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植树节 Tree-planting Day 和Arbor Day有什么不同吗?

2023-06-10 08:45:46
TAG: nt rbo arbor

.."Arbor Day" is some countries for stimulates the people to love the forest, the afforestation sentiment, promotes the national territory to afforest, protects the humanity 赖以生存 ecological environment, through legislation definite holiday. The modern times set up the Arbor Day are US"S Nebraska state most early. On April 10, 1872, not in a conference which the Nebraska state botanical garden association held, proposed the establishment took the festival the suggestion. This state has accepted not a suggestion, decides as April 10 this state the Arbor Day, and distributed in the world in 1932 the first Arbor Day postage stamp, the picture is two children is planting trees.

In February, 1979, the China five session of Standing Committee of the National People"s Congress sixth council decision, every year on March 12 will decide as Chinese the Arbor Day. The next year March 12, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunication has distributed set of 4 topics is "the afforestation, afforests the motherland" postage stamp. In 1981, in under Comrade Deng Xiaoping"s proposal, five session of National People"s Congress fourth conference passed "about Has developed All the people Duty Tree-planting Movement Resolution". On March 12, 1990, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunication distributed set of 4 "to afforest the motherland" the postage stamp, first was "all the people duty tree-planting".

According to the United Nations statistics, now in the world had more than 50 countries to set up the Arbor Day. Because the various countries" national condition and the geographical position are different, Arbor Day is not same in the various countries" name and the time, like Japan is called "the tree knag" and "the afforested week"; Israel calls "trees" new year date"; Burma is called "the tree-planting month"; Yugoslavia is called "the tree-planting week"; Iceland is called "the student to plant trees Japan"; India is called "the national Arbor Day"; France is called the national trees date "; Canada is called "the forest week".







2023-06-10 00:07:421

arbor 怎么读

arbor 英["ɑ:bu0259] 美["ɑ:bu0259] n. 凉亭;树木;(机器的)心轴;(钓鱼用的)浮子 [例句]March 12 is arbor day.3月12日是植树节。
2023-06-10 00:08:091


2023-06-10 00:08:161


乔木英文是arbor。双语例句:1、丁香属植物为落叶灌木或小乔木。The cloves belong the plant as the machaka or small arbor.2、草本盖度主要受乔木盖度的影响。The herbage coverage was affected by arbor coverage.3、乔木耗水多,草与灌木耐旱。Arbors need more water, while grasses and bushes are more drought tolerance.乔木:1、乔木是指树身高大的树木,由根部发生独立的主干,树干和树冠有明显区分。有一个直立主干,且通常高达六米至数十米的木本植物称为乔木。2、其往往树体高大,具有明显的高大主干。又可依其高度而分为伟乔(31米以上)、大乔(21~30米)、中乔(11~20米)、小乔(6~10米)等有四级。3、乔木与低矮的灌木相对应,通常见到的高大树木都是乔木,如木棉、松树、玉兰、白桦等。乔木按冬季或旱季落叶与否又分为落叶乔木和常绿乔木。4、落叶乔木是每年秋冬季节或干旱季节叶全部脱落的乔木。
2023-06-10 00:08:231


是 可数名词
2023-06-10 00:09:071


2023-06-10 00:09:191


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2023-06-10 00:10:029

Arbor Day 是什么节日?还要关于它的由来.

植树节是一个州定节日,没有全美统一规定的日期。但是每年4、5月间,美国各州都要组织植树节活动。例如,罗得岛州规定每年5月份的第二个星期五为植树节,并放假一天。其他各州有的是固定日期,有的临时决定日期。每当这一天到来,以学生为主的社会各界群众便组成浩浩荡荡的植树大军,投入植树活动。 植树节是由内布拉斯加州发起的。19世纪以前,内布拉斯加州是一片光秃秃的荒原,大风一起,满天黄沙,人民深受其苦。1872年,美国著名农学家莫尔顿提议在内布拉斯加州定立植树节,动员人民有计划地植树造林。当时州农业局通过决议采纳了这一提议,由州长规定每年4月份的第三个星期三为植树节。这一决定做出后,当年就植树上百万棵。此后的16年间,又先后植树6亿棵,终于使内布拉斯加州10万公顷的荒野变成了茂密的森林。为表彰莫尔顿的功绩,1885年州议会正式规定以莫尔顿的生日4月22日为每年的植树节,并放假一天。
2023-06-10 00:10:495


What is the date of the Arbor Day?
2023-06-10 00:11:045


wayside pavilion;kiosk
2023-06-10 00:11:464


2023-06-10 00:11:542


  植树节(Arbor Day)定义   “植树节”是一些国家以法律形式规定的以宣传森林效益,并动员群众参加义务造林为活动内容的节日。按时间长短可分为植树日、植树周或植树月,总称植树节。通过这种活动,激发人们爱林、造林的感情,提高人们对森林功用的认识,促进国土绿化,达到爱林护林和扩大森林资源、改善生态环境的目的。   植树节的起源   植树节是由美国的内布拉斯加州发起的。1872年4月10日,莫顿在美国内布拉斯加州园林协会举行的一次会议上,提出了设立植树节的建议。该州采纳了莫顿的建议,并将每年的4月22日定为该州的植树节,并于1932年发行世界上首枚植树节邮票,画面为两个儿童在植树,以后美国各州以至世界各国均有响应。   中国的植树节   中国古代虽有劝民植树的说法,但由国家以法律形式明文规定植树节日则是现代的事。1915年 7月31日中国政府规定每年农历清明节时为植树节,届时全国各地举行植树典礼,组织造林活动。1928年 4月国民党政府为纪念孙中山先生忌日,将原植树节改在每年 3月12日。中华人民共和国成立以后,全国人民代表大会常务委员会第五届第六次会议于1979年2月决定每年3月12日为植树节,1984年 9月六届全国人大常委会七次会议通过修改的《中华人民共和国森林法》总则中规定:“植树造林、保护森林是公民应尽的义务”,从而把植树造林纳入了法律范畴。   中国的植树节定于3月12日。1979年2月,中国第五届全国人大常委会第六次会议决定,将每年的3月12日定为中国的植树节。1981年12月,五届全国人大四次会议又通过了《关于开展全民义务植树运动的决议》,国务院于次年颁布了全民义务植树运动的具体实施办法。植树节前后,我国各地都要集中进行植树造林活动。   世界各国的植树节   据联合国统计,目前世界上已有50多个国家设立了植树节。由于各国国情和地理位置不同,植树节在各国的称呼和时间也不相同,如日本称为“树木节”和“绿化周”;以色列称“树木的新年日”;缅甸称为“植树月”;南斯拉夫称为“植树周”;冰岛称为“学生植树日”;印度称为“全国植树节”;法国称为“全国树木日”;加拿大称为“森林周”。   全年12个月,每月都会有国家欢度植树节:   约旦的植树节是1月15日;   西班牙的植树节是2月1日;   伊拉克的植树节是3月6日;   法国于1977年规定每年3月为法定的“植树月”,月末那天为“植树日”,全国绿化这一天进入高潮;   日本于1922年规定每年 4月1~7日为绿化周,4月3日(神武天皇祭日)为植树节;   朝鲜的植树节是4月6日;4月和10月为“植树月”;   澳大利亚的植树节是5月的第一个星期五;   委内瑞拉1905年决定每年5月23日为植树节;   芬兰的植树节是6月24 日;   墨西哥1954年的法令规定,植树节在每年6月至9月的雨季举行;   印度的植树节是7月的第一周;   巴基斯坦的植树节是8月9日;   菲律宾的植树节已有70多年历史,他们把每年9月的第二个星期六定为植树节;   泰国的植树节是9月24日;(也是国庆日)   古巴的植树节是10月10 日;   英国的植树节是11月6日至12日;   意大利1898年就决定每年11月21日为植树节;   叙利亚的植树节是12月的最后一个星期四。   塞内加尔每逢雨季一到,全国性的植树活动随即开始,时间持续长达半年之久,是世界上植树节最长的国家。    我特别推荐    我特别推荐
2023-06-10 00:12:001


