barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-10 08:12:05

1. 控制人流/人流控制 = To control people streams 2. 船只班次控制 = To maintain the vessels schedules 3. 处理乘客查询 = To handle passengers inquiries 4. 协助乘客购买代币 = To assist passengers to purchase tokens 5. 协助乘客登船 = To assist passengers boarding

(1) Control of the flow rate for people. (2) Control schedule for ferry. (3) Passage enquiry. (4) Assisting the passages to purchase the token. (5) Assisting the passages aboard.

crowd control frequentcy control of vessels / ships Customers enquiry / serivce Assist passengers to buy tokens Help passengers to borad on ships.

1. Passenger traffic control/management 2. Vessel schedule management/arrangement 3. Passenger inquiries. 4. Assistance for token exchange for passengers. 5. Assistance for passenger boarding.

1. Passenger traffic management. 2. Vessel schadule management. 3. Passenger inquires. 4. Token exchange for passager. 5. Assist passenger boarding.

1. 控制人流/人流控制 = Crowd control 2. 船只班次控制 = Frequency control of the vessel 3. 乘客查询 = customer problems 4. 协助乘客购买代币 = To assist passengers to purchase tokens 5. 协助乘客登船 = Help passengers board the vessel

1.Stream of people control 2.The ships school grade order controls 3.Passenger inquiry 4.Assists the passenger to purchase a generation of coin 5.Assists the passenger to go on board



2023-06-09 16:42:171


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2023-06-09 16:42:556


  enquiry的汉语意思   英 [u026an"kwau026au0259ru026a] 美 [u025bnu02c8kwau026ari, u02c8u025bnkwu0259ri]   第三人称复数:enquiries   名词 查询; 询问; 调查; 问讯处   enquiry 相关例句   名词   1. After months of enquiry we finally discovered the truth.   经过几个月调查,我们最后发现了真相。   2. An official enquiry into the incident was launched.   官方对这一事件进行了调查。   3. Thank you for your enquiry / enquiries about my health.   谢谢你问候我的健康情况。   enquiry的单语例句   1. Some local authorities may prefer a categorical negative answer to any such speculative enquiry.   2. On Tuesday an enquiry was launched after hackers pirated the computer system at the French laboratory.   3. The arraigned man did not cooperate with Zhao because he was tired of enquiry procedures and showed his indifference to each question the prosecutor asked.   4. Such an enquiry has nothing to do with any " state secret ".   5. The harassed attendants behind the airport enquiry counters directed irritated passengers to the ticket sales counters.   6. Enquiry services for ticket and other information at five MTR stations will be outsourced to cope with staff shortage after the new line opens.   7. Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee disclosed the figures on Wednesday, in response to a legislator"s enquiry about pickpocketing activities targeting the more valuable smart phones.   8. A good place for America"s President to begin his enquiry is with some of the editorial pages from America"s leading newspapers.   9. He asked for help from a receptionist at the enquiry desk but was told to call 999.   enquiry的双语例句   1. For more information on these or other Triton products please complete our Enquiry Form.   欲了解更多信息或其他海卫产品请填写我们的查询表格。   2. It is a counterpoised enquiry into a theory whatever conceive cannot be true, but some concord cannot be ignored.   这是对于一个从很多方面来说不能全信,但又不能被忽视的.理论的一场没有偏向的调查。   3. We hope to receive your specific enquiry at an early date.   我们希望早日收到你方的具体询价单。   4. Please let us have your specific enquiry if you are interested in any of the items listed in the catalogue.   我公司专营纺织品出口,很乐意在平等互利的基础上与贵公司关系。   5. We will send you our price list and samples to you as soon as we receive your specific enquiry.   一旦收到你方的具体查询,我们会尽快给你方发去价格表和样品。   6. S amples and quotations will be immediately sent to you upon receipt of your specific enquiry.   我们坚信与贵方的贸易有广阔的发展空间。
2023-06-09 16:43:261

