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2023-06-09 09:31:53

Halloween (also called All Saints" Eve and All Hallows" Eve) is a traditional holiday observed on October 31 in the English- speaking world. “Trick-or-treating” is a customary celebration for children in the West. On Halloween, children feverishly go in colorful dresses and all sorts of strange masks from house to house, asking for treats such as candy.





Children in costumes race from house to house asking for treats. A carved pumpkin, called a jack-o"-lantern, grins from a porch as the children pass. According to legend, jack-o"-lanterns protect people in their homes from ghostly spirits.

It"s all part of the fun on Halloween! The roots of Halloween stretch back thousands of years and borrow customs from several parts of the world.


Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31. By tradition, Halloween begins after sunset. Long ago, people believed that witches gathered together and ghosts roamed the world on Halloween. Today, most people no longer believe in ghosts and witches. But these supernatural beings are still a part of Halloween.

The colors black and orange are also a part of Halloween. Black is a symbol for night and orange is the color of pumpkins. A jack-o"-lantern is a hollowed-out pumpkin with a face carved on one side. Candles are usually placed inside, giving the face a spooky glow.


Dressing in masks and costumes is a popular Halloween activity. Costumes can be traditional and scary, such as a witch"s pointy hat and black gown. Costumes may also have a modern flavor. Many children dress up as movie characters or a favorite superhero.

But Halloween is not just for children. Many adults enjoy showing off their costumes at Halloween parties!


Once in costume, children go from house to house saying “Trick or treat!” In the past, children might play a “trick” on people who did not give treats. They might pelt houses with eggs or old tomatoes, or play other pranks. Today, children"s cries of “Trick or treat!” are usually rewarded with candy.


One of the oldest Halloween traditions comes from the ancient Celts, who lived in western and central Europe long ago. The Celts celebrated a holiday called Samhain on October 31. After sunset that day, people believed that spirits of the dead would rise and walk the earth. The Celts made offerings of food and drink to keep the spirits away.

Beginning about 2,000 years ago, the Roman Empire conquered many Celtic peoples. But Celtic traditions, including Samhain, remained strong in areas such as Ireland and Scotland, even after the Roman conquest.

The Roman Catholic Church tried to replace Samhain in 835 with All Saints" Day, a day to honor saints of the Church. The eve of All Saints" Day is October 31. It is called Allhallows or Hallowmas by the Church.


Halloween first came to America with early settlers from Celtic areas in Europe, such as Ireland and Scotland. But other American settlers with strict religious beliefs, including the Puritans from England, rejected Halloween. The arrival of many Irish immigrants during the 1800s helped spread Halloween"s popularity.

But by the late 1800s, fewer people believed in ancient superstitions of ghosts and witches. Halloween became more a holiday for children to receive treats and dress in costume.


alloween (Halloween) (also called Halloween, Halloween) on October 31 each year, English world traditional festival. Whenever Halloween arrived, the children will be eager to wear colorful cosmetics, wearing masks, western fantasy "trick" not to give candy that joke, children will door-to-door collect candy.



Mo Fangxiu
2023-06-09 03:16:037


costume的读音是:英["k?stju?m]。costume的读音是:英["k?stju?m]。costume的详尽释义是n.(名词)服装,衣服,服饰,装束,衣着戏装,剧装 ,演员服装女装,女服,(女子)套装,女外套服装式样化装用服装。costume【近义词】dress服装。一、详尽释义点此查看costume的详细内容n.(名词)服装,衣服,服饰,装束,衣着戏装,剧装 ,演员服装女装,女服,(女子)套装,女外套服装式样化装用服装v.(动词)(为…)提供服装给…穿上服装为…设计服装二、英英释义Noun:the attire worn in a play or at a fancy dress ball;"he won the prize for best costume"unusual or period attire not characteristic of or appropriate to the time and place;"in spite of the heat he insisted on his woolen costume"the prevalent fashion of dress (including accessories and hair style as well as garments)the attire characteristic of a country or a time or a social class;"he wore his national costume"Verb:dress in a costume;"We dressed up for Halloween as pumpkins"furnish with costumes; as for a film or play三、词典解释1.(演员或表演者的)戏服,表演服装An actor"s or performer"scostume is the set of clothes they wear while they are performing.costume的反义词e.g. Even from a distance the effect of his foxcostume was stunning...即使从远处看,他的狐狸戏服也很抢眼。e.g. The performers, incostume and make-up, were walking up and down backstage...上了妆穿着戏服的演员在后台走来走去。2.(某历史时期或某国的)服装,装束The clothes worn by people at a particular time in history, or in a particular country, are referred to as a particular type ofcostume .costume在线翻译e.g. and women in eighteenth-centurycostume...身穿18世纪服装的男男女女e.g. In the colourful markets at Chincero and Pisac, women still wear their traditionalcostume.在金测罗和皮萨克五颜六色的集市上,女人们还是身着传统装束。3.(戏剧)古装的Acostume play or drama is one which is set in the past and in which the actors wear the type of clothes that were worn in that period.e.g. ...a lavishcostume drama set in Ireland and the US in the 1890s.一部耗资巨大、以19世纪90年代的爱尔兰和美国为背景的古装戏四、例句This traditional costume is of indigo blue.这件传统服装是靛蓝色的。Her funny costume caused much mirthful laughter among the guests.她那滑稽的服装引得客人哄堂大笑。The kimono is part of the national costume of Japan.和服是日本民族服装的一部分。We patched up a costume for the play .我们临时凑成了一件戏装。Jane costumed a historical play.简曾为一出历史剧设计服装。A friend of mine was asked to a costume ball a short time ago.不久前,我的一个朋友被邀请参加一个化装舞会。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)The actress came on in full costume.那个女演员身穿全套戏装登场。They wore historical costumes for the parade.他们穿着古装参加游行。六、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)名词+~hunting costume猎装skiing costume滑雪服street costume街装~+名词a costume piece〔play, drama〕古装剧七、词源解说☆ 直接源自法语的costume,意为服装。costume的相关临近词cosy、costly、costumey、costumer、Costumero、costume suit、Costume film、costume ball、costume room、costume stye、costume play、costume book点此查看更多关于costume的详细信息
2023-06-09 03:16:321


1服装 2戏装 3游泳衣 4女式套装
2023-06-09 03:16:412


1、costume.服装; (某地或某历史时期的)装束; (戏剧或电影的)戏装;v.给(某人)穿上特殊服装。2、[例句]She was given a programme credit for her work on the costumes for the play.她为这出戏准备服装,被列入剧目制作人员名单。
2023-06-09 03:16:481

英语classic costumes怎么翻译?

2023-06-09 03:17:223


2023-06-09 03:17:291


garment 英[u02c8gɑ:mu0259nt] 美[u02c8gɑ:rmu0259nt] n. 服装; 衣服; v. 给…穿衣服; [例句]Many of the garments have the customers "name tags sewn into the linings.这些衣服有很多内衬上缝有顾客的姓名签。[其他] 第三人称单数:garments 复数:garments 现在分词:garmenting过去式:garmented 过去分词:garmented形近词: warmest sarment germens
2023-06-09 03:17:461


walldrobe in BRITISH ENGLISH, closet in American English
2023-06-09 03:17:531


考斯腾是英文costume的音译。服装的名字叫Costumes,音译过来是考斯腾,久而久之,大家就用考斯腾代表花样滑冰服装。花滑考斯腾一件比一件漂亮,每年国际滑联的评选都有一个奖项叫做最佳服装奖,选出当年最好看的一套考斯腾。但其实,考斯腾也一件比一件昂贵。大多数参赛选手的考斯腾价格在1000至5000美金之间,奥运赛场上的平均起来是3000美金一件起步,而顶尖选手的考斯腾可达上万美金。考斯腾昂贵:首先,花滑表演服一般都是私人订制、量体裁衣,设计需要经过多个环节,包括了解音乐、设计手稿、制作裸服、镶钻装饰、陆上试穿、冰上试穿。复杂的制作工序和漫长的手工时长令其造价高昂。其次,奥运赛场上许多选手的考斯腾都是顶级设计师操刀。例如,在网络上被网友开玩笑和薯片包装“撞衫”的男单冠军陈巍的考斯腾就是出自著名婚纱设计师Vera wang之手,这也足可见得花滑跟时尚圈也是密不可分。而向来跟其他男选手朴素风格不同的羽生结弦,他艺术性极高的演出除了依靠本人强大的表现力,绚丽考斯腾的辅助也加分不少。从2014年开始,他的每一件考斯腾都出自日本著名设计师伊藤聪美之手,羽生也会提出自己的意见,令每一套考斯腾都更加贴近音乐风格和演出气质。再者,考斯腾用料高端,不少服装都采用巴黎、米兰等高定品牌的用料制作而成。为了保证选手在滑行和完成各种跳跃动作时受到更小的阻力,考斯腾的自重必须非常轻,男选手的服装要控制在850克以内,女选手的要控制在350克以内。这种轻薄而伸缩性强的布料价格非常昂贵。另外,花滑选手的考斯腾为打造出闪耀晶莹的视觉效果需要镶非常多水钻,有时一件考斯腾上要用到上千颗水钻。当然,根据国际滑联的规则,比赛中,服装配件如果掉落,就会扣一分,因此镶钻也是非常考验制作功力的。
2023-06-09 03:18:181