tree planting day
2023-06-10 00:12:097


We plant trees on Arbor Day.
2023-06-10 00:13:114


Arbor Day is divided into regional festival and the festival。 China"s Arbor Day by historian LingDaoYang initiatives such as set up, first determine the tomb sweeping day on April 5, after the death of sun yat-sen to March 12. In ancient China in the ching Ming festival season is plugged into the tradition of willow trees, in the history of the earliest in the roadside planting is by a man named wei shuyu from shaanxi first in more than 1400 years ago。植树节分为地区节日和国际节日。中国的植树节由林学家凌道扬等创议设立,最初确定于4月5日清明节,孙中山先生逝世后改为3月12日。中国古代在清明节时节就有插柳植树的传统,历史上最早在路旁植树是由一位叫韦孝宽的人于1400多年前从陕西首创的。Arbor Day is in order to protect the advocate people planting trees, encourage people to take care of the trees, remind people attaches great importance to the trees。 Trees for human survival, for the earth"s ecological environment, plays a very important role。植树节是为了保护倡导人民种植树木,鼓励人民爱护树木,提醒人民重视树木。树木对于人类的生存,对于地球的生态环境,都是起着非常重要的作用。
2023-06-10 00:13:181


2023-06-10 00:13:393

儿童节 春节 国庆节 植树节 建军节 教师节 端午节 中秋节 清明节 的英文是什么

2023-06-10 00:13:596


2023-06-10 00:14:2214


2023-06-10 00:17:401


1月1日 新年(New Year"s Day)2月12日 林肯纪念日(Lincoln"s Birthday)2月14日 圣瓦伦丁节(情人节)(St. Valentine"s Day)2月18日 华盛顿诞辰日(Washington"s Birthday)3月17日 圣帕特里克节(St. Patrick"s Day)4月1日 愚人节(All Fool"s Day/ April Fool"s Day)4月X日 复活节(Easter)(一般指3月21日或其后第一个星期日)5月X日 植树节(Arbor Day)(五月的第二个星期五,各州不一)5月X日 母亲节(Mother"s Day)(五月的第二个星期日)5月X日 阵亡将士纪念日(Memorial Day)(五月的最后一个星期一)6月14日 国旗日(Flag Day)6月X日 父亲节(Father"s Day)(六月的第三个星期日)7月4日 独立日(Independence Day)9月X日 劳动节(Labor Day)(九月的第一个星期一)10月12日 哥伦布日(Columbus Day)10月X日 1节(Veteran"s Day)(十月的第四个星期一)11月1日 万圣节(Halloween)11月X日 感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)(十一月的最后一个星期四)12月25日 圣诞节(Christmas)
2023-06-10 00:17:497


植树节的英语arbor dayArbor Day [u02c8ɑ:bu0259 deu026a][词典] <美>植树节;[网络] 植树节; 日植树节; 美国植树节;[例句]Children all over the world celebrate Arbor Day in a number of ways. Here are some exciting suggestions.世界各地的儿童用各种方式庆祝植树节,来看看大家都做些什么?
2023-06-10 00:18:511


东南亚“智能金融决策平台”Silot于近期完成800万美金A轮融资,本轮融资由日本SBI领投,住友商事和三菱日联金融集团(MUFG)旗下Krungsri Finnovate和老股东Arbor Ventures跟投。本次融资将主要用于知识图谱领域研究,市场拓展及金融产品创新。 Silot于2017年初成立于新加坡,成立之初获得真格基金天使轮投资,是真格在东南亚出手的首个项目。同年12月,Silot获得Arbor Ventures和斯道资本的Pre-A轮投资。 Silot的核心是通过快速和可延展的人工智能技术,帮助东南亚银行从传统决策方式向智能化转型。现阶段在东南亚,大部分银行的基础设施和组织架构决定了其仍然只能够依赖大量依赖人力来做出金融决策,导致决策效率、数据连接性、场景可延展性,以及多维度评估等因素综合形成了瓶颈,阻碍了银行的高效运营与业务拓展。 Silot利用人工智能为银行打造可延展的决策引擎,带来了更高效的支付体验,更安全的交易与获客,和更精准的信用决策。Silot正以颠覆东南亚金融业之势迅猛发展,服务客户包括印尼力宝集团旗下的Nobu Bank和泰国最大发卡行Krungsri Bank,并赢得Krungsri Bank战略投资。 其创新与金融 科技 部门负责人Sam Tanskul评价道,“Silot团队具备强大的技术实力,从最开始我们就对Silot抱有充分的信任,与Silot深度的合作是毫无疑问的明智之举。” Silot创始人兼CEO李博晨(Andy Li)表示,中国无论在人工智能还是金融 科技 都走在世界前列,作为Fintech领域的出海企业,如何融入当地主流金融生态圈,将中国领先的技术和当地市场的需求相结合,并能够获得当地金融机构的信任,是非常有挑战但是值得去做的事情。 李博晨(Andy Li) SBI集团总裁(前软银集团CFO)北尾吉孝先生对Silot充满信心,“Silot的智能平台通过知识图谱技术,极高地提升运营效率,帮助银行制定金融决策,这将为当地金融领域带来一场颠覆性的革命。作为Silot的主要投资方之一,SBI集团将不遗余力地助力Silot,在人工智能时代为日本和东南亚地区其它区域的银行赋能。” 今年年初,Silot被美国CIO Outlook评选为银行 科技 Top 20企业并成为Plug and Play中东区金融孵化企业。相对而言,中国的移动支付场景和互联网金融已经发展较为成熟,而包括东南亚市场在内的新兴市场却缺乏能够提供高效可延展解决方案,和跨业务场景的“银行大脑”。Silot正是应这一市场需求而生的创新性智能银行平台,本轮融资之后,Silot将在该领域进一步开疆拓土。 关于SBI投资 SBI投资有限公司,原软银投资部,是SBI控股公司的投资部门。2002年,SBI控股公司在东京交易所上市,并于2006年从软银独立出来。目前,SBI投资是涵盖证券,金融,保险,资产管理,虚拟货币交易,及金融 科技 孵化等业务的规模最大的互联网金融集团。SBI投资拥有全球首创的“网络金融生态系统”,并设立业内首个“Fintech”专项基金,是该领域世界顶尖的集团之一。 作为SBI控股公司的投资部门,其已经投资超过800家公司,且有五分之一成功上市或被第三方并购。在做投资决定时,SBI投资会对公司的管理质量,产业愿景,成长潜力,以及服务或产品中体现的创新精神进行综合评估。投资决策委员会由相关产业专家组成,力求在最全面的调研和分析基础上,做出具有最佳效益的投资决定。SBI拥有顶尖的孵化基础设施,并会不遗余力地利用自身的商业资源与管理经验来帮助被选中的投资组合公司加速成长。 关于Arbor Ventures 关于住友商事 住友商事是在贸易和商业投资领域处于世界领先的全球五百强企业,在65个国家和地区拥有110个办事处,其中22处位于日本国内,并且旗下拥有超过900家公司。住友商事利用全球网络从事各个产业的商品交易,为相关客户提供丰富的金融服务,组织运营各类性质的项目,并且投资入股拥有增长潜力的公司等。住友商事的核心业务领域包含金属制品,交通及建设系统,基础设施建设,数字媒体,日用品,房地产,矿产资源,化学及电子产品等。 关于Krungsri Finnovate Krungsri Bank全资控股,三菱日联金融集团(MUFG)的成员之一。三菱日联金融集团由三菱东京金融集团和日联控股合并而来,合并以后资产达到1.64万亿美元,超过了此前世界最大的美国花旗集团。三菱日联目前位列世界五百强第177位,是日本最大、全球第五大综合性大型金融机构。总部位于东京,在全球超过50个城市拥有2300多处办公室,服务领域包涵商业银行业务、证券交易,信用卡、资产管理等。作为Silot的第一位客户,Krungsri在充分评估其服务质量和增长潜力后转而成为Silot的投资者之一。 合资孵化 | 增长咨询 | 市场洞察
2023-06-10 00:18:581


