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2023-06-11 08:15:34
刹车片的英文叫法有brake block、brake lining
1、brake block 英[breik blu0254k] 美[brek blɑk]
[词典] 刹车片;
[例句]Our company is specialized in producing auto brakes, washing machines with brakes, brake block construction machinery enterprises.
2、brake lining 英[breik u02c8lau026anu026au014b] 美[brek u02c8lau026anu026au014b]
n. 制动衬面;
[例句]Brake-shoe adjustment or the use of the wrong Brake lining could cause the same trouble.

brake facing

制动衬片brake lining





brakehold是汽车自动驻车功能。brake英 [breɪk] 美 [brek] n. 闸,刹车;阻碍hold英 [həʊld] 美 [hold] vt. 持有;拥有;保存;拘留;约束或控制
2023-06-10 09:45:581


2023-06-10 09:46:364


刹车片英文brake block 英[breik blɔk] 刹车片
2023-06-10 09:46:464


刹车片并没有一定要用什么规格的,具体要看自行车的情况。刹车在经过历代的演变,在追求最大的制动性能的情况下,出现过各样款式的刹车。1.吊刹(Cantilever Brakes):吊刹是在刹车线中点处会产生分力,省略了多余的框架结构更加简洁当然也更轻,但是需提供较多的力反馈才能制动,这样也使得刹车行程变长,因此在逐步淘汰的边沿,目前多用于初级入门的车型。早期的山地车友应该不陌生。2.C刹 ( Caliper Brakes ):C刹是由一个C字型的金属 框架结构拉夹住车圈而起到制动作用。它的结构简单,易于维护,但是C刹力臂较短,刹力较V刹弱,故此配套C刹的刹把力臂相应会长。3.V刹 ( V Brakes ):V夹刹车,是目前轮圈式刹车用处最广的刹车,它没有吊线架,安装起来更加简单,调整更加容易。并且这种结构的力臂大,刹车效率更高。并且重量较轻,结构简单,价格也便宜、维修保养容易,所以得到大家广泛的应用。4.鼓刹 (Drum Brakes ):鼓刹靠摩擦刹车鼓控制花鼓轴来进行的制动,它有故障率低,易维修的特点, 但是散热依然是个问题,目前, 鼓刹则停留在普通民用自行车或电动自行车上。5.碟刹 ( Disk Brakes ):碟刹刹车是近年比较流行的刹车,它是通过夹器(或者叫做卡钳)作用在固定在花鼓上的钢制盘片制动的;分为 油压碟刹和线拉碟刹。碟刹由刹车把、刹车线或者油管、夹器、来令片和碟片组成,目前市面上低端车一般是线拉碟刹、1500以上的都是油压碟刹。6.罗拉刹车:禧玛诺罗拉刹车具有制动效率高、制动反应快、灵敏度超高、操作轻便省力、故障率低、自带散热片、独立注油孔、使用寿命长等,罗拉刹车的工作原理与普通膨胀刹车类似,但他最里面的是 齿轮状钢圈。目前使用的不多, 主要缺点是重量太重。
2023-06-10 09:46:541


brakes 刹seat,座位pump,抽水,胎handlebars龙头?,pedal蹬板全是自行车上的
2023-06-10 09:47:022


自动变速器具有操作容易、驾驶舒适、能减少驾驶者疲劳的优点,已成为现代轿车配置的一种发展方向。装有自动变速器的汽车能根据路面状况自动变速变矩,驾驶者可以全神贯注地注视路面交通而不会被换挡搞得手忙脚乱。 汽车自动变速器常见的有三种型式:分别是液力自动变速甜(AT)、机械无级自动变速器(CVT)、电控机械自动变速器(AMT)。目前轿车普遍使用的是AT,AT几乎成为自动变速器的代名词。 AT是由液力变扭器、行星齿轮和液压操纵系统组成,通过液力传递和齿轮组合的方式来达到变速变矩。其中液力变扭器是AT最重要的部件,它由泵轮、涡轮和导轮等构件组成,兼有传递扭矩和离合的作用。 自动变速器的挡位 一般来说,自动变速器的挡位分为P、R、N、D、2、1或L等。 P(Parking):用作停车之用,它是利用机械装置去锁紧汽车的转动部分,使汽车不能移动。当汽车需要在一固定位置上停留一段较长时间,或在停*之后离开车辆前,应该拉好手制动及将拨杆推进“P”的位置上。要注意的是:车辆一定要在完全停止时才可使用P挡,要不然自动变速器机械部分会受到损坏。另外,自动变速轿车—[装置空挡启动开关,使得汽车只能在“P”或“N”挡才能启动发动机,以避免在其他挡位上误启动时使汽车突然前窜。 R(Reverse):倒挡,车辆倒后之用。通常要按下拨杆上的保险按钮,才可将拨杆移至“r”挡。要注意的是:当车辆尚未完全停定时,绝对不可以强行转至“r”挡,否则变速器会受到严重损坏。 N(Neutral):空挡。将拨杆置于“N”挡上,发动机与变速器之间的动力已经切断分离。如短暂停留可将拨杆置于此挡并拉出手制动杆,右脚可移离刹车踏板稍作休息。 D(Drive):前进挡,用在一般道路行驶。由于各国车型有不同的设计,所以“D”挡一般包括从1挡至高挡或者2挡至高挡,并会因车速及负荷的变化而自动换挡。将拨杆放置在“D”挡上,驾车者控制车速快慢只要控制好油门踏板就可以了。 2(Second Gear):1挡为前进挡,但变速器只能在1挡、2挡之间变换,不会跳到3挡和4挡。将拨杆放置在2挡位,汽车会由1挡起步,当速度增加时会自动转1挡。2挡可以用作上、下斜坡之用,此挡段的好处是当上斜或落斜时,车辆会稳定地保持在1挡或2挡位置,不会因上斜的负荷或车速的不平衡、令变速器不停地转挡。在落斜坡时,利用发动机低转速的阻力作制动,也不会令车子越行越快。 1(First Gear):1挡也是前进挡,但变速器只能在1挡内工作。不能变换到其他挡位。它用在严重交通堵塞的情况和斜度较大的斜坡上最能发挥功用。上斜坡或下斜坡时,可充分利用汽车发动机的扭力。中英文都有Automatic transmission is easy to use, driving comfort, reduce driver fatigue strengths, has become a modern car targeted a direction for development. Equipped with automatic transmission vehicles according to road conditions variable automatic transmission moment, drivers can watch with rapt attention to road traffic and not do a shift Shoumangjiaoluan. Automatic Transmission There are three common types: hydraulic automatic transmission are sweet (AT), non-mechanical-automatic transmission (CVT), electronically controlled mechanical automatic transmission (AMT). At present the widespread use of cars is AT, AT almost become synonymous with automatic transmission. AT variable-twisting by the hydraulic, gear and hydraulic control system components, transmission and hydraulic gear through the combination of methods to achieve variable speed moments. One variable hydraulic AT-twisting is the most important components, it round by the pump and turbine components, such as round and derivative components, both off and the transmission of torque. Automatic Transmission Shift Generally speaking, the automatic transmission into the Shift P, R, N, D, 2,1, or L, and so on. P (Parking): used for parking purposes, it is using mechanical devices to lock the rotation of the vehicle, the vehicle can not be moved. When the vehicle needs in a fixed position on the stay for a longer period of time, or in parked vehicles * after leaving before the players should pull brake and Bogan will promote the "P" position. It should be noted that: vehicles must be completely stopped when the use of P block, or else automatic transmission mechanical parts will be damaged. In addition, the automatic transmission cars - [device activated switch in neutral gear, the car can only be made in the "P" or "N" to start the engine block, to avoid errors in other Shift on when the car suddenly started channeling ago. R (Reverse): Reverse Gear, reversing vehicle use. Usually allocated according to the insurance rod button, Bogan will be moved to the "r" block. It should be noted that: When the vehicle has not been completely stopped time, and must not be forcibly transferred to the "r" block, or transmission would be seriously damaged. N (Neutral): neutral gear. Bogan will be placed in "N" on the block, between the engine and transmission has been cut off from power. Such as a brief stopover at Bogan can be placed in this block and pull-hand brake, his right foot can be removed from the brake pedal a short break. D (Drive): forward block, used in general road traffic. States have different models because of the design, "D" block generally includes high block from a block or two block high block, and because of changes in speed and load automatically shift. Bogan will be placed in the "D" block, the motorists to control the pace as long as the speed control can be good on the accelerator pedal. 2 (Second Gear): 1 block to block progress, but only in a block transmission, transformation between the two guards, will not jump to block 3 and 4 blocked. Bogan will be placed on Shift 2, a block from the car will start, when the rate increase will automatically turn a block. 2 block can be used as the upper and lower slopes of the use of the benefits of this block is on the ramp or when the down ramp, the vehicle will maintain stability in a block or two block position, not on the ramp of the imbalance in speed or load , To block transmission continuously. Drop-in slope, the use of low-speed engines for the resistance to brake, the car will not make the trip sooner. 1 (First Gear): 1 block also block progress, but only in a block transmission to work. Can not transform into other Shift. It used in the serious traffic congestion and the greater inclination to play on the slope of the function. On the slopes or the slopes, they can take full advantage of the automobile engine torque.
2023-06-10 09:47:113

put the brakes on sth.为什么用brakes?在这里什么意思?