Lemari pakaian
2023-06-09 03:18:395


2023-06-09 03:19:096


万圣节的寓意万圣节又叫诸圣节、西洋鬼节,在每年的11月1日,万圣节的前夕是最热闹的时候,也是一年中最“闹鬼”的一夜,所以在西方又被称为“鬼”节。 万圣节寓意的意思英语 Halloween, or Hallowe"en, is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31. Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, ghost tours, bonfires, costume parties, visiting "haunted houses", carving Jack-o"-lanterns, reading scary stories and watching horror movies. Irish immigrants carried versions of the tradition to North America in the nineteenth century. Other western countries embraced the holiday in the late twentieth century. Halloween is celebrated in several countries of the Western world, most commonly in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Ireland, Puerto Rico, Japan, New Zealand, and occasionally in parts of Australia. In Sweden the All Saints" official holiday takes place on the first Saturday of November. Halloween has its origins in the ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain. The festival of Samhain is a celebration of the end of the harvest season in Gaelic culture, and is sometimes regarded as the "Celtic New Year". Traditionally, the festival was a time used by the ancient pagans to take stock of supplies and slaughter livestock for winter stores. The ancient Gaels believed that on October 31, now known as Halloween, the boundary between the alive and the deceased dissolved, and the dead become dangerous for the living by causing problems such as sickness or damaged crops. The festivals would frequently involve bonfires, into which bones of slaughtered livestock were thrown. Costumes and masks were also worn at the festivals in an attempt to mimic the evil spirits or placate them. 万圣节的习俗英文版 WHAT IS HALLOWEEN? Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31. By tradition, Halloween begins after sunset. Long ago, people believed that witches gathered together and ghosts roamed the world on Halloween. Today, most people no longer believe in ghosts and witches. But these supernatural beings are still a part of Halloween. The colors black and orange are also a part of Halloween. Black is a symbol for night and orange is the color of pumpkins. A jack-o"-lantern is a hollowed-out pumpkin with a face carved on one side. Candles are usually placed inside, giving the face a spooky glow. DRESSING IN COSTUMES Dressing in masks and costumes is a popular Halloween activity. Costumes can be traditional and scary, such as a witch"s pointy hat and black gown. Costumes may also have a modern flavor. Many children dress up as movie characters or a favorite superhero. But Halloween is not just for children. Many adults enjoy showing off their costumes at Halloween parties!
2023-06-09 03:19:241


万圣节是美国人年年都会庆祝的秋季节日。它的意思是“神圣的夜晚”,在每年的10月31日,也就是万圣节前夜。但实际上这不是一个真正的宗教节日,而主要是孩子们的节日。Halloween is an autumn holiday that Americans celebrate every year。 It means "holy evening," and it comes every October 31, the evening before All Saints" Day。However, it is not really a church holiday, it is a holiday for children mainly。每年秋天蔬菜成熟可以食用的时候,孩子们就会挑出大个儿的橙色南瓜。然后在南瓜上刻上一张脸,把一根点燃的蜡烛放在里面。看起来就好像有人在向南瓜外面张望。这些灯就叫做“iack-o"-lantems”,意思也就是“杰克的灯”。 每年万圣节孩子们还戴上奇怪的面具,穿上吓人的服装。 Every autumn, when the vegetables are ready to eat, children pick large orange pumpkins。Then they cut faces in the pumpkins and put a burning candle inside。 It looks as if there were a person looking out of the pumpkin! These lights are called jack-o"-lanterns, which means "Jack of the lantern"。The children also put on strange masks and frightening costumes every Halloween。
2023-06-09 03:19:3412


China tang-close is famous as its culture. Many other countries people like it. nowadays,when the Spring Day come,Chinese alawy closed it.It means that happy and happiness.
2023-06-09 03:20:112


介绍万圣节的英语作文   大家知道万圣节吗?西方国家在每年的十月份都要过万圣节,万圣节又叫鬼节,在这一天里,家家户户都要做南瓜灯,而小朋友们会戴上恐怖的面具,到各家去讨糖果吃,下面我收集了关于万圣节的英语作文,有兴趣的.朋友可以看一下哦!   【1】介绍万圣节的英语作文   Children in costumes race from house to house asking for treats. A carved pumpkin, called a jack-o"-lantern, grins from a porch as the children pass. According to legend, jack-o"-lanterns protect people in their homes from ghostly spirits.   It"s all part of the fun on Halloween! The roots of Halloween stretch back thousands of years and borrow customs from several parts of the world.   WHAT IS HALLOWEEN?   Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31. By tradition, Halloween begins after sunset. Long ago, people believed that witches gathered together and ghosts roamed the world on Halloween. Today, most people no longer believe in ghosts and witches. But these supernatural beings are still a part of Halloween.   The colors black and orange are also a part of Halloween. Black is a symbol for night and orange is the color of pumpkins. A jack-o"-lantern is a hollowed-out pumpkin with a face carved on one side. Candles are usually placed inside, giving the face a spooky glow.   DRESSING IN COSTUMES   Dressing in masks and costumes is a popular Halloween activity. Costumes can be traditional and scary, such as a witch"s pointy hat and black gown. Costumes may also have a modern flavor. Many children dress up as movie characters or a favorite superhero.   But Halloween is not just for children. Many adults enjoy showing off their costumes at Halloween parties!   TRICK-OR-TREATING   Once in costume, children go from house to house saying "Trick or treat!" In the past, children might play a "trick" on people who did not give treats. They might pelt houses with eggs or old tomatoes, or play other pranks. Today, children"s cries of "Trick or treat!" are usually rewarded with candy.   HOW HALLOWEEN GOT STARTED   One of the oldest Halloween traditions comes from the ancient Celts, who lived in western and central Europe long ago. The Celts celebrated a holiday called Samhain on October 31. After sunset that day, people believed that spirits of the dead would rise and walk the earth. The Celts made offerings of food and drink to keep the spirits away.   Beginning about 2,000 years ago, the Roman Empire conquered many Celtic peoples. But Celtic traditions, including Samhain, remained strong in areas such as Ireland and Scotland, even after the Roman conquest.   The Roman Catholic Church tried to replace Samhain in 835 with All Saints" Day, a day to honor saints of the Church. The eve of All Saints" Day is October 31. It is called Allhallows or Hallowmas by the Church.   HOW DID HALLOWEEN COME TO AMERICA?   Halloween first came to America with early settlers from Celtic areas in Europe, such as Ireland and Scotland. But other American settlers with strict religious beliefs, including the Puritans from England, rejected Halloween. The arrival of many Irish immigrants during the 1800s helped spread Halloween"s popularity.   But by the late 1800s, fewer people believed in ancient superstitions of ghosts and witches. Halloween became more a holiday for children to receive treats and dress in costume.   【2】介绍万圣节的英语作文   Symbols of Halloween   Halloween originated as a celebration connected with evil spirits. Witches flying on broomsticks with ghosts, goblins and skeletons have all evolved as symbols of Halloween. Bats, owls and other nocturnal animals are also popular symbols of Halloween. They were originally feared because people believed that these creatures could communicate with the spirits of the dead.   Black cats are also symbols of Halloween and have religious origins as well. Black cats were considered to be reincarnated beings with the ability to divine the future.   During the Middle Ages it was believed that witches could turn themselves into black cats. Thus when such a cat was seen, it was considered to be a witch in disguise. All these are popular trick-or-treat costumes and decorations for greeting cards and windows.   Black is one of the traditional Halloween colors, probably because Halloween festivals and traditions took place at night.   Pumpkins are also a symbol of Halloween. The pumpkin is an orange-colored squash, and orange has become the other traditional Halloween color. Carving pumpkins into jack- o"-lanterns is a Halloween custom also dating back to Ireland.   A legend grew up about a man named Jack who was so stingy that he was not allowed into heaven when he died, because he was a miser. He couldn"t enter hell either because he had played jokes on the devil. As a result, Jack had to walk on the earth with his lantern until Judgement Day.   So Jack and his lantern became the symbol of a lost or damned soul. To scare these souls away on Halloween, the Irish people carved scary faces out of turnips, beets or potatoes representing "Jack of the Lantern," or Jack-o-lantern.   When the Irish brought their customs to the United States, they carved faces on pumpkins because in the autumn they were more plentiful than turnips.   Today jack-o-lanterns in the windows of a house on Halloween night let costumed children know that there are goodies waiting if they knock and say "Trick or Treat!" ;
2023-06-09 03:20:181

do costumes什么意思

do costumes做服装双语例句1Do you think costumes play an important role in movies?你觉得电影内的服装对一套电影是重要的吗?。2If you have children, do not forget to do this for costumes because they are usually flammable.如果你有孩子的话,不要忘记用这种方法试一下,因为他们的衣物更易燃。
2023-06-09 03:20:311

in costumes 怎么翻译?

2023-06-09 03:20:504


唐装 is Tangzhuan If coat/jacket is long like in movie Wong Fei Hung wear those called Changshan 中山装 is called Mao suit !Chinese costumes! Chinese costumes! Chinese costumes! Chinese costumes ! ! Chinese costumes ! 参考: 译言堂 唐装吾可以直接翻译的 但系唐装又可以理解成中山装 所以英文能够译成 Chinese tunic suit 希望帮到你` 其实用什么字. 和你想怎样用这个字很有关系. 一般来说. 用作noun 的话. chinese costumes 已经可以理解作唐装. 正如chinese food 一样. 参考: 自己+字典 what is 唐装 like swire taikoo 方唐 === o o o ==== o o o ===== traffic congestion SUPERB solution -- royalties free -- legco candidate member -- please copy !! title: new trportation and logistics hub in ho man tin area 标题:新的运输及物流枢纽,在何文田区 === o o o ==== o o o ===== 交通挤塞 superb 解决方案 2008 立法会候选人 --- please copy !! legco election -- sep 2008 -- free material for candidates to copy -- as election agenda material chinese version new.scribd/doc/4965867/legco2008election0055chi english version new.scribd/doc/4965341/legco2008election005 何文田 老公主道 爱贫村 --- 交 通 拥 挤 - 问 题 所 在 重建整个 何文田 爱贫村
2023-06-09 03:20:561


