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英语encrypted password怎么翻译?

2023-06-10 08:53:23




An encrypted password isn"t easily breakable.


The remote server cannot use the Windows NT encrypted password.

远程服务器不能使用WIN NT 加密密码。

Once encrypted the files or folders can not be viewed without the original password with which they were encrypted.


Facebook says that it can still identify sexual predators, even in encrypted systems.


While encrypted communications can be decrypted, doing so requires time and computing power.



英语encrypted passswaord翻译成中文是加密密码,希望可以帮助到你,谢谢。


你好!英语encrypted password翻译过来中文的意思是:检索数据。例句:There was an error while retrieving data from the data source.在从数据源检索数据时发生错误。


英语encrypted password怎么翻译?

英语:encrypted password.



encrypted password

翻译就是:加密口令; 加密密码; 加密后的密码;

例如:The remote server cannot use the Windows NT encrypted password.

远程服务器不能使用WIN NT加密密码。


encrypted password



An encrypted password isn"t easily breakable.


英语 encrypted password 翻译为中文意思是加密的密码。例如,It then will output the MD5-encrypted password. 然后输出使用MD 5加密的口令。





  • encrypted password

  • 美 [u026anu02c8kru026aptu026ad]

  • 加密的密码


It simply reads the encrypted passwords for processing through their servers.


英语encrypted password翻译为:加密口令; 加密密码; 加密后的密码。



encode(将文字材料)译成密码; 编码,编制成计算机语言encrypt 加密,将…译成密码在一个类中进行加密,同时使用到Encode和Encrypt。如果Encode方式和Encrypt方式有两种的话,使用面向对象的方法要提供AEncodeAEncrypt、AEncodeBEncrypt、BEncodeAEncrypt、BEncodeBEncrypt四个类。
2023-06-10 02:25:092


[jiā mì][释义]encryption, encrypt[例句]用户如果没有专门的密码,是无法获取加密文件的。Users can"t access encrypted files unless they have a special code.
2023-06-10 02:25:161

Encrypt 加密的原理是什么?

与或非一个数据 非 两次 就是它原先的数值,那么这个 只非过一次的数值就可以当作密文。一个数据 异或 同一个数值 两次 也可以变回原先的数字,那么这个被异或过一次的数值可以当作密文,而那个同一个数值 就可以被当作密钥。还有的思路是替换,比如所有的 a和b替换。以上都是对称加密 也就是同时用同一把密钥加密 和 解密。还有非对称加密,非对称加密 就是用一种不可逆的函数,来实现的,通常都要用到很巨大的素数,这个我不懂,你去查下资料。所谓的不可逆 就是不能靠穷举法 来遍历 所有的可能情况。比如 解密某个密文 有2的64次方种可能性,不可能用计算机一个个试,哪怕用最先进的计算机 组成一个巨大的网络 分布计算都至少要花费掉一定长的时间才遍历完成。这个一定长 通常是一百多年,
2023-06-10 02:25:251


2023-06-10 02:25:331


加密 [jiā mì]1. encrypt[en·crypt || u026an"kru026apt, en-]2. encryption[en"cryp·tion || -u0283n]3. to encrypt相关解释:crowding, bridging, encipherment例句用法:用于修饰或说明包含加密的保密或不保密信息的信号或区域。Pertaining to a signal or area which contains either encrypted classified or unclassified information.通信中的一种加密技术。它用保密转换的方法改变字符或二进制位。同cryptography。In communications, a cryptographic technique where the sequence of characters or bits is changed by means of a secret transformation.
2023-06-10 02:25:401


2023-06-10 02:25:462


cipher 是名词 意思是 密码,暗号encrypt 是动词,意思是 加密,进行加密
2023-06-10 02:25:541


2023-06-10 02:26:022


你好,两个if之间的关系有问题。应该改成 if(a[i]=="z"||a[i]=="Z"){ m=a[i]-25; a[i]=m; } else if("A"<=a[i]&&a[i]<"Z"||"a"<=a[i]&&a[i]<"z"){ m=a[i]+1; a[i]=m; }
2023-06-10 02:26:111


2023-06-10 02:26:222


encrypt[简明英汉词典]v.[计] 加密,将...译成密码
2023-06-10 02:26:563

oracle 怎么使用encrypt

ENCRYPT(3) Cryptographic Functions ENCRYPT(3)NAME encrypt, setkey, encrypt_r, setkey_r - encrypt 64-bit messagesSYNOPSIS #define _XOPEN_SOURCE #include <unistd.h>void encrypt(char block[64], int edflag);#define _XOPEN_SOURCE #include <stdlib.h>void setkey(const char *key);#define _GNU_SOURCE #include <crypt.h>void setkey_r (const char *key, struct crypt_data *data); void encrypt_r (char *block, int edflag, struct crypt_data *data);Each of these requires linking with -lcrypt.转载,参考。......
2023-06-10 02:27:051


2023-06-10 02:27:121


晕死,这里不是有两个函数吗?encrypt(ecode)加密decrypt(dcode)解密比方加密abc 那就可以用encrypt("abc")那么解密呢?就用上面的加密得到的字符串,decrypt("加密字符串")不就解密了吗?____________________________________补充:不好意思,回答你问题时,没注意到mistake这个函数。这个函数是不可逆的,也就是说,没法破解。为什么呢?比方你试下:<%= mistake("123456") %><%= mistake("223456") %>你会发现,这两种字符加密的结果,是一样的。也就是说,即使你逆向破解到有几个答案,但你又如何去判断那个才是你要的结果呢???难。而且它采用了随机种子数,不像decrypt给的固定算法。目前还没有人能破解这个函数,所以很多网站采用这个函数来做不可逆加密。用法,和md5一样。
2023-06-10 02:27:201

Encrypt (是否缺少 using 指令或程序集引用?)