2023-06-10 09:47:182


2023-06-10 09:47:251


公路百分之九十用夹器 少部分用油碟(极少)
2023-06-10 09:47:464


2023-06-10 09:48:035


My Beetle is really fun to drive.(我开我的甲壳虫汽车非常有趣。)在英语中,甲壳虫汽车各部件的称谓也与普通汽车的英文称谓基本上一致,例如:VW(大众汽车)Beetle(甲壳虫汽车)在英语中,甲壳虫汽车经常被用于各种情景的符号或标志。以下是一些甲壳虫汽车符号和翻译,以供参考:Engine(发动机)
2023-06-10 09:48:343


2023-06-10 09:48:443


形容词是词类的一种,主要用来描写或修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、 状态、特征或属性,常用作定语,也可作表语、补语或状语。
2023-06-10 09:49:252

ip brake是什么意思

1、brake作名词时n.意思是刹车;? 制动器,闸; 阻碍。 例句:The brakes began locking. 翻译:制动器开始锁定。??2、brake作及物动词时vt.意思是刹(车)。 例句:He heard tires squeal as the car braked to avoid a collision. 翻译:为避免相撞而刹车时,他听到了轮胎与地面刺耳的摩擦声。??3、brake作不及物动词vi.意思是刹(车)。 例句: The truck braked to a stop. 翻译:卡车煞车停下来。?
2023-06-10 09:49:351

pump the brakes 什么意思

2023-06-10 09:49:454


2023-06-10 09:49:541


封轮自行车后刹车有刹车片吗?前后刹车分别对应前刹车片和后刹车片,按动的时候,可以看到刹车片在动的 就是对应的前后刹了,前刹车一般应急,后刹坏了,或者需要
2023-06-10 09:50:035

i must take this car in for new brakes to be fitted. 请问take 在什么意思,in for和谁是词组

take in改小,句意我得把车子改小来让制动器适合它, be fitted表目的,
2023-06-10 09:50:325

slam on his brakes

2023-06-10 09:50:514

英文中brake the wheel 的用法对吗?

你是指刹车吗?名词和动词都可以。He slammed on his brakes. - 这里是名词Drivers who brake abruptly. - 这里是动词Brake the wheel 不是常规的用法。如果叫对方刹车 Please hit the brake.如果描述刹车 He brake hard to avoid an accident.
2023-06-10 09:50:571

checking brakes

句中无动词的祈使句,开头用动词原形. 就是指仅句首有动词,之后没有出现其他动词.
2023-06-10 09:51:041


2023-06-10 09:51:136

离合器 油门 换挡 刹车 英文怎么说

ClutchAcceleratorShift gearsPut on the brakes
2023-06-10 09:51:294


摔倒: 1. fall over oneself2. tumble3. trip4. false step5. hipe6. pratfall Examples:1. 他在漆黑的电影院里被什么人的脚绊了一下,差点儿摔倒了。 He tripped over someone"s foot in the darkened cinema and almost fell.2. 如果不小心的话,你会在冰上摔倒的。我们在旅途中互相照看 If you don"t look out, you may fall on the ice. We looked out for each other on the trip.3. 真不幸,我在冰上摔倒时摔伤了膝盖。 Unfortunately, I hurt my knee when I fell down on the ice.4. 他肯定是喝多了,当他要站起来时,却摔倒在地上。 He must have drunk too much; when he tried to stand up, he keeled over.5. 他听到汽车刹车发出的尖锐的声音,然后就摔倒了。 He heard a screech of brakes and then fell down. Land on one"s back朝天摔倒He toppled his opponent.他摔倒对方。She was fearful of falling.他怕摔倒。A stumble or fall.摔倒,绊倒或跌倒See to it that you do not fall.注意别摔倒了。Whew! I almost fall down.唷!我几乎摔倒。A sudden braking tumbled him down.急刹车使他摔倒了。He fell over on the ice.他摔倒在冰上。Down he went with a wallop!他轰隆一声摔倒了!an accidental misstep threatening (or causing) a fall.会导致摔倒的意外失足。
2023-06-10 09:51:542


brake,英语名词、动词。名词意思是刹车,制动器,闸,阻碍;动词意思是刹(车)。 释义,例句, 释义 英 [breu026ak] 美 [brek] n. 刹车; 制动器,闸; 阻碍 vt.& vi. 刹(车) 网路 制动器; 闸; 刹车 第三人称单数: brakes 复数: brakes 现在分词: braking 过去式: braked 过去分词: braked 例句 1、The brakes began locking. 制动器开始锁定。 2、He heard tires squeal as the car braked to avoid a collision. 为避免相撞而刹车时,他听到了轮胎与地面刺耳的摩擦声。 3、Illness had put a brake on his progress. 疾病使他的进展放缓。
2023-06-10 09:52:531


2023-06-10 09:53:021


刹车的英文是什么,谢谢? 刹车 [shā chē]n. lock ; skidv. brakingvi. brakemisc. stop a car刹车 [shā chē](用闸止住车辆行进) stop a vehicle by applying the brake(s); put on the brake(s)(使机器停止运转) stop a machine by cutting off the power; turn off a machine(制动机件) brake; skid:The brakes wouldn"t act.刹车失灵。
2023-06-10 09:53:103


1、brake作名词时n.意思是刹车; 制动器,闸; 阻碍。例句:The brakes began locking.翻译:制动器开始锁定。2、brake作及物动词时vt.意思是刹(车)。例句:He heard tires squeal as the car braked to avoid a collision.翻译:为避免相撞而刹车时,他听到了轮胎与地面刺耳的摩擦声。3、brake作不及物动词vi.意思是刹(车)。例句: The truck braked to a stop.翻译:卡车煞车停下来。扩展资料:brake的短语词组有:brake system 煞车系统disc brake [汽车]盘式制动器brake pad 刹车片;盘式刹车片;制动衬块;闸垫brake pedal 刹车踏板;制动踏板hydraulic brake 液压制动器,液压式刹车器brake disc 制动盘;闸盘;碟式刹车盘brake shoe 闸瓦(刹车制动片)brake drum [汽车]制动鼓;刹车鼓electromagnetic brake 电磁制动器;电磁闸parking brake 停车制动,驻车制动器brake torque 制动转矩brake fluid 制动液;刹车油brake lining 制动衬片brake control 制动控制drum brake 鼓式制动器;鼓形闸brake force 制动力brake performance 制动器性能hand brake 手刹车disk brake 盘式制动器;碟式刹车器air brake 气闸(减速板)参考资料来源:百度百科—brake
2023-06-10 09:53:191

brake什么意思 brake是什么意思

1、brake作名词时n.意思是刹车; 制动器,闸; 阻碍。例句:The brakes began locking.翻译:制动器开始锁定。 2、brake作及物动词时vt.意思是刹(车)。例句:He heard tires squeal as the car braked to avoid a collision.翻译:为避免相撞而刹车时,他听到了轮胎与地面刺耳的摩擦声。 3、brake作不及物动词vi.意思是刹(车)。例句: The truck braked to a stop.翻译:卡车煞车停下来。
2023-06-10 09:53:351