2023-06-09 03:21:061


万圣节的意义英文   万圣节是西方的一个传统节日,但是万圣节有什么意义呢?下面就由我来跟大家介绍一下吧!   【万圣节的意义英文】   Halloween, or Halloweu2019en, is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31.   Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, ghost tours, bonfires, costume parties, visiting "haunted houses", carving Jack-o"-lanterns, reading scary stories and watching horror movies.   Irish immigrants carried versions of the tradition to North America in the nineteenth century.   Other western countries embraced the holiday in the late twentieth century. Halloween is celebrated in several countries of the Western world, most commonly in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Ireland, Puerto Rico, Japan, New Zealand, and occasionally in parts of Australia. In Sweden the All Saints" official holiday takes place on the first Saturday of November.   Halloween has its origins in the ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain. The festival of Samhain is a celebration of the end of the harvest season in Gaelic culture, and is sometimes regarded as the "Celtic New Year".   Traditionally, the festival was a time used by the ancient pagans to take stock of supplies and slaughter livestock for winter stores.   The ancient Gaels believed that on October 31, now known as Halloween, the boundary between the alive and the deceased dissolved, and the dead become dangerous for the living by causing problems such as sickness or damaged crops.   The festivals would frequently involve bonfires, into which bones of slaughtered livestock were thrown.   Costumes and masks were also worn at the festivals in an attempt to mimic the evil spirits or placate them.   【The Meaning and Origins of Halloween Symbols】   Along with the celebration of Halloween itself, the traditional Halloween symbols (witches, black cats, pumpkins, ghosts, candles, masks, etc.), found their way to the U.S. during the late 1800s.   In 1848, the potato famine sent millions of Irish immigrants streaming into America, bringing with them a new culture and customs.   In the manner of their Celtic ancestors, they celebrated Halloween, calling it Oidche Shamhna ("Night of Samhain"), and kept up the traditional observances associated with it.   Jack-o-lantern:   The jack-o-lantern has been an indispensable part of the Halloween tradition since the Victorian era, thanks again to our Irish friends.   On Halloween, jack-o-lanterns carved into a scary or funny face with a lighted candle placed inside, are set out on porches or placed in windows, but where once they were created in the hope of frightening away evil spirits that were on the prowl, now they are just a part of the celebration.   Originally, back on their home turf, the Irish would carve out turnips or beets to use as lanterns and use a burning lump of coal or a candle to light them.   Here in America, however, turnips weren"t as easy to come by, but there were pumpkins aplenty.   So they substituted pumpkins and discovered that they served the purpose quite nicely.   While there are many legends pertaining to the origin of the Jack-o-lantern, one of the most widely accepted is that of "Stingy Jack."   An Irishman known as a drunken trickster, Jack wound up on the wrong side of both God and the devil. Upon his death his soul was forbidden to enter either heaven or hell and so was doomed to wander the earth in eternal darkness forever.   On his endless travels he carries a turnip with a burning coal to light his way. Fearing this unsavory character, the Irish of old would put jack-o-lanterns on prominent display around their homes on All Hallow"s Eve, the purpose being that should Jack happen by, hopefully he would take the light instead of harming the occupants of the house.   Black Cats:   Throughout history black cats have been considered to be spiritual animals by many peoples.   Some have worshiped them believing they have the ability to see spirits. Others have believed them to be reincarnated beings who could predict the future. Over the centuries black cats have also been much maligned.   It was believed that witches owned black cats because they were able to assist them in performing their witchcraft and because they sensed a kindred spirit of darkness within these animals.   During the Middle Ages black cats were feared because it was believed that witches could turn themselves into black cats. Whenever a black cat was seen it was avoided at all costs because it was perceived to be a witch in disguise.   Unfortunately for them, during this time black cats were regularly hunted down and burned alive.   Bats:   Since bats are creepy nocturnal creatures, it"s not surprising that they became known as omens of bad luck or evil but there is more to the story concerning their association with Halloween.   The origins of the fear of bats began with the belief that they could communicate with the spirits of the dead, making their link to Halloween seem perfectly natural.   As if to confirm this theory, in ancient times when Halloween was celebrated with huge bonfires it was a guarantee that bats would make an appearance, as if drawn by supernatural forces.   Actually this was a result of the many mosquitoes that would congregate around the fires, providing an easy snack for the bats who would swoop down and snatch them out of the air.   In addition, there was the widely held belief that vampires and witches could transform themselves into bats.   Incidentally, the vampire bat is the only mammal that feeds on blood, thus linking bats to death and sealing their fate as terrifying creatures of the night.   Witches:   Witches and witchcraft go hand-in-hand with Halloween. The image of a witch in black pointed hat riding a broomstick across the night sky is branded in every child"s imagination.   In ancient times it was widely believed that witches were able to see the future and to cast spells, both good and bad.   This naturally made people fear and loath them. Since it was believed that supernatural powers were at their peak on Halloween night, it has caused witches to be forever associated with that time of year.   What made things worse for witches was a belief that flourished in the Middle Ages. With Halloween already considered a frightening time, people developed a belief in the existence of a cult of witches who worshiped Satan.   They held meetings at certain times of the year called Witches Sabbaths, and the most important of these was on All Hallows" Eve.   It was then that the Prince of Darkness, old Satan himself would appear to his loyal followers.   Ghosts:   The connection of ghosts with Halloween evolved with the ancient Celts, who celebrated Samhain -- the festival of the dead -- on the eve of their new year which began November 1st.   Their belief held that spirits of the dead could return to earth as the boundaries between the lands of the living and the dead were blurred during this time.   So it seems only right that ghosts became an integral part of Halloween.   Apples:   Apparently the reason for the custom of ducking, dooking or bobbing for apples -- attempting to bite an apple floating in a bucket of water, or hanging from a string -- was that if a person managed to get a bite from an apple they would have good fortune.   For unmarried people, the first person to take a bite out of an apple was considered to be the next to marry.   Also, peeling an apple and tossing the peel over your shoulder was supposed to reveal the initial of one"s future spouse.   Masks and Costumes:   The custom of wearing costumes, although done in a more cheerful manner nowadays, originated with the Celts.   While celebrating Samhain the Celts would wear costumes made from animal skins.   This was in accordance with their belief that during this time the veil between the world of the dead and earth was at its thinnest and, ancestral spirits, or ghosts could roam freely here on earth.   They hoped that the costumes would make them appear dead to avoid being harassed by these spirits.   Wearing costumes and masks for Halloween became popular here in America in the early 1900s.   Stores began carrying Halloween costumes in the 1950s when trick-or-treating became popular throughout the United States. ;
2023-06-09 03:21:401


作名词:(戏剧或电影的)戏装,演出服;服装,衣服;泳装,常用于英式英语;(某地或某历史时期的)服装 作动词(及物动词):给…穿上服装;给…提供服装
2023-06-09 03:22:031


costume 英[u02c8ku0252stju:m] 美[u02c8kɑ:stu:m] n. (戏剧或电影的) 戏装,演出服; 服装,衣服; 泳装,常用于英式英语; (某地或某历史时期的) 服装; vt. 给…穿上服装; 给…提供服装; [例句]The actress came on in full costume.那个女演员身穿全套戏装登场。[其他] 第三人称单数:costumes 复数:costumes 现在分词:costuming过去式:costumed 过去分词:costumed 形近词: costula posture
2023-06-09 03:22:111


分类: 娱乐/明星 >> 动漫 问题描述: 一定一定要英文.如果好的话可以加分~!!!!!!!!!! 解析: What is CosPlay? Cosplay is a term that originated in Japan but is based on the English words “Costume Play,” essentially play-acting in costumes. In Japan, CosPlay is not limited to anime/manga, but also a staple of many other entertainment industries such as science fiction and horror. In North America, the term CosPlay is reserved for anime/manga related costuming. CosPlaying can be divided into o categories: basic cosplay and Masquerade. While basic cosplay only involves an attempt to look like a particular character, either in the halls of a convention or on stage, Masquerade is much more involved. When masquerading, CosPlayers attempt to act as the character would. They often have prepared skits with memorized lines, and the more advanced masqueraders can easily ad-lib their character"s personality.Anime/manga CosPlay has bee very popular amongst fans in Japan and North America. Some CosPlayers make their own costumes, investing large amounts of time and money in the process, while others buy their costumes from professional costume designers. The end products are generally shown off at Anime conventions. Many Anime conventions hold contests for Cosplay and for Masquerade. Some successful cosplayers have bee very popular and are considered celebrities in their own right. #################################### Cosplay original meaning "Costume play" first was happening in US holiday "Halloween" during Oct. 31st. In Japan, anime(I prefer call animation) manga are extremely popular, fans starts to used their favorite characters from anime/manga and re-design or re-created into their own story, they called "Doujinshi" and present them in public. Later on Japanese anime/manga/doujinshi convention/festival started to spray out and getting more popular all over Asia, first people dress up to get customer"s attention. After it, more and more fans had involved to Cosplay, it has bees another even in the doujinshi groups. Now not just artists dress up, visitor may start brining their favorite character outfit and wear them to the convention or festival, it has start the cosplay culture. Even though Cosplay had spray out all over the world, not just in Asia, now in US, UK, and else where are extremely popular.
2023-06-09 03:22:201

dress ____ _____ costumes填介词

dress up in costumes 盛装打扮 ; 穿着戏服打扮 希望帮到你
2023-06-09 03:22:261

costumes and masks怎么读

costumes and masks 音标是 ["ku0254stju:u0259z u0259nd mɑ:sks],可谐音为“"可奥"思"体欧"俄日/恩德/马斯克斯”。
2023-06-09 03:22:551

Costumes Pakopako中文是什么意思

2023-06-09 03:23:023


closet wardrob
2023-06-09 03:23:092

请问"卡通服装" 用英文怎么说啊?

2023-06-09 03:23:342

dressed in costumes

costumes 是套装的意思 所以是打扮得很好 well-dressed formally-dressed是平时装束,不正式
2023-06-09 03:23:401


2023-06-09 03:23:513


2023-06-09 03:24:181

穿戏服的英文是不是in costumes?

For the theater.
2023-06-09 03:24:323


cow 英 [kau028a]     美 [kau028a]    boy英 [bu0254u026a]     美 [bu0254u026a]    and英 [u0259nd]     美 [u0259nd]    cow英 [kau028a]     美 [kau028a]    girl英 [ɡu025cu02d0l]     美 [ɡu025cu02d0rl]    costumes 英[u02c8ku0254stju:mz]
2023-06-09 03:24:391


What is CosPlay?Cosplay is a term that originated in Japan but is based on the English words “Costume Play,” essentially play-acting in costumes. In Japan, CosPlay is not limited to anime/manga, but also a staple of many other entertainment industries such as science fiction and horror. In North America, the term CosPlay is reserved for anime/manga related costuming.CosPlaying can be divided into two categories: basic cosplay and Masquerade. While basic cosplay only involves an attempt to look like a particular character, either in the halls of a convention or on stage, Masquerade is much more involved. When masquerading, CosPlayers attempt to act as the character would. They often have prepared skits with memorized lines, and the more advanced masqueraders can easily ad-lib their character"s personality.Anime/manga CosPlay has become very popular amongst fans in Japan and North America. Some CosPlayers make their own costumes, investing large amounts of time and money in the process, while others buy their costumes from professional costume designers. The end products are generally shown off at Anime conventions. Many Anime conventions hold contests for Cosplay and for Masquerade. Some successful cosplayers have become very popular and are considered celebrities in their own right.####################################Cosplay original meaning "Costume play" first was happening in US holiday "Halloween" during Oct. 31st. In Japan, anime(I prefer call animation) manga are extremely popular, fans starts to used their favorite characters from anime/manga and re-design or re-created into their own story, they called "Doujinshi" and present them in public. Later on Japanese anime/manga/doujinshi convention/festival started to spray out and getting more popular all over Asia, first people dress up to get customer"s attention. After it, more and more fans had involved to Cosplay, it has becomes another even in the doujinshi groups. Now not just artists dress up, visitor may start brining their favorite character outfit and wear them to the convention or festival, it has start the cosplay culture.Even though Cosplay had spray out all over the world, not just in Asia, now in US, UK, and else where are extremely popular.
2023-06-09 03:24:471

标题 What do you know about Hollywood?怎么回答

1.Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31. By tradition, Halloween begins after sunset. Long ago, people believed that witches gathered together and ghosts roamed the world on Halloween. Today, most people no longer believe in ghosts and witches. But these supernatural beings are still a part of Halloween. 2. October 31. 3.Dressing in masks and costumes is a popular Halloween activity. Costumes can be traditional and scary, such as a witchu2019s pointy hat and black gown. Costumes may also have a modern flavor. Many children dress up as movie characters or a favorite superhero. But Halloween is not just for children. Many adults enjoy showing off their costumes at Halloween parties!
2023-06-09 03:24:541

介绍唐装 英语短文 速度为主!!!

