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print name是什么意思?

2023-06-11 08:16:23
TAG: ame nt rin










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  appoint是我们常用的动词,那么你appoint做动词都表达哪些意思吗?下面我为大家带来appoint的英语意思解释和英语例句,欢迎大家一起学习!   appoint作动词的意思:   任命,委派;约定,指定;装设,布置   appoint的英语音标:   英 [u0283u:t] 美 [u0283ut]   appoint的时态:   现在分词: appointing   过去式: appointed   过去分词: appointed   appoint的英语例句:   1. "Why didn"t you appoint Ron twelve months ago?"—"Good question."   “你为什么12个月前不任命罗恩呢?”——“问得好。”   2. He promised to appoint an AIDS czar to deal with the disease.   他许诺任命一位艾滋病大使来应对这种疾病。   3. Our plan is to allocate one member of staff to handle appoint-ments.   我们的计划是分派一位职员处理预约事宜。   4. The Prime Minister has the power to dismiss and appoint senior ministers.   首相有权任免高级部长。   5. You may appoint a proxy to vote for you.   你可以委托他人代你投票.   6. Appoint the time and place for the meeting.   决定开会的时间和地点吧.   7. We must appoint a day to meet again.   我们要约定好下次会面的日期.   8. The draft would give the president the power to appoint the central bank"s chairman.   该草案将授权总统任命中央银行行长。   9. His appoint-ment is a complete surprise — he has never been mentioned as a front runner.   他的任命完全出人意料——他从来都不是呼声最高的候选人。   10. I have resigned, and they have a free hand to appoint whom they like in my place.   我已经辞职了,他们可以放开手脚任命他们喜欢的人来顶替我的位置。   11. The company decided to appoint a Japanese manager as president of the company. The decision came as a bolt from the blue.   公司决定任命一位日籍经理担任总裁。这个决定太出乎意料了。   12. The State Council exercises the function and power to appoint and remove administrative personnel according to the provisions of the law.   国务院有依照法律规定行使任命行政人员的职权.   13. It made sense to appoint a banker to this job.   指派一位银行家做这份工作是明智之举。   14. We shall appoint eight o"clock as the time to begin.   我们确定8点钟开始.   15. Mel paused, to let his appoint sink home, before continuing.
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appointment 约会
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  appoint表示 任命,委派; 约定的意思,能够和appoint搭配成 短语 的词汇有哪些你清楚吗,现在跟着我一起学习下面为大家整理的appoint的短语搭配吧,希望对你有帮助哦!   appoint的短语   appoint for(v.+prep.)   为(某事)约定(时间) fix (a time) for (a purpose)   appoint sth for sth   Appoint the time and place for the meeting.决定开会的时间和地点吧。   We must appoint a day for the next meeting.我们要为下次会议确定个日子。   appoint to(v.+prep.)   任命 choose sb for a position   appoint sb to sth   As president, he appointed men to his cabinet whom he considered most capable for the job.作为总统,他委派最能干的人到内阁供职。   They appointed him to a high office.他们任命他做高级官吏。   The Dragon King was overjoyed and appointed the turtle to a very high position.龙王大喜,给了乌龟很高的官职。   appoint相关 同义词 辨析   appoint, designate, assign, name, nominate   这些动词均有"任命,委派"之意。   appoint :通常指不经过选择的官方委任。   designate :书面用语,侧重当权者或机构的选拔或任命,有时含强行指定的意味。   assign :常指给一群人或个人分配、分派、指派或委派任务。   name :普通用词,着重任命的结果,而不是过程。   nominate :通常指为某一公职选择候选人,并将其提交给有决定权的人作最后决定。   appoint的短语例句   1. "Why didn"t you appoint Ron twelve months ago?"—"Good question."   “你为什么12个月前不任命罗恩呢?”——“问得好。”   2. He promised to appoint an AIDS czar to deal with the disease.   他许诺任命一位艾滋病大使来应对这种疾病。   3. Our plan is to allocate one member of staff to handle appoint-ments.   我们的计划是分派一位职员处理预约事宜。   4. The Prime Minister has the power to dismiss and appoint senior ministers.   首相有权任免高级部长。   5. You may appoint a proxy to vote for you.   你可以委托他人代你投票.   6. Appoint the time and place for the meeting.   决定开会的时间和地点吧.   7. We must appoint a day to meet again.   我们要约定好下次会面的日期.   8. The draft would give the president the power to appoint the central bank"s chairman.   该草案将授权总统任命中央银行行长。   9. His appoint-ment is a complete surprise — he has never been mentioned as a front runner.   他的任命完全出人意料——他从来都不是呼声最高的候选人。   10. I have resigned, and they have a free hand to appoint whom they like in my place.   我已经辞职了,他们可以放开手脚任命他们喜欢的人来顶替我的位置。   11. The company decided to appoint a Japanese manager as president of the company. The decision came as a bolt from the blue.   公司决定任命一位日籍经理担任总裁。这个决定太出乎意料了。   12. The State Council exercises the function and power to appoint and remove administrative personnel according to the provisions of the law.   国务院有依照法律规定行使任命行政人员的职权.   13. It made sense to appoint a banker to this job.   指派一位银行家做这份工作是明智之举。   14. We shall appoint eight o"clock as the time to begin.   我们确定8点钟开始.   15. Mel paused, to let his appoint sink home, before continuing.   梅尔稍停了一下, 好让大家都吃透他的论点后, 再继续说下去. 猜你喜欢: 1. appoint的第三人称单数和例句 2. appoint的同义词 3. 商务预约的邮件怎么写 4. appreciate的短语 5. apply的短语 6. appoint是什么意思
2023-06-10 09:33:451


