steel production created a perfect platform for the country to take the global lead in shipbuilding.  自2000年以来,中国对铁矿石、煤炭和石油的需求一直在飞速上涨,再加上钢铁生产的普遍好转,为中国取得造船业全球领先地位创造了绝佳的平台。  3.Our products take the lead with high quality and competitive price in the peer.Because specialty, so do better!  我们的产品价格以高品质和绝对优势的价格领先同类行业。源头厂家,质优价廉,因为我们专业,所以做得更好!  4.House supervisors shall take the lead to obey and supervise participants supervised to obey agreements of the houses offered.  带头遵守并督促参与者切实遵守设计公馆相关约定。  5.Below please find a proposal from a friend of mine, and I personally feel that it"s both very meaningful and doable.Would any of you be willing to take the lead this time?  下面是我一个朋友的提议,我觉得很有意义,非常值得我们去做。你们这次谁愿意牵头来做?。
2023-06-10 11:19:144

以How to become an inventor 为 题写一篇英语作文。

字数要求 呢??
2023-06-10 11:19:545

army life中文翻译

As he hated army pfe , he decided to desert his regiment 他讨厌军旅生活,决定逃离所在部队。 As he hated army pfe , he decided to desert his regiment 由于他厌恶军队生活,他决计开小差。 It just makes army pfe easier 因为这样才更容易在军营里生存下去 Seung - young , this balls - for - brains asshole says army pfe " s doable 承永,这个白痴说军营生活很舒服 Textual research on the specific time and place of p yi " s first army pfe 李益首次从军时间地点考辨 He scan adjusted to army pfe 他不久便适应了军队中的生活。 He soon adjusted to army pfe 他很快就适应了军队生活。 Then is army pfe doable 那军营生活是不是很舒服啊? As he hated army pfe , he decide to deserthis regiment 因为他嫌恶军队生活,所以他决心背弃自己所在的那个团。 The pany leader said that army pfe would toughen the recruits up 连长说军队生活可以使新兵锻炼得更坚强。 Is army pfe too hard 是不是军营生活太难熬了? If you go to a top college , does that mean you can " t adjust to army pfe 上过大学怎么了?就不能适应军队生活啦? Hitchcock once said that movies were “ pfe with the boring parts cut out . ” america " s army introduces the miptary with the boring parts cut out : a spck , first - rate pc shooter that lets you try out all the exciting things there are to do in army pfe , from basic training all the way to ground warfare ? and all without a single 5 a . m . reveille and slop - out duty 希契科克曾经说过电影是“将生活中令人厌烦的东西剪除的产物” 《美国军队》同样如此:一个身手敏捷,第一流的电脑射手让你在军队生活中体验各种令人激动的事情,从基础的自始至终的地面战争训练到所有的战争内容而剪除了那些单人的5点吹起床号和倒排泄物的任务。
2023-06-10 11:20:281

How to become an inventor 为题 写篇作文谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

How to Become an InventorAlthough becoming a successful inventor can be tough, it is doable. First, you study and become a student of logic. Secondly,you need to make sure your idea is original, and you need to know the market for your product.Hope you will be a great inventor.
2023-06-10 11:20:363


“seehowlongittakes”翻义成中文意思是看看它要用多长时间,看看它要用多久以下双语例句:1.All of it is doable already--let"s see how long it takes someone. 所有这一切在技术上都已经可行,且看这样的产品什么时候才会出现吧。2.And I might leave a pizza flyer in your front door to see how long ittakes you to remove it. 可能的话,我会在你家前门放一张披萨的传单,以观察你用多长时间来移除它。3.Then I"m going to watch to see how long it takes for evolution to stop. 然后我要看看将进化停止要花多长时间。
2023-06-10 11:20:451