brake词典释义brake n.刹车;制动器;车闸;阻力;障碍put on the brake踩下刹车;关闸,刹车造句:1.他猛然刹车,使得前车轮打滑了。He braked suddenly, causing the front wheels to skid.2.她猛踩刹车踏板。She pressed her foot down sharply on the brake pedal.3.显然有人鼓捣过我汽车的刹车。Someone had obviously tampered with the brakes of my car.4.他紧急刹车,汽车向侧边打滑。The car skidded as he jammed on the brakes.5.司机没有来得及刹车。The driver didn"t stand a chance of stopping in time.6.我刹车太晚,撞上了前面的车。I braked too late and bashed into the car in front.7.我刹车太晚,撞上了前面的车。I braked too late, bashing into the car in front.8.我骑自行车下山到中途刹车失灵了。The brakes on my bike failed half way down the hill.
2023-06-10 09:53:421

no brakes什么意思

没有刹车祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!
2023-06-10 09:54:334

brake什么意思 故障灯brake什么意思

1、brake作名词时n.意思是刹车; 制动器,闸; 阻碍。例句:The brakes began locking.翻译:制动器开始锁定。 2、brake作及物动词时vt.意思是刹(车)。例句:He heard tires squeal as the car braked to avoid a collision.翻译:为避免相撞而刹车时,他听到了轮胎与地面刺耳的摩擦声。 3、brake作不及物动词vi.意思是刹(车)。例句: The truck braked to a stop.翻译:卡车煞车停下来。
2023-06-10 09:54:521


two hundred and eighteen point oh eight
2023-06-10 09:55:084

electric brakes什么意思

electric brakes电磁制动器例句1Light and electric signal brakes by PLC control power and magnetic clutch to keep pace with the main engine. 光电信号通过PLC控制电磁离合制动,实现与主机同步。2Research on Synchronous Control and Simulation of Electric Power Press Brakes电伺服折弯机的同步控制及仿真研究
2023-06-10 09:55:151


刹车片并没有一定要用什么规格的,具体要看自行车的情况。刹车在经过历代的演变,在追求最大的制动性能的情况下,出现过各样款式的刹车。1.吊刹(Cantilever Brakes):吊刹是在刹车线中点处会产生分力,省略了多余的框架结构更加简洁当然也更轻,但是需提供较多的力反馈才能制动,这样也使得刹车行程变长,因此在逐步淘汰的边沿,目前多用于初级入门的车型。早期的山地车友应该不陌生。2.C刹 ( Caliper Brakes ):C刹是由一个C字型的金属 框架结构拉夹住车圈而起到制动作用。它的结构简单,易于维护,但是C刹力臂较短,刹力较V刹弱,故此配套C刹的刹把力臂相应会长。3.V刹 ( V Brakes ):V夹刹车,是目前轮圈式刹车用处最广的刹车,它没有吊线架,安装起来更加简单,调整更加容易。并且这种结构的力臂大,刹车效率更高。并且重量较轻,结构简单,价格也便宜、维修保养容易,所以得到大家广泛的应用。4.鼓刹 (Drum Brakes ):鼓刹靠摩擦刹车鼓控制花鼓轴来进行的制动,它有故障率低,易维修的特点, 但是散热依然是个问题,目前, 鼓刹则停留在普通民用自行车或电动自行车上。5.碟刹 ( Disk Brakes ):碟刹刹车是近年比较流行的刹车,它是通过夹器(或者叫做卡钳)作用在固定在花鼓上的钢制盘片制动的;分为 油压碟刹和线拉碟刹。碟刹由刹车把、刹车线或者油管、夹器、来令片和碟片组成,目前市面上低端车一般是线拉碟刹、1500以上的都是油压碟刹。6.罗拉刹车:禧玛诺罗拉刹车具有制动效率高、制动反应快、灵敏度超高、操作轻便省力、故障率低、自带散热片、独立注油孔、使用寿命长等,罗拉刹车的工作原理与普通膨胀刹车类似,但他最里面的是 齿轮状钢圈。目前使用的不多, 主要缺点是重量太重。
2023-06-10 09:55:241


2023-06-10 09:55:312

求take off the brakes paula歌词!谢谢。

网上找不到 我手打的.. >_<heywat wat wat Big girl true(Hey) wat wat wat(big girl try) wat wat wat(big girl true) you gotmy heart racingwhen I met you,you were ready to rideand no i cant deny thatit felt good insideyou"re a hot boy you"re a probut I gotta way to goyou"re saying that it"s lovetell me how would I knowI said lets slow it downyou waiting patientlythe chicks were all on youbut you were all on methats what did it to meI know you well and trulymine mine mineso take me across the line(Hey) doo doodacuz now I feel the wayyou say you do(lets take off the brakes)the lights are changing up for me and you(lets take off the brakes)got my heart racingI had you chasingthere no more waiting tonightand though I use to think about loveI always stop to a little showing off (taking off the brakes)and no more delayingI guess all i"m sayingis my heart is racing tonightMaybe I"m wrongmaybe maybe I"m rightbut there is one thing I knowthat it is time to decidethere is nothing as beautiful as lovewhen you let it goI don"t know much but I"m know what I knowAnd sure I got my fearsit couldn"t of been chasebut boy I"m ready nowjust switch it up a bityou really do it to meI know us well and trulyeach and every timeI"m ready to cross the line(Hey) doo doodacuz now I feel the wayyou say you do(lets take off the brakes)the lights are changing up for me and you(lets take off the brakes)got my heart racingI had you chasingthere no more waiting tonightand though I use to think about loveI always stop to a little showing off (taking off the brakes)and no more delayingI guess all i"m sayingis my heart is racing tonightsome say love is lyrical lyricalbut for me it"s critical criticalI just wanna make it physical spiritualdon"t you wanna do this right?(Hey) doo doodacuz now I feel the wayyou say you do(lets take off the brakes)the lights are changing up for me and you(lets take off the brakes)got my heart racingI had you chasingthere no more waiting tonightand though I use to think about loveI always stop to a little showing off (taking off the brakes)and no more delayingI guess all i"m sayingis my heart is racing tonight(ha ha ah ah)whoowhat what whatwe"re in lovelet"s take the brakes off nowand we"ll get by somehowlet"s take the brakes off now
2023-06-10 09:55:381