缺少引用控件using System.Security.Cryptography。
2023-06-10 02:27:272


2023-06-10 02:27:341

数据库 ENCRYPT()加密的密码怎么验证登录

2023-06-10 02:27:431


from ragini.deshpandeHere is the my_encryption package code ...........CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY my_encryption IS/*|| Local variable to hold the current encryption key.*/ps_encryption_key RAW(32);/*|| Local exception to hide Oracle -28231 Error Code.*/INTERNAL_BAD_KEY exception;PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(INTERNAL_BAD_KEY, -28231);/*|| Local exception to hide Oracle -28232 Error Code.*/INTERNAL_BAD_DATA exception;PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(INTERNAL_BAD_DATA, -28232);/*|| Local function to get the encryption key for a particular case.*/FUNCTION get_case_encryption_key(pi_cas_id IN ELS_CASES.ID%TYPE) RETURN RAW IS/*|| The key to be returned.*/key RAW(16);/*|| Cursor to return the case encyption key in encrypted format.*/CURSOR c_case_key(b_cas_id ELS_CASES.ID%TYPE) ISSELECT encryption_keyFROM els_casesWHERE id = b_cas_id;BEGINOPEN c_case_key(pi_cas_id);FETCH c_case_key INTO key;CLOSE c_case_key;RETURN key;EXCEPTIONWHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THENRAISE NO_CASE;END;/*|| Procedure to initialize package with the master key.|| The master key will be held elsewhere from the database.*/PROCEDURE set_master_key(pi_key IN RAW) ISBEGINIF LENGTHB(pi_key) != 32 THENRAISE BAD_KEY;END IF;ps_encryption_key := pi_key;END;/*|| Procedure to initialize package with the master key.|| Always returns "Y"|| The master key will be held elsewhere from the database.*/FUNCTION set_master_key(pi_key IN RAW) RETURN VARCHAR2 ISBEGINset_master_key(pi_key);RETURN "Y";END;/*|| Procedure to initialize package with the case encryption key.*/PROCEDURE set_case_key(pi_master_key IN RAW,pi_cas_id IN ELS_CASES.ID%TYPE) ISBEGINps_encryption_key := pi_master_key;ps_encryption_key := decrypt(pi_data=>get_case_encryption_key(pi_cas_id));END;/*|| Function to initialize package with the case encryption key.|| Always returns "Y"*/FUNCTION set_case_key(pi_master_key IN RAW,pi_cas_id IN ELS_CASES.ID%TYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2 ISBEGINset_case_key(pi_master_key,pi_cas_id);RETURN "Y";END;/*|| Function to encrypt data using the master key. Note the length of|| pi_data, in bytes, must be at most 2000 bytes and be divisible by 8.*/FUNCTION encrypt(pi_data IN RAW) RETURN RAW ISBEGINRETURN dbms_obfuscation_toolkit.DES3Encrypt(input => pi_data,key => ps_encryption_key);EXCEPTIONWHEN INTERNAL_BAD_DATA THENRAISE BAD_DATA;WHEN INTERNAL_BAD_KEY THENRAISE BAD_KEY;END;/*|| Function to encrypt a BLOB using the current encryption key.*/FUNCTION encrypt(pi_blob IN BLOB) RETURN BLOB IS/*|| Temporary blob variable to hold the encrypted contents.*/result blob;/*|| Variable to hold the length of the blob.*/blob_length PLS_INTEGER := dbms_lob.getlength(pi_blob);/*|| The Oracle encryption routines can only encrypt data whose length is <=2000.*/max_chunk_length PLS_INTEGER := 2000;/*|| Variable to hold the length of the current chunk that is being encrypted.*/chunk_length PLS_INTEGER;/*|| Variable to remember which how much of the input blob has been encrypted.*/pointer PLS_INTEGER := 1;/*|| Variable to hold the next bit of data to be encrypted.*/chunk RAW(2000);/*|| Variable to hold a pad byte used to pad the last chunk.*/pad RAW(1) := utl_raw.substr(utl_raw.cast_to_raw("0"),1,1);BEGIN/*|| Create the temporary blob using the database memory buffer.*/dbms_lob.createtemporary(result, TRUE,;/*|| Loop through the input blob*/WHILE (pointer <= blob_length) LOOP/*|| Grab at most 2000 bytes from the input blob.*/chunk_length := LEAST(max_chunk_length,blob_length-pointer+1);chunk := dbms_lob.substr(pi_blob,chunk_length,pointer);/*|| Pad any chunk (ie the last) so its length is divisible by 8 (another Oracle limitation on encryption)!.*/WHILE mod(chunk_length,8) !=0 LOOPchunk := utl_raw.concat(chunk,pad);chunk_length := chunk_length+1;END LOOP;/*|| Encrypt the chunk and write it to the end of the temporary blob.*/dbms_lob.writeappend(result,chunk_length,encrypt(pi_data => chunk));/*|| Advance the pointer by the length of the last chunk.*/pointer := pointer + chunk_length;END LOOP;/*|| All Done!*/RETURN result;END;/*|| Function to decrypt data using the master key. Note the length of|| pi_data, in bytes, must be at most 2000 bytes and be divisible by 8.*/FUNCTION decrypt(pi_data IN RAW) RETURN RAW ISBEGINRETURN dbms_obfuscation_toolkit.DES3Decrypt(input => pi_data,key => ps_encryption_key);EXCEPTIONWHEN INTERNAL_BAD_DATA THENRAISE BAD_DATA;WHEN INTERNAL_BAD_KEY THENRAISE BAD_KEY;END;/*|| Function to decrypt a BLOB using the current encryption key.*/FUNCTION decrypt(pi_blob IN BLOB,pi_size IN PLS_INTEGER) RETURN BLOB IS/*|| Temporary blob variable to hold the encrypted contents.*/result BLOB;/*|| Variable to hold the length of the blob.*/blob_length PLS_INTEGER := dbms_lob.getlength(pi_blob);/*|| The Oracle encryption routines can only encrypt data whose length is <=2000.*/max_chunk_length PLS_INTEGER := 2000;/*|| Variable to hold the length of the current chunk that is being encrypted.*/chunk_length PLS_INTEGER;/*|| Variable to remember which how much of the input blob has been encrypted.*/pointer PLS_INTEGER := 1;BEGIN/*|| Create the temporary blob using the database memory buffer.*/dbms_lob.createtemporary(result, TRUE,;/*|| Loop through the input blob*/WHILE (pointer <= blob_length) LOOP/*|| Grab at most 2000 bytes from the input blob.*/chunk_length := LEAST(max_chunk_length,blob_length-pointer+1);/*|| Decrypt the chunk and write it to the end of the temporary blob.*/dbms_lob.writeappend(result,chunk_length,decrypt(pi_data => dbms_lob.substr(pi_blob,chunk_length,pointer)));/*|| Advance the pointer by the length of the last chunk.*/pointer := pointer + chunk_length;END LOOP;/*|| Remove the padding bytes that were added when the data was encrypted.*/dbms_lob.trim(result,pi_size);/*|| All Done!*/RETURN result;END;/*|| Procedure to clear session state of stored keys.*/PROCEDURE CLEAR ISBEGINps_encryption_key:=null;END;END;/and here is the PL/sql I run before running the sql stmt DECLAREmkey LONG RAW;BEGINmkey := UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_RAW ("&&key");my_encryption.set_master_key(mkey);my_encryption.set_case_key(mkey,&&case_id);END;mkey is a 16 digit key . and the encrypted_contents I"m trying to decrypt is a my_encryption.decrypt(encrypted_contents,file_size),mime_typefrom my_drafts where id = &&draft_id;I hope this makes sense .Ragini
2023-06-10 02:28:341


import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import*; import*; import javax.crypto.*; import javax.crypto.spec.*; /** 文件名 JDK:1.40以上 说明:文件加密 加密方法:三重DES加密 加密过程:对选中的文件加密后在同文件夹下生成一个增加了".tdes" 扩展名的加密文件 解密过程:对选中的加密文件(必须有".tdes"扩展名)进行解密 */ public class FileEncrypter extends JFrame{ public static final int WIDTH = 550; public static final int HEIGHT = 200; public static void main(String args[]) { FileEncrypter fe = new FileEncrypter();; } FileEncrypter(){ this.setSize(WIDTH,HEIGHT); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); this.setResizable(false); Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Dimension screenSize = tk.getScreenSize(); this.setLocation((screenSize.width - WIDTH)/2, (screenSize.height - HEIGHT)/2); this.setTitle("文件加密器(TriDES)"); Container c = this.getContentPane(); c.setLayout( new FlowLayout()); final FilePanel fp = new FilePanel("文件选择"); c.add(fp); final KeyPanel pp = new KeyPanel("密码"); c.add(pp); JButton jbE = new JButton("加密"); c.add(jbE); jbE.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){ File file = new File(fp.getFileName()); if (file.exists()) encrypt(file.getAbsoluteFile(),pp.getKey()); else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null,"请选择文件!","提示",JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); } }); JButton jbD = new JButton("解密"); c.add(jbD); jbD.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){ File file = new File(fp.getFileName()); if (file.exists()) decrypt(file.getAbsoluteFile(),pp.getKey()); else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null,"请选择文件!","提示",JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); } }); } /** 加密函数 输入: 要加密的文件,密码(由0-F组成,共48个字符,表示3个8位的密码)如: AD67EA2F3BE6E5ADD368DFE03120B5DF92A8FD8FEC2F0746 其中: AD67EA2F3BE6E5AD DES密码一 D368DFE03120B5DF DES密码二 92A8FD8FEC2F0746 DES密码三 输出: 对输入的文件加密后,保存到同一文件夹下增加了".tdes"扩展名的文件中。 */ private void encrypt(File fileIn,String sKey){ try{ if(sKey.length() == 48){ byte[] bytK1 = getKeyByStr(sKey.substring(0,16)); byte[] bytK2 = getKeyByStr(sKey.substring(16,32)); byte[] bytK3 = getKeyByStr(sKey.substring(32,48)); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fileIn); byte[] bytIn = new byte[(int)fileIn.length()]; for(int i = 0;i<FILEIN.LENGTH();I++){ bytIn[i] = (byte); } //加密 byte[] bytOut = encryptByDES(encryptByDES( encryptByDES(bytIn,bytK1),bytK2),bytK3); String fileOut = fileIn.getPath() + ".tdes"; FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fileOut); for(int i = 0;i<BYTOUT.LENGTH;I++){ fos.write((int)bytOut[i]); } fos.close(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,"加密成功!","提示",JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); }else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,"密码长度必须等于48!","错误信息",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } /** 解密函数 输入: 要解密的文件,密码(由0-F组成,共48个字符,表示3个8位的密码)如: AD67EA2F3BE6E5ADD368DFE03120B5DF92A8FD8FEC2F0746 其中: AD67EA2F3BE6E5AD DES密码一 D368DFE03120B5DF DES密码二 92A8FD8FEC2F0746 DES密码三 输出: 对输入的文件解密后,保存到用户指定的文件中。 */ private void decrypt(File fileIn,String sKey){ try{ if(sKey.length() == 48){ String strPath = fileIn.getPath(); if(strPath.substring(strPath.length()-5).toLowerCase().equals(".tdes")) strPath = strPath.substring(0,strPath.length()-5); else{ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,"不是合法的加密文件!","提示",JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); return; } JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); chooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File(".")); chooser.setSelectedFile(new File(strPath)); //用户指定要保存的文件 int ret = chooser.showSaveDialog(this); if(ret==JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION){ byte[] bytK1 = getKeyByStr(sKey.substring(0,16)); byte[] bytK2 = getKeyByStr(sKey.substring(16,32)); byte[] bytK3 = getKeyByStr(sKey.substring(32,48)); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fileIn); byte[] bytIn = new byte[(int)fileIn.length()]; for(int i = 0;i<FILEIN.LENGTH();I++){ bytIn[i] = (byte); } //解密 byte[] bytOut = decryptByDES(decryptByDES( decryptByDES(bytIn,bytK3),bytK2),bytK1); File fileOut = chooser.getSelectedFile(); fileOut.createNewFile(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fileOut); for(int i = 0;i<BYTOUT.LENGTH;I++){ fos.write((int)bytOut[i]); } fos.close(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,"解密成功!","提示",JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); } }else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,"密码长度必须等于48!","错误信息",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); }catch(Exception e){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,"解密失败,请核对密码!","提示",JOptionPane.OK_OPTION); } } /** 用DES方法加密输入的字节 bytKey需为8字节长,是加密的密码 */ private byte[] encryptByDES(byte[] bytP,byte[] bytKey) throws Exception{ DESKeySpec desKS = new DESKeySpec(bytKey); SecretKeyFactory skf = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DES"); SecretKey sk = skf.generateSecret(desKS); Cipher cip = Cipher.getInstance("DES"); cip.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE,sk); return cip.doFinal(bytP); } /** 用DES方法解密输入的字节 bytKey需为8字节长,是解密的密码 */ private byte[] decryptByDES(byte[] bytE,byte[] bytKey) throws Exception{ DESKeySpec desKS = new DESKeySpec(bytKey); SecretKeyFactory skf = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DES"); SecretKey sk = skf.generateSecret(desKS); Cipher cip = Cipher.getInstance("DES"); cip.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE,sk); return cip.doFinal(bytE); } /** 输入密码的字符形式,返回字节数组形式。 如输入字符串:AD67EA2F3BE6E5AD 返回字节数组:{173,103,234,47,59,230,229,173} */ private byte[] getKeyByStr(String str){ byte[] bRet = new byte[str.length()/2]; for(int i=0;i<STR.LENGTH() Integer itg = new Integer(16*getChrInt(str.charAt(2*i)) + getChrInt(str.charAt(2*i+1))); bRet[i] = itg.byteValue(); } return bRet; } /** 计算一个16进制字符的10进制值 输入:0-F */ private int getChrInt(char chr){ int iRet=0; if(chr=="0".charAt(0)) iRet = 0; if(chr=="1".charAt(0)) iRet = 1; if(chr=="2".charAt(0)) iRet = 2; if(chr=="3".charAt(0)) iRet = 3; if(chr=="4".charAt(0)) iRet = 4; if(chr=="5".charAt(0)) iRet = 5; if(chr=="6".charAt(0)) iRet = 6; if(chr=="7".charAt(0)) iRet = 7; if(chr=="8".charAt(0)) iRet = 8; if(chr=="9".charAt(0)) iRet = 9; if(chr=="A".charAt(0)) iRet = 10; if(chr=="B".charAt(0)) iRet = 11; if(chr=="C".charAt(0)) iRet = 12; if(chr=="D".charAt(0)) iRet = 13; if(chr=="E".charAt(0)) iRet = 14; if(chr=="F".charAt(0)) iRet = 15; return iRet; } } /** 文件选择组件。 */ class FilePanel extends JPanel{ FilePanel(String str){ JLabel label = new JLabel(str); JTextField fileText = new JTextField(35); JButton chooseButton = new JButton("浏览..."); this.add(label); this.add(fileText); this.add(chooseButton); clickAction ca = new clickAction(this); chooseButton.addActionListener(ca); } public String getFileName(){ JTextField jtf = (JTextField)this.getComponent(1); return jtf.getText(); } private class clickAction implements ActionListener{ clickAction(Component c){ cmpt = c; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){ JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); chooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File(".")); int ret = chooser.showOpenDialog(cmpt); if(ret==JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION){ JPanel jp = (JPanel)cmpt; JTextField jtf = (JTextField)jp.getComponent(1); jtf.setText(chooser.getSelectedFile().getPath()); } } private Component cmpt; } } /** 密码生成组件。 */ class KeyPanel extends JPanel{ KeyPanel(String str){ JLabel label = new JLabel(str); JTextField fileText = new JTextField(35); JButton chooseButton = new JButton("随机产生"); this.add(label); this.add(fileText); this.add(chooseButton); clickAction ca = new clickAction(this); chooseButton.addActionListener(ca); } //返回生成的密码(48个字符长度) public String getKey(){ JTextField jtf = (JTextField)this.getComponent(1); return jtf.getText(); } private class clickAction implements ActionListener{ clickAction(Component c){ cmpt = c; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){ try{ KeyGenerator kg = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DES"); kg.init(56); Key ke = kg.generateKey(); byte[] bytK1 = ke.getEncoded(); ke = kg.generateKey(); byte[] bytK2 = ke.getEncoded(); ke = kg.generateKey(); byte[] bytK3 = ke.getEncoded(); JPanel jp = (JPanel)cmpt; JTextField jtf = (JTextField)jp.getComponent(1); jtf.setText(getByteStr(bytK1)+getByteStr(bytK2)+getByteStr(bytK3)); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } private String getByteStr(byte[] byt){ String strRet = ""; for(int i=0;i<BYT.LENGTH;I++){ //System.out.println(byt[i]); strRet += getHexValue((byt[i]&240)/16); strRet += getHexValue(byt[i]&15); } return strRet; } private String getHexValue(int s){ String sRet=null; switch (s){ case 0: sRet = "0";break; case 1: sRet = "1";break; case 2: sRet = "2";break; case 3: sRet = "3";break; case 4: sRet = "4";break; case 5: sRet = "5";break; case 6: sRet = "6";break; case 7: sRet = "7";break; case 8: sRet = "8";break; case 9: sRet = "9";break; case 10: sRet = "A";break; case 11: sRet = "B";break; case 12: sRet = "C";break; case 13: sRet = "D";break; case 14: sRet = "E";break; case 15: sRet = "F"; } return sRet; } private Component cmpt; } }
2023-06-10 02:28:551