enquiry 中文是什么意思

是一个名词。意思是:查询 询问 询问处
2023-06-09 16:43:332


您好,我就为大家解答关于enquiry在商务英语中怎么翻译,外贸英语中INQUIRY和ENQUIRY的具体区别是什么啊相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我... 您好,我就为大家解答关于enquiry在商务英语中怎么翻译,外贸英语中INQUIRY和ENQUIRY的具体区别是什么啊相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 1、外贸英语中INQUIRY和ENQUIRY这两个词是同一个意思,即“询盘,询价”,具体的区别如下:单词属地不同(1)enquiry是英式英语;(2)inquiry是美式英语。 2、2、用法不同(1)enquiry用法:常与介词about〔into〕连用。 3、作“调查”解时,通常以正式会议或其行动的方式进行。 4、(2)inquiry用法:后面介词可以使用about。 5、指“调查”时,也时可数名词,但接介词into。 6、扩展资料enquiry固定搭配enquiry agencies咨询机构2、credit enquiry信用查询 ; 资信调查3、enquiry list询价单4、enquiry position查询座席5、OFFICIAL Enquiry正式询问 ; 官方查询 ; 官方调查6、statements enquiry调查表 ; 语句查询 ; 报表查询7、Application Enquiry申请查询 ; 应用程序查询 ; 正在翻译8、Data Enquiry资料检查9、attribute enquiry属性询问 ; 属性查询参考资料来源:百度百科-enquiry百度百科-inquiry。
2023-06-09 16:43:581


enquiry和inquiry,发音和意思都一样,如何区分呢enquiry [ɪnˈkwaɪəri] 和 inquiry [ɪnˈkwaɪəri] 发音一样,它们都是“询问,打听,查询”等的意思,那怎么区分它们呢?一、enquiry 作名词,意为“调查,查究;询问,打听;探究,探索”,例如:I have received an enquiry about your daughter"s situation.我收到一份关于你女儿情况的调查。She has taken my enquiry as a personal affront.她将我的询问当成了人身侮辱。The truth is most unlikely to be brought to light by the promised enquiry.承诺要进行的调查极不可能揭露真相。解析:be unlikely to do sth | that … 表示不可能做某事,而且常用 more unlikely 或 most unlikely 组合,表示程度很大的不可能性。二、inquiry 作名词,跟 enquiry 的意思一样,例如:The commissioner promised to launch an inquiry into the fraud case.专员答应对这起诈骗案展开调查。The inquiry found evidence of serious misapplication of funds.调查发现了严重滥用资金的证据。A new team of detectives were called in to conduct a fresh inquiry.一个新的侦探队被请来进行新的调查。解析:短语动词 call in 意为“请来,找来”。三、两者的区别相信大家对意思一样且拼写非常接近的单词的区别已经心里有底了,类似于 airplane 和 aeroplane 的区别。在美国,enquiry 和 inquiry 是通用的,但 inquiry 更常用,因为很多美国人认为 enquiry 是拼写错误;在英国,enquiry 和 inquiry 也是通用的,但是还是有一个明显的区别:inquiry 用于正式的调查,而 enquiry 用于标准的问题。
2023-06-09 16:44:121


1、语境不同inquiry一般指调查,enquiry一般指询问。比如court of inquiry指的是军事调查法庭,用作court of enquiry的话就不合适了。而协助警方调查表达为to help the police with their inquiries,这里的inquiries用enquiries替代也不适合。英文enquiry office或enquiry counter,一般指机构的询问处,称为inquiry office或inquiry counter的话就不合适了。问汇率高低时,例句:I will make enquiries about the exchange rates,这里的enquiries也不适合改作inquiries。2、属性不同enquiry和inquiry只是在写法上的不同,一个是英式英语,一个是美式英语,可以参考牛津第6版的字典,上面没有明说两者的区别。3、用法不同inquiry 是近代演变来的,用法比较随意,在日常生活中用得比较多,还有就是美国人拼写喜欢用i,所以在美国英语里用inquiry比较符合他们的习惯;在英国英语里,两个词不是完全同义,enquiry是指问问题,inquiry是指比较正式的调查质询,所以如果只是问问题,用enquiry比较好。
2023-06-09 16:44:211


翻译如下enquiryn.查询;询问;调查;问讯处例句She has taken my enquiry as a personal affront. 她将我的询问当成了人身侮辱。
2023-06-09 16:44:472