When people find out I write about time management,they assume two things.One is that I"m always on time,and I"m not.I have four small children,and I would like to blame them for my occasional tardiness,but sometimes it"s just not their fault.I was once late to my own speech on time management.We all had to just take a moment together and savor that irony. 当人们发现我在写关于时间管理的内容时,通常会有两个想当然的想法。一个就是我肯定总是很守时,但并不是。我有四个年幼的孩子,我倒是很想把偶尔迟到怪到他们头上,但有时候并不是他们的责任。我有一次连自己的时间管理讲座都迟到了。当时大家只得一起体会了一下其中的讽刺意味。 The second thing they assume is that I have lots of tips and tricks for saving bits of time here and there.Sometimes I"llhear from magazines that are doing a story along these lines,generally on how to help their readers find an extra hour in the day.And the idea is that we"ll shave bits of time off everyday activities,add it up,and we"ll have time for the good stuff.I question the entire premise of this piece,but I"m always interested in hearing what they"ve come up with before they call me.第二件会被大家想当然的事,就是我有很多诀窍和小窍门来节省各种零散时间。有时候我会收到杂志的来信,说他们正在根据这样的思路写文章,通常是关于如何帮助读者在一天中抽出一小时时间。这个想法是说我们从日常活动中省出零散的时间,加起来就有足够时间来做有意义的事了。我对这个概念的整个前提保持怀疑,但我总是很感兴趣他们在打电话给我前想出了什么点子。 Some of my favorites:doing errands where you only have to make right-hand turns、Being extremely judicious in microwave usage:it says three to three-and-a-half minutes on the package,we"re totally getting in on the bottom side of that.And my personal favorite,which makes sense on some level,is to DVR your favorite shows so you can fast-forward through the commercials.That way,you save eight minutes every half hour,so in the course of two hours of watching TV,you find 32 minutes to exercise.Which is true.You know another way to find 32 minutes to exercise?Don"t watch two hours of TV a day,right? 有几个是我很喜欢的,出去办事选择一路全是右转弯的地方、极其谨慎地使用微波炉:包装上说叮三到三分半钟,那就绝对只叮三分钟。我个人最喜欢的,从某种程度来说还算有道理,就是把喜欢的节目录下来这样就能快进广告。通过这个办法,每半小时能节省八分钟,那么在看两小时电视的过程中,就有了三十二分钟来锻炼。这倒是真的。可你们知道找三十二分钟锻炼的另一种方法吗?就是一天不要看两小时电视,对吗?Anyway,the idea is we"ll,save bits of time here and there,add it up,we will finally get to everything we want to do.But after studying how successful people spend their time and looking at their schedules hour by hour,I think this idea has it completely backward. We don"t build the lives we want by saving time.We build the lives we want,and then time saves itself. 总之这个理论就是,我们节省零散的时间加起来,最终就能做到我们想做的所有事情。但是在研究了成功人士如何使用时间之后,并且逐个小时审视了他们的日程表,我认为这个理论已然彻底落后了。并不是通过节省时间创造想要的生活。而是先创造想要的生活,然后时间就自动节约下来了。 Here"s what I mean.I recently did a time diary project looking at 1,001 days in the lives of extremely busy women.They had demanding jobs,sometimes their own businesses,kids to care for,maybe parents to care for,community commitments...busy,busy people.I had them keep track of their time for a week,so I could add up how much they worked and slept,and I interviewed them about their strategies,for my book. 接下来我会进行说明。我最近在做一个时间日记项目,观察那些非常繁忙的女性一天零一天的生活。她们都有繁忙的工作,有些是自己创业,要照顾孩子或许还要照顾老人,要做社区服务……都非常非常忙。我让她们每周做时间记录,这样我就能计算她们工作和睡觉的时间总和,为了收集资料,我还询问她们的安排策略。 One of the women whose time log I studied...she goes out on a Wednesday night for something.She comes home to find that her water heater has broken,and there is now water all over her basement.If you"ve ever had anything like this happen to you,you know it is a hugely damaging,frightening,sopping mess.So she"s dealing with the immediate aftermath that night,next day she"s got plumbers coming in,day after that,professional cleaning crew dealing with the ruined carpet.All this is being recorded on her time log.Winds up taking seven hours of her week.Seven hours.That"s like finding an extra hour in the day. 我研究了其中一位女士的时间日志……有个星期三晚上她出门办了点事。回家时发现家里的热水器坏了,地下室已经被水淹了。如果你曾经历过类似的事就知道,这可怕的事会造成很大破坏,淹得一塌糊涂。那天晚上她就面临了这场突发灾难,第二天她找来了水管工,又隔一天,她找来专业清理团队处理损毁的地毯。这些都记录在她的时间日志上。占用了她那一周七小时。七小时。那就是每天多出了一小时。 But I"m sure if you had asked her at the start of the week,"Could you find seven hours to train for a triathlon?""Could you dind seven hours to mentor seven worthy people?"I"m sure she would"ve said what most of us would"ve said,which is,"No...can"t you see how busy I am?"Yet when she had to find seven hours because there is water all over her basement,she found seven hours.And what this shows us is that time is highly elastic. 但我相信如果那一周开始时问她“你能挤出七小时进行铁人三项运动训练吗?”“你能挤出七小时辅导七个值得辅导的人吗?”我相信她会跟我们大多数人一样,说“不行…你看不出来我多忙吗?”可是当家里地下室淹着水她不得不因此挤出七个小时,她挤出了这七个小时。这向我们证明了时间的弹性是很强的。