RAR加密原理加密原理 不知道是不是你要找的
2023-06-10 02:29:124

文件的加密. 使用“二战”时简单的加密算法,即将英文的大写字母或小写字母循

base64 ?不过它不是用来加密,而用用于传输8Bit字节代码的编码
2023-06-10 02:29:251


2023-06-10 02:29:512


自己写程序太麻烦了。给文件加密,我使用的是超级加密3000.超级加密3000有超快和最强的文件、文件夹加密功能、数据保护功能,文件夹、文件的粉碎删除以及文件夹伪装等功能。超级加密 3000采用先进的加密算法,使你的文件和文件夹加密后,真正的达到超高的加密强度,让你的加密数据无懈可击。超级加密3000还支持加密文件的临时解密,文件加密后,双击加密文件,在弹出密码输入对话框输入正确的密码选择确定,该加密文件就处于临时解密,文件使用完毕退出以后,它自动恢复到加密状态,无需再加密。超级加密3000是一款不可多得的文件加密软件,您可以到百度上搜索超级加密3000给您的文件加密试试看。
2023-06-10 02:30:362

与md5 一样给用于数据库数据加密的 还有什么? 免费付费的都可以 最好有网址

2023-06-10 02:30:562

GBase8a MPP中都有哪些加密函数?

编写目的本文档面向GBase 8a产品的售后人员、用户使用人员、以及广大GBase 8a感兴趣的技术人员,以便用于指导其更好的完成GBase8a MPP Cluster 安装部署工作,对硬件配置、网络环境、操作系统及软件配置等系统实施过程中的注意事项等有更加全面和正确的理解。适用对象GBase 8a产品的售后人员、用户使用人员、以及广大GBase 8a感兴趣的技术人员。硬件配置建议集群的硬件要求和性能提升方面展开描述,并给出相应的要求和建议,作为现场环境检查内容的参考。磁盘设置建议建议每台服务器配置2块大于600G的盘,另外每台服务器额外配置10T的数据盘,最终的磁盘配置建议如下:● 操作系统系统盘和数据盘分开独立进行RAID设置;● 操作系统系统盘建议使用2块600G的硬盘做RAID 1;● 额外的硬盘用于数据盘,建议进行RAID 50设置;● 建议单个RAID磁盘下,只创建一个逻辑卷,即在单个RAID磁盘情况下,不建议为日志、数据库、备份创建独立的逻辑卷;● GBASE数据库的IO主要为DC(数据包)读取,数据盘建议默认设置RAID条带尺寸为1M。网卡及网络配置建议建议每台服务器配置2块千兆网卡,因GBase集群是大数据平台,内部数据交换的数据量很大,建议采用万兆网卡进行GBase集群的内部通信通道。网卡及网络的配置建议如下:● 每台服务器配备2块万兆光纤网卡,并进行绑定;● 网卡绑定采用主备单活的模式,提供高可用性;● 配备两个光纤交换机组成高可用备份;● 每台服务器的2个绑定的万兆网卡连接到两不同的光纤交换机;● 每服务器的单活模式下的工作网卡连接到同一个光纤交换机;在发生网卡、交换机高可用切换后,及时将每台服务器的工作网卡切换到一台光纤交换机上;● 完成网络配置后,应使用netperf等测试工具进行网络I/O性能的测试确认配置的正确性;● 配备千兆网卡,连接千兆网络环境,用于集群管理、外部系统接口等;● 主备交换机的级联端口:避免单点故障,提升带宽,建议绑定2个端口,如果是用作集群内部通讯的万兆交换机同时避免服务器主备网卡的切换,需要根据业务通讯量绑定2个以上端口;● 若存在交换机与其他服务器共用的情况,为了避免广播消息对业务的影响,可以单独给GBase服务器划分VLAN,管理和业务网络的VLAN分开;● 使用的端口配置好VLAN,不使用的端口手工shutdown;● 建议接入网管系统,以便主动预警;物理内存配置建议物理内存建议配置为:128GB 或更高。SWAP配置建议建议设置为:不超过128GB;CPU配置建议CPU建议配置为:2 × 8 核以上。
2023-06-10 02:31:042


2023-06-10 02:31:301

关于iOS aes256加密的问题,请各位帮忙,搞了一个星期,急求答案!