appoint什么意思及同义词沪江词库精选appoint是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语、词汇辨析、英音发音音标、美音发音音标。英音 [ u0259"pu0254int ] ; 美音 [ u0259"pu0254int ] 及物动词:1.任命,指派,委派2.分派,分配3.给……提供设备词形变化:时态:appointed,appointing,appoints。同义词:charge;constitute,name,nominate。单词分析:这些动词均有“任命,委派”之意。appoint:通常指不经过选择的官方委任。designate:书面用语,侧重当权者或机构的选拔或任命,有时含强行指定的意味。assign:常指给一群人或个人分配、分派、指派或委派任务。name:普通用词,着重任命的结果,而不是过程。nominate:通常指为某一公职选择候选人,并将其提交给有决定权的人作最后决定。
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大家在英语应该遇到过appoint这个单词,appoint有任命、委派和指定等意思,同时appoint的用法也有很多,那么你了解多少呢?下面是我给大家带来的appoint的用法和 短语 _appoint的意思及例句,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ 目 录 ▼ ★ appoint的意 思 ★ ★ appoint的用 法 ★ ★ appoint的常 用短 语 ★ ★ appoint相关词 汇辨 析 ★ ★ appoint的用 法例 句 ★ ▼ appoint的意思 v.任命;委派;约定;受权处置;规定;注定;命令;颁布法令 第三人称单数: appoints 现在分词: appointing 过去式: appointed 过去分词: appointed <<< ▼ appoint的用法 appoint的用法1:appoint的基本义是“确定,指定,约定”。可以指定某一时间或地点做某事; 可以指定某人担任某职务; 也可以指派某人做某事; 还可以把物品放在指定的地方。 appoint的用法2:appoint是及物动词,其后可接名词或代词作宾语,也可以接由动词不定式短语、“as/to be+ n. ”充当补足语的复合宾语, as和to be常可省略。appoint作“命令”(正式用语)解时还可接that从句,不过有些陈旧。 appoint的用法3:appoint的过去分词appointed常用作定语或表语,表示“陈设”。 appoint的用法4:appoint常可用于被动结构。 <<< ▼ appoint的常用短语 用作动词 (v.) appoint for (v.+prep.) appoint to (v.+prep.) <<< ▼ appoint相关词汇辨析 appoint,designate,assign,name,nominate 这些动词均有“任命,委派”之意。 appoint 通常指不经过选择的官方委任。 designate 书面用语,侧重当权者或机构的选拔或任命,有时含强行指定的意味。 assign 常指给一群人或个人分配、分派、指派或委派任务。 name 普通用词,着重任命的结果,而不是过程。 nominate 通常指为某一公职选择候选人,并将其提交给有决定权的人作最后决定。 <<< ▼ appoint的用法例句 Who shall we appoint as chairperson? 我们委派谁担任主席呢? In consideration of your extensive experience in the field, we are glad to appointyou as our agent. 考虑到你们在这一业务范围的丰富 经验 ,我们很高兴指定你们为我们的代理。 Tyler wanted to put these men out and appoint men who would support him. Butif he did this immediately, it would split the party. 泰勒想把这些人赶出去,并任命支持他的人进入内阁,但如果他立即这么做的话,将会引起党内的分裂。 We must appoint a new teacher at once to the mountain school. 我们必须立即委派一名新教师到那山村小学去。 We will increase our turnover if you appoint us as your sole agent. 如果你方指定我们作为独家代理,我们将增加我们的销售量。 At home, one early test of his willingness to reunite his country will be whether hewill appoint any Democrats to his new cabinet. 在国内,有一个关于布什是否愿意重新团结整个国家的先期测验,那就是他是否会任命民主党人加盟他的新内阁。 The leaders of the House and Senate appoint the commissioners. 委员会的委员由众议院和参议院的领导人任命。 We must appoint a new teacher soon. 我们必须尽快委派一个新教师。 One possible, and highly speculative, scenario is that on his deathbed, the kingcould skip his son and appoint the princess or one of his grandchildren. 一个可能的,高度推测的剧本是,国王会越过儿子,直接指定公主或某一位孙子成为自己死后的继承人。 Be careful whom you appoint to the position of manager. 你该当心你所任命的那个经理。 We want to create a spell where we appoint English coaches and Fabio can help us enormously to bridge that gap and help that transition. 我们想要建立一个咒语那些任命的本土教练和卡佩罗可以最大程度上的弥补这一差距,有助于这些转变。 Unless you increase the turnover we can hardly appoint you our sole agent. 除非你方增加营业额,我们无法指定你方为我们的独家代理。 This started to change when the right to appoint our rulers moved from the walletto the ballot. 