When we asks parents for
2023-06-10 09:56:174


鼓刹碟刹用英语怎么说鼓刹碟刹的英文翻译_ 度翻译鼓刹碟刹Drum brake disc brake
2023-06-10 09:56:242


2023-06-10 09:56:455

汽车传动轴 为什么是倾斜的

功能前照灯类型 1、引擎系统(Automotive Engine System)燃烧室(Combustion Chamber)活塞到达上死点后其顶部与汽缸盖之间的空间,燃料即在此室燃烧。压缩比(Compression Ratio)活塞在下死点的汽缸之总容积除以活塞在上死点的总容积(燃烧室容积),所得的值就称为压缩比。连杆(Connecting Rod)引擎中连接曲轴与活塞的连接杆。冷却系统(Cooling System)可藉冷却剂的循环,将多余的热量移出引擎,以防止过热的系统。在水冷式的引擎中,包括水套、水泵、水箱及节温器。曲轴箱(Crankcase)引擎下部,为曲轴运转的地方,包括汽缸体的下部和油底壳。曲轴(Crankshaft)引擎的主要旋转机件,装上连杆后,可承接连杆的上下(往复)运动变成循环(旋转)运动。曲轴齿轮(Crankshaft Gear)装在曲轴前端的齿轮或键齿轮,通常用来代动凸轮轴齿轮,链条或齿状皮带。汽缸体(Cylinder Block)引擎的基本结构,引擎所有的零附件都装在该机件上,包括引擎汽缸及曲轴箱的上半部。汽缸盖(Cylinder Head)引擎的盖子及封闭汽缺的机件,包括水套和汽门及冷却片。爆震(Detonation)为火焰的撞击或爆声,在火花点火引擎的燃烧室内,因为压过的空气燃料混合气会自燃,于是使部份未燃的混合气产生二次点火(在火星塞点火之后),因而发出了爆声。排气量(Displacemint)在引擎的某一循环运作中,能将全部空气及混合气送入所有汽缸的能力,也是指一个活塞从一个行程运作至另一行程所能排的体积。引擎(Engine)一种能将热能转变为机械能的机械:一种可将燃料燃烧产生机械动力的装置;有时可视为一种发动机。风扇皮带(Fan Belt)一种由曲轴带动的皮带,其主要目的是带动引擎风扇和水泵。浮筒油面高度(Float Level)化油器浮筒室内,浮筒浮起而顶住针阀,堵住进油口,使油不再流入浮筒室时,油面的高度。四行程引擎(Four-Stroke Cycle)进气、压缩、动力、排气四个行程。四个行程调一完整的循环。垫片(Gasket)用纸、橡皮片或铜片制成,放在两平面之间以加强密封的材料。齿轮润滑油(Gear Lubricant)一种可润滑齿轮的机油,通常为SAE90号机油。热控制阀(Heat-Control Valve)在引擎排气歧管中一种节温操作阀门,可在引擎未达正常工作温度之前,将废气的热导入进气歧管。敲击(Knock)随引擎速度出现的金属撞击声,通常是因轴承松脱或磨损所产生。主轴承(Main Bearing)引擎内支撑曲轴的轴承。歧管压力(Manifold Pressure)涡轮增压器运作时位于进气歧管内的压力。歧管真空(Manifold Vacuum)指进气歧管内的真空,即汽缸在进气行程中所产生的真空。油底壳(Oil Pan)位于引擎下部:可拆装,并将由轴箱密封做为贮油槽的外壳。机油滤清器(Oil filter)一种在机油通过时便可将污物滤下的装置。机油泵(Oil Pump)在润滑系统中,可迫使机油自油底壳送到引擎运动件的装置。爆声(Ping)引擎在加速时所产生的爆震现象,此因点火正时提前太多或燃料的辛烷值过低所致。活塞(Piston)一种装在汽缸内活动的机件,能在压力改变时接受或传递动力。就引擎而言是指在汽缸内上下滑动,并藉助连杆,迫使曲轴旋转的圆形机件。活塞梢(Piston Pin)一种管状的金属块,可将活塞或连杆连接。活塞环(Piston Ring)崁入活塞槽沟的环,分为两种:压缩环和机油环。压缩环可用来密封燃烧室内的压缩空气;机油环则用来刮除汽缸上多余的机油。压力水箱盖(Pressure Cap)一种附有阀门的水箱盖,可使冷却系统在压力下,保持较高或更有效率的温度。散热器(Radiator)冷却系统中,可将热气自冷却器消除的装置,亦即吸收引擎过热的冷却液,并将低温冷却液送到引擎的装置。火星塞(Spark plug)为两电极及一绝缘体组合而成,可提供引擎汽函火花点火的一种零件。火花测试(Spark Test)一种点火系统的快速检查方法。先将高压线的金属端接近汽函盖6mm处,而后起动引擎,检查火花发生的情形。增压器(SuperCharger)引擎进气系统内,将进入的空气或空气燃油混合比加以压力的泵。如此增加可燃的燃油量,而增进引擎动力。节温器(Thermostat)为一自动调温装置,通常含有感温组件,借着膨胀或冷缩来开启、关掉空气、气体或液体的流动。涡轮增压器(Turbocharger)藉引擎排气所驱动的一种增压器,马力通常可增25~30%。二行程循(Two-Stroke Cycle)二行程循环引擎,其燃油进入、压缩、燃烧与排气陆续发生在两活塞行程之间。汽门间隙(Valve Clearance)OHC引擎中,摇臂与汽门杆顶的间隙。汽门机构中,关闭的汽门之间隙。汽门正时(Valve Tming)配合活塞位置使汽门开或关的正时。汽门机构(Valve Train)引擎的汽门操值机构,从凸轮轴至汽门的机件包括在内。减震器(Vibration Damper)与引震曲轴相接的装置,用来抗衡曲轴的扭转振动(即曲轴受汽缸点火的冲击力而扭动的现象)。废汽门(Wastegate)涡轮增压器中的控制装置,可限制压力升高,以避免引擎和滑轮增压器的损坏。水套(Water Jackets)指汽缸体和汽缸盖的内外壳间之空间,冷却液即在其间循环。水泵(Water Pump)在冷却系统中,水泵的作用使冷却液在引擎水套和水箱之间不断循环2、传动系统(Drive Line System)F.F.式车辆(Front Engine Front Drive)表示前置引擎前轮驱动的车辆,目前小轿车多采用此种装置,它的优点是加速传动较轻快,高速行驶直线性较佳,车内空间可加大,缺点是车辆前半部较重,增加前轮的负担,且左右两根传动轴较易损坏,增加保养费。F.R.式车辆(Front Engine Rear Drive)表示前置引擎后轮驱动的车辆,它的优点是传动系统较坚固耐用,爬坡性较佳保养费较低,缺点为车内空间较小,加速较不轻快。离合器(Clutch System)系将来自引擎的动力,给予传达,或予截断的机构,使用于截断与变速机构之连结使引擎起动,或使引擎处于旋转状态停车,或变速机构的齿轮之变换,或将离合器接续做车辆徐徐出发等。飞轮(Flywheel)装置在曲柄轴的一端,是铸铁制造较重的轮盘,在爆发冲程传递回转力,由飞轮一时吸收储蓄,供给在下次动力冲程,能使曲柄轴圆滑回转作用,外环的齿环可供起动时摇转引擎之用,背面与离合器片接触,成为离合器总成的组件。离合器片(Clutch Disc, Clutch)作为传递引擎动力到变速箱的媒介物。液压式离合器系统(Cable-Operated Control System)利用特殊钢绳,连接踏板与释放杆间,作为切断或接通的连杆机构。手排档变速箱(Manual Transmission)需要离合器配合操纵的变速机构,可依车辆行走阻力的变化,变换引擎的扭矩,使车辆正常行驶。自动排档变速箱(Automatic Transmission)没有装置操作变速机的离合器机构,操纵机构是没有选择杆(Selecter),附有P(停车)、R(倒车)、N(空档)、D(高速)、L(低速)等记号。速率表(Speedometer Drive)表示轮轴回转数的仪表,每辆汽车都必须配备,可供驾驶人员随时注意车速,通常装于驾驶室,以显示状况,另一端连接到变速箱的输出轴。同步啮合式变速机(Synchro-Mesh Type Transmission)一般用于手排变速箱内,在齿轮啮合前先由设置在两齿轮的摩擦圆锥体机构接触,使两个齿轮在啮合前其回转成一致后,同时啮合方式的变速箱,通常在第一档到第二档,第二档到第三档,或第三档到第四档时才有此种装置,倒文件并没有。行星齿轮装置(Planetary Gear System)属于自动变速箱内的齿轮组,如太阳系运动状况组成的齿轮,有太阳齿轮、行星齿轮、环齿轮、行星齿轮架所构成,由液压控制,由选择而可获得各种减速比。超速传动(Overdrive)使变速箱的输出轴回转数超过引擎的转速,可降低燃料消耗量,噪音,震动均随之减少的装置。一般称O/D档,即第五档,自动变速箱亦有加装此装置。差速器(Differential)传递推进轴的回转动力至后左右轮所需之差异的旋转速度,使汽车能够自由转弯行驶的一种齿轮装置。万向接头(Universal Joint)可让动力传送到成一角度的二个轴,其中包括二支Y型轭及一个叫做十字轴架的十字型构件。滑动接头(Slip Joint)有外栓槽和内栓槽与二轴连接。栓槽不但可以使两轴一起转动,且也可以允许二轴沿轴线作有限度的移动,亦即可应付传动轴的长度变化。传动轴(Drive Shaft)连接或装配各项配件而可移动或转动的圆形物体配件,一般均使用轻而抗扭性佳的合金钢管制成。四轮驱动(Four-wheel Drive)许多汽车及一些卡车使用四轮驱动,也就是说。引擎动力可传送到四个轮子,因此车辆可越野行驶,也可以爬陡峭的斜坡,甚至可以在崎岖不平或泥泞的地上行驶。车(主动)轴(Axle Shaft)多使用在前轮驱动汽车上,除了可传轮由变速箱来的动力到左右两前轮外,还需配合转向角度的改变。3、刹车系统(Brake System)主刹车系统(Service Brake System)汽车行驶时常用之刹车都是脚操作,故又称脚刹车(Foot Brake)。驾驶人踩下刹车踏板后即由机械或液压将刹车力传到车轮之制动装置使产生磨擦作用。驻车刹车系统(Parking Brake System)驻车刹车又称手刹车,为汽车停驻时,防止车辆滑行之制动装置。一般有装在传动轴之中间制动式,及直接控制后轮制动式两种。刹车总泵(Master Cylinder)及刹车分泵(Wheel Cylinder)油压刹车的主要配合部份,其上面有储蓄刹车油的槽池,下方是汽缸内配有活塞。