之前在项目上用到AES256加密解密算法,刚开始在java端加密解密都没有问题,在iOS端加密解密也没有问题。但是奇怪的是在java端加密后的文件在iOS端无法正确解密打开,然后简单测试了一下,发现在java端和iOS端采用相同明文,相同密钥加密后的密文不一样!上网查了资料后发现iOS中AES加密算法采用的填充是PKCS7Padding,而java不支持PKCS7Padding,只支持PKCS5Padding。我们知道加密算法由算法+模式+填充组成,所以这两者不同的填充算法导致相同明文相同密钥加密后出现密文不一致的情况。那么我们需要在java中用PKCS7Padding来填充,这样就可以和iOS端填充算法一致了。 要实现在java端用PKCS7Padding填充,需要用到bouncycastle组件来实现,下面我会提供该包的下载。啰嗦了一大堆,下面是一个简单的测试,上代码!001 package com.encrypt.file; 002 003 004 import; 005; 006 import; 007 008 importjavax.crypto.Cipher; 009 importjavax.crypto.SecretKey; 010 importjavax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; 011 012 public classAES256Encryption{ 013 014 /** 015 * 密钥算法 016 * java6支持56位密钥,bouncycastle支持64位 017 * */ 018 public static finalString KEY_ALGORITHM="AES"; 019 020 /** 021 * 加密/解密算法/工作模式/填充方式 022 * 023 * JAVA6 支持PKCS5PADDING填充方式 024 * Bouncy castle支持PKCS7Padding填充方式 025 * */ 026 public static finalString CIPHER_ALGORITHM="AES/ECB/PKCS7Padding"; 027 028 /** 029 * 030 * 生成密钥,java6只支持56位密钥,bouncycastle支持64位密钥 031 * @return byte[] 二进制密钥 032 * */ 033 public static byte[] initkey() throwsException{ 034 035 // //实例化密钥生成器 036 // Security.addProvider(new org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider()); 037 // KeyGenerator kg=KeyGenerator.getInstance(KEY_ALGORITHM, "BC"); 038 // //初始化密钥生成器,AES要求密钥长度为128位、192位、256位 039 //// kg.init(256); 040 // kg.init(128); 041 // //生成密钥 042 // SecretKey secretKey=kg.generateKey(); 043 // //获取二进制密钥编码形式 044 // return secretKey.getEncoded(); 045 //为了便于测试,这里我把key写死了,如果大家需要自动生成,可用上面注释掉的代码 046 return new byte[] { 0x08, 0x08, 0x04, 0x0b, 0x02, 0x0f, 0x0b, 0x0c, 047 0x01, 0x03, 0x09, 0x07, 0x0c, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0a, 0x04, 0x0f, 048 0x06, 0x0f, 0x0e, 0x09, 0x05, 0x01, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x01, 0x09, 049 0x06, 0x07, 0x09, 0x0d }; 050 } 051 052 /** 053 * 转换密钥 054 * @param key 二进制密钥 055 * @return Key 密钥 056 * */ 057 public static Key toKey(byte[] key) throwsException{ 058 //实例化DES密钥 059 //生成密钥 060 SecretKey secretKey=newSecretKeySpec(key,KEY_ALGORITHM); 061 returnsecretKey; 062 } 063 064 /** 065 * 加密数据 066 * @param data 待加密数据 067 * @param key 密钥 068 * @return byte[] 加密后的数据 069 * */ 070 public static byte[] encrypt(byte[] data,byte[] key) throwsException{ 071 //还原密钥 072 Key k=toKey(key); 073 /** 074 * 实例化 075 * 使用 PKCS7PADDING 填充方式,按如下方式实现,就是调用bouncycastle组件实现 076 * Cipher.getInstance(CIPHER_ALGORITHM,"BC") 077 */ 078 Security.addProvider(new org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider()); 079 Cipher cipher=Cipher.getInstance(CIPHER_ALGORITHM, "BC"); 080 //初始化,设置为加密模式 081 cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, k); 082 //执行操作 083 returncipher.doFinal(data); 084 } 085 /** 086 * 解密数据 087 * @param data 待解密数据 088 * @param key 密钥 089 * @return byte[] 解密后的数据 090 * */ 091 public static byte[] decrypt(byte[] data,byte[] key) throwsException{ 092 //欢迎密钥 093 Key k =toKey(key); 094 /** 095 * 实例化 096 * 使用 PKCS7PADDING 填充方式,按如下方式实现,就是调用bouncycastle组件实现 097 * Cipher.getInstance(CIPHER_ALGORITHM,"BC") 098 */ 099 Cipher cipher=Cipher.getInstance(CIPHER_ALGORITHM); 100 //初始化,设置为解密模式 101 cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, k); 102 //执行操作 103 returncipher.doFinal(data); 104 } 105 /** 106 * @param args 107 * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException 108 * @throws Exception 109 */ 110 public static void main(String[] args) throwsUnsupportedEncodingException{ 111 112 String str="AES"; 113 System.out.println("原文:"+str); 114 115 //初始化密钥 116 byte[] key; 117 try { 118 key = AES256Encryption.initkey(); 119 System.out.print("密钥:"); 120 for(int i = 0;i<key.length;i++){ 121 System.out.printf("%x", key[i]); 122 } 123 System.out.print(" "); 124 //加密数据 125 byte[] data=AES256Encryption.encrypt(str.getBytes(), key); 126 System.out.print("加密后:"); 127 for(int i = 0;i<data.length;i++){ 128 System.out.printf("%x", data[i]); 129 } 130 System.out.print(" "); 131 132 //解密数据 133 data=AES256Encryption.decrypt(data, key); 134 System.out.println("解密后:"+newString(data)); 135 } catch (Exception e) { 136 // TODO Auto-generated catch block 137 e.printStackTrace(); 138 } 139 140 } 141 } 运行程序后的结果截图:ViewController.m文件01 // 02 // ViewController.m 03 // AES256EncryptionDemo 04 // 05 // Created by 孙 裔 on 12-12-13. 06 // Copyright (c) 2012年 rich sun. All rights reserved. 07 // 08 09 #import "ViewController.h" 10 #import "EncryptAndDecrypt.h" 11 12 @interface ViewController () 13 14 @end 15 16 @implementation ViewController 17 @synthesize plainTextField; 18 - (void)viewDidLoad 19 { 20 [super viewDidLoad]; 21 // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. 22 } 23 24 - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning 25 { 26 [super didReceiveMemoryWarning]; 27 // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. 28 } 29 //这个函数实现了用户输入完后点击视图背景,关闭键盘 30 - (IBAction)backgroundTap:(id)sender{ 31 [plainTextField resignFirstResponder]; 32 } 33 34 - (IBAction)encrypt:(id)sender { 35 36 NSString *plainText = plainTextField.text;//明文 37 NSData *plainTextData = [plainText dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; 38 39 //为了测试,这里先把密钥写死 40 Byte keyByte[] = {0x08,0x08,0x04,0x0b,0x02,0x0f,0x0b,0x0c,0x01,0x03,0x09,0x07,0x0c,0x03, 41 0x07,0x0a,0x04,0x0f,0x06,0x0f,0x0e,0x09,0x05,0x01,0x0a,0x0a,0x01,0x09, 42 0x06,0x07,0x09,0x0d}; 43 //byte转换为NSData类型,以便下边加密方法的调用 44 NSData *keyData = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:keyByte length:32]; 45 // 46 NSData *cipherTextData = [plainTextData AES256EncryptWithKey:keyData]; 47 Byte *plainTextByte = (Byte *)[cipherTextData bytes]; 48 for(int i=0;i<[cipherTextData length];i++){ 49 printf("%x",plainTextByte[i]); 50 } 51 52 } 53 @end 附上出处链接:
2023-06-10 02:31:371


download/encrypt.txt如果是 download 里的 encrypt.txt 文件可以随便删,没有问题,就是一个经过加密了的文本,实际测试过,删除后没有任何问题。
2023-06-10 02:31:453

Encrypt error什么意思

2023-06-10 02:31:521


public class StringEncrypt { /// <summary> /// 使用缺省密钥字符串加密 /// </summary> /// <param name="original">明文</param> /// <returns>密文</returns> public static string Encrypt(string original) { return Encrypt(original, "xyzABc*$!"); } /// <summary> /// 使用缺省密钥解密 /// </summary> /// <param name="original">密文</param> /// <returns>明文</returns> public static string Decrypt(string original) { return Decrypt(original, "xyzABc*$!", System.Text.Encoding.Default); } /// <summary> /// 使用给定密钥解密 /// </summary> /// <param name="original">密文</param> /// <param name="key">密钥</param> /// <returns>明文</returns> public static string Decrypt(string original, string key) { return Decrypt(original, key, System.Text.Encoding.Default); } /// <summary> /// 使用缺省密钥解密,返回指定编码方式明文 /// </summary> /// <param name="original">密文</param> /// <param name="encoding">编码方式</param> /// <returns>明文</returns> public static string Decrypt(string original, Encoding encoding) { return Decrypt(original, "xyzABc*$!", encoding); } /// <summary> /// 使用给定密钥加密 /// </summary> /// <param name="original">原始文字</param> /// <param name="key">密钥</param> /// <param name="encoding">字符编码方案</param> /// <returns>密文</returns> public static string Encrypt(string original, string key) { byte[] buff = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(original); byte[] kb = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(key); return Convert.ToBase64String(Encrypt(buff, kb)); } /// <summary> /// 使用给定密钥解密 /// </summary> /// <param name="encrypted">密文</param> /// <param name="key">密钥</param> /// <param name="encoding">字符编码方案</param> /// <returns>明文</returns> public static string Decrypt(string encrypted, string key, Encoding encoding) { byte[] buff = Convert.FromBase64String(encrypted); byte[] kb = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(key); return encoding.GetString(Decrypt(buff, kb)); } /// <summary> /// 生成MD5摘要 /// </summary> /// <param name="original">数据源</param> /// <returns>摘要</returns> public static byte[] MakeMD5(byte[] original) { MD5CryptoServiceProvider hashmd5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); byte[] keyhash = hashmd5.ComputeHash(original); hashmd5 = null; return keyhash; } /// <summary> /// 使用给定密钥加密 /// </summary> /// <param name="original">明文</param> /// <param name="key">密钥</param> /// <returns>密文</returns> public static byte[] Encrypt(byte[] original, byte[] key) { TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider des = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider(); des.Key = MakeMD5(key); des.Mode = CipherMode.ECB; return des.CreateEncryptor().TransformFinalBlock(original, 0, original.Length); } /// <summary> /// 使用给定密钥解密数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="encrypted">密文</param> /// <param name="key">密钥</param> /// <returns>明文</returns> public static byte[] Decrypt(byte[] encrypted, byte[] key) { TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider des = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider(); des.Key = MakeMD5(key); des.Mode = CipherMode.ECB; return des.CreateDecryptor().TransformFinalBlock(encrypted, 0, encrypted.Length); } /// <summary> /// 使用给定密钥加密 /// </summary> /// <param name="original">原始数据</param> /// <param name="key">密钥</param> /// <returns>密文</returns> public static byte[] Encrypt(byte[] original) { byte[] key = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes("xyzABc*$!"); return Encrypt(original, key); } /// <summary> /// 使用缺省密钥解密数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="encrypted">密文</param> /// <param name="key">密钥</param> /// <returns>明文</returns> public static byte[] Decrypt(byte[] encrypted) { byte[] key = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes("xyzABc*$!"); return Decrypt(encrypted, key); } }
2023-06-10 02:32:011