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2023-06-10 00:19:081

Arbor Day 和 Tree planting Day有什么区别谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

2023-06-10 00:19:151

Arbor Day 是什么意思

Arbor Day ph. 1. 【美】植树节 “植树节”是一些国家为激发人们爱林、造林的感情,促进国土绿化,保护人类赖以生存的生态环境,通过立法确定的节日。 植树节是由美国的内布拉斯加州发起的。1872年4月10日,莫顿在内布拉斯加州园林协会举行的一次会议上,提出了设立植树节的建议。该州采纳了莫顿的建议,把4月10日定为该州的植树节,并于1932年发行世界上首枚植树节邮票,画面为两个儿童在植树。 中国的植树节定于3月12日。1979年2月,中国第五届全国人大常委会第六次会议决定,将每年的3月12日定为中国的植树节。1981年12月,五届全国人大四次会议又通过了《关于开展全民义务植树运动的决议》,国务院于次年颁布了全民义务植树运动的具体实施办法。植树节前后,我国各地都要集中进行植树造林活动。 据联合国统计,目前世界上已有50多个国家设立了植树节。由于各国国情和地理位置不同,植树节在各国的称呼和时间也不相同,如日本称为“树木节”和“绿化周”;以色列称“树木的新年日”;缅甸称为“植树月”;南斯拉夫称为“植树周”;冰岛称为“学生植树日”;印度称为“全国植树节”;法国称为“全国树木日”;加拿大称为“森林周”。 全年12个月,每月都会有国家欢度植树节: 约旦的植树节是1月15日; 西班牙的植树节是2月1日; 伊拉克的植树节是3月6日; 法国每年3月为法定的“植树月”,月末那天为“植树日”,全国绿化这一天进入高潮; 朝鲜的植树节是4月6日;4月和10月为“植树月”; 澳大利亚的植树节是5月的第一个星期五; 委内瑞拉1905年决定每年5月23日为植树节; 芬兰的植树节是6月24 日; 墨西哥1954年的法令规定,植树节在每年6月至9月的雨季举行; 印度的植树节是7月的第一周; 巴基斯坦的植树节是8月9日; 菲律宾的植树节已有70多年历史,他们把每年9月的第二个星期六定为植树节; 泰国的植树节是9月24日;(也是国庆日) 古巴的植树节是10月10 日; 英国的植树节是11月6日至12日; 意大利1898年就决定每年11月21日为植树节; 叙利亚的植树节是12月的最后一个星期四。 塞内加尔每逢雨季一到,全国性的植树活动随即开始,时间持续长达半年之久,是世界上植树节最长的国家。
2023-06-10 00:19:221


337 人赞同了该回答 索绪尔在描述能指和所指的关系时举过关于“树”的例子。这里同样用树来说明吧。 比如现在你面前有一棵树,有个小孩问你:“这是什么?”,你该怎么告诉他你所见的这个粗枝大叶的物体呢?这棵树是客观存在的,就在你面前,它是与它相关的所有能指和所指的源头,符号学上称之为“参照”。 由参照物出发,“能指”指的是人们赋予这棵树所有的语音符号和文字符号。在中文里,用来命名它的语音是“shù”,文字写作“树”;在英文里,它又被读作“/tu0279iu02d0/”,写出来是“tree”;在法文里,它又被读作“/au0281bu0281/”,写出来是“arbre”;在拉丁文里,他又被读作“/arbor/”,写出来是“arbor”;等等。不同的人、不同的语言赋予它的能指也可能不同。 理解了能指,那么从能指出发,“所指”指的是(比如在中文里)当别人对你读出或写出“树”这个符号时,你的大脑记忆里马上就会检索出与之相对应的一个枝繁叶茂的、带有木质茎干并且长在地里的一株植物的形象,就好像你面前这棵树,也可以是你之前别处见过的树,或是类似的形象、概念,但对你来说,这个形象就是“树”,不是“花”或者“水”,也不是“狗”或者“虫”,因为在你的认知里,那些符号指示的又是别的东西。 所以到这里,从逻辑上来说,一个参照物的“能指”和“所指”可以是互相的。你可以从一个能指在脑海中得出与之对应的所指,也可以从一个所指得出与之对应的能指。但无论能指和所指,都是基于对参照物的认知上的,也就是说这个东西无论具体还是抽象(比如“有爱”这类概念),它得实际存在、或是一个普世的认知才行,不然能指和所指都无从谈起。
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2023-06-10 00:19:566


【 #英语资源# 导语】植树节是按照法律规定宣传保护树木,并组织动员群众积极参加以植树造林为活动内容的节日。 为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。 1.小学生植树节英语作文   The day of Arbor Day is cloudless and sunny. Under the leadership of the teacher, the young pioneers took the shovel and carried the bucket to plant trees.   There are mountains and water, tall trees and birds flying freely. The young pioneers dug the tree pit with great interest. After a while, the tree pit was dug. They carefully put the saplings into the tree pit, filled the soil, and finally watered it. The green trees are loaded. Everyone felt very happy. 2.小学生植树节英语作文   Today is Arbor Day. We took buckets, hoes and saplings to plant trees on the hillside under the guidance of our teachers.   On the hillside, a group of birds saw us. They sang and danced around us, as if welcoming us, because we want to bring more green to their home. Planting trees and taking care of our homes will make our life better. 3.小学生植树节英语作文   Today is Arbor Day on March 12. In the best of spirits, Li SHOI and Ming Ming went to the park to plant trees. They bought a pine tree seedling, shovel and bucket into the park, and shovel a tree hole with great interest. Lily put the pine tree carefully into the pit, and righting the seedlings.   A green sapling was loaded and stood upright like a soldier, with a satisfied smile on Mingming and Lili"s face. Lili and Mingming said to the little pine tree, "little saplings, grow up quickly, so that we can enjoy the cool under your shade and play games." 4.小学生植树节英语作文   Arbor Day is coming. This afternoon, our class planted flowers and grass on campus. I planted Chlorophytum. I took a shovel to dig a pit, then carefully moved it into the pit, buried it, and finally watered it. My Chlorophytum planted well. 5.小学生植树节英语作文   In the afternoon, Xiao Hong and Xiao Fang went to plant trees together. Small square belt shovel, red belt on the saplings, start happily!   When they went to the park, they saw that there were big trees everywhere. Suddenly, they found a piece of land where the soil was very loose and the grass was very green! So, Xiao Fang dug the tree pit, Xiao Hong carefully moved the saplings into the tree pit, Xiao Fang waved a shovel to fill a few shovels of soil, and Xiao Hong straightened the saplings. When the young trees were planted well, they went home with satisfaction. 6.小学生植树节英语作文   March 12 is Arbor Day. Xiao Hong and Xiao Ming meet to plant trees after school.   They came to the park with tools and a strong sapling. Xiao Ming first dug a big pits, and Xiao Hong put the seedlings in the middle of the pit. Xiao Ming filled the earth with a shovel. Soon it was filled. He also stepped on the soil with his feet, and Xiao Hong brought water to water the saplings.   Looking at the well planted trees, they are not happy. They all said, "little trees, little trees grow up quickly. We should also study hard and grow up happily with you!" 7.小学生植树节英语作文   Today is Arbor Day. A group of primary school students, led by their teachers, came to the park to plant trees. After the students freely combined in twos and threes, they began to work seriously. Xiaoming and Xiaofang cooperated well. After Xiaoming dug the tree pit, Xiaofang carefully put the saplings into the tree pit and held them tightly to make them stand straight. Xiao Ming worked hard to fill the tree pit with his feet.   Xiaofang lifted the bucket to fetch water and put her feet in the tree pit to let the water seep down slowly. At this time, the spring breeze blew, and the branches shook and shook, as if waving to the students! 8.小学生植树节英语作文   At 2 pm on Wednesday, my sister and I planted trees in the garden.   We enjoyed the scenery of the garden, the small pavilion on the hillside, the clear water flow, the curved stone road and the small bridge on the river. Every scenery here is that we linger and forget to return.   We began to be busy, and we kept in mind everything the managers said to us. Digging a hole is a hard job. It"s too much for a little girl like me. After being busy for more than 20 minutes, a small round tree hole was dug. Planting trees is a university. My sister planted the saplings in the hole. I filled the soil with my feet and planted the trees. I also want to drink water. My sister picked up the bucket and let the little tree drink enough water. The elder sister said, "I hope you and the saplings will thrive together." 9.小学生植树节英语作文   Today is Arbor Day on March 12, which is also the arbor day of the animal kingdom.   On that day, the Lion King divided the small elephant into a group, and the little bear was obedient. He carried the young tree seedlings, and picked up the shovel with a clumsy hand. He said to the Zhuang: "big brother brother, do you hold the watering pot?" Zhuang Zhuang said with a smile: No, my dear sister. Isn"t my nose a convenient watering pot? He blinked his red eyes, patted his little head and said: Yes! Why didn"t I think of it? Then they set off.   They came to the pond, and they took the spade and shovel a big hole. They carefully put the young tree into the pit, for fear that they would break the roots. Then they helped the young seedlings. They clumsy and pushed the soil into the pit, filled the soil, and sucked a big nose water, and poured water into the pit, and the seedlings were planted. They sang and danced around the saplings. They were so happy!   They took good care of the sapling, and gradually, the sapling grew into a towering tree.      The animals planted trees and had a happy arbor day. 10.小学生植树节英语作文   In March 12th, one morning, I went to the hill with my father to plant trees. I took the saplings, my father took the shovel and the bucket. Start planting trees, Dad dug a hole, I carry water, Dad cultivates soil, and I"ll water and fertilize. We were sweating and rested under the tree for a while. It was very hot in the afternoon, and there was a sapling. We finished planting it right away, and we went down the mountain together.
2023-06-10 00:20:341


