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英语but somehow怎么翻译?

2023-05-19 14:41:09


英语but somehow



I think you are right but somehow I"m not completely sure.




2023-01-01 10:07:222


2023-01-01 10:07:383


somehow 是副词,跟however很类似,下面是牛津高阶解释somehow/ ˈsʌmhau; ˋsʌmˏhaʊ/ (US also someway/ ˈsʌmweɪ; ˋsʌmˏwe/) indef advin some way; by some means 以某种方式; 通过某种途径: We must stop him from seeing her somehow. 我们得想个办法不能让他再 跟她来往. * Somehow we must get to Glasgow. 我们得设法到格拉斯哥去.for a reason that is unknown or unspecified 由於未知的或未确指的原因: Somehow, I don"t feel I can trust him. 不知什麽缘故, 我觉得不能信任他. * I always knew I"d get the job, somehow. 也不知为什麽, 我总是觉得我能得到那份工作.
2023-01-01 10:07:486

somehow 中文意思是?秒懂英文「somehow」用法跟意思!

somehow 中文意思 是指「以某种方式,不知什么原因」的意思,somehow 的词性是副词,somehow 的用法在英文里面很常见,所以一定要知道 somehow 用法 唷。 下面列举出somehow的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.somehow 以某种方式,不知什么原因 Somehow 为副词,中文意思是指「以某种方式,不知什么原因,不知怎的」的意思。 somehow相关英文例句: 例: It won"t be easy, but we"ll get across the river somehow. 过河不是件容易的事,但我们总会有办法的。 例:He"s bald, and yet somehow, he"s attractive. 他秃头,然而不知为何却很有魅力。 例: “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to bee. Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs “勇敢跟随你的心和直觉,因为它们知道你真正想要的是什么。其余的,都只是次要。” – Steve Jobs somehow, somehow 中文, somehow 中文意思, somehow 中文的意思, somehow 中文解释, somehow 意思, somehow 用法, somehow 翻译, 英文 somehow
2023-01-01 10:08:091


somehow: [ "smhau ] ad. 不知怎么地,设法 例句与用法: 1. I always know I"d get the job, somehow. 也不知为什么,我总觉得能得到那份工作。 2. Somehow, I don"t feel I can trust him. 不知什么缘故,我觉得不能信任他。 3. We must stop him from seeing her somehow. 我们得想个办法阻止他和她来往。
2023-01-01 10:08:141


2023-01-01 10:08:191

somehow 和 somewhat 意思一样吗

2023-01-01 10:08:253

somehow 的含义?

2023-01-01 10:08:357

英语翻译 somehow

似乎我们的旅程应当从这里开始才合适. somehow意思有二种:以某种方式,用某种方法;或不知怎么地.后者较为合适,稍加词意引申后可以用‘似乎"、‘好像"等等.直接把‘不知怎么地"写到句子里有点生硬.
2023-01-01 10:08:581


somewhat是颇为、尚可的意思。即到达一定程度,但程度又没有特别深。为一般副词,常修饰形容词或副词,并置于被修饰词之前。 somehow有两个意思,一个是以某种方式,还有一个是不知怎么地。作独立副词,置于句首修饰全句;译为“设法”时,修饰一般动词置于句尾。 扩展资料   He has a somewhat donnish air about him.   他身上有点学究气。   Research in this area is somewhat equivocal   这个领域的研究有点难以理解。   Then, realize that idea somehow.   然后以某种方式去实现这个想法。   Somehow or other I must get a new job.   我必须想方设法找份新工作。
2023-01-01 10:09:031

somehow的意思和用法 最好有例句.