当把指定给统治者的权力从他们的钱袋里转移到投票箱的时候,情况就发生了变化。 I welcome the decision of the Board to appoint Paul Wolfowitz as the nextPresident of the World Bank Group. 我欢迎执董会任命保罗.沃尔福威茨担任世界银行集团下任行长的决定。 Unlike the head of the Office of Legal Counsel, the White House counsel is notconfirmed by the Senate — which means that the president can appointwhomever he likes. 白宫的法律顾问和法律事务厅的主管不同,前者不是由参议院任命的,这意味着总统可以任命任何他喜欢的人选。 <<< appoint的用法和短语例句相关 文章 : ★ appoint的短语用法是什么意思 ★ appoint的第三人称单数和例句 ★ appoint的过去式和用法例句 ★ appointment的用法和例句 ★ glad的用法和短语例句 ★ handle的用法和短语例句 ★ unless的用法和例句 ★ deal的用法和短语例句 ★ another的用法和短语例句 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
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appoint的意思是“任命,指派,委任”,后多跟职位一类的名词;例:They appointed him Minister of Education.他们任命他为教育部长.She was appointed to the Chairmanship of the Committee.她被任命为委员会的主席.assign的相关意思是“分配,分派,指定”,后多跟具体的工作.The problem was assigned to a commission.这项任务交给了一个特别委员会去处理.I assign you to wash the dishes.我分配你去洗盘子.designate(常与as连用)指派;任命He designated Smith as his successor.他指定史密斯为他的继承人.constitute 指定,任命,选派...的,用法与designate基本相同,只是constitute 的另一个意思“构成”用的比较多The strikers constituted him their spokesman.罢工工人选他为他们的发言人.
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Appoint是一个动词,表示指派、任命、约定等意义。它的名词形式是"appointment",但是没有直接对应的形容词。扩展知识:appoint的形容词1、Appointed:这个词在英语中常用于描述已经定下来的某个职位、时间、地点或者许可。例如,“John is the appointed manager of our department”(约翰是我们部门指定的经理),“The appointed time for the meeting is 10 a.m.”(会议的指定时间是上午10点)。2、Designated:这个词用于指定或标示某个人或物品的名称、位置或身份。例如,“That building is designated as a historical site”(那栋建筑被指定为历史遗迹),“This document is designated as classified information”(这个文件被指定为机密信息)。3、Selected:这个词通常用于描述选择出来的某个人或物品。例如,“The selected candidate will begin work on Monday”(选定的候选人将在周一开始工作),“She carefully selected the best dresses for the fashion show”(她仔细挑选了最好的礼服参加时装展览)。4、Nominated:这个词通常用于描述候选人被提名或者提出了某个提案。例如,“He was nominated for an award for his performance in the film”(他因在电影中的表现被提名为奖项),“The organization nominated her to run for the position of president”(该组织提名她参选总统职位)。5、Assigned:这个词表示指派或分配某项任务、工作或责任。例如,“The teacher assigned a research project to each student”(老师分配了每个学生一个研究项目),“The company assigned a new executive to oversee the project”(公司安排一位新的高管负责监督该项目)。6、Agreed upon: 这个词表示已经达成共识或达成协议,被广泛使用于商务场合。例如,“We have agreed upon the terms of the contract”(我们已经达成了合同条款的共识),“The two parties have agreed upon a settlement in the dispute”(双方在争端上达成了和解协议)。总之,虽然没有直接对应appoint的形容词,但是还有许多与appoint有关的形容词可以使用。这些词语都有各自的语境和范畴,需要根据具体的语境和意义选择适当的词语来使用。
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这个单词不这样用~~~appoint [ə"pɔint] vt.1.约定,确定,决定,指定(日期、时间、地点等):to appoint a time for a meeting约定会议(或会见)时间:We appointed the school-house as place for the meeting.我们确定校舍为会面地点.2.任命,委派,选派,派:to appoint a chairman任命一名主席to appoint a new treasurer任命一名新会计3.[常用被动语态]为…提供设备,装置,装备,配备,布置[现常用于well-appointed(设备完备的)等]:a luxuriously appointed hotel设备豪华的旅馆We appointed the house with all the latest devices.我们为房子提供一应俱全的最新设备.
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2023-06-10 09:35:506