2023-06-09 16:45:021


enquiry is british english, inquiry is american english.
2023-06-09 16:45:102


enquire - askinquiry/enquiry - investigation, examination, exploration, probe, scrutiny query - question. inquiry 可用在很正式的场合,如司法审讯,还能表示业务方面的咨询、普通的疑问等。用作名词query 一般表示查询,质问,是名词。
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2023-06-09 16:46:064


enquiry的意思enquiry的基本意思是“打听,询问”,常与介词about〔into〕连用。enquiry作“调查,查问”解时,通常以正式会议或其行动的方式进行。enquiry的复数形式可作“问讯处”解。英[u026an"kwau026au0259ru026a]美[u025bnu02c8kwau026ari, u02c8u025bnkwu0259ri]n. 询问;调查;查询;问讯处名词复数:enquiries[例句]Its letter had been written in a genuine spirit of enquiry.信中确实是询问的语气。
2023-06-09 16:46:151

enquiry 和 offer 的区别

enquiry 和 offer 的区别:一般机构的询问处,英文是enquiry office或enquiry counter,要问问汇率高低,英文是I will make enquiries about the exchange rates。offer是英文“录取通知书”的意思。求职应聘者通过用人单位人力资源部的筛选、考察、面试等环节,最终被对方同意录用,对方便发出一份offer,表示求职者应聘成功,将在该单位得到某个工作职位。
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2023-06-09 16:46:524


一个英式一个美式 表示询问
2023-06-09 16:47:172

在阿里巴巴 中 询盘和访客 有什么区别的?

2023-06-09 16:48:043

intellectual enquiry是什么意思

当前位置:在线翻译 > 英语翻译 > intellectual enquiry intellectual enquiry是什么意思中文翻译手机版知识探求 知识探索 intellectual: adj. 1.智力的,理智的。 2.用脑筋的,需智力的。 ... enquiry: n. =inquiry. 例句与用法1. Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned , orderly , systematic , and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena社会科学是知识探索的一个分支,它致力于以自然科学家研究自然现象的同样方式,理性、有序、系统而冷静地研究人类及其行为。 2. Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study huma and their endeavors in the same reasoned , orderly , systematic , and di a ioned ma er that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena社会科学是知识探索的一个分支,它力图像自然科学家研究自然现象那样,用理性的、有序的、系统的和冷静的方式研究人类及其行为。
2023-06-09 16:48:131