2023-06-09 03:25:141


Wear costumes
2023-06-09 03:25:225


关于万圣节的英文词汇   每年的11月1日是西方的万圣节,这一天是小孩子放肆搞恶作剧的日子,“ trick or treat 不给糖就捣蛋”是万圣节小孩常玩的把戏,还有哪些关于万圣节有趣的英文词汇呢?我为您整理了一些,欢迎查看。   [关于万圣节的单词]   万圣节:Halloween   妖精:goblin   骨头:bones   南瓜:Pumpkin   猫头鹰:owl   蜡烛:candle   狼人:werewolf   魔鬼:demon   糖果:candy   巫婆:witch   蝙蝠:bat   面具:mask   巫师:warlock   女巫:witch   骨架:skeleton   死神:Grim Reaper   蜘蛛网:spider web   万圣节服装:halloween costume   [关于万圣节的短句]   1.Trick or tread   不招待,就使坏。   2. The child screamed when it confronted the man in the halloween costume.   当面对那个穿万圣节服装的人时孩子尖叫起来。   3. Older boys put us up to pointing the statue red on Halloween.   年纪大的男孩指挥我们在万圣节前夕将雕像漆红。   4. The jack-o-lantern is the symbol of Halloween.   “空心南瓜灯”是万圣节的象征。   5. Children would make Halloween decorations, all kinds of orange-paper jack-o-lanterns.   孩子们会制作万圣节的"装饰品:各种各样桔黄色的南瓜灯。   6. On the eve of All Hallows, Oct. 31,   在万圣节的前夜,10月31日,   7. Few holidays tap into the American psyche so close- ly as Halloween.   与美国人心理最接近的节日莫过于万圣节前夜。   8. People use me to make a jack-o-lantern on Halloween.   人们在万圣节时用我制作“鬼火”   [关于万圣节的长句]   The Halloween celebration comes from All Hallows Day or All Saints Day, the 1st of November. This was originally a pagan festival of the dead, but later became a holiday to honor Christian saints.   万圣节的庆祝活动来源于每年11月1日的All Hallows Day 或All Saints Day。它原先是异教徒们纪念死者的节日,但是逐渐演变成一个纪念基督圣者的节日。   2. The name Halloween comes from a contraction of All Hallows Eve (Evening), the day before All Hallows Day. On this night it was believed that the spirits of the dead would try to come back to life!   Halloween这个词来自于All Hallows Eve(夜晚),All Hallows Eve是All Hallows Day前一天的缩写。人们认为在当天晚上,亡者的灵魂会重新复活!   3. Dressing up in costumes is one of the most popular Halloween customs, especially among children. According to tradition, people would dress up in costumes (wear special clothing, masks or disguises) to frighten the spirits away.   Dressing up in costumes是最受欢迎的万圣节风俗之一,尤其是受孩子们的欢迎。按照传统习俗,人们会dress up in costumes(穿戴一些特别的服装,面具或者装饰)来吓跑鬼魂。   4. Popular Halloween costumes include vampires (creatures that drink blood), ghosts (spirits of the dead) and werewolves (people that turn into wolves when the moon is full).   流行的万圣节服装包括vampires(吸血鬼),ghosts(死者的灵魂)和werewolves(每当月圆时就变成狼形的人)。   5. Trick or Treating is a modern Halloween custom where children go from house to house dressed in costume, asking for treats like candy or toys. If they don"t get any treats, they might play a trick (mischief or prank) on the owners of the house.   Trick or Treating 是现代万圣节的风俗。孩子们穿着特殊的衣服走街串巷,讨取糖果和玩具之类的赏赐。如果他们得不到任何的赏赐,就可能会对屋主大搞恶作剧或者胡闹了。   6. The tradition of the Jack o" Lantern comes from a folktale about a man named Jack who tricked the devil and had to wander the Earth with a lantern. The Jack o" Lantern is made by placing a candle inside a hollowed-out pumpkin, which is carved to look like a face.   Jack o" Lantern 的传统来自于一个民间传说。一个名叫Jack的人戏弄了恶魔,之后就不得不提着一盏灯在地球上流浪。Jack o" Lantern是用雕刻成脸型,中间挖空,再插上蜡烛的南瓜做成的。   7. There are many other superstitions associated with Halloween. A superstition is an irrational idea, like believing that the number 13 is unlucky!   和万圣节有关的迷信还有很多。迷信是一种不合常理的想法,比如认为13是不吉利的数字!   8. Halloween is also associated with supernatural creatures like ghosts and vampires. These creatures are not part of the natural world. They don"t really exist... or do they?   万圣节还和一些诸如鬼魂和吸血鬼之类的超自然的生物有关。这些生物不是自然界的一部分。他们实际上是不存在的......或许他们其实真的存在?   9. Witches are popular Halloween characters that are thought to have magical powers. They usually wear pointed hats and fly around on broomsticks.   女巫是万圣节很受欢迎的人物,人们认为她们具有强大的魔力。他们通常戴着尖顶的帽子,骑在扫把上飞来飞去。   10. Bad omens are also part of Halloween celebrations. A bad omen is something that is believed to bring bad luck, like black cats, spiders or bats.   恶兆也是万圣节庆祝活动的一部分。人们相信恶兆会带给坏运气,黑猫、蜘蛛或者蝙蝠都算是恶兆。 ;
2023-06-09 03:25:351

作文chinese costumes

Chinese New Year is the most important festivity for the Chinese people.It is also called the Spring Festival or the Lunar New Year.Every year has an animal"s name.These animals are the rat,ox,tiger,rabbit,dragon,snake,horse,ram,monkey,rooster,dog and pig.A Chinese legend says that these twelve animals had a race.The first year was named after the rat,the winner.The other eleven years were named after the order in which the animals arrived in the race.The clever rat jumped onto the ox"s back then at the end jumped over the ox"s head to arrive first!The Chinese believe that a person born in a particular year has some of the characteristics of animal.On Chinese New Year"s Eve all family members enjoy a big,delicious meal.It is very important for the Chinese to be with their families on this occasion.Fish is always part of the dinner because it represents abundance.On New Year"s Day all Chinese children wear new clothes with bright colors.Red is considered a lucky color.Parents and relatives give children the traditional New Year"s gift called lucky money.This money is put into bright red and gold envelopes.Fill under the the morning of new year ,the kid wakes up to see the “lucky money”,express that oneself become one year older.Red is a traditional color for festivals,celebrations,weddings and birthdays.The lion dancers are always part of the festivities.The lion has a big head and long body made of cloth.The lion dance is accompanied by drums,cymbals and noisy firecrackers.According to ancient traditions the great noise frightens away evil spirits.The dragon is the most important figure of the Chinese New Year festivities and parades.The dragon is considered a lucky figure.A parade dragon can be 20 to 30 meters long!Sixty or more men move under a long cloth that represents the dragon"s tail.During the parade children represent the animals of the Chinese calendar.There are also acrobats and musicians in beautiful costumes.Happy New Year!
2023-06-09 03:25:491