英语:Arbor Day韩语:uc2ddubaa9uc77c
2023-06-10 00:20:432

植树节的来历用英文翻译 ·~—~

March 12 is the anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen"s death. Dr. Sun Yat-sen had attached great importance to forestry. He served as provisional president of the Republic of China soon after the establishment of the Nanjing Government, in May 1912 established the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, under the forest Division, director of national forestry administration of. In November 1914 enacted the first of China"s modern history, a "Forest Law", in July 1915, the Government has stipulated that the annual "Qingming" as Tree-Planting Day.楼主应该多给两分。
2023-06-10 00:21:002


Trre Planting Day
2023-06-10 00:21:269


中国所有节日的英文版内容如下:元旦(1月1日):New Year春节(农历新年):Spring Festival清明节(农历清明当日):Tomb-sweeping Day国际劳动妇女节(3月8日):International Working Women"s Day植树节(3月12日):Arbor Day国际劳动节(5月1日):International Labor Day中国青年节(5月4日):China Youth Day端午节(农历端午当日):The Dragon Boat Festival国际护士节(5月12日):International nurse"s Day儿童节(6月1日):Children"s Day教师节(9月10日):Teachers" Day中秋节(农历中秋当日):Mid-Autumn Festival国庆节(10月1日):National Day记者节(11月8日):Journalist"s Day扩展资料:1、节日的千年传承之路节日是人类社会生活的枢纽,是人类物质文明与精神文明的载体。历经千百年岁月沧桑的传统节日,更是一个民族成熟文明的缩影,它既体现着人与自然的关系,又反映着现实的人与人的联系。中国节日既是中国人长期不懈地探索自然规律的产物,包含着大量科学的天文、气象和物候知识,也是中华文明的哲学思想、审美意识和道德伦理在民俗风情上的集中体现。我们的先人综合太阳和月亮与人和自然的关系来确定节日的时间,可以说是最好地体现人与自然的关系。千百年来,节日民俗给中国人一种井然有序时间节奏、热闹而不失尺度的空间分布。虽然中国是一个人口众多的国度,百姓以勤勉、节俭的方式过着自己的日子,但庸常的世俗生活因为有了热闹的节日,才构成中国老百姓完整的人生时间,使人生因充满着期待、愉悦而显得非同寻常。2、节日的发展历程中国传统节日大抵起源于先秦时代,而定型于两汉时期,如元旦、元宵、寒食、端午、七夕、重阳等,到了两汉大都基本定型。这不仅是因为“汉承秦制”,更重要的是国家的统一,社会出现了各种节日风俗得以定型的土壤和条件。到魏晋南北朝时期,历经隋唐到宋,中国传统节日经历了它的变异和调整,宗教的渗透、民族的融合、社会心理的失常,为中国节日风俗的发展带来了新的元素。到了唐宋年间,出现了划时代的变异,节日生活开始大规模地与城市生活密切结合,出现了前所未有的新变化,从一向充满迷信、禁忌、祓禊、禳除等神秘气氛中解放出来,而向着世俗化、娱乐型的方向转变,成为民间真正意义上的“佳节良辰”。尤其是唐朝从“贞观之治”到“开元之治”,经济繁荣,文化昌盛,决非前朝可比。社会经济的发展和人民生活的稳定,以及五光十色的城市生活的出现,给社会风俗的演变提供了历史条件,因此表现在节日风俗上的一个突出特点就是向娱乐型的演变。喧闹的城市生活,使人们抓住传统节日的机会,表现自己的情感,发泄胸中的郁闷,元旦日的放爆竹,不再看成是驱鬼驱魔,而象征着欢愉与热烈;元宵的祭神灯火,变成了人们游览观赏的花灯;中秋节由神秘的拜月逐渐变成赏月的习俗;重阳节已成了赏菊的盛会。城市生活中的节日频繁,人们也不愿总是守在家里,“游乐成观”、“仕女如云”。神的形象也在变化,织女成为真善美的化身,凶神恶煞的捉鬼门神也让位给唐朝屡建奇功的两位将军---在那个充满奔放情调的时代,民众追求丰富的生活情趣,在平淡和枯燥的生活中,亮出了一抹新奇。明清以降,中国的节日风俗进入了相对稳定发展的阶段。今日中国社会生活所运行不废的节日风俗,在明清时期基本上定型。参考资料:百度百科——中国节日
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2023-06-10 00:24:533


arbor 英["ɑ:bu0259]美["ɑ:bu0259]n. 凉亭;树木;(机器的)心轴;(钓鱼用的)浮子[例句]March 12 is arbor day.3月12日是植树节。
2023-06-10 00:25:001


“植树节”的英文表达为“Arbor Day”。Arbor Day 英[ˈɑ:bə deɪ] 美[ˈɑ:rbər deɪ] [词典] <美>植树节; 短语Arbor-Day 植树节 ; 植树节英语日记On Arbor Day 在植树节 ; 我的植树节 ; 植树节chellona arbor day 国植树节The Arbor Day Foundation 植树节基金会例句1.The idea for arbor day came from nebraska.植树节根源于美国内布拉斯加州。2.You don"t need to plant trees just on arbor day.也不能只在植树节种树嘛3.You may have heard of arbor day at school.你可能在学校里听过植树节。4.In china , arbor day is on march 12.在中国,植树节是在三月十二日。5.Last arbor day I planted two trees.去年的植树节,我种了两棵树。
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2023-06-10 00:26:261