vb中 encrypt 这个加密函数怎么用的,怎么在MSDN里查不道,是那章节介绍的

2023-06-10 02:32:082


2023-06-10 02:32:331


#include <iostream> #include <string>using namespace std;void encrypt(char *str){ for (int i=0; i<strlen(str); i++) { if ("A"<str[i] && str[i]<"Z") { str[i] = str[i] + 23; if (str[i]>"Z") str[i] = str[i]-26; } if ("a"<str[i] && str[i]<"z") { str[i] = str[i] + 23; if (str[i]>"z") str[i] = str[i]-26; } } cout<<"加密结果:"<<str<<endl;}void decrypt(char *str){ for (int i=0; i<strlen(str); i++) { if ("A"<str[i] && str[i]<"Z") { if(str[i]-23>0) str[i]=str[i]-23; else str[i] = str[i]+3; } } cout<<"解密结果:"<<str<<endl;}void main() { char str[50]; cout<<"输入要加密的字符串:"; cin>>str; encrypt(str); cout<<"输入要解密的字符串:"; cin>>str; decrypt(str);}
2023-06-10 02:32:401


php写法如下:<?PHP/** * AES加密、解密类 * @author hushangming * * 用法: * <pre> * // 实例化类 * // 参数$_bit:格式,支持256、192、128,默认为128字节的 * // 参数$_type:加密/解密方式,支持cfb、cbc、nofb、ofb、stream、ecb,默认为ecb * // 参数$_key:密钥,默认为abcdefghijuklmno * $tcaes = new TCAES(); * $string = "laohu"; * // 加密 * $encodeString = $tcaes->encode($string); * // 解密 * $decodeString = $tcaes->decode($encodeString); * </pre> */class TCAES{ private $_bit = MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256; private $_type = MCRYPT_MODE_CBC; //private $_key = "abcdefghijuklmno0123456789012345"; private $_key = "abcdefghijuklmno"; // 密钥 private $_use_base64 = true; private $_iv_size = null; private $_iv = null; /** * @param string $_key 密钥 * @param int $_bit 默认使用128字节 * @param string $_type 加密解密方式 * @param boolean $_use_base64 默认使用base64二次加密 */ public function __construct($_key = "", $_bit = 128, $_type = "ecb", $_use_base64 = true){ // 加密字节 if(192 === $_bit){ $this->_bit = MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_192; }elseif(128 === $_bit){ $this->_bit = MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128; }else{ $this->_bit = MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256; } // 加密方法 if("cfb" === $_type){ $this->_type = MCRYPT_MODE_CFB; }elseif("cbc" === $_type){ $this->_type = MCRYPT_MODE_CBC; }elseif("nofb" === $_type){ $this->_type = MCRYPT_MODE_NOFB; }elseif("ofb" === $_type){ $this->_type = MCRYPT_MODE_OFB; }elseif("stream" === $_type){ $this->_type = MCRYPT_MODE_STREAM; }else{ $this->_type = MCRYPT_MODE_ECB; } // 密钥 if(!empty($_key)){ $this->_key = $_key; } // 是否使用base64 $this->_use_base64 = $_use_base64; $this->_iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size($this->_bit, $this->_type); $this->_iv = mcrypt_create_iv($this->_iv_size, MCRYPT_RAND); } /** * 加密 * @param string $string 待加密字符串 * @return string */ public function encode($string){ if(MCRYPT_MODE_ECB === $this->_type){ $encodeString = mcrypt_encrypt($this->_bit, $this->_key, $string, $this->_type); }else{ $encodeString = mcrypt_encrypt($this->_bit, $this->_key, $string, $this->_type, $this->_iv); } if($this->_use_base64) $encodeString = base64_encode($encodeString); return $encodeString; } /** * 解密 * @param string $string 待解密字符串 * @return string */ public function decode($string){ if($this->_use_base64) $string = base64_decode($string); $string = $this->toHexString($string); if(MCRYPT_MODE_ECB === $this->_type){ $decodeString = mcrypt_decrypt($this->_bit, $this->_key, $string, $this->_type); }else{ $decodeString = mcrypt_decrypt($this->_bit, $this->_key, $string, $this->_type, $this->_iv); } return $decodeString; } /** * 将$string转换成十六进制 * @param string $string * @return stream */ private function toHexString ($string){ $buf = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++){ $val = dechex(ord($string{$i})); if(strlen($val)< 2) $val = "0".$val; $buf .= $val; } return $buf; } /** * 将十六进制流$string转换成字符串 * @param stream $string * @return string */ private function fromHexString($string){ $buf = ""; for($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i += 2){ $val = chr(hexdec(substr($string, $i, 2))); $buf .= $val; } return $buf; }}
2023-06-10 02:32:471


老规矩先用错误信息登陆一下抓一下包,看看有那些post字段: 大概我们就知道我们要分析的字段有nloginpwd其余字段还不清楚,就在上下在看看其他数据包,根据pubkey我们猜测加密方式大概是RSA,继续查看其他数据包,找到一个有价值的get包 信息是: 没有发现明确的关键字,但是可以猜想bg、challenge、patch应该和我们的加密参数相关,但是不确定,只有继续分析加密的js片段: 其中好几个字段都是$("#??")格式,这种表示是来自页面的,那在看看网页源码 果然发现了很多有价值的东西在post表单中的,其中只有两个参数是需要单独获取的,其余都是从html源码里面解析出来的 authcode来源 是获取的源码中的一个值,再看源码 看样子是在验证码操作的时候触发的一个请求,返回的authcode的值,查看authcode请求的数据包 这个请求看起来不是那么友好,有好几个疑似加密字段,这个参数暂时放放,继续分析我们的passWord的加密。 继续深入getEntryptPwd($("#nloginpwd").val()),查看源码 核心的就两行 encrypt.setPublicKey(pubKey); return encrypt.encrypt(pwd);这必定是RSA加密无疑了,继续查看源码,单独的一个源码文件,一共3300多行,删减版如下 JSEncrypt是前端使用的实现RSA加密的库,看样子应该比较标准,那就试试能不能改写了,复制全部源码到node.js,会提示navigator、window未定义,这个问题很简单,在文件头定义 var navigator = this; var window = this 然后在文件尾部写个调用程序试试 是可以成功返回RSA加密结果的 京东的post请求不是太难,参数也能在源码中找到,但是他的难度在发出post请求之前的一个get请求,这个get请求和验证有关,和用户名相关,简单看了一下感觉有点复杂,留在第二篇讲获取authcode参数的其他参数是怎么来的。 ID:Python之战 |作|者|公(zhong)号:python之战 专注Python,专注于网络爬虫、RPA的学习-践行-总结 喜欢研究和分享技术瓶颈,欢迎关注 独学而无友,则孤陋而寡闻!
2023-06-10 02:32:541