2023-06-09 03:25:595


万圣节英文介绍简单的   万圣节是欧美国家的传统节日,万圣节是十月三十一号空心南瓜灯是万圣节的象征,下面我给大家简单介绍一下万圣节,欢迎大家了解!   【The Origin of Halloween】   While there are many versions of the origins and old customs of Halloween, some remain consistent by all accounts. Different cultures view Halloween somewhat differently but traditional Halloween practices remain the same.   Halloween culture can be traced back to the Druids, a Celtic culture in Ireland, Britain and Northern Europe. Roots lay in the feast of Samhain, which was annually on October 31st to honor the dead.   Samhain signifies "summers end" or November. Samhain was a harvest festival with huge sacred bonfires, marking the end of the Celtic year and beginning of a new one. Many of the practices involved in this celebration were fed on superstition.   The Celts believed the souls of the dead roamed the streets and villages at night. Since not all spirits were thought to be friendly, gifts and treats were left out to pacify the evil and ensure next years crops would be plentiful. This custom evolved into trick-or-treating.   【HOW HALLOWEEN GOT STARTED】   One of the oldest Halloween traditions comes from the ancient Celts, who lived in western and central Europe long ago. The Celts celebrated a holiday   y called Sa amhain on October 31. After sunset that day, people believed that spirits of the dead would rise and walk the earth. The Celts made offerings of food and drink to keep the spirits away.   Beginning about 2,000 years ago, the Roman Empire conquered many Celtic peoples. But Celtic traditions, including Samhain, remained strong in areas such as Ireland and Scotland, even after the Roman conquest.   The Roman Catholic Church tried to replace Samhain in 835 with All Saints" Day, a day to honor saints of the Church. The eve of All Saints" Day is October 31. It is called Allhallows or Hallowmas by the Church.   【HOW DID HALLOWEEN COME TO AMERICA?】   Halloween first came to America with early settlers from Celtic areas in Europe, such as Ireland and Scotland. But other American settlers with strict religious beliefs, including the Puritans from England, rejected Halloween. The arrival of many Irish immigrants during the 1800s helped spread Halloween"s popularity.   But by the late 1800s, fewer people believed in ancient superstitions of ghosts and witches. Halloween became more a holiday for children to receive treats and dress in costume.   【The History Halloween】   Halloween is on October 31st, the last day of the Celtic calendar. It was originally a pagan holiday, honoring the dead. Halloween was referred to as All Hallows Eve and dates back to over 2000 years ago.   All Hallows Eve is the evening before All Saints Day, which was created by Christians to convert pagans, and is celebrated on November 1st. The Catholic church honored saints on this designated day.   【WHAT IS HALLOWEEN?】   Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31. By tradition, Halloween begins after sunset. Long ago, people believed that witches gathered together and ghosts roamed the world on Halloween. Today, most people no longer believe in ghosts and witches. But these supernatural beings are still a part of Halloween.   The colors black and orange are also a part of Halloween. Black is a symbol for night and orange is the color of pumpkins. A jack-o"-lantern is a hollowed-out pumpkin with a face carved on one side. Candles are usually placed inside, giving the face a spooky glow.   【DRESSING IN COSTUMES】   Dressing in masks and costumes is a popular Halloween activity. Costumes can be traditional and scary, such as a witch"s pointy hat and black gown. Costumes may also have a modern flavor. Many children dress up as movie characters or a favorite superhero.   But Halloween is not just for children. Many adults enjoy showing off their costumes at Halloween parties!   【TRICK-OR-TREATING】   Once in costume, children go from house to house saying “Trick or treat!” In the past, children might play a “trick” on people who did not give treats. They might pelt houses with eggs or old tomatoes, or play other pranks. Today, children"s cries of “Trick or treat!” are usually rewarded with candy.   【拓展】 万圣节英文故事   HALLOWEEN   One story about Jack, an Irishman, who was not allowed into Heaven because he was stingy with his money. So he was sent to hell. But down there he played tricks on the Devil (Satan), so he was kicked out of Hell and made to walk the earth forever carrying a lantern.   Well, Irish children made Jack"s lanterns on October 31stfroma large potato or turnip, hollowed out with the sides having holes and lit by little candles inside. And Irish children would carry them as they wentfromhouse to house begging for food for the village Halloween festival that honored the Druid god Muck Olla. The Irish name for these lanterns was Jack with the lantern or Jack of the lantern, abbreviated asJack-o"-lantern and now spelled jack-o-lantern.   The traditional Halloween you can read about in most books was just children"s fun night. Halloween celebrations would start in October in every elementary school.   Children would make Halloween decorations, all kinds of orange-paper jack-o-lanterns. Andfromblack paper you"d cut scary designs ---an evil witch with a pointed hat riding through the sky on a broomstick, maybe with black bats flying across the moon, and that meant bad luck. And of course black cats for more bad luck. Sometimes a black cat would ride away into the sky on the back of the witch"s broom.   And on Halloween night we"d dress up in Mom or Dad"s old shoes and clothes, put on a mask, and be ready to go outside. The little kids (children younger than we were) had to go with their mothers, but we older ones went together to neighbors" houses, ringing their doorbell and yelling, Trick or treat! meaning, Give us a treat (something to eat) or we"ll play a trick on you! The people inside were supposed to come to the door and comment on our costumes.   Oh! here"s a ghost. Oh, there"s a witch. Oh, here"s an old lady.   Sometimes they would play along with us and pretendto be scared by some ghost or witch. But they would always have some candy and maybe an apple to put in our trick or treat bags. But what if no one come to the door, or if someone chased us away? Then we"d play a trick on them, usually taking a piece of soap and make marks on their windows. .And afterwards we would go home and count who got the most candy. One popular teen-agers" Halloween trick was to unroll a roll of toilet paper and throw it high into a tree again and again until the tree was all wrapped in the white paper. The paper would often stay in the tree for weeks until a heavy snow or rain washed it off. No real harm done, but it made a big mess of both the tree and the yard under it. One kind of Halloween mischief.   万圣节   关于万圣节有这样一个故事。是说有一个叫杰克的爱尔兰人,因为他对钱特别吝啬,就不允许他进入天堂,而被打入地狱。但是在那里他老是捉弄魔鬼撒旦,所以被踢出地狱,罚他提着灯笼永远在人世里行走。   在十月三十一日爱尔兰的孩子们用土豆和罗卜制作“杰克的灯笼”,他们把中间挖掉、表面上打洞并在里边点上蜡烛。为村里庆祝督伊德神的万圣节,孩子们提着这种灯笼挨家挨户乞讨食物。这种灯笼的`爱尔兰名字是“拿灯笼的杰克”或者“杰克的灯笼”,缩写为Jack-o‘-lantern 现在拼写为jack-o-lantern。   现在你在大多数书里读到的万圣节只是孩子们开心的夜晚。在小学校里,万圣节是每年十月份开始庆祝的。   孩子们会制作万圣节的装饰品:各种各样桔黄色的南瓜灯。你可以用黑色的纸做一个可怕的造形——一个骑在扫帚把上戴着尖尖帽子的女巫飞过天空,或者是黑蝙蝠飞过月亮。这些都代表恶运。当然黑猫代表运气更差。有时候会出现黑猫骑在女巫扫帚后面飞向天空的造形。   在万圣节的晚上,我们都穿着爸爸妈妈的旧衣服和旧鞋子,戴上面具,打算外出。比我们小的孩子必须和他们的母亲一块出去,我们大一点的就一起哄到邻居家,按他们的门铃并大声喊道:“恶作剧还是招待!”意思是给我们吃的,要不我们就捉弄你。里边的人们应该出来评价我们的化装。   “噢!这是鬼,那是女巫,这是个老太婆。”   有时候他们会跟我们一起玩,假装被鬼或者女巫吓着了。但是他们通常会带一些糖果或者苹果放进我们的“恶作剧还是招待”的口袋里。可是要是没人回答门铃或者是有人把我们赶开该怎么办呢?我们就捉弄他们,通常是拿一块肥皂把他们的玻璃涂得乱七八糟。然后我们回家,数数谁的糖果最多。   还有一个典型的万圣节花招是把一卷手纸拉开,不停地往树上扔,直到树全被白纸裹起来。除非下大雪或大雨把纸冲掉,纸会一直呆在树上。这并不造成真正的伤害,只是把树和院子搞乱,一种万圣节的恶作剧。 ;
2023-06-09 03:26:441