We cannot make more time,but time will stretch to accommodate what we choose to put into it.And so the key to time management is treating our priorities as the equivalent of that broken water heater. To get at this,I like to use language from one of the busiest people I ever interviewed.By busy,I mean she was running a small business with 12 people on the payroll,she had six children in her spare time.I was getting in touch with her to set up an interview on how she "had it all"...that phrase.I remember it was a Thursday morning,and she was not available to speak with me.Of course,right? 我们无法创造出更多时间,但时间会得到充分的利用,这取决于我们选择用时间来做什么。所以时间管理的关键就是对待重要的事像对待坏掉的热水器一样。为了说明这一点,我想借用我曾经采访过最忙的一个人的话。她很忙,因为她经营着一家小公司有十二名雇员,其余时间她要照顾六个孩子。我跟她联系想预约一次访问,了解她如何“日理万机”…原话如此。我记得那是个星期四早上她跟本没空跟我谈话。当然了,对吧? But the reason she was unavailable to speak with me is that she was out for a hike,because it was a beautiful spring morning,and she wanted to go for a hike.So of course this makes me even more intrigued,and when I finally do catch up with her,she explains it like this.She says,"Listen Laura,everything I do,every minute I spend,is my choice."And rather than say,"I don"t have time to do x,y or z,"she"d say, "I don"t do x,y or z because it"s not a priority." "I don"t have time,"often means"It"s not a priority."If you think about it,that"s really more accurate language. 可是她没空跟我谈话的原因是因为她去徒步了,因为那是一个美好的春日清晨,她就想去徒步。所以这当然给了我更大的触动,等我终于见到她时,她是这么解释的。她说“听着,劳拉,我做的每件事,花的每一分钟,都是我的选择。”她没有说,“我没时间做甲乙丙丁”,她说的是“我没做甲乙丙丁是因为那不是最重要的事。”“我没时间”通常意味着“这事不重要”。各位想想,这其实才是更准确的说法。 I could tell you I don"t have time to dust to dust my blinds,but that"s not true.If you offered to pay me $100,000 to dust my blinds,I would get to it pretty quickly.Since that is not going to happen,I can acknowledge this is not a matter of lacking time,it"s that I don"t want to do it.Using this language reminds us that time is a choice.And granted,there may be horrible consequences for making different choices,I will give you that.But we are smart people,and certainly over the long run,we have the power to fill our lives with the things that deserve to be there. 我可以跟你说我没时间给百叶窗除尘,可那并不是真的。如果你付我十万美元给百叶窗除尘,我立马就去做了。由于这只是异想天开,因此我可以承认这不是时间不够的问题,而是我不想去做。使用这种说法能提醒我们时间是选择。诚然,做出不同的选择有可能导致恶劣的后果,我承认。但大家都是聪明人,而且从长远来看,我们一定有能力让我们的人生充满有价值的事物。So how do we do that?How do we treat our priorities as the equivalent of that broken water heater?Well,first we need to figure out what they are.I want to give you two strategies for thinking about this. The first,on the professional side:I"m sure many people coming up to the end of the year are giving or getting annual performance reviews. You look back over your successes over the year,your "opportunities for growth."And this serves its purpose,but I find it"s more effective to do this looking forward. 那么要怎么做呢?我们如何对待重要的事情像对待坏掉的热水器一样呢?首先,我们需要分析哪些是重要的事。我想给你们两个思考的策略。第一,从工作角度来说:我相信很多人在年末前会给别人或收到自己的年度绩效评估。你们会回顾这一年的成绩,你们的“发展机会”.这当然很有用,但我发现做未来的展望更加有效。 So I want you to pretend it"s the end of next year.You"re giving yourself a performance reiew,and it has been an absolutely amazing year for you professionally.Write next year"s review:What 3-5 things would make it a great year for you professionally.So you can write next year"s performance review now.And you can do this for your personal life,too. 所以我想请大家假想现在是明年年底。你要给自己做绩效评估,而这一年里你的工作表现非常良好。写出明年的评估:哪些事会让你这一年的工作表现优异,列举三到五件事。所以你们可以现在就写下明年的绩效评估。这一招也可以用于私人生活。 I"m sure many of you,like me,come December,get cards that contain these folded up sheets of colored paper,on which written what is known as the family holiday letter.Bit of a wretched genre of literature,really,going on about how amazing everyone in the household is,or even more scintillating,how busy everyone in the household is.But these letters serve a purpose,which is that they tell your friends and family what you did in your personal life that mattered to you over the year. 我相信在座很多人跟我一样,到了十二月会收到贺卡,就是那种对折的彩色制片,上面写着所谓的家庭假期贺词。说真的,简直是种拙劣的文学体裁,写的都是家里所有人都是多么出色,甚至更妙的是,说家里所有人都有多忙。不过这些文字有个作用,就是告诉你的亲朋好友这一年来你在个人生活中做了哪些对你来说重要的事。So this year"s kind of done,but I want you to pretend it"s the end of next year,and it has been an absolutely amazing year for you and the people you care about.Write the family hollday letter:What three to five things did you do that made it so amazing?So you can write next year"s family holiday letter now.Don"t send it.Please,don"t send it.But you can write it. And now,between the performance review and the family holiday letter,we have a list of six to ten goals we can work on in the next year.And now we need to break these down into doable steps. 今年差不多要结束了,但我希望你们假设现在是明年年底,而这一年过得十分精彩,对你和你关心的人来说都是。