c# 加密解密代码 求~~~~(>_

2023-06-10 02:33:013

主流浏览器直接信任Let’s Encrypt根证书,宣告他成为顶级CA

8月6号,Let"s Encrypt 官方博客发表了一篇文章 Let"s Encrypt Root Trusted By All Major Root Programs ,其中关键信息引用如下: 意思就是本月底,所有的微软产线(比如 Edge)也将直接信任 Let"s Encrypt 的根证书(ISRG Root X1),从而世界上所有的主流产品都直接支持其根证书了,那么这意味着什么?什么是直接信任?对使用 Let"s Encrypt 的证书的人有何影响?且听我慢慢道来。 这一消息表示: 也许你听的晕晕乎乎的,为了解明白,我们必须理解证书链的概念。 证书链是一个信任链,关系见下图: 以 Let"s Encrypt 签发的证书为例,申请者申请的证书可以称为服务器证书,运行 openssl 查看证书命令,关键信息如下: 这表示服务器证书是 *,它被中间证书 Let"s Encrypt Authority X3 进行数字签名,也就是说服务器证书被 Authority X3 中间证书信任。 该中间证书就是 Let"s Encrypt CA 机构的,用于签发服务器证书,需要说明的是中间证书可能有多张,迭代签名。 那么中间证书被谁签名了?运行下列命令: 中间证书是被 DST Root CA X3 根证书(IdenTrust CA 机构的根证书)签名的,同学们可能很奇怪了,为啥 Let"s Encrypt 不用自己的根证书签名其中间证书啊?这是一个好问题。 根本原因就是 Let"s Encrypt 作为一个新兴 CA 机构,历史并不悠久,大部分浏览器不可能直接信任其根证书,不信任就无法构建信任基础,怎么办?Let"s Encrypt 为了快速投入运营,使用 IdenTrust CA 机构的根证书(被主流产品直接信任,比如 Chrome 可信任根证书列表包含该根证书)对其中间证书进行 交叉认证 ,从而主流产品就能信任 Let"s Encrypt 服务器证书了,最终信任链链条: 服务器证书>Let"s Encrypt Authority X3 中间证书->DST Root CA X3 根证书 。 同学们如果也使用 Let"s Encrypt 证书,可以看一下证书链,打开 Chrome 开发者工具就能知晓,如图: 本质上,Let"s Encrypt 有两条证书链(早就存在了)如下图: 绿色线条就是目前采用的证书链,如果主流浏览器都信任了 Let"s Encrypt 根证书(ISRG Root X1),那么就可以采用红色线条标示的证书链了。也就是信任链链条: 服务器证书>Let"s Encrypt Authority X3 中间证书->ISRG Root X1 根证书 。 经过我的配置,我的网站证书链如下图: 同学们可能会问,这是如何做到的?别着急。 本质上,Let"s Encrypt 中间证书 Authority X3 有两个证书,分别是: 他们都可以对 Let"s Encrypt 服务器证书进行签名(签名用的私钥是一样的),这是关键,这两个证书分别被 ISRG Root X1 和 DST Root CA X3 签名。 聪明的同学可能想到了,在申请 Let"s Encrypt 证书的时候,Let"s Encrypt 目前使用 Let"s Encrypt Authority X3 (IdenTrust cross-signed) 签名,申请者获取到证书后,配置证书链(服务器证书+中间证书)后提供 HTTPS 服务。浏览器校验证书,一看中间证书是 Let"s Encrypt Authority X3 (IdenTrust cross-signed) 签名,最终找到 IdenTrust 的根证书完成签名验证。 那今天博客所说的内容表示,在申请 Let"s Encrypt 证书的时候,Let"s Encrypt 可以使用 Let"s Encrypt Authority X3 (Signed by ISRG Root X1) 签名,申请者获取到证书后,配置证书链(服务器证书+中间证书)后提供 HTTPS 服务。浏览器校验证书,一看中间证书是 Let"s Encrypt Authority X3 (Signed by ISRG Root X1) 签名,最终找到 Let"s Encrypt ISRG Root X1 根证书完成签名验证。 可实际上, 目前 你申请证书的时候,Let"s Encrypt 仍然使用 IdenTrust cross-signed 中间证书签名服务器证书,原因何在,主流产品(比如 Chrome)虽然已经直接信任其根证书了,但这些产品有很多旧版本存在,如果不更新,那么这些版本仍然不信任 Let"s Encrypt 根证书,Let"s Encrypt 预估 5 年以后,这些旧版本将不复存在,那个时候 Let"s Encrypt 就可以大胆用 Let"s Encrypt Authority X3 (Signed by ISRG Root X1) 中间证书签发服务器证书了。 难倒我们了吗?是否可以手动让你的网站使用新的证书链呢?答案是可以(如果不考虑旧产品线不信任 Let"s Encrypt ISRG Root X1 根证书的问题)。 上面讲到,服务器证书可以任意使用下面的中间证书签名: 任意的关键就是,这两个证书的签名私钥是一样的,我们是否可以自行配置证书链呢(红色线条)?可以: 然后重新启动你的服务器,使用 Chrome 浏览器开发者工具观察网站证书链,是不是结果如下图:
2023-06-10 02:33:151


C# 各种加密方法封装类,软创加密类,内含MD5加密解密、DES法解密加密、RC2加密解密、3DES加密解密,还有AES加解密等,使用时用到哪一种加密方法,可把代码单独摘录出来,本类比较综合,代码中包括注释,完整代码:view sourceprint?001using System;002using System.Collections.Generic;003using System.Text;004using System.IO;005using System.Security.Cryptography;006namespace CLB.Utility.CharTools007{008 ///009 /// 软创加密类010 ///011 public static class Cryptography012 {013 ///014 /// MD5 加密,静态方法015 ///016 /// 待加密的密文017 /// returns018 public static string MD5Encrypt(string EncryptString)019 {020 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(EncryptString)) { throw (new Exception("密文不得为空")); }021 MD5 m_ClassMD5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();022 string m_strEncrypt = "";023 try024 {025 m_strEncrypt = BitConverter.ToString(m_ClassMD5.ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(EncryptString))).Replace("-", "");026 }027 catch (ArgumentException ex) { throw ex; }028 catch (CryptographicException ex) { throw ex; }029 catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; }030 finally { m_ClassMD5.Clear(); }031 return m_strEncrypt;032 }033 ///034 /// DES 加密(数据加密标准,速度较快,适用于加密大量数据的场合)035 ///036 /// 待加密的密文037 /// 加密的密钥038 /// returns039 public static string DESEncrypt(string EncryptString, string EncryptKey)040 {041 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(EncryptString)) { throw (new Exception("密文不得为空")); }042 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(EncryptKey)) { throw (new Exception("密钥不得为空")); }043 if (EncryptKey.Length != 8) { throw (new Exception("密钥必须为8位")); }044 byte[] m_btIV = { 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF };045 string m_strEncrypt = "";046 DESCryptoServiceProvider m_DESProvider = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();047 try048 {049 byte[] m_btEncryptString = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(EncryptString);050 MemoryStream m_stream = new MemoryStream();051 CryptoStream m_cstream = new CryptoStream(m_stream, m_DESProvider.CreateEncryptor(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(EncryptKey), m_btIV), CryptoStreamMode.Write);052 m_cstream.Write(m_btEncryptString, 0, m_btEncryptString.Length);053 m_cstream.FlushFinalBlock();054 m_strEncrypt = Convert.ToBase64String(m_stream.ToArray());055 m_stream.Close(); m_stream.Dispose();056 m_cstream.Close(); m_cstream.Dispose();057 }058 catch (IOException ex) { throw ex; }059 catch (CryptographicException ex) { throw ex; }060 catch (ArgumentException ex) { throw ex; }061 catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; }062 finally { m_DESProvider.Clear(); }063 return m_strEncrypt;064 }065 ///066 /// DES 解密(数据加密标准,速度较快,适用于加密大量数据的场合)067 ///068 /// 待解密的密文069 /// 解密的密钥070 /// returns071 public static string DESDecrypt(string DecryptString, string DecryptKey)072 {073 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DecryptString)) { throw (new Exception("密文不得为空")); }074 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DecryptKey)) { throw (new Exception("密钥不得为空")); }075 if (DecryptKey.Length != 8) { throw (new Exception("密钥必须为8位")); }076 byte[] m_btIV = { 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF };077 string m_strDecrypt = "";078 DESCryptoServiceProvider m_DESProvider = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();079 try080 {081 byte[] m_btDecryptString = Convert.FromBase64String(DecryptString);082 MemoryStream m_stream = new MemoryStream();083 CryptoStream m_cstream = new CryptoStream(m_stream, m_DESProvider.CreateDecryptor(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(DecryptKey), m_btIV), CryptoStreamMode.Write);084 m_cstream.Write(m_btDecryptString, 0, m_btDecryptString.Length);085 m_cstream.FlushFinalBlock();086 m_strDecrypt = Encoding.Default.GetString(m_stream.ToArray());087 m_stream.Close(); m_stream.Dispose();088 m_cstream.Close(); m_cstream.Dispose();089 }090 catch (IOException ex) { throw ex; }091 catch (CryptographicException ex) { throw ex; }092 catch (ArgumentException ex) { throw ex; }093 catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; }094 finally { m_DESProvider.Clear(); }095 return m_strDecrypt;096 }097 ///098 /// RC2 加密(用变长密钥对大量数据进行加密)099 ///100 /// 待加密密文101 /// 加密密钥102 /// returns103 public static string RC2Encrypt(string EncryptString, string EncryptKey)104 {105 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(EncryptString)) { throw (new Exception("密文不得为空")); }106 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(EncryptKey)) { throw (new Exception("密钥不得为空")); }107 if (EncryptKey.Length < 5 || EncryptKey.Length > 16) { throw (new Exception("密钥必须为5-16位")); }108 string m_strEncrypt = "";109 byte[] m_btIV = { 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF };110 RC2CryptoServiceProvider m_RC2Provider = new RC2CryptoServiceProvider();111 try112 {113 byte[] m_btEncryptString = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(EncryptString);114 MemoryStream m_stream = new MemoryStream();115 CryptoStream m_cstream = new CryptoStream(m_stream, m_RC2Provider.CreateEncryptor(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(EncryptKey), m_btIV), CryptoStreamMode.Write);116 m_cstream.Write(m_btEncryptString, 0, m_btEncryptString.Length);117 m_cstream.FlushFinalBlock();118 m_strEncrypt = Convert.ToBase64String(m_stream.ToArray());119 m_stream.Close(); m_stream.Dispose();120 m_cstream.Close(); m_cstream.Dispose();121 }122 catch (IOException ex) { throw ex; }123 catch (CryptographicException ex) { throw ex; }124 catch (ArgumentException ex) { throw ex; }125 catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; }126 finally { m_RC2Provider.Clear(); }127 return m_strEncrypt;128 }129 ///130 /// RC2 解密(用变长密钥对大量数据进行加密)131 ///132 /// 待解密密文133 /// 解密密钥134 /// returns135 public static string RC2Decrypt(string DecryptString, string DecryptKey)136 {137 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DecryptString)) { throw (new Exception("密文不得为空")); }138 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DecryptKey)) { throw (new Exception("密钥不得为空")); }139 if (DecryptKey.Length < 5 || DecryptKey.Length > 16) { throw (new Exception("密钥必须为5-16位")); }140 byte[] m_btIV = { 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF };141 string m_strDecrypt = "";142 RC2CryptoServiceProvider m_RC2Provider = new RC2CryptoServiceProvider();143 try144 {145 byte[] m_btDecryptString = Convert.FromBase64String(DecryptString);146 MemoryStream m_stream = new MemoryStream();147 CryptoStream m_cstream = new CryptoStream(m_stream, m_RC2Provider.CreateDecryptor(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(DecryptKey), m_btIV), CryptoStreamMode.Write);148 m_cstream.Write(m_btDecryptString, 0, m_btDecryptString.Length);149 m_cstream.FlushFinalBlock();150 m_strDecrypt = Encoding.Default.GetString(m_stream.ToArray());151 m_stream.Close(); m_stream.Dispose();152 m_cstream.Close(); m_cstream.Dispose();153 }154 catch (IOException ex) { throw ex; }155 catch (CryptographicException ex) { throw ex; }156 catch (ArgumentException ex) { throw ex; }157 catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; }158 finally { m_RC2Provider.Clear(); }159 return m_strDecrypt;160 }161 ///162 /// 3DES 加密(基于DES,对一块数据用三个不同的密钥进行三次加密,强度更高)163 ///164 /// 待加密密文165 /// 密钥一166 /// 密钥二167 /// 密钥三168 /// returns169 public static string DES3Encrypt(string EncryptString, string EncryptKey1, string EncryptKey2, stringEncryptKey3)170 {171 string m_strEncrypt = "";172 try173 {174 m_strEncrypt = DESEncrypt(EncryptString, EncryptKey3);175 m_strEncrypt = DESEncrypt(m_strEncrypt, EncryptKey2);176 m_strEncrypt = DESEncrypt(m_strEncrypt, EncryptKey1);177 }178 catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; }179 return m_strEncrypt;180 }181 ///182 /// 3DES 解密(基于DES,对一块数据用三个不同的密钥进行三次加密,强度更高)183 ///184 /// 待解密密文185 /// 密钥一186 /// 密钥二187 /// 密钥三188 /// returns189 public static string DES3Decrypt(string DecryptString, string DecryptKey1, string DecryptKey2, stringDecryptKey3)190 {191 string m_strDecrypt = "";192 try193 {194 m_strDecrypt = DESDecrypt(DecryptString, DecryptKey1);195 m_strDecrypt = DESDecrypt(m_strDecrypt, DecryptKey2);196 m_strDecrypt = DESDecrypt(m_strDecrypt, DecryptKey3);197 }198 catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; }199 return m_strDecrypt;200 }201 ///202 /// AES 加密(高级加密标准,是下一代的加密算法标准,速度快,安全级别高,目前 AES 标准的一个实现是 Rijndael 算法)203 ///204 /// 待加密密文205 /// 加密密钥206 ///207 public static string AESEncrypt(string EncryptString, string EncryptKey)208 {209 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(EncryptString)) { throw (new Exception("密文不得为空")); }210 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(EncryptKey)) { throw (new Exception("密钥不得为空")); }211 string m_strEncrypt = "";212 byte[] m_btIV = Convert.FromBase64String("Rkb4jvUy/ye7Cd7k89QQgQ==");213 Rijndael m_AESProvider = Rijndael.Create();214 try215 {216 byte[] m_btEncryptString = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(EncryptString);217 MemoryStream m_stream = new MemoryStream();218 CryptoStream m_csstream = new CryptoStream(m_stream, m_AESProvider.CreateEncryptor(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(EncryptKey), m_btIV), CryptoStreamMode.Write);219 m_csstream.Write(m_btEncryptString, 0, m_btEncryptString.Length); m_csstream.FlushFinalBlock();220 m_strEncrypt = Convert.ToBase64String(m_stream.ToArray());221 m_stream.Close(); m_stream.Dispose();222 m_csstream.Close(); m_csstream.Dispose();223 }224 catch (IOException ex) { throw ex; }225 catch (CryptographicException ex) { throw ex; }226 catch (ArgumentException ex) { throw ex; }227 catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; }228 finally { m_AESProvider.Clear(); }229 return m_strEncrypt;230 }231 ///232 /// AES 解密(高级加密标准,是下一代的加密算法标准,速度快,安全级别高,目前 AES 标准的一个实现是 Rijndael 算法)233 ///234 /// 待解密密文235 /// 解密密钥236 ///237 public static string AESDecrypt(string DecryptString, string DecryptKey)238 {239 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DecryptString)) { throw (new Exception("密文不得为空")); }240 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DecryptKey)) { throw (new Exception("密钥不得为空")); }241 string m_strDecrypt = "";242 byte[] m_btIV = Convert.FromBase64String("Rkb4jvUy/ye7Cd7k89QQgQ==");243 Rijndael m_AESProvider = Rijndael.Create();244 try245 {246 byte[] m_btDecryptString = Convert.FromBase64String(DecryptString);247 MemoryStream m_stream = new MemoryStream();248 CryptoStream m_csstream = new CryptoStream(m_stream, m_AESProvider.CreateDecryptor(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(DecryptKey), m_btIV), CryptoStreamMode.Write);249 m_csstream.Write(m_btDecryptString, 0, m_btDecryptString.Length); m_csstream.FlushFinalBlock();250 m_strDecrypt = Encoding.Default.GetString(m_stream.ToArray());251 m_stream.Close(); m_stream.Dispose();252 m_csstream.Close(); m_csstream.Dispose();253 }254 catch (IOException ex) { throw ex; }255 catch (CryptographicException ex) { throw ex; }256 catch (ArgumentException ex) { throw ex; }257 catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; }258 finally { m_AESProvider.Clear(); }259 return m_strDecrypt;260 }261 }262}
2023-06-10 02:33:242