e seven costumes什么意思

seven costumes七个服装
2023-06-09 03:26:572


1. 万圣节的英语作文怎么写30字,但也要中文 Halloween Halloween is an autumn holiday that Americans celebrate every year. It means "holy evening," and it es every October 31, the evening before All Saints" Day. However, it is not really a church holiday, it is a holiday for children mainly. Every autumn, when the vegetables are ready to eat, children pick large orange pumpkins. Then缉厂光断叱登癸券含猾 they cut faces in the pumpkins and put a burning candle inside. It looks as if there were a person looking out of the pumpkin! These lights are called jack-o"-lanterns, which means "Jack of the lantern". The children also put on strange masks and frightening costumes every Halloween. Some children paint their faces to look like monsters. Then they carry boxes or bags from house to house. Every time they e to a new house, they say,"Trick or treat! Money or eat!" The grown-ups put treat-money or candy in their bags. Not only children, but most grown-ups also love Halloween and Halloween parties because on this day,they can disguise themselves as personages or ghost as their imaginations will lead them. This bring them the satisfaction of being young.。 2. 万圣节英语作文该如何写 万圣节的介绍哦。 Halloween Halloween is an autumn holiday that Americans celebrate every year. It means "holy evening," and it es every October 31, the even ing before All Saints" Day. However, it is not really a church holiday, it is a holiday for children mainly. Every autumn, when the vegetables are ready to eat, children pick large orange pumpkins. Then they cut faces in the pumpkins and put a burning candle inside. It looks as if there were a person looking out of the pumpkin! These lights are called jack-o"-lanterns, which means "Jack of the lantern". The children also put on strange masks and frightening costumes every Halloween. Some children paint their faces to look like monsters. Then they carry boxes or bags from house to house. Every time they e to a new house, they say,"Trick or treat! Money or eat!" The grown-ups put treat-money or candy in their bags. Not only children, but most grown-ups also love Halloween and Halloween parties because on this day,they can disguise themselves as personages or ghost as their imaginations will lead them. This bring them the satisfaction of being young.万圣节前夕是美国人年年都会庆祝的秋季节日。它的意思是“神圣的夜晚”,在每年的10月31日,也就是万圣节前夜。 但实际上这不是一个真正的宗教节日,而主要是孩子们的节日。 每年秋天蔬菜成熟可以食用的时候,孩子们就会挑出大个儿的橙色南瓜。 然后在南瓜上刻上一张脸,把一根点燃的蜡烛放在里面。看起来就好像有人在向南瓜外面张望。 这些灯就叫做“iack-o"-lantems”,意思也就是“杰克的灯”。 每年万圣节前夕孩子们还戴上奇怪的面具,穿上吓人的服装。 有些孩子把脸刷成怪物。然后他们拿着盒子或袋子挨家挨户串门。 每来到一个新房子他们就说:“不款待就捣乱!给钱还是吃的!”大人们就会把用来招待的钱或糖放在他们的袋子里了。 不仅孩子,许多成年人也喜欢万圣节前夕和万圣节前夕晚会。 因为这一天他们可以根据自己的想象把自己装扮成名流或幽灵。这会带给他们年轻的 *** 。 3. 用英文写成的万圣节的作文 Halloween on October 31 in the West by people in a variety of ways to celebrate Halloween. At Halloween, children wear special clothing, Grab your mask. Many children play called "Not Wele Here Shihuai on" the game. They knock on the door neighbor, shouted loudly: "Not Wele Here Shihuai it." Neighbors are usually treated them with candy. If children are not candies, they might engage in neighbor prank. Some people also use a large orange pumpkin lights do, carve pumpkins on the eyes, nose and the shape of the canine to go into the light, the light from the eyes, nose and canine Department disclosed to. 万圣节在10月31日,西方的人们用各种方式庆祝万圣节。在万圣节,孩子们穿上特殊的服装,戴上面具。许多孩子玩一种叫“不招待就使坏”的游戏。他们敲邻居家的门,高声喊道:“不招待便使坏”。邻居通常用糖果招待他们。假如孩子们得不到糖果,他们可能会对邻居搞恶作剧。一些人也用橙色的大南瓜做灯,在南瓜上刻出眼睛、鼻子和尖牙的形状,把灯放进去,灯光从眼睛、鼻子和尖牙处透出来。 4. 写一篇关于万圣节的英语作文 Halloweennbsp;isnbsp;annbsp;autumnnbsp;holidaynbsp;thatnbsp;Americansnbsp;celebratenbsp;everynbsp;year.nbsp;Itnbsp;meansnbsp;“holynbsp;evening,“nbsp;andnbsp;itnbsp;esnbsp;everynbsp;Octobernbsp;31,nbsp;thenbsp;eveningnbsp;beforenbsp;Allnbsp;Saints"nbsp;Day.nbsp;However,nbsp;itnbsp;isnbsp;notnbsp;reallynbsp;anbsp;churchnbsp;holiday,nbsp;itnbsp;isnbsp;anbsp;holidaynbsp;fornbsp;childrennbsp;mainly.nbsp;Everynbsp;autumn,nbsp;whennbsp;thenbsp;vegetablesnbsp;arenbsp;readynbsp;tonbsp;eat,nbsp;childrennbsp;picknbsp;largenbsp;orangenbsp;pumpkins.nbsp;Thennbsp;theynbsp;cutnbsp;facesnbsp;innbsp;thenbsp;pumpkinsnbsp;andnbsp;putnbsp;anbsp;burningnbsp;candlenbsp;inside.nbsp;Itnbsp;looksnbsp;asnbsp;ifnbsp;therenbsp;werenbsp;anbsp;personnbsp;lookingnbsp;outnbsp;ofnbsp;thenbsp;pumpkin!nbsp;Thesenbsp;lightsnbsp;arenbsp;callednbsp;jack-o"-lanterns,nbsp;whichnbsp;meansnbsp;“Jacknbsp;ofnbsp;thenbsp;lantern“.nbsp;Thenbsp;childrennbsp;alsonbsp;putnbsp;onnbsp;strangenbsp;masksnbsp;andnbsp;frighteningnbsp;costumesnbsp;everynbsp;Halloween.nbsp;Somenbsp;childrennbsp;paintnbsp;theirnbsp;facesnbsp;tonbsp;looknbsp;likenbsp;monsters.nbsp;Thennbsp;theynbsp;carrynbsp;boxesnbsp;ornbsp;bagsnbsp;fromnbsp;housenbsp;tonbsp;house.nbsp;Everynbsp;timenbsp;theynbsp;enbsp;tonbsp;anbsp;newnbsp;house,nbsp;theynbsp;say,“Tricknbsp;ornbsp;treat!nbsp;Moneynbsp;ornbsp;eat!“nbsp;Thenbsp;grown-upsnbsp;putnbsp;treat-moneynbsp;ornbsp;candynbsp;innbsp;theirnbsp;bags.nbsp;Notnbsp;onlynbsp;children,nbsp;butnbsp;mostnbsp;grown-upsnbsp;alsonbsp;lovenbsp;Halloweennbsp;andnbsp;Halloweennbsp;partiesnbsp;becausenbsp;onnbsp;thisnbsp;day,theynbsp;cannbsp;disguisenbsp;themselvesnbsp;asnbsp;personagesnbsp;ornbsp;ghostnbsp;asnbsp;theirnbsp;imaginationsnbsp;willnbsp;leadnbsp;them.nbsp;Thisnbsp;bringnbsp;themnbsp;thenbsp;satisfactionnbsp;ofnbsp;beingnbsp;young。 5. 万圣节的英语作文 It is Halloween tomorrow. We want to buy some things for a partyWe need a pumpkin, a vase, some candies , some flowers, some masks and so on. So we go to the supermarket we go there by car . I like the rabbit mask very much. My mother likes the horse maskwe have a big garden . It is behind our house . There are many beautiful flowers in it. We put them in the vase We have many things to eat and drink . Do you like our party? e to our house at seven in the evening tomorrow!。 6. 救急 Halloween Halloween is an autumn holiday that Americans celebrate every year. It means "holy evening," and it es every October 31, the evening before All Saints" Day. However, it is not really a church holiday, it is a holiday for children mainly. Every autumn, when the vegetables are ready to eat, children pick large orange pumpkins. Then they cut faces in the pumpkins and put a burning candle inside. It looks as if there were a person looking out of the pumpkin! These lights are called jack-o"-lanterns, which means "Jack of the lantern". The children also put on strange masks and frightening costumes every Halloween. Some children paint their faces to look like monsters. Then they carry boxes or bags from house to house. Every time they e to a new house, they say,"Trick or treat! Money or eat!" The grown-ups put treat-money or candy in their bags. Not only children, but most grown-ups also love Halloween and Halloween parties because on this day,they can disguise themselves as personages or ghost as their imaginations will lead them. This bring them the satisfaction of being young. 万圣节前夕 万圣节前夕是美国人年年都会庆祝的秋季节日。它的意思是“神圣的夜晚”,在每年的10月31日,也就是万圣节前夜。但实际上这不是一个真正的宗教节日,而主要是孩子们的节日。 每年秋天蔬菜成熟可以食用的时候,孩子们就会挑出大个儿的橙色南瓜。然后在南瓜上刻上一张脸,把一根点燃的蜡烛放在里面。看起来就好像有人在向南瓜外面张望。这些灯就叫做“iack-o"-lantems”,意思也就是“杰克的灯”。 每年万圣节前夕孩子们还戴上奇怪的面具,穿上吓人的服装。有些孩子把脸刷成怪物。然后他们拿着盒子或袋子挨家挨户串门。每来到一个新房子他们就说:“不款待就捣乱!给钱还是吃的!”大人们就会把用来招待的钱或糖放在他们的袋子里了。 不仅孩子,许多成年人也喜欢万圣节前夕和万圣节前夕晚会。因为这一天他们可以根据自己的想象把自己装扮成名流或幽灵。这会带给他们年轻的 *** 。 7. 万圣节的英语作文(带翻译,短一点) Easter is one of the o major important Christian festivals.Easter celebrates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and Christmas celevrates his birth. It"s not as big a festival as Christmas It starts usually in late March or early April and Easter holiday is Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. It"s quite a long holiday for everybody. The main symbol of Easter is the Easter egg. Children like Easter eggs because they are made of chocolate. eggs are a symbol of new life. Easter is also a time for families to get toge ther like Christmas. Many people see Easter as a nice long holiday and they hace a good time with their families and friends.翻译:复活节是一个主要的基督教的重要节日。 复活节庆祝耶稣基督的死亡和复活,圣诞庆祝他的出生。这不是大的节日圣诞节通常在三月底开始或四月初,复活节是星期五,星期六,星期日和星期一。 这是一个很长的假期为每个人。复活节的主要标志是复活节彩蛋。 孩子们喜欢复活节彩蛋是因为它们是用巧克力做的。鸡蛋是新生命的象征。 复活节也是一个家庭团聚一起喜欢圣诞节。许多人视复活节为很好的假期,他们有一个良好的时间与他们的家人和朋友。 8. 写一篇关于万圣节的英语作文 Halloweennbsp;isnbsp;annbsp;autumnnbsp;holidaynbsp;thatnbsp;Americansnbsp;celebratenbsp;everynbsp;year.nbsp;Itnbsp;meansnbsp;“holynbsp;evening,“nbsp;andnbsp;itnbsp;esnbsp;everynbsp;Octobernbsp;31,nbsp;thenbsp;eveningnbsp;beforenbsp;Allnbsp;Saints"nbsp;Day.nbsp;However,nbsp;itnbsp;isnbsp;notnbsp;reallynbsp;anbsp;churchnbsp;holiday,nbsp;itnbsp;isnbsp;anbsp;holidaynbsp;fornbsp;childrennbsp;mainly.nbsp;Everynbsp;autumn,nbsp;whennbsp;thenbsp;vegetablesnbsp;arenbsp;readynbsp;tonbsp;eat,nbsp;childrennbsp;picknbsp;largenbsp;orangenbsp;pumpkins.nbsp;Thennbsp;theynbsp;cutnbsp;facesnbsp;innbsp;thenbsp;pumpkinsnbsp;andnbsp;putnbsp;anbsp;burningnbsp;candlenbsp;inside.nbsp;Itnbsp;looksnbsp;asnbsp;ifnbsp;therenbsp;werenbsp;anbsp;personnbsp;lookingnbsp;outnbsp;ofnbsp;thenbsp;pumpkin!nbsp;Thesenbsp;lightsnbsp;arenbsp;callednbsp;jack-o"-lanterns,nbsp;whichnbsp;meansnbsp;“Jacknbsp;ofnbsp;thenbsp;lantern“.nbsp;Thenbsp;childrennbsp;alsonbsp;putnbsp;onnbsp;strangenbsp;masksnbsp;andnbsp;frighteningnbsp;costumesnbsp;everynbsp;Halloween.nbsp;Somenbsp;childrennbsp;paintnbsp;theirnbsp;facesnbsp;tonbsp;looknbsp;likenbsp;monsters.nbsp;Thennbsp;theynbsp;carrynbsp;boxesnbsp;ornbsp;bagsnbsp;fromnbsp;housenbsp;tonbsp;house.nbsp;Everynbsp;timenbsp;theynbsp;enbsp;tonbsp;anbsp;newnbsp;house,nbsp;theynbsp;say,“Tricknbsp;ornbsp;treat!nbsp;Moneynbsp;ornbsp;eat!“nbsp;Thenbsp;grown-upsnbsp;putnbsp;treat-moneynbsp;ornbsp;candynbsp;innbsp;theirnbsp;bags.nbsp;Notnbsp;onlynbsp;children,nbsp;butnbsp;mostnbsp;grown-upsnbsp;alsonbsp;lovenbsp;Halloweennbsp;andnbsp;Halloweennbsp;partiesnbsp;becausenbsp;onnbsp;thisnbsp;day,theynbsp;cannbsp;disguisenbsp;themselvesnbsp;asnbsp;personagesnbsp;ornbsp;ghostnbsp;asnbsp;theirnbsp;imaginationsnbsp;willnbsp;leadnbsp;them.nbsp;Thisnbsp;bringnbsp;themnbsp;thenbsp;satisfactionnbsp;ofnbsp;beingnbsp;young。 9. 写一篇关于万圣节的英语作文 Halloween is an autumn holiday that Americans celebrate every year. It means "holy evening," and it es every October 31, the evening before All Saints" Day. However, it is not really a church holiday, it is a holiday for children mainly. Every autumn, when the vegetables are ready to eat, children pick large orange pumpkins. Then they cut faces in the pumpkins and put a burning candle inside. It looks as if there were a person looking out of the pumpkin! These lights are called jack-o"-lanterns, which means "Jack of the lantern". The children also put on strange masks and frightening costumes every Halloween. Some children paint their faces to look like monsters. Then they carry boxes or bags from house to house. Every time they e to a new house, they say,"Trick or treat! Money or eat!" The grown-ups put treat-money or candy in their bags. Not only children, but most grown-ups also love Halloween and Halloween parties because on this day,they can disguise themselves as personages or ghost as their imaginations will lead them. This bring them the satisfaction of being young
2023-06-09 03:27:151