写下家庭假期贺信:你做的哪三到五件事让今年如此精彩?你们可以现在就写好明年家庭假日贺卡,别寄出去。摆脱,千万别寄。不过可以写好。现在有了绩效评估和家庭假期贺卡,我们就有了明年要努力的六到十个目标。现在就需要把这些目标分解为可行的步骤。 So maybe you want to write a family history.First,you can read some other family histories,get a sense for the style.Then maybe think about the questions you want to ask your relatives,set up appointments to interview them.Or maybe you want to run a 5K.So you need to find a race and sign up,figure out a training plan,and dig those shoes out of the back of the closet.And then...this is key...we treat our priorities as the equivalent of that broken water heater,by putting them into our schedules first. 或许你想编一份家谱。首先,你可以查阅一些别人的家谱,对家谱形式有所了解。然后想一想你要问亲戚们的问题,跟他们约面谈的时间。或者,也许你想跑五公里比赛。那么你就要找个赛事报名,做好训练计划,把跑鞋从衣柜深处找出来。然后……这就是关键……我们要对待重要的事像对待那台坏掉的热水器一样,把它们写到日程表的第一栏。We do this by thinking through our weeks before we are in them,I find a really good time to do this is Friday afternoons.Friday afternoon is what an economist might call a "low opportunity cost" time.Most of us are not sitting there on Friday afternoons saying,"I am excited to make progress toward my personal and professional priorities right now."But we are willing to think about what those should be.But we are willing to think about what those should be. 要在一周开始前就想好这一周的计划,我发现星期五下午是做计划的好时间。星期五下午可能会被经济学家称为“低机会成本”时间。我们大多数人是不会在星期五下午坐下来说“此时此刻,我很期待朝着我的个人和工作的首要目标努力。”但我们都愿意思考什么事应该成为首要目标。 So take a little bit of time Friday afternoon,make yourself a three-category priority list:career, relationships, self. Making a three-category list reminds us that there should be something in all three categories.Career,we think about;relationships,self...not so much.But anyway,just a short list,two to three items in each.Then look out over the whole of the next week,and see where you can plan them in. 所以用一点星期五下午的时间,给自己列一张三栏优先顺序表:工作、感情、个人。列出一张三栏表能提醒我们应该有些事是三种类型都包含的。我们会思考工作方面的事,但感情和个人……就不会想这么多。不过总之,只是列一个简单的表格,每一栏里写两到三项,然后纵览接下来的整个星期,看看可以把这些事安排在什么时候。 Where you plan them in is up to you.I know this is going to be more complicated for some people than others.I mean,some people"s lives are just harder than others.It is not going to be easy to find time to take that poetry class if you are caring for multiple children on your own.I get that.And I don"t want to minimize anyone"s struggle.But I do think that the numbers I am about to tell you are empowering. 怎么安排是你的决定。我知道这对部分人来说会比较复杂。有些人的生活就是比别人辛苦。比如说如果有好几个小孩的话就很难找到时间去上诗歌学习班。我明白。我也不想小看任何人的努力。不过我认为,接下来我要告诉各位的数字是很有说服力的。There are 168 hours in a week.Twenty-four times seven is 168 hours.That is a lot of time.If you are working a full-time job,so 40 hours a week,sleeping eight hours a night,so 56 hours a week...that leaves 72 hours for other things.That is a lot of time.You say you"re working 50 hours a week,maybe a main job and a side hustle.Well,that leaves 62 hours for other things.You say you"re working 60 hours.Well,that leaves 52 hours for other things.You say you"re working more than 60 hours.Well,are you sure? 一周有一百六十八小时,二十四乘以七即一百六十八小时。这是很多时间。如果你是全职工作者,那么每周工作四十小时,每晚睡八小时,一星期就是五十六小时……还剩下七十二小时做别的事。这是很多时间。你说你一周要工作五十个小时,或许除了正职以外还有副业。那么,还有六十二小时做别的事。你说你要工作六十小时。那么,还有五十二小时做别的事。你说你工作时长超过六十小时。你确定吗? There was once a study comparing people"s estimated work weeks with time diaries.They found that people claiming 75-plus-hour work weeks were off by about 25 hours.You can guess in which direction,right?Anyway,in 168 hours a week,I think we can find time for what matters to you. 曾经有一项研究,把人们估算的一周工作时间和时间日志做了对比。发现人们声称一周工作超过七十五小时,实际上误差大约为二十五小时。大家可以猜到误差是多了还是少了吧?总之,每周一百六十八小时,我想大家可以找到时间来做对你重要的事。 If you want to spend more time with your kids,you want to study more for a test you"re taking,you want to exercise for three hours and volunteer for two,you can.And that"s even if you"re working way more than full-time hours.So we have plenty of time,which is great,because guess what?We don"t even need that much time to do amazing things. 如果你想花更多时间陪伴孩子,你想花更多时间学习备考,你想做三小时运动,两小时志愿者,都能做到。就算你工作时常远远超过八小时。所以说我们有足够的时间,这是好事,因为大家猜怎么着?要做精彩的事,我们甚至不需要那么多时间。But when most of us have bits of time,what do we do?Pull out the phone,right?Start deleting emails.Otherwise,we"re puttering around the house or watching TV.But small moments can have great power.You can use your bits of time for bits of joy.Maybe it"s choosing to read something wonderful on the bus on the way to work. 不过大多数人有了一点时间时会做什么?拿出手机,对吗?开始删邮件。不然就是在家里晃荡,或者看电视。然而少量的时间也能起到大大的作用。你可以利用零散的时间得到小小的乐趣。或许是在上班的公交车上看本好书。 I know when I had a job that required two bus rides and a
2023-06-10 11:20:541