活塞是在缸内受刹车踏板再经推杆起作用,将缸内的刹车油压传至各轮分缸,亦是油压刹车装置,配置在各车轮内的制动缸。动力刹车器(Power-Brake)以引擎真空及油压操纵Booster等作用补助刹车力量的刹车。刹车来令(Brake Lining)刹车蹄片上的制动表面所张贴的摩擦材料,一般大型汽车是以铆钉固定,而小型车则用粘剂加压张贴之。刹车蹄片(Brake Shoes)受刹车凸轮或推杆的作用量被推向外展开压制刹车鼓,而起制动作用的配件,其形状似如半月形。鼓式刹车(Drum brakes)由刹车底板、刹车分泵、刹车蹄片等有关连杆、弹簧、梢钉、刹车鼓所组成。目前仅普通采用于后轮。碟式刹车(Disc Brakes)使用金属块(碟)而不用鼓轮,在刹车碟的两边都有一平坦的刹车蹄,当刹车总泵来的油压压送到分缸,使刹车蹄向刹车碟夹住,以达到刹紧的效果,目前已普遍用于前轮,有的高级车装置四轮碟式刹车,其优点是作用灵敏,散热良好,不必调整刹车间隙,保养容易。刹车油(Brake Fluid)液压刹车系统所使用的液体称为刹车油,它必须不起化学作用,不受高温的影响,对金属及橡胶不会产生腐蚀、软化、膨胀之影响,目前所采用的有DOT3、DOT4、DOT5。4、钢圈与车胎(Wheel rim, Tire)轮胎面(Tire Tread)指轮胎面接触在地面的部份,为防止打滑及散热起见,在轮胎面设置有许多花纹。无内胎轮胎(Tubeless Tires)轮胎内未配装内胎而此轮胎本身就有内胎构造,空气即充填在胎中,目前已普遍采用,取代有内胎的车轮。内胎(Tire Tube)以良质的橡胶制成,充填空气支持车重,配装在外胎内部,目前小轿车较少采用,而大客货车仍普遍用之。轮胎尺寸(Tire Size)轮胎尺寸印在胎壁上,表示方法有二种,即如34*7或7.50-20等表示之。前者为高压轮胎,后者为低压轮胎。另外也有许多记号,例如D用于轻型汽车,F用于中型汽车,G指标准型汽车,H、L、J是用于大型豪华及高性能汽车。如胎壁上加印个R,如175R13,表示轮胎是径轮胎,宽长175mm(6.9英吋),装在轮圈直径13英吋(330mm)在车轮上,一般也会刻上RADIAL字。钢圈(Wheel Rim)大多数车辆所使用的钢圈为钢材压制及焊接而成,目前的钢圈为钢材压制及焊接而成,目前的钢圈外环制造的很精确,以装配无内胎的轮胎。铝合金钢圈(Alumminum-Rim)质轻,加工容易,是一体铸成,不易变形,外观多变化,目前多采用,有省油,导热性良好,强度分布均匀,减少滚动噪音的优点。轮胎平衡(Wheel Balance)是前轮定位中,对轮胎的检查项目之一,轮胎若不平衡,会造成车辆行驶时,左右偏摆震荡上下跳动,方向盘摆震的现象,驾驶乘座极不舒适,必须配挂重铅块于钢圈的两侧,使之平衡。车轮定位(Wheel Alignment)汽车的前轮,为顾及操作容易及行驶上的安全,减少轮胎的磨损,于设计时则订定各项角度,即前束、内倾角、外倾角、后倾角,转向前展等五个项目,近年来车辆多采用四轮独立悬吊,而后轮亦做有前束及外倾角,以增加行驶的稳定及舒适性,故有后轮定位。偏滑测试(Side Slip Tester)以车子行驶1公里,车子偏向横侧之公尺数表非,即m/km,一般不得超过3-5m/km。车辆产生侧滑之原因为前束、外倾角,后倾角等调整不良之结果,所以监理站做车辆安全检查时,只需量偏滑值即可。5、汽车电系(Automotive Electric System)起动马达(Starting Motor)利用齿轮传动来摇动引擎或起动引擎的电动马达。电磁开关(Solenoid Switch)借着电磁线圈蕊的移动而使开关合的一种小开关装置。其蕊也会导致机械作用,如将传动小齿轮与飞轮的齿轮啮合,以激活引擎。卤素头灯(Halogen Headlamp)一种灯泡内充满卤素的聚光大灯,其光度较一般头灯为亮。汽油表(Fuel Level Indicator)分为装在驾驶室仪表板的表体及装在油箱上的量油器两部份。机油压力表(Oil Pressure Gauge)通称为机油表,指示引擎内部机油压力的大小。至于油底壳中的机油量,需要引擎旁的机油尺测量。现今多数汽车以警告灯代替机油压力表。压缩机(Compressor)空调系统的机件,可探冷却剂蒸气压缩以增加其压力及温度。冷凝器(Condenser)空调系统的机件,能将管子中的热量,以很快的方式,传到管子附近的空气,大部分的汽车置于水箱前方。储液器和干燥器(Dehydrator)安装在冷凝器和挥发器之间,*近冷凝器,用来储存液体冷媒,并且将冷媒里的水份吸掉。冷媒(Refrigerant)在空调系统中,透过蒸发与凝结,使热转移的一种物质。俗称氟里翁(Freon)。冷冻油(Refrigerant Oil)润滑空调系统里的活动机件,实施空调工作时,必须重新充填。交流发电机(Alternator)在汽车电系中,一种可将机械能改变成为电能的装置。由此可充电至电瓶,并可供应各电器的电力。调整器(Regulator)在充电系统中,能控制交流发电机电压的轮出,以防电压过高的装置。电瓶水(Battery Acid)电瓶内所用的电解液:是硫酸和水的混合物。电瓶电压(Battery Voltage)由电瓶极板数量决定,每一片极板为2.1伏特,一般12伏特电瓶则有六片极板。发火线圈(Coil)在汽车点火系统中,它可将电瓶的电压(12v)转变成为火星塞点火燃烧时所需的高电压。分电盘(Distributor)点火系统高低压电的转接站,可将通往发火线圈的电路接通或切断,而后将产生的高电压配送到各缸火星塞。点火开关(Ignition Switch)点火系统的开关(通常要使用钥匙),可自由开启或关闭点火线圈的主要电路,也适用于其它电系电路。火星塞(Spark Plug)为两电极及一绝缘体组合而成,可提供引擎汽缸火花点火间隙的一种零件。分火头(Rotor)分电盘里的零件,跟着分电盘轴一起轴动,利用一金属薄片,将高压电送至火星塞.6、转向系统(Steering System)转向拉杆(Steering Linkages)此装置是被用来连接前轮转向节和转向齿轮,使方向盘转动时,可使前轮由一边摆向另一边。轮向齿轮(Steering Gear)固定在转向机轴下端的齿轮和装配在转向臂的齿轮总称。可将方向盘的旋转动作,转换成拉杆的直线运动。有二种基本的转向齿轮:回旋滚珠式和齿棒小齿轮式。回旋滚珠式齿轮(Recirclulating-Ball Steering Gear)此种转向齿轮,利用内部的循环珠,使螺母和螺杆之间的接触摩擦大大减少,让驾驶者操作方向盘轻巧方便。动力转向(Power Steering)汽车所使用的动力转向系统,基本上是经修改的手动转向系统,主要的是增加一个助力器(Power Booster),以帮助驾驶者。7、悬吊系统(Suspension System)钢板弹簧(Leaf Spring)扁平长方形的钢板呈弯曲形,以数片叠成的底盘用弹簧,一端以梢子安装在吊架上,另一端使用吊耳连接到大梁上,使弹簧能伸缩。目前适用于中大型的货卡车上。圈状弹簧(Coil Spring)圈状弹簧为独立式悬吊装置使用最多之弹簧,以弹簧钢卷成螺旋状。扭杆弹簧(Torsion-Bar Spring)扭杆一端固定在车架上,另一端使用臂与车轮连接,车轮上下跳动时使扭杆扭转,以扭转弹力来吸收震动,构造简单占位置小,适合小型车使用,但材质要佳。平稳杆(Stabilizer Bar)平稳杆属横向装置于车架与控制臂之间,其功用可减少悬吊系统的移动及车身摇摆,尤其汽车转弯时,因离心力作用,会使车身发生倾斜,此杆抗衡扭力的作用足以减轻汽车偏外的程度。避震器(Shock Absorber)避震器的需求是由于弹簧不能马上稳定下来,也就是说弹簧被压缩再放开以后,它会持续一段时间又伸又缩,所以避震器可以吸收车轮遇到凹凸路面所引起的震动,使乘坐舒适。前悬吊(Front Suspension)前悬吊系统使前轮可以上下移动并吸收路面震动,但是也须使车轮能左右摆动,以便汽车转向。除大货卡车外,大多的车辆已普遍采用独立式悬吊装置,左右轮互相无关系,为独立动作。后悬吊(Rear Suspension)一般车辆后悬吊系统会采用钢板弹簧,或螺旋弹簧,但现今的轿车为使乘坐舒适,亦采用独立悬吊系,与前悬吊系相同,可以使四个轮子各自独立,为减少轮胎磨损及行驶稳定,需作后轮定位。自动水平控制装置(Automatic Level Control)自动水平控制系统为专门应付汽车后部荷重的改变,没有自动水平控制的汽车若在后部加重,汽车后部就会下沉,则会改变汽车的操纵特性,使头灯上扬。8、车体(Body)全长(Overall Length)自前保险杆至车尾最末端之长度。全宽(Overall Width)车身左右最大之宽度。全高(Overall Height)自地面至车身最高点之高度。轮距(Track)前轮胎左右中心线之距离。轴距(Wheel Base)前轴中心点与后轴中心点间之距离。感应烘烤(Induction Baking)利用静电和电磁感应所发热量来烘烤涂装面的意思。9、其它(Other)三元触媒转换器(Three-Way Catalytic Converter)使用铑和其它催化转换器,用来限制废气中 HC、Co和NOx等污染物的含量。排气系统(Exhaust System)指收集并且排放废气的系统,包括排气歧管、排气管、灭音管、尾管以及共振器。共振器(Resonator)一种类似灭音管,可减少排气噪音的装置。蒸气液体分离器(Vapor-Liquid Separator)蒸发气排散控制系统内的装置,可防止液体燃油经由活性碳滤罐蒸气管流入引擎。电子燃料喷射(Electronic Fuel-Injection System)能将燃料喷入引擎,并能定时、测油的一种系统。氧气感知器(Oxygen Sensor)排气管的装置之一,可测量废气中的含氧量,并将此讯号透过电压讯号送至ECU,作为调整混合比之参考。感知器(Sensor)任何可接收及反应讯号的装置,如电压的改变、温度及压力的变化,电子燃料喷射系统中,各厂牌均使用了6至10个以上的感知器。电动汽油泵(Electric Fuel Pump)供应超额油量至分油盘以维持喷射系统的工作压力:一般装在油箱附近
2023-06-10 09:57:043