adv.(1)以某种方式,以某种方法 (2)莫名其妙地,不知怎么地 例句:Somehow we thought differently.不知怎么搞的,我们的想法不一样.She somehow got lost.她不知怎么搞的迷了路.
2023-01-01 10:09:121


anyhow意思是总之;无论如何;不管怎样。somehow意思是以某种方式,用某种方法;不知怎么地,不知道怎样,不晓得什么缘故。anyway指不论以何种方式,不论以何种方法。 some的用法 1、一些,有些(表示不确切的数量或数目)。 例句: Robin opened some champagne.罗宾开了一些香槟。 2、好些,大量(表示数量或数目相当大)。 例句: I have discussed this topic in some detail.我已经较为详细地探讨了这个话题。 3、有几分,有点儿(表示数量或数目相当小)。 例句: All mothers share to some extent in the tension of a wedding. 从某种程度上说,所有的母亲在婚礼上多少都有点紧张。 4、一些,部分(指整个群体中的)。 例句: Remove the cover and spoon some of the sauce into a bowl. 打开盖子,用勺子盛些调味汁到碗里。 5、大约(用于数目前)。 例句: I have kept birds for some 30 years.我养鸟大约有 30 年了。 6、有点;有几分;稍微。 例句: I party some, said Jed.杰德说:“我有时会去参加聚会“ Younever give me any help.你从未给过我任何帮助。 If you want some/anyhelp, let me know.你要是需要一些(任何)帮助,就告诉我。
2023-01-01 10:09:171


somehow: ad. 不知怎么地,设法Examples:1. I always know I"d get the job, somehow. 也不知为什么,我总觉得能得到那份工作。2. Somehow, I don"t feel I can trust him. 不知什么缘故,我觉得不能信任他。3. We must stop him from seeing her somehow. 我们得想个办法阻止他和她来往。4. I always knew I"d get the job, somehow. 也不知为什麽, 我总是觉得我能得到那份工作.5. Somehow we must get to Glasgow. 我们得设法到格拉斯哥去.6. We"ll get there somehow, by boat or otherwise. 我们总要设法去那里的,乘船也好,用其他办法也好。7. He could have finished it on schedule, but somehow he fell behind. 他原本能按预定进度做完这件事的,但不知怎地却落后了。8. Somehow or other, the baby burst into tears. 那个婴儿不知为什么大哭起来。She somehow got lost.她不知道怎么竟迷了路。Matters jog along somehow.反正事情在稳步地进行。We"ll get you there somehow.我们要想个办法送你到那儿去。We"ll get the money somehow.我们总会得到那笔钱的。The book has somehow disappeared.那本书不知怎么不见了。somehow got the car through traffic.设法让汽车脱离交通阻塞We"ll get through that undergrowth somehow.我们要设法通过那大树下的灌木丛。We must recover our losses somehow.我们必须以某种方式挽回损失。They battered through the floorboards somehow.不知怎的,他们把地板都打穿了。It got broken somehow or other.不知怎麽搞的它坏了。
2023-01-01 10:09:221


somehow 有“不知怎的”的意思,例: He somehow got on the wrong bus. otherwise 否则,例:Take it, otherwise your mom will be angry. nothing “没有任何(东西)" Nothing is more valuable than freedom.
2023-01-01 10:09:271


2023-01-01 10:09:322

英语英语they"re somehow special怎么翻译?

英语英语they"re somehow special的翻译:它们很特别。重点词汇:specialadj. 特殊的,特别的;格外看重的,特别要好的;专门的,特设的;特有的,独具特色的;格外的,分外的;(主题)研究深入的;(数)特殊(矩阵)的n. 特色菜;特别节目;特价商品,折扣商品;特派员,临时警察,特约记者;专车【名】 (Special)(印、美、俄)史派西娅乐(人名)短语special education 特殊教育 ; 特殊教育学 ; 特别教育special effects 特殊效果 ; 特技 ; 特技效果 ; 特效例句You"re very special to me, darling.你对我来说很特别,亲爱的。My special guest will be Jerry Seinfeld.我的特邀嘉宾将是杰瑞•塞菲尔德。
2023-01-01 10:09:4011