有个人很内向 在学校有很大的压力 向他提些建议的英语作文

  How to Overcome Shyness  Part 1 of 4: Understanding Your Shyness  1  Think about the root of your shyness. Shyness doesn"t necessarily equate to being introverted or not liking yourself. It simply means that for some reason you get embarrassed when the spotlight hits you. What"s the root of your shyness? It"s generally the symptom of a larger problem. Here are three possibilities:  Ad  Whatever your reason, it"s doable to get over it. They"re all ways of thinking and thinking is the one thing you have control over. Yes!  You have a weak self-image. This happens when we evaluate ourselves and that voice in our heads is negative. It"s tough to stop listening to it, but at the end of the day it"s your voice and you can tell it what to say.  You have issues believing complements given to you. Whether or not you think you look good, someone did, and that"s why they told you so. You wouldn"t call them a liar would you? Lift your chin, say "thank you" and accept it. Don"t try to tell the person who paid you a complement that they"re wrong.  You are preoccupied with how you come off. This happens when we focus too much on ourselves. Because we spend all day monitoring our actions and making sure we don"t mess up, we assume everyone else is too. We"ll talk about turning the focus on others if this sounds like you.  You are labeled as shy by others. Sometimes, when we"re little, we"re shy. Unfortunately, people latch onto that and treat us as such, even when our personalities grow out of it. It"s possible that others have lumped you into this category and you"re trying to accommodate them. The good news? You only have to accommodate yourself.  2  Accept your shyness. One of the first step to overcome your shyness is try to accept your shyness and be comfortable with it. The more you will resist it unconsciously or consciously, longer it will prevail. If you are shy then accept it and embrace it totally. One way it could be done is by saying to yourself repeatedly "Yes I am shy and I accept it".  3  Figure out your triggers. Do you become shy in front of new audiences? When learning a new skill? When venturing into a new situation? When surrounded by people you know and admire? When you don"t know anyone somewhere? Try to pinpoint the thoughts that go through your head right before the shyness hits.  Odds are not all situations make you shy. You"re okay being around your family, right? How are they that different than the strangers around you? They"re not -- you just know them better and what"s more, they know you. It"s not you, it"s just the situations you"re in. This proves that it"s not a global, 100% of-the-time thing. Excellent.  4  Make a list of situations that make you feel anxious. Order them so that those things that cause you the least anxiety are first and those that cause you the most anxiety are last. When you put things in concrete terms, it feels like a task you can tackle and tackle successfully.  Make them as concrete as possible. "Talking in front of people" may be a trigger, but you can get more specific. Talking in front of those who have more authority than you do? Talking to those you find attractive? The more specific you are, the easier it will be to identify the situation and work through it.  5  Conquer the list. Once you have a list of 10-15 stressful situations, start working through them, one-by-one (after you read the article, of course). The first few "easier" situations will help build your confidence so that you can continue moving to more difficult situations on your list.  Ad  Don"t worry if you have to go backwards on the list sometimes; take it at your own pace, but make an effort to push yourself.  Part 2 of 4: Conquering Your Mind  1  Use this shyness as a Cue. Whatever inside you that triggers shyness is because we perceive it as a trigger for shyness. Its like computer programming when in a "program" gets a certain type interrupt it behaves in the same way how we have programmed it to handle interrupts. Similarly our mind can be programmed too. Think a little deeper we were programmed since our childhood, to react to certain stimuli like stay away from strangers, heights, dangerous animals etc. However for certain stimuli our reactions are default, means we perceive them and react in a way which comes naturally to us (by default) and this reaction could be flawed. For example When people see a lizard some would it as an ugly reptile, while some would perceive it as a beautiful pet, this could be because of their natural(by default) reaction or response to the stimuli(lizard). In the same way when shy people see people(stimuli) your natural response is shyness. The truth is that you can change this response by re-programming your mind. Some ways this could be done by...  Questioning yourself and checking the validity of your reasons. For example .  Its essential that you practice speaking in public to really overcome the problem of shyness. Try to see this shyness as a Cue to push yourself hard and to do the opposite of what you have been doing when you feel shy. When you feel shy in public you probably leave to another quiet place because this has been your default reaction for so long but this time when you feel shy, push yourself and do the opposite I.E talk to people. Yes you will feel extremely uncomfortable and negative but again see these emotions as a trigger to push yourself even harder. More the magnitude of these negative emotions, the harder they will motivate you to push yourself. After trying this for several times you will realize that these negative feelings and emotions were actually your good friends because they motivated you to push yourself even harder.  2  Place your attention on others. For 99% of us, we become shy when we think if we speak up or stand out, we"ll embarrass ourselves. That"s why it"s important to focus on others, placing our (mental) attention elsewhere. When we stop focusing on ourselves, we stop being able to be worried how we come off.  The easiest way to do this is to concentrate on compassion.[1] When we"re feeling compassionate, sympathetic, or even empathetic, we stop being concerned about ourselves and start devoting all our mental resources to understanding others. Remembering that everyone is fighting some sort of battle -- big or small (big to them!) -- helps us remember everyone deserves our care.  If that doesn"t work, imagine a thinking pattern like you imagine other people have. If you"re worried about how you look, you"re assuming everyone else is outwardly focused (hint: they"re actually not). Thinking patterns are contagious; once you start, you won"t be able to stop.  3  Visualize success. Close your eyes and visualize a situation where you might be shy. Now, in your mind"s eye, think about being confident. Do this often, and for different situations. This is most effective if you do this daily, especially in the morning. It might feel silly, but athletes use visualization to develop their skills, so why not you?  Involve all your senses to make it feel the most real. Think about being happy and comfortable. What do you sound like? What are you doing? That way when the time comes, you"ll be prepared.  4  Practice good posture. Standing tall gives the world the impression that you are self-confident and receptive to others. Often we are treated the way we feel -- so if you feel open and approachable, your body will emulate that feeling. Body over matter!  This will fool your brain, too. Research says that good posture (head held high, shoulders back, and open arms) makes us feel authoritative, confident, and -- to top it off -- reduces stress.[2] And you didn"t even need more reasons!  5  Practice speaking clearly to yourself. This will help avoid the potential embarrassment of needing to repeat what you said due to mumbling or talking too quietly. You gotta get used to hearing your own voice! Loving it, even.  Record yourself pretending to have conversations. Sounds ridiculous, sure, but you"ll notice patterns, when and why you drop off, times when you assume you"re speaking loudly but you"re really not, etc. At the beginning you"ll feel like an actor (and do things actors do to get in the moment), but it will become old hat. Practice makes habit, you know!  6  Don"t compare yourself to others. The more you compare yourself to others, the more you will feel that you are not able to measure up and the more intimidated you will feel, which will make you shyer. There is no use to compare yourself to anybody else -- but if you do, do it realistically. Everyone else is overwrought with self-assurance problems, too!  Seriously. If you have some super confident and extroverted friends or family members, ask them about this topic. They"ll probably say something, "Oh, yeah, I totally make it a conscious thing to put myself out there" or "I used to be terrible. I really had to work at it." You"re just on a different phase of the process than they are.  7  Think about how gosh darn great you are. Everyone has some special gift or trait to offer to the world. It may sound corny, but it"s true. Think about what you know, what you can do, and what you have accomplished, rather than fixating on how you look, sound, or dress. Keep in mind that everyone, even the "beautiful people," has something about themselves or their life that they don"t like. There"s no particular reason why your "problem" should make you shy while their "problem" doesn"t make them shy.  When you concentrate on this, you"ll realize you have plenty to offer any group or situation. Your resources and skills are needed to improve any issue, conversation, or circumstance. Knowing this, you"ll feel more inclined to speak up.
2023-06-10 11:21:031


function a($value){ if(!is_bool($value)){ echo("Warning:Not a boolean value!"); }else{ echo("OK,It is a boolean value!"); }}
2023-06-10 11:21:132


他正在做什么?用英语,我们可以这样说:What is he doing?
2023-06-10 11:21:3314


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2023-06-10 11:22:111

英语中表示可能的情态动词 形容词 副词

2023-06-10 11:22:191


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2023-06-10 11:22:321

do 开头的英文

2023-06-10 11:22:391


(un)comfortable (不)舒服的,舒适的capaable 有能力的,能干的unable (incapable) 无能的,不会的chantable 可歌的,易唱的chasable 可寻的,可捕猎的(un)changeable (不)可变的doable 可做的,可行的liable 有责任的,有义务的losable 易失的lovable 可爱的peaveable 温和的,和平的washable 可洗的,耐洗的suitable 适当的,相配的suable 可控告的,可起诉的viable 能维持下去的variable 易变的eatable 可食用的enjoyable 快乐的fashionable 时髦的
2023-06-10 11:22:481


2023-06-10 11:22:551


Loveable 可爱的,惹人爱的; Debatable 可争辩的; Breakable 易碎的; Drinkable 可饮用的; Practicable 切实可行的,行得通的; Probable 可能的 扩展资料   Possible 可能的;   Kissable 美丽而令人想吻的;   Agreeable 令人愉快的,惬意的;   Enable 使能够,提供做…的权利[措施];   Disable 使无能力;   Sociable 随和的,好交际的,友善的;   Readable 易读的;   Acceptable 可接受的;   Noticeable 显而易见的,明显的;   Changeable 很可能变化的;   Watchable 值得注意(或注视)的;   Thinkable 能想到的,可相信的;   Doable 可做的,可行的;   Impossible 不可能的,做不到的;   Likeable 可爱的,令人喜爱的;   Hatable (hateable)可恶的,讨厌的;   Achievable 做得成的,可完成的,可有成就的.;   Joinable [计] 可连接的;Findable 可发现的,可找到的。   -able 构成形容词:   1.表示"能...的","可以...的",如:usable, excusable   2.表示"适于...的","有...特性的",如:eatable, marketable   3.表示"有...倾向的",如:changeable, irritable   短语:   will be ableto将能够   be ableto do能够做   be able to take经受得住某事(指困难、痛苦的事)   ableperson能人;有能力的人;有用的人才   spell able干练的;有能力的
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2023-06-10 11:23:211