万圣节英文小报内容   有关于万圣节的英文小报内容资料有哪些呢?以下是我跟大家分享一些万圣节英文小报内容的资料,一起来看看吧,一定会有你喜欢的内容的!   万圣节英文小报1   Along with the celebration of Halloween itself,the traditional Halloween symbols (witches,black cats,pumpkins,ghosts,candles,masks,etc.),found their way to the U.S.during the late 1800s.   In 1848,the potato famine sent millions of Irish immigrants streaming into America,bringing with them a new culture and customs.   In the manner of their Celtic ancestors,they celebrated Halloween,calling it Oidche Shamhna ("Night of Samhain"),and kept up the traditional observances associated with it.   Jack-o-lantern:   The jack-o-lantern has been an indispensable part of the Halloween tradition since the Victorian era,thanks again to our Irish friends.   On Halloween,jack-o-lanterns carved into a scary or funny face with a lighted candle placed inside,are set out on porches or placed in windows,but where once they were created in the hope of frightening away evil spirits that were on the prowl,now they are just a part of the celebration.   Originally,back on their home turf,the Irish would carve out turnips or beets to use as lanterns and use a burning lump of coal or a candle to light them.   Here in America,however,turnips weren"t as easy to come by,but there were pumpkins aplenty.   So they substituted pumpkins and discovered that they served the purpose quite nicely.   While there are many legends pertaining to the origin of the Jack-o-lantern,one of the most widely accepted is that of "Stingy Jack."   An Irishman known as a drunken trickster,Jack wound up on the wrong side of both God and the devil.Upon his death his soul was forbidden to enter either heaven or hell and so was doomed to wander the earth in eternal darkness forever.   On his endless travels he carries a turnip with a burning coal to light his way.Fearing this unsavory character,the Irish of old would put jack-o-lanterns on prominent display around their homes on All Hallow"s Eve,the purpose being that should Jack happen by,hopefully he would take the light instead of harming the occupants of the house.   Black Cats:   Throughout history black cats have been considered to be spiritual animals by many peoples.   Some have worshiped them believing they have the ability to see spirits.Others have believed them to be reincarnated beings who could predict the future.Over the centuries black cats have also been much maligned.   It was believed that witches owned black cats because they were able to assist them in performing their witchcraft and because they sensed a kindred spirit of darkness within these animals.   During the Middle Ages black cats were feared because it was believed that witches could turn themselves into black cats.Whenever a black cat was seen it was avoided at all costs because it was perceived to be a witch in disguise.   Unfortunately for them,during this time black cats were regularly hunted down and burned alive.   Bats:   Since bats are creepy nocturnal creatures,it"s not surprising that they became known as omens of bad luck or evil but there is more to the story concerning their association with Halloween.   The origins of the fear of bats began with the belief that they could communicate with the spirits of the dead,making their link to Halloween seem perfectly natural.   As if to confirm this theory,in ancient times when Halloween was celebrated with huge bonfires it was a guarantee that bats would make an appearance,as if drawn by supernatural forces.   Actually this was a result of the many mosquitoes that would congregate around the fires,providing an easy snack for the bats who would swoop down and snatch them out of the air.   In addition,there was the widely held belief that vampires and witches could transform themselves into bats.   Incidentally,the vampire bat is the only mammal that feeds on blood,thus linking bats to death and sealing their fate as terrifying creatures of the night.   Witches:   Witches and witchcraft go hand-in-hand with Halloween.The image of a witch in black pointed hat riding a broomstick across the night sky is branded in every child"s imagination.   In ancient times it was widely believed that witches were able to see the future and to cast spells,both good and bad.   This naturally made people fear and loath them.Since it was believed that supernatural powers were at their peak on Halloween night,it has caused witches to be forever associated with that time of year.   What made things worse for witches was a belief that flourished in the Middle Ages.With Halloween already considered a frightening time,people developed a belief in the existence of a cult of witches who worshiped Satan.   They held meetings at certain times of the year called Witches Sabbaths,and the most important of these was on All Hallows" Eve.   It was then that the Prince of Darkness,old Satan himself would appear to his loyal followers.   Ghosts:   The connection of ghosts with Halloween evolved with the ancient Celts,who celebrated Samhain -- the festival of the dead -- on the eve of their new year which began November 1st.   Their belief held that spirits of the dead could return to earth as the boundaries between the lands of the living and the dead were blurred during this time.   So it seems only right that ghosts became an integral part of Halloween.   Apples:   Apparently the reason for the custom of ducking,dooking or bobbing for apples -- attempting to bite an apple floating in a bucket of water,or hanging from a string -- was that if a person managed to get a bite from an apple they would have good fortune.   For unmarried people,the first person to take a bite out of an apple was considered to be the next to marry.   Also,peeling an apple and tossing the peel over your shoulder was supposed to reveal the initial of one"s future spouse.   Masks and Costumes:   The custom of wearing costumes,although done in a more cheerful manner nowadays,originated with the Celts.   While celebrating Samhain the Celts would wear costumes made from animal skins.   This was in accordance with their belief that during this time the veil between the world of the dead and earth was at its thinnest and,ancestral spirits,or ghosts could roam freely here on earth.   They hoped that the costumes would make them appear dead to avoid being harassed by these spirits.   Wearing costumes and masks for Halloween became popular here in America in the early 1900s.   Stores began carrying Halloween costumes in the 1950s when trick-or-treating became popular throughout the United States.   万圣节英文小报2   1.The Halloween celebration comes from All Hallows Day or All Saints Day,the 1st of November.This was originally a pagan festival of the dead,but later became a holiday to honor Christian saints。   万圣节的庆祝活动来源于每年11月1日的All Hallows Day 或All Saints Day。它原先是异教徒们纪念死者的节日,但是逐渐演变成一个纪念基督圣者的节日。   2.The name Halloween comes from a contraction of All Hallows Eve (Evening), the day before All Hallows Day.On this night it was believed that the spirits of the dead would try to come back to life!   Halloween这个词来自于All Hallows Eve(夜晚),All Hallows Eve是All Hallows Day前一天的缩写。人们认为在当天晚上,亡者的灵魂会重新复活!   3.Dressing up in costumes is one of the most popular Halloween customs,especially among children.According to tradition,people would dress up in costumes (wear special clothing,masks or disguises) to frighten the spirits away。   Dressing up in costumes是最受欢迎的万圣节风俗之一,尤其是受孩子们的欢迎。按照传统习俗,人们会dress up in costumes(穿戴一些特别的服装,面具或者装饰)来吓跑鬼魂。   4.Popular Halloween costumes include vampires (creatures that drink blood), ghosts (spirits of the dead) and werewolves (people that turn into wolves when the moon is full)。   流行的万圣节服装包括vampires(吸血鬼),ghosts(死者的灵魂)和werewolves(每当月圆时就变成狼形的人)。   5.Trick or Treating is a modern Halloween custom where children go from house to house dressed in costume,asking for treats like candy or toys.If they don"t get any treats,they might play a trick (mischief or prank) on the owners of the house。   Trick or Treating 是现代万圣节的风俗。孩子们穿着特殊的衣服走街串巷,讨取糖果和玩具之类的赏赐。如果他们得不到任何的赏赐,就可能会对屋主大搞恶作剧或者胡闹了。   6.The tradition of the Jack o" Lantern comes from a folktale about a man named Jack who tricked the devil and had to wander the Earth with a lantern.The Jack o" Lantern is made by placing a candle inside a hollowed-out pumpkin,which is carved to look like a face。   Jack o" Lantern 的传统来自于一个民间传说。一个名叫Jack的人戏弄了恶魔,之后就不得不提着一盏灯在地球上流浪。Jack o" Lantern是用雕刻成脸型,中间挖空,再插上蜡烛的南瓜做成的。   7.There are many other superstitions associated with Halloween.A superstition is an irrational idea,like believing that the number 13 is unlucky!   和万圣节有关的迷信还有很多。迷信是一种不合常理的想法,比如认为13是不吉利的数字!   8.Halloween is also associated with supernatural creatures like ghosts and vampires.These creatures are not part of the natural world.They don"t really exist...or do they?   万圣节还和一些诸如鬼魂和吸血鬼之类的超自然的生物有关。这些生物不是自然界的一部分。他们实际上是不存在的。。或许他们其实真的存在?   9.Witches are popular Halloween characters that are thought to have magical powers.They usually wear pointed hats and fly around on broomsticks。   女巫是万圣节很受欢迎的人物,人们认为她们具有强大的魔力。他们通常戴着尖顶的帽子,骑在扫把上飞来飞去。   10.Bad omens are also part of Halloween celebrations.A bad omen is something that is believed to bring bad luck,like black cats,spiders or bats。   恶兆也是万圣节庆祝活动的一部分。人们相信恶兆会带给坏运气,黑猫、蜘蛛或者蝙蝠都算是恶兆。   HALLOWEEN   One story about Jack,an Irishman,who was not allowed into Heaven because he was stingy with his money.So he was sent to hell.But down there he played tricks on the Devil (Satan),so he was kicked out of Hell and made to walk the earth forever carrying a lantern.   Well,Irish children made Jack‘s lanterns on October 31st from a large potato or turnip,hollowed out with the sides having holes and lit by little candles inside.And Irish children would carry them as they went from house to house begging for food for the village Halloween festival that honored the Druid god Muck Olla.The Irish name for these lanterns was Jack with the lantern or Jack of the lantern,abbreviated asJack-o‘-lantern and now spelled jack-o-lantern.   The traditional Halloween you can read about in most books was just children‘s fun night.Halloween celebrations would start in October in every elementary school.   