发电机 generator 起动机 starter四配套 matching four 二级柴油滤芯总成 2 diesel filter assembly 一级柴油滤芯总成 a diesel filter assembly 燃油粗滤器滤芯 crude oil filters filter 旋转式机油滤芯总成 rotary engine oil filter assembly 一道滤芯 a filter 空气滤芯 air filter 全车垫 cars pad 高压油管组(进口) high-pressure pipeline (imported) 喷油器总成 injection Qizong Cheng 离合器从动盘(420 clutch-driven (420 离合器压盘 clutch pressure 左门锁及操纵机构总成 left the door assembly and manipulation of institutions 右门锁及操纵机构总成 right door lock assembly and manipulation of institutions 左车门外开手柄总成 left open car door handle assembly 右车门外开手柄总成 right outside the car opened handle assembly 左后视镜总成 left rear-view mirror assembly 右后视镜总成 right rearview mirror assembly 下视镜总成 assembly under endoscopic 左组合后灯 left after the combination of lights 右组合后灯 after the right combination of lights 左前照灯总成 left headlight assembly 右前照灯总成 right headlight assembly 辅助远光灯总成 auxiliary Yuanguang Deng assembly 前雾灯总成 assembly before the fog lamps 前视廓 灯 29 侧转向灯 profile as the former side turn signal lights 29后视廓灯 profile as after the lights 左玻璃升降器总成及附件 Qizong Cheng movements and the left glass annex 右玻璃升降器总成及附件 Qizong Cheng movements and the right glass annex 左翼子板总成 left-wing daughter board assembly 右翼子板总成 right-wing sub-board assembly 保险杠总成(高位) bumper assembly (high) 制动鼓 brake drum 钢圈 Rims 刹车片 brakes油门拉线throttle cable
2023-06-10 09:57:181