Eatable 可以吃的;Suitable 合适的,适当的,适宜的,恰当的;Bearable 可忍受的,可容忍的;Saleable 适于销售的;Washable 可洗的,耐洗的;Loveable 可爱的,惹人爱的;Debatable 可争辩的;Breakable 易碎的;Drinkable 可饮用的;Practicable 切实可行的,行得通的;Probable 可能的;Possible 可能的;Kissable 美丽而令人想吻的;Agreeable 令人愉快的,惬意的;Enable 使能够,提供做…的权利[措施];Disable 使无能力;Sociable 随和的,好交际的,友善的;Readable 易读的;Acceptable 可接受的;Noticeable 显而易见的,明显的;Changeable 很可能变化的;Watchable 值得注意(或注视)的;Thinkable 能想到的,可相信的;Doable 可做的,可行的;Impossible 不可能的,做不到的;Likeable 可爱的,令人喜爱的;Hatable (hateable)可恶的,讨厌的;Achievable 做得成的,可完成的,可有成就的;Joinable [计] 可连接的;Findable 可发现的,可找到的。-able 构成形容词:1.表示"能...的","可以...的",如:usable, excusable2.表示"适于...的","有...特性的",如:eatable, marketable3.表示"有...倾向的",如:changeable, irritable短语:will be ableto将能够be ableto do能够做be able to take经受得住某事(指困难、痛苦的事)ableperson能人;有能力的人;有用的人才spell able干练的;有能力的
2023-06-10 11:23:291


Eatable 可以吃的;Suitable 合适的,适当的,适宜的,恰当的;Bearable 可忍受的,可容忍的;Saleable 适于销售的;Washable 可洗的,耐洗的;Loveable 可爱的,惹人爱的;Debatable 可争辩的;Breakable 易碎的;Drinkable 可饮用的;Practicable 切实可行的,行得通的;Probable 可能的;Possible 可能的;Kissable 美丽而令人想吻的;Agreeable 令人愉快的,惬意的;Enable 使能够,提供做…的权利[措施];Disable 使无能力;Sociable 随和的,好交际的,友善的;Readable 易读的;Acceptable 可接受的;Noticeable 显而易见的,明显的;Changeable 很可能变化的;Watchable 值得注意(或注视)的;Thinkable 能想到的,可相信的;Doable 可做的,可行的;Impossible 不可能的,做不到的;Likeable 可爱的,令人喜爱的;Hatable (hateable)可恶的,讨厌的;Achievable 做得成的,可完成的,可有成就的;Joinable [计] 可连接的;Findable 可发现的,可找到的。-able 构成形容词:1.表示"能...的","可以...的",如:usable, excusable2.表示"适于...的","有...特性的",如:eatable, marketable3.表示"有...倾向的",如:changeable, irritable短语:will be ableto将能够be ableto do能够做be able to take经受得住某事(指困难、痛苦的事)ableperson能人;有能力的人;有用的人才spell able干练的;有能力的
2023-06-10 11:23:591


Eatable 可以吃的;Suitable 合适的,适当的,适宜的,恰当的;Bearable 可忍受的,可容忍的;Saleable 适于销售的;Washable 可洗的,耐洗的;Loveable 可爱的,惹人爱的;Debatable 可争辩的;Breakable 易碎的;Drinkable 可饮用的;Practicable 切实可行的,行得通的;Probable 可能的;Possible 可能的;Kissable 美丽而令人想吻的;Agreeable 令人愉快的,惬意的;Enable 使能够,提供做…的权利[措施];Disable 使无能力;Sociable 随和的,好交际的,友善的;Readable 易读的;Acceptable 可接受的;Noticeable 显而易见的,明显的;Changeable 很可能变化的;Watchable 值得注意(或注视)的;Thinkable 能想到的,可相信的;Doable 可做的,可行的;Impossible 不可能的,做不到的;Likeable 可爱的,令人喜爱的;Hatable (hateable)可恶的,讨厌的;Achievable 做得成的,可完成的,可有成就的;Joinable [计] 可连接的;Findable 可发现的,可找到的。-able 构成形容词:1.表示"能...的","可以...的",如:usable, excusable2.表示"适于...的","有...特性的",如:eatable, marketable3.表示"有...倾向的",如:changeable, irritable短语:will be ableto将能够be ableto do能够做be able to take经受得住某事(指困难、痛苦的事)ableperson能人;有能力的人;有用的人才spell able干练的;有能力的
2023-06-10 11:24:051


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possible impossible movable unbelievable comfortable believable passable available eatable, suitable, bearable, saleable, washable, loveable, debatable, breakable drinkable tablenoticeable respectable reliable
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2023-06-10 11:25:051


oath 誓言、誓约 oak 橡木、橡木色oasis 绿洲 oatmeal 燕麦片oat 燕麦片制的 oar 桨 oats 燕麦、燕麦粥oaf 呆子畸形儿 oakland 奥克兰oafiah 笨手笨脚的 oan 光接入网soar 高耸 soap 肥皂 soak 浸入poach 水煮 doable 可行的doat 衰老的 woald 焊接 toast 干杯、烘焙toad 蟾蜍 toadstool 毒菌望采纳
2023-06-10 11:25:121


(un)comfortable (不)舒服的,舒适的; capaable 有能力的,能干的; unable (incapable) 无能的,不会的; chantable 可歌的,易唱的; chasable 可寻的,可捕猎的; (un)changeable (不)可变的等等。 扩展资料   doable 可做的,可行的;   liable 有责任的,有义务的;   losable 易失的;   lovable 可爱的;   peaveable 温和的,和平的;   washable 可洗的,耐洗的;   suitable 适当的`,相配的;   suable 可控告的,可起诉的;   sable 黑貂;   fable 寓言,童话等等。
2023-06-10 11:25:191


2023-06-10 11:25:261

您认为这样可否可行? 英文

Do you think that"s doable?
2023-06-10 11:26:142

以How to become an inventor 为 题写一篇英语作文.