anyhow somehow anyway 有什么区别

一、意思不同“anyhow”意思是:adv.总之;无论如何;不管怎样“somehow”意思是:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地“anyway”意思是:adv.无论如何,不管怎样;总之二、用法不同1、anyhow:通常用于句子中的状语,表示随随便便地。例句:Anyhow Ishall not go today. 译文:今天无论如何我都不去。2、somehow:通常用于表示莫名其妙的方法。例句:So you haveto trustthat the dots will somehow connect in your future. 译文:所以你必须相信这点点滴滴将会以某种方式联系到你的未来。3、anyway:通常用于表示不知道原因。例句:Idon"tknowwhyIsettledonMiami,butanywayIdid.译文:我不知道为什么我落户到了迈阿密,但不管怎样我做了。扩展资料“anyway”的近义词:however读音:英 [haʊ"evə] 美 [haʊ"ɛvɚ] 意思是:1、adv.无论如何;不管怎样(接副词或形容词);然而;可是2、conj.无论以何种方式;不管怎样例句:Howeverhardshetried,nothingseemedtowork.译文:无论她多么努力,好像都无济于事。
2023-01-01 10:11:023


  omehow和somewhat的区别及用法:  1)somehow意为“以某种方式”(insomewayorother)或“由于某种原因”。  例句:  Wemustfindmoneyfortherentsomehow.  我们无论如何也要找到租金。  2)somewhat  意为“从某种意义讲”,“有几分”,相当于“inaway”,“rather”。  例句:  Iamsomewhattiredofthisbook.  我对这本书有点厌烦。
2023-01-01 10:11:121

英语we made"up Somehow怎么翻译?

we made up 。我们和好了。 可以选:D 即是:I"m really happy for you, 我为你们高兴; 但是C又翻译的通,very nice,很好; 非常好;
2023-01-01 10:11:1712


2023-01-01 10:12:264

英语somehow,I don"t feel I can trust him怎么翻译?

2023-01-01 10:12:438


There are dead people all over the citysomehowI"m still alive生化危机3的一句话,呵呵转折,然而的意思
2023-01-01 10:13:083


somehowadv.设法; 不知道怎样, 莫名其妙地She somehow got lost. 她不知道怎么竟迷了路。习惯用语somehow or other 不知是什么原因 由于某种原因, 以某种方式例句:Somehow he managed to spirit news out to the world outside although he"s in jail虽然身陷牢狱,但不知用什么方法他总是能把消息透漏到外面去。He dove under the on-coming train and somehow escaped with nary a scratch纵身冲到了一辆迎面开来的列车下,却不可思议般地毫发未伤。I"ll get you there somehow 我会设法让你到那儿。我糊里糊涂地跑到这儿。 Somehow I stumbled here in a daze.不知道怎么一来我就滑倒了。 Somehow I slipped and fell
2023-01-01 10:13:181


2023-01-01 10:14:111

somewhat和somehow的区别 怎么用应该 有没有具体用法

2023-01-01 10:14:173


somehow adv. 不知何故有“相似基因”的例句 He"s changed somehow. 他改变了好多哦 I"ll find that castle, and somehow 一定要找到那个城堡 英文解释 [ 副词 ] 1. in some unspecified way or manner; or by some unspecified means; "they managed somehow"; "he expected somehow to discover a woman who would love him"; "he tried to make is someway acceptable"2. for some unspecified reason; "It doesn"t seem fair somehow"; "he had me dead to rights but somehow I got away with it"; "for some reason they didn"t seem to match"
2023-01-01 10:14:303


somehow [adv.] 不知怎么地, 莫名其妙地; 以某处方式一般用在句末Many people said that they had a feeling somehow that Beijing would win the Olympic bid this time.许多人说他们不知怎地 就感到北京这次申奥会获胜somewhat [adv.] 稍微,有点这是个程度副词,一般谓语被修饰词前边,类似于a little。Sorry,I am afraid we have arrived somewhat late. ;抱 歉,恐怕我们稍迟到了 一会儿【英语专业八级,欢迎追问】
2023-01-01 10:14:434

somehow的意思和用法 最好有例句.

adv.(1)以某种方式,以某种方法 (2)莫名其妙地,不知怎么地 例句:Somehow we thought differently.不知怎么搞的,我们的想法不一样.She somehow got lost.她不知怎么搞的迷了路.
2023-01-01 10:15:081

somehow 和 anyhow 的区别。

anyhow: 随随便便地; 杂乱无章地 The books were lying on the shelves just/all anyhow. 书都乱放在书架上. He made notes anyhow across the page. 他在那页上胡乱作了些笔记. somehow: 以某种方式; 通过某种途径: We must stop him from seeing her somehow. 我们得想个办法不能让他再 跟她来往. * Somehow we must get to Glasgow. 我们得设法到格拉斯哥去. 由於未知的或未确指的原因: Somehow, I don"t feel I can trust him. 不知什麽缘故, 我觉得不能信任他. * I always knew I"d get the job, somehow. 也不知为什麽, 我总是觉得我能得到那份工作.
2023-01-01 10:15:131