the company/people sending the RFQ/inquiry/enquiry.
2023-06-09 16:48:214


2023-06-09 16:48:441


摘要:本文试从商务英语词汇特点入手,通过商务英语翻译事例分析,对商务英语翻译标准及术语翻译原则两方面作了初步的探讨,以使译者对商务英语有充分认识并在翻译中做到游刃有余。   关键词:商务英语;普通英语;术语;功能对等;术语对等   商务英语源于普通英语,但又是普通英语与商务各领域专业知识的结合。因此,商务英语除具有普通英语的语言学特征之外,又具有其独特性。独特性之一就是:商务英语有许多完全不同于其它种类英语词汇之含义的词汇和专业术语。因此,翻译商务英语语篇时,译者除掌握必要的翻译技巧外,还应具有商务专业知识。本文拟从商务英语词汇的特点出发对商务英语翻译标准及商务英语术语对等翻译原则作一番探讨。   一、商务英语词汇的特点   英语词汇的特点是“涵义范围比较宽,比较丰富多彩,词义对上下文的依赖性比较大,独立性比较小”。也就是说当英语中词语孤立的时候,我们无法说出它的具体意义,因为它具有该词语在使用中可能具有的一切词义,只有依赖其所在的上下文或者该词语同其它词语的搭配或者组合关系我们才能辨别其具体意义,在普通英语中词汇如此,在商务英语中词汇更是如此,甚至商务英语词汇除此之外,还具有如下其它特征:   1、商务英语词汇的丰富性www.Examda.CoM   商务英语词汇的丰富性来源于商务英语语篇的丰富性。商务英语语篇指在商务活动中使用的各种正式与非正式文件,具有实用性、多样性和行业性的特点。按照其语言表现形式,可归纳为公文体、广告体和论说体三类。其中商务信函、合同、法律文书、通知等主要表现为公文体形式。商务公文体词汇的特点是以书面词为主,用词正式、严谨、规范、简短达意。   商业广告主要表现为广告体形式,英语广告用词多趋于通俗化、口语化、简洁、生动、并富有鼓动性,其中可能包含大量的口语词、新造词、杜撰词、外来词。商务英语论说多出现在为推广产品所做的报告或演讲中。这类文体用词正式、严谨,因此以书面语词汇为主。   2、专业术语词汇数量可观   专业术语是指适用于不同的学科领域或专业的词,是用来正确表达科学概念的词,具有丰富的内涵和外延,专业术语要求单义性,排斥多义性和歧义性,且表达专业术语的词汇都是固定的,不得随意更改。商务英语拥有数量可观的专业术语词汇,要真正读懂商务英语文章,译者必须懂得商务英语所涉及学科领域的相关知识,避免专业术语词汇普通化,否则轻则闹翻译笑话,重则将造成严重的经济损失。   3、大量使用古语词来源:考试大   古语词一般已不通用,但古语词可增加严肃、正式的意味,因此使用古语词可体现商务信函、商务合同、法律文书的严肃性和正式性。   二、商务英语翻译   1、商务英语翻译标准   由于商务英语使用越来越频繁,因此商务英语翻译逐渐引起各家学者的关注。各家学者对商务英语的翻译论述如下:   叶玉龙等指出:“对商务英语来说,翻译标准除‘忠实通顺"外,还应加上‘地道"”。刘季春认为涉外文书的翻译原则为:格式固定,语体庄重,措辞婉约,行文严谨。涉外合同的翻译兼顾“条理性,规范性,严谨性”。张新红、李明认为,“商务英语翻译译者除了要精通两种语言及其文化以及熟悉翻译技巧之外,还必须熟悉商务方面的知识,了解商务各个领域的语言特点和表达法。常玉田谈到翻译的原则、标准时说:“翻译的最基本任务不是转换语言,而是传达‘意思"、‘信息"和‘内容",所以,商务英语翻译不同于文学翻译和其它文体的翻译,它必须强调语义对等或等效,做到“地道”,让读者有专业化的感受,而不是一般的语言描述”。   专家们的论述见仁见智,但正如王永泰(2002)先生所说用‘信达雅"来衡量,则应有区别地有所侧重。”因此,我们认为:商务英语翻译的标准是“功能对等”,即经过翻译,译文与原文之间在信息内容、信息承载方式、交际目的和交际效果等方面限度地保持不变。