How to Become an Inventor Although becoming a successful inventor can be tough,it is doable.As a would-be entrepreneur,you have an endless resource to tap:your mind.But the process is a bit more complicated than just coming up with ideas.You have to know how to turn those ideas into a working product and how to protect your intellectual property. First,you study and become a student of logic. Secondly,brainstorm your ideas. Thirdly,you need to make sure your idea is original,and you need to know the market for your product. Fourthly,decide if you will apply for a patent. Fifthly,write a business plan. Sixthly,market your invention. Seventhly,realize you have a potential to make money. Hope you will be a great inventor
2023-06-10 11:26:291

求问“法无禁止皆可行”的英文是什么啊? 最好是精炼、简短一点的为好!

Anything is viable without law prohibition 或者 Everything is doable without law prohibition
2023-06-10 11:26:521

求问“法无禁止皆可行”的英文是什么啊? 最好是精炼、简短一点的为好!

Anything is viable without law prohibition 或者 Everything is doable without law prohibition
2023-06-10 11:26:581

谁知道 the game 的 one blood 的歌词!我急需啊! 谢谢了!

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 谁知道 the game 的 one blood 的歌词!我急需啊! 谢谢了! 解析: One Blood (Remix) (feat. Jim Jones, Snoop Dogg, Nas, T.I. & many others) [Jim Jones Intro]Uh huh... Jones, Dipset... Byrdgang, bitch You know what it is When you see me o elvin you homie You bitch niggaz keep triple ninin, have some integrity, bitch [Jim Jones] BALLLLLIN" Peace blood, peace almighty We all thugs and we run the streets nightly And get my lawyer, why? Cause I ain"t coppin" out And I *** wit b-boys who bring them choppers out One shot of that will have the boys bring the coppers out And we ballin, for all the toys is what we hoppin out My feary side, where we ride And we all fly high in the Leer G5"s So, ist ya fingers up and bang, mu *** a bang! Get ya money up, this cane is what we *** in slang! And a 9 trey is what I *** in" claim! It"s Dipset Capo the Don of the Byrdgang! [Snoop Dogg] They call the D-O-Dub... wasn"t really trippin cause 21, 20 crips and all of us is crippin, cuz We from a different street, all got that different heat But when we move the macs for Game, we on the same beat So if you *** with blood, then you *** wit us And we ain"t bustin duds, watch out, cause we bustin slugs We sure to stay in touch and clean your mess up And if you from the West Coast, my nigga... w-w-w-w-WESTSIDE! [Nas] Game got at me about the remix, its an honor my nigga I made rap, one blood, that say I"m signin wit Jigga I got rappers gettin mad at me I got these new jack rappers tryin to clap at me I got these corny wannabe, diss-song kings on the radio Talkin bout how they gon spray, and take me away But I"m the true living, legend, I"m not to be questioned Have your whole hood holler shit about my progression [T.I.] You knowin my attitude shitty, only a buck fifty So I keep the *** itty"s wit me, shit, how many wit me? What, you scared? I"m prepared, in the MALL AND ALL! Wit o o"s, you can call me QUICK DRAW McGRAW! Bitch, I"ma cut that fool, better CALL THE LAW! I start sprayin, make *** nigga FALL AND CRAWL! I press play like Puff, no PAUSE AT ALL! Choppin holes in ALL THE WALLS, that"s ALL THEY SAW! [The Game] Hip-Hop ain"t dead, it just took a couple shots I bring it back to life, give it a couple shots The kings in, no, I"m not Jay-Z Too many niggaz hate me, but they scared to face me This ain"t a movie dog, no, not Waist Deep I"m not an actor, but I"ll show your bitch Big Meek She givin one blood, one love, on dubs 140 thousand the first week... UHHH! [Fat Joe] All these niggaz wanna front trill with them stiff faces Till them niggaz lyin still up in stiff cases Within styrofome... and embalmin fluid I been gone too long and I"m down to lose it Somebody go and get this nigga a pint box And I ain"t just talkin about a measly nine shots Yeah I"m chopper happy and my wrist loose Call me Goldie, I"ll *** ack your bitch too! [Lil" Wayne] 504 gangsta, New Orleans soldier Bangin underwater, *** around and soak ya Louisiana gunner, I"m bout my holster And if you gettin greasy, I"m an ulcer I"m bickin back, bein bool on the Eastside Or New Orleans where the bloods at the bee hive Ain"t nothin sweet unless its presidential Cause that is where I sleep, now give me my key! [N.O.R.E.] New York get the blood money, dirty cash - still sweet We will black wall street by the swapmeet with heat Def Jam, they gonna flop him and Reggaeton ain"t hot in The building no more... It"s OKAY! I GET IT POPPIN! Back to the forest trees for deep, these little me"s Who took believers an opportunity to breathe And you ain"t gotta go overseas to see our rap shit You can e to left, round Queens and get jacked quick [Jadakiss & Styles P] (One blood) we used to the spillin (Came from the hood) so we used to the killin Used to the black males (makin cracksales in the buildin) (How else you get the benz) with the suede on the ceiling? (Blood in) blood out (me and homie) back to back (Both loaded workin) we about to pitch a (shut out) I"m New York"s king, (I"m New York"s hardest nigga) Anything in beeen"s a (mother *** in" target, nigga) D-B-(L-O-)C-K, (he spray) The hawk"ll find a nice home (right where your cheeks stay) We got a mean team, (Hip-Hop dream team) Them boys is only in the projects on (green screen) Yeah, no security, (I"ll put you on the respirator) I"m the bomb, (I"m the motha *** in detonator) One (dutch), one (bud), one (burner), one (slug) Want a couple casualties, but we"ll settle for just (one blood) [Fabolous] WHAT IT LOOK LIKE? All I say at most Shooters waitin on the word... JUST SAY IT LOS! I let these niggaz live, yes, I saw "em pull the plug Havin goons pullin gloves, leave the room full of slugs Catch me trafficin, on maroon colored dubs Couple Africans, with balloons full of drugs If they like me, tell "em line up While I sit behind team, point "em out like a line up [Juelz Santana] Mic check, one o, one o, check