请告诉我anyhow ,somehow的用法

anyhow:随随便便地; 杂乱无章地The books were lying on the shelves just/all anyhow. 书都乱放在书架上.He made notes anyhow across the page. 他在那页上胡乱作了些笔记. somehow:以某种方式; 通过某种途径: We must stop him from seeing her somehow. 我们得想个办法不能让他再 跟她来往. * Somehow we must get to Glasgow. 我们得设法到格拉斯哥去. 由於未知的或未确指的原因: Somehow, I don"t feel I can trust him. 不知什麽缘故, 我觉得不能信任他. * I always knew I"d get the job, somehow. 也不知为什麽, 我总是觉得我能得到那份工作.
2023-01-01 10:15:191

求《Somehow, Someday》音乐的百度云资源下载地址

Somehow, Someday 链接:  密码:npsm
2023-01-01 10:15:241

请问 怎么区分somehow 和 anyhow

anyhow:随随便便地; 杂乱无章地The books were lying on the shelves just/all anyhow. 书都乱放在书架上.He made notes anyhow across the page. 他在那页上胡乱作了些笔记. somehow:以某种方式; 通过某种途径: We must stop him from seeing her somehow. 我们得想个办法不能让他再 跟她来往. * Somehow we must get to Glasgow. 我们得设法到格拉斯哥去. 由於未知的或未确指的原因: Somehow, I don"t feel I can trust him. 不知什麽缘故, 我觉得不能信任他. * I always knew I"d get the job, somehow. 也不知为什麽, 我总是觉得我能得到那份工作.满意请给好评哈!
2023-01-01 10:15:301


2023-01-01 10:15:411

英语they"re somehow special怎么翻译?

2023-01-01 10:15:479

Marching On 的歌词(在线等)

For those days we felt like a mistake, Those times when love"s what you hate Somehow We keep marchin" on For those nights that i couldn"t be there, I"ve made it harder to know that you know That somehow We"ll keep movin" on There"s so many wars we fought There"s so many things we"re not But with what we have I promise you that We"re marchin" on We"re marchin" on For all of the plans we made There isn"t a flag I"d wave Don"t care where we"ve been I"d sink us to swim We"re marchin" on We"re marchin" on For those doubts that swirl all around us For those lives that tear at the seams We know Were not what we"ve seen Oh For this dance we move with each other There ain"t no other step Than one foot Right in front of the other Oh There"s so many wars we fought There"s so many things we"re not But with what we have I promise you that We"re marchin" on We"re marchin" on For all of the plans we made There isn"t a flag I"d wave Don"t care where we"ve been I"d sink us to swim We"re marchin" on We"re marchin" on Right Right Right Right Left Right Right Right Right Left Right Right Right Marchin" On We"ll have the days we break And we"ll have the scars to prove it We"ll have the bomb that we saved And we"ll have the heart Not to lose it For all of the times we fought For all of the things I"m not Oh! You put one foot in front of the other We go where we go we"re marchin" on Marchin" on There"s so many wars we fought There"s so many things we"re not But with what we have I promise you that We"re marchin" on We"re marchin" on Right Right Right Right Left Right Right Right Right Left Marchin" On Marchin" on
2023-01-01 10:16:384