约定 英语怎么说

promisehave a deal
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appoint sb. (to sth.)

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to do形式appoint somebody to do something
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Who should we send it as President
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appoint及物动词 vt.1.任命, 委派 He was appointed secretary.他被任命为秘书。2.确定, 指定; 约定 We must appoint a day to meet again.我们要约定好下次会面的日期。He appointed the schoolhouse as the place for the meeting.他指定校舍为开会地点。The head of the workshop appointed that the work should be finished in two days.车间主任下令这项工作必须在两天之内完成。3.安排,确定(时间、地点)appointment名词 n.1.约会, 约定, 预约 I have an appointment with him at four o"clock.我和他四点钟有个约会。They made an appointment for the second day of May.他们在五月二号有个约会。2.任命, 委派 He secured the appointment of professor of English literature in the university.他获聘为该大学的英国文学教授。They made the appointment of Peter as chairman of the union.他们任命彼得为工会主席。3.职务;职位
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appointed for 什么意思?(4.6.2)

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1u3001That name is TOMMY thief tried to escape, but without success.2u3001President wanted to appoint a new manager for our company.3u3001Bob spent a lot of time reading Professor Lee lent his book.4u3001Sandy to talk about the pyramid, as if having seen similar.5u3001After the completion of homework, I listened to music for a while
2023-06-10 09:39:563


Designated名词 assignationdesignation动词 appointassignearmark
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2023-06-10 09:40:221

商务英语中,appoint …as 是什么意思?

Further to our recent discussions I am delighted to inform you that our company has appointed XXXX as our local partner in Indonesia.释义:在我们最近的讨论之后,我很高兴地通知您,我们公司已指定XXXX作为我们在印度尼西亚的当地的合作伙伴。 赏析一: delighted “高兴的”之意, 它与delightful 意思一样,但是用法不同。delighted:指“人”感到快乐,主语是人,或者是感到快乐的主体。delightful:指“某样东西”让人感到快乐,主语是物体。赏析二: appoint “指定”之意。appoint,designate, nominate这些动词均有“任命,委派”之意。appoint 通常指不经过选择的官方委任。designate 书面用语,侧重当权者或机构的选拔或任命,有时含强行指定的意味。nominate 通常指为某一公职选择候选人,并将其提交给有决定权的人做最后决定。
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Appoint sb.
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assign及物动词 vt. 1.分配,分派[O1][(+to)]Each overseas teacher was assigned a flat. 每位外籍教师都分配到一套房间。 2.派定,指定,选派[(+to/for)][O2]Jack was assigned to the assembly shop of the factory. 杰克被分配到厂里的装配间工作。 3.【律】让渡[(+to)]4.把...归于[(+to)]We cannot assign a cause to these events. 我们无法说明发生这些事件的原因。 名词 n. 1.【律】受让人[P1appoint及物动词 vt. 1.任命,指派[O9][O2][(+as/to)]They appointed him (to be) manager. 他们任命他为经理。 He appointed Williams as his deputy in the city of York. 他任命威廉斯作为他在约克市的代理人。 2.约定,指定;安排Our visitors arrived at the appointed time. 我们的来宾在约定的时间到达了。 3.给...提供装备[H]不及物动词 vi. 1.委派职务designate及物动词 vt. 1.标出;表明;指定Churches are designated on the map by crosses. 地图上教堂以十字形记号标出。 2.把...定名为,称呼[(+as)][O9]The ruler of a kingdom is designated a king. 王国的统治者称作国王。 3.委任,指派[(+as)][O2][O9]He was designated to lead the expedition. 他被指派率领远征队。 形容词 a. 1.指定的,选定的[A]the minister designate 部长指定人选
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2023-06-10 09:41:162

be appointed as和be appointed to有什么区别?