Children would make Halloween decorations,all kinds of orange-paper jack-o-lanterns.And from black paper you‘d cut scary designs ---an evil witch with a pointed hat riding through the sky on a broomstick,maybe with black bats flying across the moon,and that meant bad luck.And of course black cats for more bad luck.Sometimes a black cat would ride away into the sky on the back of the witch‘s broom.   And on Halloween night we‘d dress up in Mom or Dad‘s old shoes and clothes,put on a mask,and be ready to go outside.The little kids (children younger than we were) had to go with their mothers,but we older ones went together to neighbors‘ houses,ringing their doorbell and yelling,Trick or treat! meaning,Give us a treat (something to eat) or we‘ll play a trick on you! The people inside were supposed to come to the door and comment on our costumes.   Oh! here‘s a ghost.Oh,there‘s a witch.Oh,here‘s an old lady.   Sometimes they would play along with us and pretend to be scared by some ghost or witch.But they would always have some candy and maybe an apple to put in our trick or treat bags.But what if no one come to the door,or if someone chased us away? Then we‘d play a trick on them,usually taking a piece of soap and make marks on their windows..And afterwards we would go home and count who got the most candy.One popular teen-agers‘ Halloween trick was to unroll a roll of toilet paper and throw it high into a tree again and again until the tree was all wrapped in the white paper.The paper would often stay in the tree for weeks until a heavy snow or rain washed it off.No real harm done,but it made a big mess of both the tree and the yard under it.One kind of Halloween mischief.   万圣节   关于万圣节有这样一个故事。是说有一个叫杰克的爱尔兰人,因为他对钱特别吝啬,就不允许他进入天堂,而被打入地狱。但是在那里他老是捉弄魔鬼撒旦,所以被踢出地狱,罚他提着灯笼永远在人世里行走。   在十月三十一日爱尔兰的孩子们用土豆和罗卜制作“杰克的灯笼”,他们把中间挖掉、表面上打洞并在里边点上蜡烛。为村里庆祝督伊德神的万圣节,孩子们提着这种灯笼挨家挨户乞讨食物。这种灯笼的爱尔兰名字是“拿灯笼的杰克”或者“杰克的灯笼”,缩写为Jack-o‘-lantern 现在拼写为jack-o-lantern。   现在你在大多数书里读到的万圣节只是孩子们开心的夜晚。在小学校里,万圣节是每年十月份开始庆祝的。   孩子们会制作万圣节的装饰品:各种各样桔黄色的南瓜灯。你可以用黑色的"纸做一个可怕的造形——一个骑在扫帚把上戴着尖尖帽子的女巫飞过天空,或者是黑蝙蝠飞过月亮。这些都代表恶运。当然黑猫代表运气更差。有时候会出现黑猫骑在女巫扫帚后面飞向天空的造形。   在万圣节的晚上,我们都穿着爸爸妈妈的旧衣服和旧鞋子,戴上面具,打算外出。比我们小的孩子必须和他们的母亲一块出去,我们大一点的就一起哄到邻居家,按他们的门铃并大声喊道:“恶作剧还是招待!”意思是给我们吃的,要不我们就捉弄你。里边的人们应该出来评价我们的化装。   “噢!这是鬼,那是女巫,这是个老太婆。”   有时候他们会跟我们一起玩,假装被鬼或者女巫吓着了。但是他们通常会带一些糖果或者苹果放进我们的“恶作剧还是招待”的口袋里。可是要是没人回答门铃或者是有人把我们赶开该怎么办呢?我们就捉弄他们,通常是拿一块肥皂把他们的玻璃涂得乱七八糟。然后我们回家,数数谁的糖果最多。   还有一个典型的万圣节花招是把一卷手纸拉开,不停地往树上扔,直到树全被白纸裹起来。除非下大雪或大雨把纸冲掉,纸会一直呆在树上。这并不造成真正的伤害,只是把树和院子搞乱,一种万圣节的恶作剧。   万圣节英文作文   Halloween means Hallows" Evening.It is the evening before All Hallows" Day (now called All Saints"Day),a Christian holiday,celebrated on the November 1st.   History traces Halloween back to the ancient religion of the Celtics.The Celts were the ancestors of the presen
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  Traditions of Halloween (万圣节的"传统习俗)   Many of the traditions associated with Halloween can be traced back to the ancient festivals of Samhain, such as costuming, trick-or-treating, pinata, pumpkin carving.   Symbols of Halloween(万圣节的象征)   Modern day Halloween celebrations use many symbols to help make the holiday more interesting.   Do you know what they are?   Ghost、Haunted house、spider、bat、vampire、werewolf、coffin、zombie、witch、skull、pirate、Skull &Crossbones、mummy、skeleton、goblin、ghoul、tomb、Bandaged finger、owl、black cat、mask、moon   【万圣节装扮】   Monster High Characters怪物高中造型   These are actually trending for all teens, girls, which are not typical toy dolls that can be bought in any toy stores. These are actually legendary monsters which are more in contemporary than the classic fairytale presentations.   Celebrity Idols名人造型   They are selected hottest and popular singers in our time and the best representation of which is Lady Gaga, which is known for her unique and free-flowing fashion styles. These are favorite and top pick selections of teenagers and those adults who are in their mid-30s.   “超级马里奥”经典造型   This is the classical and favorite game of those people who were born in the mid 80s. Despite of the various character evolutions in this era, it has still caught the heart of the people today. Itu2019s the favorite of both boys and adults.   Star Wars Characters星球大战造型   You could have watched repeatedly the story of Star Wars and series of progress that it had. Nonetheless, the various characters that can be seen in this movie are adaptable to what the Halloween season can give. It could give more spice to the party itself.   The Smurfs蓝精灵造型   A comedy and comical movie released this year and this is included in one of the top favorites for the costume that you could think of because of its wacky and coolest side. The selections compliment to toddlers, youngsters, and for parents who could feel younger even once a year.   Pirates海盗造型   It has always been included in yearly Halloween parties in whichever nation or country you are part of, because this is a costume that you can get anywhere. They are ready-made and its pattern is established.   Captain America Costumes美国队长造型   This movie was launched and shown this year and it could go so well that the whole Halloween party perceives. It is a better follow up of the popularity that it got from the successful movie that was shown recently.   Transformer Costumes变形金刚造型   Now that we have accepted all the major changes and introductions which the market and other industries offer, transformers could transform even the simplest celebration that we have been doing for the past decades.   Harry Potter哈利波特造型   Now that the final destiny of Harry Potter has ended, it is also recognized that it has left an impressive and memorable mark in the movie industry. Everyone was moved with the growing characters on the movie itself. It has become a legacy of this century.   Angry Birds愤怒的小鸟造型   Whether you are adults, teens, and young kids, no one could deny the epidemic effect of Angry Birds to all people across the globe. Everyone plays it. You can wear your favorite character costume and go with other five birds.
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With the development of science and technology advances and the updatuff08omitteduff09tructure of human knowledge and aesthetic sense, nowadays, in the wake ofuff08omitteduff09 in the clothing design, the function and valuuff08omitteduff09ing is not only reflected in the shelter who are hidden on the body"s basic physiological needuff08omitteduff09o reflected in the wearer"s image of their own identity and originality of the costumes and the pursuit.
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穿着戏服,服装双语对照例句:1.Many wear costumes as they compete, an annual tradition for many families.
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VENICE, a small, waterside city in northeast Italy, boils with happiness and excitement onceevery year. Between February 21 and March 4, carnival (狂欢节) hits the streets.For most people, carnival means large parties and feasting . But in Venice, it also means traditional masks and clothes.These costumes were first meant to hide personal identities. Then, different social classes could mix in a sea of happiness.Along the waterways, people greeted each other with: "Good morning Mrs Mask!"Today, people in Venice still dress up in the strangest of ways - as armed soldiers, butchersand fishermen, for example.Bars and cafes are filled with party-goers who come to show off their beautiful clothes. Their designs and creations are made by special studios. Ready-made costumes are not acceptable."In the months before the carnival we work overtime to meet the demand," said a mask-maker. "Many kilometres of silk and laceare made into costumes. For shopkeepers, carnival is the best time of year."The Venice carnival dates back to the Middle Ages. At that time, the city was one of the wealthiest in Europe.The tradition of celebrating with masks and costumes is thought to have been started by the "Stocking Companies". These were groups of young men who organized parties and festivals and wore colourful stockings to distinguish themselves.By the 18th century, the carnival had reached its top. It all came to an end when Napoleon controlled Venice in 1797. But in 1979, local people brought the old traditions back to life.Now the Venice carnival attracts huge crowds from all over the world. This year, about 700,000 people are taking part. Hotels were fully booked months in advance, and bars and restaurants overflow every day.The city certainly benefits - a whole industry has been built up around the carnival"s masks and clothes."The Venice carnival is a magical time! It"s such a great experience," said one French tourist.急急急急!!!!!!长是长了点,
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法国传统服饰的特色 由于字数问题,资料及图片请到以下参看︰ 法国: flickr Costume Breton 图片参考:../../_themes/1manifesto/ablbull3 Coiffes de Bretagne 图片参考:../../_themes/1manifesto/ablbull3 French Fashion Glossary-Images 图片参考:../../_themes/1manifesto/ablbull3 Coifs ironing (French Provincial Peasant hats) 图片参考:../../_themes/1manifesto/ablbull3 Old coifs of PAYS DE RETZ 图片参考:../../_themes/1manifesto/ablbull3 The Paydret Costume in the old times 图片参考:../../_themes/1manifesto/ablbull3 REPASSAGE DES COIFFES 图片参考:../../_themes/1manifesto/ablbull3 La broderie en Bretagne 图片参考:../../_themes/1manifesto/ablbull3 TripAdvisor: Musee Souleiado 图片参考:../../_themes/1manifesto/ablbull3 duffle coat reefer jacket and breton shirt 图片参考:../../_themes/1manifesto/ablbull3 costumes bretons de Moelan-sur-Mer 图片参考:../../_themes/1manifesto/ablbull3 Full-Color Sourcebook of French Fashion 图片参考:../../_themes/1manifesto/ablbull3 Wele to the Museum of Provencal Art and History 图片参考:../../_themes/1manifesto/ablbull3 Costumes of Normandie (In French) Lots of Pictures 图片参考:../../_themes/1manifesto/ablbull3 Raci"s Le Costume Historique : France 15th & 16th Centuries 图片参考:../../puter/ballsnboxes/scisdot 图片参考:../../_themes/1manifesto/ablbull3 Raci"s Le Costume Historique : 19th Century France 图片参考:../../puter/ballsnboxes/scisdot 图片参考:../../_themes/1manifesto/ablbull3 Theme: History Historical figures (1 000 French History Costumes)主题:历史,历史人物(1000法国历史服饰) 图片参考:../../_themes/1manifesto/ablbull3 GROUPE FOLKLORIQUE en costume du pays d"Arles : la SOULEIADO deMARGARIDO - site officiel ^O^ 参考: 明B+google
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