Somewhere Somehow 歌词

歌曲名:Somewhere Somehow歌手:Marti Pellow专辑:Marti Pellow Sings The Hits Of Wet Wet Wet And SmileSOMEWHERE SOMEHOW Wet Wet WetIf you"re there and you care,And you listen very careful darlingYou"ll hear my prayerAnd if you hear, loud and clearYou would get a million kisses from meSomewhere, somehowAnd if the night"s a lonely time for you,Just listen to the words I gave to you,Let the song of ours play one more timeSomewhere, somehow,I"ll be thereWent out walkin" in the morningStanding in the pouring rainLet it run all over meStayed up late last nightTryin" to put all the things rightThen your tears roll over meAnd if the night"s a lonely time for you,Just listen to the words I gave to you,Let the song of ours play one more timeSomewhere, somehow,I"ll be thereIf you"re there, and you care,You"ll get a million kisses from meSomewhere, somehowAnd if you feel like I feelLove cuts the deepest part of meSomewhere, somehowAnd if the night"s a lonely time for you,Just listen to the words I gave to you,Let the song of ours play one more timeSomewhere, somehow,I"ll be there
2023-01-01 10:16:541

someday someway somehow是什么是意思

someday 有朝一日 someway=somehow somehow 是副词,跟however很类似,下面是牛津高阶解释 somehow / ˈsʌmhau; ˋsʌmˏhaʊ/ (US also someway/ ˈsʌmweɪ; ˋsʌmˏwe/) indef adv in some way; by some means 以某种方式; 通过某种途径:We must stop him from seeing her somehow.我们得想个办法不能让他再 跟她来往.* Somehow we must get to Glasgow.我们得设法到格拉斯哥去. for a reason that is unknown or unspecified 由於未知的或未确指的原因:Somehow,I don"t feel I can trust him.不知什麽缘故,我觉得不能信任他.* I always knew I"d get the job,somehow.也不知为什麽,我总是觉得我能得到那份工作. 参考资料:牛津高阶辞典
2023-01-01 10:17:001


A however 然而,尽管如此,表示转折,somehow 表示从某种角度 或 由于某种未知的原因
2023-01-01 10:17:061

Somewhere Somehow 歌词

歌曲名:Somewhere Somehow歌手:Wet Wet Wet专辑:Picture ThisSOMEWHERE SOMEHOW Wet Wet WetIf you"re there and you care,And you listen very careful darlingYou"ll hear my prayerAnd if you hear, loud and clearYou would get a million kisses from meSomewhere, somehowAnd if the night"s a lonely time for you,Just listen to the words I gave to you,Let the song of ours play one more timeSomewhere, somehow,I"ll be thereWent out walkin" in the morningStanding in the pouring rainLet it run all over meStayed up late last nightTryin" to put all the things rightThen your tears roll over meAnd if the night"s a lonely time for you,Just listen to the words I gave to you,Let the song of ours play one more timeSomewhere, somehow,I"ll be thereIf you"re there, and you care,You"ll get a million kisses from meSomewhere, somehowAnd if you feel like I feelLove cuts the deepest part of meSomewhere, somehowAnd if the night"s a lonely time for you,Just listen to the words I gave to you,Let the song of ours play one more timeSomewhere, somehow,I"ll be there
2023-01-01 10:17:121

Somewhere Somehow 歌词

歌曲名:Somewhere Somehow歌手:Wet Wet Wet专辑:Best OfSOMEWHERE SOMEHOW Wet Wet WetIf you"re there and you care,And you listen very careful darlingYou"ll hear my prayerAnd if you hear, loud and clearYou would get a million kisses from meSomewhere, somehowAnd if the night"s a lonely time for you,Just listen to the words I gave to you,Let the song of ours play one more timeSomewhere, somehow,I"ll be thereWent out walkin" in the morningStanding in the pouring rainLet it run all over meStayed up late last nightTryin" to put all the things rightThen your tears roll over meAnd if the night"s a lonely time for you,Just listen to the words I gave to you,Let the song of ours play one more timeSomewhere, somehow,I"ll be thereIf you"re there, and you care,You"ll get a million kisses from meSomewhere, somehowAnd if you feel like I feelLove cuts the deepest part of meSomewhere, somehowAnd if the night"s a lonely time for you,Just listen to the words I gave to you,Let the song of ours play one more timeSomewhere, somehow,I"ll be there
2023-01-01 10:17:181


2023-01-01 10:17:251


2023-01-01 10:17:311

about somehow

你断句不对 应该是find their way about, somehow somehow在这里作语气词,意思是以某种方式,about跟find连用就是说在周围找到他们的路
2023-01-01 10:17:411

someway= somehow?