be appointed 是 appoint 的被动语态,主语为 appoint 的受体,be appointed as = be appointed to be = 直接只用 be appointed 后面跟职位/身份/头衔,例如 He was appointed (as/to be) manager of the sales department 他被任命为销售部经理(被动) The boss appointed him (as/to be) manager 老板任命他为经理(主动)appointed to 后面接工作/任务或做什么,通常是跟动词原形表示被指派去做什么事情,例如 He was appointed to (do/finish) the job 他被指派去做那项工作 He was appointed to the bring coffee for everyone 他被指派去买咖啡
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appoint任命双语对照词典结果:appoint[英][u0259u02c8pu0254u026ant][美][u0259u02c8pu0254u026ant]vt.任命,委派; 约定,指定; 装设,布置; 第三人称单数:appoints过去分词:appointed现在进行时:appointing过去式:appointed例句:1.But he has yet to appoint a government. 但他还未任命一个政府。
2023-06-10 09:44:301


appoint用法:appoint的用法一:appoint的基本义是“确定,指定,约定”。可以指定某一时间或地点做某事; 可以指定某人担任某职务; 也可以指派某人做某事; 还可以把物品放在指定的地方。appoint的用法二:appoint是及物动词,其后可接名词或代词作宾语,也可以接由动词不定式短语、“as/to be+ n. ”充当补足语的复合宾语, as和to be常可省略。appoint作“命令”(正式用语)解时还可接that从句,不过有些陈旧。appoint的用法三:appoint的过去分词appointed常用作定语或表语,表示“陈设”。appoint的用法四:appoint常可用于被动结构。搭配1、appoint a manager:任命经理2、appoint a meeting place:确定会晤的地点3、appoint people on their merit:任人唯贤4、appoint arbitrarily:专断地指定5、appoint publicly:公开任命6、appoint temporarily:临时任命
2023-06-10 09:44:371


2023-06-10 09:45:141


2023-06-10 09:45:211

appoint 与assign的区别是什么

2023-06-10 09:45:293


appoint v. /assign v. appoint的意思是“任命,指派,委任”,后多跟职位一类的名词; assign的相关意思是“分配,分派,指定”,后多跟具体的工作。They appointed him Minister of Education. 他们任命他为教育部长。She was appointed to the Chairmanship of the Committee. 她被任命为委员会的主席。The problem was assigned to a commission. 这项任务交给了一个特别委员会去处理。I assign you to wash the dishes. 我分配你去洗盘子。
2023-06-10 09:46:211


2023-06-10 09:46:531


英文是:name英[neu026am]释义:n.名称,名字;姓名;名誉vt.命名,任命;指定;称呼;提名;叫出adj.姓名的;据以取名的abbr.(NAmE)北美英语(North American English)n.(Name)内姆(人名);(日)滑(姓)[复数:names;第三人称单数:names;现在分词:naming;过去式:named;过去分词:named]短语:Domain Name[计]域名;领域名称;迁入的域名词语辨析:appoint,designate,assign,name,nominate这些动词均有“任命,委派”之意。1、appoint通常指不经过选择的官方委任。2、designate书面用语,侧重当权者或机构的选拔或任命,有时含强行指定的意味。3、assign常指给一群人或个人分配、分派、指派或委派任务。4、name普通用词,着重任命的结果,而不是过程。5、nominate通常指为某一公职选择候选人,并将其提交给有决定权的人作最后决定。
2023-06-10 09:47:181


boiI 壶 coiI 线圈coin 硬币foil 锡纸oil 油point 点soiI 土toiIet 马桶
2023-06-10 09:47:367


2023-06-10 09:48:167

apoint 商业用语什么意思

appoint[英][u0259u02c8pu0254u026ant][美][u0259u02c8pu0254u026ant]vt.任命,委派; 约定,指定; 装设,布置; 第三人称单数:appoints现在分词:appointing过去式:appointed过去分词:appointed形近词:diapointpenpointmidpoint双语例句 1It made sense to appoint a banker to this job.指派一位银行家做这份工作是明智之举。2Loeb first demanded in February that Yahoo appoint him and some of his other third point colleagues to Yahoo "s board.二月份,勒布要求雅虎任命其本人以及第三点对冲基金的几位同事为雅虎董事。
2023-06-10 09:48:311