再以严复的“信达雅”三字标准为基础,参照刘法公先生提出的“忠实、准确、统一”的商务翻译标准,提出我们切实可行的商务英语翻译标准应是“忠实(faithfulness)、地道(idiomatic)、统一(consistency)”。“忠实”是“功能对等”的必要条件,“地道”和“统一”是“功能对等”的充分条件。“所谓‘忠实",即译文所传递的信息同原文所传递的信息要保持一致,或者说要保持信息等值。所谓‘地道",即是指译文的语言和行文方式都要符合商务文献的语言规范和行文规范,也就是说译者所给出的译文读起来应该像是内行的人用译语写就的文章,其中的术语、表达等都应该符合商务文献的要求。所谓‘统一",即是指在商务英语翻译过程中所采用的译名、概念、术语等在任何时候都应该保持统一,不允许将同一概念或术语随意变换译名”。   2、商务英语术语翻译的术语对等   正如前文所述,商务英语翻译的标准是功能对等。功能对等是译者从宏观,从商务英语语篇去把握商务英语翻译的。而对于译者来说,在努力达到这一目标的同时,首先必须考虑的是词语的选择,尤其是专业术语词汇的选择。词语的选择与译作之间存在着非常紧密的联系。可以这样说,一篇译作成功与否在很大程度上取决与词语的选择是否恰当、得体。选择了恰当、得体的词语就可以为译文的准确、通顺、流畅铺平道路。   众所周知,英语词汇的一个显著特征是一词多义性,即同一个词在不同的语境中有不同的含义,商务英语词汇也一样。许多平时熟悉的词或词组,放在商务英语某一具体学科里却有了另外特殊的含义。于是,这些词就变为了某具体学科中的专业术语(terminology)。   例如:Once the jewelry were safely locked up in the bank he had no more anxieties about their security(珠宝一经安全地锁在银行里,他就不再担心它们的安全了)。在这句话里“security”指“安全”,而在下二句里它属于术语,应分别译为“抵押”和“证券”。   例如:He gave his house as a security(他以房子做抵押)   Treasury securities are revalued daily(国库券每天都重新估价)   从以上几例我们得知一旦某一词在商务英语的某一行业中被冠以“专业术语”的称号,那么它在其行业内一定有个国际通用的约定俗成的术语含义。   例如:Should you find interest in any of the items in our catalogue,please do not hesitate to send enquiries. 译文:如对目录中的任何项目感兴趣,请径直寄来询盘。“enquiry”作为普通词汇,意为“询问、打听、调查、查问”。但在商务信函中,指“询盘”。其“询盘”就是“enquiry”在商务信函中的术语对等译语。它在任何时候、任何国家、其译语都是固定不变的,具有国际通用性。   因此我们说作为一个专业术语,它具有单一释义的特点,即—个专业术语对应一个国际通用的汉语译语,如果译成其它译语就违背了商务英语术语翻译中一个十分重要的原则,即术语对等(terminology equivalence)翻译原则。商务术语对等翻译原则是追求商务英语地道、统一翻译标准的关键。作为一名商务英语翻译者首先要有扎实的双语基本功。其次还要掌握商务各领域的专业知识,熟悉各领域常出现的专业术语。遇到不懂的专业术语时,切不可望文生义。最保险的办法还是去查阅相关商务领域的词典,或请教有关商务专业人士。   三、结语   商务英语是以词汇丰富,专业术语数量庞大,古语词使用频繁等特点而区别与普通英语。因此,其“忠实”、“地道”、“统一” 的翻译标准也有别与普通英语的翻译标准。为了使译文符合“忠实”、“地道”、“统一”的翻译标准。词语的翻译,尤其是商务各领域专业术语的翻译是关键的一环。因此译者在翻译专业术语时必须慎重,切勿违背商务术语对等翻译原则。只有遵循其原则,译者在追求商务英语翻译标准一功能对等的道路上才能越走越远。
2023-06-09 16:49:111