I"m strapped, you strapped, let"s play o on o Let"s go, you"re eyein us in the iron bus, BOOM! Leak ya, o liters of red juice, hawaiian punch So what you boys gon do to me? I"m born street Your life"s sweet, MTV"s Laguna Beach (damn!) Mama told me not to play with fire but She never told me I would grow to be a liar [Rick Ross] One love to the gangs, but I"m in the thangs Save the colors for the cars, see we kill for the fame (Ross) The boss made it, yeah, we floss flagrant Shame how I lost your life savings up in Las Vegas (Ross) I"m a heavy better, I"m a heavy seller Keep white in the office call it Jerry Heller Lettin off a hundred rounds, let the barrel pick And we gon sit here, wait for the derrelics [Twista] Bitch I got lords and gangstas, show me where them niggaz at Chi got o six"s and kings, show me where them killas at Chi got them ballas and hustlers, show me where them figures at Game, where them triggers at? Aim at them fitted caps! He got the clips, I got the scope, let"s get them choppers, nigga He got the kush, I got the dope, let"s get it poppin, nigga Hurt him in that cherry six fo, shit ain"t no stoppin, nigga Hit him in the head and the body with a bullet When I put him in the cemetary then I gotta holler out! [Daz] WHATTUP CUZ?!?! [Kurupt] Yeah rollin with o grips Glock holdin on the hip, rollin wit o clips Got o tiny locos ready to take trips Shake and make trips, high stakes to take grips But they know what"s crackin cuz, cause as we huddle They hold cards down, nigga, like spades and pinochle West coast gang bang, riders erasin em Got funny niggaz raisin up and riders replacin em, cuz! [Daz Dillinger] Draped in blue, notorious gangsta crew RIP for niggaz who don"t stay true Deep down in the crevices, see the jets veteran Dwellin in the land of the gang bang with fleshin I"m legendary, yes, yes, a westcoaster Throwin up o C"s, wit o guns in my holster I"m from Long Beach city, a crip next to Compton Down wit my nigga Game, if you niggaz want problems From the streets to the suites, anywhere we can meet ?? to Compton, Slauson Swap Meet Worldwide, get swept away by the tide By G"s, and BG"s, O.G"s, its time to RIIIIDE! [WC] Who the rider, looter through the gutter mayne? Trued up in them Carolina blue Hurricanes! From the westside, strivin to dead em Where them killers throw that third letter up Like Raymond Washington and Tookie Williams Blue jeans, blue strings, blowin blueberry green Cadillac on blue D"s and a blue T Money thick as blue cheese, chunkin up the dub What the west be without Snoop and Dub C and one blood? [E-40] The Bay Area, *** ers, we pop em Open you up if you got a problem Up top, born in Cali-forn-ia Clean your clock, open your can of tuna Make a choice to see the hell or it"s heaven Get your chest layed out wit the FM 57 This ain"t nothin to do with nobody But in the Yay, there ain"t nuttin to do but catch bodies [Bun B] I"m in straight outta PAT, like Compton in all black But when we say what it do, they never say holla back Bun B, the uh, OG like "95 Air Max Neon green outta fight club off a fair facts Ask the hundreds, it"s doable, I done done it At the summit of rap and I"m watchin you haters plummit Run to it or run from it, to Bun it don"t differ Wipe the streets with ya like you a swiffer as a gifter, one blood! [Chamillionaire] I"m the realest youngster thats breathin, and I don"t gotta give a reason Chamillionaire a millionaire, y"all petin to be petin! My purpose is to get the cheese and as a purpose that should defeatin So shut your mouth, have a seat and be quiet till I finish eatin My label tells me I"m greedy, hoggin all the room on your tv Like (Eric) they think its (Eazy), but it isnt easy believe me Need to make a room in B.E. television if you wanna be me Game said he made room for Jeezy, I had to make room for me, G! [Slim Thug] Its one blood if you blood or cuz From that number one thug, its still one love I rep my blue boy team but I do it for green I do it for my folks, vice lords and kings All us trappers, future rappers, standin out on the blocks Tryna get up out the hood mayne, and stack "em a knot Put ya sets in the air, scream *** the cops! We gon rep for the hood mayne, like it or not! [Young Dro] My feed mashable, murders are catastrophical Cars is improbable, I"m overin obstacles Trappin, I made it logical, my topic is impossible I got a partner named Shoe Strang, cause shorty real crossable Shark meat to Papadough"s, cars be tropical All guns choppable, all blocks are mobbable I am unstoppable, my calico is toxable Lyrically diabolical, cushion is not ?? [The Clipse] Red rum, red rum (such power in the tongue) Never in the wildest, (was he talkin to them) Style on niggaz, (but feel it to the numb) Japanese thread, (brought flavor to these bums) Consider me the savior, (look what the lord gave ya) My celebrated presence (like the return of Rayful) Frolic in the snow, so playful (And revivin the track) like we flowin through jumper cables (What duo) you know (get XXL kudos) while coppin off Coolio (Classic shit) we mastered this, (left for dead) I"m back, (I"m Lazareth) [Ja Rule] Shit, one trip, one blood, LA, New York The Game, the Rule, one love, guns up Hands down, can"t touch, the flow is a bit much The style, wanna keep up? I advise you to speed up With money movin like coke, these days gotta re-up G up, cop some heaters and dare a nigga to act up You see us, in dual seaters and throw it up! Its all hood, niggaz rep your sets if your cuz or (blood) ...Niggaz, we all bleed! These niggaz can"t breathe Only because the guns are drawn and aimed to part Niggaz that got bullets with names on them! Want em, e get "em niggaz, y"all know where to get at me Look at me, now pass me, maybe you can be half me You bastards, I"m laughin, bullets stickin in family Who sadly gets torn beeen one crip and one (blood) Y"all niggaz know me, haha... yeah!
2023-06-10 11:27:241

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