英语的将来时就是 will + 动词 或者 be going to + 动词和具体是什么动词一般没有关系,动词一般都有将来时所以将要约定就是: will promise 或者 be going to promise
2023-06-10 09:48:383


一、appoint的用法:1.appoint的基本义是“确定,指定,约定”。可以指定某一时间或地点做某事; 可以指定某人担任某职务; 也可以指派某人做某事; 还可以把物品放在指定的地方。重点 2.appoint是及物动词,其后可接名词或代词作 宾语 ,也可以接由动词不定式短语、“as/to be+ n. ”充当补足语的 复合宾语 , as和to be常可省略。3.appoint作“命令”(正式用语)解时还可接that从句,不过有些陈旧。4.appoint的过去分词appointed常用作定语或表语,表示“陈设”。二、twelve months ago,时间状语,ago为副词,副词前面不能加介词。
2023-06-10 09:48:452

appoint sb sth是宾补么

appoint sb sth是宾补。appoint sb sth 是appoint sb to be sth的省略。所以as+名词共同作为宾补。appoint sb sth的意思是任命某人某事,一个短语结构。
2023-06-10 09:48:521


Appoint==决定;指定;指派;委派;任命;下命;命令; The newly appointed officials are all experts.新任命的官员们都是专家。 Admit===进入;许可;让....进入;可容纳; 承认;供认; 容许; 有....余地; Only one hundred boys are admited to the school every year.该校每年祇收(取录)一百学生。 Admission==许可(或被许可)进入(或加入)(会社 学校 戏院 博物馆等);被许可进入之人或物; Admission to the school is by examination only.就读该校必须经过考试。 Some more suggestions: 取录- select(ed) take(n) pick(ed) choose(chosen) He received (or got) an offer of a place from Cambridge university. He received a job offer from Bank of America. He got accepted to Harvard medical school. He got admitted into Yale law school. (多数用于学校取录) 公文中会用 offer We are pleased to offer you the position of account manager in our sales department. 日常英语都可以用 offer 亦可以用 admitted (passive voice) My daughter was admitted to the University of Hong Kong. 我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源: 希望可以帮到你! admission n.名词 (学校 会场 俱乐部等的)进入许可 加入许可[U][C][(+to/into)]She has the qualifications for admission to the college. 她具备进入该学院的条件。入场费[U]; 入场券 门票[C]承认 坦白[C][(+of)][+that]He made an admission that he had used threatening behavior. 他承认用了恐吓手段。任用 录用[U] admit vi. 及物动词 承认[+v-ing][+(that)][O2]You must admit the task to be difficult. 你得承认这个任务是艰钜的。We have to admit that he"s a highly petent man. 我们必须承认他是个非常能干的人。I admitted breaking the window. 我承认打破了窗子。准许进入; 准许...进入(或加入)[(+into/to)]No one but ticket-holders was admitted. 只有持票者方可入内。容许; 可容纳The theater admits 1000 people. 这剧院可容纳一千人。 vi. 不及物动词承认[(+to)]I must admit to feeling ashamed of my conduct. 我得承认因自己的行为而感到羞愧。容许 有余地[(+of)]This matter admits of no delay. 这事不容耽搁。通向[(+to)] 参考: yahoo字典
2023-06-10 09:48:581


apple, apply, apperan, appeal, appear, approve, approach, appoint, appreciate, applaud. ...
2023-06-10 09:49:446

appointment有多少意思 各给我一个例句 谢谢

语法标注解释appoint英音:[u0259"pu0254int]美音:[u0259"pu0254u026ant]以下结果由译典通提供词典解释及物动词 vt. 1.任命,指派They appointed him (to be) manager. 他们任命他为经理。He appointed Williams as his deputy in the city of York. 他任命威廉斯作为他在约克市的代理人。2.约定,指定;安排Our visitors arrived at the appointed time. 我们的来宾在约定的时间到达了。3.给...提供装备[H]不及物动词 vi. 1.委派职务以下结果来自互联网网络释义appoint1.任命,委任;约定,指定appoint v.任命,委任;约定,指定Appoint1.任命重要:助理人力资源管理师(三级)英语专业词...10 Appoint任命
2023-06-10 09:50:002

appoint sb to sth跟 appoint sb sth有什么区别

appoint sb to sth 理解成指使,派遣某人做某事可能比较好
2023-06-10 09:50:221