someway=somehowsomehow 是副词,跟however很类似
2023-01-01 10:17:472


2023-01-01 10:17:563


When You Believe(指定曲目) - Whitney Houston&Mariah Carey Many nights we pray with no proof anyone could hear许多夜晚我们曾恳切祈祷,不能证明任何人可以听到And our heart"s a hopeful song we barely understood我们的心如一阕希望之歌,自己难以参透Now we are not afraid如今我们不再害怕,although we know there"s much to fear尽管我们知道仍有许多事情令人畏惧We were moving mountains long before we knew we could翻山越岭后,才知晓自己能够做到Oh yes, there can be miracles when you believe只要你相信 奇迹就会实现Though hope is frail, it"s hard to kill尽管希望渺茫,却难以抹杀Who knows what miracle you can achieve, when you believe谁能知晓 你可以实现什么奇迹Somehow you will, you will when you believe只要你相信 你或许就会In this time of fear when prayer so often proves in vain在这恐惧之时,当祈祷屡次落空时Hope seems like the summer birds, too swiftly flown away希望像是夏日的鸟儿,太早飞离And now I am standing here,此刻我却站在这里,my heart"s so full I can"t explain我心充满 难以言表Seeking faith and speaking words, I never thought I"d say寻觅着信念 说着未曾想过要说的话There can be miracles when you believe只要你相信 奇迹就会实现When you believe只要你相信Though hope is frail, it"s hard to kill尽管希望渺茫,却难以抹杀Who knows what miracles you can achieve谁能知晓 你可以实现什么奇迹You can achieve你可以实现When you believe只要你相信Somehow you will, you will when you believe只要你相信 你或许就会They don"t always happen when you ask他们不总在你问的时候发生And it"s easy to give in to your fear也很容易 屈服于你的畏惧But when you"re blinded by your pain但当你被痛苦蒙蔽时Can"t see your way safe through the rain在风雨中看不见出路Thought of a still resilient voice,希望仍然是一个坚定有力的声音,says love is very near告诉你爱已临近There can be miracles只要你相信 奇迹就会实现Miracles奇迹When you believe只要你相信When you believe只要你相信Though hope is frail, it"s hard to kill尽管希望渺茫,却难以抹杀Hard to kill难以抹杀Who knows what miracles you can achieve谁能知晓 你可以实现什么奇迹You can achieve你可以实现When you believe只要你相信Somehow you will只要你相信 你或许就会Somehow, somehow, somehow或许,或许,或许Somehow you will, you will, when you believe你或许就会, 只要你相信You will when you believe只要你相信 你就会You will when you believe只要你相信 你就会Just believe只要相信You will, when you believe只要你相信 你就会
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2023-01-01 10:18:202

Someday Somehow 歌词

歌曲名:Someday, Somehow歌手:Every Avenue专辑:Bad Habits歌词:Every Avenue - Someday, SomehowHeadlights burning on the interstate pavementI take a slow drag and my mind slips awayAway, awayIt""s a long night down the 95Trying to beat the sunrise,Staying up all nightI""m not sleeping till I cross the state lineSomeday, somehow,I""ll make it home and I, I""ll stick aroundOne day I""ll say,"No more packing up,I""m settling down."Someday, someday I""ll figure it out,Someday, somehowHigh school sweetheart serving,Broken spirits at the local barFirst love with a new last name, yeahNext stop, my old homeIt""s got a new front porch,Where flowers used to growEverybody has something to show,I""ve got a thousand different stories,And nothing to holdSomeday, somehow,I""ll make it home and I, I""ll stick aroundOne day I""ll say,"No more packing up,I""m settling down."Someday, someday I""ll figure it out,Someday, somehowNo more birthdays from the telephone,No more holidays spent alone,No more asking when I""m coming homeI, I, I""m sticking aroundYeahSomeday, somehow,I""ll make it home and I, I""ll stick aroundOne day I""ll say,"No more packing up,I""m settling down."Someday, someday I""ll figure it out,Someday, somehowSomeday, somehowSomeday, somehow
2023-01-01 10:18:302

somehow somewhat someway anyhow anywhat anyway 意义

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