您好!植树节英语为Arbor Day. 读音为["ɑrbər deɪ]。希望对你有所帮助,谢谢你的支持!
2023-06-10 00:26:561


Tree Planting Day植树节,
2023-06-10 00:27:103

Arbor Day是什么意思

植树节Arbor Day 应该是外国固定用语,tree planting day 像中国式英语Arbor Day(植树节)Arbor Day (Day of Trees) April 10 (the US, Canada, Australia...) In many countries it has long been the tradition to hold an annual tree or forest festival. The origin of such celebrations dates back to antiquity and is in the dawn of religious feeling and awe for what trees represented. However, Arbor Day, as it is commonly known today, is of American origin and evolved from conditions peculiar to the Great Plains. It was first observed in Nebraska in 1872. The idea, conceived by J.S. Morton, then a member of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture, was one of forest conservation. It was a move to promote replanting, following deforestation, and to plant up treeless areas. The idea has spread widely to other lands where it is variously celebrated as the "Festival of Trees", "Greening Week" of Japan, "The New Year"s Days of Trees" in Israel, "The Tree-loving Week" of Korea, "The Reforestation Week" of Yugoslavia, "The Students" Afforestation Day" of Iceland and "The National Festival of Tree Planting" in India. Arbor Day in its various forms is now recognised in more than fifty countries. THE IMPORTANCE OF ARBOR DAY On Arbor Day, particular attention is drawn to the part trees play in our lives. It"s not just a day to plant trees and then forget the gesture for another twelve months. Planting a tree one day is no credit to us if, during the rest of the year, we neglect to care for it and those already growing. Our thought on Arbor Day should be an expression of enduring feeling, thought and action and not just one single, isolated flame of interest. In schools and other community groups, this day can be celebrated in many different ways. ·By planting trees or shrubs in school grounds, along neighbouring streets or in civic parks. ·By "adopting" a patch of bush, with the landowner"s consent, and caring for it by removal of weeds, rubbish, etc, by preparing firebreaks and by fencing and making paths to reduce trampling. ·By presenting a play or mime about trees in the history of Australia. ·By completing a project about certain types of trees (eg. jarrah, boab, karri) or a famous tree like the Gloucester Tree near Pemberton. ·As a class activity or common interest group go on a visit to a bush area with a spokesperson to explain the characteristics of plant species and their niche in the natural environment. ·Collect some tree seeds, germinate them in a classroom, and plant out the seedling. ·Carry out identification of trees in a specific part of your school or neighbourhood. A tree labelling ceremony could also be arranged. ·Compile a list of everyday objects that are made of wood or wood-based materials, and find out how the wood was processed, where it came from and whatever else you can. Trees and shrubs, whether native or introduced to WA, provide opportunities for the interest and study by the whole community, and when we walk around our own neighbourhood or drive through the countryside, we can appreciate the importance of such a diversity of plants to the well being of humanity.
2023-06-10 00:27:171

植树节怎么说,英语是Arbor Day吗?

啊波儿day植树节的英文:Arbor DayTree Planting Day参考例句:Arbor Day(美国之)植树节arbor是什么意思:n. 1.【美】(= arbour) 藤架,凉亭 2.【植物】树,乔木(主要用于构成植物名称) 3.【机械学】心轴;指轴,(轮)轴,车轴,柄轴 4.(钓鱼用的)浮子Monkeys live in an arboreal habitat. 猴子生活在树上的栖息地。Man was evolved from an ancestor that was probably arboreal. 人大概是从住在树上的祖先进化而来的。Phelps has lived and trained in Ann Arbor, Mich . in recent years.菲利普斯现住在美国密西根州的安娜堡并且在那里接受训练。
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Introduction of Arbor Day
2023-06-10 00:27:583