  求职信,询价信,报价信等是在商业信函当中经常使用的信函,下面简单介绍一下这类信的写法,主要提供一些参考用语,这样根据你的具体的情况,就很容易完成这类信函。   1. A Letter of Enquiry (询价信)   一般询价信写四或五段,1) Source of information 2) Reason for Enquiry 3) Asking for price, list, and catalogue 4) Giving references 5) Further Business   1) Opening Sentences   We were given your name by....   You have been recommended to us by....   Your articles have been recommended to us by....   ...has been kind enough to give us your address.   As we have learned from...,your are manufactures of ....   We saw your ad in the current issue of....   We have heard that you have put a new ...on the market.   We visited your stand at the ...exhibition.   We refer to your special offer of....   We have seen your ad in ...and we are interested in....   Your firm has been recommended to us by ....,with whom we have done business for many years.   2)Reasons for Enquiry   We are a subsidiary of....   We are a based in....   We are interested in....   We need /are in the market for....   We have received many enquiries from our customers for....   Our stocks of ...are running low.   We would like to expand our range of....   We have a considerable demand here for....   3) Asking for Price   I should be grateful if you send me....   Please send your current/latest catalogue/price list/brochure.   We would like you to send us some samples/patterns.   Please send us full details about your products.   Please quote your prices for these articles/goods/products.   Kindly quote us your lowest prices for....   Please quote your best/most competitive/lowest price.   Please quote your price gross/net/FOB(离岸价).   We would like to know if you are prepared to grant discounts.   We are desirous of having your lowest price for....   Please let us know the minimum quantity for a trial/order.   We should appreciate further details/information about your....   We shall be glad to receive an offer from you on....   Please send further details/information abut your....   Please include information about packing and shipping.   We should like to know your earliest date of delivery.   What would be your earliest delivery date?   Please let us know on what term you can give us some discount.   Will you let us know what discount you give for large quantities.   4) Giving References   Information about our company can be got from...   For information about our company please refer to/contact....   Should you wish to make any enquiries about us, please write to ....   We shall be pleased to provide the usual trade references.   Please let us know your terms of business.   Please let us know if you can supply from stack.   Please offer quantities which can be supplied from stock.   Will you please let us have a list of items imported by you.   In order to make us familiarized with your products, we shall appreciated your giving us the technical details of them.   5) Further Business   If the goods come up to our expectations, we would expect to be place regular order.   If the samples meet with our approval we intend to place substantial orders.   If your prices are competitive and your goods up to standard, we shall order on a regular basis.   If you can let us have a competitive quotation, we trust business will result.   2. A Letter of Quotation (报价信)   一般报价信写三段,1) Response to the enquiry 2) Offering for the enquiry 3) Giving assurance   1) Opening sentences   We thank you for your enquiry of....   Many thanks for your enquiry of....   Thank you for your enquiry of....   We are obliged to you for your inquiry of....   We were pleased to note from your letter of...that you are interested in....   we welcome your enquiry of And thank your interest in our products.   2) Offering   We thank you very much for your enquiry about And are pleased to enclose our price list and terms of payment for your consideration.   Referring to your inquiry of ..., We enclose our quotation for the supply of....   In reply to your enquiry of...we have pleasure in offering you the following....   We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your letter of...and send you an illustrated catalogue of our...and also details of our terms and conditions of sale.   This is the lowest price we quoted.   Our prices include postage and packing.   The prices quoted in the attached price list are ex-works.   Due to the rising cost of raw materials we are reluctantly compelled to raise our price by ...%.   The prices are subject to charge at the end of next month.   Prices are likely to rise soon.   We would like payment by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit.   We offer quantity discounts on orders on....   A ...% discount is offered on payment within a few weeks.   Our prices compare favorably with those of our competitors.   Our prices are quoted for quantities of not less than....   The goods can be delivered immediately from stock.   Shipment can be effected within ...weeks of receipt of goods.   Our delivery date is approximately... after receipt of your order.   We cannot promise delivery within the period stated in your enquiry.   We have a large stock of On hand and could dispatch same at once upon receipt of your order.   At your request, we now keep this offer open for a further ten days from ....   This offer must be withdrawn if not accepted within five days.   3)Closing Sentences   We feel that our wide selection of...will appeal to your customer.   We would like to thank you for you interest in our products.   We hope that the enclosed samples will meet with your approval.   We know that you have made an excellent choice in selecting this model.   We can assure you that your order will be dealt with promptly.   You feel sure that we can make you a very favorable offer.   We are sure that our varied range and competitive prices will encourage you to place an order with us.   We hope that our favorable prices will induce you to place an order.   We look forward to your instructions by return.   We are sure that these goods will meet with your requirements, and we look forward to your early order.   We shall be pleased to receive your order, which will have our prompt and careful attention.   We trust you will rind our quotation satisfactory and look forward to receiving your order.   We are allowing special terms to customers who place orders before the end of this month.   We trust the above offer will be of interest to you and await your orders.   You will observe that the price quoted are very reasonable and as they are likely to rise very soon we would advise you to place your orders as soon as possible.   3.Application for Employment(求职信)   一般求职信写四段,1) Source of information 2) Personal information 3) Reason for changes 4) Requests   (1) Opening Sentences   My friend... has informed me that you are looking for a... and has suggested that I should apply you for the appointment.   Having read your ad, I wish to be considered as...for this position.   I would like you consider my application for the position of ... which you advertised in....   In reply to/With reference to your advertisement appearing in...of ...I would like to apply for the position of your company.   I beg to offer myself for the situation as a your company.   I see from your advertisement in ...that you are looking for a....   I recently heard from...that there is a vacancy in your ...department.   ...has told me that some time in May there will be a vacancy/an opening your office.   (2)Education/work experience   I for...years.   In 19...I graduated from...   I enrolled for a year"s course at...   I studied.... I have trained as a....   I have a degree in ....from the University of...   I attended classes in...   I have had...yours" experience in...   I speak fluent English.   My proficiency in English means that I would be able to handle all the English correspondence on my own.   (3) Reason for the changes   I would like the opportunity to work on my own initiative/with children.   My reason for applying for the post is that I would like to have more responsibility.   My reason for looking for a change is the better opportunities offered by a large company like yours.   My present employer is closing down his business.   As my family is moving to ...I am looking for employment there.   (4)Closing sentences   Please refer to the enclosed personal data sheet/curriculum vita   for further particulars.   For information about my character/work record please contact....   I hope I may be granted an interview, when I can explain my qualification in more detail.   I am enclosing my personnel record sheet for your kind consideration and references.   The details of my education and experience are given on the enclosed sheet. I hope that the information I have provided in this letter and the enclosures are sufficient for your purpose.
2023-06-09 16:49:181