我这里有个加密解密算法,但是解密后中文出现了乱码。求高手指教: 我的代码如下:

2023-06-10 02:33:401


2023-06-10 02:33:592


2023-06-10 02:34:072


是的 。这个的话通俗来讲很可以。每个都是不一样的。相比较那些说的。可以咨询一下专业人士的解答。多询问一下身边的人也可以。要与日常生活结合对待
2023-06-10 02:34:152


直接用 System.Security.Cryptography 下的 DES 类 实现
2023-06-10 02:34:221


using System;x0dx0ausing System.Text;x0dx0ausing System.Security.Cryptography;x0dx0ax0dx0anamespace MD5x0dx0a{x0dx0a public class MD5x0dx0a {x0dx0a // 32 位x0dx0a public static String Encrypt(String s)x0dx0a {x0dx0a MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();x0dx0a byte[] bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s);x0dx0a bytes = md5.ComputeHash(bytes);x0dx0a md5.Clear();x0dx0ax0dx0a string ret = "";x0dx0a for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)x0dx0a {x0dx0a ret += Convert.ToString(bytes[i], 16).PadLeft(2, "0");x0dx0a }x0dx0ax0dx0a return ret.PadLeft(32, "0");x0dx0a }x0dx0ax0dx0a// 16 位x0dx0a public static string Encrypt16(string ConvertString)x0dx0a {x0dx0a MD5CryptoServiceProvider md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();x0dx0a string t2 = BitConverter.ToString(md5.ComputeHash(UTF8Encoding.Default.GetBytes(ConvertString)), 4, 8);x0dx0a t2 = t2.Replace("-", "");x0dx0a return t2;x0dx0a } x0dx0a }x0dx0a}x0dx0ax0dx0a-------------------------------------x0dx0a引用MD5命名空间x0dx0ausing MD5;x0dx0a直接用MD5.Encrypt(textbox1.Text);即可加密;x0dx0aMD5没有解密的算法,要不然就不用加密了,网上有一些解密的网站,有些能解密,有些解密不了,有些还需要收费才能解密。
2023-06-10 02:34:281


第一步:首先确认已经彻底清除了病毒的主程序 确认方法: 1。确认杀毒软件正常工作,没有异常的自动关闭、过多cpu占用现象等等。 2。升级杀毒软件到最新版本杀毒。 3。杀毒后任务管理器中无明显的异常进程。没有可疑名称的加载项。 4。控制面板内点计划任务,删掉可疑的任务。 第二步:去除加载项 开始菜单-运行-输入msconfig回车 在里边的启动栏里把**.dll前面的勾去掉就行了 1、开始——运行——msconfig——启动——把加载项***.dll的那个勾勾去掉。 重启电脑,通常到这就可以了,如果还弹出来再进行第二步 2、开始——运行——regedit 在下面的位置删除相应键值: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun 说明:加载问题大多是杀毒残留,就是杀毒后,病毒被删除,但注册表里相关加载设置还在,所以第一步要确认确实已经杀掉了病毒。如果病毒没有清除,那第二步就没有意义。解决方法就是上述方法。 【注意】如果启动项没有的话,请接着用下面软件解决的方法 IceSword 1.22 中文版 下载地址 打开IceSword.exe,点左下角的“文件”,在目录"+"找到加载时出错的文件所在文件夹,加载时出错的文件上键点“强制删除”。 【注意】:启动项并不一定指向特定的dll名字,提示中的加载失败的项可能只是启动项其中一个需要调用的文件,所以要了解你所有启动项的意义,这样才能找出可疑的启动项来删除,从而解决加载失败的问题。正常的启动项在百度都可以搜索到其含义 【补充】有很多人由于本答案还是无法解决加载问题给我发信息求助,一一解释我很劳神。我也只好把答案弄得更加长一些,深入解释一下。先看下面链接 简单病毒工作原理简介: 木马病毒工作原理简述 看完后就知道病毒可能躲藏的位置,其实我的答案只能解决简单的隐藏——也就是启动项隐藏。对于比较复杂的隐藏无能为力,看完上面的链接你也应该多少了解了,如果对自己有信心,就琢磨着找吧,不过先说一下,如果加载项隐藏到服务里的话,你要是想改动的话,先在网上查查这个服务到底是干什么的再决定。改动的后果可能会很严重。 另外,这些都是简单的躲藏,更复杂的是躲在一个系统进程里,这个基本就没辙了。至少人力很难解决,没准啥时候出个啥软件什么的可以做到。 第三步:彻底解决之道 如果你以后不想被上面的问题纠缠,那么有个简单的亡羊补牢的方法:打造干净系统。 由于中了毒以后你很难搞清楚病毒到底对你的电脑作了什么破坏,简单的破坏大家都清楚,什么删除文件之类的低级破坏,倒是如果病毒留了很多后门就挂了,这就相当于对以后的病毒开了大门了,所以最好的解决之道就是重装系统,重装的技巧: 1。彻底格式化C盘 2。重装系统,C盘只安装必备的软件。 3。备份C盘,做镜像,参考下面网页 ghost技术指南 4。此后使用电脑时增量的安装和下载放在其他分区。 5。中毒后不必找什么解决方案,直接恢复系统即可。10分钟解决问题。
2023-06-10 02:34:361