1。 南加州大学  教研实力  42个终生制教授,33个研究教授和30个合聘教授共同组成的强大研究团队,研究小组包括人工智能,数据库与信息管理,图形、游戏与多媒体,并行与分布式计算,机器人、人脑理论与计算神经科学,软件系统与工程,通讯与系统,理论与计算科学。申请特点  USC的CS硕士项目主要分为8个研究方向:数据科学、游戏开发、计算机安全、计算机网络、软件工程、智能机器人硕士、多媒体与创意技术硕士、高能计算与模拟。每一个硕士 program 都招 30 人左右的班,招生人数较为庞大,这也是相对而言在专业排名前 30 的学校中它的申请难度大大低于其他高校的原因。但从近几年的数据来看,USC的申请难度貌似有些微提高,估计是一年比一年热门的缘故。但由于其招生人数颇多,GPA和托福GRE分数比较好的学生也可以一试。  地理位置  USC的CS教育在LA 是比较受到认可的,经常会有 Microsoft、Blizzard、EA、Konami 等大公司直接来实验室招聘,并且有较多机会将作品展示给各大公司职业人士,并获得反馈,在此过程中潜在的就业机会也是不容忽略的。此外,从地理位置的角度来考虑,离硅谷6小时车程,就业出路较好。  2。 佐治亚理工学院  教研实力  Gatech的CS 设在College of Computing 下,其中有三个school:School of Computer Science,School of Interactive Computing,School of Computational Science & Engineering。涉及的领域很宽广,目前有近两百位教研人员、8 个 research center。Gatech 录取后,换老师、换组比较容易,特别第一学期结束,不过鼓励尽早确定自己的研究兴趣。  申请特点  申请时需要提交财产证明。Gatech 开始给奖只给一年的,后面的可能还要再评。网申时必须指定一个教授还得说明对教授工作的理解什么。 三封网推。最低要求是 GPA 3。0/4。0,GRE V153 Q155 AW3。0,托福 100,对托福要求很高,会卡托福成绩。  地理位置  Tech 校园并不是很大,位于亚特兰大的中城(Midtown)地段。亚特兰大就业机会本身就不少。南部第一大航空港、可口可乐总部、CNN总部等等都在,本地机会很多。学院在提供 job opportunity 信息方面做得不错。  3。 德州农工大学  教研实力  研究领域包括:Human-Centered Systems, Intelligent Systems, Software, Systems, Theoretical Foundations, Bioinformatics, Brain Networks, Computational Science and Engineering, Digital Humanities, Security , Emergency Informatics。Master non-thesis 跟thesis 是可以自由转的,所以 Ms 进实验室机会还是很多的。  申请特点  德州农工的学费比较低。申请CS要求写很多文档,主要是职业规划,学术活动等等。CS有自己的申请系统,等学校的申请完了才发邮件给 ID上CS 自己的申请系统,过程比较繁琐。德州农工网申时,不会主动给你的推荐人信箱发送推送链接。网推最多可以填写10个推荐人。Ms 的绝大多数是211背景。  地理位置  德州农工在村里,开车到休斯顿一个多小时。德州主要的工作机会在那个三角区,而德州农工正好在最中间,有地理优势,但就业一般,据说在德州很多人去加州找工作。4。 加州大学尔湾分校  教研实力  UCI 的 CS 系设置于该校的信息与计算机科学学院下,是该院最大的系。研究方面,该系涉及到了CS 领域下11 个研究方向,包括:算法与复杂性,人工智能与机器学习、生物医学信息学、计算机体系结构与嵌入式系统、计算机图形学与可视化计算、数据库与数据挖掘、网络与分布式系统、编程语言与编译、安全隐私与密码学、科学计算以及普适计算。其中,网络与系统、人工智能和计算机安全这几个方面的研究实力最为突出。  申请特点  UCI 的 ICS 只开放秋季招生,网申从9月15就开始了,开设了 MS 和 Ph。D 两种学位。可选的program 有 MS/Ph。D Computer Science, MS/Ph。D Information and Computer Science , MS/Ph。D Network Systems 和 MS/Ph。D Software Engineering。  UCI 是 UC 系列的院校里录取中国学生较多的院校之一,CS 专业更是如此,总的申请难度并不是太高,不过会比较注重硬件成绩,GPA 3。5+,GRE319+ ,TOEFL 100+ 的申请者才有较大的录取可能性。 对于申请者的软性背景也有较高的要求,看重申请者的专业项目经历和论文发表经历,工作经验也会为申请加分。因此,专业背景丰富的申请者在保障成绩的情况下拿到录取就有较大的把握。地理位置  加州由于其高度发达的经济市场,为 CS 毕业生提供了得天独厚的优势。 尔湾是美国加利福尼亚州橙县的一个城市,位于该县中部。近几年经济速度增长很快,当地有许多IT企业,UCI的 CS 学生很容易能找到实习机会,同时也能有较好的就业前景。除此之外,尔湾附近的洛杉矶、萨克拉门托市、旧金山湾区的圣何塞市都对CS人才需求很大。  5。 华盛顿大学  教研实力  华盛顿大学的计算机专业在全美也是很不错的。首先院系规模较大,在职60名Faculty成员,每年近200位博士在读,还有大量的Master。专业排名也不错,本科计算机专业排名12,各个分支发展比较均衡,其中最强的当属,排名前5,其他分支领域也基本都位列前10。  申请特点  华盛顿的软件工程、system一流,申请难度也比较大。其他专业相对倒不是特别难申。  地理位置  西雅图作为一个国际著名大都市,也算是美国最适宜居住和工作的城市之一了。首先气候上这里夏天清凉,冬天不冷,风景优美,气候宜人,青山、绿水、空气清新。  并且西雅拥有最多世界巨头,像微软公司、波音飞机公司、亚马逊公司、星巴克公司、美国电报电话移动通讯公司、英特尔公司工业园均坐落在西雅图,就业优势显著。华盛顿大学很大一部分毕业生直接进入这些大公司了,在这些公司中,华盛顿大学毕业生所占的比例最大,而且绝对大。6。 雪城大学  教研实力  雪城大学的 CS 系与 EE 系合并在同一系下,这也是作为雪城的办学特色,因为学生可以跨学科学习。学校非常重视研究能力,学生在学习过程中也有机会参与到研究项目当中。由于 EECS 合办的原因,该系的研究方向是有比较大的交叉性的,共有17 个研究方向。其中属于 CS 领域的专业方向包括:人工智能、复杂系统、分布式信息系统、高信任设计、计算机科学中的逻辑和逻辑编程、神经网络、程序设计语言、软件工程、系统安全以及计算理论。  雪城大学是为数不多的,被指定为 National Security Agency Center of Excellence 的高校之一,因此学校在系统安全这一方面的研究很有实力。申请特点  学校开设的 program 包括 MSc in Computer Science,MSc in Computer Engineering 和 Ph。D in Computer and Information Science and Engineering,分两季招生。前几年申请的时候,雪城大学在CS 专业申请方面是另一个高综合排名的 AD 狂,每年发放的录取非常多,门槛也较低。申请者的条件只要达到 GPA 80 分左右, 旧GRE 1000 以上, TOEFL80 分以上,拿到该校的录取就不难。另外,该校还有一个特点就是喜欢向一些条件较好的申请者发放 30%学费减免的奖学金,以此吸引优秀学生入学。但从近两年的录取看来,想要被录取至少要保证新GRE311+,T90+,GPA3。2+,并且最好有论文。  地理位置  雪城大学的地理位置并不很好,位于美国纽约上州中部的城市。城市本身对于CS专业同学来说就业没有很大优势,但是多数学生可以去纽约、宾厄姆顿和水牛城等城市就业。7。 俄亥俄州立大学  教研实力  OSU 的计算机科学与计算机工程合并在同一个系里,它在计算机研究和计算机教育方面的实力领先,学院长期与校外企业有合作交流。研究领域可以分为 7个类别:人工智能、计算机图形学、计算机网络、软件工程,系统,产业及理论与算法。其中 Industrial Collaboration (产业合作),是学校以企业 IT 技术的利用与创新为导向的新兴研究。OSU的CS研究方向中,实力较为出色的有系统、计算机网络、人工智能。    申请特点  OSU 的 CS 开设了硕士和博士学位,国际生只有秋季招生。OSU 素有Only Score University 之称,然而这一称号放在 CS 专业下面却是不成立的。该校在 CS 方面的录取门槛其实并不十分高,不过要求各方面比较平均,一般来说 GPA 80+,GRE311+ ,TOEFL 80+ 以上的硬件条件就有机会能够拿到录取了,不过同时作为申请者应该注意专业背景方面的积累以及专业匹配度。地理位置  俄亥俄州是美国的另一个制造中心,以制造业为支柱产业,相对来说高科技计算机产业并不是十分发达。比较适合 CS 专业人才就业的城市或地区有哥伦布市、克利夫兰、辛辛那提。  OSU 所在地哥伦布市距离 Purdue 大学所在的印第安那州的州府印第安那波利斯市只需要3个多小时的车程;而距离 CMU 和 University of Pittsburgh 所在的匹兹堡市也只需要3小时左右的车程。地理上的便利使得 OSU 的 CS 毕业生在就业去向上也有较多的选择。
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严格来说,美国春天是3月才开始 (今年2010,3月20是春季第一天),大概3个月,即是到5月20左右, 这期间的美国节日包括:四月四日 Easter 复活节四月?日(各州不同) Arbor Day 植树节四月二十二日 Earth Day 地球日五月四日 (五月第一个星期二) National Teachers Day 教师节五月九日 (五月第二个星期日) Mother"s Day 母亲节五月十二日 (南丁格尔生日) National Nurses Day 护士节当然最有名的只是复活节和母亲节而已,其他的节日只是在特定圈子或行业里有庆祝,而且很多人也没有去留意。
2023-06-10 00:29:183