You have the access to inquire all the products. Please check through the following ways. You can check them in both SAP sysdem and CA03 instruction.
2023-06-09 16:49:393

what is the difference between inquiry and enquiry

2023-06-09 16:49:484

intellectual enquiry是什么意思

2023-06-09 16:49:584

inqury 和 enqury 具体有什么区别呢?

您的单词拼写有误query更多对于目标相对特定的a question,而inquiry和enquiry含义更广inquiry和enquiry 这两个单词是完全一样的含义,只是拼写不同,来自拉丁文的enquere一词(也有可能是古代法语的enquerre一词),实际上,在16世纪之前英语的写法为enquery,后来演变成enquiry,在长期的抄写过程中由于e和i的手写字体写法相近,所以很多单词的拼写就被误传,就出现了inquiry的拼法,在美语中使用频率较高。不过实际使用中,询问场所用enquiry多一些,司法场所用inquiry多一些。
2023-06-09 16:50:051

enqury and offer的区别

2023-06-09 16:50:111

booking enquiry什么意思

2023-06-09 16:50:203

enquire 和enquiry 中有后缀吗? 是什么?

2023-06-09 16:50:424


enquiry (mostly used in British English)inquiry (mostly used in American English)inquiry 是近代演变来的,更随意,用得多
2023-06-09 16:51:176

enquiry 和inquiry 区别?

2023-06-09 16:51:403


enquiry的意思是:打听;询问;查问;官方调查。短语搭配enquiry agent 私人侦探造句1.I tried to inculcate in my pupils an attitude of enquiry.我努力灌输给学生积极提问的态度。2.Holding a public enquiry into the scheme was not expedient.对这个阴谋进行公开调查不合适。3.She guided the conversation into another subject to fob off my enquiry.她转换话题想把我的询问搪塞过去。
2023-06-09 16:51:541


2023-06-09 16:52:303


enquiry_百度翻译enquiry 英[u026an"kwau026au0259ru026a] 美[u025bnu02c8kwau026ari, u02c8u025bnkwu0259ri] n. 查询; 询问; 调查; 问讯处; [例句]She has taken my enquiry as a personal affront.她将我的询问当成了人身侮辱。[其他] 复数:enquiries
2023-06-09 16:52:441


| 07-10-02一般而言,用inquiry来说「调查」,enquiry说「询问」。例如军事调查法庭,英文是court of inquiry,不宜称为court of enquiry,「协助警方调查」,英文是to help the police with their inquiries,这个inquiries也不宜改作enquiries。而一般机构的询问处,英文是enquiry office或enquiry counter,不宜称为inquiry office或inquiry counter。说要问问汇率高低,英文是I will make enquiries about the exchange rates,这个enquiries也不宜改作inquiries。Enquiry、inquiry这两个字的动词enquire、inquire,用法上也是有同样分别的。
2023-06-09 16:52:511

inquiry enquiry and quiry 有何分别

更新1: 请再问埋 点解佢enquiry同inquiry既dj同kk音标都一样 咁佢地读法系咪真系一样 inquiry (countable noun) = enquiry ( countable noun) ( They are the same.) 请再问埋 点解佢enquiry同inquiry既dj同kk音标都一样 咁佢地读法系咪真系一样 Answer: 一样 询问; 调查 different spelling same sounds to make inquiries of = to make enquiries of Example: I made inquiries/enquiries of my English teacher about my test. ________________________________________________ quiry<-------------MISTAKE! It should be " query". ( countable noun or verb) 质问 doubt or a question Example: -My teacher has a query about my honesty. = My teacher doesn"t believe me. She doesn"t think that I am honest. ( doubt) -No one queried her absence. 缺席 = No one asked about her absence.缺席 ( question) ( simple past tense) 留意佢地[用]既情况 你就看到分别 只用中文去解释佢系唔足够。 inquiry 系名词 意思系有质问的 1. 询问 打听;质询[C][U][(+about/into)] Make your inquiries at the office. 请去办公室询问。 2. 调查[C][(+into)] They held an inquiry into the incident. 他们对这一事件展开调查。 3. 探究 探索[U][C] scientific inquiry 科学探索 4. 疑问;问题[C] The bank clerk wered all my inquiries. 银行职员回答了我提出的所有问题。查问意思 enquiry 都系名词 系查问 (并无质问的意思) 询问一啲嘢啫 1. 询问;打听[(+about)] make enquiries of somebody about something 向某人询问某事 2. 调查[(+into)] An official enquiry into the incident was launched. 官方对这一事件进行了调查。 After months of enquiry we finally discovered the truth. 经过几个月调查 我们最后发现了真相。 quiry 系唔系串错字呀 是否query query系偏向疑问 因为唔信任 (如果系名词) e.g. I have a query about his sincerity 我对他的诚意有怀疑。 或(用嚟提出问题都可以) 问 询问 (系动词) e.g. Query when will they carry out the project ? 请问 他们什么时候执行这一方案? The doctor queried Kate about her health. 医生问了凯特的健康状况。
2023-06-09 16:53:051