英国的一家网址分几次法吧,太长了。Rim brakes Single pivot side-pull caliper brake on front wheel. Center-pull caliper brake. Dual-pivot caliper brake. Traditional L-shaped cantilever brake. Unusual center-pull caliper brake. Low profile cantilever brake.In rim brakes, the braking force is applied by the rider squeezing a lever mounted on the handlebar; this causes friction pads (usually made of leather or rubber and mounted in metal "shoes") to contact the rim of the rotating wheel, thus slowing it and the bicycle. There are several types of rim brakes.Rod brakes use a series of rods and pivots (rather than Bowden cables) to transmit the braking force from the hand levers to pull the friction pads upwards onto the inner surface (facing the hub) of the wheel rim. They were often called "stirrup brakes" due to their shape. To fit the rear wheel and the more directly actuate front wheel, they use a mechanism to transmit the force but still allow rotation where the fork attaches to the frame. Although heavy and complex, the linkages are reliable and durable and can be repaired or adjusted with simple hand tools in areas where replacement Bowden cables are not available or are too expensive. They are still used on some bicycles, typically roadsters, particularly in the East Asia. Rod brakes are used with a rim profile known as the Westwood rim, which has a slightly concave area on the braking surface and lacks the flat outer surface required by brakes which apply the pads on opposite sides of the rim.In newer designs, friction pads squeeze the sides of the wheel rims with a force transmitted from a hand lever by a Bowden cable. Designs include the scissor-action "side pull" and "centre pull" brakes, and the lever action "cantilever" and "V" brakes.Single pivot side-pull caliper brakes consist of two curved arms that cross at a pivot above the wheel and hold the brake pads on opposite sides of the rim. These arms have extensions on one side, one attached to the cable, the other to the cable housing. When the brake lever is squeezed, the arms move together and the brake pads squeeze the rim. These brakes are simple and effective for relatively narrow tires, but have serious disadvantages if made big enough to fit wide tires. Low-quality varieties also tend to rotate to one side during actuation and to stay there, so that one brake pad continually rubs the rim even when the brake is released. These brakes are now used on inexpensive bikes; before the introduction of dual-pivot caliper brakes they were used on all types of road bikes.Centre-pull caliper brakes have symmetrical arms and by design do not rub the rim when they are released, by actuating the brake arms symmetrically. The cable housing attaches to a fixed cable stop attached to the frame, and the inner cable attaches to a sliding piece or a small pulley, over which runs a straddle cable connecting the two brake arms. Tension on the cable is evenly distributed to the two arms, preventing the brake from taking a "set" to one side or the other. These brakes were reasonably priced, and in the past filled the price niche between the cheaper and the more expensive models of side-pull brakes.Dual-pivot caliper brakes are used on most modern racing bicycles. One arm pivots at the centre, like a side-pull; and the other pivots at the side, like a centre-pull. The cable housing attaches like that of a side-pull brake; the centering of side-pull brakes was simplified with the mass-market adoption of dual-pivot side-pulls (an old design re-discovered by Shimano in the early 1990s). These brakes offer a higher mechanical advantage. Dual-pivot brakes are slightly heavier than conventional side-pull calipers and cannot accurately track an out-of-true rim.Cantilever, direct-pull, and linear-pull brakes have each arm attached to a separate pivot point on one side of the seat stay or fork just below the rim. This solves the problem for standard callipers on wide tires (such as those on mountain bikes) where the long distance from the pivot to the pad allows the arms to flex, reducing braking effectiveness.The traditional cantilever has an L-shaped arm protruding outwards on each side, with a cable stop on the frame or fork to hold the cable housing and a straddle cable between the arms similar to the centre-pull brake. The cable from the brake handle pulls upwards on the straddle cable, causing the brake arms to rotate up and inward and squeezing the rim between the brake pads.Linear-pull brakes (sometimes referred to by the trademarked term "V-brakes") mount similarly, but the arms extend straight up, and the housing is attached to one arm and the cable to the other, similar to the cable attachment for side-pull brakes. They are generally more powerful and easier to adjust than cantilever brakes but require a smaller gap between the brake pad and the rim surface. They function well with the suspension systems found on many mountain bikes because they do not require a separate cable stop on the frame or fork. Due to their higher mechanical advantage, linear-pull brakes require levers with longer cable travel than levers intended for caliper brakes or traditional cantilever brakes. See Linear-pull brake adjustment.Closely related is the U-brake (sometimes referred to by the term "990"s" after the Dia-Compe u-brake model); this type has the pivots for the arms mounted to the frame or fork on each side above the rim. The arms cross over similarly to centre-pull brakes; its main advantage is that it does not protrude sideways from the frame like the cantilevers. U-brake mounts are the current standard on Freestyle BMX frames and forks.One of the least common rim brakes is the hydraulic rim brake. These brakes are generally able to be mounted on the same pivot points used for cantilever and linear-pull brakes. They were available on some high-end mountain bikes in the early 1990s, but declined in popularity with the rise of disc and linear-pull brakes. The moderate performance advantage (greater power and control) they offer over the latter is offset by their greater weight and complexity. The only significant current use of these brakes is on bicycles used for trials riding.Another design is the delta brake, where the arms pivot above the rim but do not cross, and the inner cable attaches to a wedge-shaped piece between the brake arms, instead of a straddle cable. When the brakes are applied, the wedge forces the arms apart at the top, squeezing the rim between the pads. This has an advantage in that the shape of the wedge can be varied other than straight-sided, to allow for a very high mechanical advantage at the point where the pads contact the rim to give high braking power, but a lower mechanical advantage when the pads are not contacting the rim so that the pads move well away from the rim when the brake is not applied, preventing any rubbing.[edit] Advantages and disadvantagesRim brakes are cheap, light, mechanically simple, easy to maintain, and very powerful. However, they perform poorly in wet weather when the rims are wet. This problem is less serious with rims made of aluminium, found on more expensive bikes, than on those with steel or chromed rims. They are also prone to clogging with mud, particularly when mountain biking.Rim brakes also need regular maintenance. Brake pads can wear down quickly, and have to be replaced. Over longer time and use, rims become worn. Rims should be checked for wear periodically as they can fail catastrophically if the rim sidewalls become too worn. Depending on the brake pads and rim, this can happen after a few thousand miles if heavily used in wet and muddy conditions. Bowden cables can become sticky if not regularly lubricated or if water gets into the housing, causing corrosion, although modern lined and stainless steel cables are less prone to these problems. The cables also can wear through repeated use over a long time, however they are more likely to get damaged through getting bent, kinked or the open end becoming unraveled. If the inner cables are not replaced when they fray, they can suddenly break when brakes are applied strongly, causing brakes to be lost precisely when they are most needed. Rim brakes also require that the rim be relatively straight; if the rim has a pronounced wobble, then either the brake pads rub against it when the brakes are released, or apply insufficient and uneven pressure to the rim when certain brakes e.g. dual pivot, are applied.Rim brakes also heat the rim, because the brake converts kinetic energy into thermal energy, which increases the temperature of the rim (the brake caliper and frame do not become hot because brake pads are excellent thermal insulators). In normal use and with lightweight bicycles this is not a problem, as the brakes are only applied with a limited force and for a short time, so the heat quickly dissipates to the surrounding air. But on heavily-laden touring bikes and tandems in mountainous regions, the heat build-up can increase tire pressure so much that the tire blows off the rim. If this happens on the front wheel, a serious accident is almost inevitable. The problem is worse when descending cautiously at slow speeds because the brakes are "always on" and the cooling airflow over the rim is insufficient. The risk can be reduced by not over-inflating tires and adopting an aggressive riding style, only braking for the corners, but the real solution is a drum brake or a disc brake which avoids rim heating.There are many designs of brake pads (brake blocks). Most consist of a replaceable rubber pad held in a metal channel (brake shoe), with a post or bolt protruding from the back to allow attachment to the brake. Some are made as one piece with the attachment directly molded in the pad for lower production costs. The rubber can be softer for more braking force with less lever effort, or harder for longer life. The rubber can also contain abrasives for better braking, at the expense of rim wear. Compounds vie for better wet braking efficiency. Typically pads are relatively short, but longer varieties are also manufactured to provide more surface area for braking; these often must be curved to match the rim. A larger pad does not give more friction but wears more slowly, so a new pad can be made thinner, simplifying wheel removal with linear-pull brakes in particular. In general, a brake can be fitted with any of these many varieties of pads, as long as the pad mounting method is compatible. Carbon rims, as on some disc wheels, generally have to use non-abrasive cork pads.
2023-06-10 09:57:251