植树节英语作文范文(精选10篇)   植树节是一些国家为激发人们爱林、造林的.感情,促进国土绿化,保护人类赖以生存的生态环境,通过立法确定的节日。以下我为大家精心准备了植树节英语作文范文,希望可以帮助到大家!   植树节英语作文 篇1   March 12 is the anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen"s death. Dr. Sun Yat-sen had attached great importance to forestry. He served as provisional president of the Republic of China soon after the establishment of the Nanjing Government, in May 1912 established the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, under the forest Division, director of national forestry administration of. In November 1914 enacted the first of China"s modern history, a "Forest Law", in July 1915, the Government has stipulated that the annual "Qingming" as Tree-Planting Day.   植树节英语作文 篇2   Yesterday was Tree Planting Day. The teachers asked us to plant trees at the corner of our playground. At 3:00 in the afternoon, we got there. Our teacher showed us how to plant trees,then we started to do it. Some dug the pits, some put trees in them and others watered them. We planted a lot of trees. When we finished our work, it was nearly dark.   植树节英语作文 篇3   It‘s been a long time since I‘ve done something positive to the environment. Feeling guilty-ridden and determined to do something that I know would definitely please my parents and teachers,I decided to plant several trees on the hill in the rural area of the city on tree planting day with a few friends.   Feeling breezy and light-hearted, we came to the foot of the hill and selected a place that looked suitable and settled down. We spent a few hours digging holes and placing the young seedlings. We took numerous pictures of the beautiful place. We also wrote our wishes and buried it deep down the roots of the trees. I felt tired quickly and though I didn‘t realise it, it was time to go. I gazed up at the sky and took in all the wonderful features of Mother Nature. I felt really glad that we made it for this trip and sweared that I would do my part on protecting the environment.   植树节英语作文 篇4   Today is Arbor Day, planting trees in our school will hold a activity, news spread, the students can be happy, some even jumped up. On the way to the tree planting, the classmates all the way spring breeze, like a spring loaded under foot. The country garden overflow cui yuan"s big lawn, students scrambling to immediately picked up a hoe to dig a hole to plant trees. I also picked up a hoe, bow back, bent hard digging holes. The great lawn immediately there was hoeing and classmates happy laughter. Live in the neighbourhood of grandpa, grandma heard our laughter, all come out watching and smiling. Really as good as feast. To plant trees is not an easy thing, I only do for a while, began to soft hand, feet also fast support not to live, not careful, hey, I fell down.   But see the classmates some digging holes, some saplings, and water, many classmates was too tired to sweat, asthma hush also refused to take a rest, I also unwilling to lag behind, stood up and continue to dig again. Dig! Dig, a big bucket of buffalos finally dig a well, companion and I immediately put the saplings in a pit, covered with soil, step, and then poured some water, a tree seedlings and so rooted in the soil. Ah! Added a green country garden again, one more green life on the earth! We are delighted. Next, we have done more energised, a hole to dig a pit, and plant trees. We kind of a tree a tree again, slowly forget fatigue, a trickle of sweat falls in the dirt, we are helping to clean. A gust of wind blew the tree a shake a put, like to see us so industrious, sing to us all. Even seedlings to encourage us, we would be more hard, one, two, three... Seedlings on the increase.   More than an hour passed, and under the hard work of the students, more than 130 small trees swaggering and settled down in deep emerald green garden. We looked at the sight of saplings, into a beautiful daydream: this is our own hands the trees planted, we will grow up with the young trees. When we grow up to become useful, these saplings will also be hits the towering trees...   植树节英语作文 篇5   On March 12, is the annual Arbor Day, today is a sunny, cloudless, the spring breeze stroke of good times.   Our classmates came to school early in the morning, waiting for 50 cents at 7 "I add green" for the school opening ceremony of the activities. Soon as the athletes march, we lined up to plastic playground, ms shen called every class first sent a classmate on flag set about feelings of the Arbor Day.   Grade one students talk makes me very shock, one (1) class finished, class a (2) if I didn"t listen to wrong, there was a classmate donated 430 yuan, so I am surprised. The feeling of the grade two and grade three talk very well, and also very loud voice, really surprised me. Senior year I want to talk about is our class fang-yu chang best, she said "we hope our campus is becoming more and more beautiful"...   When "the dedication of love" the beautiful melody of rings, our heart also follow boiling up, finally, we get students to donate money into the box. Class 1, grade four, four donated more than 500, 4 (2) class donated more than 300, 4 (3) and four (4) class donated more than 700 each. Alas, our class so I donate too embarrassed, I couldn"t let our class donated time, green campus but we each person"s paradise!   How time flies, the opening ceremony is over, let us love together in the future green, create the new campus of the beautiful.   植树节英语作文 篇6   Today is March 12 Arbor Day, I especially like Arbor Day. Because it can beautify the environment, you can let more animals come to our beautiful Xi"an. Can also plant some trees next to the desert, you can prevent dust storms, the most important thing is that it can also add fresh air to us too!   I think there is no life without trees, oxygen can actually breathe! If there is a tree, he will give us oxygen! So now the oxygen in the earth is endless breathing!   I hope my classmates planted some small trees, but also must take care of the small trees!   植树节英语作文 篇7   Tree-planting Day Today is Tree-planting Day. We went to plant trees in Daning Greenland. As soon as we arrived, we began to work.Some were digging holes, some were planting and others were watering. We all know trees are very useful to man. Growing trees means saving man himself. We all worked very hard. When the sun went down, we came back home. Although we were very tired, we felt very happy.   植树节英语作文 篇8   Today, I proposed for grandma, the school is in construction, air pollution is serious, want to have more trees and flowers, grandma agreed to my proposal, and brought me to the morning market sea mooring river see flowers.   We take the 229 road car, in a short time. Out of the car and the first thing you see is the crowd of people mountain people sea in buy a wide variety of goods, followed by the sea bridge, it like a dragon flying in the sky. We walk while see, the market on many people also many, bustling, someone every booth, in three outer layer around, pointing, pick and choose, bargaining, is really very busy, cries, TaoJiaSheng, a than a ring.   We saw the vegetable stall on bright red tomatoes, saw green spinach, saw the eggplant purple... Really makes a person dazzling, vendors enthusiastic Shouting, he always smiles to meet every customer. Customers look in all directions, the choose and buy the things they need. Walk for half an hour, finally to the flower market, the varied, blossom. These flowers are beautiful! A basin to the second... It"s number is countless.   I asked my grandma: "so many flowers, should choose which one?" Grandma said: "spring is coming, although there is no shops here, but there are primroses, then we will buy a few primroses." My grandma and I decided to buy five POTS of red with yellow primroses. There is a green, hairy xiao yun loose.   During the Arbor Day, the flowers and chamaecyparis pisifera for favorite teacher wang. Grandma said: "these flower in a class can not only purify air, still can insect-resistant!" Red as fire, can bring to class a good atmosphere, cloud pines on behalf of the king of the gentle, good teacher, she like the gardener, cultivating our everyday, we grew up like the flowers every day.   植树节英语作文 篇9   It was fine on March 12 , 20xx . I got up early that day . All the students in our school went to the hill to plant trees .   We arrived at the hill at eight o"clock . The teacher asked each of us to plant at least six trees . Then we started digging , planting and watering . We all worked so hard that we could finish our tasks ahead of tim e . Among us , Wang Lin , our monitor set a good example for us . Though he was ill , he worked harder . When he finished his task , he went on to help others without even a little rest . He was wet all over after work .“ I must learn from him ,” I said to myself . Looking at the lines of the young trees , we smiled happily , forgetting our tiredness .   植树节英语作文 篇10   Warm spring came,three lovely children to the park to plant trees,their hands,some holding a kettle,some holding branches,while others digging pit. There are groups of lively and lovely little monkeys in the trees to play happily,groups of birds singing and dancing songs flying happily in the sky,crystal clear fish in a pool of golden fish swimming in the water . Flowing rushing streams,moisture tree seedlings. Where three students go,there will be a clean robe.   At this time,they have come to a good place for afforestation. Young pioneers are preparing to plant trees. They sing little poems. They ride the spring breeze,laughter all the way and march toward the barren hills. The spring dyed our feet. These sentences Ten years of trees,a hundred years of trees,ah,this is really a meaningful Arbor Day. ;
2023-06-10 00:29:541