enquiry (mostly used in British English)inquiry (mostly used in American English)inquiry 是近代演变来的,更随意,用得多
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一般而言,用inquiry来说「调查」,enquiry说「询问」。 例如军事调查法庭,英文是court of inquiry,不宜称为court of enquiry,「协助警方调查」,英文是to help the police with their inquiries,这个inquiries也不宜改作enquiries。 而一般机构的询问处,英文是enquiry office或enquiry counter,不宜称为inquiry office或inquiry counter。说要问问汇率高低,英文是I will make enquiries about the exchange rates,这个enquiries也不宜改作inquiries。 Enquiry、inquiry这两个字的动词enquire、inquire,用法上也是有同样分别的。
2023-06-09 16:53:471

enquiry vs inquiry

enquiry or inquiry:[79] According to Fowler inquiry should be used in relation to a formal inquest and enquiry to the act of questioning. Many (though not all) British writers maintain this distinction; the OED on the other hand lists inquiry and enquiry as equal alternatives in that order. Some British dictionaries such as Chambers 21st Century Dictionary [4] present the o spellings as interchangeable variants in the general sense but prefer inquiry for the "formal inquest" sense. In the US only inquiry is monly used. In Australia inquiry and enquiry are often interchangeable but inquiry prevails in writing. Both are current in Canada where enquiry is often associated with scholarly or intellectual research. 根据本人对以上文字的理解 inquiry 是比较正规的 有礼貌的 多用于文章 书写中 而enquiry (在加拿大) 则多与学术研究有关的项目上. 简而言之 两者意思一样 都是名词 只是前者较有礼貌 例句建议查看 Dr.eye 谢谢 参考: en. *** /wiki/American_and_British_English_spelling_differences#Different_spellings.2C_different_connotations
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2023-06-09 16:54:101

为什么make an enquiry是enquiry不是enquire

2023-06-09 16:54:202

inquiry and enquiry 它们的用法有什么不同?

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enquire - askinquiry/enquiry - investigation, examination, exploration, probe, scrutiny query - question. inquiry 可用在很正式的场合,如司法审讯,还能表示业务方面的咨询、普通的疑问等。用作名词query 一般表示查询,质问,是名词。
2023-06-09 16:54:331


enquiry的意思 enquiry的基本意思是“打听,询问”,常与介词about〔into〕连用。 enquiry作“调查,查问”解时,通常以正式会议或其行动的方式进行。 enquiry的复数形式可作“问讯处”解。 英[ɪn"kwaɪərɪ] 美[ɛnˈkwaɪri, ˈɛnkwəri] n.询问;问讯处 名词复数:enquiries [例句]Its letter had been written in a genuine spirit of enquiry. 信中确实是询问的语气。
2023-06-09 16:54:514

account enquiry是什么意思

account enquiry账户查询enquiry[英][u026an"kwau026au0259ru026a][美][u025bnu02c8kwau026ari, u02c8u025bnkwu0259ri]n.查询; 询问; 调查; 问讯处; 复数:enquiries例句:1.And this is now a murder enquiry! 现在这是凶杀审问!2.Why turn a scientific enquiry into a cecil b demille film? 干嘛把科学研究搞成这种传教电影?
2023-06-09 16:54:581


require 需要 enquire, inquire都是询问,调查 enquire为英国英语写法,而inquire是美国英语中的写法。除此还有一些细微区别。enquire是不及物动词,一般后面接 about.Did he enquire about me? 你问到我了吗? Inquire可以是及物也可以是不及物动词,The pilot inquired about the weather condition.(不及物)这飞行员查问天气情况。I inquired the way to the station.(及物)我打听去火车站怎么走。acquire 获得,学到
2023-06-09 16:55:421