java des 加密 解密 密钥随机取得方法

package com.test;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import javax.crypto.Cipher;import javax.crypto.CipherInputStream;import javax.crypto.CipherOutputStream;import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator;class Encrypt { public static void saveDesKey() { try { SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom(); // 为我们选择的DES算法生成一个KeyGenerator对象 KeyGenerator kg = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DES"); kg.init(sr); // 相对路径 需要新建 conf 文件夹 // String fileName = "conf/DesKey.xml"; // 绝对路径 String fileName = "d:/DesKey.xml"; FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fileName); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos); // 生成密钥 Key key = kg.generateKey(); oos.writeObject(key); oos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static Key getKey() { Key kp = null; try { // 相对路径 需要新建 conf 文件夹 // String fileName = "conf/DesKey.xml"; // InputStream is = Encrypt.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(fileName); // 绝对路径 String fileName = "d:/DesKey.xml"; FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(fileName); ObjectInputStream oos = new ObjectInputStream(is); kp = (Key) oos.readObject(); oos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return kp; } public static void encrypt(String file, String dest) throws Exception { Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES"); cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, getKey()); InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dest); CipherInputStream cis = new CipherInputStream(is, cipher); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int r; while ((r = > 0) { out.write(buffer, 0, r); } cis.close(); is.close(); out.close(); } public static void decrypt(String file, String dest) throws Exception { Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES"); cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, getKey()); InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dest); CipherOutputStream cos = new CipherOutputStream(out, cipher); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int r; while ((r = >= 0) { cos.write(buffer, 0, r); } cos.close(); out.close(); is.close(); }}public class DES { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Encrypt.saveDesKey(); System.out.println("生成key"); Encrypt.getKey(); System.out.println("获取key"); Encrypt.encrypt("d:\hello.txt", "d:\encrypt.txt"); System.out.println("加密"); Encrypt.decrypt("d:\encrypt.txt", "d:\decrypt.txt"); System.out.println("解密"); }}
2023-06-10 02:34:433

AES加密 在PC上和Android上不一样 怎么解决

2023-06-10 02:34:512

openssl提供 DES_ecb3_encrypt方法

一. 利用openssl命令进行BASE64编码解码(base64 encode/decode) 1. BASE64编码命令 对字符串‘abc"进行base64编码: # echo abc | openssl base64 YWJjCg== (编码结果) 如果对一个文件进行base64编码(文件名t.txt): # openssl base64 -in t.txt 2. BASE64解码命令 求base64后的字符串‘YWJjCg=="的原文: # echo YWJjCg== | openssl base64 -d abc (解码结果) 如果对一个文件进行base64解码(文件名t.base64): # openssl base64 -d -in t.base64二. 利用openssl命令进行md5/sha1摘要(digest) 1. 对字符串‘abc"进行md5摘要计算:echo abc | openssl md5 若对某文件进行md5摘要计算:openssl md5 -in t.txt 2. 对字符串‘abc"进行sha1摘要计算:echo abc | openssl sha1 若对某文件进行sha1摘要计算:openssl sha1 -in t.txt三. 利用openssl命令进行AES/DES3加密解密(AES/DES3 encrypt/decrypt) 对字符串‘abc"进行aes加密,使用密钥123,输出结果以base64编码格式给出: # echo abc | openssl aes-128-cbc -k 123 -base64 U2FsdGVkX18ynIbzARm15nG/JA2dhN4mtiotwD7jt4g= (结果) 对以上结果进行解密处理: # echo U2FsdGVkX18ynIbzARm15nG/JA2dhN4mtiotwD7jt4g= | openssl aes-128-cbc -d -k 123 -base64 abc (结果) 若要从文件里取原文(密文)进行加密(解密),只要指定 -in 参数指向文件名就可以了。 进行des3加解密,只要把命令中的aes-128-cbc换成des3就可以了。
2023-06-10 02:35:002


2023-06-10 02:35:201


using System;using System.Security.Cryptography;using System.IO; using System.Text;namespace Microsoft.Samples.Security.PublicKey{ class App { // Main entry point static void Main(string[] args) { // Instantiate 3 People for example. See the Person class below Person alice = new Person("Alice"); Person bob = new Person("Bob"); Person steve = new Person("Steve"); // Messages that will exchanged. See CipherMessage class below CipherMessage aliceMessage; CipherMessage bobMessage; CipherMessage steveMessage; // Example of encrypting/decrypting your own message Console.WriteLine("Encrypting/Decrypting Your Own Message"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------"); // Alice encrypts a message using her own public key aliceMessage = alice.EncryptMessage("Alice wrote this message"); // then using her private key can decrypt the message alice.DecryptMessage(aliceMessage); // Example of Exchanging Keys and Messages Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Exchanging Keys and Messages"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------"); // Alice Sends a copy of her public key to Bob and Steve bob.GetPublicKey(alice); steve.GetPublicKey(alice); // Bob and Steve both encrypt messages to send to Alice bobMessage = bob.EncryptMessage("Hi Alice! - Bob."); steveMessage = steve.EncryptMessage("How are you? - Steve"); // Alice can decrypt and read both messages alice.DecryptMessage(bobMessage); alice.DecryptMessage(steveMessage); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Private Key required to read the messages"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------"); // Steve cannot read the message that Bob encrypted steve.DecryptMessage(bobMessage); // Not even Bob can use the Message he encrypted for Alice. // The RSA private key is required to decrypt the RS2 key used // in the decryption. bob.DecryptMessage(bobMessage); } // method Main } // class App class CipherMessage { public byte[] cipherBytes; // RC2 encrypted message text public byte[] rc2Key; // RSA encrypted rc2 key public byte[] rc2IV; // RC2 initialization vector } class Person { private RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa; private RC2CryptoServiceProvider rc2; private string name; // Maximum key size for the RC2 algorithm const int keySize = 128; // Person constructor public Person(string p_Name) { rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); rc2 = new RC2CryptoServiceProvider(); rc2.KeySize = keySize; name = p_Name; } // Used to send the rsa public key parameters public RSAParameters SendPublicKey() { RSAParameters result = new RSAParameters(); try { result = rsa.ExportParameters(false); } catch (CryptographicException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } return result; } // Used to import the rsa public key parameters public void GetPublicKey(Person receiver) { try { rsa.ImportParameters(receiver.SendPublicKey()); } catch (CryptographicException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } public CipherMessage EncryptMessage(string text) { // Convert string to a byte array CipherMessage message = new CipherMessage(); byte[] plainBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(text.ToCharArray()); // A new key and iv are generated for every message rc2.GenerateKey(); rc2.GenerateIV(); // The rc2 initialization doesnt need to be encrypted, but will // be used in conjunction with the key to decrypt the message. message.rc2IV = rc2.IV; try { // Encrypt the RC2 key using RSA encryption message.rc2Key = rsa.Encrypt(rc2.Key, false); } catch (CryptographicException e) { // The High Encryption Pack is required to run this sample // because we are using a 128-bit key. See the readme for // additional information. Console.WriteLine("Encryption Failed. Ensure that the" + " High Encryption Pack is installed."); Console.WriteLine("Error Message: " + e.Message); Environment.Exit(0); } // Encrypt the Text Message using RC2 (Symmetric algorithm) ICryptoTransform sse = rc2.CreateEncryptor(); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, sse, CryptoStreamMode.Write); try { cs.Write(plainBytes, 0, plainBytes.Length); cs.FlushFinalBlock(); message.cipherBytes = ms.ToArray(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } finally { ms.Close(); cs.Close(); } return message; } // method EncryptMessagepublic void DecryptMessage(CipherMessage message) { // Get the RC2 Key and Initialization Vector rc2.IV = message.rc2IV; try { // Try decrypting the rc2 key rc2.Key = rsa.Decrypt(message.rc2Key, false); } catch (CryptographicException e) { Console.WriteLine("Decryption Failed: " + e.Message); return; } ICryptoTransform ssd = rc2.CreateDecryptor(); // Put the encrypted message in a memorystream MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(message.cipherBytes); // the CryptoStream will read cipher text from the MemoryStream CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, ssd, CryptoStreamMode.Read); byte[] initialText = new Byte[message.cipherBytes.Length]; try { // Decrypt the message and store in byte array cs.Read(initialText, 0, initialText.Length); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } finally { ms.Close(); cs.Close(); } // Display the message received Console.WriteLine(name + " received the following message:"); Console.WriteLine(" " + Encoding.Unicode.GetString(initialText)); } // method DecryptMessage } // class Person} // namespace PublicKey
2023-06-10 02:35:381