【 #英语资源# 导语】植树节是按照法律规定宣传保护树木,并组织动员群众积极参加以植树造林为活动内容的节日。下面是 整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助! 1.难忘的植树节英语作文   Spring returns to the earth, and everything wakes up. On March 12, the annual Arbor Day comes again. On this day of every year, many people will participate in various tree planting activities to welcome the arrival of spring and beautify their homeland with practical actions.   You know, human beings grow up gradually in the green cradle. The mist in the forest, the singing of birds and insects, the fragrant flowers of wild grass, birds and animals have made our ancestors perfect day by day. How many green life secrets are hidden in each of our cell genes! From the primitive to the present, people have experienced different stages. Although their living standards have improved, they have always been worried about health. The lack of green life causes environmental pollution and people"s life and health can not be guaranteed. Therefore, without green life, there will be no beautiful home and healthy body. Therefore, we should cherish green life more.   Cherish the green environment, create a green environment, cherish health, cherish life, and create a beautiful home. Everyone likes the green environment. Of course, we are no exception!   Look! On this day, the sky was clear and warm. We carried jubilant trees and shovel, and came to Wuxi suburb, Qian Zhou, with great interest. We came to an open space, which will be the place where green little life will be bred. First of all, the teacher assigned us jobs and explained some key points of planting trees, and then we took action. Some are helping the saplings, some are cultivating the soil, and some are stepping on them... Facing the spring breeze, every student has a bright smile on his face, not to mention the joy. He can"t even wipe his face with sweat. In the evening, the trees were finally planted, and the students returned home with joy on their faces.   Spring is the season for planting trees. I hope you will take action in spring and plant more trees to make the blue sky, white clouds and fresh air of our motherland"s mother bluer; At the same time, I hope everyone can take action in the spring of life, plant the small saplings in their hearts, build the great ideal of life, and let the spring have no regrets! 2.难忘的植树节英语作文   Yesterday was the annual Arbor Day. I wish you a happy Arbor Day! Although it"s a little late to wish you a happy arbor day today, I will bless you all.   Speaking of arbor day, I sometimes think of the story that happened on arbor day. This is something I can"t forget now: on the day of arbor day in 20XX, there was a drizzle. That day was the first arbor day activity organized by my community. Our family of three also participated in this activity. What we planted was an apple tree. We planted the apple tree seedling in front of the door of my building. My parents and I dug pits, carried water, put saplings and filled soil. The three members of our family worked together and soon an apple tree was planted. Finally, we hung the iron plate made by a property company for us in advance on the planted apple tree. The iron plate engraved with the names of the first arbor day, father, mother and me. Uncle security also recorded the whole process of planting trees on our day with a camera.   The apple tree we planted has grown a lot now, and more than a dozen small apples were planted last year! In spring, when it sprouts, I often water and fertilize it. I"m so happy to watch the little tree grow up day by day! It is also a thing worth remembering.   Through that tree planting activity, I realized the hard work of landscaping workers. I must love flowers and trees. At the same time, I also want to drive my classmates and friends to love flowers and trees. 3.难忘的植树节英语作文   Today is the annual Arbor Day. In order to contribute to nature, I went to plant trees with my "best friend" Ruan Shengyan. We chose Nanshan. So I took two saplings, Ruan Shengyan took water and shovel, and we set off.   When we came to Nanshan, we began to look for a place. After looking for a while, Xiao Ruan found a wonderful place. There was plenty of sunshine and fertile soil. It seemed that this was the land of. I looked at it, Said, "let"s do it. So I took up the shovel and dug it up. In order to make the tree strong, I dug a hole 30 centimeters deep and 20 centimeters in diameter, and just excavated the first spade. The fragrance of the earth came up to my nose. It was delicious. Digging a little bit always made a dig. It made me angry. I was hard boiled, and I dug up and dug for a while. Be accomplished, but I was sweating and weak limbs. I sat on the ground, I picked up the kettle and greedily sucked the water, ah! It"s so comfortable. At this time, the breeze blows, and the woods make a loud noise, as if the woods are playing a welcome symphony for us. I think we should add new members to them, and they will thank us again. After a rest, my energy is replenished. We started working again, Xiao Ruan said, "you put the tree and I"ll water it "When we said we would do it, I picked up the saplings and put them in the first dug pit, filled the soil first, and then stepped on the soil to fix the saplings, and Xiao Ruan immediately poured water on them. Ha ha, it was a great success. We both clapped hands at the same time, and there was an unspeakable joy in our hearts. I think this is what people often call a sense of achievement! Touching the saplings, we reluctantly went down the mountain On the way, my heart began to daydream that in another 20 years, this little tree I planted will grow into a towering tree. I couldn"t help laughing.   It seems that today is a harvest day. We must also be a qualified little guard of environmental protection. 4.难忘的植树节英语作文   Today is the anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat Sen and also the arbor day on March 12. In order to commemorate Dr. Sun Yat Sen"s contribution to the country, the people of the motherland set today as a day to add new green to the motherland.   It"s spring now. In the morning, Xiao Hong and I went to the suburbs to plant trees. We walked happily on the road. We saw beautiful flowers, tall trees and a fiery red sun hanging in the air. The sun was shining on my head, and drops of sweat fell from my head.   When I got there, I took out a small shovel and dug a tree pit in a sunny place. Then I put a small sapling in. Xiao Hong held the small tree. I picked up the shovel and filled in the soil. In this way, the small sapling was planted. Xiaohong went to the river to fetch water with a bucket. When she came back, she slowly poured the water into the tree pit. I was so tired that I was sweating. I wiped the sweat on my head with a towel. Xiao Hong looked at me and laughed, and a passing bird also laughed.   The tree planting task was completed. When Xiaohong and I left, we were worried that someone would destroy the small tree, so we tied a red scarf on it, which said "love greening and defend the motherland". At this time, a bird stopped on the sapling, as if to say to me: "children, I will build a nest on it!" The little tree also seemed to say to me, "little master, don"t go. You have added more greening. You will be rewarded by your mother." 5.难忘的植树节英语作文   Today is Arbor Day. After dinner, my cousin and I prepared the shovel bucket, and our uncle rushed to take us to plant trees. Uncle pulled the car, carrying a bundle of small saplings and tree planting tools. The three of us didn"t want to take the car. Following the car, the group set out in high spirits.   Walking on the path in the field, the warm spring breeze brushed my cheek, itching and very comfortable. At the destination, uncle asked us who would dig the pit. I grabbed the shovel first and dug it. However, I made enough effort to eat milk and only dug a little land that was as big as my palm. My uncle grinning happily over the shovel and soon he dug a hole. I carefully put the saplings into the pit and straightened them. Cousin hurriedly helped fill the pit. Half of the pit was outside, "strong, don"t fill it up, you have to water it!" Looking at my cousin"s busy appearance, I laughed and shouted. Look at my little cousin. She"s not idle. You see, she is staggering towards us with a small basin, her little face red. Uncle quickly picked it up and poured it into the pit. Ha, it"s just wet enough for a layer of soil. We all laughed, and our cousin smiled shyly. After watering, we have to step on the soil. "Look at me, invincible strong feet!" My cousin shouted, rushed up with a vigorous step and frantically stepped on the soil around the small tree. Seeing this, I quickly shouted, "Zhuang Zi, slow down, don"t step on it!" "No, don"t worry!" My cousin is so naughty. I have nothing to do with him. I had to take my cousin to plant another tree.   After being crazy for a while, my cousin came to plant trees with us. Before long, a row of lovely little trees stood by the path. Looking at the little tree planted by myself, I realized the hard work and silently wished: little tree, I hope we can grow together and grow into a towering tree as soon as possible. Under the spring breeze, the little sapling seemed to hear my wish, nodded and thanked us.   Bathed in the spring, we sang and walked on the way home: "... Dear partner, dear little tree, may we share the sunshine and rain, and may we cherish this beautiful time until we grow into towering trees..." 6.难忘的植树节英语作文   Today is Arbor Day on March 12. Under the leadership of my father and mother, my classmate Yin Zezhou and I went to forest lake to plant trees.   Dad drove his car and slowly left the prosperous urban area and came to the quiet suburbs. The willows beside the road spit out fresh green buds, and the fresh air slipped into my nostrils. We are in a very happy mood.   Unknowingly, we came to the forest lake. Many little friends planted trees with their parents. We followed the adults to the tree planting place, and quickly grabbed two shovel, two small seedlings and a bucket, found a vacant land and began to plant trees.   Mom and dad gave us a demonstration, told us how to grasp the soil, first we should grasp the shovel with both hands, and push the back with the foot on the shovel, then we can dig the pit deeper and deeper. We dug up according to the instructions of our parents. I just dug a few times and felt tired and hot. I quickly took off my coat and went to battle light.   It was not easy to dig the pit deep. Unexpectedly, the more tired task is still waiting for us. We put the young trees into the pit and had to fill in the soil bit by bit. After watering the trees. Although Yan Zezhou was bigger than me, he always asked me to carry water. I walked carefully with buckets in my hands, lest the water flow out and take a rest. Finally, I mentioned it to the small tree and let the small tree drink water.   Finally, we wrote our name on the sign and tied it to the tree with a red rope. We took a group photo with the small tree we planted. The small tree seemed to be a friend of mine, laughing with me.   I had a good time today. I"ll come and see my little tree more when I have a chance in the future. 7.难忘的植树节英语作文   It was fine on March 12 , 2001 . I got up early that day . All the students in our school went to the hill to plant trees .   We arrived at the hill at eight o"clock . The teacher asked each of us to plant at least six trees . Then we started digging , planting and watering . We all worked so hard that we could finish our tasks ahead of tim e . Among us , Wang Lin , our monitor set a good example for us . Though he was ill , he worked harder . When he finished his task , he went on to help others without even a little rest . He was wet all over after work .“ I must learn from him ,” I said to myself . Looking at the lines of the young trees , we smiled happily , forgetting our tiredness . 8.难忘的植树节英语作文   In many countries it has long been the tradition to hold an annual tree or forest festival. The origin of such celebrations dates back to antiquity and is in the dawn of religious feeling and awe for what trees represented. However, Arbor Day, as it is commonly known today, is of American origin and evolved from conditions peculiar to the at Plains. It was first observed in Nebraska in 1872. 9.难忘的植树节英语作文   Every year, March 12 is Arbor Day. This year"s Arbor Day, I have become a primary school student. The school brigade organized us to participate in tree planting activities in the suburbs to improve the students" ability to take care of nature since childhood. Awareness of caring for the environment.   It was a fine morning and the sun was shining on the earth. After we drove to a suburban underground car, I held a shovel, bucket and carrying seedlings with my classmates. Come to the open space and start planting trees. I"m the first group. Our task is to water the young trees. Shi Ruoqi is the second group. Their task is to fertilize the young trees. Yu Dongli is the third group. Their task is to dig holes for small trees. Loosen the soil and plant small saplings. Everyone is busy doing what they should do and is doing it in full swing. In high spirits. There was a happy smile on everyone"s face. When they finished the tree species, it wa
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有那么几个,现在能上的k㎞⒍㏄ 这一个了
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