2023-06-10 09:57:344


  活塞到达上死点后其顶部与汽缸盖之间的空间,燃料即在此室燃烧。   compression ratio 压缩比   活塞在下死点的汽缸之总容积除以活塞在上死点的总容积(燃烧室容积),所得的值就称为压缩比。 connecting rod 连杆   引擎中连接曲轴与活塞的连接杆。   cooling system 冷却系统   可藉冷却剂的循环,将多余的热量移出引擎,以防止过热的系统。在水冷式的引擎中,包括水套、水泵、水箱及节温器。   crankcase 曲轴箱   引擎下部,为曲轴运转的地方,包括汽缸体的下部和油底壳。   crankshaft 曲轴   引擎的主要旋转机件,装上连杆后,可承接连杆的上下(往复)运动变成循环(旋转)运动。   crankshaft gear 曲轴齿轮   装在曲轴前端的齿轮或键齿轮,通常用来代动凸轮轴齿轮,链条或齿状皮带。   cylinder block 汽缸体   引擎的基本结构,引擎所有的零附件都装在该机件上,包括引擎汽缸及曲轴箱的上半部。   cylinder head 汽缸盖   引擎的盖子及封闭汽缺的机件,包括水套和汽门及冷却片。   detonation 爆震   为火焰的撞击或爆声,在火花点火引擎的燃烧室内,因为压过的空气燃料混合气会自燃,于是使部份未燃的混合气产生二次点火(在火星塞点火之后),因而发出了爆声。   displacemint 排气量   在引擎的某一循环运作中,能将全部空气及混合气送入所有汽缸的能力,也是指一个活塞从一个行程运作至另一行程所能排的体积。   engine 引擎   一种能将热能转变为机械能的机械:一种可将燃料燃烧产生机械动力的装置;有时可视为一种发动机。   fan belt 风扇皮带   一种由曲轴带动的皮带,其主要目的是带动引擎风扇和水泵。   float level 浮筒油面高度   化油器浮筒室内,浮筒浮起而顶住针阀,堵住进油口,使油不再流入浮筒室时,油面的高度。   four-stroke cycle 四行程引擎   进气、压缩、动力、排气四个行程。四个行程调一完整的循环。   gasket 垫片   用纸、橡皮片或铜片制成,放在两平面之间以加强密封的材料。   gear lubricant 齿轮润滑油   一种可润滑齿轮的机油,通常为sae90号机油。   heat-control valve 热控制阀   在引擎排气歧管中一种节温操作阀门,可在引擎未达正常工作温度之前,将废气的热导入进气歧管。   knock 敲击   随引擎速度出现的金属撞击声,通常是因轴承松脱或磨损所产生。   main bearing 主轴承   引擎内支撑曲轴的轴承。   manifold pressure 歧管压力   涡轮增压器运作时位于进气歧管内的压力。   manifold vacuum 歧管真空   指进气歧管内的真空,即汽缸在进气行程中所产生的真空。   oil pan 油底壳   位于引擎下部:可拆装,并将由轴箱密封做为贮油槽的外壳。   oil filter 机油滤清器   一种在机油通过时便可将污物滤下的装置。   oil pump机油泵   在润滑系统中,可迫使机油自油底壳送到引擎运动件的装置。   ping 爆声   引擎在加速时所产生的爆震现象,此因点火正时提前太多或燃料的辛烷值过低所致。   piston 活塞   一种装在汽缸内活动的机件,能在压力改变时接受或传递动力。就引擎而言是指在汽缸内上下滑动,并藉助连杆,迫使曲轴旋转的圆形机件。   piston pin 活塞梢   一种管状的金属块,可将活塞或连杆连接。   piston ring 活塞环   嵌入活塞槽沟的环,分为两种:压缩环和机油环。压缩环可用来密封燃烧室内的压缩空气;机油环则用来刮除汽缸上多余的机油。   pressure cap 压力水箱盖 阀门的水箱盖,可使冷却系统在压力下,保持较高或更有效率的温度。   radiator 散热器 冷却系统中,可将热气自冷却器消除的装置,亦即吸收引擎过热的冷却液,并将低温冷却液送到引擎的装置。   turbocharger 涡轮增压器 藉引擎排气所驱动的一种增压器,马力通常可增25~30%。   brake system 刹车系统   service brake system   主刹车系统   汽车行驶时常用之刹车都是脚操作,故又称脚刹车(foot brake)。驾驶人踩下刹车踏板后即由机械或液压将刹车力传到车轮之制动装置使产生磨擦作用。   parking brake system   驻车刹车系统   驻车刹车又称手刹车,为汽车停驻时,防止车辆滑行之制动装置。一般有装在传动轴之中间制动式,及直接控制后轮制动式两种。   master cylinder刹车总泵   wheel cylinder刹车分泵   油压刹车的主要配合部份,其上面有储蓄刹车油的槽池,下方是汽缸内配有活塞。活塞是在缸内受刹车踏板再经推杆起作用,将缸内的刹车油压传至各轮分缸,亦是油压刹车装置,配置在各车轮内的制动缸。   动力刹车器(power-brake)   以引擎真空及油压操纵booster等作用补助刹车力量的刹车。   刹车来令(brake lining)   刹车蹄片上的制动表面所张贴的摩擦材料,一般大型汽车是以铆钉固定,而小型车则用粘剂加压张贴之。   brake shoes 刹车蹄片   受刹车凸轮或推杆的作用量被推向外展开压制刹车鼓,而起制动作用的配件,其形状似如半月形。   drum brakes鼓式刹车   由刹车底板、刹车分泵、刹车蹄片等有关连杆、弹簧、梢钉、刹车鼓所组成。目前仅普通采用于后轮。   disc brakes 碟式刹车   使用金属块(碟)而不用鼓轮,在刹车碟的两边都有一平坦的刹车蹄,当刹车总泵来的油压压送到分缸,使刹车蹄向刹车碟夹住,以达到刹紧的效果,目前已普遍用于前轮,有的高级车装置四轮碟式刹车,其优点是作用灵敏,散热良好,不必调整刹车间隙,保养容易。   brake fluid 刹车油   液压刹车系统所使用的液体称为刹车油,它必须不起化学作用,不受高温的影响,对金属及橡胶不会产生腐蚀、软化、膨胀之影响,目前所采用的有dot3、dot4、dot5。   wheel rim, tire 钢圈与车胎   tire tread 轮胎面   指轮胎面接触在地面的部份,为防止打滑及散热起见,在轮胎面设置有许多花纹。   tubeless tires 无内胎轮胎   轮胎内未配装内胎而此轮胎本身就有内胎构造,空气即充填在胎中,目前已普遍采用,取代有内胎的车轮。   tire tube 内胎   以良质的橡胶制成,充填空气支持车重,配装在外胎内部,目前小轿车较少采用,而大客货车仍普遍用之。   tire size 轮胎尺寸   轮胎尺寸印在胎壁上,表示方法有二种,即如34*7或7.50-20等表示之。前者为高压轮胎,后者为低压轮胎。另外也有许多记号,例如d用于轻型汽车,f用于中型汽车,g指标准型汽车,h、l、j是用于大型豪华及高性能汽车。如胎壁上加印个r,如175r13,表示轮胎是径轮胎,宽长175mm,装在轮圈直径330mm在车轮上,一般也会刻上radial字。   wheel rim 钢圈   大多数车辆所使用的钢圈为钢材压制及焊接而成,目前的钢圈为钢材压制及焊接而成,目前的钢圈外环制造的很精确,以装配无内胎的轮胎。alumminum-rim 铝合金钢圈   质轻,加工容易,是一体铸成,不易变形,外观多变化,目前多采用,有省油,导热性良好,强度分布均匀,减少滚动噪音的优点。   wheel balance 轮胎平衡   是前轮定位中,对轮胎的检查项目之一,轮胎若不平衡,会造成车辆行驶时,左右偏摆震荡上下跳动,方向盘摆震的现象,驾驶乘座极不舒适,必须配挂重铅块于钢圈的两侧,使之平衡。   wheel alignment 车轮定位   汽车的前轮,为顾及操作容易及行驶上的安全,减少轮胎的磨损,于设计时则订定各项角度,即前束、内倾角、外倾角、后倾角,转向前展等五个项目,近年来车辆多采用四轮独立悬吊,而后轮亦做有前束及外倾角,以增加行驶的稳定及舒适性,故有后轮定位。   side slip tester 偏滑测试 以车子行驶1公里,车子偏向横侧之公尺数表非,即m/km,一般不得超过3-5m/km。车辆产生侧滑之原因为前束、外倾角,后倾角等调整不良之结果,所以监理站做车辆安全检查时,只需量偏滑值即可。
2023-06-10 09:57:471


1 。单纯鼓式制动器 有不同类型的单纯鼓式制动器(图4 - 4 ) ,主要取决于应用软件的类型(浮动,固定)和类型的支持(旋转鞋,滑鞋) 。车轮制动器的应用与浮动制动和旋转擦鞋支持,例如,是常见的。对于液压制动力量驱动,制动采用的手段浮压活塞队的旅行是不是固定不变的,并制定张紧部队是平等的两个方向。这两个鞋是领先的鞋,即摩擦力量之间的刹车片和制动鼓的行为,以支持应用武力,而摩擦力量的情况下尾随鞋采取行动,反对张紧力。 对于单纯制动和c *的总和的价值对个人鞋,是≈ 2.0 (指的是具体的摩擦系数) 。一个缺点是这种设计有很大的差别,在制动效果两国制动鞋,以及由此产生的磨损大大提高领导擦鞋。出于这个原因,往往是尾随擦鞋配备了一种非常薄衬比领先鞋。 单形鼓式制动器也可以启动通过楔形单位,设计用来越来越经常地轻型商用车辆。 该类型的车轮制动器最常用的重型商用车辆的气动骗案鼓式制动器单纯的固定应用。 优势的S -凸轮轴制动:统一衬里磨损领先和落后鞋由于固定应用,并产生长期炉衬寿命。这种类型的鼓式制动器已申请机制,这是更简单,更可靠和敏感的温度。它包括膜片气缸,自动闸调,制动轴和S -凸轮。 缺点:高级内部力量,从而相对较重,因为刹车建设不平等凸轮部队发生,并导致高免费轴承部队。相对较低的制动因素,导致大量的相应的应用工作在制动。由于大致相当于申请旅行领导和落后鞋,适用部队的行为相反的制动因素的个别鞋。一般情况下,刹车制动的因素与此相同的摩擦系数略有低于上述单纯制动。
2023-06-10 09:58:181


2023-06-10 09:58:283


F1后勤都是车队里精挑细选出来的精英 那你得选个专业并精通、再拔尖、还要能进入车队 比较困难。
2023-06-10 09:58:484

slam the brakes on是什么意思

slam the brakes on意思急刹车。
2023-06-10 09:58:562


急刹车的解释[slam the brakes on;pull the emergent brake] 比喻 赶快停止行动 你斗不过人家,还是来个急刹车吧 词语分解 急的解释 急 í 焦燥:急燥。着急。 焦急 。 气恼,发怒:急眼。 使着急:这件事真急人。 匆促:急促。急功近利(急于求目前的成效和 利益 )。 迅速,又快又猛:急流。急进。急先锋。急风 暴雨 。 迫切 ,要紧: 急切 。急诊。 刹车的解释 ∶用闸止住车辆前进 ∶使机器停止运转 ∶比喻正在进行的工作中途停了下来未经批准的建设项目,已 上马 的, 必须 立刻刹车 ∶用以停止车辆、机器或其他机构 运动 的装置使用刹车详细解释.用闸等止住车辆行进。 韩
2023-06-10 09:59:031